Data 1 Rufa

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# add some information

hist(data1,main="Histogram of data11",xlab="Histogram of data11",col="blue")

### How to build table frequency and draw histogram from raw data

bins <- seq(1,113,by=6) ### membuat kelas dengan memasukkan lebar kelas

interval<-cut(data1,bins) ### memasukkan nilai yang cocok kedalam kelas

table(interval) ## table frekuensi

transform(table(interval)) ### tampilan table frekuensi

boxplot(data1,main="Histogram of data11",xlab="Histogram of data11",col="pink")

> data1<-c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,10)
> summary(data1)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1.000 1.000 2.000 2.368 3.000 10.000
> sd(data1)
[1] 1.699301
> IQR(data1)
[1] 2
> hist(data1)
> boxplot(data1)
> # add some information
> hist(data1,main="Histogram of data11",xlab="Histogram of data11",col="blue")
> ### How to build table frequency and draw histogram from raw data
> bins <- seq(1,113,by=8) ### membuat kelas dengan memasukkan lebar kelas
> ### How to build table frequency and draw histogram from raw data
> bins <- seq(1,113,by=6) ### membuat kelas dengan memasukkan lebar kelas
> loxplot(data1,main="Histogram of data11",xlab="Histogram of data11",col="pink")
Error in loxplot(data1, main = "Histogram of data11", xlab = "Histogram of data11", :
could not find function "loxplot"
> boxplot(data1,main="Histogram of data11",xlab="Histogram of data11",col="pink")

> boxplot(data1,main="Boxplot of Data MAN di Jawa Timur",xlab="Jumlah

hist(data1,main="Histogram of data MAN di Jawa timur",xlab="jumlah
> hist(data1,main="Histogram of data MAN di Jawa timur",xlab="jumlah MAN",col="yellow")
> boxplot(data1,main="Boxplot of Data MAN di Jawa Timur",xlab="Jumlah data",col="yellow")

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