Chapter III

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A. Location of the Research

This research will be conducted at SMA Swasta Persiapan Stabat from

February until March 2017 academic year. This school was choosen because the

researcher was found the students’ difficulties in learning listening there and it

was found that the students’ achievement in this school in learning English was

still low, especially in listening comprehension. So it is necessary to find out the

effect of applying Code-switching strategies’ on the listening comprehension

achievement. In addition, a similar had never been done in there.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is the object or subject to fulfill certain condition with related

to research problem. The population of this research will be taken from the XI

grade students of SMA Swasta Persiapan Stabat. There are four classes, there are

class XI-IA 1up to XI-IS 3. The total number are 176 students.


Table 3.1

No. Class Population

1. XI-IA 1 35
2. XI-IA 2 35
3. XI-IS 1 35
4. XI-IS 2 36
5. XI-IS 3 35
Total 176

2. Sample

In this research, the researcher applied cluster random sampling

(Sugiyono, 2013: 65) and took the XI-IA1 and XI-IA2 class to become the

sample of this research. So the total sample was 70 students.

Table 3.2

No. Class Sample

1. XI-IA1 35

2. XI-IA2 35

Total 70

C. Research Design

This is an experimental research, which conducted by using descriptive

quantitative method. This experimental is used to because the researcher do


treatment to know the result of the study before and after doing treatment and

descriptive quantitative method is conducted to describe and to analyze the data.

Table 3.3
The Research Design

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

XI-IA1  Applying Code- 

switching strategies’
XI-IA2  Traditional Method 


XI-IA1 = Experimental Group

XI-IA2 = Control Group

The XI-IA1 is the experimental group is taught by applying code-

switching strategies in listening and XI-IA2 is control group by using lecturing

technique in listening. Pre-test and post-test would taken for experimental and

control class.

D. Instrument of the Research

Essay test is used as the instrument in collecting the data. The test in this

researcher are made by researcher herself in order to meet the research purpose.

The test consisted of 25 items, each text 5 questions.


Table 3.4
Rubric Scale
The four components to Evaluate Listening Comprehension

Comprehension Rubric
Poor Adequate Good Excellent
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
Characters - Poor Adequate Good Excellent
Unable to identify the Direct questioning may All main characters are All main characters
characters. be necessary to elicit the covered with little or no are identified by
main characters. prompting. name without
The response may not prompting.
make sense. Few or no details are Some details are included
included. in the character Details are given
Refused to answer or description. about the characters
made no attempts to without prompting.
search the text with

Sequencing - Poor Adequate Good Excellent

Unable to identify the Direct questioning may Can recall what happens Can recall what
beginning, middle, and be needed to elicit the in the beginning, middle, happens in the
end of the text. beginning, middle, and and end with little or no beginning, middle,
end of the text. prompting. and end without
The response may not prompting.
make sense. Few or no details are Some details are
included. included. Details are included
Refused to answer or without prompting.
made no attempts to Sequencing may be There is logical
search the text with inaccurate. sequencing. There is logical
prompting. sequencing.

Setting - Poor Adequate Good Excellent

. Unable to identify the Direct questioning many Can describe the setting Can describe the
setting. be needed to elicit the with little or no setting without
setting. prompting. prompting.
The response may not
make sense. Few or no details are Some details are Details are included
included. included. without prompting.
Refused to answer or
made no attempts to
search the text with

E. Technique of Collecting Data

The data collecting is an important parts in conducting study. In order to

get the data and to know influence of this technique in the students.

The researcher would applied some steps in collecting data, such as:

There are some techniques of collecting data as follow :

1. Giving the same pre-test to both of the groups

2. Applying the treatment by using Code-switching Strategies’ will be give to

the experimental group and traditional method will be give to the control


3. Giving post-test with the same test to both of the groups.

Table 3.5
Treatment in Experimental and Control Group

No Experimental Group Control Group

1. Teacher greeted the students to 1. Teacher greeted the students to

open the class open the class
2. Starting the lesson with a prayer 2. Starting the lesson with a prayer

3. Checking attendance list 3. Checking attendance list

4. Apperception (Question answer 4. Apperception (Question answer

about students conditions) about students conditions)

5. Give motivation reinforcement 5 .Give motivation reinforcement

2.1 Teachers ensure that students 2.1. Teachers ensure that students
know about code-switching know about code-switching

2. Code-switching teacher explained 2. Code-switching teacher explained

to students to students

3. Learners listen to a text which 3. Learners listen to a text which

contain of code-switching
contain of code-switching

4. Learners listen to text while 4. Learners listen to songs while

providing the essay text providing the essay text

5. With the guidance of teachers, 5. With the guidance of teachers,

learners ask the meaning of learners ask the meaning of
difficult words that exist in a text difficult words that exist in a text
3.1. One by one the students answered 3.1. One by one the students
questions orally on explicit answered questions orally on
information on the text of code- explicit information on the text of
switching that have been played code-switching that have been

2. One by one the students answered 2. One by one the students answered
questions about the information questions about the information
implicit in the essay text that have implicit in the essay text that have
been played
been played

4.1. Learners make tentative 4.1 Learners make tentative

conclusions about the material conclusions about the material that
that has been studied has been studied

2. Learners who have difficulties, the 2. Learners who have difficulties, the
teacher immediately provide teacher immediately provide
solutions solutions

F. Technique for Analyzing Data

After collecting the data from the test, the data would be calculated by

using t-test. The following procedure is implemented to analyze the data:

1. Scoring the students’ answer for correct answer is analyzed by using

experimental technique. The steps were follows:


Total Score
S= x 10
Maximum Score

Note :

S = Score

Total Score = True item which students answer

Maximum Score = Highest Score that Students must to answer

2. Listing their score in two tables, first the score for experimental class and

second for control class scores.

3. Calculating the normality and homogeneity test by using Lilifors test to

knew the normality and homogeneity of the test.

4. The calculating will be cconclude by using t-test as show below, according


G. Statistical Hyphotesis

The value of t-observe must be bigger than the value of t-table so that Ho

is rejected and Ha is accepted. In other hand, if value of t-observe less that t-table,

so the Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted.

If t-observe > t-table = Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected

If t-observe < t-table = Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted

Where :

Ha: There is a significant effect of applying code-switching strategies’ on the

listening comprehension achievement

Ho: There is no significant effect of applying code-switching strategies on the

listening comprehension achievement

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