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Types of Fires And How They Can Be Extinguish.

Class A
Class A fires are fires in ordinary combustibles such
as wood, paper, cloth, trash, and plastics. It can be extinguish
by a class A fire extinguisher and also water.

Class B
Class B fires are fires in flammable liquids such as gasoline,
petroleum oil and paint. Class B fires also include flammable
gases such as propane and butane. Class B fires do not
include fires involving cooking oils and grease. It can be
extinguish by inhibiting the chemical chain reaction of the
fire, which is done by dry chemical and Halon although
smothering with CO2 or, for liquids, foam is also effective
Types of Fires And How They Can Be Extinguish.

Class C
Class C fires are fires involving energized electrical
equipment such as motors, transformers, and appliances.
Remove the power and the Class C fire becomes one of the
other classes of fire. It can be extinguish by Carbon
Dioxide CO2, NOVEC 1230, FM-200 and dry chemical
Powder extinguishers such as PKP and even baking soda.

Class D
Class D fires are fires in combustible metals such
as potassium, sodium, aluminum, and magnesium.
It can be extinguish by dry powder extinguishing agents that
work by smothering and heat consumption such as sodium
chloride granules and graphite powder.
Types of Fires And How They Can Be Extinguish.

Class K
Class K fires are fires in cooking oils and greases such
as animals fats and vegetable fats. It can be extinguish by
water mist can be used to extinguish such fires. Appropriate
fire extinguisher may also have hoods over them to help
extinguish the fire. Fire blanket may also be used.

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