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Basic Endgames

Chapter 3: Exercise 23

D Skripchenko-Lautier
• H.Hunt
Leon 2001

Black to Play

Can Black win?

Chapter 3: Exercise 24

D Marshall
• Maroczy
Ostend 1905

Black to Play

Can you see how Black can increase his advantage?

Test Your Endgame Thinking

Chapter 3: Exercise 25

D Botvinnik
• Lisitsin
Moscow 1935

White to Play

Can White hold out despite being a pawn down?

Chapter 3: Exercise 26

D Sakharov
• Vasiukov
USSR ch (Alma Ata) 1968
(Analysis position)

White to Play

How can White convert his advantage?

Basic Endgames

Chapter 3: Exercise 27

Berger 1922

Black to Play

How does Black draw?

Chapter 3: Exercise 28

o Szily
• Karakas
World Championship Zonal 1960

Black to Play

Can Black win?

Test Your Endgame Thinking

Chapter 3: Exercise 29

o Kotov
• Botvinnik
Moscow 1947

Black to Play

How should Black recapture?

Chapter 3: Exercise 30

o D.Howell
• Charleshouse
South end 2001

White to Play

Can you see how White won quickly?

Basic Endgames

Chapter 3: Exercise 31

D Cheshkovsky
• Flear
Wijk aan Zee B 1988

Black to Play

What result and why?

Chapter 3: Exercise 32

D Flear
• Emms
Hastings Challengers 1989/90

White to Play

Any suggestions for White?

Test Your Endgame Thinking

Chapter 3: Exercise 33

o Voitzikh
• Tikhomirova
USSR 1960

Black to Play

This seems to be easily winning for Black, but is it?

Chapter 3: Exercise 34

o Spielmann
• Capablanca
Moscow 1926

White to Play

Can you find a defence for White?

Basic Endgames

Chapter 3: Exercise 35

o Unzicker
• Lundin
Amsterdam Olympiad 1954

White to Play

How should White proceed?

Chapter 3: Exercise 36


White to Play

How does White win?

Test Your Endgame Thinking

Chapter 3: Exercise 37

o Nimzowitsch
• Tarrasch
San Sebastian 1911

Black to Play

What is the logical result?

Chapter 3: Exercise 38

o Polugaevsky
• Psakhis
USSR ch (Moscow) 1983

White to Play

White has an extra pawn.

Should he simplify into an ending or use tactical means to try and exploit
his advantage?

Basic Endgames

Chapter 3: Exercise 39

o Short
• Bagirov
Baku 1983

Black to Play

Black is faced with the threat of'iVg7+ followed by taking the h-pawn.
What should he do?

Chapter 3: Exercise 40

o Colle
• Alekhine
Paris 1925

Black to Play

Can you find the way to break down

White's blockade?

Solutions and detailed endgames are to be found in Chapter Nine.

Test Your Endgame Thinking

Chapter 4: Exercise 1

o Short
• Nunn
Brussels 1986

White to Play

White has a material advantage but Black has active play around the white
Should White still be looking to win or is it time to bailout with a draw?
Find the best line of play.

Chapter 4: Exercise 2

o Karpov
• Timman
Tilburg 1977
(Analysis position)

White to Play

Is White winning?

Intermediate Level

Chapter 4: Exercise 3

o Bogolyubov
• Stahlberg
Kemeri 1938

White to Play

White has the most dangerous passed pawn.

Can he benefit from this

Chapter 4: Exercise 4

o Marshall
• Alekhine
Bradley Beach 1929

Black to Play

White's passed pawn is further advanced but Black has the outside passed
Can Black exploit this?

Test Your Endgame Thinking

Chapter 4: Exercise 5

o Colle
• Pirc
Frankfurt 1930
(Analysis by Grigoriev)

Black to Play

Can Black win?

Chapter 4: Exercise 6

o Filep
• Mariotti
Reggio Emilia 1969/70

White to Play

White (to move) has time to come to the defence of the f-pawn, but
Black's active king means that he is likely to be outmanoeuvred.
Nevertheless, is there a defence?

Intermediate Level

Chapter 4: Exercise 7

o Kostro
• Filipowicz
Poland 1963

Black to Play

Tricky manoeuvring may be required.

Can you find Black's best move?

Chapter 4: Exercise 8

o IIjin-Zhenevsky
• Botvinnik
USSR 1938

White to Play

Analyse this out to a win for White.

Test Your Endgame Thinking

Chapter 4: Exercise 9

o Pomar
• Cuadras
Olot 1974

Black to Play

Equal pawns but White's king is more advanced.

So - what result?

Chapter 4: Exercise 10


White to Play

Can you find the way to win?

If in doubt, the hint in Chapter 6 may come in useful!

Intermediate Level

Chapter 4: Exercise 11


Black to Play

How does Black defend?

Chapter 4: Exercise 12

Karstedt 1896

White to Play

Can you show how White is winning?

Test Your Endgame Thinking

Chapter 4: Exercise 13

o Grunfeld
• Wagner
Breslau 1925

White to Play

What is White's best move - and why?

Chapter 4: Exercise 14

o Short
• Kasparov
Belgrade 1989

Black to Play

What result and why?


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