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The Oilprice.

com Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

A Million Ways To Lose Your Shirt in Oil & Gas

The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams
Oil and gas investing is a minefield. It’s one thing if you How to spot a Corporate Sociopath before he takes you
already know it’s a minefield and just have to be careful for a ride
where you step. It’s quite another thing if you don’t even
What goes down in the ‘Boiler Room’ and why it’s so hot
know you’re in a minefield. From whichever place you’re
in there
standing, it’s a dangerous segment for the investor. This
report contains vital information about oil and gas fraud, Why oil and gas promoters can be your best friend or

tools for avoiding scams and smart advice for smart your worst enemy

decision-making. Don’t lose your shirt—do your homework. The tools you need to sort out the truth from the lies

The shale boom has ushered in a new era of oil and gas And, then, next month: To complement this, a complete
fraud that is vastly more creative and widespread than it has resource guide that—among many other things—will help
ever been. The US Securities and Exchange Commission you dabble in your own due diligence before you make an
(SEC) may have been dealing with a few sparse cases a year investment
less than a decade ago, but today it’s looking at more than
Keep reading because the information contained in this re-
20 fraud cases a year. The vultures have come out in
port highlights the number one threat to your investment and
massive numbers, and they are circling the skies for easy
also how staying on top of the ever-evolving world of oil and
investor prey.
gas fraud is nearly impossible without some sage advice
We’ve seen just about everything fraudsters can come up
Oil & Gas Fraud: Four Flavors
with by now in the industry—still, they never cease to adapt
to new circumstances and new regulations, so I’m always on There are four basic ways that oil and gas investors are
the lookout for new scams. We’ve handled a fair number of fooled, and most of the case studies contained in this report
due diligence investigations targeting individuals and com- will fit into one of these four overall scenarios:
panies in the sector, and we’ve come to realize that there are
Scenario 1: You are asked to invest in an existing well that
two types of fraud on a broad level: the very blatant type that
is over-hyped while the promoters know that the well is not
investors continue to fall for day after day, and the subtle
likely to produce much, if anything at all.
type, which takes place along that very fine line between
truth and deception. If you’re a new oil and gas investor, you Scenario 2: You are asked to invest in a well and told your
need to worry about both. If you are a veteran oil and gas money will go toward development and completion of the
investor, you probably only need to worry about the second. well, but promoters misrepresent how your money will be
used. Your money is in part to pay off expensive promoters
What we’re offering in this in-depth 20+-page report is this:
and Boiler Room telemarketers and the rest lines personal
The three categories of fraud pockets (pays the personal mortgages of the arrangers,
pays off unrelated debt, sends the promoters’ children to
Several case studies demonstrating the large variety of
expensive private schools, etc.)
scams and frauds that destroy investors every year I 02
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

Scenario 3: You invest in a company that doesn’t even Whether you’re a smaller investor or a larger investor who is
exist except on paper, through a broker who isn’t registered considering private securities transactions, the risk in this
and they take your money and run in a Ponzi scheme. industry is immense. Smaller investors may even have more
protection than larger investors because it is assumed that
Scenario 4: You get caught up in an overseas oil and
the latter always know what they’re doing—but this isn’t the
gas-related scheme offering you millions for letting some-
case in this ever-dynamic environment. It’s challenging at
one ‘park’ their money with you outside their country—but
best to keep up with the changing nature of oil and gas
you lose your shirt in a litany of advance fees and never see
scams and frauds.
the money.
When it comes to private securities transactions, the risk
Forms of Oil & Gas Investment can be very high, particularly because there is no liquidity as
Limited partnership interests: In a drilling limited the securities often cannot be resold, and do not trade on
partnership, an oil and gas company sells partner- exchanges. Because only investors who have a high net
ship 'units' to investors and uses the money raised worth and high income are allowed to buy private securities,
to lease property and drill wells (unless it's a fraudu- regulators automatically assume they don’t need as much
lent operation). The company 'manages' the protection from the industry wolves as small investors do.
project—usually for an upfront fee, which is a Just because an investor meets these higher income
percentage (typically around 15/16% of your invest- requirements doesn’t mean he or she knows the oil and gas
ment). The company also shares in the revenue industry well enough to avoid fraud.
generated. The investor gets a handsome first-year This is an industry in which the term ‘guarantee’ should
tax write-off and quarterly cash distributions from never be used, and if it is, a scam is around the corner.
the sale of oil and gas produced from the wells in
Consider this: According to the FBI in Dallas, around half of
question. This is where we see the most fraud go
all investor losses under investigation by the bureau involve
down, making this the highest-risk area of oil and
oil and gas fraud.
gas investing. These are securities at the end of the
day and they are not liquid. At the more sinister end of the fraud spectrum are the
‘paper only’ companies. This is a common scheme that
Ownership of fractional undivided interests in leases:
lures in the most gullible of investors. This is a smaller-time
These are also securities and also carry a high level
scam that targets small-time investors who may or may not
of risk. This is an interest only in the proceeds of oil
have ever invested before. The modus operandi is to lure
and gas sold, not in the oil and gas itself.
investors in by a referral from a broker—who cold calls the
General partnerships: In its truest form, investors victims and who is complicit in the scheme. The investors
actively participate in the operations and are person- are then sold shares in shell corporations that exist only
ally liable for partnership debts. on paper. I 03
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

This is how it plays out: How did they do it? They drafted a fraudulent private place-
ment memorandum (PPM) for the PAOR offering containing
A broker cold calls you (this is an immediate alarm bell)
‘overt lies and materially misleading omission” regarding
You invest a modest amount in what is described as a Quest’s financial health and viability. They also lied about
low-risk, fairly lucrative deal debt and liens on oil and gas leases in which PAOR claimed

You get some symbolic dividends to keep you hooked to be acquiring an interest. Finally, they lied about current

(these so-called payouts are usually from cash taken and projected oil and gas production from the leases and

from other investments being lured into the scam) fudged alleged ‘independent audits’.

So, you’re hooked; now they offer you a much more And … they had help here. They recruited John M. Leonard

lucrative investment that is much “higher-risk”; you bite. to solicit investors for them, but Leonard was neither a
registered broker nor associated with any registered broker.
When Exxon Mobil Isn’t Exxon Mobil
Leonard received over $400,000 in compensation for his
In a case filed by the SEC in 2014, a Florida promoter was snake-oil salesmanship.
charged with fraudulently offering limited partnership units
What to take home from this?
in two oil drilling projects that he claimed had been acquired
from Exxon Mobil Corp. This was a father-and-son duo: For starters, always make sure you’re dealing with a regis-

Paul and Jeffrey Downey, in 2010 and 2011 used their com- tered broker. The US Securities and Exchange Commission

pany, Quest Energy Management Group, Inc. to raise at (SEC) requires oil and gas brokers to be registered through

least $4.8 million from 17 investors through fraudulent offers FINRA as ‘Broker Dealers’. FINRA is the Financial Industry

and sales of interests in a limited partnership called Permian Regulatory Authority and they have a database where you

Advanced Oil Recovery Investment Fund I, LP (PAOR) and can check out your broker-dealer.

fraudulent offers of Quest preferred stock. Investors who were taken for a ride on this deal could have
also looked up the company’s financials through the SEC by
"Fraudulent oil and gas deals are frequently structured using this resource:
with the limited partnership (or other legal entity) in one gar/webusers.htm
state, the operation and physical presence of the field
The Boiler Room—The Hot Room for Cold Calls
in a second state, and the offerings made to prospec-
tive investors in states other than the initial two states. The Boiler Room is where it all starts for many scams. This is

Thus there is less chance of an investor dropping by a where the high-pressure sales tactics go down over the

well site or a nonexistent company headquarters. Such phone, perpetrated by a temporary ‘army’—as the SEC

a structure also makes it difficult for law enforcement refers to them—of cold callers hired to scam you out of your

officials and victims to identify and expose the fraud." money. Usually, thinly traded micro-cap stocks are the sale
of choice in Boiler Rooms. The end game here is quite
- (North American Securities Administrators Association)
simple: They take your money, pay their Boiler Room I 04
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

expenses and then pocket the rest or invest a very small Where Your Money Might Really End Up
amount of your money in an actual oil or gas well that won’t
This is perhaps where the majority of investors get tripped
be half as good as advertised. If anyone cold calls you
up. In these cases, pretty much always involving small-cap
regarding an oil and gas investment, this alone should send
or micro-cap companies, the companies actually exist, and
off alarm bells. Anything unsolicited is suspect. But there are
they probably have oil and gas acreage, but they lie about
also indicators of fraud as well if you’re still not convinced:
what they are using your cash for.
When they tell you opportunities are ‘limited’, they’re lying.
Take this 2014 case for example:
If they were so limited, they wouldn’t need to cold call in
the first place. According to the SEC, Guardian Oil and Natural Gas, Inc.
(GONG) and Guardian Oil and Gas, Inc. (Guardian), led by
If they use words like guaranteed returns, assume the
one Rick Mullins, raised $6.5 million by failing to disclose the
companies’ deteriorating financial condition to investors.
If they try to make an oil or gas investment sound risk-free, Investors didn’t know about pre-existing bank loans—nor
they can’t. Oil and gas is one of the riskiest investment did they attempt to find out. At the end of the day, the $6.5
arenas out there and the legitimate companies with good million they invested wasn’t used to develop oil and gas
acreage and lots of potential will tell you that this is a risk wells; it was used instead to pay off debts that weren’t even
(along with potentially high reward). related to the companies’ oil and gas activities. They also
told investors that they would directly receive revenue from
NSAAA Warns Against These Cold-Call Phrases the sale of oil and gas from the project. The reality was that
the operators here were using revenues to pay expenses on
You will have an interest in a well that cannot miss;
other unrelated projects. This is called ‘net checking’.
The risks are minimal;

A geologist has given the salesperson a tip; Or this case study from 2011:
The salesperson has personally invested in the venture;
According to the SEC, Petroleum Unlimited told investors
The promoter has "hit" on every well drilled so far;
that they could expect returns of 14% to 141% (quite a
There has been a tremendous "discovery" in an adjacent spread--and based on absolutely nothing) annually. We’re
not sure how much they ended up raising, but over 80% of
A large, reputable oil company is operating or planning to
what they raised was used to pay for expenses that had
operate in the area;
nothing to do with oil drilling. Most of it looks like it went to
Only a few interests remain to be sold and you should
pay off sales people who landed them the investments in the
immediately send in your money in order to assure the
purchase of an interest; Boiler Room. Sales commissions here were up to 74%!!

This is a special private deal open only to a lucky chosen Two years earlier …
few investors.
The SEC accused Wellco Energy LLC of misleading inves-
NSAAA (North American Securities Administration Association)
tors about what their money would be spent on. Almost I 05
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

Basic Due Dilligence Checklist

Start with this checklist, but don't stop here: Have you looked up their financial records with the SEC?

How long has the sponsor been in business? Can you find anyone who has done business with
them before?
Has the sponsor company changed its name in the
past 10 years? Is their website professional?

Is the investment being offered though a registered How do they communicate with investors?
FINRA broker dealer? Will funds be kept in a separate escrow or co-mingled
Is the offering filed with the state securities commission? with other funds? (you don't want the latter)

Has either the broker or sponsor company had any Who will be responsible for taxes?
regulatory problems? How will oil & gas produced be transported to market?
Are they or have they ever been sued by other investors? Is the infrastructure already in place?
Can you determine their financial track record and their Who makes decisions about completing or abandon-
record of returns versus investments? ing wells?

60% of the money raised didn’t go to oil and gas wells. It company’s shares and this was not disclosed to the SEC, so
went to … drum roll, please … paying the promoter’s Blackburn was effectively controlling the company illicitly
personal mortgage and child support fees (along with behind the scenes. In 2010, Treaty won drilling rights in
massive sales fees). Belize through a joint venture. A year later, they were using a
stock promoter to publish misleading information on
The key lesson learned here is this: If oil and gas promoters
message boards creating massive hype around the project.
are cold-calling you from the Boiler Room, you know right
By January 2012, the company was claiming to have struck
away that even if this is a legitimate oil and gas offering (which
oil in Belize—citing 5-6 million barrels of recoverable oil.
it’s not going to be 99% of the time), your money is going to
This immediately caused stock prices to jump—almost 80%
have to go to fund this promotion. Boiler Room salesmen are
in a single day.
very good at what they do—and they are VERY expensive. As
you see from the case studies, they can net some 75% of Here’s the kicker: There was no oil. The announcement was
your total investment just for bringing you in the door. false. The stocks had already shot up, even though the
government of Belize on the very same day as the oil discov-
‘Burn’ Notice—When There Isn’t Really Any Oil
ery announcement said no oil had been found. Blackburn
Convicted felon Ronald Blackburn and the executives of and his entourage, however, refused to back down—even as
Treaty Energy Corporation were behind this scheme. To wit, the scam was clearly collapsing. Still, it would be months
in 2008, Blackburn formed Treaty Energy Corporation before share prices started to return to the levels they were
through a reverse-merger of a private oil and gas company before the false oil discovery announcement.
and a dormant public shell. Blackburn controlled 86% of the I 06
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

In addition to this, between 2009 and 2013, Blackburn sold Just because a company says it has struck oil doesn’t
shares of Treaty in an unregistered public offering, raising mean it has. Treaty Energy Crop. went quite far with its
some $3.6 million from 90 different investors. By the scam, insisting not only that it had struck oil but put a
summer of 2013, Treaty had depleted all of its authorized remarkable figure of 5-6 million barrels of recoverable
shares. By then Blackburn had already made a killing on the reserves out there. Did anyone even bother to check up
sale of shares boosted by a fake discovery announcement, on this? We doubt it. For anyone who has been working
and he was ready to move on to his next scam. In January in the oil and gas industry for long enough, these figures
2014, without telling shareholders, Treaty abandoned would have seemed implausible, especially the ‘recover-
Belize, assigning all of its assets to Hackmeyer Real Estate able’ bit, but for new investors in this sector the alarm
Group in a ‘blanket security agreement’. This was collateral bells might not have gone off quickly enough. (If you
against funds Hackmeyer had loaned Treaty for the devel- missed our earlier report on discoveries, be sure to circle
opment of the fake Belize oil discovery and other bogus back to that. In that report we dissect some discovery
efforts in Texas. announcements for you and help you navigate this com-
plicated and easily manipulated world).
The next scam would take place in West Texas, where
Treaty offered investors oil and gas working interests in a You will probably have caught on by now to the practice
well that they were told had an initial production rate of 62 of media promotions of oil and gas companies. The
barrels per day and a life span of 20 years. The reality was Blackburn case is an immediate lesson in this respect.
much different: The well wasn’t producing nearly this much. We’ll talk about this in more detail below, but for the main
In fact, it had only produced a total of 235 barrels from lesson here is: Don’t believe anything you read. It’s
October 2013 to October 2014. Nonetheless, investors took almost all paid for.
the bait and bought $565,000 in interests in this well. The
The most endearing trait of what we call the Corporate
money was supposed to go to the well’s development, but
Sociopath is their exceptional understanding of the
most of it was misappropriated.
gullibility of people with money (that’s you, the investor).
What to take home from this: They talk a fabulous game; they play a fabulous game;
and it would seem that gold is dripping from their mouths.
Do extensive due diligence: Blackburn was a convicted
Their sheer confidence lulls you into a sense of security
felon already when he started up Treaty. Investors are too
and makes you think you need not do your own due
impatient when they see what they think is easy money
diligence. The best of the best Corporate Sociopaths can
coming their way. A little bit of research goes a long way.
run the same scams time and time again, and the shale
Corporate sociopaths such as Blackburn don’t stop; they boom has brought them out in full force.
can’t stop. They will keep trying their hand at oil and gas
schemes and each time you have to dig deeper to find
them under the paperwork. I 07
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

Profile of a Corporate Sociopath fraud case. […] It’s not the sort of case where he took
money and never drilled anything.”
Perhaps more than any other, the case of Corporate Socio-
path Bret Boteler and his Dallas-based investment firm THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON YOU CAN
EnerMax, which is now thankfully closed down, allows us to LEARN HERE.
profile these types and learn from them—especially how
This is exactly what the most skilled type of corpo-
best to avoid them.
rate sociopath does: He runs on just enough legiti-
Boteler’s fraud is serial. But what you need to understand macy to make it real—and you lose money. This is
about Corporate Sociopaths is that this is a condition that also the most difficult type of fraud to detect and
doesn’t go away. It’s a sickness; a disease. There’s never a hands down the most important scenario for
one-off with a corporate sociopath. In Boteler’s case, he’s deep-dive due diligence and psychological profiling.
been at it for over two decades. He first popped up on the
The legitimacy ruse in this case includes:
SEC radar in 1998—when he was still a very young investor
and an amateur bodybuilder. At this time, Boteler was a Actual producing wells (just close enough to what you
junior member of Dallas-based Kinlaw Securities, which thought it would be);
was facing a mountain of fines for selling worthless oil and Actual drilling activity;
gas stakes in their Boiler Room. Boteler betrayed Kinlaw
A fairly impressive media presence: Interviews in local
and cut a deal with the feds. (But, interestingly and unfortu-
mainstream media that described him as a homegrown
nately for the investors, the SEC’s case against the compa-
entrepreneur. He wasn’t hiding in a Boiler Room any
ny for defrauding investors of $125 million was dismissed by
longer. He was out there, an oil and gas ‘talking head’,
a Dallas judge, which ruled that the investors had enough
and ‘expert’ of sorts;
power and information to be deemed partners).
There was no lurking in dark corners here. Boteler even
This was not to be the end of Boteler’s career, however;
personally took investors out to see the wells they would
rather just the beginning. In 2001, he founded EnerMax. The
invest in and wined and dined them, talking a great game
company managed to raise $17.3 million between 2007 and
and gaining natural trust;
2011 from 260 investors. At stake here were 45 wells. Of
these wells only three made any money at all, and more than To this day, some of his investors appear torn about
half were abandoned. While investors were being taken for whether he is a fraudster or just made some bad deci-
a ride, Boteler was getting rich pocketing their money. His sions when things didn’t work out as he planned. Don’t
salary was $1.3 million, and he awarded himself massive be fooled: this is the part of the game that allows corpo-
bonuses and wrote off personal expenses. His investors rate sociopaths to start up something else.
funded private school for his children.
In these scenarios, the truth is in the lies--the truth is twist-
The most important point for me here is exactly what Botel- ed, subtly and expertly. EnerMax was selling Permian Basin
er’s lawyer opined: “This is not a garden variety securities projects to investors. This is a massively attractive basin. It I 08
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

always has been, but the shale boom revived the sleeping 2010 to a mail fraud charge in two separate criminal prose-
giant. Anyone drilling here could easily attract investor atten- cutions related to the schemes. The schemes were operat-
tion. Here’s the trick: He banked on his investors not really ed out of Michigan and Texas between 2003 and 2009.
understanding much about geology or drilling depths. Ener-
Max was drilling in historically successful basins—but he Welcome to the Ponzi
was drilling a mile below these formations. This is where A Ponzi scheme is a type of illegal pyramid scheme
nothing is proven and becomes highly speculative. The named after Charles Ponzi, who fooled thousands of
other side to this story is the investors themselves: They New England residents into investing in a post-
definitely weren’t savvy enough to understand this, so the age-stamp speculation scheme back in the 1920s.
information here was easy to finesse and one would say that Ponzi schemes continue to work as money from new
it was on the fine line of fraud. The SEC also alleged that investors is used to pay off earlier investors. Ultimately,
Boteler misled investors about his experience. He was a the scam will collapse leaving investors with nothing to
bodybuilder and then a Boiler Room boy—not an experi- show for their trust.
enced driller.
This is how the scheme played out in Michigan, between
As for Kinlaw and friends, they closed down in Texas and
2003 and 2005: Blimline and his cohorts promised inflated
then popped up again in Colorado Springs with a new com-
rates of return in order to get cash out of investors. They had
pany: HEI Resources. In 2009, the state’s securities com-
absolutely no legitimate source of income to make payouts
mission sued them for fraudulently raising more than $300
to investors, and Blimline diverted investor payments to his
million from investors on over-hyped drilling projects. Again,
own pocket. He took a total of $28 million from investors
the case was dismissed.
before the scheme collapsed.
Lesson learned? This is a tough one. Your only
True to form, when the Michigan scheme collapsed he
protection against the Corporate Sociopath is
moved on to Dallas, Texas, where he enticed 7,700 investors
extremely intuitive due diligence, that usually can’t
into dumping a shocking $400 million into Provident, which
be done at home. Do yourself a favor and hire a
also collapsed in 2009.
professional. These guys know how to straddle the
fence of legitimacy and legality and you will usually In a smaller but more recent Ponzi scheme from 2013,
be on the losing side without proper counsel. Robert A Helms and his Vendetta Royalty Partners LTD
misled investors about their experience in oil and gas to
Oil & Gas Goes Ponzi
raise some $18 million. The $18 million was supposed to be
Five former oil and gas executives from a company called used to purchase oil and gas royalty interests, but this was
Provident Royalties LLC of Dallas pleaded guilty to federal just another Ponzi scheme.
criminal charges in connection with a $485-million Ponzi
What to take home from this:
scheme. The head of the scheme, Blimline, was sentenced
in May 2012 to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty in Again, the corporate sociopath knows only the limit of I 09
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

prison bars; failure isn’t failure, it’s just another challenge PrimeGen’s website was thrown together by simply copy-
to try again further away. ing and pasting another website’s source code.

A very small and inexpensive amount of due diligence The good old boys at Wall Street Capital Funding LLC
here could have saved investors $485 million. Trust me, promoted this fake company to the best of their ability;
due diligence is worth it. (And in our next report on promising massive returns on cheap stock. They were
resources for oil and gas investors, we’ll show you the paid for their services in stock. They promote the compa-
best resources for performing your own due diligence, ny, watch the value of shares rise suddenly and make a
among many other things). killing on each glossy-eyed investor.

Bogus Energy Companies What to take home from this one?

The SEC filed civil fraud charges against a Miami-based That’s easy. Never believe what you read. Promoters step in
company, Wall Street Capital Funding LLC, in 2011 for when there isn’t a single corporate sociopath to lead the
promoting bogus energy companies and for playing a “criti- game in the right direction—or to talk a game that investors
cal role in a number of penny-stock scams” by putting are sure to buy. Promotion is becoming a huge business in
together and widely distributing PR material for ghost com- itself, and we expect to see a continuing barrage of SEC
panies—among them, PrimeGen Energy Corp. charges against reckless or downright corrupt promoters.

Here’s the story on PrimeGen: First, it was allegedly incorpo-

rated in Bridgewater, New Jersey and claimed to own oil and Promoters get MOST of your money. This means that
gas operations in Russia. It convinced investors—through there is not much incentive to find or develop the best oil
hard-hitting PR materials—that it had some 12 oil wells in & gas prospects because the promoter gets paid just for
Russia that it brought to production in only 9 months, gener- FINDING YOU. He gets money in his pocket regardless.
ating millions in revenues. For the average investor, it’s pretty
hard to verify what’s going on in Russia, and whether claims Virtually everything you read about small oil and gas com-
such as these are true. For this, you need to hire outside panies is bought and paid for. The supermajors buy and
help. But at home, a little due diligence would have gone a manipulate their own media coverage as well, but they can
long way to determining there was never any need to do due also make the news legitimately, simply because they are
diligence in Russia because none of what PrimeGen was huge. Not so for smaller companies. To make the news,
saying was true. Here is the harsh reality: they have to pay for the news—and they are paying for
someone to come up with a newsworthy angle to ensure
PrimeGen didn’t even have corporate headquarters; just
that it gets wide play.
a rented mailbox at a UPS store with no forwarding
instructions. Promotion generally takes on three forms:

PrimeGen didn’t even have a phone line; the number it 1) Paid-for news coverage (with no indications that it was
listed for potential investors wasn’t answered. paid for) I 10
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

2) Online stock promoters who use hard-hitting simply don’t do their own research on the company they
(car-salesman-like) writing (complete with lots of exclama- have taken on as a client.
tion points) to oversell a company. This often entails
Promotion is a burgeoning creative industry itself. It’s
manipulating information and numbers to look better than
sometimes a great thing. There are a lot of good oil and gas
they are; sometimes with outright lies, but often simply by
companies out there who are sitting on fabulous prospects
leaving out pertinent information and banking on inves-
but don’t know how to get the word out there; thus they
tors not understanding how to read between the lines.
don’t get the investment they need to develop these pros-
3) Company promotional materials that are distributed pects. What the investor has to do is figure out which ones
among potential investors; PowerPoint presentations, are being promoted legitimately, and which ones are not.
videos, brochures, etc—all written by expert promoters
Here’s an example of the type of stock promotion
who either knowingly inflate figures or flesh out lies or you should be very wary of:

Tiny, undiscovered...

This $1 stock just confirmed a low-end resource

estimate of $44.05 Per Share* in Recoverable Oil!" I 11
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

Virtus Oil & Gas VOIL may have just beat a group of Industry Titans to the
punch on what could prove to be a Major U.S. Oil-Find – Parowan Project, Utah!

Virtus just released an independent property assessment by renowned oil and

gas consulting firm Gustavson Associates confirming a Low-end resource
estimate of 266 MILLION Barrels of Oil!

Even at just 10% of that Low-end resource estimate, Virtus is looking at a pro-
spective oil resource of 26.6 Million Barrels valued at over $2 BILLION or $44.05
Per VOIL Share!

Dear Fellow Profit-Seeker,

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It all comes down to my exhaustive, independent research, which has once again uncovered a
true profit-gem in Virtus Oil & Gas VOIL! I 12
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

$44.05 PER SHARE
in potential resource value...and did I mention Virtus
is currently trading below $2 per share???

Translation: Virtus Oil & Gas has every indicator of joining my distinguished list of
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To maximize your VOIL profits:

FIRST, read my full report on Virtus Oil & Gas. NEXT, call your broker or go online and
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and enjoy the profit-ride as this U.S. oil-bonanza goes into full-blown overdrive!

VOIL could quickly TRIPLE

On this BREAKOUT News!
When Virtus's management team pulled off what I describe as the miracle acquisition of the
55,477 acre Parowan Prospect - I immediately elevated VOIL as my Top Energy-Pick of 2014.

In fact, every time I look at the chart, I still can't believe I have this golden opportunity to get
my loyal audience members into Virtus at true seed-level prices below $2.00 per share. The
near-term potential is truly amazing – and best of all, YOU are hearing about it first!

In my opinion, VOIL should already be

trading multiples above its current price

With a low-end – and I repeat...

LOW-END resource estimate of 266
Million barrels in the heart of a major
developing area-play right here on Ameri-
can soil ...I believe my early identification of
Virtus's incredible upside will cement my
legacy as a legendary stock picker. I 13
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

All you need to do is jump on Virtus early and low!

In my full Virtus Oil & Gas VOIL report,

I'll show you:

Proven Profit-Point: In the world of speculative investing, fortunes are made by being early to the
game. RIGHT that crucial moment in your lifetime where you step up to the plate and secure
an early position in VOIL before the pending payoff!
Click below for my full report on Virtus Oil & Gas VOIL. My promise to you as a fellow stock specula-
tor...there are no gimmicks here and you can keep your credit card in your wallet. Your report pops up
the moment you go here.

To your future wealth,

Charles Moskowitz, Editor

The Moskowitz Report I 14
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

You’ll note—just barely—the tiny print disclaimer at the not been for the fact that this opportunity was referred to him
bottom that indicates this is a paid advertisement, and through a trusted source. A purported investment lawyer
removing any responsibility from the promoters. This means contacted the trusted source via email, saying he was
it is YOUR responsibility to understand what you are reading, looking for small European or North American oil and gas
why you are reading it and why this company needs to be companies in which to invest millions on behalf of a very
promoted in this manner. high-profile client—a rebel leader, in fact—in South Sudan.
For some reason or other, the trusted source let this slip by
This is what Seeking Alpha’s Penny Stock Realist had to say
as a legitimate deal—and this is the most brilliant aspect of
about this company’s stock promotion:
this scam. Nine times out of ten, if the scam artist can get
Suspicious Marshall Islands identity holding 2 million past a trusted source, he is half way to seeing his scam
free trading shares and past CEO with numerous ties to realized. We never got to see how this particular scam might
past stock promotions. have played out because a brief due diligence investigation

Virtus Oil and Gas Corp. (OTCQB:VOIL) is a name that I squashed it right away. The investigation turned up the

believe is currently the target of a penny stock promo- following key points:

tion scheme. It is my view that the stock's intrinsic value The firm the ‘investment lawyer’ claimed to work for did
is somewhere near $0, and it is with conviction that I not exist;
recommend that any investors currently in the name sell
The website for this fake firm was created less than a
the entirety of their stakes immediately. I also believe
month before;
that Virtus Oil and Gas Corp. is a stock definitely worth
shorting. My track record of identifying and publicly The website for this purportedly highly sophisticated

exposing such highly overvalued equities is excellent … investment law firm was thrown together at the last minute
using a free website template;
Africa: Scam Central
The office phone numbers were unattended;
Let’s turn the tables now. Someone wants to give YOU
money. Let’s say you have a small-cap oil and gas company A mobile phone number offered by the organizer of this

and an ‘investment lawyer’ contacts you via email purporting scam was registered under a different name;

to represent a politically exposed person from an oil-produc- As soon as official requests for basic due diligence
ing African country who is looking to invest in an oil and gas (corporate registration, passport documentation, etc) and
company discreetly. Know Your Customer (KYC) forms were sent, the scam

Now, we talk to a lot of seasoned investors in our line of artist went silent.

work, and we also run due diligence for them occasionally. How might this have played out? We can’t be sure, but most
Recently, a veteran oil man whom we’ve known for some likely there would have been a sudden request for a ‘commit-
time came to us with a request that we look into a deal in ment fee’ from the oil and gas company before the tens of
South Sudan for tens of millions of dollars. This oil man millions of alleged investment money were transferred (and
would probably not have given this a second thought had it they never would be). I 15
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

This scam is a work in progress, in my opinion—something tunity. But the latest version of this scam is incredibly
new that still has a few kinks in it. The scammer isn’t quite intricate and potential victims tend to be lured in by the com-
sure who to target, and how, and he absolutely has to avoid plexity. Complexity doesn’t make something real, however; it
due diligence investigations. At the very least, the victim in just means the scam artists have put more effort into it.
this scenario would have lost a small percentage on tens of
The particular scam goes to great lengths to set up fake
millions of dollars. At the most, however, he could have been
Russian government agencies, associations, banks, law
ended up in serious legal trouble.
firms, shipping companies and even due diligence websites.
There are a lot of scams coming out of Africa these It includes highly sophisticated fake documents as well. It’s
days—particularly out of Nigeria. These scams are many and really an all-inclusive scam. The end game here is to get
varied, and highly dynamic. A large number of them have investors to pay in advance for oil that doesn’t exist, with
been perpetrated by individuals claiming to work for the advance payments getting as high as $150,000. This
Nigerian National Petroleum Council (NNPC) either as staff advance fee is typically attributed to some licensing fees or
or contractors. These are called “419” scams, as they repre- taxes, contracting services, authorization fees, or other fees
sent violations of Section 419 of the Nigerian Criminal Code. attached to the “Russian Oil Ministry”.
A typical NNPC 419 scam offers targeted victims an oppor-
Here is some of typical ‘advance fee’ language to look
tunity for a percentage of millions of dollars for assisting
out for:
someone who is placing large sums of money in overseas
bank accounts (parking money). The scam is in the ‘advance “Seller pays for the legalization/registration of the ‘con-
fees’. These advance fees that the victim is asked to pay is to tract’ directly to the Ministry of Energy”
cover the expenses of taxes, transfer fees, bribing govern-
“Buyer pays to obtain Transaction Passport Transfer
ment officials, etc—all of which would be reimbursed to the
Certificate (TPTC) / Export Clearance Affidavit (ECA)
target once the funds are parked in the overseas bank
which defines the buyer’s intention and competence”
account. It is all made to look official through a fake contract
with the NNPC—contracts that are very well put together “Buyer will open file with the Seller Company, the fee for

and impossible to fault short of actually verifying them direct- which will be calculated based on the volume of the

ly with the Nigerian government. But if you even have to do signed contract. The fee stands for operational charges

this, it is a scam. The NNPC will never conduct business with and payment will be TT wire transfer.”

a third party over email or telephone—only in person. Even if “Upon verification of the above documents by the Buyer,
you are directed to the NNPC website, beware: Scam artists the Buyer pays via T/T wire transfer the total Vessel Char-
set up fake NNPC websites, like this: ter Fees to re-route the course of the vessel tanker to the
The Russian Oil Ministry Makes you the Deal of a Lifetime Buyer’s discharge port.”

Run, as fast as you can. We guarantee you that the Russian “Fee for Transfer of Ownership Title of Product. Title trans-
Oil Ministry has not contacted you for an oil and gas oppor- fer ownership.” I 16
The Guide to Oil & Gas Frauds and Scams

Behind Bars Characteristics of Fake Companies

Arthur Apple/Western Pipeline Corporation: Sentenced in April 2012 Advertising on B2B networks (Alibaba,, Tradekey,
to 10 years in federal prison and ordered to pay $53 million in restitution, EcPlaza, Tradeboss ...)
after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud. Apple and
his co-conspirators misled, deceived and defrauded prospective investors Websites thrown together in a hurry, using free website
by misrepresenting and failing to disclose material facts. They assumed templates and platforms
false identities when communicating with prospective investors, and Initial contact by email Use of VOIP (virtual phone numbers)
claimed to be investors in past Western Pipeline oil and gas development which can be forwarded anywhere in the world
projects that supposedly had been successful.
The 'Rand Brothers/Aspen Exploration Inc.: Four members of the
Rand family and one other individual were convicted in this scheme. Aspen Where Does it All End?
was the managing partner of oil and gas well programs offered and sold to
It doesn’t. Fraudsters have an amazing ability to adapt with
investors throughout the U.S. Investors purchased securities in the form of
joint venture programs created to promote and sell working interests in oil their changing environment, and indeed, this is what makes
and gas leases. The Rands diverted investor funds for their own use, and
failed to disclose that a key manager had been convicted of several federal
it interesting. These case studies—of which there are many,
offenses, including bank fraud and money laundering. Gregory Keith Rand many more—only represent those who have been caught.
was sentenced to 18 years in prison, his brother William Nicholas Rand 14
years and their father 5.5 years. They were ordered to pay almost $100 There are plenty who haven’t. And in terms of the Corporate
million in restitution and forfeit luxury assets purchased with investor cash. Sociopath, we know who a lot of them are. We can’t name
Alan Todd May/Prosper Oil and Gas: Between July 2008 and March
them here because that would be slander since they haven’t
2010, Alan Todd May raised some $7 million from investors under false
pretenses. This was a Ponzi scheme that saw Prosper sell mineral rights it been charged—and in some cases not even accused—but
didn't even own and overselling those that it actually did own, wildly
overstating the production revenue. Ponzi payments were disguised as
rest assured they are out there and waiting for your money.
royalty payments to investors. He pleaded guilty to mail fraud and admitted Make sure you do your homework, or get someone who
using investor funds for extravagant personal expenses and payments to
his mother, daughter, brother and ex-wife. He is awaiting sentencing and knows the business to do it for you. Some of the worst fraud-
faces up to 20 years in prison. sters are hiding in plain sight, so use these tools to help you
Robert Baxter Wilson/Excalibur Energy Corporation: Wilson raised
navigate and understand their world.
nearly $4 million from investors by misleading them about his experience
and qualifications and concealing his criminal history. He pleaded guilty to
securities fraud and received a sentence of probation. He forfeited assets It is truly a tough world to navigate, especially when some
to the government. analysts—such as well-known trader Dan Dicker—think that
Tommy Eugene Barber/T-Bar Resources LLC: Barber raised $13.5
the whole business of shale is a Ponzi scheme. Maybe not in
million from investors in multiple fraudulent offerings. He stole most of the
money for personal use. He pleaded guilty to two counts of securities fraud the intentional, sinister sense, but in reality. This is why, he
and is presently serving 10 years.
says: “…the business of drilling for [shale oil] creates an
Tracy Lee Pool/Reunion Resources LLC: Pool raised around $3 million
from investors through fraudulent oil and gas sales. Pool took off with most endless circular appetite for more drilling for lesser returns.
of the money and the rest was used for Ponzi payments to investors
[…] Constant fresh capital is needed to generate false gains
(presented as oil and gas profits). He pleaded guilty to securities fraud and
was sentenced to 51 months in prison. and pay off early investors.”
Joshua Wayne Bevill: Bevill raised several million from investors by
selling interests in supposed oil and gas development projects that he did In the meantime, stick with us because next month we’ll be
not own. He ran off with the money. He lured investors in by pretending to
bringing you a huge resource guide that can help you do your
be a former investor himself (along with others) to serve as references. Then
he went on to form another fraud—while awaiting sentencing on the first own due diligence and better understand all the aspects of
one. The new fraud focused on Progressive Investment Partners. Using a
the oil and gas industry before you make any new invest-
false identity, Bevill contacted potential investors and sold them
investments in a supposed oil and gas business. He then simply stole their ments. This will be sort of a ‘do-it-yourself’ resource tool that
money and spent it.
will hopefully save you a lot of time and money down the road. I 17

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