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The Knowledge City Charbagh Swat

1st Monthly Test March 2019 Biology Paper for Class 9th
Time allowed: 01:00 Hour. Total Marks :( 30)

ID No: 0 Name (in Capital): _____________________________ Sec: ____Class No: _______

Section “A”

Q.1 Choose the correct answer for each of the following. (20)
ID No: 0
i. Enzymes are _______ in nature
a. protein b. carbohydrate c. lipid d. vitamins

ii) Enzyme generally have

a) Same pH and temperature optima b) Same pH but different temperature optima c) Different pH but same
temperature optima d) Different pH and different temperature optima
iii) The term enzymes are coined by
a) Pasteur b) Buchner c) Urey Miller d) Kuhne
iv) Fat is hydrolysed by the enzyme known as
a) Trypsin b) Lipase c) pepsin d) Amylase
v)Lock and key” theory of enzyme action was proposed by
a) Fischer b) Koshland c) Kuhne d) Arrhenius

vi) Energy storing process is called ……………………….?

a. respiration b. photosynthesis c mitosis d. meiosis

vii) Energy releasing process is called ?

a. Respiration b photosynthesis c. mitosis d. meiosis

viii) Photosynthesis composed of …………… reactions ?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

ix) light reaction occurred in the ………. Of chloroplast

a. granum b. stroma c. cytoplasm d. cell membrane

x) dark reaction occurred in the __________ of chloroplast

a. stroma b. granum c. both a and b d. none of these

x) Atp stand for __________.

a. Adenosine tri phosphate b. adenosine bi phosphate c. adenosine monophosphate d. None of these

xi) chloroplast consists of …………components

a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 6

xii) chlorophyll mostly absorb ………………. Portion of visible light.

a. Red and green b. blue and red c. yellow and green d. none of these

Xiii) Dark reaction are also called ……………… cycle

a. Kreb b. calvin c both a and b d. cell

Xiv) calvin cycle was discovered by ……………

a. Golgi b. Malvin calvin c. mr. kreb d . all of these

Xv) the ultimate source of energy for living organisms is ………..

a. Food b.sun c. rice d. meat

Xvi) A life sustaining process are …………..

a. Respiration b. dark reaction c . photosynthesis d. gaseous exchange

Xvii ) Both photosyntheses and respiration are ……………. Processes

a. Anabolic b. catabolic c. oxidation reduction d. none of these

Xviii) The gain of electron the term used is…………….

a. Oxidation b. reduction c. both a and b d. cytokinesis

Xix ) The loss of electron the term used is…………….

a. Oxidation b. reduction c. both a and b d. cycytokinesi

Xx) the sum of all the chemical reactions which occurred in the living cells the term used is...................

a. Metabolism. b. respiration c. Photosynthesis d. Catabolism

Q2 Answer two questions from the following 10

i. Write down characteristics of enzymes ?

ii. Describe two models which explains the enzyme substrate model ?

iii. Describe the factors which effect the enzyme activity?

Good luck

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