Fist Aid

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Safety (First Aid)

First aid is the first treatment given after an injury until full medical
treatment is available.

Importance OF First Aid

 To keep the person alive until help arrives
 To get rid of infection
 To relief pain

In order to perform a First Aid, a First Aid kit is needed. A First Aid kit
is a kit which contains medical components.

Injuries In A Work Shop

The following are some common injuries which usually occurs in a
school’s workshop:
 Cuts
 Burns
 Eye injury
 Electric shock
 Falls
 Chemical burns
 Inhaled of toxic fumes
First Aid Treatment
 Wash your hands
 Stop the bleeding
 Clean the wound
 Apply antibiotics
 Cover the wound
 Get stitches if wound is deep


 soaking the wound in cool water for five minutes or longer

 taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief
 applying lidocaine (an anesthetic) with aloe vera gel or cream to
soothe the skin
 using an antibiotic ointment and loose gauze to protect the
affected area

Eye Injury

 Rinse eye thoroughly with water

 Ensure that pain ease
 If pain persist contact a doctor or medical place

Electric Shock

 Firstly ensure that all power source has been turned off
 If power source cannot be turned off, use to insulator to
push off the person which is been shocked and also
ensuring that you are at safety
 Check to see if person who has been shocked is still alive
 If conscious ask to sit up if not call a doctor


 Approach the person slowly

 Check to see if person is conscious
 If not perform CPR if required
 Help person to stand up and stabilize them self

Chemical Burns

 Rinse burn with water

 Apply loosely gauze over burnt area
 if critical, rush the person to the hospital

Inhalation OF Fumes

 Call for help

 Remove source of fume if possible
 If fume it too much, rush the person out of the area
 Monitor the person’s responses
 Treat other injuries if the person has any
 Advise the person to sit down and breathe in and our
but deep breaths
 If critical, rush the person to the hospital
Safety Gears
Safety gears are gears used to protect workers. The following gears
are to be worn by the workers:
 Goggles
 Gloves
 Safety boots
 Overall
 Respirator
 Helmet
 Groin guard

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