Automatic Metering Infrastructure: A Review

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Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Reveiw

Mian Musa Riaz

Abstract—The power grid of today will transform to smart million smart meters for power by 2020[3]. 400 smart grid
grid sooner or later. Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) pojects have already been started in EU. 90 projects are about
will be backbone of smart grid. In AMI smart meters measures smart meters .Likewise, in the U.S., the Smart Grid investment
the real time energy consumption and send it in real time
to central stations. AMI is also responsible for analyzing the grant program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment
collected data. AMI also manages other applications such as Act of 2009 facilitates deployment of large scale deployment
DSM and smart scheduling of loads. Therefore AMI plays an of smart metering infrastructures[3]. 6 million smart meters
important role in functioning of smart grids. We have discussed were installed in canada in 2014 and many more is expected.
different components of AMI in this article and also highlighted Similarly China, Japan and India are also moving towards AMI
working of these components. We discuss smart meters which is
the base of AMI. Then we discuss the communication technologies swiftly. A review advanced metering infrastructure is presented
used in different networks of AMI. We also discuss meter data in this paper. 1st of all AMI is discussed in detail. Several
management system and demand response in this article too. As modules of AMI are discussed such as smart meter etc. Then
smart grid is very vulnerable to attacks so its security is of utmost communication topologies and technologies are also discussed
importance. Security systems of AMI as well as Key management in this article. security snd privacy is a major issue issue in the
system for authentication is also highlighted in this paper. As the
future is age of artificial intelligence so the paper also have some smart grid and AMI. A lot of work is going on in making smart
insight of artificial intelligent meter. Finally we summarize some grid more secure. Several securtity protocols and arrangements
research issues and challenges in AMI. are also discussed. As the world is moving towards towards
technology of artificial intelligence, so it also have effects on
smart meterimg. Research about artificial intelligence smart
I. I NTRODUCTION meter is also covered in this article. It also has some insight
Smart grids are combining power, communication and In- of ongoing research and further research oppurtunities in the
formation technology to revolutionize the services granted by area of smart metering. We will start with the overview of
the legacy power grid. New challanges have been evolved smart grid and advanced metering infrastrucure in the next
due to new ways of generation, transmission and distribution. section.
The new challanges include: the issues due to distributed
generation and its integration, demand of improved power
quality, emerging concerns about carbon footprint of plants
of fossil fuels and radioactive hazarads due to nuclear plants.
security and privacy of customers is also a hot issue. The II. S MART G RID AND A DVANED M ETERING
integration of electrical vehicles and storage is also creating I NFRASTRUCTURE
problems. To overcome the problem. some modern countries
are switching to Smart Grid (SG)[4].
Smart grids is a power system that enables two way power Advanced metering infrastruture (AMI) is essential for the
flow and two way communication flow. The smart grid have realization of smart grid we can’t imagine a smart grid without
the abilities of self healing. The consumers also generate their AMI. The AMI infrastructure consist of smart meters and
power. They use the generated power for their own use and sell sensors, concentrators also known as collectors, communica-
the surplus power to the utility thats why they are known as tion system and meter data managment system. The smart
prosumers in smart grid environment. The smart grid requires meters and sensors collect all the data. It consists of two
detailed data and current state of the whole system. It uses modules: communication board and meter board. These two
a large number of appliances, sensors, meters and communi- modules are interconnnected. The meter board measure the
cation devices for this purpose. All these devices perform in power consumption. The communication board communicates
real time. Smart grid deploys sensing devices that get data with outdoor environment such as collectors. The collectors
from every point of system and manage it. It also detect collect the data and send it to meter data management system.
any operational glithces with the help of these sensors. The The MDMS act as database. It act as a long term storage and
AMI also plays very important role in this regard. It consist also analyze the data. The MDMS is connected with operations
of sensors which senses all the conditions and smart meters center which operate the whole network and other systems of
which measure the energy use of customers. The collectors utility commapanies for other services such as billing. AMI
then collect the data, organize it and send it to Meter data man- uses two way communication. It enables connection of smart
agement system (MDMS). The world is ambulating towards meter with distribution system operator. The DSO can perform
the smart grid and AMI with high speed. Several countries its funtions more conviently due to this connection e.g. fault
have brought in mandatory legislations to adopt smart metering detection. The subsections of AMI are explained in more detail
networks. The EU states have planned to deploy nearly 200 in the next section.

probabilities of these appliances for which they are switched

on. Then, it make a smart schedule for these appliances based
on these probabilities[2].
If a customers have installed renewable energy sources in his
home such as roof top PV panels or wind turbine generators.
Then smart grid provide the facility of buying the surplus
power from these prosumers. The smart meters do net metering
in this case.
The researchers are now working on artificial intelligent
smart meters. It will fetch data from the consumer’s appliances
and apply its aritificial intelligence algorithms on this data.
Figure II.1. The AI meters can help in the further automation of Demand
response programs[1].
III. S UBSYSTEMS OF AMI The communication module of smart meter and AMI is
discussed in detail in the next section.
The subsystems of AMI are 1: Smart meters and smart de-
vices, 2: communication ; 3: Meter data management system.
These are discussed in the following sections.

A. Smart meters and Smart devices

Smart meters can be considered as a soul of AMI. Electricity
meters are used to measure the consumption of electricty by
consumers. The meters which are used conventionally are Figure III.1.
accumulation meters. These meters record the consumtion over
some predefined period. The meter reader can then read the B. Communication
reading of meter after some time and prepare bill. Now, some
There should be means of sending the data collected by
consumers started using interval meters which record energy
smart meters to the MDMS system. Smart meters should
usage over some predefiend short time interval, for example
also be able to recieve commands for operation of system.
an hour. This helps the utility to design time based tariffs.
Therefore communication is an integral part of AMI. As the
Smart meters use two way communication. They show real
sensors and meters are high in number so there will be very
time usage of energy.
large bandwidth required for the transmission of this data.
The smart meter architecture can be divided into five blocks
Communication technologies are designed and selected on the
as shown in the figure. The blocks are signal acquisition, signal
consideration of following factors[4]
conditioning, Analogue to digital conversion, computation and
communication. 1) big amount of information
Signal acquisition system measure the current and voltage. 2) Restriction in accessing data
It also measures the frequency of the system as well as 3) confidentiallity of sensitive data
phase displacement. Other parameters such as power factor, 4) it should give accurate data
active/rective power can be calculated from these parameters. 5) should provide condition of system
The current and voltage can be measured by current and 6) economical
voltage sensors respectively. A current Transformer can be 7) flexibility for future technologies
used for sensing current and isolation from the primary circuit. There are large number of communication technologies that
In the signal conditioning stage, the signals are prepared for can be considered for use in AMI. The commonly used
the next step. The signals are added, subtracted, attenuated and architecture is to collect data from various meters and then
filtered in this step. These can be done on a single chip. A collectively send it through high bandwidth channel to compo-
low pass filter is also incorporated to avoid aliasing. nents of MDMS. Examples of the communication technologies
As the smart meters and whole AMI system work on digital used in AMI are:
systems so the data obtained by the smart meters should be 1) Cellular
converted to digital form. It is done by analog to digital 2) Copper or Optical fiber
converter. The signals are first sampeled and then digitized. 3) Zigbee
The computation block do arithmetic operations such as 4) WiMAX
addition and subtraction on input signals. It also prepares 5) Power line Carrier (PLC)
the signals for the communication module. It also do time 6) Broadband over power lines (BPL)
stamping of data. A digital signal processor is used in this 7) Bluetooth
module. 8) Internet
Smart meters can also be used for smart scheduling of the 9) General packet radio service (GPRS)
appliances. The smart meters collect data of these appliances 10) Satellite
for a long period. It then analyze this data. It calculates the 11) Peer to peer

The topologies used in communication of AMI can be divided be detected from this data. There are many other issues of
into a group of two which are following: customer privacy which can be created due to the data of
1) Home Area Network (HAN): The home area network AMI. Encryption is a solution of this problem. The pattern of
is restricted to home, office or commercial buiding. All the data can be reshaped to address these issues.
sensors, smart appliances, smart meters, renewable energy Cyber attacks is also a big issue in AMI environment. These
resources (RERs), storage devices, PHEVs and controllers attacks can be done from anyone such as your competitors,
commuicate with each other by home area network. They com- some dissatisfied employees other countries etc. They can
municate with outside network through smart meter. HANs steal the data from AMI system. They can introduce such
required bandwidth varying from 10 kbps to 100 kbps from bugs which can destabilize the network. But the AMI network
device to device. Wireless technologies are mostly used in should be so sophisticated and secure that if some meter is
HANs. The technologies which can be used are WiFi, Zigbee compromised, the attacker should not be able to fetch any info
and homeplug etc but zigbee is dominantly used technology. or data from it. The utility should do arrangements to keep
Zigbee is wireless technology, consumes low power and also the privacy of customers data. only authorize access should
is flexible and cost effective. Home plug is used to lower be granted to the data. similarly it should be ensured that the
extent. Home plug technology uses the power lines of the data sent by the meters and commands recieved by the meter
house. BACnet is a wired technology that is mostly used in should not be tampered on the way. Similarly the essential
commercial buildings. data should also be available in time.
2) Utility Network: For low bandwidth rquirement PLC Key Management system (KMS) is a very prominent system
networks are used. When the number of nodes increases then used in the security of AMI networks. it is a kind of password.
higher bandwidth is required. IEEE 802.16, mobile WiMax The conventional KMS systems used only one key for all
and broadband PLC can be used in that case. Nowadays long the customers. It can be implemented through Public Key
term evolution LTE is also growing with high speed and it is Infrastructure (PKI) and certificate revocation list (CRL)[5].
also used for highbandwidth requirement of AMI. But LTE is
slightly costlier than other technologies so research is required V. E NERGY T HEFT AND AMI
to make it cost effective.
There are several technical and non technical losses in
power system. These losses can occur during genration, pasing
C. Meter Data Management System (MDMS) through step up transformer and switchgear, transmission
It is the master of the system. It stores the data, analyze system and utilization. Energy theft also adds up to these
it and also perform funtions of billing. it helps in demand losses. Power theft is a big problem in third world countries
respone, Real time pricing and react to emergencies in the grid. like Pakistan. AMI will help to vanish or reduce the problem
Modules of such multi modular structure are given below: of power theft. There are many methods of power stealing in
1) Meter Data Management System. conventional electromechanical meters. One instance of these
2) outage management system tecchniques is tampering of CT. The CT is used to convert
3) Mobile workforce management the current from level of power lines to the level which can
4) Transformer load management be processed by meter. If number of windings of CT are
5) Geographic innformation system manipulated then the power consumption can be tampered.
MDMS system have different features for different AMI Another example is changing the position of affected wires. It
networks. But three of the features should be there : Try to will create phase shift and consequently consumption can be
optimize operations of utililty grid, Try to optimize operation tampered. It can also be done by grounding the neutral.
of utility manageement and customer engagement.The MDMS There are also many techniques of stealing in smart meters
system should have the infrastructure required for these func- and AMI. One technique is tampering of data in storing,
tions. It should have proper storage systems as well as data collection and transmitting process. If data loggers are used
bases for analyzing the data. The MDMS system provide help in AMI then tampering can be reduced. The loggers count
in outages. it helps in detection of problems. Then it also helps the number of power outages and power flow inversion. Thus
inn self healing. if anyone wants to tamper the data he should also have to
encounter the logger. Data tampering can also be done during
IV. S ECURITY OF AMI data transmission. If attacker transmit false data or change the
data during transmission then tampering can be done. This
Security of AMI is of utmost importance. AMI should
problem can be solved to some extent by using cryptography
secure the privacy and confidentiallity of the customers. if
and authentication.
someone get access to the data and profile of customers
then he/she can get very crucial inforamtion from customer
profiling. They can know about the life style and income VI. O PEN R EASEARCH I SSUSES AND C HALLANGES
of the customer by analyzing their energy consumption. Tax Smart grid and AMI are very important and relatively new
institutions can also get thier that whether they give tax ideas. A lot of work has been done in this field and there are
accoding to their income or not. The timing of coming to many research issues and challanges still to be resolved. A
house and leaving house can also be monitored from the real large and complex system can be made but it will be of no
time data obtained. The security of system of home can also use after some years if it has no provision of addition of new

devices and sensors. Therefore work should be done on the

scalability of the system. The system should be made such
that it can accomodate more devices, customers, sensors and
services with the time.
As there are large number of sensors and meters in the
AMI network and the system has to be operate in real time.
Threfore, a very big amount of data is produced which requires
high bandwidth. So a content centric networking shoulfd be
implemented in the AMI. It will ensure that the data will be
sent to only those recievers who require it and are intreseted
in the data.
Another big role of AMI is in the smart cities of future.
As every thing will be digitized in the smart cities. Therefore
work should be done to map out the solutions which integrate
the AMI networks into smart cities and its IOT networks.
Different organizations and different countries are working
on smart grids and AMI. They have different type of com-
ponents and protocols. So a standardizationn is required for
interoperability of these networks and devices.
Artificial intelligent meter is also in the pipeline. It manages
energy consumption independently. It can collect data and
power flow from sockets by SMPT approach. The socket from
where power is flowing can send its numbers and location to
the meter which can manage the things.

Switching to smart grid is need of the day and the conven-
tional power grid will be transformed to smart grid. AMI is an
important part of Smart grid. We have discussed the Smart grid
and AMI in detail in this article. Then we focused on different
modules of AMI which include smart meters, communication
and MDMS system. Smart meters are also discussed in detail.
Then we have some insight of energy theft problem. Secu-
rity of AMI is also necessary. some security protocols and
arrangements are also discussed. Then we discuss research
issues and challanges. This analysis of AMI system brings
new and promising perspectives and methodologies for future
research in smart grid and AMI.

[2] Christopher O Adika and Lingfeng Wang. Autonomous appliance
scheduling for household energy management. IEEE transactions on
smart grid, 5(2):673–682, 2013.
[3] A. Ghosal and M. Conti. Key management systems for smart grid
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Surveys Tutorials, page 1, 2019.
[4] Ramyar Rashed Mohassel, Alan Fung, Farah Mohammadi, and Kaamran
Raahemifar. A survey on advanced metering infrastructure. International
Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 63:473–484, 2014.
[5] Jinyue Xia and Yongge Wang. Secure key distribution for the smart grid.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 3(3):1437–1443, 2012.

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