Nourishing (Nutritious Substance in Food

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Nutrition A study of nutrients , their action , interaction

and balance in relation to health and disease.

Process Our body ingest , digest , absorbs , transports
of nutrition utilizes and excretes food substance.

. ingest : take food into the body by

swallowing and absorb
. digest : breakdown food to small molecule
. utilizes : effectively use for a body function
. excrete : a metabolic waste is eliminated
from body (expel waste substance)

Nutrients Nourishing substances in foods that are

essential for growth of infants development
that leads to adult hood and maintenance
of body function throughout life

Nourishing (nutritious substance in food

or food that contain healthy substance)

Diet Food and beverage a person eats and drinks

Quality of which affects the risk of chronic
Food Derived from plant or animal sources
provide energy and nutrients used by the
for maintenance growth and repair
Elements in the six classes of nutrients
C H O N Mineral

Lipid (fats)
Proteins a
Vitamins b

Energy producing nutrient

1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipid
3. Proteins

Non energy producing nutrients ( use for body function in

hormone and neurotransmitter )
1. Water
2. Mineral
3. Vitamin
a some protein contains mineral sulfur
b some vitamin contain nitrogen , some contains

k calories a (per gram)

carbohydrates 4kcal/g
fat 9kcal/g
protein 4kcal/g

Essential Nutrients for Human


Non Energy Nutrients

Vitamins Minerals Water
Vitamin A Calcium
Thiamin (B1) Cloride
Riboflavin (B2) Copper
Niacin (B3) Floride
Pantothenic acid Iodine
Pyridoxine (B6) Iron
Biotin (B7) Magnesium
Folate (B9) Manganese
Cobalamine (B12) Molybdenum
Vitamin C Potassium
Vitamin D Selenium
Vitamin E Sodium
Vitamin K Zinc

Non - Essential Nutrients

1. Phytochemicals (naturally made by the body)
2. Pigments
3. Food Additives ( to improve taste and physical look

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