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2/25/2019 Module 1: Quiz about Vocabulary Instruction: Content-based Instruction

Module 1: Quiz about Vocabulary Instruc on

Due Feb 25 at 12:59pm Points 10 Questions 8
Available until Mar 26 at 11:59am Time Limit None
Allowed Attempts Unlimited

Instruc ons
This quiz checks your comprehension of our last two readings about vocabulary
Question mark.png

instruction, and it will help you think of ways of applying this in your CBI classes. You can take this
quiz as many times as you like. Be sure to read the feedback after you submit your answers. Please
note that you must score at least 7/10 to move on in the module.

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by FHI 360 and delivered by World Learning
"Question mark icon" by Gina Asalon for World Learning is licensed under CC BY 4.0 (

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A empt History
Attempt Time Score
KEPT Attempt 3 2 minutes 9 out of 10

LATEST Attempt 3 2 minutes 9 out of 10

Attempt 2 6 minutes 9 out of 10

Attempt 1 12 minutes 8 out of 10

 Correct answers are hidden.

Score for this attempt: 9 out of 10

Submitted Feb 25 at 10:36am
This attempt took 2 minutes.

Question 1 1 / 1 pts

In “Vocabulary Instruction in CBI,” we were told that vocabulary practice

activities should involve repetition. Why is that? 1/6
2/25/2019 Module 1: Quiz about Vocabulary Instruction: Content-based Instruction

Because younger students prefer repetition.

Because students do not understand words in their L2 the first time.

Because memorization requires repetition.

Correct! It does!

Because repetition is easier to provide than variety.

Question 2 2 / 2 pts

If our vocabulary activities only involve repetition and not any of the other
characteristics mentioned in the reading “Vocabulary Instruction in CBI”
(hands-on, progressing from simple to complex, and including all four skills),
what could happen?

Choose two of the following.

Students might feel a sense of ownership of the words.

Students might memorize the words temporarily but then forget them quickly.

You are right! If students merely memorize a list of words, they will
probably not remember them for long.

Students might be mistaken for a native English speaker.

Students might not be able to use the words in communicative activities.

Correct! If students merely memorize a list of words, they will not know
how to use them properly in different contexts. 2/6
2/25/2019 Module 1: Quiz about Vocabulary Instruction: Content-based Instruction

Question 3 1 / 1 pts

Learners need repetition to learn new words. Should these repetitions

happen all in the same lesson?

Yes. Then they will be able to compare the different ways the word is used and
learn additional details about its form, meaning, and use.

No. Research shows that people learn more when their study sessions are
spaced out over time.

That’s right! This phenomenon is called distributed practice.

Question 4 1 / 1 pts

The text “Vocabulary Instruction in CBI” mentions several different pieces of

information that we know about each word that we learn. This includes form
(how to pronounce it, how to spell it), meaning, and use. Which of the
following will NOT help students learn all of these details about a new
vocabulary word?

Every time the students are tested on the question, they are given the same
fill-in-the-blank sentence.

You are right! If students only see one example of how to use a word,
they will not learn the word fully. They need to see several different
examples in different contexts.

Students write creative texts using the new vocabulary.

Students create a concept map about the word. 3/6
2/25/2019 Module 1: Quiz about Vocabulary Instruction: Content-based Instruction

Students do an “Adopt a Word” activity, presenting a new word to the class by

showing a drawing of the word, giving the definition, and giving an example

Partial Question 5 1 / 2 pts

“Hands on” is a term that has many implications. Which of the following TWO
are true of hands-on activities, as described in “Vocabulary Instruction in

Activities must include realia or props. Activities that only involve talking or
reading are ineffective.

Hands-on activities are particularly effective for CBI chemistry lessons.

Learners should have an active role in the vocabulary activities.

That’s right! People learn more through active learning techniques.

There should be opportunities for creativity.

Question 6 1 / 1 pts

The text “Vocabulary Instruction in CBI” says that learners need to progress
from simpler to more complex activities. Why do the activities need to be
simpler at the beginning?

Because in the early stages of learning a word, their pronunciation is poor. 4/6
2/25/2019 Module 1: Quiz about Vocabulary Instruction: Content-based Instruction

Because in the early stages of learning a word, students don’t have much

Because in the early stages of learning a word, students are more emotional.

Because in the early stages of learning a word, simply remembering the word
represents significant cognitive load.

That is right! At the beginning, remembering and recognizing words will

occupy them so much, they will not be able to also do other difficult tasks
at the same time.

Question 7 1 / 1 pts

Still thinking about progressing from simpler to more complex activities,

identify which of these activities from “Vocabulary-building Activity Examples”
is the MOST COMPLEX for the learners.

Students brainstorm words they know associated with a topic, and the teacher
creates a word cloud from the list.

Students act out (perform) a dialogue that contains 6 of the words on their new
vocabulary list.

Students first write and then perform a role play using 6 of the words on their
new vocabulary list. 5/6
2/25/2019 Module 1: Quiz about Vocabulary Instruction: Content-based Instruction

That’s right. This is the most complex of the four activities, because the
learners have to write the script first. This would be more difficult than
performing a script that the teacher gave them.

Students vote on which words on their word wall they have learned.

Question 8 1 / 1 pts

The text “Vocabulary Instruction in CBI” talks about the importance of giving
students opportunities to encounter and use new words not only in written
language, but in oral language as well. Which of these activities would help
students practice new vocabulary through speaking and/or listening?

Role plays

Doing an “Adopt a Word” activity in which they give an oral presentation to the
class about their new word.

Doing a CSI (Color-Symbol-Image) activity and then discussing their answers

in small groups.

All of the above

Yes, you are right! All of the activities listed will give students the
opportunity to practice the new words by speaking and/or listening. This
will strengthen their vocabulary learning and help them to use the words
in multiple contexts in the future.

Quiz Score: 9 out of 10 6/6

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