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WARNING: If there are conflicts between a stated word and the number/amount/figure
described, the stated/spelled word shall prevail. Should there be conflicts between two (2.0)
stated quantities, the higher figure shall prevail.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this first reformat of the examination in this subject, the Examinee shall
be allowed to make full use (open books) ONLY of Rule VII and Rule VIII of the 2004 Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1096,
otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) i.e. ONLY AS
downloaded and reproduced from the PRBoA website at Other IRR
versions are specifically disallowed for use during the examination.

A. PROJECT NO. 1 TITLE and General Description:

Proposed Open Market Residential Prototype Project consisting of Two (2.0) Storey,
Single-Detached House with an 77.0 Sq.M. Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) cum Site Development
Planning Project for a Cluster of Ten (10.0) Prototype House and Lots, on a Site with a Ten
Percent (10.0%) Slope


A Multinational development company (the “Client”) has decided that its property, a one thousand
nine hundred thirty four point seventy two square meter (1,934.72 Sq.M.) inside (or regular) lot,
with a low density residential (R-1) zoning classification, and located in the better parts of the Municipality
of Taytay in Rizal Province (Luzon Island), shall be developed to host an open market residential

The 10 Prototype Houses shall be exclusive/ semi-upscale structures, 6 of which shall be on

lots each with a 132.0Sq.M. Total Lot Area (TLA) and a 12.0m depth. The stated 77.0 Sq.M. TGFA of
the Prototype Houses only refers to the enclosed floor areas above grade (or natural ground) level and
excludes all other floor areas, if these are still to be introduced at a later time.


The 1,934.72 Sq.M. Grand Total Lot Area (GTLA) making up the entire Project Site is
rectangular in shape and has thirty two (32.0) m wide frontage facing east. The property may be reached
via a fifteen meter (15.0 m) wide street i.e. the main road right-of-way (RROW) which has 1.8m wide
paver-lined sidewalks on each side. The Surface of the main RROW sidewalk closest to the Project Site
shall be considered as elevation 0.0 m.

An 8.0 m wide cluster street bisects the Project Site at its long axis and intersects the main
RROW at the right angle. The Project Site uniformly slopes at ten percent (10.0%) from west to east,
which is also the direction of the cluster street serving as the direct access to the 10 lots, 5 on each side of
the cluster street. The 2 end lots at the westernmost portion of the Project Site approx. 31.45% wider than
the 6 lots at the center of the development. The corner lots defined by the cluster street and main RROW
are 2.0 m wider than the 6 lots at the center of the development.


a. To create exclusive/ semi-upscale, low-rise, single-detached residential building to be sited on a

R-1 zoned property;
b. To plan and design a closely-knit residential cluster that may serve as a model development in
the Project host area;
c. To plan the development to maximize profits for the developer; and
d. To design the Prototype Houses to serve as landmarks in the Project area.

Problem No. 1 (Low Density Residential Occupancy)

  Page 2 
WARNING: If there are conflicts between a stated word and the number/amount/figure
described, the stated/spelled word shall prevail. Should there be conflicts between two (2.0)
stated quantities, the higher figure shall prevail.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this first reformat of the examination in this subject, the Examinee shall
be allowed to make full use (open books) ONLY of Rule VII and Rule VIII of the 2004 Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1096,
otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) i.e. ONLY AS
downloaded and reproduced from the PRBoA website at Other IRR
versions are specifically disallowed for use during the examination.

A. PROJECT NO. 2 TITLE and General Description:

A Proposed Medium-Rise APARTMENT BUILDING Project i.e. a development with

Basement component and on a Project Site having an 8.0% slope.


A Development company has decided that its newly-acquired property with a Total Lot Area (the
“TLA”) of six thousand square meter (6,000.0 Sq.M.) shall be developed to host a medium-rise
apartment building (the “Project”). The property is zoned as a high density housing lot (Maximum R-
3), located somewhere in the better parts of Pasig City (the “Project Site”).
Only two (2.0) types of rentable/leasable apartment units shall be provided, as follows:
1) Studio-Type apartment units with a twenty two square meter (22.0 Sq.M.) Gross Floor Area
(GFA); and
2) One (1.0)-Bedroom (BR) apartment units with a GFA of fifty (50.0) Sq.M.

For greater market acceptance, the minimum parking requirements for the Project
under the 2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (R-IRR) of P.D. No. 1096, otherwise known as
the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP), should be exceeded.


The Project Site is rectangular in shape and is an interior lot with a fifty (50.0) m. width. As there is
no other means of direct access to the Project Site, a two (2) lane right-of-way (ROW) still has to be
negotiated with the owner of the adjoining vacant lot that faces north, where a twenty meter (20.0 m) wide
street i.e. a road right-of-way (RROW) is located. The said RROW has two point four (2.4) m wide
sidewalks on each side.

The Project Site uniformly slopes at eight percent (8.0%) towards the vacant lot in front, which is
only 80.0 m deep but also uniformly 8.0% slopes toward the RROW. The surface of the sidewalk adjoining
the vacant front lot shall be considered as elevation 0.0m.

To the left of the Project Site is a private high school building. To its right is a residential
condominium building. To the rear of the Project Site are proposed three (3.0)-storey single-detached


a. To design a medium-rise apartment building, marketable and attractive to middle income

b. To design the apartment building in a way that can maximize rentals and leases for the
Developer; the ratio of saleable versus non-saleable spaces shall be 70:30; if attainable, the
overall rentable/leasable areas for the building could be at approximately eighty five percent
(80.0)% of the TGFA or better, which must include the parking spaces at the basement; and
c. To design a building that shall serve as a landmark in the Project area, with sustainable
plan/design features and deliverable at the least cost.
Problem No. 2 (High Density Residential Occupancy)

  Page 3 
WARNING: If there are conflicts between a stated word and the number/amount/figure
described, the stated/spelled word shall prevail. Should there be conflicts between two (2.0)
stated quantities, the higher figure shall prevail.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this first reformat of the examination in this subject, the Examinee shall
be allowed to make full use (open books) ONLY of Rule VII and Rule VIII of the 2004 Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1096,
otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) i.e. ONLY AS
downloaded and reproduced from the PRBoA website at Other IRR
versions are specifically disallowed for use during the examination.

A. PROJECT NO. 3 TITLE and General Description:

Proposed Medium-Rise OFFICE CONDOMINUM Project [development with Basement,

Podium (with covered parking) and Tower components]


A Developer has decided that its commercial 3 (C-3) property (the “Project Site”), with a Total Lot
Area (TLA) of two thousand square meter (2,000.0 Sq.M.) and located in Quezon City (Metropolitan
Manila Area), shall host a medium-rise Office Condominium building (the “Project”).

Only four (4.0) types of real estate products shall be provided by the Developer and these are all
office units with Gross Floor Area (GFA) measurements of:

1) Thirty square meters (30.0 sq. m.)

2) Sixty (60.0) sq. m.
3) Ninety (90.0) sq. m.; and
4) One hundred twenty (120.0)sq. m.


The Project Site is a rectangular inside (or regular) lot. It is located along a fifteen (15.0)m wide
street i.e. the road right-of-way (RROW), with a forty meter (40.0 m) wide frontage facing the south. The
site slopes very gently towards the street with one point eight (1.8) m wide sidewalks. The surface of the
sidewalk shall be considered as elevation 0.0 m.


a. To design an office condominium, a high intensity commercial building (the “Building”),

marketable and attractive to small to medium size office locators/buyers;
b. To design the Building in a way that can maximize profit for the Developer ; the ratio of saleable
versus non-saleable spaces; and
c. To design the Building to serve as a landmark in the Project host area

Problem No. 3 (Commercial Occupancy)

  Page 4 
WARNING: If there are conflicts between a stated word and the number/amount/figure
described, the stated/spelled word shall prevail. Should there be conflicts between two (2.0)
stated quantities, the higher figure shall prevail.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this first reformat of the examination in this subject, the Examinee shall
be allowed to make full use (open books) ONLY of Rule VII and Rule VIII of the 2004 Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1096,
otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) i.e. ONLY AS
downloaded and reproduced from the PRBoA website at Other IRR
versions are specifically disallowed for use during the examination.

A. PROJECT NO. 4 TITLE and General Description:

A Proposed Low-Rise NATIONAL GOVERNMENT OFFICE Project [development with

Basement, Podium (with covered parking) and Tower components]


A National Government-Owned and Controlled Corporation (GOCC) has decided that its eight
thousand square meter (8,000.0 sq. m.) property located somewhere in Quezon City shall host a low-rise
office building (the “Project”) to serve as their headquarters.


The Project Site is a rectangular through lot with an esplanade at its north property line. It has an
eighty meter (8.0 m) wide frontage with a full southern exposure. The primary access to the front of the
property as a high traffic thirty (30.0) m wide street i.e. the road right-of-way (RROW). The site slopes very
gently towards the esplanade composed of a one point two (1.2) m wide sidewalk, a six (6.0) m wide
carriage way and a three (3.0) m wide promenade and plant strip. The high flood waterline (100years
return) is at least one (1.0) m lower than the esplanade sidewalk, which shall be considered as elevation
0.0m for the proposed building.

The 30.0 m wide street has 2.4m wide sidewalks on both sides, but was recently declared an
arcaded street by city ordinance. The proposed building is also covered by a separate Green Building
Ordinance. To the east of the property are 2 other large National Government office complexes. Across the
property is a long row of arcaded private low-rise commercial buildings.


a. To design a National Government Office Building, a high intensity institutional building (the
b. To design the Building in a way that can maximize the delivery of services required by the
general public; and
c. To design the Building to serve as a landmark in the Project area, with sustainable design
provisions and delivered at the least cost.

Problem No. 4 (Institutional Occupancy)

  Page 5 
WARNING: If there are conflicts between a stated word and the number/amount/figure
described, the stated/spelled word shall prevail. Should there be conflicts between two (2.0)
stated quantities, the higher figure shall prevail.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this first reformat of the examination in this subject, the Examinee shall
be allowed to make full use (open books) ONLY of Rule VII and Rule VIII of the 2004 Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1096,
otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) i.e. ONLY AS
downloaded and reproduced from the PRBoA website at Other IRR
versions are specifically disallowed for use during the examination.

A. PROJECT NO. 5 TITLE and General Description:


[development with Basement and Tower components only]


A Garment Firm based outside Metro Manila has decided that its newly acquired property with an
industrial 3 (I-3) zoning classification, located in Parañaque City (near airport), shall host a medium-rise
Garment and Undergarment Factory Building (the “Project”)

The Garment Firm specializes in hard/ tie-dyed shirts; dresses; men’s and ladies’ undergarments, all
for the export market. Based on their consultant’s research, the entire operations of the Garment Firm i.e.
which start from receipt/ storage of raw materials to finishing, packaging and containerizing, should be
moved to the new facility to save on time and freight/ handling costs.

The Garment Firm has about two hundred twenty (200.0) rank and file employees (including
factory workers who must be housed at the new facility.


The Project Site has a ten thousand square meter (10,000.0 Sq.M.) Total Lot Area (TLA), is
rectangular in shape, and is a corner lot abutting three (3) streets and 6.0 meter (m) wide creek.
Its primary access is through a thirty (30.0) m wide street with two point four (2.4) m wide sidewalks on
either side [collectively the “primary road right-of-way (RROW)]. The said primary RROW is intersected at
right angles by 2 minor streets each with a six (6.0) m wide RROW. The 2 intersects (corners) have six (6.0)
m wide chaflans i.e. with legs of 4.25 m.

The Project Site has an eighty (80.0) m wide frontage that faces the west and serves as the main
access for the container vans/trucks on a 24-hour basis. The Project Site slopes at four percent (4.0%)
towards the creek. The surface of the sidewalk at the primary RROW shall be considered as elevation 0.0.

To the left of the Project Site is a private office building. To its right is a ceramics factory building
and directly across the street are two (2.0) videoke bars and a restaurant-bar with live band performances.
Across the creek are two point five (2.5) storey row-houses.


a. To design a Garment and undergarment factory building that can maximize profits for the
Garment Firm through a good process flow/vertical spatial interrelationship and space planning
efficiency; and
b. To design a Building that shall be sustainably planned/designed, delivered at the least cost and
that shall serve as a landmark in the Project area.

Problem No. 5 (Industrial Occupancy/Special Problem)

  Page 6 
Situation 1 – Project No. 01

1. Project No. 1. Under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. no. 1096 or NBCP, what should be the applicable
Building Height Limit (BHL) for each of the 10 lots (in number of storeys)?

A. 5 C. 3
B. 12 D. 18

2. Project No. 1. Under the NBCP, what shall be the BHL for each of the 10 lots (in meters)?

A. 10 C. 54
B. 36 D. 15

3. Project No. 1. What is the width (in meters) of the 6 lots at the center of the development?

A. 13 C. 11
B. 15 D. 9

4. Project No. 1. Under the NBCP, what is covered by the BHL for the Project?

A. antenna
B. deck roof level parapet wall, if introduced
C. electrical or electronic devices mounted on top of the parapet wall, if introduced
D. mast

5. Project No. 1. Under the NBCP, what is the generally permitted range for number of storeys for a
low-rise building project?

A. 1 to 5 C. 1 to 3
B. 3 to 6 D. 6 to 9

Situation 2 – Project No. 01

6. Project No. 1. Given the Project Site orientation, from what direction shall the “amihan” wind come

A. East C. SouthEast (SE)

B. SouthWest (SW) D. NorthEast (NE)

7. Project No. 1. Where on the 10 lots are the best sites to plant large trees that will serve as
“habagat” wind buffers?

A. North, NorthEast (NE) and East perimeters.

B. West, NorthWest (NW) and North perimeters.
C. East, SouthEast (SE) and South perimeters.
D. West, SouthWest (SW) and South perimeters.

8. Project No. 1. Given the street position, what are the main orientations of the road right-o-way
(RROW) view corridor?

A. NorthEast (NE) and NorthWest (NW)

B. SouthEast (SE) and SouthWest (SW)
C. North and South
D. East and West.

9. Project No. 1. Given the Project Site orientation and the cluster street orientation, where are the
BEST sites on each of the 10 lots to plant large shade trees?

A. Right and Left side yards.

B. NorthEast (NE) corners.
C. Front and Rear yards.
D. SouthEast (SE) corners.

  Page 7 
10. Project No. 1. Given the Project Site orientation, what are the dominant sun-paths for the property?

A. SW to SE and NW to NE C. SE to SW and NE to NW
B. SE to NW and NE to SW D. SW to NE and NW to SE

Situation 3 – Project No. 01

11. Project No. 1. Assuming one (1) of the 2 end lots shall host common provisions, which of the
following is NOT considered an amenity provision for the Project?

A. Gameroom
B. Homeowners’ association office
C. Swimming pool
D. Clubhouse

12. Project No. 1. Which of the following is NOT considered a facility provision for the Project?

A. Gym C. Guest parking

B. Gameroom D. Homeowners’ association office

13. Project No. 1. Which of the following is NOT considered a service provision for the Project?

A. Gardener’s room C. Workshop

B. Security quarters D. Overhead Water tank

14. Project No. 1. Which of the following is NOT considered a utility provision for the Project?

A. Generator room C. Sewage treatment plant (STP), if introduced

B. Domestic water cistern D. Guest parking

15. Project No. 1. Which of the following provisions should NOT be situated close to one another?

A. Security quarters, locker and shower

B. Guest parking slots, cluster street, disabled ramps, etc.
C. Homeowners’ association office and generator room
D. Cistern and sewage treatment plant, if introduced

Situation 4 – Project No. 01

16. Project No. 1. Given the Project Site location, budget and target market, which mix of architectural
archetypes BEST suit/s the Project?

A. Residential and recreational

B. Residential and business (home office)
C. Residential and entertainment
D. Residential and commercial (retail)

17. Project No. 1. Which architectural image can BEST suit the Project?

A. Fun, Frivolous and carefree.

B. Attractive but aloof and business like.
C. Inviting relaxed and laid back.
D. Warm, safe and comfortable.

18. Project No. 1. Which architectural style may BEST suit the Project to help cut cost?

A. Stylized Neo-Classical or Classical C. Modern with clean but textured lines

B. Tropical American Country D. Mediterranean

19. Project No. 1. Given the bulk of the Prototype House, what architectural lines need to emphasized?

A. Vertical C. Horizontal
B. Diagonal D. Curvilinear

  Page 8 
20. Project No. 1. Assuming a 42.0 Sq.M. TGFA for a Prototype House ground floor, about how many
pieces of 0.30 m by 0.30 m ceramic tiles shall be needed for its flooring, assuming that the
bathroom measures 1.35 m by 1.7 m?

A. 480 C. 441
B. 502 D. 408

Situation 5 – Project No. 01

21. Project No. 1. What should be the nominal thickness of the concrete hollow block unit (in meters) for
the interior walls of the Prototype House?

A. 0.20 C. 0.10
B. 0.15 D. 0.25

22. Project No. 1. What should be the nominal thickness of the concrete hollow block unit (in meters) for
the perimeter property wall of the Prototype House?

A. 0.18 C. 0.20
B. 0.15 D. 0.10

23. Project No. 1. Assuming a very heavily forested hillside location for the Project Site and the budget
constraint, what type of roof structure should be introduced for the Prototype Houses?

A. Steep, gable-shaped metal roof on welded steel frame.

B. Very steep, asphalt shingle roofing on marine plywood on assembled metal frame.
C. Low-pitch, steel deck roof.
D. Composite deck roof with 3% slope

24. Project No. 1. Assuming a Project Site location that is 150.0 meters (m) away from a very high-
voltage transmission line, what type of building projections should NOT be introduced for the

A. Extended eaves C. Balconies

B. Sun-breakers D. Canopy

25. Project No. 1. Assuming that a firewall-quality wall thickness is required by an Owner, what should
be the nominal thickness of the concrete hollow block unit (in meters) for the exterior walls of the
Prototype House?

A. 0.10 C. 0.25
B. 0.20 D. 0.15

Situation 6 – Project No. 01

26. Project No. 1. Which of the following is NOT a good keyhole center height (in meters) for the knob-
type lockset of the Prototype House main door?

A. 1.155 C. 0.975
B. 1.055 D. 0.963

27. Project No. 1. Which of the following is NOT considered a good fixed counter depth (in meters) for
the Prototype House?

A. 0.30 C. 0.55
B. 0.45 D. 0.40

28. Project No. 1. What is NOT considered an equipment item?

A. Exhaust or transfer fan C. Dome-type CCTV camera

B. Wall or ceiling fan D. Soup dispenser

  Page 9 
29. Project No. 1. What is NOT considered a furniture item?

A. Sofa C. Wall-mounted flat TV B.

Coffee table D. Dresser

30. Project No. 1. What is NOT considered a furnishing item?

A. Ceiling fan with lights

B. 80% Life-size wall mirror
C. Freestanding indoor sculpture
D. Acrylic painting

Situation 7 – Project No. 02

31. Project No. 2. Under 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. 1096 or NBCP, what shall be the applicable range of
the Floor to Lot Area (FLAR) for the Project?

A. 1.6 to 1.8 C. 1.8 to 2.1

B. 7.1 to 8.1 D. 6.0 to 9.0

32. Project No. 2. Using the prescribed FLAR designation/ rights under the NBCP, what shall be the
maximum Gross Floor Area (GFA, in square meters) that can be generated for the Project?

A. 64, 800 C. 68, 400

B. 48, 600 D. 46, 800

33. Project No. 2. Under the NBCP and based on the maximum GFA (in square meters), what shall be
the maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) for the Project?

A. 77, 760 C. 56, 160

B. 82, 080 D. 58, 320

34. Project No. 2. Under the NBCP, which is part of the GFA for the Project?

A. Covered parking C. ACCU balcony

B. Roof deck, if introduced D. Lobby

35. Project No. 2. Under the NBCP, which is NOT part of the GFA for the Project?

A. Basement parking area, if introduced C. Corridor

B. Balcony D. Elevator lobby

Situation 8 – Project No. 02

36. Project No. 2. Given the Project Site orientation , from what direction shall the “Amihan” wind come

A. East C. SouthEast (SE)

B. NorthEast (NE) D. SouthWest (SW)

37. Project No. 2. Where on the property is the best site to plant large trees that will serve as
“Habagat” wind buffers for the Projects lower floors?

A. West, SouthWest (SW) and South perimeters

B. East, SouthEast (SE) and South perimeters
C. North, NorthEast (NE) and East perimeters
D. West, NorthWest (NW) and North perimeters

  Page 10 
38. Project No. 2. Given the street position, what are the main orientations of the road right-of-way
(RROW) view corridor?

A. North and South

B. SouthEast (SE) and SouthWest (SW)
C. NorthEast (NE) and NorthWest (NW)
D. East and West

39. Project No. 2. Given the Project Site orientation, where on the property is the best site to plant
large shade trees for the lower floors?

A. Right and left side yards

B. front and rear yards
C. SouthEast (SE) corner of the property
D. NorthEast (NE) corner of the property

40. Project No. 2. Given the Project Site orientation, what are the dominant sun-paths for the property?

A. SW to NE and NW to SE C. SE to NW and NE to SW
B. SE to SW and NE to NW D. SW to SE and NW to NE

Situation 9 – Project No. 02

41. Project No. 2. Under the NBCP, which of the following does NOT form part of the footprint of the

A. Exterior walls of the building at ground floor

B. Podium ground floor
C. Tower ground floor
D. Basement level

42. Project No. 2. Under the NBCP, which of the following still do NOT form part of the footprint of the

A. Elevator lobby and service stairs at ground floor

B. Garden mall at ground floor
C. Main lobby and reception area at ground floor
D. Utility rooms at ground floor

43. Project No. 2. Which of the following should NOT be provided for the Project?

A. Executive lounge
B. Elevator lobby and service stairs
C. Clubhouse or social area
D. Utility rooms

44. Project No. 2. Which of the following should preferably NOT be provided near the Project lobby?

A. Garbage chute C. Service stairs

B. Utility room D. Fire escape

45. Project No. 2. Which of the following should NOT be provided at the basement component of the

A. Elevator lobby and service stairs

B. Solid waste storage
C. Enclosures for electronic equipment
D. Covered parking slots, driveways, ramps, etc.

  Page 11 
Situation 10 – Project No. 02

46. Project No. 2. In term of architectural exterior finishing, which of the following material set can
best convey that the Project is a place for multi-storey budget residences?

A. Substantial use of masonry and some glass

B. Much glass, some metal and limited masonry
C. Some glass, plastics and engineered stone
D. Much glass, much metal and some hard wood

47. Project No. 2. In term of architectural exterior finishing and energy conservation, which of the
following material set is NOT a good material and finish combination for the southern face of the

A. Transparent glass and dark color-painted masonry

B. Heavily tinted glass and medium color-painted masonry
C. Translucent glass and light color-painted masonry
D. Transparent glass and light colored metal panels

48. Project No. 2. In term of architectural exterior finishing and building insulation, which of the
following is NOT a good color for the Project deckroof, if introduced?

A. Light gray C. Medium blue

B. Medium gray D. Dark gray and black

49. Project No. 2. In term of architectural exterior finishing and building insulation, which of the
following is NOT a good material and color combination for the Project roofing?

A. Light red polycarbonate panels

B. Light brown metal roofing
C. Dark green metal roofing
D. Medium blue metal roofing

50. Project No. 2. In term of operating and maintenance costs, which of the following materials should
carry a minimum 5-year warranty on materials and installation?

A. Deck roof waterproofing

B. Glass of operable windows
C. Surface of laminated flooring
D. Indoor toilet waterproofing

Situation 11 – Project No. 02

51. Project No. 2. To fit 3 vehicles per structural bay (meter times meters, center to center), which of
the following should NOT be a recommended bay measurement for the Project?

A. 7.25 x 8.0 C. 8.75 x 9.5

B. 9.05 x 9.8 D. 8.55 x 9.0

52. Project No. 2. To fit 3 vehicles side by side within the main driveway located between 2 columns,
which clear measurement (in meters) should NOT be used as the distance between column faces?

A. 6.6 C. 7.8
B. 8.2 D. 8.6

53. Project No. 2. To attain overall design economy and minimized structural stability, where should the
perimeter beam centrelines for typical floors be aligned or positioned, in relation to the building’s
perimeter column?

A. positioned near the column interior face D. positioned outside the column interior face
B. aligned with the column centerlines
C. positioned near the column exterior face

  Page 12 
54. Project No. 2. To attain overall design economy, particularly on operation and maintenance
consideration, where should the downspouts be positioned with respect to the building mass?

A. at the building center

B. along the property walls
C. at the rear side of the building
D. at the building perimeter

55. Project No. 2. Under Appendix A of the IRR of B.P. No. 344, what should be the minimum clear
dimensions (in meters by meters) of the elevator shaft?

A. 1.5 x 1.8 C. 2.1 x 2.4

B. 1.2 x 1.5 D. 1.8 x 2.1

Situation 12 – Project No. 02

56. Project No. 2. Which of the following is considered an economical flooring material for the main
lobby of the Project?

A. Italian Granite tile C. local marble slabs

B. Italian Granite Slab D. Greekl marble slabs

57. Project No. 2. Which of the following is a resilient architectural flooring material for use on the
Project’s rentable units?

A. Clay tile C. Ceramic tile

B. Vinyl Strips D. Granite tile

58. Project No. 2. Which of the following is considered a millwork item?

A. cornice moulding C. carpet tile

B. Vinyl baseplate D. lockset

59. Project No. 2. Which of the following is NOT a Hardware item?

A. door stop C. lockset

B. door closer D. door casing

60. Project No. 2. Which of the following is NOT anymore considered an appropriate lighting element
for the lease units?

A. LED lighting C. CFL

B. halogen lamps D. Fluorescent lighting

Situation 13 – Project No. 03

61. Project No. 3. Under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 or NBCP, what shall be the minimum
required number of parking slots for the 30.0 sqm GFA units of the Project?

A. 1 parking slot : 1 unit C. 1 parking slot : 3 units

B. 1 parking slot : 4 units D. 1 parking slot : 2 units

62. Project No. 3. Under the NBCP, what shall be the minimum required number of parking slots for the
60.0 sqm GFA units of the Project?

A. 2 parking slots : 1 unit C. 1 parking slot : 2 units

B. 1 parking slot : 3 units D. 1 parking slot : 1 units

63. Project No. 3. Under Appendix A of the IRR of B.P. No. 344 (1983 Law to Enhance Mobility of
Disabled persons), what should be the minimum width (in meters) of the disabled parking slot?

A. 2.5 C. 3.7
B. 3.3 D. 2.9

  Page 13 
64. Project No. 3. Under Appendix A of the IRR of B.P. No. 344, what shall be the minimum clear width
(in meters) of the elevator door?

A. 0.80 C. 0.87
B. 0.89 D. 0.83

65. Project No. 3. Under Appendix A of the IRR of B.P. No. 344, what shall be the minimum clear width
(in meters) of the disabled water closet stall?

A. 1.80 C. 1.70
B. 1.50 D. 0.90

Situation 14 – Project No. 03

66. Project No. 3. Under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 or NBCP, what is the minimum unpaved
surface area (USA) for the Project Site (zone as C-3)? The answer is a percentage (%) of the Total
Lot Area (TLA).

A. 20 C. 5
B. 15 D. 10

67. Project No. 3. For the Project Site (zone as C-3 under the NBCP), how much is the minimum USA (in
square meters)?

A. 300 C. 100
B. 200 D. 400

68. Project No. 3. Under the NBCP, what is the maximum allowable impervious surface area (ISA) for
the Project Site (zoned as C-3), if the building shall NOT have a firewall? The answer is percentage
(%) of the Total Lot Area (TLA).

A. 10 C. 15
B. 5 D. 20

69. Project No. 3. For the Project Site (zone as C-3 under the NBCP), how much is the maximum
allowable ISA (in square meters)?

A. 200 C. 100
B. 400 D. 300

70. Project No. 3. For the Project Site (zone as C-3 under the NBCP), how much is the combined total
for the maximum allowable ISA plus the minimum USA (in square meters)?

A. 135 C. 400
B. 535 D. 270

Situation 14 – Project No. 03

71. Project No. 3. Under the NBCP, which of the following does NOT form part of the footprint of the

A. Exterior walls of the building at ground floor

B. Basement Level
C. Tower ground floor
D. Podium ground floor

72. Project No. 3. Under the NBCP, which of the following still do NOT form part of the footprint of the

A. Main lobby and reception area at ground floor

B. Elevator lobby and service stairs at ground floor
C. Patio at ground floor
D. Utility rooms at ground floor

  Page 14 
73. Project No. 3. Which of the following should NOT be provided at the tower component of the

A. Elevator lobby and service stairs

B. Clubhouse or social area
C. Workshop and carpentry room
D. Utility rooms

74. Project No. 3. Which of the following should NOT be provided at the ground level of the podium
component of the Project?

A. Main lobby and reception area

B. Driver lounge
C. Utility rooms
D. Elevator lobby and service stairs

75. Project No. 3. Which of the following should NOT be provided at the basement component of the

A. Elevator lobby and services stairs

B. Covered parking slots, driveways, ramps, etc.
C. Enclosures for electronic equipment
D. Solid waste storage

Situation 16 - Project No. 03

76. Project No. 3. Which is NOT considered a Green Architecture concern?

A. Lowering the building carbon footprint C. Construction timetable

B. Building energy consumption D. Rainwater harvesting

77. Project No. 3. In terms of material production, which of the following flooring materials is
considered to have the lowest carbon footprint?

A. High-pressure laminate flooring C. Hand-cut natural stone

B. Baked clay tiles D. ceramic tiles

78. Project No. 3. In terms of production, transportation and installation, which of the following ceiling
materials is considered to have the highest embodied energy?

A. Plywood C. Polycarbonate sheet

B. Recycled cardboard egg crate D. Gypsum board

79. Project No. 3. Considering the building size, intended image and occupancy type, what would be the
best generic main door type and material for the building?

A. Revolving/hardwood C. Accordion/PVC
B. Double sliding/steel D. Quadruple leaf swing/glass

80. Project No. 3. If the office condominium units on the 5th floor area are NOT to be air-conditioned,
what shall be the minimum distance (in meters) between the FFL, as provided for under the NBCP?

A. 2.10 C. 2.40
B. 2.70 D. 3.00

  Page 15 
Situation 17 - Project No. 03

81. Project No. 3. To fit 3 vehicles per structural bay (meters times meters, center to center), which of
the following should NOT be a recommended bat measurement for the Project?

A. 8.75 x 9.50 C. 8.55 x 9.0

B. 7.25 x 8.0 D. 9.05 x 9.8

82. Project No. 3. To fit 2 vehicles side by side within a driveway located between the 2 columns, which
clear measurement (in meters) should NOT be used as the distance between column faces?

A. 5.2 C. 4.6
B. 5.8 D. 6.4

83. Project No. 3. To attain the overall design economy and maximized structural stability, where should
the perimeter beam centerlines for typical floors be aligned or positioned, in relation to the building’s
perimeter column?

A. Positioned outside the column interior face

B. Positioned near the column exterior face
C. Positioned near the column interior face
D. Aligned with the column centerlines

84. Project No. 3. To attain overall design economy, particularly on operations and maintenance
considerations, where should the downspouts be positioned with respect to the building’s perimeter

A. At the exposed exterior sides of columns (and positioned nearest but outside the architectural
B. At the exposed exterior faces of columns (and positioned farthest outside the architectural
C. Enclosed by CHB or masonry at the interior faces of columns
D. Inside the columns

85. Project No. 3. Under Appendix A of the IRR of B.P. No. 344, what should be the minimum clear
dimensions (in meters by meters) of the elevator shaft?

A. 1.5 x 1.8 C. 1.3 x 1.6

B. 1.7 x 2.0 D. 1.9 x 2.2

Situation 18 – Project No. 3

86. Project No. 3. Which of the following is NOT considered a good keyhole center height (in meters) for
the main door lockset of a typical office unit?

A. 1.17 C. 0.98
B. 0.96 D. 1.00

87. Project No. 3. Which of the following is NOT a good fixed counter depth (in meters) for a typical
office unit?

A. 0.35 C. 0.50
B. 0.60 D. 0.45

88. Project No. 3. For the smallest saleable office unit (without a toilet and without a balcony), what is
the depth (in meters) if the unit width (at wall center) is 4.0 meters (m)?

A. 8.5 C. 7.5
B. 8.0 D. 7.5

  Page 16 
89. Project No. 3. For the smallest saleable office unit (without a toilet and without a balcony), with a
unit width (at wall centers) of 4.0 meters (m), how many pieces of whole 0.30 m by 2.5 mm thick
vinyl tiles shall be needed for its flooring?

A. 358 C. 312
B. 334 D. 346

90. Project No. 3. For another variant of the smallest saleable office unit, with approximate clear
dimesions of 3.5 meters (m) by 8.5 m, what would be the minimum number of pieces of the
required vinyl, tile flooring (0.30m by 0.30m x 2.5 mm thick)?

A. 327 C. 335
B. 331 D. 323

Situation 19 – Project No. 04

91. Project No. 4. Under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 or NBCP, what shall be the applicable
Floor to Lot Area Ratio (FLAR) for the Project?

A. 1.5 C. 2.5
B. 3.5 D. 3.0

92. Project 4. Using the prescribed FLAR designation/rights under the NBCP, what shall be the maximum
Gross Floor Area (GFA) that can be generated for the Project?

A. 26,000 sqm. C. 20,000 sqm.

B. 24,000 sqm. D. 22,000 sqm.

93. Project 4. Based on the Maximum GFA under the NBCP, what is the stated conversion factor to arrive
at the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) for the Project which is an institutional building?

A. 33% C. 25%
B. Not stated D. 20% D. 20%

94. Project 4. Under the NBCP, which is part of the GFA for the Project?

A. ACCU Balcony C. Lobby

B. Covered parking D. Roof Deck, if introduced

95. Project 4. Under the NBCP, which is NOT part of the GFA for the Project?

A. Cooling tower area, if introduced C. Balcony

B. Elevator Lobby D. Corridor

Situation 20 – Project No. 04

96. Project No. 4. Under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. no. 1096 or NBCP, what is the term interchangeably
used for an institutional zoning classification?

A. Gross instititutional C. Generic institutional

B. General institutional D. Governmental institutional

97. Project 4. Under the NBCP, what is NOT a principal use permitted for a GI Zoning classification?

A. Children’s hospital C. Dance School

B. Orphanage D. Kindergarten School

  Page 17 
98. Project 4. Under the NBCP, what is an accessory use permitted for a GI Zoning classification?

A. Townhouse C. Vocational training center

B. Residential condominium D. home furnishing shop

99. Project 4. Under the NBCP, which is the building character of occupancy for a GI Zoning classification?

A. Recreational C. Medium industrial

B. Institutional D. Business and mercantile

100. Project No. 4. Under the NBCP, which is NOT considered a typical lot type?

A. Interior lot C. Turn court lot

B. Inside lot D. Corner-through lot

Situation 21 - Project No. 04

101. Project No. 4. Which of the following is NOT considered an amenity provision for the project?

A. Executive Lounge C. Mini-conference room

B. Multi-purpose room D. Interdenominational worship room

102. Project No. 4. Which of the following is NOT considered a facility provision for the Project?

A. Gym C. Covered Parking

B. Daycare center D. Multi-purpose room

102. Project No. 4. Which is NOT considered a service provision for the Project?

A. Electrical room C. Fire escape stairs

B. Main stairs D. Elevators

103. Project No. 4. Which of the following is NOT considered a utility provision for the Project?

A. Cistern C. Guard locker and shower

B. Transformer room D. Sewage treatment plant (STP)

104. Project No. 4. Which of the following sets of spaces should NOT be situated close to each other?

A. Elevators, service stairs and fire escapes

B. Clinic and common toilets
C. Covered parking slots and fire reserve tanks
D. Guard quarters, locker and shower

Situation 22 - Project No. 04

105. Project No. 4. Which os the following must be one of the very first architectural activities for the

A. Space planning and operations survey.

B. Architectural design preparation.
C. Architectural plan preparation.
D. Space plan preparation.

106. Project No. 4. Which of the following is the local (or LGU) law that governs the site planning and
design of the Project?

A. Zoning ordinance.
B. Association design standards and guidelines.
C. P.D. No. 1096 and IRR.

  Page 18 
D. Comprehensive land and water use plan (CLWUP).

107. Project no. 4. Which of the following does NOT precede the architectural design activity for the

A. Technical specifications. C. Architectural program

B. Architectural plan D. Space plan.

108. Project No. 4. Under the present practice in the country, which of the following is NOT an
architectural design consideration for the Project?

A. Compliances with prevailing laws such as R.A. No. 9184, P.D. No. 1096, R.A. No. 9514 and
B.P. no. 344 and their IRRs.
B. Drainage canal slope and direction.
C. Maximum flood level.
D. Solar, wind, noise, odor and view orientation.

109. Project No. 4. Which of the following is NOT regarded as an architectural design consideration for
the Project?

A. Spatial function and efficiency. C. Wall hangings

B. Vertical and horizontal circulation patterns. D. Aesthetics and landmark quality

Situation 23 - Project No. 04

110. Project No. 4. Which approx. column dimensions (in meters by meters) may be initially used for the
ground floor of the Project if erected on firm soil, and if the structural bay is between 8.5 to 10.0
meters (m)?

A. 1.7 x 1.7 C. 0.7 x 0.7

B. 1.3 x 1.3 D. 1.9 x 1.9

111. Project No. 4. Which approx. column dimensions (in meters by meters) may be initially used for the
fourth (4th) floor of Project if erected on firm soil, if the structural bay is between 8.5 to 10.0
meters (m)?

A. 1.2 x 1.2 C. 1.5 x 1.5

B. 0.8 x 0.8 D. 0.5 x 0.5

112. Project No. 4. Assuming a heaviky forested location for the Project Site, what type of roof structure
should be introduced?

A. RC deck roof C. Steel deck roof

B. Low-slope metal roofing on space frame D. Steep gable roof

113. Project No. 4. Assuming a hillside location for the Project Site, what type of building projections
should NOT be introduced?

A. 1.2 meter deep balconies C. 2.4 meter deep canopy

B. 2.4 meter deep eaves D. 0.3 meter deep sun-breakers

114. Project No. 4. Assuming a hilltop location for the Project Site, what type of building projections
should be introduces to protect the building?

A. 3.6 meter deep cantilevered canopy C. 0.6 meter deep eaves

B. 1.2 meter deep balconies D. Windbreakers and sun-breakers

  Page 19 
Situation 24 - Project No. 04

115. Project No. 4. In terms of acoustics, which material is NOT good for use as cladding, wall or
partition for very crowded, low-ceilinged and noisy spaces?

A. Wood or wood substitutes C. Metal with textured surface

B. Texture-painted masonry D. Smooth glass

116. Project No. 4. Under the NBCP, what are the maximum riser and tread dimensions (in meters) of a

A. 0.15 and 0.3 C. 0.17 and 0.27

B. 0.2 and 0.28 D. 0.2 and 0.25

117. Project No. 4. Under the NBCP, what is the maximum width (in meters) of an exit door leaf?

A. 1.2 C. 1.5
B. 2.1 D. 1.8

118. Project No. 4. How many whole units of 0.61 meter (m) x 1.22 m acoustical ceiling boards are
required for a conference room with clear measurements of 4.0 m (width parallel to hallway and
cladding) x 6.1 m (depth)? Please note that there are 6 light troffers also measuring 0.61m x
1.22m for the room and its line of lighting is perpendicular to the cladding.

A. 26 C. 24
B. 22 D. 28

119. Project No. 4. How much tee runner angle section (in linear meters) is required for the same
4.0m x 6.1m conference room?

A. 19.2 C. 20.2
B. 21.2 D. 22.2

Situation 25 - Project No. 5

120. Project No. 5. Under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. no. 1096 or NBCP, what shall be the maximum
allowable percentage of site occupancy (PSO) for the Project (if without firewall)?

A. 80% of TLA C. 70% of TLA

B. 90% of TLA D. 75% of TLA

121. Project No. 5. Under the NBCP, what is the prescribed minimum front setback (in meters) for the
Project Site?

A. 6 C. 8
B. 5 D. 3

122. Project No. 5. Under the NBCP, what is the prescribed minimum side setback (in meters) for the
Project Site?

A. 6 C. 3
B. 5 D. 8

123. Project No. 5. Under the NBCP, what is the prescribed minimum rear setback (in meters) for the
Project Site?

A. 8 C. 3
B. 6 D. 5

  Page 20 
124. Project No. 5. Under the NBCP, what should be the maximum dimensions and footprint for the
proposed building, assuming only one (1) structure is erected?
A. 64m x 109m = 6,796 sqm C. 67m x 115m = 7,705 sqm
B. 70m x 112m = 7,840 sqm D. 65m x 107m = 6,955 sqm

Situation 26 - Project No. 5

125. Project No. 5. What is the approximate lot depth (in meters) of the Project Site?

A. 115 C. 145
B. 135 D. 125

127. Project No. 5. At a four percent (4.0%) slope, what is the difference in elevation (in meters)
between the front and rear portions of the Project Site?

A. 5.0 C. 6.5
B. 3.5 D. 8.0

128. Project No. 5. What is the maximum number of adult persons who can walk side by side on the
2.4 meter wide sidewalk fronting the Project Site?

A. 4 C. 2
B. 8 D. 6

129. Project No. 5. Which is a basic part of the road right-of-way (RROW) and immediately outside the
Project Site?

A. Curb C. Canopy
B. Front Yard D. Perimeter

130. Project No. 5. Where on the Project Site is the best location for the loading dock?

A. North yard C. West yard

B. South yard D. East yard

Situation 27 – PROJECT NO. 5

131. Project No. 5. Which of the following is NOT considered an amenity provision for the Project?

A. executive lounge C. gameroom for workers

B. worker’s union office D. video conference room

132. Project No. 5. Which of the following is NOT considered a service provision for the Project?

A. Gym for all staff C. Concessionaire-operated cafeteria

B. Business center for clients D. Gameroom for workers

133. Project No. 5. Which of the following is NOT considered a service provision for the Project?

A. Workshop and carpentry room C. Security office

B. Mail room D. Overhead water tank

134. Project No. 5. Which of the following is NOT considered a utility provision for the Project?

A. Cistern C. Covered parking

B. Generator room D. Sewage treatment plant (STP)

  Page 21 
135. Project No. 5. Which of the following sets of spaces should NOT be stuated close to each other?

A. Security staff quarters, locker and shower

B. Solid waste holding area and sewage treatment plant
C. Elevators, service stairs and fire escapes
D. Covered parking slots, driveways, ramps etc.

Situation 28 – Project No. 5

136. Project No. 5. Which is NOT generally considered a Green Architecture concern?

A. Building energy consumption

B. Rainwater harvesting, if applicable
C. Lowering the building carbon footprint
D. Relocation of informal settlers on the Project Site, if any

137. Project No. 5. In terms of construction material production, which of the following flooring
materials is considered to have the lowest carbon footprint?

A. Vigan tiles C. High-pressure laminate flooring

B. Mariwasa tiles D. Baguio stone

138. Project No. 5. In terms of production, transportation and installation, which of the following ceiling
materials is considered to have the highest embodied energy?

A. Recycled cardboard egg crate C. Cement bonded board (CBB)

B. Polycarbonate sheet D. Gypsum board

139. Project No. 5. If the executive offices on the 5th floor are to be air-conditioned, what shall be the
minimum distance (in meters) between the finished floor line (FFL ) and the finished ceiling line
(FCL), as provided for under the NBCP?

A. 2.40 C. 2.70
B. 3.00 D. 2.10

140. Project No. 5. If the staff offices at the 4th floor are NOT to be air-conditioned, what shall be the
minimum distance (in meters) between the FFl and the FCL, as provided for under the NBCP?

A. 3.00 C. 2.40
B. 2.10 D. 2.70

Situation 29 - Project No. 5

141. Project No. 5. What is the nominal thickness (in meters) of an exterior CHB wall, excluding

A. 0.10 C. 0.25
B. 0.20 D. 0.15

142. Project No. 5. What is the nominal thickness (in meters) of an interior CHB wall, excluding plaster?

A. 0.25 C. 0.15
B. 0.10 D. 0.20

143. Project No. 5. Assuming a near coastal location for the Project Site, what type of roof structure
should be introduced?

A. Metal roofing on space frame C. Composible deck roof

B. RC deck roof D. Steel deck roof

  Page 22 
144. Project No. 5. Assuming a lakeside location for the Project Site, what type of building projections
should NOT be introduced?

A. 3.0 meter deep eaves C. 0.3 meter deep sun-breakers

B. 1.5 meter deep balconies D. 1.8 meter deep canopy

145. Project No. 5. Assuming a hilltop location for the Projec t Site, what type of building projections
should be introduced to protect the building?

A. 0.9 meter deep balconies C. 1.2 meter deep canopy

B. Windbreakers and sun-breakers D. 0.6 meter deep eaves

Situation 30 – Project No. 05

146. Project No. 5. Which of the following is a good lighting device for a watercolor painting on the wall
of the waiting area of the president’s office?

A. CFL C. Low-wattage track light

B. High-heat halogen lamps D. High-output spot lamp

147. Project No. 5. Which of the following is a good task lighting color (i.e. the shade of the emitted
artificial light), for drawing, reading and writing purposed?

A. Warm white C. Yellow

B. Cool white D. Daylight

148. Project No. 5. Which of the following is a good general lighting color (i.e. the shade of the emitted
artificial light), for work areas?

A. Warm white C. Daylight

B. Cool white D. Yellow

149. Project No. 5. Which of the following is a good lighting technique for emphasizing a curved ceiling,
if introduced at the lobby?

A. Use of pendant lighting

B. Indirect lighting at the base of the curved ceiling
C. Direct lighting of the curved ceiling using spotlights
D. Down-lighting from the ceiling using halogen lamps

150. Project No. 5. Which of the following is a good lighting device for a general production area with
the ceiling consisting of the soffit of a suspended slab?

A. Troffer lighting (fluorescent lamps with soffit-mounted light boxes and diffusers)
B. Industrial lighting (suspended fluorescent lamps with reflectors)
C. Pendant lighting (suspended CFLs with housing)
D. Pendant lighting (suspended incandescent lamps)

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