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2 Theoretical Framework

According to Ernest W. Adams, A game is a type of play activity, conducted in the

context of a pretended reality in which the participant(s) try to achieve at least one arbitrary,

nontrivial goal by acting in accordance with rules.

The theory of games is constantly argued. The debate is the strongest when discussing

video games in particular. This field of entertainment, which is rapidly pioneering new ways of

entertaining people, often lacks a clear common language when discussing video games in a

professional context. Game industry professionals struggle to debate and communicate ideas,

even more so with clients, publishers and marketers from different fields. This is partly because

game design is a relatively new field of science and it has not been on the focus of much

research. A game designer’s main goal is to entertain the player, all other motivations are

secondary. As this project brings in a learning aspect to the game, entertainment value is bound

to suffer. Flow is experienced when perceived opportunities for action are in balance with the

actor’s(player’s) perceived skills. Entertaining games always maintain a good flow by balancing

challenge with the skill of the player.

Adams, E. 2010 stated that two game design rules are critical for a successful game:

“You are not your player and the player is not your opponent.” The first one requires you to

imagine what it is like to be your player, even if that person is someone very different from you.

The latter one reminds you about the responsibility to entertain and that there are many ways to

entertain a player.
1.3 Conceptual Framework


Knowledge requirements Development Process

 Android  Requirements
Development  Analysis
 Programming ADVENTURES
 Design and
Implementation (Android Application)
 Animation
 Testing
 2D Modelling
Software Requirements Design and Development
 Unity Game  Research Materials
Engine Testing
 Adobe Photoshop  System Testing
Hardware Requirements  System
 Laptop  Modification
 Android  Implementation
 Design Testing
 System Testing EVALUATION
 Modification
Beta Test

Figure 1.1

The research paradigm consists of Input, Process, and Output pertaining in our study.

The Input consists of data or requirements that can be process or preliminary ideas and concepts

on what and how our study will come out. In our study it is necessary to know what the tools are

and software required to developing the “D’ Isekai Adventure: An Android Application”. During

the Process, the first thing to consider is the availability of the software for the preparation in

developing our game application.

The goal of this study is to develop an Android Game Application and make it effective

in the users and the students for them to feel their enjoyments which might carried from the use

of this gadgets and maintaining to use as a stress and boredom relievers.

Figure 1.1 shows the project plan. The input section includes the knowledge

requirements in “D’ Isekai Adventure”, Android development, programming language,

animation and 2D modeling. The software requirements are Unity Game Engine and Adobe

Photoshop. The hardware requirements are Laptop (Intel core i3/i5, 4 GB ram) and Android

Smartphone that has an android version 4.0 and up. The process section includes the

Development Process. First are the requirements analysis, design, implementation and testing.

The design and development under this are the research materials. Testing; under this are system

testing, and system modification. The output is the project itself, “D’ Isekai Adventure”: An

Android Game Application.


This project study will focus on designing a game application using UNITY Game Developer.

The game application will be having some features in the following statements;

1. Scoring features allows viewing the score of the hits of the character and level per

level data in a way that it is being target by the character as they targeted the object.

2. Game category selection allows the user to choose and view the game how is it being

done and play by the users/gamers.

3. Appearance/Lifestyle and fashion allows the user to change the outfit of the character

daily or even from to time.

4. Level up game features game covers a level by level game features that allows the

gamers to get challenge from it.

The game application only runs on mobile devices that have an Android version of 4.0 and up.

The game can be played offline. It can be played in 2D only. The limitation of the game

application that we will be developing will is the following statements;

 It will run on android devices/platform. The system cannot be implemented in pc

based system.

 It is software created only for touch screen pad, or touchscreen phones.


1. Android- an open-source operating system used for smartphones and tablet computers.

2. Player- The one who controls/plays the game and accesses the settings of the “D’ Isekai


3. Mobile Device - The tool needed to run the project. Many of these share common

features, such as touch screen interfaces with color displays, linking to email and desktop

software programs, and access to wireless platforms.

4. Action- is the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.

5. Graphics- are visual images or designs on some surface, such as a wall, canvas,

screen, paper, or stone to inform, illustrate, or entertain.

6. Mobile Technology- was the main requirement of this application because it is made for

mobile. The main requirement in this technology is a Mobile Device.

7. Wi-Fi Technology- or popularly known as an acronym for wireless fidelity is required to

download and update the application

8. Android Technology- was used in this project because the application was made for

Android mobile devices. Android is a mobile operating system of a Smartphone.

9. Obstacle of the game- with the use of the player’s skill and race through various levels

while avoiding obstacles. Throughout our lives we have many obstacles and we use our

skill and knowledge to bypass them or confront them head on.

10. Game level- is a section or part of a game. Most games are so large that they are broken

up into levels, so only one portion of the game needs to load at one time. To complete

a game level, a gamer usually needs to meet specific goals or perform a specific task to

advance to the next level.

Significance of the Study

The researchers aim to develop the “D’ Isekai Adventure” apps to provide

enjoyable application software available in the most android phone system.

This game application project will benefit the following:

For the Students and the Users, this shall be able to address the enjoyment and

being stress relievers of the users by playing the android game “D’ Isekai Adventure”.

For the School of Engineering, this shall serve as the reference of the students of

the School of Engineering in developing an android application that help them to develop

their own kind of application.

For the Future Developers, this study aims to provide researchers a background

how important an android application for the modern world. This shall address as the

reference of other upcoming program developer of android system. The future developers

is another beneficiary of this project would be the future researchers who may conduct a

study that is related to the said application are interested in developing mobile

Statement of the Problem

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