Growing Criticism, Activism Among Big Technology Company Employees Conclution

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Name : Listianisa Sopiani

NIM : 1192060053
Class : Biology-B
Growing Criticism, Activism among Big Technology Company Employees

Clarifai was one of several businesses working on a program for the United States
military. It is called Project Maven. The companies were asked to develop image
capturing and object identification tools for drone aircraft.
Last year, many Google employees temporarily stopped working to protest the way
their company treats sexual misconduct cases. Google workers also recently signed a
letter protesting Project Dragonfly. Dragonfly is a search engine that would follow
China’s restrictions on the internet.Workers at Salesforce, Microsoft and Google have
protested their companies’ ties to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, ICE and the
military.Many high-tech workers are paid well and have unlimited vacation time, but
they question the effects of their work.
Google and Facebook promised to pay contract workers better. Google also changed its
policies governing sexual misconduct cases after its employees walked out. And
following employee criticism, Google decided against renewing its contract with the U.S.
military for work on Project Maven.Yet some tech workers say the companies’ efforts
fall short. In some cases, employees have said they have been punished or seen others
punished after they or others have spoken out.
Sentence from vocabulary
1. Dinah's involvement is very influential on Siska test scores.
2. PT Kahatex is the largest shareholder in Indonesia.
3. Indonesia's population growth is increasing every year.
4. One effort that can be taken is through mastery of science and technology.
5. There is no clear evidence of the murder case.

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