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CAPT. SAHIL KHURANA SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI-75 (#91) 9871866290, 9971663490 SH9OGVVIPVUIIGIINIVIIGIITIIGIIGII LLL L TE LE bhhhhhk Gg sen re ae a 6 oe? ee Meteorology is a science of Atmosphere. * The Atmosphere in its dry state is a mixture of many gases of which Nitrogen and Oxygen accounting for about 99 %. GASES | % BY VOLUME 9% BY WEIGHT E ey Ze - | $j ____ —_}—___yamy SS eg 2. as ~ ~ E Argon 95 95 i Inert Gases _ DS: 3 Tie ede as LbLELLLEEUGELLEELEEL ff OIN2 and 02 are in 4: 1 by volume: Ly GS Aneando2 ares: 1 by weight, >t Lb There are others gases as mentioned above but they ore present in such small amounts that their traces are negtigible Air is never dry. Water vapour is always present in varying amounts . Water Air is never dry. Water vepour is always pre van a te vapour also behaves likea gas. The max. water vapour that can be present in relation to other,gases is about 3 to 4%. Q The Earth és surrounded by a layers of air, called the Atmosphere. All weather occurs within the atmosphere, and meteorology is the study of this weother. a The atmosphere is made up of a mixture of gases, principally nitrogen (78%) and. oxygen (21%). Water. is resent in the atmosphere, in either vapour,. liquid or solid. ‘form. Par Particles of dust, smoke and other impurities are also held in suspension in the air. O The atmosphere may be conveniently sub—divided into the layers shown. It is the troposphere which is of special i interest, since it & contains the vast majority of weather. SAHIL KHURANA, SEC ~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866200 Lobo DE Ay 4 b b 4 1 ' 4 L 4 l - "hse K © stratosphere, Ps ya —— ‘ E ee ae Le a > ' Sue > AC “Thermosphere LZ te 3g PRN craps (aati > \ oe = _That layer of the earth's atmosphere where temperature decreases = with cn increase in height. This is called Lapse rate. Sol = + a oy Conse of of the total atmosphere ia weigh. Tf “c CHa “) ~= > SAHILKHURANA 2 en Ce oe be Jeb” 09871866290 = gene i 38 L = aie O Contains almost all the weather: O It extends up to 8 Kms at Polés and 16 Kms at Equator. \2Km oven Tits THE TROPOPAUSE .X \ of bh Lavette O Marks the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere (/ and is where temperature ceases to fall with an increase in height or. less than 2 deg/1000° © Q itis not uniform in height - it varies wit latitude ( Polar low height) ae _/ AB Season of the year. (Winter lower) ue iene prevailing on the day. _ 3 Aftime of day. Average Height of Tropopause is 36000" ( Td Afeight of Tropapause is lower in poles’ (8. 2) because equatorial tropopause height is nearly twice the height of Polar Tropopause_ 5 a0 Temperature at the Tropopause ver the equator is less than the Poles Ma Near the equate? the height of the tropopause is about 76 Kms. AA (RRERERBBIES tne height of the tropopause is aRamEeNG ao Res THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TROPOPAUSE HEIGHT The significance of the tropopause height is that it usually marks;- «G@jthe maximum height of the coud. PLELELDLLLELELELLELELELLELIE SI Sone presence of Jetstream. x dite presence of Clear Air Turbulence (CAT): othe ‘maximum wind speed. ib ‘SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC.-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 STRATOSPHERE O The Stratosphere extends from Tropopause up to 50 Km. O The Temperature remains steady up to 20 km and there after increases with height. OF The upper boundary of the Stratosphere is called Stratopause where the temp is of the order of 0° C. C There is a concentratic of Ozone at about 25 km and above which absorbs ultraviolet radiation of sun and causes the increase of temperature in this layer. Q Stratosphere is a stable region with, Lyery low humidity and no. weather occurs. O However, very rare type of cloud is found called “Necreous”(Mother of Pearls) occurs between 20 to 30 km in'Winter. SOLAR RADIATION BREAKS THE 02 MOLECULE The pressure of Atmosphere is the force exerted on the ‘surface of unit area by the air. * When the air is at rest the pressure exerted is called static pressure or simply Barometric pressure. ‘ ~ When the Giris in motion, the pressure exerted is called Dynamic, Pressure > ‘i Meteorology , we are only concerned with the Static Piéssuie » The Airis held toearth by gravitational attraction _ > Pressure decreases with height The Pressure is measure with the help of. Aneroid Barémeter or Mercuric Barometer. Unit of pressure is Hpa or inches PRESSURE CHANGES WITH HEIGHT. » (1 Hpa moreis more at height than at mean sea level AEMSL _ 27 jeet ‘At 20000 feet 50 feet At 40060. )feet 100 feet + Bressure maximum at 1000 and 2200 hours and minimum at 0400 and « 1600 hours at local time SAHIL KHURANA SEC— 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866260 ; oy (Weta ej tx WAR an ghd Den Sn Pon ae sop QPL Fm Megh =. coum pda pirface TA At td adn “eu BA | No Rmue = x ; Vw me ane 7 t Bae | jo epson Eo 30100? yiteaee ‘ (« : flan BY “Higbee 1 te 200K PX | poor Jt | stan Bopp | 20ef L 7 Lserhhey oes / Ss ee Lae oN < i> ee eyooo pt su oeee ft a0ehrs rece = ¥ § Gin | coreg) a \ c eee sfee | ees = 46 Supe Sfmt eee sea ai ‘ et ! tiga ston tr colduai Maen warm ots. 1 1 v 1 1 1 $ ; ° ae 1 pee atoK™ ed ia ahs 1 rl Sun = look ps y 1 Ye 3M y 1 t 1 t 1 i i PUUOLEbEEbGDILLELEELELELLELbebbetitildly U 8 — Sa | Pressure (Pa) | Approximate Height @®_ || | @a 850 | §.000:amsi a | pam 700 10.000 amsi i #500 7 18000 emsi—=—| | AD 24 000 ems! j | eae 30.000 amsi | quae 40 000 ame! , | “100 53.000 amsi < | L ae 68000 amsis | Height MSL I 2000 # ams! | 20 000 ams! 40 000 ems! a” TEMPERATURE EFFECT ON PRESSURE “Pressure Falls more réipidly itz cold air as cold air Is heavier "Pressure falls slowly and gradually in warm air. * Over the same Height, In cold air it will be less compared to over warm air QFE= Actual aerodrome press [QNH = Station level pressure reduced to mean Sea level pressure assuming ISA conditions * QNE- 1013.2 Hpa or 29.92 inches. FE = Station level pressure reduced to mean sea level under existin conditions: ‘Not set on Sub Scale. Only used in Met. SAHIL KHURANA StC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 Peper oP PEF PPPPPRAPPPPPPPPPLKpPpLlplfsDAH l 3 SSP SeRS cole a | SSSetting on’ Altimeterreading at valtimeter when Fiying Altimeter Aerodrome) | Zero. | Height above Aerodrome Qui Elevation Altitude QNE Pressure Altitude Pressure Altitude or Flight \/| a r esse pdiliahe Ww devel > HEIGHT— Vertical Distance from ground. > ALTITUDE = Vertical distance from mean sea level (MSL) > ELEVATION — Vertical distance of a fixed polit dbove mean seq level » PRESSURE ALTITUDE — When 1013.2 Hpa Gr 29.92 “set on subscale the altimeter reads PA > FLIGHT LEVEL = When 1013.2 Hpa or 29.92 “set on subscale: Pressure Altitude 8000 feet, Flight Level Would be FL 80 ANTICYCLONES. (4 igle), * This is a region of relutively high pressure, appearing as roughly The highest pressure is in the centre. It is also referred to as a high, 2 s x Bobars are generally more widely spaced than in a depression. Air will flow out of the centre of the high pressure toward areas of lower pressure. This is called divergence. ; Toteplace the diverging air, ait descends. This is called subsidence.” This results in a relatively low pressure at height. LUE DLELEEELLLELELELLELELELLEIE GI SAHIL KHURANA SEC ~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09371866290 * * £F Fe * RP HE HP FS PF LP Sue LELEELEELELELELELELEEELLULLE > bb byt r: » 10 v-© “Air citcillates clockwise around a high in the Northem Hemisphere ond counter clockwise around a high in the Southern Hemisphere, as well as flowing out of the high. RIDGES - Ridges are an extension from a high pressure system. They are more rounded thon troughs; more like a U shape. “An Elongated HIGH” Pe berressions (Low) > Adepression is a region of low pressure: also be 4 low ora cyclone. : » The low pressure in the centre causes air to flow into the iow. This is _ called convergence. . ' > \The surface wind blows counter cldckWise around a low in thé Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere TROUGHS-A trough is the extension of isobars.out from a depression in the shape of @ V, or in simple language “ An.Extended low” COL - Area sandwiched between 2 low and 2 high pressure areasArea of almost uniform pressure A col is a region of very little pressure variation between two highs and two lows 7 WEATHER AT LOW )\BLII Cover from near the surface to the tropopause: iabon | (Generally continuous fight! or moderate. Heaw~ showers ang thunderstorms possible beca [YSibiity) “Good oul of precipitation but poor in precipitation (Temperatare’ (Mild. dy on the pressure ghadient of ie Tsobars but nornally SAHIL KHURANA SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 ye nrernrnnAAADAhnHAKrNSPRPDSLSLL LASS PED bb bbb bbbbbbOETLELEL EE Lb bb bobiit li by u ZWEATHER AT TROUGH Gloss | Fortrontal rousiis, the dowd pes depend aa tha tyee of fonts wit (os For non-ftontal troughs. CB and CU can be expected ‘Precipitation, || Showers ns. Hail wih et a ster Light to moder || Good sxceptin precipitation. | Miedeiate with possbiltvcfatsisaadsaual= “i WEATHER AT HIGH Cloud None!becalise of the warming effect of subsidelicay | Precipitation | None: aa a Misty) | insure ay Sonetors can comune, acy cording Chasen (sTeinpetatire}| Deoendsion te type: Hotin'slimmér, God inwinter, Mies [Ete (oneto neds spaced Lobode 9 & FLYING FROM HIGH PRESSURE TO LOW PRESS\ URE, THE ALTIMETER QVERREADS. HIGH LOW HIGH (Dangerous -#© FLYING FROM LOW PRESSURE TO HIGH PRESSURE, THE ALTIMETER UNDERREADS. LOW HiGH LOW. J “ISOBARS = res Joining places of equal pressure «/SALLOBARS —Lines joining places of equel pressure change, o/ PREESURE GRADIENT ~ Rote of fall of pressure horizontally. Usually expressed qesighange of pressure per 100 nms ~ "PRESSURE TENDENCY ~ + Tendency of pressure to change. Found out by comparing present pressure with pressure taken 3 hour earlier. SAHIL KHURANA SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 ee eae ae a a eo ee Se eS Oe eae OO eee \ © 2 * In India calculated from 24 hours. Low Area of low pressure enclosed between ISOBARS with low. pressure inside * Associated with bad weather Winds back TUDO bbDbbbSSLLELLEELLLELLELELELILI OL SAHIL KHURANA ‘SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 e cace 8 “Suh Race uv v ie ssa ler Rodihion veil ~- wages stes pesben Radiation covwits 4” Gif UESUAL RMD: a UV genibebo: ~ Relig prose eo « 2D Grew hed BO% obese. He pyiurmehNorratipn of Tene: REE MOL on tad. perso bteanr+> es, cbt clang wlor . eet wads’ DLL ) TEMPERATURE a Temperature is the degree of Hotness /coldness of a body. vl ) et There ore three scales which may be used to measure temperature O caf The PAHRENHEI scale: #32 to 4212 degrees. fa =32 21.8 nae Ly L-®) The Celsius ( or Centigrade} i 0 to + 100 degrees. The KELVIN (or Absolute) scale: = Obl Vee S aR + Upper ait temperatures are taken using @ RADIOSONDE CHEATING OF THE ATMOSPHERE F-32 Cc 273 to +373 degrees. Solar Radiation - Radiation from the sun is.of Short wave-length (A) and passes through the atmosphere almost without heating it at all. The process whereby the surface is heated by solar radiation is called : INSOLATION. (INCOMING SOLAR RADIATION) ATION OUR ENVIOURMENT 15 HEATED IN. SS iclying in contact with the earths surface by day will be heated Conduction 2 “hy conduction, At night air in contact with the earths surface will be cooled by conduction. Because of the air's poor conductivity, the air at a higher level will remain at she same temperature as during the day and result. inversion will aes ee es ee ne A.) “Cofivection = Air heated by conduction will be less dense and will therefore This will produce up currents called thermals or convection currents. ill take the warm air to the upper levels, thus helping to heat the ‘ati here. “ppereemese" ee heat) (Condensation - As the air is lifted it will cool by condense out as visible droplets for! ° SAHILKHURANA SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 1 9971866260 “eft BA A, pe LLELEELELEL y PLLLEEEEODEbEbEBEDELELEEELELLTLL 14 this occ occurs latent heat will be released. 1 by the water vapour and this will. heat the atn atmosphere The sun is at its highest elevation at noon, but. ‘for two to three hours after this time, the earth is receiving more solar radiation than it is giving up os terrestrial radiation. AS aresult temperature is highest at about 14:00 As. aresult temperature neshiCHabouia-00 il) From 14 :00 onwards, the temperature falls continuously until a littl tom 200 onwards, the temperature falls con sunrise. The lowest temperature occurs at about 0500 but. for DGCA10 Min ms St Gfter Sunrise: Ban i; The Stevenson Screen The thermograph is housed in Stevenson screen for ~ SH#xr no. rrect temp. measurement (4 Feet / (gee) Chet ES chen aide ant 9? isoTHERM tt ; if temperature i tant with heigh*it is called an isothermal laye: Se PERFORMANCE Temperature affects the performance of the aircraft. Its is affected by the density of the air. Higher the temp. lower the density, adverse effect on engine performance higher temperature means longer runway required for takeoff SAHIL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866200 Moist WIR ARARAAnKAANRAANnNHHAAAD HAHA AAT» PELELELEDEEEEBGELELLELELIELEELELLELEL AIR DENSITY Alas of the oir contained in a-unit volume Gm/M3 4 Moist cir has lower density than dry air, pressure and temperatur being constant pemaiconstay -O Warmer theairlower th: it 0 Higher the altitude, lower the density % +C Lower the pressure, lower the density 0 Rensityis almost halfat 6 km (20000. feet) of the surface value Rensibiisioinos tial fiaveKan 20000 ter) c=] Density at sea level is is lower near equator and grectest at poles. 505 ‘surface density increases with increase in latitude. Increases with increase in latitude. em FEREECTS OF DENSITY ON PERFORMANCE OF AiRCRAFT IN LOWER DENSITY © Slower rate of climb 22 Landing and takeoff runs are longer 7 Low density means higher density altitude O-” Density altitude = Pressure altitude if density of a place same ISA The amount of water vapour in air will also effect density. The more water vapour in the air lower the density of the air (The reason increasing humidity decreases air density is that the density of water vapour is about 5/8 that of dry air) ‘ASURFACE : The density at poles is higher since the temperature is lower. AtHEIGHT : The density at equator is higher since the temperature is low, SAHIL KHURANA ‘SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 15 ' ) Ppa Pk jk gAS | 5. LATE NT - |tLjp—> ME RT o ~ ““SRELFA SO a SES. Cu H.8 FAL as = nennpnprpPprppPpTr 16 HUMIDITY LATENT HEAT The latent heat of a substance is the heat absorbed or released without change of temperature when the substance changes state. + When ice changes to water, or water changes to water vapour, latent heat is absorbed. ‘When water vapour changes to water, or water changes to. icéJatent heat is released. ‘ EVAPORATION -is the change of state from liquid to vapour. » CONDENSATION - is the change of state from vapour to liquid. Condensation causes cloud and fog to form. Condensation will reijuire minute impurities or particles called condensation nuclei; without these nuclei, the vapour would ‘become supersaturated which is 100% Hurhidity but still in gas form: SUBLIMATION Sublimation is the change of state directly from water vapour to ice without water droplets being formed: Latent heat is released. This process is also ‘known as deposition. Sigel: tH sonprast The change of state from ice directly to water vapour is also called sublimation SATURATION. OAs water evaporates into the air, there comes a point in which the air «can no longer accept any more water vapour. ¥ « °O The amount of vapour that air can hold is dependent on its temperature and pressure. Q The higher the temperature, the more water vapour the air can hold. Dl When the oir contains the maximum amount of water vapour it can hold, it is described as being saturated. LLLELELEEEEELELELLELELLELELIITITL SAHIL KHURANA ‘SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 Yemen y gO Veps> “= yoo = RH CR hE Hebi —~ WRR KR AKA wa POR ROG GT HoH aa wv SUPER-SATURATION ‘As mentioned earlier, condensation only occurs if there are condensation nuclei present: if no nuclei are present, then the water remains as vapour and the air is described as super-saturated. This means there can conceivably be a relative humidity greater than 1007. HUMIDITY MEASUREMENT MEASURED IN TERMS OF : RELATIVE HUMIDITY, ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY © * RELATIVE HUMIDITY - Ratio between the amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere ond the amount of water vapours that it cai hold at the ‘same temperature ‘Absolute Humidity is the weight of water vapour in unit volume of air. Absolute Humidity is usually expressed in grams/m3. WET BULB TEMPERATURE The lowest temperature to which airmay be cooled by the evaporation of water is known as the wet bulb temperature. een. AYGROMETER OR PSYCHROMETER ( ® e+**4 fe ) Humidity is measured in terms of Temperatures DRY BULB AND WET BULB. U0 Ifairis dry, water will evaporate from the muslin covering the wet bulb ond latent heat will lower the temperature. O [fair is Saturated, no evaporation will occur and thermometers will jread the same. The difference between Dry Bulb and Wet Bulb Temperatures is a measure of Hurhidity content of the Atmosphere. If the difference is large, the ‘aémosphere is DRY and vice versa __. | Meaning with no difference in the temperatures Air is said to be fully Saturated. heb ee Lube bbb bd hhh Lue SAHIL KHURANA SEC — 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 PULLLELLELEEELEELELELLELELLELLELELILGLSEI 18 DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE Dewpoint is the temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure for saturation to occur. Q The Dewpoint will only change if the amount ‘of water vapour in the air changes. O When Dry Bulb Temperature = Dewpoint then Relative Humidit 100% and a little further cooling and some air movement will produce cloud or fog. Q Do not confuse the Dewpoint with Wet Bulb Temperatures. Q The Dewpoint has a small lapse rate of about aso oe wo NOT IN COURSE Example: Dry Bulb Temperature 20°C Wet Bulb Temperature 15°C Wet Bulb Depression = Dry Bulb Temperature - Wet Bulb Temperature = 5°C Dewpoint Temperature = Wet Bulb. Temperature - Depression = 15° - 5°= 10°C Humidity Mixing Ratio (HMR) is the weight of water vapour contained in unit ‘mass of the air. The Humidity Mixing Ratio is usually expressed in grams/kg. HMR in temperate latitudes usually between 5 & 50 grams/kg. SAHILKHURANA ‘SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866250 asth Le ALRK DALE bee. oy rable 2h Ualid head t. nergocos eae cx Cled * sack = DAK Siena bist abrandy grryin So Te cap eyes . < < PEDELELLOLELEBLLELEEEELELLEGLEEELILIG g SOY: ih : Seats Ce boooegt / 40°C )CcE ded) WABATICS ARID STAB, (Basch Pvcnsfe ES AND STABLY ass Atle 07 aod othe Since , Air is not a very good conductor, so there is very little exchange of heat with the surrounding environment. As a bubble of air rises, the pressure in the surrounding atmosphere goes down and the bubble expands. This leads to the temperature within the bubble decreasing. This is called ADIABATIC COOLING. S fa bubble of air descends, it compresses and the temperature increases. This is called ADIABATIC WARMING. THE RATE AT WHICH AIR COOLS OR WARMS DUE TO RISING OR SINKING IS CALLED ADIABATIC LAPSE RATE. . THE DRY ADIABATIC LAPSE RATE ye Toss When dry air (unsaturated air) is forced to rise)it cools at what is call ‘the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR). This has been found to be 3°C/1000 ft. (1°C/100 M). This is the same tegardless of how close to saturation the air At the marked line the air becomés-saturated and condenses to form a cloud Thus latent heat will be released: due to which the lapse rate of cooling reduces to 1.8 °C and calléd SATURATED LAPSE RATE SATUARTED ADIABATIC LAPSE RATE Q Once the air reaches saturation, water va| pour starts to condense if the air is cooled any further. © This process of condensation releases latent heat, as discussed in earlier chapters. =U This means that the temperature does not decrease as muchas if it were dry, due to this extra heat being added into the system. The rate is referred to as the Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR). O Lapse Rate of 1.8°C/1000 ft: or.6 °C / 100M f “CS tow 0.6 Cfroomr Set [BC /t0°° J 09871866290 *AReowvTe STARILITY a conmulh ==> [pare 9 SALE VELA At DALR. SALE “i 105 C vee @) soot 100 edt : 2 Se 0 Wy Deg Solan obid Bin Bia: Pel Pet PP PLLELPPPLPLLLSL SLL LAL A A A a, 2 s/t | ie | dae | PUUEUEb bb bbbbbbE Ebb bEbELELEbEbLOEEEIEL EY 20 STABILITY OF THE AIR A nit that is warmer than its surrounding environments less dense and rises. This is called instability. 7+ .* Bir thatis colder than its surrounding environment is more dense and sinks. This is called stability: J * Airthat is the same temperature as its surrounding environment neither rises nor sinks. It is neutral. PX + The stability of the atmosphere depends on the relationship Between the ELR and the DALR and SALR. THE ENVIRONMENTAL LAPSE RATE QCA Thiss the lapse rate of the airin the environment, that is, in/actualthe air surrounding the adiabatic system, not within the system itself. ACU The ELRis variable. The average ELRls 1.98°C /1000 (xs) The surface temperature is 15°C. The dry air cools at 3°C, faster than the surrounding environment is lapsing. This means that at each level the dry bubble of air is colder than the surrounding environment, and therefore more dense, so it wants to sink. The saturated air cools at 1.5°C , again faster than the lapse rate of the environment. Sot each level, the saturated bubble is colder and it too wants to sink. This situation is known as absolute stability since, regardless of whether the Saturated or not, the air is STABLE. Q The unsaturated air cools at 3°C/1000 ft and at each level is warmer than the surrounding environment. Thus, it's less dense and, therefore, tends to keep rising . C1 The saturated air cools at 1.5 ° C/1 000 ft. At each level it is warmer than the surrounding environment, hence less dense. It too tends to keep rising. SAHIL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 03871256290 1 fasowre Inseery’ ¥ Foun => ELR VNALR PSALR \ Pe DALE SALE. ELL 5 frocap. Boer} Cc oo ex * pocast CO In'e @ He lo"e jooe gt fn e Peete ew w EF FP FY PF TAT gf a me ° 22 Day Satenalzd ‘. iA PALK 7ELR> SALA ELL UC/p oof pal — SALe rw We eee 15-5 wf O C ae PES: 5 cee] O ge yoo ya ose 13'¢ ei t 20¢ of 2 72S — Loc == pro Std = _2Ee i pa PR PELELELEbDOEELELOELEEELELELELLELEELI ILI 2 U We call this situation ABSOLUTE INSTABILITY. pce C2 The environmental temperature is lapsing at 2°C/1000 ft. The unsaturated air is cooling at 3°C/1 000 ft. and at each level it is cooler than the surrounding environment, so it wants to sink. Q The saturated air, however, is cooling at 1.5°C/1000 ft, so at each level it is warmer than the surrounding environment and it tends to rise. Q This situation is called CONDITIONAL INSTABILITY. The air is stable when unsaturated, but unstable when saturated. ELR > DALR w= ELR DALR > SAIR’ U7 Conditional Instability DALR > ELR > SALR ACSTABLE a THE ELR CONTROLS STABILITY. (A Ifthe ELR ig less than 1.8°C / 1000ft, the air is stable - mecca, G1 Stable weather Bad visibility | (v2 wll sink Jeon) 2 Light turbulence (A stratiformcioud (eeyer p4e-de) 41 Intermittent to continuous precipitation * K UNSTABLE LG if the ELR is greater than 3°C//7000 f&, the air is unstable - absolute instability. v-® Unstable weather Godd visibility _7® Moderate turbulence _® Cumuliformctoud 0 LoAge Verticad eee) 1% Showery precipitation ae Vantpig a Ifthe ELR Is between. unstable saturated - conditional instability. .s— ELR= DALQ ok Seal) gusts Y delle for Day HE. air is stable if dry and, SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 yang Cdierile on Adifobe. (Pe bord eiliz on reageensh Tee Reed onset te ~ebatey (Betoed ed big Pon ky suponten Abosns 20000 Je Aalad D bn dad emoud iy wert Chin Yetta oka. : = Ted faint par bekd cok > Fence la) Lepar pote. oath Day Absobette @csod Boot amt Laan ashen dur en ppp pS Pip, PE LUELELEObDEbLEELLELELEbELELLEEEGEELELLNS Clouds are signposts in the sky which indicate to the pilot about possible weather problems, such as: UO Turbulence. Fumbutence. LG Poor Visibility. Poor visibility. 00 Precipitation. tA. Icing, x& CLOUD AMOUNT Cloud amounts are reported in OKTAS (1/8ths). It is ass: the sky is _ divided into 8 equal parts. ‘ondenses out as water droplets. The height at which this occurs is called the condensation j CLOUDS ARE SEEN AT THE POINT WHERE THE DEW POINT MEETS THE DALR. $¢ CLoun CLASSIFICATION — Clouds are classified in three basic forms: WA Stratiform A level sheet of horizontal development, layered and if of Stratocumulus, with some discernable shape. ) Gautam vera | development cloud, rounded an ” ua Cirriform Fibrous, feathery cloud - high level. heaped. SAHIL KHURANA, SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 08871866290 pgp’ Cth lett ee cS, Gils is a6 ae (a5 000d -—" rere © “(ime “. fh f) t) fh ip ppeo y= Ee BE ei FAS AC, Ace, “BEE ‘ Gras: B-1502°9"| i pomp Phan FY | Lo) ysl ae ef hs ae hed age ZZ LARP Fe AR OSNO (77 2 EN eet < LENTICOnp anes Lovdiwten Cord nny i © ¥ ‘Stratus (ST/is a layer cloud with large horizontal extent but little stratus (ST) is a layer cloud with large hor vertical development. It generally has a very low cloud base (below 1000 ft.) and covers the whole sky. The typical depth is 1000 - 1500 ft. © ‘A stratocumulus (SC) cloud is a Stratiform cloud caused. by turbulence. It can he found between heights 1000 ft. and d 6500 ft. | is f turbulence, you might expect light to moderate turbulence when. flying in inor below the cloud. Conditions are calm above the cloud — arora) > valtostratizg Contains water: droplets and ice crystals, therefore, it can cause light to moderate icing. Light to moderate turbulence can also be expected. LLELLELISGI y @ I @ Altocumulus lenticularis is o lenticular cloud, which means it is len: ul stom appearance. It is eet 5a formed orographically in association with mountain waves. |Turbesamet KR © Altocumutus castellanus gets its name for the cloud’s appearance, which is r to castleturrets extending from the top. it develops from altocumulus when there is‘mid-level instability \ TeXilan ALTOQUMULUS G50 TOZBONFT | WateDropetsard | incon ct tardy AMounan) Wares. Heyindicae | “aco tENTICLLARIS Gs) | eta | Severe Turbulence gv McreousciouD | 7eowwTotameT | Pacey ime | Otters ounas Mba Peat Cu f | | Cystlsand ud | Cocsionlysonin High ates in We urd | | a vocruoar cc | Tekin Pool ints ke | Wosly oer betwee 0°8 68° Laie rng | agave 20000) Ontls | Sunor ions wthche Sin voeen 10" boa he | | | botzen.Leoks Rati Like Ci oud | t i I AlResosphere Cous | laren | wn "400 Bot - eesti aronddvormtant | > pe ig 1 4 j CLOUD FORMATION Cloud is foritied by air being lifted and cooled adiabatically until the water vapour condenses out as water droplets. The height at which this occurs Is called the condensation level. It is also the height of the cloud base. «Tlie means whereby the initial lifting of the air occurs are as follows : < (DU Slow, widespread ascent (frontal uplift). SAD 4 Orographie upli (© O Convection currents. (2 Convergence = ELEEDEbLbEbLIEEEELELELTIELEbb birt SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866250 Chard. # Sibhe ain = S765 4 atl ae Chord Race * Go A809 on ~shbatar alche =D ALP Fecha Wied (Warn dry wid) > Rocky h suSatna — birrgek Winds. + Orstbly Ma, — CR. de High led bare pr Lienszard Ato ets _ of See get alae aa 9%

4 MAINLY WARM FRONTS, OCCASIONALLY COLD FRONTS / Nimbosteatus obit — Oregephic ind was numed for a warm dry wind that occurs in the Alps. There are several! other winds in other parts of the world which are caused by the sume effect, such as the Chinook winds, which flows down the east side of The Foehn Wind occurs when air is forced to rise up a mountain side In stable "onditions. it cools in iy at the DALR until it reaches saturation. At this : es SHRUFOHOD “point, /doud s ‘starts to form and the air continues to rise, but now cools at the SALR. n= eae Once it reaches the top of the mountain it starts to flow down the other side. Initially it warms at the SALR but quickly becomes unsaturated as much of its moisture has already been lost. It then warms at the DALR. SAHIL KHURANA SEC~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 Liu PELELLELOLELELLELLELELELL Ebb bilbil 28 Since the cloud base is higher on the lee side, the air at the base on that side will be warmer than on the windward side. The difference can be as much as 10°C (20°C with the Chinook). As it passes over the crest of the ridge, the lifting force no longer is present so the air flows down the other side. It initially warms at the SALR. Since much of its moisture has condensed out as cloud, it becomes unsaturated again at” @ lower temperature than the original Dewpoint. VY CLOUDS FORMED F a The following clouds can be formed orographically: IN UNSTABLE CONDITIONS 0 cumulus “4 _¥ Cumulonimbus IN STABLE CONDITIONS _ “A Sieces tA Sirdtonmiies wa Altocumutus A Altocumulus lenticularis C cep chondA +-Ounlal, utr \ CLOUD TYPES The cloud types that form are oa that are associated with instability. These are cumulus, cumulonimbus, and towering cumulus. me mOolmbus, and towering cumulus: ‘The following types of clouds are formed convectively: WSL Comutus wt eZ reivenng cumulus _lametoninntes SANIL KHURANA ‘SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871856280 ot +10 he +14 +12 a o col: —— Nel SIeN Ki +12 I Et) ‘ tHe gp - Ce ett “ re tN +20 © Tibudne late dren peysote ths Lie tiag ee gy Hirhlenrs Caeda amt -Sc,Aoce. AAARAARDDNANDDPDADAAANMNM | bere Pp pension hoytar. —— iB : tiie 7 : A, Conde tae oe ed Z m“ dale. ev c iO J a ee c i S : 1571 Aon +7 =e THIS IS WHY LOW PRESSURE SIGNIFIES A BAD WEATHER CONDITION k& Convection - Air heated by conduction will be less dense and will | therefore rise. This will produce up currents called thermals or convection currents. These will take the the upper Tevels, thus helping to ing to heat the upper atmosphere. Cane p Turbulence clouds can form whenever there is a stable layer. Such a stable. _/ ayer may occur if there is an inversion or isothermal layer above it, preventing lifting. ae Ee CLOUD TYPES vw The following cloud types are formed by turbulence: A Stratus r: Stratocumulus 7, Altocumulus. ¥ Grrocumulus_ REMEMBER : ISOTHERMAL & INVERSION are STABLE ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS SAHIL KHURANA, SEC ~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871865290 # Aah wees A et a Gh Sots agin @ Hh gree towel O's sop $ —escdtin Vapornte form aed veg taln Hee os yet Be THAGER a Fella entt lye ae eR Won woN ee RA BB HAR BAH TR ALAA PELLELELELELEELELELEGELEEEE LEE LLG! 3 suunpersrorms (4 -6 ments) 2 TRIGGER ACTIONS. TRC ER ACTIONS There are four different possible trigger actions: . Convection A orographic ualift. convergence, > 1 A Econtalliting (generally in association with cold fronts and eeclusions) © Convection is the most Likely trigger action. Since surface heating is greater in the summer, statistically these thunderstorms are more likely in the summer. They are also more likely during the day and over land and tend to be isolated a c= —— OROGRAPHIC UPLIFT With orographic uplift, thunderstorms can occur at any time of the day or if the uplift is over a range of hills they may night ‘occur in a line form @ These are association with low pressures or non-frontal troughs. Time of day ond year depends on the type oflow C cgwise~y-Pt~ »marure stace et The mature stage is characterised by the onset of precipitation. This precipitation is produced hy the combination of ice crystals and water ‘SAHIL KHURANA, SEC ~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 32 # 22 droplets. The precipitation causes downdraughts of approximately 2000 - 3000 fpm. 8 The up-draughts are still still present, increasing to as much as 10,000 fpm v2 This mixture of up-draughts and downdraughts causes strong - turbulence within and below the cloud. lightning, are are discussed later. LA The moture stoge asts epproximately 2 ~ ® DISSIPATING STAGE LELELLLELELLL This stage commences when the local supply of moisture is no longer sufficient to support t the storm. a a ~The stage is characterised by the appear ‘on anvil: This occurs when the cloud top reaches t the tropopause and is spread 0 out by the d upper winds 0 form a flattopped anvil shope. LbELGLLLS dein cocgrs remove the moisture from the cloud. The precipitation diminishes and the downéraughis are too strong to support roll clouds. ,, usually of posi at the bottom. charge ot the top of the cloud and The build-ups eventually lead to lightning discharge and the heat of this lightning is so much it causes the air to expand explosively b because of which we hear a clap of thunder. an SX wuioh rtning 7 tion Lightning is most likely to occur within 5,000 ft. of the freezing level. ae v ant legen He Temperature between 20° and -10°. Cee ot Shane x « SAHIL KHURANA SEC ~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 Pr Poh be pPpnapDPApPpPNNNAaA Rnnnyn nh n sk wR wh So PELELEEELELELLELELELEG EEE EEE ILE 33, nt can cause a pilot to be temporarily blinded. oT Compasses can become totally unreliable. Some damage caused airframe. ® TURBULENCE Turbulence can be violent both within cloud and at their sides. Below the doud, turbulence can be dangerous during take-off and landing and there. can be wind shear. It is possible for a pilot to overstress the airfromé in these conditions. AC GUST FRONT could be up to a height of 6000 ft. and 20 to 30 Km ahead of cloud. dX microsursts ( Le+8tiwn bb ee Microbursts are strong downdraughts of of air that at descend from 1 the centre of CB clouds with speeds up to 60 kt down to levels as low as 300 ft. They are typically less than 5 kin across and last from 1 to 5 ‘minutes. oO They are concentrated in a burst which is up to 3nm (5km) in horizontal length and have a lifetime of about 5 minutes. 7 (AMAGROBURST sa similr event but over a bigger area.) (rx ett, been j Ot Gain _7 A warning sign is VIRGA, which is streaks of precipitation from below . (Recqust tog ng eof) This-can occur at all heights in the cloud where the temperature is between Cant and -45°C. Heavy concentrations of droplets and {large droplet size result in-severe clear Icing. Carburettor icing can occur at temperatures between -10° Cand +30°C and it can be particularly severe between -2°C and + 15°C. Hail can be encountered in the cloud, below the cloud, and beneath the anvil IL SAHIL KHURANA SEC -7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871856290 % Le ‘un ths a v. voolt CR Mm Drbha ‘wm a) Nowe manda lnpi ey ce “in ofirerban OF cLalta regen MLE and Sa bot ~8eelhn period - a eT a ets NW Drvten Jikee i Dntacher 33 Jin Dy Gomer of busteloun ,_nanrTreDRPPnnanphnpnpf ARDLHAN ADM Ma ae cabled HEH IS. ep ate Ses cst) a Rome snot (ket PLLLLELEELELELLEELLGLEEEELEEELEELELIE KK BD ep i ‘ The stronger the lifting and the greater the moisture content, the g chance of hail. Hail can be up to 14 am in diameter and can be encountered up to 45000 ft. producing severe skin damage with even a short exposure, MOVEMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS _ Thunderstorms usually move in the direction of the 10,000 ft (700 mb) wind, though large storms and for a supercell by winds at 500 TORNADOS Q These are usually associated with severe thunderstorms anéTropical Revolving Storms (TRS), particularly in the mid-west of the United States of America. Q They take the form of a violent whirlwing:extending up from the ground into the base of the Cumulonitribus cloud. U The speed of the air in the vortex has been known to exceed 200 knots. U The width of the vortex is typically less than 300 metres horizontally SUPERCELL THUND! RMS Great depth of instability with sufficient moisture (D Vertical windshesr Q jayer at low clouds (4=jux 4% Pitlem) PRECIPITATION Astable There are two theories concerning the formation of precipitation BERGERON THEORY (THE ICE CRYSTAL EFFECT) > Where sub-zero conditions occur, both ice crystals and water droplets may be present. SAHIL KHURANA SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 Lb bb bb GUCCI ORR ene v oe » PLELEELE > Water vapour may sublimate onto the ice crystals. Collision with supercooled droplets ollows the crystal to grow in size. > Once the crystal reaches a sufficient size, it folls as precipitation. The type of precipitation depends on the temperature of the air through which it falls. & If sufficiently warm, the crystal melts and falls as a rain droplet. if not, it might fall as snow. COALESCENCE THEORY (CAPTURE EFFECT) Inthe cloud there are water droplets of varying sizes. The larger,heavier droplets fall faster and collide with smaller droplets on their way down. When the droplets become sufficiently heavy, they fall as precipitation. SAHIL KHURANA ‘SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 ‘FeonT — J a fej : pee i Cth Gteods). ae Ise ate he eteectoy = | on pps save FallCLov? ) Stats | Riae CH igh) ; - Win DS BF aan Vertabte Verran : Cloves TINGMSIES ED | (F049) Soltimd Sec (pee cre TATION Heosty Rein Rabu Canser | | No halt P ame mens Nee | et Ng BL Pee raaim) 7 _ CF 04) ; ini ¢ | Cc c a 3 A frontis the boundary between two air properties. Usually the comparison is made between the relative temperatures of the air masses. There are two main types of front: the warm front and the cold front. masses, generally in motion, with different A amass eo _Anair mass is 2 large section or troposphere moisture in horizontal i uniform properties of temperature and _ HEEbEEEEbEbbELE LS a oh XK WARM FRONT by wv = Warmair overtaking cold air _ ay » U7 Warsi ing lighter ides per Wi st mare 1 Stratiform of clouds 2% Shown on chart as ed line or as f a GELGLELELGLEGL SAHILKHURANA, SEC ~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 bb pRessore persicae Win BS CLoews peEaA TATION OO paige alt WSRILITY pretst Ve EN NINN 4 anf Dw hoo ort a ot Hi nnan nnonnn fn nnnann alt ied S PERS a re ’ PEE G EEE ECCGLEEELEEEELE LLU 7 < cow rront A cold ar isovertaking assarm ai, 7 sata wy ae wee uv Cold mass being heavier, cold from undercuts warm sir 20 K iss - a oh te, 4 RAPID MOVEMENT 30KNOTS __ SLOW 15 KNOTS AVERAGE _ Cold a” PUSHES UNDER THE WARIM AIR was CP DES OVER COLD AIR wats) STEEP FRONTAL SLOPE Cua SHALLOW FRONTAL SLOPE Giese) @ ( 50) THUNDERSTROM & SHOWERS DRIZZLE AND STEADY ppt — —— . CUMULIFORM CLOUDS STRATIFORM CLOUDS % BMSOn ae TURBULENT. SMOOTH Poss seus GREs fos ) eile dbase | AEG as | SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 08871866290 PEVb bbb bb boeboebb bbb bbhobbe bob beboutri rides 38 OCCULUDED FRONT Acald front moves at twice the speed of a warm front Occluded front formed when a cold front catches up with warm front coup occuysion fe very cold air in the rear is replacing less cold air ahead + Common in summers WARM OCCLUSION

‘ , * Ifless cold air in the rear is replacing colder air ahead am % + Inwinters and in less common > * IN BOTH COLD AND WaRM OCCLUSION INTENSE WEATHER TYPES OF AIRMASSES SYMBOL PLACE OF ORIGIN. PROPPERTIES A Polar regions, Extreme low temp, Low humidity in ~ but humidity increases in summers Polar Continental Pe Aub-Polar Low temperatures which increase with Continental area movernent towards lower latitude, Low humidity Polar maritime Pm, Sub-polar and Arct’ Low temperature which increase. with a Oceanic areas movement towards lower latitude , High humidity Tropical Continental Te Subtropical High High temperatures, Low ‘humidity — pressure land area ‘Tropical Maritime Tm Southern border of Moderately high temperature, high * oceanic sub tropice humidity » highs Equatorial (_. Em Equatorial and tropical seas__High temperatures, high humidity SW Maritime) Monsoon In Em ait mass) SAIL KHURANA SEC 7, DIARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866250 ASA SAA ae ee Wind is the horizon spon LAS Itisexpressed os 0 wind velocity, which is « combinetion. of direction ond speed, The. rection given is clways that from which the wind is blowing, P“cunanemomerer (Busies fo 43 iaeasurement or surrace win ff, 39 surface of the Earth due to forces acting , nase obid) wet * Hae an oirpor, wind is measured by placing the sensors 10 metres above an even around Surfdce, Aton airport, wind is measured by placi ing the sensors 10 metres above an even-ground surface. ‘THE BEAUFORT SCALE OF WIND, SPEED EQUIVALENTS ARE FOR A STANDARD HEIGHT OF 19 METRES ABOVE CEN FLAT GROUND | Soved Ecuvatnt roan speed gusts < ior) Deserve Fore | Tem | Specifications eal “ “ [em smoce res js itr | 48 2 | lati | os geri breeze | 710 nodes ranches rmaten,nbisting heard in legraph sires umbres wed ly to fe tees nmaton; hearuenencs fe wen walking, 851 [area is tis cf tes: prayed progress 9 | seepode ww | wots | 68 [ea Pron toe fw ete” br Gustis a sudden increase in wind speed lasting a few second: Sustis a sudden increase in wind speed lasting a few seconds, 7 squeit {5.0 wind speed increase of at least 16 kt to a uniform speed of at least 22 kt lasting forat least one minute. squalls are oft with CBs. te is ¢ decrease in wind speed lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes. 7 Gas i f wi of 4 18 0, gusting to 43 kt or more. Gale iso mean surface wind of 24 kt ormor SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 CoklOLis Force (were, & S Ladilede ena ayo ) ; od {i oe corr. j Suet Velocity gf corte ene L x tigen Bey ates nen eon gers to bho Ge = AiG, F i CF 21 ASVS0 —O Visine = See Mery 10. “ a “bak weg =? Tete _| i ee oe Mb b bob bbbeoebbbgbesebbbbbbbbbs|tbsbsbecere 40 ¢ 7 wind cradiontisthe the friction layer. (D THE PRESSURE GRADIENT FORCE ———E—E— The Pressure Gracient Force (PGF) is the force that initiates movement of air. Ifthere is region of high pressure adjacent to a region of low pressure, the air flows jrom the high pressure to the lov pressure. If there were no other forces acting, this woul ue ur ‘equal, resulting in no more pressure gradient. o ‘THE GEOSTROPHIC FORCE This is also referred to as the Coriolis Force. Geostrophic force is due to the rotation of the Eorth and the law of inertia, The Earth rototes ata ‘fixed speed. At the Equator, the line of latitude with the largest circumference, objects on the Earth move faster than those at higher latitudes, becouse they have to travel a longer distance in ‘the some amount of time. FE tnsummary due to Corio effect, objects eppecr to turn rigitin the Northern Hemisphere, and leftin the Southem Hemisphere. BP a qf This resultont wind is called the Geostrophic Wind and flows parallel to the straight Isobors os shown in the diegrom. I gives rice to Buys Ballot's law, which stotes K “inthe Northern Hemisphere with your barckcto the wind, the low pressure is on your left." “Wed weelben) 4¢° Insummary, the conditions for the geostrophic wind are: A Above the friction layer. (2—~ aovodt) Cabot) AD Greater than 15°N/s latitude bec. Fis VE where CEP (Og: od opp: ) A ssuseta Mt isobars. il near equator Gradient Wind 1 GEOSTROPHIC WIND around a high wo di 3 SAHIL KHURANA aoe Winds ans di OB sec—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI erbleg lon becamme Chel Sefhorte — ossrisss2so soncace_ Wis : GeesteoPte Winns Gqeesthop Hic Wines. posbig s ae vernks Sefer Wirt ; Gr. ce bea Pat < SO << spe | Fheriow | ewe ene ee SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE gen vet hadepaans Cai) aloes H Vernged ohn, | woo ft queoopis randy bockea ant wrtgdee beta o oddihion~!t Lad 20° Sex Vol Wat occreos By Sahara, “Gen Beceze (087) A uy Be Surfee casi AG i \ Lane Reece Cyt ) 4 R PTT TELE LEL bb bbb bbbb bbb bhbbbbbbowetrir rrr 41 3K reccosonnr np «© The Geostroghic Wind only opplies to straight parcilel isobors. LAC This wind follows the curved isobars so the ai tarts torotote around the centre of the system. = = rc -. This rotation brings an additional force into play, called centrifuga force. rhs fo force acting eutwards fiom the centre ofthe system SS ees WINDS NEAR THE EQUATOR CF is NIL Near Equator Then Whot wind will flow? At latitudes less than 15 deg. the formule for geastrophic wind breaks down due to the jow value of the coriollis force. With straight isobars the wind tends to flow across the isobors from high to low pressure. However, with curved isobars the situetion is different. In some situations the centrifugal force ‘becomes so large that it balances the pressure gradient force. When this happens, the wind is said to be CYCLOSTROPHIC. Examples are in a tropical revolving storm or o tornado. SEA BREEZE During the doy, the lond heats up mere quickly than the see. The air in contact with the land heats up and rises by the process of convection which jeads to a decrease in pressure at the surface and an increase in pressure ot approximately 4000 - 2060 fag LAND BREEZE After sunset the land starts to cool down much more rapidly than the sea. This leads to a reversal ofthe above situation. The sea surjace experiences a lower pressure and the land a higher pressure @s shown in the diagram. The wind now blows fram the land to the sea. U1 Anabatic wird is the opposite of the Kotabetic wind end occurs during the day on slopes which are stsbject to direct sunlight: As insolation increases, the air in contact with the land warms up; becomes less dense and flows up the slope. U1. the Anahatic wind is typically weaker than the Katabatic (about 5 kt) since it flows ogainst the force of arovity. KATABATI “Disring the night a hillside cools down rapidly. The air in contact with it is cooled by conduction and ‘becomes more dense than the free air next tot. It therefore flows down the hillside. The Foehn Wind was named for a warm dry wind that occurs in the Alps. There ore several ather winds in other parts of the world which are caused by the same effect, such as the Chinook, which Slows down the east side of the Rocky Mountains. The wind must obey Buys Ballots Law: SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 od Be @N AY 0 jh Sean spor Hho barge ee Se Co tan ant bed J Tate 2 gud Bf pcetic&-coF® prnd por” ye fer cold smkie Joon oe Aptinin CAT 2a este sear ee ed ata ean aang an nt Grd OrT Wg =P 35 kins [100 NM yvWws > 5 m/s / bm ae we K Rw RR Ee A ew we i Re Bale 42 “In the Northern Hemisphere with your back to the wind, the low pressure is on your left.” Hence, in this example, the wind must be blowing off the page. This gives o new law similar to Buys Ballot's Law: “in the Northern Hemisphere with your back to the upper wind, the cold air is on your left.” COLD AIR HAS ACTUALLY A LOW PRESSURE DUE TO HIGHER PRESSURE LAPSE RATE, ¢ INTRODUCTION Ajet stream is a wind greater than 60 kt ia'speed, which manifests Itself as a long corridor of wind with typical dimensions of 1500 nai‘in length, 200 am in width and 12000 fe. in depth. They are caused by large temperature differences in the horirontal, pb oo bb Ue b tb bbb eee © Clear air turbulence (TURB) occurs around the boundaries of jetstreams because of the large horizontal and vertical windshears. = Tp s5kins ioe 0S Bw/s Jem tis strangest near to, or just below, the jet axis on the cold air (low pressure) side with a » secondary area above the axis a “The sub-tropical jet streams exist all year round but move as the heat equator moves. in winter ‘they exist in the latitude band 25°- 40" and in the summer are found in the latitude band 40’ to 48° Polar front jetstreams form in the polar front region in both hemispheres 40° to 65° Nand around 50° ond near any front which is separate from the polar front. The Jetstreams in a polar front depression lie parallel to the fronts. Caused by the temperoture difference between cell SAHIL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290, | (pig sna [Siggoe—4 Hol Se P ree Handle, [ra DNS @: a Uv He 4 ton, Fhe peler Meg Sd me © Ts ike Petar Colly won Side (D farmed Wirtavles ‘Sees whoug flo Lrellswa, ids tenon pedetlly adda) We user nel ovords LD cdbeabats upper Hint Mey aed A ee ee eee er re ee a mihi wit vated yay TR ty OY bbEbbbbbbubbbbbbbbsbbddddecul PLbbbbbt 2 RK rropicat easreryser 2D sarong easterh thot occur In the Northern hemisphere summer between 10° and 20° north, where the contrest between intensely heated central Asian ploteaux nd uaper ait farther south s greatest. TueRMaL vin : The pressure difference created by different temperatures will cause winds. In the northern = hhemisohere with your back to the wind the cold air wi be on the left, (because this co gives us. low pressure in she upper atmosphere). This wind is known as the thermal wind. "the thermel wind i the component which when added vectoraly tothe geostrophic Wind near the surface will provide the upper wind.” vA Latitude Pressure Level Polar front jet stream 45° 10 65° NIS. "300 hPa ~ 30 000 & Sub-tropical jet stream 20° to 40° WS | 200 hPa - 45 OCOR Equatorial jet stream 10° to 15° WS. | 100 hPa — 55 ODO Ft Polar jet stream _| 79" 10 80" ws: 5U hPa ~ 75 000 ft SAHIL KHURANA SCC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 PELbDEGbEbEELEGEELEDbEGbEEELEEEEEL EEL 4 4 Visibility is a measurement of atmospheric clarity. Reduction in visibility can be caused by: » Water droplets, such as cloud, fog, or rain. » Solid particles, such as sand, dust, or smoke. > Ike, such as crystals, hail, or snow. Poor visibility is more common in stable conditions, for example, beneath an inversion TYPES OF VISIBILITY REDUCTION There are several types of visibility reduction, These are: Mist Coused by very smoll water droplets in a RH of more than 95%. The visibility is between 1000 and 5000 metres. Fog Also water droplets. Visibility is less than 1000 COULD BE ZERO metres and RH is very close to 100%. Haze Caused by solid particles such as sand, dust, or smoke. There is no lower or upper limit to visibility but haze is not reported above 5000-m visibility. METEOROLOGICAL VISIBILITY Meteorological visibility is also known as Meteorological Optical Range (MOR) and is the furthest horizontal distance on the ground that an observer with normol eyesight can recognise a dark-coloured object. OBLIQUE VISIBILITY When fiying at altitude, stant visibility is the maximum distance a pilot can see to o point on the ground. The oblique visibility is the distance measured along the ground from the point directly beneath the aircraft to the furthest point the pilot can see. RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE Runway VisuatRange (RVR) Q ‘és the maximum distance in the direction of take-off or landing at which a pilot in the threshold area at 15 Ft above ground can see marker boards by day, or runway lights by night. ©) Q Its only used when the meteorological visibility is less than 1500 metres or when ‘fog is reported or forecast. Three Transmissometers are positioned alongside the runway. SAHIL KHURANA, 'SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 PELLEELGEEEbLELEGEELEEE Ebb bbb EEE ELEL 4s, A transmissometer comprises a light source transmitter and photo-electrie cell receiver which are separated from each other. Readings are sent to ATC. Three readings can be given, one each for touch-down zone, mid-point and stop-end, Inearlier times done by on observer ‘The RVR con be assessed by positioning an observer 76 metres from the centre line of thé runway in the touchdown area. Ifonly 2 readings are given, the first relates to touch down, and the second is prefixed os follows : Q 600 stop end 550. QO 600 mid point 400. Mi /-point and/or stop-end values are suppressed when;- 4) they have equal or higher values than TDZ and é Value above 400 metres, (300/450/600 would be reported R 300). b) If the values are 800 metres or greater, (1000/850/200 would be reported R 1000) RVR is reported in increments of 25 m up to 200 m, 50 m up to 800 m, end 100 mover 800 m RADIATION FOG At night, the ground loses its heat by radiation, The ground becomes cold ond cools the air incontact with it If this lowers the air temperoture below the dewpoint, water vapour condenses out as coplets, resulting in fog if there is alight wind, or dew/frost if there are calm conditions. Conditions necessary for radiation fog to form are: Clear sky which increases the rate of terrestrial radiation (fog can still form in light, high cloud cover such as scattered cirrus). Ol High relative humidity so that only a little cooling will be required for the air to "reach saturation. Q Alight wind of 2 to 8 kt which mixes the air bringing warmer air from above to the surface to be cooled and thickening the fog. SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 PLLLbGLELEEEEE Ebb bb bbb bb bb bbddddddll ‘TIMES OF OCCURRENCE Q Autumn and winter. Night and early morning. The lowest temperotures are carly morning. LOCATION. % Over land - not over sea because there is little DV of temperature. O Firstly in valleys because of the katabatic effect. In onticyclones, ridges and cols. Dispersal: g @) By insolation causing convection which will lift the fog. It witf also help to evaporate the lower layers. 4) By a strong wind lifting the fog to form stratus cloud. HILL / OROGRAPHIC FOG Hill fog is cloud on the sides of or the top of a hill or mountain which has been generated by the movement of humid air up the hillside (orogropiic lifting). Visibility will be 200 metres or less ADVECTION FOG Advection fog is formed by the movement of warm, moist air over a cold surface. The surface can be land or sea. Conditions necessary for advection fog to form: > Winds up to 15 kts to move the air. (May be stronger over seo areas) > A high RH so that relatively lttie cooling is required to produce saturation and subsequent condensation. > Acold surface with a temperature lower than the Dew. Point (DP} of the moving air to ensure condensation. ‘Times of occurrence and location: Q) Over fand areas in winter and early spring. ) Over sea oreas in late spring and early summer. SABIL KHURANA SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 99871866250, LELLLEEEEELELELEELEEEEEEEEELELELLELIL 7 4) By achonge of airmass. (Wind change). 4) By a windspeed greater than 15 kts which will lift the fog to form stratus cloud. Y Steaming fog, or as it is sometimes called, Arctic Smoke, occurs over sea in polar regions, eg the fiords of Greenland, Iceland and the sea areas of high latitudes. Y Itis caused by cold air from a land mass moving over a wormer sea. p> The small amount of evaporation from the seais enough to cause saturation and: Condensation but the air itself must be very stable. % The fog can be persistent and up to 500 feet thick - may drift inland! Ex- Latest release in harry potter movie STEAM FOG FRONTAL FOG Frontal fog occurs at @ warm front or occlusion. The main cause Is precipitation Jowering the cloud base to the ground. Subsidiary causes are: 9) ‘Evaporation of standing water on the ground. 6) Mixing of saturatedcir with non-saturated air below. The fog can form atong a belt up to 200 run wide which then travels with the front. 0). BY DAY. Measurements are made by reference to suitable objects at known distances jrom an observing position. “b) BY NIGHT. If a suitable arrangement of lights of known candlepower is not aveilable the visibility value obtained has to be the daytime equivalent in terms. of atmospheric obscurity. This is achieved by viewing lights of known candlepower from a known distance through o variable filter in an instrument called a Gold's Visibility Meter SAKIL KHURANA ‘SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866200 ‘ce will form on an cirframe if there is: O Water ino liquid state. O Ambient cir temperature below O°C|but see later). Airframe temperature below O°C. EVEN IF THE FREEZING NUCLIE IS NOT PRESENT THE PRESENCE OF THE AIRCRAFT WILL MAKE THE ‘SUPERCOOL WATER DROPLETS TO FREEZE ON IMPACT Size of o Water Droplet % O°Cto-20°C- both large and smell supercooled woter droplets exist. -20°C to -40°C - small supercooled water droplets exist. At these temperatures large supercooled water droplets will have become ice. v Below -40°C - only very small supercooled water droplets con exist-Ail otheis:#ill have become ice. Freezing will occur without the aid of nucle. Insummary, large supercooled water droplets occur: Lin Wand CB from O'C to -20'C 2. In NS at temperatures from 0'C to-10'C. 3. f the NS has been enhanced by orographic uplift, between OCand-20'C. SMALL SUPERCOOLED WATER DROPLETS Insummary, smell supercooled water éroplets occur: 1. In CU and CB from 20°C to-40'C. 2. In NS at temperatures from -10°C to -40' C. 3. Ifthe NS hos been enhanced by orographic uplife, between -20'C nd -40" C. 4. INST, SC, AS, AC from 0 to -40'C. Note: Supercooled water droplets do not occur in the Citriform clouds. These consist of ice crystals. “ ‘THEEFFECTS OF ICING AERODYNAMIC - Ice forms mostly on the leading edges of the airframe and aerofoils. This spoils the oerodynamic shape of the airframe and leads to: Reduced lift (up to 30%) Increased drag (up to 40%) SAHIL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 / Mobb bb bob bb bul b l, b LF b b 4 4 b b b b 4 L i é bebi is bb ob L L L L 4 b 4 L b 4 4 4 b b 4 b b uv d d ‘I d d d d GA 49 Increased weight Increased stalling speed Increased fuel consumption Increased weight FR ZING PRO: When a supercooled water droplet impacts an airframe, not llof it freezes instantly. The fraction’ that fieezes instantly depends on the temperature of the droplet. For every degree below zero, 4/80 ofthe droplet will freeze on impoct So ifthe temperature is~ 20°C 1/4 will freeze on impact: if the droplet is-40°C, 1/2 will freeze on impoct. ‘So with a warmer droplet, the freezing process is slower. As a fraction of the droplet freezes, latent heats released which deloys the freezing ofthe remainder of te droplet. This lows the liquid port to flow over the airfrome (called flowback) end freeze more gradually: THIS IS WHY SEVERE ICING IN 0 10 7 Deg. 3 TYPES OF ICING (CLEAR ICE (GLAZE ICE or TRANSLUCENT) Clear ice, or glaze ice, forms when large supercooled droplets impact with an airframe. When the droplet impacts the airframe it does not freeze instantly. It starts to freeze and asa result some latent heot is released. This raises the temperature slightly, allowing the woter to flow over the airframe before subsequently freezing. This results in a clear coating of ice which adheres strongly tothe surface of the aircroft. VY Glear ice isa very serious form of icing which is heavy and difficult to remove. Uneven formation on propellers can lead to vibration and chunks brecking off and causing skin damage. The weight, which con be uneven, leads to stability and control problems and the aerofoit shope is spoiled. Because of this, clear ice is usually described as moderate to severe. ¥" Since large droplets only occur in CU, CB, and NS, this type of ice is only found in those 4. eouds, and only in the temperature range 0°C to-20°C. RIME ICE > Forms from impact with smaill supercooled droplets, mest of the droplet freezes instantly with little or no flow back. > alr becomes trapped between the droplets causing the ice to be opaque or cloudy. It is a granular coating which is generally easy to remove. SAHIL KHURANA SEC ~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI osg71866290 0 > Usually sime icing is clossed as light to moderate as build up is generally light enough for antiicing measures to cope. > It will also occur in cumuliform clouds where temperatures are below -20°C. MIXED ICE Thisis a combination of clear ice and rime ice and occurs where both types of water droplets are present. This applies to clouds where the temperature is close to the transition between small and’ large supercooled droplets. This will be within a few degrees of: 1.-20°C for CU and CB. 2.-10°C for NS. 3.-20°C for NS enhanced by orogrophic uplift. RAIN ICE v 7 %, This type of icing is very severe and very similar to clear ice. f Forms beneath a warm front or an occlusion, when precipitation falls from NS cloud ahead oftthe front. The warm rain falls into colder air and becomes supercooted. If the aircraft is above the freezing level, the aiiframe is below zero and the droplets strike the airframe and form ice in the same woy as described above in the section on clear ice. HOAR FROST This type of icing occurs when air is cooled to the temperature at which soturation occurs and the airframe is below 0° Note that the temperature to which the air must be cooled for saturation to occur is called the frost point in this situation, rather than the dewpoint. The frost fortts by sublimation , that i, water vopour turns directly to ice without passing through the liguid! state called SUBLIMATION Itisa white crystalline deposit of the kind you find on your car ona cold morning. It cas{occur on the ground when the aircraft's porked, or during night. In fight, Hoar frost can occur in flight in the following cases: i) If a rapid descent is mede from a very cold region to © worm moist layer. In this case airframe still has temp. below gero ii) tfacimp is made from a temperature below O°C through an inversion. SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 » he Aas fa Pa Fat Fa Fak PF PF PPP FP Fo Pe fe OD DD een ENGINE ICING | Causes by Be Su ane! IS one ASE | Shieh hives nosis fyine shavantonctcs Coused by amell supercvuled dropists. i” LUrrulfores clouds Horr 20°C tO" estas eet erro see fee ‘Icing can occur in both piston and turbine engines. The types of icing and conditions for foriiation, differ between the engine types. cing can occur toa much higher temperature in piston engines than in turbine engines. The processes involved are described below PISTON ENGINE ICING Severo! different types of icing can occur. IMPACT ICING ‘Impact icing occurs in the intake area of the engine. It forms by direct impact of supercooled water droplets with the surface, in much the same way as airfromecing. Temperatures need to be sub- zero for this to occur. FUEL ICING Fuel icing is caused by water in the fuel freezing in the pipes ond reducing or preventing fuel flow tothe engine. Again, the temperature needs to be below zero. CARBURETOR ICING This s the only form of icing Where the ambient temperature can be above zero. It is caused by two things: 1. Latent heat being absorbed from the surroundings as fuel eveporates. 2. As air posses through the ventur’ its speed increases, but its pressure, and therefore its temperature, go down.. + This type of icing may olso occur in clear even at the ambient temperature of #30° C. frewe, ] Temperature (ce.0103) eww | ow=7 light “13 0-20" Negligible 20to—40" SAHIL KHURANA, SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 fp nd, SC (ony how Ysa asi . wre eau ewe ee eae a a ee ee Ee ee es Rossy Waves | bhbbbbbbbbbdbddl bo y 7h PLGLLLEELLELE LE SL 52 ‘North East Monsoon | 15NOV-15FEB | (DECJAN FEB ) Pre-monsoon Season | 15FEB-15 ay | (MAR APR | NX 9, | MONSOON SOUTH-WESTERLY (15 MAY-30 (JUNE JuLy “TS EVG2 es ‘seer AUG SEP?) ty, | Aurea Post Monsoon fecrnow) "| Cydovee: wi at Are Rossby Waves? = een Rossby (or plonetary) waves are giant meanders in high-altitude winds that are a major infiuence on weather. Their emergence is due to shear in rotating fluids, so that the Coriolis force changes along the sheared coordinate. In planetary atmospheres, they are due to the variation in the Coriolis effect with latitude. The waves v ¢ first identified in the Earth's atmosphere in SAHIL KHURANA SEC ~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871856280 os t v be gi eres CI, Cad B TaecietATON raven ke Kea A Re Ae nA RAM A em ; VLLUELELELEEEbLbdbsbubbbbbbbbedddddduyy #& wb are also known as Ext p 83 1939 by Carl-Gustaf Arvid Rossby who went on to explain their motion. Rossby waves are a subset of inertial waves. Rossby waves has 4-5 ridges and troughs. These waves are westerly and move from west to east. In every 30-40 days these increases to 7-9 ridges and troughs and effect got more pronounced carrying cold particles to equator. After some time this low due to its weakening and less potential get id waves comes to its initial position. This Cut-Off is called as “Gut Off tow’ Which is Cold And Heavy and falls to earth in seeet#eDirection and gets deflected to right by corrilois force . Thus in South East Direction. Now when this cut-off low reaches the MediterraneanSea we call it “WESTERN DISTURBANCES” which travel to east to Caspian sea —Iraq- Iran-, fa anistan-West Pakistan Northern Indio. By the time it reaches west Pakistan they gét'so low in height that when they come to northern India they are not able to cross Himalayas. And thus have to follow sub Hi Z ‘ropical Depressions. Since WD is a low and cold 23°N 100-12 04148 They cause Radiation fog in NW India. Also Freq of WD is 4-5 in these months_ in Punjab, UP, UK, HP. ‘SAHIL KHURANA, SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 » 34 Activity of Radiation fog increases after the passage of a WD over north india because Fog forms in Stable conditions Sub-Tropical Jet- It is a westerly jet stream which affects India during Dec, Jan, Feb . It generally lies over Delhi blowing towards Kolkata at wind speeds up to 100 to 120 knots at 30000ft (300 hpa pressure level) bbddiddddl ah PREMONSOON SEASON == (Hot Weather Period MAR, APR, MAY) on During This period Sun moves from Equator towards tropic of Cancer iit, ‘Northern hemisphere there by warming up Indian Sub Continent with a ‘Seasonal Low pressure area developing over Northwest Indial Jammu, Amritsar, Pathankot) dX Because of the heat from the Sun a trough of low pressure exists Ne South through entire India. In this season temperature is gradually rising all over India Hyd, Pune, 48 Nagpur, have highest temperatures. And this belt of high temp. slowly progresses towards North. it is a season of Violent Convective clouds TCU, CB wherever the moisture is high otherwise dry. Season of NORWESTERS Violent thunderstorms occur during this period in Orissa and Meghalaya. ft The These ar are very violent thunderstorms that occur in the afternoons and last for ff 2 to 3 hours . These are also knows as “KAAL BAISAKHIS” in-the monthof — > MAR APR MAY. i afi ‘frhoisture ‘is not sufficient the instability causes thunder activity in the form “) of a Dust Storms known as “ANDHIS °% i! me ae hailstorm can occur. Iso in the region Punjab and west UP © ‘painfotl— about 50 cm in Assam and 15 cm in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Punjab, UP, Himachal. SAUL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866250 NNN een eee eee 288 (OD gaaceob ok, , oof apt) Lo (avez) é| nts | } RaAnRA RAM nan 7 & hr & nerennnooankn aD fl Hao: Nh th: LEU h bb bb bbb bbb bdbbbbbbbbetbdddddddddl 55 NORWESTERS ae These Originate in the Chhota Nagpur hills and move from there towards the Bay Of Bengal. They seem to be coming from Northwest thus named as Northwester. Some of them even originate in khasi hills of Assam and AP and ‘move on a westerly track towards the Bay of Bengal. fy Northwesters are caused by the penetration of moist air from the Boy of < -, Bengal in to the Mainland < f is ~ d During summer months in the day time. Strong surface heating accompanied by orographic lifting leads to the generation of thunderstorms. _ ¥ SOUTH WEST MONSOON SEASON (JUN JUL AUG SEPT) WY Q. What are Trade winds ? Trade winds are strong winds that blow towards the equator from the north- ist or south east. They can be defined as Planetary winds blowing ‘constantly from the subtropical high pressure zones towards the equatorial low pressure zones. ITCZ MOVES WITH\THE SU NORYPNN SUMMERS SOUTH IN WINTERS Convergence Zone is a term that is used to describe the pet North-East East and South-East trade wind f poner gern Convectively active Arla LY portions of the /ITCZ are known as théfnonioon tough: Its movement is with Monson Sun Since Sun’s Heat has also a role to determine the Trough (Region Of. low Tengen: pressure since it is a “convergence zone” ‘The south easterly trade winds spills over to Northern Hemisphere and with the effect of Coriolis force gets deflected to the right, taking up a south westerly direction as they approach the coast of India. The heating of the Sun in Rajasthan have caused a low pressure over Northwest India. And the Trough of Low exist from there to the south of SAHIL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 NnnnnpAapnan A oOaR RnR TRA hw OH * ut 56 Bengol. The ITCZ moves in to the Indian Peninsula and as the season progress the ITCZ which is a front moves more Northwards. <2 The Southwest Monsoon advances as two different branches 7 1/4. The Arabian current Lea The Bay of Bengal current (1D) me arabian sea Current frst opproaches Kerala by the end of MAY and by 1* OfJUNE the current is in Trivandrum By 5" JUNE between Bangalore and, Hyderabad and BY 10" JUNE in Mumbai. am mh Since the air from the Arabian sea is s moist and when hits the Western Ghats on west: side or windward side gives ra rain. On Lee-ward side there is no rain this region is also called rain shadow area because of. losing of moisture on the windward sic Sea current is Engulfing the Peninsula, the eBay of Bengal current is moving Northwards engulfing Orissa, Bengal and “Bihar. The ITCZ becomes angular and lies between Punjab and Calcutta Jndo-Gangetic plain extending tothe Head Bay. The appearance of a deep depression in the head bay of Bengal provides the ‘ary suction to invigorate and intensify the monsoon. of vain Aapirndra 5 is of Monsoon Trough flows as easterly keeping the foothills of ieee Himalayas to the right, and the trough to the left. By 29" of June Dethi @ Dethi is engulfed bythe SW. monsoon. And by the first week of uly the entire Country is experiencingithe SW monsoon. a After 15 days of onset of SW monsoon being very active, The monsoon trough shifts more Northwards and settles at. foothill of Himalayas. The suction to pull water gets weaken and a “Break in Monsoon” occurs. ‘Siies.clear up.and CU, TCU and CBs are scattered all over the country. When the Monsoon Trough shifts northwards and lies close to the foothills of Himalayas rainfall will decrease over the plains and increases over the Himalayas*Although Tamil Nadu gets some rainfall due to easterly waves during Breok-ia-monsoon SAHIL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866280 GULLbbEbbEEbEbbELELELEEEELEG ALE ELEE Poor Monsen (Cytown) : Z ge _ fo ie \ oe ee \ / “pea ack ny \ GET | REE Eye | Ei | eg | eS we) | ¢ > Het | ae \ \ \ 5 \ 4 Cybooks * They ov aloe vemed a0 TRS Ceropreol Revelltig Wim); burricans,, a0 er i a 2? = Z iadibenes wane esta, with tate helen 5°—15'y f gv dgra equates (1oce ~ dookea) ; % Winds g 34 Kiem won, te dgelacen tan At Ra E Okyys- Cod OA, ne onda, Mydt rdhda, 10 Roku 3 + tha wyl Taserrnoubidlls ou gree of 56-158Em TIAL, wer 4 ae oiohent pi stan bond tea dodAr all. ell a Fecpate ap) tall e Lee gat denge sen pork of hy gitoos @ oir SHimmcres? Rope oct, aprreltind af late; Rad va, “aye muslnds Bue les ; an @ Edy J en Ockinvnrest 24280 jr aeeah, hod s phone nn Lediity i consgn PTS udaga Jorma on Bon aod ME IS GTR i fecccc weds GA whats a. eed bt ct ot J EbhGbbbbEbEEE bE bbEELELbLEDEbAb EEE When another deep depression emerges in the Bay of Bengal which moves ‘orth west The monsoon trough comes southwards and the Indo-Gangetic region and the monsoon invigorates and the cycle starts again. There are about 2-3 break in monsoon followed by a retrieval of monsoon. //Heavy Rain , low clouds, strong qusting surface wind, low visibility, icing, _Mahting, waterloaged runways, Windshear, Line squalls are some of the (/Flving hazards, In the extreme North of India in latitudes above Delhi, Lucknow, Varanasi .The monsoon is really an easterly monsoon, but the whole season is. ‘known Is South Westerly Monsoon. The most important feature of this season is marked by the presence of Tropical Easterly Jet as shown in the picture. Which flows at the height of about 45000 ft with an average speed of 60-70 knots and blows east to west between 10 to'lS deg. Latitudes. This TE! is known to make the SW monsoon more vigorous. POST MONSOON SEASON (OCT NOV) This is also called Northeasterly Monsoon. The Sun is moving southwards, the entire Global belt of ITCZ Is moving southwards. Region of High Pressure eeturns to NW India. The low that existed over the sub continents Shifts Southwards and is seen over the bay of Bengal. Fair weather returns to Punjab, UP ond MP. ‘SAIL KHURANA, SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 57 bbbbbbbbdbddbbodedebbdcbebebledididdld 58 During the post monsoon period Cyclonic storms strike the east coast coming westwards from the Bay of Bengal shifts southwards. The first of the cyclones hit Orissa and then Vivaz then Vijayawada(east AP) then Chennai. The Endhen. DGCA Questions on Climatology. Q.1 The up draughts in a CB cloud in india would normally be expected'tbe the Strongest in the thunderstorm of the a. Monsoon Season b. Pre-monsoon Season ©. Winter Season Q.2 On a flight oround FL 390 from Calcutta to Delhi on a day in February you would expect a geta a. Light head winds 4. Winds with strong headwind component and sometime cross components. ¢. Strong tail winds with some cross wind component near Delhi. Q.3 Thunderstorms are most frequent in October/NOV over @. Assam b. Coastal Tamil Nadu c. Kerala Q4 Ona day in July very heavy rain is reported from Himalayas foot hills but there is littie or no,rain else where in the gangetic plains. Such situation would be associated with: @. A monsoon Depression crossing north M.P. ».A Break situation in monsoon. ¢- Adeep depression in north Arabian sea. .Q-5 First monsoon shower occur over : “a. Kerala b. Kamataka ¢ Maharashtra 6 During the Break in Monsoon rainfall occurs over SAHIL KHURANA SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 856290 s y bb bbb bhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsebbbbsedsdeddel 59 @. Tamil Nadu b. Kerala . West Bengal 4. Orissa Q.7 The winds at 45000ft over Bangalore in July is 7 a. Strong Westerly g b. Strong Easterly a ¢. Weak Easterly d. Weak Westerly Q.8 Maximum freq. of Fog is in - " @. NE India b. NW India ¢. Central India Q.9 Thunderstorms frequency over west coast of India is maximum @. March/April b. June/tuly c. August * (Max in AUG SW monsoon} Q.10 In the month of July Calcutta reports surface visibility as 500 meters. You would infer that the poor visibilityis due to a. Fog b. Heavy Rain ¢. Low cloud Q-11 Flying at FL310 from Madras to Delhi on a day in January you would expect 2. Light easterlies near Madras becoming strong easterlies near Delhi. 6. Strong easterlies near Madras becoming strong Westerly near Delhi © Moderate Westerly near Madras becoming very strong westerly near Delhi Q.12 Thick fog occur in January over UP and adjoining areas in association with Western disturbance. a. Ahead of them and to the south east b. In the rear of active one which have given rain ¢. Ahead of them in Northeast sector. Q.13 The sub-tropical Jet stream passes over India during SAHILKHURANA SEC. 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 08872866290 bbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbebbibbddddddl ly ly fy | 4 4 b % «@. June to September between 150and 100 MB level . March to June between 200 and 250MB level ©. October to May at around 200 MB level Q.14 The southwest monscon normally sets in over Bombay around @. The beginning of second week of June io b. The end of May ) ¢. The beginning of July ,= Q.15 When the oxis the Monsoon trough moves close to the foot hills of Himalayas there is @. Heavy rains in the hills . Heavy rains in the plains of north India ¢. Heavy rains in Andra Pradesh Q.16 Inside an active Thunderstorm you would expect to-have the strongest downdrafts in a. Heavy rain zone b. The zones jst above the isotherm level ¢. Forward edges of the cloud where the surrounding air is being entrained Q.17 In Chennai during early southwest monsoon season sea breeze can expected when? @. The monsoon current is weak b, During strong monsocn condition ¢. A depression is centered around north of Chennoi. Q.18 A majority of Northwesters which affect dum dum in APR/MAY originate in the neighborhood of a. Chota Nagpur b. Orissa © North Bengal foot hills Q.19 Tropical cyclones most often strike the south Tamil Nadu coast in & NOV/DEC ‘b. SEPT/OCT c. MAR/APR 2.20 Where would you expect the max Thunderstorm activity in August a. West coast of india ‘SAHIL KHURANA, SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 08871866250 61 b. East coast of Southern Peninsula ¢. Chhota nagpur plateau and neighbourhood Q.21 Thunderstorms which occur in APR/MAY in Bengal take place most frequently over Calcutta between a. 1300 and 1700 hrs b. 1800 and 2100 hrs ¢. 2100 and midnight. SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI (09371866290

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