Spiritual Self: Eastern

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Spiritual Self- In recent decades there separated

has been a tendency for spiritual paths to -Human lives are often value above other

develop which deny and dissociate from lives

emotions and the messy, earthly reality of -The journey of mankind is linear

who we are. These approaches emphasise -The goal is to deal with the real problem of

enlightening and awakening yet often lead sin and to be united with God

to radical dissociation.
Ritual means "conforming to religious The dungan is ethereal, something not weighed
rites," which are the sacred, customary down by the world. Before it inhabits a human
body it inhabits a region above the earth with
ways of celebrating a religion or culture.
other dungan. The dungan then takes interest
Different communities have different ritual in the unborn being, usually a relative which it
practices, like meditation in Buddhism, or had chosen to inhabit.
baptism in Christianity. We also call the
The dungan is not located in any specific part of
ceremony itself a ritual. Although it comes the body and it grows proportionately with the
from religious ceremonies, ritual can also be person’s body. Weak at birth it is vulnerable to
used for any time-honored tradition, like the usug or the unintentional transfer of disturbing
vapors of a strong body to a weak one by
Superbowl, or Mardi Gras, or Sunday
proximity. There are many rituals performed to
morning pancake breakfast.
protect and nurture the dungan.

Dungan also has a secondary meaning of

willpower. A stronger dungan means that the
EASTERN person has a greater capacity to dominate
-There is one reality others to their line of thought. People living
-All life may be view as sacred together may lead to a spiritual competition
between the two dungan leading to the weaker
-The divine part is the creation, and this is
becoming sick.
found in everyone
-The journey of mankind is cyclical At death the dungan leaves the body via any of
the orifices and goes with the air toward the
-The goal is to deal with the problem of
upper regions. There it waits until it finds
ignorance and achieve another body to enter.
Ritual means "conforming to religious rites,"
which are the sacred, customary ways of
celebrating a religion or culture. Different
communities have different ritual practices,
-Spiritual reality and physical one is
like meditation in Buddhism, or baptism in Four stages of spiritual
Christianity. We also call the ceremony itself
a ritual. Although it comes from religious
self(Andrew Wallas)
ceremonies, ritual can also be used for any
Stage 1 – Anything Goes: This stage
time-honored tradition, like the Superbowl,
represents undeveloped spirituality;
or Mardi Gras, or Sunday morning pancake
individuals in Stage I of spiritual growth are
manipulative and self-serving. Though they
Andrew Wallas has developed a new may pretend or even think they are loving
model of spirituality Based upon the toward others, they are narcissistic and
framework of James Fowler and Scott Peck don’t really love themselves or others.
as well as many other influences. He had There are no values (such as truth or love)
been described in the Daily Mail as a important enough to these people to
“Modern Day Wizard” who “transforms your override their own desires, hence there is a
energy”, creating “alchemical shift”. He is lack of integrity and a chaos to their
unique and effective as a course leader and existence that they remain unaware of.
in individual sessions is that he combines a
searing intellect with deep intuition. Stage 2 – Rigid: As an over-compensation
to Stage 1, we often find ourselves entering
Modern Day Wizard- A Modern Day
into a strict, rigid framework which we feel
Wizard practices spiritual psychology,
provides safety and protection. All
intuitive healing, body whispering and
institutionalized religion provides this kind of
supports deep emotional release with a
rigid structure. This stage is characterized
challenging intellect and a sense of magic.
by a rigid set of external rules which need to
This unique hybrid creates an alchemical
be followed. The prescriptive nature of this
shift in energy which leads to joy and
stage provides comfort, as the individual
freedom. Many therapies deal with surface
does not have to think for him or herself. In
trauma but the Wizard's gift is healing heart
religion, people in Stage 2 will mainly view
break which he does by unearthing and
their God as an external, transcendent
addressing core wounding.
Being. They generally need a legalistic God,
who will punish misdeeds, to keep them
from chaotic behavior.

Stage 3 – Questioning: Those who move

beyond Stage 2, suddenly find themselves
questioning all the doctrines of the a form of existential analysis, the "Third
framework which they have previously Viennese School of Psychotherapy".
adopted. This is a difficult, troubling stage
as what we have taken to be sacrosanct is 3 Ways to Find Meaning in
now being challenged. The biggest
Life(Viktor Frankl)
stumbling block in this stage is the fear that
we are falling back to Stage I and hence we 1.Through our actions. Frankl noted we
often retreat into the perceived safety of the often find meaning through our actions, or
second stage. Whereas, whilst many people the things we do. For example, Frankl was
in this stage describe themselves as atheist passionate about helping and
or agnostic, in reality they are active psychotherapy. He wanted to write a book
seekers of truth. People in Stage 3 are on logotherapy, which described his theory
actually more spiritually developed than and techniques for how to help people
most of those content to remain in Stage 2 experience healing from emotional
because they are seeking the truth and problems. When he was put into his first
internalizing their own values rather than concentration camp, the guards forced him
simply accepting an external authority. to throw away all his possessions, including
an initial copy of his book manuscript. But

Stage 4 – Free Flowing: Through the during his time in the concentration camps,

struggle and insecurity of Stage III, either Frankl never stopped thinking about his

suddenly or slowly, we emerge into the final book, and writing his book in his mind.

stage which is characterized by an These actions helped give his life meaning.

acceptance and peace with who we are. We 2.Through our connections. In addition to
discover an alignment with the flow of life. what we do, Frankl said we also find
We recognize, not as an intellectual concept meaning through our connections, or who
but as a lived experience, the true unity and we love. These connections can involve our
interconnectedness of all things. relationships with a spouse, family, or
friends. It can also involve our relationship
with God or the sacred. When Frankl was in
Viktor Frankl- an Austrian neurologist and
the concentration camp, his memories of his
psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor.
wife, as well as his connection to God,
Frankl was the founder of logotherapy, which is
helped him experience a sense of meaning.
3.Through our suffering. Sometimes REFRENCES:
people find themselves in situations in https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/ritual

which they are unable to engage in https://www.aswangproject.com/soul-

much meaningful action. Or they might find according-ethnolinguistic-groups-philippines/
themselves separated from the ones they https://www.theschoolforwizards.org/training/
love. This was part of Frankl’s experience in
the concentration camp, as he found himself
unable to practice psychiatry and separated https://www.goodtherapy.org/famous-
from his loved ones. In these situations, psychologists/viktor-frankl.html
Frankl argued that humans can still find
meaning in the midst of suffering. During his
time in the concentration camps, Frankl
observed that some people would give up
(and soon die), whereas others bore their
suffering with courage and grace. How a
person lives their life in the midst of
suffering can instill a sense of meaning.


MEANING- Many of us spend a lot of
time in the pursuit of happiness, striving
towards a goal of a better paid job, greater
status, or obtaining the latest possesion. An
unfulfilled life might mean an unhealthy and
unhappy life, but that's not necessarily the
case. However, lack of meaning and
purpose can result in anxiety, depression
and low self-esteem.

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