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Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 627 – 632

Kinetics of hydrogenation of maleic acid in a batch slurry reactor

using a bimetallic Ru–Re/C catalyst
R. V. Chaudharia;∗ , C. V. Rodea , R. M. Deshpandea , R. Jaganathana , T. M. Leibb , P. L. Millsc
a Homogeneous Catalysis Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune 411 008, India
b DuPontEngineering Technology, Reaction Engng. Consultants, Wilmington, DE 19898-0001, USA
c DuPont Company, Chemical Sci. & Engng. Lab., Experimental Stn., Wilmington, DE 19880-0304, USA


The hydrogenation of maleic acid was investigated using a bimetallic Ru–Re/C catalyst powder in a semi-batch stirred slurry reactor
with the main objective of developing a kinetic model that would provide reliable predictions of the observed reactant and product
distributions and selectivities. The combined e2ects of hydrogen pressure, catalyst loading and initial maleic acid (MAC) concentration
on the concentration vs. time pro4les were studied over the temperature range of 523–543 K. The direct hydrogenation of aqueous MAC
solutions with the Ru–Re/C catalyst powder showed that succinic acid (SAC), -butyrolactone (GBL) and tetrahydrofuran (THF) were
the major products while n-butanol (BuOH), methane and propane were the principal side products. The selectivities of GBL and THF
were found to be strongly dependent on the initial MAC concentration, H2 pressure, catalyst powder loading and reaction temperature.
Kinetic rate equations for the key steps in the reaction sequence were developed using the observed concentration vs. time pro4les as the
starting basis and the kinetic parameters were estimated using non-linear parameter estimation. The predictions of the semi batch slurry
reactor model were found to agree reasonably well with the experimental data. The kinetic data showed a strong substrate inhibition e2ect
for the consecutive reactions sequence with the extent of inhibition decreasing in the order of MAC ¿ SAC ¿ GBL. This observation
suggests that a high space-time yield to THF can be obtained in a slurry reactor with signi4cant liquid phase backmixing by the use of
elevated temperature and pressure and long slurry residence time. Implications for commercial implementation are also suggested.
? 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydrogenation; Slurry reactor; Kinetics; Maleic acid; Ru–Re/C catalyst; Tetrahydrofuran

1. Introduction process). Obviously, such a process would require a highly

eGcient catalyst system with high selectivity for THF in a
The hydrogenation of maleic acid (MAC) to tetrahydro- single step. This has been achieved in a recently commer-
furan (THF) is one of the several recent examples of a com- cialized DuPont process (Rao, 1988; Stadig, 1992) for THF
mercial multiphase catalytic process using a slurry reactor in a bubble column slurry reactor. The salient features of
(Stadig, 1992). This route has economic and safe operational the new process are: (1) Specially designed bimetallic cat-
advantages over the conventional acetylene-formaldehyde alysts (Pd–Re or Ru–Re) and (2) The design of a continu-
based Reppe process and other processes based on ei- ous slurry bubble column reactor with continuous removal
ther hydrogenation of diethyl maleate or maleic anhydride of the volatile product (THF) under high temperature (200 –
(Mabry, Pritchard, & Ziemecki, 1990; Schwartz, 1995). 250◦ C) and pressure (14 –20 MPa) conditions. However,
Particularly, the direct hydrogenation of aqueous MAC to the hydrogenation of aqueous MAC proceeds with com-
THF eliminates the various reaction steps and unit opera- plex multistep reactions. For this and other related reasons,
tions that are required for the recovery of maleic anhydride, it poses a serious challenge in achieving a high space-time
esteri4cation and dehydration of 1,4-butanediol (Reppe yield to THF.
Several catalysts consisting of supported Pd, Ru, Re and
their combinations with nickel, molybdenum and cobalt
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-20-589-31-63; have been previously investigated (Fuchigami et al., 1994;
fax: +91-20-589-32-60. Schwartz, 1995) for the direct liquid phase hydrogena-
E-mail address: (R. V. Chaudhari). tion of MAC and succinic acid (SAC). A 5% Pd–Pb on

0009-2509/03/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
628 R. V. Chaudhari et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 627 – 632

silica catalyst for the hydrogenation of MAC has been

reported to give 86% selectivity for GBL along with var-
ious undesired side products, such as propionic acid and
butanol, but without the formation of THF (Fuchigami
et al., 1994). Several other patents describe the prepa-
ration of GBL using Pd catalysts along with alkali
metal salts (GriGths & Michel, 1987; Kusaka & Inajaki,
1996a, b). The formation of both THF and BDO via the liq-
uid phase hydrogenation of MAC has been reported using
Ru–Sn and Ru–Re catalysts (Hara & Endo, 1997; Budge,
Attig, & Pederson, 1996; Schwartz, 1995). Investigations
of both kinetics and reaction engineering aspects for the
hydrogenation of diethyl maleate (Chaudhari et al., 1999) Fig. 1. Schematic of the Reactor set up.
and the hydrogenation of maleic anhydride (Hermann &
Emig, 1997) were recently reported. However, there has
been no published literature on the hydrogenation of aque- 2.2. Reactor set-up
ous maleic acid (MAC) from the perspective of both
catalysis and reaction engineering. Considering the in- The reactions were performed using a 250 ml capacity
dustrial importance of this complex multistep catalytic high pressure—high temperature reactor supplied by Parr
reaction system, it was thought important to undertake a Instruments Co. USA. A schematic of the reactor set up is
systematic study on the product distribution, selectivity given in Fig. 1. The autoclave was designed to operate at
and kinetic modeling. In this paper, a detailed investiga- a maximum temperature of 623 K and 20 MPa. All wetted
tion on product distribution, selectivity, impurity e2ects parts were constructed of Hastalloy-C since previous mate-
and kinetic modeling for the liquid phase hydrogena- rials of construction tests showed that lower quality alloys
tion of aqueous MAC solutions is presented using a 1% and steels were subject to corrosion under typical reaction
Ru– 6% Re/C bimetallic catalyst. The catalyst evaluation and conditions. The reactor was equipped with a double bladed
kinetic experiments were performed using a semi-batch variable speed stirrer with a magnetic drive. Automatic tem-
stirred slurry reactor. Based upon the conclusions devel- perature control was provided by using an external electri-
oped from the observed concentration vs time data, several cally heated jacket and internal cooling coils. The latter was
di2erent types of rate models were developed and discrim- connected to both air and water sources. Ports were also
inated by non-linear kinetic parameter estimation using the provided with gas inlet/outlet tubings for gas supply and
integral data. From this analysis, kinetic models were ob- gas venting. Other ports were equipped with valves and re-
tained that provide a reasonable description of the intrinsic lated hardware for sampling of the reactor gas and liquid at
kinetics for the various hydrogenation steps. Such infor- various points during a reaction trajectory. For safety pur-
mation provides the starting basis for further development poses, a high pressure–high temperature cut-o2 facility was
and optimization of various multiphase reactor perfor- also provided to the reactor, along with a rupture disc in the
mance models for utilization in pilot or commercial scale event of overpressure.
operations. The reactor was connected to a 250 cm3 hydrogen reser-
voir maintained at a pressure higher than that of the reactor,
using a forward pressure regulator. Hydrogen gas was sup-
plied to the reactor from this reservoir through a non-return
2. Experimental valve. The gas consumed during the course of the reaction
2.1. Materials was as a result of demand was determined from the observed
pressure drop in the reservoir at di2erent time intervals. A
Maleic Acid was prepared by hydrolyzing maleic anhy- transducer connected to a pressure readout system was used
dride (MAN) in aqueous phase solutions. The pure MAC to monitor the instantaneous pressure in the both reactor and
was crystallized and checked for purity by measurement of H2 reservoir.
the melting point (MP) before being used in any near term
reaction experiments. In a typical case, the actual MP was 2.3. Procedure
138◦ C, which was in close proximity to the literature value
of 140◦ C. The solvent used was distilled water. The cata- In a typical hydrogenation experiment, known quanti-
lyst consisted of 1% Ru– 6% Re on Carbon powder (particle ties of the substrate, catalyst and solvent were charged into
size, dp = 3 × 10−5 m; particle density, p = 2 × 103 kg=m3 , a clean and dry reactor. After installing the reactor head
surface area = 7:7 × 103 m2 =kg). The catalyst was activated and testing it for leaks, the autoclave contents were Nushed
by contacting it with pure hydrogen gas at T = 523 K prior 2–3 times with N2 followed by H2 . The autoclave contents
to use. were then heated to a desired temperature under slow stirring
R. V. Chaudhari et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 627 – 632 629

MAC FAC carried out to study the product distribution and selectivity
behavior using the Ru–Re/C catalyst. The experiments were
performed using the semi-batch slurry reactor to observe
SAC concentration-time pro4les for a given set of initial condi-
tions. The e2ect of catalyst loading, H2 pressure, MAC con-
centration and temperature was investigated, the results of
PA GBL HBA which are discussed in the following sections.
PrOH MeOH 3.1. Preliminary experiments
THF Butane
Propane In order to obtain reliable kinetic parameter estima-
Methane tion, it is important to ensure that all the key products are
FAC Fumaricacid; PA Propionic acid, HBA Hydroxybutyraldehyde identi4ed. Also, the material balance based upon reactants
consumed and products formed should be satis4ed within
Fig. 2. Reaction pathway for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride. reasonable error limits for an assumed stoichiometry. Fi-
nally, to achieve consistent catalyst performance for the
(ca:50 rpm). After the desired temperature was attained, the kinetic study, the preactivation procedure had to be stan-
autoclave was quickly pressurized to the requisite pressure dardized. This was particularly important for Ru–Re/C
with H2 and the reaction was started by adjusting the ag- catalyst system since initial performance tests indicated that
itation speed to 900 rpm. The cumulative H2 consumption in-situ activation of the catalyst by treatment with H2 in a
was determined from the decrease in the hydrogen pressure batch slurry mode at 573 K and 13 MPa did not lead to re-
in the reservoir vessel as a function of time. The liquid sam- producible concentration vs time data. This procedure also
ples were withdrawn at speci4c time intervals and analyzed had a disadvantage since the preactivation was required be-
(see below) to determine the reactant and product concen- fore each kinetic run, which also led to inconsistent results.
trations. At the end of the reaction, the autoclave was cooled In another modi4ed procedure, the aqueous slurry of the
to room temperature and a gas sample was withdrawn for catalyst was pretreated with H2 at 523 K and 13 MPa for
analysis of the 4nal gas phase products. This gas phase anal- 1 h. The resulting activated catalyst was 4ltered, dried and
ysis was essential to ensure that the cracking of the products stored in dry conditions. This procedure was found to give
to hydrocarbons was negligible. Following this procedure, a catalyst, which produced consistent concentration vs time
the contents in the reactor were discharged and the liquid data. It was also noted that the catalyst did not deteriorate
samples analyzed for reactant and products. on storage since the activity of the catalyst was retained
even after a few weeks. The catalyst treated in this fashion
was used further for all studies.
2.4. Analysis
Catalytic hydrogenation of MAC is a complex multistep
reaction so that determining the reaction scheme for a spe-
The analysis of the reactants and products was performed
ci4c catalyst system is necessary. Among the numerous re-
using both high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC
actions possible, the isomerisation of MAC to fumaric acid
model HP 1050) and gas-liquid chromatography (GLC, HP
[FAC] is a non-catalytic reaction. Under reaction conditions
5840). Both MAC and SAC were analyzed by HPLC us-
isomerisation of MAC to FAC was observed, but no iso-
ing a lichrospher RP-18 column, with an overall length of
merisation was observed when FAC hydrogenation was in-
250 mm. HPLC grade water was used as the mobile phase
vestigated. Since, the rates of hydrogenation of both MAC
at a Now rate of 1 ml=min. The HPLC detector wavelength
and FAC to SAC were similar, the isomerisation of MAC
was set at = 206 cm−1 for SAC and 254 cm−1 for MAC.
to FAC was not considered in the kinetic analysis.
Other reaction products such as GBL, THF and n-BuOH
were analyzed on GLC on a 1=4 × 6 column packed with
80/100 mesh of 5%PEG 1500 on Chromosorb W-AW using 3.2. Product distributions and selectivity
a N2 carrier gas Now rate of 20 ml/min. The column was
temperature programmed from 60◦ C to 140◦ C at the rate A typical concentration pro4le observed in hydrogenation
of 45◦ C=min. of aqueous MAC is shown in Fig. 3. The principal products
formed were: succinic acid (SAC), -butyrolactone (GBL),
tetrahydrofuran (THF) and n-butanol (BuOH). These reac-
3. Results and discussions tion species accounted for more than 92% of the material
balance. Fumaric acid, butanediol and other products were
Hydrogenation of maleic acid proceeds through a series not observed with Ru–Re/C catalyst during hydrogenation.
of consecutive and parallel reactions as represented by the Under certain extreme conditions (e.g., initial concentration
reaction scheme shown in Fig. 2. Initial experiments were of MAC = 3:45 kmol=m3 , catalyst loading = 2 × 102 kg=m3
630 R. V. Chaudhari et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 627 – 632

1.0 1.0 80
Concentration of Reactants / Products kmol/m

GBL - 543K
MAC THF - 543K
0.8 SAC 0.8
GBL 60 GBL - 523K
THF THF - 523K

Selectivity %
0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4 30

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time, min Time, min

Fig. 3. Concentration Time Pro4le for hydrogenation of MAC us- Fig. 5. Plot of selectivity as a function of time; E2ect of temperature. Re-
ing Ru–Re/C catalyst. Reaction conditions: temperature = 523 K; total action conditions: temperature=523 K; total pressure=13:91 MPa; MAC
pressure = 13:91 MPa; MAC concentration = 0:862 kmol=m3 ; catalyst concentration = 0:862 kmol=m3 ; liquid phase volume = 100 × 10−6 m3 .
loading = 50 kg=m3 ; liquid phase volume = 100 × 10−6 m3 .

80 3.3. Kinetic modeling

, 100 kg/m
, 50 kg/m
The main objective of the present work was to study
GBL the intrinsic kinetics of hydrogenation of MAC to prod-
60 .......... THF
ucts using Ru–Re/C catalyst. For this purpose, the kinetic
data were obtained over the following range of conditions:
Selectivity, %

(i) catalyst loading = 20–100 kg=m3 ; (ii) total pressure =

7:60–15:30 MPa and (iii) initial MAC concentration=0:43–
1:29 kmol=m3 at a temperature of 503–543 K. In each exper-
iment, the liquid samples were withdrawn and analyzed from
20 time to time and the concentration vs. time pro4les were
obtained. In all experiments, the material balance obtained
was ¿ 92%. Considering the product distribution observed
0 with Ru–Re/C catalyst, the following reaction scheme was
0 200 400 600
Time, min
A + C1 → C2 ; (1)
Fig. 4. Plot of selectivity as a function of time; E2ect of catalyst loading.
Reaction conditions: temperature = 523 K; total pressure = 13:91 MPa;
MAC concentration = 0:862 kmol=m3 ; liquid phase volume =
2A + C2 → C3 ; (2)
100 × 10−6 m3 .
2A + C3 → C4 ; (3)
and T = 523 K) GC analysis of a reactor head gas sample
A + C4 → C5 ; (4)
taken at the end of reaction showed traces of light hydro-
carbon products such as methane and propane from crack- where, A = H2 ; C1 = MAC; C2 = SAC; C3 = GBL; C4 =
ing type reactions. Until the conversion of MAC was nearly THF; C5 = n-butanol. The general trends observed (see
completed, the hydrogenation of SAC to subsequent prod- Fig. 3) indicate a strong substrate inhibition e2ect in the
ucts was negligible. Similarly, the conversion of GBL to order: MAC ¿ SAC ¿ GBL.
THF occurred only after SAC was consumed. These obser- In the interpretation of the rate data, integral concen-
vations indicate that MAC and SAC are strongly adsorbed tration-time data were used since the initial rate approach is
on the catalyst surface when compared to GBL and inhibit not very useful for analysis of complex multistep reactions.
further hydrogenation of GBL to THF. This trend suggests The initial rate data were only used to assess the signi4-
a requirement of severe conditions to achieve higher THF cance of external and intraparticle mass transfer e2ects us-
selectivity. The results on selectivity of THF and GBL as a ing the quantitative criteria suggested by Ramachandran and
function of catalyst loading and temperature are shown in Chaudhari (1983) for three phase catalytic reactions. This
Figs. 4 and 5. This suggests that THF selectivity increases analysis revealed that in the range of conditions studied in
with an increase in catalyst loading and temperature. this work, all the mass transfer resistances were negligible.
R. V. Chaudhari et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 627 – 632 631

The mass balance equations for the various reactant/product 1.0 1.0

Concentration of reactants / products,kmol/m
species in a semi-batch slurry reactor are given below: Predicted

dC1 0.8 SAC 0.8

= −r1 ; (5) GBL

dt THF
0.6 0.6
dC2 r2
= r1 − ; (6)
dt 2 0.4 0.4

dC3 (r2 − r3 )
= ; (7)
dt 2 0.2 0.2

dC4 r3
= − r4 ; (8)
dt 2
0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time, min
= r4 ; (9) Fig. 6. Concentration time pro4le for hydrogenation of MAC using
Ru–Re/C catalyst. Reaction conditions: temperature = 503 K; total
pressure = 13:91 MPa; MAC concentration = 0:862 kmol=m3 ;
with initial conditions : t = 0; C1 = C0 ; C2 to C5 = 0: catalyst loading = 50 kg=m3 ; liquid phase volume = 100 × 10−6 m3 .

The above system of equations were solved consider- 1.0 1.0

Concentration of Reactants / Products, kmol/m3

ing several forms of rate equations based on Langmuir– Predicted
Hinshelwood (L–H) type models by a fourth order Runge 0.8
SAC 0.8
Kutta method combined with an optimization program to GBL
simulate the experimental concentration-time data obtained BuOH

(8 experiments at each temperature) at di2erent reaction

0.6 0.6

conditions in a temperature range of 503–543 K. A detailed

procedure for model discrimination and the di2erent sta- 0.4 0.4

tistical criteria used were similar to those described earlier

(Rajashekharam, Nikalje, Jaganathan, Mills, & Chaudhari, 0.2 0.2

1997). The following rate equation based on a dual site L-H

model was found to satisfactorily represent all the data. 0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400

wkj A Ci Time, min
rj = : (11)
(1 + KA A∗ + K1 C1 + K2 C2 + K3 C3 )2
Fig. 7. Concentration time pro4le for hydrogenation of MAC us-
The adsorption equilibrium constant is denoted by ing Ru–Re/C catalyst. Reaction conditions: temperature = 543 K; total
K (m3 =kmol), and Cj denotes the concentration of the jth pressure = 13:91 MPa; MAC concentration = 0:862 kmol=m3 ; Catalyst
loading = 50 kg=m3 ; Liquid phase volume = 100 × 10−6 m3 .
species at the catalyst surface. The equilibrium solubility
of hydrogen in water can be calculated by Henry’s law as
follows: 4. Conclusions

A = HePH2 (12)
Kinetic modeling for the hydrogenation of aqueous maleic
In Eq. (12) A∗ denotes the equilibrium solubility in acid solution has been studied in a slurry reactor using a
kmol=m3 ; PH2 denotes the partial pressure of hydrogen bimetallic Ru–Re/C catalyst. The reaction rates were found
in atmosphere and He denotes the Henry’s law constant to be strongly inhibited by MAC and SAC as indicated by
of solubility in kmol=m3 =atm. The values of Henry’s an L–H type of rate form with a negative reaction order.
constant of solubility at various temperatures were deter- Consequently, the selectivity of THF increases only after of
mined experimentally as: 8:8 × 10−3 ; 1:56 × 10−2 and MAC and SAC approach nearly complete conversion. The
3:50 × 10−2 kmol=m3 atm, at 503, 523 and 543 K, respec- selectivity of THF also increased signi4cantly at higher cat-
tively. A comparison between the model predictions and alyst loading, H2 pressure and temperature. This behavior
the experimental data for a few cases is shown in Figs. 3, 6 suggests that the conversion of GBL to THF is a slower
and 7, which shows an excellent agreement (average error step, compared to other hydrogenation reactions. Rate equa-
¡ 6:0%). The estimated rate and adsorption equilibrium tions have been proposed and intrinsic kinetic parameters
parameters are given in Table 1. From the temperature estimated based upon experimental concentration-time data
dependence of the rate constants, the activation energies at di2erent catalyst loading, H2 pressure and MAC con-
for the four reactions were found to be 165, 108, 106 and centrations in a temperature range of 503 to 543 K. The
53:8 kJ=mol respectively. predictions of a semi batch slurry reactor model agreed
632 R. V. Chaudhari et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 627 – 632

Table 1
Rate Parameters for Hydrogenation of MAC

Temperature k1 × 105 k2 × 106 k3 × 106 k 4 × 107 KA K1 K2 K3


503 1.251 4.102 2.098 2.841 0.2011 0.989 0.508 0.0511

523 9.584 8.881 2.912 5.345 0.3042 1.513 0.901 0.1312
543 25.281 28.013 9.452 7.334 0.4997 2.519 1.981 0.3140

Units of kj : (m3 =kmol)(m3 =kg s); units of KA and K1 to K3 : (m3 =kmol).

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