Paraphrasing: Contain All The Essential Elements. Some Paraphrases May Be As Long As The Original.)

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Paraphrasing means restating an author's ideas in your own words by changing

sentence structure, word order, and vocabulary. A good paraphrase is accurate-that is, true
to the author's meaning and complete. Paraphrasing tests both your knowledge of English
grammar and vocabulary and your comprehension of the ideas in the article:

The table below lists the similarities and difference between the two skills:

 Does not match the source word for  Does not match the source word for
word. word.
 Involves putting the main idea into  Involves putting a passage from a
your own words, but including only source into your own words.
the main points.
 Presents a broad overview, so is  Changes the words or phrasing of a
usually much shorter than the original passage, but retains and fully
text communicates the original meaning
 Must be attributed to the original  Must be attributed to the original
source source

6 Steps to Effective Paraphrasing

1. Reread the original passage until you understand its full meaning.
2. Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a note card, pieces of paper,
Post-it, or in an electronic manner. (Your rendition should be shorter, but it should
contain all the essential elements. Some paraphrases may be as long as the
3. Jot down a few words below your paraphrase to remind you later how you envision
using this material. At the top of the note card, write a key word or phrase to
indicate the subject of your paraphrase.
4. Check your rendition with the original to make sure that your version accurately
expresses all the essential information in a new form.
5. Use quotation marks to identify any unique term or phraseology you have borrowed
exactly from the source.
6. Record the source (including the page) on your note card so that you can credit it
easily if you decide to incorporate the material into your paper.

Here are the techniques for paraphrasing information:

I. Change word forms

You can change nouns to verbs, verbs to nouns, nouns to adjectives, and so on. This process
usually involves making other changes in sentence structure as well.

- When we look at a comparison between A and b …
- When we compare A and B …

The noun comparison is replaced with the verb compare.

- There are a variety of solutions to problem C.

- There are various solutions to problem C.

The noun variety is replaced with the adjective various.

2. Replace words or phrases with synonyms.

- X is not allowed.
- X is not permitted.

Permitted is a synonym for allowed.

Project Y was almost completed.

Project Y was nearly finished.

The phrase nearly finished is synonymous with almost completed.

Note: It is not good idea to use synonyms for concept words, technical terms, or proper
Example: The International Science Foundation is investigating the effects of
gamma rays.
In the sentence above, The International Science Foundation is proper noun and gamma
rays is technical term.

3. Change the grammar

- Trained scientists performed this research.

- This research was performed by trained scientists.

The active verb performed is replaced by passive verb was performed by.

Note: Try to avoid replacing too many active verbs with passive verbs; active verbs are
preferable because they are stronger than passive verbs.

- It’s easy to use A. --

- Using A is easy.
Gerund is used to substitute the infinitive to use.

4. Reverse negatives

- A is not as easy as …
- A is harder than …

A comparative phrase (harder than) is used in place of a not + as …. as …. Phrase.

- It’s not uncommon to see Z ….

- It’s common to see Z ….

A double-negative phrase such as (not uncommon) is replaced by a word with a positive

meaning (common).

- The least expensive B …

- The cheapest B ….

The negative superlative phrase least expensive is replaced by a superlative word with the
same meaning, cheapest.

5. Change the word order

- For many years, people have believed A.

- People have believed A for many years.

The prepositional phrase for many years is moved from the beginning of the sentence to
the end of it.
- After this problem has been solved, work on X can continue.
- Work on X can continue after this problem has been solved.

The adverb clause after this problem has been solved is moved to the end of the

6. Change sentence connectors

- Although there is a lot of evidence to support theory Y, not all scientists believe it.
- There is a lot of evidence to support theory Y; however, not all scientists believe it.

The transition word however is used in place of the adverb clause marker although.

- There are some dangers involved in B; therefore, researchers must be very cautious.
- Because there are some dangers involved in B, researchers must be very cautious.

The adverb clause marker because is used in place of the transition word therefore.

Paraphrasing Practice

Read the following sentences carefully, and then rewrite them using your own words.
Change the vocabulary and sentence structure, but do not change the author's intended
meaning or paraphrase any technical terms. There are several ways of paraphrasing each

Original: "In most of the big OECD countries the total workforce will continue to grow, but
there will be a shortage of young, skilled workers."
Paraphrase: Although the large OECD countries will see an increase in their overall labor
supply, the number of young, trained laborers will decrease.

1. "A return to the mass-union power of the 1970s looks unlikely."

2. "For a start a small recession in the early 1990s, should it come, will lengthen dole queues
3. "Anecdotal evidence of a tightening labour market abounds."
4. "Most companies will still prefer to have recent graduates."
5. "Older people should be ideal tagets for corporate recruiters everywhere.

Possible Answers:
1. It does not seem probable that the 1970s mass-union strength will come back.
2. To begin with, unemployment lines will become long again if there is a minor recession
in the early 1990s.
3. There are many stories that substantiate the shrinking workforce.
4. New college graduates will remain the first choice of the majority of business firms.
5. It would be advisable for corporate recruiters worldwide to hunt for elderly workers

Other examples:

Original: "If asked; very few executives could say how they spend their time.
Paraphrase:" How their time is spent is a question most managers could not answer.

Original: "And the more we know of that past, the more sure-footedly we can
Paraphrase: inculcate ethical conduct in the future."
If we understand our past history, we will be better able to teach moral
behavior in the future

No. Original "In most of the big OECD countries the total workforce will
continue to grow, but there will be a shortage of young, skilled
Paraphrasing Although the large OECD countries will see an increase in
their overall labor supply, the number of young, trained
laborers will decrease.(Hanan: 2010)

2 Original "A return to the mass-union power of the 1970s looks unlikely."
Paraphrasing It does not seem probable that the 1970s mass-union strength
will come back.

3 Original "For a start a small recession in the early 1990s, should it come,
will lengthen dole queues again."
Paraphrasing To begin with, unemployment lines will become long again if
there is a minor recession in the early 1990s.

Exercise 1

Paraphrase each sentence. There may be more than one way to rewrite each one.
Remember to change vocabulary, phrases and sentence structure wherever you can.
1. Despite their massive size, elephants are known for being agile.
2. Because elephants consume up to 500 pounds of food a day, they are
able to strip a forest bare in no time.
3. Over the centuries, lions have been used in art to represent power and
4. Lions are social animals with one dominant male in each pride.
5. George Washington Carver was a dedicated teacher, in addition, he was
known as a talented artist, musician, and researcher who made valuable
contributions to his people and his country.

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