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- The intent of this program is to drmatically increase what is possible for you,
your compnay, your product, and your service. It is a process designed to eliminate
and eradicate the low ceilings of possiblilites that a lot of you have knowingly or
unknowingly created and smash open your paradigm so that you can go from linear to
non=linear and have an expansive and CAT scan the way you look at life

Page 3
- We are going to build a custom strategy. Build a custom action plan so that you
have no excuses for not doing this. We are going to tackle negativity, resistance,
disbelief and uncertainty and we're going to replace it with confidence, certainty,
courage and possibility

Page 4
- This program is not about methods or him making you get a round tag get into a
square hole. It is him giviing you a new way of thinking, new paradigm and then you
figuring out what to do with it exactly

Page 5
- How to geometrically increase your understanding. When I make a statment that a
person is hot, different people might perceive it differently. One person might
think that the woman is curvy, one person might think the person is cute, etc. So,
when you ask different people on what they got out of it, your understanding while
increase exponentially.
So, tell them who you are, what business application you are here for. What you got
out of the last segment, and what you're going to do with it, and ask the same of
them. Do not sit at the same tables every time with the same people

Page 6
- The title of this seminar is how to create unlimited business wealth without risk
or capital
- It is about travelling outside your current limitations and looking how you can
access nearly infinite resources, access, assets, affinitiy meaning relationships
that other companies, other organizations, other influencers, other media have and
how you can use it instead of capital
- Imagine that you have unlimited business capital. You can write a cheque for the
equivalent of whatever you want. Hotel rooms? Advertising? Expertise? Operations?
Sales people? Infrastructure? Manufacturing facilities? Penetrate markets? Acquire
other businesses?
- Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, from today forward, you can acheive
- Whenver someone does something for the first time, they rarely do it correctly
just like the children who first tried to walk, etc. Don't expect to be great at it
when you first start out. When you first start out executing, you will not probably
execute it masterfully in the beginning. It does ot mean that the concept does not
work, it means that you have to course correct

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