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An Investigatory Project Presented to the

Junior High School Department

Holy Infant School


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement

In Science 10



Lance Rafael Joven

Ma. Ericka Mateo
Jan Alexandre Carredo

August 20, 2018

I. Title: Solar Heated Grill
II. Introduction

A. Background of the Study

The researchers are going to conduct a research about the solar heated
grill that they had proposed. This research will be useful for those people
liking adventure who prefer hiking and for those who are not able to be
reach by our technology. They should be able to use this in time when they
are not able to use portable gas stoves. The researchers are aiming for the
best thing that they could do. Researches must be able to conduct a
research the will really help other people. The researchers aim to have a
grill the can cook other foods like the processed ones.

Cooking is widely used now a days. People uses cooking in for their
houses, in restaurants, fast food chains and many more. The researchers
come up with this study to help other people. There are people who can’t
afford gas ranges, and grill. This study would help other people who can’t
afford expensive things like those. The solar energy would be the best
answer for their problem.

Since the Philippines is a tropical country solar heat is abundant on

this place. Solar energy which will help the grill to cook the food inside. There
are things that could really help to cook the food perfectly with the help of
sunlight energy. The heat will circulate inside the grill that could cook the
food thoroughly. The people would cook their food easily without thinking
that they could burn something. We could also use the things like old shoe
box could help lessen the solid waste in our environment
B. Statement of the Problem

General Problem

This study aims to convert an old carton box to be useful and used as
an alternative cooking machine to cook food. Can it really be an
alternative cooking machine that many people can benefit from? The
researchers should be able to clarify if it would really be an alternative
cooking machine.

Specific Problem

• What could happen if there is no enough sunlight?

• What could happen if there would be no heat circulating?

• What types of food can be only cook?

C. Significance of the Study

This study will be able to help to other people that are not reachable
of technology. In today’s world cooking is already significant to the life of
many people. But we cannot use our skills in cooking outside without
cooking tools. This grill can help other people to cook food in forests,
mountains, etc. without the use of any pans. Also, it uses the power of the
sun to cook food, so therefore, it can save the environment. Since the
people use portable stoves and burners to cook their meals whenever they
are outside their homes, it can release smoke whenever they are using
it. The solar heated grill is eco-friendly and also portable. It is portable
because of its size, making it easier to carry. It is also easy to build since it is
made out of recyclable materials that can lessen the solid waste people
produces as a support to R.A. 9003
D. Scope and Limitations of the Study

This grill is suitable for anyone who wants a cheaper way of cooking. This
should work perfectly with the use of sunlight even if you’re on mountains
or forests. Especially for people who cannot afford to buy expensive
cookers this would be helpful for them to cook their foods. This study is
limited for places where the heat from the sunlight is abundant. It would
really help the grill to cook much faster if there is a direct impact of sunlight.
The circulation of the heat is also the barrier to fulfil to cook the food. If there
is no circulation of heat inside it would also be nonsense for people to use
it. High temperature is also needed for it to provide equal heat on the food.

III. Review of Related Literatures and Studies

A. Related Literatures
According to it is not convenient to use propane or
charcoal. Solar heated grill is more convenient because it will taste the
smoke of the charcoal and lesser burn on the food that will be cooked. It is
like an electric grill that cooks with the use to sun. It uses solar energy to
simplify the way of cooking and to lessen the cost of electricity. The Solar
Grill uses a flexible mirror to aim the sun’s rays at the black “barbecue cup”
to get it nice and toasty. Since it’s light and easily transportable this is a
good solution for camping or even tailgating. No need to worry about
flames or smoke. Solar cooked foods make the food tender and succulent.
Nothing needs to be stirred or flipped. This will cost the user no money
because it can be made from recyclable materials. They should have
conducted how really effective it is when it comes to solar heat. Sometimes
solar heat is not that very accurate because of the shade of the sun. It also
depends on the time of the day that the user will use the solar heated grill.
B. Related Studies
Based on Study moose (2017), a web based essay compilation, this
study aims to find out if it is really convenient to use the solar heated grill as
an alternative cooking equipment. It is also important to use the solar
energy that is free for use of everyone. We can also compare the use of
usual grill at home and the portable grill. Solar or radiant are the energy
that came from the sun it is very wide range because of the instances like
solar heating which uses the heat from sunlight. Solar technology can be
classified either passive solar or active solar. Active solar uses solar thermal
collector that can be stored and used only if needed. Passive solar is the
technique where it includes the trapped heat from sunlight and the
circulation of heat air. Solar cookers use sunlight for cooking, drying and
pasteurization. The first simplest solar cooker was made by Horace de
Saussure in 1767. A simple cooker is like an insulated container with a
transparent lid. Its temperature usually reached between 90-150 oC.

Solar panels are also the photovoltaic panels that consume the heat
from the sun to convert to electricity. It is so much important to have this
kind of invention for those who cannot afford the high cost electricity. This
could help each and every person who will used this king of grill. Solar
panels are compared to the grill because of the trapped heat that can be
used to cook food. It is not that very much efficient but it is useful

C. Materials and Methodologies


• Heavy Cardboard- it will act as the base of the grill

• Aluminum Foil- it will help to conduct heat

• Tape- will be used to adhere the cardboard

• Glass- it will help to circulate the heat

• Styrofoam- it will help to regulate the heat

1. Cut the top flap. Using the permanent marker trace a square over the
top of the box, leaving about a one to two-inch border. Cut out the box,
leaving the back (top) end attached so it becomes a flap. This top flap
will become our reflector for the sun light.
2. Line with aluminum and Black construction paper. Line the bottom of the
box with aluminum. Use nontoxic tape or glue to secure the foil in place.
Take the black cloth or black construction paper and place it over the
foil. Secure it with nontoxic tape or glue.
3. Line lid with foil. Line the inside of the lid and reflector with foil. Secure with
nontoxic glue or tape.
4. Cover the square hole we cut earlier with the plastic wrap and over the
front of the box with the black cloth or construction paper. This helps the
box to absorb more heat. Secure with nontoxic tape or glue.
5. Place over in the sun. Place the griller the sun. Angle the reflector to
where the most sunlight is reflected into the box. Tape the pencil to where
it holds up the lid in place. Leave the box in the sun for a half an hour to
an hour to warm up. It may take a little longer depending on the heat
and how clear the sky is in your area.
6. Put in the food. Once it is pretty hot put the food in that you want to cook.
In researcher’s case, they choose hotdogs. Let them cook for a couple
of hours or until they are a nice golden brown color. Check on them every
15 minutes.
II. Fg
IV. Results, Discussion and Findings
A. Results

Scale: (Comparison)
Our Research Jhay Rivera’s Research
Due to inclement weather we are On his first trial he was not also able
not able to use the grill because of to cook the hot dog because the
the rain. The sun is not directly sun was not hitting the grill directly.
hitting the grill so it can’t cook the On his second attempt he was
hotdog. able to cook the hotdog because
of the direct heat.
B. Discussion
There are factors that really needed to be changed and there
are factors that needs to be improved. Based on what the
researchers done they’re not able to cook the hotdog. There are
some factors that have affected it. First factor is the sunlight, if there
is not enough sunlight the heat will not completely circulate in the
box. The heat was not sustained for having the low temperature
circulating the box.
The second factor is the aluminum foil we are not able to place
some aluminum foil for the reason we are not able to find one that
will be able to circulate the heat and will not damage the grill. The
foil was too thin so it cannot circulate the heat inside the grill. We
should have put some Styrofoam for it could help to sustain the heat
inside the box.
There are things that we should consider in creating this
research. There should always be enough heat so that you can cook
what you would like to cook properly. The researchers think even if
they were not able to cook hotdog due to inclement weather some
other research could prove that it does really work.
C. Summary of Findings
It can be used as an alternative cooking machine as the other
research provide. The researchers may not be successful on doing
this project due also to some factors. The only thing that could
happen if there is no enough sunlight is that the food may not be
able to get cooked. If there is no heat circulating inside the grill it
would not the able to sustain the enough temperature needed to
cook a certain food. The recommended food that can be cooked
are the processed food that only requires a slow process of cooking
and it only requires to be reheated for people to be able to eat it.
D. Conclusion
We therefore conclude that even though we are not able to
cook the hotdog there will be a possibility that we might be able to
cook it if we will cook it in a sunny weather. The grill can be made
from very cheap materials that could be found at home. However, it
does take time to cook a food due to the insufficient heat circulating
than to use the gas stove that would save you a lot of time. I think
that this kind of cooker that is built from a shoebox would be useful
and helpful in any other ways. People should just be creative on using
it. It can save people a lot of money and energy that we use on
industrial grillers. I also think that this is cheaper and economical due
to the fact that we are in a tropical country and it would be
acceptable in our time.
E. Recommendation
On the basis of the conclusion made these are the recommendation
that could help for further study. The proper recycling is of old things
in our home is a must because it could help to save our mother earth.
The other researchers should be able to know if there is enough sun
heat that could affect the cooking of the food. The foil in the carton
should be doubled for it to sustain the heat.
A solar heated grill is a device which uses the energy of direct sunlight
to heat, for us to be able to cook food. A solar heated grill is not an electric
grill that runs on a solar power, it's literally a grill that cooks with the sun. It
can be built from a cardboard box/shoe box, tin foil, tape, and scissors. The
feasibility of reflective solar grill that is built from an old shoe box and
aluminum foil as an alternative cooking equipment. The researchers should
go outside so that if will be more successful.

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