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CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Implement a program which can decrypt the original message from the given
cipher text without knowing the key for Caesar cipher.
For a generated cipher text of both the inputs, implement brute force attack for
Caesar cipher.

(i) Input- “CHARUSAT”

Key- 3

(ii) INPUT-“The vast majority of programmers do not work on operating

systems There is so much software around that no human can comprehend more
than a tiny fraction of it. How come we can keep writing software without
getting hopelessly confused by its complexity How come the software written
nowadays does so much more than the software written 50 years ago There is
an unlikely person who would know the answer to that last question Isaac
Newton He knew he saw far because he stood on the shoulders of giants He may
not know what software is But he would probably guess that todays software
stands on the shoulders of yesterdays software and thats how it does more In
fact the whole edifice built by programmers looks like a skyscraper reaching up
at dizzying heights because it is carefully built layer upon layer”
KEY- 23.




In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as Caesar's cipher, the shift cipher,
Caesar's code or Caesar shift, is one of the simplest and most widely known
encryption techniques. It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in
the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the

Encryption using the Shift Cipher is very easy. First we must create the cipher
text alphabet, which as discussed above is simply found by 'shifting' the alphabet
to the left by the number of places given by the key. Thus a shift of 1 moves "A"
to the end of the cipher text alphabet, and "B" to the left one place into the first

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

position. As the key gets bigger, the letters shift further along, until we get to a
shift of 26, when "A" has found its way back to the front.

Decryption by the intended recipient of a cipher text received that has been
encrypted using the Shift Cipher is also very simple. One can either use the table
already created above, and find each letter of the cipher text in the bottom row,
and replace with the corresponding plaintext letter directly above it.

using namespace std;
string encrypt(string text, int s)
string result = "";
for (int i=0;i<text.length();i++)
if (isupper(text[i]))
result += char(int(text[i]+s-65)%26 +65);
result += char(int(text[i]+s-97)%26 +97);

return result;
string decrypt(string text, int s)
string result=encrypt(text,(26-s));

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

return result;
void bruteForce(string text)
for(int i=0;i<26;i++)
cout<<" k:0"<<i<<" PlainText:"<<encrypt(text,(26-i))<<endl;
cout<<" k:"<<i<<" PlainText:"<<encrypt(text,(26-i))<<endl;

int main()
string text="CHARUSAT";
int s = 23;
cout <<"CipherText:"<<encrypt(text, s)<<endl;
cout<<"PlainText:"<<decrypt(encrypt(text, s),s)<<endl;
return 0;

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

For input (1)

For input (2)

Brute Force

Thus, we have implemented Caesar Cipher and also performed brute force attack on

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Apply attacks for cryptanalysis to decrypt the original message from a given
cipher text using Play fair cipher.
Key = charusat



The Playfair Cipher is a manual symmetric encryption cipher invented in 1854 by

Charles Wheatstone, however it’s name and popularity came from the endorsement
of Lord Playfair.

The Playfair cipher encrypts pairs of letters (digraphs), instead of single letters as is
the case with simpler substitution ciphers such as the Caesar Cipher. Frequency
analysis is still possible on the Playfair cipher, however it would be against 600
possible pairs of letters instead of 26 different possible letters. For this reason the
Playfair cipher is much more secure than older substitution ciphers, and it’s use
continued up until WWII.

The playfair cipher starts with creating a key table. The key table is a 5×5 grid of
letters that will act as the key for encrypting your plaintext. Each of the 25 letters
must be unique and one letter of the alphabet (Q or J) is omitted from the table (as
there are 25 spots and 26 letters in the alphabet).

Let’s say we wanted to use the phrase “Hello World” as our key. The first characters
(going left to right) in the table will be the phrase, with duplicate letters removed.
The rest of the table will be filled with the remaining letters of the alphabet, in order.
Our key table would look like this:

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

Now, we need a message to encrypt. In a playfair cipher the message is split

into digraphs, pairs of two letters. If there is an odd number of letters, a X is
added to the last letter. Let’s say we want to encrypt the message “hide the
Now for the actual encryption process. The Playfair cipher uses a few simple
rules relating to where the letters of each digraph are in relation to each other.
The rules are:

If both letters are in the same column, take the letter below each one (going
back to the top if at the bottom)
If both letters are in the same row, take the letter to the right of each one (going
back to the left if at the farthest right)
If neither of the preceding two rules are true, form a rectangle with the two
letters and take the letters on the horizontal opposite corner of the rectangle
Using these rules, the result of the encryption of “hide the gold” with the key of
“hello world” would be “LF GD NW PD WO AV”.

import java.util.*;

public class Playfair {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
String key = br.readLine().toUpperCase();
key = removeSpaces(key);

char[][] keyMat = generatedMat(key);

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

System.out.println("Generated Key Matrix is :");


System.out.println("Enter choice : ");

System.out.println("1. Encrypt");
System.out.println("2. Decrypt");

int choice = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

if (choice == 1){
String data = br.readLine().trim().toUpperCase().replace('J','I');
data = removeSpaces(data);
List<String> parts = new ArrayList<>();
int index = 0;
while (index < data.length()){
if (index == data.length()-1){

if (data.charAt(index) == data.charAt(index+1)){
} else {

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

index = index + 2;

encrypt(parts, keyMat);

} else if(choice == 2){

String data = br.readLine().trim().toUpperCase().replace('J','I');

data = removeSpaces(data);
List<String> parts = new ArrayList<>();
int index = 0;
while (index < data.length()){
if (data.charAt(index) == data.charAt(index+1)){
} else {
index = index + 2;

decrypt(parts, keyMat);

} else {

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

System.out.println("Not a valid Choice");

private static void encrypt(List<String> parts, char[][] keyMat) {
String ans = "";
for (String temp : parts){
char i = temp.charAt(0);
char j = temp.charAt(1);

int[][] xy = new int[2][2];

getPos(xy, keyMat, i, j);
//Same Column
if (xy[0][1] == xy[1][1]){
ans = ans + keyMat[(xy[0][0]+1)%5][xy[0][1]] +
//Same Row
else if (xy[0][0] == xy[1][0]){
ans = ans + keyMat[xy[0][0]][(xy[0][1]+1)%5] +

else {
ans = ans + keyMat[xy[0][0]][xy[1][1]] + keyMat[xy[1][0]][xy[0][1]];

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

private static void decrypt(List<String> parts, char[][] keyMat) {

String ans = "";
for (String temp : parts){
char i = temp.charAt(0);
char j = temp.charAt(1);

int[][] xy = new int[2][2];

getPos(xy, keyMat, i, j);
//Same Column
if (xy[0][1] == xy[1][1]){
ans = ans + keyMat[(xy[0][0]-1)%5][xy[0][1]] + keyMat[(xy[1][0]-
//Same Row
else if (xy[0][0] == xy[1][0]){
ans = ans + keyMat[xy[0][0]][(xy[0][1]-1)%5] +
else {
ans = ans + keyMat[xy[0][0]][xy[1][1]] + keyMat[xy[1][0]][xy[0][1]];
private static void getPos(int[][] xy, char[][] keyMat, char i1, char j2) {
boolean bre = false;
for (int i=0;i<5;i++){
for (int j=0;j<5;j++){

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

if (keyMat[i][j] == i1){
xy[0][0] = i;
xy[0][1] = j;
bre = true;
if (bre){

bre = false;
for (int i=0;i<5;i++){
for (int j=0;j<5;j++){
if (keyMat[i][j] == j2){
xy[1][0] = i;
xy[1][1] = j;
bre = true;
if (bre){

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

private static void printMat(char[][] keyMat) {

for (int i=0;i<5;i++){
for (int j=0;j<5;j++){
System.out.print(keyMat[i][j] +" ");
private static char[][] generatedMat(String key) {
key = key.replace('J','I');

char[] chars = key.toCharArray();

Set<Character> charSet = new LinkedHashSet<Character>();
for (char c : chars) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Character character : charSet) {
return genMat(sb.toString());

private static char[][] genMat(String key){

char[][] matrix = new char[5][5];

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

int index = 0;
for (int i=0;i<5;i++){
for (int j=0;j<5;j++){
matrix[i][j] = key.charAt(index);
return matrix;
private static String removeSpaces(String key) {
char[] strArray = key.toCharArray();
StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) {
if ((strArray[i] != ' ') && (strArray[i] != '\t')) {
return ans.toString();

CE348- Information Security 16CE071



Thus, we have implemented Playfair cipher and learnt how encryption and decryption
occurs through Playfair cipher.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Decrypt the original message from a chosen text using transposition cipher.
Apply statistical attack, brute-force attack or pattern attack for cryptanalysis.



• Given a plain-text message and a numeric key, cipher/de-cipher the given text
using Columnar Transposition Cipher
•The Columnar Transposition Cipher is a form of transposition cipher just like
Rain Cipher. Columnar Transposition involves writing the plaintext out in rows,
and then reading the cipher text off in columns one by one.

• In a transposition cipher, the order of the alphabets is re-arranged to obtain the
• The message is written out in rows of a fixed length, and then read out again
column by column, and the columns are chosen in some scrambled order.
• Width of the rows and the permutation of the columns are usually defined by a
• For example, the word HACK is of length 4 (so the rows are of length 4), and
the permutation is defined by the alphabetical order of the letters in the keyword.
In this case, the order would be “3 1 2 4”.
• Any spare spaces are filled with nulls or left blank or placed by a character
(Example: _).
• Finally, the message is read off in columns, in the order specified by the

CE348- Information Security 16CE071


void cipher(int i,int c);
int findMin();
void makeArray(int,int);
char arr[22][22],darr[22][22],emessage[111],retmessage[111],key[55];
char temp[55],temp2[55];
int k=0;
int main() {
char *message,*dmessage;
int i,j,klen,emlen,flag=0;
int r,c,index,min,rows;
printf("Enetr the key\n");
printf("\nEnter message to be ciphered\n");

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

for (i=0; ;i++) {
for (j=0;key[j]!=NULL;j++) {
if(message[k]==NULL) {
} else {
for (i=0;i<r;i++) {
for (j=0;j<c;j++) {
printf("%c ",arr[i][j]);
for (i=0;i<klen;i++) {

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

printf("\nEncrypted message is\n");
for (i=0;emessage[i]!=NULL;i++)
//emlen is length of encrypted message
//rows is no of row of the array to made from ciphered message
for (i=0,k=1;emessage[i]!=NULL;i++,k++) {
if((k%rows)==0) {
printf("\nArray Retrieved is\n");

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

for (i=0;i<r;i++) {
for (j=0;j<c;j++) {
printf("%c ",darr[i][j]);
//retrieving message
printf("\nMessage retrieved is\n");
for (i=0;retmessage[i]!=NULL;i++)
void cipher(int i,int r) {
int j;
for (j=0;j<r;j++) { {
// emessage[k]='\0';
void makeArray(int col,int row) {
int i,j;
for (i=0;i<row;i++) {

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

int findMin() {
int i,j,min,index;
for (j=0;temp[j]!=NULL;j++) {
if(temp[j]<min) {


Thus, we have performed transposition cipher on a certain plaintext.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Implement RSA Algorithm.



RSA is one of the first practical public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure
data transmission. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and differs from
the decryption key which is kept secret. In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the
practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring
problem. RSA is made of the initial letters of the surnames of Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir,
and Leonard Adleman, who first publicly described the algorithm in 1977.

RSA is a relatively slow algorithm, and because of this it is less commonly used to
directly encrypt user data.
The RSA algorithm involves four steps: key generation, key distribution, encryption
and decryption.
Encryption: C = Me mod n
Decryption: M = Cd mod n

Key Generation:

1. Choose two distinct prime numbers p and q.

For security purposes, the integers p and q should be chosen at random, and
should be similar in magnitude but differ in length by a few digits to make
factoring harder. Prime integers can be efficiently found using a primality test.

2. Compute n = pq.
n is used as the modulus for both the public and private keys. Its length, usually
expressed in bits, is the key length.

3. Compute φ(n) = (p − 1, q − 1), where φ(n) is Euler totient function. This value is
kept private.

4. Choose an integer e such that 1 < e < φ(n) and gcd(e, φ(n)) = 1; i.e., e and φ(n)
are coprime.

5. Determine d as d ≡ e−1 (mod φ(n)); i.e., d is the modular multiplicative inverse

of e (modulo φ(n)).

CE348- Information Security 16CE071



using namespace std;

class RSA
long int p,q,n,t,flag,e[100],d[100],temp[100],j,m[100],en[100],i;
string msg;
RSA(long x, long y, string s)
long i;
p = x;
q = y;
msg = s;
m[i] = msg[i];

int prime(long pr)

int i;
for (i=2;i<=j;i++) {
return 0;
return 1;
void ce()
int k;
for (i=2;i<t;i++)

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

if( flag==1 && i!=p && i!=q)
if(flag>0) {
for (i=0;i<j-1;i++)
long int cd(long int x)
long int k=1;
while(1) {
void encrypt(int x)
long int pt,ct,key=e[x-1],k,len;
cout<<"Value of e used is "<<key<<endl;
len = msg.size();
for (j=0;j<key;j++)

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

cout<<"The Encrypted Message : "<<endl;
for (i=0;en[i]!=-1;i++)
void decrypt(int x)
long int pt,ct,key=d[x-1],k;
cout<<"Value of d used is "<<key<<endl;
for (j=0;j<key;j++) {
cout<<"The Decrypted Message : "<<endl;
for (i=0;m[i]!=-1;i++)

int main()
long i,n,t,p,q,x;
cout<<"Enter the Prime Numbers P & Q"<<endl;

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

cout<<"Enter the Message"<<endl;
string msg;
RSA ob(p,q,msg);
cout<<"Possible values of (e,d) are"<<endl;
cout<<"Chose which values of (e,d) you want to use?"<<endl;



Thus, we implemented the RSA algorithm and encrypted a message with different
values of e and d.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Demonstrate how Diffie-Hellman key exchange works with Man-In-The-
Middle attack.



Diffie-Hellman is a way of generating a shared secret between two people in such a

way that the secret can't be seen by observing the communication. That's an important
distinction: You're not sharing information during the key exchange, you're creating a
key together.

This is particularly useful because you can use this technique to create an encryption
key with someone, and then start encrypting your traffic with that key. And even if the
traffic is recorded and later analyzed, there's absolutely no way to figure out what the
key was, even though the exchanges that created it may have been visible. This is
where perfect forward secrecy comes from. Nobody analyzing the traffic at a later date
can break in because the key was never saved, never transmitted, and never made
visible anywhere.

The way it works is reasonably simple. A lot of the math is the same as you see in
public key crypto in that a trapdoor function is used. And while the discrete logarithm
problem is traditionally used (the xy mod p business), the general process can be
modified to use elliptic curve cryptography as well.

But even though it uses the same underlying principles as public key cryptography,
this is not asymmetric cryptography because nothing is ever encrypted or decrypted
during the exchange. It is, however, an essential building-block, and was in fact the
base upon which asymmetric crypto was later built.

The basic idea works like this:

1. I come up with two prime numbers g and p and tell you what they are.
2. You then pick a secret number (a), but you don't tell anyone. Instead you compute
ga mod p and send that result back to me. (We'll call that A since it came from a).
3. I do the same thing, but we'll call my secret number b and the computed number
B. So I compute gb mod p and send you the result (called "B")
4. Now, you take the number I sent you and do the exact same operation with it. So
that's Ba mod p.
5. I do the same operation with the result you sent me, so: Ab mod p.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

The "magic" here is that the answer I get at step 5 is the same number you got at step
4. Now it's not really magic, it's just math, and it comes down to a fancy property of
modulo exponents. Specifically:

(ga mod p)b mod p = gab mod p

(gb mod p)a mod p = gba mod p

Which, if you examine closer, means that you'll get the same answer no matter which
order you do the exponentiation in. So, I do it in one order, and you do it in the other.
I never know what secret number you used to get to the result and you never know
what number I used, but we still arrive at the same result.

That result, that number we both stumbled upon in step 4 and 5, is our shared secret
key. We can use that as our password for AES or Blowfish, or any other algorithm that
uses shared secrets. And we can be certain that nobody else, nobody but us, knows the
key that we created together.


#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

int mod(string num, int a)

int res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num.length(); i++)
res = (res*10 + (int)num[i] - '0') %a;

return res;
int gcd(int a, int h)
int temp;
while (1)
temp = a%h;

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

if (temp == 0)
return h;
a = h;
h = temp;
unsigned int aModM(string s, unsigned int mod)
unsigned int number = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
number = (number*10 + (s[i] - '0'));
number %= mod;
return number;
unsigned int ApowBmodM(string &a, unsigned int b,
unsigned int m)

unsigned int ans = aModM(a, m);

unsigned int mul = ans;
for (unsigned int i=1; i<b; i++)
ans = (ans*mul) % m;

return ans;
int aliceSend(int prime,int base,int secret)
stringstream ss;
ss << base;
string str = ss.str();
int bobSend(int prime,int base,int secret)
stringstream ss;
ss << base;
string str = ss.str();

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

int aliceDecrypt(int prime,int received,int alicesecret)

stringstream ss;
ss << received;
string str = ss.str();
int bobDecrypt(int prime,int received,int bobsecret)
stringstream ss;
ss << received;
string str = ss.str();
int main()
int prime=23;
int base=9;
int bobsecret=4;
int alicesecret=9;
cout<<"Alice's Secret
cout<<"Bob's Secret



Thus we implemented Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm and learnt how the
keys are exchanged through it.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Implement Blowfish Algorithm



The Blowfish algorithm

Blowfish is a symmetric encryption algorithm, meaning that it uses the same secret
key to both encrypt and decrypt messages. Blowfish is also a block cipher, meaning
that it divides a message up into fixed length blocks during encryption and decryption.
The block length for Blowfish is 64 bits; messages that aren't a multiple of eight bytes
in size must be padded.

Blowfish requires about 5KB of memory. A careful implementation on a 32-bit

processor can encrypt or decrypt a 64-bit message in approximately 12 clock cycles.
(Not-so-careful implementations, like Kocher, don't increase that time by much.)
Longer messages increase computation time in a linear fashion; for example, a 128-bit
message takes about (2 x 12) clocks. Blowfish works with keys up to 448 bits in length.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

A graphical representation of the Blowfish algorithm appears in Figure 1. In this

description, a 64-bit plaintext message is first divided into 32 bits. The "left" 32 bits
are XORed with the first element of a P-array to create a value I'll call P', run through
a transformation function called F, then XORed with the "right" 32 bits of the message
to produce a new value I'll call F'. F' then replaces the "left" half of the message and P'
replaces the "right" half, and the process is repeated 15 more times with successive
members of the P-array. The resulting P' and F' are then XORed with the last two
entries in the P-array (entries 17 and 18), and recombined to produce the 64-bit

A graphical representation of F appears in Figure 2. The function divides a 32-bit input

into four bytes and uses those as indices into an S-array. The lookup results are then
added and XORed together to produce the output.

Because Blowfish is a symmetric algorithm, the same procedure is used for decryption
as well as encryption. The only difference is that the input to the encryption is
plaintext; for decryption, the input is ciphertext.

The P-array and S-array values used by Blowfish are precomputed based on the user's
key. In effect, the user's key is transformed into the P-array and S-array; the key itself
may be discarded after the transformation. The P-array and S-array need not be
recomputed (as long as the key doesn't change) but must remain secret.

I'll refer you to the source code for computing the P and S arrays and only briefly
summarize the procedure as follows:
 P is an array of eighteen 32-bit integers.
 S is a two-dimensional array of 32-bit integer of dimension 4x256.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

 Both arrays are initialized with constants, which happen to be the hexadecimal
digits of π (a pretty decent random number source).
 The key is divided up into 32-bit blocks and XORed with the initial elements of
the P and S arrays. The results are written back into the array.
 A message of all zeros is encrypted; the results of the encryption are written
back to the P and S arrays. The P and S arrays are now ready for use.


Thus, we have implemented the Blowfish Algorithm and learnt how the algorithm
works to encrypt a Plaintext.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Demonstrate DNS based phishing attack
SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Text Editor, Web Browser



Phishing attack
Phishing is a type of social engineering attack often used to steal user data, including
login credentials and credit card numbers. It occurs when an attacker, masquerading
as a trusted entity, dupes a victim into opening an email, instant message, or text
message. The recipient is then tricked into clicking a malicious link, which can lead to
the installation of malware, the freezing of the system as part of a ransomware attack
or the revealing of sensitive information.

An attack can have devastating results. For individuals, this includes unauthorized
purchases, the stealing of funds, or identify theft.

Moreover, phishing is often used to gain a foothold in corporate or governmental

networks as a part of a larger attack, such as an advanced persistent threat (APT) event.
In this latter scenario, employees are compromised in order to bypass security
perimeters, distribute malware inside a closed environment, or gain privileged access
to secured data.

An organization succumbing to such an attack typically sustains severe financial losses

in addition to declining market share, reputation, and consumer trust. Depending on
scope, a phishing attempt might escalate into a security incident from which a business
will have a difficult time recovering.

Steps to perform DNS based Phishing attack:

1. Find the IP Address of the website to which you want to redirect the user.
In this case it is

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

2. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open hosts file in any of the

text editor. The hosts file will look like

3. Type the IP address of the website you want the user to redirect to followed by
the URL which user originally wants to visit

4. After editing the host file we have successfully performed phishing attack. If
we now try to access we will be redirected to


Thus, we have studied and performed phishing attack by changing the hosts file and
redirected the user to another website which he was not intended to.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Identify Web Application vulnerabilities that leads to SQL injection attack and
also find out precautions to be taken by web designers.



What Is an SQL Injection Attack?

SQL injection (SQLi) is an injection attack where an attacker executes malicious SQL
statements to control a web application's database server, thereby accessing,
modifying, and deleting unauthorized data.

In the early days of the Internet, building websites was a simple process: no JavaScript,
no CSS, and few images. But as the websites gained popularity, the need for more
advanced technology and dynamic websites grew. This led to the development of
server-side scripting languages like JSP and PHP. Websites started storing user input
and content in databases. MySQL became the most popular and standardized language
for accessing and manipulating databases. However, hackers found new ways to
leverage the loopholes present in SQL technology. SQL injection attacks are one of
the most popular ways of targeting databases. SQL injections target the databases
using specifically-crafted SQL statements to trick the systems into doing unexpected
and undesired things.

What Can SQL Injection Attacks Do?

There are a lot of things an attacker can do when exploiting an SQL injection on a
vulnerable website. By leveraging an SQL injection vulnerability, given the right
circumstances, an attacker can do the following things:

 Bypass a web application's authorization mechanisms and extract sensitive

 Easily control application behavior that's based on data in the database.
 Inject further malicious code to be executed when users access the application.
 Add, modify, and delete data, corrupting the database, and making the
application or unusable.
 Enumerate the authentication details of a user registered on a website and use
the data in attacks on other sites.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

It all depends on the capability of the attacker, but sometimes, an SQL injection attack
can lead to a complete takeover of the database and web application. Now, how does
an attacker achieve that?

How Do SQL Injection Attacks Work?

A developer usually defines an SQL query to perform some database action necessary
for his application to function. This query has one or two arguments so that only
desired records are returned when the value for that argument is provided by a user.

An SQL injection attack plays out in two stages:

1. Research: Attacker gives some random unexpected values for the argument,
observes how the application responds, and decides an attack to attempt.
2. Attack: Here, the attacker provides carefully-crafted value for the argument.
The application will interpret the value part of an SQL command rather than
merely data. The database then executes the SQL command as modified by the
Consider the following example in which a website user is able to change the values
of $user and $password, such as in a login form:
$statement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username ='$user' AND password =
This SQL statement is passed to a function, which, in turn, sends the string to the
connected database where it is parsed, executed, and returns a result.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

#Define POST variables

uname = request.POST['username']
passwd = request.POST['password']
#SQL query vulnerable to SQLi
sql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='" + uname + "' AND
password='" + passwd + "'"
#Execute the SQL statement

Now, if the input is not properly sanitized but the application, the attacker can easily
insert carefully crafted value as input. For example, this will look something like:
$statement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username ='Dean' OR '1'='1'-- '
AND password = 'WinchesterS'";
So, what's happening here? The highlighted part is the attacker's input, it contains two
special parts:
 OR '1' = '1' is a condition that will always be true, thereby it is accepted as a
valid input by the application
 -(double hyphen) instructs the SQL parser that the rest of the line is a
comment and should not be executed
Once the query executes, the SQL injection effectively removes the password
verification, resulting in an authentication bypass. The application will most likely log
the attacker in with the first account from the query result - the first account in a
database is usually of an administrative user.
Note that this is just one way of exploiting the SQL Queries to get the necessary
information in an unofficial way. SQL injection attacks are divided into multiple types.
What Are the Different Types of SQL Injection Attacks?
Attackers can extract data from servers by leveraging an SQL injection vulnerability
in various ways. SQL injection can be classified into three major categories:
Let's explore the variants.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

In-Band SQL Injection

It is the most common SQL injection attack. Usually, it occurs when an attacker is able
to use the same communication channel to both launch the attack and gather results.
The two most common types of in-band SQL injection are:
Error-based SQL Injection
It is a technique that relies on error messages thrown by the database server to obtain
information about the structure of the database. Sometimes, this simple attack is more
than enough for an attacker to enumerate an entire database.
Union-based SQL Injection
This technique leverages the UNION SQL operator to combine the results of two or
more SELECT statements into a single result, which is then returned as part of the
HTTP response.
In this type of injection, no data is actually transferred via the web application. So, the
attacker will not be able to see the result of an attack. Here, the attacker reconstructs
the database structure by sending payloads and observing the web application's
response and the resulting behavior of the database server. The two types of inferential
SQL injection are:
Boolean-based SQL Injection
In this technique application is forced to return a different result depending on whether
the query returns a TRUE or FALSE result. Based on the result, the content within the
HTTP response will change, or remain the same.
Time-based SQL Injection —
It is a technique that relies on sending an SQL query to the database, which forces the
database to wait for a specified amount of time (in seconds) before responding. The
time website takes to respond will indicate to the attacker whether the result of the
query is TRUE or FALSE.

Out-of-Band SQL Injection

These types of SQL injection attacks are the least common and generally the most
difficult to execute. They usually involve sending the data directly from the database
server to a machine that is controlled by the attacker. Out-of-band techniques offer the
attacker an alternative to In-band or Blind SQL injection attacks, especially if the
server responses are not very stable.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

So, server-scripting languages are not able to determine if or not the SQL query string
is malformed. All that they can do is send a string to the database server and wait for
the interpreted response. But surely, there must be ways to sanitize user input and
ensure that an SQL injection is infeasible, right?

How Can SQL Injection Attacks Be Prevented?

There are a lot of easy ways to avoid falling prey for SQL injection attacks and to limit
the damage they can cause. Few of them include:
 Discover SQL injection vulnerabilities by routinely testing applications both
using static testing and dynamic testing
 Avoid and repair injection vulnerabilities by using parameterized queries and
Object Relational Mappers (ORMs). These types of queries specify
placeholders for parameters so that the database will always treat them as data
rather than part of a SQL command.
 Remediate SQL injection vulnerabilities by using escape characters so that
special characters are ignored.
 Mitigate the impact of SQL injection vulnerabilities by enforcing least privilege
on the database, this way each software component of an application can access
and affect only the resources it needs.
 Use a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for web applications that access
databases. This can help identify SQL injection attempts and sometimes help
prevent SQL injection attempts from reaching the application as well.
SQL injection attacks are popular attack methods for cybercriminals, but by taking the
proper precautions, such as ensuring that data is encrypted, performing security tests,
and being up to date with patches, you can take meaningful steps toward keeping your
data secure.
Thus, we learnt about the SQL injection attacks and how to prevent it.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Retrieve Database Schema and data using HAVIJ.



What is Havij?
Havij is an automated SQL Injection tool that helps penetration testers to find and
exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web page.

It can take advantage of a vulnerable web application. By using this software user can
perform back-end database fingerprint, retrieve DBMS users and password hashes,
dump tables and columns, fetching data from the database, running SQL statements
and even accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the
operating system.

The power of Havij that makes it different from similar tools is its injection methods.
The success rate is more than 95% at injecting vulnerable targets using Havij.



Go to
tool/ and download havij.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071



CE348- Information Security 16CE071



CE348- Information Security 16CE071


How to retrieve data using HAVIJ

Step-1: Enter website you want to retrieve data in target

Step-2: In info section you get the information of the website

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

Step-3: In table Section you get the database of the website

We also get tables by clicking get tables in table tab and then we can get table and
columns and other data by clicking further.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

Step-4: Insert Query into Query Section


How to Crack Hash?

As You Can See, We Have Received All Information of Admin. Like Username,
Password and User Group. But We Have Received Password in The Shape of Hash.
To see the Real Password. We Have to Crack This Code. For Cracking This Code. We
Will Make Use of Havij Tool Again. Follow as below to Crack This Hash.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

You Can See A Button Of MD5 In Buttons List Of Havij. Hit That Button and Paste
Your Hash Code Inside it and Press Start Button.

You can see password in Plain Text in Result now. See picture below


Find Admin Page

We Have Got Everything. Like Username, Password. But Where To Use Them And
Get Admin Rights? You Need To Find The Admin Login Page Of Target Site. For
Finding Admin Page of Target Site. We Will Use Havij Again.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

In Buttons List, Press Find Admin Button. Type Homepage Url Of Target Site.
Press Start Button.

You will get result same like hash cracking.

You will be able to see the page which Admin of your target site use to Login.


Thus, we learnt how to retrieve database schema and data using HAVIJ.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: How Identity based Encryption is used to prove authentication?



ID-based encryption, or identity-based encryption (IBE), is an important primitive of

ID-based cryptography. As such it is a type of public-key encryption in which the
public key of a user is some unique information about the identity of the user (e.g. a
user's email address). This means that a sender who has access to the public parameters
of the system can encrypt a message using e.g. the text-value of the receiver's name or
email address as a key. The receiver obtains its decryption key from a central authority,
which needs to be trusted as it generates secret keys for every user.

Technical Summary

In 1984 Shamir asked for a public key encryption scheme in which the public key can
be an arbitrary string. Encryption schemes of this type are called Identity Based
Encryption (IBE). Shamir's original motivation for identity-based encryption was to
simplify certificate management in e-mail systems. When Alice sends mail to Bob at

CE348- Information Security 16CE071 she simply encrypts her message using the public key string
“”. There is no need for Alice to obtain Bob's public key certificate.
When Bob receives the encrypted mail he contacts a third party, which we call the
Private Key Generator (PKG). Bob authenticates himself to the PKG in the same way
he would authenticate himself to a CA and obtains his private key from the PKG. Bob
can then read his e-mail. Note that unlike the existing secure e-mail infrastructure,
Alice can send encrypted mail to Bob even if Bob has not yet setup his public key
certificate. However, in this scenario the IBE system provides key escrow since the
PKG knows Bob's private key. Other applications (discussed below) do not require
key escrow. In more detail, an IBE scheme consists of four algorithms: (1) Setup
generates global system parameters and a master-key, (2) Extract uses the master-key
to generate the private key corresponding to an arbitrary public key string ID, (3)
Encrypt encrypts messages using the public key ID, and (4) Decrypt decrypts messages
using the corresponding private key.

Since the problem was posed in 1984 there have been several proposals for IBE
schemes. However, none of these are fully satisfactory. Some solutions require that
users not collude. Other solutions require the PKG to spend a long time for each private
key generation request. Some solutions require tamper resistant hardware. It is fair to
say that, until now, constructing a usable IBE system was an open problem.

The IBE email system uses a new fully functional identity-based encryption scheme.
The performance of the cryptosystem is comparable to the performance of ElGamal
encryption. The security of the system is based on a natural analogue of the
computational Diffie-Hellman assumption on elliptic curves. Based on this assumption
we show that the new system has chosen ciphertext security in the random oracle


The success of IBE depends upon the third-party IBE server that generates private
keys. The only information this server stores permanently is a secret master key -- a
large random number that is exclusive to the security domain. The server uses this key
to create a common set of public-key parameters (including the server's address) that
are given to each user who installs the IBE software, and recipients' private keys as

When a sender creates an encrypted message, the IBE software on his system uses
three parameters to generate the public key for the message: a starting value, the
current week number and the recipient's identity (normally the e-mail address).
Because a calendar reference is included, the public key that is generated will
automatically expire.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

A user who receives an IBE-encrypted e-mail message but has not used the process
before can request -- upon authentication -- a private key that allows him to decrypt all
e-mails encrypted using his e-mail address as the public key.

 No certificates needed. A recipient's public key is derived from his identity.
 No pre-enrollment required.
 Keys expire, so they don't need to be revoked. In a traditional public-key system,
keys must be revoked if compromised.
 Less vulnerable to spam.
 Enables postdating of messages for future decryption.
 Enables automatic expiration, rendering messages unreadable after a certain

 Requires a centralized server. IBE's centralized approach implies that some keys
must be created and held in escrow -- and are therefore at greater risk of
 Requires a secure channel between a sender or recipient and the IBE server for
transmitting the private key.

Thus, we learnt how Identity based Encryption is used to prove authentication

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Explore the types of HOMOMORPHIC Encryption Techniques and compare



During the last few years, homomorphic encryption schemes have been studied
extensively since they have become more and more important in many different
cryptographic protocols such as, e.g., voting protocols. In this Section, we introduce
homomorphic cryptosystems in three steps: what, howand why that reflects the main
aspects of this interesting encryption technique. We start by defining homomorphic
cryptosystems and algebraically homomorphic cryptosystems. Then we develop a
method to construct algebraically homomorphic schemes given special homomorphic
schemes. Finally, we describe applications of homomorphic schemes.\


Let the message space (M, o) be a finite (semi-)group, and let σ be the security
parameter. A homomorphic public-key encryption scheme (or homomorphic
cryptosystem) on M is a quadruple (K, E, D, A) of probabilistic, expected polynomial
time algorithms, satisfying the following functionalities:
 Key Generation: On input 1σ the algorithm K outputs an encryption/decryption
key pair (ke, kd)=k∈K,ke, kd=k∈K, where KK denotes the key space.
 Encryption: On inputs 1σ, ke, and an element m ∈M m ∈M the encryption
algorithm E outputs a ciphertext c ∈C , c ∈C , where CC denotes the ciphertext
 Decryption: The decryption algorithm D is deterministic. On inputs 1σ, k, and
an element c ∈C c ∈C it outputs an element in the message space M so that for
all m ∈M it holds: m ∈M it holds: if c=E(11σ,ke, m)c=E11σ,ke, m then
Prob[D(1σ,k,c)≠m]Prob[D(1σ,k,c)≠m] is negligible, i.e., it holds that
Prob[D(1σ,k,c)≠m]≤ 2−σProbD1σ,k,c≠m≤ 2-σ.
 Homomorphic Property: A is an algorithm that on inputs 1σ, ke 1σ, ke , and
elements c1, c2 ∈C c1, c2 ∈C outputs an element c3 ∈Cc3 ∈C so that for all
m1, m2 ∈M m1, m2 ∈M it holds: if m3=m1 o m2m3=m1 o m2 and c1=E(1σ,ke,
m1)c1=E1σ,ke, m1, and c2=E(1σ, ke, m2)c2=E1σ, ke, m2, then Prob[D(A(1σ,
ke, c1, c2))]≠ m3]ProbDA1σ, ke, c1, c2≠ m3] is negligible.

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1. Goldwasser-Micali scheme: This scheme is historically very important since many

of subsequent proposals on homomorphic encryption were largely motivated by its
 Like in RSA, in this scheme, we use computations modulo n = p.q, a product of
two large primes. The encryption process is simple which uses a product and a
square, whereas decryption is heavier and involves exponentiation.
 The complexity of the decryption process is: O(k.l(p)2)O(k.lp2), where l(p)l(p)
denotes the number of bits in p.
 Unfortunately, this scheme has a limitation since its input consists of a single
 First, this implies that encrypting k bits leads to a cost of O(k.l(p)2)O(k.l(p)2).
This is not very efficient even if it may be considered as practical.
 The second concern is related to the issue of expansion – a single bit of plaintext
is encrypted in an integer modulo n, that is, l(n)l(n) bits. This leads to a huge
blow up of ciphertext causing a serious problem with this scheme.

2. Benaloh’s scheme: Benaloh is a generalization of GM scheme that enables one to

manage inputs of l(k)l(k) bits, k being a prime satisfying some specified constraints.
 Encryption is similar as in GM scheme (encrypting a message m ∈{0,….,k−1}m
∈{0,….,k-1} is tantamount to picking an integer r ∈ Z*nr ∈ Zn* and computing
c= gmrk mod n)c= gmrk mod n.
 However, the decryption phase is more complex. If the input and output sizes
are l(k)l(k) and l(n)l(n) bits respectively, the expansion is equal to
 The value of expansion obtained in this approach is less than that achieved in
GM. This makes the scheme more attractive.
 Moreover, the encryption is not too expensive as well. The overhead in the
decryption process is estimated to be O(k−−√.l(k))O(k.l(k)) for pre-computation
which remains constant for each dynamic decryption step.
 This implies that the value of k has to be taken very small, which in turn limits
the gain obtained on the value of expansion.

3. Paillier Scheme: One of the most well-known homomorphic encryption schemes is

due to Paillier. It is an improvement over the earlier schemes in the sense that it can
decrease the value of expansion from 3 to 2.
 The scheme uses n=p.qn=p.q with gcd(n, ϕ(n))=1 gcd⁡n, ϕn=1. As usual p
and q are two large primes. However,
 it considered the group G= Z*n2G= Zn2* and a proper choice of H led to
k=l(n)k=l(n). While the cost of encryption is not too high, decryption needs

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

one exponentiation modulo n2n2 to the power λ(n)λ(n), and a multiplication

modulo n.
 This makes decryption a bit heavyweight process. The author has shown how
to manage decryption efficiently using the famous Chinese Remainder
 With smaller expansion and lower cost compared with the other schemes, this
scheme found great acceptance. In 2002, Cramer and Shoup proposed a
general approach to achieve higher security against adaptive chosen-
ciphertext attacks for certain cryptosystems with some particular algebraic
properties .
 They applied their propositions on Paillier’s original scheme and designed a
stronger variant of homomorphic encryption. Bresson et al. proposed a
slightly different version of a homomorphic encryption scheme that is more
accurate for some applications.

4. Galbraith Scheme: This is an adaptation of the existing homomorphic encryption

schemes in the context of elliptic curves.
 Its expansion is equal to 3. For s=1s=1, the ratio of the encryption cost for this
scheme over that of Paillier’s scheme can be estimated to be about 7, while
the same ratio for the cost of decryption cost is about 14 for the same value of
 However, the most important advantage of this scheme is that the cost of
encryption and decryption can be decreased using larger values of s.
 In addition, the security of the scheme increases with the increase in the value
of s as it is the case in Damgard-Jurik’s scheme.


 In election schemes, the homomorphic property provides a tool to obtain the

tally given the encrypted votes without decrypting the individual votes.
 In secret sharing schemes, parties share a secret so that no individual party can
reconstruct the secret form the information available to it.
 One of the most interesting applications of homomorphic encryption is its use
in protection of mobile agents.
 Digital watermarking and fingerprinting schemes embed additional
information into digital data. The homomorphic property is used to add a mark
to previously encrypted data.
 Usually in a cryptographic lottery, a number pointing to the winning ticket has
to be jointly and randomly chosen by all participants.

CONCLUSION: Thus, we came to know about homomorphic encryption and its

types and what are the applications of them.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Study execution of photon to achieve security. Compare wired and wireless
quantum cryptography techniques.




Cryptography is the process of encrypting data, or converting plain text into scrambled
text so that only someone who has the right “key” can read it. Quantum cryptography,
by extension, simply uses the principles of quantum mechanics to encrypt data and
transmit it in a way that cannot be hacked.

While the definition sounds simple, the complexity lies in the principles of quantum
mechanics behind quantum cryptography, such as:
 The particles that make up the universe are inherently uncertain and can
simultaneously exist in more than one place or more than one state of being.
 Photons are generated randomly in one of two quantum states.
 You can’t measure a quantum property without changing or disturbing it.
 You can clone some quantum properties of a particle, but not the whole particle.
 All these principles play a role in how quantum cryptography works.
Quantum cryptography is the only known method for transmitting a secret key over
distance that is secure in principle and based on the laws of physics. Current methods
for communicating secret keys are all based on unproven mathematical assumptions.

These same methods also are at risk of becoming cracked in the future, compromising
today's encrypted transmissions retroactively. This matters very much if you care about
long-term security

Quantum Key Distribution uses quantum mechanics to guarantee secure

communication. It enables two parties to produce a shared random secret key known
only to them, which can then be used to encrypt and decrypt messages

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

QKD and qubits:

In quantum computing, a qubit or quantum bit is a unit of quantum information — the

quantum analogue of the classical bit. Unlike a classical bit which can take only the
value of either 0 or 1, the state of a qubit can be in a ‘superposition' of 0 and 1


Quantum cryptography, or quantum key distribution (QKD), uses a series of photons

(light particles) to transmit data from one location to another over a fiber optic cable.

By comparing measurements of the properties of a fraction of these photons, the two

endpoints can determine what the key is and if it is safe to use.

Breaking the process down further helps to explain it better:

1. The sender transmits photons through a filter (or polarizer) which randomly
gives them one of four possible polarizations and bit designations: Vertical (One
bit), Horizontal (Zero bit), 45 degree right (One bit), or 45 degree left (Zero bit).
2. The photons travel to a receiver, which uses two beam splitters
(horizontal/vertical and diagonal) to “read” the polarization of each photon. The
receiver does not know which beam splitter to use for each photon and has to
guess which one to use.
3. Once the stream of photons has been sent, the receiver tells the sender which
beam splitter was used for each of the photons in the sequence they were sent,
and the sender compares that information with the sequence of polarizers used
to send the key. The photons that were read using the wrong beam splitter are
discarded, and the resulting sequence of bits becomes the key.
If the photon is read or copied in any way by an eavesdropper, the photon’s state will
change. The change will be detected by the endpoints. In other words, this means you
cannot read the photon and forward it on or make a copy of it without being detected.


Digital systems use the familiar binary states: One/Zero, Yes/No, or On/Off. I'm afraid
that's not the case with quantum mechanics, "maybe one or the other" or "both" is more
the norm. To help explain, consider a qubit to be a single photon and watch how it can
be manipulated in the diagram below.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

(a): A single photon is emitted from a light source and passes through a linear polarizer,
in this case — horizontal. That process creates a qubit with horizontal polarization.

(b): When the horizontally-polarized photon passes through a horizontally/vertically-

oriented polarizing beamsplitter, it always retains its horizontal polarization.

(c): If that horizontally-polarized photon passes through a diagonally-oriented

polarizing beamsplitter:

 There is a 50% probability of finding the photon at one of the exits.

 The photon will only be detected at one of the exits.
 The polarization of the photon will have changed to the corresponding diagonal
Another interesting thing to note - polarized photons are able to convey digital
information. The next diagram shows how it's done.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

You may have heard the term BB84 Protocol and wondered how it worked. Here's
 Alice uses a light source to create a photon.
 The photon is sent through a polarizer and randomly given one of four possible
polarization and bit designations — Vertical (One bit), Horizontal (Zero bit), 45
degree right (One bit), or 45 degree left (Zero bit).
 The photon travels to Bob's location.
 Bob has two beamsplitters — a diagonal and vertical/horizontal - and two
photon detectors.
 Bob randomly chooses one of the two beamsplitters and checks the photon
 The process is repeated until the entire key has been transmitted to Bob.
 Bob then tells Alice in sequence which beamsplitter he used.
 Alice compares this information with the sequence of polarizers she used to send
the key.
 Alice tells Bob where in the sequence of sent photons he used the right
 Now both Alice and Bob have a sequence of bits (sifted key) they both know.
All in all, a pretty cool way of securely transferring an encryption key between two
different locations.


Imagine you have two people, Alice and Bob, who want to send a secret to each other
that no one else can intercept. With QKD, Alice sends Bob a series of polarized
photons over a fiber optic cable. This cable doesn’t need to be secured because the
photons have a randomized quantum state.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

If an eavesdropper, named Eve, tries to listen in on the conversation, she has to read
each photon to read the secret. Then she must pass that photon on to Bob. By reading
the photon, Eve alters the photon’s quantum state, which introduces errors into the
quantum key. This alerts Alice and Bob that someone is listening and the key has
been compromised, so they discard the key. Alice has to send Bob a new key that
isn’t compromised, and then Bob can use that key to read the secret.


Thus, we learnt about Quantum Cryptography and how it works.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Demonstrate usage of TWO LAYER WATER MARKING to prevent piracy.




Watermarking is a method to digitally sign a product to provide authentication and

prevent copyright infringement to proving the ownership of a product and provides
integrity for companies to protect their product.

In dual/two layer watermark, two different/same watermarking techniques at each

layer is presented. This implies greater integrity as it contains of two signatures in
providing authentication.


The information to be embedded in a signal is called a digital watermark, although in

some contexts the phrase digital watermark means the difference between the
watermarked signal and the cover signal. The signal where the watermark is to be
embedded is called the host signal. A watermarking system is usually divided into
three distinct steps, embedding, attack, and detection. In embedding, an algorithm
accepts the host and the data to be embedded, and produces a watermarked signal.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

Then the watermarked digital signal is transmitted or stored, usually transmitted to

another person. If this person makes a modification, this is called an attack. While the
modification may not be malicious, the term attack arises from copyright protection
application, where third parties may attempt to remove the digital watermark through
modification. There are many possible modifications, for example, lossy compression
of the data (in which resolution is diminished), cropping an image or video, or
intentionally adding noise.

Detection (often called extraction) is an algorithm which is applied to the attacked

signal to attempt to extract the watermark from it. If the signal was unmodified during
transmission, then the watermark still is present and it may be extracted. In robust
digital watermarking applications, the extraction algorithm should be able to produce
the watermark correctly, even if the modifications were strong. In fragile digital
watermarking, the extraction algorithm should fail if any change is made to the signal


Audience monitoring:
 In Europe and in the USA, the audio of TV channels is watermarked. The
embedded message encodes the name of the channel.
 Panelists have at home a device capturing the sound in their TV room. It decodes
the message and sends it to the monitoring companies via Internet. They can
measure the audience and market share live.
Content integrity:

 In Africa, the TV ads are typically long spots. They are broadcasted through
many local channels which sometimes shorten the ads to increase their number
and whence the revenues. The embedded message is the identifier of the TV
spot followed by a time-code. Some companies have platform listening to all
TV channels 24hours a day and check that any single second of a TV spot is
duly broadcasted.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

Content protection:
 The audio of movies are watermarked in theaters and on Blu-Ray discs. The
decoder is embedded in a Blu Ray disc player.
 If it detects a watermark while playing a content in the clear, it concludes that
this content is indeed a pirated copy (either a camcord of a theater projection or
a ripped Blu Ray) and it stops the playback.
 Videos in movie theaters are also watermarked. The embedded message is the
date of the projection and also the ID of the beamer. That way, “Hollywood”
knows in which theater a pirate has camcorded a movie and puts the pressure on
the owner of the theater.
User tracing:
 Websites selling multimedia content on demand (movies, songs, cartoons, e-
books) send the client a personalised copy of the content. The ID of the client is
embedded so that dishonest people illegally sharing their versions (like on P2P
networks) are identified and black-listed (or sued).
Packaging identification:
 Some companies use digital watermarking as a replacement of the bar code on


Thus, we learnt about dual layer watermarking and its applications.

CE348- Information Security 16CE071

AIM: Case Study on “How Hashing is used/implemented in Block Chain Technology.




The reliability and integrity of blockchain is rooted in there being no chance of any
fraudulent data or transactions, such as a double spend, being accepted or recorded. A
cornerstone of the technology as a whole and the key components in maintaining this
reliability is hashing.
Hashing is the process of taking an input of any length and turning it into a
cryptographic fixed output through a mathematical algorithm (Bitcoin uses SHA-256,
for example). Examples of such inputs can include a short piece of information such
as a message or a huge cache of varying pieces of information such as a block of
transactions or even all of the information contained on the internet.


Hashing drastically increases the security of the data. Anyone who may be trying to
decrypt the data by looking at the hash will not be able to work out the length of the
encrypted information based on the hash. A cryptographic hash function needs to have
several crucial qualities to be considered useful, these include:

 Impossible to produce the same hash value for differing inputs:

This is important because if it were not the case it would be impossible to keep
track of the authenticity of inputs.

 The same message will always produce the same hash value:
The importance of this is similar to the prior point.

 Quick to produce a hash for any given message:

The system would not be efficient or provide value otherwise.

 Impossible to determine input based on hash value:

This is one of the foremost aspects and qualities of hashing and securing data.

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 Even the slightest change to an input completely alters the hash:

This is also a matter of a security. If a slight change only made a slight difference
it would be considerably easier to work out what the input was. The better and
more complex the hashing algorithm, the larger the impact of changing an input
will be on what the output is.

Hashing secures data by providing certainty that it hasn’t been tampered with before
being seen by the intended recipient. So, as an example, if you downloaded a file
containing sensitive information, you could run it through a hashing algorithm,
calculate the hash of that data and compare it to the one shown by whoever sent you
the data. If the hashes don’t match, you can be certain that the file was altered before
you received it.


In blockchain, hashes are used to represent the current state of the world, or to be more
precise, the state of a blockchain. As such, the input represents everything that has
happened on a blockchain, so every single transaction up to that point, combined with
the new data that is being added. What this means is that the output is based on, and
therefore shaped by, all previous transactions that have occurred on a blockchain.

As mentioned, the slightest change to any part of the input results in a huge change to
the output; in this lies the irrefutable security of blockchain technology. Changing any
record that has previously happened on a blockchain would change all the hashes,
making them false and obsolete. This becomes impossible when the transparent nature
of blockchain is taken into account, as these changes would need to be done in plain
sight of the whole network.

The first block of a blockchain, known as a genesis block, contains its transactions
that, when combined and validated, produce a unique hash. This hash and all the new
transactions that are being processed are then used as input to create a brand new hash
that is used in the next block in the chain. This means that each block links back to its
previous block through its hash, forming a chain back to the genesis block, hence the
name blockchain. In this way, transactions can be added securely as long as the nodes
on the network are in consensus on what the hash should be.

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Data structures are a specialized way of storing data. The two foremost hashing objects
carrying out this function are pointers and linked lists. Pointers store addresses as
variables and as such point to the locations of other variables. Linked lists are a
sequence of blocks connected to one another through pointers. As such, the variable
in each pointer is the address of the next node, with the last node having no pointer
and the pointer in the first block, the genesis block, actually lying outside of the block
itself. At its simplest, a blockchain is simply a linked list of recorded transactions
pointing back to one another through hash pointers.

Hash pointers are where blockchain sets itself apart in terms of certainty as pointers
not only contain the address of the previous block, but also the hash data of that block
too. As described earlier, this is the foundation of the secure nature of blockchain. For
example, if a hacker wanted to attack the ninth block in a chain and change its data, he
would have to alter the data in all following blocks, as their hash would also change.
In essence, this makes it impossible to alter any data that is recorded on a blockchain.

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Hashing is of the core fundamentals and foremost aspects of the immutable and
defining potential of blockchain technology. It preserves the authenticity of the data
that is recorded and viewed, and as such, the integrity of a blockchain as a whole. It is
one of the more technical aspect of the technology, however understanding it is a solid
step in understanding how blockchain functions and the immeasurable potential and
value that it has.


Thus, we learnt about hashing and how hashing is implemented in blockchain and also
come to know about what data structures are used by hashing to implement blockchain.


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