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it is a communication where a person speaks and the others listen without any chances for the
listeners to be heard.

2. the Speaker is required to speak only about a given topic.

3. is the ability of taking the attention of the hearers.

4. the speaker needs to change the subject matter being talked about.

5. refers to the process by which people in a conversation decide who is to speak next.

6. the intersubjectivity to be distorted and the turn and sequence of the exchange to fail is called?

7. is defined as the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver.

8. it refers to practices of closing down a topic.

9-10. Enumerate the two classifications of Repair.

11-13. Enumerate the three types of Speeches

14-17. Enumerate the four types of informative speech

18-20. Give atleast 3 guidelines for expository or Informative speaking.

Answer Key

1. Restriction

2. Topic Control

3. Nomination

4. Topic shifting

5. turn taking

6. Repair

7. Conversation/Communication

8. Termination

9-10. Self-initiated and other initiated

11-13. Expository or Informative speech, Entertainment Speech, Persuasive Speech

14-17. Speech about objects, Speech about events, Speech about processes, Speech about concept

18-20. Clarify the purpose, Explain for the average person, Use clear language, Use visual aids, Organize the ideas

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