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NACA is initiating the “Chasing Chase” campaign. As you know, Chase continues to refuse to assist

homeowners with unaffordable mortgages. It is clear that Chase does not believe in providing longterm

affordable solutions and looks for ways to say “NO” to affordable solutions. Chase’s predatory

practices are further documented by their recent acknowledgment that they illegally foreclosed on

homeowners as well as illegally breaking into the homes of other Chase borrowers.

The Chasing Chase campaign needs to involve all borrowers who mortgages are serviced by Chase

(i.e. Chase, Washington Mutual, etc.). We also need the participation of those who are frustrated and

angry at the predatory practices and arrogance of the banks and Wall Street. Chase is the poster-child

for this attitude and arrogance and we need to take a stand and make an example out of them.

Many thousands of borrowers have requested to participate in a campaign against Chase. To

participate provide your information and documentation explaining your experience and struggle

with getting a solution from Chase by clicking here. To fax your documents use your personal fax

cover by clicking here. To provide more information on your loan and pressure in achieving a

solution, you can obtain a free forensic audit to identify any violations with obtaining or servicing

your mortgage by clicking here (not a NACA Website).

NACA will not take “NO” for an answer and we expect the same determination from all of the Chase

borrowers and many others. The Chasing Chase campaign involves four major initiatives. Review the

following initiatives to select which ones you want to participate in.

NACA lawsuit against Chase for violation of the NACA contract;

NACA has a contract with Chase providing long-term affordable solutions. NACA has legally

binding agreements will all the major lenders/servicers and major investors including Fannie Mae

and Freddie Mac. Chase is the only one that has refused to adhere to the contract. The case is

scheduled for the week of February 21-25, 2011 in Washington D.C. To participate in this lawsuit

click here.
Individual lawsuits against Chase nationwide;

NACA will assist with the initiation and work on individual lawsuits against Chase. These will be

filed in state and federal court based on violations of lending laws and where the judges are most

Divesting from Chase by boycotting all of its products and services;

NACA will be initiating a nationwide campaign to have individuals, organizations, unions, pensions,

and investors terminate their existing relationship with Chase and refuse to do future business.

Chase’s profits would be significantly impacted if its image is negatively impacted and people refuse

to purchase its products. If you are interested in participating on the Chase Boycott committee click


Organizing nationwide protests against Chase;

NACA will expand our extremely effective direct action activities against Chase. We have gone to

the homes of CEOs, taken over offices and conducted many effective demonstrations. We believe in

non-violent but aggressive and confrontational actions. If you are interested in being on the Chasing

Chase Advocacy Team click here.

These initiatives, when fully implemented, will impose significant pressure on Chase to provide real

solutions for at-risk homeowners. Conversely, by neglecting to pursue the Chasing Chase campaign

would be devastating to borrowers, their families and the communities where they live. Its arrogance

affects not just Chase borrowers but all borrowers. If Chase gets away with its predatory practices,

including illegally foreclosing on homes, it sends the message to other lenders that they can get way

with doing the same. Thus, your involvement is crucial. To participate click here and select how you

would like to participate. If you have any questions you can contact NACA’s Chasing Chase

coordinator Kristin Seltman at or call Kristin at 1-888-297-5568 ext. 1250.

NACA will continue it free services in providing the best solutions in the industry for homeowners

with an unaffordable mortgage.

We look forward to your participation in some or all of the Chasing Chase campaign activities as
well as continuing to advocate for your affordable mortgage solution!


Bruce Marks


Phone: (202) 452-1989
Fax: (202) 452-0099

1730 Rhode Island Avenue NW, Ste 710

Washington, DC 20036

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