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Acknowledgement Letter is a type of letter written to recognize someone’s efforts towards your
objective. That someone can be an individual, individuals or an organization.

Acknowledgement Letter Definition

 A written or printed communication addressed to a person, company, etc. for

recognition of another's authority, existence, right, validity, etc., usually sent by post in
an envelope.

How to Write an Acknowledgement Letter?

Acknowledgement letters are important as they allow others to know that you value their time
and opinion. They effectively communicate your input to necessitate further action. They
ascertain accomplishments and achievements. They confirm and clarify and build goodwill and
trust. Writing Acknowledgement Letter is important as mentioned above. And to know what to
write and how to write makes the importance of these letters two fold.
Acknowledgement Letter Basic Guidelines

 Outline

 Drafting

 Be Sincere

 Address it to a Person Short and Specific

 Using Letterhead

 Be Polite

 Timely Acknowledgement

 Proofreading

Format of Acknowledgement Letter Writing

Similar to other letter formats, a standard letter of acknowledgment has similar one, with slight
changes. This is a standard format; one can use one’s own choice of layout depending on one’s
Your Name
Your Address
Recipient's Name
(specific official or person)
Recipient's Address


Reference or Subject
Dear Contact Person
First Paragraph - Gesture of acknowledgment with other details of service,
product, relevant issue etc.
Second Paragraph - Relevant specific points, clarifying your objective, confirming receipt of the
product or service, thanking the addressee for delivering the requested items or information, listing
of each item received along with the date. How was your experience? Intimation for any further
communication and so on.

Subscription - Thanking you, yours sincerely etc.

First Name Last Name

ENCL (optional) stands for ‘Enclosure’ and can include any accompanying

Acknowledgement Letter Examples

Acknowledgement for the receipt of Goods

Respected Adam Sandler,

Subject: Acknowledgement for the receipt of Goods
I John Coop, Branch Manager, Takeit Informatics Pvt. Ltd., would like to thank you for the timely
delivery of goods on such a short notice. We understand and appreciate the effort you have put
in regarding the same.
We are happy to have a company of your reputation as our associates and look forward to
working with you in the future.
Thanking you.
John Coop

Personal Acknowledgment Letter

Dear Carlos Garcia,

Subject: Thanks for your Study Notes

I must thank you for your help, really man i couldn’t have done without your help. This is
something which I happen to do rarely; true and helpful friends are hard to come by. They
say ‘A friend in Need is a Friend Indeed’ and it is totally true.
A month ago when I was preparing for my college exams, little did I know that the Science
notes that you had would help me like anything. I was going about the examinations as I
usually do. Had it not been the conversation in which you told me about the notes that you
had, I wouldn’t have secured the top rank in my class. It is really amazing, almost like a
miracle. I guess you are ‘My Lucky Charm’ and friends like you should never be forgotten.
With that note, I bid you adieu with a ‘Wish that everyone has a Friend like you’.

Thanks mate.

John Ken.

Resume Acknowledgement Letter

Devin Stale Co.

169 Calea Floreasca,
Bucharest, Romania
Phone: 2152000, 238777
8th February 2015
Picolo Pashta
Librescu Blvd., District 1,
Bucharest, Romania
Dear Picolo Pashta
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your resume and application, dated 7th February 2015
for the post of Operations Head at Devin Stale Co. We appreciate and thank you for showing
interest in our Company.
The deadline for applications is 15th February 2015 and after reviewing all the applications
only five most deserving candidates will be selected for the interview. You will be informed
once the list of the selected candidates for the interview has been finalised.
Thank you again for the time you have given to Devin Stale Co.

We wish you success in your future career.

Ricoh Margay
Head (HR Department)
Devin Stale Co.


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