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1. What are the precautions to be taken care of and what are the
assumptions made while studying the mass spring system?

2. What will happen to the equation ma=-kx, when dissipative forces are
also taken into the account?

3. How will you define spring constant of a spring?

4. What is the difference between stress and strain?

5. What is young's modulus?

6. How will you convert linearly polarised light into circularly polarised

7. How will be the nodal slide experiment be changed if the two convex
lenses are replaced by two concave lenses?

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8. What will be th effect of introducing a plane glass plate in place of one

of the convex lenses in that experiment?

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9. What will happen if in place of sodium light, white light is used in

Fresnel's Biprism?

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10. What is resolving power and limiting angle of resolution?

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11. What is the difference between resolving power and dispersive power?

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12. Explain the diagram you made for resolving power experiment.

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13. What are cardinal points? What are the different cardinal points?

14. Why is nodal slide called nodal slide?

15. What is polarisation?

16. The Newton's rings we see are formed by transmitted light or

refracted light?

17. How can we make the central circle bright in Newton's rings?

18. What is radius of gyration? What is moment of inertia? What is a


19. What are the applications of flywheel around us?

20. What is compound pendulum?

21. Why is the graph of bar pendulum the way it looks?

22. What happens when convex lens in Newton's ring experiment is
replaced by a concave lens of varying refractive index?

23. What is the mathematical equation for damped oscillations?

24. How does a sodium lamp work? Why does yellow light take some time
to appear in a sodium lamp? Sometimes when you turn off the lamp and
turn it on again it doesn't work, why does that happen?

25. What is the effective spring constant in case of springs in series and
parallel combination?

26. Define focal length , nodal points,nodal assembly and relation between
F and x in nodal slide experiment.

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