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Robin Carter Praetorian Book 11 of the Macro Cato series, always a winner, i think the only time i have struggled
with one of these books was gladiator and that was just the one character in the book.Legion saw a return to old
school Macro and Cato and Simons best work, so would Praetorian keep up that momentum Yes and No No
because the book is different, the style not what you normally expect from Macro and Cato, mature almost the
characters , with intrigue and danger around every corner, Praetorian Book 11 of the Macro Cato series, always a
winner, i think the only time i have struggled with one of these books was gladiator and that was just the one
character in the book.Legion saw a return to old school Macro and Cato and Simons best work, so would Praetorian
keep up that momentum Yes and No No because the book is different, the style not what you normally expect from
Macro and Cato, mature almost the characters , with intrigue and danger around every corner, never knowing who
they can trust.Yes because the book is excellen
2. Nathan Trachta Mr Scarrow s books of Macro and Cato have been a love of mine for a while now currently my
favorite historical fiction series overall I m sorry Mr Sharpe The character development and stories have been
interesting I ve also enjoyed seeing young Cato mature though slightly disappointed that Mr Scarrow hasn t paid
the same attention to Macro.Praetorian has Cato and Macro now in the Praetorian Guard, working for Narcissus to
expose a plot against the Emperor Rather than being a nice simp Mr Scarrow s books of Macro and Cato have been
a love of mine for a while now currently my favorite historical fiction series overall I m sorry Mr Sharpe The
character development and stories have been interesting I ve also enjoyed seeing young Cato mature though
slightly disappointed that Mr Scarrow hasn t paid the same attention to Macro.Praetorian has Cato and Macro now
in the Praetorian Guard, working for Narcissus to expose a plot against the Emperor Rather than being a nice
simple affair, Mr Scarrow has our heroes learn the underside of Roman politics and why it s sometimes safer to be
on the frontier than in Rome Mr Scarrow does give us our fight scenes but there s description of Cato and Macro
uncovering plots and surviving adventures than the military maneuvers of earlier books yes, I miss the simple days
when Cato was an Optio, Macro was the Centurion, and we were interested in how their century would survive the
fight While this is a departure from the normal for Cato and Macro, it really just rolls them back from the big
scheme to a smaller unit view An enjoyable read, solid 4 stars for me
3. Beorn One to add to the endless list of Roman mystery novels.Relatively little time is spent on familiarising readers
with the two main characters It s arguable that that was because this is over a dozen books into the series so the
author didn t feel it necessary To me however it feels a little lazy as it could have easily been worked into being a
book that stood out on its own instead of being just a link in the chain.As far as the storyline goes, there isn t much
in the way of suspense, intrigu One to add to the endless list of Roman mystery novels.Relatively little time is spent
on familiarising readers with the two main characters It s arguable that that was because this is over a dozen books
into the series so the author didn t feel it necessary To me however it feels a little lazy as it could have easily been
worked into being a book that stood out on its own instead of being just a link in the chain.As far as the storyline
goes, there isn t much in the way of suspense, intrigue or menace The conspiracy is there but it feels very much like
it s on the back burner and doesn t particularly get your brain ticking over.There s far too much pondering, wistful
thinking into the distance and ruminating Far too little action or menace for my liking.The only thing that saves this
book is that mercifully, in the last quarter of the book, the pace and intrigue actually kicks in at last and makes up
for lost time If you don t see the second conspiracy coming, then you should be registered a literary blind
person.Overall not the most riveting, darkest or compelling novel surrounding a conspiracy but an alright addition
to the canon
4. Dawn I enjoyed the foray into the political arena of Rome for this installment in the Cato Macro adventures.
5. Jonathan Tomes Just finished the 11th book in Simon Scarrow s Eagle series detailing the lives of two Roman
soldiers, Macro and Cato In the first book, Under the Eagle, Marco was a Centurion and Cato a new Optio similar
to a second lieutenant in today s Army that was to be his second in command Now, in The Praetorian, after a series
of adventures in Gaul, Britain, Israel, and Egypt in the preceding novels, Cato has advanced in rank to outrank his
former boss They have become useful to Narcissus, a freed s Just finished the 11th book in Simon Scarrow s Eagle
series detailing the lives of two Roman soldiers, Macro and Cato In the first book, Under the Eagle, Marco was a
Centurion and Cato a new Optio similar to a second lieutenant in today s Army that was to be his second in
command Now, in The Praetorian, after a series of adventures in Gaul, Britain, Israel, and Egypt in the preceding
novels, Cato has advanced in rank to outrank his former boss They have become useful to Narcissus, a freed slave
who has become a trusted advisor to Emperor Claudius, who, in this historical fiction novel, brings them to Rome
to act as spies by transferring them to the Praetorian Guard the emperor s own guard Members of the guard are
apparently conspiring to murder Claudius and elevate his adopted son, Nero, to the throne Although not thrilled at
having to be spies rather than soldiers, they accept the duty The novel is a departure from the usual military
campaigns that Scarrow details so well, but is equally entertaining with insights into life in Rome When grain
deliveries to Rome fail, the emperor must throw and elaborate circuses to placate the mob conditions that the
plotters hope will help them seize power Sound like an American political campaign today Anyway, a great read
and fitting new story about Macro and Cato Five Stars easily
6. Andy 4 StarsDoes exactly what it says on the tin A good continuation in the series for all fans of Macro Cato out
there.I must admit to prefer the duo when they are soldiering rather than acting as Imperial agents for Narcissus but
with the yarn set in Rome it revolved around the Praetorian guard, the Imperial family, the plebs was a decent
enough mystery adventure story with enough about it to be learning about the machinations of the Guard the
politicking of the court of th 4 StarsDoes exactly what it says on the tin A good continuation in the series for all
fans of Macro Cato out there.I must admit to prefer the duo when they are soldiering rather than acting as Imperial
agents for Narcissus but with the yarn set in Rome it revolved around the Praetorian guard, the Imperial family, the
plebs was a decent enough mystery adventure story with enough about it to be learning about the machinations of
the Guard the politicking of the court of the period
7. Paul Bennett You might think that by the time you reach the 11th book of a series that features the same two
protagonists that one might get tired of those two protagonists Not so with Cato and Macro They continue to
entertain, this time from Rome itself as they go undercover in the Praetorian Guard The story is full of the normal
give and take between them as they sniff out a plot to assassinate Claudius Twists and turns in the plot keep the
story moving Indeed, the author has done a magnificent job as You might think that by the time you reach the 11th
book of a series that features the same two protagonists that one might get tired of those two protagonists Not so
with Cato and Macro They continue to entertain, this time from Rome itself as they go undercover in the Praetorian
Guard The story is full of the normal give and take between them as they sniff out a plot to assassinate Claudius
Twists and turns in the plot keep the story moving Indeed, the author has done a magnificent job as he leads the
reader from the opulence of the palace to the stews of slum ridden streets and even into the great sewer system
itself If you are a follower of this series then you will be pleased with number 11 it is a page turning delight
8. João Fant stico Intriga, conspira o. o 11 volume da saga da guia n o desilude Depois das grandes batalhas em Creta,
S ria e Egipto, foi bom ter agora um cap tulo num ambiente mais urbano, no cora o de Roma um livro que
desromantiza a Guarda Pretoriana, revelando um mundo onde apenas os interesses pessoais imperam e n o o bem
comum um livro onde a ac o fervilha em cada p gina, revelando se dif cil de largar Apesar de ser o 11 livro da saga,
n o existe grande necessidade de ler os res Fant stico Intriga, conspira o. o 11 volume da saga da guia n o desilude
Depois das grandes batalhas em Creta, S ria e Egipto, foi bom ter agora um cap tulo num ambiente mais urbano, no
cora o de Roma um livro que desromantiza a Guarda Pretoriana, revelando um mundo onde apenas os interesses
pessoais imperam e n o o bem comum um livro onde a ac o fervilha em cada p gina, revelando se dif cil de largar
Apesar de ser o 11 livro da saga, n o existe grande necessidade de ler os restantes 10 para se perceber todo o plot,
pois o autor enquadra tudo muito bem f cil relacionarmos nos com os dois personagens centrais S o carism ticos e
criam empatia, sem serem super homens
9. Todd This was a bit of a departure from Scarrow s usual writing since it revolved around Roman politics and the
role of the Praetorian guard Overall I enjoyed reading this book Although, the series does seem to be dragging out a
10. Simon Williams Another brilliant instalment and I thoroughly enjoyed every page screen really as I read it on my
kindle and phone A different setting to the other books but there is still the recurring theme in that they end up to
their necks in sewage at some point Can t wait for the next book.
11. Talento nella Storia Recensione pubblicata su www.talentonellastoria.comIn una precedente recensione ho passato
in rassegna l intera saga storica The Eagles Series di Simon Scarrow Ben tredici romanzi di ambientazione storica
incentrati sulle avventure di due soldati romani, Catone e Macrone Vorrei parlarvi nello specifico dell undicesimo
libro, quello intitolato Il pretoriano , edito dalla Newton e Compton nel 2012 Tengo a precisare che non considero
questo romanzo il migliore della serie ma quello che si d Recensione pubblicata su www.talentonellastoria.comIn
una precedente recensione ho passato in rassegna l intera saga storica The Eagles Series di Simon Scarrow Ben
tredici romanzi di ambientazione storica incentrati sulle avventure di due soldati romani, Catone e Macrone Vorrei
parlarvi nello specifico dell undicesimo libro, quello intitolato Il pretoriano , edito dalla Newton e Compton nel
2012 Tengo a precisare che non considero questo romanzo il migliore della serie ma quello che si discosta dall
andamento complessivo dei precedenti Dunque merita un approfondimento a parte Scarrow dal 2000 a oggi ha
sfornato, quasi ogni anno, un nuovo capitolo di questa serie In Italia i vari romanzi sono stati pubblicati non in
ordine cronologico, dunque almeno io ho fatto una certa fatica a ricollegare nel giusto andamento temporale tutte le
vicende e gli avanzamenti di grado dei protagonisti Alla fine mi sono rassegnato ad affrontare ogni romanzo come
una unit a se stante, evitando di interrogarmi su quanto del passato e del futuro gi conoscessi In questo senso Il
pretoriano un capitolo squisitamente autoconclusivo Si
12. Dimitri I can readily identify with Emperor Claudius, with his stutter and his gait in contrast to his sharp intellect
he studied Etruscan centuries afer the language died His public works, such as the new harbour at Ostia, made him
popular, though he was once attacked by a mob during a grain riot Scarrow takes his Suetonius and runs with it The
Eagles can t disappoint the band neither and going on an undercover mission in Imperial Rome is a nice change of
scenery from frontier warfare in Britann I can readily identify with Emperor Claudius, with his stutter and his gait
in contrast to his sharp intellect he studied Etruscan centuries afer the language died His public works, such as the
new harbour at Ostia, made him popular, though he was once attacked by a mob during a grain riot Scarrow takes
his Suetonius and runs with it The Eagles can t disappoint the band neither and going on an undercover mission in
Imperial Rome is a nice change of scenery from frontier warfare in Britannia Egypt Still, Marco Cato are soldiers,
not spies They don t do much until they stumble upon the Big Conspiracy, whereupon the end of the novel rushes
in with swords drawn The setting of the ancient city is definitely underused
13. margaret chalmers Brilliant nail biting actionDue to an error this being starred as a four star when it should be a
five star My bad However you are in for five star action This is one of the best I prefer the stories where Cato s
brains match Macros fighting skills Set in Rome with Imperial intrigue and assassination conspiracies for our boys
to sort out And they do Plenty of fights, lots of gore, imagine it in the cinema WOW Read and enjoy Sorry Simon I
didn t hit the final star properly I will be mor Brilliant nail biting actionDue to an error this being starred as a four
star when it should be a five star My bad However you are in for five star action This is one of the best I prefer the
stories where Cato s brains match Macros fighting skills Set in Rome with Imperial intrigue and assassination
conspiracies for our boys to sort out And they do Plenty of fights, lots of gore, imagine it in the cinema WOW Read
and enjoy Sorry Simon I didn t hit the final star properly I will be careful to give you your proper due with next
eagerly anticipated one
14. Victor Ahumada Al principio extra el cambio de las campa as y batallas por las intrigas palaciegas, pero Scarrow
hace tan amenos sus relatos que nuevamente logr interesarme por algunos aspectos que desconoc a.Creo que si se
hiciera leer estos libros por lo menos el primero en el colegio a los ni os se ganar a mucho en dos aspectos,
fomentar la lectura son amenos y reforzar la historia abunda la informaci n que uno suele desconocer.
15. Michael Craig With a suitable gap in time having passed since reading another in the Eagle series, I read and
enjoyed Praetorian It was set in Rome where Cato and Macro were given the task to infiltrate the Praetorian Guard
and to foil an assassination plot on Emperor Claudius This was vintage Simon Scarrow and gave excellent
background descriptions of life in Rome of both the common people and the privileged The story progressed nicely
at a pace and is a must read for those who like historical fiction w With a suitable gap in time having passed since
reading another in the Eagle series, I read and enjoyed Praetorian It was set in Rome where Cato and Macro were
given the task to infiltrate the Praetorian Guard and to foil an assassination plot on Emperor Claudius This was
vintage Simon Scarrow and gave excellent background descriptions of life in Rome of both the common people
and the privileged The story progressed nicely at a pace and is a must read for those who like historical fiction with
plenty of action and intrigue I have no hesitation in recommending It and giving it 4 stars
16. SEAN Having read the previous ten books in this series in a row I was really pleased with this latest instalment
involving Macro and Cato Less battles and fighting this time round and plotting and scheming which made for a
refreshing change.
17. Andre Not the usual Cato and Macro adventure among the legions, but still a very entertaining story, displaying
perfectly the backstabbing politics in Ancient Rome.
18. Scott Gardner Completely different from the other books , Marco and Cato go undercover in Rome to unravel a
plot to kill the emperor.No big battle scenes , spy thriller stuff
19. Gumble& 11th in the series and a welcome return to the intrigues of Rome this time with Marco and Cato in the
City itself Narcissus orders them to join the Praetorian Guard as rankers under false names to investigate an
apparent conspiracy of the Liberators Rome is suffering from a grain shortage partly linked to the previous stories
such as the problems in Egypt and the Liberators appear to be cornering what grain remains using stolen Imperial
silver supplies The setting of the book in Rome with 11th in the series and a welcome return to the intrigues of
Rome this time with Marco and Cato in the City itself Narcissus orders them to join the Praetorian Guard as rankers
under false names to investigate an apparent conspiracy of the Liberators Rome is suffering from a grain shortage
partly linked to the previous stories such as the problems in Egypt and the Liberators appear to be cornering what
grain remains using stolen Imperial silver supplies The setting of the book in Rome with real historical characters
mean it is much stronger than many of the previous books
20. Patrick Raets Praetorian is het elfde boek uit de reeks over de Romeinse legionairs Macro en Cato Ik ontdekte de
reeks in 2013 toen het eerste boek in het Nederlands werd vertaald Onder de adelaar en was meteen verkocht
Simon Scarrow slaagt er fantastisch in om het dagelijkse leven van een legioensoldaat weer te geven en vooral de
hardheid en discipline van dat bestaan Bovendien geeft hij elk boek een interessante historische setting mee, met
uitstekend beschreven militaire clashes en een heel spannend Praetorian is het elfde boek uit de reeks over de
Romeinse legionairs Macro en Cato Ik ontdekte de reeks in 2013 toen het eerste boek in het Nederlands werd
vertaald Onder de adelaar en was meteen verkocht Simon Scarrow slaagt er fantastisch in om het dagelijkse leven
van een legioensoldaat weer te geven en vooral de hardheid en discipline van dat bestaan Bovendien geeft hij elk
boek een interessante historische setting mee, met uitstekend beschreven militaire clashes en een heel spannend
inside verhaal E n nadeel voor de fans van de reeks in het Nederlands de vertalingen verschijnen heel traag a rato
van n vertaling per jaar waardoor ik naar de Engelse versie ben overgeschakeld reeds 14 boeken Wat Praetorian
zelf betreft, het verhaal speelt zich in Rome af, waar Macro en Cato undercover dwz zonder graad, als gewone
legionair worden ingelijfd bij de Praetoriaanse Garde van keizer Claudius Ze moeten op zoek gaan naar een
samenzwering binnen de garde die het gemunt heeft op het leven van de keizer en komen daarbij in een echt
wespennest van intriges terecht in de keizerlijke hofhouding Wespennest is dan nog misschien zacht uitgedrukt
Verschillende fracties ijveren binnen de paleismuren om de gunst van de keizer en zijn familie en blijken
bovendien allemaal hun eigen politieke agenda te hebben Het boek is een beetje een vreemde eend in de bijt voor
de kenners van de reeks omdat hier het detective genre de overhand neemt Maar ook nu slaagt Simon Scarrow er
weer probleemloos in om je als lezer aan het boek gekluisterd te houden en hangt hij tevens een heel duidelijk
beeld op van hoe de Praetoriaanse Garde erin slaagt om zich in de loop van de tijd om te buigen tot een politiek
instrument, zonder wiens goedkeuring geen enkele keizer nog in het zadel kan blijven, een vaststelling die hij op
het einde van het boek in een kort historisch overzicht verduidelijkt Als extraatje is er nog een interview met de
schrijver ove
21. D.w. This is still a great series In the back notes, Simon, the author talks of returning to two old friends, and that is
how the series is now Macro has softened a bit, though still rough and tumble and a better fighter than Cato Cato is
still the brains that keeps Macro away from the trouble he is prone to get into Here is the closest we have been to
the Imperial Purple, Claudius, who is near the end of his tenure And we see the seedy underside of politics as all
prepare for what is to come wh This is still a great series In the back notes, Simon, the author talks of returning to
two old friends, and that is how the series is now Macro has softened a bit, though still rough and tumble and a
better fighter than Cato Cato is still the brains that keeps Macro away from the trouble he is prone to get into Here
is the closest we have been to the Imperial Purple, Claudius, who is near the end of his tenure And we see the seedy
underside of politics as all prepare for what is to come when Claudius is gone It is a shame that we do not see the
craftiness of Derek Jacoby in the time when Claudius appears That would have elevated the story I think.Also,
there are times when we can see what Cato needs to see two, and three times before he realizes that there is not one
simple plot to follow, but many and, well it s complicated As Imperial politics should be where all are scrambling
for power to come.Yet that complexity and the background make this a great read Though still troubling is that
Cato, so close to his lover, would not send some form of communication to her A subplot we have been exploring
for the previous three books.One hopes that having met Vespasian at the beginning of the series our two heroes will
continue on for the next reign and the turmoil and then be on hand to aid that Emperor when he comes to power
Many tales, please
22. José Miguel Siempre que leo un libro de esta saga de Quinto Licinio Cato, que con este llevo once, me recuerda a
mi abuelo Me recuerda cuando me re a de sus lecturas, no paraba de devorar novelas de Marcial Lafuente Estefan
a, iba a cambiarlas a un peque o estanco y se dorm a a la hora de la siesta con un puro en una mano y con una
novela en la otra A mi siempre me parec a la misma, aun a pesar de que Marcial escribi alrededor de 2600 de estas
novelas cortas, y as se lo dec a a mi abuelo, el solo se son Siempre que leo un libro de esta saga de Quinto Licinio
Cato, que con este llevo once, me recuerda a mi abuelo Me recuerda cuando me re a de sus lecturas, no paraba de
devorar novelas de Marcial Lafuente Estefan a, iba a cambiarlas a un peque o estanco y se dorm a a la hora de la
siesta con un puro en una mano y con una novela en la otra A mi siempre me parec a la misma, aun a pesar de que
Marcial escribi alrededor de 2600 de estas novelas cortas, y as se lo dec a a mi abuelo, el solo se sonre a y segu a
disfrutando de las aventuras del lejano y peligroso oeste Ahora yo soy mi abuelo cuando leo las aventuras de Cato y
Macro, son entretenidas, llenas de aventuras y te hacen olvidarte de lo dem s No son una obra de arte, no son un
ensayo sobre la vida de la Roma Imperial, no son una prosa magnifica Pero tienen un poco de todo y mucho de
entretenimiento Al final cumple su objetivo a la perfecci n Y al final le tienes cari o a los dos personajes y quieres
saber m s de sus historias, igual que mi abuela, que terminaba las pel culas siempre diciendo, pero bueno , ahora
nos dejan sin saber que paso despu s, se casaron tuvieron hijos que fue de ellos Pretoriano Para los seguidores
incondicionales de la saga, que son muchos.Nota 7
23. Paul This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers To view it, click here Shifting from his usual style of
writing, Simon Scarrow diversifies the Eagle series brilliantly, introducing a new and interesting change from the
usual war accounts After Cato and Macro return from their grueling hunt after the Gladiator, Ajax, they expect to
receive promotions, amongst other things, for their achievements Yet Narcissus, the Imperial Secretary, has other
plans for them In a time of turmoil and social unrest, the Emperor needs all the allies he can get.Picking up from
the Shifting from his usual style of writing, Simon Scarrow diversifies the Eagle series brilliantly, introducing a
new and interesting change from the usual war accounts After Cato and Macro return from their grueling hunt after
the Gladiator, Ajax, they expect to receive promotions, amongst other things, for their achievements Yet Narcissus,
the Imperial Secretary, has other plans for them In a time of turmoil and social unrest, the Emperor needs all the
allies he can get.Picking up from the last few books, Scarrow finally utilizes the fact that Rome s grain supply is
quickly diminishing The mob is on the brink of starvation, and some mysterious group has hurriedly bought up the
extra supply of food Narcissus believes it s a conspiracy in the Praetorian Guard, the very entity that brought
Emperor Claudius to power Hiring Cato and Macro to infiltrate the Guard and uncover the conspiracy, he hopes to
keep his dear Emperor in power, and in turn, maintain his as well.Away from the usual scene of battle and gory
warfare, Cato and Macro seem out of place with this whole spy business
24. John Salter Praetorian sees a departure from the usual legionary capers for Macro and Cato as the two intrepid
heroes return to Rome to work undercover as members of the Praetorian guard as they try to uncover a plot to
undermine the Emperor, Claudius and bring his reign to an end.Being a big fan of all Mr Scarrow s books, I was
really looking to this story especially as it was going to be different Although enjoyable, the pace of the storyline
was a lot slower than usual and I thought there was less humou Praetorian sees a departure from the usual legionary
capers for Macro and Cato as the two intrepid heroes return to Rome to work undercover as membe
25. Miguel En esta novela se ha consumado el giro que han sufrido las novelas de esta saga En su inicio nos encontr
bamos con unas tramas m s simples y centradas en las batallas entre las legiones y los b rbaros que no se dejan
invadir, pero conforme Cato ha cogido protagonismo las historias han evolucionado hacia unas tramas m s
complejas y con menos acci n Las conspiraciones se han convertido en el n cleo de las historias y dejan poco
espacio para el uso de los pu os.En principio esta evoluci n me gust En esta novela se ha consumado el giro que han
sufrido las novelas de esta saga En su inicio nos encontr bamos con unas tramas m s simples y centradas en las
batallas entre las legiones y los b rbaros que no se dejan invadir, pero conforme Cato ha cogido protagonismo las
historias han evolucionado hacia unas tramas m s complejas y con menos acci n Las conspiraciones se han
convertido en el n cleo de las historias y dejan poco espacio para el uso de los pu os.En principio esta evoluci n me
gusta y adem s se ha dado casi de forma natural, dicho lo cual he de reconocer que me apetece que la pr xima
novela de la saga vuelva a sus or genes, que quer is que otra diga a veces necesitamos nuestro chute de droga dura,
y adem s poco a poco Macro ha perdido protagonismo y cre que es una l stima
26. Justin Tonna I like Simon Scarrow His books are an easy read, mixing a little bit of history with some great action
It s not a literary prize winner but then it doesn t pretend to be What I liked about Praetorian is the back and forth of
the two main characters Macro and Cato There is a chemistry there that jumps off the page It makes them feel real
Scarrow himself says that they have taken on a life of their own and write themselves Also, the book has some
interesting plot twists and does keep I like Simon Scarrow His books are an easy read, mixing a little bit of history
with some great action It s not a literary prize winner but then it doesn t pretend to be What I liked about Praetorian
is the back and forth of the two main characters Macro and Cato There is a chemistry there that jumps off the page
It makes them feel real Scarrow himself says that they have taken on a life of their own and write themselves Also,
the book has some interesting plot twists and does keep you guessing although you won t have to guess too hard
This book differs a little from the others in that this is not a battlefield romp, but a spy novel that sees the two
characters go undercover in the Praetorian legion.A fun read, and a good addition to the series that chronicles the
exploits of Macro and Cato
27. Colin For me this was the best of the whole series so far Scarrow is writing in a different style here as it ends up in
a political conspiracy thriller area, with the solving of the mystery putting this one a lot closer to the likes of Steven
Saylor s Roma Sub Rosa series.Due to this it feels much mature and takes the story of Cato and Macro up a notch
Especially as opposed to the previous The Legion where it almost felt like a teen book in places Nonetheless
Scarrow has somehow cunningly For me this was the best of the whole series so far Scarrow is writing in a
different style here as it ends up in a political conspiracy thriller area, with the solving of the mystery putting this
one a lot closer to the likes of Steven Saylor s Roma Sub Rosa series.Due to this it feels much mature and takes the
story of Cato and Macro up a notch Especially as opposed to the previous The Legion where it almost felt like a
teen book in places Nonetheless Scarrow has somehow cunningly written in a nice handful of skirmishes although
there are no pitched battles into the story, so you won t miss out on the action So in that sense it s a win win.I
thoroughly enjoyed the book and I hope the series continues at some point
28. Rithun Regi The story of Macro and Cato is set in the context of Rome in her glory days There are many relevant
themes highlighted such as the blessing of a true friendship in the snake pit where all the snakes are vying for in the
dangerous game of politics The story shows that Rome which is built on the ideal of freedom loses its true ideals
when tyranny of the Caesars reign The book shows that true friendship gives you a purpose in life and success
gained through hard work is enjoyable than succe The story of Macro and Cato is set in the context of Rome in her
glory days There are many relevant themes highlighted such as the blessing of a true friendship in the snake pit
where all the snakes are vying for in the dangerous game of politics The story shows that Rome which is built on
the ideal of freedom loses its true ideals when tyranny of the Caesars reign The book shows that true friendship
gives you a purpose in life and success gained through hard work is enjoyable than success through power plays
and politics Macro and Cato can be related to by any of us as there is a bit of us in each one of us A good read and
a well researched book
29. Soteris Cato and Macro return to Rome in this book and as the title suggests, they are pushed into the ranks of the
Praetorian guard to help uncover a plot aimed at taking down the Emperor As usual, Simon Scarrow delivers with a
great story that engages the reader straight from the first chapter Macro and Cato will continue to be my most
favourite ever Roman Legionaries and I hope he never stops writing about these two me Those that know the series
will not be disappointed, those that do not, get inv Cato and Macro return to Rome in this book and as the title
suggests, they are pushed into the ranks of the Praetorian guard to help uncover a plot aimed at taking down the
Emperor As usual, Simon Scarrow delivers with a great story that engages the reader straight from the first chapter
Macro and Cato will continue to be my most favourite ever Roman Legionaries and I hope he never stops writing
about these two me Those that know the series will not be disappointed, those that do not, get involved Hard, gritty
and often humorous in places, this series of books is one of the best for anybody looking for stories in the time of
the Roman Empire
30. Luka Novak Eagle series can be divided into two sets One has our heroes involved in fighting, other in covert work
This book falls into latter category.Cato and Macro have to go undercover in Praetorian Guard to uncover plot to
assassinate eperor Claudius, guided by ever present Narcissus For our heroes this is somehat of a shock as they are
used to their rank but now assume identities of ordinary legionaires.In the process they meet several people who
will shape Roman empire later, such as Nero.While b Eagle series can be divided into two sets One has our heroes
involved in fighting, other in covert work This book falls into latter category.Cato and Macro have to go
undercover in Praetorian Guard to uncover plot to assassinate eperor Claudius, guided by ever present Narcissus
For our heroes this is somehat of a shock as they are used to their rank but now assume identities of ordinary
legionaires.In the process they meet several people who will shape Roman empire later, such as Nero.While book is
not bad I prefer books where Cato and MAcro are involved in conventional fighting and life or ordinary legions

31. Macro and Cato now find themselves members of the elite Praetorian
Guard, charged with defending the emperor himself against harm. Yet,
they rapidly find that the Guard is riddled with conspiracies aimed at
bringing the ageing emperor Claudius down, and raising either of his
two sons, one by birth, Britannicus, the other by adoption, Nero, to the
purple. Needless to say, the two centurions manage to find themselves in
the thick of the action. In the background is the Machiavellian figure of
Narcissus, well known to both legionnaires, and also his rival for control
of the emperor, Pallas.
Simon Scarrow
32. [Simon Scarrow] ? Praetorian (Eagle, #11) [historical-fiction. Book] PDF ? Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB
34. The Leopard Sword (Empire, #4)
35. Rome's Executioner (Vespasian, #2)
36. The Caspian Gates (Warrior of Rome, #4)
37. Defender of Rome (Gaius Valerius Verrens, #2)
38. The Road to Rome (Forgotten Legion Chronicles, #3)
39. Legionary (Legionary, #1)
40. Gallia Invicta (Marius' Mules, #3)
41. Under the Eagle (Eagle, #1)
42. The Eagle's Conquest (Eagle, #2)
43. When the Eagle Hunts (Eagle, #3)
44. The Eagle and the Wolves (Eagle, #4)
45. The Eagle's Prey (Eagle, #5)
46. The Eagle's Prophecy (Eagle, #6)
47. The Eagle in the Sand (Eagle, #7)
48. Centurion (Eagle, #8)
49. The Gladiator (Eagle, #9)
50. The Legion (Eagle, #10)
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