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Name: Rahul Shinde

Roll No: IT-8225

Municipality Complaint Management System


The common people under the jurisdiction of a municipal corporation to register their
grievances about day to day problems in their ward through a website. It will provide a
common man to deliver his complaints and problems to municipal authority as well as let
the municipal authorities to address the problem in a short period of time.
It provides a complaint module which helps clicking up a picture of any problem that
people are facing and upload its image along with the complaint.
In India we don’t have any direct communication between the government and public in an
efficient way for solving the problems. I.e. for getting a problem solved in our place we
have to bribe the officials and get them solved in 2 months which can be solved actually in
1 month of time.
In order to make the goal of NIC come true we are going to develop a system which will be
able to provide the complete information to the public at any point of time regarding the

Limitations of the Existing System:

There is no accountability for the complaints as to when a complaint was raised and when
it was resolved.
Some complaints require high priority action which is not possible in the current system.
There is usually a lot of time lag between problem identification and the action taken to
resolve it.
Most of the times people call in the morning or afternoon and at that time there is no one to
register the complaint.

Proposed System:

The idea is to entire complaint process to be online in order to increase efficiency and
reduce the response time.
Citizen can log in in to website using citizen id and password which is created by citizen.
Then citizen register their complaint with accurate address of that place and also there is
feature to take photo or upload the photo from gallery into the website. Citizen also give
description about the complaint in description text box. Citizen need to select the category
of problem to identify the type of problem. After registering the problem citizen can also
track their complaint status like work is not started, process and completed.
There is another module which is Officer Login. It having id and password which is
provided by the municipality to access the website database. In this module complaints are
distributed according to the category which is selected by the citizen and according to area
complaints send to that area sub office of Municipality to solve the complaint very quickly.
If the complaint is solved completely then sub office take the picture of that (like water
pipe leakage) and this picture send to citizen to make transparent communication between
government and people.
Hardware Requirements:
Computer with at least 4GB RAM.

Software Requirements:
 Front end: C#
 Back end: MySQL

Justification of selection of technology:

C# is a fully mature and powerful language.
C# (pronounced C sharp) is a modern programming language that was created to build
modern software applications for Windows, Web and mobile.
C# language having some build in libraries are present which help to develop website and
application easy and faster.
C# support object oriented programming.
Mysql database is easy and secure to use.
Mysql database having high performance, flexibility and productivity.

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