MAE 243 Final Spring 2007

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Jvl.Jt'E 243: Jvlecnanics Of Jvlateriafs Syring 2007, :Fina{'Exam

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Section: _

PROBLEM (1): A bar of solid circular cross section

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elasticity E=6.4 x 106 psi. The allowable stress in I.. L J

tension is O"allow=17,000 psi, and the elongation of

the bar must not exceed 0.04 in. What is the

allowable value of the forces P. [5 Pts]

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:M.Jt'E 243: :Mechanics of Materiafs Syring 2007, Jina{ 'Exam

N ame: , _

Section: _

PROBLEM (2): A copper bar with a rectangular section is held without stress between rigid supports. Subsequently, the temperature of the bar is raised 50°C. Determine the stresses on all faces of the elements A and B, and show these stresses on sketches of the elements.

(Assume a=17.5 x 1O-6/0C and E = 120 GPa). [5 Pts]

oZ .4TE - 17-,)" )(W--6x)"D X l2.0x [0 ~ C?C\ (OS MPo-.

~=~~TE ~ 5I·) M~~ ~ "C=~ 0 )2·)f'lP",

JvlA'E 243: :M.ecfianics Of Jvlateriafs Syring 2007, :Fina{ 'Exam

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Section: _

PROBLEM (3): A stepped shaft ABC consisting of two solid circular segments is subjected to torques T1 and T2 acting in opposite directions, as shown in the figure. The larger segment of the shaft has diameter d1=3 in. and length L1=30 in.; the smaller segment has diameter d2=1.5 in. and length L2=20 in. The material is steel with shear modulus G=11x106 psi, and the torques are T1=15,000 Ib-in. and T2=10,000 Ib-in.

Calculate the following quantities:

(a) The maximum shear stress .max in the shaft [3 Pts], and (b) The angles of twist <l>c (in degrees) at end C [3 Pts].

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- O·O'66ro1o M.J'.t'E 243: Mechanics of Materiafs Syring 2007, :fina{ 'Exam

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Section: _

PROBLEM (4): A beam ABC with an overhang at one end supports a uniform load of intensity 12 kN/m and a concentrated load of magnitude 2.4 kN. Draw the shearforce and bending-moment diagrams for this beam. Show the shear-force and bending-moment values on the diagrams. [6 Pts]

12 kN/m 2.4 kN ~

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1-1.6 m 1.6 m c+ c· 1.6 m

(12x I·{ )(0 ·3 /<rV II'! +-~.It)( «s )JjJ .• R~ X 3·'2 kN.W\

~t;:; ~. 4 kN

«j\- ;0 2 u k~ - ~ . /tit-V z; \,s·l \<:N

3v1..:A'E 243: 3v1.ecfianics Of tMateriais Syring 2007, J'ina{'Exam

N ame: , _

Section: _

PROBLEM (6): An element in plane stress is subjected to stresses ax=-12,300 psi, ay=-19,500 psi, and 'txy=-7,700 psi. Determine:

(a) The principal stresses [3 Pts], and

(b) The maximum shear stresses and associated normal stresses [3 Pts]




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