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4942 Vol. 42, No.

23 / December 1 2017 / Optics Letters Letter

Asynchronous and synchronous dual-wavelength

pulse generation in a passively mode-locked fiber
laser with a mode-locker
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China
Collaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology, 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, China
State Key Laboratory of Space-Ground Integrated Information Technology, Beijing 100095, China
Beijing Institute of Satellite Information Engineering, Beijing 100095, China
*Corresponding author:

Received 18 September 2017; accepted 18 October 2017; posted 3 November 2017 (Doc. ID 306978); published 28 November 2017

The evolution from asynchronous to synchronous dual- generated [5,10,11]. By virtue of their mutual coherence and
wavelength pulse generation in a passively mode-locked stability in the repetition rate difference, such mode-locked
fiber laser is experimentally investigated by tailoring the in- lasers have emerged as a low-complexity alternative to the fully
tracavity dispersion. Through tuning the intracavity-loss- stabilized dual optical frequency comb systems [6]. A range of
dependent gain profile and the birefringence-induced filter applications from asynchronous optical sampling [12,13] and
effect, asynchronous dual-wavelength soliton pulses can be terahertz frequency measurement [14] to broadband optical
generated until the intracavity anomalous dispersion is re- and terahertz spectroscopy [7,15] has been demonstrated based
duced to ∼8 fs∕nm. The transition from asynchronous to on dual-wavelength fiber lasers using carbon nanotube mode-
synchronous pulse generation is then observed at an lockers. It would be desirable that the parameters of such dual-
elevated pump power in the presence of residual anomalous wavelength lasers such as the pulse repetition rates (f r0 s) and
dispersion, and it is shown that pulses are temporally their difference (Δf r ) can be further tailored for the aforemen-
synchronized at the mode-locker in the cavity. Spectral tioned and more applications. It had been shown that these
sidelobes are observed and could be attributed to the parameters are determined by the average intracavity dispersion
four-wave-mixing effect between dual-wavelength pulses (Dave ) in a soliton cavity with a relatively large anomalous
at the carbon nanotube mode-locker. These results could dispersion [5,7]. Therefore, the repetition rate difference
provide further insight into the design and realization of Δf r of these lasers had been limited to the range of several
such dual-wavelength ultrafast lasers for different applica- kHz using mostly standard single-mode fiber to hundreds of
tions such as dual-comb metrology as well as better under- Hz so far. Yet, whether this relationship would hold for much
standing of the inter-pulse interactions in such dual-comb lower Δf r at significantly reduced Dave remains a question of
lasers. © 2017 Optical Society of America much interest, to not only fulfill the scientific curiosity but to
address the needs of many dual-comb applications.
OCIS codes: (060.3510) Lasers, fiber; (140.4050) Mode-locked
On the other hand, generating synchronous ultrashort
lasers; (190.4370) Nonlinear optics, fibers. pulses at different center wavelengths can be used in applica- tions such as Raman microscopy [16], terahertz generation
[17], and timing distribution [18]. Most of the schemes inves-
tigated so far are based on active [18–20] and/or passive syn-
chronization of two oscillators. The latter often involves
While the simultaneous oscillation of multiple pulses in a pas- injecting an optical pulse train into the slave laser [21] or shar-
sively mode-locked laser cavity has often been deemed as a ing a common saturable absorber (SA) [22,23]. Due to its satu-
less-than-desired state of operation, more recent investigations rable nonlinear loss, SA had been shown to be able to inflict
have shown some favorable characteristics of the pulses gener- significant delay on a pulse in the presence of another adjacent
ated from such phenomena [1–5]. By propagating through the one. By leveraging this effect, pulse synchronization had been
same physical path in the cavity, the pulses experience similar demonstrated, despite the presence of a small mismatch of
disturbance and could possess significantly better coherence cavity lengths [22,23]. More recently, synchronous dual-
compared with those generated from different cavities [6–9]. wavelength pulses were generated in a laser with two accurately
As it has been realized that the presence of chromatic or polari- equalized branches [24] or multicore Yb-doped fiber that
zation mode dispersion in the fiber cavities can set the re- spatially separated the pulse in it [25]. Mode-locking of both
petition rate of one pulse apart from that of the other, asynchro- longitudinal and transverse modes is even achieved in multi-
nous pulse trains with slightly different repetition rates can be mode fiber lasers [26]. Synchronized dual-wavelength pulse

0146-9592/17/234942-04 Journal © 2017 Optical Society of America

Letter Vol. 42, No. 23 / December 1 2017 / Optics Letters 4943

generation in a single-mode fiber laser cavity with a completely

common path for both wavelengths has yet to be fully explored.
As shown in Fig. 1, the laser we investigate here is an all-
fiber ring cavity with a 40% output coupling ratio. A ∼0.5 m
long piece of erbium-doped fiber (EDF, Er 110) is pumped by
a 980 nm diode laser through a hybrid wavelength division
multiplexer and isolator (WDM  ISO). To enable the multi-
wavelength operation, an in-line-polarizer (ILP) with two
0.3 m polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) pigtails is used.
Along with a polarization controller (PC), it enables multiwa-
velength lasing by the Lyot filtering effect and intracavity loss
control [5]. There is a 1.26 m of dispersion compensation fiber
(DCF, DCF 38) in the cavity to reduce Dave . In order to vary
Dave , the length of single-mode fiber (SMF) in the cavity
(LSMFin ) can be trimmed. The dispersion parameters of the
WDM pigtail (0.17 m of HI1060 fiber), EDF, PMF, and
DCF are, respectively, estimated as 5.6, −9.6, 15.4, and Fig. 2. (a) Optical spectrum. (b) RF spectrum of the asynchronous
−38.5 fs∕nm∕m around 1530 nm, and the total dispersion dual-wavelength laser output when LSMFin is 3.32 m. The autocorre-
of these optical fibers, excluding the SMF, is estimated as lation curves of (c) 1532.6- and (d) 1544.1-nm pulses.
−43.5 fs∕nm. The mode-locker is a home-made single-wall car-
bon nanotube saturable absorber (SWNT-SA) on a fiber ferrule
whose transmission at 1540 nm is ∼8%, and a picture of the 110 Hz. Their RF spectra are shown in Fig. 2(b). After separated
ferrule end face is also shown in Fig. 1. by a wavelength division multiplexer (WDM) with a passband
The laser output is monitored by an optical spectrum analyzer between 1522.5 and 1537.5 nm and transmitted through ∼4 m
(OSA, Agilent 86142B), an oscilloscope (Agilent MS07054A) SMF, their pulse widths are measured by the autocorrelator,
and a RF spectrum analyzer (ESA, Agilent N9320B) with showing 1 ps and 0.8 ps pulse width, respectively [assuming
a 1 GHz photodetector (PD, New Focus 1611) as well as sec2 shapes, see Figs. 2(c) and 2(d)].
a home-built second-harmonic intensity autocorrelator with a In the above soliton regime, the total dispersion, i.e., the
fiber-pigtailed input. product of the average dispersion and cavity length
With fine adjustment of the intracavity PC, polarization- (Dave  L), of the cavity could be proportional to the temporal
dependent loss control can be achieved due to the use of walk-off per roundtrip Δt r  Δf r ∕f r1  f r2  between the
ILP in the cavity. As the spectral gain profile of EDF is strongly dual-wavelength pulses [12]. Therefore, it is expected that
affected by its inversion level, it can be tuned through tuning Δt r would vary by changing the length of SMF and, thus,
the intracavity loss [5]. Lyot filtering effect of ILP with PMF the total dispersion in the cavity. While LSMFin is reduced from
[27] can further filter and control the lasing wavelengths. Thus, ∼6 m to 3.32 m, the total dispersion drops by nearly seven
through the adjustment of intracavity PC and pump power, folds. The measured f r , Δf r , and Δλ at different LSMFin
dual-wavelength pulses can be generated in the 1530 and are also shown in Fig. 3(a). While f r continuously increases
1545 nm regions. at shorter LSMFin, the lasing wavelengths and their separation
In our experiments, when LSMFin is larger than 3.32 m, i.e., can slightly change based on the tuning condition of the laser,
the total intracavity dispersion is >8 fs∕nm, asynchronous dual- and Δf r shows a corresponding decreasing yet fluctuating
wavelength pulses centered around 1530 and 1545 nm can be trend. Yet, based on these data, the normalized temporal
observed. At LSMFin of 3.32 m, when pumped at 80 mW, dual- walk-off Δt r ∕Δλ shows a highly linear relationship with the
wavelength soliton pulses centered at 1532.6 nm (λ1 ) and decrease in LSMFin , as shown in Fig. 2(b). It can be seen that
1544.1 nm (λ2 ) with 3 dB bandwidths of 2.6 nm (Δλ1 ) and the measured normalized walk-off data match very well with
3.9 nm (Δλ2 ) are observed, as shown in Fig. 2(a). Such pulses the estimated total dispersion of the cavity (assuming SMF
have their corresponding repetition rates of 35.30925 MHz dispersion of 15.4 fs/nm/m for that wavelength region).
(f r1 ) and 35.30914 MHz (f r2 ), with a difference Δf r of This shows the capability to accurately design the difference
in the comb-tooth spacing through dispersion tailoring in such
dual-wavelength lasers.

Fig. 3. (a) Δλ, Δf r , and f r at different LSMFin . (b) Normalized tem-

Fig. 1. Configuration of the dual-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser. poral walk-off versus LSMFin and the corresponding cavity dispersion.
4944 Vol. 42, No. 23 / December 1 2017 / Optics Letters Letter

However, when the intracavity dispersion gets closer to zero

but is still slightly anomalous, such a trend is changed. At LSMFin
of 3.32 m, when the pump power is increased to 130 mW and
the output pulse energy increases from ∼5 pJ to ∼19 pJ, the
spectral and temporal characteristics of the dual-wavelength out-
put are significantly changed. Under the elevated pump power,
two main spectral lobes centered at 1534.0 nm and 1547.5 nm
are significantly broadened, and their 3 dB bandwidths become
7.9 nm and 6.7 nm [see Fig. 4(a)], respectively. In contrast to
what is seen in Fig. 2(a), not only the spectral bandwidths
become much larger, but also five additional peaks centered
at 1493, 1507, 1520.5, 1561, and 1574 nm can be also ob-
served. The wavelength differences between neighboring peaks
are almost the same, which can slightly vary when the separation
between two main peaks varies. Furthermore, only one pulse
train is observed on the oscilloscope, as shown in Fig. 4(b).
Despite the existence of the remaining anomalous dispersion
verified by above asynchronous dual-wavelength pulses, this in- Fig. 5. AC curves of (a) 1534 nm, (b) 1547.5 nm pulse, and (c) un-
dicates that synchronous pulses could have been emitted from filtered laser output when L0 is 3.24 m and the pump power is
the laser. 130 mW. (d) Measured time delay between the pulses as L0 is varied.
To further validate the existence of two synchronous pulses,
the RF spectrum of the pulse trains is observed at both the fun-
damental repetition rate (f r ) and 82 times of f r with a fre- out of the cavity is reduced to ∼3 m by skipping some com-
quency resolution of 10 Hz [see Figs. 4(c) and 4(d)], which ponents, like the WDM filter, here.
all show just one frequency. This indicates the generation of We note there is significant SMF from the output coupler of
synchronous pulses. the laser to the autocorrelator; in order to further identify the
To verify if such pulses are dual-wavelength ones such as in nature of these two pulses, we vary the length of SMF from the
the earlier case, first, the WDM filter is used to separate the laser output coupler to the autocorrelator (L0 ), and measure
spectrum into two, and the filtered pulses are measured by the autocorrelation curve. While the results all show three
the autocorrelator. Results shown in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) have peaks, the pulse separation (τ) varies. The measured temporal
pulse widths of 1.2 ps and 1 ps, respectively (assuming sec2 separation is plotted against L0 in Fig. 5(d). It shows a highly
shapes). In contrast with the above cases, the time–bandwidth linear curve, which can be fitted to a linear line with a slope of
products are ∼1.2 and 0.76, suggesting the pulses are signifi- 15.4 fs∕nm∕m  13.5 nm. Note that 13.5 nm is the center
cantly chirped, partially due to the dispersion of ∼5 m of SMF wavelength separation of the dual-wavelength pulses. This in-
the pulses go through before the autocorrelator. dicates that the two pulses shown by the autocorrelation are
Furthermore, the autocorrelation curve of the dual- indeed two pulses with different center wavelengths, instead
wavelength pulses is also measured by directly sending the laser of a pair of bound solitons with the same center wavelength;
output into the autocorrelator through fiber connections. though the latter could also show similar spectral and temporal
A typical measured autocorrelation trace shows three peaks, features. It is also shown that it is the dispersion of SMF that
as seen in Fig. 5(c). This indicates the existence of two pulses results in the time delay between them. Additionally, we note
with a stable time delay, in this case, of 1.08 ps. Each peak is that the intercept with the x axis is −1.76 m for the extrapo-
narrower than those in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b), as the length of fiber lated fitting curve, and 1.76 m happens to be the length of SMF
between the SWNT-SA in our laser cavity and the output cou-
pler. Therefore, this could be the experimental proof that the
dual-wavelength pulses are synchronized at the SWNT-SA. It is
noted that, at LSMFin less than 3.32 m, only synchronous dual-
wavelength pulses can be generated. This suggests that a stronger
nonlinear effect of SWNT-SA under higher pulse energy could
attribute to the synchronization of the dual-wavelength pulses de-
spite the existence of residual cavity dispersion. Such a mechanism
has been observed in semiconductor- [28] and nanomaterial-
based SA’s [22,23,25]. Two pulses with a small enough relative
delay can be synchronized at a shared SA due to the modulation
of SA’s nonlinear loss [28], which is also highly dependent on the
pulse energy. This indicates that a certain lower limit of Δf r may
exist for dual-wavelength laser with a mode-locker.
While the above experimental observation and discussion
suggest that two main spectral peaks correspond to two pulses
Fig. 4. (a) Optical spectrum; (b) oscilloscope trace; (c) and (d) RF at the respective center wavelengths, there are several additional
spectrum (f r  35.30938 MHz) of the laser output when LSMFin is spectral sidelobes, which are at least 10 dB weaker, some of
3.32 m and the pump power reaches 130 mW. them sitting outside of the EDF gain profile. It is speculated
Letter Vol. 42, No. 23 / December 1 2017 / Optics Letters 4945

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