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Group Prelim:

1. Identify at least five common clichés and look up their origins. Try to understand how and
when each phrase became a cliché.

2. Go to library’s microfilm files or an online database, look through newspaper articles from the
1950s or earlier. Find at least one article that uses sexist or racist language. What makes it
racist or sexist? How would a journalist convey the same information today?

3. Identify one slang term and one euphemism you know is used in XU, among your friends, or
where you stay.

4. How does language change over time? Interview someone older than you and someone
younger than you and identify words that have changed. Pay special attention to jargon and
slang words.

5. Is there ever a justifiable use for doublespeak?

6. Can people readily identify the barriers to communication? Survey ten individuals and see if
they accurately identify at least one barrier, even if they use a different term or word.

1. Actions speak louder than words.

In this day and age it seems like most people have the ability to say
anything with absolute confidence no matter how untrue or just
absurd it may be. Most people will say just about anything to get
what they want, so it is more important now to judge people by what
they do and not what they say. Anyone can talk a big game, but the
truly great let their actions speak for them.

The proverb is more than several hundred years old. Some of the first
expressions of it are found in the Bible, including this verse in the book of John,
which stresses that saying you love someone is not the same as doing things for

How: Most people will say just about anything to get what they want,
so it is more important now to judge people by what they do and not
what they say.

You can’t judge a book by its cover.
People are incredibly judgmental these days. The way someone looks
or talks is instantly examined for any sort of flaw. So many people are
different from how they present themselves, but with the quickness
and severity of judgment present today, these people rarely get a
chance to display who they truly are. If people took a little more time
to get to know someone before rushing to judgment, the world could
be a better place for all.

Love is blind.
Most love these days is conditional and based on appearances or
circumstances, but real love doesn’t care about any of that stuff. True
love is unconditional and given without any expectation of
reciprocation. When you really love someone you don’t care what
they look like, or what mistakes they may happen to make, you just
love them no matter what.

You can’t please everyone.

I’ve spent far too much of my life bending over backwards trying to
get anyone and everyone to like me. I put so much stock in other
peoples’ opinions that I forgot to even form my own. I realized that
even if everyone else liked me that maybe I didn’t like myself very
much. The truth is that no matter what you do with your life or how
“successful” you may be, there will always be people out there that
want to bring you down. The only opinion that should really matter
is your own.

There’s no time like the present.

This is maybe the only one that is as much a fact as it is a cliché. The
present is in fact the only moment in time that we have the
opportunity to live in and do anything. We spend so much of our
time and energy thinking about the past or future that we can do
absolutely nothing about. The past is done with and there’s nothing
you can do to change it; and whatever future you’re imagining in
your head has a pretty good chance of never coming true. The present
moment is the only one that is actually real, and the only one that
deserves your attention.

2. Language changes over time by Trade and migration, Technology

and new inventions, and Old words acquiring new meanings.
Rica Pastor John Mark
(younger than me) (older than me)

Outside the box Bae

LOL Reach out

Tukmol Werpa

Churva On the same page

Lodi Ngek!

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