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1. What does having a scholarship for your graduate degree mean to you?

The dissertation assistance means so much for me to complete my doctorate

degree especially that I stopped writing my dissertation for two years primarily
because of the expected financial expenses to be incurred particularly the
tuition as well as in the actual conduct of the study. With this opportunity, it drove
me back to finish this academic endeavor that I once started way back in 2012.

2. Why did you accept to be nominated by your sending HEI? What motivated you
to apply?

I accepted the nomination simply because I wanted to be a doctor and its

awaiting career opportunities are great. I wanted to become a fulltime faculty
member, not because I am bored of being an accountant, but because I want
to challenge myself in helping the lives of the students through higher education.
More so, being a faculty member, the promotion is prevalent depending on your

3. What did you feel after learning that you were accepted as an SGS-Local

Of course, I was happy when I learned that I was one of the lucky SGS-Local
scholars. I was also a little bit afraid if I could not finish my dissertation within the
scheduled timeframe. Generally, I was proud that I was accepted as scholar.

4. Aside from an academic degree, what things did you gain from the scholarship?

First, I learned a lot about the techniques in writing a dissertation research as well
as defending your research. Second, I was able to balance my time well
considering that I was still doing accounting works in the office while attending
my school and family needs. Lastly, the financial assistance particularly the 80%
release significantly defray majority of the expenses incurred in conducting the
study including the travelling expenses in going back and forth to Cebu visiting
my adviser for technical advices.

5. What was the most challenging experience you had during the scholarship, and
how did you overcome this?

First, I find beating the deadline as the most challenging experience I had during
the scholarship. I felt pressured when the one-year scholarship period was almost
expired on May 31, 2017 yet, I was not yet able to finish the discussion of the
results of the study. More so, that my wife was expected to deliver our second
child in 2nd to 3rd week of May of this year which I was expected to be with them
during that time. Most importantly is on how to look for the money needed to
pay all my financial obligations in the school considering that the assistance did
not include payment of tuition and other school fees. Nevertheless, God is great;
I was able to surpass them triumphantly simply by facing and solving each
problem one at a time with double extra effort.

6. What is the most memorable positive experience you had with this academic

I think the most memorable positive experience I had was that when my adviser
and the panelists liked my study very much. One of the panelists was
affirmatively intrigued with the results of the study about cooperatives. This
experience alone simply elevated your worth as a researcher in the making.

7. What did you feel after finishing your graduate degree program?

Naturally, I was proud of myself that I reached this milestone. I also made my
family so proud.

8. For whom you are doing this?

First and foremost, for my family, with this, I can have more career options which
could be translated to promotion and increase in my salary fairly enough to
compensate the increasing family needs. Second, to my sending institution, with
this I will be able to partly strengthen the faculty line-up of the college
particularly in doing relevant researches particularly on the business and
entrepreneurship areas.

9. How do you plan to share and use your learning?

First on my list is to publish an article in a refereed journal. Second, I will make a

module either in accounting, economics and entrepreneurship. Third, I will serve
as a reviewer for agricultural economics and marketing for agriculture students
before taking the Licensure Examination for Agriculturists.

10. One word and message for soon to be SGS-Local scholars?

For the aspiring SGS-Local scholars, although the struggles are real, be it
financially and academically, but still, the fruits awaiting in the end worth a
lifetime achievement.

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