Fasting in The Month of Ramadan

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence:

Prepared by: Shaykh Rizwan Arastu


I. Introduction to Islamic Law: How can I know God’s law?........................................................... 3
II. Introduction to Fasting ......................................................................................................................4
a. What does fasting entail?...............................................................................................................4
b. Why do Muslims fast? ...................................................................................................................4
c. Why has God prescribed fasting? .................................................................................................4
III. Laws of Fasting in the Month of RamaÃÁn .....................................................................................6
a. Prerequisites: What is required of me before I fast? ..................................................................6
i. You must be Muslim................................................................................................................6
ii. You must be sane and conscious............................................................................................6
iii. You must have reached puberty .............................................................................................6
iv. You must determine that RamaÃÁn has begun....................................................................6
v. You must be in a place of residence ......................................................................................9
vi. You must be ritually pure of certain states of spiritual impurity ................................... 12
vii. You must be able to fast ........................................................................................................ 12
viii. You must have the intention to fast .................................................................................... 14
b. What nullifies the fast? ................................................................................................................ 14
i. Eating & Drinking ................................................................................................................. 14
ii. Certain sexual activity ........................................................................................................... 15
iii. Ingesting Dust and Smoke .................................................................................................... 17
iv. Vomiting .................................................................................................................................. 17
v. Taking an enema..................................................................................................................... 17
vi. Lying ......................................................................................................................................... 17
c. Who is exempt from fasting? ...................................................................................................... 18
d. Atoning for a missed fast (qaÃÁÞ) .............................................................................................. 20
e. Penance for a missed fast ............................................................................................................ 21
i. kaffÁrah ..................................................................................................................................... 21
ii. fidyah ....................................................................................................................................... 22
f. Zakat al-FiÔrah ............................................................................................................................... 23
i. What is zakat al-fiÔrah ? .......................................................................................................... 23
ii. Who must pay zakat al-fiÔrah ?.............................................................................................. 23
iii. On whose behalf must I pay?................................................................................................ 23
iv. When must I pay zakat al-fiÔrah ? ........................................................................................ 24
v. How must I pay zakat al-fiÔrah ? .......................................................................................... 24
vi. To whom must I pay zakat al-fiÔrah ?.................................................................................. 24
IV. The Prophet’s Sha’ban sermon: ...................................................................................................... 24
I. Introduction to Islamic Law: How can I know God’s law?
a. Three ways
i. Become a jurist (=do ijtihÁd=be a mujtahid)
ii. Follow a jurist (=do taqlÐd=be a muqallid)
i. if you are a muqallid, you must follow a jurist who is most likely
to arrive at truth. The particular jurist to whom we refer is known
as a marjiÝ al-taqlÐd, “point of reference for our taqlÐd.” We call
him a “marjiÝ” for short; the pl. is marÁjiÞ.
iii. Follow the most precautionary of all the jurists’ rulings (=do iÎtiyÁÔ)
b. A marjiÝ al-taqlÐd must be:
i. an adult
ii. sane
iii. a Twelver ShÐÝah
iv. male
v. a jurist
vi. the best jurist: most adept at deriving legal rulings
i. he has more comprehensive knowledge of the sources of law
ii. he knows better how to apply those sources to a given issue
a. reason: so that you can be more confident that his
opinions reflect the truth
vii. righteous
viii. of legitimate birth
ix. precise (not prone to careless mistakes)
x. living
c. FAQs
i. Q: Why do I need to do taqlÐd?
A: You must make sure you have done your utmost to know God’s law;
but deriving law from the sources is extremely difficult and requires a
high degree of expertise. By following the best jurist you are most likely
to know the right opinion, and you free yourself of blame before God
ii. Q: How do I identify the best jurist?
A: Use one of the following ways:
i. be certain that he is the best
a. caveat: to do this you must be an expert
ii. be confident that he is the best
a. your confidence should have a rational basis
i. e.g. you see that many scholars and righteous
people follow him
iii. follow the testimony of:
Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

a. two righteous experts

b. even one righteous expert is enough if you feel
confident in his opinion
i. caveat:: when expert testimonies contradict,
look to the one(s) with greater er expertise,
expertise in
whom you have more confidence
iii. Q: Why are there multiple marÁjiÝ?
A: When a jurist believes that he is the most qualified, he has a duty to let
people know his opinions. Multiple jurists may believe this about
themselves. Each one is fulfil
ling his duty. It is the job of the muqallid to
determine which one he will follow.
iv. Q: Can I choose a marjiÝ b/c his opinions are easy to follow?
A: No. This is not the standard to use. If you do this, you are really
following your own desires, not God’s llaw.
v. Q: Can I pick and choose legal opinions from different jurists?
A: No. Use the standards
standards, and follow him completely.

II. Introduction to Fasting

a. What does fasting entail entail?
i. During the month of RamaÃÁn, every able able-bodied
bodied Muslim must fast
from dawn to dusk dusk. The he fast requires that we refrain from eating and
drinking and certain other activities that are otherwise permissible.
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Eat and drink until the white streak [of dawn] becomes distinct for you from the dark
streak of dawn. Then fulfill the fast until nightfall. (QurÞÁn 2:187)
b. Why do Muslims fast?
i. Muslims fast because God has prescribed it. In the QurÞÁn, QurÞÁn God says:
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O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you,, as it was
prescribed for those before you, so that you may learn rn self-restraint.
(QurÞÁn 2:183)
c. Why has God prescribed fasting?
i. to teach us self self-restraint
1. how ow does fasting teach self self-restraint (taqwÁ)?

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

a. it helps us to practice submitting to what God wants even

when it contradicts what we want
b. it gives us an opportunity to break sinful habits
2. self
restraint during RamaÃÁn emphasized in traditions and
a. When Imam ÝAlÐ asked Prophet MuÎammad, “What is the
best thing to do during this month?” he replied:

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The best thing to do during this month is to refrain from what

God has made illicit. (WasÁÞil al-shÐÝah
b. In one supplication, Imam al-ÑÁdiq says:
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I ask you to provide ide me [the strength] to avert my gaze, to
guard my private parts, and to restrain them from everything
you have made illicit to such an extent that nothing be more
preferable to me than obedience to you, awe of you, doing what
you love, and abstaining from m what you dislike and have
forbidden. (al-KÁfÐ 14.6.6)
ii. to make the well well-to-do commiserate with the poor
1. the following tradition speaks to this benefit of fasting:
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HishÁm ibn al al-Íakam asked Imam al-ÑÁdiq ÑÁdiq about the wisdom behind
fasting. He replied, “God prescribed fasting so that, through fasting, the
rich would be brought to the level of the poor. By this I mean that rich
people do not usually feel the pangs of hunger and so do not commiserat commiserate

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

with the poor. Whenever a rich person wants something he has the
ability to get it. God wanted to equalize his creatures and give the rich a
taste of hunger pangs, so that they would then show compassion for the
weak and hungry.” (WasÁÞil al-shÐÝah
iii. to remind us of the Day of Judgment
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Imam al al-ÑÁdiq
ÑÁdiq wrote, “[God also prescribed fasting] so it would point
people to the tribulations of the hereafter.” (WasÁÞil al--shÐÝah

III. Laws of Fasting in the Month of RamaÃÁn

a. Prerequisites: What is required of me before I fast?
i. You must be Muslim
ii. You must be sane and conscious
iii. You must have reached puberty
i. indicator for young men
a. has reached 15 lunar years = 14y 5m 4dd on Gregorian
b. or has grown thick facial or pubic hair
c. or has ejaculated
ii. for young women:
a. has reached 9 lunar years = 8y 8m 21d on Gregorian
iv. You must determine that RamaÃÁn has begun
i. What determines the beginning of an Islamic month?
a. the sighting of the crescent in your area
i. Imam al-ÑÁdiq said:

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ْ : ‫ ل‬q  s‫ ا‬S#ْ  ‫ذا رأ‬r  :...
 :X: U #‫ ْ و إذا رأ‬
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“…when you see the crescent, fast, and when you see the
crescent, stop fasting.” (WasÁÞil al-shÐÝah shÐÝah

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

ii. the following image shows what to look

l for:

b. knowledge that it could be seen in your area if there were

no obstructions
i. visibility curves like the following are useful tools
to approximate this

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

ii. How do I know whether the month has begun?

a. You are certain that the crescent has been,, or could
co have
been, seen
i. b/c you have seen it yourself
1. it is mustaÎabb to look for it
ii. b/c there are enough independent reports
b. You are confident that it has been, or could have been,
known that it has been seen
i. b/c it is well-known
c. thirty days have passed since the beginning of the previous
d. two righteous men testify to having seen it
i. as long as you do not know that they are mistaken
iii. Why is there always a controversy over the beginning and ending
of the Islamic months?
a. the nature of the moon cycle
aightforward as the sun’s cycle
i. not as straightforward
ii. tends to split countries so that people in the SW
see the moon when people in the NE do not.
b. different standards between SunnÐs and ShÐÝahsShÐÝah
i. some SunnÐss think the standard is the new moon
instead of the crescent
ii. some SunnÐs thinkhink that if it is seen in one place, it
marks the new month for the whole world
c. different opinions among ShÐÝah jurists
i. SÐstÁnÐ vs. KhÙÞÐ vs. latitudinal lines vs.
astronomical calculations
ii. Solution: choose your marjiÝ correctly, follow the
legal opinion (fatwÁ) of your marjiÝ,
marjiÝ and do not

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

worry about the differences among followers of

different marÁjiÝ
d. people’s ignorance of the law and its correct
iv. Wh
What should I do if the moon is not spotted on the evening
following the 29th of Sha’ban?
a. treat the next day as the 30th of ShaÝbÁnn (known as yawm
b. go ahead and fast with one of the following intentions:
i. as a recommended (mustaÎabb) fast of ShaÝbÁn
ii. as atonement (qaÃÁÞ) for a fast you may have
iii. as the fulfillment of a vow (nadhr)
c. if thee moon sighting is established anytime during the
day, renew your intention for the 1st of RamaÃÁn
d. if the day passes and the moon sighting is never
established, you simply get the reward for the fast
v. You must be in a place of residence
i. General ruling
ruling: you must be in a place of residence at zenith in
order to fast in RamaÃÁn

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He among you who is present [at his residence] during this

month must fast therein. (QurÞÁn 2:185)
a. exceptions:
i. if you do not know that you cannotnot fast during
travel, your fast is correct
ii. if you are a traveler who must offer the 4 rakÝah
prayers as 4 rakÝah, you must also fast
ii. Place
lace of residence
a. hometown:: this could be your birth place or the place
where you grew up and consider your hometown
b. permanent: your city of permanent residence
i. you might have multiple places of permanent

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

c. semi-permanent:: any place in which you plan to live for a

significant amount of time such that you are no longer
considered a traveler
i. you might have multiple places of semi-permanent
d. temporary:
i. any place you plan to stay for 10 days or more
1. how to calculate the 10 days:
a. calculate from the time of day when
you arrive at the city until the time
of day when you set out to leave
2. you must have an intention to stay for at
least 10 days
3. if you decide not to stay for the entire 10
days after having prayed a four rakÝah
obligatory prayer, continue to fast as
though you are a resident
ii. any place where you remain for 30 days or more in
iii. What constitutes trave
travel or a lack of residency
a. Rule of thumb:: any travel that causes you to pray
shortened (qaÒr)) prayers prevents you from fasting
b. requirements for you to be considered a traveler:
i. that you knowingly travel the critical distance of 27
mi/44 km
1. how to calculate:
a. add up total mileage, whether one
way or roundtrip
b. where to begin calculation:
i. at the point where you are
considered to be “leaving
town” or “going out of
ii. this is usually the city limits
but could be neighborhood
or area limits in megacities
2. assume you have not traveled the critical
distance until you are sure that you have

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ii. that you not intend to stop in a place of residence

before reaching the critical distance
1. example:: you plan to travel 25 mi. from
your place of permanent residence and stop
in yourr hometown and then travel another
20 mi. to your vacation spot (where you
plan to stay for 12 days). You are not
considered a traveler at any point of this
iii. that your journey or the purpose of your journey
be legal (mubÁÎ)
1. examples of an illegal journey:
a. a wife travels without her husband’s
b. a person travels to Las Vegas to
iv. that you not be a frequent traveler
1. a frequent traveler is:
a. one who travels for work:
i. travelling is an integral part
of your work. example:
flight attendant, bus
b driver,
truck driver
ii. travelling is necessary to get
to your work. example: a
commuter who travels 50.
mi. to work each day; a
handyman who must travel
to his customers
b. one who travels a lot
i. “a lot” = 3 days/week or 10
v. that you cross the Îadd al-tarakhkhuÒ
1. this is the point at which you are far
enough from your city that its people can
no longer see you
2. note that your journey starts when you
cross the city limits, but you cannot do

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anything that invalidates your fast until

you cross the Îadd al-tarakhkhuÒ
iv. Time when residency is established
a. at zenith (when the sun reaches its highest point in the
sky=beginning of dhuhr time)
i. if you travel before zenith, your fast is null as a
ii. if you travel after zenith, you must continue to fast
as a precaution
iii. if you arrive at a place of residence before zenith
there are 2 scenarios
1. if you have not done anything that would
nullify your fast, you must fast
2. if you have done anything that nullifies
your fast, you may not fast
vi. You must be ritually pure of certain states of spiritual impurity
i. janÁbah (results from certain sexual activity)
a. thus, you may not willfully remain junub until fajr
ii. menstrual and postpartum bleeding (Îayà and nifÁs) nifÁs
a. thus, if a woman bleeds the whole day or any part of the
day, she may not fast on that day
b. if her bleeding ceases before fajr,, she must take the
appropriate ghusl; if she willfully does not take her ghusl,
her fast is invalid and she must make it up later
iii. note
note: none of the 3 levels of non-menstrual
menstrual bleeding (istiÎÁÃah)
revent a woman from fasting
vii. You must be able to fast
i. the following table lists those who are exempt from fasting (note:
we will discuss the 3 columns on the right later)

Exempt from Fasting Con

Condition Make-up KaffÁrah
rah Fidyah
if fasting is
No No No
if fasting is
No No Yes
unduly hard
if fasting is Recommended
The Polydipsic (those who No No
impossible if possible
feel excessive thirst)
if fasting is Recommended No Yes

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unduly hard if possible

if fasting is
harmful to
Pregnant women at full-term Yes No Yes
them or their
if they have
milk and
Nursing mothers and wet-
fasting is Yes No Yes
harmful to
them or their
if they
The Insane No No No
iinsane the
entire day

if they
The Unconscious No No No
the entire day

Children No No No
Menstruating women Yes No No
Women with postpartum
Yes No No
Travelers Yes No No
if fasting
worsens their
The Infirm sickness, Yes No No
delays their
increases their

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pain, or even
threatens to
do any of
assuming they
recover within
the year
if their
infirmity lasts
till the No No Yes
if fasting will
likely cause
The Healthy them undue Yes No Yes
sickness or

viii. You must have the intention to fast

i. what does the intention entail?
a. that you know that you u are fasting as an act of worship
and out of obedience to God
ii. when should I make my intention?
a. on the eve of the first of RamaÃÁn make your intention to
fast the entire month
b. and/or make your intention for each coming day
i. note:: you must make your intention
intentio by fajr of the
day you are fasting
ii. note: you must maintain this intention for the
duration of the fast
b. What nullifies the fast
i. Eating & Drinking
1. if you intentionally eat or drink anything, your fast is null
a. the definition of eating and drinking is to ingest
something by way of your throat
i. so the following do not break your fast:
1. accidentally ingesting something
2. eye, nose, or ear drops

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3. an I.V. drip
4. an injection
5. medication on an open wound
6. swallowing saliva
7. swallowing phlegm (better not to swallow it
if it enters the mouth)
8. tasting food without swallowing it
9. brushing your teeth (as long as you do not
willfully swallow any toothpaste)
ii. Certain sexual activi
1. intercourse invalidates the fast and is a sin
a. what constitutes intercourse?
ii. entry of the tip of the penis into the vagina or
the anus
b. note: no other romantic activity invalidates the fast as
long as you do not ejaculate
omantic activity
iii. it is makrÙh to engage in other romantic
c. note: it is permissible to have intercourse during the
nights of RamaÃÁn ÃÁn because of the following verse:
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Intercourse with your women has been permitted for you on the
nights of the fast…so have intercourse withh them, and seek what
God has written for you. (QurÞÁn 2:187)
2. intentionally doing anything that causes ejaculation invalidates
the fast and is a sin
a. masturbation
i. with oneself is illegal (ÎarÁm) in all circumstances
for men and women
ii. invalidates your fast if you ejaculate
b. the following do not break your fast:
i. unintended ejaculation
ii. nocturnal emission during the fast
10. note: there is no need to rush to take a ghusl

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3. that you intentionally remain junub (spiritually impure because of

certain sexual activities) until fajr
a. what makes me junub?
i. orgasmicic ejaculation in men and women
1. includes:
a. nocturnal emission
b. masturbation-note
note that it is illegal
(ÎarÁm)) for one to masturbate with
c. with no physical stimulus
ii. sexual intercourse
1. vaginal or anal entry is sufficient
b. how do I purify myself from being junub?
i. ghusl
1. intention
2. istibrÁÞ (for men only)
d. flush the urethra with urine
e. express the urine from the penis 3
3. wash the head and neck
4. wash the rest of the body
ii. tayammum (if ghusl is not possible)
1. intention
2. strike or place hands on earth
3. wipe forehead
ehead with both hands from
hairline to eyebrows and bridge of nose and
from temple to temple
4. wipe back of right and then back of left
c. if I become junub at night during RamaÃÁn ÃÁn (through
sexual activity or because of a wet dream) what should I
i. if you take a ghusl right away, you are safe
ii. if you make a conscious decision to wake up in
time to take a ghusl before fajr,, there are 2 scenarios
1. you feel confident you will wake up
a. if you do not wake up until after fajr
your fast is correct

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b. if you wake up and then fall asleep

as a
2 time, then your fast is invalid
and you must make it up
2. you do not feel confident you will wake up
a. if you do not wake up until after fajr
your fast is invalid and you must
make it up
d. if there is not enough time to perform a ghusl you must do
tayammum before fajr
i. if you do not leave yourself enough time to even
do tayammum,, your fast is invalid and you must
make it up and pay penance (kaffÁrah
iii. Ingesting Dust and Smoke
1. as a precaution, you must not intentionally allow thick dust or
smoke to reach your throat
a. so smoking is not permitted
b. if you are at risk of exposure to dust or smoke, you
should wear a mask
c. accidental ingestion is fine
d. ingestion of thin smoke or dust is fine
e. inhalers are permitted
iv. Vomitingting
1. intentionally vomiting nullifies the fast even if it is necessary
necessar to
expel a poison or relieve an upset stomach
2. unintended vomiting does not break the fast
3. vomit that does not reach the throat and goes back down does
not break the fast
v. Taking an enema
1. liquid enemas nullify the fast, not solid ones
vi. Lying
1. Intentionally lying about God, Prophet Mu MuÎammad
Îammad, and as a
precaution, about the imams breaks your fast
vii. Immersing head in water
1. immersing the head in water, partially or completely, does not
invalidate your fast; but it is makrÙh to do so
Rule of Thumb:
a. the preceding
receding 6 actions only nullify your fast if:
i. you do them willfully, thus:

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

1. if you accidentally do any of them, your fast is correct

a. e.g., you drink water without realizing
izing you are
ii. you do them by choice, thus:
1. if it just happens without your choice, your fast is correct
a. e.g.,, a bug flies into your mouth and you
reflexively swallow
b. note: if you are forced to eat, drink,
drink or have sex,
your fast is invalid, and you must make it up;up if
you are forced to do any of the other things you
must continue the fast and make it up
c. Who is exempt from fasting?
i. the following verse tells us that fasting is not required of certain

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But he among you who is sick or on a journey [should fast] a number of other days. And
those who can fast only with difficulty should pay the penance of feeding a poor person.
(QurÞÁn 2:184)
Exempt from Fasting Con
Condition Make-up KaffÁrah
rah Fidyah
if fasting is
No No No
if fasting is
No No Yes
unduly hard
if fasting is Recommended
No No
The Polydipsic (those who impossible if possible
feel excessive thirst) if fasting is Recommended
No Yes
unduly hard if possible
if fasting is
harmful to
Pregnant women at full-term Yes No Yes
them or their
if they have
Nursing mothers and wet- insufficient
Yes No Yes
nurses milk and
fasting is

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

harmful to
them or their
if they
The Insane No No No
iinsane the
entire day

if they
The Unconscious No No No
the entire day

Children No No No
Menstruating women Yes No No
Women with postpartum
Yes No No
Travelers Yes No No
if fasting
worsens their
delays their
increases their
The Infirm Yes No No
pain, or even
threatens to
do any of
assuming they
recover within
the year

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

if their
infirmity lasts
till the No No Yes
if fasting will
likely cause
The Healthy them undue Yes No Yes
sickness or

d. Atoning for a missed fast (qaÃÁÞ)

i. which fasts must I make up?
1. fasts missed for the following reasons need not be made up: up
a. fasts missed by a senior
b. fasts missed by a polydipsic person
c. fasts missed because of insanity from dawn to dusk
d. fasts missed because
ecause you were unconscious from dawn to
e. fasts missed before you became an adult
f. fasts missed by a convert before he or she became Muslim
2. all other missed fasts must be made up
ii. how
ow do I make up for missed fasts?
1. there is no time constraint on making up missed fasts, though it
is better not to delay it ti
till the following RamaÃÁnÃÁn
a. however, if you cannot, or do not, make it up until the
next RamaÃÁn, you must pay a fidyah in addition to the
make-up fast
2. you must specify in your intention that “it it is a make-up
make (qaÃÁÞ)
3. you may not offer mustaÎabb fasts as long as you are liable for
bligatory fasts
iii. what
hat if I die before I can make up my missed fasts?
1. if you missed the fast because of an illness, and you died before
you got better
better,, you are not liable for the missed fasts
2. if you missed the fast because of menstruation or postpartum
bleeding, and you died before you had enough time to make them
up,, you are not liable for the missed fasts

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

e. Penance
enance for a missed fast
i. kaffÁrah
1. What is a kaffÁrah?
a. definition: penance paid to “cover” the effects of a sin
b. there are 3 options for the kaffÁrah for a fast of RamaÃÁn
i. free a slave (not applicable in modern times)
ii. fast for 60 days
1. 1 month+1 day must be continuous
2. the rest of the 60 days can be spread apart
iii. feed 60 poor people
1. the poor people:
a. need not be Muslim
b. must be 60 separate people, so you
cannot feed one person multiple
2. you may feed them in 2 ways:
a. feed each to his/her fill
b. give each one 750 g (1.7 lbs) of food
i. any food will do
c. under what circumstances must I give a kaffÁrah?
i. if you intentionally break your fast in one of the
following ways:
1. by eating
2. by drinking
3. by having sexual intercourse
4. by masturbating
5. by remaining junub till the time of fajr
ii. if you do not know that these acts break your fast,
you do not have to pay a kaffÁrah
iii. at most, there is only one kaffÁrah per day
1. even if you do multiple things in a day, you
only need pay one kaffÁrah
iv. it is mustaÎabb to fast 60 and feed 60 if you break
your fast with something illegal like masturbation
or alcohol

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

v. if a husband and wife are fasting, and he forces her

to have intercourse, he must pay 2 kaffÁrahs
kaffÁrah as a
vi. there is no time constraint for the kaffÁrah,
kaffÁrah but you
should not take the matter lightly
ii. fidyah
1. What is the fidyah?
nition: penance paid as a “ransom” for not fasting
a. definition:
where you have permission not to fast
b. the fidyah = 750 g (1.7 lbs) of food per missed fast
i. note: actual food must be given, not the monetary
iii. summary of penance for missed fasts

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Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

Your duty if you break your

Things that break your fast fast
Make-up KaffÁrah
KaffÁ Fidyah
Eating Yes Yes No
Drinking Yes Yes No
Sexual intercourse Yes Yes No
Masturbating Yes Yes No
Failing to purify oneself of janÁbah till fajr Yes Yes No
ailing to purify oneself of menstrual and postpartum
Yes No No
bleeding till fajr
Traveling Yes No No
Unconsciousness during part of the day No No No
Menstruation Yes No No
Intoxication Yes No No
Severe sickness Yes No No
Ingesting Dust or Smoke Yes No No
Vomiting Yes No No
Taking an enema Yes No No
Lying Yes No No

f. Zakat al-FiÔrah
i. What is zakat aal-fiÔrah ?
1. a poll tax that must be paid at the end of RamaÃÁn
2. zakat
akat aal-fiÔrah = 4 mudd = 3 kg (6.6 lb) of a staple food per person
a. = $10 per person
ii. Who must pay zakat al-fiÔrah ?
1. Anyone who combines the following criteria:
a. he is adult
b. he is sane
c. he is conscious
d. he is not poor
e. his zakah is not paid by another
iii. On whose behalf must I pay?
1. for myself and for all my dependents and staying guests as of
maghrib on the eve of ÝÏd
a. dependents includes:
i. wife

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ii. children
1. even infants
2. even if they are away from home but still
iii. elderly parents
b. not due on dinner guests
iv. When mustst I pay zakat al-fiÔrah ?
1. after maghrib on the eve of ÝÏd
2. until
a. before ÝÏd prayer, if you attend the prayer
b. before dhuhr on ÝÏd day, if you do not attend the ÝÏd
v. How must I pay zakat al-fiÔrah ?
1. by setting aside the amount of food or money and desi designating it
as zakat aal-fiÔrah
a. once it is set aside, it may not be exchanged for another
vi. To whom must I pay zakat al-fiÔrah ?
1. to any poor person who combines the following criteria
a. he is a Twelver ShÐÝah
b. the money is not going to help him sin against
agains God
c. he says his prayers regularly, abstains from alcohol, and
from public indecency, as a precaution
d. he is not your dependent
e. he is not a sayyid unless you are a sayyid
i. a sayyid cannot accept the zakah of a non-sayyid
2. you must give priority to local poor over others

IV. The Prophet’s Sha’ban sermon

1) The Prophet’s sermon prepares us for the coming of the month by reminding us:
a. how blessed it is
b. how blessed we are to be God’s guests
c. how we can be good guests to God

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‫‪Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan‬‬

‫ﺱ ﹺﺇ‪‬ﻧ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﻗ ‪‬ﺪ‬

‫ﺕ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮ ﹴﻡ ﹶﻓﻘﹶﺎ ﹶﻝ ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻳﻬ‪‬ﺎ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﻋ ﹺﻦ ﺍﻟ ‪‬ﺮﺿ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻋ ‪‬ﻦ ﺁﺑ‪‬ﺎ‪‬ﺋ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻋ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﻋ‪‬ﻠ ‪‬ﻲ ﻉ ﻗﹶﺎ ﹶﻝ ﹺﺇ ﱠﻥ ‪‬ﺭﺳ‪‬ﻮ ﹶﻝ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﺹ ‪‬ﺧ ﹶﻄ‪‬ﺒﻨ‪‬ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸﻬ‪‬ﻮ ﹺﺭ ‪‬ﻭ ﹶﺃﻳ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻓﻀ‪‬ـ ﹸﻞ‬
‫ﻀ ﹸﻞ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﹶﺃ ﹾﻗ‪‬ﺒ ﹶﻞ ﹺﺇﹶﻟ‪‬ﻴ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﺷ ‪‬ﻬ ‪‬ﺮ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﺑﹺﺎﹾﻟ‪‬ﺒ ‪‬ﺮ ﹶﻛ ‪‬ﺔ ‪‬ﻭ ﺍﻟ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﺣ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬ﺔ ‪‬ﻭ ﺍﹾﻟ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬ﻐ ‪‬ﻔ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﺓ‪ .‬ﺷ ‪‬ﻬ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﻫ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻋ‪‬ﻨ ‪‬ﺪ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻓ ‪‬‬
‫ﻀ ﹸﻞ ﺍﻟﺴ‪‬ﺎﻋ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﻀ ﹸﻞ ﺍﻟﱠﻠﻴ‪‬ﺎ‪‬ﻟﻲ ‪‬ﻭ ﺳ‪‬ﺎﻋ‪‬ﺎ‪‬ﺗ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻓ ‪‬‬
‫ﺍﹾﻟﹶﺄﻳ‪‬ﺎ ﹺﻡ ‪‬ﻭ ﹶﻟﻴ‪‬ﺎﻟ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻓ ‪‬‬
‫ﺿﻴ‪‬ﺎﹶﻓ ‪‬ﺔ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﺟ ‪‬ﻌ ﹾﻠ‪‬ﺘ ‪‬ﻢ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﹶﺃ ‪‬ﻫ ﹺﻞ ﹶﻛﺮ‪‬ﺍ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﺔ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ‪ .‬ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻧﻔﹶﺎ ‪‬ﺳ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﺗﺴ‪‬ـﺒﹺﻴ ‪‬ﺢ ‪‬ﻭ‬
‫‪‬ﻫ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﺷ ‪‬ﻬ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﺩﻋ‪‬ﻴ‪‬ﺘ ‪‬ﻢ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ﹺﺇﻟﹶﻰ ‪‬‬
‫ﺕ ﺻ‪‬ـﺎ ‪‬ﺩﹶﻗ ‪‬ﺔ ‪‬ﻭ‬
‫ﺏ‪ .‬ﻓﹶﺎ ‪‬ﺳﹶﺄﻟﹸﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﺭ‪‬ﺑ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﹺﺑﹺﻨﻴ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﺴ‪‬ﺘﺠ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﻧ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻣ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻋﺒ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺩ ﹲﺓ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻋ ‪‬ﻤﹸﻠ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻣ ﹾﻘﺒ‪‬ﻮ ﹲﻝ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﺩﻋ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺅ ﹸﻛ ‪‬ﻢ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻬ ﹺﺮ ﺍﹾﻟ ‪‬ﻌﻈ‪‬ﻴ ﹺﻢ‪.‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻘ ‪‬ﻲ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﺣ ﹺﺮ ‪‬ﻡ ﹸﻏ ﹾﻔﺮ‪‬ﺍ ﹶﻥ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﻓ‪‬ﻲ ‪‬ﻫﺬﹶﺍ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﺼﻴ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﺗﻠﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﺓ ‪‬ﻛﺘ‪‬ﺎﹺﺑ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﻓﹺﺈ ﱠﻥ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﺏ ﻃﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻫ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﺓ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻥ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮﱢﻓ ﹶﻘ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﹸﻗﻠﹸﻮ ﹴ‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻪ‪.‬‬
‫ﻉ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮ ﹺﻡ ﺍﹾﻟ ‪‬ﻘﻴ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﺔ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻋ ﹶﻄ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ﺟ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﻭ ﺍ ﹾﺫ ﹸﻛﺮ‪‬ﻭﺍ ﹺﺑﺠ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻋ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻋ ﹶﻄ ‪‬‬
‫ﺼ ‪‬ﺪﻗﹸﻮﺍ ‪‬ﻋﻠﹶﻰ ﹸﻓ ﹶﻘﺮ‪‬ﺍ‪‬ﺋ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣﺴ‪‬ﺎﻛ‪‬ﻴﹺﻨ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻭﱢﻗﺮ‪‬ﻭﺍ ﻛ‪‬ﺒ‪‬ـﺎ ‪‬ﺭ ﹸﻛ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ﺍ ‪‬ﺭ ‪‬ﺣﻤ‪‬ـﻮﺍ ﺻ‪‬ـﻐ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺭ ﹸﻛ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ﺻ‪‬ـﻠﹸﻮﺍ‬
‫‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﺗ ‪‬‬
‫ﻉ ﹺﺇﹶﻟ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ‬
‫ﺤ ﱡﻞ ﺍﻟ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺳ‪‬ﺘﻤ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﺤ ﱡﻞ ﺍﻟ‪‬ﻨ ﹶﻈ ‪‬ﺮ ﹺﺇﹶﻟ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﺃ‪‬ﺑﺼ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺭ ﹸﻛ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻋﻤ‪‬ﺎ ﻟﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬‬
‫ﺴ‪‬ﻨ‪‬ﺘﻜﹸ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ﹸﻏﻀ‪‬ﻮﺍ ‪‬ﻋﻤ‪‬ﺎ ﻟﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬‬
‫ﹶﺃ ‪‬ﺭﺣ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻣ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ﺍ ‪‬ﺣ ﹶﻔﻈﹸﻮﺍ ﹶﺃﹾﻟ ِ‬
‫ﺤ‪‬ﻨ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﻋﻠﹶﻰ ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻳﺘ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻣ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ﺗ‪‬ﻮﺑ‪‬ﻮﺍ ﹺﺇﻟﹶﻰ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﹸﺫﻧ‪‬ﻮﹺﺑ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ‪.‬‬
‫ﺱ ‪‬ﻳ‪‬ﺘ ‪‬‬
‫ﺤ‪‬ﻨﻨ‪‬ﻮﺍ ‪‬ﻋﻠﹶﻰ ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻳﺘ‪‬ﺎ ﹺﻡ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ﹺ‬
‫ﹶﺃ ‪‬ﺳﻤ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻋ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﻭ‪ ‬ﺗ ‪‬‬
‫ﺕ ‪‬ﻳ‪‬ﻨ ﹸﻈ ‪‬ﺮ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻋ ‪‬ﺰ ‪‬ﻭ ﺟ‪‬ـ ﱠﻞ‬
‫ﻀ ﹸﻞ ﺍﻟﺴ‪‬ﺎﻋ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﺻﻠﹶﺎ‪‬ﺗ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﹶﻓﹺﺈ‪‬ﻧﻬ‪‬ﺎ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻓ ‪‬‬
‫ﺕ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﻭ ﺍ ‪‬ﺭﹶﻓﻌ‪‬ﻮﺍ ﹺﺇﹶﻟ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﺪ‪‬ﻳ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﺑﹺﺎﻟ ‪‬ﺪﻋ‪‬ﺎ ِﺀ ﻓ‪‬ﻲ ﹶﺃ ‪‬ﻭﻗﹶﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﺐ ﹶﻟ ‪‬ﻬ ‪‬ﻢ ﹺﺇﺫﹶﺍ‬
‫ﺴ‪‬ﺘﺠﹺﻴ ‪‬‬
‫ﻓ‪‬ﻴﻬ‪‬ﺎ ﺑﹺﺎﻟ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﺣ ‪‬ﻤﺔ‪ ‬ﹺﺇﻟﹶﻰ ‪‬ﻋﺒ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺩ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻳﺠﹺﻴ‪‬ﺒ ‪‬ﻬ ‪‬ﻢ ﹺﺇﺫﹶﺍ ﻧ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺟ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻳﻠﹶﺒ‪‬ﻴ ﹺﻬ ‪‬ﻢ ﹺﺇﺫﹶﺍ ﻧ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺩ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻌﻄ‪‬ﻴ ﹺﻬ ‪‬ﻢ ﹺﺇﺫﹶﺍ ‪‬ﺳﹶﺄﻟﹸﻮ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﺩ ‪‬ﻋ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻩ‪.‬‬
‫ﺴ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﺮﻫ‪‬ﻮ‪‬ﻧ ﹲﺔ ﹺﺑﹶﺄ ‪‬ﻋﻤ‪‬ﺎ‪‬ﻟ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﹶﻓ ﹸﻔﻜﱡﻮﻫ‪‬ﺎ ﺑﹺﺎ ‪‬ﺳ‪‬ﺘ ‪‬ﻐﻔﹶﺎ ﹺﺭ ﹸﻛﻢ‪ ،‬ﻭ ﹸﻇﻬ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﺭ ﹸﻛ ‪‬ﻢ ﹶﺛﻘ‪‬ﻴﹶﻠ ﹲﺔ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﹶﺃ ‪‬ﻭﺯ‪‬ﺍ ﹺﺭ ﹸﻛ ‪‬ﻢ‬
‫ﺱ ﹺﺇ ﱠﻥ ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻧ ﹸﻔ ‪‬‬
‫ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻳﻬ‪‬ﺎ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﲔ ‪‬ﻭ ﺍﻟﺴ‪‬ﺎ ﹺﺟﺪ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﻭ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻥ‬
‫ﺼﱢﻠ ‪‬‬
‫ﺏ ﺍﹾﻟ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬‬
‫ﺴ ‪‬ﻢ ﹺﺑﻌ‪ ‬ﺰ‪‬ﺗ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻥ ﻟﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻌ ﱢﺬ ‪‬‬
‫ﺨ ﱢﻔﻔﹸﻮﺍ ‪‬ﻋ‪‬ﻨﻬ‪‬ﺎ ﹺﺑﻄﹸﻮ ﹺﻝ ‪‬ﺳﺠ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﺩ ﹸﻛ ‪‬ﻢ‪ .‬ﻭ ﺍ ‪‬ﻋﹶﻠﻤ‪‬ﻮﺍ ﹶﺃ ﱠﻥ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻗ ‪‬‬
‫ﹶﻓ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻬ ﹺﺮ‬
‫ﺱ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﻓﹶ ﱠﻄ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﻣ‪‬ﻨ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﺻ‪‬ﺎﺋ‪‬ﻤﹰﺎ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﺆﻣ‪‬ﻨﹰﺎ ﻓ‪‬ﻲ ‪‬ﻫﺬﹶﺍ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﲔ‪ .‬ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻳﻬ‪‬ﺎ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﺏ ﺍﹾﻟﻌ‪‬ﺎﹶﻟ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬‬
‫ﺱ ‪‬ﻟ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬‬
‫ﻟﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻋ ‪‬ﻬ ‪‬ﻢ ﺑﹺﺎﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ﹺﺭ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻡ ‪‬ﻳﻘﹸﻮ ‪‬ﻡ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﺲ ﹸﻛﱡﻠﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻳﻘﹾـ ‪‬ﺪ ‪‬ﺭ‬
‫ﺴ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬ﺔ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻐ ‪‬ﻔ ‪‬ﺮ ﹲﺓ ‪‬ﻟﻤ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻣﻀ‪‬ﻰ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﹸﺫﻧ‪‬ﻮﹺﺑ ‪‬ﻪ‪ .‬ﻗ‪‬ﻴ ﹶﻞ ﻳ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺭﺳ‪‬ﻮ ﹶﻝ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﻓﹶﻠ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬‬
‫ﻚ ‪‬ﻋ‪‬ﻨ ‪‬ﺪ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻋ‪‬ﺘﻖ‪ ‬ﻧ ‪‬‬
‫ﻛﹶﺎ ﹶﻥ ﹶﻟ ‪‬ﻪ ﹺﺑ ﹶﺬ‪‬ﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﺮ‪‬ﺑ ‪‬ﺔ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﻣ‪‬ﺎ ٍﺀ‪.‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻖ ‪‬ﺗ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﺓ ﺍ‪‬ﺗﻘﹸﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺭ ‪‬ﻭ ﹶﻟ ‪‬ﻮ ﹺﺑ ‪‬‬
‫ﻚ ﹶﻓﻘﹶﺎ ﹶﻝ ﺹ ﺍ‪‬ﺗﻘﹸﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺭ ‪‬ﻭ ﹶﻟ ‪‬ﻮ ﹺﺑ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﻋﻠﹶﻰ ﹶﺫ‪‬ﻟ ‪‬‬

‫‪I.M.A.M. - Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya‬‬

‫‪Prepared & Presented by: Shaykh Rizwan Arastu‬‬ ‫‪Page 25 of 26‬‬
‫‪Seminars on Applied Jurisprudence: Fasting in the Month of Ramadan‬‬

‫ﻁ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻡ ‪‬ﺗ ﹺﺰ ﱡﻝ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ﺍﹾﻟﹶﺄ ﹾﻗﺪ‪‬ﺍ ‪‬ﻡ‪ .‬ﻭ‬
‫ﺼﺮ‪‬ﺍ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻬ ﹺﺮ ‪‬ﺧﹸﻠ ﹶﻘ ‪‬ﻪ ﻛﹶﺎ ﹶﻥ ﹶﻟ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﺟﻮ‪‬ﺍﺯﹰﺍ ‪‬ﻋﻠﹶﻰ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﺴ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﻣ‪‬ﻨ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﻓ‪‬ﻲ ‪‬ﻫﺬﹶﺍ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﺱ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﺣ ‪‬‬
‫ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻳﻬ‪‬ﺎ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﻒ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻋ‪‬ﻨ ‪‬ﻪ‬
‫ﻒ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﺷ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﻩ ﹶﻛ ‪‬‬
‫ﻒ ﺍﻟﱠﻠﻪ‪ ‬ﻋﹶﻠ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﺣﺴ‪‬ﺎ‪‬ﺑ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﹶﻛ ‪‬‬
‫ﺖ ‪‬ﻳﻤ‪‬ﻴ‪‬ﻨ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﺧ ﱠﻔ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻬ ﹺﺮ ‪‬ﻋﻤ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻣﹶﻠ ﹶﻜ ‪‬‬
‫ﻒ ﻓ‪‬ﻲ ‪‬ﻫﺬﹶﺍ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﺧ ﱠﻔ ‪‬‬
‫ﺻﹶﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﹺﺑ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﺣ ‪‬ﻤﺘ‪‬ـ ‪‬ﻪ‬
‫ﺻ ﹶﻞ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﺭ ‪‬ﺣ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬‬
‫ﹶﻏﻀ‪‬ﺒ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻡ ‪‬ﻳ ﹾﻠﻘﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻛ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﻡ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻳﺘ‪‬ﻴﻤﹰﺎ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻛ ‪‬ﺮ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻪ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻡ ‪‬ﻳ ﹾﻠﻘﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﻭ‪ ‬‬
‫ﺐ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﻟﹶـ ‪‬ﻪ‬
‫ﺼﻠﹶﺎ ‪‬ﺓ ﹶﻛ‪‬ﺘ ‪‬‬
‫ﻉ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ﹺﺑ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻡ ‪‬ﻳ ﹾﻠﻘﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﹶﻗ ﹶﻄ ‪‬ﻊ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﺭ ‪‬ﺣ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﻗ ﹶﻄ ‪‬ﻊ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻋ‪‬ﻨ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﺭ ‪‬ﺣ ‪‬ﻤ‪‬ﺘ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻡ ‪‬ﻳ ﹾﻠﻘﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﺗ ﹶﻄ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻬﻮ ﹺﺭ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ‬
‫ﻀ ﹰﺔ ﻓ‪‬ﻴﻤ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺳﻮ‪‬ﺍ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﲔ ﹶﻓﺮﹺﻳ ‪‬‬
‫ﺏ ‪‬ﻣﻦ‪ ‬ﹶﺃﺩ‪‬ﻯ ‪‬ﺳ‪‬ﺒ ‪‬ﻌ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﺑﺮ‪‬ﺍ َﺀ ﹰﺓ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎﺭﹺ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﹶﺃﺩ‪‬ﻯ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﻓﺮ‪‬ﺿﹰﺎ ﻛﹶﺎ ﹶﻥ ﹶﻟ ‪‬ﻪ ﹶﺛﻮ‪‬ﺍ ‪‬‬
‫ﻒ ﺍﹾﻟ ‪‬ﻤﻮ‪‬ﺍﺯﹺﻳ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﻭ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﺗﻠﹶﺎ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ﺁ‪‬ﻳ ﹰﺔ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﺍﹾﻟ ﹸﻘﺮ‪‬ﺁ ‪‬ﻥ ﻛﹶﺎ ﹶﻥ ﹶﻟ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻣﹾﺜ ﹸﻞ‬
‫ﺨ ‪‬‬
‫ﺼﻠﹶﺎ ‪‬ﺓ ‪‬ﻋﹶﻠ ‪‬ﻲ ﹶﺛ ﱠﻘ ﹶﻞ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ﻣ‪‬ﻴﺰ‪‬ﺍ‪‬ﻧ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﻡ ‪‬ﺗ ‪‬‬
‫ﹶﺃ ﹾﻛﺜﹶ ‪‬ﺮ ﻓ‪‬ﻴ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﺤ ﹲﺔ ﻓﹶﺎ ‪‬ﺳﹶﺄﻟﹸﻮﺍ‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻬ ﹺﺮ ‪‬ﻣ ﹶﻔ‪‬ﺘ ‪‬‬
‫ﺠﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻥ ﻓ‪‬ﻲ ‪‬ﻫﺬﹶﺍ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﺏ ﺍﹾﻟ ﹺ‬
‫ﺱ ﹺﺇ ﱠﻥ ﹶﺃ‪‬ﺑﻮ‪‬ﺍ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸﻬ‪‬ﻮ ﹺﺭ ﹶﺃ‪‬ﻳﻬ‪‬ﺎ ﺍﻟﻨ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬‬
‫ﹶﺃ ‪‬ﺟ ﹺﺮ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﺧ‪‬ﺘ ‪‬ﻢ ﺍﹾﻟ ﹸﻘﺮ‪‬ﺁ ﹶﻥ ﻓ‪‬ﻲ ﹶﻏ‪‬ﻴ ﹺﺮ ‪‬ﻩ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻦ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﲔ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻐﻠﹸﻮﹶﻟ ﹲﺔ‬
‫ﺸﻴ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻃ ‪‬‬
‫ﺤﻬ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻋﹶﻠ‪‬ﻴ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﺏ ﺍﻟ‪‬ﻨﲑ‪‬ﺍ ‪‬ﻥ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﻐﱠﻠ ﹶﻘ ﹲﺔ ﻓﹶﺎ ‪‬ﺳﹶﺄﻟﹸﻮﺍ ‪‬ﺭ‪‬ﺑ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻥ ﻟﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻳ ﹶﻔ‪‬ﺘ ‪‬‬
‫‪‬ﺭ‪‬ﺑ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻥ ﻟﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬ﻐﱢﻠ ﹶﻘﻬ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻋ‪‬ﻨ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ‪‬ﻭ ﹶﺃ‪‬ﺑﻮ‪‬ﺍ ‪‬‬
‫ﻀ ﹸﻞ ﺍﹾﻟﹶﺄ ‪‬ﻋﻤ‪‬ﺎ ﹺﻝ‬
‫ﺖ ﻳ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﺭﺳ‪‬ﻮ ﹶﻝ ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ‪‬ﻪ ‪‬ﻣﺎ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻓ ‪‬‬
‫ﺖ ﹶﻓ ﹸﻘ ﹾﻠ ‪‬‬
‫ﲔ ﻉ ﹶﻓ ﹸﻘ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬‬
‫ﺴﱢﻠ ﹶﻄﻬ‪‬ﺎ ‪‬ﻋﹶﻠ‪‬ﻴ ﹸﻜ ‪‬ﻢ ﻗﹶﺎ ﹶﻝ ﹶﺃ ‪‬ﻣ ‪‬ﲑ ﺍﹾﻟ ‪‬ﻤ ‪‬ﺆ ‪‬ﻣﹺﻨ ‪‬‬
‫ﻓﹶﺎ ‪‬ﺳﹶﺄﻟﹸﻮﺍ ‪‬ﺭ‪‬ﺑﻜﹸ ‪‬ﻢ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻥ ﻟﹶﺎ ‪‬ﻳ ‪‬‬
‫ﻉ ‪‬ﻋ ‪‬ﻦ ‪‬ﻣﺤ‪‬ﺎ ﹺﺭ ﹺﻡ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪ‪.‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻬ ﹺﺮ ﺍﹾﻟ ‪‬ﻮ ‪‬ﺭ ‪‬‬
‫ﻀ ﹸﻞ ﺍﹾﻟﹶﺄ ‪‬ﻋﻤ‪‬ﺎ ﹺﻝ ﻓ‪‬ﻲ ‪‬ﻫﺬﹶﺍ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﺴ ﹺﻦ ﹶﺃ ﹾﻓ ‪‬‬
‫ﺸ ‪‬ﻬ ﹺﺮ ﹶﻓﻘﹶﺎ ﹶﻝ ﻳ‪‬ﺎ ﹶﺃﺑ‪‬ﺎ ﺍﹾﻟ ‪‬‬
‫ﻓ‪‬ﻲ ‪‬ﻫﺬﹶﺍ ﺍﻟ ‪‬‬

‫‪I.M.A.M. - Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya‬‬

‫‪Prepared & Presented by: Shaykh Rizwan Arastu‬‬ ‫‪Page 26 of 26‬‬

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