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Durability Tests on Concrete VA. Saturated Water Absorption Test ‘The saturated water absorption was determined on 150 mm concreter cubes as per ASTM C-642 drying the specimens in the hot air oven at a temperature of 105°C to constant mass. The dried specimens from the hot air oven were than immersed in water after cooling to the room temperature. The specimen were taken out of water after 24 hours of time and weighed. The difference between the measured mass and oven dry mass expressed as a fractional percentage of oven dry mass gave the water absorption. As the saturated water absorption of concrete is a measure of the pore volume of porosity in hardened concrete, which is occupied by water in the saturated water absorption was calculated as flows. (Wt of Saturated Specimen — Wt of Oven Dried Specimen)* 100 SWA = Wt of Oven Dried Specimen ‘The values of saturated water absorption of the specimen at 28 days are found out and are tabulated in the Table, Mix [MI |M2 [M3 [M4 [M5 [M6 [M7 [M8 [M9 [M10 ac SWA| | % | __ | S2. Sorptivity Sorptivity measure the rate of penetration of water into the pores of concrete by capillary suction, The experiment was conducted based on the paper by Hall.C. The concrete cubes of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm size were used for the investigation purposes; the lower parts of the sides of the specimen adjoining the inflow face were sealed with bituminous paint to prevent absorption of water into the surface pores. The specimen should rest on rods or pins to allow free access of water to the inflow surface The water level should not be more than Smm or so above the base of the specimen. The quality of absorbed fluid was measured at regular intervals by weighing the specimen and the observed values are tabulated in the table, Mix Oven dried Weight of specimen at regular time interval weight in Kgs ML M2 MB ete, - The cumulative volume of water that has penetrated per unit surface area of exposure, 4 was plotted against the square root of time of exposure ,Vt , i.e .q vs ,Vt the resulting graph was approximated by a straight line passing through the origin and slope of the straight line was considered as a measure of rate of movement of water through the capillary pores and was called as Sorptivity. In the present study. the Sorptivity was computed by considering the slope of the plot of q versus, Vt between 15 to 60 minutes. DURABILTY TEST ON CONCRETE ‘The cubes with different replacements of cement were cast and cured for a period of 28 days. The tests were carried out as per the procedure given by Nagaraja etal. For the durability studies, the test specimens are subjected to Acid Attack, Sulphate Attack, and Chloride Attack. ACID ATTACK J 3. Hydrochloric Acid To conduct this test, 5% by volume of hydrochloric acid was mixed with ordinary potable water. The specimens were cured for 28 days in ordinary potable water and than immersed in the solution for a period of 28 days. The percentage of weight loss is found out after 28 days . 4, Sulphate Attack A solution of magnesium sulphate (MgSO,) was prepared in which 5% by weigh of magnesium sulphate was mixed with water. The cubes which were cured for 28 days were than immersed in this solution. The cubes were taken from the solution after 28 days of exposure to the solution and were surface dried. The surface of cubes was cleaned, scrubbed and final surface dry weigh were found. J 5, Chloride Attack A solution of sodium chloride (Nael) was prepared in which 5% by weight of sodium chioride was mixed with ordinary potable water. Tue cubes which where cured for 28 days were than immersed in this solution. The cubes were than taken out from this solution after 28 days of exposure to solution and were surface dried. The surface of cubes was cleaned scrubbed and than final surface dry weight of the specimen were found. 6. Determination of Sulphate Attack on Concrete The sulphate attack test was carried in concrete cubes of size 150 mm x 150mm x 150 mm. The concrete cubes are dried under normal room temperature, Afier 28 days of curing the weight (IV;) of the cubes were noted, A sodium sulphate solution was prepared by adding 5% sodium sulphate (by volume of water) to 50 liters of distilled water. In this experimental study the concrete cubes were immersed in 5% sodium sulphate solution for a period of three months which is shown in the figure 3.6. The observations were then made after 28 days from the date of immersion in the sodium sulphate solution. A characteristic whitish patch appearance on the concrete specimen was the indication of the sulphate attack. The cubes are dried under normal room temperature for a period of 24 hours and then the weight (V2) of conerete cubes was noted. The compressive strength and loss of weight of the concrete speci nen were calculated by using the following equations 2.1 & 2.2 Compressive strength = (£) Eq, (2.1) \A) where, P is ultimate load (load of failure) in Newton Eq. (2.2) where, Wis initial weight of the concrete specimen W, is final weight of the concrete specimen 7. Determination of Chloride Attack on Conerete Chloride attack test was carried out in the concrete cubes of size 150 mm x 150mm x 150 mm. The concrete cubes are dried under normal room temperature after 28 days of curing and the weight (1;) of the cubes were noted. The sodium chloride solution was prepared by adding 3.5 % sodium chloride salt (by volume of water) to 50 liters of distilled water. In this experimental study the concrete cubes were immersed in 3.5 % sodium chloride (NaCl) solution for a period of three months which is shown in the figure 3.7. The observations were then made after 28 days from the date of immersion in the sodium chloride solution. The cubes are dried under normal room temperature for a period of 24 hours, the weight (72) of concrete cubes was noted. The compressive strength and loss of weight were calculated using the equations (2.3) and 2.4), Compressive strength = (5) Eq. (23) where, Ps ultimate load (load of failure) in Newton A is area of cube in mm’, Loss of weight = (% *) X 100 (%) Eq. 2.4) where, WV, is initial weight of the conerete specimen Wris al weight of the concrete specimen 8, Determination of Corrosion on Conerete Concrete corrosion is the chemical, colloidal o1 physic-chemieal detoriation and disintegration of solid concrete components and structures due to attack by reactive liquids and gases. The corrosion rate is calculated by using the formula, C,= 87.6 x (W/DAT) where, C,= Corrosion rate in millimeters per year W= Weight loss in milligrams D= metal density in g/em? A= Area of sample in cm? “= Time of exposure of the reinforcing bars

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