Manicahan National High School Senior High School Program

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
Manicahan, Zamboanga City




(Food and Beverages Services NC II)

Presented by:

The Chowtime Group

Estorco, Regin D.
Laurente, Sarah G.

Presented to;

Mr. Jaypee A. Tion

Certified National Technical Vocational Trainer
Food and

Immersion is a field training that enhances the knowledge of an immertionist in terms of

working on their field of work. It is a field training which forms an individual to be a good
example to his fellow worker and as well as to his country.
The word “immersion” as it applies to the K to 12 curriculum is defined in the
Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 40, series of 2015: “Work Immersion refers to the
part of the Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands-on experience
or work simulation which the Grades 11 and 12 students will undergo to expose them to the
actual workplace setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school under the
supervision of the School Head and the designated personnel of the Partner.”Immersion is done
outside the school campus in a “Workplace Immersion Venue,” defined as “the place where work
immersion of students is done. Examples of work immersion venues include offices, factories,
shops and project sites.” Immersion is only one of four options under “Work Immersion /
Research / Career Advocacy / Culminating Activity.” (Let us call that subject WRCC for
convenience.) In the Academic Track, WRCC is the ninth required specialized subject in the
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),
and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strands. WRCC is not listed in
the General Academic Strand (GAS), but since two Electives may be taken from the other
strands, it may be required also by particular schools. WRCC is a required specialized subject in
the Sports Track. In this particular track, the phrase “Apprenticeship (off-campus)” is added as
an example of a WRCC. The use of this phrase is unfortunate, because the word “apprenticeship”
has a legal meaning in RA 1826 (National Apprenticeship Act of 1957). Legally, an apprentice is
“a worker of at least 16 years of age who is covered by a written apprenticeship agreement with
an employer, an association of employers, an organization of workers, or an apprenticeship
committee registered with the Apprenticeship Division, which contract provides for not less than
two thousand hours of reasonably continuous employment for such worker and for his
participation in an approved schedule of work experience through employment and
supplemented by related classroom instruction. No person shall work or be engaged as
apprentice unless he is at least sixteen years of age, has completed the high school course or such
course or courses as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe.”( Isagani Cruz,September 10, 2015)
As part of the senior high school students of Manicahan National High School we are
lucky enough to be at school that allows students to shine and to be more than just being a
regular normal students. The Manicahan National High School as one of the school in
Zamboanga City Division that offers senior high K-12 educational program, the school made
sure that the senior high school students will be able to go to immersion to mold the students
more and be the best of themselves. The MNHS made the agreement with the immersion partner
which is the CHOWTIME possible for the students to molded well. They had an agreement
which we are going to have at least 80 complete hours of immersion and not just to comply and
complete the hours but to learn more than that we should learn. After completing the hours of
immersion in 10 days that had started on 22th day of July,2019 and ended on 2th day of August ,
2019.and receiving our certificate of immersion on the 29th day of September, 2017. It is a big
advantage if a student had undergone immersion because it gives you confident and can be a help
in terms of financial terms. There is a big difference between a student without an experience on
field training and the one with experience in field training. A company would surely look for an
employee with experience than an employee without an experience of field training.

As a new requirement for all Senior high school students has to undergo work immersion in an
industry that directly relates to the students post Secondary goal. The students are exposed to and
become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance
their competence. Specifically, the students are able to:(i)gain relevant and practical industrial
skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers;(ii)appreciate the importance and
application of the principles and theories taught in their school(iii)to enhance their technical
knowledge and skills ;(iv)enrich their skills in communications and human relations ;and (v)
develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. The immersion prepares
them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation of the
senior high school students involve in the k-12 higher education program of Department of

A. Resume’
This is the example of resume. We made it before the immersion will happen. This resume will be
the information about the background of ourselves and the background of our works. It is an
evidence that we can do our very well.


These are our Health Card. It is important for the Food and Beverages Students to have this card
in order to know that he/she doesn’t have a communicable diseases and the student is qualified to
work in Hospitality Industry.

The pictures were taken during the medical examination of the Grade 12 TVL- FOOD

The pictures are during the Food Handling Seminar of the HE students.It’s essential for the
Student of HE because there are dealing with the foods.

C.Parental Consent

This parent consent was sign by our parent that they allowing us to take the medical examination on
July 10, 2019 at the City health Office,Zamboanga City.

D .Other Accomplishment

These are the pictures where we have facilitated the FOOD PROCESING students for their graded
performance in Food & Beverages Service.

These Picture was the day of Nutrition Month. Some of us was given the task to Cook the Aroz Caldo
and some of us was assign to prepare the Ingredients.
a. Observe the nature of the business
As a part of the Hospitality Industry we are to give service to our customers with whole our heart as it
reflect with the industry that we belong. Being a part of the hospitality industry the server must give
service to the costumers with patience, love passion, and love. In order to give good service to the
costumers you must have the good qualities and characteristics of a good server. Being a food attendant
is not just you deliver food without care to the costumers’ health but it is to deliver the food with
concern with the costumers’ health and also to take care the name of the company you are with. It is a
big responsibility to be part of the hospitality industry because you must carry your patience, passion
and also your pleasant personality with you as you serve the guest because it is the food servers’
responsibility and duty to give satisfaction and pleasure to the guest and make them feel at home and at
ease. To serve the guest is a task for the food server to feel confident ,smart and professional all the time
because of the industry that they are with. Being a part of the hospitality industry you must face
different people with different nationality, trates,beliefs and characteristics in which you must give
service professionally. Being a professional is you must be an expert in your field of work and be smart all
the time.

b. Describe the type of product/services that the company is offering.

The product that the company where we had undergone our immersion which is the Garden Orchid
Hotel offers both Filipino and international dishes ,dessert ,drinks and also the native foods of Muslim
people. They are also showcasing the different tribes of Zamboanga city as the name of their different
outlets and functions that they have. The company gives a good service to the costumers that they are
serving and about to serve. They are strict in terms of security to secure the costumers security and also
of the employees security. The employees of the company are one and united because they all have the
same mission and vision in serving their guest. They also serve good quality service and good quality of
food to gain the costumers satisfaction,trust and also the costumers health. The company really care
about the costumers health,security,comfortability and satisfaction as a part of their duty and as it affect
their company's name and also their will as part of the hospitality industry.

c. Discuss the company rules and regulations

Ware proper standard uniform of CHOWTIME
White polo shirt
White long slives
Black pants
Black apron
Black socks(natural colored hose)
Rubber Soled Shoes/ white shoes
Name Tag
Hair tied up (if long)
Serviette(Service Towel)
Always ware the best smile
All shirts,pants,and aprons must be ironed.
No cellphones allowed during work hours.
Be professional at all times
Be at work at the right time
No smoking
No Loitering
Must properly timed in.
E.The Organizational Structure of the company




Banquet service supervision Food and Beverages outer


Banquet waiters
Waiter, Bartenders, Baristas

A. Written narrative on the profile of the company / business establishment

The Chowtime Cuisine is known to their signature dishes and good service.Even though the Chowtime
Cuisine is near in the road, you won’t feel it because you will feel compotable and relax.

B. Written report of the activities performed

JULY 22, 2019

(JULY 22, 2019) on our first day of our immersion gave us the opportunity to choose a group to work
in the different facility.
July 23,2019

On the 2nd day of our immersionthey teach us how to do the things inside the kitchen. Some of us
do the cuttings, some of us in frying, and some where assigned in peel the vegetable and Onion
the Garlic.

JULY 24, 2019

On the 3rd day of our immersion (July 24,2019) Group 3 was assign on ICAS Tetuan. There,
they let us served to the student and sell their foods. They also teach us how to cooked the
different kinds of foods that they sell.
JULY 25, 2019

On the 4th day of our immersion (July 24,2019) We experienced to move in a rush because there’s a
lot of customers. We assist the head chef so that we can serve the food in the right time, also some of
us experience to become a dispatcher.

JULY 26, 2019

On our 5th day of our lecture (July 26, 2019) We gather in the main Branch of Chowtime
because the group 3 has a task to performed base on what they learned. And they need to cook
for us to rate them base on the food they cooked.

JULY 29, 2019

On the 6th day of our immersion (July 29, 2019) We Switch our assigned area
for us to know the different activity or we need to learn how to do and what to

July 30,2019
In Our 7th Day of Immersion (July 30, 2019) We learned how to mix the different Ingredients to
make a bread. He also teach us how to make siopao13 and “Pancit micky” that they used to
cooked everyday. Also he teach us how to make the slice bread. It was the challenging day for us
because we don’t have any idea on how to make it.
July 31, 2019

In The 8th Day of our Immersion (July 31, 2019) We learned how to fill the bread and
cooked it.
August 1, 2019

On the 9th day of our Immersion they don’t need to teach us what to do. We already
know what were ganna do. At this day we already cooked different kind of foods.
Being assign in the different facility we learned a lot. And yet we already close to the
staff of Chowtime.
August 2, 2019

On our 10th day (August 2, 2019) This is the day that we didn’t expect. This is the last Day of
our Immersion. On this Mr.Macrohon personally teach us how to make ‘Leche plan” he
also told us how to make Coffie Gelly.
C. Supervisor’s Rating

A. Pictures of work site with caption.

On our 10th day (August 2, 2019) This is the day that we didn’t expect. This is the last Day of
our Immersion. On this Mr.Macrohon personally teach us how to make ‘Leche plan” he
also told us how to make Coffie Gelly.
Our work immersion site is in the Garden Orchid Hotel, Zamboanga City. Garden Orchid Hotel have
different functions to work with, such as the Walling-walling, La Azotea, Garden Deck, Badjao, Yakan,
Subanen, The Ballroom, and the Convention Center where you can book like parties, social events,
meetings and many more events you would like to celebrate. The hotel also has a Café where the guests
have their breakfast, lunch and dinner.

B. Illustrations/photos of activities performed.

These pictures was taken at Badjao 2 and Walling-Walling 1function hall. We did the
alignment of the chairs to the tables and how to polish the china wares using the
polishing cloth.
The pictures are during our practice. From these two pictures, its illustrate on how to set
up the tables, how to do the measurements, what are the different between breakfast set
up, lunch set up and dinner set up. We’ve also learned on how to carry the round service

It is during our last activity in our lesson. This activity is the illustrations of the architecture
sequence where we demonstrate the 24 steps in architecture sequence.

These pictures were taken at The Baron and Walling-walling 2. The first picture which is in
the Baron it shows on how to put the underliner to the table. For the second picture it shows
on where to put the glass wares. For the position of the glass wares its only depends to the
kind of event whether its parties or meetings.

B. Narrative account of learnings and achievements,issues faced and corresponding
One of the best feeling we have ever felt during our immersion completion. After the hard work and
sacrifices that our immersion teachers have done for us, it was a heartfelt and a relief for all of us because
we all did our very best during our immersion and had applied what our immersion teachers have taught
us during our class. The Garden Orchid Hotel as our immersion partner also had contributed for our small
success in life that we consider as a gift that we can carry for our journey for our near future in life. We
are not only blessed but we can say that we are the luckiest students because those we consider as our
second parents had lift us to our success and for that we are lucky enough after all those sacrifices that
they did for us was all worth it.

We have felt the feeling of small success in life after receiving our completion certificates, as if we
are all a small professional in our chosen specialization that we chose to have. We believe that when you
make your sacrifices earlier the earlier you will experience your relief and success un life than
considering your time and age that you cannot do anything then you’ll remain the same person who can’t
do anything better than what you can be in life.

We are also thankful that we experienced the gift of Department of Education had given us because
of the K-12 program, we had experienced how to work in our field of specialization even though we are
still Senior High School students who needs to learn more than what we have learned and have gained in
our sack knowledge in our minds. Because of the immersion we have experienced different things that we
have never imagined that it could happen in our life.
D. Work immersion highlights

This picture was taken during and after our actual performance in GOH. After our actual performance our
supervisor gave us time to have break and eat so that we can still work properly and of course it is our
privilege and right to have a little time to have a break and to eat. We worked together and helped each
other, as a team you need to consider each other as a family lay out your hands for your group mates.

This picture was taken during our actual performance in Badjao 1 and 2 function hall. Badjao 1 and 2 was
combined together during that time because the visitors of that even organizer was more than 100.We
made the alignment of the tables and the alignment of the chairs to the table .We also did the setup
according to the event order that was given to us by Sir Jhung. We are also the one who polished the
different utensils and prepared the different things that will be used for that event.

E. Other Related Pictures
The Fine Dining
After receiving our certificate of completion we had a Fine dining dinner together with our
immersion teachers and also the General Manager of Garden Orchid Hotel Sir Bryan Go together
with his secretary Maam Cherry. We had our fine dining dinner at GOH at Badjao 3 function hall
together with our school mates who took housekeeping specialization and who also have finished
their immersion at GOH. We had a four courses of fine dining A la Carte which means from the card.
We had also performed different performance some of us danced and the others sang their choice of
song to sing during that ceremony.


F. Updated Resume.
As a part of the requirements to all immersionist we are to provide resume for our personal
background. As we are to go the immersion place we submitted our resume to the
establishment where we are going to work with and to complete the time of hours we need to
comply. Some of our information are already updated because we already have the
experience in working in the field and work establishment which we really need to
experience for our future life path.

G. Reflection Paper
Being a pioneer senior high school student of Ayala National High school we are very blessed because
our immersion teachers and also the school itself the Ayala National High School exerted so much effort
for us senior high school students for us to be able to go to our immersion and be trained. We are not
only being taught but we are also being trained by the immersion partner of Ayala National High School
for the Food and beverage service students which is the GOH who is with us guiding and facilitating us
during our immersion days. The GOH shared their time and effort for us senior high school students of
Ayala National High School to be trained well. We have learned a lot of things like; serving the guests in a
professional way, how to keep the different stations clean, how to polish the different wares and many
more that the GOH and the ANHS itself have taught us.

The ANHS have not only worked hard for it but they did it for us to have our future and for our own
good. We have already benefited from what the school have done for us. We have received salary from
our own work and in that simple way our parents considered it as a help for them. We have received 180
Php as our minimum wage plus the tip we will receive from our supervisors. We will receive extra if we
will work overtime from the minimum time we need to comply. The immersion did not only serve as a
help for us but will also serve a memory of lesson and extra knowledge for our entire life that we will
treasure. We were able to do the setup and serving during feast in our teachers houses and other events
in school and for that we are thankful and blessed enough for those knowledge and opportunities we
consider as gifts from education that both our parents and school have given us.

LECTURES FROM DAY 1 – 8 of Immersion.

Day 1 (Aug.28/2017)
*F & B Series. * Coffe shop *Dining Room. * Criteria. * Bar. *Menu planning. *Purchasing.
*Receiving. *String. * Issuing. *Production. *Service.
Two Segments
*Commercial and Non- Commercial
Examples of commercial are fast food, and Hotel. Purpose is to have profit
Examples of Non-commercial are Hospitals, school, and prisons. Purpose is only to serve.
Chief- in charge the kitchen.
Cooks- cooks the food
Assistant cook-. Prepare the ingredients.
Baker- the one who will baked.
Pantry service assistant- in-charge in utensils.
Steward- dishwashers
Host, Food Server, Bus person, Bartender, Cocktail and Cashier.
HACCP-Hazard, Analysis, Critical, Control Point.
The Baron- fine dining area, not operational, for the mean time Laboratory.
Main Hotel Lobby- Located @ the 2nd Floor
La Bella- Ticketing area.
Guest Room wing- 12rooms (2f), 13 rooms (3f)
Garden Deck- 200 pops, 4th floor and used for birthdays & other occasions.
Orchid Ballroom- 250pops, 3rd floor, birthdays and other occasions
Lobby Bar- open to 5pm-8am, Bandas
Front office- (main Hotel operation)
Cafe-Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner
Sales & events- Responsible for all occasions.
Business Center- Printing, photocopying, and internet access facility
Garden Walk- Left side, for the private meeting. Right side, the garden view and pool.
Gift Shop- Personal necessities.
Garden wing Cafe- future café.
Badjao function- located @ 2nd floor of Annex.
B1-60 pops, B2-120pops, B3 80 pops, a total of 300 pops.
Yakan function- Y1-60pops, Y2 120 pops, Y3 80 pops a total of 300 pops. Located @ 3f Annex
Subanen function- located @ 3rd floor Annex and 300 maximum capacity.
Elevator- 14 capacity.
The Ballroom-Located @ 9th floor Annex,good for any occasion, 400 pops.
Theatre- Located @ 9th floor Annex, 472 pops, good for mini concert and film viewing
Vamos- Located @ Ground Floor of Annex, open on Monday-Saturday, 7am-8am, snack area.
Laundry Area- Ground Floor, Garden. Wing, Guest laundry only.
Pool side- Nature view.
Pool Snack Bar- open on Monday-Saturday @ 7am-8am
La Azotea- small room for small occasions, 100 pops
Concierge- Loading and Unloading baggages.
2 front office – Main and Wing
Convention Center- The biggest outlets, 1200 pops, separated from Garden wing, annex and
main hotel, free function area.

Day 2. (Aug.29/2017)

Corporate Values & Philosophy

*Honesty, Sincerity & Integrity. Service must come from the heart with all honesty, Sincerity
and Integrity.
*prudence.- Careful in all dealing while performing one’s duties & responsibilities or using
good commonsense.
*Competency- understanding everything we know, why & how we do it and to be able to
execute the knowledge learnd in our daily work.
*Proffesionalism- a character that one execute positive with consistency.
*Good moral values- Everything we do should be good for the guest, customer and company as
well as respect for everyone.
*Hand work- success is achieved through continuos hard work.

F&B organizational structure

F&B Manager
Banquet service supervision
F&B outer supervision

Banquet waiters Waiter, Bartenders, Baristas.

Commis Commis

Different Kinds O wares.

1. Flat wares/ silver Wares – Example: Dinner Spoon and Dinner Fork
2. Glass Wares –example: Tumbler, champagne flutes, and brandy glass.
3. China Wares – Example: Noodle plate and salad plate.
4. Barwares- Example: Wine bucket and corkscrew.
5. Buffet Wares – Example: chafting dish and Bread basket.
6. Service Wares –Example: Trolley and Service tray.

3 kinds of glass wares

*Tumbler(old fashion)- flat glass that has bow without a stem or a foot.
* Footed glass- a style of glass in which the bowl stirs direct.
* Stem Glass- has a long stem.


*Soup or juice station
* Egg station
*Bread and serial station
*Coffe station
*Hot food station
*Fruit station


Day 3, (Aug. 30/2017)

Different Table napkin Folds
A. Table napkins is a piece of cloth usually made out of linen, cotton and sometimes paper.
B. Does not simply rest on a table, each fold style projects different elegance.
C. When properly folded may enhance ones dining experience and each reflects personality
and creativity.
D. Table napkins find are very helpful when it comes to the plating of certain Restaurants
because they show class , personality and neatness.
Common Setting Capacity Per table.(IS)
36” rounds-4people, 42”rounds-5 people, 48”rounds-5people, 54”rounds-6people, 60” rounds-
8people, 72”round-10people.

Rectangular table
30”x72” seats 6people
30”x96” seats 8 people

Basic food sequences

 *Bread and butter ( accompaniment)
 Appetizer
 Salad
 Soup
 Main course
 Dessert.
Set up for different occasion.
 Theater style
Semi circular and V-shape
 U-shape
Hallow squared and Hallow Rectangle
 Board room or conference
 Classroom set-up
 Work-shop set-up
 Banquet set-up
 Con
 Cocktail set-up

Day 4,(Aug.31/2017)

a. Breakfast- 1st meal of the day
b. Lunch-light meal that is not the main meal of the day
c. Dinner-most significant and important meal of the day.
d. Snacks – is a portion of food, often smaller than a regular meal
e. Cocktail-is any beverages that contains three or more ingredients if at least two of them
contain alcohol.
Types of Service
a. Aka carte-Gyesr are given the menu as they seated
b. Buffet – have their choice if food from the display of the food menu in the buffet
c. Family Type- The guest basically serves themselves after receiving the food passed down
to the table.
d. Russian Type-the food is fully prepared and ore-art in the kitchen an then neatly arranges
in a silver platter by the chef.
e. Quick service- this type if service the foods are already prepared and displayed in a food
counter ready to be served.

Day 5.(Sep.01/2017)

Professional Fine Dining Room Service

 Don’t be unprepared
 Be prepared with knowledgeable about the menu
 Don’t make guest to be serve
 Don’t be different
 Welcome the guests
 Attend to the ladies order first
 Don’t gave incomplete service
 Don’t interrupt guest
 Serve beverages at the right side
 Don’t delay important information
 Give information promptly
 Don’t make guest ask
 Don’t leave extra setting

Day 6.(Sep.02/2017)

Architecture Sequence
1. Get the guest
2. Escort the guest to his or her
3. Seat the guests
4. Unfold the napkin (if any)
5. Take the free meal drink order
6. Served bread and butter within 30 s
7. Present A la carte/ set menu
8. Serve water to the guest and clear extra corners
9. Return to the table for taking food orders and offer suggestive selling for appetizer
or wine beverages.
10. Rectify the table top
11. Beverages service
12. Service of the first course
13. Clearing of the first course
14. Service if the second course, third main course up to main course with wine
orders if any.
15. Clearing of the second, third course UpTo the main course
16. Serve the wine, if the guest requested for additional wine
17. Crumbing down
18. Present dessert menu
19. Set the dessert cutlery(if any or serve together with the dessert( I.e ice cream
20. Serve the dessert and (coffee/tea, if guest requested)
21. Clear the dessert
22. Serve the coffee/tea
23. Offer refill of the coffee/yea and after dinner drink order
24. Bill presentation
25. Bid farewell to the guest, once they are leaving.

Day 7.(Sep.04/2017)

Cooking Methods
Dry Heat Oil Based Moist Heat
Baking Griddle Boiling
Roasting Pan frying Par boiling
Grilling Sauteing Pouching
Broiling Sesring Steaming
Barbecuing Deep frying

Bus person: a cleaner,perform a wide array of task

1. Set up your station

2. Set up side station
3. Set up additional station
4. Table service
5. Maintaining station
6. Closing entries.
Par stacking- .means standard.


1.Water-basis of all beverages-both Alcoholic and non alcoholic

2.Soda and Carbonated drinks

3.Juice-juice extracted of fruits. Natural vitamins such as curriculum and malic acid.

4. Coffee- a drink prepared out from coffee beans.

5.Milk- it has been used for human consumption for thousands of years.


1.Beer-“beer” came from the Hebrew word “bre” for grain and Saxon word “bere” which means
barley. produce from a partial and complete fermentation if the juice of fresh ripe grapes.
But if wine produce from the other sources or fruit the name of the source fruits must be

3.Spirits- are alcoholic beverages that are obtained through distillation process after their
fermentation from vegetables, grains, fruits, plants, and other substances which are sugar or
starch bound.

4.Spirit And Cocktail.

Vodka-typically colorless liquor from fermentation of grain.
- The word is a diminition of the Slavic word “Voda”(soda) for water.

5.Gin – made from the distillation of white grain spirits and juniper.

6.Run-time is a distilled beverages from sugarcane by products such us molasses and sugarcane.

7.Tequila-fro a gave plant. First produced in the 16th cetury near the location of tequila.

8.Scotch- from Scotland

9.Cognac-from the cognac region in France.

Day 8.(Sep.05/2017)
Banquet Operation Service
 What is job as a banquet server.
The server is responsible for the complete service of food and beverages, catering to all guest
needs. The server works closely with the captain on her water/waitress to provide the guest with
an enjoyable dining experience.

 Customers are our focus
 Attitude affects everything
 Respect others-have fun
 Earn profits for everyone
 Service is Everything

Handling request.
 Neglect a guest request just because the Guest is not in your area. If he/she makes a
request directly to you; take care of it personally and quickly if possible
Rules for resolving complaints.
1.Listen and empathize- listening is the most important components of the communication
process. Having empathy is being awareof and sensitive to the emotion of others.
2. Apologies and Commit to solving the problem- accept responsibility for the problems
Resolution. If you are unable to do so, bring in to the attention of the cartion or managers. If the
complaints regards a meal, remove the plate and replace it.
3.Identify mutually acceptable solution
4.check up and follow up through.

Types of food service

Plate or American service- most common firm of banquet service.
Russian Service-Food prepared in kitchen, served from platter onto guest plate.
French Service- food prepared table side on carts or a gueridon. Requires spade between tables
for carts.
Preset Service- first course on table when guest arrive.
Buffet Service- Guests serve themselves from arranged choice.
A la carte catering- guest have choice of entrees.
Style of Service
American style- plate service food is plated in the kitchen and served to guests.
Family-Style Service- basically serve themselves.
French style- the use of elegant serving pieces.
Russian style- serve from platter onto guest plate.
Butter style- Requires additional portioning in case the guest take more than their share.
English Style- similar to Russian to family style. Food is brought to the table on a tray, or bowls,
presented the host.
 Daily cleaning checklist
 Banquet linen checklist
 Banquet equipment care checklist
>Silver chafer’s
> Candles
>Number stands

Table of Contents

I. Introduction I.

II. Objective II.

III. Pre Immersion

A. Resume 1
B. Medical 2
C. Parental Waiver 4
D. Affidavit of Undertaking 5
E. Other Accomplishment 6

IV. Immersion Proper

Objectives 9
A. Written Narrative on the profile of the
Company/ business establishment 11
B. report of the activities performed
Day 1 (July 22,2019) 12
Day 2 (July 23,2019) 13
Day 3 (July 24,2019) 14
Day 4 (July 25,2019) 15
Day 5 (July 26, 2019) 16
Day 6 (July 29,2019) 17
Day 7 (July30,2019) 18
Day 8 (July 31, 2019) 19
Day 9 (August 01, 2019) 20
Day 10 (August 02,2019) 21
C. Supervisors Rating 26

V. Post Immersion
A. Pictures of work site with Caption 27
B. illustrations photos of activities performed 28
C. Narrative account of leanings and achievements,
issues faced and corresponding resolutions 30
D. Work immersion highlights 33
E. Other related pictures 34
F. Updated resume 35
G. Reflection paper 36

VI. Lectures
Day 1 (August 28, 2017) 12
Day 2 (August 29, 2017) 13
Day 3 (August 30, 2017) 14
Day 4 (August 31, 2017) 15
Day 5 (September 01, 2017) 16
Day 6 (September 02, 2017) 17
Day 7 (September 04, 2017) 18
Day 8 (September 05, 2017)

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