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fifth edition

A Dictionary of Persons S
Canonized or Beatified by tfi jfff

the Catholic Church ^-'

Compiled by the Benedictine Monks

of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsi
*J> $ 4 (




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Q ^f f*C .*

Franciscus M. Mildner, O.S.M.
Censor Deputatus

^Patritius Casey

rfo Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur are a declaration that

a book or pamphlet is considered to be free from doctrinal or
moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted
the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur agree with the contents,
opinions or statements expressed.

The Book of Saints meets a steady demand for information in a compact

form over the whole range of beatified or canonized servants of God. For
this reason another edition has been called for and has been prepared.
The fourth edition was so much enlarged and extended in scope as to be
almost a new work by comparison with its predecessors. This, the fifth
same as the last, but many inaccuracies
edition, is substantially the
inevitable in awork of such enormous scope have been corrected, and
legendary information replaced more often by the bald facts of research.
Moreover a large number of additions have been made, including those
beatified or canonized in the last twenty-five years.

The compilers wish to acknowledge particularly a debt to Dr. Emil

Kisban for the use of his researches into the saints of the Hungarian
Pauline Order, and to the Benedictine fathers of the Abbaye Sainte-
Marie at Paris for their work on the lives of the early saints and martyrs.

March ig66

The Book of Saints first appeared in 1921. It was a pioneer work and it
gap in English hagiological literature. The fact that it
certainly filled a
was several times reprinted proves that it achieved success, and the de-
mand for this new edition shows that a considerable public still finds it
Since 1921, however, several similar dictionaries, some of which are
Book of Saints> even to the extent of embodying
evidently indebted to The
verbatim transcriptions therefrom, have been put on the market. These
later works have inevitably rendered our Book of Saints more or less out
of date. For this reason and also in view of a number of valuable sugges-
tions and corrections made by reviewers of former editions, we put it to
the publishers, when they asked us to prepare this fourth edition, that, in
fairness to our readers and to ourselves, a re-casting of the whole work
was imperative. This we now offer to the public. A few observations on
this new Book of Saints are, however, necessary for a proper appreciation
of its scope, and we therefore beg the reader not to skim the followingpages.
The original Book of Saints was conceived, planned, directed and in
part written by a very great scholar, namely, the Right Rev. Dom Thomas
Bergh (d. 1924), monk of Ramsgate and Abbot Visitor of the English
Province of the Benedictine Subiaco Congregation. Abbot Bergh was
helped in the compilation of the book by monks of the community, two
especially. His policy was to leave intact the entries contributed by the
others, correcting only here and there when he deemed it necessary. For
this reason the work is somewhat uneven. Another point that needs men-
tioning is Abbot Bergh's bent of mind. Although he was a scholar of high
standing in matters biblical, theological and hagiological, his outlook was
definitely conservative. This explains his unwillingness to discard ancient
legends especially if sanctioned by liturgical use. He would certainly never
have approved of the ruthlessly iconoclastic methods of some modern
writers. This explains some of the well-founded criticism levelled at his work.
The Book of Saints which we now offer to the public has been compiled
on a different method and from a different angle. One of the Fathers of
this community of Ramsgate has re-written the whole book, entry by
entry. It has then been revised and checked by two other Fathers. All
three have kept before their minds the most recent findings of hagiological
research. They do not always agree with these findings, but in most cases
they let the reader know when the data given in the book are uncertain or
The book remains anonymous. We are only too happy to follow the
example set us by its original compiler. Moreover, by doing so, we are

acting, even in a small work like this, according to the best Benedictine

Some further observations as to the aim and use of the book as now
revised seem to be called for. As regards its aim, we must first of all repeat
here the words written by Abbot Bergh in the original preface: "The
present compilation aims at no more than the stretching of the historical
framework of a saint's life." The saints, however, included in this new
edition are considerably more numerous than those included by Abbot
Bergh. The additions comprise not only those saints who have been can-
onized or beatified or whose cult has been officially recognized by the
Holy See since 1921, but also a great number of others omitted in the first
edition. The expansion of this latter category is due to our adoption of a
more liberal criterion in judging claims to recognized sainthood, and also
to our desire to include, within reasonable limits, every holy person whose
memory is venerated, or whose feast is celebrated, as that of a saint in a
particular country or diocese or religious order.
It is of course beyond human power to achieve absolute completeness.

This is especially the case where there are a number of saints of the same
name, belonging to the same country, and presenting similar usually —
very jejune — biographical data : this phenomenon common among Irish

saints, e.g., Bracan, Brendan, Conall, Conan, etc. The most plausible
hypothesis in such cases is that one individual saint, by being venerated
in different localities, has achieved a kind of multiple personality, whence
it has now become impossible to say to which particular place he origin-
ally belonged. Possibly, in other instances, two or three saints of the same
or similar name have been blended into one by popular piety.
We may also note here that the present volume, although aiming at
accuracy, is most of the Benedictine saints, a
not, except in the case of
work of original research. The compilers have for the most part adopted
what they consider to be the sanest conclusions of modern critical hagio-
To facilitate the use of this book we will now outline briefly the method
followed in its compilation. The entries are drawn up on the following
plan. We give
(i) The name of each saint in alphabetical order. If there are several
saints of the same name, we follow the order of their respective feast days
in the calendar. The spelling of proper names, whether of saints or of
places, has created some difficulty. In the case of a great number of saints'
names the spellings are so various that it would require too much space to

enter each form under a separate heading. 1 For certain names in common
use at the present time (e.g., James, John, Paul, Peter) we have in each
We would recommend Baptismal Names by Joseph L. Weidenham, S. T. L., Washington, iqiq, as a
very useful reference book, particularly for variant forms of saints' names.

case inserted a special entry giving its different forms in modern European
languages. For the spelling of place names the Encyclopaedia Britannica
usually, but not invariably, has
been followed.
(ii) The surname or his distinctive appellation, if any;
saint's for in-
stance: James Kisai, James of Tarantaise, James the Almsgiver.
(iii) The saint's hagiological rank, viz., Saint (St) or Blessed (Bl).
(iv) The group to which the saint belongs, e.g. Martyr (M),
Confessor (C), ctc.\\Confessor (C), however, has often been omitted as under-
stood, as also Monk, Nun, when that is obvious from the entry itself.
(v) The religious order, if any, to which the saint belonged.
(vi) The present state of the saint's cult, that is, whether the name of

the saint is included in the Roman Martyrology (RM), whether the cult
has been approved Approved Cult (AC), or whether it is an unofficial
Popular Cult (PC). By Approved Cult (AC) we mean that there is posi-
tive historical evidence of a saint having been venerated as such, even if,
as in many instances among the Cornish and Welsh saints, that evidence
rests solely on ancient church dedications and there is no other official re-
cognition by the Church, such as an approved liturgical office. Popular
Cult (PC) is affixed to the names of those saints who are invariably
styled so, or are given the title of Blessed, or are usually referred to as
Saint or Blessed in ancient writers, but whose veneration has never been
accompanied by any recognized external sign of cult.
(vii) The date of the saint's feast. Note that feast days of saints, espe-

cially of those not included in the Roman Martyrology, often vary from
diocese to diocese or from one religious order to another. In these cases
we sometimes give more than one date, but we usually confine ourselves to
the date of death, which is the normal day for celebrating a saint's feast.
(viii) The year of the saint's death, whether definite, e.g., d. 890 or ap-

proximate: d.c. (circiter: about) 890. Failing this, we give the century, or if
even this is unverifiable, we put an interrogation mark ( ?). When possible,
as in the case of the more recent saints, two figures are given, that of their
birth and that of their death, e.g. 1810-1890.
(ix) The which gives only the chief features of the
text of each entry,
Legendary matter is not altogether excluded, but, when
saint's career.
admitted, some warning is usually given. To write of St Catherine of
Alexandria without mention of the wheel, or of St Laurence of Rome
ignoring the gridiron, would probably be more confusing than useful,
even though scholars question the historicity of the episodes in which
these instruments figure.
In the case of some early martyrs whose names are listed in the martyr-
ologies in the genitive,it is hardly possible, in the absence of other evi-

dence, to determine the sex of the saint. Thus, for example, Passio S.
Zenaidis might refer to a holy man named Zenaides or to a woman named
(i) Chronological CP. Congregationis Passionis
(Passionist Fathers).
a. ante, i.e., before.
C.SS.R. Congregationis Sanctissimi
c . circiter (or circa), i.e., about.
d. died.
p. post, i.e., after.
Orat. Oratorians.
cent. century.
0. Carm. Carmelites.
OCD. Discalced Carmelites.
(ii) Canonical
O. Cart. Carthusians.
AC. Approved Cult.
OFM. Ordinis Fratrum Minor urn.
Bl, BB. Blessed. (Franciscans)
PC. Popular Cult. OFM. Cap. Capuchins.
RM. Roman Martyrology. 0. Merc. Mercedarians.
St, ss Saint, saints. 0. Minim. Minims.
OP. Ordinis Praedicatorum.
(iii) Liturgical
Ab. Abbot. 0. Praem. Praemonstratensians.
Abs. Abbess. OSA. Augustinians.
Bp., Bps. Bishop, -s. OSA. Erem Augustinian Hermits.
C, Cc. Confessor, -s. OS. Bas Basilians.
Card. Cardinal. OSB. Benedictines.
Comp. Companions. OSB. Cam. (Benedictine) Camaldolese.
Dr Doctor of the Church. OSB. Cel. (Benedictine) Celestines.
H., HH. Hermit, -s. OSB. Cist. (Benedictine) Cistercians.
Mk. Monk. OSB. Hum. (Benedictine) Humiliati.
M., MM. Martyr, -s. OSB. Oliv. (Benedictine) Olivetans.
N. Nun. OSB. Silv. (Benedictine) Silvestrines.
v., vv. Virgin, -s. OSB. Vail. (Benedictine) Vallumbro-
w. Widow. sans.

OSB. Virgil (Benedictine) Monte-

(iv) Religious Orders virginians.

Barn. Barnabites. OS. Trin. Trinitarians.

Bridg. Bridgettines. OSU. Ursulines.

CM. Congregationis Missionis SJ. Jesuits.

(Vincentians, Paulists). Tert. Tertiary.

AARON (St) Ab. AC. June 22 ABBAN (St) Ab. AC. March 16
d. ^.552. A Briton who crossed into 5th cent. An Irish saint, contemporary
Armorica (Brittany) and lived as a her- with St Patrick and nephew of St Ibar.
mit in the island of Cesambre, now St Founder of Kill-Abban Abbey in
Malo. Eventually he was joined by a Leinster.
group of disciples and became their
abbot. Among the disciples was St ABBAN (St) Ab. AC. Oct 27
Malo, who arrived from Wales about 6th cent. Nephew of St Kevin; founder
the middle of the 6th cent. of many monasteries, mostly in S. Ire-
land. His name is especially connected
AARON (St) 1st High Priest with that of Magh-Armuidhe, now
July 1 Adamstown, in Wexford. The lives of
15th cent. B.C. Great grandson of Levi, this saint, of the foregoing St Abban,
son of Jacob, and the first of the Jewish and of sundry others of the same name
High Priests, to which office he was are hopelessly confused.
appointed by God Himself. He was the
elder brother of Moses, the Hebrew ABBO (St) Bp. AC. Sept 19
Law-giver, with whom he shared the Otherwise Goeric, q.v.
leadership of the people of Israel. Like
Moses he never entered the Land of ABBO (St) Ab. M. OSB. AC. Nov 13
Promise, but died on Mt Hor, on the c.945-1 004. Born near Orleans, he took
borders of Edom. In art he is represen- the habit at Fleury (St Benoit-sur-
ted with a rod in flower, a censer and a Loire) and was reputed one of the
Jewish mitre. greatest scholars of his age. He was
invitedby St Oswald of Worcester to
AARON (St) M. RM. July 1 take charge of the abbey school of
See Julius and Aaron (Aakon). Ramsey in Huntingdonshire, where he
stayed for two years. He was then
AARON (Bl) Abp. OSB. PC. Oct 9 appointed abbot of Fleury (988), where
d. 15 May 1059. He was abbot
the first he introduced the Cluniac observance.
(1040) of the Benedictine monastery of He was often called in as mediator
Tyniec in Poland. In 1046 he became between the king of France and the
the first archbishop of Cracow. Accord- Holy See. He was martyred at La Reole
ing to the Polish legend he had been a in Gascony by monks whom he had set
monk of Cluny under St Odilo. out to reform.

ABACHUM (St) M. RM. Jan 19 ABBO (St) Bp. OSB. PC. Dec 3
See Marius, Martha, etc. d. <r.86o. Monk and
abbot of the mon-
astery of St Germain at Auxerre. In 857
ABB (St) V. Abs. AC. Aug 25 he was chosen bishop of the same city,
Otherwise Ebba, q.v. but resigned in 859 and died shortly after.

ABBRICI (Bl) litany for the dying, and there is a

See Magdalen Abbrici. reference to his sacrifice in the Canon of
the Mass.
ABDAS (St) M. RM. May 16
Otherwise Audas, q.v. ABEL, THOMAS (Bl) AC. July 30
See Thomas Abel.
See Simeon and Comp. ABEL (St) Abp. OSB. PC. Aug 5
d. £.751. English, or Irish, in origin,he
ABDIAS (ABDIS, OBADIAH) (St) accompanied St Boniface to the Conti-
Prophet. RM. Nov 19 nent. He was chosen archbishop of
9th cent. B.C. The name means Ser- Reims, his election being ratified by the
vant of the Lord. He is the fourth of council of Soissons (744) and by Pope
the twelve minor prophets. Some iden- St Zachary, but he could not take
tifyhim with Ahab's steward (3 Kings possession of his see, which was occu-
XVIII, 3). His prophecy is contained pied by the intruder Milo. He retired
in a single chapter of twenty-five verses. to Lobbes, where he became abbot and
He foretells the destruction of Edom. died.
The RM. locates his memory at
"Samaria in Palestine'\ ABELLON (Bl) OP. AC. May 15
See Andrew Abellon.
RM. Apr 22 ABERCIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 22
4th cent. He was
one of the vast multi- d. £.167. Bishop of Hierapolis in Phry-
tude of Persians, named and unnamed, gia, in which see he is stated to have
martyred under King Shapur (Sapor) succeeded the famous Papias. Impri-
II. This persecution lasted from a.d. soned for his zeal against paganism, he
341 to a.d. 380. Abdiesus is styled a was set free and died in peace at Hiera-
deacon in the RM., and is probably polis. His epitaph, composed by himself
not to be identified with another and discovered in 1882, is now in the
martyr of the same name who was Lateran Museum. It sheds vivid light
bishop of Cashcar. on several points of Christian doctrine,
e.g., baptism, the eucharist, the Roman
ABDON and SENNEN (SS) MM. primacy. Its authenticity is beyond
RM. July 30 doubt.
3rd or 4th cent. Persian nobles, brought
to Rome as captives, who devoted them- ABIBAS (ABIBO) (St) C. RM. Aug 3
selves to the service of the imprisoned 1 Second son of Gamaliel (Acts
st cent.
Christians and to burying the bodies of V 34, XXII 3), at whose feet St Paul
the martyrs. Some authorities place had sat. Like his father he became a
their martyrdom in the reign of Decius, Christian. He lived till his eightieth
others in that of Diocletian. They are year. In 415 his remains were found at
still annually commemorated by the Capergamela, near Jerusalem, together
Roman Church on July 30. with those of SS Stephen, Gamaliel and
ABEL (St) Patriarch. AC. Jan 2
The second son of Adam, killed by his ABIBUS (St) M. RM. Nov 15
brother Cain. He is invoked in the d. 322. A deacon of Edessa in Syria,

martyred by burning under the em- desert near Edessa. At the entreaty of his
peror Licinius, and buried with his bishop he was ordained and appointed
friends SS Gurias and Samonas. to the town of Beth-Kiduna, which he
completely converted to Christianity.
ABIBUS (St) M. AC. Dec 9 His life was written by St Ephrem, who
See Samosata, Martyrs of. was his personal friend and admirer.
The episodes connected with his niece
ABILIUS (St) Bp. 22RM. Feb Mary are now considered spurious.
d. c.98. According to Eusebius, he was
third bishop, in succession to SS Mark ABRAHAM (St) Ab. RM. June 15
and Anianus, of Alexandria in Egypt, d. £.480.Born on the banks of the Eu-
to which see he was appointed ^.84. phrates, he journeyed to Egypt, where
he fell among thieves, who held him
ABLEBERT (St) Bp. AC. Jan 15 captive five years. He succeeded in
Otherwise Emebert, q.v. escaping and boarded a ship bound for
Gaul. He settled near Clermont in
ABRA (St) V. AC. Dec 12 Auvergne as a solitary. Eventually he
f.342-360. Daughter of St Hilary of was given charge as abbot of the
Poitiers, born to him before he was monastery of St Cyriacus (St Cyrgues)
raised to the episcopate. Following his and was ordained priest. His protection
advice she consecrated herself to God is invoked against fever.
as a nun, but died in her eighteenth
year. Her feast is kept at Poitiers. ABRAHAM (St) Patriarch
RM. Oct 9
ABRAHAM (ABRAAMIOS) (St) Bp. 20th cent. B.C. The Father of all be-
M. AC. Feb 5 lievers and progenitor of the Hebrew
d. r.344-348. Bishop of Arbela in nation. Born at Ur in Chaldea, Abram,
Assyria. He was put to death in the whom God renamed Abraham the —
village of Telman under Shapur II of father of many, migrated at God's com-
Persia. mand to Canaan, the land which God
had promised him. Here he lived a
ABRAHAM (ABRAAMES) (St) Bp. pastoral and nomad life. In his Seed
AC. Feb 14 Christ, the Messiah —
all nations have

d. f.422. A hermit in Syria, who suc- been blessed, in accordance with the
ceeded in converting a village in the covenant which God made with him. He
Lebanon by borrowing money to pay its died at the age of one hundred and
taxes. Eventually he became bishop of seventy-five.
Harran (Charres) in Mesopotamia. He
had a great influence on Theodosius the ABRAHAM (St) H. AC. Oct 27
Younger and his court. He died at Con- d. 367. Surnamed "the Poor" or "the
stantinople while on a visit to the Child". Born at Menuf in Egypt, he be-
emperor. came a disciple of St Pachomius. After
twenty-three years he retired to a cave,
ABRAHAM (St) C. RM. March 16 where he spent seventeen years. His cult
d. f.366. Surnamed Kidunaia, from the is widespread among the Copts.
name of his parish at Beth-Kiduna. Fly-
ing from a wealthy home and a promis- ABRAHAM (St) Abp. AC. Oct 28
ing marriage, he lived as a hermit in a 6th cent. Built the monastery of the
Abrahamites by the Golden Gate at ABUNDANTIUS (St) M.
Constantinople and the monastery of the RM. Sept 16
Byzantines near Jerusalem. Eventually See Abundius, Abundantius, etc.
he became archbishop of Ephesus. He
was a writer on ecclesiastical subjects. ABUNDIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 27
See Alexander, Abundius, etc.
ABRAHAM (St) Bp. AC. Dec 6
474-^.558. Born at Emesa in Syria, ABUNDIUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 2
while still very young he was chosen d. 469. A Greek priest who became
abbot of a monastery at Kratia in bishop of Como in N. Italy. He was an
Bithynia. Later he was made bishop of able theologian and was entrusted by St
the same place. Twice he secretly fled Leo the Great with a mission to the
in search of quiet: the second time he emperor Theodosius the Younger,
found a refuge in a Palestinian mon- which resulted in the calling of the
astery, where he died. Council of Chalcedon (451). St Abun-
dius is represented in art either with a
ABRAHAMITE MONKS (SS) MM. hart or raising a dead child to life.

July 8
Between 830 and 840. This group of ABUNDIUS (St) C. RM. Apr 14
monks belonged to the monastery d. r.564. Sacristan of St Peter's, Rome.
founded by St Abraham of Ephesus St Gregory the Great makes mention
(q.v., Oct 28) at Constantinople. They of his humble but divinely favoured
were put to death under the emperor life. His feast is kept as a double major

Theophilus for their brave defence of at St Peter's.

the cult of images.
ABUNDIUS (St) M. RM. July 11
ABRAN (St) AC. May 8 d. 854. Parish priest of Ananelos, a
See Gibrian. village in the mountains near Cordova
in Spain. He entertained no thought of
ABROSIMUS (St) M. AC. Apr 22 martyrdom, but suddenly found him-
d. 341. His name is Abrosima.
also spelt self drawn into the conflict. He valiantly
A Persian priest stoned to death with confessed Christ before the tribunal of
many of his flock under King Shapur II. the Moorish Caliph of Cordova, was
The Greeks keep his feast on Nov. 10. beheaded and his body thrown to the
RM. March 2 ABUNDIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 26
See Lucius, Absalon and Lorgius. See Irenaeus and Abundius.


July 15 MARCIAN and JOHN (SS) MM.
4th cent. A native of the island of Tene- RM. Sept 16
dos in the Aegean, who was martyred d. f.3°3- Their laus in the RM. reads as
under Diocletian. follows: "At Rome on the Flaminian
Way, the memory of the holy martyrs
ABUNDANTIUS (St) M. Abundius, and Abundantius, his
RM. March 1 deacon, whom the emperor Diocletian
See Leo, Donatus, etc. ordered to be beheaded ten miles from

the city, together with Martian, a theRoman army stationed in Thrace,
senator, and John, his son, whom who was tortured and beheaded at
Abundius had raised from the dead." Byzantium under Diocletian. Constan-
Their Acta, however, are by no means tine the Great built a church in his
trustworthy. honour. He is the S. Agario venerated at
Squillace in Calabria and the San
ABUNDIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 10 Acato of Avila and Cuenca in Spain.
See Carpophorus and Abundius.
ACACIUS (St)M. June 22
ABUNDIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 14 The story of a martyrdom of St Acacius
See Justus and Abundius. and ten thousand Roman soldiers under
his command on Mt Ararat, which had
ACACIUS great vogue in the later Middle Ages, is
Note. The following variant spellings of now discarded as pure romance.
thisand all the following entries under
the same name should be noted: ACACIUS (St) M. RM. July 28
ACHATIUS, ACHACIUS, ACA- d. r.310. A martyr at Miletus under the
THIUS, ACHATHIUS, ACHATES, emperor Licinius.
and even, more rarely, AGATIUS,
See Hirenarchus, Acacius, etc.
ACACIUS (St) Bp. AC. March 31
d. £.251. Surnamed by the Greeks ACCA (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 20
Agathangelos (the Good Angel) and the c .660-742. A
Northumbrian disciple of
Wonder-worker. He was a bishop in St Bosa of York and of St Wilfrid, and a
Hither Asia, and, under the Decian constant companion of the latter in his
persecution, he is said so to have im- journeys in England, Italy and Frisia.
pressed his judges by his defence of St Wilfrid appointed him abbot of St
Christianity that he was set free. His Andrew's Hexham. In 709 Acca suc-
Acta seem to be genuine. He is held in ceeded Wilfrid as bishop of the same
great veneration in the East. place. For a time he was exiled from his
see. St Bede was his great friend and
ACACIUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 9 dedicated several works to him. Acca
d. ^.421.Bishop of Amida (Diarbekir) is described by Bede as "great in the
in Mesopotamia, and distinguished for sight of God and man", and he was
his charity to the Persian prisoners, for certainly one of the most learned Anglo-
whose ransom he melted down and sold Saxon prelates of his day.
the sacred vessels of his church. This
won for him the friendship of King ACCURSIUS (St) M. OFM.
Bahram V of Persia, who is said to have RM. Jan 16
forthwith ceased to persecute his See Berardus, Peter, etc.
Christian subjects.
ACEPSIMAS (St) and Comp. MM.
ACACIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 28 RM. Apr 22
See Patrick, Acacius, etc. d. 10 Oct. 376. An octogenarian bishop
of Hnaita in W. Persia, who was racked
ACACIUS (St) M. RM. May 8 and flogged to death under Shapur II.
d. r.303. A Cappadocian centurion in The Acts of his martyrdom are quite
genuine.With him suffered two priests ACHILLAS and AMOES (SS) HH.
Aithala and Joseph. The Roman 17 AC. Jan
Martyrology commemorates many 4th cent. Achillas, in Latin Achilleus, is
others who suffered about this time in mentioned by Rufinus. He is venerated
the same persecution. See Persia, by the Greeks at the beginning of Lent,
Martyrs of. together with Amoes. They both lived
as solitaries in Egypt and are called in
ACEPSIMAS (St) H. AC. Nov 3 the Greek liturgy "the flowers of the
5th cent. A hermit who lived for sixty desert".
years in a cave near Cyrrhus in Syria in
the time of Theodosius I. He died ACHILLAS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 7
shortly after his ordination to the priest- d. 313. Successor to St Peter the
hood. martyr in the see of Alexandria. He
raised to the priesthood the man who
ACESTES (St) M. AC. July 2 afterwards became world-famous as the
1st cent.According to the legend he was heresiarch Arius. St Athanasius extols
one of the three soldiers who led St Paul the virtues of St Achillas, who was
to execution: having been converted by maligned by the party of Meletius on
him, they were beheaded after him. account of the purity of his doctrine.

ACHACIUS, or ACHATIUS (several) ACHILLES (St) Bp. AC. May 15

See under Acacius. d. f.330. In Latin Achillius. Metro-
politan of Larissa in Thessaly. He is

ACHARD (St) Ab. OSB. supposed to have assisted at the 1st

RM. Sept 15 Council of Nicaea. Since 978 his relics
Otherwise Aichardus, q.v. have been venerated at Presba (Achilli)
in Bulgaria.
ACHARIUS (St) Bp. AC. Nov 27
d. 640. Monk of Luxeuil under St ACHILLEUS (St) M. RM. Apr 23
Eustace. In 621 he was chosen bishop See Felix, Fortunatus and Achilleus.
of Noyon-Tournai, and as such fostered
the missionary efforts of St Amandus of ACHILLEUS (St) M. RM. May 12
Maestricht and obtained from King See Nereus, Achilleus, etc.
Dagobert I the erection of the see of
Terouanne, in which he placed his ACHILLEUS KEWANUKA(SI)
friend St Omer. (St) M. AC. June 3
d. 1886. Before entering the service of
ACHE and ACHEUL (SS) MM. King Mwanga of Uganda, he was a
AC. May 1 See Uganda, Martyrs of.
Otherwise Acius and Aceolus, q.v.
ACINDYNUS (St) M. RM. Apr 20
ACHERIC and WILLIAM (SS) See Victor, Zoticus, etc.
Mks. OSB. PC. Nov 3
d. after 860.Hermits, and afterwards ACINDYNUS, PEGASIUS, APH-
monks in a monastery founded by Bi- THONIUS, ELPIDEPHORUS and
dulph, archdeacon of Metz, in the ANEMPODISTUS (SS) MM.
Vosges mountains in the diocese of RM. Nov 2
Strasburg. d. 345. Persian Christians, priests and
clerics, who suffered for the Faith under ADA (St) Abs. AC. Dec 4
Shapur II. End of 7th Niece of St Engebert,
bishop of Mans. She was a nun at
ACISCLUS and VICTORIA (SS) Soissons and was appointed abbess of
MM. RM. Nov 17 Saint-Julien-des-Pres at Mans. Her
d. 304. Brother and sister, natives of name has the variants Adenette, Adna,

Cordova in Spain, who suffered Adnette, Adrechildis.

martyrdom probably under Diocle-
tian. Their home was turned into a AD ALAR (ADALHER) (St) M. OSB.
church. They are the principal patron RM. June 5
saints of Cordova and are greatly d. 755.Monk-priest and companion of
venerated throughout Spain and S. St Boniface, with whom he was mar-
France. tyred at Dokkum in Frisia.


(ACHEUL) MM. AC. May 1
ADALARD (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Jan 2
r.75 1-827. His name is also written
d. £.303. The former a deacon, the
Adalhard, Adelhard, Adalardus, Adelar-
latter a martyred near
dus, Alard. Grandson of Charles Martel,
Amiens under Diocletian. Their cult is
and one of Charlemagne's chief ad-
widespread in the diocese of Amiens.
visers. The ups and downs of his politi-
Their Acta, however, are not trust-
cal career belong to general history.
He entered the monastery of Corbie in
Picardy, of which he became abbot.
Driven into he secured the foun-
W. MM. AC. June 16
dation of New Corbie (Corvey) in
4th cent. The former was beheaded at
Saxony. Throughout his career he
Volterra in Etruria in the persecution of
remained a great abbot.
Diocletian. In 1140 her remains, to-
gether with those of Graecina, were
found in the Camaldolese church of SS ADALARD (Bl) Mk. OSB.
Justus and Clement.
PC. July 15
d. £.824. Surnamed the younger. Monk
ACUTIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 19 of Corbie under the abbot St Adalard.
See Januarius and Comp. Died in his twentieth year.

ACYLLINUS (St) M. RM. July 17 ADALBALD (St) M. AC. Feb 2

See Scillitan Martyrs. d. 652. Surnamed "D'Ostrevant". Born
in Flanders, a son or grandson of St
ADAL-, AETHEL-, AL-, ADRE-, Gertrude of Hamage. He served at the
AU-,EDIL-,ETHEL- court of Dagobert I and married a
Note. All these prefixes to names of Gascon lady named Rictrude, who is

Teutonic origin are more or less inter- also venerated as a saint, as also were
changeable. Thus, Etheldreda, Edil- their four children,Maurontius, Clot-
trudis, Audrey, are one and the same sindis,Eusebia and Adalsindis. Adal-
personage. That which appears the bald was slain by some relatives of his
more usual manner of spelling a saint's wife who disapproved of the match,
name in English has, as a rule, been and was thereafter venerated as a
followed here. martyr.
ADALBERO (Bl) Bp. PC. Jan i of Magdeburg. He was consecrated
d. 128. A brother of
1 Godfrey Le bishop of Prague (983), but disheartened
Barbu, count of Louvain. Successively at the result of his labours, he went to
canon of Metz and bishop of Liege, Rome and became a Benedictine at the
where he founded the abbey of Saint- abbey of SS Boniface and Alexius on
Gilles. the Aventine. Twice he returned to his
former mission, and twice he had to
ADALBERO (Bl) Bp. OSB. abandon it. However, on each occasion
PC. Apr 28 he preached instead in Poland, Prussia,
d. 909. He
belonged to the family of the Hungary and even Russia, with signal
counts of Dillingen, and was uncle to success hence he is styled the Apostle of

St Ulric. Monk (850) and afterwards the Slavs. He was martyred by the
abbot of Ellwangen, abbot-restorer of Prussians near Danzig.
Lorsch and bishop of Augsburg (after
887).Chief adviser of Arnulf of Bavaria, ADALBERT (St) Abp. OSB.
tutor to his son Louis and regent of the AC. June 20
Empire during the latter's childhood. d. 981. Monk of St Maximin of Treves,
He was well versed in science and the he was chosen by the emperor Otto III
arts, chiefly as a musician. to evangelize Russia. On their arrival
there in 961, all his companions were
ADALBERO (St or Bl) Bp. killed,and he himself escaped with
AC. Oct 6 He was then appointed abbot
1 045-1 090. Son of Count Arnold of of Weissenburg, and in 968 first arch-
Lambach. A student at Paris with St bishop of Magdeburg with jurisdiction
Altmann of Passau. Eventually he over the Wends. He did much to en-
became bishop of Wiirzburg and sided courage learning, especially as abbot of
with Gregory VII against Henry IV. Weissenburg.
On this account he was driven from his
see (1085) and retired to the Benedic- ADALBERT (St) Mk. RM. June 25
tine abbey of Lambach in Austria, to d. f.740. A Northumbrian by birth who
the foundation of which he had largely became a monk of Rathmelgisi and
contributed. It was there that he died. accompanied St Willibrord as one of his
Cult approved in 1883. deacons to Friesland. He laboured
especially round Egmont, of which
ADALBERO (Bl) Bp. PC. Dec 15 abbey he became the patron saint.
d. 1005. Of the family of the dukes of
Lorraine. Educated at the Benedictine ADALBERT (Bl) Mk. OSB.
abbey of Gorze, he became bishop of PC. Nov 23
Verdun, but was transferred in the d. ^.1045. Monk of —Cas-
same year (984) to Metz. He was sauria, Pescara —in the Abruzzi, under
zealous in spreading the Cluniac obser- his abbot, St Guy. He retired to Mt
vance by founding monasteries and Caramanico near Chieti, where he
churches. founded the abbey of St Nicholas.


RM. Apr 23 Priest H. AC. June 2
956-997. In Czech Voitech. Born in d. <\686. An Irish monk, disciple of St
Bohemia and educated by St Adalbert Fursey. He evangelized the country

around Arras and Laon. In the forest of ADAM (Bl) Mk. OSB.Cist.
Thierarche in Picardy he founded a PC. Dec 22
small monastery, around which after- d. f.1210. Priest and sacristan in the
wards grew up the village of Saint- Cistercian abbey of Loccum in Saxony.
Algis. Remarkable, like most Cistercian saints,
for his devotion to our Lady.
ADALGIS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 7
f.850.Bishop of Novara ^.830-^.850. ADAM and EVE (SS) AC. Dec 24
An important churchman under the First parents of the human race. Adam
emperor Lothair. Venerated at Novara, died aged nine hundred and thirty
where he is buried in the church of San years. Their feast is given different
Gaudenzio. dates in the martyrologies : Jan 18-23,
March 24, April 24, Dec 19, Dec 24.
ADALGOTT (St) Bp. OSB.Cist. The last date is the most common.
AC. Oct 3
d. 1 165. Professed as a monk under St ADAMNAN (St) Mk. OSB.
Bernard at Clairvaux. In 11 50 he be- AC. Jan 31
came abbot of the Black Benedictines at d. <r.68o. An Irish pilgrim who became a
Dissentis and bishop of Chur, where he monk Coldingham, near Berwick,
founded a hospital for the poor and under the abbess St Ebba. Cult con-
proved himself an excellent pastor. firmed by Leo XIII in 1898.

ADALGOTT (Bl) Ab. OSB. ADAMNAN (St) Ab. AC. Sept 23

AC. Oct 26 £.630-704.Surnamed McRonan. Called
d. 1 03 1. Monk of Einsiedeln and from also Adam, Aunan, Eunan. An Irish
1 01 2 abbot of Dissentis, both of which saint who became abbot of Iona (679)
abbeys are in Switzerland. and zealously advocated the Roman ob-
servance of Easter, which however his
ADALSINDIS (St) Abs. AC. May 3 own abbey did not adopt. He is best re-
c .680. Sister of St Waldalenus, abbot- membered for his life of St Columba, a
founder of Beze. She became abbess of most important hagiographical docu-
a convent near Beze under the super- ment.
vision of her brother.
ADAUCTUS (St) M. RM. Aug 30
ADALSINDIS (St) N. OSB. See Felix and Adauctus.
PC. Dec 25
c.715. One of the daughters of SS Adal- ADAUCTUS and CALLISTHENE
bald and Rictrudis, who took the veil at (SS) M.
V. AC. Oct 4
Hamay-les-Marchiennes, in the diocese £.312 and p. These two saints were
of Arras, under her own sister St Ephesians, father and daughter. The
Eusebia. former suffered under Maximinus
Daza £.312. Callisthene escaped mar-
ADAM (St) Ab. OSB. AC. May 16 tyrdom and devoted herself to works of
d.^.1212. Born at Fermo. First hermit, charity till her death at Ephesus.
and then monk and abbot, of San
Sabino on Mt Vissiano, near Fermo. ADAUCUS (ADAUCTUS) (St) M.
His relics are enshrined in the cathedral RM. Feb 7
of Fermo, where his feast is kept. d. 304. An Italian who held the office of
finance minister at the imperial court of near Bonn, and of Our Lady of the
Diocletian in Phrygia. The emperor Capitol at Cologne. Both were Bene-
sacrificed him on discovering his re- dictine convents founded by her father.
ligion. A large number of Christians
were martyred with him, their town, ADELAIDE (ALEYDIS) (St) V. OSB.
Antandro, being burnt over their heads. Cist. AC. June 15
d. 1250. A young
nun of the Cistercian
ADDAI and MARI (SS) Bps. convent of La Cambre who was visited
AC. Aug 5 with many physical afflictions. She be-
2nd cent. They are styled "Our Holy came blind, contracted leprosy, and was
Apostles" alike by Syrians and Persians. struck with paralysis. She had to be
Addai was probably a missionary bishop segregated from her community. She
at Edessa in the second century. Of offered up her sufferings for the souls in
Mari nothing trustworthy is known. purgatory and had visions of their being
set free through her intercession. Her
ADEGRIN (ADALGRIN, ALDE- life was written by a contemporary.
GRIN) (St)Mk. OSB. PC. June 4 Cult confirmed in 1907.
d. 939. A knight who joined St Odo, the
future abbot of Cluny, at Baume, and ADELAIDE (St) W. Empress.
shortly after embraced the eremitical AC. Dec 16
life near the same abbey. c. Daughter of the king of
Burgundy, she was married (947) to
ADELA (St) W. PC. Feb 24 Lothair II of Italy, on whose death she
062-1 137. Youngest daughter of
c. 1 was treated with great brutality by
William the Conqueror. In 1080 she Berengarius of Ivrea. She was rescued
married Stephen of Blois, played a by the emperor Otto the Great, who
great part in political affairs, and married her. Again left a widow (973),
generously endowed abbeys and she was ill-treated by her son and
churches. daughter-in-law. In her old age she
became the regent of the Empire.
ADELA (St) W. OSB. PC. Sept 8 Throughout her life she received strong
d. 07 1. Wife of Count Baldwin IV of
1 support from the abbots of Cluny, with
Flanders, who, in her widowhood, re- whom she was on terms of close friend-
ceived the habit from Pope Alexander ship. Before her death she retired to a
II (1067) and retired to the Benedictine convent.
convent of Messines, near Ypres, where
she died. ADELBERT (several)
Otherwise Adalbert, q.v.
ADELA (St) W. Abs. OSB.
d. £.730. Daughter of Dagobert II, LESMES, ELESMES) (St) Ab. OSB.
king of the Franks. In her widowhood AC. Jan 30
she founded and became first abbess of d. f.uoo. Born Laudun, Poitou. He
Pfalzel (Palatiolum) near Treves. became a soldier. On
his return from a
pilgrimage to Rome he met at Issoire St
ADELAIDE (St) Abs. OSB. Robert, founder of Chaise-Dieu, and
AC. Feb 5 joined his community. He seems to
d. f.1015. Abbess of Bellich (Willich) have been abbot there for a time. In


1079 he was called to Burgos, Old Conqueror and sister of St Vitalis of
by Queen Constance of Bur-
Castile, Savigny. She became abbess of La
gundy, wife of Alphonsus VI of Castile. Blanche at Moriton (les Dames Blanches
Adelelmus received from the king a de Mortain) in Normandy, founded by
church and a hospital by the gates of her brother.
Burgos, where the great abbey of St
John (now the church of St Lesmes) ADELlNDIS (Bl) W. OSB.
was founded with the saint as first PC. Aug 28
abbot. d. £.930. In her widowhood she founded
and eventually became a nun and per- —
haps abbess of Buchau, on the Feder-
Ab. OSB. PC. Feb 25 see in Wurtemburg.
d. 1 131. A monk of St Blasien in the
Black Forest, he was sent to found the ADELOGA (HADELOGA) (St) V.
monastery of Engelberg in Switzerland, OSB. AC. Feb 2
of which he became prior and subse- d. f.745. A Frankish princess who was
quently abbot. the foundress and first abbess of the
great Benedictine nunnery of Kitzingen
(St) H. in Franconia.
d. 1 152. Born he became a
in Flanders,
disciple of St Bernard of Thiron, and ADELPHUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 29
afterwards founder of the monastery of 5th cent.The RM. has: "At Metz in
Eti val-en-Charnie France the memory of St Adelphus,
bishop and confessor." Nothing more
ADELGOTT is known about him. His cult at Metz

Otherwise Adalgott, q.v. from early times is indisputable.


PC. Dec 27 AC. Sept 11
d. 1273. Of the family of Thoningen. d. c.670. Grandson of St Romaricus,
She sanctified herself as a recluse under and his successor (653) as abbot of
the obedience of the Cistercian abbey of Remiremont. He died at Luxeuil.
Otherwise Hadelin, q.v. Otherwise Aldetrudis, q.v.


PC. Aug 28 Saints of this name are better known as
a Daughter of Bl Guy, brother of
170. Deusdedit or Dieudonne, q.v.
St Bernard of Clairvaux. She was edu-
cated at Juilly and became a nun, and ADERALD (St) C. AC. Oct 20
afterwards of the Cistercian
abbess, d. 1004. Archdeacon of Troyes. He led
convent of Poulangy, diocese of Lan- a pilgrimage to Palestine, and on his re-
gres. turn "with much booty in the shape of
holy relics" he built for their reception
ADELINA (St) V. OSB. AC. Oct 20 the Benedictine abbey of St Sepulchre
d. 1 125. Granddaughter of William the at Samblieres.

ADHERITUS (ABDERITUS, best remembered, however, as the
ADERY) (St) Bp. RM. Sept 27 compiler of the martyrology which bears
d. 2nd cent. A Greek by birth, successor hisname and of other minor writings
of St Apollinaris in the see of Ravenna. which unfortunately "were responsible
Since the early Middle Ages his body for the perpetuation of a number of
has been enshrined in the Benedictine baseless and misleading statements".
basilica of Classe near Ravenna. (Att.)


Otherwise Adela, or Otillia, q.v. AC. June 17
See Botulph and Adulph.
AC. Apr 30 ADOLPHUS (St) Bp. OSB.Cist.
d. 1 131. A Norman knight, lord of AC. Feb 11
Vernon-sur-Seine, who fought in the 185-1224. Born in Westphalia, of the
c. 1

Crusades and on his return became a family of the counts of Tecklenburg, he

monk at Tiron. He afterwards led the became a canon of Cologne, but re-
life of a recluse at Vernon-sur-Seine, signed to become a Cistercian at Camp
where he died. on the Rhine. In 1216 he was nomi-
nated bishop of Osnabriick, where he
ADJUTOR (St) C. RM. Sept 1 became known as "the almoner of the
See Priscus, Castrensis, etc. poor". He died on June 30.


See Victurus, Victor, etc. M. AC. June 3
From a tribe of herdsmen. See Uganda
(Martyrs of).
RM. Jan 16
See Berardus, Peter, etc. ADOLPHUS and JOHN (SS) MM.
RM. Sept 27
d. f.850. Two brothers, born at Seville
ADJUTUS (St) Ab. RM. Dec 19
of a Moorish father and a Christian
Otherwise Avitus (or Avy), q.v.
mother, who were martyred at Cordova
under Abderrahman II.
ADO (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Dec 16
799-875. Born in Burgundy and edu-
cated under Lupus Servatus at Fer-
ADRIA (St) M. RM. Dec 2
See Eusebius, Marcellus, etc.
rieres, he was professed as a Bene-
dictine at Ferrieres, but the abbot of
Prum, near Treves, succeeded in en- ADRIAN
listing his services as headmaster of the Note This name is in certain cases
. also

monastic school at Prum. After some spelt with an initial H.

years the jealousy of certain monks

drove him from Prum, and he travelled ADRIAN (St)Ab. OSB. AC. Jan 9
to Rome. On France he
his return to d. 710. An African by birth, he became
stayed for a while at Lyons and in 859 abbot of Nerida, not far from Naples.
was made bishop of Vienne. He proved Pope Vitalian chose him to be arch-
an altogether admirable prelate. He is bishop of Canterbury, but he declined


the office and recommended instead St ADRIAN FORTESCUE (Bl) M.

Theodore of Tarsus, with whom he AC. July 9
came to England as assistant and ad- 1 476-1 539. Born at Punsbourne in
viser. He became abbot of SS Peter and Hertfordshire, he was first cousin to
Paul, afterwards St Augustine's, Can- Anne Boleyn. In 1499 he married Anne
terbury, where he supervised a flourish- Stonor. He was* a knight of St John
ing school. He was eminent for his and most faithful in the discharge of his
learning as well as his sanctity. His duties. He refused the oath of supre-
cultus revived in 1091, when his body macy, and was for this reason beheaded
was discovered. on Tower Hill by order of Henry VIII.
Beatified by Leo XIII in 1895.
ADRIAN (St) M. RM. March 1

See Hermes and Adrian. ADRIAN (St) M.

RM. March 4. Aug 26. Sept 8
ADRIAN and Comp. (SS) MM. d. Adrian, a pagan officer at
AC. March 4 the imperial court at Nicomedia, be-
d. ^.875.Adrian was a missionary bishop friended the Christian prisoners and
on the isle of May in the Firth of Forth, was himself cast into prison, where he
who was martyred by the Danes to- and his fellow prisoners were tended by
gether with some fellow missionaries his wife St Natalia, q.v. All the pri-
who were monks. The connexion
saint's soners were martyred on March 4.
with Hungary seems to be a myth. Natalia survived to transfer her hus-
band's relics to Argyropolis. In later
ADRIAN and EUBULUS (SS) MM. times the relics were translated to
RM. March 7 5 and Rome. St Adrian is the patron of
d. 308. Both were martyred at Caesarea soldiers and butchers.
in Palestine when they came to visit the

Christians there Adrian on March 5 ADRIAN (Bl) M. OP. AC. Dec 21
and Eubulus two days later. 13th cent. Adrian, a Friar Preacher,
and twenty-seven companions were put
ADRIAN (St) M. AC. March 19 to death by the Mohammedans in
d. <\668. A disciple of St Landoald. He Dalmatia.
was murdered by robbers while begging
alms for his community near Mae- ADRIO, VICTOR and BASILLA
stricht, and afterwards locally venerated (SS) MM. RM. May 17
as a martyr. ? Martyrs of Alexandria, whether at the
hands of pagans or Arians is not known.
ADRIAN HI (St) Pope RM. July 8
d. 885. He became pope in 884, and ADULPHUS
almost at once set out to take part in the Otherwise Adolphus or Adolph, q.v.
diet of Worms, intending to ask for help
against the Saracens. He died on his ADVENTOR (St) M. RM. Nov 20
way, near Modena, and was buried at See Octavius, Solutor and Adventor.
Nonantola. Cult confirmed in 1892.
ADRIAN BEANUS (St) M. Note. Names of saints beginning with
O.Praem. RM. July 9 this diphthong are frequently spelt with
See Gorkum (Martyrs of). A or E only as the initial letter. Thus for

Aelphege we have also Alphege AELPHLEAH, AELPHEGE (St) Bp.
(Alphage) and Elphege. Otherwise Elphege, q.v.


Among many variants of the name the AC. Jan 12
following are the commonest: Aidan, 1109-1167. Born in the north of Eng-
Aedhan, Edan. The Celtic variants are: land, Aelred became master of the
Maidhoc, Maodhog, Mogue, and, in household of King David of Scotland.
Brittany, De. See Aidan. In 1 133 he joined the Cistercian com-
munity of Rievaulx in Yorkshire. Soon
AEDESIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 8 he was made abbot, first of Revesby,
d. £.306. His laus in the RM. is as then of Rievaulx itself. Austere with
follows: "At Alexandria, the memory of himself, he was, we are told, remarkably
St Aedesius, martyr, a brother of gentle with his monks, of whom he
blessed Apphian, who, under Maxi- dismissed not one in seventeen years.
mian Galerius the emperor, openly His ascetical treatises, especially that
withstood an impious judge because he On Spiritual Friendship, are full of
handed over to pimps virgins consecra- charm.
ted to God. He was laid hold of by the
soldiery, afflicted with most cruel AEMILIAN—AEMILIANA—
punishments, and drowned in the sea AEMILIO—AEMILIUS
for the Lord Christ." Otherwise Emilian —Emiliana—Emilio
—Emilius, q.v.
6th cent. The name is Aod
also spelt (St) Bp. AC. March n
and Aedsind, and it is latinized as d. f.830. Known as "the Culdee". He
Aidus. He was a disciple of St Illadan is said to have been first a monk of
at Rathlihen in Offaly, and is said to Clonenagh and then of Tallacht Hill. He
have founded churches at Rathugh and is best remembered as the composer of

other places in his native Meath, where a celebrated metrical hymn to the saints,
he held the office of bishop. called Felire (Festilogium, metrical
martyrology). Though he was famous
AEDH, AEDHAN in his day, no early account of him is
Note. Holweck lists eighteen more extant and he is not commemorated
Irish saints of the name of Aedh, and liturgically in any Irish diocese. From
twenty under Aedhan, but the historical Tallacht Hill he returned to Clonenagh,
data are hopelessly confused. where he became abbot and bishop.


One of the most popular saint's names AC. June 12
in the Middle Ages. In Italian: Egidio; Otherwise Eskill, q.v.
in French: Gilles; in Spanish and
Portuguese : Gil ; in English : Giles, q.v. AETHELGIFU
Otherwise Ethelgiva or Elgiva, q.v.
AC. May 18 AETHELHARD (St) Bp. AC. May 12
Otherwise Elgiva, q.v. Otherwise Ethelhard, q.v.

AETHERIUS (several) RM. Apr 5
Otherwise Etherius, q.v. d. 459. A
large group martyred on
Easter Sunday while assisting at Mass,
AETIUS (St) M. RM. March 10 under Genseric, the Arian king of the
See Forty Armenian Martyrs. Vandals. The lector, who was at the
moment intoning the Alleluja, had his
AFAN (St) Bp. AC. Nov 16 throat pierced by an arrow.
6th cent. A Welsh saint of the Cunedda RM. Apr 9
family, by some supposed to have been ? A
group of Christians martyred at
a bishop. He has given its title to the Masyla (Martyres Massylitani). St
church of Llanafan (Brecknock). Augustine and Prudentius sang their
AFFROSA (St) VM. RM. Jan 4 RM. Oct 16
Otherwise Dafrosa (or Daphrosa), q.v. ? Two
hundred and twenty Christians
were put to death on this day, where,
AFRA (St) VM. RM. May 24 when and how is not known.
? A martyr of Brescia, connected by
legend with SS Faustinus and Jovita.
RM. Oct 30
The rest of the legend is untrustworthy.
? A group of Christians, numbering be-
tween one (and) two hundred, mas-
sacred in one of the early persecutions.
AFRA (St) M. RM. Aug 5
d. f.304. A
martyr who suffered at
No other details are available.

Augsburg, probably under Diocletian. RM. Dec 16

She was venerated there from early d. 482. A great number of women
times, and the great Benedictine abbey butchered under Hunneric, Arian king
of that city was dedicated to her. The of the Vandals.
story of her being a converted harlot
from Cyprus is worthless. AFRICANUS (St) M. RM. Apr 10
See Terence, Africanus, etc.
AFRICA (Martyrs of) (SS)
By Africa here is meant only North AFRICUS (St) C. AC. Nov 16
Western Africa, or Africa Latina. 7th cent. A saint of Comminges in S.
North Eastern Africa goes under the France, celebrated for his zeal for ortho-
heading Egypt or Ethiopia. The follow- doxy. His shrine was destroyed by the
ing anonymous groups of martyrs are Calvinists, but his cultus still endures.
mentioned in the Roman Martyrology: Tradition makes him bishop of that
city, but his name is not mentioned in
RM. Jan 6 the French Episcopologia.
d. c.210. A number of Christians of
either sex burnt at the stake under AGABIUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 4
Septimius Severus. c .250. An early bishop of Verona. His
RM. Feb 11 existence is uncertain.
d. r.303. Martyrs known as the "Guard-
ians of the Holy Scriptures". They AGABUS (St) C. RM. Feb 13
chose to die rather than to deliver the 1st cent. A prophet twice mentioned in
sacred books to be burnt. They suffered the Acts of the Apostles. (XI 28; XXI
under Diocletian. St Augustine men- 10-12.) A Carmelite legend has led to
tions especially those of Numidia. his being usually represented in art
robed in the Carmelite habit and hold- AGAPITUS (St) M. RM. Aug 18
ing the model of a church. d. r.274. A boy of fifteen who bravely
confessed Christ and was martyred at
AGAMUND (St) M. OSB. Palestrina, near Rome. He is the
AC. Apr 9 patron saint of Palestrina, where as
See Theodore and Comp. early as the 5th century a church was
dedicated to him by Pope Felix III
AGANUS (St) Ab. OSB. PC. Feb 16 (483-492).
r.i 050-1100. An
abbot of St Gabriel's
at Airola in Campania, diocese of St AGAPITUS (St) M. RM. Sept 20
Agatha dei Goti. See Eustace, Theopistus, etc.

AGAPE (St) M. RM. Jan 25 AGAPITUS I (St) Pope.

See Donatus, Sabinus, and Agape. RM. Sept 20 (and Apr 22)
Note. The genitive case Agapis in the d. 536. A Roman by birth and arch-
RM. may designate a saint of either sex. deacon of the Roman Church, he was
electedpope in May 535 and died at
AGAPE (St) VM. RM. Feb 15 Constantinople on April 22, 536. As
c .273. A maiden martyred at Terni, who pope he snowed great strength of
belonged to a group of virgins formed character in deposing the Monophysite
by St Valentine into a community. patriarch of Constantinople. His body
From the 6th to the 12th century there was taken back to Rome on Sept 20,
was a church at Terni dedicated to her. on which date he is commemorated a
second time in the RM. In common
AGAPE, CHIONIA and IRENE (SS) with many other Italian saints of the
VV. MM. RM. Apr 3 same period he owes his cult to the
d. 304. Three sisters who were burnt devotion of St Gregory the Great.
alive with several companions under
Diocletian at Salonika. All suffered on AGAPITUS (St) M. RM. Nov 20
April 3 except Irene, who was exposed See Bassus, Dionysius, etc.
in a brothel and put to death two days
later. AGAPIUS (St) M. RM. March 24
See Timolaus, Dionysius, etc.
AGAPE (St) VM. RM. Aug 1

Otherwise Charity. See Faith, Hope, AGAPIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 28

and Charity. See Aphrodisius, Caralippus, etc.

AGAPE (St) VM. RM. Dec 28 AGAPIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
See Indes, Domna, etc. RM. Apr
r.259. The Spanish Agapius and
AGAPITUS (St) Bp. RM. March 16 Secundinus, bishops or priests, were
4th cent. Bishop of Ravenna. banished to Cirta, Numidia, in the
persecution under Valerian. There they
AGAPITUS (St) Bp. RM. March 24 suffered martyrdom together with
3rd cent. Bishop of Synnada in Phrygia. Tertulla and Antonia, virgins, and a
woman with her twin children.
AGAPITUS (St) M. RM. Aug 6 The martyr Emilian mentioned by the
See Sixtus II and Comp. RM. is not mentioned in the Acta.


AGAPIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 19 her breasts on a platter: later these
See Timothy, Thecla and Agapius. were mistaken for loaves, whence arose
St Agapius is also commemorated the custom of blessing bread on a dish
separately on Nov 20, q.v. on St Agatha's day. The miracles by
which she has preserved Catania from
AGAPIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 21 successive eruptions of Mt Etna are
See Bassa, Theogonius, etc. well accredited. She is the patroness of
wet-nurses, bell-founders and jewellers.
RM. Sept 10 AGATHA (St) W. PC. Feb 5
d. 447. Bishop of Novara in Piedmont d. 1024. Wife of Paul, count of Carin-
from 417-447. Successor to St Gauden- thia. A model of devotion to her do-
tius,"whose footsteps he followed". mestic duties and of patience under the
brutal ill-treatment of her jealous hus-
AGAPIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 2 band, whom she converted. She is

See Carterius, Styriacus, etc. highly venerated in Carinthia.

AGAPIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 20 AGATHA LIN (Bl) VM. AC. Feb 18
d. £.306. Martyred at Caesarea in 1817-1858. A Chinese school-teacher,
Palestine under Diocletian. He was born at Ma-Tchang and beheaded for
thrice imprisoned for the Faith. Again the Faith at Mao-ken on Jan. 28. She
arrested, he was chained to a murderer was beatified on May 2, 1909.
and taken to the amphitheatre to be
thrown to the wild beasts. His compa- AGATHA (St) V. OSB. AC. Dec 12
nion was pardoned, and liberty was also d. £.790. Nun
of Wimborne, disciple of
offered to Agapius if he would renounce St Lioba, with whom she crossed over
Christ. He refused, and a bear was let to Germany to help St Boniface in his
loose upon him which almost mauled missionary labours.
him to death. He was taken back to
prison and on the following day AGATHANGELUS (St) M.
weighted with heavy stones and cast RM. Jan 23
into the sea. He is also commemorated d. Agathangelus was converted
on Aug 19. and baptized by St Clement, bishop of
Ancyra, while the latter was a prisoner
AGATHA (St) VM. RM. Feb 5 in Rome. He followed the bishop to the
d. f.250. Born either at Catania or East,and both were martyred at Ancyra.
Palermo in Sicily, she suffered martyr- Their Acta are most romantic, but un-
dom at Catania.According to the fortunately spurious.
legenda, she was handed over to a pros-
titute and her breasts were cut off. St AGATHANGELUS and CASSIAN
Peter cured her of this mutilation while (BB) MM. OFM. Cap. AC. AUG 7
she was in prison, where she subse- d. 1638. Agathangelus of Vendome his —
quently died. Her cult spread through- baptismal name was Francis Noury
out the Church. Her name is in the became a Capuchin friar at Vendome
litany of the saints, in the canon of the and eventually was sent to Egypt (1633)
Mass, and in all the martyrologies, to work for the reconciliation of the
Greek and Latin. In art she is represen- dissident Coptic Christians. There he
ted holding a pair of pincers or bearing joined his fellow-Capuchin, Fr Cassian
of Nantes. Their mission failed and they ments to make her deny Christ. She
passed on into Abyssinia. They were at was at last taken before the judge and
once reported to King Fasilidas by a treated with even greater cruelty, and
German Protestant and stoned to death as she persisted in the confession of the
on entering the country. They were Faith, her tongue was cut out and she
beatified in 1905. was cast into the fire." It is probable
that she was a Greek, but at a later
AGATHIUS (St) M. RM. May 8 period she was said to have been a
Otherwise Acacius, q.v. Spaniard, perhaps because she was the
patron saint of Mequinenza in Aragon.
AGATHO (St) Pope. RM. Jan 10
d. Pope from June 27, 678, to
681. AGATHODORUS (St) Bp. M.
Jan 10, 681. He was a Sicilian of RM. March 4
Palermo and probably a monk, whether See Basil, Eugene, etc.
Benedictine or Basilian is not certain.
As pope he convened the 6th oecumeni-
cal council held at Constantinople in
RM. Apr 13
680 against the Monothelites. He See Carpus, Papylus, etc.
restored St Wilfrid to the see of York.

AGATHO (St) M. RM. Feb 14

See Cyrion, Bassian, etc.
RM. Apr 13
See Carpus, Papylus, etc.


d. ? 306. Sicilian martyrs about whom RM Aug 10
nothing further is known. There is See Bassa, Paula and Agathonica.
doubt even as to the sex of the latter
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Aug 22
AGATHO (St)Ab. AC. Oct 21 ? 3rd cent. Agathonicus, a patrician,
4th cent. Hermit and abbot in Egypt. was put to death in the neighbourhood
Often quoted in the Lives of the Fathers of Constantinople under Maximian
of the Desert. Herculius. Zoticus, a philosopher of
Bithynia, and several of his disciples
AGATHO (St) M. RM. Dec 7 were martyred about the same time. A
d. 250. This Agatho has been identified magnificent basilica was built in their
with St Besas, whom the RM. men- honour at Byzantium.
tions on Feb 27 together with SS
Julian and Eunus, q.v. AGATHOPODES (AGATHOPUS)
(St) VM. RM. Sept 17 d. Agathopodes, a deacon, and
? The laus of the RM. is as follows: Theodulus, a young reader, of the
"On the same day the birthday of St church of Thessalonica were martyred
Agathoclia, the handmaid of a certain by drowning under Maximian Her-
infidel woman, who for a long time culius for refusing to give up the sacred
afflicted her with stripes and other tor- books.

AGATHOPODES (AGATHOPUS) d. f.714. Wife of St Hidulphus of
(St) C. RM. Apr 25 Hainault. Both desiring to become reli-
See Philo and Agathopodes. gious, she entered the nunnery of Mons
(Castrilocus), while he joined the monks
AGATHOPUS (St) M. RM. Dec 23 of Lobbes. She is especially venerated
See Theodulus, Saturninus, etc. by the Beguines" of Belgium.


(St) M. OSB. PC. May 21 6th cent. Mother of St Lupus of

d. 888. Ageranus was a monk of Beze in Sens.
the Cote d'Or. When the Normans in-
vaded Burgundy (886-889) most of tne AGILBERT (AGLIBERT) (St) Bp.
monks escaped, but Ageranus remained OSB. PC. Oct 11

with four other monks Genesius, Ber- d. £.685. A Frankish monk of Jouarre
ard, Sifiard and Rodron the boy — under the abbot Ado. He studied scrip-
Adalaric and the priest Ansuinus. All ture in France and then crossed over to
were massacred by the invaders. England and preached in Wessex. He
was invited to remain as bishop of the
AGERICUS (AGUY, AIRY) (St) Ab. West Saxons, and as such he came in
OSB. PC. Apr 11 contact with St Wilfrid. The two saints
d. £.680. A disciple of St Eligius (Eloi) were leaders of the "Roman party" in
who became abbot of St Martin's at the synod of Whitby. When King
Tours. Coinwalch grew impatient of the pre-
sence in his realm of a foreign bishop,
AGERICUS (AGUY, AIRY) (St) Bp. Agilbert returned to France and was
RM. Dec 1 made bishop of Paris in 668. He was
c. 52 1-59 1. Successor of St Desiderius buried at Jouarre.
in the see of Verdun (554). He was
greatly admired by his contemporaries AGILBERTA (AGUILBERTA, GIL-
SS Gregory of Tours and Venantius BERTA) Abs. OSB. AC. Aug 10
Fortunatus. He was buried in his own d. C.6S0.Second abbess of Jouarre,
home, which was turned into a church. elected about the year 660. She was a
Around it was built in 1037 the Bene- relative of St Ebrigisil, of St Ado,
dictine abbey of Saint-Airy. founder of Jouarre, and of St Agilbert,
bishop of Paris.
AGGAEUS (St) M. RM. Jan 4
See Hermes, Aggaeus and Caius. AGILEUS (St) M. RM. Oct 15
d. r.300. An African Christian who
AGGAEUS (AGGEUS, HAGGAI) suffered martyrdom at Carthage. His
(St) Prophet RM. July 4 relics were afterwards translated to
d. r.516 B.C. The tenth of the Minor Rome. He was held in great veneration
Prophets. He belongs to the period after in the Latin Church, especially in Africa.
the exile, and the purpose of his divine We have a sermon of St Augustine's in
message was to forward the rebuilding the martyr's honour.
of the Temple of Jerusalem.
AGILO (Bl) Ab. OSB. PC. Aug 27
AGIA (AIA, AUSTREGILDIS, AYE) d. 957. Monk of St Aper at Toul. He
(St) N. OSB. AC. Apr 18 was invited by St Gerard of Brogne to
restore monastic discipline at Sithin besieged city from its foes by the banner
(Saint-Bertin). of the cross".

AGILULPH (St) M. Abp. OSB. AGNES (St) VM. RM. Jan 21

AC. July 9 d. £.304. A Roman maiden, aged twelve
d. p.720. Monk and abbot of Stavelot- or thirteen years, who was martyred
Malmedy and archbishop of Cologne. under Diocletian and buried beside the
His martyrdom was the result of the Via Nomentana, where a basilica in her
zealous discharge of his ministry, and, honour has stood since the time of
it seems, of the connivance of Charles Constantine the Great. St Ambrose, St
Martel. Damasus and Prudentius sang her
praises. Her name occurs in the canon

AGILUS (St) Ab. AC. Aug 30 of the Mass, and as a special patroness
A young Frankish nobleman of chastity she is one of the most popu-
who became monk under St Colum-
lar of saints. Unfortunately the details

banus at Luxeuil. He remained at of her Acta are not trustworthy. In art

Luxeuil under the founder's successor, she is usually represented with a lamb.

St Eustace, but went with him in 612

to evangelize Bavaria. On his return to

France he became abbot of Rebais, near V. OSA. Disc. AC. Jan 22

Paris. He is known also as Aile, Ail,
Otherwise Ines de Benigamin, q.v.
Aisle, Ayeul, Ely.
AGNES DE (Bl) M. AC. Feb 18
d. July 12, 1 84 1. Born of Christian
AGLIBERT (St) M. RM. June 24
parents at Bai-den in W. Tonkin, she
See Agoard, Aglibert, and others.
died in prison for the Faith at Nam-
dinh. Beatified in 1909.
AC. March
13 AGNES of BOHEMIA (Bl) V. Poor
1 194-1236. Born at Pisa, Agnellus was Clare AC. March 2
received by St Francis himself among 1 200-1 282. Born at Prague, daughter of
the Friars Minor and sent by him to the king of Bohemia, she was educated
open a house at Paris. He was later by the Cistercian nuns of Trebnitz and
appointed by Francis the first Provincial twice betrothed. She refused to marry,
of the Order in England. Agnellus and, with the help of Pope Gregory IX,
arrived at Dover in 1224 and founded became a Poor Clare in a foundation of
houses at Canterbury and Oxford. He her own at Prague, to which St Clare sent
worked also for some time in London. five nuns from Assisi. Agnes remained
At Oxford he established a school which here till her death, forty-six years later.
became famous, and at Oxford he died.
Cult confirmed in 1892. AGNES of MONTEPULCIANO (St)
V. OP. RM. Apr 20
AGNELLUS (St) Ab. OSB. 1 268-1 3 7.
Born near Montepulciano
RM. Dec 14 in Tuscany, she entered the convent del
d. f.596.Hermit and afterwards abbot Sac co at the age of nine. At fourteen she
of San Gaudioso near Naples. He is one was given charge of the temporalities,
of the patron saints of the city and, the and at fifteen she was made first abbess
RM. adds, "was often seen to free the of the convent at Procena. After some


seventeen years she was asked to return AGNES of ASSISI (St) V. Abs. Poor
to Montepulciano to take charge of a Clare AC. Nov 16
new house of Dominican nuns. Here 1 198-1253. Younger sister of St Clare,
she spent the remainder of her life. whom she followed, aged sixteen, to the
Canonized by Benedict XIII in 1726. Benedictine convent of Panso, near
Assisi,and then to San Damiano. She
AGNES of POITIERS (St) Abs. became the first abbess of Monticelli at
AC. May 13 Florence, opened houses at Padua,
d. 588. Chosen by St Radegund to be Venice and Mantua, and returned to
abbess of the nunnery of Holy Cross at San Damiano, where she died three
Poitiers, Agnes adopted the Rule of St months after her sister. Cult confirmed
Caesarius, handed to her by the holy by Benedict XIV.
bishop himself. She is best known as
the friend of the poet St Venantius AGNES TSAO-KOUY (Bl) WM.
Fortunatus. AC. Nov 24
1 826-1 856. A young Chinese widow
AGNES of VENOSA (Bl) V. OSB. who served the missionaries as catechist.
Mont. PC. Sept 1 She was killed by "cage torture" at
d. £.1144. Said to have been one of the Sy-Lin-Hien. Beatified in 1900.
dancing girls sent to tempt St William
of Vercelli. She repented and joined the AGOARD, AGLIBERT and others
Monteverginian nuns at Venosa, where (SS) MM. RM. June 24
she became abbess. 5th to 7th cent. The RM. has the legend
"In the neighbourhood of Paris, in the
AGNES of BAGNO (Bl) V. OSB. village of Creteil, the passion of the
Cam. AC. Sept 4 holy martyrs Agoard and Aglibert, and
d. £.1105. A Camaldolese nun at Santa numberless others of both sexes." The
Lucia, near Bagno di Romagna Tus-
in Bollandists fix the date of their
cany. Her cult was confirmed in 1823. martyrdom between the 1st and the
Her relics are enshrined in the village 3rd centuries, but in all probability it
church of Pereto. took place between the 5th and the
AC. Sept 10 AGOBARD (St) Bp. AC. June 6
d. 1626. Wife of Bl Cosmas Taquea. A £.769-840. A native of Spain, he escaped
native Japanese woman beheaded at in his youth from the invading Saracens
Nagasaki. She and her husband belong and joined the clergy of Lyons in France.
to the group of fifty-one Christians who He became archbishop of that city in
were martyred on the same day with Bl 813. He played a prominent part in both
Charles Spinola, SJ., q.v. Beatified in the ecclesiastical and the political affairs
1867. of his time. But his greatest work was
done as a theologian, chiefly in the field
AGNES of BAVARIA (Bl) V. of liturgy, and he has left many impor-
PC. Nov 11 tant writings.
d. 1532. Daughter of Louis IV, duke of
Bavaria, she was educated by the Poor AGOFREDUS (St) Mk. OSB.
Clares of St James at Munich, where AC. June 21
she died aged seven. d. 738. Brother of St Leutfrid (Leffroi)

and monk of Holy Cross (La-Croix- AGRICOLA (St) M. RM. Nov 4
Saint-LeuiTroi), a Benedictine abbey in See Vitalis and Agricola.
the diocese of Evreux, Normandy.
AGRICOLA (St) M. RM. Dec 3
AGRECIUS (AGRITIUS) (St) Bp. ?A martyr in Pannonia, details of whose
RM. Jan 13 have not come down to us, but whose

d. r.333. Bishop of Treves and prede- name appears in all the ancient registers.
cessor in that see of St Maximums. He
took part in the council of Aries (314). AGRICOLA (St) M. RM. Dec 16
According to his life composed in the See Valentine, Concordius, etc.

1 ith century, he was aided by St Helen,

wife of Constantine, who procured for AGRIPPINA (St) VM. RM. June 23
him the garment of our Lord, known as d. f.262. A Romanmaiden who was
the Holy Coat of Treves. martyred, it is surmised, under Valerian.
She is especially venerated by the Sici-
AGRICOLA (St) Bp. AC. Feb 5 lians and by the Greeks, both claiming
d. 420. He is listed as the eleventh bishop to have her relics, the former at Mineo,
of Tongres in a catalogue of the 10th the latter at Constantinople.
century transcribed from the ancient
diptychs. AGRIPPINUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 30
d. £.180. The ninth bishop of Alexan-
AGRICOLA (St) Bp. AC. Feb 26 dria after St Mark.
d. f.594. Said to have been bishop of
Nevers between 570 and 594. AGRIPPINUS (St) Bp. PC. June 17
d. 615. Bishop of Como
in N. Italy.
AGRICOLA (St) Bp. RM. March 17 There are well-founded doubts about
d. 580. In French Aregle or Agrele. his claim to the title of saint.
Bishop of Chalon-sur-Saone. His con-
temporary St Gregory of Tours en- AGRIPPINUS (St) Bp. AC. July 9
larges upon the austerity of his life. d. 538.Bishop of Autun, who ordained
St Germanus of Paris to the deaconate
AGRICOLA (or AGRICOLUS) (St) and the priesthood.
Bp. AC. Sept 2
f.630-700. Son of St Magnus, bishop AGRIPPINUS (ARPINUS) (St) Bp.
of Avignon. At the age of sixteen he was RM. Nov 9
professed a monk at Lerins, where he 2nd or 3rd cent. Bishop of Naples, where
remained sixteen years. His father called he has been greatly venerated from time
him to Avignon and made him his co- immemorial. His relics are enshrined
adjutor, and in 660 he became bishop of under the high altar of the cathedral of
the city. He built a church in Avignon Naples with the bodies of SS Eutychius
to be served by the monks of Lerins and and Acutius, companions of St Januarius.
also a convent for Benedictine nuns. By
his blessing he put an end to an invasion AGRITIUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 13
of storks. All the above particulars are Otherwise Agrecius, q.v.
based on documents dating only from
the 15 th century, and only since 1647 AGUY
has Agricola been the patron saint of An abbreviated popular form of the
Avignon. names Agericus and Agritius, q.v.

AIA (St) W. AC. Sept i in Wales and he returned later in life
Otherwise Agia, q.v. to live some time with him. His life

contains much legendary matter.

AC. Apr 7 AIDAN (AEDAN) (St) Bp.
£.1060-1140. Born at Espain, near RM. Aug 31
Tournai, he became a monk at the abbey d. 651. An Irish monk of Iona who, at
of St Crespin, where for twenty-three the request of St Oswald king of North-
years he was provost and cellarer; then umbria, was sent to evangelize N.
he retired to live as a recluse. His de- England. He fixed his see at Lindisfarne
votion to the Holy Sacrifice took the (Holy Island) where he ruled as abbot
form of saying two masses daily, one and bishop, his diocese reaching from
for the living and one for the dead. the Forth to the Humber. His aposto-
late, furthered by numberless miracles,

AICHARDUS (AICARD, ACHARD) was most fruitful, as is witnessed by the

(St) Ab. OSB. RM. Sept 15 writings of St Bede. He died at Bam-

d. r.687. Born at Poitiers, the son of an borough. In art he is represented some-
He times with a stag near him, suggested
officer at the court of Clotaire II.
was educated at the abbey of St Hilaire by a legend that by his prayer he once
at Poitiers and early in life was professed
rendered invisible a deer pursued by
as a monk of Ansion in Poitou. Here he
spent thirty-nine years; afterwards he
became abbot of St Benedict's at AIDAN (St) Bp. AC. Oct 20
Quincay, near Poitiers. Finally he suc- d. 768. An Irish bishop in Mayo.
ceeded St Philibert at Jumieges, where
he ruled close on a thousand monks. AIGNAN (AGNAN) (St) Bp.
RM. Nov 17
Otherwise Anianus, q.v.
d. £.1170.Entered Clairvaux (f.1124)
AOUT, HOU) (St) Bp. AC. May 22
and made his profession in the hands of
d. ^.835. After an excellent education
St Bernard, who sent him to several
he chose to live as a recluse. However,
foundations. Having returned to Clair-
about the year 812 he was against his
vaux he was made novice-master by St
will placed in the see of Bourges,
Bernard himself.
which he governed till his death.


? An
abbot of Achard-Finglas in Co. Ab. M. OSB. RM. Sept 3
Carlow, possibly one and the same with £.630-676. Born at Blois, at the age of
St Aed or Maedhogh of Clonmore. twenty he entered Fleury, then in its
first fervour of Benedictine observance.

AIDAN (or MAEDOC) (St) Bp. He was sent first to Montecassino to

AC. Jan 31 rescue the relics of St Benedict, and
d. 626. The first bishop of Ferns in Co. then (^.670) as abbot to Lerins to intro-
Wexford, Eire, where he founded and duce the Benedictine Rule. Some mal-
ruled a monastery as well. In his youth —
contents laymen, it appears opposed —
he had become a monk under St David him and caused him to be taken, with



four of his monks, to an island near Piedmont and a member of the family of
Corsica where they were done to death. the counts of Lagnasco. He became a
Dominican, and was appointed chaplain
AILBE (ALBEUS, AILBHE) (St) Bp. to Bl Duke Amadeus of Savoy and in-
AC. Sept 12 quisitor general for Lombardy and
We transcribeDonald Attwater's ex- Liguria. He died a centenarian. Cult
cellent summary: "A commemoration confirmed in 1856.
of the feast of St Ailbe (Albeus) is made
throughout Ireland, but his recorded AIRALDUS (AYRALDUS) Bp.
life is a confusion of valueless legends O. Cart. 2 AC. Jan
and contradictory traditions. He is d. 156? Carthusian prior of Portes, in
venerated as the first bishop at Emly, the diocese of Belley, and, from 1 132 to
in the early 6th century, and is reputed 1 156, bishop of St John of Maurienne

as author of a monastic rule." in Savoy.

AILRED (St) Ab. OSB. Cist. AIRY (St) Bp. RM. Dec 1

AC. Jan 12 Otherwise Agericus, q.v.

Otherwise Aelred, q.v.
AISLE (AILEU) (St) Ab. AC. Aug 30
(Bl) AC. Oct 5 Otherwise Agilus, q.v.
Otherwise Aymard, q.v.
AITHALAS (St) M. RM. Apr 22
AIME (AME) (St) Ab. OSB. d- 377- One of the band of Persian
RM. Sept 13 martyrs whose leader was St Acepsimas,
Otherwise Amatus, q.v. q.v.


PC. Feb 13 AC. Oct 1

d. c .790. Founder of the nunnery of St d. c.400. Two brothers, petty chieftains

Victor at Meda in the archdiocese of in Abyssinia, very zealous in spreading
Milan. the gospel in their own country. They
were great friends of St Athanasius.
OSB. AC. Apr 30 AJOU (AJON) (St) Ab. M. OSB.
d. 1 173. Born Rennes,
in the diocese of RM. Sept 3
Aimo joined the community of Savigny Otherwise Aigulphus, q.v.
in Normandy. Falsely suspected of
leprosy, in order not to be sent away, he AJUTRE (St) H. OSB. AC. Apr 30
offered to serve two religious who were Otherwise Adjutor, q.v.
actually lepers. Afterwards he was ad-
mitted to profession, and ordained ALACOQUE, MARGARET MARY
priest and appointed to various offices. (St) V. RM. Oct 17
He had many severe trials and was See Margaret Mary Alacoque.
favoured with mystical experiences.
AC. Aug 18 d. 1 21 6. Cistercian prior of Casamari,
1 395~ l 495- A native of Savigliano in diocese of Veroli, he was sent as papal
legate to Germany under Popes Inno- ALBAN BARTHOLOMEW ROE
cent III and Honorius III. (Bl) M. OSB. AC. Jan 21
d. 1642. A Suffolk man of Protestant
ALADIUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct i parentage, who was educated at Cam-
Otherwise Albaud, q.v. bridge and became a Catholic at Douai
and a Benedictine" under the name of
ALANUS (St) Ab. OSB. Cist. Alban at Dieuleward (now Ampleforth)
PC. June 28 in 1 61 2. He laboured in the English
Otherwise Almus, q.v. mission from 161 5 to 1642 and was
martyred for his priesthood at Tyburn.
ALANUS (Bl) H. OSB. AC. July 18
d. 131 1. An Austrian monk who in the ALBAN (St) M. RM. June 21
jubilee year of 1300 journeyed to Rome d. £.400. A Greek Naxos who,
priest of
and afterwards joined the Italian com- sent into exile by the Arians, preached
munity of Sassovivo. In 131 1 he be- the gospel in parts of Germany about
came a recluse. Mainz. Here he was again attacked by
the Arians and put to death. The Bene-
ALANUS de RUPE (ALAIN de la dictine abbey at Mainz, dedicated in his
ROCHE) (Bl) C. OP. PC. Sept 8 honour, has preserved his memory.
c. 428- 47 5. A native of Brittany, he
1 1

became a Dominican at Dinan, diocese ALBAN (St) M. RM. June 22

of St Malo and was stationed at the 3rd or 4th cent. Venerated as the proto-
Dominican houses of Paris, Lille, martyr of Britain. He was a citizen of
Ghent, and Zwoll, where he died. He Verulam converted by a persecuted
is famous for his zeal in spreading the priest whom he sheltered in his house.
devotion of the Holy Rosary. Cult not He was executed on Holmhurst Hill.
yet officially confirmed. On that spot King Offa erected the
Benedictine abbey of St Alban's by
ALANUS and ALORUS (SS) Bps. which name Verulam has since been
AC. Oct 26 known.
5th cent. Two bishops of Quimper in
Brittany, concerning whom no reliable ALBAUD (ALADIUS) (St) Bp.
particulars have come down to us, AC. Oct 1

except the fact of the popular and d. r.520. Bishop of Toul. He built the
liturgical cult given to them from early church of St Aper (Epvre), his pre-
ages. decessor in the see, which was at a later
period the abbey church of the Benedic-
ALANUS (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Nov 25 tine monastery of Saint-Aper.
7th cent. Abbot-founder of Lavaur in
Gascony. ALBERIC (St) Ab. OSB. Cist.
AC. Jan 26
ALARICUS (ADALRICUS, ADAL- d. 1 109. One of the three founders of
(Bl) AC. Sept 29 the Cistercians. He was first a hermit at
d. Son of Duke Burkhard II of
975. Collan, near Chatillon-sur-Seine ; then
Swabia. Educated, and then a monk, at he followed St Robert to Molesmes
Einsiedeln in Switzerland. Eventually (1075) and was prior there and after-
he became a recluse on the small island wards accompanied him to Citeaux
of Uffnau, on the lake of Zurich. (1093) where he was again prior and

succeeded St Robert as abbot in noo. reliable —
account of his life, he was an
The old Cistercian martyrology adds: Englishman who laboured in Ireland
"He had a filial devotion to our Lady, and afterwards evangelized Bavaria,
from whom he received the white cowl." went to Jerusalem and on his return
died and was interred at Ratisbon.
9 AC. July ALBERT (St) King AC. Feb 24
1863-1 900. Born at Alta villa, Bene- Otherwise Ethelbert, q.v.
venta, he entered the Pontifical Semi-
nary for Foreign Missions at Rome. ALBERT of TRENT (St) Bp. M.
Ordained in 1887, he went next year to AC. March 27
work in the Shensi Province of China. d. 1 181. A holy Bishop of Trent who
After labouring there twelve years, he fell a victim in the wars between the
was moved to Ningkiang. Captured in Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and his
the Boxer Rising, he was tortured and vassals.
beheaded. Beatified 1951.
ALBERIC (St) H. OSB. Cam. Bp. AC. Apr 5
AC. Aug 29 d. 1 127. Of Norman origin, Albert
d. £.1050. A Camaldolese monk who settled with his parents at Montecorvino
lived as a recluse at Bagno de Romagna and became bishop there. In his old
in the diocese of Sarsina. His relics are age, he lost his sight and was given a
enshrined in the Camaldolese church coadjutor who treated him with con-
of S. Anastasio, diocese of Montefeltro. tempt and cruelty. The saint went
through this trial with heroic patience.
ALBERIC (St) Ab. OSB. PC. Oct 28
d. 779. Abbot of Stavelot-Malmedy. ALBERT THAR-ISPAN (Bl)
His feast is kept together with that of AC. May 9
four other abbots of the same monastery. d. 1492. Count of the Cumanian tribes
in Hungary, he entered the Pauline
ALBERIC (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Nov 14 Order, in which he lived and died re-
d. 784 (Aug 21). Nephew of St Gregory nowned for his austerities.
of Utrecht, he became cathedral prior,
and on his uncle's death in 775, bishop ALBERT of BERGAMO (Bl) Tert.
of St Martin's at Utrecht. He was a OP. AC. May 11
highly educated man, a great friend of d. 1279. Also called "Albert the Far-
Alcuin. His apostolate among the pagan mer". He was a peasant farmer who
Teutons was exceedingly fruitful. helped the poor and destitute. For his
generosity he was persecuted by his
ALBERIC (Bl) Mk. OSB. AC. Dec 24 shrewish wife and jealous relatives. He
10th cent. Monk of Gladbach. Others was a native of Ogna near Bergamo,
call him Albert, and give him the title but later lived at Cremona and died
of saint. there. He was a Dominican tertiary.

Cult approved in 1748.

AC. Jan 8 ALBERT of BOLOGNA (Bl) Ab.
7th cent. Patron saint of Cashel in Ire- OSB. Vail. AC. May 20
land. According to the —rather un- d. 1245. Born at Bologna, a member of

the Parisi family. He became a monk of Messina, where he devoted himself
at, and eventually abbot of a Vallum- with marvellous success to the conver-
brosan abbey near Bologna, which sion of the Jews. Cult confirmed in 1454.
afterwards was called S. Alberto.
ALBERT (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Sept 5
ALBERT of CSANAD (St) Mk. d. 1073. Abbot-founder of Butrio, in
AC. May 28 the diocese of Tortona.
d. f.1492.Hungarian Pauline monk. He
was a Latin poet and orator. He died ALBERT of PONTIDA (Bl) Ab.
in the monastery at Bajcs. His body was OSB. AC. Sept 5
reputed to remain incorrupt. d. 1095 (May 1). A Bergamo,
soldier of
who was severely wounded and vowed,
ALBERT (ARIBERT) of COMO (St) if he were cured, to become a religious.
Bp. OSB. AC. June 3 He first went as a pilgrim to Compos-
d. f.1092. A hermit at Rho, and after- tella and afterwards founded the Bene-
wards monk and abbot of San Car- dictine abbey of Pontida, near Bergamo,
pofero. He died bishop of Como. dedicated to St James, and placed it
under the obedience of St Hugh of
ALBERT QUADRELLI (St) Bp. Cluny. His relics were enshrined at
AC. July 4 Santa Maria Maggiore of Bergamo, and
d. 1 179. Born at Rivolta d'Adda in the in 1928 were brought back to Pontida.
diocese of Cremona, he was parish priest
of his native town for twenty-five years ALBERT of JERUSALEM (St) Bp.
and in 1168 was chosen bishop of Lodi. AC. Sept 25
^.1149-1214. An Italian canon regular
ALBERT of GENOA (St) C. OSB. who became successively prior general
Cist. AC. July 8 of his Institute, bishop of Bobbio,
d. 1239. Albert, or Lambert, was born bishop of Vercelli, and in 1205, under
at Genoa and was professed as a lay- Pope Innocent III, patriarch of Jerusa-
brother of the Cistercian abbey of Sestri lem. He is best known as co-founder of
da Ponente, near that city. Eventually the Carmelite Friars, for whom, at the
he lived as a hermit near the abbey. request of St Brocard, he wrote a rule.
His cult is very popular. He was assassinated by an evil-liver
whom he had rebuked.
d. 1094. A disciple of St John Gualbert, C. OSB. AC. Oct 25
he was cellarer for forty years, and also d. 1330 (Aug 7). A monk of Santa Croce
claustral prior. His cult was approved di Tripozzo before the Camaldolese had
with that of St Rudolph (q.v.) in 1602. taken possession of that house. Cult
confirmed in 1837.
RM. Aug 7 ALBERT the GREAT (St) Bp. Dr
d. 1306. A native of Trapani in Sicily, OP. RM. Nov 15
he entered very young the Carmelite 1 206-1 280. A Swabian by descent,
monastery of his native town situated Albert was sent to the university of
on Mt. Trapani. After his ordination, Padua where he joined the Dominicans.
he was stationed at the Carmelite house Appointed lector of theology, he taught


at Cologne and Paris. Here St Thomas St Mainardus the site to found the
Aquinas was his disciple, and Albert abbey of the Holy Cross at Sassovivo.
was the first to recognize Thomas's Bl Albert became a monk there, and
genius and to foretell the future work of eventually third abbot of the monastery.
his pupil. Albert became provincial of
his Order in Germany and, in 1260, ALBERT (St) Bp. RM. Dec 13
accepted under obedience the see of Otherwise Autbert, q.v.
Ratisbon. He resigned two years later
and retired to Cologne, where he spent ALBERT of GAMBRON (St) Ab.
the rest of his life teaching and writing. OSB. AC. Dec 29
Albert was the chief pioneer in the 7th cent. A courtier who became a her-
application of the Aristotelian system to mit and afterwards the abbot-founder
theology. His printed works fill thirty- of the small abbey of Gambron-sur-
eight quarto volumes and deal with all l'Authion, where the Rules of St
branches of learning. For this reason he Benedict and St Columbanus were
is called "the Great" and "Doctor observed simultaneously.
Universalis". He was beatified in 1622
and was equivalently canonized by being ALBERTA (St) VM. AC. March 1

declared a Doctor of the Church in d. r.286. One of the first victims of the
1931. persecution under Diocletian. She
suffered at Agen in company with St
ALBERT of LOUVAIN (St) Bp. M. Faith and others of the same city.
RM. Nov 21
66-1 1 92. Born at Mont Cesar in
c. 1 1 ALBERTINUS (St) C. OSB.
Louvain and chosen bishop of Liege in AC. Aug 31
1 191. His election was opposed by the d. 1294. A monk of the monastery of the
emperor Henry VI who favoured an- Holy Cross of Fonteavellana head —
other candidate. St Albert appealed to house of a Benedictine congregation
Pope Celestine III, who decided in his which in 1570 was united with the
favour, and Albert was consecrated at Camaldolese. He was elected prior
Reims on Sept 29, 1192, but he was general of his congregation and suc-
murdered by three German knights ceeded in making peace between the
only two months afterwards (Nov 24). bishop and the people of Gubbio. Cult
Cult confirmed in 161 3. confirmed by Pius VI.


Mk. OSB. AC. Nov 26 Otherwise Ailbe, q.v.
d. 131 1. Of the
family of the counts of
Haigerloch in Hohenzollern. He was a ALBINA (St) VM. RM. Dec 16
monk of Oberaltaich in Bavaria from d. 250. A young Christian maiden who
1 26 1 to 131 1, where he sanctified him- suffered at Caesarea under Decius. The
self in the offices of prior and parish RM. mentions Formiae, now Mola di
priest. Gaeta in the Campagna, as the place of
her death, and her relics have certainly
ALBERT of SASSOVIVO (Bl) Ab. from time immemorial been enshrined
OSB. PC. Dec 10 at Gaeta near Naples. The Greeks
d. />.uo2. A son of Count Walter maintain that her body was miraculously
(Gualterio), the benefactor who gave to translated after martyrdom.

ALBINUS of BRIXEN (St) Bp. Northumbria, who after many years of
AC. Feb 5 exile among the Picts of Scotland met
See St Genuinus. his death in Shropshire circum- in
stances which led to his being venerated
ALBINUS (AUBIN) (St) Bp. as a martyr, first at Lilleshall and then
RM. March i at Derby.
d. r.554. A native of Vannes. Monk and
abbot of Tincillac, between Angers and ALCMUND (St) Bp. OSB.
Saumur, and then bishop of Angers AC. Sept 7
(r.529-554). He
took a prominent part d. 781. The seventh bishop of Hexham.
in the third council of Orleans (538).
The abbey of Saint-Aubin at Angers
was erected in his memory. Saint-
AC. Dec 30
Aubin de Moeslain (Haute Marne) is to
See John Alcober.
this day a popular place of pilgrimage.

ALBINUS (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Sept 5

Otherwise Alvitus, q.v. (Bl) Ab. OSB. PC. May 19
d. 804. A native of York, who was edu-

ALBINUS (AUBIN, ALPIN) (St) Bp. cated at the monastic cathedral of that
RM. Sept 15 cityand became a monk there. Eventu-
d. c .390. The successor of St Justus in ally he was ordained deacon and
the see of Lyons between 381 and 390. appointed headmaster of his old school.
He is said to have built the church of He travelled to Italy to obtain the
St Stephen and to have chosen it for his pallium for his bishop and at Parma met
cathedral. Charlemagne who forthwith enlisted
his services in the cause of education.

ALBINUS (ALBUINUS) (St) Bp. The monk became, in fact, the "mini-

OSB. AC. Oct 26 ster of education" of the Frankish

d. ^.760. An Anglo-Saxon monk, Empire and founded and directed the
whose native name was Witta, but who school (schola palatina) where Charle-
latinized it as Albinus when setting out magne himself became a pupil. In his
as a fellow-worker with St Boniface in old age Alcuin was given, among others,
the conversion of Germany. In 741 he the abbey of St Martin of Tours, where
was consecrated bishop of Buraburg in he presided as abbot and restored the
Hesse. monastic observance with the help of
St Benedict of Aniane. He was a very
ALBURGA (St) WN. OSB. prolific writer, chiefly on theology and

AC. Dec 25 liturgy. Many martyrologies list his

d. c .800. Sister toKing Egbert of Wes- name as a beatus.

sex and wife of Wulstan of Wiltshire.

She founded Wilton abbey, near ALDA (ALDOBRANDESCA) (Bl)
Salisbury, whither she retired and took W. OSB. Hum. AC. Apr 26
the veil in her widowhood. 1 249-1 309. A Sienese maiden who mar-
ried a very pious husband and lived
ALCMUND (ALCHMUND) (St) M. with him in conjugal continency. Upon
AC. March 19 the death of her husband Alda joined
d. £.800. Prince of the royal house of the third order of the Humiliati and

devoted her life to almsdeeds and morti- with much success. He was a great lover
fication. She is honoured at
greatly of animals.
Siena. Variants of her name are Aude,
(St)Bp. AC. Jan 7
ALDATE (ELDATE) (St) C. d. 856. Chaplain to the emperor Louis
AC. Feb 4 the Pious, and bishop of Le Mans (832).
5th cent. A Briton who lived in W. Eng- He excelled alike as a saintly prelate
land and became celebrated for his and as an able administrator of public
patriotism in stirring up his fellow- affairs. Some of his works are still
countrymen to resist the heathen extant.
invaders of the land. In some legends he
is given as bishop of Gloucester. Many ALDERICUS (ALDRIC, AUDRI)
churches bear his name as their titular (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 10
saint, but trustworthy data of his life are 790-841. Born in the Gatinais, he be-
lacking. came a Benedictine at Ferrieres. The
archbishop of Sens attached him to the
ALDEBRANDUS (HILDEBRAND) clergy of the archdiocese. Then he was
(St) Bp. AC. May 1
summoned to the palace as "master
1119-1219. Born at Sorrivoli, diocese of and chancellor" (magister cancella-
Cesena, he became provost of Rimini,
rius). Lastly he was raised to the arch-
where he was known for his brave, out- bishopric of Sens (828). He was a
spoken stand against all licentiousness:
zealous fosterer of ecclesiastical studies.
once indeed he had to flee for his life on
account of his frank preaching. In 1 170
he became bishop of Fossombrone of
(St) V. Abs. OSB. AC. Feb 25
which town he is now the principal Daughter of SS Vincent
d. f.696.
patron saint.
Madelgarus and Waldetrudis, and a
niece of St Aldegund of Maubeuge, she
was confided to her aunt's care at this
RM. Jan 30
nunnery, of which she became second
630-684. Sister of St Waldetrudis,
abbess of Mons. She became the foun-
dress and first abbess of Maubeuge.
She died from cancer of the breast, and,
we are told, "in an ecstasy of serene
MUS) (St) Bp. OSB. RM. May 25

639-709. A native of Wessex who be-
came a monk at Malmesbury. He was
ALDEMAR (St) Ab. OSB. educated partly at Malmesbury and
AC. March 24 partly under St Adrian at Canterbury.
d. c.ioSo. Surnamed "the Wise". Born He was given charge of the school at
at Capua, he became a monk at Monte- Malmesbury and in 675 was made
cassino.He was sent as a director to St abbot. Lastly in 705 he was named first
Laurence's nunnery at Capua; but he bishop of Sherborne. Aldhelm was the
was so much talked about on account of first Anglo-Saxon to attain distinction

his miracles that he was recalled to as a scholar and a Latin poet. His love
Montecassino. He founded the Abbey of books is one of the most attractive
of Bocchignano in the Abruzzi and traits of his character. He has been
several other houses which he ruled described as the first English librarian.


ALDO (Bl) OSB. AC. March 31 venerable age". Some writers have
d. late 8th cent. Count of Ostrevant, he identified him with St Alexander of
became a monk at Hasnon abbey in Jerusalem (see March 18).
Belgium, which had been founded by
his brother John. Aldo was chosen ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Feb 9
second abbot. ?A martyr of Rome who was accom-
panied in his confession and death by
ALEMAN AC. Sept 16 thirty-eight others. On this same day the
See Louis Allemand. RM. mentions another St Alexander,
martyred at Soli in Cyprus together
ALENA (St) VM. AC. June 18 with St Ammonius. See Ammonius and
d. Born of pagan parents near
£.640. Alexander.
Brussels, Alena was baptized without
their knowledge. She was put to death ALEXANDER of LUGO (Bl) M. OP.
while secretly journeying to hear Mass. AC. Feb 10
d. 1645. A Spanish Dominican martyred
ALETH (Bl) W. PC. Apr 4 by the Turks.
d. 1 105. Wife of Tecolin and mother of
several saintly children, the most famous ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Feb 18
of whom is St Bernard of Clairvaux. In See Maximus, Claudius, etc.

1250 her relics were transferred to

(St) M. (RM.) Feb 21
ALEXANDER (St) Bp. M. d. £.434. A martyr of the group Verulus,
RM. Jan 1 Secundinus, etc., q.v.
? A native of Fermo, near Ancona,
who became bishop of his native city, ALEXANDER of ALEXANDRIA
and was martyred under Decius. His (St) Bp. RM. Feb 26
relics are enshrined in the cathedral. £.250-326. of Alexandria,
who, as such, convicted of heresy and
ALEXANDER AKIMETES (St) Ab. condemned Arius, one of his own
AC. Jan 15 clergy, and on the other hand realized
d. 430. A Greek who became a monk in the great gifts of Athanasius,whom he
Syria and eventually founded a laura by made his deacon and favoured with his
the Euphrates, where he soon had some confidence. Both the patriarch and his
four hundred monks under his rule. He deacon assisted at the council of Nicea
was a somewhat restless archimandrite, (325) where Arius was again con-
fond of new places and faces. He is best demned. Alexander died shortly after
known as the founder of the "sleepless" his return to Alexandria.
(akoimetoi) monks who sang the divine
office in relays without intermission day ALEXANDER, ABUNDIUS, ANTI-
and night. One of these houses he estab- GONUS, and FORTUNATUS (SS)
lished at Constantinople. MM. RM. Feb 27
? A group of martyrs who suffered

ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Jan 30 either in Rome (the RM.) or in Thes-

3rd cent. The RM. describes him as a saly (according to the Ven. Bede), when
martyr under Decius "glorious for his and how is not known.


RM. March 10 Priest M. AC. Apr 7
See Caius and Alexander. d. 1595. A secular priest born in Glou-
cestershire (?) educated at Reims and
ALEXANDER and THEODORE ordained in 1590. He was captured
(SS) MM. RM. March 17 while labouring in the York mission and

? Their names are mentioned both in martyred for his priesthood. Beatified in
the Hieronymian and in the Roman 1929.
Martyrologies. It has been conjectured
that they should be identified with SS
ALEXANDER and Comp. (SS) MM.
Alexander and Theodulus, commemora- RM. Apr 24
ted in the RM. on May 3. d. 178. A
Greek by birth and the friend
and companion of St Epipodius of
Lyons. He was arrested. Thirty-four
others suffered at the same time.
Bp. M. RM. March 18
d. 251. A fellow-student with Origen at
Alexandria, he became bishop of his
native city in Cappadocia and was im-
prisoned for the Faith under Severus.
RM. May 3
d. ^.113. Three Roman martyrs buried
On his release he journeyed to Jerusa-
on the Via Nomentana. The RM.
lem where he was made coadjutor to
erroneously identifies the Alexander of
Narcissus the bishop of the holy city
this group with Pope St Alexander I.
the first recorded example of an episco-
pal translation and coadjutorship. Here
he received Origen, now an exile, and
founded for him a library and a school.
RM. May 3
Pope from f.107 to c. 11 3.See the pre-
Alexander died in chains at Caesarea in
ceding notice. See S. Quirinus (March
Palestine under Decius.


RM. March 24 (ANTONIA) V. (SS) MM.
Two martyrs of the same name in-
RM. May 3
cluded in the group Timolaus and
d. 313. The laus of the RM. is as fol-
Comp., q.v.
lows: "At Constantinople the birthday
of the martyrs SS Alexander, the sol-
ALEXANDER (St) M. dier, and Antonina, a virgin. In the
RM. March 27 persecution of Maximian she was con-
3rd cent. A soldier, described in the demned the stews by Festus the
RM. as having suffered as a Christian Governor. But she was secretly de-
in Pannonia under Maximian Hercu- livered by Alexander, who changed
leus. Itseems that he should be identi- garments with her and remained there
fied with the anonymous martyr of in her place. She was afterwards
Thrace of May 13. commanded to be tortured with him;
and both were together cast into the
ALEXANDER (St) M. flames, with their hands cut off, and
RM. March 28 were crowned after ending a mighty
See Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander. contest."


3PC. May See Leontius, Attius, etc.

c. 1 180-1229. Born in Scotland a de-
scendant of Scottish kings, he entered as ALEXANDER (St) Bp. M.
a lay-brother the Cistercian abbey of RM. Aug 11
Foigny (Fusciniacum), diocese of Laon. d. 270.SurnamedCarbonarius (charcoal-
burner) from the trade he was following
ALEXANDER VINCIOLI (Bl) Bp. when appointed bishop of Comana in
OFM. 3AC. May Pontus on the recommendation of St
d. 1363. Born at Perugia, he joined the Gregory Thaumaturgus. He was a phil-
Franciscans. Pope John XXII chose osopher who adopted this trade through
him as his penitentiary and named him humility. He was burnt at the stake.
bishop of Nocera in Umbria. Bl Alex-
ander died at Sassoferrato. ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Aug 26
? Patron of Bergamo, where a church
ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. May 20 has been dedicated to him from the 4th
See Thalelaeus, Asterius, etc. century. A later manuscript makes him
a centurion of the Theban legion who
ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. May 29 escaped from prison but was retaken.
See Sisinius, Martyrius and Alexander.
ALEXANDER (St) Bp. RM. Aug 28
ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. June 2 d. ? 336. Patriarch ? or Bishop of
See Photinus (Pothinus), Sanctius, etc. Constantinople from 313 to 336, i.e.
during the period of the struggle of the
ALEXANDER (St) Bp. RM. June 4 church against Arianism. He assisted at
8th cent. A bishop of Verona, of whom the first council of Nicea (325) and took
nothing further is known. a firm stand against Arius. Indeed, the
RM. adds "by the power of his (Alex-
ALEXANDER(St)Bp.M. RM. June6 ander's) prayers Arius, condemned by
d. 590. Bishop of Fiesole in Tuscany, a the judgment of God, brake in the
brave defender of the Church against midst and his bowels poured out".
the kings of Lombardy. His opponents
waylaid him and drowned him in the ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Sept 9
R. Reno, near Bologna. See Hyacinth, Alexander and Tiburtius.


RM. June 6 RM. Sept 21
See Amantius, Alexander, etc. 2nd cent. A bishop in the neighbour-
hood of Rome. His miracles attracted
ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. July 9 the attention of the people and he was
See Patermuthius, Copres and Alex- arrested and martyred on the Claudian
ander. Way, some twenty miles from Rome.
St Damasus translated his relics and
ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. July 10 enshrined them in one of the Roman
One of the Seven Brothers, q.v. churches.

ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. July 21 ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Sept 28

See Victor, Alexander, etc. See Mark, Alphius, etc.


3rd cent. One of the "innumerable mul- M. SJ. AC. Dec 1
titude" put to death at Treves by the d. 1 58 1. A secular priest, who was ad-
prefect Rictiovarus during the persecu- mitted into the Society of Jesus in
tion of Diocletian. prison, cruelly tortured to make him
disclose whereabouts of Father
ALEXANDER SAULI (St) Bp. Barn. Parsons SJ. and martyred at Tyburn
RM. Oct 11 together with BB. Ralph Sherwin and
1534-1 593. A native of Milan who Edmund Campion SJ. for complicity
joined the Barnabites in 1550. Ordained He was only twenty-
in a fictitious plot.
priest,he became a zealous preacher and five years of age. Beatified in 1886.
confessor and was for many years
director of St Charles Borromeo. He ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Dec 12
was elected general of his Congregation, See Epimachus.
and, in 1569, bishop of the Corsican
diocese of Aleria which he completely ALEXANDRA, CLAUDIA, EUPH-
reformed during his 20 years' rule. In RASIA, MATRONA, JULIANA,
1592 Pope Gregory XIV commanded EUPHEMIA, THEODOSIA, DER-
him to accept the transfer to Pavia, PHUTA and a Sister of DER-
where he died the following year in the PHUTA (SS) MM.
course of his first pastoral visitation. RM. March 20
Beatified in 1 741 -1742 and canonized d. £.300. Christian women, natives of
in 1904. Amisus in Paphlagonia, burnt to death
under Diocletian.
ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Oct 17
See Victor, Alexander and Marianus. ALEXANDRA (St) VM.
RM. May 18
ALEXANDER, HERACLIUS and See Theodotus, Thecusa, etc.

Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 22

? Alexander, a bishop, made by his ALEXANDRIA (Martyrs of)
preaching such an impression on the The RM. makes mention of the follow-
multitude that many, both Jews and ing anonymous groups of martyrs put to
pagans, became Christians. He was death for Christ at Alexandria in Egypt:
arrested and tortured, and such was his
constancy that Heraclius, one of the RM. Jan 28
soldiers of the guard, was at once con- d. 356. A great number of Catholics
verted. Others followed his example. were ordered to be put to death by an
All were put to death together with St Arian officer while they were in church
Alexander. Neither place nor year is assisting at the Holy Sacrifice offered by
recorded. St Athanasius. St Athanasius himself
was able to escape.
ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Nov 9 RM. Feb 28
4th cent. A
martyr of Salonica under d. 260. The laus of the RM. concerning
Maximian Herculeus. this group of martyrs reads as follows
"At Alexandria ... the commemora-
ALEXANDER (St) M. RM. Nov 24 tion of the holy priests, deacons, and
d. 361. A martyr at Corinth under many others who, in the time of the
Julian the Apostate. emperor Valerian, when a most deadly

pestilence was raging, freely met their years of age and after some twenty-
death whilst ministering to the sick; three years founded a convent of her
whom the religious faith of pious per- order at Foligno of which she became
sons is wont to honour as martyrs." first abbess. Here she initiated a new
Franciscan reform, which was blessed
RM. March 17 and encouraged by Pope Martin V.
d. 390.During the reign of the emperor
Theodosius, a heathen mob of wor- ALEXIUS FALCONIERI (St) C.
shippers of Serapis massacred a multi- RM. Feb 12 and 17
tude of Christians who refused to join One of the Seven Holy Founders of the
in the sacrifices to the pagan idol. Servite Order, q.v.
Theodosius had the temple of Serapis
destroyed and a Christian church built ALEXIUS (Bl) M. OP. AC. June 1

on its site. d. 1622. A Japanese catechist and

RM. March 21 novice of the Dominican missionaries in
d. 342. The RM. reads : "At Alexandria, Japan. He was burnt alive on the day of
the commemoration of the holy martyrs the great martyrdom, Sept 10, at
who were slain on Good Friday under Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
the emperor Constantius and Philagrius
the Prefect, when the Arians and ALEXIUS DELGADO (Bl) M. SJ.
heathens rushed into the churches." AC. July 15
St Athanasius who escaped from the 1 556-1 570. A native of Elvas in Portu-
tumult has left a description in his gal, he became a Jesuit novice, and was
Second Apology. only fourteen years old when he was
RM. May 13 killedby Calvinist French pirates near
d. 372. A great number of Catholics of Palma on his way W.
Indies with
to the
both sexes were put to death or exiled a group of Jesuits under the leadership
from Alexandria when, for the fifth of Bl. Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v.
time, St Athanasius had been driven Beatified in 1854.
from his flock under the Arian emperor
Valens. The RM. makes special mention ALEXIUS (ALEXIS) (St) C.
of those massacred in the church of RM. July 17
Theonas. d. early 5th cent. A saint originally dis-
RM. Aug 10 tinguished with the anonymous title of
r.257. The RM. has this laus: "At "the man of God", at a later period he
Alexandria the commemoration of the was named Alexis or in Latin Alexius.
holy martyrs who in the persecution of The legend of his life came from the
Valerian, under Emilian the Governor, East and spread throughout the West
were long tormented with various and in the 10th century, when the Greek
sharp tortures, and obtained the crown monks were given the Benedictine
of martyrdom by divers kinds of abbey of St Boniface on the Aventine,
deaths". St Dionysius of Alexandria has which they renamed SS Boniface and
left a graphic account of them all. Alexius. The laus of the RM. sums up
the legend somewhat as follows Alexius :

ALEXANDRINA di LETTO (Bl) the son of a Roman senator, in order to

Abs Poor Clare PC. Apr. 3 serve God in humility, on his wedding
1385-1458. Born at Sulmona, she day fled from his parental home dis-
joined the Poor Clares when fifteen guised as a beggar. He set sail for


Edessa where after seventeen years an ALFONSO

image of our Lady proclaimed him Note. This is the modern spelling of
"the man of God". Alexius fled again Alphonsus in Spanish, Portuguese and
and eventually returned to Rome and Italian; the French spell it Alphonse.
for years lived unrecognized as a beggar The old Spanish spelling is Alonso, and
in his own home. After his death a the Portuguese Alonzo. All are deriva-
mysterious voice again proclaimed him tives of the original Spanish name
"the man of God". This attractive Ildephonsus or Aldephonsus. See Al-
legend made St Alexius one of the most phonsus.
popular of "popular saints". However,
only this seems certain: that the saint ALFRED (St) Bp. OSB. PC. Aug 15
lived, and died and was buried at Edessa. Otherwise Altfrid, q.v.


AC. Nov 27 FREDA) (St) V. OSB. AC. Aug 2
1 61 9. A Japanese layman, born in Figen, Otherwise Etheldritha, q.v.
of the royal family of Firando. Be-
headed with ten companions at Naga- ALFRICK (St) Bp. OSB. A.C. Nov 16
saki. Beatified in 1867. d. 1005. Monk and abbot of Abingdon,
and afterwards, successively, bishop of
ALEYDIS (St) V. AC. June 15 Wilton (990) and archbishop of Canter-
Otherwise Adelaide, q.v. bury (995). He governed the church
very ably in the critical times of the
ALFANUS (ALPHANUS) (St) Bp. Danish invasion of Kent.
OSB. PC. Oct 9
d. 1085. A monk of Montecassino, who ALF WOLD (St) Bp. OSB.
was consecrated at Rome archbishop of AC. March 26
Salerno in 1058. was he who assisted
It d. 1058. A monk of Winchester who was
Pope St Gregory VII on his deathbed. chosen bishop of Sherborne in 1045. He
was known for his great devotion to SS
ALFERIUS, (ALPHERIUS, ADAL- Cuthbert and Swithun, whose cult he
FERICUS) (St) Ab. OSB. propagated.
AC. Apr 12
930-1050. A Norman by origin, he was ALGERIC (St) Bp. RM. Dec 1

born at Salerno and belonged to the Otherwise Agericus, q.v.

family of Pappacarbone. Sent as an
ambassador to France, he fell ill at the ALICE (St) V. AC. Feb 5
abbey of Chiusa, and on his recovery Otherwise Adelaide (or Adelhid). q.v.
betook himself to Cluny and was pro-
fessed under St Odilo. The duke of ALICE RICH (Bl) V. OSB. PC. Aug 24
Salerno asked for his return, and Alferi- f.1270. Sister of St Edmund, archbishop
us settled at Mt. Fenestra, near Salerno, of Canterbury. She joined the Bene-
and there founded the abbey of La dictine nuns of Catesby, and became
Cava, under the Cluniac observance. their prioress.
Soon the abbey counted its affiliated
houses by hundreds and became a ALIPIUS (ALYPIUS) (St) Bp.
potent civilizing influence in S. Italy. RM. Aug 15
Cult confirmed in 1893. d. £.430. Disciple and lifelong friend of

St Augustine. They were baptized to- ALLOYNE (St) C. RM. Oct 1

gether at Milan on Easter Eve, 387. Otherwise Bavo, q.v.

Upon their return to Africa they spent
some time in solitude as religious. St ALLUCIO (St) C. AC. Oct 23
Alipius then visited Palestine. About the d. 1 1 34. Born in the diocese of Pescia in
year 393 he became bishop of Tagaste Tuscany, Allucio started life as a herds-
and was St Augustine's chief assistant man. Eventually his fellow citizens en-
in all his public work. trusted him with the direction of an
almshouse at Val di Nievole, near
ALIPRANDUS (or LEUPRANDUS) Pescia, and he became in fact the second
(St) Ab. OSB. AC. July 24 founder of that charity. He had some
8th cent. An
abbot of the monastery of followers who were named the Brethren
St. Augustine in Ciel d'Oro (in coelo of St Allucio. Cult confirmed by Pius
aureo) at Pavia. He was related to the IX.
royal family of the Lombards.
ALLYRE (St) Bp. RM. July 7
ALIX LE CLERC (Bl) V. Foundress Otherwise Illidius, q.v.
AC. Jan 9
1 576-1 622. Born of noble parents in ALMACHIUS (or TELEMACHUS),
Lorraine, at first she led a frivolous St. HM. RM. Jan 1
life, but soon gave herself to God, under d. r.400. A hermit who came to Rome
the guidance of St Peter Fourier. She from the East, and publicly protested
founded under his direction the Con- against the gladiatorial combats in the
gregation of Canonesses of St Augustine Roman amphitheatre. He was seized
devoted to the teaching of poor children. and cut to pieces by order of the prefect
A great mystic as well as an active Alipius. As a consequence, the emperor
foundress, she was described by one of Honorius is said to have abolished such
her spiritual daughters as "the child of spectacles.
silence". Beatified in 1947.
ALKELD (or ATHILDA) (St) V. (St) VM. AC. Aug 1

PC. March 27 6th cent. A

descendant of King Bry-
? 10th cent. Two Yorkshire churches chan of Brecknock. The tradition is that
are dedicated to this saint, of whom she suffered martyrdom on a hill near
nothing else is known, except that an Brecknock.
ancient painting represents her being
strangled by Danish pirates. ALMIRUS (ALMER, ALMIRE) (St)
Ab. PC. Sept n
ALKMUND (St) M. AC. March 19 d. c .560. A native of Auvergne, he was
Otherwise Alcmund, q.v. educated at Menat, where he met SS
Avitus and Carilefus. With them he
ALLAN (ALLEN) (St) C. went to Maine. After a short stay at
AC. Jan 12 Micy, St Almirus lived as a hermit at

Otherwise Elian, q.v. Greez-sur-Roc, where he died.


AC. Jan 30 Ab. OSB. Cist. PC. June 28
The French form of Adelelmus, q.v. d. 1270. Cistercian monk of Melrose

who became the first abbot of the Scot- Spain, and in his eighteenth year
tish monastery of Balmerino, founded in entered the Society of Jesus, after
1229 by Ermengardis, widow of William having overcome the opposition of his
I of Scotland. family. Within six years he fell sick
while nursing the plague-stricken and
ALNOTH (St) M. AC. Nov 25 died. He was beatified in 1605 and
d. A
cowherd attached to St
c.qoo. canonized in 1726. Benedict XIII de-
Werburg's monastery at Weedon clared him special protector of young
(Northants). Later he lived as a hermit students and Pius XI proclaimed him
at Stowe, near Bugbrooke. He was put patron of Christian Youth. Over-
to death by robbers and venerated as a sentimental biographies and cheap art
martyr. have rather obscured his attractive
ALODIA (St) VM. RM. Oct 22
See Nunilo and Alodia. ALPAIS (Bl) V. AC. Nov 3
d. 121 1. Born in the small village of
ALONSO or ALONZO Cudot, diocese of Sens, of a peasant
Otherwise Alphonsus, q.v. family, she helped her parents in the
very young she became
fields until still
ALORUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 26 bed-ridden with leprosy. For a long
See Alanus and Alorus. time her only food was the Eucharist.
Her patience and gentleness made a
ALOYSIUS, or LUDOVICUS great impressionon her contemporaries.
Note. These are two Latin forms of the Cult confirmed by Pius IX in 1874.
French Louis, radically identical with
Chlodovicus and Clovis. The modern ALPHAEUS (St) C. AC. May 26
languages have usually derived variants 1 Mentioned in Matt. X 3 as
st cent.

from both forms thus in Italian Luigi,

: : the father of St James the Less. The
Lodovico; in Spanish: Luis, Ludovico; Greek liturgy commemorates him on
in Portuguese Luiz, Ludovico in Cata-
: ; this day. The apocryphal books have
lan Lluis, Ludovic in German Aloys,
: ; : embellished his life, but they deserve no
Ludwig; in English: Lewis (Aloysius), credence.
AC. May 11 d. 303. Alphaeus was a reader and ex-
430-1 490. A Sicilian friar of the
c. 1 orcist at Caesarea in Palestine, and
Carmelite monastery of Randazzo. He Zachaeus, his cousin, a deacon at
died from the effects of a blow on the Gadara beyond the Jordan. They were
head from an assailant whom he refused beheaded at Caesarea under Diocletian.
to bring to justice. Cult confirmed by
Gregory XVI. ALPHAGE or ALPHEGE (St) Bp.
M. OSB. RM. Apr 19
ALOYSIUS GONZAGA (St) C. SJ. Otherwise Elphege, q.v.
RM. June 21
1 568-1 591. Born in the castle of Castig- ALPHANUS (St) Bp. OSB.
lione in Lombardy, he served as a page PC. Oct 9
at the courts of Tuscany, Mantua and Otherwise Alfanus, q.v.

AC Apr 12 AC. June 1

Otherwise Alferius, q.v. d. 1622 (Sept 10). Born at Logrono, in

Spain, he became a Friar Preacher at
ALPHIUS, PHILADELPHIA and Salamanca. He was a nephew of Bl
CYRINUS (SS) MM. RM. May 10 Peter Navarrete, whom he accom-
have been
d. 251. Sicilian saints, said to panied to Japan. Here he was burnt alive
brothers. They appear to have suffered at Nagasaki with the group led by Bl
under Decius. They are held in great Charles Spinola, SJ. Beatified in 1867.
veneration in Sicily (chiefly at Lentini,
of which town they are patron saints) ALPHONSUS de VAENA (Bl) M. SJ.
and also among the Greeks. AC. July 15
d. 1570. Born at Toledo, he entered the
ALPHIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 28 Society of Jesus as a coadjutor. He be-
See Mark, Alphius, etc. longed to the band of Jesuit martyrs led
by Bl Ignatius de Azevedo. Beatified in
OP. AC. Jan 22
d. 1745. A Spanish Dominican who was ALPHONSUS PACHECO (Bl) M.
one of the companions of Bl Francis SJ. AC. July 25
Gil in Tonkin, and was martyred with 1550-1 583. Born at Minaya in Cata-
him. lonia,he joined the Jesuits in 1566 and
was sent to Goa, where he was ordained
ALPHONSUS of ASTORGA (St) priest. After a very laborious apostolate
Bp. OSB. AC. Jan 26 among the Goanese he was killed with
9th cent. A bishop of Astorga who re- Bl Rudolph Acquaviva at Salsette, near
tired and became a monk at the abbey of Goa. Beatified in 1893.
St Stephen de Ribas de Sil, in Spanish
(St) Bp. Dr. Founder CSSR.
OFM. AC. March 21 1696-1787. Born near Naples of a dis-
d. 1 617. Successively professor at Sala- tinguished family, he became a barrister,
manca, tutor to a young duke, canon of but soon abandoned this promising
Coria and a Franciscan friar. His feast career and became a priest in 1726. He
at Coria is kept on March 26. joined a society of priests engaged in
catechizing the peasants of the country
ALPHONSUS NAVARRETE (Bl) districts, and this led him to the founda-
M. OP. AC. June 1 tion of the congregation of the Most
d. 1617. Born at Valladolid, he entered Holy Redeemer, which was approved
the Dominican Order and worked first in 1749. In 1762 an order of the pope
as a missionary in the Philippine Is- forced the saint to accept the bishopric
lands, whence, in 161 he was sent to1, of Sant' Agata de' Goti, which he held
Japan where he was appointed provin- until 1775, when he was compelled to
cial vicar. He converted, we are told, resign through ill-health. He returned
many thousands to Christianity. He was to live with the members of his own
beheaded on the isle of Tacaxima. congregation. Throughout all these
Beatified in 1867. years he produced a steady output of

ascetical, theological and historical In 851 he became bishop of Hildesheim.
works. Canonized in 1839, and de- He was known throughout the Frankish
clared Doctor in 1 87 1. empire as a fosterer of peace and good-
will, a champion of his Benedictine

ALPHONSUS de OROZCO (Bl) G brethren, an upholder of the ecclesiasti-

cal canons, and a devout client of our
OSA Erem. AC. Sept 19
500-1 591. Born at Oropesa in Castile, Lady.

he studied at the university of Salaman-

ca, where as an undergraduate he was ALTHEUS (St) C. AC. Dec 26
drawn to the Augustinian Hermits by Otherwise Tathai, q.v.
the sermons of St Thomas of Villa-
nueva. After his profession Bl Alphon- ALTHRYDA (ALFRIDA, ETHEL-
sus became preacher at the court of DRYTHA) (St) V.OSB. AC. Aug 2
Philip II of Spain. He was a prolific Otherwise Etheldritha, q.v.
writer and his works are reckoned
among the classics of Spanish literature.
Beatified in 1882.
(SS) MM. OSB. PC. Aug 23
d. 731. Two monks killed by the Sara-
ALPHONSUS RODRIGUEZ (St) cens at Saint-Seine, diocese of Langres,
C. SJ. RM. Oct 31 Cote d'Or.
1531-1617. Born at Segovia in Spain,
he became a merchant and married, but
lost his wife and children, and at the age
AC. Oct 19
of 44 was received into the Society of
1 st of 4th cent. An alleged disciple of
Jesus as coadjutor and sent to Palma in
our Lord, founder of the churches of
Majorca. From 1580 to 1604 he was
Orleans and Chartres. Others state that
doorkeeper of the college of Montesion.
he was a martyr of the 4th cent.
In this office he edified the whole island.
Beatified in 1825 and canonized in 1888.
ALTMAN (St or Bl) Bp. AC. Aug 8
f.1020-1091. Born in Westphalia, he
ALPINIAN (St) C. RM. June 30 studied at Paris, became a canon regu-
See Martial, Alpinian and Austriclinian.
lar, chaplain to the emperor Henry III
and finally bishop of Passau in 1065. He
ARALDUS (Bl) Mk, OSB. Cist. upheld the authority of St Gregory VII
PC. Nov 11 against Henry IV and was driven from
d. £.1250. A lay-brother of the Cistercian his see, but he continued to exercise
abbey of Isenhagen. great influence throughout the Ger-
manies. He was buried at the Benedic-
ALRICK (St) C. AC. June 30 tine abbey of Gottweig in Austria, which
1 2th cent. An English hermit associated he had founded. Cult confirmed by Leo
with St Godric, who assisted him at his XIII.
(St) AC. Feb 9
ALTFRID (St) Bp. OSB. d. f.760. A
monk, probably Irish, who
PC. Aug 15 crossed over into Germany (^.743) and
d. 874. Monk and headmaster of the settled as a hermit in a wood near Augs-
school at the abbey of Corvey in Saxony. burg. King Pepin made him a grant of

that place, and there the saintfounded Mondonedo. St Alvitus became a
an abbey, since called Altomunster Benedictine at Sahagun (Cluniac ob-
(Alto's monastery). St Boniface dedi- servance) and in 1057 was appointed
cated its church in 750. bishop of Leon by King Ferdinand I.

He transferred the relics of St Isidore

from Seville to Leon.
ALUINUS (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Sept 5
Otherwise Alvitus, q.v.
AMABILIS (St) V. PC. July 11
d. f.634.According to tradition she was
ALVAREZ, BARTHOLOMEW (Bl) a daughter of an Anglo-Saxon king. She
M. SJ. AC. Jan 12 became a nun of Saint- Amand at Rouen.
See Bartholomew Alvarez.

AMABILIS (St) C. AC. Nov 1

ALVAREZ, EMMANUEL (Bl) M. d. 475. It seems that he was precentor of
SJ. AC. July 15 the cathedral at Clermont and after-
wards parish priest of Tiom in Au-
vergne. He is invoked as a protector
against fire and snakes.


Three Jesuit martyrs belonging to the OSB. Cist. AC. Jan 14
group of Bl Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v.
d. r.1150. Lord of Hauterives (Drome),
he left the world with 16 of his vassals
ALVARO (ALVAREZ) of CORDO- (f.1119) and entered the Cistercian
VA (Bl) C. OP. AC. Feb abbey of Bonnevaux. Later he spent
d. £.1430. He became a Dominican at some time at Cluny to attend to the
Cordova in 1368 and worked with great education of his son Bl Amadeus of
success in Andalusia, France and Italy. Lausanne. He founded four mon-
He was chosen by the queen-mother of Mazan, Montperoux
asteries: Leoncel,

Spain, Catherine, daughter of John of and Tamis. Returned to Bonnevaux

Gaunt, as her adviser and as tutor of her where he died.
son John II. Bl Alvaro opposed the
Avignon pope Peter de Luna. His AMADEUS (Bl) Bp. OSB. Cist.
priory near Cordova became a centre of AC. Jan 28
learning and piety. Cult confirmed in r.1110-1159. Son of (Bl) Amadeus of
1741. Clermont, he was educated at Cluny and
afterwards served in the court of the
emperor Henry V. In 1 125 he became a
monk at Clairvaux under St Bernard,
PC. June 11
by whom he was sent in 1 139 to govern
See Peter Rodriguez and Comp.
as abbot the abbey of Hautecombe in
Savoy. In 1 1 44 the pope put him under
ALVITUS (AVITUS, ALUINUS, obedience to accept the bishopric of
ALBINUS)(St)Bp.OSB. AC. Sept 5 Lausanne. During the last years of his
d. r.1063. He was born in Spanish life he was also co-regent of Savoy and

Galicia and belonged to the family of chancellor of Burgundy. Cult approved

Rudesind, the great abbot-bishop of by St Pius X.

AC. March 30 Abbots OSB. AC. Nov 18
1435-1472. Born at Thonon, son of the Amandus d. 708: Anselm later in the
Duke of Savoy, he began to rule in 8th cent. St Amandus succeeded St
1455. He suffered from epilepsy, but Aigulphus as abbot of Lerins, in 676
nevertheless governed in such a way as and ruled the monastery with a firm
to endear himself to all his subjects, hand. St Anselm, another abbot of
until compelled to resign in favour of his Lerins, lived later in the 8th century.
wife. He was proclaimed a saint
immediately after his death, but was AMANDUS or AMANTIUS
beatified only in 1677. He was an (AMATIUS)
ancestor of the royal house of Savoy, Note. There are a number of other saints
which chose him for its patron.
of name, belonging to the 4th, 5th,
6th and 7th centuries, of whom only the
bare fact of their existence is known.
OFM. PC. Aug 10
Among these, the following are likely
See Amedeus of Portugal
identifications:(1) Amandus, abbot-


founder of Moissac, d. 644, feast Feb 6.
Otherwise Amator, q.v. (2) Abbot-founder of Nantes, 7th cent.,
feast id. (3) Count of Grisalba, near
AMAETHLU (MAETHLU) (St) C. Bergamo, d.April 6th, 515, feast Apr.
AC. Dec 26 6th. (4) Abbot-founder of Saint-
6th cent. A Welsh saint who has left his Amand-de-Boixe, feast May 22. (5)
name to Llanfaethlu, a church founded A Scottish hermit at Beaumont, diocese
by him in Anglesey. of Reims, 6th cent., feast June 16. (6)
Abbot-founder of Saint-Amand de
AMANDUS of ELNON (St) Bp. Coly (Dordogne), diocese of Limoges,
RM. Feb 6 6th cent., feast June 25. (7) A hermit in
f.676. Born near Nantes, he lived for a solitude at the meeting of the rivers
fifteen years as a solitary at Bourges. At Glanne and Vienne, diocese of Limoges,
the age of 33 he journeyed to Rome and 5th cent., feast Oct 16. (8) The first
received from the pope his commission bishop of Strasburg, d. 346, feast Oct
as a missionary bishop. As such he 26. (9) A bishop of Worms, 4th cent.,
preached in Flanders, to the Slavs feast id. (10) A bishop of Rodez (other-
in Carinthia and the Basques in wise Amantius) 4th cent. He is men-
Navarre. He founded many monasteries tioned in the RM. on Nov 4. (11) A
in all these places, of which the best bishop of Avignon, id. (12) A bishop of
known is Elnon, near Tournai, where Rennes, 4th cent., feast Nov 13.
he retired in his old age and died a
nonagenarian. In art he is represented
AMANTIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 10
carrying a church in his hand.
See Zoticus, Irenaeus, etc.

AMANDUS (St) Bp. RM. June 18

d. f.431. Successor of St Delphinus as AMANTIUS (St) C. RM. March 19
bishop of Bordeaux (^.404). He is See Landoald and Amantius.
chiefly known from the works of St
Paulinus of Nola, whom St Amandus AMANTIUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 8
converted and prepared for baptism. d. 440. Successor of St Provinus in the
see of Como. He is still held in great flourishing in several dioceses of central
veneration in his diocese. Italy.


Comp. (SS) MM. RM. June 6 AC. Dec 22
? Said to have been four brothers, d. 982. Monk and abbot for forty-two
priests. Amantius is given as bishop of years of a monastery at Silva de Malaga
Noyon, who evangelized Cannes, dio- in Andalusia.
cese of Carcassonne, where he was
martyred with the other three. AMATA (St) V. Poor Clare
PC. Feb 20
AMANTIUS (St) M. RM. June 10 d. f.1250. A niece of St Clare of Assisi,
See Getulius, Cerealis, etc. healed by her aunt of a disease and
thereby converted to the life of the
cloister. Her name is in the Franciscan
AMANTIUS (St) C. RM. Sept 26 martyrologies.
d. c.6oo. A priest of Citta di Castello
(Tiphernum) near Perugia, who was per-
sonally known to St Gregory the Great
AMATA (Bl) V. OP. AC. June 10

and held in great veneration by the holy

d. 1270.A Dominican nun of San Sisto
in Rome. A co-foundress of the convent
pontiff. He is the patron saint of Citta di
of St Agnes at Valle di Pietro, Bologna.


d. p.700.Abbot of Moissac, who be- AC. March 27
? A Portuguese hermit, of the diocese of
came bishop of Albi some time between
Guarda, to whom several churches are
689 and 722.
dedicated in his country. He has often
been confused with St Amator of Roca-
AMARANTHUS (St) M. RM. Nov 7 madour (see below, Aug 20).
3rd cent. A
martyr venerated at Albi in
S. France. The fact of his martyrdom
is attested by St Gregory of Tours.
Other data are lacking.
MM. RM. Apr 30
d. 855. Amator was born at Martos,
near Cordova, in which latter city he
AMARINUS (St) M. Ab. OSB. studied and was ordained priest. He,
RM. Jan 25 together with a monk, Peter by name,
d. Abbot of a monastery in the
676. and a lay-man was put to
called Louis
Vosges. Companion in martyrdom of death by the Saracens for having pub-
St Praejectus (St Priest), bishop of licly confessed Christ.
Clermont. The valley of Saint-Amarian
in Alsace is named after him.
(St) Bp. RM. May 1

AMASIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 23 d. 418. Bishop of Auxerre. He had been
d. 356. A Greek, driven from the East married to a holy woman venerated lo-
by the Arians, who became second cally as St Martha. St Amator ordained
bishop of Teano in 346. His cult is still as a priest his successor St Germanus,


who has left us the biography of his Amatus was made its first abbot, Here
predecessor. he lived until his death.


AC. Aug 20 RM. Sept 13
? An incorrupt body was found buried d. 690. Abbot of Agaune, he became the
beneath the church of Our Lady at tenth bishop of Sion in Valais Sedun-
Rocamadour in 1166, and thus origi- ensis, not Senonensis (Sens). As a result
nated "St Amadour". Various identi- of a false accusation, he was banished to
fications, including one with the the abbey of Peronne, and then to that
publican Zacchaeus, have been made, of Breuil, diocese of Arras, where he
but beyond a general agreement since lived as one of the monks, and where he
the 17th cent, that he was a hermit of died.
an unknown date, no information can
(SS) MM. RM. Dec 3
AMATOR (St) Bp. RM. Nov 26 4th cent. Christians martyred at Nico-
3rd cent. Bishop of Autun. There is media under Diocletian, whose imperial
nothing further known for certain about residence was in that city.

AC. May 8 1 551-1620. Born at Sisto in Portugal, he

d. 1292. Born near Rimini, after having went to Japan to seek his fortune, which
four times made the pilgrimage to Com- he found in 1 577 by entering the Society
became a lay-brother at the
postella he of Jesus as a lay-brother. He died in the
abbey of San Giuliano near his native horrible prison of Suzota (Omura) of
town. apoplexy, aged 69. Beatified in 1867.

AMATUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 31 AMBROSE (St) C. AC. March 17

d. 1093. He was Bishop of Nusco near d. r.250. A nobleman of Alexan-
Naples. He has been claimed as a monk dria, who befriended and helped Origen
of Montevergine, but the date of his financially. He suffered imprisonment
death renders this impossible. for the Faith under Maximinus, but was
released and died a confessor.
RM. Sept 13 OP. RM. March 20
f.567-630. Born at Grenoble, he en- 1 220-1 287. Born at Siena, he joined the

tered as a boy the abbey of St Maurice Dominicans in 1237 and was a fellow
of Agaune in Switzerland where he lived student of St Thomas Aquinas under
as a monk hermit for over thirty years. St Albert the Great. He excelled as a
St Eustace induced him to migrate to preacher, and in the performance of this
Luxeuil. Here he turned the heart of office he travelled through Germany,
St Romaricus to God, and when this France and Italy. He was also Master of
nobleman founded the abbey of Haben- the Sacred Palace. His death was
dum (Remiremont : Romarici mons) in hastened by the vehemence of his
620, under the Benedictine Rule, St preaching. In art he is represented as

holding in his hand a model of his native AMBROSE (St) Bp. AC. Sept 3
city. Cult confirmed in 1622. d. £.455.Bishop of Sens, of whom
nothing else is known.
d. Page to King Mwanga of
1886. (Bl.)M. OSB. AC. Sept 10
Uganda; he was baptized on Nov 17, d. 64 1. Baptized a Catholic, he was

1885, and burnt alive the following year. educated a Protestant, but was recon-
See Uganda (Martyrs of). verted to the Faith and studied for the
priesthood at Douai and Valladolid. In
AMBROSE AUTPERTUS 1 61 5 he was professed a monk at St
(St) Ab.
OSB. AC. July 19 Gregory's, Douai, now Downside; but
d. £.778. Born in Gaul, he was Charle- he asked to be affiliated to the Spanish
magne's tutor at the court of Pepin the abbey of Celanova; and the community
Short. He went to Italy as the king's granted his petition. He was sent to the
envoy and visited the Benedictine English mission in his native Lanca-
abbey of St Vincent by the river Vol- shire, where he laboured for twenty-

turno, in the duchy of Benevento, and four years. Four times he was impri-
forthwith entered there as a monk. soned and released, the fifth time he
Eventually he became abbot. He was an was executed at Lancaster for his
able exegete and his works were con- priesthood. Beatified in 1929.
sidered as authoritative as those written
by the greatest of the Latin Fathers. AMBROSE (St) Bp. RM. Oct 16
In though not in title, he
fact, is one of d. r.752. The thirteenth of
the Doctors of the Church. Cahors. Eventually he resigned and
lived as a recluse. After a pilgrimage to

AMBROSE (St) M. RM. Aug 16 Rome he died at Ernotrum (now Saint-

d. f.303. A centurion put to death under Ambroise-sur-Arnon), in Berry.
Diocletian at Ferentino in central Italy.
His Acta are preserved only in a MS. of AMBROSE (St) Ab. RM. Nov 2
the 14th century. 523 and 582. There were two abbots of
this name of the abbey of Agaune, St

AMBROSE PICCOLOMINI and Moritz, Switzerland. The former, who

PATRICK de' PATRIZI (BB) Mks had formerly been abbot of Ste Barbe,
OSB. Oliv. PC. Aug 21 near Lyons, is the one commemorated
d. ? With Bl Bernard Tolomei
1347. by the RM. the latter died in 582.

they were co-founders of Montoliveto

Maggiore, near Siena. They are always AMBROSE TRAVERSARI (Bl.) Ab.
called Beati by the Olivetans. OSB. Cam. PC. Nov 20
1376-1 439. Born at Portico, near Flor-
AMBROSE (St) Bp. AC. Aug 28 ence, he studied under the Greek
d. />450. A bishop of Saintes, whose humanist Chrysoloras at Venice, and
episcopate lasted for about fourteen became a typical "all round" Renais-
years. Hementioned in the life of his
is sance scholar. In 1400 he joined the
successor St Vivian and is honoured Camaldolese at Santa Maria degli An-
together with him in the diocese of La geli, at Florence; here he continued his
Rochelle. studies, wrote much, chiefly in Greek,


and collected a large library. He was AMEDEUS IX (Bl.) C.

the soul of the Council of Florence AC. March 30
for the reunion of the Greeks. In d. 1472. The third Duke of Savoy. His
1 43 1 he became abbot-general. He was
cult was authorized by Innocent XI.
both a great churchman and a great
scholar. AMEDEUS of PORTUGAL (St) C.
PC. Aug 9
AMBROSE (St) Bp. Dr. RM. Dec 7 1 420- 1 482. Of a noble Portuguese
f.340-397. Born in Gaul, where his family, he became a Hieronymite, but
father, who belonged to the Roman later decided to become a Franciscan.

nobility,was praetorian prefect. Still After much opposition, he was allowed

very young, Ambrose became a barrister His
to enter as a lay brother at Assisi.

at Rome and before his thirty-fifth year lifewas quasi-eremetical, but later he
was appointed governor of Liguria and was made a priest, and founded several
Aemilia with his headquarters at Milan. houses "of the regular observance".
The whole province was rent by the Sixtus IV treated him with great honour.
Arian controversy. When in 374 the In 1568, his houses were united to those
bishop of Milan died, Ambrose, as of the Franciscan Observants.
governor, went to the cathedral to en-
sure peace and order in the new election, AMELBERGA
with the result that he himself, though Note. Variant forms of this name are:
a catechumen, was elected by acclama- Amalberga, Amalburga, Amalia, Amelia.
tion, after a child had been suddenly
heard to cry out "Ambrose for bishop". AMELBERGA (St) V. OSB.
Ambrose's objections were overruled RM. July 10
and he was consecrated on Dec 7, 374 d. c.772. She was a nun of Miinster-
(the day on which his feast is now kept). bilsen in Flanders, receiving the veil
He proved to be one of the greatest and from St Willibrord. Her relics were
most beloved bishops of all time. He transferred to the abbey church of St
excelled as an administrator, as a Peter at Ghent in 1073.
writer, as a protector of the poor, as the
"hammer of Arianism". He was prompt
and outspoken in withstanding the
AC. July 10
tyranny of the emperors. His courage
d. 690. Born was a niece,
in Brabant, she
in reproving Theodosius the Great was
or sister, of Bl. Pepin of Landen. She
a noble example of Christian heroism.
was married to Count Witger and
He died on Good Friday, April 4, 397,
mother of SS Gudula, Emebert, and
He is one of the four great Latin Fathers
Reineldis. When Witger became a Bene-
and Doctors.
dictine monk at Lobbes, she joined the
nunnery of Maubeuge under the same
AME, AIME (St) rule. Often confused with the preceding.
Otherwise Amatus, q.v.


AMEDEO (St) C. AC. Nov 21
RM. Feb 12 and Apr 18 d. ^.900. Abbess of Susteren. She edu-
One of the Seven Holy Founders of the cated in her convent two daughters of
Servite Order, q.v. the king of Lorraine.

AMICUS and AMELIUS (SS) MM. helmet on his head. Both the Greeks
AC. Oct 12 and the Latins commemorate their
d. 773. French knights who took part passion.
in Charlemagne's campaign against the
Lombards in Upper Italy, where they AMMON, THEOPHILUS, NEO-
were killed, or fell in battle, and have TERIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
been venerated as martyrs ever since at RM. Sept 8
Mortara in Lombardy. ? These three, together with twenty-
two more Christians, suffered at Alex-
AMICUS (St) Mk. OSB. AC. Nov 2 andria. The Bollandists give the names
d. £.1045. Born near Camerino, he be- of all, but no other data are known.
came a secular priest, then a hermit and
finally amonk of St Peter's at Fontea- AMMON the GREAT (St) Ab.
vellana,founded by St Dominic of Sora AC. Oct 4
in 1025 (not that governed by St Peter d. c .350. Of a wealthy Egyptian family,
Damian). St Peter's was at that time a Ammon married, and for eighteen years
daughter-house of Montecassino, and he and his wife lived as brother and
for this reason St Amicus is often called sister. Then by mutual agreement they

a monk of Montecassino, and was held embraced the religious life. Ammon
in special veneration at that abbey. retired to the Nitrian desert and even-
tually had under his charge from four
(St) to five thousand monks or hermits. In
Early nth cent. Abbot of Rambara. his later years Ammon ate only once
every three or four days. He is one of
the earliest and greatest hermit-monks.
(St) C. OSM. RM. Feb 12 (Apr 18)
One of the Seven Holy Founders of the
Servite Order, q.v.
MM. RM. Dec 20
d. 249. The first four were soldiers.
AMMIA (St) Matron RM. Aug 31
They, together with Theophilus, were
See Theodotus, Rufina and Ammia.
present when a Christian on trial at
Alexandria showed signs of wavering.
AMMIANUS (St) M. RM. Sept 4
They forthwith encouraged him and
See Theodore, Oceanus, etc.
were beheaded on that account.


Comp. (SS) MM. AC. Feb 9 DIONYSIA, and a second AMMON-
? Aband of forty-four Christians mar- ARIA (SS) MM. RM. Dec 12
tyred at Membressa in Africa. c .250. A
band of holy women of Alex-
andria martyred under Decius. Mer-
AMMON and Comp. (SS) MM. curia is described as an aged woman,
RM. Sept 1 Dionysia as the mother of many child-
Ammon, a deacon, was put to
d. f.322. ren and the two Ammonarias as young
death under Licinius at Heraclea in girls.

Thrace, together with forty young

women, his converts. The executioner AMMONIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 18
killed St Ammon by placing a red-hot See Moseus and Ammonius.


AMMONIUS and ALEXANDER founded Miinsterbilsen nunnery, in the
(SS) MM. RM. Feb 9 diocese of Liege. He has been wrongly
? Two Christians martyred at Soli in identified with St Amor, founder of
Cyprus. Amorbach.

AMMONIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 12 AMOS (St) Prophet RM March 3

See Modestus and Ammonius. 8th cent. B.C. One of the minor prophets,
a shepherd of Tekoah (Koa) near Beth-
AMMONIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 14 lehem, who aptly describes himself as
See Dionysius and Ammonius. "a herdsman plucking wild figs" (VII
13). He was —
the RM. says "trans-

AMMONIUS (St) M. RM. March 26 fixed with an iron bar through the
See Theodore, Irenaeus, etc. temples". He was buried in his native
AMMONIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 26
See Faustus, Didius, etc. AMPELIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 11
See Saturninus, Dativus, etc.
H. OSB. AC. Jan 30 AMPELIUS (St) Bp. AC. July 7
d. 1043. Born either in Ireland or in d. Bishop of Milan during the
Scotland, he travelled to Germany and Lombard period. He wielded a great
became first a monk, and then a recluse, influence for good among the invading
at Fulda. Lombards.

AMO (AMON) (St) Bp. AC. Oct 23 AMPELUS and CAIUS (SS) MM.
4th cent. Second known bishop of Toul, RM. Nov 20
the successor of St Mansuetus in that d. c.302. They are presumed to have
see. been Sicilians, martyred at Messina
under Diocletian. Actually nothing is
AMOES (St) H. AC. Jan 17 known about them.
See Achillas and Amoes.
AMOR (AMOUR) (St) M. (St) M. RM. Apr 2
AC. Aug 9 d. f.305. A young Christian of Lycia,
? Venerated in the Franche-Comte to- Asia Minor, who entered the governor's
gether with St Viator. Their relics are house when the latter was on the point
enshrined at Saint-Amour, in Burgundy. of offering sacrifices to idols and boldly
reproached him for his crime of ido-
AMOR (AMATOR, AMOUR) (St) latry. He was forthwith arrested and
Ab. OSB. AC. Aug 17 most cruelly tortured to death.
8th cent. Companion of St Pirmin in
the evangelization of Germany. Abbot- AMPHIBALUS (St) M. AC. June 24
founder of Amorbach in Franconia. d. c .304. The supposed fellow-martyr of
St Alban of Verulam. In the original
AMOR (AMOUR) of AQUITAINE Acta it is only said that St Alban put on
(St) H. AC. Oct 8 the priest's cloak (amphibalus) and was
9th cent. Born in Aquitaine, he lived as arrested instead of the priest who had
a recluse at Maestricht. Eventually he —
taken refuge in his house not with the

priest. Geoffrey of Monmouth took the countries. The RM. adds "they were
word amphibalus to be the name of the slain by Jews and Gentiles".


RM. March 27 d. £.750. He was
an abbot-bishop
See Philetus, Lydia, etc. (chorepiscopus) of Lobbes, successor of
St Erminus (d. 737).
RM. Nov 23 AMUNIA(St) W.OSB. AC. March 11
d. Fellow-student of St Basil
f.400. d. f.1069. The mother of St Aurea
under Libanius, a successful lawyer at (Oria), whom she joined in her widow-
Constantinople, a hermit, and finally one hood as a recluse under the obedience
of the group of Cappadocian bishops, of the abbot of San Millan de la Cogolla,
friends of St Basil, appointed by the in La Rioja, Spain.
latter to counteract Arianism in Cappa-
docia. Amphilochius was appointed to ANACHARIUS (AUNACHARIUS,
the see of Iconium. He opposed the AUNACHAIRE, AUNAIRE) (St) Bp.
Macedonian heretics, against whom he RM. Sept 25
wrote a work on the Holy Ghost highly d. 604.Born near Orleans and educated
commended by St Jerome. He presided at King Guntram of Bur-
the court of
at the synod of Sidon which condemned gundy, he became bishop of Auxerre in
the Messalians, who asserted that prayer 561. He ordered the Litany of the Saints
is the only means of salvation. to be sung daily in the chief centres of
population by rotation and enforced the
AMPHION (St) Bp. RM. June 12 recitation of the Divine Office in all
d. ^.325. The RM. describes him as churches of the diocese.
"an excellent confessor in the time of
Galerius Maximian". He was then ANACLETUS (ANENCLETUS) (St)
bishop of Epiphania in Cilicia. During Pope, M. RM. July 13
the Arian troubles he was elected by the 1st cent. One of the earliest popes, he is

Catholic party to Nicomedia. Amphion now regarded as identical with St Cletus,

was one of the "illustrious confessors" q.v.
who attended the council of Nicea. St
Athanasius approved of his writings. ANANIAS (St) M. RM. Jan 25
1 st cent. The disciple at Damascus who
AMPLIATUS, URBAN and NAR- baptized St Paul (Acts IX), and who,
CISSUS (SS) MM. RM. Oct 31 according to tradition, evangelized
1 st cent. St Paul mentions these three Damascus, Eleutheropolis and other
saints inRomans XVI. 8 sqq: "Salute places, and was ultimately martyred.
Ampliatus, most beloved by me in the
Lord. Salute Urban our helper in Jesus ANANIAS and Comp. (SS) MM.
Christ. Salute them that are of Narcis- AC. Feb 25
sus's householdwho are in the Lord". d. f.298. A martyr-priest of Phoenicia
Later, Greek, traditions have
chiefly under Diocletian. Thrown into prison,
made Ampliatus a bishop, and all three he converted his gaoler, Peter, and seven
disciples of our Lord, and preachers of soldiers of the guard. All were put to
the gospel with St Andrew in the Balkan death together.



San Jose, California

ANANIAS (St) M. RM. Apr 21 being beheaded ... she passed to her
See Simeon, Abdechalas, etc. Spouse; Cyril, who offered her water
when she begged thereof, received mar-
ANANIAS (St) M. RM. Dec 1 tyrdom for his reward". Unfortunately
? A
layman, martyred at Arbela, either the whole passio is a fictitious compo-
the Persian or the Assyrian (Erbel) sition and it is doubtful that the saints
town of that name. ever existed.


(SS) RM. Dec 16 d. c. She is one of the best known
7th cent. B.C. Named otherwise Sidrach, martyrs on account of her being com-
Misach and Abdenago (AV. Shadrach, memorated in the second Mass of
Meshach, Abed-nego.) The three child- Christmas and mentioned in the Canon
ren cast into the fiery furnace by order of the Mass and in the Litany of the
of the king Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. III). Saints. She suffered at Sirmium in
The RM. adds: "whose bodies are Dalmatia, her relics were translated to
buried near Babylon in a certain cave". Constantinople and her cult spread to
Rome under the influence of Byzantine
ANASTASIA the PATRICIAN (St) officials who dwelt in the aristocratic
VH. AC. March 10 quarters by the Forum where there is

6th cent. Her life is counted by many as a basilica dedicated in her honour, the
a pious legend, the first of many similar ancient titulus Anastasiae. The Acta of
historiettes.She belonged to the nobi- her martyrdom are worthless.
lity of Byzantium, and found favour in

the eyes of the emperor Justinian, thus ANASTASIUS (St) M. AC. Jan 6
exciting the empress's jealousy. Anas- 4th cent. A martyr at Syrmium, Pan-
tasia escaped first to a nunnery near nonia.
Alexandria, and after the empress's
death, when the emperor instituted a ANASTASIUS, JUCUNDUS,
search for her, she disguised herself in FLORUS, FLORIANUS, PETER,
male attire and lived in Scythia as a RATITES, TATIA, and TILIS (SS)
monk-hermit for twenty-eight years. MM. AC. Jan 6
The Greeks keep her feast on March 10. 4th cent. Martyres at Syrmium, Pan-
ANASTASIA (St) M. RM. Apr 15
See Basilissa and Anastasia. ANASTASIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 7
d. 977. Archbishop of Sens from 968 to
ANASTASIA and CYRIL (SS) MM. 977, he began the building of the cathe-
RM. Oct 28 dral, and greatly favoured the monks
d. ? 253. All that we know concerning of Saint-Pierre-le-Vif, in whose church
these two saints is given in the RM.: he was buried.
"At Rome, the passion of SS Anastasia
the Elder, the Virgin, and Cyril, Mar- ANASTASIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 9
tyrs. The former was bound with chains See Julian, Basilissa, etc.
in Valerian's persecution under the
Prefect Probus, tortured ... her breasts ANASTASIUS (St) Ab. OSB.
cut her nails torn out, her teeth
off, RM. Jan 11
broken, her hands and feet cut off, and d. f.570. A notary of the Roman church,
who became monk and abbot of Sup- deposition by Justinian, and actually
pentonia (Castel Sant' Elia), diocese of banished from his see after twenty-
Nepi, near Mt Soracte. St Gregory the three yearsby Justin II. He was res-
Great narrates that, at the summons of tored to Antioch by St Gregory the
an angel, St Anastasius and his monks Great and the emperor Maurice.
died in quick succession.
RM. Jan 22 d. 251. Anastasius, a tribune in the
d. 628.Magundat had been a soldier in army of the emperor Decius, was con-
the army of Chosroes, the Persian king. verted to Christianity on witnessing the
Baptised as Anastasius, he became a courage of the martyrs whom in his
monk at Jerusalem. He was arrested at capacity of tribune he was torturing to
Caesarea in Palestine, tortured and death. A few days after his conversion
taken to the Persian king in Assyria, he was arrested and beheaded with all
who ordered his execution. His head his family and servants. Their relics are
was brought to Rome and enshrined in venerated at Camerino in central Italy.
a church dedicated to him and St
Vincent, the Spanish martyr. Hence, ANASTASIUS (St) C. AC. May 11
his wide-spread cult in the West. ? The patron saint of the city of Lerida
in Spanish Catalonia. He is probably to
ANASTASIUS (St) M. AC. March 20 be identified with one of the many
d. £.797. The archimandrite (superior) Anastasii martyrs listed here, although
of the laura of St Sabas, at Jerusalem. the people of Lerida assert that their
The laura (a cluster of hermitages) was Anastasius was a native of that city.

attacked by robbers and all its monks

massacred with the archimandrite at ANASTASIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 20
their head. The Greeks keep their feast d. 610.Bishop of Brescia in Lombardy.
on the anniversary of their death. He greatly contributed to the conver-
sion of the Lombards from Arianism.
ANASTASIUS the SINAITE (St) C. St Charles Borromeo solemnly trans-
? RM. Apr 21 lated his relics in 1581.
d. f.678. A Palestinian hermit, who
eventually fixed his abode on Mt Sinai, ANASTASIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 30
hence his surname "the Sinaite". He d. 680. A convert from Arianism, who
took part in all the Christological con- became bishop of Pavia in Lombardy
troversies of his time, in Syria, in 668-680. He is commonly called Anas-
Egypt, and elsewhere. He has left tasius II, to distinguish him from one
ascetical and theological writings of of his predecessors in the see.
considerable value.
ANASTASIUS I (St) Patriarch (SS) MM. OSB. RM. June 14
? RM. Apr 21 d. 853. Anastasius was a deacon of the
d. 599.Often confused with his name- church of St Acisclus at Cordova, who
sake "the Sinaite". He was patriarch became a monk of the double abbey of
of Antioch and a resolute opponent of Tabanos, near the same city. Felix was
the imperial politico-theological rule. born at Alcala (Complutum) of a Berber
For this reason he was threatened with family, was professed a monk in Asturias


but joined the community of Tabanos, continued to ply his trade at Salona and
being desirous of martyrdom. Digna to profess his religion openly, painting
belonged to the nunnery of the double a conspicuous cross on his door. He was
abbey. The three were among the first seized and drowned. He is now com-
Cordova, and were
to confess Christ at monly identified with the Anastasius of
beheaded by order of the Caliph. August 21.


See Marcellus and Anastasius. SIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. Oct 11
ANASTASIUS (SS) Cc. RM. Aug 13 ? The RM. has this entry: "The pas-
See Maximus, Homologetes and Comp. sion of SS Anastasius, a priest, Placid,
Genesius, and their companions". And
ANASTASIUS (St) Bp. AC. Aug 14 this is all we know about them.
nth cent. Benedictine Abbot (996-
1006) of PannonhalmaHungary, and
then second Archbishop of Eszterzom OSB. AC. Oct 16
and Primate of Hungary. c. 1 020- 1 085. A native of Venice and a
man of considerable substance and
ANASTASIUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 17 learning, he became a monk of Mont-
d. ? 553. Bishop of Terni at the time of Saint-Michel in Normandy, but left the
the invasion of Totila. Said to have abbey, being dissatisfied with the abbot,
come from Syria and to have been a who was accused of simony. In 1066
hermit near Perugia. The Bollandists St Hugh of Cluny made his acquain-
state that there has been a confusion tance and invited him to join Cluny.
between hermit martyr and a bishop of
a After about seven years Gregory VII
Terni. St Anastasius the bishop did not ordered him to go to Spain to preach
find a place in the RM. until 15 18. to the Moors. He did so, but after
another seven years returned to Cluny;
ANASTASIUS CORNICULARIUS then he lived for a time as a recluse
(St) M. RM. Aug 21 near Toulouse. Recalled again to Cluny,
d. 274. A military tribune {cornicularius, he died on the way.
sub-officer) converted to Christ on be-
holding the courage of the young St ASTERICUS (ASTRICUS, AS-
Agapitus. This happened at Salone, CRICK) (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Nov 12
twelve miles from Palestrina, near Rome. d. f.1035. A native of Bohemia, he
The RM., however, gives Salona in became a monk and accompanied St
Dalmatia, as the place of martyrdom. Adalbert to the Bohemian mission. He
The story itself is a duplication of that became the first abbot of Brevnov, but
of St Anastasius of Camerino (May 1 1) had to flee to Hungary where he was
and, as regards its location in Dalmatia, appointed the first abbot of Pannon-

of that of St Anastasius the Fuller (see halma, recently founded by King

below, Sept 7). All is very confused. Stephen and the Archbishop of Kalocsa.
Anastasius was the king's ambassador,
ANASTASIUS the Fuller (St) M. sent to negotiate the recognition of the
Sept 7 new Hungarian kingdom by Pope Syl-
d. 304. A fuller of Aquileia, not far from vester II. He brought the Holy Crown
Venice. He crossed into Dalmatia and of Hungary to St Stephen.

? PC. Nov 19 1 st cent. The oldest catalogues give him
d. 498. He was pope for only two years: as the first bishop of Milan, sent there
496-498. On account of his conciliatory by St Barnabas whose disciple he was.
attitude towards the Acacian schism of As first bishop of Milan he evangelized
Constantinople he was maligned by the the surrounding district, including
intransigents. As a result his memory Brescia, where he died.
remained under a cloud for centuries,
and this led Dante to give the saintly ANATOLE KIRIGGWAJJO (St) M.
pontiff a place in hell (Inferno, XI, 4). RM. June 3
The pope's name is found with the d. 1886. He came from a tribe of herds-
title of Saint in many calendars on men and was one of the young pages of
Sept 8. King Mwanga of Uganda. Martyred
together with several others. See Uganda
ANASTASIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 5 (Martyrs of).
? The laus of the RM. is as follows:
"The of St Anastasius the
passion ANATOLIA and AUDAX (SS) MM.
martyr, who in his ardent desire for RM. July 9
martyrdom gave himself up, of his own d. £.250. There are two legenda con-
accord, to the persecutors". Nothing nected with these martyrs, who suffered
else is known about him. under Decius. The martyrology of St
Jerome makes Anatolio a Roman
ANASTASIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 19 maiden, denounced with her sister
See Cyriacus, Paulillus, etc. Victoria, by their rejected lovers. They
were confined to a prison near Rieti,
ANASTASIUS I (St) Pope here their miracles converted Audax,
RM. Dec 19 one of the guards. The RM., however,
d. 401. The RM. has this laus: "At does not mention Victoria, and places
Rome, the death of Pope St Anastasius the scene of the martyrdom at Thora,
I, a man of extreme poverty and apos- in the diocese of Rieti, not far from the
tolic solicitude. St Jerome in his writings small village now called Sant' Anatolia.
saith that Rome did not deserve to Otherwise the two stories agree.
possess him for long . .
." The saintly
pope is given similar praises by SS ANATOLIUS (St) Bp. AC. Feb 3
Augustine and Paulinus of Nola. He 9th cent. A Scottish bishop who went as
stopped the spread of the errors attri- a pilgrim to Rome and settled as a her-
buted to Origen. mit at Salins in the Jura, where at a
later date a church was built in his
ANASTASIUS II the YOUNGER honour. Another completely different
(St) Patriarch, M. RM. Dec 21 legend makes him a 4th cent. Bishop of
d. 609. In 599 he succeeded St Anas- Galicia.
tasius I in the see of Antioch. During
his episcopate there took place at ANATOLIUS (St) Bp. AC. Feb 7
Antioch a rising of the Syrian Jews ?A supposed bishop of Cahors whose
against the tyranny of the emperor relics were venerated at the abbey of
Phocas, and Anastasius was murdered Saint-Mihiel, diocese of Verdun. The
by the mob and was looked on as a whole account of his life bristles with
martyr. inaccuracies.

See Photina, Joseph, etc. C. OP. 19 AC. Jan
d. 1485. Called "the Apostle of the
ANATOLIUS (St) Bp. RM. July 3 Valtellina". He was born at Peschiera
d. f.283. Head of the Aristotelian school on the southern shore of Lake Garda,
at Alexandria, his native city. He ex- diocese of Verona. At the age of fifteen
celled as a philosopher and a mathema- he became a Friar Preacher at Brescia,
tician. About the year 269 he was chosen studied at San Marco in Florence, and
bishop of Laodicea. St Jerome com- afterwards for forty-five years carried
mends his works. out a most successful apostolate in the
Valtellina district on the borders of
ANATOLIUS (St) Bp. AC. July 3 Switzerland and Italy.
d. 458. Patriarch of Constantinople from

449 to 458. The Bollandists have vindi- ANDREW of SEGNI (Bl.) C.

cated his claims to sanctity. His feast is AC. Feb 1

kept by the Byzantine Catholics. d. 1302. Born

Anagni of the noble
family of Conti, he became a Franciscan
ANATOLIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 20 and then a recluse in the Apennines.
See Eustace, Thespesius and Anatolius. Troubled in life by the demons, he
became celebrated for his assistance to
ANCINA, JUVENAL (Bl.) those who invoked his aid against them.
AC. Aug 31 Cult confirmed in 1724.
See Juvenal Ancina.
ANDEOL (St) Bp. RM. Oct 15 RM. Feb
Otherwise Antiochus, q.v. 1 302-1 373. Born in Florence of the
illustrious Corsini family. After wasting
ANDEOLUS (St) M. RM. May 1 his early years in dissipation, he joined
d. 208. A
subdeacon of Smyrna sent to the Carmelites in 13 18, and embarked
France by St Polycarp. He is said to on a life of the most austere penance.
have been martyred near Viviers on the He studied in Paris and at Avignon, and
Rhone. was made prior at Florence. Bishop of
Fiesole from 1360, he continued his
ANDOCHIUS, THYRSUS and extraordinary life of penance, was a
FELIX (SS) MM. RM. Sept 24 father of the poor, and mediator between
2nd Andochius, a priest, and
cent. the quarrelsome Italian states of that
Thyrsus, a deacon of Smyrna, sent to time. He died on Jan 6.
Gaul by St Polycarp. They established
themselves at Autun where they con- ANDREW of ELNON (Bl) Ab.
verted their host, a rich merchant, by OSB. AC. Feb
name Felix. All three were martyred d. c.690. Monk and disciple of St
together.Their cult was wide-spread Amandus Elnon, whom
at he succeeded
throughout Gaul. as abbot. His relics were "raised" to-
gether with those of St Amandus in 694.
ANDREW (St) ? Bp. ? M. ? Jan 13
d. ? 235. The supposed twelfth bishop ANDREW and APONIUS (SS) MM.
of Treves, whom some chroniclers make AC. Feb 10
also a martyr. 1 st cent. Martyred at Bethlehem, it is

said, during the persecution mentioned from Siena, he led a life of extraordinary
in Acts XII, in which St James the penance and charity until he was al-
Great was put to death. lowed to return to his native city, where
he founded the Brothers of Mercy,
ANDREW CONTI (Bl) C. OFM. which lasted until 1308.
AC. Feb 15
d. 1302 (Feb Andrew of the counts
of Segni, or Andrew of Anagni, as he C. OSA. Erem. AC. Apr
is from his birthplace, was a
called 1397-1 480. Born at Mascioni, diocese of
nephew of Pope Alexander IV. He Rieti, at the age of fourteen he became
became a Franciscan lay-brother and an Augustinian hermit at Montereale.
remained in that position although Ordained priest, he preached and la-
offered a cardinal's hat by Pope Boniface boured for fifty years throughout Italy
VIII. He was equipollently beatified in and France, disciplining himself by
1724. severe fasts. He was for a time provin-
cial of his order in Umbria. Cult con-
ANDREW NAM-THUNG (Bl) M. firmed in 1764.
AC. Feb 18
790-1 855. A native catechist of
Cochin-China and mayor of his village. OFM. AC. Apr 18
He died on the way to exile at Mi-Tho, 1534-1 602. Born at Alcantarilla, near
E. Cochin-China. Beatified in 1909. Murcia, in Spain, of noble but poor
parents, he worked in order to help his
ANDREW of FLORENCE (St) Bp. sister financially, but was robbed of his
RM. Feb 26 savings and, disillusioned, joined the
d. £.407. The —according
successor to Conventual Franciscans as a lay-brother.
Gams, the predecessor—of St Zenobius In 1563 he passed over, at Elche, to the
in the see of Florence. Gams lists a Alcantarine Reform. He converted
second Andrew a successor—with an
as many Moors by his frank simplicity.
interrogation mark. He died while helping to introduce the
reform at Gandia. Beatified in 1791.
OSB. Vail. AC. March 10 ANDREW FOURNET (St) C.
d. Born at Parma, he was the
1097. RM. May 13
disciple and chief supporter of the 1 752-1 834. Born at Maille, near
deacon St Arialdo in the campaign Poitiers. After several false starts, he
against simony at Milan. After his was ordained and appointed parish
master's martyrdom, Andrew became a priest of his native town, which he
Vallumbrosan monk, and was made served unremittingly, even at the risk
abbot of San Fedele at Strumi on the of his life, during the French Revolu-
Arno. He excelled as a peacemaker be- tion. In 1807 he, with Elizabeth des
tween Florence and Arezzo. Anges, founded the Congregation of the
Daughters of the Cross for nursing and
ANDREW de' GALLERANI (Bl) C. teaching. Beatified in 1926 and canon-
AC. March 19 ized in 1933.
d. 125 1. He was a distinguished Sienese
who accidentally killed a man
soldier, ANDREW (St) M. RM. May 15
whom he had heard blaspheming. Exiled See Peter, Andrew, etc.

AC. May 15 AC. June 3
1375- 1 450. A Dominican friar, prior of d. 1254 (or 1264). Born at Spello, near
the royal monastery of St Mary Mag- Assisi, he was ordained priest and was
dalen at Saint-Maximin, in France. possessed of considerable wealth. He
Cult confirmed in 1902. gave it all to charity and became one of
the seventy-two followers of St

ANDREW BOBOLA (St) M. SJ. Francis. He favoured a strict interpre-

RM. May 16 tation of the Franciscan Rule, against
1592-1657 (May 16). Called by the the innovations of Brother Elias, and
schismatics Duszochwat (robber of was for this reason persecuted and
souls). He was a Pole, who joined the imprisoned. He died at Spello, where
Society of Jesus at Vilna in 161 1 and he had founded a friary. Cult confirmed
spent his whole life reconciling dissident by Clement XII.
Orthodox with the Holy See. For this
reason he was cruelly tormented and ANDREW KAGWA (St) M.
partially flayed alive and finally put to RM. June 3
death by a gang of Cossacks at Janov, d. 1886. A Uganda and royal
native of
near Pinsk. Beatified in 1853, canonized bandmaster of King Mwanga. Baptized
in 1938. in 1 88 1, he was condemned to death for
the Faith, and after his right arm had
ANDREW FRANCHI (Bl) Bp. OP. been severed from his body he was
AC. May 30 beheaded in 1886. See Uganda (Mar-
1 335- 1 4c 1. Of the family dei Franchi tyrs of).
Boccagni. He was born at Pistoia, where
he took the Dominican habit and even- ANDREW of CRETE (St) Bp.
tually (1378) was chosen bishop. One AC. July 4
year before his death he resigned and c.660-740. Surnamed also "of Jerusa-
retired to his old friary. Cult confirmed lem". He was born at Damascus, be-
in 1 92 1. came a monk of Mar Saba and then of
the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, a
ANDREW TOCUAN (Bl) M. deacon of St Sophia at Constantinople,
AC. June 1 and finally archbishop of Gortyna in
d. 1 61 9 (Nov 18). A Japanese layman, Crete. He excelled as a writer of
born at Nagasaki, he was a member of homilies and panegyrics of saints; he
Holy Rosary,
the confraternity of the also considered to be the initiator of the
and was burnt alive together with Bl Kanon of the Byzantine Liturgy.
Leonard Kimura because he had shel-
tered the missionaries. Beatified in ANDREW WOUTERS (St) M.
1867. RM. July 9
d. 1572. One of the martyrs of Gorkum
ANDREW TSHOCHINDA (Bl) M. (see under Gorkum). He was a secular
AC. June 1 priest at Heinot near Dortrecht in
d. 1 61 7 (Oct 1). A Japanese layman and Holland. He led a scandalous life, but
member of the confraternity of the Holy when the Calvinists tried to compel
Rosary. Martyred at Nagasaki for hav- him to renounce the Catholic faith, he
ing given shelter to the Dominican expiated his past by a brave confession,
missionaries. Beatified in 1867. was imprisoned at Briel with the other

martyrs and hanged with them. Beati- Sepolcro, Italy, from being a military
fied in 1675, canonized in 1867. captain he followed St Philip Benizi into
the Servite Order and accompanied him
ANDREW of RINN (Bl) M. on his preaching expeditions. He retired
AC. July 12 to the solitude ofMontevecchio, where
1459-1 462. A boy, aged three, alleged he died. Cult confirmed in 1806.
to have been put to death by Jews out
of hatred of Christ at Rinn, near Inns- ANDREW KIM (Bl) M.
bruck. The facts are doubtful. Benedict AC. Sept 22
XIV allowed the continuation of the d. 1846. Of one of the noblest families
local cultus but refused to proceed to of Korea, he was ordained at Macao,
Andrew's canonization. S. China, and returned to Korea as the
first native priest, and was arrested
almost immediately and put to death.
17 AC. July
Beatified with many others in 1925.
d. r.1010. A
hermit of Polish origin, he
lived on Mount Zobar, in Hungary,
near a Benedictine monastery, under
whose influence he trained St Benedict
ANTONY (SS) MM. RM. Sept 23
d. r.900. According to the Greek Men-
of Szkalka (q.v.). His life was written
ology these saints were deported from
by Bl. Maur OSB. Canonized 1083.
Syracuse to Africa by the Saracens, at
that time masters of Sicily. They were
there subjected to savage tortures and
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Aug 19
put to death.
d. £.303. An officer in the army of Maxi-
mian Galerius, who took part in an
expedition against the Persians. Accused
with a number of his comrades of being
2 AC. Oct
a Christian, he and they were expelled
d. 1622. A
Japanese boy, aged eight,
son of BB. Louis and Lucy Chakichi
from the army and took refuge in the
and brother of Francis. He was beheaded
Taurus mountains in Cilicia, but were
with his mother and his brother Fran-
tracked and put to death.
cis; their father was burnt at the stake.
ANDREW of TUSCANY (St) Ab. The four were beatified together in
OSB. AC. Aug 22 1867.
d. c .880. An Irish or Scottish pilgrim to
Rome, who settled at Fiesole and became ANDREW the CALABYTE (St) M.
the abbot-restorer of San Martino in RM. Oct 20
Mensula. These seem to be the only d. 766. A native of Crete, and a monk
trustworthy facts in his life, which has there, who went to Constantinople and
come down to us largely embellished openly denounced the emperor Con-
with fiction. stantine Copronymus for heresy on ac-
count of the latter's edict against the
ANDREW (St) M. RM. Aug 29 veneration of images. The emperor
See Hypatius and Andrew. ordered the brave monk to be put to the
torture and finally abandoned him to
ANDREW DOTTI (Bl) C. OSM. the mob, who him through the
AC. Sept 3 streets in derision and stabbed him to
1 256-13 1 5 (Aug 31). Born at Borgo San death.


ANDREW of BAUDIMENT (Bl) Ab. Constantinople in 1210, rest now at
OSB. Cist. PC. Nov 10 (Apr 29) Amalfi in S. Italy. St Andrew is the
d. 1 142. A Cistercian monk of Pontigny, patron saint of Scotland, Russia and
he became the abbot-founder of Chablis Greece; his name occurs in the Canon
(Caroli-loci). of the Mass and in the embolism of the
Lord's prayer. His emblem in art is the
ANDREW AVELLINO (St) C. traditional cross of his martyrdom
Theatine RM. Nov
10 shaped like an X.
1 521-1608. Born near Naples and chris-
tened Lancelot. Ordained priest, he was ANDREW of ANTIOCH (Bl) C.
at firstan ecclesiastical lawyer and as OSA. AC. Nov 30
such was entrusted with the reform of a 1 268-1 348. A descendant of Robert
certain nunnery, being nearly killed in Guiscard, he was born at Antioch of
the enterprise. He then joined the Norman parents. He joined the Canons
Theatine Clerks Regular and took the Regular of the Holy Sepulchre at Jeru-
name of Andrew. He worked with great salem and was sent into Europe to
success, chiefly in Lombardy where he collect funds for the Eastern houses of
became a personal friend and advisor his order. In this quest he died at
of St Charles Borromeo. He died at Annecy (March 27).
Naples, in his eightieth year, at the foot
of the altar when beginning Mass. ANDREW DUNG (or LAC) (Bl) M.
Beatified in 1624 and canonized in 17 12. AC. Dec 26
1 785-1 839. A native priest of Tonkin.
ANDREW TRONG (Bl) M. Arrested with Bl. Peter Thi, both were
AC. Nov 18 beheaded on Dec 21. Beatified in 1900.
1 8 17-1835. A native soldier of Cochin-
China attached to the Society of Foreign ANDRONICUS and JUNIAS (SS)
Missions of Paris. He was arrested with MM. AC. May 17
other Christians in 1834. His mother 1 st cent. Disciples of St Paul, who
assisted at his execution at Hue and makes mention of them in Romans XVI,
received his falling head into her lap. 7: 'SaluteAndronicus and Junias, my
Beatified in 1900. kinsmen and fellow-prisoners, who are
of note among the Apostles, who also
ANDREW (St) M. RM. Nov 28 were in Christ before me". This is all
See Stephen, Basil, etc. we know about them. The Greeks
on May 17; their
celebrate their feast
(St) names have been dropped from the
RM. Nov 30 RM.
1 st cent. A of Bethsaida in
Galilee, elder brother of St Peter and ANDRONICUS and ATHANASIA
likehim a fisherman. He was a disciple (SS) HH. RM. Oct 9
of St John the Baptist and the first 5th cent. Husband and wife, citizens of
to be called to Christ's apostleship. He Antioch in Syria, where the former was
is said to have evangelized Asia Minor a silversmith or banker. On the death
and Greece and to have been crucified of their two children they agreed to
at Patras in Achaia. The Acta of his separate and live as hermits in Egypt.
martyrdom seem to date from the 4th Years later they met and occupied
century. His alleged relics, stolen from adjoining cells, Andronicus not recog-

nizing his wife until after her death. and children she gave herself up com-
They are particularly venerated in pletely to God and to penance and
Egypt and Ethiopia. became the leader of a large group of
tertiaries, men and women. At the
ANDRONICUS (St) M. RM. Oct n request of her confessor, Friar Arnold,
See Tharacus, Probus and Andronicus. she dictated to him an account of her
visions and which she re-
ecstasies in
ANECTUS (St) M. RM. March 10 veals herself asone of the greatest of
See Codratus, Dionysius, etc. mystics. Cult confirmed in 1693.


RM. June 27 Foundress RM. May 31
d. 303. Nothing really is known about 1474-1540 (Jan 24). Born at Desenzano
him. Baronius, who wrote the laus for on Lake Garda, diocese of Verona, she
the RM., places him
Caesarea in
at devoted herself to the education of girls,
Palestine under Diocletian, but remarks and the care of sick women. She was
that the Greek Acta are very vague. joined by several companions, and this
led to the foundation of the Institute of
ANEMPODISTUS (St) M. St Ursula in 1535, the first specifically
RM. Nov 2 teaching order of women established in
See Acindynus, Pegasius, etc. the Church. Canonized in 1807.

ANESIUS (St) M. RM. March 31 ANGELELMUS (St or Bl) Bp.

See Theodulus, Anesius, etc. OSB? PC. July 7
d. 828. He is said to have been abbot of
ANEURIN (or GILDAS) and SS Gervase and Protase at Auxerre. He
GWINOC (SS) CC. AC. Oct 26 was bishop there from f.813 to 828.
6th cent. Welsh monks, father and son.
The latter has left some Celtic poems ANGELICO OP.
(Bl) C.
of a certain literary value. PC. March 18
1 3 87- 1 45 5. His baptismal name was
ANGADRESIMA (ANGADRISMA, John. Born in the province of Mugello
ANGADREME) (St) Abs. OSB. near Florence, he became a Dominican
AC. Oct 14 in 1407 at Fiesole. He resided for a time
d. c .695.Cousin to St Lambert of Lyons, at San Marco in Florence, which he
monk of Fontenelle. She herself received decorated with his wonderful paintings,
the veil at the hands of St Ouen. Even- and died at the Dominican friary of La
tually she became abbess of the Bene- Minerva at Rome. He is one of the best
dictine nunnery of Oroer-des-Vierges, known and admired religious painters
near Beauvais. of all times. He is usually called il Beato
Angelico, although he has never been
ANGELA of FOLIGNO (Bl)W. officially beatified.

Tert. OFM. AC. Jan 4

1 248-1 309. Born at Foligno of good ANGELINA of MARSCIANO (Bl)
family, she led a worldly self-indulgent W. Tert. OFM. AC. July 15
life in the married state, until her con- 1377- 1 43 5. Born at Montegiove in Um-
version, when she became a Franciscan bria, she married in her fifteenth year
tertiary. After the death of her husband and was left a widow at seventeen. She


was inspired to found a convent of Tolentino. It is said that Bl. Angelus

regular tertiaries of St Francis at worked England and founded several

Foligno. It was finished in 1397, and friaries there. He was famed as a
before her death there were a hundred wonder-worker: once, it was narrated,
and thirty-five such houses under her he asked pardon for a man condemned
direction as superior general. Cult con- to death and was refused this request,
firmed in 1825. but after the man's execution he raised
him to life again. Cult approved in
Note. This is the Latin form of a name
which is very common in Latin coun- ANGELUS PORTASOLE (Bl) Bp.
tries Angelo in Italian Ange in French
: ; OP. PC. Feb 22
Angel in Spanish; Anjo in Portuguese. c. 1 296-1 334. A native of Perugia, he
was elected bishop of Iglesias, in Sar-
ANGELUS of FURCI (Bl) C. OSA. dinia, in 1330. He died at Ischia.
AC. Feb 6
1 246-1 327. Born at Furci in the ANGELUS CARLETTI, of CHIV-
Abruzzi, diocese of Chieti, he joined the ASSO (Bl) C. OFM. AC. Apr 12
Augustinians an early age, studied in
at d. 1495. Born at Chivasso, diocese of
Paris where he became lector of theo- Ivrea, near Turin, he studied law at
logy, and on his return to Italy spent Bologna and practised at Monferrato.
the rest of his life as professor of theo- Elected a senator, he left all to become
logy at Naples. Without giving up his a Friar Minor at Genoa. In the order he
teaching he became for a time provincial filled important offices preached among

of his order and refused several bishop- the Saracens and the Waldensians and
rics. Cult confirmed in 1888. against usurious money-lenders; wrote
a book of "Moral Cases" (the Summa
ANGELUS of GUALDO (Bl) C. Angelica), and effected many conver-
OSB. Cam. AC. Feb 14 sions. Cult approved by Benedict XIV.
265-1 325 (Jan 25). A native of Gual-
c. 1

do, diocese of Nocera, on the borders of ANGELUS of JERUSALEM (St)

Umbria. In his youth he travelled bare- M. OC. RM. May 5
foot from Italy to Compostella. He was 1 145-1220. Born in Jerusalem of con-
professed a Camaldolese lay-brother vert Jewish parents. He was one of the
and for forty years lived as a hermit early friar-hermits of Mt Carmel (1203).
walled up in his cell. All his life he was Commissioned to obtain the approval
distinguished for his extreme simplicity, of Honorius III for the Rule written by
innocence and gentleness. Cult con- St Albert for the use of the new friars,
firmed in 1825. he journeyed to Rome and shortly after
went to preach in Sicily, where he was
ANGELUS of BORGO SAN SEPOL- killed by a man whose crimes he had
CRO (Bl) C. OSA. Erem. denounced.
AC. Feb 15
d. r.1306. A native of Borgo San Sepol- ANGELUS of MASSACCIO (Bl) M.
cro in Umbria, and a scion of the family OSB. Cam. AC. May 8
of Scarpetti. He entered the order of d. 1458. A Camaldolese monk of Santa
Augustinian Friars and became a Maria di Serra in the Marches of An-
fellow-student of St Nicholas of cona. He was put to death by the

heretics, called Fraticelli or Bertolani, ANGELUS of ACRI (Bl) C. OFM.
on account of his vehement preaching Cap. AC. Oct 30
in defence of the Catholic faith. 1 669-1 739. Born at Acri, diocese of
Bisignano, in Calabria. Twice he at-
ANGELUS AGOSTINI MAZZIN- tempted unsuccessfully to become a
GHI (Bl) C. OC. AC. Aug 16 religious, the third- time, after a tem-

1 377- 1 43 8. Born at Florence, a member pestuous novitiate, he was professed

of the Agostini family, he was professed as a Capuchin. His public life as a
a Carmelite in his native city. After his preacher was again quite unsuccessful
ordination he was professor of theology, in the beginning and "tempestuously
prior at Frascati and Florence, and pro- successful" afterwards. Beatified in
vincial. He died in retirement, revered 1825.
by all as a model religious. Cult
approved in 1761. ANGELUS SINESIUS (Bl) Ab.
OSB. PC. Nov 27
ANGELUS of ACQUAPAGANA d. r.1386. Born at Catania, he joined the
(Bl) C. OSB. Cam. AC. Aug 19 Benedictines at the abbey of San Nicolo
1271-13 1 3. He became a Camaldolese del' Arena and eventually was chosen
at Val di Castro and then lived as a abbot of San Martino della Scala at
hermit near Acquapagana, diocese of Palermo, whence he influenced all the
Camerino, under the authority of the Sicilian Benedictine abbeys in restoring
Silvestrines. Cult confirmed in 1845. monastic observance.


OSA. Erem. AC Aug 27 AC. Feb 18
1226-13 12. Born at Foligno, at the age £.740-814. Nicknamed "Homer" at the
of twenty he became an Augustinian court of Charlemagne, because he was a
Friar, and like Bl. Angelus of Borgo fluent verse-writer. His early life was
San Sepolcro, he was linked in friend- worldly, if not dissipated. He excelled,
ship with St Nicholas of Tolentino. He however, as a minister and filled several
founded three houses of the order in important offices. As a reward Charle-
Umbria. Cult confirmed in 1891. magne gave him the abbey of St Riquier
(Centula) and Angilbert became a model
ANGELUS ORSUCCI (Bl) M. OP. abbot. He introduced the continuous
AC. Sept 10 chanting of the office, using his three
1573-1622. A native of Lucca, in Italy, hundred monks and one hundred boys
he became a Dominican there and in relays, enriched the library and com-
passed over to Valencia in Spain to pleted the buildings. He has always
finish his studies. Eventually he went to been venerated with a public cult.
the missions of the order in the Philip-
pine Islands and Japan. Here he was ANGLINUS (St) Ab. OSB.
arrested and for four years languished AC. Oct 28
in the horrible prison of Omura until d. £.768. The tenth abbot of Stavelot-
he was burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified Malmedy, in the province of Liege,
in 1867. Belgium.

ANGELUS (St) M. RM. Oct 10 ANGUS of KELD (St) AC. March 11

See Daniel, Samuel, etc. Otherwise Aengus, q.v.

1 st According to the Acts of St
cent. RM. Sept 1

Mark and Eusebius, he was a disciple 1st cent. "Daughter of Phanuel, of the
and immediate successor of St Mark in tribe of Asher; she was far advanced in
the see of Alexandria. He is said to have years, and lived with her husband seven
been a shoemaker. years from her virginity. And she was a
widow until four score and four years;
ANIANUS (St) M. RM. Nov 10 who departed not from the temple by
See Demetrius, Anianus, etc. fastings and prayers serving night and
day. Now she at the same hour (of our
ANIANUS (AIGNAN) (St) 3p. Lord's being brought to the temple)
RM. Nov 17 coming in, confessed to the Lord; and
d. 453. Fifth bishop of Orleans. He is spoke of Him to all that looked for
best known in history as the prelate who the redemption of Israel". (Luke II,
organized the defence of his episcopal 36-38). The Greeks keep her feast on
city at the time of the invasion of the Feb 3.
Huns under Attilaand interviewed the
latter on his approach to Orleans, thus ANNAM (Martyrs of) BB.
saving the city. AC. July 11 and Nov 19
1798-1853 and 1736-1861. The two
ANIANUS (AGNAN) (St) Bp. major beatifications of 1900 and 1909
AC. Dec 7 comprise martyrs who suffered between
5th cent. Fifth bishop of Chartres. We these dates in Indo-China, most of
know nothing else about him. them between 1833 and 1840 or be-
tween 1859 and 1 86 1. There are 64 in
ANICETUS(St)PopeM. RM.Apn 7 the first group and 28 in the second.
d. 160. A Syrian by descent, he was Each receives a special notice in this
pope from about 152 till 160. During his book. See also Dominican Martyrs,
pontificate St Polycarp of Smyrna beatified in 1906, and 1951.
visited Rome to settle with the pope the
question of the date of Easter. Anicetus ANNE LINE (Bl) M. AC. Feb 27
took a firm stand against the Gnostics. d. 60 1. A gentlewoman, nee Higham,

It does not seem that he died a martyr, born at Dunmow in Essex. A convert,
although he is venerated as such. she was hanged at Tyburn for harbour-
ing priests. Beatified in 1929.
US) and Comp. (SS) MM. ANNE of St BARTHOLOMEW (Bl)
RM. Aug 12 V. OCD. AC. June 7
c.305. Martyrs of Nicomedia under Dio- 1549-1626. Anne Garcia was born at
cletian. Anicetus and Photinus were Almendral, diocese of Avila, Spain, the
by blood. They are only
closely related daughter of poor shepherds. A shep-
known through Acts of no historical herdess herself in her early years, she
value. was the first to join St Teresa's reform
at Avila as a lay-sister. Eventually she
ANINUS (St) H. PC. March 16 became St Teresa's secretary and com-
?A Syrian hermit famous for his aus- panion in her foundations throughout
terities and his miracles; his date is Spain. In 1606 she was sent to establish
uncertain. the reform in France, was promoted to

the choir, and appointed prioress at ANNE (St) VH. AC. July 23
Pontoise and Tours. She was the foun- r.840-918. Called also Susanna. A maid-
dress of convent at Antwerp,
the en of Constantinople who, while in her
primarily intended for English refugees. first youth,was left an orphan with a large

She has left some delightful religious fortune and was importuned to marry by
verse. Beatified in 1917. unsuitable suitors. She refused, spent
her money in the service of the poor, and
ANNE MARY TAIGI (Bl) Matron finally lived half a century as a solitary
AC. June on the Leucadian promontory of Epirus.
1769-1837. Born at Siena, daughter of a
druggist named Giannetti, whose busi- ANNE (St) Mother of Our Lady.
ness failed, she was brought to Rome RM. July 26
and worked for a time as a domestic
1 st cent. The gospels do not mention

servant. In 1790 she married Dominic the names of our Lady's parents. Tradi-
Taigi, a butler of the Chigi family in tion gives them as Joachim and Anne
Rome, and lived the normal life of a (Hannah— "Grace"). St Anne's cultus

married woman of the working class. already appears in the 6th century in

In the discharge of these humble duties some of the Eastern and in the

and in the bringing up of her seven 8th in the West, but it become
did not

children she attained a high degree of general till the 14th century was well

holiness. Endowed with ofthe gift

advanced. St Anne is usually represen-

prophecy, she read thoughts and de- ted as teaching her little daughter to

scribed distant events. Her home be-

read the Bible.

came the rendezvous of cardinals and

other dignitaries who sought her ANNE MARY ERRAUX and ANNE
counsel. Beatified in 1920. JOSEPH LEROUX (BB.) W. MM.
OS. Ursulae. AC. Oct 23
See Ursuline Nuns.
Foundress AC. July 15 ANNE or EUPHEMIANUS (St) W.
1779-185 1. Her childhood took place H. AC. Oct 29
during the years of the French Revolu-
d. 820. Born at Constantinople, a
tion and she was accustomed to hide
maiden of good family, she was married
persecuted priests, to care for them and
against her will but, after the death of
to keep watch while they said Mass. name of Euphe-
her husband, under the
After the persecution she founded at
mianus and in male attire, became a
Cabillon the Institute of St Joseph of
monk at an abbey on Mt. Olympus.
Cluny, and seven years later, in 18 12,
Here she made rapid progress in virtue,
moved it to Cluny. Fired with apostolic
and was asked to take charge of an
zeal she sent her nuns to work in far
abbey built by the patriarch of Con-
distant regions,and herself laboured
stantinople. She declined, and died
for several years in French Guiana,
instead in a small out-of-the-way
with heroic courage. Beatified in 1950.
monastery. The Greeks keep her feast.


THOURET (BB.) W. MM. OC. AC. Sept 28
AC. July 17 d. 657. Called in French either Anne-
See Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne. mond or Chamond, and by St Bede, in

error, Dalphinus. He was archbishop of Rome, he became a Christian when
Lyons and friend and patron of the twelve years old. His own father accused
young St Wilfrid of York, to whom he him to the authorities, but the boy
gave shelter for three years in his dio- contrived to escape, and converted so
cese. St Wilfrid was present when many pagans, first at Bagnorea and
Annemundus was murdered at Chalon- then at Siena, that he was called "the
sur-Saone by order of Ebroin. Baptizer". He was at last arrested and
AC. May 13 ANSBALD(St)Ab.OSB. AC. July 12
d. 780. A native of Verona, who became d. 886. Born in Luxemburg of the
bishop there and is remembered chiefly counts of Querry, he became a monk of
in connection with the translation of the Priim, and afterwards abbot of Saint-
relics of SS Firmus and Rusticus. Hubert in the Ardennes, and finally of
Priim in 860. In 882 his abbey was
ANNO (Bl.) Mk. OSB. AC. Sept 29 burnt down by the Normans, and he
See Catholdus, Anno, etc. succeeded in restoring it with the help
ANNON (St) Bp. 4 RM. Dec
f.1010-1075. Son of a poor knight, he ANSBERT (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Feb 9
eventually became archbishop-elector of d. cjoo. From being chancellor at the
Cologne (1056) in spite of the hostility court of Clotaire III he became a monk
of his flockwho thought him insuffi- at Fontenelle under St Wandrille. He
ciently well-born for their see. After a was chosen the third abbot and in 683
crowded career, full of political events, was promoted to the see of Rouen. Pepin
in which he took a great, and often of Heristal banished him to the mona-
leading, albeit not uniformly edifying stery of Hautmont on the Sambre, where
part, he retired to the Benedictine abbey he died.
of Siegburg, which he had founded, and
spent there the last twelve months of ANSCHAR (ANSGAR, SCHARIES)
his life in rigorous penance. (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Feb 3
801-865. Born near Amiens, he was
ANNOBERT (ALNOBERT) (St) Bp. received as a boy by the Benedictines of
OSB. AC. May 16 Old Corbie in Picardy, and educated
d. ^.689. Monk of Almeneches, who there under St Adelard as abbot and
was raised to the see of Seez about the St Paschasius Radbert as headmaster.
year 685. After his monastic profession he was
transferred to New Corbie in Saxony,
ANONYMOUS whence he was taken by King Harold of
Note. By counting up the number of Denmark to evangelize the heathen
saints listed anonymously in the RM. Danes. For thirteen years he worked
under such headings as companions, there as first archbishop of Hamburg
many, a great number, twenty, seventy, and legate of the Holy See his mission

one hundred, etc., we reach the approxi- extended to Sweden, Norway and N.
mate figure of 36,000. Germany. The success achieved by his
personal efforts was unfortunately not
ANSANUS (St) M. RM. Dec 1 lasting and most of those northern
c .304. A scion of the Anician family of churches relapsed into paganism.

ANSEGISUS (St) Ab. OSB. supporter. Before his death at Mantua
AC. July 20 he became apostolic legate in Lombardy.
^.770-833. Monk of Fontenelle at
eighteen, hewas soon chosen by Charle- ANSELM (St) Abp. Dr. OSB.
magne to be the restorer of several RM. Apr 21
abbeys, and he ruled successively those 03 3-1 109. Born at Aosta in Pied-
c. 1

of St Sixtus at Reims, St Meuge near mont, he became a Benedictine at Bee

Chalons, St Germer at Flaix, Luxeuil in Normandy under Bl Herluin. He
and Fontenelle. He excelled as a canon- became abbot at Bee and succeeded
ist, and wrote a collection of capitularies, Lanfranc in the see of Canterbury in
which became the official law-book of 1093. For his resistance to King William
the Empire. "His life," writes Father Rufus's encroachments on ecclesiastical
Thurston, "is a characteristic example rights he was exiled to the Continent.
of Benedictine work for Christianity and In 1098 he assisted at the council of
civilization such as went on throughout Bari, and, at the pope's request, resolved
the Dark Ages of Europe," typical of the theological doubts of the Italo-
that "all-roundness which characterized Greek bishops. On Rufus's death
most of them". Anselm returned to Canterbury, at the
invitation of the new king Henry I,
ANSELM (St) Ab. OSB. AC. March 3 whom, however, he had also to oppose
d. 803. Brother-in-law of the Lombard on the question of investitures. Hence a
King Aistulph, and duke of Friuli, second exile, terminating in a triumphal
Anselm became a monk and founded the return (1106). In spite of his somewhat
abbey of Fanano, near Modena, and a stormy career, Anselm was one of the
second at Nonantola. To both he gentlest of saints. He stands out also in
attached sundry hospitals and hostels. Church History as the link between St
Aistulph's successor, King Desiderius, Augustine of Hippo and St Thomas
banished him to Montecassino, but Aquinas, and is known as the Father of
after seven years he was restored to Scholasticism. He was officially declared
Nonantola by Charlemagne. a Doctor of the Church in 1720. His life
was written by his own secretary, the
ANSELM of LUCCA (St) Bp. OSB. monk Eadmer of Christ Church,
RM. March 18 Canterbury.
1 036-1 086. Born at Mantua. His uncle
Pope Alexander II nominated him ANSELM (St) Ab. OSB. PC. Nov 18
bishop of Lucca; but Anselm refused £.750. Abbot of Lerins. Mentioned in
to accept investiture from the emperor most menologies together with St
Henry IV. Later counselled by Gregory Amandus of Lerins.
VII he accepted investiture, took pos-
session of his see and then had scruples ANSFRIDUS (St) Bp. OSB.
and withdrew to the Cluniac abbey of AC. May 3
Polizone where he was professed as a d. 1010. Count of Brabant and a knight
Benedictine. Gregory VII recalled him in the service of the emperors Otto III
to Lucca and the saint obeyed. He tried and Henry In 992 he built the con-

to reform the canons, who raised a vent of Thorn for his daughter and wife,
revolt, and Anselm again withdrew. A being himself desirous of becoming a
man of great learning, he excelled as a monk. He was appointed instead arch-
canonist. He was Gregory VII's staunch bishop of Utrecht. As such, he founded

the Benedictine abbey of Hohorst Wends after the emperor Henry IIPs
(Heiligenberg) and, when stricken with death.
blindness, he retired there and realized
his ambition of taking monastic vows. ANSURIUS (ADURI, ASURIUS,
There too he ended his days. ISAURI) (St) Bp. OSB.
AC. Jan 26
d. 925. He was bishop of Orense in
ANSGAR (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Feb 3 Spanish Galicia and helped in the foun-
Otherwise Anschar q.v. dation of the Benedictine abbey of Ribas
de Sil. He was elected to the see in 915,
ANSILIO (St)Mk. OSB. AC. Oct 11 and in 922 he resigned and became a
d. late 7th cent. A monk whose relics monk at the above-mentioned monas-
were enshrined at the Benedictine abbey tery. After his death he was venerated
of Lagny, diocese of Meaux. there, together with seven other bishops
who had followed his example.
RM. March 13 ANTHELMUS (St) Bp. O. Cart.
d. 840. A native of Camerino in Italy, RM. June 26
who from being a hermit at Castel 1105-1178. A
Savoyard nobleman who,
Raimondo, near Torcello, was raised to ordained priest early in life, went on a
the episcopal see of his native town. He chance visit to the Charterhouse of
accepted the office on condition that Portes and stayed there as a monk. In
be exempt from the ser-
his see should 1 169 he was chosen prior of the Grande

vice of recruiting soldiers, then Chartreuse, and it is owing to his efforts
upon most bishops in their capacity of that the Carthusians, from being more
feudal lords. or less a branch of Benedictine Monach-
ism, became definitely a new religious
ANSTRUDIS (AUSTRUDE, AUS- order. In 1 163 he accepted the bishopric
TRU) (St) V. OSB. AC. Oct 17 of Belley under obedience to the pope,
d. 688. Daughter of SS Blandinus and and so much did he endear himself to
Salaberga, the founders of the nunnery the people that, after his death, the city
of St John the Baptist at Laon. Mother was called for a time Anthelmopolis. He
and daughter were successively the first was sent to England to try to bring
two abbesses. She had to suffer much at about a reconciliation between King
the hands of Ebroin, the mayor of the Henry II and St Thomas Becket. To
palace and oppressor of all the saints of the end of his life his heart was in his
that period. beloved Charterhouse which he re-
visited on every possible occasion.
ANSUERUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
OSB. AC. July 17 ANTHEROS (St) Pope. RM. Jan 3
d. ^.1066. He
belonged to the nobility d. 236. A Greek who was pope only a
of Schleswig and was a monk and abbot few weeks. It is not quite certain
of the Benedictine monastery of St whether he died a martyr, as his name is
Georgenberg, near Ratzeburg in Den- not mentioned in the Depositio Martyr-
mark, whence he and his monks evan- urn. He was buried in the catacomb of
gelized that country. Ansuerus and St Callistus.
twenty-eight of his community were
stoned to death in the antichristian ANTHES (St) M. RM. Aug 28
reaction which took place among the See Fortunatus, Caius, and Anthes.

ANTHIA (St) M. RM. Apr 18 ANTHUSA (St) V. RM. July 27
See Eleutherius and Anthia. 8th cent. First a recluse, and then abbess
of a nunnery near Constantinople.
ANTHIMUS (St) Bp. M. Known open veneration of the
for her
RM. Apr 27 images of saints. For this reason she had
d. 303. Bishop of Nicomedia where he to appear before the emperor Constan-
was beheaded for the Faith under Dio- tine Copronymus, by whose orders she
cletian. His death was followed by a was put to the torture. The empress,
wholesale slaughter of the Christian however, befriended Anthusa, who
communities of the district. lived to an advanced age.


d. 303. A priest at Rome, who is said to RM. Aug 22
have converted the pagan husband, a See Athanasius, Anthusa, etc.
prefect, of the Christian matron Lucina,
well known for her charity to her im- ANTHUSA (St) VM. RM. Aug 27
prisoned fellow-Christians. The martyr, ? Called St Anthusa the Younger, to
thrown into the Tiber but miraculously distinguish her from St Anthusa of
rescued by an angel, was afterwards re- Seleucia (Aug 22). She was probably a
captured and beheaded. Persian and suffered in that country.
She is said to have been sewn up in a
ANTHIMUS (St) M. RM. Sept 27 sack and drowned in a well.
d. Mentioned in the legendary
Acta as a companion martyr of SS ANTIDIUS (ANTEL, ANTIBLE,
Cosmas and Damian, q.v. TUDE) (St) Bp. M. RM. June 17
d. £.265. Disciple and successor of St
ANTHOLIAN (ANATOLIANUS) Froninus in the see of Besancon. He was
(St) M. RM. Feb 6 put to death by a horde of Vandals at a
f.265. Mentioned by St Gregory of place called Ruffey.
Tours as one of the martyrs of Auvergne
under Valerian and Gallienus. Fellow-
ANTIGONUS (St) M. RM. Feb 27
sufferers were SS Cassius, Maximus,
See Alexander, Abundius, etc.
Liminius and Victorinus.


AC. Jan 28
Otherwise Antony, q.v.
8th cent. He was, it seems, one of the
firstabbots of Brantome, an abbey
ANTHONIUS (St) M. RM. May 11
founded by Charlemagne in 769 and
Otherwise Anthimus, q.v.
destroyed by the Normans in 817.

Note. From the Greek Anthonios and ANTINOGENES (St) M.
the Latin Anthonius or Antonius. The RM. July 24
usual modern forms are: in Italian and See Victor, Stercatius and Antinogenes.
Portuguese: Antonio; in Spanish: An-
tonio or Anton; in Catalan: Antoni; in ANTIOCH in SYRIA (Martyrs of)
French: Antoine; in German: Anton; (SS)
in English: Antony, q.v. The following anonymous groups of


martyrs put to death at Antioch in Syria ANTIPAS (St) M. RM. Apr 11
are given in the RM. d. r.90. The martyr referred to in Apoc.

RM. March n II: 13 as a "faithful witness" put to

f.300. "Many holy martyrs . . . under death at Pergamum. Details of his

Maximian set upon red hot gridirons martyrdom are not reliable, and it is
and condemned not to death but con- unlikely that he was bishop of Per-

tinued torture," while others were gamum.

afflicted with other cruel torments.
RM. Nov 6 French diminutive form of the names
d. 637. "Ten holy martyrs, who are said Antonia, Antonina, q.v.
to have suffered at the hands of the
Saracens," i.e., after their seizure of ANTOINETTE ROUSSEL (Bl.) V.
Antioch. Some records put their num- QCD. AC. July 17
ber at forty or more. See Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne.
RM. Dec 24
d. 250. Forty Christian maidens put to ANTONIA of FLORENCE (Bl.) W.
death under Decius. OFM. AC. Feb 28
1 400-1 472. Born in Florence, she was
ANTIOCHUS (St) M. RM. May 21 left a widow in early life and joined the
See Nicostratus, Antiochus and Comp. Franciscan tertiaries. Chosen superior-
ess at Aquila, she adopted the original
ANTIOCHUS and CYRIACUS (SS) rule of the Poor Clares. She contracted
MM. RM. July 15 a painful disease,which afflicted her for
3rd cent. The RM. has this laus: "At fifteen years, but this and other trials
Sebaste the passion of St Antiochus the she bore bravely under the guidance of
physician who was beheaded under the St John Capistran. Cult confirmed in
governor Hadrian; and when milk 1847.
flowed forth from the severed head in
place of blood, Cyriacus, the execu- ANTONIA (St) VM. RM. Apr 29
tioner, was converted to Christ, and See Agapius and Comp.
himself also suffered martyrdom."
ANTIOCHUS (ANDEOL) (St) Bp. RM. June 12 1 and May 4)
RM. Oct 15 d. ? 304. There are no verifiable data
5th cent. When St Justus, bishop of about this martyr. She seems to be
Lyons, joined the solitaries in Egypt, the triplicated in the RM., March 1 and
priest Antiochus was sent to seek him May 4, claimed by three different
and is

out and induce him to return to his see. places called Cea. Very likely she suf-
The priest's efforts were in vain, and on fered at Nicomedia.
his own return to Lyons he was himself
chosen bishop. ANTONIA of BRESCIA (Bl) V. OP.
PC. Oct 27
ANTIOCHUS (St) M. RM. Dec 13 1 407- 1 507. Having entered as a young
d. A martyr of Solta (Sulci), a girl at the Dominican convent of Bres-
small island near Sardinia, under the cia,she was, at the age of sixty-six,
emperor Hadrian. The island is now chosen prioress of St Catherine's Con-
also known as the Isola di Sant Antioco. vent at Ferrara, which she ruled justly

but rigorously. She was deposed and ANTONINUS (St) M. RM. Sept 2
underwent other trials, always with ? It is not certain whether the Pamia
much patience and humility. mentioned in the RM. is a town named
Apamea in Syria or Pamiers in France.
In both places there are traditions con-
See Alexander and Antonina. nected with a martyr named Antoninus.


ANTONINUS (St) M. RM. Sept 3
See Aristaeus and Antoninus.
Ab. OSB. RM. Feb 14
d. 830. A Benedictine monk in one of
the daughter houses of Montecassino.
ANTONINUS (St) M. RM. Sept 30
3rd cent. A soldier of the Theban
Forced to leave his monastery by the
Legion, martyred on the banks of the
wars raging in the country, he became a
Trebbia, near Piacenza, in Italy. His
hermit, until he was invited by the
blood, kept in a phial, is said to have the
people of Sorrento to live among them.
He did so as abbot of St Agrippinus. He same miraculous properties as that of
St Januarius.
is now venerated as the patron saint of
the town.
ANTONINUS (St) M. RM. Oct 25
See Marcellinus, Claudius,
ANTONINUS (St) M. RM. Apr 20

See Victor, Zoticus, etc.

ANTONINUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 31


d. 660, Surnamed Fontana. He was
archbishop of Milan for one year. In
RM. May 10
1 58 1 St Charles Borromeo enshrined his
1 389-1 459 (May 2). A Florentine of the
beneath a magnificent
relics altar in the
Pierozzi family, he joined the Friars
church of St Simplician.
Preachers at Fiesole, and while still very
young was made prior of the Minerva at
Rome. In 1436 he founded San Marco ANTONINUS, ZEBINAS, GER-
at Florence, and in 1446 he was against
his will appointed archbishop of that
RM. Nov 13
d. 297. Martyrs under Galerius at
city. He was the "people's prelate" and
Caesarea in Palestine. St Ennatha, a
"the protector of the poor". He also
virgin, was burnt alive; her male
distinguished himself as a writer on
fellow-sufferers were beheaded.
moral theology and international law.
Canonized in 1523.
ANTONY (St) M. RM. Jan 9
See Julian, Basilissa, etc.
ANTONINUS (St) M. RM. July 6
See Lucy, Antoninus, etc.
OSM. AC. Jan 12
ANTONINUS (St) M. RM. July 29 1819-1892. A native of Poggiole, Tus-
See Lucilla, Flora, etc. cany, he made his profession as a Servite
in 1843.Appointed pastor of Viareggio,
ANTONINUS (St) M. RM. Aug 22 he devoted himself to teaching the cate-
d. 186. A converted executioner at Rome chism, administration of the sacraments
under Commodus. However, see Euse- and solicitude for the poor, the sick and
bius, Pontian etc. (Aug 25). the plague-stricken. Canonized in 1962.

ANTONY (St) Ab. RM. Jan 17 Teramo and bishop of Ancona. His
251-356. The patriarch of all monks. feast is celebrated in all these places.
Born at Coma in Upper Egypt, at the Cult approved by Pius VI.
age of twenty he gave away his property,
which was considerable, to the poor and ANTONY of AMANDOLA (Bl) C.
lived as a hermit near his native place. OSA. Erem. AC. Jan 28
About the year 305 he established a £.1355-1450. A native of Amandola in
community at Fayum and another the Marches of Ancona, he joined the
shortly after at Pispir. Thus he was the Augustinian Hermits and followed in
first to establish the religious life as we the footsteps of St Nicholas of Tolen-
know it by gathering together
today, tino, with whom he was on terms of
large groups of hermits into loosecom- friendship. His cult was confirmed in
munities. Soon he became famous 1759, and he is honoured chiefly at
throughout Egypt and beyond, and was Ancona.
in great demand as an advisor by people
of every rank. He was a personal friend ANTONY MANZONI (or MANZI)
of St Athanasius and his staunch sup- (Bl) C. PC. Feb 1

porter against the Arians, whom he £.1237-1267. Surnamed "the Pilgrim".

arraigned as heretics in a public sermon Born at Padua of a wealthy family, he
preached at Alexandria at the invitation gave all patrimony to the poor and
of Athanasius, when he was ninety years life living on alms
spent the rest of his
old. Athanasius himself became St and tramping his way to Loreto, Rome,
Antony's biographer. St Antony died in Compostella and Palestine. On account
his hermitage on Mt. Kolzim, near the of his wandering habits, his relatives,
Red Sea. In art he is frequently shown especially his two sisters who were
with a T-shaped cross and a pig. The nuns, looked on him with marked dis-
latter, perhaps originally the symbol of favour.
evil, became associated with a privilege

of the Hospital Brothers of St Antony ANTONY DEYNAN (St) M.

founded in the 17th century. St Antony's RM. Feb 5
fire was apparently an epidemic form of d. 1597. Bora at Nagasaki of Japanese
erysipelas against which the saint's parents, he was an altar boy (thirteen
intercession was invoked. years old) and a tertiary of St Francis,
when he was crucified for the Faith at
ANTONY, MERULUS and JOHN his native town. Beatified in 1627, can-
(SS) Mks. OSB. RM. Jan 17 onized in 1862. See Japan (Martyrs of).
6th cent. Three monks of St Andrew's
on the Coelina Rome. St Gregory
the Great, who was their abbot, has left OFM. 7AC. Feb
us an account of their virtues and 1391-1461. Antony dei Vici became a
miraculous power. Franciscan lay-brother in his twelfth
year. Notwithstanding his humble
ANTONY FATATI (Bl) Bp. status, he was chosen to assist Bl
AC. Jan 19 Thomas of Florence in an important
£.1410-1484 (Jan 9). Born at Ancona, mission on behalf of the Holy See. After
he held successively the office of Arch- more than ten years combating the
priest of Ancona, vicar-general of Siena, heresy of the Fraticelli, he was recalled
canon of the Vatican at Rome, bishop of to the friary of the Carceri, in Umbria,

where he lived and practised rigorous prior in his native town, and finally
penance for the rest of his life. Cult inquisitor-general for Liguria and Pied-
confirmed in 1687. mont. On Low Sunday, 1374, he
preached a vigorous sermon against
ANTONY CAULEAS (St) Bp. heresy at Brichera, and on leaving the
RM. Feb
12 church was killed by heretics. Cult con-
829-901. Born near Constantinople, he firmed in 1856.
became monk and then abbot of a
monastery of that city. Eventually he ANTONY NEYROT (Bl) M. OP.
became Pho-
patriarch, the second after AC. Apr 10
tius, the effects of whose schism he d. 1460. A native of Rivoli, diocese of
laboured to remove. Turin, in Piedmont, he was professed a
Friar Preacher. He was captured by
ANTONY of SAXONY, GREGORY Moorish pirates and carried off to
of TRAGURIO, NICHOLAS of Tunis, where he apostatized to Islam
HUNGARY, THOMAS of FOLIG- and married. After a few months he
NO, and LADISLAS of HUNGARY repented, put on the Dominican habit,
(BB) MM. OFM. PC. Feb 12 publicly confessed Christ, and was
d. 1369. Franciscan put to death
friars stoned to death. Cult approved by
for the Faith by King Bazarath at the Clement XIII.
village of Widdin (in modern Yugo-
slavia) and in the presence of the heretic ANTONY, JOHN and EUSTACE
monk by whom they had been arrested. (SS) MM. AC. Apr 14
d. 1342. Officials of the court of the
ANTONY (St) M. RM. Feb 14 grand duke of Lithuania, at Vilna.
See Bassus, Antony and Protolicus. Antony and John, who were brothers,
were crucified for having refused to eat
ANTONY (St) Mk. OSB. meat on an abstinence day. Eustace
AC. March 9 became a Christian on witnessing their
10th cent. A monk of Luxeuil, who be- heroic fortitude, and was himself
came a recluse at Froidemont, in martyred for the Faith. They are the
Franche-Comte\ patron saints of Vilna.


PC. March 15 OSA. Erem AC. Apr 27
See Monaldus of Ancona, etc. d. 131 1. Born at Siena, Antony became

a Hermit Friar of St Augustine at the

ANTONY FUSTER (Bl) C. OP. friary of Monticiano, of which he
PC. Apr 5 eventually became superior. Cult con-
14th cent. A of St Vincent
disciple firmed in 1804.
Ferrer, he was called "the Angel of
Peace". He is highly honoured at Vich ANTONY (St) Ab. OSB. AC. May 4
in Catalonia. 6th cent. A
supposed disciple of St
Benedict and companion of St Maurus
ANTONY PAVONI (Bl) M. OP. on his mission to France. He was the
AC. Apr 9 abbot-founder of Saint-Julian at Tours.
1 326-1 374. Born at Savigliano, he He is surnamed "du Rocher" because
joined the Dominicans and became their he ended his days as a recluse on a spot


called le Rocher. The
story of St lost belongings of careless people".
Maurus's mission France is now dis-
to (Att.) In art he is usually represented
carded by all historians, with the excep- bearing the Child Jesus in his arms and
tion of a few of French nationality. holding a lily.


AC. May 6 C. Founder RM. July 5
d. 1590.Born at Middleton Tyas, Yorks, 1 502-1 539. Born at Cremona he studied

he was educated at Reims for the secular medicine, but changed his mind and be-
clergy. He was hanged, drawn and came a secular priest. His zeal, moulded
quartered at Clerkenwell, London, for on that of St Paul, knew no bounds. In
his priesthood. Beatified in 1929. 1530 he founded the congregation of
clerks regular under the patronage of
ANTONY of FOLIGNO (Bl) C. St Paul, called Barnabites from their
AC. May 13 headquarters at church of St
d. r.1398. A pilgrim from Hungary, and Barnabas at Milan.was approved in

Franciscan tertiary, he was noted for 1533. He died as a result of his un-
his works of mercy. His relics are ceasing apostolic toil. Canonized in 1897.
preserved in the Cathedral of Foligno.
Bp. AC. June 7 MM. RM. July 9
1789-1 846. Born at Cerreto near Genoa, See Gorkum (Martyrs of).
he was ordained priest in 1812 and,
after twelve years spent as a devoted ANTONY FRANCISCO (Bl) M. SJ.
parish priest, was consecrated bishop of AC. July 15
Bobbio in 1838. As a parish priest he d. 1583. Born at Coimbra in Portugal.
organized a congregation of missioners After his profession as a Jesuit in 1 570,
and another of teaching sisters. Canon- he was sent to India, and after his ordi-
ized in 1 95 1. nation he took charge of the mission of
Arlin on the peninsula of Salsette, near
ANTONY of PADUA (St) C. Dr Goa. He was martyred with Bl Rudolph
OFM. RM. June 13 Acquaviva, q.v.
95- 1 23 1. A native of Lisbon and
christened Ferdinand, he joined the ANTONY CORREA, ANTONY
Canons Regular at an early age, but a FERNANDEZ and ANTONY
few years later (121 2) passed over to the SUAREZ (BB) MM. SJ. AC July 15
recently founded Friars Minor at d. 1570. Three Jesuits —companions of
Coimbra. Bent on martyrdom he sailed Bl Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v.
for Africa, but illness and storm brought
him to Italy, where under the guidance ANTONY TURRIANI (or TURRIA-
of St Francis, he began his career as a NO, of TORRE) (Bl) C. OSA. Erem.
—"the hammer of heretics" AC. July 24
and as a wonder-worker. He died at d. 1694. Born at Milan, he studied
Padua and was canonized by Gregory medicine at Padua and practised at
IX in the following year. "He is one of Milan. Then he became an Augustinian
the most 'popular' saints of the Church, Friar Hermit. After several apostolic
with a great reputation for retrieving journeys, including three years at

Compostella in Spain, he died at Aquila ANTONY IXIDA and Comp. (BB)
in the kingdom of Naples. Cult con- MM. AC. Sept 3
firmed in 1759. d. 1632. A Japanese Jesuit, famed for his
learning and eloquence, who with five
ANTONY della CHIESA C. (Bl) Franciscan and Augustinian friars was
OP. AC. July 28 tortured for thirty-three days, by the
1 394-1459 (Jan 22). Born at San Ger- application of scalding water, in a vain
mano, near Vercelli, in Piedmont, he effort to make them apostatize. Finally
belonged to the family of the Marquis they were burnt alive at Nagasaki.
della Chiesa. He became a Dominican Beatified in 1867.
and ruled, as prior, the friaries of Como,
Savona, Florence and Bologna, sharing ANTONY of ST BONAVENTURE
in the apostolic labours of St Bernadine (Bl) M. OFM AC. Sept 8
of Siena. Cult confirmed in 18 19. Bl 1 588-1 628. A native of Tuy in Galicia,
Antony was a collateral ancestor of Spain, he studied at Salamanca, became
Pope Benedict XV. a Franciscan, and was appointed to the
mission of Manila in the Philippines.
ANTONY DICH (Bl) M. AC. Aug 12 Here he was ordained priest and crossed
d. 1838. A wealthy native farmer of over to Japan, where it is on record that
Tonkin, attached to the Foreign Mis- he reconciled over 2,700 apostates. He
sions of Paris. He was beheaded for was burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in
sheltering Bl James Nam, a priest. 1867.
Beatified in 1900.
ANTONY PRIMALDI and Comp. Sept 8
(BB) MM. AC. Aug 14 d. 1628. A
Japanese youth of twenty
d. 1480. An aged artisan, eminent for his years, tertiary of St Dominic, compani-
piety, of the city of Otranto in Italy. on of Bl. Dominic Castellet. He was
When the Turks raided that city in beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
1480, they gave the inhabitants the
choice between death and apostasy. ANTONY KIUN (Bl) M. SJ.
Antony became the leader and spokes- AC. Sept 10
man of eight hundred citizens, all men 1 572-1622. A native of the province of
who chose death for Christ, and were Mikata in Japan, he was received into
accordingly hacked to pieces. Cult the Society of Jesus at Omura, and
approved in 1771. burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in
AC. Aug 17 ANTONY of COREA (Bl) M.
d. 1627. A Japanese Catechist, who was AC. Sept 10
burnt at Nagasaki. A co-worker with Bl d. 1622. Born under
in Corea, catechist
Francis of Saint Mary, q.v. the Jesuit Fathers in Japan, he was be-
headed at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
d. 1622. A Japanese on board the
sailor AC. Sept 10
ship of Bl Joachim Firaiama. He was d. 1622. A Japanese catechist beheaded
beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. with Bl Charles Spinola, q.v.

ANTONY VOM (Bl) M. AC. Sept 10 in 1838, and strangled two years later.

d. 1622. Son of Bl Clement Vom. Be- Beatified in 1900.

headed at Nagasaki with his father.
Beatified in 1867. ANTONY KIMURA (Bl) M.
AC. Nov 27
ANTONY (St) M. RM. Sept 23 1595-1619. A Japanese of the royal
See Andrew, John, etc. family of Firando, aged twenty-three,
Leonard Kimura. He
a relative of Bl
was beheaded with ten companions at
Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
Founder AC. Oct 24
1807-1 870. Born at Salient in Cata-
lonia, he started life as a weaver, but
soon became a student for the secular
OFM. AC. Dec 1
1400-1482. Born at Ferrara, he joined
priesthood. He was ordained in 1835
the Franciscan Friars of the Observance
and devoted himself to missionary work
and was sent to the mission of the Holy
among the people, helped by a group of
Land. He died at Cotignola, diocese of
priests, whom he formed into the
Faenza. Cult confirmed in 1901.
Institute of "Missionary Sons of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary" Clare- — ANTONY GRASSI (Bl) C. Orat.
tians. Bl Antony was raised to the see of
Santiago de Cuba, and in 1856 was made
AC. Dec 13
d. f.1672. Priest of the Oratory at Fer-
confessor to Queen Isabella II and was
exiled with her in 1868. Both in Cuba
mo in the Italian Marches, and its

superior from 1635 until his death. In

and in Spain he encountered the hosti-
1 62 1 he was struck by lightning, but
lity of the Spanish liberal (i.e., anti-
this only seemed to increase his marked
clerical) politicians. He had the gifts of
prophecy and miracles. Canonized in
serenity of manner. He had the gift of
reading consciences and excelled as a
director of souls. Beatified in 1900.

ANTONY (St) M. RM. Nov 7

See Melasippus, Antony and Carina.
ANTONY (St) M. RM. Dec 15
See Irenaeus, Antony, etc.


SJ. AC. Nov 7 RM. Dec 28
1 665-1 7 1 7. Born he became
at Florence,
Born in Lower Pannonia, he
d. f.520.
a Jesuit in 1681. He worked as a mis-
served God as a recluse in several places
sionary chiefly in the Colli Albani near
north of the Alps until he found rest for
Rome, adopting very unconventional the last two years of his life as a monk at
methods of preaching and calling people
to penance. Beatified in 1893.

ANYSIA (St) M. RM. Dec 30

ANTONY QUINH-NAM (Bl) M. d. 304. A maiden of Salonika, put to
AC. Nov 24 death by a soldier when she resisted an
1 768- 1 840. A native catechist and attempt to drag her to a pagan sacrifice.
physician of Cochin-China, who became
attached to the Foreign Missions of ANYSIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 30
Paris. He was imprisoned for the Faith d. r.407. The successor of St Ascolus in

the see of Salonika. He was a friend of He is alleged to have been martyred

St Ambrose, Vicar Apostolic of Pope with the other three in Languedoc.

Damasus in Illyria, and loyal defender Their story is told by Gregory of Tours.
of St John Chrysostom.
AOUT (St) C. RM. Oct 7 MM. RM. Apr 30
Otherwise Augustus, q.v. ? An Egyptian priest put to death at
Alexandria with a group of some thirty
RM. Apr
22 and Sept 10 APHTHONIUS (St) S. RM. Nov 2
1 st and Lucius are de-
cent. Apelles See Acindynus, Pegasius, etc.
scribed by the RM. as "from among the
first of Christ" They are
disciples . APIAN
usually with the "Apelles,
identified Otherwise Amphianus, Apphianus, Ap-
approved in Christ" and "Lucius, my pianus, Appian, Apphian. Here we
kinsman" mentioned by St Paul (Rom. adopt the spelling Appian, q.v.
XVI, 10, 21). These names are dupli-
cated in the RM., in the second entry APODEMIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 16
(Sept 10) a third name Clement being See Saragossa (Martyrs of).
added. Tradition adds that St Apelles
was bishop of Smyrna, and Lucius APOLLINARIS SYNCLETICA (St)
bishop of Laodicea. V. RM. Jan 5
f.450. The heroine of a religious ro-
APER (St) Bp. mance who disguised herself in boy's
Otherwise Aprus, q.v. clothes and lived undiscovered in an
Egyptian hermitage as a disciple of one
APHRAATES (St) H. RM. Apr 7 of the Saints Macarius.
4th cent. A Persian hermit who settled
at Edessa in Mesopotamia, and later on APOLLINARIS the APOLOGIST
removed to Antioch in Syria, where he (St) Bp. RM. Jan 8
valiantly opposed Arianism during the Claudius Apollinaris, a bishop
d. <r.i8o.
reign of Valens. Some authors have of Hierapolis in Phrygia, is now only
endeavoured to identify him with the known from the Apologia for the Chris-
famous "Aphraates the Syrian", the tian Faith which he dedicated to Marcus
ecclesiastical writer. Aurelius towards the middle of the
2nd cent.
RM. March 14 APOLLINARIS (St) Bp. M.
See Peter and Aphrodisius. RM. June 21
See Cyriacus and Apollinaris.
MM. RM. Apr 28 RM. July 23
1 st cent. A French legend, now univer- ? 1st cent. He is usually described as a
makes this Aphrodisius
sally rejected, disciple of St Peter. He certainly was
an Egyptian who sheltered the Holy the bishop of Ravenna and was re-

Family during their flight into Egypt. peatedly put to the torture for the Faith

and died of its effects. The exact date is APOLLINE (St) VM. RM. Feb 9
not known. His shrine at the Benedic- Otherwise Apollonia, q.v.
tine abbey of Classe at Ravenna became
famous throughout Christendom. APOLLO (St) Ab.AC. Jan 25
c. 3 16-395. An
Egyptian hermit who,
APOLLINARIS and TIMOTHY after forty years of solitude in the
(SS) MM. RM. Aug
23 Thebaid, became the abbot of over five
3rd cent. Apollinaris was the execu- hundred monks near Hermopolis. He
tioner in the gaol at Reims, who became left the desert, in order to withstand

a Christian on witnessing the fortitude Julian the Apostate.

of St Timothy under repeated torture.
Both were beheaded for Christ and their APOLLO, ISACIUS and CRO-
tomb became famous in that district. TATES (CODRATUS) (SS) MM.
RM. Apr 21
APOLLINARIS SIDONIUS (St) Bp. d. f.302. Three servants of
at the palace
AC. Aug 23 Alexandra, wife of Diocletian, de-
See Sidonius Apollinaris. scribed as martyrs at Nicomedia.
Alexandra however never existed, and
APOLLINARIS FRANCO and the story is part of the legend of St
Comp. (BB) MM. OFM. George.
AC. Sept 10
d. 1622. Born at Aquilar del Campo in APOLLONIA (APOLLINE) (St) VM.
Old Castile, he studied law at Salaman- RM. Feb 9
ca, and entered the Franciscan Order of d. 249. An
aged deaconess of Alexan-
the Observance, and eventually was sent dria, martyred under Decius. Her teeth
to Japan (161 4) as commissary general were broken with pincers, and for this
of the missions of his order there. He reason she is invoked against toothache
was arrested 617 and detained in the
in 1 and is represented in art holding a tooth
horrible prison of Omura until he was in pincers. Finally she was led to a
burnt alive on Sept 10. The "Com- kindled pyre to be burnt alive unless she
panions" include Japanese martyrs of renounced Christ, and "of her own
various dates, beatified in 1867. See accord leaped into the pyre, being
Japan (Martyrs of). kindled within by the greater fire of the
Holy Ghost". (RM.).
Bp. RM. Oct 5 APOLLONIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 14
d. £.520. Elder brother of St Avitus of See Proculus, Ephebus and Apollonius.
Vienne, he became bishop of Valence,
where he died after a glorious and inde- APOLLONIUS (St) M.
fatigable apostolate. He is the patron RM. March 8
saint of the diocese. See Philemon and Apollonius.


PC. Nov 27 LEONTINUS) Bps. MM.
d. 828. The fourteenth abbot of Monte- RM. March 19
cassino, he governed the archabbey for ? Neither the see nor the date of martyr-
eleven years. He has always been greatly dom of these two bishops is known.
venerated at Montecassino. Their names, however, already occur in

the martyrology of St Jerome. The APPHIA (St) M. RM. Nov 22
Portuguese have claimed them for their See Philemon and Apphia.
see of Braga.
APPIAN (St) Mk. OSB. AC. March 4
APOLLONIUS and Comp (SS) MM. d. c.Soo. Born in Liguria, he became a
RM. Apr 10 Benedictine at the "a obey of St Peter of
? A priest and five companions mar- Ciel d'Oro at Pavia. Eventually he
tyred at Alexandria under Decius. became a recluse at Commacchio on the
shores of the Adriatic, and evangelized
APOLLONIUS the APOLOGIST that country.
(St) M. RM. Apr 18
d. £.190. A Roman
senator, denounced APPIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 2
by one of his own slaves
as a Christian d. 306. A martyr at Caesarea in Palestine
and condemned to be beheaded. His in the persecution of Galerius and
eloquent defence of the Faith (apologia) Maximian.
delivered before the Senate at his trial
is one of the most priceless documents APPIAN and Comp. (SS) MM.
of Christian antiquity. It was discovered RM. Dec. 30
in an Armenian text in 1874. See Mansuetus, Severus, etc.


See Marcian, Nicanor, etc. AC. July 15
5th and 6th cent. Born near Treves.
APOLLONIUS (St) Bp. RM. July 7 Sister of St Aprus (Evre), bishop of
?A bishop of Brescia in Lombardy. He Toul, at whose hands she received the
ismentioned in the acts of SS Faustinus veil. She died at Troyes.
and Jovita which, however, cannot be
relied upon. His relics are enshrined in APRONIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 2
the cathedral of Brescia. d. c .304. A Roman executioner who was
converted to Christianity when taking the
APOLLONIUS (St) Bp. AC. July 8 martyr St Sisinnius before the tribunal,
d. ^.326. Bishop of Benevento. He went and was himself thereupon put to death.
into hiding during the last persecution
under Diocletian. APRUS (APER, APRE, EPVRE,
EVRE) (St) Bp. RM.
Sept 15
APOLLONIUS (St) M. RM. July 10 d. 507. Born near Treves, he became a
d. early4th cent. A native of Sardis in very able and just lawyer. He gave up
Lydia, Asia Minor, he was scourged and this profession to be ordained priest,
crucified at Iconium. and in time was chosen bishop of Toul,
which see he governed for seven years.
APOLLONIUS and EUGENE (SS) Some authorities reject the tradition of
MM. RM. July 23 his having been a lawyer.
? Roman martyrs, the former was
pierced with arrows at the stake, the APULEIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 7
latter was beheaded. See Marcellus and Apuleius.

APONIUS (St) M. AC. Feb 10 AQUILA (St) M. RM. Jan 23

See Andrew and Aponius. See Severian and Aquila.


AQUILA (St) M. RM. March 23 but it seems that Ven. Bede had access
See Domitius, Pelagia, etc. to them in the eighth century.

AQUILA (St) M. RM.May20 AQUILINUS (St) M. RM. Jan 29

d. 31 1. An Egyptian, torn to pieces with d. 650. A Bavarian by birth, who flying
iron combs under Maximinus Daza. from the prospect of high ecclesiastical
The prefect Arianus, who had ordered preferment at Cologne, went to Paris
this torture, subsequently became a and then to Milan, preaching against
Christian and a martyr in the same per- Arianism. On this account he was assas-
secution. sinated by the Arians. His relics are
venerated at Milan.
1 st cent. Husband and wife, belonging SIUS, MAGNUS and DONATUS
to theJewish diaspora, who worked as (SS) MM. RM. Feb 4
tentmakers at Rome, whence they were ? 3rd cent. Martyrs at Forum Sem-
banished with all other Jews under pronii, which has been interpreted very
Claudius. They settled at Corinth, doubtfully as Fossombrone in central
where they received St Paul into their Italy. No details survive.
house (Acts XVIII, 3). Under Nero
they returned to Rome and St Paul AQUILINUS and VICTORIAN
sends greetings to them as follows: (SS) MM. RM. May 16
"Salute Prisca and Aquila my helpers ? Martyrs in the Province of Isauria, in
who have for my life laid down
in Christ, Asia Minor and, as such, registered by
theirown necks" (Rom. XVI, 3-4). Ven. Bede in his martyrology. Nothing
There is a tradition in Rome that they else is known about them.
were martyred there.
AQUILINUS (St) M. RM. May 17
AQUILA (St) M. RM. Aug 1 See Heradius, Paul, etc.
See Cyril, Aquila, etc.
AQUILINUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 19
AQUILINA (St) VM. RM. June 13 £.620-695. A native of Bayeux, he spent
d. 293. A young girl —
said to have been forty years in the service of Clovis II.
no more than twelve years old who — On from the war against the
his return
was tortured and beheaded at Byblus in Visigoths, heand his wife agreed to give
Syria. The account of her passion is not themselves up to works of charity. They
trustworthy. retired to Evreux, and Aquilinus was
soon made bishop of that city. He
AQUILINA (St) M. RM. July 24 managed, however, to live more as a
See Niceta and Aquilina. hermit than a prelate.


MARCIAN, QUINTUS, THEO- By the term Arabia is here understood,
DOTUS and TRYPHON (SS) MM. conformably to the usage of the period,
RM. Jan 4 the countries, mainly desert, east of the
f.484. A band of martyrs put to death in Jordan, and, again, the mountainous
Africa under the Arian Hunneric, king districts south of the Dead Sea. The
of the Vandals. Their acts are now lost, RM. has this entry: "In Arabia, the

memory of many holy martyrs, who ARCADIUS, PASCHASIUS,

were cruelly slain under the emperor PROBUS, EUTYCfflAN and
Galerius Maximian". PAULILLUS (SS) MM. RM. Nov 13
d. 437. All of these were Spaniards,
ARABIA (St) M. RM. March 13 exiled to Africa by the Vandal Arian
See Theusetas, Horres, etc. King Genseris, where they became the
protomartyrs of the Vandal persecution.
ARATOR, FORTUNATUS, FELIX, Paulillus was only a boy, the little

SILVIUS and VITALIS (SS) MM. brother of SS Paschasius and Eutychian.

RM. Apr 21 "As he could not be turned from the
? St Arator is said by the RM. to have Catholic Faith he was long beaten with
been a priest of Alexandria in Egypt, rods, and condemned to the basest
put to death with the other Christians servitude" (RM.).
named above, in one of the earlier
persecutions. No particulars are now ARCANUS (St) Ab. OSB. PC. Sept 1

extant. See Giles and Arcanus.


d. £.460. The fourth bishop of Verdun. OC. AC. Feb 13
1461-1494. A native of Trino, in the
ARBOGAST (St) Bp. RM. July 21 Monferrato, Italy, she became a Car-
d. £.678. Born in Aquitaine, not as has melite at Parma and, at the request of
been maintained in Ireland or Scotland. the Gonzagas, was sent to found a new
He was living as a recluse in Alsace when Carmel at Mantua. She was its first

King Dagobert II forced on him the see prioress, a living pattern of perfection.
of Strasburg, which he ruled with great Cult confirmed in 1864.
humility and wisdom. At his own re-
quest he was interred in the place set ARCHANGELUS CANETULI (Bl)
apart for the burial of criminals. A C. OSA. AC. Apr 16
church was soon built over his tomb. d. 1 5 13. Born at Bologna, he became an
In art he is represented as walking dry- Augustinian canon regular, conspicuous
shod over a river. for his gifts, natural and supernatural.
He died as archbishop-elect of Florence.
ARCADIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 12
d. r.302 ? A prominent citizen of Cae- ARCHANGELUS of CALAFATIMI
sarea in Mauretania (near Algiers) who (Bl) C. OFM. AC. July 30
under Maximianus Herculeus was slow- d. 1460. Born at Calafatimi in Sicily,
ly and barbarously mutilated until he he was a hermit at the time when Pope
died under the torture. Martin V suppressed the Sicilian her-
mitages. He then joined the Franciscans
ARCADIUS (St) Bp. M. of the Observance and was a great
RM. March 4 promoter of this new branch through-
See Basil, Eugene, etc. out Sicily. Cult confirmed in 1836.


d. 0.549. Bishop of Bourges, he took SUSANNA (SS)W. MM. AC. Jan 18
part in the Council of Orleans in 538. d. 293. Three Christian maidens of the
Buried at Saint Ursin. Romagna who retired to Nola in the


Campagna in order to escape death; but in the diocese of Autun. He restored the
there too they were accused of being monastic buildings and was a father to
Christians, tortured, taken to Salerno the people during the famine of 1030-
and beheaded. 1033-


Ab. OSB.
TIUS(SS) MM. RM. March 4 d. 843. A of Languedoc, he
Nothing is known about these martyrs. changed his baptismal name of Smarag-
dus on entering the abbey of Aniane
ARCHELAUS (St) M. RM. Aug 23 under its first abbot St Benedict. He
See Quiriacus, Maximus, etc. became director of the schools attached
to the abbey, St Benedict's travelling
ARCHELAUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 26 companion and secretary —and even-
d. c .278.Bishop of Kashkar in Mesopo- tually also his biographer —and his suc-
tamia. He seems to have been a for- cessor at Aniane when St Benedict went
midable opponent of Manicheism during to reside at Aix-la-Chapelle. His cult
his life, but the writings against these was well established at Aniane at an
heretics attributed to him are not his early date.
ARCHIPPUS (St) RM. March 20 (St) AC. July 28
1 st cent. St Paul calls him "my fellow- ? 7th cent. He is patron saint of Trepino
soldier" (Philem. 2) and mentions him in S. Italy. An improbable legend makes
also in his epistle to the Colossians (IV, him one of four English pilgrims who
17). Tradition, on St
basing itself died in this region in the 7th century.
Paul's words, has made Archippus the
first bishop of Colossae. ARDUINUS (St) AC. Aug 15
d. 1009. A priest of Rimini who lived
ARCONTIUS (St) Bp. M. AC. Jan 19 first as a hermit and ended his days in

8th (or 9th) cent. Bishop of Viviers, the monastery of San Gudenzio, but
killed by a mob for having upheld the did not however take vows there.
rights of his church.
ARCONTIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 5 (St) Abp. PC. Aug 10
See Quintius, Arcontius and Donatus. d. ^.614. An outstanding archbishop
of Lyons; his political activities have
ARDALION (St) M. RM. Apr 14 come down to us in an unfavourable
d. £.300. An actor who suddenly pro- light. He has a local cult only.
claimed himself a Christian while en-
gaged in ridiculing Christianity on the AREDIUS (YRIEIX, YRIEZ) (St) Ab.
stage. He was roasted alive in the public AC. Aug 25
square. d. 591. Born Limoges, after a period
of service at the court of the Frankish
ARDANUS (ARDAING, ARDAGNE, kings he became the abbot-founder of
ARDAGNUS, ARDAN) (St) Ab. the abbey of Atane in the Limousin,
OSB. AC. Feb 11 which later on was called after him, as
d. 1058. The thirteenth abbot of the was also the village of Saint- Yrieux
Benedictine monastery of Tournus, now which grew up around the abbey. He


was famous for his evangelical travels ARGYMIRUS (St) M. Mk.

throughout Gaul. Other variants are: RM. June 28
Yriel, Ysary, Ysere, Ysery. d. 858. A native of Cabra, near Cordova,
who held high official position among the
AREGLOE, AREGLE, Bp. Mohammedans of. that city. He was
RM. March 17 deprived of his office on account of his
Otherwise Agricola, q.v. Christian faith and became a monk.
Shortly he openly denounced
ARESIUS, ROGATIUS and Comp. Mohammed and confessed Christ and
MM. RM. June 10 was beheaded.
? A band of seventeen African martyrs,
particulars concerning whom have been ARIADNE (St) M. RM. Sept 17
lost. Some martyrologies class them with d. f.130. A Christian woman slave of a
the Roman martyrs, Basilides and others, Phrygian prince, who was flogged for
commemorated on the same day. refusing to join in the heathen rites
celebrated on the anniversary of her
ARETAS and Comp. (SS) MM. master's birthday; it is said that she
RM. Oct 1 took refuge in a chasm in the rock which
? According to the RM. St Aretas miraculously opened before her and
suffered atRome with five hundred and closed on her entering, thus affording
four others. The first to mention this her a tomb and the crown of martyr-
number was Usuardus. Some try to dom.
group with that mentioned
identify this
on Oct 24. See Nagran (Martyrs of). ARIALDUS (St) M. AC. June 27
d. 1066. A deacon of Milan, who dis-
ARETAS (St) M. RM. Oct 24 tinguished himself for his zeal against
See Nagran (Martyrs of). the rampant simony of his time, chiefly
at Milan. For this reason he was first
ARETIUS (ARECIUS, AREGIUS) excommunicated and, after much per-
and DACIAN (SS) MM. RM. June 4 secution, killed by the party of the
? Roman martyrs who were buried in simoniac archbishop of Milan. Cult ap-
the catacombs on the Appian Way. proved in 1904.


Otherwise Osmanna, q.v. (SS) MM. RM. March 8
£.311. Arian, governor of Thebes, in
ARGEUS, NARCISSUS and MAR- Egypt, with Theoticus and three others
CELLINUS (SS) MM. RM. Jan 2 was converted to Christianity on wit-
d. 320. Three brothers enrolled as sol- nessing at Alexandria the martyrdom of
diers in the army of the emperor SS Apollonius and Philemon. The
Licinius who suffered martyrdom at judge ordered them to be drowned in
Tomi in Pontus, on the Black Sea. the sea.
Marcellinus was only "a boy enrolled
as a recruit, who, on refusing to perform ARIGIUS (St) Bp. AC. May 1

military service, was first flogged most 535-604. Bishop of Gap for twenty
cruelly, then kept long in prison, and years, he was one of the great pastors
lastly thrown into the sea." His brothers of the time. Cult confirmed by St
were beheaded. Pius X.

ARILDA (St) VM. AC. Oct 30 ciplesof our Lord. Perhaps he is the
? A maiden of Gloucestershire who met Aristobulus mentioned by St Paul
her death in defence of her chastity. (Rom. XVI, 11). He has been identified
The church at Oldbury-on-the-Hill is with Zebedee, the father of SS James
dedicated to her. and John, and Britain has been allotted
to him as the place of his labours and
martyrdom all without the slightest
(SS) MM. RM. Sept 3 foundation.
? Aristaeus is said to have been bishop
of Capua, but modern research inclines ARISTON, CRESCENTIAN,
him with the Egyptian
rather to identify EUTYCHIAN, URBAN, VITALIS,
martyr Aristaeus, venerated by the JUSTUS, FELICISSIMUS, FELIX,
Greeks on Sept 3. Similarly the child- MARCIA, and SYMPHOROSA (SS)
martyr, Antoninus, seems to be a dupli- MM. RM. July 2
cate of St Antoninus of Apamea, com- d. f.285. A band of martyrs put to death
memorated in the RM. on Sept 2. At in the Campagna, S. Italy, under Dio-
Capua there is no record of either saint. cletian. Nothing more is known about
RM. Aug 4 ARISTONICUS (St) M. RM. Apr 19
1 st cent. A native of Salonika and a See Hermogenes, Caius, etc.
companion of St Paul in his travels
(Acts XX,4; XXVII, 2). He was ARMAGILLUS (ARMEL) (St) C.
arrested with the apostle at Ephesus, AC. Aug 16
and shared imprisonment. He is
d. f.570. Born in S. Wales, a cousin of
described as "his fellow-worker" (Phi- St Samson. A Cornish church was dedi-
lem. 24). Tradition makes him the first
bishop of Salonika and adds that he

cated to him St Erme. He crossed
over to Brittany and founded Saint-
was beheaded in Rome with St Paul. Armel-des-Boscheaux and Plou-Ermel
(Ploermel). Like all the Celtic names of
ARISTIDES (St) RM. Aug 31 that period, Armel has taken countless
2nd cent. An Athenian philosopher, variants. Here are a few: Ermel, Erme,
famous for his Apologia for Christianity, Ermin, Arthmael, Armail, Arzel, Ar-
which he presented to the emperor Had- mahel, Hermel, Thiarmail. In Latin it
rian in 125. The text, long lost, has now is translated as Armagillus.
been recovered in Syriac, Armenian and
Greek. See Barlaam and Josaphat.
ARMAND (St) C. AC. Jan 23
Otherwise Ormond, q.v.
ARISTION (St) M. RM. Feb 22
1st cent. One of the seventy-two dis-
ciples of our Lord. He preached in ARMEL (St) C. AC. Aug 16
Cyprus and died there a martyr, at Otherwise Armagillus q.v.

Salamis. Others assert that he was

martyred at Alexandria. ARMENTARIUS (St) Bp.
AC. Jan 30
ARISTOBULUS (St) M. d. A451. First bishop of Antibes in
RM. March 15 Provence. An old church is dedicated in
1 st cent. One of the seventy-two dis- his name at Draguignan.

RM. Jan 30 AC. Nov 30
d. cju. Bishop of Pa via. During his d. 1155. A Benedictine of the abbey of
episcopate the see of Pavia was with- St Nicasius at Reims, who became
drawn from the jurisdiction of the abbot of Gemblours.
metropolitan see of Milan and directly
attached to the Roman Church. ARNULF (ARNULPHUS,
ARMOGASTES and Comp. (SS) OSB. Cist. AC. June 30
MM. RM. March 29 d. 1228. Surnamed "Cornibout" or "of
d. p.460. Armogastes and Saturus, high Villers". He was born at Brussels, and
officers at the palace, suffered in Africa after a pleasure-loving youth,he became
during the Arian persecution under the a lay-brother at the Cistercian abbey of
Vandal king, Genseric. First they were Villers in Brabant, where he atoned for
tortured, then sent to labour in the his past by long years of prayer and
mines, then condemned to slavery as penance. He attained to a high degree
cowherds near Carthage. They were not of mystical prayer.
put to death "lest the Romans should
veneratethem as martyrs." The other ARNULF (St) Bp. M. AC. July 1
names given in the RM., Archimimus d. 1 Archbishop of Mainz from
and Masculas, thought to be martyrs 1 153. He was murdered by his own
of this group, apparently refer to diocesans and is venerated as a martyr.
Armogastes, with the meaning "Presi-
dent of the Theatre, a native of Mas- ARNULF (St) Bp. RM. July 18
cula" or possibly we should understand d. 640. A courtier of high standing in
"Archimimus, the Masculan". the palace of the Austrasian kings, he
determined to become a monk at Lerins.
ARMON (St) Bp. RM. July 31 His wife took the veil and Arnulf was
Otherwise Germanus of Auxerre, q.v. just on the point of retiring to Lerins
when he was made bishop of Metz
ARNOLD (ARNALD, ARNAUD) (<\6io). A few years before his death
(Bl) Ab. M. OSB. AC. March 14 he resigned and retired to a hermitage
d. Born at Padua of the noble
1254. near the abbey of Remiremont.
family de'Cattanei, he became a Bene-
dictine at St Justina, Padua, and even- ARNULF (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Aug 15
tually its abbot. The tyrant Ezzelino da £.1040-1087. Born in Flanders, after
Romano, after persecuting him for a some years in the armies of Robert and
long time, imprisoned him
Asolo and
at Henry I, kings of France, he became a
loaded him with chains. He bore it all Benedictine at the abbey of St Medard
patiently for eight years and died in he lived
at Soissons. After his profession
prison at the age of seventy. under the abbot's obedience.
as a recluse
In 1082 he was obliged to accept the
ARNOLD (St) C. AC. July 8 bishopric of Soissons. Some time after
d. ^.800. A Greek by birth, attached to he resigned and founded the abbey of
the court of Charlemagne. He was famed Oudenbourg in Flanders, where he died.
for his charity to the poor. He has left
his name to the village, Arnold-Villiers ARNULF (St) H. AC. Aug 22
(Arnoldsweiler) near Julich. 9th cent. The relics of this saint were

venerated at Arnulphsbury, or Eynes- bishop of Corfu, of which he is now
bury, in Huntingdonshire. He has been venerated as the principal patron.
described as an English hermit of that
district, but he is probably a duplicate ARSENIUS the GREAT (St) H.
of St Arnulf of Metz. RM. July 19
d. ^.449. Surnamed also "the Roman"
ARNULF (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Sept 19 and "the deacon", being actually a
d. 1070. Born Vendome, he became
at Roman deacon. He was summoned by
a Benedictine at the abbey of Holy Theodosius the Great to Constantinople
Trinity in his native city. In 1063 Pope to become the tutor of Arcadius and
Alexander II consecrated him bishop of Honorius, the emperor's sons (c. 383).
Gap. As such he restored the cathedral After ten years in that thankless office
of his episcopal city. He is the principal (f.393) he abandoned the court and
patron saint of Gap. retired to the desert of Skete as a her-
mit. A hermit he remained for the rest
ARNULF (St) M. OSB. of his life, living in various places in
AC. Oct
31 Egypt and ever "weeping over the
d. c .840. A monk of Novalese, in Pied- feebleness of Arcadius and the foolish-
mont, who was put to death by the Sara- ness of Honorius." He breathed his last
cens. at the rock of Troe, near Memphis.

ARNULF (St) Bp. AC. Nov 15 ARSENIUS (St) M. OSB.

d. 871. Bishop of Toul from 847 to 871. AC. Aug 30
He was a firm and outspoken opponent See Pelagius, Arsenius and Sylvanus.
of the divorce of King Lothair.
ARSENIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 14
ARONTIUS (ORONTIUS) (St) M. See Heron, Arsenius, etc.
RM. Aug 27 and Sept 1

See Honoratus, Fortunatus, etc. ARTALDUS (ARTHAUD,

ARTAUD) (Bl) Bp. O. Cart.
ARPINUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 9 AC. Oct 7
Otherwise Agrippinus, q.v. 1101-1206. Served at the court of
Amadeus III of Savoy, and then be-
ARSACIUS (URSACIUS) (St) C. came a Carthusian at Portes (1120). In
RM. Aug 16 1
40 he founded the charterhouse of
d. 358. A Persian soldier in the Roman Arvieres-en-Valromey in Savoy. He
army, who on his conversion retired to was an octogenarian when he was ap-
live as a recluse in a high tower over- pointed bishop of Belley (1188) but
looking Nicomedia. He forewarned its resigned after two years (1190) and
inhabitants of the impending destruc- returned to Valromey where he died.
tion of their city by the great earth- Cult approved in 1834.
quake of 358. Some survivors found
refuge in the tower, where Arsacius had ARTAXUS, ACUTUS, EUGENDA,
already died in the attitude of prayer. MAXIMIANUS, TIMOTHY,
ARSENIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 19 AC. Jan 2
d. 959. A nativeof Constantinople of 3~4th cent. Martyrs at Syrmium, Pan-
Jewish descent, he became the first nonia.

ARTEMAS (St) M. AC. Jan 25 He is called by the Greeks the Megalo-
? Said to have been a boy of Pozzuoli martyr.
(Puteoli) who was stabbed to death with
iron pens by pagan school-fellows.
his ARTEMON (St) M. RM. Oct 8
It seems, however, that the whole story d. r.305. A priest of Laodicea (in
is a pious romance. Phrygia) burnt to death under Dio-

ARTEMAS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 30

1 One of St Paul's disciples, he
st cent. ARTHELAIS (St) V. AC. March 3
is mentioned by the apostle in his letter 6th cent. One of the patron saints of
to Titus (III, 12). A later tradition has Benevento, whither she is said to have
made of him a bishop of Lystra. He is fled from Constantinople to escape the

venerated by the Greeks. attentions of the emperor Justinian.


AC. Jan 24 ? This saint seems untraceable. He ap-

pears to be one and the same with the
d. 396. An imperial legate who, on his
way to Spain, fell sick in Gaul and set-
St Arvan or Aroan who has left his name
at StArvans and Cwmcarvan in Mon-
tled at Clermont, in Auvergne, where
mouthshire. Stanton's Menology, fol-
eventually he became bishop.
lowing Challoner, identifies St Arvan
with Maruanus, a companion of SS
ARTEMIUS (St) Bp. AC. Apr 28
Banca (or Breaca) and Sennen (6th
d. 609. A native of Sens where he be-
came bishop. He admitted to public
penance a Spaniard, named Baldus (in
modern French Bond), whom he trained
ARWALD (SS) MM. AC. Apr 22
d. 686. Two brothers, sons of Arwald,
to be a great saint.
a prince in the Isle of Wight, whose
proper names are lost. They were put
ARTEMIUS, CANDIDA and to deathby soldiers of King Ceadwalla,
PAULINA (SS) MM. RM. June 6 then a pagan, on the day after their
d. 302. Artemius, gaoler of one of the baptism.
Roman prisons, with his wife Candida
and daughter Paulina, was converted to ASAPH (St) Bp. RM. May 1
Christ by St Peter the exorcist and bap- d. *\6oo. One of St Kentigern's monks
tized by St Marcellinus. Artemius was inN. Wales. He succeeded St Kentigern
beheaded, and his wife and daughter as abbot and bishop, leaving his own
buried alive under a pile of stones. name to the see. Moreover, he founded
Llanasa in N.E. Flintshire. Many of his
ARTEMIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 20 kinsfolk —Deiniol, Tysilo, etc. —are also
d. 363. An officer of high rank under venerated as saints.
Constantine the Great. A pronounced
Arian, he was made by Constantius pre- ASCELINA (St) V. OSB.
fect of Egypt and, as such, persecuted 23 AC. Aug
St Athanasius and harassed the Catho- 1121-1195. A of St Bernard
lics, nor is there any record of his having and early Cistercian mystic. She en-
renounced Arianism. He was beheaded tered the convent of Boulancourt
as a Christian under Julian the Apostate. (Haute-Marne).


ASCLAS (St) M. RM. Jan 23 immemorial, concerning this saint is

Martyred under Diocletian by

d. £.287. recorded by the RM. as follows: "At
being thrown into the Nile at Antinoe. Naples in Campania, the birthday of St
Aspren the bishop, who was cured of
ASCLEPIADES (St) Bp. M. infirmity by St Peter the Apostle, and
RM. Oct 18 afterwards baptized and ordained bishop
d. 217. St Serapion's successor in the of that city". It seems however that he
see of Antioch, from 211 to 217. He is should not be dated before the end of
usually given the title of martyr, prob- the 2nd or beginning of the 3rd century.
ably on account of all that he underwent
during the persecution of Severus. ASTERIA (HESTERIA) (St) VM.
RM. Aug 10
martyr venerated according
DORUS) (St) M. RM. Sept 15 to a Passio of doubtful validity, at
See Maximus, Theodore and Asclepio- Bergamo in Lombardy. She was a sister
dotus. of St Grata, and both were associated
in the burial of the martyr, St Alexander
ASELLA (St) V. RM. Dec 6
(Aug 26).
d. c.406. St Jerome, who became her
panegyrist, calls her "a flower of the
Lord," and tells us that this Roman OSB. AC. Nov 12
maiden took the veil at the age of ten,
Otherwise Anastasius, q.v.
and retired to a small cubicle at twelve,
where she lived for long years until she
ASTERIUS (St) M. RM. March 3
became "the mother of many virgins".
See Marinus and Asterius.
Pallasius visited her in Rome, where
she had her community.
ASTERIUS (St) M. RM. May 20
See Thalelaeus, Asterius, etc.
(St) Bp. AC. Apr 27
d. £.490. One of the of
earliest disciples
ASTERIUS (St) Bp. RM. June 10
d. ^.362. Formerly an Arian who, after
St Patrick, by whom
he was placed at
his conversion, became bishop of Petra
the head of the monastery and diocese
in Arabia, and earned the hatred of the
of Elphin, of which he is now venerated
heretics by publishing the story of their
as the patron saint. He excelled as a
intrigues at the council of Sardica (347).
coppersmith, and some remarkable spe-
Banished to Libya by Constantius, but
cimens of his handiwork yet remain.
recalled by Julian the Apostate, he was

ASPASIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 2 present at the council of Alexandria in

d. f.560. A bishop —
of Eauze now Auch 362, and was chosen to be the bearer of
—who took part in the councils of the letter from the council to the Church
of Antioch. He died shortly after.
Orleans, 533, 541 and 549, besides
holding a provincial council at Aauze
in 551. He is honoured in the diocese ASTERIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 23
of Meaux, and especially at Melun. See Claudius, Asterius, etc.


RM. Aug 3 d. f.223. A Roman priest under Pope
1 st cent. The tradition, dating from time St Callistus, whose body he secretly

buried. For this reason he himself was a Basilian monk, and eventually also
cast into the Tiber at Ostia by order of bishop of Modon.
the emperor Alexander. The Christians
recovered his body and buried it at ATHANASIUS (St) Ab. AC. Feb 22
Ostia, where it is now enshrined in the d. *\8i8. Born at Constantinople, he
cathedral. became abbot of the Paulo-Petrian
monastery, near Nicomedia. He had to
ASTERIUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 30 suffer much at the hands of the Icono-
d. c .400.Bishop of Amasea in Pontus, clast emperor, Leo the Armenian.
Asia Minor. He was renowned as a
preacher: twenty-one of his sermons are ATHANASIUS (St) Bp. Dr.
still extant. RM. May 2
c. 297-373. History has given him the
ASTIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. July 7 titles,amply deserved, of "Father of
See Peregrinus, Lucian, etc. Orthodoxy", "Pillar of the Church",
and "Champion of Christ's Divinity".
ASYNCRITUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 8 A native of Alexandria, he began his
See Herodion, Asyncritus and Phlegon. public career when, still a deacon, he
denounced Arius as a heretic. He accom-
ATHAN (St) panied his bishop to the council of
Place-name near Pontypridd. No record. Nicea, and on his return to Alexandria
(328) was made patriarch of that city,
ATHANASIA (St) W. RM. Aug 14 which he governed for over forty years.
d. 860. Born in the island of Aegina of His life-work was the defeat of Arianism
an ancient Greek family. Her first and the vindication of the divinity of
husband died fighting against the Sara- Christ. For this cause he was five times
cens; her second husband, with her exiled from his see: 335-338 to Treves;
consent, left her to become a monk. 341-346 to Rome; 356-362 to the de-
She turned her house into a convent, sert; 362-363 and a second time during
and numerous disciples gathered around four months of 363 again to the desert.
her whom she ruled as an abbess. Through it all he managed to guide his
flock, and to write for them most
ATHANASIA (St) H. RM. Oct 9 illuminating treatises on Catholic dog-
See Andronicus and Athanasia. ma. One of his most attractive charac-
teristics was his unfailing humour,
ATHANASIUS (St) RM. Jan 3 which often proved a deadly weapon
See Zozimus and Athanasius. against his adversaries. He is revered in
the universal Church as one of the four
ATHANASIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 26 great Greek Doctors, and in the East
? He honoured at Sorrento in S.
is as one of the three Holy Hierarchs. He
Italy. Nothing is known about him. is the pioneer of scientific theology.
Perhaps he is to be identified with St
Athanasius of Naples (July 15). ATHANASIUS BADZEKUKETTA
(St) M. RM. June 3
ATHANASIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 31 d. 1886 (May 17). A page to King
d. f.885. A native of Catania in Sicily. Mwanga of Uganda and a Keeper of
During the invasion of the Saracens he the Royal Treasury. He was baptized
fled to Patras in Peloponnesus, became in 1885 and martyred by the king's

soldiers in the following year. See ATHELM (St) Bp. OSB. PC. Jan 8
Uganda (Martyrs of). d. 923. Paternal uncle of St Dunstan.
A monk, and then abbot, of Glaston-
ATHANASIUS (St) M. RM. July 5 bury, he was appointed first bishop of
d. 452. A deacon of Jerusalem. He Wells in Somerset, and in 914 trans-
denounced the heretic Theodosius, who ferred to the see of Canterbury.
had supplanted the Catholic St Juvenal
in the see of Jerusalem. For this act ATHENODORUS (St) Bp. M.
he was seized by the soldiery and be- RM. Oct 18
headed. d. £.269. A Native of Neo-Caesarea in
Cappadocia and a brother of St Gregory
ATHANASIUS the ATHONITE (St) the Wonder-Worker (Thaumaturgus).
Ab. AC. July 5 After their conversion the two brothers
r.920-1003. Born at Trebizond, he em- studied under Origen at Caesarea and
braced the monastic life in Bithynia, then became bishops, Athenodorus of
whence he migrated to Mt Athos. Here an unnamed see in Pontus. He suffered
he founded a laura (961), which became martyrdom under Aurelian.
the first nucleus of what has ever since

been a wholly monastic republic. When ATHENODORUS (St) M.

he died he ruled as abbot-general over RM. Nov 11
some sixty communities of hermits and d. £.304. A
martyr of Mesopotamia
monks living on Mt Athos. Shortly under Diocletian, who, according to
after the founder's death the monks the RM. "was tormented with fire and
became schismatics. tried with other punishments ... at
length he was condemned to capital
ATHANASIUS (St) Bp. RM. July 15 punishment, but when the executioner
d. 872.Son of the duke of Naples, he fell to the ground, and none other dared

was made bishop of that city at the age smite him with the sword, he fell asleep
of eighteen. After he had ruled it for in the Lord in prayer".
twenty years he began to suffer from
the exactions of relatives, in whose ATHENOGENES (St) Bp. M.
hands rested the civil authority of RM. Jan 18, July 16
Naples. Imprisoned, and then exiled, ? On Jan 18 the RM. has: "In Pontus,
he died at Veroli and was buried at the birthday of St Athenogenes, an aged
Montecassino, whence his body was theologian, who, when about to con-
transferred to Naples. summate his martyrdom by fire, sang a
hymn of joy, which he left in writing to
ATHANASIUS, ANTHUSA and his disciples". The martyr is to be
Comp. (SS) MM. RM 22Aug identified, it seems, with the bishop who
d. f.257. Athanasius was bishop of Tar- suffered at Sebaste in Armenia with ten
sus in Cilicia. Anthusa, a noble lady of disciples, under Diocletian (RM. July
Seleucia, was baptized by him together 16). The hymn referred to above, is,

with two of her slaves, Charisius and according to St Basil, the beautiful
Neophytus. The three men were mar- Phos hilaron, feature of the vespers ser-
tyred under Valerian; Anthusa survived vice in the Byzantine liturgy.
twenty-three years. The Acts of St
Anthusa which relate this story closely ATHEUS (St) C. AC. Dec 26
resemble those of St Pelagia of Tarsus. Otherwise Tathai, q.v.



ATHILDA (St) VM. AC. March 27 Saragossa, he became a Benedictine at

Otherwise Alkeld, q.v. Moreruela under St Froilan, who chose
him as prior of the abbey. The two sees
ATTALA (ATTALUS) (St) Ab. OSB. of Le6n and Zamora becoming vacant,
AC. Apr 3 Froilan was appointed to the former and
d. c.Soo. A Benedictine monk and abbot Attilanus to the latter, and they were
of a monastery at Taormina in Sicily. consecrated together on Whit-Sunday,
990. St Attilanus was canonized in 1089.
ATTALAS Ab. RM. March 10
d. 627. Born Burgundy, he was pro-
in ATTIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 1

fessed a monk at Lerins, whence he See Leontius, Attius, etc.

passed over to Luxeuil under St Colum-

banus, whom he followed to Bobbio in ATTO (ATTHO) (St) Bp. OSB. Vail.
N. Italy, helping him in the foundation RM. May 22
of the abbey and succeeding him as d. 1 153. Born at Badajoz in Spain
abbot (615). It was during his abbacy some Italian writers claim him for
that most of the monks stood out against Florence in Italy. He became a Bene-
the severity of the Columbanian Rule. dictine at Vallumbrosa, and eventually
abbot-general of the congregation and
ATTALIA (ATTALA) (St) Abs. bishop of Pistoia. He wrote the lives of
OSB. AC. Dec 3 St John Gualbert and of St Bernard of
c. 697-741. A niece of St Ottilia. She Parma and a work on Compostella in
became a Benedictine nun and abbess of Spain.
St Stephen's nunnery at Strasburg.
ATTO (St) Bp. OSB. AC. June 1
monk at Ofia, in
ATTALUS (St) M RM. June 2
d. c.1044.
Castile, under St Enneco. After-
See Photinus, Sanctius, etc.
wards bishop of Oca-Valpuesta.
ATTALUS (St) M. RM. Dec 31
See Stephen, Pontian, etc. ATTO (St) AC. Nov 19
Ab. OSB.
abbot of Tordino, near
d. p. 1010. First
ATTICUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 8 Teramo, a house founded by Monte-
d 425 (Oct. 10). A convert from heresy, cassinoin 1004.
he opposed St John Chrysostom and
was intruded as bishop of Constantino- ATTRACTA (ATHRACHT) (St) V.

ple during the latter's second banish- AC. Aug 11

ment. However, he repented of his ? 5th cent. She seems to have been a
opposition and submitted to Pope contemporary of St Patrick. She cer-
Innocent's ruling. Afterwards he lived tainly was a recluse, first at Killaraght,
as an eminently virtuous prelate. on Lough Gara, and then at Drum, near
Boyle. Both places eventually grew into
ATTICUS (St) M. RM. Nov 6 nunneries under her direction. She is
? The RM. has: "In Phrygia St Atticus, venerated throughout Ireland.
Martyr". Nothing else is known about
him. AUBERT (several)
Otherwise Autbert, q.v.
RM. Oct 5 AUBIERGE (St) V. RM. July 7
f.939-1009. A native of Tarazona, near Otherwise Ethelburga, q.v.

AUBIN (AUBYN) (St) Bp. death in London under Diocletian.
RM. March i French writers usually identify him
Otherwise Albinus, q.v. with St Aule of Normandy.


RM. June 25 See Fructuosus, Augurius and Eulogius.
See Lucy and Companions.
AUGUSTA (St) VM. AC. March 27
AUCTUS, TAURION and 5th cent. Daughter of the Teuton duke
THESSALONICA (SS) MM. of Friuli. Her conversion to Christianity
RM. Nov 7 so enraged her father that he killed her
? Martyrs at Amphipolis in Macedonia. with his own hand. She has been vener-
Nothing else is known of them. ated from time immemorial at Serra-
valle, near Treviso, in N. Italy.
See Felix, Audactus, etc. RM. Sept 7
? ^.450. A bishop in Gaul, probably at
AUDAS (or ABDAS) (St) Bp. M. Aries.
RM. May 16
d. 420. A Persian bishop, martyred to- AUGUSTINE SCHOFFLER (Bl)
gether with seven priests, nine deacons M. AC. May 1
and seven virgins. Their death marked 1 822-1 85 1. Born at Mittelbronn in Lor-
the beginning of a widespread persecu- raine,he joined the Paris Society of
tion of Christians throughout the Foreign Missions and was sent to
kingdom. Annam where he was beheaded for the
Faith. Beatified in 1900.
AUDAX (St) M. RM. July 9
See Anatolia and Audax. AUGUSTINE WEBSTER (Bl)
MO Cart. AC. May 4
AUDIFAX (St) M. RM. Jan 19 d. 1535. Prior of the Charterhouse of
See Marius, Martha, etc. Axholme, England; he was arrested at
the London Charterhouse and executed
AUDOENUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 24 at Tyburn.
Otherwise Ouen, q.v.
AUDOMARUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 9 M. RM. May 7
Otherwise Omer, q.v. See Flavius, Augustus and Augustine.


RM. June 23 C. OSA. Erem. AC. May 19
Otherwise Etheldreda, q.v. d. 1309. Born at Taormina, in Sicily.

After taking his doctorate in law at

AUGULUS (AUGURIUS, AULE) Bologna, he was appointed chancellor
(St) Bp. M. RM. Feb 7 to King Manfred of Sicily. Left for dead
d. His name appears in the
£.303. on the battlefield at Benevento, after his
martyrology of St Jerome as a bishop. recovery he joined the Augustinian
Others describe him as a martyr put to friars as a lay-brother with the name

Augustine. His gifts were soon dis- AUGUSTINE GAZOTICH (Bl) Bp.
covered and he was commanded to OP. AC. Aug 3
receive priest's orders. Eventually he 1 262- 1 3 23. A native of Trau in Dalma-
became prior-general of the Order, tia, he became a Friar Preacher at the
confessor to the pope, and legate. Cult age of twenty. Eventually he was sent to
confirmed in 1759. preach among the Sia"vs and Hungarians
and in 1303 was chosen bishop of Zag-
AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY reb in Croatia. Later he was translated
(St) Bp. OSB. RM. May 26 (28) to Lucera (Nocera) in Italy. His charac-
d. 604. He shares with St Gregory the teristic was gentleness, and he had the
Great the title of Apostle of the English. gift of healing. Beatified by Clement XL
He was Andrew's on the
prior of St
Caelian Hill when he was
Gregory the Great with a band of forty Bp. OP. AC. Aug 3
companions to evangelize England. The d. 1323. A
Dalmatian by birth, he
missionaries landed at Ebbsfleet near entered the Dominican Order and
Ramsgate, Thanet, in 597. Soon Augus- studied at Paris. He was made Bishop of
tine had converted the king of Kent Zagreb, and later of Lucera. Cult
with thousands of his subjects to the approved in 1722.
Faith. He was consecrated bishop at
Aries (597) and established his see at AUGUSTINE CANNINI (Bl) M.
Canterbury. He was not so successful OSM. AC. Aug 11
in his relations with the Celtic mission- See Laurence Nerucci, etc.
aries. He died shortly after St Gregory
the Great. Whether he followed the AUGUSTINE of HIPPO (St) Bp. Dr.
Benedictine Rule has been questioned. Founder RM. Aug 28 (see also
Feb 28, Apr 2, May 4)
AUGUSTINE HUY (Bl) M. Nov 13, 354 — Aug 28, 430. A native of
AC. June 13 Tagaste in N. Africa. In spite of his
d. 1839. A native soldier of Tonkin
early training by his mother St Monica,
sawn asunder with Bl Nicholas The.
he spent his youth in vice, and all but
AUGUSTINE TCHAO (Bl) M. became a Manichaean. A professor of
AC. July 9 rhetoric by profession, he taught
d. 1 81 5. He was among the soldiers who
successively at Tagaste, Carthage, Rome
escorted Bl John Gabriel Dufresse to (383) and Milan (384-386). Under the
Pekin, and was converted influence of St Ambrose, of St Paul's
by his be-
haviour. Ordained priest, he laboured epistles and of some neoplatonist
in the Province of Su-Tchuen. He was
writings, he was converted and was
arrested while on his ministry, and baptized at thirty-two by St Ambrose at

being already sick, died of ill-usage, in Easter 387. The same year he left for

prison. Beatified 1900. Africa, hismother dying at Ostia. From

388 to 391, he lived a sort of monastic
AUGUSTINE FANGI (Bl) C. OP. life with a few friends near Tagaste.

AC. July 22 In 391 he was ordained priest at Hippo

d. 1493. He was born at Biella, where he and three years later coadjutor-bishop
joined the Dominicans. After a crowded of the same city. From this time on he
apostolic life and great bodily sufferings devoted all his energy and extraordinary
he died at Venice. Cult approved in 1872. intellectual gifts to the defence of

Christian faith and morals and to the tradition, they were monks sent by St
refutation of heresy and schism, thus Benedict to the foundation of Terracina.
opposing Manichaeans, Priscillianists,
Donatists, Pelagians and Semipelagians, AUGUSTINE MOI (Bl) M.
and Arian Vandals. His leading ideas AC. Dec 18
and principles on religious life are still d. 1839. A poor day-labourer in Tonkin,
followed by numerous canons, friars, a Dominican tertiary, he was strangled
hermits and nuns. He is one of the most because he refused to trample on the
prolific, and certainly the most influen- crucifix. Beatified in 1900.
tial, of all the doctors. His two works,

the Confessions and the City of God, are AUGUSTUS CHAPDELAINE (Bl)
reckoned among the world's classics. In M. AC. Feb 27
his life he is a miracle of divine grace, 1 8 14-1856. Born in France, the ninth
since even the child of his sin, Adeoda- child of a peasant. After his ordination
tus, is now venerated as a saint. His to the priesthood in the Paris Society of
relics are enshrined in the basilica of Foreign Missions, he served as a curate,
St Peter. and then went to China to work as a
missionary priest in the apostolic vicari-
AUGUSTINE AMBROSE CHEV- ate of Kwang-si. He was put to death
REUX (Bl) M. OSB. AC. Sept 2 with every refinement of cruelty.
d. 1792. The last superior-general of the Beatified in 1900.
French Benedictine congregation of St

Maur the Maurists. He was impri- AUGUSTUS (St) M. RM. May 7
soned with a numerous band 'of ecclesi- See Flavius, Augustus, and Augustine.
astics at the Carmelite monastery of
Paris (Les Carmes) and put to death in AUGUSTUS (St) C. RM. Sept 1

the general massacre of Sept 2. Beatified See Priscus, Castrensis, etc.

in 1931.
AUGUSTUS (St) C. RM. Oct 7
AUGUSTINE, SANCTIAN and 6th cent. An abbot of Bourges in France,
BEATA (SS) MM. AC. Sept 6 friend of St Germanus of Paris. He is
d. 273. Three Spanish Christians, who chiefly notable for having discovered
fled to Gaul in time of persecution and the body of St Ursinus, apostle of that
were martyred near Sens, where they district.
are still venerated.
AULAIRE (St) VM. RM. Feb 12
Otherwise Eulalia of Barcelona, q.v.
AC. Sept 25 AULD (St) Bp. Feb
1622 (Aug 10). A native of Firando,
Otherwise Aldate, q.v.
Japan, who helped the missionaries as a
catechist, was imprisoned at Iki, re- AUNAIRE (St) Bp. RM. Sept 25
ceived into the Society of Jesus in Otherwise Anacharius, q.v.
prison, and beheaded at Iki. Beatified in
1867. AUREA (ORIA) (St) V. OSB.
AC. March 11
AUGUSTINE and PAULINUS (SS) d. c. 1069. An anchoress, attached to the
Mks. OSB. AC. Nov 5 Benedictine abbey of San Millan de la
6th cent. According to the Cassinese Cogolla in the old kingdom of Navarre,

Upper Ebro, Spain. She lived under abbey. Her name has been associated
obedience of the abbot and was directed with that of St Wolfgang.
by St. Dominic of Silos. She died at the
age of twenty-seven. AURELIA (St) M. RM. Dec 2
See Eusebius, Marcellus, etc.
RM. July 19 AURELIAN (St) Bp. AC. May 10
d. 856. Born Cordova, daughter of
at 3rd cent. Disciple of St Martial
(1st or)
infidel parents, in her widowhood she of Limoges, and eventually bishop of
became a Christian and a nun at Cute- that city.
clara, where she remained for more than
twenty years. She was then denounced AURELIAN (St) Bp. RM. June 16
as a Christian by her own family and d. £.550. Raised to the see of Aries in
beheaded. 546, he was appointed papal legate in
Gaul by Pope Vigilius. He founded two
AUREA (St) VM. RM. Aug 24 monasteries, one for monks and one for
d. c.270. The Acts of St Aurea's martyr- nuns, and drew up for each a monastic
dom are described as a "hagiographical rule, based on that of St Caesarius.
romance". But her existence is vouched
for by the early cultus at her shrine at AURELIAN (St) Bp. OSB. AC. July 4
Ostia. d. 895. Monk and abbot of Ainay and
afterwards archbishop of Lyons.
AUREA (St) Abs. RM. Oct 4
d. 666. A Syrian lady, placed by St AURELIUS (St) Bp. AC. July 20
Eligius at the head of the nunnery of St d. 429. Bishop of Carthage, metropoli-
Martial at Paris (633). She governed the tan, friend and fellow-worker of St
community thirty-three years and died Augustine of Hippo. He was among the
of the plague, together with one hun- first to detect and oppose Pelagianism.

dred and sixty of her nuns. He was forced by the violence of his
adversaries to invoke the civil power
AUREA (St) Abs. AC. Oct 6 against them, much against his own will.
8th cent. A young girl of Amiens who
retired toBoves and eventually became AURELIUS of CORDOVA (St) M.
the abbess of a numerous community. RM. July 27
See George, Aurelius, and the transla-
AURELIA and NEOMISIA (SS) W. tion of their relics to Paris, in the RM.
RM. Sept 25 Oct 20.
? Born in Asia, they visited Palestine and

Rome. At Capua they were maltreated AURELIUS and PUBLIUS (SS)

by the Saracens ( ?) but escaped under Bps. MM. RM. Nov 12
cover of a thunderstorm. They took 2nd cent. Two bishops who wrote
shelter at Macerata, near Anagni, where against the Montanists or Cata-Phry-
they died. gians. They were martyred, probably in
Asia, according to others in N. Africa.
AURELIA (St) V. OSB. RM. Oct 15
d. 1027. A French princess who spent AUREUS, JUSTINA and Comp.
fifty-five years as a recluse at Strasburg (SS) MM. RM. June 16
under the obedience of a Benedictine ? During an invasion of the Huns, St

Aureus, bishop of Mainz, was driven came a monk and then abbot of Saint-
from his see and was followed by his Orens, at Auch, where he introduced
sister, Justina, and others. On their the Cluniac observance. In 104 1 he was
return, while the bishopwas celebrating elected archbishop of Auch and proved
Mass, he and the others were murdered a brave upholder of the rights of his
in the church. church against simoniacal customs.


22 May (St) V. Abs. OSB. RM. Feb 10
1 st (or 3rd) cent. Supposed to have been 630-704. Born near Therouanne, in
a disciple of St Martial of Limoges, and Artois, daughter of St Framechildis and
first bishop of Angouleme. the count palatine Badefrid. She re-
ceived the veil at the hands of St Omer
AUSPICIUS (St) Bp. RM. July 8 in thenunnery of Abbeville (Port-sur-
d. £.130. Said to have been the fourth Somme) of which she became abbess.
bishop of Treves and successor of St As abbess she governed Pavilly in Nor-
Maternus (£.130). It seems, however, mandy and proved a most successful
that he should be identified with a first- ruler.
century bishop of Toul of the same
AC. Apr 18
AUSPICIUS (St) Bp. AC. July 8 Otherwise Agia, q.v.
d. £.475. According to Sidonius Apolli-
naris,he was bishop of Toul. He was AUSTREGISILUS (AOUSTRILLE,
buried at Saint-Mansuy. OUTRILLE) (St) Bp. RM. May 20
551-624. Born at Bourges, he was edu-
AUSPICIUS (St) Bp. AC. Ai:g 2 cated as a courtier, but preferred the life

Before 4th cent. Said to have been the of a monk and entered the abbey of
first bishop of Apt. Saint-Nizier at Lyons, where he became
abbot. In 612 he was elected bishop of
AUSTELL (St) C. AC. June 28 Bourges. He has always been honoured
6th cent. A disciple of St Mewan or as a saint.
Me van of Cornwall. He lived probably
in the district where a place-name pre- AUSTREMONIUS (STREMOINE)
serves his memory. Some modern (St) Bp. RM. Nov 1

writers conjecture that Austell (Hawy- (1st or) 3rd cent. One of the seven mis-
still)is a woman saint, one of the sionaries sent from Rome to evangelize
daughters of the famous Brychan of Gaul. He preached in Auvergne and
Wales, who has perhaps left her name was the first bishop of Clermont-
to Aust of Awst in Gloucestershire. Ferrand.


Otherwise Augustine (especially St RM. June 30
Augustine of Canterbury). See Martial, Alpinian and Austricli-
AC. Sept 25 AUSTRUDE (St) V. AC. Oct 17
d. 1068. A native of Bordeaux, he be- Otherwise Anstrudis, q.v.


AUTBERT (St) Mk. OSB. AC. Feb i Asia Minor,

cletian, fled into Bithynia in
d. 1 129. A Benedictine monk of Lande- where he made many converts and
venec in Brittany, who became chaplain afterwards was martyred.
to the nuns of St Sulpice, near Reims.
He is honoured liturgically at Reims. AUTOR (ADINCTOR, AUTEUR)
(St) Bp. AC. Aug 9
AUTBERT (St) Bp. AC. Sept 10 5th cent. The thirteenth bishop of Metz.
d. p. 709. A bishop of Avranches, In 830 his relics were translated to the
famous because he founded the abbey- abbey of Marmoutier.
church and monastery of Mont-St-
Michel in periculo maris on the Nor- AUXANUS(St) Bp. RM. Sept 3
mandy coast. d. 568. Known in Milan as Sant' An-
sano. He was bishop of that city, where
AUTBERT Bp. RM. Dec 13
(St) he has always been held in great venera-
d. £.669. Bishop of Cambrai-Arras. As tion.
such he was a great fosterer of monastic
life and the founder of monasteries, AUXENTIUS (St) H. RM. Feb 14
among others, of the great abbey of St d. r.470. Born in Syria, of Persian par-
Vedast (Saint Vaast) at Arras. He does ents, he served as a soldier in the guards
not seem, however, to have been a monk of the emperor Theodosius the Youn-
himself. Under him Hainault and ger. Later he retired to live as a hermit
Flanders became a vast monastic colony. in Bithynia. He was accused of heresy at
the council of Chalcedon, but most sue-
AUTBODUS (St) C. AC. Nov 20 successfully vindicated his orthodoxy.
d. 690. An Irish missionary who
preached in Artois, Hainault, and AUXENTIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 13
Picardy, and died as a hermit near Laon. See Eustratius, Auxentius, etc.

AUTEL (St) Bp. RM. Sept 7 AUXENTIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 18
Otherwise Augustalis, q.v. d. p. 321. A soldier in the army of the
emperor Licinius, he had to suffer for
AUTHAIRE (OYE) (St) C. refusing to take part in idolatrous prac-
AC. Apr 24 However, he survived the persecu-
7th cent. A courtier at the palace of tion and became a priest and lastly
King Dagobert of France, and father
I bishop of Mopsuestia in Cilicia.
of St Ouen of Rouen. He
is the patron

saint of the village La-Ferte-sous- AUXIBIUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 19

Jouarre, where he usually resided. 1 st cent. Said to have been baptized by
St Mark and consecrated by St Paul as
AUTHBERTUS (AUDBERT, first bishop of Soli in Cyprus.
AUBERT, ALBERT) (several)
Otherwise Autbert, q.v. AUXILIUS (St) B. AC. March 19
d. c .460. A companion of St Patrick, he
AUTONOMUS (St) Bp. M. was made bishop and resided at Kil-
RM. Sept 12 lossey.
d. r.300. Said by the Greeks to have
been an who, to escape
Italian bishop, AUXILIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 27
the fury of the persecution under Dio- See Basileus, Auxilius and Saturninus.

AUXILIUS, ISSERNINUS and identified with the St Avitus, venerated
SECUNDINUS (SS) Bps. AC. Dec 6 in the Canary Islands as their apostle
5th cent. Fellow-workers under St Pat- and first bishop.
rick in the evangelization of Ireland.
The decree signed by the four, remind-
ing the Irish clergy that appeals from
RM. Feb 5
d. c .520. Born in Auvergne and brother
the judgment of Armagh may be made
to St Apollinaris, bishop of Valence.
to Rome, is still extant.
Their father St Isychius, a Roman
senator, had been bishop of Vienne.
AVA (or AVIA) (St) Abs. OSB.
Avitus succeeded him. As a bishop he
AC. Apr 29
A niece of King Pepin, in her
commanded the respect of his flock, as
d. p. 845.
also of the pagan Franks and Arian
childhood and youth she was blind, but
Burgundians. He converted the Bur-
was cured miraculously by St Rain-
gundian king Sigismund. St Avitus was
fredis. She entered a nunnery at De-
also an elegant writer.
nain in Hainault, where she became
abbess. AVITUS II of CLERMONT (St) Bp.
AC. Feb 21
AVENTINUS of CHARTRES (St) d. 689.Bishop of Clermont in Auvergne
Bp. AC. Feb 4 from 676 to 689. He was one of the great
d. f.520. Bishop of Chartres, in which bishops who defended and developed
office he succeeded his brother St the church training of the epoch.
RM. Feb 4 d. c.520. First a monk
of Menat in
f.538. Born in central France, he acted Auvergne, then abbot of Micy, near
as almoner to St Lupus, bishop of Orleans, finally a hermit in the French
Troyes, until he retired to live as a her- province of Perche, where he was forced
mit. The spot where he thus lived is now by numerous followers to build, and
called Saint-Aventin. govern, a new monastery.


d. 732. Born at Bagneres in the Pyre-
AC. Aug 21
d. c.6oo. Eighteenth bishop of Cler-
nees, he became a recluse in the valley
mont, contemporary of St Gregory of
of Larboush, where the Saracens dis-
covered him, and put him to death.
Tours, whom he ordained deacon.
AVERT ANUS (St) C. OC. RM. Dec 19
AC. Feb 25
? The RM. calls him Adjutus.
seems It
d. 1380. A native of Limoges, where he
that he was an abbot of Micy, near
was professed as a Carmelite lay-
Orleans. If so, there must have been two
brother. He died outside Lucca while on of the same name, and almost contem-
a pilgrimage to Palestine.
poraries, in the same abbey (see Avitus,
June 17).
AVITUS (St) M. RM. Jan 27
? The RM. mentions a martyr of this AYBERT (St) H. OSB. Apr 7
name in Africa, who is probably to be Otherwise Aibert, q.v.


AYE (St) AC. Apr 18 or Sept i court of the Persian king, Shapur II.
Otherwise Agia, q.v. They were martyred together with
Abdesus and others.
d. 965. He succeeded St Odo in the RM. Dec 16
abbacy of Cluny (942) but, after about
; 6th cent. B.C. One of the three youths
ten years he became blind and resigned cast into the fiery furnace at Babylon by
his office to St Majolus, giving to all order of Nebuchadnezzar. The Baby-
during the rest of his life an example of lonian officials gave him the name of
wonderful resignation. Many writers Abednego.
call him saint.
AZAS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. Apr 22 d. f.304. About one hundred and fifty

d. 341-342. The former a deacon, the Christian soldiers martyred in Isauria,

latter an officer of high standing at the Asia Minor, under Diocletian.

BABILAS (BABYLAS), URBAN, (Yonne), who became abbot of Leuze
PRILIDIAN and EPOLONIUS (SS) (Lutsa) in Hainault.
MM. RM. Jan 24
d. f.250. Babilas was bishop of Antioch, BADULFUS (BADOUR, BADOLF)
the most celebrated occupant of that see (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Aug 19
after St Ignatius. The other three were d. £.850. Monk and abbot of Ainay,
his pupils. Babilas died in chains await- Lyons. The new Proprium of Lyons has
ing execution under Decius; the three a commemoration on Aug 19.
youths were put to death.
BABILLA (St) VM. RM. May 20 ? There are two Welsh saints of this

Otherwise Basilla, q.v. name, both attributed to the fifth

century, but beyond the fact of there
(St) being existing churches dedicated to
d. £.677. Monk
of Luxeuil under St their honour, and a mention in an
Columbanus, and afterwards first abbot ancient litany, nothing is known of them.
of St Peter, later St Maur-des-Fosses,
near Paris. He was helped by St Fursey BAIN (BAINUS, BAGNUS) (St) Bp.
in the erection of many churches and OSB. AC. June 20
hospitals in the diocese of Paris. d. £.710. Monk of Fontenelle under St
Wandrille. In 685 he was raised to the
BABOLENUS (St) Ab. OSB. see of Therouanne, which then included
AC. Aug 31 Calais. After twelve years he resigned
d. Fourth abbot of Bobbio in
f.640. and went back to Fontenelle, and three
Italy, where he introduced the Bene- years later became its abbot. Towards
dictine Rule in place of that of St the end of his life he had to govern, in
Columbanus. addition, the abbey of Fleury which
Pepin had just restored. He is the
BACCHUS (St) M. RM. Oct 7 principal patron saint of Calais.
See Sergius and Bacchus.


? Patron of a church in the Llandaff
Otherwise Paternus, q.v.
diocese. There is no record of such a
BADEMUS (St) M. AC. Apr 10 saint in Welsh hagiology. It may be that
f.380. A native of Persia, founder and Baisil is only a misspelling of some

abbot of a monastery near Beth-Lapat in other appellative.

his own country. He suffered martyr-
dom under Shapur II. BAITHIN (St) Ab. AC. June 9
d. r.598. Also called Comin or Cominus,
BADILO (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 8 and described as first cousin to St
d. c .870. A Benedictine monk of Vezelay Columba, whom he succeeded as abbot

of Iona. He is said to have died on the was ordained sub-deacon. He is the
anniversary of the death of St Columba. patron saint of locksmiths, and is

represented in art carrying pincers and

BAJULUS (St) M. RM. Dec 20 blacksmith's tools.
See Liberatus and Bajulus.
BALDRED (St) Bp. AC. March 6
BALBINA VM. RM. March 31
(St) d. 756. A Scottish bishop alleged to have

d. c.130. The RM. has this laus: "At been the successor of St Kentigern or
Rome, the birthday of St. Balbina the Mungo at Glasgow, and to have ended
Virgin, daughter of blessed Quirinus his life as a hermit on the coast of the
the martyr; she was baptized by Pope Firth of Forth. Some identify him with
Alexander, and chose Christ as her St Balther, the hermit of Tinningham.
Spouse in her virginity; after complet-
ing the course of this world she was BALDUS (St) H. AC. Oct 29
buried on the Appian Way near her Otherwise Baud, Baudin, or Bond. See
father". Later on, her relics were en- Bond.
shrined in the church dedicated in her
BALDWIN (St) Ab. OSB. Cist.
name on the Aventine. writers
AC. July 15
query the truth of all the above state-
d. 1 140. An Italian, who became a monk
ments, admitting merely that there was
of Clairvaux under St Bernard and one
a Roman virgin of this name.
of the most beloved disciples of the holy
founder. He was sent back to Italy as
BALDA (St) Abs. OSB. PC. Dec 9
abbot of San Pastore in the diocese of
d. late 7th cent. Third abbess of Jouarre
Rieti. He is the principal patron saint of
in the diocese of Meaux. Her relics were
enshrined abbey church of
in the
Nesle-la-Reposte, diocese of Troyes. BALDWIN (BALDUINUS,
BAUDOIN) (St) M. AC. Oct 16
BALDEGUNDIS (St) Abs. d. C.6S0. Son of St Salaberga and
PC. Feb 10 brother of St Anstrude, abbess at Laon.
£.580. Abbess of Saint-Croix, Poitiers, He was archdeacon at Laon, and was
one of the most ancient of French nun- murdered in circumstances which have
neries. led to his being honoured as a martyr.


AC. Oct 16
AC. Sept 3
7th cent. He and his sister, St Bova,
7th cent. Said to have been the brother
were children of Sigebert I, king of Aus-
of St Gerald (March 13) and one of the
trasia. Eventually he became the abbot-
four sons of an Anglo-Saxon king. He
founder of Montfaucon in Champagne
and his brothers, after accompanying St
as well as the founder and protector of a
Colman of Lindisfarae to Iona, retired
a nunnery at Reims where his sister took
into Connaught in Ireland and settled
the veil.
at Tecksaxon, "the house of the
BALDOMERUS (or GALMIER) (St) Saxons," in the diocese of Tuam.
Mk. RM. Feb 27
d. £.650. By trade a locksmith at Lyons, BALSAMUS (Bl) Ab. OSB.
later in lifehe retired to the monastery AC. Nov 24
of St Justus under Abbot Viventius, and d. 1232. Tenth abbot of Cava, which he

governed from 1208 to 1232. He is BANKA (St) V. AC. June 4
described by John of Capua, as "the Otherwise Breaca, q.v.

gem of the priesthood and the crown of

prelates". Cult approved in 1928. BAPTIST or BAPTISTA (several)
See under John Baptist.
One of the Magi, q.v.
RM. March 29
BALTHASAR de TORRES (Bl) M. See Jonas, Barachisius, and Comp.
SJ. AC. June 20
1 563-1 626. Born at Granada, he became
a Jesuit (1579), was sent to India (1586),
BARADATES (St) H. AC. Feb 22
d. £.460. Theodoret in his Philotheus
taught theology at Goa and Macao, and
gives a glowing account of this Syrian
passed over to Japan (1606) where he
remained during the terrible persecu-
solitary, whom he calls "the admirable

He was Baradates". The emperor Leo I of

tion which broke out soon after.
Constantinople wrote to consult Bara-
burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in
dates regarding the council of Chalde-


OFM. AC. Oct 17
d. A Friar Minor and fellow
RM. May 25
See Mary-Magdalen Sophie Barat.
preacher with Bl Bernadinus of Feltre.
He is venerated in the diocese of Pa via.
Cult confirmed in 1930. BARBARA (St) VM. RM. Dec 4
? One of the most popular saints of the
BALTHER (BALDRED, BAL- Calendar. According to the extant leg-
REDUS) (St) Mk. OSB. end, first told by Metaphrastes in the

AC. March 6 10th century, she was shut up in a tower

d. 756. A monk-priest of Lindisfarne, by her father, who himself killed her for
who became an anchorite at Tinning- being a Christian, whereupon he was
ham on the Scottish border, where he struck dead by According to

lived on Bass Rock, near North Ber- the RM. this happened
Nicomedia at

wick, surrounded by the sea. His relics under Maximinus Thrax. But the whole
were enshrined at Durham, with those legend is obviously spurious, and some
of St Bilfrid, the anchorite. doubt whether she ever existed. She is
the patron saint of firework makers,
BANDARIDUS (BANDERIK, artillerymen, architects, founders,
BANDERY) (St) Bp. AC. Aug 9
stonemasons, grave-diggers, fortifica-

d. 566. Bishop of Soissons from 540 to tions, magazines, and a protectress

566 and founder of Crepin abbey. He against lightning, fire, sudden death and

was banished by Clotaire I and worked impenitence. In art she is usually

for seven years, without making himself represented holding a tower and with
known, as a gardener in an English the palm of martyrdom.
abbey. At length Clotaire discovered his
place of refuge and recalled him to his BARBASYMAS (BARBASCEMIN)
see. He was buried in the abbey he had and Comp. (SS) MM. AC. Jan 14
founded. d. 346. Bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon in


Persia. Under Shapur II he was incar- BARDOMIAN, EUCARPUS and
cerated for eleven months with sixteen Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Sept 25
companions in an infected prison. After ? Twenty-eight martyrs of Asia Minor
being tortured, they were all put to in one of the early persecutions.
BARBATIAN (St) C. RM. Dec 31 AC. July 20
5th cent. A priest of Antioch who came d. 355. A deacon of Arbela in Persia
to Rome and there attracted the atten- beheaded under Shapur II.
tion of the empress Placidia Augusta.
She induced him to fix his residence at BARLAAM (St) M. RM. Nov 19
Ravenna, near the imperial court, where d. £.304. A
martyr of Caesarea in
she built for him a monastery. By his Cappadocia under Diocletian. His
prudent advice he rendered signal memory has been preserved in one of
services to the state. St Basil's homilies, preached in his
c .612-682. A native of Benevento where, RM. Nov 27
as a priest and later as a bishop (663), he ? These two supposed saints are the
rendered signal services to his native protagonists of a Christian version of a
town, especially when it was besieged by Buddhist romance. The present Greek
the emperor Constans II of Byzantium. text dates from the 7th century and was
He assisted at the sixth general council, popularized by St John Damascene. By
held at Constantinople, at which the a piece of great good fortune the entire
Monothelites were condemned. text of the apology for Christianity of
Aristides, the Athenian, was embodied
BARBE (St) VM. RM. Dec 4 in the romance and has thus come down
The French for Barbara, q.v. to us.

BARBEA (St) M. RM. Jan 29 BARNABAS (St) Apostle M.

See Sarbelius and Barbea. RM. June 1

1 st cent. A native of Cyprus and one of

BARDO (St) Bp. OSB. the seventy-two disciples. He is one of
AC. June 10 the most attractive characters of the
982-1053. Born at Oppershofen and New Testament, and the early chapters
educated at Fulda, where he received of the Acts of the Apostles are full of his
the Benedictine habit and became a name and deeds. It was he who "intro-
dean. In 1029 he was chosen abbot of duced" St Paul to the Apostles and thus
Werden on the Ruhr, in 1031 abbot of to theChurch. He was not one of the
Hersfeld, and in the same year arch- twelve, but has always been honoured
bishop of Mainz. He
was for a time the as an apostle. An old tradition has it that
Chancellor and Grand Almoner of the he died a martyr in Cyprus. His name is
Empire. He was noted for his love of the in the Canon of the Mass.
poor, the destitute, and of animals. He
was also noted for his austerities, which BARNABAS of POLAND (St) H.
Pope St Leo IX considered too severe OSB. Cam. AC. July 9
and advised him to relax. See Justus of Poland.




AC. Jan 23 (St) H. AC. Sept 27
777-841. Born in the Lyonnais, he was 7th cent. A disciple of the great Welsh
educated at the court of Charlemagne. St Cadoc, he has left his name (often
He restored the abbey of Ambournay spelled Barruc or Barnoch) to Barry
and became a monk therein and finally Island, off the coast of Glamorgan,
abbot. In 810 he was raised to the see of where he lived as a hermit.
Vienne, and became one of the most
influential prelates of his age. As arch- BARSABAS and Comp. (SS) MM.
bishop he founded the abbey of Romans AC. Oct 20
(r.837) where he was buried. Cult as a d. c. 342. A Persian abbot and his eleven
saint approved in 1907. monks put to death under Shapur II
near the ruins of Persepolis.
BARNOCH (St) C. AC. Sept 27
Otherwise Barrog, q.v. BARSABAS (St) M. RM. Dec 1
d. f.342. A Persian abbot, who, with
BARONTIUS and DESIDERIUS several of his monks, suffered under
(SS) Mks. OSB. 25RM. March Shapur II. Some identify him with St
r.725. Barontius was a gentleman of Barsabas of Oct 20, others with St Sim-
Berry who became a monk at Lonrey, eon Barasbae, commemorated on Apr 2 1
diocese of Bourges. As a result of a
vision he asked permission to become a BARSANUPHIUS (St) H.
hermit, set out for Italy, and established RM. Apr 11
himself in the district of Pistoia. There d. £.540. An anchorite near Gaza, in
he lived a most austere life with another Palestine, greatly venerated among the
monk, Desiderius, by name, who is also Greeks, who keep his feast on Feb 6.
honoured as a saint. He became by letter the counsellor of
the entire region.
Bp. AC. Sept 25 BARSENORIUS (St) Ab. OSB.
6th cent. A native of Connaught, who AC. Sept 13
founded, and presided over, a monastic 7th cent. Successor of St Leutfrid
school at Lough Eire, thus originating (Leufroy) as abbot of La-Croix-Saint-
the city of Cork, of which he became Leuffroi, in the diocese of Evreux. His
first bishop. He died at Cloyne. relics are at Fecamp.


BARRINDUS) (St) AC. May 21 Bp. RM. Jan 30
6th cent. Said to have had charge of the d- ^-379- A bishop of Edessa in Syria,
church founded by St Columba at banished toW. Egypt on the frontiers of
Drum Cullen Offaly, and afterwards to Libya by the Arian emperor Valens. He
have lived at Killbarron, near Bally- died in exile.
shannon, in Donegal. It is added that he
reached America on one of his missions BARSIMAEUS (BARSAMJA) (St)
by sea, and informed St Brendan the Bp. M. RM. Jan 30
Navigator of his discovery. By some he ? According to the RM., a bishop of
is said to have been a bishop. The details Edessa, who, after converting many to
of his life are very vague. the Faith, suffered under Trajan. The
story, however, of his martyrdom is now BARTHOLOMEW of CERVERE
rejected. (Bl) M. OP. AC. Apr 21
1420-1 466. Born at Savigliano in Pied-
mont. He taught theology at Turin and
V. OP. AC. May 27 afterwards was appointed inquisitor in
1511-1577. Born at Florence, she be-
Piedmont. For his zeal in exercising his
came a Dominican nun in 1544, and
office he was killed by heretics at Cer-
until her death was afflicted with many
vere, diocese of Fossano. Cult approved
and varied sufferings, including diaboli-
by Pius IX.
cal obsessions. Cult approved by Pius
(St) V. Foundress AC. July 27 23AC. May
1 807-1 836. Together with St Vincenza d. 1330 (May 6). A wealthy married lay-
Gerosa (q.v.) she founded the Italian man of Montepulciano, who, with his
Sisters of Charity of Lovere. In spite of wife's consent, became a Franciscan

her extreme youth, she was the real friar, and is usually described as having

driving force in her Institute throughout become "a fool for Christ's sake". Cult
her short life. The Institute was ap- confirmed in 1880.
proved in 1840, and has 500-600 com-
munities today. BARTHOLOMEW of DURHAM
(St) H. OSB. AC. June 24
BARTHOLOMEW ALVAREZ (Bl) d. c.i 193. A native of Whitby who, after
M. SJ. AC. Jan 12 being ordained a priest in Norway, be-
d. 1737. A Portuguese, born near Bra- came a Benedictine at Durham, and was
ganza, who joined the Jesuits at Coim- subsequently given leave by the abbot to
bra in 1723. He was sent to Tonkin, lead an eremitical on Fame Island,

where he was arrested in March, 1736, in the cell consecrated of oldby St Cuth-
and beheaded the following year. bert. There he spent forty-two years and
there he died.
(Bl) M. OSB. AC. Jan 21 BARTHOLOMEW de VIR (Bl) Bp.
See Alban Bartholomew Roe. OSB. Cist. PC. June 26
d. 1157. Asbishop of Laon(ni3-ii5i)
BARTHOLOMEW AIUTAMI- he helped St Norbert in the foundation
CRISTO (Bl) H. OSB. Cam. of Premontre. In 1121 he built the Cis-
AC. Jan 28 tercian abbey of Foigny, where he be-
d. 1224. He received the surname Aiuta- came a monk in 1 151.
micristo me") because
("Christ help
this ejaculation was always on his lips, BARTHOLOMEW SONATI (Bl)
he was born at Pisa, and became a M. OSM. AC. Aug 11
Camaldolese lay-brother at the mon- See Laurence Nerucci, etc.
astery of San Frediano in his native city.
Cult approved in 1857. BARTHOLOMEW LAUREL (Bl)
M. OFM. AC. Aug 17
BARTHOLOMEW (Hugh) AMIDEI d. 1627. Born at Mexico
he be- City,
(St) RM. Feb 12 came a Franciscan lay-brother and in
See Seven Holy Founders. 1609 was sent to Manila, where he

studied medicine. In 1622 he crossed Cyprus as bishop of Nimesia, whence he
over to Japan and a few years later was was translated to Vicenza (1256). Cult
burnt alive at Nagasaki. approved in 1793.


(Bl) M. AC. Aug 19 TIER Bp. OSB.
(Bl) AC. Nov 11
d. 1622. A Japanese sailor in the ship of d. 1067. Abbot of Marmoutier, and

Bl Joachim Firaiama. He was beheaded archbishop of Tours from 1052 to 1067.

at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. He was a tireless worker in the face of
many difficulties. He strove unavailingly
BARTHOLOMEW (St) Apostle M. to bring back Berengarius to the Catho-
RM. Aug 24 lic Faith.

1 st cent. One of the Twelve, he is

usually identified with Nathanael (John

I). He is said to have preached in Asia
(St)Ab. RM. Nov 11

Minor, N.W. India and Greater Ar-

d. 1065. Of Greek extraction, he was
born at Rossano, in Calabria. He fol-
menia, and to have been flayed alive.
lowed St Nilus to the foundation of
His relics are enshrined in Rome on the
island in the Tiber called after him,
Grotta-ferrata, at Frascati, near Rome,
under St Rule and in the Greek
Isola di San Bartolomeo.
rite. St Bartholomew is rightly con-

sidered its second founder. He excelled

as a composer of Greek hymns. It was
(Bl) M. OSA. AC. Sept 3
he who persuaded Pope Benedict IX
1 538-1 632. A
of Mexico, he
to reform his life and do penance at
joined the Augustinian Friars (1596),
was ordained at Puebla and sent to
Manila in 1606. In 161 2 he went to
Japan as prior of Ukusi. He worked
AC. Nov 27
most zealously, though his life was in
d. 1 61 9. A Japanese layman of the royal
continual danger. At last, in 1629 he
family of Firando, beheaded at Naga-
was betrayed, imprisoned for three years
saki. Beatified 1867.
at Omura, and burnt alive at Nagasaki.
Beatified in 1867. BARTHOLOMEW FANTI (Bl) C.
OC. AC. Dec 5
Mantua, where he
(Bl) M. AC. Sept 10 joined the Carmelites. He was the in-
d. 1622. A
Japanese layman, beheaded structor of St John Baptist Spagnuolo,
at Nagasaki. He belongs to the group of and was famous as a preacher and direc-
Bl Charles Spinola, q.v. tor of souls as well as for his gift of
healing. Cult confirmed in 1909.
c. 1 200-1 27 1. Born at Vicenza, he re- BUONPEDONI (Bl) C. AC. Dec 14
ceived the Dominican habit at the hands d. 1300. Born near San Geminiano, in
of St Dominic himself at Padua. In 1233 Italy, he was first a lay-servant at the
he founded a sort of military order the — Benedictine abbey of San Vito, at Pisa.
Fratres Gaudentes —for the preservation Later he became a Franciscan tertiary.
of public order. In 1252 he was sent to When he was thirty years of age the

bishop of Volterra ordained him priest, upholder of orthodoxy against Arianism.

and he served the village of Peccioli, Under Julian the Apostate he was cruelly
near Volterra. The last twenty years of martyred. His Acts appear to be genuine.
he spent as a leper ministering to
his life
his fellow-sufferers with infinite pati- BASIL the YOUNGER (St) H.
ence. Cult confirmed in 1 910. AC. March 26
d. 952. An anchorite near Constanti-
BARULAS (St) M. RM. Nov 18 nople who was seized as a spy and put
See Romanus and Barula. to the torture by the imperial officers.

Miracles proved his sanctity, and he

BARYPSABAS (St) M. AC. Sept 10 continued to live and exercise his gift of
1st cent. A hermit from the East who prophecy. His life was written by his
suffered martyrdom in Dalmatia. A disciple Gregory who shared his solitude.
Greek legend has it that Barypsabas had
carried to Rome a vessel containing some BASIL and EMMELIA (SS)
of the Precious Blood which flowed from RM. May 30
the side of our Lord on the Cross. d. f.370. Parents of SS Basil the Great,
Gregory of Nyssa, Peter of Sebaste and
BASIL (St) Bp. AC. Jan 1 Macrina the Younger. They were exiled
r.475.A priest of Aries who became under Galerius Maximinus, but re-
second bishop of Aix, in Provence. turned after the peace of the Church
to their native city of Caesarea in Cap-
BASIL and PROCOPIUS (SS) CC. padocia. St Basil was educated by his
RM. Feb
27 mother St Macrina the Elder.
d. r.750. Two courageous defenders of
the veneration of images against the BASIL the GREAT (St) Bp. Dr.
emperor Leo the Isaurian. RM. June 14 (and Jan 1)
329-379 (Jan 1). Born at Caesarea in
BASIL,EUGENE, AGATHO- Cappadocia. His parents, his paternal
DORUS, ELPIDIUS, AETHERIUS, grandparents, his two brothers and one
GAPITO, EPHREM, NESTOR and sister, are all honoured as saints. After

ARCADIUS (SS) Bps. MM. his studies at Constantinople and

RM. March 4 Athens, Basil visited the monastic colo-
4th cent. Missionary bishops: the first nies of Egypt, Palestine and Syria, and
seven preached in the Crimea and S. founded one himself on the river Iris,
Russia; the last two in Cyprus. All are in Pontus, for which he wrote his Rules,
honoured by the Greeks, on March 7, still the standard works of their kind in

as martyrs. the East. In 370 he was made metropo-

litan of Caesarea, and at once entered
BASEL (St) Bp. RM. March 6 upon his brave fight for orthodoxy
d. 335. Consecrated bishop of Bologna against Arians and Macedonians, who
by Pope St Sylvester, he ruled his dio- had the support of the imperial autho-
cese for twenty years, 315-335. rities at Byzantium. Nothing daunted,

Basil saved the whole of Cappadocia for

BASIL of ANCYRA (St) M. the Catholic faith. For this purpose he
RM. March 22 spent himself in preaching and writing
d. 362. A priest of Ancyra in Galatia, doctrinal works, in both of which activi-
who distinguished himself as a staunch ties he excelled as much as in the


administration of his diocese. His work the Aurelian Way, the birthday of the
on the Holy Ghost is still unsurpassed holy martyrs Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor,
in Catholic theology. He edited also the and Nazarius, soldiers who were cast
Eucharistic Liturgy which bears his into prison in the persecution of Dio-
name. In the East Basil is the first of the cletian and Maximian, under the prefect
three Holy Hierarchs, in the West one Aurelius for the confession of the Chris-
of the four Greek Doctors. tian name, scourged with scorpions and
beheaded." It seems, however, more
BASIL (St) M. RM. Nov 28 group is the result of
likely that this
See Stephen, Basil, etc. confusion of names in the martyrolo-
gies: Basilides is probably the Roman
BASILEUS (St) M. RM. March 2 martyr of June 10: Cyrinus (or Quiri-
See Jovinus and Basileus. nus) the martyr of June 4; Nabor and
Nazarius, two Milanese martyrs, of
BASILEUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Apr 26 whom nothing can be ascertained.
d. 319. Bishop of Amasea in Pontus,
martyred by drowning in the sea under BASILIDES (St) M. RM. June 30
Licinius. The RM. adds that one of his d. 205. A soldier of the guard of the pre-
disciples, by name Elpidiphorus, in- fect of Egypt, told off to execute St
structed by an angel, recovered the body Potamiana, whom he defended from the
and gave it Christian burial. insults of the mob. He was rewarded
with the gift of faith, for which he was
BASILEUS (St) M. RM. May 23 martyred shortly after under Septimius
See Epitacius and Basileus. Severus.


RM. Nov 27 See Theodulus, Saturninus, etc.
? Basileus, a bishop of an unknown see,
was put to death at Antioch in Syria to- BASILISCUS (BASILICUS) (St) M.
gether with Auxilius and Saturninus. RM. March 3
Nothing further is known about them. See Cleonicus, Eutropius and Basiliscus.

BASILIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 18 BASILISCUS (St) M. RM. May 22

See Theotimus and Basilian. Bishop of Comana in Pontus,
d. 312.
Asia Minor. He was beheaded under
BASILIDES, TRIPOS, MANDAL Maximin the Thracian and his body
and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. June 10 thrown into a river near Nicomedia. It
270-275. A group of twenty-three was recovered and translated to Com-
Christians martyred at Rome on the ana. This was the martyr who appeared
Aurelian Way, under Aurelian. Pro- to St John Chrysostom on the eve of the
bably to be identified with the next holy doctor's death.
group (June 12).
BASILIDES, CYRINUS, NABOR See Julian, Basilissa, etc.
RM. June 12 BASILISSA (St) M. RM. March 22
? The RM. has this laus : "At Rome on See Callinica and Basilissa.



MM. RM. Apr 15 AC. March 4
d. c.6S. Noble Roman ladies, disciples d. £.705. Monk
and abbot of the Bene-
of the Apostles Peter and Paul, whose dictine monastery of St Maximin at
bodies they buried. They were mar- Treves, he succeeded St Numerian as
tyred themselves under Nero. Some bishop of the city. -In this capacity he
modern writers have cast doubts on greatly helped the English missionaries,
their existence. notably St Willibrord. He died at St
Maximin, whither he had again retired
BASILISSA (St) VM. RM. Sept 3 in his old age.
d. f.303. The RM. has her full story:

"At Nicomedia, the passion of St Basi- BASOLUS (BASLE) (St) H.

lissa virgin and martyr; though she was RM. Nov 26
only nine years of age, yet by the power c. 555-620. A native of Limoges, he
of God, she overcame scourges, fire became a monk at Verzy, near Reims,
and the beasts under the governor and then a hermit, living for forty years
Alexander, in the persecution of the in a cell on the top of a hill overlooking
emperor Diocletian; by con-
this she the city. He was celebrated as a wonder-
verted the governor to the of faith worker.
Christ, and at length she gave up her
spirit to God, while she was at prayer BASSA (St) M. RM. March 6
outside the city." See Victor, Victorinus, etc.


PC. Dec
d. f.780. A Benedictine abbess at the RM. Aug 10
nunnery of Oehren (Horreum) in the ? Three Christian maidens registered
diocese of Treves. in the accepted lists as having been
martyred at Carthage.
BASILLA (St) M. RM. May 17
See Adrio, Victor and Basilla. BASSA, THEOGONIUS, AGAPIUS
and FIDELIS (SS) MM. RM.Aupi
BASILLA (St) VM. RM. May 20 d. 304. Bassa, wife of a pagan priest,
d. 304. A Roman maiden, betrothed to was martyred with her three sons at
a pagan patrician, whom she refused to Edessa (Larissa) in Greece under Dio-
marry on becoming a Christian. Forced cletian. Like the mother of the Macca-
to choose between her bridegroom and bees, she chose to suffer last in order to
death, she at once chose the latter and encourage her children in their agony.
was accordingly martyred for Christ. Their cult is ancient, though the Acta
This summary of her Acta shows that are untrustworthy.
they conform to a type common in
hagiological literature. BASSIAN Bp.
(St) RM. Jan 19
d. 413. A by birth, he became
BASILLA (St) V. RM. Aug 29 bishop of Lodi in Lombardy. He was
? A holy woman, who, according to the held in high esteem by his friend St
RM., died at Smyrna. Other martyro- Ambrose of Milan, with whom he at-
logies, instead of Smyrna, have Sirmium tended the council of Aquileia (381)
in Pannonia (now Mitrovica). and whom he assisted at his death (390).


See Cyrion, Bassian, etc. AC. Dec 21
d. 650. Monk of Bobbio, in N. Italy. His
BASSIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 9 relics were solemnly translated in 1483.
See Peter, Successus, etc.
BAUDELIUS (St) M. RM. May 20
BASSUS, ANTONY and PROTO- 2nd (or 3rd) cent. A native of Orleans,
LICUS (SS) MM. RM. Feb 14 a married man, who worked zealously
? A group of martyrs who were cast in the cause of Christianity.He was
into the sea at Alexandria in Egypt. martyred at Nimes. His cult spread
Some ancient accounts add nine fellow- throughout France and N. Spain there :

sufferers to this group. are some four hundred churches dedi-

cated in his honour.
BASSUS (St) M. RM. May 1

See Maximus, Bassus and Fabius. BAUDRY (St) C. AC. Oct 16

Otherwise Balderic, q.v.
TUS and Comp. (SS) MM. BAVO (St) H. OSB. RM. Oct 1

RM. Nov 20 £.589-654. Born in Brabant, in the dis-

? A band of forty-three Christians put trict of Liege, in his early years he led a
to death at Heraclea in Thrace. very irregular life. Left a widower, he
was converted by a sermon of St
(St) RM. Dec 5 Amandus and entered upon a course of
d. £.250. Bishop of Nice in Gaul. He canonical penance. Next he founded the
was martyred under Decius by having abbey of St Peter on Ghent
his estate at
his body transfixed with two huge (later called St Bavo's), and became a
nails. monk under St Amandus. Finally he
lived as a recluse in the forest of Mal-
BATHILDIS (St) Queen, OSB. medun, and in a cell by St Peter's.
RM. jan 30
d. 680. An English girl sold as a slave to BAYA and MAURA (SS) VV.
the mayor of the palace of the kingdom AC. Nov 2
of Neustria. King Clovis II married her 10th cent.? Recluses in Scotland, St
in 649, and she became the mother of Baya being the instructress of St Maura,
three future kings. After her husband's and the latter in her turn the abbess of
death she was for eight years regent of a community which attached itself to
France (656-664). When Clotaire III her. Some authors identify St Baya
came of age, she entered the nunnery of with St Begha or Bee. Possibly they
Chelles, which she had founded, and should be identified with SS Maura and
lived there as a simple nun. Her bio- Britta, q.v.
graphy was written by a contemporary.
(St) AC. Oct 26
BATHUS, WEREKA and Comps. d.\2.Bishop of Mortlach in Banff,
(SS) MM. AC. March 26 from which see he was later transferred
d. 370. They were Goths who embraced to Aberdeen.
Christianity to the great irritation of
their King, Jungerich or Athanaric. BEAN (St) Bp. RM. Dec 16
They were all burnt to death in a church. ? Bishop of Leinster in Ireland.


BRANDAN (BREANDAN) (St) Ab. Padua. Shortly afterwards she was trans-
AC. Jan ii ferred to Gemmola, where she died a
5th cent. An Irishman who crossed into victim of loving self-immolation. Cult
Britain and had to suffer much there at confirmed in 1763.
the hands of the Pelagians. He took
refuge in a monastery of Gaul, of which BEATRIX (St) M.' RM. July 29
he eventually became abbot. See Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix.

BEATA (St) M. RM. March 8 BEATRIX (Bl) N. OSB. Cist.

See Cyril, Rogatus, etc. PC. July 29
d. 1268. Cistercian nun of Valfleury, who
BEATA (St) M. AC. Sept 6 became prioress of Our Lady of Naza-
See Augustine, Sanctian. reth, near Lier, in Brabant. Cult not
yet officially approved.

d. 1262. A Beatrix I of
niece of Bl Abs. OSB. Cist. AC. Aug 16
Este (see May Being bereft of her 1 424- 1 490. Born in Portugal, a daughter
husband (or fiance) at an early age, she of the count of Viana. At the age of
founded, in the teeth of much opposi- twenty she accompanied Princess Isabel
tion, the Benedictine convent of St of Portugal to the Spanish court. Soon
Antony at Ferrara and became a nun after she entered the Cistercian nunnery

there. Cult confirmed in 1774. of St Dominic of Silos at Toledo. Later

she founded the Congregation of the
BEATRIX of LENS (Bl) N. OSB. Immaculate Conception (Conception-
Cist. AC. Jan 19 ists) under the Benedictine Rule. After

d. ^.1216.Born at Lens, in the diocese Bl Beatrix's death Cardinal Cisneros

of Arras. She founded the Cistercian gave them the rule of St Clare. Cult
monastery of Epinlieu near Mons, and confirmed in 1926.
became a nun there.
BEATUS (St) Mk. AC. Feb 19
d. 789. A native of Asturias, in Spain,
monk and priest of Liebana, famous for
NO. Cart. AC. Feb 13
his firm stand against Helipandus,
d. 1309 (Nov 25). A Carthusian nun
Archbishop of Toledo and other
of Parmenie, and one of the foundresses
Esmue nunnery of the same order.
of the
Adoptionists. When the Adoptionists
were condemned, the saint retired to
For many years she had remarkable
the monastery of Valcavado, where he
mystical experiences as well as diabolical
wrote his commentary on the Apo-
persecutions. Cult confirmed in 1869.

BEATRIX I of ESTE (Bl)VN. BEATUS (St) Bp. AC. March 8

OSB. AC. May 10 Otherwise Beoadh, q.v.
1 206-1 226. Daughter of the Marchese
Azzo d'Este, she was left an orphan at BEATUS (St) H. RM. May 9
the age of six. When she was fourteen ? An early hermit, venerated as the
she secretly left her home, and, against apostle of Switzerland. His hermitage
the wishes of her relatives, became a was at the place now called Beatenberg,
Benedictine nun at Solarola, near above the lake of Thun.

BECAN (BEGAN) (St) Ab. title of Father of English History. He
AC. Apr 5 is the type of the Benedictine scholar
6th cent. One of the "twelve Apostles of of all periods, and has been declared
Ireland". He was connected by blood Doctor of the Church. He died on
with St Columba. He founded a monas- Ascension Eve, and his dying words
tery at Kill-Beggan, Westmeath, which were Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui
centuries later became a Cistercian Sancto.
abbey. He also gave its name to the
church and parish of Imleach-Becain, BEE (St) V. AC. Oct 31
Meath. Otherwise Bega, q.v.

BECAN (St) H. AC. May 26 BEGA (BEGH, BEE) (St) V.

6th cent. An Irish hermit in the time of AC. Oct 31
St Columba. He lived in the neigh- d. 681. An
maiden who founded a
bourhood of Cork. nunnery on the promontory of St Bee's
Head, in Cumberland, which still per-
BECHE, JOHN (Bl) M. AC. Dec 1 petuates her memory, as does also the
See John Beche. name of the village, Kilbees, in Scot-
land. Two other saints of the same name
BEDE the YOUNGER (St)Mk. are mentioned by hagiographers, a nun
OSB. AC. Apr 10 in Yorkshire and an abbess at Kilbees.
d. 883. One of the chief officials at the
court of Charles the Bald of France, BEGGA (St) W. Abs. OSB.
who became a Benedictine at the abbey RM. Dec 17
of Gavello, near Rovigo, in N. Italy. He d. 698. Daughter of Bl Pepin of Landen
refused several bishoprics. His relics and of St Ida, and sister of two other
were translated to Subiaco in the 19th saints. She married Angisilus (Ansegis),
cent. son of St Arnulf of Metz, and of their
union was born Pepin of Heristal, the
BEDE the VENERABLE (St) Dr. founder of the Carolingian dynasty.
OSB. RM. May 27 After her husband's death St Begga
673-735. Born at Wearmouth, he was founded a nunnery at Andenne on the
offered as a child fo the double abbey of Meuse, which she governed as abbess.
SS Peter and Paul at Wearmouth-
Jarrow, was professed there under the BELINA (St) VM. AC. Feb 19
founder St Benedict Biscop, and there d. 135. A peasant girl
1 of
of the district
he spent his whole life, "always writing, Troyes (France), who died in defence of
always praying, always reading, always her chastity, threatened by the feudal
teaching". He was ordained priest by lord of the territory. Canonized in 1203.
St John of Beverley, and it was owing
to this dignity, then rather rare among BELLATANUS and SAVINUS
monks, that he was styled Venerable, (BB) HH. OSB. Cam. AC. May 19
the title by which priests were usually ? Camaldolese hermits of Montacuto in
addressed at that time, much as now- the neighbourhood of Perugia.
adays they are called reverend. The
Bible was his principal study, and then BELLINUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 26
history. His Ecclesiastical History of the d. 151. A bishop of Padua who suf-

English People has earned for him the fered death in the faithful discharge of

pastoral duties, and was canonized three the reform of all the French and German
centuries later by Pope Eugene IV. houses. As a kind of model abbey St
Benedict, with the help of Louis the
BENEDICT Pious, founded the abbey of Corneli-
Note. In Latin Benedictus; in Italian: munster, near Aix-la-Chapelle. It was
Benedetto; French: Benoit; in
in at Aix-la-Chapelle that he presided over
Spanish: Benito; in Portuguese: Bento; a meeting of all the abbots of the empire
in Catalan Benet (accent on the second
: (817) — a turning point in Benedictine
syllable); in German: Benedikt; in history.
English: Benet and Benedict.
OSB. AC. Feb 12

RM. Jan 12
r.900. He is said to have been a Bene-
dictine monk of Santa Maria dei Fonti,
628-690. A
Northumbrian by birth,
and then a hermit on the island of
Biscop Baducing made two pilgrimages
Gallinaria, in the Gulf of Genoa. In 870
to Rome early in life, and after the
he was chosen Bishop of Albenga to-
second became a monk at Lerins. After
wards the western end of the Ligurian
a third journey to Rome he returned to
riviera. Cult confirmed by Pope Gregory
England and founded the abbey of
Wearmouth and Jarrow (674-682).
Twice more he visited Rome, whence BENEDICT (MANETTUS) DELL'
he brought the precentor of the Vatican ANTELLA (St) RM. Feb 12
to train the English monks in the See Manettus.
Roman ways. He was the spiritual
father of the Venerable Bede. BENEDICT of CAGLIARI (St) Bp.
OSB. AC. Feb
BENEDICT RICASOLI (Bl)H. d. ^.1112. Monk of the monastery at-
OSB. Vail. AC. Jan 20 tached to the basilica of St Saturninus, at
d. 1 107. Born at Coltiboni, in the diocese Cagliari, in Sardinia. He was bishop of
of Fiesole. He entered the monastery Doha, from 1107 to
also in Sardinia,
founded by his parents for the monks of 1 1 12. In his old age he resigned and

Vallumbrosa on a mountain near Colti- returned to his abbey, where he died

boni. Later he became a hermit in a cell shortly after.
near by. Cult confirmed in 1907.
BENEDICT of ANIANE (St) Ab. (St)Bp. RM. March 11
OSB. AC. Feb 11 d. 725. Archbishop of Milan, he
751-821. A Visigoth, by name Witiza, governed his see for forty-five years. He
born in Languedoc, he served as a composed the epitaph for the tomb of
cup-bearer at the court of Pepin and Ceadwaller, king of Wessex, buried in
Charlemagne. In 774 he became a monk St Peter's Rome.
at Saint-Seine, near Dijon, and was
appointed cellarer. In 782 he founded BENEDICT (St) Ab. Founder
an abbey on his native estate, in Langue- RM. March 21
doc, by the brook Aniane. The emperor £.480-5 50. Born in the district of
ordered him to undertake the oversight Norcia, in Umbria, central Italy, he was
of all the abbeys of Languedoc, Pro- sent to Rome for his studies; but fled
vence and Gascony, and eventually also from the moral dangers which beset



him and joined (^.500) a sort of com- —"the Black". He was in fact born of
munity of ecclesiastical students at Negro parents, serfs near Messina in
Affile. Shortly after he retired to a cave Sicily. He first became a hermit and

near Subiaco now the Sacro Speco then joined the Friars Minor of the
to live as a hermit. Here his sanctity Observance at Palermo as a lay-brother.
was soon discovered and many disciples Nevertheless, he was appointed guardian
flocked to him; for these he built a and novice-master of the friary and he
laura, composed of twelve small monas- excelled in both offices. His heart, how-
teries, himself retaining the command ever, was in the kitchen, whither he
over About the year 530 he left
all. returned in his old age. Beatified in
Subiaco for Montecassino, where on 1743 and canonized in 1807.
the road to Naples he founded the great
arch-abbey and where he lived till his BENEDICT (BENEZET) the
death, famous as a wonder-worker. BRIDGE-BUILDER (St) C.
Here, too, he promulgated his Rule, AC. Apr 14
which is justly considered one of the d. 1 184. A
shepherd boy of Avignon
most potent factors in building up the who, as the result of a vision, asked the
civilization of Christian Europe. Even- blessing and help of the bishop of the
tually it became the norm for all city to build a bridge at a dangerous
western monks, and was simply called ford over the Rhone. A series of miracles
"The Holy Rule". The little we know accompanied the carrying out of the
of St Benedict's own personality shows work.
him to us as a but lovable
character. He died standing erect in BENEDICT JOSEPH LABRE (St) C.
prayer before the altar. It is generally RM. Apr 16
considered that he was a deacon, but 1 748- 1 783. A native of Amettes, then
not a priest. Hislife was written by St in the diocese of Boulogne-sur-Mer. He
Gregory the Great, Dialogues Bk II. came of a family of small shopkeepers
The French tradition maintains that the and was educated by an uncle, a priest.
remains of St Benedict were translated He tried without success to join the
to Fleury in 703. This is contested by Trappists. Then he found his vocation
the monks of Montecassino. It seems as a tramping from
that a translation of at least some of St shrine to shrine throughout Europe,
Benedict's relics to Fleury in the 8th living on alms, and spending long hours
century must be admitted. Proclaimed before the Blessed Sacrament. He died
Patron of Europe by Paul VI in 1964. in Rome during Holy Week. He was
beatified in i860 and canonized in 1883.
RM. March 23 BENEDICT of URBINO (Bl) C.
d. f.550. A contemporary of St Benedict OFM. Cap. AC. Apr 30
of Montecassino, and a hermit in the 1 560-1625. Born at Urbino, of the
Campagna, who was delivered by a family de' Passionei, he was a lawyer at
miracle from death by burning at the Urbino before he joined the Capuchin
hands of Totila the Goth. friars at Fano (1584). He was the com-
panion of St Laurence of Brindisi,
BENEDICT the MOOR (St) C. whom he followed to Austria and
OFM. RM. Apr 4 Bohemia. He died at the monastery of
1 526-1 589. Called in Italian "il Moro" Fossombrone. Beatified in 1867.

AC. May i OFM. AC. Aug 31
d. 1 01 2. A hermit on Mount Zobor in d. 1 28 1. One of the first companions of
Hungary near the Benedictine monas- St Francis of Assisi, and subsequently
tery. He was trained by St Andrew one of the first Franciscan provincials.
Zorard (q.v.). Renowned like his master He was sent to Greece, Rumania, the
for his austerityand gifts of contem- Holy Land and Constantinople, where
plation,he was killed by marauders in he gave the Franciscan habit to the
1012. Canonized in 1083. Emperor.


d. 685. A Roman by birth, he was chosen AC. Oct 22
pope in 683, but his enthronement was d. 845. A Greek abbot who fled from
delayed a year awaiting the arrival of the Petras and settled at Macerac, in the
confirmation from Constantinople. He diocese of Nantes. His relicswere
governed the Church eleven months. later transferred to the abbey of
1 240-1 304. A native of Treviso, Nicho- RM. Oct 23
las Boccasini, as he was called in baptism, d. r.654. An alleged bishop of Sebaste
joined the Dominicans and became their in Samaria, who had to escape to Gaul
ninth master-general. Eventually he was during the persecution of Julian the
created cardinal-bishop of Ostia and Apostate. He built a hermitage near
papal legate. He was elected pope in Poitiers which later became the abbey of
1303. He continued to the end his St Benedict of Quincay. Not all the
religious observances and penances. above details, however, are above sus-
Beatified in 1736. picion.


d. 1268. A Benedictine abbot who was (CHRISTIAN) (SS) MM. OSB.
chosen bishop of Marseilles. He made a RM. Nov 12
pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and on his d. 1005. Italian Benedictines who fol-
return resigned the bishopric and joined lowed St Adalbert of Prague to the
the Friars Minor. mission among the Slavs, and were
massacred by robbers at their monas-
BENEDICT (St) Bp. AC. July 15 tery near Gnesen (May 11). They were
d. c .820. Bishop of Angers in the reign canonized by Julius II.

of Louis the Pious.

(Bl) C.
SJ. AC. July 15 13th cent. Dominican missionary among
d. 1570. A native of Chacim, diocese of the Tartars. He died immediately after
Miranda belonged to
in Portugal. He preaching a sermon.
the group of Jesuit martyrs under the
leadership of Bl Ignatius Azevedo, BENEDICTA (St) VM. RM. Jan 4
q.v., killed by Calvinistic pirates. See Priscus, Priscillian and Benedicta.

BENEDICTA (St) V. RM. May 6 BENIGNUS (St) M. RM. Apr 3
6th cent. A nun of the convent founded in See Evagrius and Benignus.
Rome by St Galla, of whom St Gregory
the Great narrates that her death was
BENIGNUS (St) Mk. OSB. Cist.
PC. June 20
foretold to her by St Peter in a vision.
13th cent. Cistercian monk at Breslau,
BENEDICTA (St) VM.? in Silesia, martyred by the Tartars with
RM. June 29 many other members of his abbey. The
? The RM. simply "a virgin
styles her Cistercian menologies commemorate
in the territory of Sens". Later legends him on June 20.
add that she was a sister of SS Augustine
and Sanctian, all three natives of Spain, BENIGNUS (St) Bp.M. RM. June 28
and that they passed into France and 6th cent. This bishop is mentioned in a
were martyred under Aurelian. decretal of Pope Pelagius II as desirous
of resigning his see. He appears to have
BENEDICTA and CAECILIA retired to Utrecht; at any rate the RM.
(SS) Abs. OSB. PC. Aug
17 places him there, and his relics were
10th cent. These two daughters of the there rediscovered in 996.
king of Lorraine became nuns and suc-
cessive abbesses of Susteren in the BENIGNUS VISDOMINI (Bl) Ab.
Rhineland. OSB. Vail. AC. July 17
d. 1236. A Florentine priest, who fell
BENEDICTA (St) VM. RM. Oct 8 into sin, repentedand entered the abbey
? The RM. has only this laus: "In the of Vallombrosa. He became abbot-
country of Laon (the birthday) of St general but, always conscious of his past
Benedicta, Virgin and Martyr." Further guilt, resigned and died as a hermit.
details, added by later writers, are con-
flicting. BENIGNUS (St) Mk. OSB.
AC. July 21
BENEDICTINE MARTYRS (BB) See John and Benignus.
AC. Dec 1
See Richard Whiting, Hugh Faringdon BENIGNUS (St) M. RM. Nov 1
and John Beche. 3rd cent. A martyr venerated at Dijon
from early times, over whose tomb there
BENEZET (St) C. AC. Apr 14 was erected the magnificent abbey
See Benedict the Bridge-Builder. —
church now cathedral of St Benig- —
nus. His alleged connexion with St
BENIGNUS (St) M. RM. Feb 13 Polycarp of Smyrna is rejected by most
d. f.303. A priest of Todi in Umbria, modern writers.
put to death under Diocletian.
BENIGNUS (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Nov 9
AC. March 20 d. f.466. "Benen, son of Sessenen, St
d. 725. Monk and abbot of Fontenelle, Patrick's Psalmsinger." A favourite dis-
he was exiled from the abbey and re- ciple of St Patrick, whom he succeeded
tired to Flay where the monks asked him as chief bishop of the Irish church. He
to be their abbot. After the victory of preached, it is said, chiefly in Clare and
Charles Martel, he returned to Fon- Kerry and founded a monastery at
tenelle, retaining the government of Drumlease. His connexion with Glas-
Flay, and died shortly after. tonbury has no historical foundation.

BENIGNUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 20 BENNO (St) Bp. RM. June 16
d. £.477.Archbishop of Milan, during 1010-1106. Born Hildesheim and
whose pontificate the Heruli, under educated at the abbey of St Michael in
Odoacer, occupied the city. his native city. He became canon of
Gozlar, chaplain to the emperor Henry
BENILDIS (St) M. RM. June 15 III and finally bishop of Meissen. He

d. 853. A woman of Cordova, who was is one of the protagonists in the quarrel

so moved by the fortitude displayed by between Pope Gregory VII and Henry
St Athanasius, a Spanish priest, during IV. He upheld the former but not at all
his martyrdom at the hands of the times with equal zeal. In later years he
Moors, that she braved death at the preached to the Wends. His canoniza-
stake on the following day. Her ashes tion in 1525 roused Luther to fury.

were thrown into the Guadalquivir.

BENNO Bp. OSB. AC. July 12

BENILDUS (Bl) C. Aug 13

d. 1088. A
Swabian, he was educated
and professed as a Benedictine at
1805-1862. Peter Romancon of Thuret,
Reichenau, where he was taught by Bl
diocese of Clermont, France, joined the
Brotherhood of Christian Schools, and
Herman the Cripple. He himself became
the headmaster at Gozlar in Hanover,
combined the work of education with a
and finally of the cathedral school of
life of prayer and devotion to his reli-
Hildesheim. He was also the official
gious rule. Beatified April 4 1948.
architect to Henry III. He was arch-
bishop of Osnabriick (1067) and as such
always upheld the pope's cause. He
AC. Jan 10
founded Iburg abbey where he retired
d. 1 1 94. Eighth abbot of La Cava, near
to die.
Salerno, from 1171 to 1194. It was
during his abbacy that a hundred monks
BENNO (Bl) Bp. OSB. AC. Aug 3
were sent from Cava to staff the new
d. 940. ASwabian, canon of Strasburg,
monastery of Monreale founded by the
he became a hermit on Mt Etzel, in
king of Sicily in that island. Cult con-
Switzerland, St Meinrad's former her-
firmed in 1928.
mitage. He lived there with a few dis-
ciples, thus becoming the founder of
BENINCASA (Bl) C. OSM. the abbey of Einsiedeln, which still
AC. May 11 exists. In 927 he was called to the see
1 376-1426. A native of Florence, who of Metz. Striving to remedy abuses, he
joined the Servites at Montepulciano. was attacked and blinded by those whom
He spent his whole life as a hermit, first he had rebuked. He resigned and re-
at Montagnata, near Siena, and then in turned to Einsiedeln, which had already
the almost inaccessible cave of Monte- grown into a numerous community.
chiello. Cult confirmed in 1829.
BENJAMIN (St) M. RM. March 31 OFM. AC. Jan 2
f.421. A Persian deacon who, having d. 1232 (Dec 25). Born at San Severino,
been imprisoned for the Faith, and re- in the Italian Marches, he was one of St
fusing as a condition of his release to Francis's earliest disciples, and as such
cease preaching Christianity, was tor- he is mentioned in the Fioretti. Cult con-
tured to death under Isdegerdes. firmed by Pius IX.

BENVENUTA BOJANI (Bl) V. (Roscommon). The "Bell of St Beoadh",
Tert. OP. AC. Oct 30 a beautifulwork of art, was long in
d. 1292. The seventh of seven daughters, veneration as a relic of the saint.
christened by her parents Benvenuta,
although they had asked for a son. Hav- BEOC (BEANUS, DABEOC,
ing become a Dominican tertiary at an MOBEOC) (St) Ab. AC. Jan 1

early age, she spent her whole life at her 5th (or 6th) cent. By race he was a
home in Cividale, N. Italy, busy with Cambro-Briton. He crossed over from
her domestic duties, praying, and work- Wales to Ireland and founded a monas-
ing miracles. Cult approved in 1763. tery on an island in Lough Derg,
Bp. OFM. RM. March 22 BEOCCA, ETHOR and Comp. (SS)
d. 1282. Born Ancona, he studied
at MM. OSB. AC. Apr 10
law at Bologna, where he was a fellow- d. £.870. The Danes, in their continuous
student of St Sylvester. Soon he was on England, singled out the Anglo-
appointed archdeacon of Ancona, and Saxon abbeys as the special object of
finally bishop of Osimo. Before his con- their ferocity. Thus
at Chertsey Abbey
secration he professed the Franciscan in Surrey, theyput to death SS Beocca,
Rule and donned the Franciscan habit. abbot, Ethor, monk-priest, and some
Canonized by Martin IV. ninety monks; at Peterborough, they
killed St Hedda, abbot, and others of
BENVENUTUS of RECANATI (Bl) his community; at Thorney Abbey, St
C. OFM. AC. May 21 Torthred and others. All were justly
d. 1289. Born at Recanati, near Loreto, venerated as martyrs.
of the Mareni family. He joined the
Friars Minor as a lay-brother and was BERACH (BARACHIAS, BERA-
mostly employed in the kitchen, where CHIUS) (St) Ab. AC. Feb 15
he was constantly favoured with ec- 6th cent. From his birth he was placed
stasies and visions. Cult confirmed by under the care of his uncle, St Freoch.
Pius VII. He afterwards became St Kevin's dis-
ciple, and founded an abbey at Clusin-
BENVENUTUS of GUBBIO (Bl) Coirpte, in Connaught. He is the patron
C. OFM. AC. June 27 saint of Kilbarry, County Dublin.
d. 1232. An uncouth soldier, he was
received into the Franciscan order by BERACHIEL AC. Apr 20
St Francis himself. At his own request See Seven Angels who stand before the
the new
friar was allowed to tend lepers, throne of God.
a taskwhich he carried out with the
utmost charity. Cult authorized by BERARDUS, PETER, OTTO,
MM. OFM. RM. Jan 16
BEOADH (BEATUS) (St) Bp. d. 1220. Sent by St Francis to evan-
AC. March 8 gelize the Mohammedans of the West,
d. between 518 and 525. Aeodh (Aidus), these friars travelled from Italy to
an Irish saint, acquired the prefix Bo on Aragon, then to Coimbra in Portugal,
account of the greatness of his virtues, to Seville and finally to Morocco, where
and was appointed bishop of Ardcarne they were beheaded. Berardus, Peter

and Otto were priests, Adjutus and he was starved to death with another
Accursius lay-brothers. Canonized in Carthusian monk of the London
1481. Charterhouse in Newgate prison, Aug-
Sept 1537.
BERARIUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 17
d. C.6S0. Bishop of Le Mans. During BEREGISUS (St) C." AC. Oct 2
his episcopate St Scholastica's relics d. A725. A of Pepin
priest, confessor

were translated from Montecassino to of Heristal, with whose help he founded

Le Mans. the abbey of Saint-Hubert, in the Ar-
dennes. It is not certain if he was him-
BERCHAM (St) Bp. AC. Apr 6 self a monk, although some writers call
Otherwise Berthanc, q.v. him abbot.


RM. Oct 16 (St) C. OSB. AC. May 26
d. 696. Monk of Luxeuil and first abbot d. 1293. Born near Toulouse, he became
of Hautvilliers, which had been founded a Benedictine at the abbey of St Papoul

by St Nivard, bishop of Reims. St in Languedoc. After his ordination he

Bercharius himself founded two new filled the offices of novice-master, al-

houses, Moutier-en-Der for monks, and moner and master of works (operarius)
Puelle-moutier for nuns. He went on of the abbey. He was noted for his kind
pilgrimage to Rome and Palestine and charity and patience.

on his return settled at Moutier-en-Der.

A young monk, whom he had corrected, BERENGARIUS (Bl) Ab. OSB.
AC. Oct 29
fatally stabbed him by night. Bercharius
d. 1 108. First abbot of the Benedictine
died, forgiving his murderer, and is
abbey of Formbach in Bavaria (1094-
venerated as a martyr.


OFM. AC. Dec 14 See Domnina, Berenice and Prosdoce.
13th cent. A Franciscan missionary who
worked in Germany, Austria and Hun- BERLINDA (BERLINDIS, BEL-
gary, and converted thousands by his LAUDE) (St) V. OSB. AC. Feb 3
ardent sermons. d. 702. A niece of St Amandus, she
became a Benedictine nun of St Mary's
(St) convent, at Moorsel, near Alost, in
OSB. AC. Sept 24 Belgium, and afterwards a recluse at
d. 733. A disciple of St John of Beverley Meerbeke.
and by him appointed first abbot of
Beverley, where he died. BERNARDETTE (BERNAR-
BERCTUALD (St) Ab. OSB. RM. Apr 16
AC. Jan 9 844-1 879. Born at Lourdes, Bernar-

Otherwise Brithwald, q.v. dette Soubirous was the daughter of a

miller in very poor circumstances. When
BERE, RICHARD (Bl) M. AC. May 4 she was fourteen years of age, she was
d. 1537. Born at Glastonbury and edu- favoured with a series of apparitions of
cated at Oxford and the Inns of Court, our Lady, who chose the uneducated

peasant girl to reveal to the world the BERNARD of THIRON (or of
healing shrine at Lourdes. In 1866 she ABBEVILLE) (St) Ab. OSB.
joined the Institute of the Sisters of AC. Apr 14
Notre Dame at Nevers, where her one 1046-1117. Born near Abbeville, Ber-
desire was to remain hidden and for- nard professed the Benedictine Rule at
gotten by the world. Canonized in 1933. St Cyprian's, Poitiers, and later was
appointed prior of St Sabinus. After
BERNARD of CORLEONE (Bl) C. some twenty years in this office he retired
OFM. Cap. AC. Jan 19 He was next made
as a recluse to Craon.
1 605- 1 667. Born at Corleone in Sicily,
abbot of St Cyprian's, but soon retired
Philip Latini, a shoemaker by trade, was again to the forest of Thiron in Picardy,
reckoned "the best swordsman of where he founded the Congregation of
Sicily". After mortally wounding thatname, of which the main feature
another man, he fled from the police was hard manual labour. The Congre-
and took sanctuary in the church of the gation spread rapidly throughout
Capuchin friars at Palermo. He joined France, England and Scotland. Cult as
them as a lay-brother (1632) and hence- a saint confirmed in 1861.
forth became "a prodigy of austerity"
till his death. Beatified in 1768.
BERNARD of LIPPE (Bl) Bp. Mk. OSB. AC. Apr 19
OSB. Cist. PC. Jan 23 d. 1 182. A native of Provence who,
d. 1 21 7. Count of Lippe in Westphalia. owing to some horrible crime which he
He professed the Cistercian Rule and had committed, was sentenced by the
was made abbot of Dunemunde, and bishop of Maguelone to seven years
later bishop of Semgallen in Kurland. public penance. He performed this
penance loaded with seven heavy iron
BERNARD SCAMMACCA (Bl) C. bands, which he dragged from shrine
OP. AC. Feb 16 to shrine — Compostella, Rome, Pales-
d. i486. A native of Catania, he belonged tine — he came to the abbey of St
to a wealthy family, and in his youth Bertin (Sithin), where he first lived as
gave himself up to riotous living until a hermit and then ventured to ask the
having been gravely wounded in a duel, monks to receive him in their com-
he came to reflect on his folly, he munity.
changed his ways and joined the Friars
Preachers. As a friar he atoned by a life
of continuous penance for his former BERNARD of MENTHON (St) C.

evil courses. Cult approved in 1825. OSA. RM.May28

d. f.1081. For forty years he served the
BERNARD of CARINOLA (St) Bp. bishop of Aosta as vicar-general of the
RM. March 12 diocese, visiting every mountain and
d. 1 109. A native of Capua, he was ap- valley in the Alps, and taking particular
pointed bishop of Forum Claudii in care of travellers. For this purpose he
1087 by P°P e Victor III. He transferred established two hospices on the great
the see (1100) to Carinola in Cam- and little passes which bear his name,
pania. St Bernard died in extreme old placing them under Augustinian canons
age. He is now the principal patron saint regular. Pius XI named him patron
of Carinola. saint of mountaineers.

BERNARD, MARY and GRACIA was beheaded at the age of eighty-three.
(GRACE) (SS) MM. OSB. Cist. Beatified 1900.
AC. June i

d. c.nSo. Children of Almanzor, the BERNARD of CLAIRVAUX (St)

Mohammedan caliph of Lerida in Cata- Ab. Dr. OSB. Cist. RM. Aug 20
lonia. Their Moorish names were re- 1090-1153. Born near'Dijon, at the age
spectively Achmed, Zoraida and Zaida. of twenty-two he joined (n 12) the re-
Achmed was converted to Christianity cently founded struggling abbey of
and became a Cistercian monk at Poblet Citeaux, after having persuaded thirty
(Populetum) near Tarragona, under the other young noblemen to follow him
name of Bernard. He in his turn con- thither. Scarcely had he finished his
verted his two sisters, who were in novitiate when he was sent as abbot-
some way affiliated to the Cistercian founder to Clairvaux (1115) and as such
Order. As a result of their endeavour to became the real founder of the Cister-
convert their brother Almanzor, they cians. During his lifetime he established
were handed over by him to the execu- sixty-eight Cistercian houses, was the
tioners and martyred in odium fidei. adviser of popes, kings and councils, the
They are the patron saints of Alcira, in preacher of the second crusade (which,
Valencia, Spain. however, was a failure), the arbiter of
Europe, who, as has been said, "carried
BERNARD of BADEN (Bl) C. the 1 2th century on his shoulders". In
AC. July 15 the theological field, he confuted Abe-
1428-1458. Margrave of Baden, he re- lard, wrote profusely on the love of God,
nounced the rights of his title in favour commented for his monks on the Song
of his brother and offered himself to of Songs, sent a noble treatise, De con-
several European courts to organize a sideration, to his former monk, Pope
crusade against the Turks. He died Eugene III, and produced many other
without having attained his object. Cult works. His Treatise on the Love of God
confirmed in 1481 and again in 1769. is considered the best. Canonized in

1 174 and declared a doctor in 1830.

AC. July 19 (St) Mk. OSB. Cist. AC. Aug 20
d. 1079. Abbot of St Victor at Marseilles d. p. 11 SS- A monk of Valdeiglesias in
(1064). A fast friend of SS Gregory VII, Spanish Galicia. He is the patron saint
Hugh of Cluny and William of Hir- of Candelada. Possibly but not certainly
schau, he zealously fostered the Cluniac a Cistercian.
observance. He was made cardinal and
sent as papal legate to Germany (1077) BERNARD TOLOMEI (Bl)
and Spain (1078). Founder, OSB. Oliv. RM. Aug 21
1272-1348. Born at Siena, he was edu-
BERNARD DUE (Bl) M. cated by his uncle, a Dominican friar.
AC. Aug 1 He studied law, and filled several
1755-1838. A native priest of Tonkin, municipal offices, including that of
after labouring for many years on the podestd (mayor). In 13 13 he withdrew
mission, he was living in retirement but from the city and
to a place ten miles
spontaneously offered himself to the there he became the founder of the
pagan soldiers as a Christian priest, and abbey and Congregation of Montoli-
veto. He was summoned to Avignon to BERNARD of HILDESHEIM (St)
give an account of this new foundation, Bp. RM. Nov 20
and received papal approval (1324). Otherwise Bernward, q.v.
After years spent in wonderful deeds
of charity, he died of the pestilence BERNARD OF TOULOUSE (Bl)
whilst nursing the sick, together with M. OP. PC. Dec 3
a large number of his monks. Cult d. 1320. A Dominican friar, who in his
officiallyapproved in 1644. Among the campaign against the Albigenses was
Olivetans he is usually given the title seized by them, put to torture and sawn
of Saint. in two.


OFM. Cap. AC. Aug 22 OSB. Vail. RM. Dec 4
1 604-1 694. An Italian peasant, born at
d. 1 133. A native of Florence, he was
Appignano, diocese of Ascoli-Piceno. professed a monk at Vallombrosa. He
He took his vows as a Capuchin lay- was appointed successively abbot of
brother at Offida and here, and at the San Salvi, general of Vallombrosa,
friary of Fermo, he became famous for cardinal (1097), papal legate and finally
his wisdom and miracles. bishop of Parma (1106), at that time the
storm-centre of the anti-pope's sup-
porters.Twice he was exiled, but he
RM. Oct 14 proved a most successful prelate.
9th cent. Either an Englishman or a
Frenchman, who undertook a pilgrimage
to the Holy Land and Rome and then
(St) Bp. OSB. AC. Dec 19
lived as a recluse at Arpino in the Cam-
d. 1 1 22. A monk of Montecassino,
pagna. His relics are enshrined at Rocca
chosen bishop of Teramo in 11 15. He
is venerated as the principal patron

saint of Teramo.
Castro) (St) Bp. AC. Oct 20
d. p.Soo. A native of Bagnorea, he was
chosen bishop of Vulcia in Tuscany,
OFM. RM. May 20
1 380-1444. Born on Sept 8 at Massa
whence he transferred the see to Ischia
Maritima near Siena, of the family
di Castro.
degl'Albizzeschi. He took the Francis-
BERNARD CALVO (St) Bp. OSB. can habit (Sept 8, 1402), and was or-
Cist. AC. Oct 24 dained priest (Sept 8, 1404) and, having
d. 1243. A native of Manso Calvo, in preached his first sermon (Sept 8, 1417),
Catalonia, he became a Cistercian and his career as a preacher ended only with

eventually the abbot of Santas

first his life. He was accounted the foremost

Creus, near Tarragona. In 1233 he was Italian missioner of the 15th century.
chosen bishop of Vich. He was particularly eloquent when
preaching on the Holy Name of Jesus,
BERNARD de la TOUR (Bl) C. devotion to which he spread far and
O. Cart. PC. Oct 30 wide. He was also responsible for the
d. 1258. A Carthusian monk of Portes, revival of discipline among the Fran-
diocese of Belley, who became the ciscans, and from 1438 to 1442 he was
thirteenth superior general of the Order. vicar-general of the order. Canonized

in 1450. In art he is represented In that year he resigned and was suc-
holding to his breast the monogram of ceeded by St Odo. History, whether
the Sacred Name— IHS. sacred or profane, has done less than
justice to St Berno for his great work
BERNARDINUS REALINO (St) SJ. for the Church and for civilization.
RM. July 2
1 530-1 6 1 6. A native of Modena, he BERNOLD (Bl) Mk. OSB.
became a lawyer, but when aged thirty- AC. Nov 25
four joined the Society of Jesus. He d. r.1050. A monk-priest of Ottobeuren
worked for ten years at Naples and was in Bavaria, renowned as a wonder-
then appointed rector of the college at worker, especially after his death.
Lecce, where he died. Canonized in 1947.
C. OFM. AC. Sept 28 d. 1022. Bern ward is one of the most
43 9- 1 494. A native of Feltre, his
1 attractive figures of medieval Germany
baptismal name was Martin Tomitani. —a German St Dunstan. He excelled
He took his vows as a Franciscan and as an architect, painter, sculptor,
was first employed as a teacher in various decorator and metal-smith. He was also
houses of the order, but developed the tutor of the emperor Otto III. In
before long into a tempestuous preacher, 993 he was made bishop of Hildesheim.
the terror of all evil-doers, but especi- He died "after having assumed the
ally of usurers. To protect the people habit of St Benedict". (See Butler-
against these he suggested the estab- Thurston.) Canonized in 11 93.
lishment of monti di pietd, of which he
organized over thirty in various Italian BERONIGUS, PELAGIA and
cities. Beatified in 1728. Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 19
? A group of fifty-one Christians put to

BERNARDINUS of FOSSA (Bl) C. death at Antioch in Syria in one of the

OFM. AC. Nov 27 early persecutions.
d. 1503. Bernardino Amici was born at
Fossa, dioceseof Aquila in central BERTELLIN (St) C. AC. Sept 9
Italy. In 1445, he received the Francis- Otherwise Bettelin, q.v.
can habit, and after filling successfully

several offices in the order, he embarked BERTHA (Bl) Abs. OSB. Vail.
on a career of mission-preaching AC. March 24
throughout Italy, Dalmatia and Bosnia, d. 1 1 63. Born in Florence, a member of
being still engaged in this apostolate the Alberti family (she is often wrongly
when he died at Aquila. called de'Bardi). She became a nun at
the Vallombrosan convent of St Felicitas
BERNO Ab. OSB. AC. Jan 13
(St) at Florence, whence Bl Qualdo Galli,
d. 927. A
Burgundy and a
native of the general of the Vallombrosans, sent
monk of St Martin, Autun. He was her to Cavriglia in the Valdardo, as
abbot restorer of Baume-les-Messieurs, abbess. She died ten years later on
where he gave the habit to St Odo in Easter Sunday.
909, and the abbot-founder of Gigny,
Bourg-Dieu, Massay and finally of BERTHA (St) M. AC. May 1

Cluny (910), which he governed till 926. d. />.68o. Abbess-foundress of Avenay,

diocese of Chalons-sur-Marne. She was tyred, with several of his
monks, by a
perfidiously put to death and is vener- band of invading Saracens. He is the
ated as a martyr. author of homilies, poems, etc. One
of the altars of Montecassino is conse-
BERTHA (St) AC. May 15 crated in his name.
See Rupert and Bertha.
BERTHOALD (St) Bp. AC. Oct 13
(St) 7th cent. Fifth bishop of Cambrai Arras.
d. £.725. A lady of high station, who
after her husband's death entered the BERTHOLD (St) C. OC.
nunnery of Blangy, in Artois, which she AC. March 29
had founded, and became its abbess. d. £.1195. A Frenchman and a brilliant
student at the university of Paris, he set
BERTHA of MARBAIS (Bl) W. out for Palestine as a crusader. There
OSB. Cist. PC. July 18 he joined the group of hermits who
d. 1247. A near relative of the count of dwelt on Mt Carmel and eventually was
Flanders, she married the chatelain of appointed by his brother Aymeric,
Molembais. Left a widow, she became Latin patriarch of Antioch, their first
a Cistercian at Ayvrieres. Her family superior general. For all practical pur-
founded the nunnery of Marquette, poses he may be considered the founder
whither she was sent as abbess. She has of the Carmelite order.
a liturgical cult in the diocese of Namur.
BERTHALDUS (BERTAUD) (St) H. O. Praem. PC. July 13
AC. June 16 d. c.1214. Founder of the Premonstra-
d. r.540. A hermit in the Ardennes who tensian abbey of Frodenburg (Vrunde-
was ordained priest by St Remigius. berg). He was a brother of Bl Menrich
of Lubeck.
d. f.840. A Scottish saint, who is said to OSB. AC. July 27
have been a monk of Iona and later 090- 1 142. Born on the shores of the

bishop of Kirkwall in the Orkneys. He lake of Constance, Berthold belonged to

seems to have died in Ireland, and his the family of the counts of Bogen. After
tomb was shown at Inishmore in Gal- a short period of married life he was
way Bay. Hence perhaps his surname left a widower at the age of thirty and

of Fer-da-Leithe (the man of two parts at once joined the Benedictines of

or countries). Blasien in the Black Forest. He became
their prior,and then prior of Gottweig
BERTHARIUS (St) Bp. in Austria and abbot of Garsten in
See Betharius. Styria, where he founded a hospice for
the poor. He enjoyed a great reputation
BERTHARIUS (St) Ab. M. OSB. as a confessor.
AC. Oct 22
d. f.884. A scion of the royal house of BERTHOLD (BERTOLDO) (St) C.
France, he was professed at Montecas- OSB. AC. Oct 21
sino and chosen as abbot in 856.
its d. mi. An Anglo-Saxon by descent,
While kneeling in prayer he was mar- his parents having fled from England at

the Norman Conquest, Berthold was and massacred him and several of his
born at Parma. He spent his whole life community at the foot of the altar.

as a lay-brother in the service of the

nuns of St Alexander in that city. BERTINUS the YOUNGER (Bl) C.
OSB. AC. May 2
BERTHOLD (Bl) Ab. OSB. d. r.699. Monk of Sithin under its
PC. Nov 3 founder, St Bertinus the Great.
d. 1 197. A monk of Engelberg in Swit-
zerland, who excelled as a transcriber BERTINUS (St) Ab. OSB.
of books. He became the third abbot of RM. Sept 5
the monastery (1178). His memory is d. £.709.Born near Constance, he be-
liturgically celebrated at Einsiedeln and came a monk at Luxeuil under St
Engelberg. Waldebert, who had introduced there
the Benedictine Rule. He was sent to
BERTILIA (St) V. AC. Jan 3 help St Omer, bishop of Therouanne,
d. c. 687. A noble maiden who together by whom he was made abbot of Sithin
with her husband took a vow of per- Under
(afterwards called St Bertin).
petual continence, and on the death of
his government the community in-
the latter lived as a recluse near a church
creased in a remarkable manner, and he
she had founded at Maroeuil (Marolles)
was obliged to establish several new
in Flanders.
houses. He is one of the greatest of
Benedictine abbots.
(St) V. AC. Oct 20
1 888-1 922. St Mary Bertilla, more
BERTOARA (St) Abs. AC. Dec 4
d. Abbess of Notre-Dame-de-
widely known as St Bertilla among her
Sales, in Bourges (612-614) under the
people, was a member of the congrega-
Columbanian Rule.
tion entitled Teachers of St Dorothy,
Daughters of the Sacred Hearts. Born
at Brendola (Vincenza) in Northern
BERTRAM (St) C. AC. Sept 9
Otherwise Bettelin, q.v.
Italy. She earnestly devoted her life of
obedience to the service of the sick and
of children. Canonized in 1961.
BERTILLA (St) V. OSB. AC. Nov 5 AC. Jan 24
d. c .705. A nun at Jouarre, near Meaux, 7th cent. One of St Bertinus's disciples,
where she held the offices of infirmarian, and one of St Omer's helpers in the
headmistress of the convent school and evangelization of N. France and Flan-
prioress. When St Bathildis restored the ders. At a later date he was made abbot

nunnery of Chelles, St Bertilla was made of Saint-Quentin.

its first abbess and she governed it for

half a century. Great numbers flocked to BERTRAND (St) Bp. M. AC. June 6
her convent, including many Anglo- 260-1350. Born near Cahors, he be-

Saxon girls. came dean of the cathedral chapter of

Angouleme, from which position he was
BERTILO (Bl) M. OSB. raised to the patriarchate of Aquileia.
AC. March 26 He met his death in defence of the
d. c .878-888. Abbot of St Benignus, at rights of his church. Cult approved by
Dijon. The Normans sacked his abbey Benedict XIV.

(St) Bp. AC. June 30 Ab. OSB. AC. Feb 5
d. 623. A was edu-
native of Autun, he d. 705. Born in Pannonia, a pagan, he
cated by St Germanus at Paris, and migrated to Flanders, where he became
appointed archdeacon of that city and a Christian and a priest. Count Wam-
some time later bishop of Le Mans. He bert entrusted to him the administration
took a great interest in agriculture and of his estate, and gave him the land of
wine-growing. He was especially noted Renty. Here the saint founded an abbey
for his benefactions to the poor. whither he retired after his benefactor's
C. OP. AC. Sept 6 BERTULFUS (St) Ab. AC. Aug 19
d. 1230. A native of Garrigue, diocese of d. 640. Of
Frankish origin, he entered
Nimes. He was already a secular priest the abbey of Luxeuil and was professed
when he became a disciple of St Dominic there under St Eustace. Then he
and helped him in his first foundation at migrated to Bobbio, where he was
Paris. He was the constant companion chosen abbot on St Attalas's death
of the holy founder until his appoint- (627). As abbot of Bobbio he is best
ment as provincial of the Dominicans remembered for having obtained from
in Provence. Cult confirmed by Leo Pope Honorius I the exemption of his
XIII. abbey from episcopal jurisdiction, the
first case recorded in history.
Bp. AC. Oct 16 BESAS (St) M. RM. Feb 27
d. 1 The most celebrated of the
123. See Julian, Cronion and Besas.
bishops of Comminges (now included
in the diocese of Toulouse), he may be BESSARION (St) H. RM. June 17
considered as the second founder of his d. r.400. One of the fathers of the
episcopal city. He was its pastor for Egyptian desert, greatly venerated
fifty years — energetic, fearless, enter- among the Greeks, who keep his feast
prising, zealous. Canonized by Alexan- on June 6.

der III.
BETHARIUS (St) Bp. AC. Aug 2
BERTRAND of GRANDSELVE d. ^.623. He was
Bishop of Chartres
(Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist. AC. Oct 23 from 595 to 623 and was present at the
d. 1
149 (July 11). Cistercian abbot of Council of Sens. His life is of doubtful
Grandselve for twenty years. He was authenticity.
often favoured with heavenly visions.
BERTUIN (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Nov 11 BETHELM) (St) H. OSB. AC. Sept 9
d. c .698. An Anglo-Saxon monk of the 8th cent. Disciple of St Guthlac of
small abbey of Othelle. He was conse- Croyland. After the death of his master,
crated a missionary bishop, left for Bettelin and his companions lived on at
Rome where he spent two years, and Croyland under Kenulphus, first abbot
finally became the abbot-founder of the of the monastery founded there by King
abbey of Malonne, in the territory of Ethelbald of Mercia. A saint of the name
Namur, henceforward the centre of his of Bettelin was patron of the town of
missionary labours. Stafford.

BETTO (St) Bp. OSB. PC. Feb 24 BIEUZY (St) M. AC. Nov 24
d. 918. A Benedictine monk of the abbey 7th cent. A native of Britain who fol-
of Sainte-Colombe, at Sens, who be- lowed St Gildas to Brittany. We have
came bishop of Auxerre in 889. no particulars of his life or of the mar-
tyrdom which closed it.
BEUNO (St) Ab. AC. Apr 21
d. f.630. A Welshman by
he was birth, BILFRID (BILLFRITH) (St) H.
the founder of monasteries at Llan- OSB. AC. March 6
veynoe in Herefordshire and Llany- d. c .758. A monk-hermit of Lindisfarne
myech but his name is chiefly connected
; and an expert goldsmith, who bound in
with that of Clynnog in Carnarvon- gold the Lindisfarne copy of the Gos-
shire. Legend makes him the uncle of pels, written and illuminated by bishop
St Winefride and claims that he restored Eaddfrid. In life and in death he was the
her to life. centre of great popular veneration.

BEUVE (St) V. OSB. AC. Apr 24 BILHILD (St) W. OSB. AC. Nov 27
Otherwise Bova, q.v. r.630-^.710. Born near Wurzburg, Bil-
hild married the duke of Thuringia.
BIANOR and SYLVANUS (SS) After the death of her husband, she
MM. RM. July 10 became the abbess-foundress of the
4th cent. Martyrs beheaded in Pisidia, nunnery of Altenmunster in Mainz.
in Asia Minor. Their extant Greek Acts
are untrustworthy. BIRGITTA (St) W. RM. Oct 8
Otherwise Brigid of Sweden, q.v.


VM. RM. Dec 2 BIRILLUS (St) Bp. RM. March 21
d. £.90. Said to have been consecrated
? A virgin martyred at Rome. This is all
first bishop of Catania in Sicily by St
that is certain about her. Her Acta are a
medieval romance, much read and ad-
Peter the Apostle, with whom he had
mired throughout Europe, and especi-
travelled from Antioch. He died in
extreme old age.
ally in Germany and Spain, as witness
the great number of churches dedicated
in her honour. They have given rise to
BIRINUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 3

a number of spurious entries in the

d. f.650. A Roman missionary priest

RM. see St Dafrosa, and SS Priscus, commonly said to have been a monk,

Priscillian and Benedict.

who offered himself for the foreign
missions and was sent by Pope St
Honorius to Britain. He was conse-
BIBLIG (PEBLIG) (St) AC. July 3 crated bishop at Genoa and on his
Otherwise Byblig, q.v.
arrival in England converted Cynegils,
king of the West Saxons, and was given
BIBLIS (or BIBLIDES) (St) M. Dorchester in Oxfordshire for his see.
RM. June 2 He is known as the "Apostle of Wes-
One of the martyrs of Lyons. See Photi- sex".
nus, Sanctius, etc.
BICOR (St) M. RM. Apr 22 STAN) (St)Bp. OSB. AC. Nov 4
A bishop martyr under Shapur II. d. f.934. Successor of St Frithestan in

the see of Winchester and a disciple of Ferrer, and likehim an impassioned
St Grimbald. He was noted for his de- Dominican preacher.
votion to the holy souls in Purgatory.
BITEUS (St) C. AC. July 22 MM. 29 RM. Nov
Otherwise Movean, q.v. ? Martyrs of Veroli in central Italy.
Their connexion with St Mary Salome
BITHEUS and GENOCUS (SS) CC. is discarded by most writers.

AC. Apr 18
6th cent. Two British monks who ac- BLAITHMAIC (BLATHMAC,
companied St Finian of Clonard to BLAITHMALE) (St) M. AC. Jan 15
Ireland, and there attained a great repu- d. f.823. An Irish abbot, who, desirous
tation for sanctity. of martyrdom, crossed over to England,
then a prey to heathen Danes. He was
BLAAN (St) Bp. AC. Aug 10 murdered by the Danes on the altar
Otherwise Blane, q.v. steps of the abbey church at Iona.
Walafrid Strabo narrates his life in
BLADUS (St) Bp. AC. July 3 verse.
? According to tradition, one of the
early bishops of the Isle of Man. BLANCA (Bl) W. AC. Apr 26
Otherwise Alda, q.v.
BLAESILLA (St) W. AC. Jan 22
d. 383. Daughter of St Paula and a BLANCHE (several)
disciple of St Jerome. In her widowhood Otherwise Gwen, q.v.
she consecrated herself to God. She died
in Rome aged twenty. BLANDA (St) M. RM. May 10
See Calepodius, Palmutius, etc.
Bp. M. RM. Feb 3 BLANDINA (St) M. RM. June 2
d. f.316. According to his legendary See Photinus (Pothinus), Sanctius, etc.
acts, which became widely known in W.
Europe at the time of the crusades, BLANDINUS (St) H. AC. May 1

Blaise was a physician who became See Salaberga.

bishop of Sebaste in Armenia, where he
was martyred. One of his miracles was BLANE (BLAAN, BLAIN) (St) Bp.
the saving of the life of a boy who had AC. Aug 10
half swallowed a fish-bone which could 6th cent. A Scottish bishop, disciple of
not be extricated hence the rite of the
; SS Comgall and Canice in Ireland, who
Blessing of St Blaise, incorporated in the flourished in the 6th century, and was
Roman Ritual, against affections of buried at the place now called Dunblane.
the throat. His feast is observed with There has been much controversy over
much solemnity throughout the East, as the actual dates of his life; but the above
was also the case, in ancient times, in summary is now commonly agreed upon
the West. by scholars.


OP. AC. Apr 5 d. 523. In the Irish martyrologies several
14th cent. A disciple of St Vincent saints are registered under the name

Blath (latinized Flora). The one best master and ruled the abbey as its second
remembered was a lay-sister, the cook abbot.
in St Brigid's nunnery at Kildare,
where she earned a great reputation for BOADIN (St) H. OSB. AC. Jan 11
sanctity. ? An
Irishman who passed over to
France and became a Benedictine monk
BLEDRWS (St) there.
? There is a church in Cardiganshire
named after St Bledrws, but it has not BOBINUS (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Jan 31
been found possible to identify the d. £.766. A native of Aquitaine, monk of
saint. Moutier-la-Celle, which was enriched
by his benefactions when he became
BLEIDDAN (BLEWDIAN) (St)Bp. bishop of Troyes (760).
RM. July 29
Otherwise Lupus of Troyes, q.v. BOBO (BEUVON) (St) H.
AC. May 22
BLENWYDD (St) d. r.985. A knight of Provence, who
? The dedication of a chapel to this fought bravely against the invading
saint in the Isle of Anglesey is all that Saracens and then retired as a hermit
perpetuates his memory. to lead a life of penance. He died at
Pa via in Lombardy while on a pilgrimage
BLIDULF (BLADULPH) (St) Mk. to Rome.
AC. Jan 2
d. f.630. A monk of Bobbio, who coura- BODAGISIL (St) Ab. AC. Dec 18
geously denounced the heresy of the d. 588. A
Frankish courtier, who later
Lombard king Ariovald. became the founder and first abbot of an
abbey on the banks of the Meuse. St
BLINLIVET (BLEVILEGUETUS) Venantius Fortunatus and St Gregory
(St) Bp. AC. Nov 7 of Tours are loud in his praises.
9th cent. The twenty-fifth bishop of
Vannes in Brittany. Before his death he BODFAN (BOBOUAN) (St)
resigned and became a monk at Quim- AC. June 2
perle. 7th cent.The patron saint of Abern in
Carnarvon. The only extant tradition
BLITHARIUS (BLIER) (St) C. about him is that the great inundation
AC. June 11 that formed Beaumaris Bay impelled
7th cent. A native of Scotland, who him, with his father and other relations,
passed over into France with St Fursey, to embrace the religious life.
and settled at Seganne in Champagne,
where he is still held in great veneration. BODO (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Sept 11
d. p.670. A native of Toul, brother to
BLITMUND (St) Ab. AC. Jan 3 St Salaberga. He married, but by mutual
d. 660 ?.Monk of Bobbio under St consent both he and his wife became
Attalas. He followed St Walaricus (St religious. He entered an abbey at Laon,
Valery) to France, where they founded which, however, he was forced to leave
the abbey of Leucone (later on called in order to become bishop of Toul. He
Saint- Valery; now the village of the founded Etival, Bon-Moutier, and
same name). St Blitmund survived his AfFonville abbeys.

BOETHARIUS (St) Bp. AC. Aug 2 martyred under Julian the Apostate,
7th cent. Chaplain of King Clotaire II, and who has left her name to the village
and afterwards bishop of Chartres of Saint Boulogne in the Haute Marne.
BONA (St) V. AC. Apr 24
BOETHIAN (St) M. OSB. Otherwise Bova, q.v.
AC. May 22
7th cent. A disciple of St Fursey and an BONAJUNCTA (St) C.
Irishman by birth. He built the monas- RM. Aug
31 and Feb 12
tery of Pierrepont, near Laon, in France, i.e. Buonagiunta, one of the Seven Holy
and was eventually murdered by those Founders of the Servite Order, q.v.
whom he had felt bound to rebuke. His
shrine is still a place of pilgrimage.
AC. Jan 1
BOETHIUS (Bl) C. AC. Oct 23
d. f.1320. A Benedictine of the Celestine
See Severinus Boethius.
Congregation, monk of the monastery
of St Laurence in the Abruzzi.
(St) Bp. OSB. Cam. AC. June 10
d. 1 182. A native of Dobrow, a little

Polish town on the Wartha. After his

M. Tert. OFM. AC. Feb 5
studies at the university of Paris he was
d. 1597. A native of Meaco in Japan,
this saint became a Franciscan tertiary
appointed parish priest of Dobrow, and
and helped the Franciscan missionaries
then archbishop of Gnesen. As such he
as a catechist. He was crucified at
founded the Cistercian abbey of Coro-
Nagasaki. Beatified in 1862.
nowa. In spite of his wisdom and zeal
his clergy paid little heed to his admoni-
tions. He resigned in 1172 and became BONAVENTURE TORNIELLI (Bl.)
a Camaldolese monk at Uniejow. Cult C. OSM. AC. March 31
approved in 1925. 1411-1491. Born at Forli, he became a
Servite in 1448. At the order of the pope
BOISIL (St) Ab. AC. Feb 23 Sixtus IV he preached continually
Otherwise Boswell, q.v. throughout the papal states and S. Italy.
He was for some years vicar-general of
BOLCAN (OLCAN) (St) Bp. the Servites. Cult confirmed in 191 1.
AC. Feb 20
d. f.480. Baptized by St Parick and BONAVENTURE BADUARIO of
sent by him to study in Gaul, Bolcan PERAGA (Bl) C. OSA. Erem.
was subsequently by the same saint PC. June 10
consecrated bishop of Derkan in N. 1332-1 386. A native of Peraga, near
Ireland. His school there was one of the Padua, where he was professed as an
best equipped in the island. Another Augustinian hermit. After having been
St Bolcan is venerated in the diocese of general of the Order he was created
Elphin. He is known as St Olcan of cardinal-priest of St Caecilia —the first

Kilmoyle. of the Order to attain that honour. He

was killed in Rome by an arrow, prob-
BOLONIA (St) VM. AC. Oct 16 ably in retaliation for his defence of the
d.362. A maiden of fifteen who was rights of the Church.


BONAVENTURE (St) Bp. Dr. missioner in S. Italy, chiefly at Amalfi,

July 14 and as a novice master. He died in an
1221-1274. Born at Bagnorea, near ecstasy singing psalms.
Viterbo. His baptismal name was John.
The name Bonaventure (good fortune) BONAVENTURE BUONACCORSI
was given to him by St Francis of (Bl) C. OSM. AC. Dec 14
Assisi, who cured him miraculously d. 13 13. A native of Pistoia in Tuscany
when he was a small child, and ex- and the leader of the Ghibellines there,
claimed: buona ventura! At the age he was converted in 1276 by St Philip
of twenty he became a Franciscan, and Benizi, who was acting as a peace-maker
at thirty-six minister-general of the between the parties. He followed St
Order. He was nominated archbishop Philip into the Servite Order and as a
of York, but refused the honour. Servite friar went about preaching peace.
Finally in 1273 he was created cardinal The people called him "il Beato" even
bishop of Albano. He died during the during his lifetime. Cult approved in
general council of Lyons. A disciple of 1822.
Alexander of Hales and a friend and
admirer of St Thomas Aquinas, Bon- BONAVENTURE TOLOMEI (Bl)
aventure is known as the "Seraphic C. OP. PC. Dec 27
Doctor", and was officially given the d. 1348. Born at Siena in Tuscany. As
title of Doctor of the Church by Sixtus a child he was favoured with divine
V. Besides theological and philosophical charismata, but in early manhood he
works, St Bonaventure has left us sun- abandoned himself for four years to a
dry ascetical treatises, and a touchingly life of impurity and sacrilege. He re-

beautiful life of St Francis of Assisi pented, visited on foot all the celebrated
written with the aim of promoting unity shrines and subsequently entered the
among the Friars Minor. Canonized in Dominican order. He died while tend-
1482. ing the plague-stricken in Siena.


OFM. AC. Sept 11 PC. March 1

1 620-1 684.
Born at Riudoms, near d. 1375. A blacksmith of Lugo, near
Barcelona, left a widower after a short Ravenna. He was a Franciscan tertiary,
period of married life, he joined the wholly devoted to prayer and good
Friars Minor at Escornalbou. To escape works.
notoriety for his mystical gifts he went
to Rome where he was made doorkeeper BOND(BALDUS)(St)H. AC. Oct 29
at St Isidore. He founded several 7th cent. A penitent hermit venerated at
retreat-convents in the Roman province Sens in France. See Arthemius (Apr 28).
of his order. His advice was sought by
popes and cardinals. Cult approved in BONET (BONT) (St) Bp.
1906. RM. Jan 15
Otherwise Bonitus, q.v.
1651-1711. A native of Potenza in RM. Jan 1 and Feb 12
Lucania. He entered the Franciscan One of the Seven Holy Founders of the
order at Nocera and spent his life as a Servite Order, q.v.

BONFILIUS (St) Bp. OSB. said to have founded a very great
AC. Sept 27 number of churches.
1 040-1 125. A native of Osimo in
Piceno, he became a monk, and then BONIFACE of VALPERGA (Bl) Bp.
abbot, of the monastery of Our Lady, PC. Apr 25
at Storace. In 1078 he was made d. 1243. Monk of the Benedictine abbey
bishop of Foligno: but in 1096, after a of Fruttuaria, who was chosen prior of
pilgrimage to the Holy Land, he resigned the Augustinian canons regular of St
and retired to the abbey of Santa Maria Ursus at Aosta (121 2) and finally bishop
della Fara, diocese of Cingoli, where he of Aosta (1219-1243).
AC. Feb 19 d. 615. Born at Valeria in the Abruzzi,
d. 1265. Born in Brussels and educated he became, according to a tradition
by nuns of La Cambre (Camera S. which cannot, however, be substan-
Mariae), near his native city. He then tiated, a Benedictine monk of St
studied at Paris, where he taught dogma, Sebastian, in Rome. He was pope from
afterwards transferring his chair to the 608 to 615 and is best remembered for
university of Cologne. About the year his dedication of the Pantheon to our
1230 he was made bishop of Lausanne, Lady and all the saints. St Columbanus
but resigned (1239) and henceforth —
addressed to him a famous or notorious
lived at the Cistercian convent, La —letter.
Cambre, as chaplain to the nuns. The
Cistercians claim him for their order. BONIFACE of TARSUS (St) M.
RM. May 14
BONIFACE of SAVOY (Bl) Bp. d. f.307. A martyr beheaded at Tarsus
O. Cart. AC. March 13 in Cilicia, whither, his fictitious acts
d. 1270. A member
of the ducal house add, he had gone from Rome to recover
of Savoy, who became a Carthusian the bodies of certain martyrs. His own
monk (and prior) and then bishop of relics are enshrined in the church of SS
Valence, and finally archbishop of Alexius and Boniface on the Aventine.
Canterbury (1241). Besides his fame as
a saint, the fact that he was uncle to BONIFACE (St) Bp. RM. May 14
Henry Ill's wife explains the appoint- 6th cent. Bishop of Ferentino in Tus-
ment, which, however, proved very cany at the time of the emperor Justin.
unpopular in England. He died in He is commemorated by St Gregory the
Savoy and was buried at Hautecombe. Great.
Cult confirmed in 1830.
BONIFACE (Bl) Mk. OSB. Cist.
AC. March 14 d. f.1280. Monk and prior of the great
d. c.66o. A bishop of Ross, very likely a Cistercian abbey of Villers in Brabant.
Roman by birth, who evangelized the
Picts and Scots, one of the chief features BONIFACE (St) Bp. M. OSB.
of his mission being the introducing of RM. June 5
the Roman discipline and observance, 680-755. An Anglo-Saxon, whose bap-
as opposed to the Celtic usages. He is tismal name was Winfrid, born at

Crediton in Devon. At the age of five parents of the "twelve brothers" com-
he entered a monastery at Exeter, there memorated on Sept 1. They are sup-
to become a Benedictine monk. He was posed to have been martyred under
transferred to Nutshulling, diocese of Maximiab (though their Passio does not
Winchester, where he became head of say this) at Hadrumetum, i.e. Soussa
the abbey school and was ordained in Tunisia.
priest in 710. In 716 he set out for
Germany on his first missionary expedi- BONIFACE I (St) Pope RM. Sept 4
tion, which proved a failure. In 718 he d. 423. A Roman priest who was elected
left England again, this time for Rome, pope in 418. He was opposed by the
to get the pope's blessing on his enter- anti-pope Eulalius and later on was
prise, and forthwith evangelized Bavaria, troubled by the ever-recurring claims
Hesse, Friesland, Thuringia and Fran- of the Patriarch of Constantinople.
conia. In 723 Gregory II consecrated Gently but firmly he defended the rights
him regionary bishop with full juris- of the Roman see. St Augustine dedi-
diction over the Germanies. In 731 he cated to him several treatises against
was made by the pope metropolitan Pelagianism.
beyond the Rhine, in 738 papal legate,
and in 747 archbishop of Mainz. A few BONIFACE (St)M. RM. Oct 5
years before his death he founded the Said to be the name of one of the mar-
abbey of Fulda (where his body now tyrs who suffered with St Palmatius and
rests) as the focus of German missionary Comp., q.v.
activities. Before this he had already
established a great number of abbeys BONIFACE (St) M. RM. Dec 6
and nunneries, with attached schools, See Dionysia, Dativa, etc.

and to staff them he had invited bands

of monks and nuns from England. He BONIFACE (St) M. RM. Dec 29
was martyred in his old age, with fifty- See Callistus, Felix and Boniface.
two companions at Dokkum. He was
responsible for the organization of the BONITUS (BONT) (St) Bp. OSB.
Frankish church. Always on the best of RM. Jan 15
terms with the Carolingians, he became 623-^.710. A native of Auvergne who be-
their mentor and support. He is rightly came successively chancellor to King
styled the Apostle of Germany. Among Sigebert III, governor of Provence, and
the apostles of all time he stands on a par bishop of Clermont in Auvergne. After
with St Paul and St Francis Xavier. ten years as bishop, he resigned, owing
to a scruple of conscience, and retired
BONIFACE (St) M. OSB. to the Benedictineabbey of Manlieu,
RM. June 19 where he became a monk and died in
Otherwise Bruno of Querfurt. See extreme old age.
BONITUS (St) Ab. OSB. AC. July 7
BONIFACE (St) M. RM. Aug 17 d. f.582. Fourth successor of St Bene-
See Liberatus, Boniface, etc. dict as abbot of Montecassino. During
his abbacy the Lombards under Zoto
BONIFACE and THECLA (SS) MM. of Benevento plundered and destroyed
RM. Aug 30 the arch-abbey (c.581). The monks
d. f.250. Their Passio makes them the saved themselves by flight and were

housed in the Lateran in Rome. Bonitus words: "a man beloved by God . . of
died shortly after. most unusual merit and sanctity."


d. 1300. The wife of Naddo Piccolomini AC. Feb 23
of Siena. In her widowhood she devoted d. r.664. Abbot of Melrose. He counted
herself and all her wealth to the service SS Cuthbert and Egbert among his
of the poor in the district of Belve- monks. Both had a great admiration for
derio. him, as had also St Bede. His favourite
reading was the Gospel of St John.
d. 1026. A native of Bologna and a OSB. AC. June 17
Benedictine monk of St Stephen's in the d. r.68o. Brothers, sons of noble Saxon
same city. He became a disciple of St parents. They were educated, and re-
Romuald, by whom he was sent to ceived the Benedictine habit, in Belgian
preach the gospel in Egypt and Syria. Gaul. Adulph is said to have
been raised
On his return he was made abbot of to the episcopate. Botulph returned to
Lucedio in Piedmont. England and became one of the fore-
most missionaries of the 7th century.
BONOSA (St) M. RM. July 15 He founded an abbey at Ikanhoe,
See Eutropius, Zosima and Bonosa. formerly thought to be near Boston in
Lincolnshire, but now generally sup-
BONOSUS and MAXIMIAN (SS) posed to be Iken in Suffolk. More than
MM. RM. Aug 21 seventy English churches were dedicated
d. 362. Two officers of the Herculean to St Botulph, including four at the
Cohort at Antioch, under Julian the gates of the city of London.
Apostate. They were tortured and be-
headed for refusing to change Constan- BOTWID M.(St) AC. July 28
tine's Christian —
banner the labarum — d. 1 100. A
Swede, converted to the
for a new idolatrous standard. Faith in England, who became an
aspostle in his own country. He was
BONUS, FAUSTUS, MAURUS and murdered by a Finnish slave whom he
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Aug 1 thought he had converted and whom he
d. ? Bonus, a priest, with Faustus, had set free.
Maurus and nine companions, was
martyred at Rome under Valerian. BOVA and DODA (SS) W. OSB.
RM. Apr 24
BORIS and GLEB (SS) MM. 7th cent. St Bova was a sister, and St
AC. July 24 Doda a niece, of St Balderic (Baudry),
See Romanus and David. the founder of Montfaucon and of the
nunnery of St Peter at Reims. He ap-
BOSA (St) Bp. OSB. AC. March 9 pointed Bova first abbess of this convent
d. 686. Monk of Whitby under St Hilda, and she was succeeded by Doda.
he was consecrated bishop of York by
St Theodore (678) when the titular of BRADAN and ORORA (CRORA)
that see, St Wilfrid, was in exile. St (SS) AC. Oct 20
Bede praises St Bosa in the following ? Two saints venerated in the Isle of

Man. In the church of St Bradan, Kirk- BRENDAN the VOYAGER (St) Ab.
Braddan, near Douglas, Mark, the RM. May 16
bishop of Sodor, held a synod in 1291. c. 489-583. One of the most
In a map of the 16th century, reference famous saints of Ireland. He was born
is made to the churches of SS Patrick on Fenit peninsula, Kerry, and edu-
and Crora. cated for five years under St Ita, becom-
ing afterwards a disciple of St Finian at
BRANNOCK (St) Ab. AC. Jan 7 Clonard and of St Gildas at Llancarfan
6th cent. A saint who appears to have in Wales. He was a great founder of
migrated from S. Wales into Devon, and monasteries, the chief of which was
to have founded a monastery at Braun- Clonfert. To his monks he gave a Rule
ton, near Barnstaple. The traditions of remarkable austerity. He is best
concerning him are very untrustworthy. known in history for his voyages, in
See also Brynach. which, said, he reached the Ameri-
it is

can continent. Though they can scarcely

BRANWALLADER (St) Bp. be admitted as historical facts, they have
19 AC. Jan nevertheless had some influence on
? 6th cent. Said to have been a bishop history, since legends of St Brendan's
King Athelstan, who founded
in Jersey. journey to discover the Isles of the
Milton Abbey in Dorset, had this saint's Blessed were popular throughout Eu-
relics translated there in 935. rope. St Brendan is most fittingly
venerated as the patron saint of sailors.
BRAULIO (St) Bp. RM. March 26
d. 646. A monk of St Engratia's monas- BRENDAN of BIRR (St) Ab.
he was sent to Seville
tery, Saragossa, AC. Nov 29
to study under St Isidore. He was d. £.562. A contemporary of St Brendan
ordained priest by his own brother, the Voyager, and his fellow-disciple un-
John, whom he succeeded as archbishop der St Finian at Clonard. His abbey of
of Saragossa. He was a ready writer and Birr was somewhere near Parsonstown in
excelled chiefly as a hagiographer. OfFaly. Hewas the great friend and ad-
viser of St Columba, who in a vision saw
BREACA (St) V. AC. June 4 the soul of St Brendan carried by angels
5th-6th cent. A disciple of St Brigid to heaven at the moment of his death.
who is said to have gone from Ireland
to Cornwall (r.460) with several com- BRETANNION (St) Bp. RM.Jan25
panions and to have landed on the d. ^.380. Bishop of Tomi in Scythia on
eastern bank of the river Hayle. Variants the Black Sea, near the mouth of the
of her name are: Breague, Branca, Danube. The Arian emperor, Valens,
Banka, etc. exiled him for his brave defence of
Christ's divinity, but was compelled by
BREGWIN (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Aug 26 popular discontent to recall him.
d. 765. The twelfth archbishop of Can-
terbury (761-765). His life was written BRIACH (St) Ab. AC. Dec 17
by Eadmer. Letters of his to St Lullus d. f.627. An
Irishman who became a
of Mainz are still extant. monk in Wales under St Tudwal, whom
he accompanied to Brittany. He built a
BRENACH (St) H. AC. Apr 7 monastery at Guingamp. He died at
Otherwise Brynach, q.v. Bourbiac.



AC. Dec i 6th cent. Known as St Brigid of Kil-
See Alexander Briant. bride and venerated in the diocese of
Lismore. It is recorded that her famous

BRIAVEL (BREVILE) (St) H. namesake of Kildare visited her more

AC. June 17 than once at Kilbride.
? The name of this saint (possibly a
variant of Ebrulfus) is perpetuated as BRIGID (BRIDGET, BRIDE,
that of the patron saint of the parish of FFRAID) (St) V. Foundress
St Briavels in the Forest of Dean in RM. Feb 1

Gloucestershire; but no record of his 450-525. Born at Faughart, near


life is extant. Dundalk, she took the veil in her youth

and founded the nunnery of Kildare, the
BRICE (BRITIUS, BRIXIUS) (St) first to be erected on Irish soil. Around
Bp. RM. Nov 13 her name there have been formed hun-
d. 444. A disciple of St Martin of Tours, dreds of legends, the key-note of them
but, unlike his master, a proud, ambi- all being mercy and pity for the poor.
tious and even licentious cleric. Never- In art St Brigid is represented holding a
theless, he was chosen to be St Martin's
cross, with a flame over her head, and
successor at Tours, and during twenty sometimes with a cow near her, since
years he continued to be a very un- she is reputed to be the protectress of
satisfactory ecclesiastic, being for this those engaged in dairy work. A greatly
reason eventually driven from his see. venerated Saint, she is the patron of
He went to Rome, repented, and was Ireland after St Patrick.
reinstated at Tours, and such was his
change of manners that his flock pro- BRIGID (St) V. AC. Feb 1
claimed him a saint immediately after 9th cent. Alleged sister of St Andrew,
his death. His cult spread throughout
abbot of St Donatus Tus-
at Fiesole in
N. Europe. cany. It is said that she was carried by
angels to her brother's deathbed. She
BRICTIUS (St) Bp. RM. July 9
died as a recluse in the Apennines. Most
d. f.312.Bishop of Martola near Spoleto
modern writers discard all this as pure
in Umbria, imprisoned for the Faith
under Diocletian. He escaped death, and
died a confessor under Constantine.
BRIDGET (several) AC. Jan 28
Otherwise Brigid, q.v. Venerated as daughters of a Scottish

chieftain, said to have been martyred in

BRIEUC (BRIOCUS, BRIOC) (St) Picardy while on a pilgrimage to Rome.
Bp. AC. May 1 They are most probably to be identified
£.420-510. Born in Cardiganshire, he with SS Maura and Britta (q.v.).
was educated in France by St Germanus
of Auxerre. He laboured very success- BRIGID of SWEDEN (BRIDGET,
and then in
fully first in his native land, BIRGITTA) (St) W. Foundress
Brittany, where he founded two abbeys, RM. Oct 8
one near Treguier, and the other where 304- 1 373. Born of a noble Swedish

the town of St Brieuc now stands. He is family, Brigid married, before she was
greatly venerated in Cornwall. fifteen, a Swedish prince, with whom she

lived happily for twenty-eight years, and ponent of the Priscillian heretics, whom
to whom she bore eight children. She he nevertheless always refused to hand
proved to be the ideal busy, home-lov- over for punishment by the state.
ing wife. In her widowhood she founded
the monastery of Wadstena (1344), thus BRIT WIN (BRITHWIN, BRITHUN)
instituting the Order of the Most Holy (St) Ab. OSB. AC. May 15
Saviour, known as "the Bridgettines". d. Abbot of Beverley. He re-
She is also famous for the visions and ceived his great friend and patron, St
revelations with which she was favoured John of Beverley, into his monastery,
by God, and which she recorded in after the latter had resigned the bishop-
writing. She died in Rome on her ric of York.
return from Jerusalem (July 23) and
was canonized eighteen years later BRIXIUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 13
(1391). In art she is represented clothed Otherwise Brice, q.v.
in the religious habit of her Order,
bearing a pilgrim's staff, holding a BROCARD (St) C. OC. AC. Sept 2
heart marked with a cross and with our d. 23 1. St Berthold's successor as prior

Saviour near her. of the Frankish hermits of Mt Carmel.

At his request St Albert, patriarch of
BRINSTAN (St) Bp. AC. Nov 4 Jerusalem, drew up for them the rule
Otherwise Birnstan, q.v. under which they developed in the West
into the Order of Mt Carmel. He was
BRIOC, (BRIOCUS) (St) Bp. highly respected by the Mohammedans.
AC. May 1

Otherwise Brieuc, q.v. BRON (St) Bp. AC. June 8

d. c.51 1. A disciple of St Patrick, conse-
BRITHWALD (BRIHTWALD, crated bishop of Cassel-Irra, near the
BERTHWALD, BERCTUALD) (St) town of Sligo.
Bp. OSB. AC. Jan 9
d. 731. An Anglo-Saxon, educated prob- BRONACH (BROMANA) (St) V.
ably at Canterbury; afterwards monk AC. Apr 2
and abbot of Reculver in Kent. He was ? Called the Virgin of Glen-Seichis and
elected archbishop of Canterbury in registered in the martyrologies of Tal-
692 and governed that see for thirty- laght and Donegal. Glen-Seichis is the
seven years. oldname of Kilbrony or Kilbronach, in
Co. Down, which takes its present
BRITHWOLD (St) Bp. OSB. appellation from her.
AC. Jan 22
d. 1045. A monk of Glastonbury. He BRONISLAVA (Bl) V. O. Praem.
was chosen bishop of Ramsbury (1005), AC. Aug 30
whence he removed the see to Old d. 1259. A cousin of St Hyacinth of
Sarum. He was a great benefactor of Poland. She was a professed Premons-
Malmesbury and Glastonbury, where tratensian nun in Poland, but died a
he was buried. recluse. Cult confirmed in 1839.


AC. May 5 (SS) AC. Oct 18
d. 386. Bishop of Treves. A stout op- ? 6th cent. Welsh saints, of whom

nothing is known but
the names and the BRUNO of SEGNI (St) Bp. OSB.
fact that they were given a public cult RM. July 18
in Wales. St Brothen is still the patron 1049- 1 123. Born at Solero (Asti) in
saint of Llanbrothen in Merionethshire. Piedmont, he studied in the monastery
Dolwyddelen and Llanwyddelan in of St Perpetuus at Asti, and at Bologna.
Montgomeryshire suggest a St Gwen- He first became known as the opponent
dolen; this and similar names are of Berengarius. In 1079 Gregory VII
diminutives of Gwen (white) and are made him bishop of Segni but he left ;

equivalent to our Blanche and its allied the see and became a monk, and then
forms. abbot, of Montecassino. The pope,
however, although allowing him to be-
BRUNO and Comp. (SS) MM. come a monk, had not definitely accepted
AC. Feb 2 his resignation of the see, and eventually
See Ebsdorf (Martyrs of). Bruno had to return to it. Among other
offices held by the saint were those of
BRUNO (St) Bp. RM. May 27 librarian of theHoly Roman See and
d. 1045. Appointed bishop of Wurzburg cardinal He was a profound
in 1033 and best remembered as the theologian, and his work on the Holy
fosterer of church-building throughout Eucharist is still very useful. Canonized
the diocese, on which work he spent all in 1 183.
his private fortune. While he was dining
with the emperor Henry III at Bosen- BRUNO (St) Founder RM. Oct 6
burg on the Danube, a gallery gave way, 1 030-1 1 01. Born at Cologne, he studied
killing the saintly bishop on the spot. at Reims and Paris, and became chan-
cellorof the diocese of Reims. In 1084
BRUNO SERONKUMA (St) M. he retired with six companions to La
RM. June 3 Grande Chartreuse, near Grenoble, and
d. 1885. A King Mwanga of
soldier of there he founded his order, or rather a
Uganda. He was baptized on Nov 18, monastery of monk-hermits, under the
1885, and burnt alive a few weeks later, Benedictine rule, which at a later period
having refused a drink on the road to grew into the Carthusian Order. Bl
martyrdom. See Uganda (Martyrs of). Urban II, who had been St Bruno's
student at Reims, called the saint to
BRUNO-BONIFACE (St) M. OSB. Rome, to be a papal counsellor. Even
Cam. RM. June 19 and Oct 15 here, though never fully released from
d. 1009. Born at Querfurt, and educated the pope's service, St Bruno managed
at the cathedral-schoolof Magdeburg. to establish another Charterhouse at La
He accompanied Otto III to Italy (996) Torre in Calabria, whither he was
and there he received the Camaldolese allowed to retire. He refused the see of
habit from St Romuald. He was made Reggio. St Bruno excelled as a biblical
Archbishop of Mersburg, and sent to exegete, writing on the psalms and on
evangelize Prussia and Russia. He was St Paul's epistles.
martyred with eighteen companions
(Feb. 14). Note that St Boniface of the BRUNO (St) Bp. AC. Oct 11
RM. on June 1 9 and St Bruno on Oct 1 f.925-965. Called "the Great", a title

are one and the same person. Bruno was which nowadays would seem rather to
the baptismal, and Boniface the monas- belong to the founder of the Carthu-
tic, name of the saint. sians. This Bruno was the youngest son

of the emperor, Henry the Fowler, and BULGARIA (Martyrs of) (SS)
St Matilda. From childhood, we are RM. July 23
told, he was devoted to learning; Pru- 9th cent. During the war between the
dentius was his bedside book. In 953 Greek emperor, Nicephorus, and the
he was made bishop of Cologne, being Bulgars, not as yet Christians, many
already commendatory abbot of Lorsch Catholics, besides those slain in battle,
and Corvey. As archbishop his political were put to death on account of their
influence was a factor in the consolida- Faith. There is much uncertainty as to
tion of the German States. the exact circumstances, but they have
always been reckoned as martyrs.
BRUNO (Bl) C. OSB. AC. Dec 24
d. c.1050. A Benedictine lay-brother of BURCHARD (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist.
the abbey of Ottobeuren in Bavaria.
PC. Apr 19
d. 1 1 64. A favourite monk and disciple
BRYNACH (BERNACH, BERNA- of St Bernard at Clairvaux. He was
CUS) (St) C. AC. Apr 7 appointed successively abbot of Balerne
? 5th cent. An Irishman who settled in (1136) and of Bellevaux (f.1157).
Wales, where he built a cell and a
church at a place called Carn-Englyi
(Mountain of Angels), overhanging
Nevern (Pembrokeshire). Some authors
AC. June 25
identify him with St Brannock of
d. 1 122. Monk of the Benedictine abbey
of St Michael at Bamberg, and first
abbot of Mallersdorf in Bavaria.

(St) AC. May 9
d. 13 17 (Feb 6).A Swede, bishop of BURCHARD (Bl) Bp. OSB.
Scara in W. Gothland. Canonized in AC. Aug 20
1498. d. 1026. A native of Hesse who, after
studying at Coblentz, became a monk at

BUDOC (BUDEAUX) (St) Bp. Lobbes. In 1006 he was compelled by

AC. Dec 9 the emperor Otto to accept the bishop-
ric of Worms. He is famous as a compiler
? 7th cent. A Breton, educated in Ire-
land, where he became abbot of You- of canons and decretals.
ghal.Returning afterwards to Brittany,
he succeeded SS Samson and Maglorius BURCHARD (St) Bp. OSB.
in the see of Dol. He has given his RM. Oct 14
name to several places in Devon and d. r.754. An English priest and monk
Cornwall. who joined the German mission under
St Boniface (c.732). He was consecrated
BUITHE (BUITE, BOETHIUS) (St) firstbishop of Wiirzburg (Herbipolis),
C. AC. Dec 7 and founded there several Benedictine
d. 521. A Scot, who spent some years in abbeys, of which the most important
Italy and elsewhere on the continent was St Andrew's, afterwards called
and, returning to Scotland, evangelized afterhim. About the year 753 he resigned
the Picts. From him it seems that his bishopric to a monk of Fritzlar and
Carbuddo (Castrum Butthi) takes its spent the remaining months of his life
name. in monastic retirement.



(BB) Mks. OSB. PC. Nov 18 6th cent. An Irishwoman who lived as a
d. ^.1065. Two Benedictine monks who recluse in Cornwall. The place-name
were among the pioneers of the priory of St Buryan, opposite the Scilly Islands,
Thouace in Anjou, founded by St perpetuates her memory.


AC. Dec 8
Abs. OSB. RM. Apr 3 and Dec 7 d. A
Hungarian Count who be-
1 24 1.
d. 657. Blessed by St Columbanus in her
came a famous friar preacher. Killed in
infancy, Burgundofara early developed
front of the altar by the Tartars when
a religious vocation in spite of the fierce
they invaded Pesth.
opposition of her father, a noble
Frankish courtier. In the end he had to
giveway and founded for her the nun- BYBLIG (BIBLIG, PEBLIG,
nery of Brige (Brie) or Evoriacum — PIBLIG, PUBLICIUS) AC. July 3
later called Faremoutiers, i.e. Fara's ? 5th cent. A man
connected with
Monastery —over which she ruled for Carnarvon and honoured with a cult in
thirty-seven years. Many English nun- parts of Wales, of whom, however,
saints were trained under her. nothing certain is known.

CADELL (St) ? was sent to Ireland to be educated at
A Welsh saint, giving its name
7th cent. Armagh. He came to England and is said
to Llangadell in Glamorgan. to have saved London from destruction
by fire. Then he passed over to France
CADFAN (St) Ab. AC. Nov 1 and took the Benedictine habit at Fleury.
d. early 6th cent. A native of Brittany, Shortly after he was made abbot of the
who came over to Wales and founded new foundation of Waulsort on the
several monasteries. His name is chiefly Meuse and finally called to Metz to
associated with those of Towyn in restore St Clement's.
Merionethshire and Bardsey Island
(Ynys Enlli). CADWALLADOR (St) King
AC. Nov 12 (Oct 9)
CADFARCH (St) AC. Oct 24 d. C.6S2. A Wales of the
chieftain in
6th cent. A Welsh saint, disciple of St
ancient British race, not to be confused
Illtyd, and member of a family of
with the Anglo-Saxon St Cead walla.
saints. He is said to have founded
churches at Penegoes and Abererch.
Otherwise often written Cecilia, Cecil-
CADVAEL) (St) Bp. M. AC. Jan 24
anus, Celestine, and sometimes Coeles-
A Welsh monk, founder of the
d. r.580.
great monastery of Llancarfan not far
from Cardiff,which became a veritable
house of Accompanied by St
CAECILIA (Bl) V. OP. AC. June 9
Gildas, St Cadoc later continued his
See Diana, Caecilia and Amata the —
first Dominican nuns.
religious life on an island off the coast
of Vannes in Brittany. He returned to
Britain and is said to have taken spiritual
PC. Aug 17
charge of the Britons, his compatriots,
See Benedicta and Caecilia.
in the Eastern counties, during their last
struggle with the conquering Saxons, by
whom he was martyred near Weedon
CAECILIA (St) VM. RM. Nov 22
2nd~3rd cent. One of the most famous
of martyred Roman maidens. Having
suffered for Christ, she was buried in the

5th cent. The titular saint of Llangadock cemetery of St Callistus. Her name is in
in Carmarthen, not to be confused with the Canon of the Mass. At about the
the later St Cadoc or Docus. same time there suffered at Rome SS
Valerian and Tiburtius who were buried
CADROE (CADROEL) (St) Ab. in the cemetery of Praetextatus. What
OSB. AC. March 6 connexion they had with St Caecilia, it
d. 976. The son of a Scottish prince, he is difficult now to ascertain. The relics of


all three rest at present beneath the high CAELLAINN (CAOILFIONN) (St)
altar of the basilica of St Caecilia in V. AC. Feb
Trastevere. All this is certain, and ? 6th cent. An Irish saint listed in the
certain too it is that as early as the 4th Martyrology of Donegal. A church in
century St Caecilia was already cele- Roscommon perpetuates her memory.
brated as one of the greatest Roman
martyrs. The acts, however, which we CAEREALIS, PUPULUS, CAIUS
now possesscannot be admitted as and SERAPION (SS) MM.
history. St Caecilia is the patron saint of
RM. Feb 28
musicians. In art she is represented ? Martyrs at Alexandria in Egypt. Some
playing the organ or the harp. ancient MSS read Cerulus or Celerius
for Caerealis. Caius was added to the
group by Baronius.
OP. PC. Dec 19
d. 151 1. Married to a very virtuous
husband, they separated by mutual
CAEREALIS (St) M. RM. June 10
See Getulius, Caerealis, etc.
consent to become religious, and she
joined the Dominican nuns at Ferrara.
CAECILIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 16 MM. RM. Sept 14
See Saragossa (Martyrs of). and his wife
d. 251. Caerealis, a soldier,
were instructed in the Faith by
CAECILIAN (St) C. RM. June 3
Pope St Cornelius, and martyred at
Otherwise Caecilius, q.v. Rome under Decius.

CAECILIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 15 CAESAREA (St) V. AC. May 15

See Torquatus, Ctesiphon, etc. ? An maiden, who in defence of
her virtue took refuge in a cave, near
CAECILIUS (CAECILIAN) (St) C. Otranto, S. Italy, and lived therein as a
RM. June 3 recluse. This cave is now a place of
3rd cent. A priest of Carthage, who, popular pilgrimage.
according to the RM., brought St
Cyprian to the faith of Christ. St
CAESAREUS (St) M. RM. Apr 20
Cyprian never ceased to revere Caeci-
See Victor, Zoticus, etc.
lius's name, adding it to his own, and
on Caecilius's death taking charge of
his wife and children. CAESARIA (St) V. AC. Jan 12
d. r.530. Sister of St Caesarius of Aries,
CAEDMON (St) Mk. OSB. and abbess of the great nunnery founded
AC. Feb 11 by her brother in that city. According to
d. C.6S0. A Northumbrian, attached first the testimony of her contemporaries,
as a farm-servant and then as a lay- Gregory of Tours and Venantius Fortu-
brother to the community of Whitby natus, she was a person of outstanding
under St Hilda. He was the first of the gifts.

Anglo-Saxons to write in verse.

CAESARIUS (St) C. AC. Jan 29
CAELIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 15 1 st cent. Deacon of Angouleme under
See Faustinus, Lucius, etc. its first bishop St Ausonius.

CAESARIUS of NAZIANZUS (St) of St Caesarius on the Appian Way in
C. RM. Feb 25 Rome, now a title of one of the cardinal
d. 369. Brother of St Gregory Nazian- deacons, is dedicated to St Caesarius
zen and physician at the imperial court the African.
of Byzantium, even under Julian the
Apostate, who endeavoured unsuccess- CAESARIUS, DACIUS and Comp.
fully to drag Caesarius back to pagan-
(SS) RM. Nov 1
ism. The saint, however, remained a A group of seven martyrs who suf-
catechumen nearly all and was
his life,
fered at Damascus.
baptized only after a narrow escape
from death in an earthquake at Nicea in
Bithynia. We owe all these details to
CAESARIUS (St) Bp. AC. Nov 1

the funeral oration delivered by his

d. p. 627. The nineteenth or the twenty-
second bishop of Clermont.
brother Gregory.


RM. Aug
27 See Germanus, Theophilus, etc.

470-543. A native of Chalon-sur-Saone,

at the age of twenty he became a monk CAESARIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 28
at Lerins, and at the age of thirty (500) d. 309. Father of a notorious Arian,
was chosen bishop of Aries. A great Eudoxius by name, his own past life
churchman, he presided over several had not been above reproach; but he
councils, notably over that of Orange atoned for it all by his heroic death at
(529) which condemned Semi-pelagian- the stake at Arabissus in Armenia, under
ism. He founded the great nunnery Galerius Maximian.
afterwards called by his name at Aries,
for which he drew up a monastic rule
and of which his sister St Caesaria be-
CAESIDIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
31 Aug
came abbess. He was zealous for de-
3rd cent. Known only from the un-
corum in liturgical worship. He excelled
reliable Acta of St Rufinus (Aug n), in
as a preacher, and his homilies may still
which he is said to have been the son
be read with much profit. His people
of that saint, and to have been martyred,
looked upon him as their leader even in
with a group of Christians, on the shores
social and political affairs, and he
of Lake Fucino, sixty miles east of
always proved worthy of their trust.
During the caused by the siege
of Aries in 508 he sold the treasures of
his church to relieve the poor. He is said
CAGNOALD (St) Bp. AC. Sept 6
d. r.635. Brother of St Faro and St
to have been the first archbishop in
Western Europe to receive the pallium Burgundofara. He became a monk at

from the pope. Luxeuil under Columbanus, and

afterwards the sixth bishop of Laon.


MM. RM. Nov 1 CAIAN (St) AC. Sept 25
? The former was an African deacon, 5th cent. A
son or grandson of King
the latter a priest. Both were martyred Brychan of Brecknock. His church at
at Terracina, and their names appear in Tregaian in Anglesey perpetuates his
the earliest martyrologies. The church memory.


CAIDOC and FRICOR (ADRIAN) tertiary, who insisted on being arrested

(SS) HH. AC. Apr i with the friars. He was crucified with
7th cent. Two Irishmen who evangel- twenty-five companions at Nagasaki.
ized the country of the Morini in N. Beatified 1627, canonized in 1862.
France. St Ricarius, the future founder
of Centula (Saint-Riquier), was one of CAIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 28
their converts. Their relics are still See Caerealis, Pupulus, etc.
venerated at the parish church of Saint-
Riquier, diocese of Amiens. CAIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
4 RM. March
CAILLIN (St) Bp. AC. Nov 13 d. 254-259. Caius, an
of the officer
7th cent. Associated with St Aedan imperial palace, was with twenty-seven
(Maidhoc) of Ferns. It is narrated of (some MSS have thirty-seven) other
him that he turned certain unbelieving Christians thrown into the sea at Nico-
Druids into stone. media.


TRA (St) Ab. AC. March 24 or 25 RM. March 10
d. 653. An Irish recluse who had led a d. f.172. Two Christians martyred at
life of great austerity on an island in Apamea in Phrygia under Marcus
Lough Derg, to which his reputation Aurelius. They had previously dis-
for sanctity attracted many disciples. tinguished themselves as firm oppo-
Later in life he founded a monastery nents of the Montanists.
and church on the island of the Seven
Churches. He was a fellow- worker with CAIUS and CREMENTIUS (SS)
St Senan. A fragment of the Psalter of MM. RM. Apr 16
St Caimin, copied with his own hand, d. 304.Martyrs or (according to Fortu-
still exists. natus) Confessors of the faith at Sara-
gossa, they belong to the group
CAIRLON (CAORLAN) (St) Bp. "Martyrs of Saragossa". See Saragossa.
AC. March 24
6th cent. An Irish abbot, said to have CAIUS of MELITENE (St) M.
died and to have been restored to life by RM. Apr 19
St Dageus. Afterwards, when St Cairlon See Hermogenes, Caius, etc.
had been made archbishop of Cashel,
St Dageus placed himself and his CAIUS (St) Pope RM. Apr 22
monks under his rule. d. r.296. Nothing reliable is known
about the life or death of this pope. He
CAIRNECH (St) AC. May 16 is said to have been a Dalmatian, and
Otherwise Carantac, q.v. the pope who recognized officially the
six orders preceding the priesthood. He
CAIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 4 suffered ill-treatment under Diocletian,
See Hermes, Aggaeus and Caius. but was not a martyr.


OFM. RM. Feb 5 OP. AC. June 1

d. 1597. A Japanese soldier, recently d. 1627. A

Japanese born of Christian
baptized and received as a Franciscan parents on the isle of Amakusa. He be-


came a Dominican tertiary and helped CAIUS of COREA (Bl) M.

the friars in their missionary work. He AC. Nov 15
was burnt alive at Nagasaki (Aug 17). d. 1627. A former Corean bonze who
Beatified in 1867. fled from his country to Nagasaki,
where he harboured Dominican friars.
CAIUS and LEO (SS) MM. A tertiary OP.
RM. June 30
? Martyrs either in Africa or in Rome. CAIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 20
Caius was a priest and Leo a subdeacon. See Ampelus and Caius.


RM. Aug 28 Founder RM. Aug 7
See Fortunatus, Caius and Anthes. 1480-1 547. Born at Vicenza, in Lom-
bardy, a scion of the family of the
CAIUS of MILAN (St) Bp. counts of Thienna (Tiene). He re-
RM. Sept 27 nounced the dignities offered him in
1 st cent. He is said to have been the suc- Rome in order to devote his life to the
cessor of St Barnabas the Apostle in service of the sick and the poor at
the see of Milan, which he governed for Vicenza. Later, with Peter Caraffa
twenty-four years. He is also said to (afterwards Pope Paul IV), he founded
have baptized the martyr St Vitalis and the congregation of clerks regularly
his sons SS Gervase and Protase. St called Theatines,from Theate (Chieti),
Charles Borromeo enshrined his relics in the Abruzzi, where Caraffa was
in the church of St Francis at Milan bishop. The institute, characterized by
(i57i). absolute trust in divine providence,
played a part in the counter-Reforma-
CAIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 3
tion. St Cajetan died at Naples ; he was
See Dionysius, Faustus, etc.
canonized in 1671.


See Crispus and Caius.
CALAIS (St) Ab. AC. July 1

Otherwise Carilefus, q.v.


See Florian, Calanicus, etc.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 4
3rd cent. Victims at Alexandria of the
persecution under Valerian (257). Caius
and Faustus are probably the saints of
and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. May 10
those names commemorated with St
d. 222-232. A number of Roman mar-
Dionysius of Alexandria, their bishop,
tyrs who suffered under Alexander
on Oct 3. Eusebius, a deacon, survived
Severus, during the pontificate of Calli-
to become bishop of Laodicea, and died
stus I. Calepodius, a priest, was the first
in 269. Chaeremon, who had already
to suffer; he has given its name to a
suffered under Decius,was sent into
exile. Of Lucius nothing certain is
Roman catacomb. St Palmatius, of
consular rank, died with his wife and
children and forty-two of his household.
CAIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 21 St Simplicius, a senator, was martyred
See Dasius, Zoticus, etc. with sixty-five of his family and


dependents. SS Felix and Blanda were full details of his martyrdom, and he is

husband and wife. All were victims of held in high esteem in the Eastern
an outburst of fury on the part of the Churches.
heathen mob.
CALLIOPE (St) M. RM. June 8
CALETRICUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 4 d. ? 250. An Eastern martyr, beheaded
529-^.580. Born at Chartres he became for Christ. Neither the place nor the
bishop of that city after the death of St exact date of her martyrdom is known.
Lubinus (^.557). Her acts are untrustworthy.


July 31 RM. d. f.303. A martyr, who, under Diocle-
d. ago. A Greek, educated in Rome by tian, was crucified head downwards at
Pope St Telesphorus, he became bishop Pompeiopolis in Cilicia.
of Milan. He was the apostle of the
valley of the Po. Under the emperor CALLISTA (St) M. RM. Sept 2
Commodus he was martyred by being See Evodius, Hermogenes and Callistus.
cast headlong into a deep well. He is
buried under the high altar of his church CALLISTHENE (St) V. AC. Oct 4
at Milan. See Adauctus and Callisthene.


(Bl) C. OP. PC. Nov 28 MM. RM. Sept 26
d. 1 52 1. A Friar Preacher who spent his d. f.300. A body of fifty African soldiers
life preaching throughout Italy. When put to death at Constantinople under
a nonagenarian and unable to climb Diocletian. They were sewn up in sacks
into the pulpit he persuaded others to and cast into the sea.
lift him into it in order that he might


Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Apr 16
CALIXTUS (several) 3rd cent. Nine Christians of Corinth,
Otherwise Callistus, q.v. martyred by being thrown into the sea.


MM. RM. March 22 RM. Oct 14 (and Aug 14)
d. 250. Rich ladies of Galatia in Asia d. c.222. A Christian slave of Rome, of
Minor, who spent their fortune in outstanding natural gifts, who was
succouring the Christians imprisoned made deacon by Pope St Zephyrinus,
for their faith. Both were martyred on whomhe succeeded as pope (217). For
that account. towards repentant
his lenient attitude
sinners he incurred the wrath of the
CALLINICUS (St) M. RM. Jan 28 rigorists —
notably St Hippolytus, Ter-
See Thyrsus, Leucius and Callinicus. tullian and Novatian. He condemned
Sabellianism and other heresies. As
CALLINICUS (St) M. RM. July 29 deacon he had superintended the
? 3rd cent. A native of Gangra, the chief Christian cemetery on the Appian Way,
town of Paphlagonia in Asia Minor. He which is still known by his name. He
was burnt to death. Metaphrastes gives was probably martyred. He is honoured

as amartyr at Todi on Aug 14 and is at Rome, and lived for thirty-five years
mentioned in the RM. on this date. as a recluse near Girgenti in Sicily, after
having evangelized the isles of Lipari.
CALLISTUS (St) M. AC. Oct 15
d. 1003. A native of Huesca, in Aragon, CALOGERUS (St) Ab. AC. June 18
who, together with St Mercurialis, See Gregory, Demetrius and Calogerus.
passed over to France and died there
fighting against the Saracens. They are CALUPAN (St) H. AC. March 3
still venerated in the diocese of Tarbes. d. 575. Monk
of Meallet in Auvergne,
and afterwards a recluse in a neigh-
CALLISTUS, FELIX and BONI- bouring cave.
FACE (SS) MM. RM. Dec 29
? Roman martyrs, whose names are CAMELIAN (St) Bp. AC. July 28
Western martyrologies,
listed in all the d. £.525. Successor of St Lupus in the
but about whom nothing is known. see of Troyes (478-^.525).


Otherwise Callistus, q.v. See Luxorius, Cisellus and Camerinus.


H. AC. Aug 19 A native of Civitavecchia who
d. £.437.
d. £.690. A hermit in Gaul who founded became a disciple of St Germanus of
the abbeys of Villars (Calminiacum, Auxerre Ravenna and accompanied
Saint Chaffe), and Mauzac, near Riom. his corpse to Auxerre. She settled near
that place as a recluse and died there.
CALOCERUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 11
A disciple of St Apollinaris,
d. f.130. CAMILLA GENTILI (Bl) V.
whom he succeeded in the see of AC. May 18
Ravenna. d. i486. A maiden of holy life who is

venerated in the church of the Domini-

CALOCERUS (St) M. RM. Apr 18
can friars at San Severino. Cult
? Nothing reliable is known about this
approved in 1841.
martyr. His acts, which belong to a
much later period, connect him with
SS Faustinus and Jovita, and make him
Clare. AC. May 31
an officer of the emperor Hadrian at
d. 1527. Abbess of a convent founded
Brescia in Lombardy.
by her father at Camerino, in Italy. Cult
CALOCERUS and PARTHENIUS confirmed in 1843.
(SS) MM. RM. May 19
d. 250. Two brothers, eunuchs in the CAMILLUS de LELLIS (St) Foun-
palace of Tryphonia, wife of the em- der. RM. July 18
peror Decius. They were martyred at 1550-1614. A native of the Abruzzi in

Rome in the Decian persecution. central Italy, who after some years of
soldiering, tried to join the Capuchins,
CALOGERUS the ANCHORET (St) but had to leave them on account of a
M. RM. June 18 disease of the feet, which proved in-
d. f.486. A Greek who received the curable. Ultimately he found his voca-
monastic habit at the hands of the pope tion in the service of the sick, for whom

he founded the nursing congregation of gates ofRome. In the 9th century Pope
the Ministers of the Sick, approved in St Paschal I enshrined her relics in the
1 59 1. Before this, St Camillus had been church of St Praxedes.
ordained priest by Thomas Goldwell of
St Asaph, the last English bishop of the CANDIDA the ELDER VM.
old hierarchy. Canonized in 1746, and RM. Sept 4
declared by Leo XIII patron saint of d. r.78. An aged woman who is said to
the sick and of their nurses. have welcomed St Peter when passing
through Naples on his way to Rome and
CAMILLUS CONSTANZI (Bl) M. to have been miraculously cured by him
SJ. AC. Oct 12 of a malady. In her turn she converted
1 572-1 622. An Italian Jesuit and a mis- St Aspren, who became the first bishop
sionary in Japan, who was banished of Naples.
from that country as a Christian, but
returned and was burnt to death over a CANDIDA the YOUNGER (St)
slow fire at Firando (Sept 15). Beatified RM. Sept 10
in 1867. d. ? 586. A married woman of Naples,
who sanctified herself by fulfilling per-
CAMIN or INNISKELTRA (St) Ab. fectly her duties as a wife and as a
AC. March 24 or 25 mother. The RM. described her as
Otherwise Caimin, q.v. "famous for her miracles".

CAMPANIA (Martyrs of) (SS) CANDIDA (St) VM. RM. Sept 20

RM. March 2 A martyred maiden of Carthage
d. f.300.

6th cent. Christians put to death by the under Maximian Herculeus. The date
Lombards. They numbered several of her martyrdom is contested ; see the
hundreds (the RM. mentions eighty). Bollandists on this controversy.

As to their claim to the title of martyrs,

we have the testimony of St Gregory CANDIDA (St) M. RM. Dec
the Great, their contemporary. See Lucius, Rogatus, etc.


AC. Dec 1 RM. Feb 2
See Edmund Campion, SJ. See Fortunatus, Felician, etc.

CANDIDA (St) W. AC. Jan 27 CANDIDUS (St) M. RM. March 10

d. f.798. Mother of St Emerius, the One of the Forty Armenian Martyrs,
founder of the abbey of St Stephen of q.v.

Banoles. She died as a recluse near the

monastery, in the diocese of Gerona,
(SS)MM. RM. March 11
d. f.254-259. Twenty-two African mar-
tyrs who suffered either at Carthage or
CANDIDA (St) M. RM. June 6
at Alexandria, most probably under
See Artemius, Candida and Paulina.
Valerian and Gallienus. Particulars are
CANDIDA (St) VM. RM. Aug 29
? One of a group of martyrs who suf- CANDIDUS (St) M. RM. Sept 22
fered on the Ostian Way, outside the See Theban Legion.

CANDIDUS (St) M. RM. Oct 3 Brecknock. He met his death as a result
? A Roman martyr, buried on the of an inroad of barbarians at Merthyr-
Esquiline Hill, in the place called "ad Cynog. Several churches in Wales were
Ursum Pileatum". dedicated to him. In Brittany he is

known as St Cenneur.
CANDIDUS (St) M. RM. Dec 15
See Faustinus, Lucius, etc. CANTIAN and CANTIANILLA
(SS) RM. May 31
CANDRES (St) Bp. AC. Dec 1 See Cantius, Cantian, etc.
5th cent. A regionary bishop who evan-
gelized the territory of Maestricht. He is CANTIDIUS, CANTIDIAN and
still liturgically commemorated in the SOBEL (SS) MM. RM. Aug 5
diocese of Rouen. ? Egyptian martyrs of whom nothing is

known except the fact of their martyr-

f.515-599. Born in N. Ireland, he was TIANILLA and PROTUS (SS) MM.
trained to the monastic life under St RM. May 31
Finian of Clonard, and St Cadoc in d. c .304. Two brothers and their sister,
Wales. Then he went to Glasnevin. He said to have belonged to the Roman
founded the monastery of Agahanoe family of the Anicii. They were mar-
and perhaps of Kilkenny, and later tyred at Aquileia, whither they had
preached in Scotland under St Colum- retired, together with their tutor, Pro-
ba and was the first to build a church in tus by name, under Diocletian. We have
the place now known as St Andrews. still a preached in
panegyric their
He has always been very popular in honour by St Maximus of Turin.
Ireland the city of Kilkenny is named

after him. CANUTE (KNUD) LAVARD (St)

M. RM. Jan 7
CANION (St) C. RM. Sept 1 d. 1 133. A nephew of St Canute, king of
See Briscus, Castrensis, etc. Denmark, with whom is sometimes
confused. He was duke of Schleswig,
CANNATUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 15 and his life was spent mostly in war
5th cent. Bishop of Marseilles after St against the viking pirates. He was slain
Honoratus. as a result of a conspiracy of the Danes,
headed by a kinsman of his, pretender
CANNERA (CAINDER, KINNERA) to the throne. Canonized in 1171 and
(St) V. AC. Jan 28 venerated as a martyr.
d. £.530. An maiden who lived as
a recluse near Bantry. She died after CANUTE (KNUD) (St) King, M.
visiting St Senan and receiving Holy RM. Jan 19
Communion at his hands. She was d. 1086. Natural son of Sweyn III, king
buried on St Senan's island of Ennis- of Denmark, and great-nephew of
corthy. Canute, king of England, he succeeded
to the Danish throne as Canute IV. He
CANOG (CYNOG) M. AC. Oct 7 displayed a warlike zeal for the spread-
d. c .492. Eldest son of King Brychan of ing of the gospel in Denmark itself,

Courland, Livonia and elsewhere. He but on hearing of the courage of St
was prevented by treachery from help- Faith at the stake, he came forth and
ing the Anglo-Saxons against their boldly confessed his religion. He was
Norman conquerors. Though well liked forthwith beheaded.
by his people, he was church
killed in a
by a party of malcontents, headed by his CARADOC (St) Ab. AC. Apr 13
brother Olaf (July 10). As this crime d. 1 1 24. A
Welshman, harpist at the
was prompted by opposition to the laws court of King Rhys of S. Wales, who
he had enacted to enforce the payment became a monk at Llandaff, and then
of tithes, he was considered a martyr lived as a hermit in different places on —
and as such was canonized by the Holy Barry Island, at St Issels, etc. in S. —
See, at the request of Eric III, king of Wales. He had much to suffer during
Denmark, in noi. the English invasion under Henry I. He
was buried with great honour in the
CAPITO (St) Bp. M. RM. March 4 cathedral of St David's.
See Basil, Eugene, etc.


CAPITO (St) M. RM. July 24 See Aphrodisius, Caralippus, etc.

See Meneus and Capito.

MM. RM. Oct 27 5th cent. A Welsh prince who laboured
d. 304. A Cappadocian lady and her under St Patrick in the evangelization
hand-maid, martyred under Diocletian. of Ireland.

CAPPADOCIA (Martyrs of) (SS) CARANTOCK (St) Ab. AC. May 16

RM. May 23 6th cent. A Welsh abbot, founder of the
d. 303. A group of martyrs, put to death church of Llangranog. He is associated
in Cappadocia, under Galerius, after with Crantock in Cornwall and Car-
having suffered exquisite tortures. hampton in Somerset. He is also highly
venerated in Brittany. Some writers
CAPRASIUS (St) Ab. RM. June 1 identify him with St Carantac.
d. c .430. A native of Gaul, he retired to
the island of Lerins to live as a hermit. CARANUS (St) Bp. AC. Dec 24
Thither he was followed by SS Honora- 7th cent. A saint commemorated in the
tus and Venantius, and together they Aberdeen breviary. He belonged to E.
went to the East to visit the monastic Scotland.
colonies there. Venantius died in
Greece; the other two returned to CARAUNUS (CERAUNUS,
Lerins, where St Honoratus founded CHERON) (St) M. RM. May 28
the famous abbey, and on his being 5th cent. A Christian of Roman descent,
appointed bishop of Aries, he was suc- he preached the gospel in Gaul, and was
ceeded by Caprasius as abbot. killed by robbers near Chartres. A
church and monastery were built over
CAPRASIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 20 his tomb.
A native of Agen in S. France,
d. 303.
who, owing to fear, concealed himself CARDEfrA, Martyrs of
during the persecution of Diocletian; See Stephen of Cardena.

CARILEFUS (CARILEPHUS, Compiegne, guillotined in Paris during
CARILEFF, CALAIS) Ab. (St) the French Revolution. They went to
AC. July i the scaffold singing the Salve Regina.
d. r.536. A French monk, friend and Beatified in 1906. Each is given a
companion of St Avitus. He was the separate notice in this book.
abbot-founder of the abbey of Anisole in
Maine. His cult is found chiefly at Blois. CARMES (Martyrs des) (BB)
AC. Sept 2
CARINA (St) M. RM. Nov 7 See September (Martyrs of).
See Melasippus, Antony and Carina.
7 AC. May 16
5th cent. A native of Albi, in France. Otherwise Carantac, q.v.
She retired to a forest near the city,
then to the nunnery of Viants (Vious). CARON (St) Bp. AC. March 5

She is liturgically commemorated at Albi. ? The title Tregaron in Cardi-

saint of
ganshire. Nothing is known about him.
CARITAS (St) VM. RM. Aug 1

Otherwise Charity. See Faith, Hope CARPONIUS, EVARISTUS and

and Charity. PRISCIAN (SS) MM. RM. Oct 14
d. r.303.Three brothers who, with their
CARLOMAN (Bl) Mk. OSB. sister St Fortunata, were among the
AC. Aug 17 Christians martyred under Diocletian at
707-755. Eldest son of Charles Martel, Caesarea in Palestine. Their relics were
and brother of Pepin the Short. On his translated to Naples.
father's death he became king of Aus-
trasia. As such, he promoted the founda- CARPOPHORUS, EXANTHUS,
tion of the abbeys of Fulda, Lobbes, CASSIUS, SEVERINUS, SECUN-
Stavelot, etc., helped St Boniface in the DUS and LICINIUS (SS) MM.
evangelization of the Germanies, and RM. Aug 7
endeavoured to remedy the injustice d. f.295. Christian soldiers who were
done by Charles Martel with regard to put to death at Como in N. Italy, under
ecclesiastical property. On St Boniface's Maximian Herculius.
advice he left the kingdom to his
brother, received the Benedictine habit CARPOPHORUS (St) M
at the hands of Pope St Zachary and RM. Aug 27
was a monk first on Mt. Soracte and See Ruphus and Carpophorus.
then at Montecassino, where he was
employed in the kitchen and as the CARPOPHORUS (St) M.
shepherd of the abbey. Having been RM. Nov 8
sent to maintain peace between Pepin See Four Crowned Martyrs.
and the Lombards, he died in a mon-
astery at Vienne. He has an altar dedi- CARPOPHORUS and ABUNDIUS
cated to him at Montecassino. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 10
d. 290-300. A priest and his deacon
CARMELITE NUNS of COM- who suffered under Diocletian. Rome,
PlfeGNE (BB) MM AC. July 17 Spoleto and Seville have been given as
d. 1794. Sixteen nuns of the Carmel of the place of their martyrdom.


CARPUS, PAPYLUS, monastery-school of Lismore. Cult

AGATHONICA, AGATHODORUS confirmed in 1903.
and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Apr 13
d. 150 (or 250). Carpus was the bishop CARTHUSIAN MARTYRS (BB)
of Thyatira, Papylus, his deacon, AC. May 4
Agathonica, the latter's sister, and 1 535-1 540. Eighteen monks of the Car-
Agathodorus, their servant. They were thusian Order in England, put to death
martyred with many others at Pergamos for their allegiance to the Holy See under
in the time of Marcus Aurelius or of Henry VIII. Beatified in 1886. Each is
Decius. given a separate notice in this book.

CARPUS (St) RM. Oct 13 CASDOE (St) M. RM. Sept 29

1 st cent. The Carpus of Troas on the See Dadas, Casdoe and Gabdelas.
Hellespont with whom St Paul (II Tim.
IV, 13) says "he had left his cloak". CASILDA (St) V. AC. Apr 9
Nothing more is known about him. A native
d. f.1050. of Toledo and said
Some Greek writers make him a bishop. to have been of Moorish parentage. She
became a Christian and led the life of
CARTERIUS (St) M. AC. Jan 8 an anchoress near Briviesca in the pro-
d. 304. A priest of Caesarea in Cappa- vince of Burgos. She is greatly venerated
docia, who suffered under Diocletian. throughout Spain, chiefly in the pro-
He is venerated by the Greeks. vinces of Burgos and Toledo.


Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Nov 2 1460- 1 483. The second son of King
d. f.315. Ten Christian soldiers in the Casimir IV of Poland. His father wished
army of the emperor Licinius, burnt at him to seize the crown of Hungary
the stake at Sebaste in Armenia. which was offered to him by a powerful
party among the Hungarians: but the
CARTHAGE the ELDER (St) Bp. prince refused to employ force and was
AC. March 5 imprisoned by his father for three
d. f.540. The successor of £t Kieran in months. The remainder of his life he
He is said to have
the see of Ossory. devoted to prayer and study. He died of
been the son or grandson of King consumption in 1483. He is the patron
Aengus. saint of Poland and Lithuania.


MOCHUDA) the YOUNGER (St) One of the Magi, q.v.
Bp. AC. May 14
d. Born in Kerry, he founded
c.637. CASPAR CRATZ (Bl.) M. SJ.
(f.590) an abbey at Rathin in West- AC. Jan 12
meath, of which he was abbot-bishop, See John Caspar Cratz.
and for which he wrote a monastic rule
in verse. Shortly before his death (c.635) CASPAR SADAMAZU (Bl) M. SJ.
he and his community were expelled. AC. June 20
He led his monks to the banks of the d. 1626. A native of Omura in Japan, he
Blackwater and there established the was received into the society of Jesus at


Bungo 1582. He acted as secretary to studied for the priesthood at the Roman
several being Bl
provincials, the last College, and was ordained in 1808. He
Francis Pacheco, with whom he was was exiled to Corsica for refusing to
buried alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in swear allegiance to Napoleon. On his
1867. return in 18 14 he founded at Giano,
diocese of Spoleto, the first house of the
CASPAR de BONO (Bl) C.Minim. Missioners of the Most Precious Blood
AC. July 14 for mission work at home. After much
1 530-1 604. A
of Valencia in
native opposition it received the approval of
Spain, he became a silk merchant, then the Holy See, but by that time Caspar
a trooper and finally a Minim friar. After was already dead. Canonized in 1955.
his ordination in he was twice
appointed corrector provincial of the CASSIA M. RM.
(St) July 20
Spanish province of Minims. Beatified See Sabinus, Julian, etc.
in 1786.


CASSIAN (St) M. RM. March 26
See Peter, Marcian, etc.
AC. July 15
d. 1570. Born
Oporto in Portugal, he
became a Jesuit lay-brother, and was
CASSIAN (St) Ab. AC. July 23
Otherwise John Cassian, q.v.
one of a band of martyrs who suffered
with Bl Ignatius de Azevedo. Beatified
in 1854.
RM. Aug 5
CASPAR and MARY VAZ (BB) d. £.350.Bishop of Autun 314-350, he
MM. AC. Aug succeeded St Reticius, and was famous
d. 1627. Husband and wife, natives of for miracles. A life composed in the
Japan and tertiaries of St Francis, mar- 9th century makes him an Egyptian by
tyred at Nagasaki. Caspar was burnt origin.

alive and his wife beheaded. Beatified in

OFM. Cap. AC. Aug 7
CASPAR COTENDA (Bl) M. 1 607-1 638. Born at Nantes in France

AC. Sept 11 but of Spanish descent, he took the

d. 1622. A Japanese belonging to the Capuchin habit at Angers, and was sent
royal family of Firando. He was mar- to Egypt to preach to the Copts, to-
tyred at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. gether with Bl Agathangelus, q.v. He
was stoned to death on entering Abyssi-
CASPAR FISOGIRO (Bl) M. nia. Beatified in 1904.
AC. Oct 1
d. 1 617. A Japanese Christian, member CASSIAN of BENEVENTO (St) Bp.
of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. AC. Aug 12
He was beheaded at Nagasaki for having d. £.340. Bishop of Benevento in S.
befriended Bl Alphonsus Navarrete, Italy.His relics are enshrined in the
OP. Beatified in 1867. church of St Mary in the same city.


Founder AC. Dec 28 RM. Aug 13
1786-1836. A native of Rome, who 250? The laus of the RM. reads as

follows: "The birthday of holy Cassian St Gregory the Great has left on record
the martyr. When he refused to worship the virtues of this holy prelate.
idols, the persecutor summoned certain
boys who hated Cassian as their school- CASSIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 7
master, and afforded them the oppor- See Carpophorus, Exanthus, etc.

tunity of killing him. As their efforts

were puny, so was his suffering bitter CASSIUS, FLORENTIUS and
above the ordinary and his death pro- Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 10
tracted". The story is from Prudentius. put to death by the
d. 303. Christians
emperor Maximian Herculeus at Bonn
CASSIAN of TODI (St) Bp. M. in Germany.
RM. Aug 13
4th cent. A convert of St Pontian, bishop CASTOR and DOROTHEUS (SS)
of Todi, in Central Italy, and his suc- MM. RM. March 28
cessor in that see. He was martyred ? Two martyrs who suffered at Tarsus
under Maximian Herculeus. It is pos- in Cilicia in one of the early persecu-
sible that St Cassian of Imola was tions.
celebrated at Todi, and this gave rise to
the notion of a second saint. CASTOR and STEPHEN (SS) MM.
RM. Apr 27
CASSIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 1 ? Two martyrs who suffered at Tarsus
See Lucius, Rogatus, etc. in Cilicia in one of the early persecu-
tions. Some writers identifythem with
CASSIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 3 the preceding pair.
d. 298. During the trial of St Marcellus
(Oct 30) at Tangier under Diocletian, CASTOR (St) Bp. AC. Sept 2
Cassian, as the exceptor (official short- d. c .420. A native of Nimes, who mar-
hand-writer or recorder) of the court, ried a wife and settled at Marseilles.
was taking down the acta of the pro- After a short time they separated by
ceedings. Indignant at the injustice done mutual consent and both became religi-
to the martyr, he threw down his pen ous. Castor founded the monastery of
and declared himself a Christian. He Manauque, and shortly after was chosen
was arrested and a few weeks later he bishop of Apt. St John Cassian wrote
too suffered martyrdom. His acts are the De Institutis Coenobiorum at Castor's
quite authentic; he is also mentioned in request.
one of the hymns of Prudentius.
MUS and Comp. (SS) MM. ? African martyrs of whom the names
RM. May
15 only are known.
d. f.264. A group of martyrs of Cler-
mont Auvergne, who suffered at the
hands of Chrocas, chief of the invading PC. June 14
Teutonic barbarians. d. 1391. A Franciscan tertiary, wife and
widow of Santuccio Sanfonerio, a
CASSIUS of NARNI (St) Bp. lawyer at Sant' Angelo in Vado in Um-
RM. June 29 bria. She sanctified herself by the daily
d. 558. Bishop of Narni from 537 to 558. practice of the domestic virtues.

RM. July 7 and Nov 8 See Magnus, Castus and Maximus.
See Claudius, Nicostratus, etc., and
Four Crowned Martyrs. CASTUS (St) M. RM. Oct 6
See Marcellus, Castus, etc.
RM. Sept i and Feb n CATALDUS (St) Bp. RM. May 10
See Priscus, Castrensis, etc.
7th cent. Born in Munster, Ireland, he
was first a pupil, and then the head-
master, of the monastic school of Lis-
d. 137. The predecessor of St Cali-
more. On his return from a pilgrimage
merius in the see of Milan. He governed
to the Holy Land, he was chosen bishop
that see for forty-two years.
of their city by the people of Taranto,
in S. Italy. He is the titular of the
CASTULUS (St) M. RM. Jan 12
cathedral of Taranto and the principal
See Zoticus, Rogatus, etc.
patron saint of the diocese.

CASTULUS (St) M. RM. Feb 15

CATELLUS (St) Bp AC. Jan 19
See Saturninus, Castulus, etc.
9th cent. Bishop of Castellamare, south
of Naples. He was an intimate friend of
CASTULUS (St) M. RM. March 26 St Antoninus, OSB. He is venerated as
d. 288. An officer of the palace in Rome
the principal saint of the city and dio-
of the emperor Diocletian. For having
cese of Castellamare.
sheltered some of his fellow Christians
he was put to the torture and buried
alive. A cemetery was named after his
burial place on the Via Labicana.
RM. May 10
Otherwise Cataldus, q.v.



? Roman martyrs of whom nothing is Bp. AC. May 17

known. 6th or 7th cent. He seems to have been
bishop in the Isle of Bute, often called
CASTUS and EMILIUS (SS) MM. after him Kil-Cathan. His tomb is

RM. May 22 shown Tamlacht near Londonderry,


d. r.250. Two African martyrs, who but the Scots contend that he rests in
suffered under Decius. They at first the Isle of Bute. Possibly there were two
gave way under torture, but repented, saints of the same name.

and on being seized a second time, were

burned to death. Their contemporary, CATHERINE dei RICCI (St) V. OP.
St Cyprian, and also St Augustine are RM. Feb 2
loud in their praise of these two martyrs. 1 522-1 590. Born at Florence, she be-
came in 1535 a regular tertiary of St
CASTUS and SECUNDINUS (SS) Dominic, and filled the offices of novice-
Bps. RM. July 1 mistress and prioress. She was famous
c.305. Two saints much venerated in S. for her ecstasies in which she beheld and
Italy. The martyrologies register them'as enacted the scenes of our Lord's pas-
of Sinuessa (Mondragone) near Caserta. sion. It is narrated that she met in vision

St Philip Neri, still alive in Rome. Three CATHERINE of PALLANZA (Bl)
future popes were among the thousands V. OSA. AC. Apr 6
who flocked to her convent to ask her £.1437-1478. A native of Pallanza, dio-
prayers. Canonized in 1746. cese of No vara. At fourteen years of age
she began to live the of a recluse in
CATHERINE of BOLOGNA (St) V. the mountain above Varese,
Poor Clare. RM. March 9 near Milan. Disciples gathered round
14:3-1463. Born at Bologna, she was a her and she gathered them into a com-
maid of honour to Margaret d'Este. munity under the rule of St Augustine.
At the age of thirteen, she joined an Cult confirmed in 1769.
Augustinian community at Ferrara.
Later they became Poor Clares. Cathe- CATHERINE of SIENA (St) V. Tert.
rine was appointed novice-mistress and OP. RM. Apr 30
then abbess of a daughter convent of
1 347-1 380. Born at Siena in Tuscany,
Poor Clares at Bologna. Here she spent the twenty-fifth child of a wool-dyer,
her life praying for sinners, favoured by Catherine Benincasa received the habit
God with amazing visions, and com- of the third order of St Dominic at the
mitting to writing her mystical experi- age of sixteen, continuing, however, to
ences. Canonized in 17 12. live at home. Soon her sanctity attracted
a number of persons, clerical and lay,

Bridg. RM. March 24

round her —the Caterinati —of whom
she was a She worked
sort of leader.
1 33 -1 38 1. Born in Sweden, the fourth

child of St Brigid, she married Eggard

among the poor of Siena and was most
active and successful in the conversion
Lydersson, a life-long invalid, with
whom of hardened sinners. She had especially
she lived in continency, and
at heart the unity and welfare of the
whom she tended with great devotion.
With the consent of her husband she Church and was instrumental in per-
joined her mother St Bridget in Rome,
suading Pope Gregory XI to abandon
and accompanied her
Avignon and return to Rome. She tried
to Jerusalem.
After the death of her husband and
to heal the great schism of the West,
mother she returned to Sweden and rallying all around Pope Urban VI.

became abbess of Vadstena. In 1375— In 1378 she was summoned by the pope
to Rome and there died, fighting still in
1380 she was again in Rome, obtaining
the cause of the true pope. She has left
the approval of the Salvatorian Order
over four hundred letters and a Dialogue
(the Bridgettines) and promoting the
canonization of her own which is one of the most remarkable
mother. Cult
mystical works of all time. Canonized
confirmed in 1484.
in 1 46 1 and declared patron saint of
CATHERINE TOMAS (St) V. OSA. Italy in 1939.
RM. Apr 5
1533-1 574. Born on the island of Ma- CATHERINE of PARC-AUX-
jorca.She joined the canonesses regular DAMES (Bl) V. OSB. Cist.
of St Augustine at Palma and there she PC. May 4
spent her whole life, subject to a great A
daughter of Jewish parents
13th cent.
number of strange phenomena and of Louvain, her name was Rachel. The
mystical experiences; during the last Chaplain of the duke of Brabant was a
years of her life she was continually in frequent visitor to her home, and the
ecstasy. Canonized in 1930. little Rachel was an eager listener when

he would defend the Catholic religion Charles Spinola and his fifty-one com-
against the attacks of her Jewish father. panions. Beatified in 1867.
When she was twelve years old, she
home, received baptism
secretly left her CATHERINE of GENOA (St) W.
and joined the Cistercian nuns at Parc- RM. Sept 15
aux-Dames, near Louvain, where she 1 477-1 5 10. Born in Genoa, of the noble
lived till her death. Fieschi family, she married Julian
Adorno when she was sixteen. She led
CATHERINE of CARDONA (Bl) V. a life of active charity, devoting herself
PC. May 21 to the service of others both athome and
1 5 19-1577. Born
Naples of a noble
at in the hospitals and poor quarters of the
Spanish family, she lived for a time at city. At first her work was made exceed-
the court of Philip II of Spain; then ingly difficult by the attitude of her
she retired to live as a recluse near Roda profligate husband, whom she suc-
in S. Spain. She remained there for ceeded in converting to better ways.
twenty years until she was received into She wrote a treatise on Purgatory and a
a Carmelite convent, where, however, Dialogue between the soul and the
she continued to live as an anchoress. —
body two outstanding documents of
St Teresa speaks very highly of her. Christian mysticism. Canonized in
d. 1626. Wife of Bl John Tanaca. Both VM. RM. Nov 25
were beheaded at Nagasaki, Japan. According to a legend she was
d. r.310.
Beatified in 1867. a maiden martyred at Alexandria under
Maximus Daza, but there is no early
CATHERINE SOIRON (Bl) V. M. evidence for this. Her alleged relics
AC. July 17 have been enshrined for the last thou-
d. 1794. She, and her sister Teresa, were sand years in the Orthodox monastery
the door-keepers (tourieres) for the Car- of Mt. Sinai. In art she is represented
melite nuns at Compiegne and were with the spiked wheel of her martyr-
guillotined with them at Paris. They dom, or arguing with the pagan philoso-
were not in vows. Beatified in 1904. phers.


Tert. OP. AC. Sept 4 RM. Dec 31
d. 1547. Born at Racconigi in the dio- 1 Born in the Cote d'Or,
806-1 875.
cese of Cuneo, daughter of a poor daughter of a yeoman farmer, she be-
working man. She took the Dominican became a Sister of Charity of St Vin-
habit of the third order and tried faith- cent de Paul in 1830, and spent her
fully to imitate her namesake of Siena. whole life much as the ordinary Sister
She too is said to have been favoured of Charity spends it, except for a series
with signal mystical experiences. Cult of visions with which she was favoured
confirmed in 18 10. by God. The first "miraculous medal"
was struck as the result of one of these
CATHERINE (Bl) M. AC. Sept 10 visions. She died in the convent of
d. 1622. A Japanese widow. She was Enghien-Reuilly and was canonized in
beheaded at Nagasaki together with Bl 1947-

THARDUS (BB) Mks. OSB. AC. May 1

AC. Sept 29 6th cent. A Kieran of

disciple of St
d. late 8th cent. Three Benedictine Clonmacnoise, who became bishop of
monks who preached the gospel in the Killala but ended his life as a hermit,
diocese of Eichstatt. Catholdus was a by some accounts as a martyr. There are
monk of Herrieden (built in 790). several other saints of the same name.



JULIA and JUSTA (SS) MM. d. 870. An Irish abbot of Bellach-Duin,

RM. July 15
now Castle-Kerrant, Co. Meath, sur-

? Carthaginian martyrs. Their bodies named The Devout.

were enshrined in the basilica of Fausta
at Carthage. Of St Catulinus, a deacon,
Otherwise Caecilia, q.v.
we have a panegyric preached by St
Augustine. Nothing else is known about CEDD (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Jan 7
them. Brother of St Chad of
d. 664 (Oct 26).
Lichfield. He was a monk of Lindis-
CATUS (St) M. RM. Jan 19 farne who evangelized the midlands of
See Paul, Gerontius, etc.
England and afterwards was made
bishop of the East Saxons. He founded
CAWRDAF (St) AC. Dec 5 the abbeys of Tilbury and of Lasting-
6th cent. The son and successor of ham. At the synod of Whitby he aban-
Caradog, chieftain of Brecknock and doned the Celtic for the Roman obser-
Hereford. He ended life as a monk vances. In his old age he retired to his
under St Illtyd. own foundation at Lastingham in
Yorkshire to die under monastic
CE obedience.
Note. In many names this syllable is
often written Cae, or Che, or Ke, or CEITHO (St) AC. Nov 1

Kae, etc.
6th cent. One of five brothers, saints of
the great Welsh family of Cunedda. A
(St) RM. March 2
church Pumpsant was dedicated to

Otherwise Chad, q.v. the five brothers. That at Llangeith, in

Cardiganshire, was founded by St
King. AC. Apr 20 CELE-CHRIST (St) Bp.
d. 689. King of Wessex, who, while yet AC. March 3
a pagan, showed himself not less cruel d. f.728. St Cele-Christ, otherwise
and crafty than other conquerors of his Christicola (worshipper of Christ), for
race and time. He was converted by St many years led an eremitical life but
Wilfrid and journeyed to Rome, where ultimately was forced to accept a bishop-
he was baptized by Pope St Sergius and ric in Leinster.
died while yet wearing the white robe of
the neophytes. There is no evidence of CELERINA (St) M. RM. Feb 3
an ancient cult. See Laurentinus, Ignatius and Celerina.

CELERINUS (St) M. RM. Feb 3 tine of Glastonbury. He
certainly was
d. p.250. An African who, without for a time at Oxford, and in 1106 was
shedding his blood, earned the title of consecrated archbishop of Armagh. He
martyr on account of the sufferings he proved to be a great prelate, restorer of
endured under Decius during a visit to ecclesiastical discipline throughout the
Rome. Set he returned to
at liberty, island. When dying -he sent his pastoral
Carthage where he was ordained deacon staff to St Malachy, then bishop of
by St Cyprian. A church was dedicated Connor, who in fact became his suc-
in his name at Carthage. cessor.

CELESTINE (St) M. RM. May 2 CELLOCH (St) Ab. AC. March 26

See Saturninus, Neopolus, etc. Otherwise Mochelloc, q.v.

CELESTINE V (St) Pope CELSUS (several)

RM. May 19 Otherwise Cellach, q.v.
Otherwise Peter Celestine, q.v.
CELESTINE I (St) Pope. RM. Jan 9
July 27 See Julian, Basilissa, etc.
d. 432 (Aug 1). Born in Campania, he
joined the Roman clergy and succeeded CELSUS (St) M.
St Boniface I as pope (422). Three great RM.
July 28 and May 10
events stand out in his pontificate: he See Nazarius and Celsus.
supported the campaign of St Germanus
of Auxerre against Pelagius; he sent CELSUS and CLEMENT (SS) MM.
St Palladius to preach in Ireland shortly RM. Nov 21
before St Patrick's mission there; and ? Roman martyrs of whom the names
he condemned Nestorianism, presiding, only have come down to us.
through his legates, over the council of
Ephesus(43i). CENSURIUS (St) Bp. RM. June 10
d. 486. The successor of St Germanus
CELLACH (CEILACH, KEILACH in the see of Auxerre. He governed that
—latinized as CELSUS). see from 448 to 486. He was buried in
Note. Colgan enumerates no less than the church of St Germanus, which he
thirty-three Celtic saints named Cellach, himself had built.
Most of them, however, are evidently
the same person. CENTOLLA and HELEN (SS) MM.
RM. Aug 13
Spanish maidens who
(St) Bp. AC. Apr 1 suffered martyrdom near Burgos.
9th cent. Archbishop of Armagh, pos-
sibly before his consecration abbot of CEOLFRID (GEOFFREY) (St) Ab.
Iona and founder of the abbey of Kells. OSB. AC. Sept 25
642-716. A Northumbrian who became
CELLACH (in the RM.: CELSUS) a monk at Gilling in Yorkshire, whence
(St) Bp. RM. Apr 1 he migrated to Ripon, where St Bene-
d. 1 129. Cellach McAedh, a native of dict's Rule was observed. After a visit
Ireland, seems to have been a Benedic- to Canterbury, he became novice-master

at Ripon, but later migrated to Wear- lonium) in Tuscany and is said to have
mouth, at St Benet Biscop's invitation become a bishop there.

(672). Eventually he became abbot of

Wearmouth-Jarrow, which he governed CERBONIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 10
for twenty-six years. He was a great d. ? f.400.Bishop of Verona in Italy, of
abbot and deserves a special recognition whom nothing is known.
for the help he gave to St Bede, who
was one of his monks. In 716 he re- CERNEUF (St) M. AC. Feb 23
signed and died at Langres in Cham- Otherwise Sirenus, q.v.

pagne on his way to Rome.

CESLAS (Bl) C. OP. AC. July 17
CEOLLACH (St) Bp. AC. Oct 6 d. 1242. A native of Poland, who re-
? 7th cent. An Irish prelate who for a ceived the habit of the Friars Preachers
short timegoverned as bishop the together with St Hyacinth, from the
diocese of the Mercians or Mid- Angles. hands of St Dominic himself. He acted
Thence he retired to Iona but returned as spiritual director to the duchess St
to die in his native country. Hedwig of Poland. The successful
resistance of the people of Breslau in
CEOLWULPH (St) King, Mk. OSB. Silesia to the Mongols in their great
AC. Jan 15 invasion of 1240, is attributed to the
d. 764. King of Northumbria, fosterer prayers of the saint.
of learning and of the monastic life. To
him St Bede dedicated his Ecclesiastical CETTIN (CETHAGH) (St) Bp.
History. He ended his days as a monk AC. June 16
at Lindisfarne. 5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick, con-
secrated bishop to assist him in his
CERA (CIAR, CYRA, CIOR, apostolic work. Some authorities dis-
CEARA) (St) V. AC. Jan 5 tinguish Cethagh from Cettin.
7th cent. An Irish abbess, a native of
Tipperary, who governed two nun- CEWYDD (St) AC. July 1
neries, one at Kilkeary and the other at 6th cent. A Welsh saint who flourished
Tech Telle, now Tehelly. in Anglesey.


AC. June 6 Note. Saint's names beginning with Ch,
d. f.455.Bishop of Grenoble in France. should also be looked for under Ca, Co,
Cult confirmed in 1903. or K, the spelling being frequently very
uncertain and variable.
AC. Sept 27 CHAD (CEADDA) (St) Bp.
c. Bishop of Paris. His relics
^.614. RM. March 2
were formerly enshrined in the church d. 673. Brother of St Cedd. Educated
of St Genevieve. at Lindisfarne under St Aidan, and in
Ireland. On returning to England, he
CERBONIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 10 was made abbot of Lastingham, where
d. f.580. One of the African bishops at that time, i.e., before the synod of
driven from their sees by the Arian Van- Whitby, St Columba's Rule was strictly
dals. He settled at Piombino (Popu- observed. During one of St Wilfrid's

absences in France, St Chad was made part in the ceremony of the enshrining
archbishop of York, but was removed of the relics of the martyr.
by St Theodore of Canterbury. St Chad
readily withdrew, and St Theodore CHARALAMPIAS and Comp. (SS)
arranged for him to exercise his episco- MM. AC. Feb 18
pate in Mercia. The saint fixed his d. Magnesia in Asia
203. Martyrs -of
residence at Lichfield and there he died Minor under Septi-
in the persecution
shortly after. mius Severus. St Charalampias was a
priest. With him suffered two soldiers
CHAEREMON (St) M. RM. Oct 4 and three women.
See Caius, Faustus, etc.

CHARBEL (St) M. AC. Sept 5

CHAEREMON and Comp. (SS) d. 107. A martyr of the Antiochene
MM. RM. Dec 22 Church under Trajan. Feast kept by the
d. p.250. Bishop of Nilopolis in Egypt. Maronites on the above date.
He was already a very old man when the
Decian persecution broke out. He was CHARISIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 16
forced to flee to the mountainous district See Callistus, Charisius, etc.
of the Arabian desert with several com-
panions, and they were never seen again. CHARISIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 22
See Athanasius, Anthusa and Comp.
CHAFFRE (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 19
Otherwise Theofrid, q.v. CHARITINA (St) VM. RM. Oct 5
d. f.304. A Christian maiden who
CHAINOALDUS (CHAGNOALD, breathed forth her soul in the torture
CAGNOU) (St) Bp. AC. Sept 6 chamber. She suffered under Diocletian
d. 633. Brother of St Faro and of St and probably at Amisus on the Black
Fara. A
disciple of St Columbanus, Sea.
whom he accompanied to Bobbio and
helped in the foundation of the abbey CHARITON (St) M. RM. Sept 3
there. Afterwards he became bishop of See Zeno and Chariton.
CHARITY (St) VM. RM. Aug 1

CHALCEDON (Martyrs of) (SS) Otherwise Caritas or Agape. See Faith,

RM. Sept 24 Hope, and Charity.
d. 304. A
band of forty-nine martyrs
who suffered at Chalcedon under Dio- CHARLEMAGNE Emperor.
cletian. They seem to have been the AC. Jan 28
choir of singers of the church of Chalce- 742-814. Son of Pepin the Short. King
don. of the Franks in 768, on Christmas Day
of the year 800, he was crowned first

CHAMOND (ANNEMOND) (St) Holy Roman Emperor by Pope St Leo

Bp. M. AC. Sept 28 III. Popular devotion to Bl Charle-
d. 657. A courtier in the palace of King magne took root chiefly at the time of
Clovis II who became archbishop of the great quarrel between the pope and
Lyons. The arch-tyrant Ebroin, mayor Frederick Barbarossa; in France it was
of the palace, caused the saint to be made compulsory by the state in 1475.
assassinated. St Wilfrid of York took Benedict XIV confirmed, or allowed, the



title of Blessed given to the emperor. CHARLES de la CALMETTE

His feast is observed still in several AC. Sept 2-3
German dioceses. See September Martyrs.


AC. Jan 6 d. 1622. Though born
Prague he at
1 613-1670. A native of Sezze in the belonged to the Italian noble house of
Roman Campagna. He professed the Spinola. He became a Jesuit in 1584
Franciscan rule as a lay-brother at and was sent to the missions of
in 1594
Rome. His was a life of great mystical Japan. He worked there until 161 8 when
experiences, and it is narrated that his he was arrested and kept in prison for
heart was pierced by a ray of light pro- four years. He was then burnt to death
ceeding from the Sacred Host, which with twenty-four companions. Each of
left a visible wound. Canonized in 1959. them is given separate notice in this
book. Beatified in 1867.
Cist. AC. Jan 29
AC. Sept 29
d. 12 1 2. A who became a Cis-
1316-1364. Nephew of Philip VI of
tercian at Hemmerode (1185). In 1189
France. He married Joan of Brittany in
he was chosen prior of Heisterbach and
1 34 1 and claimed her dukedom against
in 1197 abbot of Villers in Brabant. In
John de Montfort. This led to the war
1209 he resigned and returned to Hem-
in which he was engaged for the rest of
merode to prepare for death. He has
his life, except for nine years spent as a
always been venerated as a beatus, at any
rate by the Cistercians.
prisoner in the Tower of London. He fell
in battle in 1364. Cult confirmed in 1904.


AC. March 2 4 RM. Nov
d. 1 Son of St Canute of Denmark.
127. 1538-1584. Son of Count Gilbert Bor-
He fought in the second Crusade and on romeo by a Medici mother. His uncle
his return succeeded Robert II as count Pope Pius IV appointed him archbishop
of Flanders. His rule was a continuous of Milan and cardinal when he was aged
defence of the poor against the profiteers only twenty-two. He did not receive
of his time, both clerical and lay. He was priestly or episcopal orders until the year
called "the Good" by popular acclama- 1563. He was the most imposing and
tion and was done to death in the church influential figure of the counter-reforma-
of St Donatian at Bruges as a result of a tion in Italy. He was a model bishop
conspiracy of the rich people whom he zealous, selfless, prodigal even of his
had offended. Cult confirmed in 1883. life. An attempt was made on his life by
evildoers. Canonized in 1610.


RM. June 3 Otherwise Theodore, q.v.
d. 1886. A servant of King Mwanga of

Uganda. See Uganda (Martyrs of). He CHELEDONIUS (St) M.

was baptized in Nov 1885, an d burnt RM. March 3
alive the following June at Namuyongo. See Hemiterius and Cheledonius.


RM. Oct 13 See Agape and Chionia.
d. 1 52. Born at Ciculum in the Abruzzi,
she early fled into the mountains above
Tivoli, near Subiaco, where she dwelt Note. Names so beginning are often
as a recluse in a cave, now called Morra spelt CI or Kl.
Ferogna. From Cuno, cardinal of Fras-
cati, she received the Benedictine habit
in the abbey church of St Scholastica at
Subiaco, but continued to live as a Note. Names so beginning are often

recluse under the obedience of the Spelt Cr.

abbot. Her body now reposes in the

church of St Scholastica. She is one of CHRISTETA (St) M. RM. Oct 27
the patron saints of Subiaco. See Vincent, Sabina and Christeta.

CHELY (St) Bp. RM. Oct 25

Otherwise Hilary of Mende, q.v.
AC. March 18
d. 1His Celtic name was Giolla
CHERON (St) M. RM. May 28
Croist O'Conarchy. An Irish priest,
Otherwise Caraunus, q.v.
who professed the Cistercian Rule at
Clairvaux under St Bernard and even-
tually was sent back to Ireland (1142)
LIANA (Bl) C. OSA. 17 AC. Dec
to introduce the Cistercians there. He
1449-1479. An Augustinian friar-hermit
was in fact the abbot-founder of Melli-
of Avigliana in Piedmont. Cult ap-
font Abbey. It is said that he became
proved by Pius IX.
bishop of Lismore and papal legate in
CHILIAN (St)Bp. M. RM. July 8
See Kilian, Colman and Totnan.
CHILLIEN (KILLIAN, ? A priest of Douai, whose relics are in

CHILIANUS) (St) AC. Nov 13 the church of St Albinus.

7th cent. An Irishman, kinsman of St
Fiacre, who became a missionary in CHRISTIAN (St) Bp. AC. June 12
Artois. His body was enshrined at
d. 1 138. Croistan O'Morgair, brother of
Aubigny, near Arras. St Malachy of Armagh. He was made
bishop of Clogher (1126) and obtained
CHINA (Martyrs of) several privileges from the Holy See for
In addition to individual martyrs, there his diocese.
have been various group beatifications:
(1) in 1893 a group of 5 Dominicans;
(2) 1900 13 martyrs included with the
Annamite martyrs 1798-1856 (3) 7 M. OSB. RM. Nov 12

martyrs included in a similar decree of See Benedict, John, etc.

1909; (4) 29 Franciscan martyrs during

the Boxer Rising, beatified in 1946. CHRISTIAN (Bl) Bp. AC. Nov 22
See also Annam, Korea and individual d. f.873. Thirty-seventh bishop of
articles. Auxerre.


CHRISTIAN (Bl) C. OP. PC. Dec i mortifications. She died at Spoleto aged
13th cent. One of the first disciples of twenty-three. Cult confirmed in 1834.
St Dominic, whom he helped in the
foundation of the friary at Perugia. CHRISTINA (St) VM. RM. March 13
? A Persian maiden who was scourged
CHRISTIAN (Bl) Bp. OSB. Cist. to death.
PC. Dec 4
d. 1245. A Cistercian monk, probably CHRISTINA (St) VM. RM. July 24
belonging to the great abbey of Oliva, ? A maiden,perhaps a native of Rome,
near Danzig. He went to Prussia as a who was put to death near the Lake of
missionary (1207), and was nominated Bolsena in Tuscany. Her legendary acts
bishop in 121 5. He was instrumental in have been confused with those of a St
introducing the Teutonic Knights there. Christina of Tyre, whose very existence,
His efforts to convert Prussia were only however, is very doubtful.
partially successful.


(Mirabilis) (Bl) V. PC. July 24
V. AC. Jan 10
1 150-1224. Born near Liege. In 1182,
Otherwise Oringa, q.v.
after a cataleptic fit, she was the subject
of a life-long series of most astonishing
CHRISTIANA (St) V. AC. July 24
experiences, by a contem-
7th cent. Said to have been the daughter
porary Dominican. She died in the
of an Anglo-Saxon king. She crossed
convent of St Catherine at Trond. Cult
over to Flanders where she lived until
never officially confirmed.
her death. She is the patron saint of
Termonde in Belgium.

CHRISTIANA (St) V. RM. Dec V. AC. Nov 6

Otherwise Nino, q.v.
1 242-1 3 1 2. Christina Bruzo, or Bruso,
was born at Stommeln, near Cologne.
CHRISTICOLA Like her namesake of Belgium, she too
(St) Bp.
could be styled "the Astonishing",
AC. March 3
since her life is a continuous record of
Otherwise Cele-Christ, q.v.
most extraordinary phenomena which
indeed tax the faith of the reader. They
OSA. AC. Jan 18 were recorded by a contemporary Friar
Preacher. Cult confirmed in 1908.
148 1- 1 543. A native of Luco in the
Abruzzi and a nun and prioress of the
Augustinian hermits, who died at Aqui- CHRISTINA (St) V. OSB.
la. Cult confirmed in 1841. AC. Dec 26
d. 1 160. Nun and recluse of Markgate

CHRISTINA of SPOLETO (Bl) under the obedience of the abbot of St

Penitent AC. Feb 13 Alban's. Her spiritual director was Bl
1435-1458. Christina Camozzi (wrongly Roger of St Alban's.
called Visconti) was born near Lake
Lugano, the daughter of a physician. CHRISTINUS (St) M. OSB.
After a few years spent in frivolity she RM. Nov 12
embraced a life of extreme bodily See Benedict, John, etc.

CHRISTOPHER across a ford, and being borne down by
Note. The Latin Christophorus means its weight, despite his own gigantic
the Christ-Bearer. was one of the
It stature and great strength: the child
most popular names during the Middle was Christ, carrying in His hand the
Ages. Its variants are numerous Cristo- : weight of the whole world. This episode
foro, Christophe, Cristobal, Tobal, had led to the usual representation of
Cristobalon, Kester, Kitt, etc. the saint in art. He is one of the Four-
teen Holy Helpers, q.v.
d. 1484. A Friar Preacher who, true to RM. Aug 20
his preached with extra-
profession, See Leovigild and Christopher.
ordinary success throughout Liguria
and the Milanese. At Taggia, as a result CHRISTOPHER of GUARDIA (St)
of his preaching, the people built a M. AC. Sept 25
friary and the saint was made its first d. £.1490. A boy of Guardia, near
prior. He died there. Cult confirmed in Toledo, in Spain, who at the age of
i875. three years was stolen by Jews
Toledo at
and crucified at Guardia, under Fer-
CHRISTOPHER BALES (Bl) M. dinand and Isabella. His cult was offi-
AC. March 4 cially confirmed, with the title of saint,
d. 1590. Born Durham.
at ConisclifFe, by Pius VII in 1805. He is the principal
He was educated at Rome and Reims patron saint of Guardia.
and ordained priest at Douai (1587). In
1 588 he crossed over to England and two CHRISTOPHER BUXTON (Bl) M.
years later was seized, condemned for AC. Oct 1

his priesthood, and hanged drawn and d. 1588. Born at Tideswell in Derby-
quartered in Fleet Street, London. shire, educated at Reims and Rome, and
Beatified in 1929. ordained priest in 1586. Two years later
he was hanged, drawn and quartered for
CHRISTOPHER MACASSOLI (Bl) his priesthood at Canterbury. Beatified
C. OFM. AC. March 11 in 1929.
d. Born at Milan, he joined the
Franciscans and eventually founded a CHRISTOPHER of ROMAGNOLA
friary at Vigevano, in the province of (Bl) C. OFM. AC. Oct 31
Milan, where thousands sought his help 172-1272. A parish priest in the dio-
c. 1

and advice. Cult confirmed in 1890. cese of Cesena, who resigned his office,
and joined St Francis of Assisi. He was
CHRISTOPHER (St) M. sent to establish the Order in Gascony,
RM. July 25 where he died at Cahors. Cult approved
? The RM. makes him a martyr of in 1905.
Lycia under Decius, but beyond the fact
of his martyrdom, nothing is known CHRISTOPHER (Bl) M.
about him. Many legends, however, PC. Nov 12
some of them very beautiful but others d. f.1500. A
Portuguese knight of the
unbelievable and absurd, have grown Order of Christ (under the Cistercian
up around his name. The most graceful Rule),who was beheaded for the Faith
is that of his carrying an unknown child by a Mohammedan prince of Ceylon.



AC. March 6 AC. Feb 7
d. 766. A near relative of Pepin, he 4th cent. An Armenian who evangelized
became the chief minister to Charles N.E. Gaul, where, it he was
is said,
Martel and ultimately bishop of Metz consecrated bishop. He had
Ar- left

(742). He played an important part in menia during the persecution of Dio-

nearly all the important affairs of his cletian, but won the crown of martyrdom
time, and took part in several councils. in Flanders. His relics are venerated at
He is known he wrote for
for the rule Bruges.
the secular clerks whom
he gathered
together in chapters of canons with CHRYSOLOGUS (St)Bp. RM.Dec2
common life. He also introduced the See Peter Chrysologus.
Roman liturgy and chant into his diocese
and thus into N. Europe. CHRYSOPHORUS (St) M.
RM. Apr 20
CHROMATIUS (St) C. AC. Aug 11 See Victor, Zoticus, etc.
3rd cent. Said to have been prefect of
Rome and father of St Tiburtius the CHRYSOSTOM (St) Bp. Dr
martyr. RM. Jan 27
See John Chrysostom.
d. r.406. Bishop of Aquileia, near Venice,
from 387 to 406. St Jerome styles him CHRYSOTELUS (St) M. RM. Apr 22
See Parmenius, and Comp.
"a most learned and most holy man",
and dedicated to him several of his
works. Chromatius was also a friend of
St John Chrysostom and of Rufinus. AC. Sept 24
7th cent. Missionaries, probably of Irish
We still possess part of his commentary
on St Matthew. or Scottish origin, who evangelized S.
Germany and Austria, under the leader-
CHRONAN (St) Ab. AC. Apr 28 ship of St Rupert of Salzburg.
Otherwise Cronan, q.v.
CIAN (St) C. AC. Dec 11
CHRYSANTHUS and DARIA (SS) 6th cent. A Welsh saint who ended his
MM. RM. Oct 25 life as a hermit in Carnarvonshire. He
d. 283. Chrysanthus, an Egyptian, with is sometimes described as a servant of
his wife Daria, a Greek, were distin- St Peris.
guished in Rome for their zealous pro-
fessionand practice of the Christian CIANAN (St) Bp. AC. Nov 24
This led to their martyrdom
religion. Otherwise Kenan, q.v.
under Numerian and Carinus.
CIARAN (St) Bp. AC. March 5
CHRYSOGONUS (St) M. Otherwise Kieran, q.v.
RM. Nov 24
d. f.304. A martyr who suffered at CIARAN (St) Ab. RM. Sept 9
Aquileia. His name occurs in the Canon Otherwise Kieran, q.v.
of the Roman Mass. His association
with the martyr St Anastasia of Sir- CICELY (St) VM. RM. Nov 22
mium is now generally rejected. Otherwise Caecilia, q.v.

CICCO of PESARO (Bl) C. Tert. but never became a nun herself. She
OFM. AC. Aug 4 practised rigorous penances, some of
d. 1350. A native of Pesaro, and a ter- which were considered extravagant even
tiaryof St Francis, who led the life of by her contemporaries. Cult sanctioned
a recluse near Pesaro. Cult confirmed in 1784.
by Pius IX.
CILINIA (St) Matron RM. Oct 21 OP. AC. Apr
d. p.458. Mother of St Principius, bishop 1362-1419. Daughter of the head of the
of Soissons, and of St Remigius, bishop state of Pisa. Being left a widow at
of Reims. She died at Laon. fifteen, she wished to become a Poor
Clare. Her father strongly opposed this
CILLENE (St) Ab. AC. July 3 at first, but eventually relented and built
d. r.752. An Irish monk who migrated to for her a nunnery where she introduced
Iona and was there elected abbot in 726. the strict Dominican observance. As
a superior she was continually beset by
CINDEUS (St) M. RM. July 11 financial troubles.
d. r .300. A priest of Pamphylia in Asia
Minor who was burnt at the stake under CLARE OF ASSISI (St) V. Foundress
Diocletian. RM. Aug 12
c.i194-1253. Born at Assisi. At the age
CINNIA (St) V. AC. Feb 1 of eighteen she was irresistibly drawn
5th cent. A princess of Ulster converted the ideal of Christian poverty
by St Patrick, who also gave her the veil. preached by St Francis. She ran away
from home and took the veil from St
CISELLUS (St) M. RM. Aug 21 Francis himself, who provided a refuge
See Luxorius, Cisellus and Camerinus. for her with the Benedictine nuns of
San Paolo and finally at San Damiano,
CISSA (St) H. OSB. AC. Sept 23 where the first convent of Poor Clares
Late 7th cent. Monk-recluse in North- was established under her guidance.
umbria. most probably at Lindisfarne. She governed it for forty years, and
popes, cardinals and bishops came to
CIWA (St) V. AC. Feb 8 consult her. She was indeed as much
Otherwise Kigwe, q.v. instrumental in the rapid spreading of
the Franciscan movement as St Francis
CLAIR (St) M. AC. Nov 4 himself. She was canonized two years
The French spelling of Clarus, q.v. after her death. In art she is usually
represented with a monstrance in her
CLARE AGOLANTI of RIMINI hand in memory of her having in this
(Bl) W. Tert. OFM. AC. Feb 10 attitude miraculously saved her convent
1282-1 346. She belonged to the nobility from assault.
of Rimini and was twice married. Dur-
ing her married life she wasted her time CLARE of MONTEFALCO (St) V.
in sinful dissipations. On the execution OSA. RM. Aug 17
of her father and brother, as a result of f.1268-1308. Surnamed Clare of the
civil disturbances, she completely Cross. She was a native of Montefalco,
changed her life. She became a Fran- in the diocese of Spoleto. She joined a
ciscan tertiary and founded a nunnery, convent of Franciscan teriaries. In 1290


she became abbess of Holy Cross Con- CLARUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 10
vent with the Rule of St Augustine. ? Bishop of Nantes. Some writers make
There is some doubt as to what rule she him a disciple of St Peter and the first
followed. Her distinctive devotion was apostle of Armorica (Brittany). Others
the Passion of Christ a cross was found
: place his apostolate in the third century.
depicted on the flesh of her heart after
her death. Canonized in 1881. CLARUS (St) M. OSB. RM. Nov 4
d. £.875. He is described as a native of
CLARE XAMADA (Bl) M. Rochester, who crossed over to France,
AC. Sept 10 where he was first a monk and then a
d. 1622. A
Japanese matron, wife of Bl hermit in the diocese of Rouen. He was
Dominic Xamada. Both were beheaded murdered at the instigation of a woman
at Nagasaki, in Japan. whose advances he had rejected. The
village Saint-Clair-sur-Epte is named
(Bl) C. PC. May 25
d. 1348. A Florentine, who in 1342 CLARUS (St) H. RM. Nov 8
founded a convent of Augustinian nuns d. 397.Born at Tours in France, he
at Florence. His wife became a nun joined the community of Marmoutier
there, and he remained in the convent under St Martin. He was ordained
as a manservant till his death. priest and henceforth lived as a hermit
near the same abbey.
CLARENTIUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 26
d. c.620. The successor of St Etherius in CLASSICUS (St) M. RM. Feb 18
the see of Vienne. See Lucius, Sylvanus, etc.

CLARUS (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Jan 1 CLATEUS (St) Bp. RM. June 4
A monk of the
d. c.660. abbey of St d. c.64. One of the earliest bishops of
Ferreol, who was chosen abbot of the Brescia, who suffered martyrdom under
monastery of St Marcellus at Vienne in Nero.
Dauphiny. He was the spiritual director
of the convent of St Blandina, where his CLAUD or CLAUDE (several)
own mother had taken the veil. Cult Otherwise Claudius, q.v.
confirmed in 1907.
CLAUDIA (St) M. RM. March 20
CLARUS (St) H. OSB. AC. Feb 1 See Alexandra, Claudia, etc.

d. f.1048. A monk of Seligenstadt, in

the diocese of Mainz. He lived for thirty CLAUDIA (St) VM. RM. May 18
years as a recluse, given to great austeri- See Theodotus, Thecusa, etc.
ties. His motto was: "Christ and Him
crucified". CLAUDIA (St) W. AC. Aug 7
1st cent. A woman mentioned by St
CLARUS (St) Bp. M. AC. June 1 Paul in his second letter to Timothy
A regionary bishop, said
? to have been (IV, 21). A much and rather im-
sent from Rome to preach the gospel in probable, tradition asserts that she was
Aquitaine, where he was martyred. He a Briton, the wife of Aulus Pudens, a
is not to be confused with St Clarus, senator, and the mother of SS Praxedes
bishop of Nantes (Oct 10). and Pudentiana.

CLAUDIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 25 worthy Acts of St Sebastian as having
See Victorinus, Victor, etc. suffered martyrdom at the same time as
that saint. They are very likely identical
CLAUDIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 26 with the group of saints honoured on
See Papias, Diodorus, etc. Nov 8 with the Four Crowned Martyrs,
CLAUDIAN (St) M. RM. March 6
See Victor, Victorinus, etc. CLAUDIUS, JUSTUS, JUCUN-
DINUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
CLAUDIUS (CLAUDE) de la COL- RM. July 21
OMBlfeRE (Bl) C. SJ. AC. Feb 15 d. 273. A group of eight martyrs who
1 641-1682. Born near Grenoble, he suffered with St Julia at Troyes in Gaul,
became a Jesuit in 1659 at Avignon. under Aurelian. Their bodies were en-
While superior of the Jesuits at Paray- shrined in the Benedictine nunnery of
le-Monial he was the spiritual director Jouarre, near Meaux.
of St Margaret Mary Alacoque and was
instrumental in spreading devotion to CLAUDIUS, ASTERIUS, NEON,
the Sacred Heart. Sent to England in DONVINA and THEONILLA (SS)
1676 as chaplain to the Duchess of MM. RM. Aug 23
York, he was arrested and banished for d. 303. The first three were brothers
alleged complicity in the imaginary who were accused to the magistrate of
"Popish Plot". Beatified in 1929. Aegea in Cilicia by their step-mother,
who hoped to inherit their estate. They
CLAUDIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 18 were crucified, or according to another
See Maximus, Claudius, etc. account, decapitated. It is not certain
that the two women were fellow-
CLAUDIUS (St) M. RM. June 3 sufferers; Donvina is a mistake for
See Lucillian, Claudius, etc. Domina.


OSB. RM. June 6 See Marcellinus, Claudius, etc.
d. ^.699. A native of Franche-Comte, he
was trained to bear arms, but decided to CLAUDIUS, LUPERCUS and
be a priest and eventually was appointed VICTORIUS (SS) MM. RM. Oct 30
canon of Besancon. He next became a d. £.300. Three brothers, sons of the
monk, and abbot, of Condat Abbey, in centurion, Marcellus. They were
the Jura mountains, where he intro- martyred Leon in Spain under Dio-
duced, or enforced, the rule of St cletian. They are the titular saints of St
Benedict. In 685 he was chosen bishop Claudius in Galicia, one of the earliest
of Besancon but retained the direction Benedictine abbeys in Spain.
of the abbey, to which he retired again
before his death. The abbey was after- CLAUDIUS, NICOSTRATUS and
wards known as Saint-Claude. Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Nov 8
These saints belong to the group of the
CLAUDIUS, NICOSTRATUS, Four Crowned Martyrs, q.v. They are
CASTORIUS, VICTORINUS and probably the same group as that men-
SYMPHORIAN (SS) MM. RM. July 7 tioned in the RM. on July 7, see Claud-
d. c .288. Described in the very untrust- ius, Nicostratus, etc. above (July 7).

CLAUDIUS, HILARIA, JASON, he received the habit as a recluse at
MAURUS (MARIS) and Comp. the hands of the bishop of Tivoli, the
(SS) MM. RM. Dec 3 future pope Pius VII, who changed
d. ? 283. This group of martyrs, con- John's name into that of Clement Mary.
sisting of Claudius, a military tribune, In 1784 he joined the recently founded
Hilaria his wife, their two sons, and Redemptorists at Rome and four years
seventy soldiers, belong to the larger later was sent to Warsaw to establish the
group figuring in the legendary acts of first house of the congregation beyond

SS Chrysanthus and Daria. the Alps. There the untiring zeal of the
Redemptorists met with signal success,
CLAUDIUS, CRISPIN, MAGINA, though the development of the institute
JOHN and STEPHEN (SS) MM. was retarded by the Napoleonic wars.
RM. Dec 3 Clement spent the last twelve years of
? African martyrs, of whom nothing is his life at Vienna, firmly planting the
known. Redeptorist institute in German lands,
whence it spread to Belgium, Ireland,
England and the British Empire. Can-
Bp. AC. Oct 10
onized in 1909.
Otherwise Clarus, q.v.


CUS) (St) AC. Oct 23 d. 1258. He received the habit from St
Otherwise Clether, q.v.
Dominic himself and preached in Scot-
land into which country he introduced
the Dominicans. He became Bishop of
AC. Nov 1
5th cent. Patron saint of Llangledwyn
in Carmarthenshire. Alleged to have
been the eldest son of King Brychan,
OSA. AC. Apr 8
and to have succeeded him as ruler of
d. 29 1. A native of Osimo and a hermit
part of his dominions.
friar of St Augustine. In 1270 he was

CLEMENT (St) Bp. chosen General of the Order and as such

M. RM. Jan 23
he drew up its constitutions, which were
d. 309. Bishop of Ancyra in Galatia,
martyred under Diocletian. approved in 1287. For this reason he is
considered the second founder of the
order. Cult approved in 1572.
AC. March 5
£.800. Abbot of Santa Lucia, in Syra-
CLEMENT (St) M. AC. June 27
cuse, the oldest Benedictine monastery d. c.igS. A martyr of Cordova, in Spain,
in Sicily.
under Diocletian. He belongs to the
group led by St Zoilus, q.v.
(St) C. C.SS.R. RM. March 15 CLEMENT of OKHRIDA (St) C.
1751-1820. A born in Moravia,
Slav, AC. July 17
whose real name was John Dvorak. He See Seven Apostles of Bulgaria.
was the son of a grazier, and he himself
started life as a baker and then became CLEMENT (St) M. RM. Sept 10
a hermit. While on a pilgrimage to Rome See Apelles, Lucius and Clement.


CLEMENT VOM (Bl) M. Hohenburg. A model wife, she became
AC. Sept 10 in her widowhood a nun at Oehren,
d. 1622. A Japanese layman, martyred Treves.
at Nagasaki. He belongs to the group of
Bl Charles Spinola, q.v. CLEMENTINUS, THEODOTUS
AC. Nov 1 ? Martyrs of Heraclea in Thrace. Noth-
d. 1622. A native of Arima in Japan. ing else is known about them.
He was the servant of Bl Paul Navarro,
whose life he wrote. He was burnt alive CLEOMENES (LEOMENES) (St)
with his master at Ximabarra. Beatified M. RM. Dec 23
in 1867. See Theodulus, Saturninus, etc.


See Celsus and Clement. BASILISCUS (SS) MM.
RM. March 3
CLEMENT I (St) Pope, M. d. £.308. These saints belong to a group
RM. Nov 23 of martyrs put to death in the province
d. c.ioo. The third successor of St of Pontus on the Black Sea, under
Peter in the see of Rome, he governed Diocletian. Most of the group some —
the Church about ten years. In his
for forty to fifty —
seem to have been soldiers
capacity as pope, he wrote to the church in the imperial army; several, however,
of Corinth to settle some disputes there were crucified, the punishment reserved
the letter is one of the most important for slaves. Their martyrdom was closely
documents of the sub-apostolic age. He connected with that of St Theodore
is venerated as a martyr, but his martyr- (Feb 7).
dom cannot be proved, much less the
legends attached to it. He is mentioned CLEOPATRA (St) W. AC. Oct 19
in the Canon of the Mass. A widow of Palestine who suc-
d. 319.
ceeded in securing the body of St Varus,
CLEMENT (St) Bp. AC. Nov 23 martyred under Diocletian, and en-
? The first bishop of Metz, sent directly shrined it at her home at Dera'a in
fromRome to evangelize that district of Syria. On the day of the dedication of
Roman Gaul. the church her twelve-year-old son died,
and he and St Varus appeared in a vision
CLEMENT of ALEXANDRIA (St) to comfort her.
C. PC. Dec 4
d. r.217. Titus Flavius Clemens suc- CLEOPHAS (St) M. RM. Sept 25
ceeded Panthenus as the head of the 1st cent. One of the two disciples whom
catechetical school of Alexandria, where Christmet on the way to Emmaus (Luke
he had Origen as one of his pupils. He XXIV). The RM. states that he was
has left numerous writings. His name murdered by the Jews in the house in
was listed in the RM. up to 175 1. which he entertained our Lord on that
first Easter day. He is sometimes identi-
CLEMENTIA (Bl) N. OSB. fied,without any real grounds, with
PC. March 21 Clopas or Alpheus, the father of St
d. 1 176. Daughter of Adolph, count of James the Less (Mt 10: 3, Jn 19: 25).

Hegesippus adds that he was a brother CLODULPHUS (French: CLOU)
of St Joseph. (St) Bp. 8 RM. June
605-696. Son of St Arnulf, bishop of
CLERUS (St) M. RM. Jan 7 Metz. He too became bishop of Metz,
A Syrian deacon, martyred at
d. r.300. succeeding his father in 656 and ruling
Antioch. over his diocese for forty years.


SCLEDOG, Latinized: CLITANUS f.474-545. Born at Lyons, daughter of
or CLEODIUS) (St) AC. Oct 23 Chilperic, king of Burgundy, she mar-
d. r.520. One of the saints descended ried Clovis, king of the Salian Franks,
from King Brychan of Brecknock, or at and was the means of leading her
leastof his clan. He left Carmarthen husband to embrace Christianity (496).
and went to Cornwall. Several dedica- She had much to suffer on account of
tions of churches —for instance, St the quarrels between her three sons. In
Cleer, near Liskeard —perpetuate his old age she retired to Tours, where she
memory. Another Clether, or Cledog, died by St Martin's tomb.
iscommemorated on Aug. 19. He is
alleged to have died a martyr in Here- CLOTILDE PAILLOT (Bl) M.
fordshire. AC. Oct 23
1 739- 1 794. Born at Bavay, professed as

CLETUS (or ANACLETUS) (St) an Ursuline in 1756, superior of the

Pope, M. RM. Apr 26 (July 13) house of Valenciennes. She was guillo-
d. The second successor of St tined at Valenciennes. She belongs to
Peter. He was probably martyred under the group of the Ursuline martyrs
Domitian. His name is in the Canon of beatified in 1920, q.v.
the Mass.

CLICERIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 20 Abs. OSB. AC. June 30

d. £.438. Bishop of Milan, of whom no c. 635-714. Daughter of St Adalbald and

record is extant. of St Rictrudis, later the abbess-foun-

dress of Marchiennes in Flanders. She
CLINIUS (St) Ab. OSB. was educated at Marchiennes by her
RM. March 30 own mother, the abbess-foundress,
? A
Greek and a Benedictine of Monte- whom she succeeded as second abbess
cassino, who was made superior of the (688).
daughter-house of St Peter, near Ponte-
corvo, where his relics are venerated.
CLOU (St) Bp. RM. June 8
Otherwise Clodulphus, q.v.

CLODOALDUS (French: CLOUD) CLOUD (St) Ab. RM. Sept 7

(St) Ab. Sept 7RM. Otherwise Clodoaldus, q.v.
d. r.560. Grandson of King Clovis and
of St Clotilde. When his two brothers CLYDOG (St) AC. Oct 23
were murdered he was taken to safety in Otherwise Clether, q.v.
Provence. Afterwards he became a
priest, a recluse, and the abbot-founder CLYTANUS (CLITANUS) (St)
of Nogent-sur-Seine, near Versailles, AC. Oct 23
now called after him Saint-Cloud. Otherwise Clether, q.v.

COCCA (CUCCA, CUACH) (St) V. horse, and dragged by her feet through
AC. June 6 the streets of Alexandria till she died.
? Patroness of Kilcock on the borders

of Cos. Meath and Kildare. COLAN (St) May 21

The Cornish form of the name of the
COCHA (COECHA) (St) V. Welsh Gollen, q.v.
AC. June 29
6th cent. Said to have cared for St COLETTE (St) V. Poor Clare.
Kieran of Saighir in his infancy. She RM. March 6
was afterwards abbess of Ross-Ben- 1381-1447. Nicolette Boilet was born at
chuir. Corbie, in Picardy, a carpenter's daugh-
ter. She tried her religious vocation
CODRATUS (CHUADRATUS), with the Beguines and the Benedictines,
DIONYSIUS, CYPRIAN, ANEC- but failed. Next she became a recluse at
TUS, PAUL and CRESCENS (SS) Corbie, and finally she found her
MM. RM. March 10 vocation in reviving the Franciscan
d. f.258. Greek martyrs, beheaded at spirit among the Poor Clares. She was
Corinth, under Valerian. Previously to made superioress of the whole order,
this,Codratus, then a child, appears to and her reform spread throughout
have been driven into the woods to France, Savoy, Germany and Flanders,
escape from the persecution under many convents being restored and
Decius (250). seventeen new ones founded by her.
She helped St Vincent Ferrer in the
CODRATUS (St) M. RM. March 26 work of healing the papal schism. She
Otherwise Quadratus, q.v. died at Ghent, and was canonized in


RM. May 19
COLGAN (St) Ab. AC. Feb 20
See Peter Celestine. d. Surnamed "the Wise" and
"the Chief Scribe of the Scots". Abbot
COEMGEN (St) Ab. AC. June of Clonmacnoise, in Offaly. He was a
Otherwise Kevin, q.v. friend of BlAlcuin.


? He appears to have been a
8th cent. Note. Probably the most popular bap-
monk of Kildare. If the tradition repre- tismal name in the early Irish church.

senting him as the author of the life of There are ninety-six saints of this name

St Brigid be trustworthy, we are in- in the martyrology of Donegal, two

debted to him for much interesting in- hundred and nine in the Book of Lein-
formation regarding that saint and her sterand many others. Hoi week lists
times. seventy-one; several, however, are
evidently duplicates.
RM. Feb
d. 249. An —
Egyptian lady some say a AC. Jan 23

young maiden martyred under De- d. £.702. Abbot-bishop of the mona-
cius. She was fastened to the tail of a stery of Lismore, in the government of

which he succeeded St Hierlug (Zailug) COLMAN (COLOMANNUS) (St)
in 698. Under his rule the fame of M. RM. July 8
Lismore reached its peak. See Kilian, Colman and Totnan.


Bp. AC. Feb 18 d. c. 610. A nephew of St Columba and
d. 676. A Connaught and a
native of the abbot-founder of monasteries at
monk of he was chosen third
Iona, Lynally (Land-Elo, Lin-Alli) and at
abbot-bishop of Lindisfarne. His reluc- Muckamore. He is credited with the
tance to accept the Roman traditions authorship of the Alphabet of Devotion.
prescribed for England at the synod of
Whitby (664) led him to withdraw with COLMAN of STOCKERAU (St) M.
his monks to Ireland. Here he founded RM. Oct 13
a monastery on Innisboffin Island, but d. 1012. An Irish, or Scottish, pilgrim,
laterwas compelled to establish another who passing through Austria, on his
(Mayo of the Saxons) on the mainland way to the Holy Land, was seized as a
for his English monks as they were spy, racked and hanged with a couple of
not on good terms with their Irish malefactors, at Stockerau, near Vienna.
brethren. Miracles were wrought by his dead
body, and he was venerated as a saint.
COLMAN of ARMAGH (St) C. He is honoured as one of the patron
AC. March 5 saints of Austria.
5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick. He
died during the lifetime of his master, COLMAN of KILROOT (St) Bp.
by whom he was buried at Armagh. AC. Oct 17
6th cent. A disciple of St Ailbe of Emly,
COLMAN Mc O'LAOIGHSE (St) and abbot-bishop of Kilroot, near
Ab. AC. May 15 Carrickfergus.
6th cent. Named also Columbanus. He
was a disciple of St Columba and of St COLMAN of SENBOTH-FOLA (St)
Fintan of Clonenagh. He founded, and Ab. AC. Oct 27
governed, a monastery at Oughaval. d. c.632. An Irish abbot of Senboth-
Fola, in the diocese of Ferns, and asso-
COLMAN of DROMORE (St) Bp. ciated with St Aidan, bishop of that see.
AC. June 7
6th cent. A native of Argyll who settled COLMAN of KILMACDUAGH (St)
in Ireland became the abbot-
and Bp. AC. Oct 29
founder and bishop of Dromore in Co. d. 632. A
son of the Irish chieftain
Down. He is said to have been the Duac. He was first a recluse at Arran-
teacher of St Finnian of Clonard. Cult more and at Burren in Co. Clare; then
approved in 1903. he founded the monastery of Kilmac-
duagh i.e. the church of the son of
COLMAN Mc ROI (St) Ab. Duac, and governed it as abbot-bishop.
AC. June 16 Cult approved in 1903.
6th cent. A deacon, disciple of St
Columba, and himself abbot-founder COLMAN of CLOYNE (St) Bp.
of a monastery at Reachrain, now Lam- AC. Nov 24
bay Island, Dublin. 522-^600. Born in Cork, a poet and a

royal bard at the court of Cashel. In in speech, holy in deed, great in counsel
middle age he was baptized by St . . . loving unto all".
Brendan, embraced the monastic life,
was ordained priest and preached in COLUMBA (St) Ab. AC. Dec 12
Limerick and Cork. Finally he founded d. 548. A native of Leinster and disciple
the church of Cloyne and was conse- of St Finian. He. governed the monas-
crated its first bishop. Cult approved in tery of Tyrdaglas in Munster.

COLUMBA of RIETI (Bl) V. Tert.
Ab. AC. Dec 12 467- 1 501. Angelella Guardagnoli was

d. 659. An abbot of Glendalough, men- born at Rieti in Umbria. She became a

tioned in the Irish calendars. Dominican of the third order at Peru-
gia and won the confidence of all in that

COLMOC (MACHOLMOC) (St) city, so that even the magistrates would

Bp. AC. June ask her advice. She is said to have been
Otherwise Colman of Dromore, q.v. ruthlessly persecuted by Lucrezia Bor-
gia. Beatified in 1627.


AC. June 28 COLUMBA (St) VM. RM. Sept 17
d. f.1510. A Hungarian Pauline monk
d. 853. A Cordova and a nun
native of
at Tabanos, whence she was driven by
in Ungvar. He healed the blind, the
the Moorish persecution of 852. She
lame and the lepers.
took refuge at Cordova, where at a later
date, being called upon to deny Christ,
she openly reviled Mohammed and
thereupon was beheaded.
Ab. RM. June 9 COLUMBA (St) VM. AC. Nov 13
r.521-597. The most famous of the
? Said to have been a Christian maiden
saints of Scotland. He was a native of
put to death by a heathen king of Corn-
Garton, in Co. Donegal, studied at
wall. She is the patron saint of two
Moville and Clonard, embraced the
parishes in Cornwall.
monastic life at Glasnevin, was ordained
priest, and forthwith embarked upon COLUMBA of SENS VM.
his life'swork of founding monasteries RM. Dec
and churches, first in Ireland, and after d. 273. A
Spanish girl who abandoned
563 in Scotland. On Whitsun eve of that her country in order to avoid being de-
year he landed with twelve companions nounced as a Christian. She went to
on the island of Iona (Holy Island) France with other Spanish Christians
where he established the greatest and and all were put to death near Meaux,
most celebrated of his monasteries, under Aurelian. Her shrine was at Sens,
which became thenceforward the most and she was formerly venerated
potent factor in the conversion of Picts, throughout France.
Scots, and the Northern English. The
description given of him by his bio- COLUMBANUS (St) H. AC. Feb 2
grapher and successor Adamnan, is d. 959. An Irish recluse whose hermit-
famous: "He had the face of an angel; age was near the church of Saint-Bavo
he was of an excellent nature, polished at Ghent.


COLUMBANUS (St) Ab. monk under St Fintan and eventually
RM. Nov 21 the abbot-founder of Bangor (Ben-
c.545-6 1 5. A native of Leinster and a Chor) where he was teacher of St
monk of Bangor. In 580 he left Ireland Columbanus and the band of monks
with a band of monks and worked first who evangelized Central Europe. He
in England, then in Brittany and finally wrote a rather severe rule for his monks.
in the Vosges district where he founded It seems that he lived some time in

the great abbey at Luxeuil which he Wales, Cornwall and Scotland.

governed for twenty-five years. His out-
spoken protest against the disorders of COMGAN (St) Ab. PC. Feb 27
the Frankish court led to his exile. He Abbot of Glenthsen or Kille-
d. £.565.

ended his days in N. Italy, in the abbey shin. He was assisted in death by St
of Bobbio which he founded shortly UthaofMunster.
before his His somewhat in-
temperate of the Celtic, as
defence COMGAN (St) Ab. AC. Oct 13
opposed to some of the Roman obser- 8th cent. An Irish prince, brother of St

vances and the austerity of his rule, Kentigern, who embraced the monastic
make him a rather forbidding person- life His
in Scotland. feast is kept in the

ality; but on the other hand, through diocese of Aberdeen.

the numerous abbeys, founded by
himself and by his disciples, especially
There are several saints of this name,
after they had become Benedictine, he
and they have been confused by hagio-
exerted a determining and lasting in-
graphers. The following are the most
fluence on the civilization of Western
AC. May 1

COLUMBANUS JUNIOR (St) M. A martyr of Catania in Sicily.

AC. Nov 21 AC. June 3
d. />.6i6. A disciple of St Columbanus A companion of St Photinus (Pothinus),
and a monk at Luxeuil. martyr of Lyons.
AC. June 12
An Irish abbot, patron saint of Ard-
AC. Sept 13 cavan. See also Baithin (June 9).
d. f.68o. Successor of St Deicola as
abbot of Lure.
COLUMBUS (Bl) C. OP. PC. Nov 8 COMPANY) (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cam.
d. 1229. Dominican prior of Toulouse
AC. Oct 8
1 2th cent. First abbot of the Camaldo-
and Montpellier. He died while preach-
ing at Frejus. His relics are in the
lese abbey of our Lady of Porzia in Italy.

cathedral of Frejus.
CONALD (St) C. AC. Sept 24
(St) RM. June 9 Otherwise Chuniald, q.v.

A corrupt form of the name Columbkill

or Columba, q.v. CONALL (COEL, CONALD) (St)
Ab. AC. May 22
COMGALL (COMGALLUS) (St) 7th cent. Abbot of the monastery of
Ab. AC. May 10 Inniscoel, Donegal, where there is a
^.516-601. Born in Ulster, he became a holy well called after him.

CONAN (St) Bp. AC. Jan 26 nell on the Liffey. St Brigid came to
d. .V.648. A native of Ireland and a know him and made him the spiritual
monk of Iona, said to have been a bishop director of her nuns at Kildare. Eventu-
in the Isle of Man. ally he became the first bishop of this
place. He was a metal-worker and very
CONCESSA (St) M. RM. Apr 8 skilled as a copyist and illuminator.
? A martyr anciently venerated at Car-

thage. CONNAT (COMNATAN) (St) V.

AC. Jan 1
CONCESSUS (St) M. RM. Apr 9 d. c .590. Abbess of St Brigid's convent
See Demetrius, Concessus, etc.
in Kildare.


CONOGAN (GWEN—latinized into
See Hippolytus, Concordia and Comp.
ALBINUS) (St) Bp. AC. Oct 16
d. 460. The successor of St Corentin in
CONCORDIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 1 the see of Quimper, in Brittany. His
d.175. A subdeacon put to death at
memory is still held in great veneration.
Spoleto, central Italy, under Marcus
CONON (St) M. RM. Feb 26
See Papias, Diodorus, etc.
See John.
CONON (St) M. RM. March 6
CONCORDIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 2 d. 250. A Christian from Nazareth in
See Zeno, Condordius and Theodore. Galilee who worked as a poor gardener
at Mandona (Carmel), in Pamphylia,
CONCORDIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 16 martyred under Decius.
See Valentine, Concordius, etc.
CONON (St) Ab. AC. March 28
CONDEDUS (CONDE, d. 1236. A Basilian monk and abbot of
CONDfcDE) H. OSB. AC. Oct 21 the Greek monastery of Nesi in Sicily.
d. c .690. An Englishman who became a
hermit at Fontaine-de-Saint-Valery, on CONON, Father and Son (SS) MM.
the Somme, France. There he heard of RM. May
the abbey of Fontenelle and asked to be d. 275. Both were martyred at Iconium
received into the community (^.673).
in Asia Minor under Aurelian. The boy

After some years as a monk he obtained was only twelve years of age. They were
leave to preach, while residing as a roasted before a slow fire and then
recluse on an island in the Seine, near racked to death.
CONGAN (St) Ab. AC. Oct 13 M. OSB. PC. Jan 16
Otherwise Comgan, q.v. d. 1 145. Conrad Bosinlother was born
near Treves and became a Benedictine
CONINDRUS (St) Bp. AC. Dec 28 at Siegburg.In 11 27 he was appointed
See Romulus and Conindrus. abbot of Mondsee (Lunaelacensis) in
Upper Austria. His firmness in reclaim-
CONLETH (St) Bp. AC. May 3 ing the alienated possessions of the
d. f.519. An Irish recluse at Old Con- abbey led some nobles to murder him


at Oberwang near Mondsee. From the Libya in N. Africa, whence he was
time of his death he was publicly recalledto act as advisor of Jerome
venerated at his abbey as a martyr. Masci, when the latter became a cardinal.


Cist. AC. Feb 15 OFM. Cap. RM. Apr 21
1 05-1 154, Son of Henry the Black, 1818-1894. Born of poor parents at
duke of Bavaria. While a student at Parzham near Passau in Bavaria, he
Cologne he was drawn to the monastic joined the Capuchins as a lay-brother at
life by St Bernard, who professed him at the age of thirty-one and spent more
Clairvaux. After some years he was than forty years as doorkeeper at his
granted permission to visit the Holy friary.He was endowed with the gift of
Land and on he died
his return journey prophecy and the power to read hearts.
near Molfetta in Apulia. Cult approved Beatified in 1930 and canonized in 1934.
in 1832.
Tert. OFM. AC. Feb 19 d. 1 1 26. A scion of the royal house of

1290-1 354. A nobleman of Piacenza Seldenburen and founder of the Swiss

who once when out hunting caused a abbey of Engelberg in Unterwalden
great conflagration, for which a poor where he was professed as a Benedictine
man was unjustly accused and con- lay-brother. He was sent to Zurich to
demned to death. Conrad confessed his defend the rights of his abbey and was
guilt and forfeited all his fortune to murdered there by his opponents. He is

make he and his

restitution. After this venerated as a martyr.
wife decided to become religious: she
was professed as a Poor Clare, he joined CONRAD (CUNO) of TREVES (St)
the third order of St Francis as a hermit. Bp. M. AC. June 1

He passed the last thirty years of his life d. 1066. Of the noble family of Pful-
as a recluse in Sicily. Cult approved, lingen in Swabia. His uncle, St Annon,
with the title of Saint, by Paul III. archbishop of Cologne, appointed him
bishop of Treves, in defiance of the right
CONRAD of HILDESHEIM (Bl) C. of election of the Treves chapter. Con-
OFM. AC. Apr 14 rad was seized on his way to Treves and
c.i 190- ? An
by birth and one of
Italian cast from the battlements of the castle
the first followers of St Francis, by of Uerzig. He is venerated as a martyr.
whom he was sent to establish the order
in N. Germany. He did so at Hildes- CONRAD of HESSEN (Bl) Ab.
heim, where his cultus survived till the OSB. Cist. PC. June 1

Reformation. d. CA2J0.Conrad of Herlesheim in

Ober-Hessen entered the Cistercian
CONRAD MILIANI of ASCOLI Order and belonged to the abbey of
(Bl) C. OFM. AC. Apr 19 Haina in which he was cellarer for at
1 234-1289. A nativeof Ascoli Piceno, least sixteen years.
he joined the Franciscans together with
Jerome Masci, afterwards Pope Nicho- CONRAD of OTTOBEUREN (Bl)
las IV, whose future elevation he fore- AB. OSB. PC. July 27
told. Conrad was sent to evangelize d. 1227. Abbot of Ottobeuren Abbey in

Bavaria from 1 193 till his death. He is Land, and in an age when most prelates
described as a "lover of the brethren were continually involved in secular
and of the poor". politics, he succeeded in attending ex-
clusively to ecclesiastical interests.
CONRAD NANTWIN (ANTVIN) Canonized in 1123.
(Bl) M. AC. Aug 1
d. 1286. While making a pilgrimage to CONRAD of OFFIDA (Bl) C. OFM.
Rome, he was unjustly accused and AC. Dec 14
burnt at the stake at Wolfrathshausen, c. 1 241-1306. A native of Offida, diocese
near Munich. His cult was approved of Ascoli Piceno. When fourteen years
by Boniface VIII, and a church is of age he joined the Franciscans and
dedicated to him. throughout his life as a Minorite, he
favoured the "spiritual" and eremitical
CONRAD of ZAHRINGEN (Bl) tendencies in the order. He died at
Card. Bp. OSB. Cist. PC. Sept 30 Bastia in Umbria while preaching a ser-
d. 1227. A memberof the family of the mon. Cult confirmed in 18 17.
counts of Seyne. In early life he was
made a canon of St Lambert's, Liege; CONRADIN of BRESCIA (Bl) C.
then he passed over to the Cistercians OP. PC. Nov 1

at Villers in Brabant. Subsequently he d. 1429. Born at Bornato, in the diocese

became successively abbot of Villers of Brescia, he was professed a Friar
(1209), of Clairvaux (1214), of Citeaux Preacher at Padua (141 3) and was
(1217), cardinal- bishop of Porto and chosen prior of Bologna. Here he was
Santa Rufina (121 9) and papal legate in twice imprisoned for defending the
Languedoc (1 224-1 226). He died at pope.
Bari. The Cistercians have always given
him the title of Saint. CONRAN (St) Bp. Feb 14
The legend of a holy bishop of the
(Bl) C. Orkney Islands so named lacks all

PC. Nov 24 historical foundation.

d. 1239. A doctor at the university of
Bologna whom St Dominic received CONSORTIA (St) V. RM. June 22
into the Order and sent to Germany. d. ? 570. Said to have been the foun-
He died at Magdeburg singing the dress of a convent generously endowed
Psalm, Cantate Domino canticum novum. by King Clotaire out of gratitude for her
having miraculously healed his dying
CONRAD of HEISTERBACH (Bl) daughter. She was venerated at Cluny,
C. OSB. Cist. PC. Nov 25 but nothing certain is known about her.
d. £.1200. A soldier and a minister to the
margraves of Thuringia until his fiftieth CONSTABILIS (St) Ab. OSB.
year, and then a Cistercian at Heister- AC. Feb 17
bach. Cult not yet officially approved. 1060-1724. A native of Lucania, he be-
came a Benedictine under St Leo at the
CONRAD of CONSTANCE (St) Bp. abbey of Cava near Salerno, and in 1 122
RM. Nov 26 was chosen its fourth abbot. He built the
d. 975,Bishop of Constance in Switzer- town of Casteiabbate, where he is now
land from 934 till his death. Three times venerated as the principal patron saint.
he made the pilgrimage to the Holy Canonized in 1893.


See Felix and Constantantia. AC. July 21
d. f.560. Disciple and first successor of
CONSTANT (St) M. AC. Nov 18 St Benedict at Montecassino.
d. 777. An Irish priest-hermit at Lough
Erne who died under circumstances CONSTANTINE (St) M.
which led to his being venerated as a RM. July 27
martyr. One of the Seven Sleepers, q.v.


A native of Auvergne, monk at
d. 570. Three anonymous groups of martyrs
Micy (Orleans) and abbot-founder of put to death at Constantinople are com-
Javron abbey. memorated in the RM., viz.
RM. Feb 8
CONSTANTINE(St) RM. March 11 d. 485. The community of monks of St
? The RM. says: "At Carthage, St
Dius martyred at the time of the Acacian
Constantine, confessor". Nothing is
schism for their fidelity to the Holy See.
known of him.
RM. March 30
CONSTANTINE (St) M. d. 351-359. A great number of people
AC. March n who suffered under the Arian emperor
d. 576. Said to have been a king of Corn- Constantius.
wall, who after a career of vice and RM. July 8
greed, led a penitent's life in Wales and d. 832. The Abrahamite monks, put to
Ireland, whence he went as a missionary death under the iconoclast emperor
to Scotland. There he was put to death Theophilus.
by pirates. There is little serious histori-
cal foundation for this story. CONSTANTIUS and Comp. (SS)
MM. RM. Jan 29
CONSTANTINE (St) King, M. d. 170. Constantius, first bishop of
AC. April 2 Perugia, was put to death with numer-
d. 874. Constantine II, king of Scot- ous Christians of his flock, under Mar-
land, was slain in a battle against cus Aurelius. The Acts of these martyrs
heathen invaders of his country and was are far from trustworthy. See Simpli-
henceforth locally honoured as a martyr. cius, Constantius and Victorian (Aug
He was buried at Iona. 26).


RM. Apr 12 (Bl) C. OP. AC. Feb 25
d. 529. The first bishop of Gap in d. 48 1. Constantius Bernocchi was

France, about whom nothing else is born at Fabriano in the Marches of An-
known. cona and at the age of fifteen entered
the Dominican Order. He had as
CONSTANTINE (St) Bp. masters Bl Conradin and St Antoninus.
AC. June 15 Appointed prior of the friary of San
d. c.706. Said to have been a monk Marco at Florence, he achieved there a
under St Philibert at Jumieges, and complete reform. He was renowned for
then Bishop of Beauvais. his gift of prophecy. Beatified in 181 1.

RM. Aug 26 d. Bishop of Bayeux in Nor-
See Simplicius, Constantius and Vic- mandy from 480 till his death.
CONUS (St) Mk. OSB. AC. June 3
CONSTANTIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 1 d. r.1200. Benedictine monk of Cardossa
d. r.520. Bishop of Aquino. He is in Lucania. His relics were enshrined in
mentioned with great honour by St the neighbouring village of Diano
Gregory the Great in his Dialogues. (1 261), tie saint's native place.


RM. Sept 23 d. 868. A Breton by birth, he became
6th cent. Sacristan of the ancient church successively archdeacon of Vannes,
of St Stephen at Ancona. He is still recluse, monk at Glanfeuil, and lastly
greatly venerated in that city. abbot-founder of the great Benedictine
monastery of St Saviour (831) near
CONSTANTIUS (St) C. Redon, in Brittany. He was driven from
RM. Nov 30 his abbey by the Norsemen and died in
5th cent. A priest of Rome who strongly exile. Cult confirmed, with the title of
opposed the Pelagians, at whose hands saint, in 1866.
he had much to endure.
CONSTANTIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 12 AC. Sept 28
See Maxentius, Constantius, etc. d. £.630. An Irish priest, disciple of St
Kentigern, who preached and died in
CONTARDO of ESTE (St) C. Scotland.
AC. Apr 16
d. 1249. Surnamed "the Pilgrim". He COPRES (St) M. RM. July 9
belonged to the Este family of Ferrara. See Patermuthius, Copres, etc.
He set out on a pilgrimage to Compos-
tella, but died at Broni, diocese of CORBICAN (St) C. AC. June 26
Tortona, in extreme poverty. 8th cent. An Irish recluse in the Low
Countries who spent part of his day
CONTARDO FERRINI (Bl.) C. helping and instructing the peasants.
AC. Oct 17
1 859-1 902. He was born at Milan and CORBINIAN (St) Bp. RM. Sept 8
studied at the university of Pavia. After 670-730. A Frank who spent fourteen
taking degrees in civil and canon law he years as a hermit and then went to
taught at Messina, Mutina and finally Rome, where Pope Gregory II con-
Pavia. A Franciscan tertiary, a member secrated him bishop and sent him to
of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, evangelize Germany. Corbinian fixed
and a friend of Mgr Achilles Ratti (later his residence at Freising in Bavaria. His
Pope Pius XI), he was the model of a last years were made very trying by
Catholic professor, and remarkable for Duke Grimoald, whose incestuous
his "inexhaustible desire for prayer". marriage the saint had denounced.
He died comparatively young at Suna
on the shore of Lake Maggiore. Beati- CORBMAC (St) Ab. AC. June 21
fied in 1947. 6th cent. A disciple of St Columba,



placed by him over the monastery he CORNELIA (St) M. RM. March 31

had founded at Durrow. See Theodulus, Anesius, etc.

CORDULA (St) VM. RM. Oct 22 CORNELIUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 2
An apocryphal saint who be- 1 st cent. The centurion of the Italic
d. ^453.
cohort, baptized at Caesarea in Palestine
longs to the legendary group of St
Ursula and her eleven thousand virgins. by the apostle St Peter (Acts X). Tradi-
tion makes him the first bishop of
COREA (Martyrs of) AC. Sept 22 Caesarea; and as such he is described in

See Laurence Imbert, etc.



COREBUS (St) M. RM. Apr 18
AC. June 4
£.117-138. A of Messina in
f.1120-1176. Cornelius Mc Conchail-
Sicily converted to Christ by St Eleu-
leach, an Irishman by birth, joined the
therius and martyred under the emperor
Augustinian canons regular at Armagh
Hadrian. It seems, however, that the
in 1 140, was chosen abbot there in 1 151
Acts of St Eleutherius and Anthia are
and finally became archbishop of that
entirely fictitious.
city in 1174. He died at Chambery in
Savoy on his return from a pilgrimage to
Rome and is still held in great venera-
AC. Dec 12
tion there.
d. c.490. The first bishop of Cornouaille,
now Qiiimper, in Brittany. He had been CORNELIUS (St) M. OFM.
a recluse at Plomodiern. His cult spread RM. July 9
throughout S.W. England, where he d. 1572. Born at Dorestat near Utrecht,
was known as St Cury. he took the Franciscan habit at Gorkum,
Holland, and was hanged by Calvinists
CORFU (Martyrs of) RM. Apr 29 at Briel with eighteen companions. (See
1 st cent. Known as "the Seven Holy Gorkum Martyrs.)
Thieves". Seven criminals converted to
Christ, it is said, by St Jason, a disciple CORNELIUS (St) Pope M.
of our Lord (Acts XVII, 5). Their RM. Sept 16
names are given as Saturninus, Inischo- d. 253. A Roman priest raised to the
lus, Faustian, Januarius, Massalius, papal throne after an interregnum of
Euphrasius, and Mannonius. They were fourteen months. He was opposed by
martyred in the island of Corfu. The Novatian, the first anti-pope. Cornelius
story is from a Greek Menology. had at once to attend to the condemna-
tion of Novatian's rigoristic principles
CORMAC (St) Bp. AC. Sept 14 on the readmission of those Christians
d. 908. Probably the bishop of
first who had fallen away during the persecu-
Cashel. He is likewise known as king of tion. Cornelius's pontificate is an
Munster and was slain in battle. The excellent illustration of how the papal
"Psalter of Cashel" compiled by him is authority was recognized everywhere by
still extant. the faithful. He died in the persecution
of Gallus. Shortly before his death he
CORMAC (St) Ab. AC. Dec 12 had been banished to Centumcellae
6th cent. An Irish abbot, friend of St (Civita Vecchia). His name is mentioned
Columba. in the Canon of the Mass.


CORNELIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 31 West. They are mentioned in the Canon
See Stephen, Pontian, etc. of the Roman Mass.


? A Benedictine nun of the convent of AC. Nov 5
Elche, near Valencia in Spain. Otherwise Gomidas, q.v.


See Victor and Corona. AC. May 30
See Thomas Cottam.
(St) M. Tert. OFM. RM. Feb 5 COTTIDUS, EUGENE and Comp.
d. 1597. A Japanese Franciscan tertiary, MM.
(SS) RM. Sept 6
who served the Franciscan missionaries ? Cappadocian martyrs, whose Acta
as interpreter. He
was crucified with St have not come down to us. St Cottidus
Peter Baptist and twenty-four com- is described as a deacon.
panions at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1627:
canonized in 1862. COTTOLENGO (JOSEPH-BENE-
DICT) (St) AC. Apr 29
COSMAS TAQUEA (Bl) M. See Joseph-Benedict Cottolengo.
AC. June 1

d. 1 61 9 (Nov 18). A layman, native of CRATON and Comp. (SS) MM.

Corea, taken to Japan as a prisoner of RM. Feb
war. There he became a member of the d. r.273. Craton, a philosopher and pro-
Confraternity of the Rosary and gave fessor of rhetoric, was converted to
shelter to Bl John of St Dominic. He Christ by St Valentine, bishop of Terni.
was in consequence burnt alive. Beati- He was martyred in Rome together
fied in 1867. with his wife, and family.

(St) AC. Sept 10 CREDAN (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Aug 19
d. 1 160. Born
Palermo in Sicily, he
d. ^.780. Eighth abbot of Evesham in
was appointed bishop of Aphrodisia and
the Time of King Offa of Mercia.
consecrated by Eugene III. The Sara-
cens captured his episcopal city and he CREMENTIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 16
died as a consequence of maltreatment See Caius and Crementius.
at their hands. Cult approved by Leo
XIII. CRESCENS (St) M. RM. March 10
See Codratus, Dionysius, etc.
RM. Sept 27 CRESCENS (St) M. RM. Apr 15
d. f.303. Twin Arab brothers, physi- ? A martyr of Myra in Lycia, Asia
cians by profession, who were martyred Minor, who perished at the stake.
at Aegea in Cilicia, under Diocletian.
They practised their profession without CRESCENS, DIOSCORIDES,
taking payment from and
their patients, PAUL and HELLADIUS (SS) MM.
on this account they are surnamed in RM. May 28
the East Anargyroi (the moneyless ones). d. c.244. Roman Christians who were
Their relics were brought to Rome, burnt to death. Helladius does not seem
whence their cult spread throughout the to have belonged to this group.



27 and Dec 29
RM. June A soldier beheaded at Saldo,
d. r.287.

2nd cent. The disciple of St Paul men- near Citta di Castello (Tiphernum) in
tioned by him (II Tim. IV, 10) as having Italy. His historical existence is doubt-
gone into Galatia. He is stated to have ful.

been appointed bishop of the Galatians.

Tradition tells us of his apostolate in CRESCENTIAN (St) M. RM. July 2
France and also that he founded the see See Ariston, Crescentian, etc.

of Mainz in Gaul. The RM. adds that

he returned to the east and was mar- CRESCENTIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 12
tyred under Trajan. It is certain that the See Hilaria, Digna, etc.

Crescens who was first bishop of Vienne

and the Crescens who worked at Mainz CRESCENTIAN, VICTOR, ROSU-
were not the disciples of St Paul, even GENERALIS (SS) MM.
LA, and
if they did really exist. RM. Sept 14
d. c.258. African martyrs, alleged to
CRESCENS (St) M. RM. July 18 have suffered at the same time and place
See Symphorosa and Comp. as St Cyprian.


See Priscus, Crescens and Evagrius. A martyr who suffered at Rome
d. 309.
in company with SS Cyriacus, Largus
(St) RM. Nov 28 and Smaragdus, expiring on the rack in
See Valerian. Urban, etc. their presence under Maxentius.


OFM. AC. Apr 5 See Valerian, Urban, etc.
1 682- 1 744. Born at Kaufbeuren in Ba-
varia. In 1703, at the request of the CRESCENTIANA (St) M. RM. May 5
Protestant mayor of the town, she was 5 th cent. Beyond the fact that as early
admitted to the convent of the Francis- as the time of Pope Symmachus (498-
can regular tertiaries, but the nuns neg- 514) a church in Rome was dedicated to
lected and even persecuted her because her, nothing is known of this martyr.
she had entered without a dowry. Her
Holiness, however, overcame their CRESCENTIO (St) M. RM. Sept 17
hostility,and eventually she was made See Narcissus and Crescentio.
novice-mistress, and superioress. Beati-
fied in 1900. CRESCENTIUS (St) C. RM. Apr 19
A subdeacon of Florence, a dis-
d. f.396.
CRESCENTIA (St) VM. RM. June 15 ciple of St Zenobius and of St Ambrose.
See Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia.
CRESCENTIAN (St) M. RM.May 3 i A boy, only eleven years of age,
d. c.300.
d. c.i 30. A martyr who suffered at Sas- the son of St Euthymius, q.v., who, in
sari, in Sardinia, at the same time as SS the persecution of Diocletian, was
Gabinus and Crispulus, in the reign of brought from Perugia to Rome, bravely
the emperor Hadrian. He is still held in confessed Christ under torture, and was
great veneration there. beheaded.


CRESCENTIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 12 trade, who were beheaded at Soissons in

See Maxentius, Constantius, etc. France under Diocletian. They were
held in great popular veneration
CRESCENTIUS (St) Bp. throughout the Middle Ages (see in this
Otherwise Crescens (June 27) q.v. connection Shakespeare's Henry V,
Act IV, Scene 2) and are still recog-
CRESCENTIUS (St) M. RM.Dec29 nized as the patron saints of shoemakers.
See Dominic, Victor, etc.

CRISPIN (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 19

CRESCONIUS (St) Bp. M. 4th cent. Bishop of Ecija (Astiagis) in
RM. Nov 28 Andalusia, beheaded under Maximian
See Valerian, Urban, etc. Herculeus. He honoured with a

special office in the Mozarabic breviary.

CRETE (Martyrs of) Dec 23
For this group often martyrs, who suf- CRISPIN (St) M. RM. Dec 3
fered in Crete, see Theodulus, Saturni- See Claudius, Crispin, etc.
nus, etc.
CRISPIN (St) M. RM. Dec 5
CREWENNA (St) Feb 1 See Julius, Potamia, etc.
5th cent. This saint accompanied St
Breaca from Ireland to Cornwall. There CRISPINA (St) M. RM. Dec 5
is no record of him beyond the place- d. 304. A wealthy matron of Thebeste in
name Crowan near St Erth. Numidia. She was tortured, forced to
undergo the most shameful indignities
CRISPIN (St) Bp. RM. Jan 7 and ultimately beheaded. We have still a
Two bishops of this name, both saints, glowing panegyric preached by St
governed the see of Pavia in Lombardy: Augustine in her honour.
one in the first half of the third century
occupied the see for thirty-five years, CRISPULUS (St) M. RM. May 30
the second was bishop during the reign See Gabinus and Crispulus.
of Pope St Leo the Great and in 451
subscribed the acts of the council of CRISPULUS and RESTITUTUS
Milan. It is apparently the second MM.
(SS) RM. June 10
which the RM. commemorates on Jan 7. 1 st cent.Martyrs believed to have suf-
fered under Nero, and probably in
CRISPIN of VITERBO (Bl) C. Rome. Baronius, however, following
OFM. Cap. AC. May 23 Rabanus Maurus, assigns them to
1 668-1 750. A native of Viterbo, who Spain. No account of them is extant.
joined the Capuchins as a lay-brother
and was employed as a cook in the CRISPUS (St) M. RM. Aug 18
friaries of Viterbo, Tolfa, Rome and See John and Crispus.
Albano. He loved to call himself "the
little beast of burden of the Capuchins". CRISPUS and CAIUS (SS) MM.
Beatified in 1806. RM. Oct 4
1 st cent. Saints of the apostolic age, the
CRISPIN and CRISPINIAN (SS) only two whom St Paul baptized at Cor-
MM. RM. Oct 25 inth (I Cor.1, 14). Crispus was ruler
d. f.287. Two brothers, shoemakers by of the synagogue in that city (Acts

XVIII, 8). Caius in all likelihood is the CROTATES (St) M. RM. Apr 21
same person whom the Apostle styles See Apollo, Isacius, etc.

"my host" (Rom. XVI, 23), and also

the "dearly beloved Gaius (Caius)" to CROYLAND (Martyrs of) (SS) OSB.
whom St John addressed his third AC. Apr 9
epistle. According to traditions, both See Theodore and Comp.
became bishops the former of the island

of Aegina, the latter of Thessalonica. CRUMMINE (St) Bp. AC. June 28

5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick,
CRISTIOLUS (St) AC. Nov 3 placed by him over the church of Lec-
A Welsh saint,
7th cent. brother of St cuine (Lackan) Co. Westmeath.
Sulian and founder of churches in Pem-
brokeshire and Anglesey. CTESIPHON (St) Bp. RM. May 15
See Torquatus, Ctesiphon, etc.


(SS) AC. June 4 CUAN (St) Ab. AC. Jan 1
6th cent. Three disciples of St Petroc, 6th cent. An Mochua
Irish abbot, called
q.v. or Moncan, who founded many chur-
ches and monasteries, and who lived to
CRONAN BEG (St) Bp. AC. Jan 7 close upon his hundredth year.
7th cent. A bishop of ancient Aendrum,
Co. Down, mentioned in connection CUARAN (CURVINUS, CRONAN)
with the paschal controversy in 640. (St) Bp. AC. Feb 9
d. p. 700. An Irish bishop, surnamed
CRONAN the WISE (St) Bp. like several others, "the Wise", who
AC. Feb 9 concealed his dignity in order to become
? 8th cent. Surnamed "the wise" on a simple monk at Iona, where, however
account of his ability in systematizing he was recognized by St Columba.
Irish canon law. He is probably identi-
cal with St Roman, bishop of Lismore. CUBY (CYBY) (St) Bp. AC. Nov 8
6th cent. A
Cornish saint, a cousin of
CRONAN of ROSCREA (St) Ab. St David of Wales. Consecrated bishop,
AC. Apr 28 he settled with ten disciples near Tre-
d. £.626. Born in Munster, founder of gony, but later passed some time in
several religious houses in various parts came to Wales
Ireland. Ultimately he
of Ireland, chief among them being that and founded monastery near Holy-
ofRoscrea. head. He is the patron saint of Llangibbi
(Monmouth) and of Llangybi (Carnar-
CRONAN (St) AC. June 3 von).
d. 617. Surnamed "the Tanner". A
disciple of St Kevin. CUCUPHAS (CUCUFATE,
CRONIDAS (St) M. RM. March 27 FAS) (St) M. RM. July 25
See Philetus, Lydia, etc. d. 304. A son of noble parents of Punic
descent resident at Scillis in Africa. He
CRONION (St) M. crossed over to Spain and was martyred
RM. Feb 27 and Oct 30 near Barcelona at the place where some
See Julian, Cronion, etc. centuries later arose the Benedictine

abbey of St Cugat del Valles. He is one CUNEGUND (St) V. OSB.
of the most celebrated of the Spanish RM. March 3
martyrs. Prudentius composed some d. 1039. Wife of Henry II, Holy Roman
exquisite stanzas in his honour. Part of Emperor, with whom she lived in con-
his relics were venerated at Paris. jugal virginity and is, for this reason,
venerated as a virgin. She founded the
CULMATIUS (St) M. RM. June 19 Benedictine nunnery of Kaufungen,
See Gaudentius and Culmatius. which she entered on the first anni-
versary of her husband's death (1024)
CUMGAR (CUNGAR, CYNGAR) and where she earnestly endeavoured to
(St) C. AC. Nov 7 forget her past dignity. Canonized in
6th (or 8th) cent. A native of Devon, 1200.
founder of monasteries at Budgworth,
Congresbury (Somerset) and at Llan- CUNEGUND (Bl) V. OSB.
gonys (Glamorgan). He is to be identi- AC. May 4
fied with St Docuinus, or Doguinus. d.$2. A Benedictine nun of the
This seems to be the name which was convent of Niedermunster in Ratisbon.
later corrupted into Oue and Kew. St
Cumgar was buried Congresbury, to
at CUNEGUND (Bl) V. AC. July 24
which town he has given his name. Otherwise Kinga, q.v.

CUMINE the WHITE (St) Ab. CUNERA (St) V. AC. June 12

AC. Feb 24 or Oct 6 ? A saint venerated more particularly
d. 669. An abbot of Iona of Irish de- in Germany, but said to have been of
scent, who wrote a life of St Columba. British birth. The traditions relating to
her are most untrustworthy.
(St) Bp. OSB. AC. June 9 CUNIALD and GISLAR (SS)
1st half 8th cent. An Irish bishop who AC. Sept 24
in his wanderings through Italy visited 7th cent. Confessors.
Bobbio and remained there as a monk.
By this time Bobbio was already a Bene- CUNIBERT (St) Ab. OSB.
dictine abbey Cummian himself was an
; AC. Sept 16
ardent advocate of the Roman obser- d. f.68o. Successor of St Humbert as
vances. abbot of Maroilles, in the diocese of
AC. Nov 12 CUNIBERT (St) Bp. RM. Nov 12
d. 662. An Irish monk who had charge A Frankish courtier who be-
d. f.663.
of the monastic school at Clonfert and came successively archdeacon of Treves
became the abbot-founder of the mon- and archbishop of Cologne. He filled

astery at Kilcummin, where he strenu- the office of chief minister during the
ously defended the Roman computation minority of King Sigebert of Austrasia.
of Easter against his Celtic brethren. He was an untiring builder of churches
and monasteries.
CUNCOLIM (Martyrs of)
AC. July 27 CURCODOMUS (St) C. RM. May 4
See Rudolph Acquaviva and Comp. 3rd cent. A Roman deacon, sent by the

cur£ CYBAR
pope to attend St Peregrinus, first CUTHBERT (St) Bp. OSB.
bishop of Auxerre, on his mission into PC. Oct 26
Gaul. d. 758. A monk of Lyminge in Kent who
became bishop of Hereford (c .736) and
CURE d'ARS C. (St) RM. Aug 9 archbishop of Canterbury (£.740). He is
See John Baptist Vianney. best remembered as one of the English
correspondents of St Boniface.
CURIG (St) Bp. AC. June 16
6th cent. Stated to have been bishop of CUTHBERT MAYNE (Bl) M.
Llanbadarn in Wales, in which country AC. Nov 29
several churches are dedicated in his 1 544-1 577. Born near Barnstaple in
honour. There is, however, great diffi- Devonshire, he was educated as a Pro-
culty in distinguishing him from other testant, but he was converted to Catho-
saints bearing similar names. licism while an undergraduate at St
John's, Oxford. He was ordained at
CURITAN (St) Bp. AC. March 14 Douai and sent to the English mission
Otherwise Boniface, q.v. (f.1575). He laboured in Cornwall, but
before a year had elapsed was captured
CURONOTUS (St) Bp. M. and condemned for the crime of saying
RM. Sept 12 Mass. He was executed at Launceston.
d. r.258. A bishop of Iconium in Lycao- Beatified in 1886, he is the protomartyr
nia, Asia Minor, martyred under of the English seminaries.
CURY (St) Bp. AC. Dec 12 AC. Aug 31
Otherwise Corentinus, q.v. King Ina of Wessex.
d. c .725. Sister to
She married Aldfrid of Northumbria
CUTHBERT (St) Bp. OSB. (688) who allowed her to enter as a nun
RM. March 20 at Barking under St Hildelid. Some
d. 687. A Briton who in his youth tended time after 705 she founded, with her
his father's sheep until he embraced the sister St Queenburga, Wimborne abbey
monastic life at Melrose. When Ripon in Dorset, which governed as
abbey was founded he was sent there as abbess. From nunnery came forth
guest-master, then he became prior of the band of missionary nuns who helped
Melrose. Finally, after the council of in the evangelization of Germany.
Whitby, he was asked to go to Lindis-
farne, now under the new Benedictine CUTHMAN (St) H. AC. Feb 8
observance, and was made prior of the 9th cent. A
south of England saint who
abbey. In March, 685, he was conse- lived a holy fife as a shepherd near
crated abbot-bishop of Lindisfarne by Steyning in Sussex. The old church
St Theodore at York. St Cuthbert is of that place was dedicated in his
one of the most famous of English honour.
saints. He was moreover the wonder-
worker of England, and his shrine at CUTIAS (St) M. RM. Feb 18
Durham was one of the most frequented See Maximus, Claudius, etc.
in the Middle Ages: it was already an
ancient shrine before St Thomas of CYBAR (St) Ab. RM. July 1

Canterbury was born. Otherwise Eparchius, q.v.


CYBY (St) Bp. AC. Nov 8 CYPRIAN (St) Bp. M. RM. Sept 16
Otherwise Cuby, q.v. f.210-258. Thascius Caecilius Cypria-
nus was born in Proconsular Africa,
CYNDEYRN (St) Bp. AC. Jan 14 became a lawyer, was converted to
Otherwise Kentigern, q.v. Christianity and was consecrated bishop
of Carthage (f.249). It is as a bishop
CYNFARCH (St) AC. Sept 8 that he played a most important part in
Otherwise Kingsmark, q.v. the history of the Western Church.
As such he produced numerous treatises
CYNFRAN (St) C. AC. Nov 11 on various theological subjects, one of
5th cent. A Welsh saint, one of the sons the most important being De Unitate y

of the chieftain Brychan of Brecknock and wrote numerous letters. He is in

and founder of a church in Carnarvon- fact, like Tertullian, a pioneer of Latin
shire. There is also a St Cynfran's well. Christian literature. He is a witness to
the belief of the faithful in the necessary
CYNIBILD (St) C. AC. March 2 oneness of the Church founded on the
7th cent. A brother of SS Chad and Rock of Peter. He seconded Pope St
Cedd who also laboured in the evan- Cornelius's teaching on the reconcilia-
gelization of the Anglo-Saxons. tion of fallen Christians. He erred, how-
ever, on the doctrine of the validity of
CYNIDR (KENEDRUS) (St) Ab. baptism conferred by heretics. Never-
AC. Apr 27 theless, the Roman Church has always
Otherwise Enoder, q.v. been grateful to his memory and
mentions his name in the Canon of the
CYNLLO (St) AC. July 17 Mass. Cyprian went into hiding during
5th cent. A Welsh saint, in whose the persecution of Decius, but was
honour several churches are dedicated. arrested and beheaded under the first
edict of Valerian. The Acts of his
CYNOG (St) M. AC. Oct 7 martyrdom are of great charm and
Otherwise Canog, q.v. interest.


6th cent. The brother of St Deiniol, RM. Sept 26
first bishop of Bangor. He lived an The legend is that Cyprian, a pagan
austere N. Wales, and after
life in his necromancer and astrologer, was con-
death churches were dedicated in his verted to Christianity by the virgin
honour. Justina whom he had tried to lead
astray. In the persecution under Dio-
CYPRIAN (St) M. RM. March 10 cletian they were both arrested and
See Codratus, Dionysius, etc. beheaded at Nicomedia. There is no
evidence whatever to justify the belief
CYPRIAN (St) Bp. AC. Apr 21 that these two persons ever existed. The
d. 582. Bishop of Brescia in Lombardy. story is merely a moral fable.
His relics are enshrined in the church of
San Pietro in Oliveto at Brescia. CYPRIAN (St) Bp. AC. Oct 3
6th cent. Monkof St Victor at Mar-
CYPRIAN (St) M. RM. July 1 seilles, and bishop of Toulon (516).
See Sabinus and Cyprian. He was a staunch opponent of


Semi-Pelagianism. He has left us the sheltered the persecuted Christians and

life of his master St Caesarius of Aries. towhose house St Laurence, the deacon
and martyr, was accustomed to repair to
CYPRIAN (St) M. RM. Oct 12 distribute his alms. The Roman Church
See Felix and Cyprian. of St Mary in Dominica perpetuates her
CYPRIAN (St) Ab. RM. Dec 9
d. 586. A monk of Perigueux, France,
CYRIACUS (St) M. RM. Jan 31
See Tarcisius, Zoticus, etc.
who ended his life as a hermit on the
banks of the Dordogne. St Gregory of
CYRIACUS (St) M. RM. Feb 8
Tours has left an account of St Cyp- See Paul, Lucius and Cyriacus.
rian's life and miracles.

CYR (St) M. RM. June 16

CYRIACUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
See Quiricius and Julitta.
RM. Apr 7
? Eleven Christians, martyred at Nico-
CYRA (St) RM. Aug media in Asia Minor.
See Marana and Cyra.
CYRIACUS (St) M. RM. May 2
CYRENIA and JULIANA (SS) MM. See Exuperius, Zoe, etc.

RM. Nov 1
d. 306. Two Christian women burnt to CYRIACUS (QUIRIACUS) (St) M.
death at Tarsus in Asia Minor under Bp. RM. May 4
Maximin. ? Most probably a bishop of Ancona in
Italy, who while making his pilgrimage
CYRIA (St) M. RM. June 5 to the Holy Land, was martyred under
See Zenais, Cyria, etc. Julian the Apostate. Others assert that
he was a bishop of Jerusalem put to
CYRIACA, CYRIACUS, etc. death under Hadrian.
Note. These names, common to many
saints, are often found written Quiria- CYRIACUS (St) M. RM. June 5
cus, Quiriaca, etc. Sometimes they are See Florentius, Julian, etc.
replaced by their equivalent Latin forms
Dominicus, Dominica, etc. Less fre- CYRIACUS and JULITTA (SS)
quently, the spelling Kyriacus, Kiriacus, MM. RM. June 16
etc., is met with. Otherwise Quiricus and Julitta, q.v.

CYRIACA (St) M. RM. March 20 CYRIACUS and PAULA (St) MM.

See Photina, Joseph, etc. RM. June 18
d. 305. Two Christians, stoned to death
CYRIACA and Comp. (SS) W. at Malaga in Spain under Diocletian.
MM. RM. May 19 St Paula is registered as a virgin-martyr.
d. 307. Six Christian maidens who per-
ished at the stake at Nicomedia under CYRIACUS (St) M. RM. June 20
Maximinian Galerius. See Paul and Cyriacus.


RM. Aug 21 MM.
(SS) RM. June 21
d. 249. A wealthy Roman widow, who ? African martyrs, registered in the

Martyrologies, but whose Acts have council of Ephesus in 431, at which

been lost. Nestorius was definitely condemned.
Stressing the truth of Christ's divinity,
CYRIACUS (St) M. RM. June 24 St Cyril employs a terminology that
See Orentius, Heros, etc. sometimes seems to favour Mono-
physitism, and this is the reason why
Monophysite Copts, Syrians and Ethio-
CYRIACUS (St) M. RM. July 15
pians venerate him as their chief teacher.
See Antiochus and Cyriacus.
He was declared Doctor of the Church
by Leo XIII.
DUS and Comp. (SS) MM. CYRIL (St) M. RM. March 4
RM. Aug 8 and March 16 See Archelaus, Cyril and Photius.
d. 304. A group of twenty-four martyrs
who suffered in Rome under Diocletian.
At their head was St Cyriacus, a deacon,
who at a later period gave his name to a C. OC. AC. March 6

church. The Acts are worthless, and d. Born of Greek parents at


the only certain fact is that Cyriacus Constantinople, he was ordained priest

gave his name to the church. and was noted as a teacher of true
sanctity. At the age of forty-six he be-
came a Carmelite in Palestine and was
CYRIACUS (St) H. AC. Sept 29
prior general for seventeen years.
d. 556. Hermit and abbot in Palestine.
He died in the laura of St Sabas.
His life
was written by St Cyril of Scythopolis.
606. Administrator, and afterwards
MM. RM. March 8
patriarch,of Constantinople. The ? African martyrs —Cyril is described
Greeks commemorate him on Oct 29. as a bishop —registered in all the ancient
lists, but of whom nothing is known.
SINDIMIUS and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. March 18
RM. Dec 19 r.315-387. Born near Jerusalem, he be-
d. 303. A group of Christians, martyred came a priest in 345, and patriarch of
at Nicomedia under Diocletian. No the city from 350 till his death. Seven-
other particulars are extant. teen years of his patriarchate he spent
in exile, driven out by the Arians. His
CYRIL of ALEXANDRIA (St) Bp. name is forever connected with his
Dr. RM. Feb 9 work as a catechist: his instructions on
c .376-444. A native of Alexandria who Christian doctrine, addressed to the
became patriarch of that city in 412. His catechumens before baptism are gems
name in history is famous as the untiring of theological literature. He was de-
opponent of Nestorianism, which he de- clared Doctor of the Church by Leo
nounced to Pope St Celestine I. The XIII. The myth that he ever sided with
pope appointed him to preside at the the Arians is now universally rejected.


CYRIL (St) M. RM. March 20 CYRIL (St) Bp. RM. July 22

See Paul, Cyril, etc. d. ^.300. The successor of Timaeus
(280) in the patriarchate of Antioch. He
(St) RM. March 29 had much endure in the persecution

d. r.362. A
deacon of Heliopolis in the of Diocletian, but appears to have died
in peace.
Lebanon, who suffered under Julian the
CYRIL (St) Bp. AC. May
5th cent. A bishop of Treves, whose
(SS) MM. RM. Aug 1

This group of martyrs had a local feast

relicswere enshrined in the abbey
at Philadelphia in Arabia. They were
church St Matthias in that city.
not martyred there, and Peter is ap-
parently the Apostle, Rugus of Rome,
CYRIL (St) M. AC. May 29 and Cyril of Times.
d. ? 251. A
boy of Caesarea in Cappa-
docia, who embraced Christianity with-
CYRIL (St) M. RM. Oct 2
out his father's knowledge. He was
See Primus, Cyril and Secundarius.
turned out of his home, arrested and
put to death.
CYRIL (St) M. RM. Oct 28
See Anastasia and Cyril.
RM. July 7
d. 869 and 885. Two brothers who are
(St) RM. July 5
venerated as the "Apostles of the d. f.300. An
aged widow of Cyrene,
Slavs". Cyril, or Constantine, was a condemned to death, but who appears
secular priest and Methodius a monk to have expired in the torture chamber.

in aGreek monastery. In 863 they began Several other martyrs suffered at the

to evangelize Moravia. They met with same time.

opposition there and came to Rome to
ask the apostolic blessing on their work. CYRILLA (St) VM. RM. Oct 28
Cyril now became a monk at SS Boni- d. 268-270. The daughter of St Try-
face and Alexius on the Aventine, and phonia and a sharer in the good works
died shortly after. Methodius was con- of that saintly Roman widow. She was
secrated bishop and returned to preach put to death under the emperor Clau-
in Moravia and Pannonia with permis- dius II.
sion to celebrate the liturgy in Slavonic.
This concession turned the German CYRINUS, PRIMUS, and THEO-
bishops against his work, and they even GENES (SS) MM. RM. Jan 3
put him in prison. His apostolate, d. 320. Soldiers in the imperial army
however, met with signal success. He who were martyred at Cyzicus on the
translated most of the Bible into Hellespont under the emperor Licinius.
CYRINUS (St) M. RM. May 10
CYRIL (St) Bp. M.
July 9 RM. See Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyrinus.
d. 250. An aged bishop of Gortyna in
Crete, tortured and beheaded under CYRINUS (St) M. RM. June 12
Decius. See Basilides, Cyrinus, etc.

CYRINUS (St) M. RM. Oct 25 CYRUS and JOHN (SS) MM.
3rd cent. A Roman martyr under Dio- RM. Jan 31
cletian of whom mention is made in the d. c .303. Two physicians of Alexandria
Acts of St Marcellinus, pope and martyr. who went to Canopus to assist a woman
and her three daughters who were being
CYRION, BASSIAN, AGATHO persecuted as Christians. All were mar-
and MOSES (SS) MM. RM. Feb 14 tyred together.
? A group of martyrs of Alexandria,
listed together because all perished at CYRUS of CARTHAGE (St) Bp.
the stake. Cyrion was a priest, Bassian RM.
July 14
a lector, Agatho an exorcist, and Moses ? St Possidius, the biographer of St
a layman. Augustine, speaks of a sermon deli-
vered by the latter on the feast of St
CYRION and CANDIDUS (SS) Cyrus. Probably he meant St Cyprian.
MM. RM. March 9
The two most conspicuous among the CYTHINUS (St) M. RM. July 17
Forty Armenian Martyrs, q.v. One of the Scillitan Martyrs, q.v.

DABEOC (St) Ab. AC. Jan i of Austrasia. He was monas-
exiled to a
Otherwise Beoc, q.v. tery in 656, recalled in 675 and mur-
dered by order of Ebroin, mayor of the
DABIUS (DAVIUS) (St) C. palace. His death has been traditionally
AC. July 22 regarded as a martyrdom.
? An Irish priest who worked in Scot-
land, where he is the titular of several DAIG MACCAIRILL (DAGAEUS,
churches. He may be identical with St DAGANUS)
Movean or Biteus, disciple of St Bp. AC. Aug 18
Patrick. d. 586. Son of Cayrill, he was a disciple
of St Finian and founded a monastery
DACIAN (DATIANUS) (St) M. at Inis Cain Dega (Iniskeen). He was
RM. June 4 bishop and abbot. The Book of Leinster
See Aretius and Dacian.
makes him "one of the Three Master
Craftsmen of Ireland".
DACIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 1

See Caesarius, Dacius, and Comp.

DALLAIN) (St) M. AC. Jan 29
DADAS (St) M. RM. Apr 13 d. 598. A kinsman of St Aidan of Ferns,
See Maximus, Quintilian and Dadas.
born in Connaught, and a great scholar.
Through his application to study he
DADAS (DIDAS), CASDOF, and became blind. He is best remembered
GABDELAS (SS) MM. RM. Sept 29 for his poem in honour of St Columba,
^.310-368. Dadas, a noble Persian, Cas-
called Ambra Choluim Kille. He was
doe, his wife, and Gabdelas, probably
murdered at Inis-coel by pirates.
their son,were of the number of the
many martyrs who suffered under
Shapur (Sapor) II, to whom Dadas was
d. f.440. An archimandrite, venerated
at Constantinople. He took a lively part

DAFROSA (AFFROSA) in defending the Catholic Bishops

(St) M.
against the intrigues of the Nestorians.
RM. Jan
? According to the untrustworthy Acts
of St Bibiana, St Dafrosa, her mother, DALMATIUS MONER (Bl) C. OP.

was martyred, under Julian the Apostate. AC. Sept 26

1 29
-1 341. Born near Gerona, in Spain,
DAGAN (St) M. AC. Aug 27 he joined the Friars Preachers. His life
Otherwise Decuman, q.v. among them was uneventful as regards
dignities and offices, which he constantly
DAGOBERT II (St) King M. refused, but was a living pattern of
PC. Dec 23 fidelity to the rule. Cult confirmed in
d. 679. Son of St Sigebert III, and king 1721.

DALMATIUS (St) Bp. AC. Nov 13 tyrwhose relics were found in the cata-
d. 580.Bishop of Rodez, in France, from combs of St Callistus and sent to
524 to 580. He had much to suffer at the Salamanca in Spain. Other particulars
hands of the Arian Visigoth King are lacking.
DALMATIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Feb 23
RM. Dec 5 See Peter Damian.
d. 304.Born at Monza of pagan parents
he preached, after his conversion, in DAMIAN (St) Bp. RM. Apr 12
Gaul and N. Italy until his election to d. 710. Bishop of Pavia in Lombardy,
the see of Pa via. He was martyred under elected to that office in 680. He vigor-
Maximian Herculeus within a year of ously opposed the Monothelites, and
his election. acted successfully as peacemaker be-
tween the Emperor of Byzantium and
DAMASCUS (Martyrs of) (BB) MM. the Lombards.
AC. July 10
See Emmanuel Ruiz and Comp. DAMIAN (St) M. RM. May 26
Otherwise Dyfan, q.v.
DAMASUS (St) Pope RM. Dec 11
d. 384. A Spaniard by descent, but prob- DAMIAN VAZ (Bl) M. AC. June 11
ably born in Rome, he served deacon
as d. 1242. A Portuguese knight of St John,
the Spanish church of St Laurence put to death by the Moors at Tavira,
in that city. He was chosen pope in 366 Algarbes, Portugal (see Peter Rodri-
and during his pontificate he greatly guez).
increased the prestige of the Roman See.
He successfully opposed the Arians DAMIAN YAMIKI (Bl) M.
and Apollinarians; commissioned his AC. Sept 10
great friend St Jerome to correct the d. 1622. A
Japanese layman, beheaded
Latin Bible; developed the Roman at Nagasaki. He belongs to the group of
liturgy; and restored many sacred Bl Charles Spinola, q.v.
buildings and the tombs of the martyrs,
composing inscriptions for them which DAMIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 27
have become famous. St Jerome styles See Cosmas and Damian.
him "an incomparable man".
DAMHNADE (St) V. AC. June 13 OP. AC. Oct 26
? An Irish virgin greatly venerated in d. 1484. A native of Finale (Finarium)
Cavan, Fermanagh, etc. Colgan identi- near Savona, in Liguria, he took the
fies her with St Dympna, the martyr of Dominican habit at Savona, and
Gheel in Belgium. Nothing certain is preached in nearly all the cities of Italy.
known of her life or date. He died at Reggio d'Emilia. Cult ap-
proved in 1848.
DAMIAN (SS) MM. RM. Feb 12
? The Bollandists distinguish two saints DANIEL (St) M. RM. Jan 3
of this name under the date Feb
one 12: d. 168. A deacon, said to have been of
a soldier, martyred in Africa, probably Jewish extraction, who aided St Pros-
at Alexandria; the other a Roman mar- docimus, first bishop of Padua, in his


apostolate in N.E. Italy.He was mar- relics are said to have been translated
tyred in His body was discovered
1 68. first to Alexandria and then to Venice.
many centuries later and solemnly en-
shrined Jan 3, 1064. DANIEL (St) Bp. AC. Sept 11
d. Consecrated first bishop of
DANIEL (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist. Bangor by St Dyfrig. The Cathedral of
PC. Jan 20 Bangor and other churches are dedi-
d. 1232. The third abbot of the Cister- cated in his name.
cian monastery of Cambron, in Hainault.
See Elias, Jeremias, etc. NICHOLAS and HUGOLINUS (SS)
MM. OFM. RM. Oct 10
DANIEL and VERDA (SS) MM. d. 22 1. This band of Franciscan miss-

AC. Feb 21 ionaries was sent by St Francis himself

d. 344. Persian martyrs, greatly hon- to preach the gospel to the Moors in
oured in the East, who suffered under Morocco. The leader of the band was
King Shapur II. The first was a priest, Brother Daniel, provincial of Calabria.
the second a woman. On their arrival at Ceuta the friars were
first treated as madmen, but on their
DANIEL (St) H. OSB. Cam.
refusal to apostatize to Islam, they were
AC. March 31 beheaded, having been in the country
d. 141 1. A German merchant who
less than three weeks. Canonized in 1 5 1 6.
through travelling to Venice on business
came to know the Camaldolese monks of
Murano. He lived a hermit's life under
RM. Dec 11
their direction and rule, but in his own
d. 493. After St Simeon the Elder, the
house, and was wont to spend long
greatest and best known of the pillar-
periods with them. He was killed by
saints. He was a monk near Samosata,
robbers in his cell.
on the Upper Euphrates. When travel-
ling with his abbot he came to know of
DANIEL (St) M. AC. Apr 29
St Simeon Stylites, who lived on the
9th cent. A hermit-martyr, the titular of
the abbey-church of the Benedictine
top of a pillar near Antioch. He forth-
with determined to follow the same way
nuns at Gerona in Spain. According to
the legend, which defies
of life at a spot near Constantinople.
all historical
Here the emperor Leo I built for him a
he was a native of Asia
series of pillars, and here too he was
Minor, and flourished in the times of
ordained priest by St Gennadius. From
the top of his pillar he became the oracle
DANIEL (St) M. RM. July 10 of the whole city. He lived on his pillar
See Leontius, Maurice, etc. for thirty years, during which time he
came down only once from it in order
DANIEL (St) Prophet RM. July 21 to rebuke the usurping emperor Basilis-
5th cent. B.C. One of the four great cus for supporting the Monophysites.
prophets of the O.T. His life belongs
to the Jewish, rather than to the Chris- DANIEL (Bl) C. OSB. Cist.
tian calendar. The RM.
mentions PC. Dec 26
Babylon as the place of his death. His Late 1 2th cent. Monk and cellarer of the
great Cistercian abbey of Villers in whole diocese was overrun by the Arian
Brabant. He is listed as a beatus in the Ostrogoths, and he had to flee to Con-
Cistercian catalogues. stantinople, where he spent the rest of
his life. Here he defended Pope Vigilius
DARERCA (St) W. AC. March 22 in the dispute about the "Three
? 5th cent. St Patrick's Her name,
sister. Chapters".
derived from the Irish Diar-Sheare,
means constant and firm love. She is DATIUS, REATRUS (RESTIUS)
reputed to have left fifteen sons, some and Comp., and DATIUS (DATI-
ten of whom became bishops. VUS), JULIAN, VINCENT and 27
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Jan 27
DARIA (St) M. RM. Oct 25 ? Two groups of African martyrs; the

See Chrysanthus and Daria. second group suffered under the Arian
Vandals. The Arian persecution lasted
DARIUS, ZOSIMUS, PAUL and a century (427-531).
? Agroup of martyrs who suffered at DATIVA (St) M. RM. Dec 6
Nicaea, of whom nothing else is known. See Dionysia, Dativa, etc.


DERLUGDACH) (St) V. AC. Feb 1 See Saturninus, Dativus, etc.
d. £.524. Successor of St Brigid and
second abbess of Kildare. DATIVUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Sept 10
See Nemesian, Felix, etc.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 21 DAVID (St) Bp. AC. March 1
d. f.303. A group of fifteen soldiers who 5th-6th cent. Born in S. Wales and
suffered martyrdom at Nicomedia under educated by St Paulinus, the disciple of
Diocletian. St Germanus of Auxerre. He founded a
monastery at Mynyw (Menevia) in the
DASIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 20 far west of Pembrokeshire and is
d. r.303. A Roman soldier who refused honoured as the first bishop in those
to take part in the heathen orgies of the parts. The place is now called St Davids.
Saturnalia, and was for this reason The monks followed an exceedingly
martyred at Dorostorum in Mysia, Asia austere rule and their monastery be-
Minor. came a veritable nursery of saints. The
foundation of a dozen monasteries and
DATHUS (DATUS) (St) Bp. many miracles are attributed to him,
July 3 RM. but the biography of St David, as handed
d. 190. Bishop of Ravenna. His elec- down to us, is full of anachronisms. He
tion was due to the miraculous appear- is the principal patron saint of Wales.

ance of a dove hovering over his head.

He governed his see during the reign of DAVID (St) H. RM. June 26
the emperor Commodus. ? 5th cent. Said to have been a native
of Mesopotamia who settled in a solitary
DATIUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 14 place outside Thessalonica, where he
d. 552. Bishop of Milan, being elected served God for seventy years. His relics
to that see some time after 530. His were translated to Pavia in 1054.


DAVID GONSON (Bl) M. is one of the types of Christ in the O.T.,

AC. July 12 and indeed one of the most lovable

d. 1 541. Son of Vice-Admiral Gonson characters in history. His story is fully
(or Gunston), and a knight of St John. told in Kings (Samuel) Bks. I and II and
He was hanged, drawn and quartered in Paralipomenon (or Chronicles). The
at Southward. Beatified in 1929. Greeks keep his feast, together with
those of all the other saints who were
Bp. OSB. (St) ancestors of our Lord, on Dec 19.
AC. July 15
d. <r.io8o. Tradition makes him an Eng- DAVINUS (St) C. RM. June 3 ?

lish Benedictine, who had a passionate d. 105 1. A native of Armenia who set
by mar-
desire to give his life to Christ out on a pilgrimage to Rome and
tyrdom. When
he heard of the death of Compostella. On
way he stopped at
St Sigfrid's three nephews he offered Lucca, where he succumbed to a fatal
himself to the saint and was sent to malady and was venerated as a saint.
Sinenga. Eventually he founded a
Benedictine abbey, afterwards called DAVY (JOHN) (Bl) M. AC. June 6
Monkentorp, which he governed as See John Davy.
abbot. He is said to have been the first
bishop of Vaster ass. DAY (DYE) (St) Ab. ? RM. Jan 18
? This saint, otherwise unknown, to
DAVID (GLEB) (St) C. AC. July 24 whom a Cornish church is dedicated,
See Romanus and David. may possibly be St Deicola, abbot, q.v.

DAVID LEWIS (Bl) M. SJ. DE (St) Bp. AC. Jan 31

AC. Aug 27 Breton form of the name St Aidan (or
1 61 6-1 679. David Lewis (alias Charles Eden) of Ferns.
Baker) was born in Monmouthshire and
educated at Abergavenny. He was con- DECLAN (St) Bp. AC. July 24
verted to the Faith, studied for the 5th cent. A disciple of St Colman who
priesthood at Rome and became a Jesuit became a bishop in the district of Ard-
in He worked in S. Wales for
1645. more.
thirty-one years. He was martyred for
his priesthood at Usk. Beatified in 1929. DECOROSUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 15
For thirty years bishop of Capua,
d. 695.
DAVID of HIMMERODE (Bl) Ab. St Decorosus was one of the prelates
OSB. Cist. AC. Dec 11 who assisted at the council of Rome
d. 1 179. A native of Florence, who took under Pope St Agatho (680).
the Cistercian habit at Clairvaux under
St Bernard (1131). In 11 34 he was sent DECUMAN (DAGAN) (St) M.
to Germany as abbot-founder of Him- AC. Aug 27
merode, in the diocese of Treves. Cult d. 706. A Welsh saint who lived as a
approved by Rome. recluse in Somersetshire, where he was
DAVID (St) King and Prophet
RM. Dec 29 DEEL (DEILLE) (St) Ab.
10th cent. B.C. David "the beloved" and RM. Jan 18
"the man after God's own heart". He Otherwise Deicola (Dichul), q.v.

DEGADH (St) AC. Aug 18 DEMETRIA (St) VM. RM. June 21
Otherwise Dagaeus, q.v. d. 363. An alleged sister of St Bibiana
and daughter of SS Flavian and Dafrosa,
PC. Sept 3
d. 1374. A native of Bavaria and a monk DEMETRIAN (St) Bp. AC. Nov 6
of Niederaltaich. After some years in d. c.gi2. A native of Cyprus who became

the abbey he retired to live as a recluse monk and hegoumenos of St Antony's

under BB Otto and Hermann, also and bishop of Khytri, both in his

Benedictine monks of Niederaltaich, in native island. He is one of the most

their cell at Frauenau, in the Bavarian venerated of Cypriot saints.
Forest,and afterwards at Breitenau on
the Danube. DEMETRIUS of TIFLIS (Bl) M.
AC. Apr 9
DEICOLA (DEICOLUS, DESLE, See Bl Thomas of Tolentino and Comp.
etc.) (St) Ab. RM. Jan 18 DEMETRIUS, CONCESSUS,
d. f.625. A monk of Bangor who fol- HILARY and Comp. (SS) MM.
lowed St Columbanus to Burgundy, RM. Apr 9
where he helped in the foundation of ? A group composed of martyrs from
Luxeuil. When St Columbanus was different localities, but about whom no
compelled to go elsewhere by Queen particulars are extant.
Brunehaut, Deicola, too old to travel,
remained behind and founded the abbey DEMETRIUS (St) C. AC. June 18
of Lure (Lutra) in the Vosges. See Gregory, Demetrius, etc.

DEIFER (St) Ab. AC. March 7 DEMETRIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 14

6th cent. A Welsh saint, abbot-founder ? A martyr of whose death neither the

of Bodfari in Flintshire. place nor circumstances can be verified.

The RM., however, describes him as an
DEINIOL (St) AC. Sept 11 African martyr.
Welsh form of the name Daniel, q.v.
DELPHINA (Bl) V. Tert. OFM. RM. Oct 8
AC. Dec 9 Early 4th cent. Surnamed by the Greeks
1 283-1 358. Born at Chateau-Puy- "the Megalomartyr", he is, after St

Michel in Languedoc, she became the George, the most famous military mar-
wife of St Elzear, and is said to have tyr of the East. His military career, how-
been a member of the third order of St ever, is a legend. He was probably a
Francis. After her husband's death she deacon who suffered at Sirmium in
lived in retirement at the court of Dalmatia, under Diocletian, though the
Naples. Cult approved by Urban VIII. centre of his cult was at Salonika, where
a magnificent basilica was erected in his
DELPHINUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 24 name. He is mentioned to this day in
d. 404. Bishop of Bordeaux. He is best the preparation of the Byzantine liturgy.
remembered as having been instru-
mental in the conversion of St Paulinus DEMETRIUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 9
of Nola, and as an untiring opponent d. 231. The twelfth patriarch of Alex-
of the Priscillianists. andria, during whose episcopate the

catechetical school of that city attained Madelgarus (q.v.) and of St Waldetru-
its highest fame. He was a close friend dis. He was only seven years old when

of Origen, whom later he had to banish he died. A church in the duchy of Cleves
from the diocese for being uncanonically is dedicated in his honour.
EUSTOSIUS and Comp. (SS) MM. AC. June 7
RM. Nov 10 d. 847. A
hermit in the wilds of Fran-
? A band of twenty-three martyrs regis- conia, for whom Charlemagne founded
tered as having suffered at Antioch in the abbey of Herriedon under the
Syria. St Demetrius is described as a Benedictine rule, Deochar becoming its

bishop and St Anianus as his deacon. first abbot. In 802 he was appointed
missus regius. In 819 he took part in the
DEMETRIUS and HONORIUS translation of St Boniface's relics to
(SS) MM. RM. Nov 21 Fulda.
? Old Roman manuscripts describe
these saints as martyrs who suffered at DEODATUS (St) Mk. OSB.
Ostia at the mouth of the Tiber. AC. Feb 3
8th cent. A monk of Lagny in the arch-
DEMETRIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 29 diocese of Paris.
See Blaise and Demetrius.
DEODATUS (St) Ab. AC. Apr 24
DEMETRIUS, HONORATUS and d. r.525. A hermit, or abbot, in the
FLORUS (SS) MM. RM. Dec 22 neighbourhood of Blois. At a later period
? These martyrs are stated have to the town of Saint-Die grew up round his
suffered at Ostia at the mouth of the cell (or monastery).
Tiber. They probably are to be identi-
fied with SS Demetrius and Honorius DEODATUS (Dl£, DIDIER, DIEU-
of Nov 21. DONN£, ADfiODAT) (St) Bp.
OSB. AC. June 19
DEMOCRITUS, SECUNDUS and d. p. 680. A bishop who founded (c.66o)
DIONYSIUS (SS) MM. and was abbot of the monastery of
RM. July 31 Vallis-Galilaea (Val-de-Galilee —Join-
? Martyrs, some say of Phrygia, some tures Abbey).
of Africa. Nothing really is known about
them. DEODATUS (St) Bp. AC. June 19
d. 679. Bishop of Nevers in 655 and
DENIS, DENNIS, DENYS (several) then a solitary in the Vosges. Later he
French forms of the name Dionysius, was abbot-founder of Ebersheimmun-
q.v. ster, near Strasburg. He is often confused
with St Deodatus of Vallis-Galilaea.
DENISE (several)
French form of the name Dionysia, q.v. DEODATUS (St) Bp. AC. June 27
d. 473. Deacon to St Paulinus, bishop
DENTLIN (DENTELIN, DENAIN) of Nola, and his successor in that see.
(St) C. AC. March 16 His relics were brought to Benevento
7th cent. The little son of St Vincent in 839.


DEODATUS (St) M. (or C.) DESIDERATUS (St) Bp. AC. May 8

AC. Sept 27 6th cent. Successor of St Arcadius in
? A saint of Sora (central Italy) whose the bishopric of Bourges.
relics were enshrined in the cathedral of
Sora in 1621. DESIDERATUS (St) Mk. OSB.
AC. Dec 18
DEOGRATIAS (St) Bp. Son of St Waningus,the founder
d. £.700.
RM. March 22 of Fecamp abbey, he became a monk
d. 457. Consecrated bishop of Carthage,
of Fontenelle. His relics were enshrined
in 456, fourteen years after the death of
at Ghent.
his predecessor, St Quodvultdeus, who
had been driven into exile by the Arian DESIDERIUS (DIDIER) (Bl) Bp.
Vandals. The Vandal king, Genseric,
PC. Jan 20
having brought many Italian captives to d. 1 194. The thirty-third bishop of
Carthage, St Deogratias sold all that he
Therouanne and founder of the Cister-
or his church possessed, even the sacred
cian abbey of Blandecques (Blandyke)
vessels, to ransom them. He was bishop
near Saint-Omer. At the end of his life
only one year. he resigned and prepared for death in a

Cistercian monastery. He is usually
styled a saint and is claimed by the
6th cent. A Welsh saint, a soldier and
Cistercians as one of their own. Cult not
afterwards a solitary at Llanderfel in
yet officially confirmed.
Merionethshire. He was greatly vener-
ated by the Catholic Welsh.
DERPHUTA (St) M. RM. March 20 RM. Feb 11 and May 23
See Alexandra, Claudia, etc. d. 608. A native of Autun, educated at
Vienne, where he became archdeacon
DERUVIANUS (St) M. and then bishop. An intrepid defender
AC. May 14 (RM. May 26) of Christian morality, he was persecuted
Otherwise Dyfan, q.v. by Queen Brunhildis, who was also
instrumental in securing his murder at
DERWA(St)M. AC? the place now called Saint-Didier-sur-
The patron saint of Menadarva (Mer-
Chalaronne. See also May 23, below.
thyr-Dava, i.e. the Martyr Derwa) near
Camborne in Cornwall. Nothing is
DESIDERIUS (St) M. RM. March 25
known about this saint. Probably he is
See Barontius and Desiderius.
no other than St Dyfan (Damian or
Deruvianus), one of the missionaries
sent to Britain in the 2nd century by
RM. May 23
Pope St Eleutherius.
407? Said have been a native of

DESIDERATUS (DESIRE) (St) Bp. Genoa who preached in and became

AC. Feb 10 and 11 bishop of Langres in France. He was
6th cent. Successor of St Avitus as killed at the time of a Vandal invasion

bishop of Clermont in Auvergne. while pleading for his people.


d. r.569. A French solitary who lived at RM. Sept 16
Gourdon, near Chalon-sur-Saone. Otherwise Victor III, q.v.

DESIDERIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 19 d. 618. A Roman by birth, he became
See Januarius and Comp. pope in 615. During his pontificate a
pestilence raged in Rome and he worked
DESIDERIUS (St) Mk. OSB. untiringly for the plague-stricken. In
AC. Oct 19 all ancient Benedictine menologies he is

d. £.705. A monk of Lonrey, and a dis- called a Benedictine monk, but there is

ciple of St Sigiranus, who became a no certain evidence for it.

recluse at La Brenne (Ruriacus) in the

diocese of Bourges, France. DEUSDEDIT of BRESCIA (St) Bp.
RM. Dec 10
DESIDERIUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 27 d. f.700. A bishop of Brescia who played
d. £.625. The successor of St Anacharius a leading part in the councils convened
(Aunaire) in the bishopric of Auxerre. against the Monothelite heretics.
He has often been confused with St
Desiderius of Vienne (Feb 11). DEVEREUX (St) Bp. AC. Nov 13
Otherwise Dubricius, q.v.
DESIDERIUS (St) Bp. AC. Nov 15
d. 655. The successor of his own brother DEVINICUS (DENICK, TEAV-
St Rusticus as bishop of Cahors (630- NECK) (St) Bp. AC. Nov 13
655). 6th cent. A native of N. Scotland who
in his old age associated himself with
work of SS Columba and
the missionary
AC. Jan 14
Machar and evangelized Caithness. He
d. 664. An Anglo-Saxon, Frithona by
is reputed to have been a bishop.
name. He was the first of his race to
occupy the primatial see of Canterbury
DEVOTA (St) VM. AC. Jan 27
as the successor of St Honorius. He died
d. 303. A maiden of Corsica who ex-
a victim to the great pestilence.
pired on the rack in the persecution of

DEUSDEDIT (St) C. RM. Aug 10 Diocletian. Her relics are at Monaco on

the Riviera di Ponente. She is the patron
6th cent. A poor shoemaker in Rome,
saint of both Corsica and Monaco.
contemporary of St Gregory the Great,
who relates that he gave away to the
poor every Saturday all that he earned
DEWI (St) Bp. AC. March 1

Otherwise David of Wales, q.v.

at his trade during the week.


RM. Oct 9 d. 621. Also known as St Deiniol
d. 836. Monk of Montecassino, chosen (Daniel) the Younger. He was
abbot of
abbot about the year 830. He was espe- Bangor at the time of the slaughter of
cially noted for his generous almsgiving. his monks and the destruction of their
To extort money from him the tyrant, monastery by King Ethelfrid of North-
Sicard of Benevento, ill-treated and umbria (616). The saint appears to have
imprisoned him. He died in prison of escaped the massacre.
hunger and misery. He is venerated as
a martyr. DIACONUS (St) M. RM. March 14
6th cent. So described on account of
DEUSDEDIT (ADEODATUS I) his office of deacon, which he held in
(St) Pope RM. Nov 8 the church of the Marsi in central Italy.


St Gregory narrates of him that to- Dominic as a companion on his journey
gether with two monks he was put to this was the occasion of the founding
death by the Lombards. of the Dominican Order. Didacus be-
came a Cistercian in order to join the
DIANA, CAECILIA and AMATA crusade against the Albigenses. He has
(BB) VV. OP. AC. June 10 always been styled a beatus, or a saint,
13th cent. The three first members of by the Cistercians. ;

the house of Dominican nuns at


Bologna. Diana, of the ancient family of DIDACUS CARVALHO (Bl) M. SJ.

the Carbonesi, was a native of Bologna. AC. Feb 25
After a very worldly youth she embraced 1 578-1 624. Born at Coimbra in Portu-
religion against the wish of her family; gal, he joined the Jesuits in 1594. He
she died in 1236. The other two later was sent to India in 1600, where he was
became nuns of the Roman convent of ordained priest. In 1609 he migrated to
San Sisto. Beatified in 1891. Japan. Here he worked untiringly until
1623, when he was arrested with a

DIARMIS (DIERMIT, DERMOT) number of his flock and carried off to

(St) Ab. AC. Jan 18 Sendai, suffering many on


6th cent. The spiritual and director the way. The story of their martyrdom
teacher of St Kieran of Clonmacnois and is a miracle of endurance. Beatified in

later abbot-founder of a monastery on 1867.

Innis-Clotran Island.
OFM. Cap. AC. March 24
DICHU (St) AC. Apr 29
1743-1801. A native of Cadiz, he joined
5th cent. The first convert made by St
the Capuchins at Seville in 1759, and
Patrick in Ulster. He was originally a
after his ordination to the priesthood
swineherd. After his conversion, we are
began to preach throughout Spain, but
told, he continued to the end faithful to
chiefly in Andalusia, of which province
Christ and St Patrick.
he is called "the Apostle". Most of his
time which remained over from preach-
DICHUL (St) Ab. RM. Jan 18
ing he spent in the confessional. Beatified
Otherwise Deicola, q.v.
in 1894.


d. 420. An
adherent of Priscillianism, AC. July 15
he was converted by St Ambrose and d. 1570. A Jesuit novice who formed one
recanted his errors at the council of of the band of missionaries led by Bl
Toledo (400). Soon after he was raised Ignatius de Azevedo, whose martyrdom
to the bishopric of Astorga in Spain. he shared.


(Bl) Bp. OSB. Cist. PC. Feb 6 OFM. RM. Nov
12 (and 13)
d. 1207 (Dec 30). Provost of the cathe- c. 1 400-1 463. Born of poor parents in

dral of Osma, in Old Castile, where he the diocese of Seville, he joined the
obtained a canonry for St Dominic Franciscans as a lay-brother at Arrizafa.
Guzman. In 1201 he became bishop of Although remaining a lay-brother, he
Osma. He was sent to Rome by King was appointed, on account of his re-
Alphonsus of Castile and took St markable ability and goodness, guardian


of the principal friary in the Canary DIGAIN (St) C. AC. Nov 21

Islands, at Fuerteventura (1445). Later 5th cent. Ason of Constantine, king or
he was recalled to Spain, and after a chieftain of Cornwall. Llangernw, Den-
pilgrimage to Rome in 1450, died at the bighshire, perpetuates his memory.
friaryof Alcala, in Castile. His chief
devotion was to our Lord in the Bl DIGNA (St) M. RM. June 14
Sacrament. Canonized in 1588. See Anastasius, Felix and Digna.

DIDIER (St) Bp. M. RM. May 23 DIGNA (St) V. RM. Aug 11

Otherwise Desiderius, q.v. 4th cent. A maiden of Todi Umbria,

who lived as a solitary in the mountains
DIDIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 26 near her native city during the persecu-
See Faustus, Didius, etc. tion of Diocletian.

DIDYMUS (St) M. RM. Apr 28 DIGNA (St) M. RM. Aug 12

See Theodora and Didymus. See Hilaria, Digna, etc.


See Diodorus, Diomedes, etc. MM. RM. Sept 22
d. £.259. Roman maidens martyred
DIE (St) Bp. AC. June 19 under Valerian. They expired standing
Otherwise Deodatus, q.v. before their judges and praying. Their
relics are enshrined in the church of St
DIEGO (several)
Marcellus at Rome.
Otherwise Didacus, q.v.
Note. Diego is really a corrupt form of DIMAN (DIMAS, DIMA) (St) Bp.
the Spanish name for St James, viz. AC. Jan 6
Santiago (Sant-Iago, San Tiego, San d. 658. Surnamed Diman Dubh (Diman
Diego). Only in modern times has the Black). A monk under St Columba,
Diego been latinized into Didacus. and afterwards abbot and bishop of
Connor. He is one of the prelates to
whom (640) the Roman church, after
AC. March 29
the death of Pope Honorius, addressed
d. £.1130. A nun at the Benedictine
the epistle on the pascal controversy
monastery of Wessobrunn in Bavaria,
and on Pelagianism.
who was granted leave to live as a solitary
under the obedience of the monastery. DIMITRI (St) M. RM. Oct 8
She spent her time in copying manu- Otherwise Demetrius, q.v.
scripts, some of which are still extant.
DINGAD (St) C. AC. Nov 1
DIETHARDUS (Bl) Mk. OSB. 5th cent. A son of the chieftain Brychan
AC. Sept 29 of Brecknock, who led a monastic or
See Catholdus, Anno, etc. eremitical life at Llandingad in Mon-
DIETRICH (St) Bp. M. AC. Feb 2
See Bruno and Comp. DIOCLES (St) M. RM. May 24
See Zoellus, Servilius, etc.
DIEUDONNfc (several)
The French form for Deusdedit or DIOCLETIUS (St) M. RM. May 11
Adeodatus, q.v. See Sisinius, Diocletius, etc.


DIODORUS (St) M. RM. Feb 26 were drowned, or beheaded, or crucified.
See Papias, Diodorus, etc. Place and other circumstances unknown.


(SS) MM. RM. May 3 See Diodorus, Diomedes, etc.
Early 4th cent. Two deacons martyred
under Diocletian in the province of DIOMMA (St) AC. May 12
Caria, Asia Minor. 5th cent. An Irish saint, said to have
been the teacher of St Declan of Ard-
DIODORUS (St) M. RM. July 6 more and other saints. He is now
See Lucy, Antoninus, etc. venerated as the patron saint of Kildimo,
Co Limerick.
DID YMUS (SS) MM. RM. Sept 1 DION (St) M. RM. July 6
? Martyrs of Laodicea (Kulat-el-Husn See Lucy, Antoninus, etc.
or Ladhikijeh) in Syria.
DIODORUS, MARIANUS and Note. These Greco-Latin names be-
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 1 came very popular in the JViiddle Ages
d. 283. Roman martyrs under Numerian. under the corresponding French forms
They are described as being very of Denise, Denis, Denys. Sydney in
numerous. In fact, it appears to have English is a corrupt form of St Denys.
been a case of a Christian congregation
surprised while assembled at prayer in DIONYSIA (St) M. RM. May 15
the catacombs and disposed of by having See Peter, Andrew, etc.
the entrance to their subterranean
oratory blocked up. DIONYSIA, DATIVA, LEONTIA,
DIOGENES (St) M. RM. Apr 6 and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 6
See Timothy and Diogenes. d. 484. African martyrs under the Arian
Vandal king, Hunneric. We have a quite
DIOGO (several) genuine account of their martyrdom
The Portuguese form of James or from Victor of Utica. According to him
Didacus, q.v. (Cf. note on Diego.) Dionysia, a widow, perished at the
stake with her little child, Majoricus
DIOMEDES (St) M. RM. Aug 16 (q.v.), and her sister Dativa. Emilian, a
d. 300-311 ? A native of Tarsus in physician, and Tertius, a monk, were
Cilicia, by profession a physician, and flayed alive. The fanatics seem to have
a zealous propagator of Christianity. amused themselves by devising strange
He was arrested at Nicaea in Bithynia kinds of death for the rest of the heroic
and martyred under Diocletian. band.


EUTYCHIAN, HESYCHIUS, See Ammonaria, Mercuria, etc.

(SS) MM. RM. Sept 2 SEBASTIAN (SS) MM. RM. Feb 8
? Some perished at the stake, others ? The RM. describes them as Armenian



monks. We know nothing about them, DIONYSIUS (SS) MM.

save their bare names. St Emilian is RM. March 24
honoured at Trevi on Jan 28. Two of the same name who suffered
together. See Timolaus, and Comp.


? Martyrs beheaded, it seems, at Alex-
RM. Apr 8

andria in Egypt.
d. £.180. A bishop of Corinth who was
a great leader of the Church in the
2nd century. Several of his letters to
various churches are still extant: es-
Bp. MM. AC. Feb 26
pecially noteworthy is that in which he
d. £.303. Venerated as first bishop of records the martyrdom of SS Peter and
Augsburg in Germany. He is said to Paul in Rome. The Greeks venerate him
have been converted to Christ, baptized as a martyr (Nov 20).
and later consecrated bishop by St
Narcissus. He was martyred under DIONYSIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 19
Diocletian. The story, however, is from
See Socrates and Dionysius.
the Acts of St Afra (Aug 5 q.v.) which
date from the 8th century. DIONYSIUS RM. May
(St) Bp. 8
d. ^.193. Said to have been one of the
DIONYSIUS FUGIXIMA (Bl) M. ten missionaries sent with St Peregrinus
SJ. AC. March 5 intoGaul by Pope Sixtus I, early in the
d. 1622 (Nov 1). A Japanese, born of 2nd century. He succeeded St Justus
noble parents at Aitzu, Arima, who in the bishopric of Vienne in Dauphine.
became a Jesuit novice and worked Some have erroneously described him
under Bl Paul Navarro, with whom he as a martyr.
was burnt alive at Ximabara. Beatified
in 1867. DIONYSIUS (St) M. RM. May 12
d. 304. An Asiatic by birth and uncle of
DIONYSIUS (St) M. RM. March 10 the youthful martyr St Pancras, to whom
See Codratus, Dionysius, etc.
he acted as guardian. They came to-
gether to Rome, were converted to
Christianity, and martyred under Dio-
cletian, Dionysius dying in prison.
(Bl) C. O. Cart. PC. March 12
d. 47 1. Born at Ryckel, near Loos, in
Flanders, he gained his doctorate at the
RM. May 25
university of Cologne in his twenty-
d. f.359. The successor of St Protasius
second year. In 1423 he entered the
in the see of Milan in 351. In 355 he was
Carthusian Order. He excelled as a
banished to Cappadocia by the Arian
mystical writer and on this account has
emperor Constantius for having upheld
been given the title of Doctor Ecstaticus.
the cause of St Athanasius. He died in
He is commemorated as a beatus in
exile, but St Ambrose had his remains
several martyrologies.
translated to Milan.

DIONYSIUS (St) M. RM. March 16 DIONYSIUS (St) M. RM. June 3

See Hilary, Tatian, etc. See Lucillian, Claudius. etc.


DIONYSIUS SEBUGGWAO (Bl) M. Tours, Dionysius, first bishop of Paris,
AC. June 3 was born in Italy and, with six other
d. 1885. A servant of King Mwanga of bishops, was sent from Rome to Gaul,
Uganda he was
; pierced with a lance by settled on an island in the Seine and
the king because he was caught teaching evangelized surrounding district.
the catechism —the first victim of the He was beheaded' at Paris with the priest
persecution. See Uganda (Martyrs of). Rusticus and the deacon Eleutherius
under Decius. Their bodies were
DIONYSIUS (St) M. RM. July 27 thrown into the Seine, from which they
One of the Seven Sleepers, q.v. were rescued and buried by a Christian
lady named Catulla. A small chapel was
DIONYSIUS (St) M. RM. July 31 built over their tomb, around which
See Democritus, Secundus and Diony-
arose the Benedictine abbey of Saint-
Denis. About the 7th century this Diony-
DIONYSIUS and PRIVATUS (SS) sius began to be identified with St

MM. RM. Sept 20 Denis the Areopagite, and this identi-

? Martyrs of Phrygia in Asia Minor. fication gained general acceptance until
the 19th century. Now it has been dis-
DIONYSIUS, FAUSTUS, CAIUS, carded by all writers.


MM. RM. Oct 3 Bp. RM. Nov
d. 257. A group of Christians from Alex- d. 265. Called also Dionysius the Great.
andria in Egypt, banished to Libya
A native of Alexandria, he studied
under Decius (250) and again brought
under Origen, whom he succeeded as a
to trial and martyred at Alexandria under
master of the catechetical school. In 248
Valerian. There is much confusion as to
he became patriarch of Alexandria, but
the identity of each of these martyrs.
two years later, under Decius, was ban-
ished to Libya, whence he continued to
govern his diocese. He returned to
1st cent. Denis the Areopagite
This is
Alexandria, but was again driven from
who was converted at Athens by St Paul it under Valerian. He was restored
(ActsXVII, 34). Early writers say that under Gallienus. He was a great theo-
he became first bishop of Athens and logian; St Athanasius styles him "the
died a martyr ( Unfortunately, at a
teacher of the whole Church".
much later period he was identified
with St Dionysius of Paris, and the DIONYSIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 20
works of an ecclesiastical writer of the See Bassus, Dionysius, etc.

5th century the pseudo-Dionysius
were falsely attributed The
confusion is still maintained in the RM., (BB) MM. OC. AC. Nov 29
although Pope Benedict XIV intended Dionysius of the Nativity (Peter
d. 1638.

to remedy it by suppressing the feast Berthelot) was a French shipmaster and

altogether. trader who became a Carmelite at Goa

and was ordained in 1638. This
in 1635
DIONYSIUS, RUSTICUS and same year he was sent on an embassy to
ELEUTHERIUS (SS) MM. Sumatra. A Carmelite lay-brother, Re-
RM. Oct 9 demptus of the cross (Thomas Rodri-
3rd cent. According to St Gregory of guez da Cunha), a Portuguese by birth,


was given him as a companion. The DISMAS (St) RM. March 25
embassy proved a failure, and both The name given by tradition to the
friars were put to death by the Suma- Good Thief, q.v.
trans. Beatified in 1900.
DIUMA (St) C. ?


7th cent. A Scottish priest sent with St
d. 269. A Roman priest who was chosen Cedd to convert Mercia.
pope in 259 and very energetically and
successfully restored the Roman church DIZIER (St) Bp. M. RM. May 23
after the persecutionof Gallienus. He Otherwise Desiderius, q.v.

opposed Sabellius and condemned Paul

ofSamosata. DOCANUS or DOCCO (St) Ab.
AC. Nov 7
DIOSCORIDES(St)M. RM.Mayio Otherwise Cumgar (or Cungar), q.v.

? A martyr of Smyrna in Asia Minor.

DIOSCORIDES (St) M. RM. May 28 C. Feb 15
See Crescens, Dioscorides, etc.
? 473. According to the Vita Samsonis
he travelled from Wales to Cornwall
DIOSCORUS (St) M. RM. Feb and founded a monastery there. In the
See Victorinus, Victor, etc.
Ulster Annal he is styled bishop. St
Dochtwy appears to be another saint
DIOSCORUS (St) M. RM. May 18 altogether.

d. f.305. A reader of the church of DOCUS (St) Bp. M. AC. Jan 24

Kynopolis in Egypt. He was burnt with
Otherwise Cadoc, q.v.
hot irons and he died under the torture.
DODA (St) V. OSB. RM. Apr 24
DIOSCORUS (St) M. RM. Dec 14 See Bova (Bona) and Doda.
See Heron, Arsenius, etc.
DODO (Bl) C. H. PC. March 30
DIOSCORUS (St) RM. Dec 21 d. 1 23 1. A hermit at Asch in Frisia, who
See Themistocles and Dioscorus. practised astonishing austerities. He is

reputed to have received the stigmata.

AC. May 14 (RM. May 26)
DODO (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 1

Otherwise Dyfan, q.v.

Born in the territory of Laon.
d. c .750.
Placed from childhood under St Urs-
DISIBOD (DISIBODE, DISEN) mar, he became a monk at Lobbes and
Bp. OSB. eventually was made abbot of Wallers-
AC. Sept 8
d. r.700. An Irishman —a
bishop? en-Faigne.
who passed over to the continent with DODOLINUS (St) Bp. AC. Apr 1
several companions and founded a
7th cent. Bishop of Vienne in Dauphin^,
monastery on a hill in the valley of the
Nahe, near Bingen, which became
known as Disibodenberg or Disenberg, DOGFAN (DOEWAN) (St) M.
Mom Disibodi. It became famous in a AC. July 13
later age on account of the residence 5th cent. A Welshman, one of the sons
thereofStHildegarde. of the chieftain Brychan. He is said to


have been put to death by heathen in- blacksmith in Piedmont, and became a
vaders of Pembrokeshire, where a church pupil of St John Bosco, who wrote his
was built to his memory. life. He died shortly before his fifteenth
birthday, having given proof of his high
DOGMAEL (St) C. AC. June 14 virtue. He is the youngest non-martyr
5th-6th cent. A Welsh monk of the to receive official canonization in the
house of Cunedda. He founded several history of the Church. Canonized in
cellsin Pembrokeshire, Brittany and 1954-
AC. March 24 d. 1 61 9. A
Portuguese soldier, born at
d. r.500. The patron of Maghera, Co. Aguilar de Sousa, who settled in Japan
Down, who in the time of St Patrick where he gave shelter to Bl Charles
lived as a hermit on the mountain now Spinola. For this reason he was burnt
called after him Slieve-Donard. alive at Nagasaki (Nov 18). Beatified in
DOMETIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
Otherwise Domitius, q.v. AC. Apr 2
d. 1839. A native of Tonkin, and a priest
DOMINATOR (St) Bp. RM. Nov 5 of the third order of Friars Preachers.
d. 495. The fourteenth bishop of
? He died of his wounds in prison. Beati-
Brescia in Lombardy. fied in 1900.


Note. Dominicus, Dominica are latin- OSB. Cam. AC. Apr 20
ized forms of Cyriacus (Kuriakos) and d. 121 8. A native of Pisa who was pro-
Cyriaca (Kuriake). The Latin Domini- fessed a Camaldolese at the abbey of St
cus has the following derivatives in Michael in his native city. He founded
modern languages: Domeni-
in Italian, a hospital attached to the monastery.
co ; in Spanish and Portuguese, Domin- Cult confirmed in 1854.
go; in French, Dominique; in English,
CC. OP. AC. Apr 26
DOMINIC of SORA (St) Ab. OSB. d. 1300. Two Spanish Dominicans who
RM. Jan 22 preached in the villages of the Somon-
d. 03 1. Born at Foligno in Etruria, he
1 tano, at the foot of the Pyrenees, near
became a Benedictine and eventually Barbastro, in Aragon. They were killed
the abbot-founder of several mon- near Perariia by the of a rock, under

asteries —
at Scandrilia, Sora, Sangro, which they had sought refuge during a
and elsewhere in the old kingdom of thunderstorm. Their relics are en-
Naples. He died at Sora in Campania shrined at Besians, diocese of Barbastro.
when eighty years old. Cult confirmed by Pius IX.


AC. March 9 RM. May 12
1 842-1 857. He was the son of a peasant d. £.1109. Born at Victoria in Biscay, he

— —

tried unsuccessfully his religious voca- DOMINIC XIBIOJE (Bl) M.
tion at Valvanera and then became a AC. June 1

hermit in Rioja. He devoted his days to d. 1628 (Sept 26). A Japanese layman,
making a road Calzada (causeway) of the third order of Friars Preachers,
for pilgrims on their way to Compostel- who sheltered the missionaries. Be-
la. The spot where he lived, now the headed at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
township of La Calzada, became a great
pilgrimage shrine. DOMINIC of COMACCHIO (Bl)
Mk. OSB. AC. June 21
DOMINIC of the HOLY ROSARY d. p.%20. A Benedictine monk of Com-
(Bl) M. OP. AC. June i
acchio, near Venice. According to the
d. 1622. A Japanese catechist and novice legend, it was he who in 820 went as a
of the Dominican Order. He was be- pilgrim to the Holy Land and brought
headed on the day of the great martyr- the relics of St Mark from Alexandria

dom Sept 10, 1622 at Nagasaki. — to Venice.
Beatified in 1867.


OP. AC. June 25
AC. June 1
d. 1838. A Spaniard by birth and a
d. 1622 (Sept 12). A Japanese catechist,
Dominican friar by profession, he be-
of the third order of Friars Preachers,
came in 1803 bishop-coadjutor to Bl
burnt alive at Omura with Bl Thomas
Ignatius Delgado, vicar apostolic of
Zumarraga and companions. Beatified
Tonkin. He was beheaded with his
in 1867.
catechist, Bl Francis Chien, during the

DOMINIC CASTELLET (Bl) M. Annamite persecution. Beatified in 1900.

OP. AC. June 1

1 592-1 628 (Sept 8). A native of Espar- DOMINIC FERNANDEZ (Bl) M.

raguera, province of Barcelona. He took SJ. AC. July 15
the Dominican habit at Barcelona and d. 1570. A Jesuit lay-brother. Born at
was sent to the Dominican mission of Villa Viciosa in Portugal. A companion
Japan, of which he was vicar provincial of Bl Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v.
at the time of his martyrdom. He was
burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in DOMINIC NICHOLAS DAT (Bl)

1867. M. AC. July 18

d. 1838. A native soldier in Tonkin, who
DOMINIC TOMAKI (Bl) M. was strangled during the persecution of
AC. June 1 the Christians. Beatified in 1900.
d. 1628 (Sept 8). Son of Bl John Toma-
ki, beheaded at the age of sixteen with DOMINIC DU (alias HANH) OP.
his father and brothers at Nagasaki. AC. Aug 1

Beatified in 1867. d. 1838. A native of Tonkin, and a priest

of the Dominican Order. He was execu-
DOMINIC NIFAKI (Bl) M. ted in his sixty-seventh year. Beatified
AC. June 1 in 1900.
d. 1628 (Sept 8). A child, two years old,
beheaded at Nagasaki with his father, Bl DOMINIC de GUZMAN (St) Foun-
Louis Nifaki, and his brother Francis. der OP. RM. Aug 4
Beatified in 1867. 1170-1221. A native of Calaruega, pro-

vince of Burgos, in Old Castile, and an napped by Jews and nailed against a
Augustinian canon regular at the cathe- wall. His feast is celebrated throughout
dral of Osma. In 1203 he accompanied Aragon.
his bishop, Bl Diego de Azevedo, to S.
France, where the Albigenses were at DOMINIC of NAGASAKI (Bl) M.
that time devastating the country. OFM. AC. Sept 8
Dominic began his life-long apostolate d. 1628. A
Japanese catechist. He re-
among the heretics, and in 1206 suc- ceived the Franciscan habit in the
ceeded in opening a convent at Prouille prison at Omura from Bl Antony of St
for nun-converts from Albigensianism. Bonaventure and was burnt alive at
This was the germ of his order of friars Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
known as the Friars Preachers, whom
Dominic sent everywhere to preach and DOMINIC NACANO (Bl) M.
teach. The order was approved in 1216 AC. Sept io
and within a few years it had spread d. 1622. Son of Bl Matthias Nacano.
throughout Europe. The Order of He was beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified
Preachers, with that founded by St in 1854.
Francis and known as the Friars Minor,
marks the culminating point of that DOMINIC XAMADA and CLARE,
powerful tide of Christian asceticism MM.
his wife (BB) AC. Sept 10
which had begun with Cluny and been d. 1622. Japanese laypersons, beheaded
continued by Citeaux. By his personal at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1854.
charm St Dominic won the enthusiastic
affection of his followers. He died at DOMINIC TRACH (Bl) M.
Bologna, and was canonized in 1234. AC. Sept 18
1792- 1 842. A native priest of Tonkin,
DOMINIC BARBER! of the and a member of the Dominican third
MOTHER of GOD (Bl) C. CP. order. He was beheaded for his faith.
AC. Aug 27 Beatified in 1900.
1 792-1 849. A native of the Viterbo
(Rome) countryside, he entered the DOMINIC SPADAFORA (Bl) C.
Congregation of the Passion and was OP. AC. Oct 3
ordained priest in 181 8. Chosen by his d. 1 52 1. A native of Palermo, who, after
superiors as head of the Passionist having finished his studies at Padua,
English Mission, Dominic reached joined the Friars Preachers and spent
England in 1841 and worked un- his life in continuous preaching
sparingly until his death at Reading. throughout Italy and Sicily. Cult con-
Cardinal Newman was the most pro- firmed in 1 92 1.
minent of the distinguished converts Bl
Dominic received into the Church. DOMINIC LORICATUS (the
Beatified in 1963. MAILED) (St) H. OSB. RM. Oct 14
995-1060. Born in Umbria. By means
DOMINIC del VAL (St) M. of a bribe his father had him ordained
AC. Aug 31 priest in contravention of canon law,
d. 1250. In Spain he is usually called and on learning this, the saint deter-

San Dominguito Little Dominic. He mined to do penance for it during the
was a seven-year-old altar boy at the rest of his life. He first became a hermit
cathedral of Saragossa, who was kid- and then a Benedictine monk under St


Peter Damian at Fontavellana. He is best beloved of Spanish saints. At his
surnamed "the Mailed" because he shrine Bl Aza de Guzman obtained the
wore for years a rough iron coat-of-mail child whom she called Dominic, after
next to his skin. the abbot of Silos, and who became the
founder of the Dominican Friars.
1788-1839. A native of Tonkin, and a LYBOSUS, SATURNINUS, CRE-
member of the Dominican order, be- SCENTIUS, SECUNDUS, and
headed with Bl Thomas Du. Beatified HONORATUS (SS) MM.
in 1900. RM. Dec 29
? African martyrs whose Acts have been
DOMINIC UY (Bl) M. AC. Dec 19 lost.

1 81 3-1 839. A native catechist of Ton-

kin, who belonged to the third order of DOMINICA (St) VM. RM. July 6
St Dominic. He was strangled at the age ? Said to have been a martyr in Cam-
of twenty-six. Beatified in 1900. pania under Diocletian. Possibly she is

to be with St Cyriaca
DOMINIC of BRESCIA (St) Bp. Dominica, venerated on this day in the
RM. Dec 20 East as a martyr at Nicomedia.
d. £.612. The successor of St Anastasius
in the see of Brescia. St Charles Borro- DOMINICA (St) M. RM. Aug 21
meo translated and enshrined his relics. Otherwise Cyriaca, q.v.


RM. Dec 20 AC. Sept 10
c. 1 000- 1 073. Born at Carias — then d. 1622. A Japanese woman, beheaded
Spanish Navarre, now Rioja —he be- at Nagasaki. See Bl Charles Spinola.
came San Millan de la
a Benedictine at
Cogolla. As prior of this great abbey he DOMINICAN MARTYRS of TON-
came into conflict with King Garcia III KIN (BB) AC. July 27
of Navarre by whom he was exiled from 1 856-1 862. Between these years the per-
the kingdom. King Ferdinand I of Old secution of the Church by the King
Castile received him kindly and sent him Tu-Duc raged with particular severity
as abbot to restore the old monastery of in the Dominican Vicariates of Central
St Sebastian —now
St Dominic of — Tonkin. Five martyrs were beatified in
Silos. The was most successful in
saint 1906 (Bl Jerome Hermosilla and
this task and was responsible for a Comp.), and in 1917 no less than 2,078
virtual rebuilding of the abbey. He was causes were introduced. In 1951 a
a lover of the arts, and the scriptorium representative group of 25 of these were
of his abbey produced under his in- selected for immediate beatification.
spiration the best specimens of Span- These were: Joseph Diaz Sanjurjo OP.,
ish Christian art. The cloisters of the Vic. Ap.; Melchior Garcia Sampedro,
abbey—a gem of Romanesque architec- OP., Vic. Ap.; Dominic Ninh; Lau-
ture—stand to day as the best
this rence Ngon; Dominic An-Kham; Like
monument He was
to his enterprise. Cai-Thin; Joseph Cai-Ta; Dominic
also renowned for rescuing Christian Mao; Vincent Truong; Dominic Ngu-
slaves from the Moors. He is one of the yen; Andrew Tuong; Dominic Nhi;

PeterDa; Joseph Tuan; Peter Dung; Apostate, probably at Caesarea in
PeterTuan; Vincent Duong; Dominic Palestine. He is said to have publicly
Mau, priest OP.; Dominic Toai; attacked the errors of heathenism in the
Dominic Huyen; Joseph Tuan, priest where the pagans were gathered
OP. Dominic Cam, priest and Domini-
; games held in honour of
for the festival
can tertiary; Thomas Hjuong, priest the gods. Several others were mar-
and Dominican tertiary; Paul Doung; tyred with him.
Joseph Tuc.
DOMITIUS (St) M. RM. July 5
DOMITIAN (St) Bp. AC. May 7 d. 362. A Persian, or a Phrygian monk,
d. f.560. Bishop of Maestricht, and stoned to death under Julian the Apos-
apostle of the Meuse valley. His relics tate, inmuch the same circumstances
are venerated at Huy. as St Domitius of March 23.


Mks. OSB. AC. June 15 Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Aug 7
d. f.686. Two disciples of St Landelinus 4th cent. The entry in the RM. is:
at the abbey of Lobbes. They were con- "At Nisibis Mesopotamia St Dome-
nected also, it seems, with Crepin abbey. tius, a monk who with two of
his disciples was stoned to death under
DOMITIAN (St) Ab. RM. July 1 Julian the Apostate." This Domitius is
£.347-440. Born in Rome and left an probably identical with the preceding
orphan at an early age, he passed into two of March 23 and July 5.
Gaul and became a monk and a priest
at Le>ins. Later he founded the monas- DOMITIUS (St) C. RM. Oct 23
tery of Bebron, now St Rambert de 8th cent. A priest, or deacon, of the
Joux. The sources, however, of St diocese of Amiens, who retired to a

Domitian's life are very unreliable. solitude and lived as an anchorite.

DOMITIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 1

DOMNA (St) VM. RM. Dec 28
See Cyril, Aquila, etc. See Indes, Domna, etc.


RM. Aug OSB. AC. Nov 19
4th cent. ? The third bishop of Chalcns- Otherwise Ermenburga, q.v.

sur-Marne in France, in which see he

succeeded his master St Donatian. DOMNINA and Comp. (SS) W.
MM. RM. Apr 14
DOMITIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 28 269? Maidens who were martyred at
See Eutychius and Domitian. Terni, in Umbria, at the same time, it

is said, as the bishop St Valentine.

More correctly Flavia Domitilla, q.v. DOMNINA, BERENICE and PROS-
DOCE (SS) MM. AC. Oct 4
DOMITIUS, PELAGIA, AQUILA, d. 303-310. St Domnina and her two
EPARCHIUS and THEODOSIA daughters were martyred in Syria
(SS)MM. RM. March 23 during the persecution of Diocletian.
Domitius was a Phrygian who
d. 361. St They are commemorated by several
died by the sword under Julian the contemporary Greek writers.

DOMNINA (St) M. RM. Oct 12 DOMNINUS (St) Bp. AC. Nov 5
d. 303. A Christian woman who, after 4th cent. This St Domninus is given as
cruel torments, died in prison at Ana- the first bishop of Grenoble in France.
zarbus under the prefect Lysias.
DOMNIO and Comp. (SS) MM.
DOMNINUS (St) M. RM. March 21 RM. Apr 11
See Philemon and Domninus. ?According to an old legend, Domnio,
one of the seventy-two disciples of
DOMNINUS, VICTOR and Comp. Christ, was sent from Rome by St
(SS) MM. RM. March 30 Peter to evangelize Dalmatia, where he
f.304. St Domninus appears to have
was martyred as first bishop of Salona.
suffered at Thessalonica under Maxi-
A more probable version states that he
mian Herculius, together with Philo-
was martyred during the persecution of
calus, Achaicus and Palotinus. He is to
be identified with St Domninus of Oct
(see below), on which day he is
DOMNIO (St) M. RM. July 16
venerated by the Greeks. St Victor and
d. r.295. A
martyr of Bergamo in Lom-
his companions, some ten in number,
bardy under Diocletian.
suffered elsewhere, the name of the
place being no longer known.
DOMNIO (St) C. RM. Dec 28
DOMNINUS (St) RM. Apr 20 4th cent. A Roman priest, of whom his

See Marcellinus, Vincent and Domni-

contemporaries SS Jerome and Augus-
tine speak in glowing terms.

DOMNINUS (St) M. RM. Oct 1 DOMNOC (St) AC. Feb 13

The same as Domninus commemorated Otherwise Modomnock, q.v.
on March 30, q.v.
DOMNOLUS (St) Bp. RM. May 16
DOMNINUS (DONNINO) (St) M. d. Abbot of the monastery of St
RM. Oct 9 Laurence, near Paris. In 543 he was
d. 304. A native of Parma, who, while chosen bishop of Le Mans. He was the
trying to escape in time of persecution, founder of many monasteries, hospitals
was overtaken and beheaded on the Via and churches.
Claudia or Aemilia, a few miles out of
Parma at a place now called after him DOMNUS (St) M. OFM. RM. Oct 13
Borgo San Donnino, where his relics See Daniel, Samuel, etc.
are held in great veneration.
OTHEUS, SYLVANUS and Comp. d. 657. Successor of St Desiderius the
(SS) MM. RM. Nov 5 martyr in the bishopric of Vienne. He
? St Domninus, a young physician, and was most zealous in ransoming the
St Sylvanus, a Syrian bishop, were to- captives taken in the incessant wars of
gether condemned to work in the mines. that period.
The former was burnt somewhere
in Palestine, the latter was martyred DONALD (DONIVALD) (St) C.
much later. The rest seem to have suf- AC. July 15
fered under Maximian. 8th cent. A holy man of Scotland who
with his nine daughters —the "Nine of that persecution. It is said that the
Maidens", led the life of a religious at number of exiles reached nearly five
Ogilvy in Forfarshire. thousand in a single year.

DONARD (St) AC. March 24 DONATIAN (DONAS) (St) Bp.

Otherwise Domangard, q.v. RM. Oct 14
d. 390. A Roman by birth and bishop of
DONAS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 14 Reims from 360 to 390. His relics were
Otherwise Donatian, q.v. translated to Bruges in the 9th century.
He has been since venerated as the
DONAT (DUNWYD) (St) patron saint of Bruges.
AC. Aug 7
The patron saint of St Donat's or DONATILLA (St) VM. RM. July 30
Llandunwyd, Glamorgan. This from See Maxima, Donatilla and Secunda.
the English Menology. Nothing more is

discoverable. DONATUS, SABINUS and AGAPE

(SS) MM. RM. Jan 25
DONATA (St) M. RM. July 17 ? Martyrs whose names are listed in
One of the Scillitan Martyrs, q.v. the RM. but of whom no record is
RIAandComp.(SS)MM. See Aquilinus, Geminus, etc.
RM. Dec 31
? A band of Roman women martyred in DONATUS (St) M. RM. Feb 9
one of the early persecutions and whose See Primus and Donatus.
relics were enshrined in the catacombs
of the Via Salaria. DONATUS, SECUNDIAN, ROMU-
LUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
MM. RM. May 24 d. 304. Agroup of eighty-nine martyrs
d. 299. Two brothers of Nantes in Brit- who suffered under Diocletian. They
tany put to death by Rictiovarus under were put to death at Porto Gruaro (Con-
Diocletian. cordia), not far from Venice.


? 4th cent. Second bishop of Chalons- and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Feb 25
sur-Marne. 3rd cent. A band of fifty martyrs who
suffered in Africa under Decius.

LUS and LAETUS (SS) MM. See Leo, Donatus, etc.

RM. Sept 6
5th cent. Some of the more prominent DONATUS (St) M. RM. Apr 7
among the Catholics driven from Africa See Epiphanius, Donatus, etc.
into exile by Hunneric, the Arian king of
the Vandals. An account of them is DONATUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 30
given by Victor of Utica in his history d. late 4th cent. Bishop of Euraea in


Epirus (Albania). His sanctity is re- DONATUS (St) M. RM. Oct 5

corded by Sozomen and other Greek See Placid, Eutychius, etc.

DONATUS (St) M. RM. May 21
RM. Oct
See Polyeuctus, Victorius and Donatus. d. 874. An Irishman who, while passing
through Tuscany on his return from a
DONATUS and HILARINUS (SS) pilgrimage to Rome, was made bishop
MM. RM. Aug 7 of Fiesole near Florence. His feast is
4th cent. St Donatus was the second
observed throughout Ireland.
bishop of Arezzo. Through confusion
with another Donatus he was thought
to be a martyr. He had no connexion
RM. Oct 29
with St Hilarinus, a martyr of Ostia.
? All we know of this saint is that, about
the year 600, St Gregory the Great di-
DONATUS (St) Bp.OSB. AC. Aug 7 rected that his relics, brought to Corfu
d. c .660. A monk of Luxeuil. Bishop of
by a refugee priest from Asia Minor,
Besancon in 624. He was a most zealous
should be enshrined in one of the
fosterer of monasticism and founded at
churches of the island.
Besancon the abbey of St Paul. His
Regula ad Virgines combines elements
DONATUS (St) M. RM. Dec 12
of the Rules of St Benedict and of St
See Hermogenes, Donatus, etc.


1170-1198. Born at Ripacandida, in the

M. RM. Dec 30
See Mansuetus, Severus, etc.
diocese of Rapallo. He became a monk
of the Benedictinecongregation of
Montevergine Onofrio at Petina
at S.
(1194). He is now the principal patron
(SS) MM. AC. Apr 17
saint of Ripacandida.
St Donnan was a
d. c .616. monk of Iona
under St Columba. He eventually be-
DONATUS (St) C. RM. Aug 19 came the abbot-founder of a monastery
d. f.535. A native of Orleans, who lived on Eigg Island in the Inner Hebrides,
as a hermit on Mt. Jura near Sisteron in off the west coast of Scotland. He and
Provence. his fifty-two monks were massacred by
heathen raiders.
RM. Aug 23 DONVINA (St) M. RM. Aug 23
See Restitutus, Donatus, etc. See Claudius, Asterius, etc.

RM. Sept 1 d. 713. Abbot of Iona, descended from
Two of the "Twelve Holy Brothers", a brother of St Columba. A copy of St
so-called, q.v. Adamnan's life of the latter written by
St Dorbhene is still in existence.
RM. Sept 5 DORCAS (St) W. AC. Oct 25
See Quintius, Arcontius and Donatus. Otherwise Tabitha, q.v.

DORIS (several) DOROTHY of MONTAU (St) W.
Otherwise Dorothy, q.v. PC. Oct 30
1 336-1 394. A peasant girl of Montau in
DOROTHEUS (St) M. RM. March 28 Prussia, who married a wealthy sword-
See Castor and Dorotheus. smith Albert by name. She bore him
nine children and by l>er gentle patience
DOROTHEUS of TYRE (St) M. completely changed his surly disposi-
RM. June 5 tion. After his death Dorothy lived as a
d. f.362. A priest of Tyre, who was recluse at Marienwerder. Though she
exiled under Diocletian. On his return was never canonized her cult is still to
he was chosen bishop of Tyre, and as be found in Central Europe.
such assisted at the council of Nicaea.
Under Julian the Apostate he was DORYMEDON (St) M. RM. Sept 19
beaten to death at Varna on the Black See Trophimus, Sabbatius and Dory-
Sea. All the above details, however, are medon.
more or less guess-work.
DOSITHEUS (St) Mk. AC. Feb 23
d. £.530. A rich young man who became
DOROTHEUS the ARCHIMAN- a Christian at Jerusalem and shortly
DRITE (St) Ab. PC. June 5 ?
after a monk at Gaza. His poor health
d. c .640. A monk of Gaza, who became
prevented him from fasting, and more-
archimandrite of an unknown monas-
over he did not work any miracles these :

tery.His writings were greatly admired

facts scandalized his fellow monks. His
by Abbot de Ranee.
abbot, however, considered him a great
saint, sincehe had completely given up
his own will. This has been the verdict
Ab. AC. June 5 of history, which has canonized him.
nth cent. Born
Trebizond, he was
first a monk at Samsun on the Black Sea
DOTTO(St)Ab. ? Apr 9
and afterwards abbot-founder of a mon- ? 6th cent. Said to have been abbot of a
astery at Khiliokomos nearby.
monastery in the Orkney Islands.

DOROTHEUS and GORGONIUS DOUAI (Martyrs of) (BB) AC. Oct 29

(SS) MM. Sept 9 RM. More than a hundred and sixty "semi-
d. 303. Favourites of the emperor Dio- nary priests" from the English College
cletian and officials of his body-guard at at Douai were martyred in England and
Nicomedia. The emperor had them Wales during the century following its
hanged for their faith. Eusebius of foundation in 1568. Over eighty of them
Caesarea, a contemporary, records their were beatified in 1929. Each receives
martyrdom. here a special notice. A collective feast
is kept in their honour in several English
(St) VM. RM. Feb 6
A virgin-martyr of Caesarea in
d. c .300. DRAUSINUS (DRAUSIUS) (St) Bp.
Cappadocia who suffered under Diocle- AC. March 7
tian. Her Acta are apocryphal. d. f.576. Bishop of Soissons. A great
fosterer of monastic life, he even en-

DOROTHY (St) VM. RM. Sept 3 listed the services of the tyrant Ebroin
See Euphemia, Dorothy, etc. for the building of a convent near

6 1

Soissons. For this reason he is invoked DROSTAN (St) Ab. AC. July 1
against the machinations of enemies, d. c.610. An
Irishman by birth, monk
and St Thomas Becket is said to have under St Columba, and first abbot of
visited his shrine before returning to Deer in Aberdeenshire. He is venerated
England for the last time. as one of the apostles of Scotland.


Otherwise Drogo, q.v. DORE (SS) MM. RM. Dec 14
? Christians martyred in Syria, pro-
DRILLO (St) C. AC. June 15 bably at Antioch. Some MSS have
Otherwise Trillo, q.v.
Drusina for Drusus. St John Chrysos-
tom has left a homily preached on their
DRITHELM (St) H. AC. Aug 17
festival day.
d. c.700. A Northumbrian who, terrified
by a vision, embraced the monastic life

at Melrose, where he lived a life of great

DRUSUS (St) M. RM. Dec 24
See Lucian, Metrobius, etc.
austerity in a special cell near the abbey.


AC. Feb 15
in French DROTTE) (St) Ab.
RM. March 10
d. 1046.A Benedictine of Lorsch, who
in 1014 was appointed by the emperor
d. f.580. A Germanus of
disciple of St
St Henry II abbot of Corvey in Saxony.
Paris, then abbot of the monastery of
Fervour and good observance were
St Symphorian at Autun and was after-
marks of his rule.
wards called by his old master to Paris
as first abbot of the new monastery of St
Vincent and the Holy Cross after- — DUBRICIUS (DUBRIC, DYFRIG,
wards renamed Saint-Germain-des-
DEVEREUX) (St) Bp. AC. Nov 14
d. r.545. One of the founders of monas-
Wales. His chief centres of
tic life in
DROGO (Bl) Mk. OSB. AC. Apr 2 monachism were at Henllan and Moc-
10th cent. After a worldly life, Drogo cas, whence he established many other
entered the of
Benedictine abbey religious houses inwhat is now Here-
Fleury-sur-Loire, and afterwards mi- fordshire and Monmouthshire. He had
grated to that of Baume-les-Messieurs, jurisdiction over Caldey Island and
where he was engaged in tending the appointed St Samson abbot of the
flocks of the abbey. monastery there, and later consecrated
him bishop. A later legend makes St
DROGO (DREUX, DRUON) (St) H. Dubricius archbishop of Caerleon. He
RM. Apr 16 died on the Isle of Bardsey.
d. 1 1 86. A Fleming by birth and an
orphan, at twenty years of age he dis- DUBTACH (St) Bp. AC. Oct 7
posed of all his property and served as a d. f.513. Archbishop of Armagh from
shepherd in France. Nine times he 4Q 7 to<r.5i3.
made the pilgrimage to Rome. Stricken
with a most unsightly bodily affliction, DULA (St) VM. RM. March 25
he built himself a hut under the shadow ? The pagan soldier at Nico-
slave of a
of the church of Sebourg in Hainault, media in Asia Minor. She suffered death
where he died aged eighty-four. at his hands in defence of her chastity.


DULAS (St) M. RM. June 15 English history —abbot, archbishop
d. 300. A Christian of Zepherinum in statesman, and saint. An Anglo-Saxon
Cilicia, martyred after having under- by origin, he was born near Glaston-
gone the most frightful tortures. bury, where he was also educated and
became a monk. In 943 he was made
DULCARDUS (St) H. AC. Oct 25 abbot, and under.his rule the monastery
d. 584. Monk
of Micy (Saint-Mesmin) became the greatest centre of learning
and afterwards a hermit near
in Orleans, in England. He himself excelled as a
Bourges, where now stands the village goldsmith, an illuminator and a musi-
of Saint-Doulchard (Cher). cian. He was summoned to court to be
a royal counsellor, but was forced into
exile by King Edwy, whom he had
rebuked. Dunstan now spent one year
(St) Bp. AC. Oct 16
at Ghent, then a great centre of monas-
d. r.450. Successor of St Phoebadius in
the bishopric of Agen in France.
tic restoration. He was recalled to
England by King Edgar and became his
chief adviser, being promoted to the see
DULCISSIMA (St) VM. of Worcester (957) and to that of Can-
AC. Sept 16 terbury (961). Moreover, Pope John
? Nothing is really known about this XII appointed Dunstan his legate in
saint, but from time immemorial she
England (961). He now achieved, to-
has been venerated at Sutri, formerly in
gether with SS Ethel wold of Winchester
the Papal States, as a virgin-martyr and
and Oswald of York, a thorough monas-
as the principal patron saint of the town tic and ecclesiastical reform throughout
and diocese.
England and initiated a vigorous policy
of national unification and moral
DUMHAID (St) Ab. AC. May 25 restoration. Active and energetic to the
Otherwise Dunchadh, q.v.
very end, he died peacefully at Can-
terbury, in his cathedral of Christ
DUNCHADH (St) Ab. AC. May 25 Church.
d. 717. Abbot of Iona in Scotland from

710 till his death. In his time the Roman DUTHAC (St) Bp. AC. March 8

customs tonsure, date of Easter, Bene-
d. 1065. An
Irishman by birth, he be-
dictine Rule —
were finally adopted by
came bishop of Ross in Scotland, where
the Celtic monks in Scotland.
his memory is preserved in several
place-names, e.g., Kilduthie, etc.
AC. Jan 16
d. 988. Born Westmeath, he was an
DWYNWEN (St) V. AC. Jan 25
anchorite near the monastery of Clon- d. c .460. A Welsh saint of the family of

macnoise until the year 969, when he Brychan of Brecknock. The maxim
was chosen abbot of that place. In his "nothing wins hearts like cheerfulness"

old age he retired to Armagh, where he is attributed to her. Churches dedicated

died. to her are to be found in Wales and

RM. May 19 DWYNWEN (St) W. AC. July 18
f.910-988. One of the great figures in Otherwise Theneva, q.v.

(St) M. AC. May 14 (RM. May 26) Otherwise Dubricius, q.v.
2nd cent. Said to have been one of the
missionaries sent to the Britons by Pope
St Eleutherius at the instance of King
RM. May 15
St Lucius. His church of Merthyr Dy-
? Popular legend makes her the daugh-
fan shows the popular tradition that he
terof an Irish chieftain who escaped to
ended his days by martyrdom.
Belgium accompanied by her chaplain
DYFNAN (St) C. AC. Apr 24 St Gerebern. Their relics were dis-
5th cent. A son of the Welsh chieftain covered at Gheel, near Antwerp, in the
Brychan. He founded a church in 13th century, and since then numberless
Anglesey. cases of insanity, epilepsy, etc., have
been cured at their shrine. The asylum
DYFNOG (St) C. AC. Feb 13 built at Gheel in the 13th century still
7th cent. A Welsh saint of the family of stands, equipped with all up-to-date
Caradog. He was formerly held in local improvements. St Dympna is invoked
veneration in Denbighshire. as the patroness of lunatics.

Note. Saints* names beginning with the Northumbria and of his wife St Ethel-
letter E are often found written with the burga of Kent, baptized as an infant by
diphthong AE, or OE, as the initial St Paulinus. She was a great benefac-
letter. tress of St Wilfrid. In her widowhood
she became a nun at Whitby under her
EADBERT (St) Bp. OSB. RM. May 6 own daughter, St Elfleda.
d. 698. A monk of Lindisfarne who suc-
ceeded St Cuthbert as abbot-bishop of EANSWIDA (EANSWITH) (St) Abs.
the island. He was remarkable for his OSB. AC. Sept 12
knowledge of holy scripture. d. Granddaughter of King St
Ethelbert of Kent. She was the abbess-
EADBURGA (several) foundress (630) of a nunnery on the
Otherwise Edburga, q.v. coast near Folkestone. Her convent was
destroyed by the Danes but re-founded
EADFRID(St)Mk.OSB. AC. Oct 26 for Benedictine monks in 1095. Part of
d. £.675. A
Northumbrian monk-priest itwas swallowed up by the sea, and it
who preached in Mercia and founded, was removed to Folkestone. Its succes-
and was the first superior of, Leominis- sor is now the church of SS Mary and
ter Priory. Eanswida.


Otherwise Edith, q.v. AC. March 7
Otherwise Esterwine, q.v.
EADNOT (St) Bp. OSB. ? Oct 19

d. 1016. Monk
of Worcester and abbot EATA (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 26
of Ramsey. In 1006 he became bishop of d. <\686. An
Englishman by origin, he
Dorchester. As such he helped and was educated by St Aidan in the Celtic
seconded St Oswald of York. He died in observance at Ripon. When St Wilfrid
a battle against the Danes, and is some- arrived at this abbey, he leftfor Mel- it

times termed a martyr. rose, where he became abbot. After the

council of Whitby, however, he adopted
EADSIN (St) Bp. AC. Oct 28 fully the Roman observances and was
d. 1050. Archbishop of Canterbury. He made abbot of Lindisfarne. In 678 he
crowned St Edward the Confessor on became bishop of the Bernicians, being
the restoration of the Anglo-Saxon line consecrated by St Theodore, with his
in England. He resigned his see some see first at Lindisfarne and then at the
years before his death. Benedictine abbey of Hexham.


AC. Nov 24 (SS) W. MM. OSB. AC. Aug 23
d. f .700. Daughter of King St Edwin of d. c .870. Abbess of the great Benedictine



nunnery of Coldingham, on the Scot- George. He is officially venerated by the

tish border, founded two centuries Cistercians.
earlier by St Ebba the Elder. During a
Danish incursion St Ebba fearing for
(Bl) Mk. OSB. PC. Apr 7
her virginity mutilated her face and
Eberhard III, count of
101 8-1078.
invited her nuns to do the same. The
Nellenburg, was a relative of Pope St
Danes set fire to the nunnery and all the
Leo IX and the emperor of St Henry
community perished in the flames.
II. In 1050 he founded the Benedictine

EBBA the ELDER (St) Abs. OSB. abbey of Schaff hausen in Switzerland
AC. Aug 25 —
now a town and took the habit there.
d. 683. Sister of SS Oswald and Oswy,
kings of Northumbria. She took the veil EBERHARD (Bl) O. Praem.
from St Finan at Lindisfarne and foun- PC. Apr 17
ded the double monastery of Colding- d. 1 178. Premonstratensian monk of
ham, on the coast of Northumberland, Roth, later provost of Marchtal in

near Berwick, of which she was first Swabia when it was handed over to the

abbess. The organization of the abbey Premonstratensians in 1166.

resembled that of Whitby in most
points. Ebba, we are told, was personally EBERHARD of SALZBURG (St)

a very holy abbess, but not a great Bp. OSB. AC. June 22
success as an administrator. 1085-1164 (June 11). Born at Nurem-
berg and educated by the monks of
EBBO (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Aug 27 Michelberg at Bamberg, he obtained a
d. 740. A native of Tonnerre and a canonry at Bamberg, which, however,
Benedictine monk of Saint-Pierre-le- he gave up in order to become a Bene-
Vif, at Sens. About the year 709 he was dictine at Pnifening (1125). In 11 33 he
raised to the see of Sens. In 725 he saved was made abbot of Biburg, and in 1147
the city when it was besieged by Sara- archbishop of Salzburg. He was the
cens. greatest supporter of the pope in Ger-
many during the investiture con-
EBERHARD (several)
Note. This Teutonic name, when trans-
literated into other languages, is often EBERHARD of EINSIEDELN (Bl)
softened into Everhard, Everard, Evard, Ab. OSB. AC. Aug
Erhard, Erard, etc. d. 958. Of the ducal family of Swabia.
He was already provost of the cathedral
EBERHARD (Bl)Mk. OSB. Cist. chapter at Strasburg when, in 934, he
PC. March 20 joined his friend Bl Benno at Einsiedeln.
d. r.1150. Count of Mons in Belgium. After Bl Benno's death he was acknow-
In expiation of a crime committed as a ledged as the first abbot of Einsiedeln.
soldier, he went on pilgrimage to Rome
During his rule, the abbey was built
and Compostella and finally asked to be and the church dedicated.
hired as a swineherd at the Cistercian
abbey of Morimond. When his identity EBONTIUS (PONTIUS PONCE,
was discovered, he was induced to con- EBON) (St) Bp. OSB. PC. Oct 3
tinue his life of penance as a monk, and d. 1 104. Born at Comminges, Haute
accordingly took the vows. In 1142 he Garonne, France, and a Benedictine of
founded Einberg and then Mont-Saint- Sainte-Foi of Tomieres, he became

abbot of St Victorian (Asan), near ED AN (St) Bp. AC. Jan 31
Ainsa, in Upper Aragon, and first Otherwise Aidan, q.v.
bishop of Babastro after its recapture
from the Moors. It is doubtful, how- ED ANA (ETAOIN) (St) V.
ever, whether the fact of his cultus can AC. July 5
be proved. ? An Irish saint, .patron of parishes in
W. Ireland. A famous holy well bears
EBREGESILUS (St) Bp. M. her name. She appears to have lived
RM. Oct 24 near the confluence of the rivers Boyle
Otherwise Evergislus, q.v. and Shannon. Some have thought her
to beone and the same with St Mod-
EBRULFUS (EVROULT) (St) Ab. wenna, who is also commemorated on
AC. July 25 July 5-
d. c .600. BornBeauvais in France, he
became a hermit and afterwards abbot- EDBERT (St) Bp. RM. May 6
founder of Saint-Fuscien-aux-Bois. Otherwise Eadbert, q.v.


RM. Dec 29 AC. Aug 20
517-596. A native of Bayeux in Nor- d. 768. The successor of St Ceolwulph
mandy, he became a courtier at the on the throne of Northumbria. After a
palace of King Childebert I. He left the prosperous reign of twenty years, he
court to become a monk at the abbey of resigned and retired to the abbey of
Deux Jumeaux, diocese of Bayeux, and York, where he spent a further ten
later the abbot-founder of Ouche and years in prayer and seclusion.
of other smaller houses.
EDBURGA (several)
EBSDORF (Martyrs of) (SS) Note. The name is spelt in many dif-
AC. Feb 2 ferent ways: Iderberga, Edberga, Ead-
d. 880. In the winter of 880 Duke St burga, Ideberga, Idaberga, etc.

Bruno army of King Louis III

led the
against the invading Norsemen. On the EDBURGA of WINCHESTER (St)

marshy heath of Luneberg, at Ebsdorf, Abs. OSB. AC. June 15

in Saxony, the army was caught in ice d. 960. Daughter of Edward the Elder,

and snow and defeated by the Norse- granddaughter of Alfred the Great, she
men. Bruno, with four bishops, eleven was placed as a child in the nunnery
noblemen, and many others were slain which King Alfred's widow had foun-
and forthwith venerated as martyrs. ded at Winchester, of which she herself
later became abbess. Her shrine at
(St) AC. July 27 Pershore in Worcestershire was famous
d. 532. Bishop of Ravenna from 521 till for its miracles.
532. He began the building of San
Vitale, at Ravenna, where there is a fig- EDBURGA of CAISTOR (St) N.
ure of him in mosaic. OSB. AC. June 20
Late 7th cent. The daughter of the
ECHA (ETHA) (St) H. OSB. pagan Penda, king of Mercia, a nun at
AC. May 5 Caistor (Domundcaster) Northampton-
d. 767. An Anglo-Saxon priest and shire, whence her relics were transferred
monk-hermit at Crayk, near York. to Peterborough and later to Flanders.

EDBURGA and EDITH (SS) Ns. the identity of this St Edith. She was
OSB. AC. July 18 certainly the widow of a king of North-
d. f.650. Sisters, Anglo-Saxon prin- umbria and died as a nun —probably
cesses, nuns at Aylesbury. abbess —of Polesworth in Warwickshire.
EDBURGA of THANET (St) Abs. EDITH (St) V. OSB. AC. July 18
OSB. AC. Dec 12 See Edburga and Edith.
d. 751. Of the royal family of Kent. A
disciple of St Mildred, whom she pro- EDITH of WILTON N. OSB.
bably succeeded as abbess of Minster- RM.
Sept 16
in-Thanet. She was a friend and corre- 961-984. Daughter of King Edgar and
spondent of St Boniface, whom she of St Wilfrida. Taken to Wilton abbey
helped with books, altar vestments and shortly after birth, she never left it, so
other gifts. She had a new church built that, words of the RM. "she
in the
for her convent at Minster. rather knew not this world than forsook
it". She was professed before her fif-
EDBURGA (St) N. OSB. AC. Dec 13 teenth year, her father being present.
7th cent. A nun of Lyminge in Kent. She declined to accept the government
of three abbeys, preferring to remain a
EDEYRN (St) H. AC. Jan 6 simple nun at Wilton. When her father
6th cent. The patron saint of a church died, she was offered the throne, and
in Brittany. The legend describes him as refused. She died at the age of twenty-
a Briton, him with King
associating two, St Dunstan assisting her in her last
Arthur, and making him end his days illness.
as a hermit in Armorica.


EDGAR the PEACEFUL King. (St) SJ. AC. Aug 28
PC. July 8 d. 1628. Born at Haydock, near St
d. 975. The great friend of St Dunstan, Helen's, in Lancashire, of a recusant
whom he took as his adviser. His reign yeoman family. He was educated at
is marked by a strong religious revival Douai, ordained priest (161 2), and sent
in England. Though he enjoyed a local to the English mission, where he worked
cultus at Glastonbury, he would not from 1 61 3 to 1628, being received into
nowadays be reckoned a likely candidate the Society of Jesus in 1623. He was
for canonization. hanged, drawn and quartered at Lan-
caster, where he exercised his aposto-
EDILBURGA (St) V. RM. July 7 late. Beatified in 1929.
Otherwise Ethelburga, q.v.

EDILTRUDIS (St) V. RM. June 23

Otherwise Etheldreda, q.v. RM. Nov 16
1 Born at Abingdon, he
EDISTIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 12 studied at Oxford and Paris, and became
d. r.303. A martyr of Ravenna under professor of philosophy at Oxford
Diocletian. (12 1 9-1 226), canon of Salisbury, and
archbishop of Canterbury (1233). His
EDITH of POLES WORTH (St) W. uncompromising stand in favour of
OSB. AC. July 15 good discipline, monastic observance,
d. ? 925. There is much confusion as to justice in high quarters, brought him

into conflict with King Henry III, with He became king of England in 1042.
several monasteries and with his own Considerate, just, gentle and unselfish,
chapter. He was moreover opposed by his reign was one of peace, prosperity
the papal legate. In 1240 he retired to and good government. Some of the
the Cistercian abbey of Pontigny, where, nobility opposed him, but the com-
according to the Cistercian tradition, he moners were all fox "good King Ed-
livedand died in the Cistercian habit. ward". He was much given to prayer,
Canonized in 1246. and hunting. In commutation of a vow
to go on pilgrimage to Rome he rebuilt
EDMUND (St) King M. RM.N0V20 Westminster Abbey, where he was
849-870. King of the East Angles from buried. He was canonized in 1161, and
855. In the Danish inroad of 870 he was his relics solemnly enshrined on Oct 13,
taken prisoner and savagely done to 1 162, on which day his feast is cele-

death at Hoxne in Suffolk. He expired brated throughout Christendom, though

with the name of Jesus on his lips. His the date of his death was Jan 5.
shrine gave its name to the Benedictine
abbey and town of Bury St Edmund's. EDWARD WATERSON (Bl) M.
AC. Jan 7
EDMUND CAMPION (Bl) M. SJ. d. 1593. Born in London and a convert.
AC. Dec 1 He studied at Reims and was ordained
c. 1 540-1 58 1. "The Pope's Champion". in 1592. The following year he was
Born in London and educated at executed for his priesthood at New-
Christ's Hospital, he was a brilliant castle. Beatified in 1929.
student at Oxford. Reconciled to the
Catholic Church, he passed on to Douai EDWARD STRANSHAM (Bl) M.
and then to Rome, where he joined the AC. Jan 21
Jesuits. Next he worked in Bohemia, d. 1586. Born at Oxford, and educated
and finally, for one year, on the English at St John's College there. He studied
mission. His extraordinary success for the priesthood at Douai and Reims,
caused him to be hunted down relent- was ordained in 1580, and sent to the
lessly. He was betrayed, racked and English mission in 1581. He worked in
martyred at Tyburn. London and in Oxford. He was con-
demned for his priesthood and executed
EDMUND GENINGS (Bl) M. at Tyburn. Beatified in 1929.
AC. Dec 10
d. 1 Born at Lichfield, and a con-
591. EDWARD the MARTYR (St) King
vert from Protestantism, he studied and M. RM. March 18
was ordained priest at Reims (1590). d. 979. The son of Edgar the Peaceful,
He passed on to the English mission and and king of England at the age of thir-
was condemned to death for his priest- teen, after his father's death (975). In
hood the following year. He was hanged, 979 he was murdered at Wareham in
drawn and quartered at Gray's Inn Dorsetshire, at the instigation of his
Fields, London. Beatified in 1929. stepmother Elfrida; and he was forth-
with popularly acclaimed as a martyr.
King RM.
(Jan 5 and) Oct 13 EDWARD OLDCORNE (Bl) M. SJ.
1 004-1 066. Born at Islip, near Oxford, AC. Apr 7
the son of King Ethelred the Unready. d. 1606. A native of York, he was or-

dained priest at Rome and received into Sussex, hanged at Tyburn for harbour-
the Society of Jesus in 1587. He worked ing priests. Beatified in 1929.
Midlands from 1588 to 1606, and
in the
was condemned to death at Worcester EDWARD BARLOW M. OSB. (Bl)
for alleged complicity in the Gun- AC. Sept 10
powder Plot. Beatified in 1929. Otherwise Ambrose Edward Barlow,


AC. Apr 13
d. 1588. A native of Breaston, near
d. 1642. Born at Carlton, near Rich-
Derby, and an undergraduate of St
mond, Yorks. He was educated at Douai
John's College, Oxford. After his con-
and laboured as a missionary priest in
Reims and Rome.
version he studied at
England from 1635 till ms death. He was
Ordained priest in 1583, he was con-
executed for his priesthood at York.
demned and executed at Chichester for
Beatified in 1929. l

his priesthood. Beatified in 1929.


d. 1590. Born in the diocese of St
AC. Oct 1
Asaph in Wales and a convert. He
d. 1588. Born at Ludlow in Shropshire,
studied for the priesthood at Reims,
he studied at Jesus College, Oxford.
and was ordained in 1588. He was cap-
After his conversion he was trained for
tured and executed for his priesthood in
the Priesthood at Reims and ordained
Fleet Street. Beatified in 1929.
in 1587. He was condemned for his
priesthood and executed at Canterbury.
EDWARD FULTHROP (Bl) M. Beatified in 1929.
AC. July 4
d. 1597. A gentleman of Yorkshire exe-
cuted at York for having been reconciled
AC. Dec 3
to the Catholic Church. Beatified in
d. 1678. A
gentleman of Suffolk, edu-
cated at Peterhouse, Cambridge, and a
convert to the Catholic Faith. He was
EDWARD POWELL (Bl) M. secretary to the duchess of York, and
AC. July 30
was executed at Tyburn on a false charge
d. 1540. A Welshman who became a
of conspiring with a foreign power to
canon of Salisbury and a fellow of Oriel
restore the Catholic Church in England.
and was well known in Europe as the
He was the first victim of the "Titus
author of various treatises against
Oates Plot". Beatified in 1929.
Luther. He was chosen by Queen
Catherine of Aragon as one of her EDWEN (St) V. AC. Nov 6
counsel. After six years in prison he 7th cent. The alleged patron saint of
was hanged, drawn and quartered at Llanedwen, Anglesey. She is described
Smithfield, London, for denying the as having been a daughter of King
king's spiritual supremacy. Beatified in Edwin of Northumberland.
EDWIN (St) King M. AC. Oct 12
EDWARD SHELLEY (Bl)M. d. 633. King of Northumbria from 616.
AC. Aug
30 He married as his second wife Ethel-
d. 1588. A gentleman of Warminghurst, burga of Kent and was baptized by her


chaplain St Paulinus (627). He fell in Abbey, put to death with his abbot and
battle at Hatfield Chase fighting against many others of the community by the
the pagan Mercians and Welsh. Hence heathen Danes.
he was venerated as a martyr.
EGELWINE (St) C. AC. Nov 26
EDWOLD (St) C. AC. Nov 27 7th cent. A prince of the house of
9th cent. Brother of St Edmund the Wessex who lived at Athelney in Somer-
Martyr, king of East Anglia. He lived setshire.
as a recluse at Carne in Dorsetshire.
EGIDIUS (several).
EFFLAM (St) C. AC. Nov 6 Otherwise Giles, q.v.
d. f.700. Son of a British prince who,
became abbot of a
crossing to France, EGILHARD (St) M. OSB.
monastery he had founded in Brittany. PC. May 25
d. 881. The eighth abbot of Corneli-
EGBERT (St) Mk. OSB. munster, near Aix-la-Chapelle. He was
AC. March 18 killed by the Normans at Bercheim.
d. f.720. Monk, probably of Ripon,
where were venerated from
his relics EGILO (EGILON, EIGIL) (St) Ab.
about the year 1000. OSB. AC. June 28
d. 871. Monk of Prum, near Treves, and
(St) RM. Apr 24 then abbot there. As abbot he gave the
d. 729. An English monk of Lindisfarne habit to St Humphrey at Prum. In 860
who migrated to Ireland and lived at the emperor Charles the Bald directed
Rathelmigisi in Connaught. Here he him to restore Flavigny, in the diocese
trained several bands of monks for the of Dijon. Later on he founded the abbey
German mission. He passed over to Iona of Corbigny, Yonne.
monks to adopt the Roman
to induce the
usages. He succeeded at last: in fact on EGINO (EGON) Ab. OSB.
the day of his death Easter was for the PC. July 15
first time celebrated at Iona according d. 1 122. Born at Augsburg and received
to the Roman reckoning. as a child-oblate at the abbey of SS
Ulric and Afra in the same city. In the
EGDUNUS and Comp. (SS) MM. conflict between the pope and the em-
RM. March 12 peror he sided with the former, and was
d. 303. Martyrs at Nicomedia under for this reason expelled by his abbot,
Diocletian. They were eight in number being welcomed at the abbey of St
they were suspended head downwards Blasien (Blaise). In 11 06 he was recalled
over a fire and suffocated by its smoke. to Augsburg and appointed abbot in
1 109. He had to suffer much at the

EGELNOTH (St) Bp. OSB. hands of the simoniacal bishop Heri-

AC. Oct 30 mann and to flee to Rome in 1120. On
d. 1038. Surnamed "the Good". Monk his return home he died at Pisa in the
of Glastonbury, and archbishop of monastery of his Camaldolese brethren.
Canterbury from 1020 till his death.
EGWIN (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Dec 30
EGELRED (St) M. OSB. AC. Sept 25 d. 717. Consecrated to God in his youth,
d. r.870. A monk-martyr of Croyland he eventually became the third bishop


of Worcester (692) and the founder of gan near Bangor. He is said to have been
the abbey of Evesham. Twice he made a son of the chieftain Cunedda, whose
the pilgrimage to Rome; once, indeed, family claims no less than fifty saints.
to appeal to the pope against some of his
flock, whose enmity he had incurred for EINHILDIS and ROSWINDA (SS)
his severity against vice. Ns. OSB. AC. Dec 13
8th cent. Nuns of Hohenburg under St
EGYPT (Martyrs and Confessors Ottilia. St Roswinda seems to have been
of) (SS) St Ottilia's sister. St Einhildis became
The RM. lists two groups of anonymous abbess of Niedermunster near Hohen-
martyrs and confessors of Egypt, as burg.
follows: nxM Jan
d. 303. "In Egypt the commemoration
AC. Nov 25
of many holy martyrs, who were slain
d. 1075. Monk of Gorze and afterwards
in the Thebaid under Diocletian".
. . .
abbot of Munsterschwarzach in Bavaria.
RM. May 21
d. r.357."At Alexandria, the memory EKHARD (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. June 28
of the holy bishops and priests who d. Canon of the cathedral of
were sent into exile by the Arians, and Magdeburg and first abbot of Huys-
merited to be joined to the holy con- burg.
ELA (Bl) W. PC. Feb 1

EIGIL (AEIGILUS) (St) Ab. OSB. 26 1. The widow of William Longs-

d. 1

AC. Dec 17 word, she placed herself under the

d. 822. A monk of Fulda, he became direction of St Edmund Rich. She
abbot in 817, succeeding Rutgar, who founded a monastery of Carthusians at
had been deposed by Charlemagne on Hinton and a convent of Augustinian
account of excessive and imprudent nuns at Laycock. She became abbess in
severity. Eigil restored peace and union the latter.
among the large community and had the
consolation of paving the way for the ELAETH the KING (St) AC. Nov 10
abbacy of his great successor St Rha- 6th cent. A Briton from the North
banus Maurus. driven into Wales by the Picts. He be-
came a monk under St Seiriol in Angle-
EIGRAD (St) C. AC. Jan 6 sey. Some poems of his are still extant.
6th cent. A brother of St Samson of
York, trained by St Illtyd, and founder ELAPHIUS (St) Bp. AC. Aug 19
of a church in Anglesey. d. 580. Bishop of Chalons-sur-Marne.
According to Gregory of Tours, he was
EILAN (St) C. AC. Jan 12 sent as ambassador to Spain and died en
Otherwise Elian, q.v. route. A later writer of his life states
he went to Spain to seek the relics of
EINGAN (EINION, ENEON, St Eulalia at Merida.
ANIANUS) (St) H. AC. Feb 9
6th cent. A British prince who came ELDATE (ELDAD) (St) C.
from Cumberland into Wales and AC. Feb 4
finished his days as a hermit at Llanen- Otherwise Aldate, q.v.



AC. March 13 RM. Feb 20
Otherwise Heldrad, q.v. d. r.310. Said to have been bishop of
Byzantium and a martyr. Most writers,
ELEAZAR (St) M. RM. Aug 1 him with
after the Bollandists, identify
See Machabees. St Eleutherius commemorated on Aug
4, q.v.
ELEAZAR (St) M. RM. Aug 23
See Minervus, Eleazar, etc. ELEUTHERIUS of TOURNAI (St)
Bp. M. RM. Feb 20
ELEAZAR (St) C. RM. Sept 27 d. 532. A native of Tournai, bishop of
Otherwise Elzear, q.v. that cityfrom 486, who evangelized the
Franks then settled in and near Tournai
ELEFREDA (St) V. OSB. AC. Aug 2 and died from wounds inflicted by the
Otherwise Etheldritha, q.v. Arian heretics of that district.


6th cent. A Welsh saint, mentioned in MM. RM. Apr 18
the legends concerning St Winefred. d. 1 17-138. Eleutherius, a bishop of
He supposed to have presided over
is Illyria, his mother Anthia and eleven
a monastery in N. Wales. others, are said to havebeen martyred
in Illyria under the emperor Hadrian.
ELESBAAN (St) King RM. Oct 27 The whole story has been proved to be
d. £.555. Called by the Abyssinians merely a pious romance of Greek origin.
Calam-Negus. He was a Christian king
of Ethiopia, who successfully fought ELEUTHERIUS (St) Pope, M.
the Jewish usurper Dhu-newas, a perse- RM. May 26
cutor of Christianity. After an eventful d. 189. A Greek by origin who became
reign, during which he showed more a deacon of the Roman Church. He
than once his cruel and revengeful succeeded St Soter as pope in 175. Very
disposition, he died as an exemplary little is known about him. The story of

monk at Jerusalem. It seems, however, his sending missionaries to Britain is

that he always remained a Monophysite. abandoned by most modern scholars.


AC. Jan 30 RM. May 29
Otherwise Adelelmus, q.v. ? An English pilgrim, said to have been
the brother of SS Grimwald and Fulk,
ELEUCHADIUS (St) Bp. who died at Rocca d'Arce, near Aquino,
RM. Feb 14 in S. Italy. He is venerated there as
2nd cent. A Greek by he was origin, principal patron saint.
converted by St Apollinaris of Ravenna,
and in his absence he governed the ELEUTHERIUS (St) M. RM.Aug4
church there. He succeeded St Adheri- d. £.310. He was a martyr of Tarsus,
tus as third bishop of that See. and his tomb therebecame a centre of
pilgrimage. He had a basilica at Con-
ELEUSIPPUS (St) M. RM. Jan 17 stantinople. The Passio resumed by the
See Speusippus, Eleusippus, etc. RM. is unreliable.



ELEUTHERIUS and LEONIDES the obedience of the abbey. She was

(SS) MM. RM. Aug 8 held in great veneration by St Dunstan.
? Martyrs burnt to death at Constanti-
nople. ELFLEDA (St) Abs. OSB.
AC. Oct 29
ELEUTHERIUS (St) Bp. Daughter of Earl Ethel wold,
d. r.iooo.
RM. Aug 1 founder of Ramsey, where she became a
d. 561. Bishop of Auxerre, 532-561. nun and eventually abbess.


(St) ELFRIC (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Nov 16
RM. Sept 6 Otherwise Alfrick, q.v.

d. c.590. Mentioned several times by St

Gregory the Great as a well-known ELGAR(St)H. AC. June 14
wonder-worker. He was abbot of St d. <\noo. Born in Devonshire. After
Mark at Spoleto, whence he migrated to some years of captivity in Ireland, he
St Gregory's own abbey in Rome, where settled as a hermit in the isle of Bardsey
he lived for many years as a simple off the coast of Carnarvon.
ELGIVA (St) W. OSB. AC. May 18
ELEUTHERIUS and Comp. (SS) d. 971. The mother of Kings Edwy and
MM. RM. Oct 2 Edgar, and wife of King Edmund. On
d. £.303. A soldier-martyr of Nicomedia the death of her husband she retired to
under Diocletian. The story told in the the nunnery at Shaftesbury where she
RM. is wholly untrustworthy. ended her days.


See Dionysius, Rusticus and Eleu- AC. Jan 13
therius. 6th cent. ACornish or Breton saint of
the family of St Ismael. He has given
ELEVETHA (St) VM. AC. Aug 1 his name to Llanelian in Anglesey and
Otherwise Almedha, q.v. Llanelian in Denbighshire and was
titular of St Allen's church in Cornwall.
ELFEDA (ETHELFLEDA, EDIL- His name is often confused with that
FLEDA, ELGIVA) (St) Abs. OSB. of St Hilary.
AC. Feb 8
d. 714. Daughter of Oswy, king of ELIAN ap ERBIN (St) C.
Northumbria. She was offered to God as AC. Jan 13
a tiny child at the nunnery of Hartlepool ? 5th cent. This name appears in some
under St Hilda, with whom she migrated Welsh calendars.
to Whitby and whom she succeeded as
abbess there. She was one of the most ELIAS, JEREMIAS, ISAIAS,
influential personages of her time and SAMUEL and DANIEL (SS) MM.
was instrumental in reconciling SS RM. Feb 16
Theodore and Wilfrid. d. 309. Five Egyptians who on their
return journey from visiting some of
ELFLEDA (St)N. OSB. AC. Oct 23 their fellow-Christians, condemned to
d. c .936. An Anglo-Saxon princess who the mines of Cilicia, were themselves
lived as a recluse at Glastonbury under arrested at Caesarea in Palestine and

beheaded. The graphic account of their ELIAS (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Aug 26
martyrdom is given by Eusebius who at d. 660. A Benedictine monk of Sicily,
that time was living at Caesarea. who died bishop of Syracuse.

ELIAS (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. Apr 16 ELIAS (St) Bp. M. RM. Sept 19
d. 1042. An Irishman who became monk See Peleus, Nilus, etc.
and abbot (1020) of the Scottish abbey
of St Martin the Great at Cologne. The ELIGIUS (ELOI, ELOY) (St) Bp.
archbishop placed also under his care RM. Dec 1

the abbey of St Pantaleon. 588-660. A native of Limoges, he be-

came a very skilful metal-smith, and was
ELIAS, PAUL and ISIDORE (SS) appointed master of the mint at Paris
MM. RM. Apr 17 under King Clotaire II. In 640 he aban-
d. 856. Elias, a priest of Cordova, was doned this office to become a priest and
put to death by the Moors in his old soon after was consecrated bishop of
age together with SS Paul and Isidore, Noyon. He evangelized the districts
two young men under his spiritual round Antwerp, Ghent and Courtrai,
direction. St Eulogius, an eye-witness, founded Solignac Abbey and many other
has left us an account of their martyr- monasteries and convents. He was one
dom. of the most lovable of saints and most
"popular" throughout the Middle Ages.
OFM. PC. July 5 ELILANTIUS (Bl or St) OSB.
1407- 1 484. Born in Perigord, of the AC. July 10
family of the counts of Bourdeilles, he See Lantfrid, Waltram, etc.
took the Franciscan habit at the age of
ten. He was successively bishop of ELINED (St) VM. AC. Aug 1
Perigueux (1437), archbishop of Tours Otherwise Almedha, q.v. The name is
(1468) and cardinal (1483), being also also written Ellyw, and the saint is

confessor of King Louis XI. He is best probably the one whose memory is per-
known in history for his written defence petuated in the Welsh place-n?.mes of
of St Joan of Arc. The process of his Llanelly and Llanelieu, besides perhaps
beatification was begun in 1526, but the Breton Lanhelen.
never finished.
ELIAS (ELIJAH) (St) Prophet RM. Oct 16
RM. July 20 d. 362. An Irishman —or Scot —by
9th cent. B.C. The great prophet of the birth,who suffered at Toul in France
Old Law, the account of whose eventful under Julian the Apostate. His relics
life is given in III and IV Kings. His were translated in the 10th century to
association with Mt Carmel is also to be Cologne.
found there. The Carmelite Order
liturgically commemorates this great ELISABETH ANNE BAYLEY
prophet as its principal patron saint. SETON (Bl) W. Foundress
AC. Jan 4
ELIAS of JERUSALEM (St) Bp. 1 774-1 She was born in New York
RM. July 20 and grew up as a devout Episcopalian
See Flavian and Elias. until her thirty-first year when, widowed


by the death of her husband Wm. maker between the kings of Portugal,
Magee Seton and with full responsi- Castile and Aragon. After the death of
bility for her five children she was recon- her husband she retired to a Poor Clare
ciled to the in 1805 and was
Church convent as a tertiary. She was canonized
confirmed in by Bishop John
1806 in 1625.
Carroll of Baltimore. She is the foundress
of the first American Sisterhood, the ELISABETH of SCHONAU (St)
Sisters of Charity of St Joseph, and is Abs. OSB. 18 RM. June
considered by some as the initiator of 26-1 164. At the age of twelve she
1 1

the American parochial school system. entered the Black Benedictine not the—
Beatified in 1963. Cistercian —convent of Schonau, about
sixteen miles N.E. of Bonn. She was
ELISABETH BARTHOLOMEA professed in 1147, and shortly after she
PICENARDI (Bl) V. OSM. became subject to extraordinary super-
AC. Feb 20 natural manifestations. In 11 57 she
1428-1468. Born at Mantua in Italy. was made abbess of Schonau. Her
After her mother's death she joined the brother Egbert, who governed the
third of the Servites. Several
order Benedictine monks at the same place,
young girls of the noble families of wrote her life.

Mantua banded themselves together to

live in community under her direction. ELISABETH BICHIER des AGES
Beatified in 1804. (Bl) V. Foundress AC. Aug 26
1 773-1 832. Of noble rank, she was born
ELISABETH SALVIATI (Bl) Abs. in the diocese of Bourges. After the
OSB. Cam. AC. Feb 11 French Revolution she entrusted herself
d. 1 519. Camaldolese nun and abbess of to the guidance of St Andrew Fournet
the convent of San Giovanni Evangelista (q.v.), and in spite of grave difficulties
at Boldrone. Pope Urban VIII allowed at the outset founded the Congregation
pictures of her with the title of beata of the Daughters of the Cross for teach-
underneath to be printed in Rome. ing and service in hospitals. She died
at Le Pay, Poiters. Beatified in 1947.
Younger (St) V. OP. AC. May 6 ELISABETH (St) W. RM. Nov 5
Daughter of King Andrew III
d. 1338. 1 st cent. The mother of St John the
of Hungary. She refused to marry Baptist. All that we know about her is
Wenceslaus, the son of the King of limited to what we find in the first
Bohemia, and became a Dominican nun. chapter of St Luke's Gospel.
She died in the Swiss convent at Toss,
the last of the Dynasty of St Stephen. ELISABETH of HUNGARY (St)
Queen, Tert. OFM. RM. Nov 19
ELISABETH of PORTUGAL (St) 1 207-1 23 1. Born at Presburg, the
Queen, Tert. OFM. RM. July 8 daughter of King Andrew II of Hungary
1 271-1336. Born in Aragon, Spain, and a niece of St Hedwig. At the age of
Isabel was the daughter of King Peter fourteen she was married to Louis IV,
? II of that
kingdom, and was married landgrave of Thuringia, and bore him
at twelve years of age to the dissolute three children. Hers was a very happy
and selfish King Denis of Portugal. married life until 1227 when her hus-
She distinguished herself as a peace- band went to the crusade and died at


Otranto. She now became a Franciscan name Elmo usually stands for an abbre-
tertiary and devoted herself to the relief viation of that of St Erasmus (June 2).
of the destitute, living a life of voluntary
poverty until her death at twenty-four. ELOFF (ELOPHIUS) M. RM. Oct 16
She was canonized three years later Otherwise Eliphius, q.v.

ELOI (St) Bp. RM. Dec 1

ELISABETH the GOOD (Bl) V. Otherwise Eligius, q.v.

Tert. OFM. AC. Nov 25
1386-1420. Born at Waldsee in Wurtem- ELOQUIUS (ELOQUE) (St) Ab.
berg, she lived her whole life in a small OSB. AC. Dec 3
community of Franciscan tertiaries close d. ^.665. Disciple and successor of St
by. She was subject to mystical experi- Fursey as abbot of Lagny (Latiniacensis).
ences including the stigmata, and went
for long periods without any natural ELPHEGE the ELDER (St) Bp.
food. Cult confirmed in 1766. OSB. AC. March 12
d. 951. Also surnamed "the Bald",
ELISABETH-ROSE (St) Abs. OSB. probably on account of his monastic
AC. Dec 13 tonsure. From being a monk he was
d. 1 130. A nun of Chelles near Paris, raised to the see of Winchester (935). He
and afterwards abbess-foundress of the induced many to become monks,
nunnery of Sainte-Marie-du-Rozoy, notably his young kinsman St Dunstan,
near Courtenay, Loiret. whom he ordained priest. St Ethelwold
too received the priesthood from St
(St) Elphege.
RM. June 14
8th cent. B.C. The holy man on whom ELPHEGE the MARTYR (St) Bp.
fell the mantle of Elias, and who con- OSB. RM. Apr 19
tinued the work of that great prophet, 954-1012. A Benedictine of Deerhurst
as is described in IV Kings. The feast abbey in Gloucestershire, then abbot of
of St Eliseus is liturgically observed in a monastery near Bath, he was raised to
the Carmelite Order, and also generally the see of Winchester in 984, and to that
in the East. of Canterbury in 1006. He was greatly
loved by his flock, and during the Danish
ELLEHER (St) M. OSB. RM. June 5 invasion of 1 01 1 he was urged to escape.
See Waccar, Gundekar, etc. He declined, and was taken prisoner and
put to death at Greenwich for refusing
ELLIDIUS (ILLOG) (St) C. to ransom himself with the money of
AC. Aug 8 the poor.
7th cent. Patron saint, it would appear,
of Hirnant (Montgomery), and of a ELPIDEPHORUS (St) M. RM. Nov 2
church in the Scilly Isles. See Acindynus, Pegasius, etc.

ELLYN (St) VM. AC. Aug 1 ELPIDIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. March 4
Otherwise Almedha, q.v. See Basil, Eugene, etc.

ELMO (Bl) C. AC. Apr 15 ELPIDIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 1

Otherwise Peter Gonzalez, q.v. But the See Priscus, Castrensis, etc.


ELPIDIUS (St) Ab. RM. Sept 2 ELVIS (St) C. AC. Feb 22

4th cent. Ahermit in Cappadocia who Otherwise Elwyn, or Alleyn, or Allan,
lived for twenty-five years in a cave and or Elian. See below under Elwin.
gathered round him numerous disciples.
His relics were brought to a village in ELWIN (St) C. AC. Feb 22
the Marches of Ancona, now called 6th cent. Said to have been one of the
Sant' Elpidio. His emblem in art is a holy men who accompanied St Breaca
vine in leaf in winter. from Ireland and perhaps
to Cornwall,
the title saint of St Allen's church in
ELPIDIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 2 that country. But the traditions are very
d. 422. The successor of St Antiochus perplexing.
in the see of Lyons. His relics were
enshrined in the church of St Justus. ELZEAR (ELEAZARUS) (St) C.
Tert. OFM. RM. Sept 27
ELPIDIUS, MARCELLUS, 1285-1 323. A native of Provence, where
EUSTOCHIUS, and Comp. (SS) he inherited the barony of Ansuis as well
MM. RM. Nov 16 as the county of Ariano in the kingdom
d. 362. Elpidius, a dignitary at the court of Naples. Married to St Delphina of
of the emperor Constantius, was de- Glandeves, he was the perfect type of
graded by Julian the Apostate and, with Christian gentleman. He went to Naples
several companions, dragged at the tail as tutor to Prince Charles and as am-
of wild horses. Finally they were burnt bassador, and was for a time regent of
at the stake. the kingdom. According to an old
tradition both he and his wife, St
ELPIS (St) VM. RM. Aug 1 Delphine (q.v.), were Franciscan ter-
See Faith, Hope (Elpis) and Charity. tiaries.


Otherwise Aldericus, q.v. AC. Jan 15
d. c.710. Said to have been a brother of
ELSIAR (St) Mk. OSB. AC. June 4 SS Reineldis and Gudula. He was
d. f.1050. A Benedictine of the abbey bishop of Cambrai in Flanders.
of Saint-Savin in Lavedan.
(St) RM. Jan 23
d. 981. Monk of Abingdon under St d. 304? According to legend, Emeren-
Ethelwold, celebrated as a model of tiana, the foster-sister of St Agnes, while
blind obedience. He
succeeded St as yet only a catechumen, was dis-
Ethelwold both as abbot of Abingdon covered by the pagan mob praying at
and bishop of Winchester. the tomb of the recently martyred St
Agnes, and was stoned to death. In
ELVAN and MYDWYN (SS) point of fact St Emerentiana is a Roman
AC. Jan 1 martyr of unknown date. Her cult is
2nd cent. Said to have been the two very ancient.
Britons sent by King St Lucius to Pope
St Eleutherius to beg for missionaries EMERIC (Bl) Bp. AC. Aug 1

to be sent to Britain (see St Eleutherius, d. 1318. Bishop of Aosta (1301-1318).

pope). Cult approved in 1881.

EMERIC (St) C. RM. Nov 4 EMILIAN (or EMINIAN) (St) Ab.
1007- 1 03 1. Son of St Stephen, the first OSB. AC. March 10
Christian king of Hungary. He was edu- d. 675. An Irishman, who became a
cated by St Gerard Sagredo of Czanad monk, and then abbot, of Lagny in
and gave promise of being a model France.
king, but died before inheriting the
crown. He was canonized with his father EMILIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 29
in 1083. See Agapius and Comp.

EMERITA (St) VM. RM. Sept 22 EMILIAN (St) M. RM. July 18

See Digna and Emerita. d. 362. A martyr of Silistria in Bulgaria
under Julian the Apostate.
EMERITUS (St) M. RM. Feb 11
See Saturninus, Dativus, etc. EMILIAN (St) Bp. RM. Aug 8
d. c.820. A bishop of Cyzicus, an island
EMERIUS (St) Ab. OSB. off the southern shore of the sea of
AC. Jan 27 Marmora. He died in exile for his firm
8th cent. A Frenchman by birth, he stand against the Iconoclasts.
founded, and ruled as first abbot, the
Benedictine abbey of St Stephen of EMILIAN (St) Bp. RM. Sept 11
Banoles, near Gerona, in Spanish Cata- d. 520. A N. Italian hermit, who after
lonia. forty years as a recluse, was raised to the
see of Vercelli in Piedmont, where he
EMETERIUS (St) M. RM. March 3 died a centenarian.
Otherwise Hemiterius, q.v.
EMILIAN (St) C. RM. Oct 11
(St) RM. Aug 5 According to the RM. he was a hermit

Otherwise Emygdius, q.v. at Rennes in Brittany. No saint of this

name can be found in the Breton
EMILAS and JEREMIAS (SS) MM. records. Possibly he has been confused
RM. Sept 15 with St Melanius, bishop of Rennes
d. 852. Two Spanish youths, of whom (d. 567).
the former was a deacon, imprisoned
and beheaded at Cordova under the EMILIAN (St) Ab. RM. Nov 12
caliph Abderrahman. d. 574. A poor shepherd in La Rioja, in
the old kingdom of Spanish Navarre.
EMILIAN (AEMILIO) (St) Mk. He became a hermit and eventually was
OSB. AC. Jan 7 ordained priest by his bishop (of Tara-
d. 767. A native of Vannes, and a monk zona) who put him in charge of the
of Saujon, near Saintes, he died as a parish of Berceo. The saint, however,
recluse in the forest of Combes, returned to his solitude and there gradu-
Bordeaux. ally he gathered round him a large
number of disciples of whom he became
EMILIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 8 the abbot. This gave rise to the great
See Dionysius and Emilian. abbey of La Cogolla, which afterwards
adopted the Benedictine Rule. On this
EMILIAN (St) M. AC. Feb 9 account the saint is described to this
See Ammon, Emlian, etc. day in the "Spanish proper" of his

office as the firstSpanish Benedictine. receiving a large legacy, she decided to
He isminor patron saint of Spain,
a devote herself to the foundation of a
where he is known as San Millan de la religious institute, viz., the Sisters of
Cogolla—the cowled St Emilian. In art St Joseph of the Apparation (i.e. the
he is usually represented on horseback apparition of the Angel Gabriel to St
fighting the Moors. Joseph). Great trials befell her, and,
losing both her money and her reputa-
EMILIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 6 tion in the diocese of Albi, she estab-
See Dionysia, Dativa, etc. lished the mother-house at Marseilles.
When she died there in 1856, she left
EMILIANA (St) V. RM. Jan 5 behind her houses of the Institute in
6th cent. A Roman lady, and the Europe, Africa and Asia. Canonized in
paternal aunt of St Gregory the Great,
from whom we know of her saintly life,

visions and death. EMILY de RODAT (St) Foundress

AC. Sept 19
EMILIANA (St) M. RM. June 30 1 787-1 852. A native of Chateau Dru-
? She is stated to have been a Roman elles, near Rodez, in southern central
maiden who died a martyr. France. In 181 6, under the direction of
Mgr Marty, later vicar general of Rodez,
EMILIUS (St) M. RM. May 22 she started a new teaching institute
See Castus and Emilius. which has since developed into the
present-day Religious Congregation of
the Holy Family of Villefranche with
LUCIAN (SS) MM. RM. May 28
houses throughout the world. Canon-
? Churches are dedicated to these saints
ized in 1950.
in Sardinia; otherwise nothing is known
concerning them.
EMMA (several)
Otherwise Hemma, q.v.
EMILIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 6
See Marcellus, Castus, etc.
EMMANUEL (several)
Note. A popular name in the Latin
EMILY BICCHIERI (Bl) V. OP. countries: Emmanuele in Italian; Man-
AC. Aug 19 uel in Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan.
1 238-1 3 14. A native of Vercelli, who
induced her father to build a convent,
where she professed the Dominican
AC. Jan 12
rule. She was a great success as the first
708-1 737. A Portuguese born
1 at
prioress of the convent. Cult confirmed
Arouca, he entered the Jesuit Order in
in 1769.
1724 and was sent to China; arrested at
Tonkin in 1736, he was martyred in
1737 with three companions.
Foundress AC. Aug 24
1797-1856. Born at Gaillace, in the EMMANUEL (Bl) Bp. AC. Feb 27
diocese of Albi, S. France, she was early d. 1 198. Bishop of Cremona (1190-
bereaved of her mother, and while 1 195). Some writers make him a
giving herself to prayer and works of Cistercian monk of Adwerth, in Frisia,
charity, managed her father's house before his episcopate; but Adwerth was
until she was thirty-five. Then, on only founded in 1192. In 1195 Bl

Emmanuel indeed retired to Adwerth, and was for this reason garrotted near
where he died, possibly in the Cister- Chaudoc, in W. Cochin China. Beatified
cian habit. in 1909.


See Quadratus, Theodosius, etc. AC. Sept
f.1756-1798. Born in Cochin China of
EMMANUEL RUIZ and Comp. Christian parents, he joined the army,
(BB) MM. AC. July 10 but was afterwards ordained priest at
d. i860. During the Druses
rising of the Pong-King and worked under the priests
against the Christians in the Lebanon, of the Foreign Missions of Paris. While
the Franciscan community of Damascus, visiting his mother he was arrested and
eight in all, and three Maronite laymen, beheaded. Beatified in 1900.
were offered the alternative of accepting
Islam or death; they refused the former EMMELIA (St) Matron RM. May 30
and were slain in their own friary. The See Basil and Emmelia.
guardian of the friary was Bl Emmanuel
Ruiz, a Spaniard, and most of the other
Friars were likewise Spaniards. Beati-
(St) Bp. M. OSB. RM. Sept 22
fied in 1926.
d. £.690. A native of Poitiers, he migrated
to Bavaria where he became abbot of a
EMMANUEL ALVAREZ (Bl) M. SJ. monastery at Ratisbon, and then bishop
AC. July 15 of that city. While on his way to Rome
d. 1570. A Jesuit lay-brother, com- he was attacked by assassins, and died
panion of Bl Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v. from the injuries received. His relics
were enshrined in the great Benedictine
EMMANUEL FERNANDEZ (Bl) abbey dedicated to his name at Ratisbon,
M. SJ. AC. July 15 where he is venerated as a martyr.
d. 1570. A native of Celorico, diocese of
Cuarda, Portugal, and a Jesuit cleric, EMYGDIUS (EMIDIUS) (St) Bp. M.
companion of Bl Ignatius de Azevedo, RM. Aug 5

d. £.303. His relics are kept at Ascoli,
whither they were transported between
EMMANUEL PACKECO (Bl) M. 996 and 1052. His legend is historically
SJ. AC. July 15 worthless.
d. 1570. A native of Zeita, in Portugal,
and a Jesuit novice, companion of Bl ENCRATIA (ENCRATIS, ENCRA-
Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v. TIDE, ENGRACIA) (St) VM.
RM. Apr 16
EMMANUEL RODRIGUEZ (Bl) d. ? 304. A Spanish maiden who suffered
M. SJ. AC. July 15 at Saragossa, where the church now
d. 1570. A native of Alconchel, Portugal, stands dedicated in her name. She is

and a Jesuit cleric, companion of Bl famous for "her ardour in suffering for
Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v. Christ". Though counted a martyr, she
apparently outlived her torments.
AC. July 31 ENDA (ENDEUS, ENNA) (St) Ab.
£.1796-1859. Born at Dan-nuoc, in AC. March
Cochin China, he worked as a catechist, d. f.590. Brother of St Fanchea and

founder of many monasteries, of which habit at a very early age, and became
the principal was on Arranmore. SS priest and abbot. He crossed over to
Kieran and Brendan, among others, Friesland, where he worked most suc-
were his disciples. cessfully under St Willibrord, at Velsen,
six miles north of Haarlem.


iSfrGO) Ab. OSB. RM. June i
(St) ENGHENEDL (St) AC. Sept 30
d. 1057. Born at Calatayud, and a monk 7th cent. A Welsh saint to whom a
of San Juan de la Pefia, in Aragon, where church in Anglesey was dedicated.
the Cluniac observance had been just Nothing is now known about his life.
then introduced. After much entreaty,
King Sancho the Great of Navarre in- ENGLAND (Martyrs of) (BB)
duced him to accept the abbacy of Ona AC. May 4
in Old Castile. Under Inigo's rule the 1 535-1681. British-born Catholics, put
abbey rose to great splendour, and on to death by Protestants between the
his death he was much lamented by two dates given above. They are about
Christians, Jews and Saracens alike. six hundred in number. Fifty-four were
Canonized in 1259. beatified by Leo XIII in 1886, nine in
1895, and one hundred and thirty-seven
ENGELBERT (St) Ab. AC. Feb 18 by Pius XI in 1929: their common feast
Otherwise Angilbert, q.v. is held on May 4. The causes of over a

hundred others are now being officially

ENGELBERT (St) Bp.M. RM.N0V7 examined in Rome; there are still two
1186-1225. A typical medieval prince- hundred and eighty-four whose claim
prelate. Early in his career he gained to martyrdom has not yet been con-
possession uncanonically of benefices, sidered by the Church. Each of these
and thereby incurred excommunication. martyrs who has already been officially
When this was lifted he became arch- acknowledged as Saint or Blessed, re-
bishop of Cologne (1216). In this posi- ceives a separate notice in this book.
tion he was a great success: zealous for
the discipline of his clergy, fosterer of ENGLATIUS (ENGLAT, TANG-
monastic life and of learning. He was LEN) (St) Bp. AC. Nov 3
appointed tutor to the emperor's son, d. 966. A Scottish saint, said by some to
and chief minister of the empire. While have been a bishop, who lived at
defending the rights of a nunnery he Tarves in Aberdeenshire.
was killed by hired assassins, and hence
he is venerated as a martyr. ENGRATIA (St) H. AC. Oct 25
See Fructus, Valentine and Engratia.
ENGELMER (St) M. PC. May 14
d. 1096. The son of a poor Bavarian ENGUERRAMMUS (ANGILRAM)
labourer, he became a hermit near (Bl) Ab. OSB. PC. Dec 9
Passau, and was murdered by a visitor d. 1045. Of a humble family, he was
who hoped to find his treasure. educated at the abbey of Saint-Riquier
(Centula), where eventually he became
ENGELMUND (St) Ab. OSB. a monk and
abbot (1022). By his con-
AC. June 21 temporaries he was surnamed "the
d. £.739. An Englishman by birth and Wise" or "the learned Abbot". He was
education, he received the Benedictine a very fluent Latin verse-writer.

ENNATHA (St) VM. RM. Nov 13 EOCHOD (St) AC. Jan 25
See Antoninus, Zebinas, etc. d. 597. One of St Columba's twelve
companions, and chosen by him to
ENNODIUS (St) Bp. RM. July 17 evangelize N. Britain. He is called the
473-521. Magnus Felix Ennodius was a apostle of the Picts of Galloway.
Gallo-Roman by birth and a professor
of rhetoric, who, after his conversion, EOGAN (St) Bp. AC. Aug 23
became (^.514) bishop of Pa via in Lorn- Otherwise Eugene, q.v.
bardy. The pope entrusted him with
two missions to Byzantium in connec- EPAGATHUS (St) M. RM. June 2
tion with the Eutychian controversy. See Photinus (Pothinus), Sanctus, etc.
He is now bestremembered as a Chris-
tian poet, whose writings, chiefly EPAPHRAS(St)Bp.M. RM. July 19
hymns, are full of interest. 1st cent. "The most beloved fellow-
servant" of St Paul (Col I, 7). He is

ENOCH (St) V. AC. March 25 have been bishop of

traditionally said to

Otherwise Kennocha, q.v. Colossae and to have suffered martyr-

dom But beyond what we read in


Testament (Col I, 7; IV, 12
and Philem 23) we know nothing of his
(St) Ab. AC. Apr 27
6th cent. A grandson of the Welsh chief-
tain Brychan. Llangynidr in Breck-
nockshire perpetuates his memory, as
also possibly St Enoder or Enodoc in
RM. March 22

Cornwall. Very likely he is to be identi-

1 st cent. St Paul mentions him as an
apostle sent to the Philippians (Phil II,
fied with St Enodoch, q.v. In Breton he
25). Hence, St Epaphroditus is reputed
is called St Quidic.
first bishop of Philippi in Macedonia.
Two saints of the same name are listed
ENODOCH (WENEDOC) (St) in ancient catalogues: one as the first
AC. March 7 bishop of Andriacia in Lycia, and an-
d. £.520. A Welsh saint of the Brychan
other as the first bishop of Terracina in
race.Some writers identify him with St
Italy. The three are said to have been
Enoder, q.v., others state that she was a
among the seventy-two disciples of

daughter instead of a son of Bry- — Christ. Very likely they are the same
chan and call her St Qwendydd. The
person, with different local veneration.
traditions are very confused.

EPARCHIUS (St) Bp. RM. March 23

ENOGATUS (St) Bp AC. Jan 13 See Domitius, Pelagia, etc.
d. 631. The fifth successor of St Malo
in the see of Aleth in Brittany. EPARCHIUS (French: CYBAR) (St)
AB. RM. July 1
EOBAN (St) M. OSB. RM. June 5 504-581. Born duke of Perigord in
d. 755. A Benedictine monk-priest said France, he renounced his title to be-
to have been of Irish descent, who come a monk of Sessac. After his ordi-
worked under SS Willibrord and Boni- nation to the priesthood he was
face in the German mission and shared "walled-up" at Angouleme (542) where
in the latter's martyrdom. he lived for the rest of his life, directing



a community who established them- EPHYSIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 15

selves in the neighbourhood for that d. 303. A
martyr said to have been put
purpose. to death in Sardinia under Diocletian.
He is still greatly venerated in the island.
EPHEBUS (St) M. 14RM. Feb
See Proculus, Ephebus and Apollonius. EPICHARIS (St) M. RM. Sept 27
d. r.300. She is said to have been the
EPHESUS (Martyrs of) (SS) wife of a Roman senator and to have
RM. Jan 12 been martyred at New Rome (Byzan-
d. c .762. Forty-two monks of a monas- tium) under Diocletian.
tery at Ephesus, put to death by the
emperor Constantine Copronymus for EPICTETUS, JUCUNDUS, SE-
their firm stand against the Iconoclasts. CUNDUS, VITALIS, FELIX and
This entry was made by Baronius, but Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Jan 9
his source is uncertain. See Stephen, d. ? 250. Twelve African martyrs prob-
Basil, etc. (Nov 28); in their Acts is ably of the Decian persecution. Epicte-
mention of thirty-eight martyr monks. tus was a bishop mentioned by St
EPHREM (St) Bp. M. RM. March 4
See Basil, Eugene, etc. EPICTETUS (St) M. RM. Aug 22
See Martial, Saturninus, etc.


RM. June 18 EPIGMENIUS (St) M. RM. March 24
£.300-379.Surnamed also "the Deacon" d. £.300. A Roman priest martyred
and "the Harp of the Holy Ghost." under Diocletian. Possibly to be identi-
He was a native of Nisibis in Mesopo- fied with St Pigmenius (q.v.).
tamia and very likely the head of the
catechetical school of that city before it EPIMACHUS (St) M. RM. May 10
was captured by the Persians. After- d. 250. A native of Alexandria in Egypt,
wards he became a monk near Edessa burnt there at the stake under Decius.
and a deacon. Here he spent most of his He is commemorated alsoon Dec. 12,
long life writing copious commentaries with his fellow-sufferer St Alexander.
on the Bible and composing hymns.
He wrote the hymns in his native Syriac EPIPHANA (St) M. RM. July 12
so that his people could make use of ? She
mentioned in the Acts of St

them and thus retain their Catholic Alphius, which are wholly unreliable.
faith and keep free from Arianism. He Nothing really is known about her.
excelled in his Mariological hymns,
which are an important contribution to EPIPHANES and ISIDORE (SS)
Catholic dogma. In the terrible famine MM. AC. Aug 4
which raged throughout Mesopotamia ? Two martyrs, venerated at the Cathe-
a few years before St Ephrem's death dral of Besancon up to the French Re-
the saint was the leader in organizing volution. Nothing is known of them.
relief and help for the sick. He died in
his monastic cell, revered both in the EPIPHANIA (St) N. OSB. AC. Oct 6
East and in the West. Benedict XV A Benedictine nun in the con-
d. c .800.
officially declared him a Doctor of the vent of Santa Maria della-Caccia
Church in 1920. Sancta Maria Venationum at Pavia in —
Lombardy. An old tradition adds that EPISTEMIS (St) M. RM. Nov 5
she was a daughter of King Ratchis, See Galation and Epistemis.
who himself became a monk at Monte-
MM. RM. May 23
EPIPHANIUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 21 1 st cent. The former is said to have been
439-497. Born at Pavia, and elected first bishop of Tuy in Spanish Galicia,
bishop of that city in 467. During his and the latter first bishop of Braga in
episcopate Odoacer destroyed Pavia, present-day Portugal —
both in the
and Epiphanius was largely responsible apostolic age.
for the rebuilding of the city. In order
to ransom some of his flock who were EPOLONIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 24
held captive he travelled to Burgundy See Babilas, Urban, etc.
and so contracted the fever of which he
died. EPPO (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. June 27
d. 1 143. Monk, and second abbot (1 122)
EPIPHANIUS, DONATUS, RUFI- of Mallersdorf in Bavaria.
NUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. Apr 7 EPVRE (EURE) (St) Bp. RM. Sept 15
The RM. reproduces the names from Otherwise Aprus, q.v.
the martyrology of Usuard, who intro-
duced that of Rufinus. There were EQUITIUS (St) Ab. RM. Aug 11
thirteen fellow-martyrs, butwe have no d. f.540. A
contemporary of St Bene-
details, except that Epiphanius was an dict, and the founder of a number of
African bishop. monasteries in the province of Valeria
(a district east of Rome). St Gregory
EPIPHANIUS of SALAMIS (St) Bp- the Great gives all we know about him
RM. May 12 in the first book of his Dialogues.
f.310-403. A native of Palestine, and a
monk from his earliest youth. He be- ERASMA (St) VM. RM. Sept 3
came abbot at Eleutheropolis, where he See Euphemia, Dorothy, etc.
wrote and preached against all heretics,
but chiefly against Arianism in imperial ERASMUS (ELMO, ERARMO,
circles.He was acclaimed "the oracle of ERMO) (St) Bp. M. RM. June 2
Palestine". In 367 he was raised to the d. 303.Stripped of all the later legend-
see of Salamis in Cyprus, where he con- ary additions our knowledge of this
tinued his vehement defence of ortho- saint is reduced to the fact that he was a
doxy. In his old age he acted occasion- bishop of Formiae in Campania, mar-
ally in a very headstrong way. His tyred under Diocletian, and that his
writings were his most important relics were transferred to Gaeta in 842.
contribution to the Catholic cause. The legend of his "Acts" made him
patron of sailors and one of the Four-
EPBPODIUS and ALEXANDER (SS) teen Holy Helpers (q.v.), greatly
MM. RM. Apr 22 revered throughout Europe in the
d. 178. Two young friends, citizens of Middle Ages.
Lyons, put to death under Marcus Aure-
lius.St Epipodius was decapitated; for ERASMUS (St) M. RM. Nov 25
Alexander, see Alexander and Comp. ? A Syrian, martyred at Antioch. It is


probable that he is a duplicate of St EREMBERT (St) Bp. OSB.

Erasmus of June 2. AC. May 14
d. f.672. Born at Wocourt near Passy,
ERASTUS (St) Bp. M. RM. July 26 he became a Benedictine at Fontenelle
1 The treasurer of the city of
st cent. (r.640) and bishop of Toulouse (r.656)
Corinth (Rom XVI, 23) converted by which he ruled for twelve years. In his
St Paul, and one of his helpers in the old age he resigned and went back to die
apostolate (Acts XIX, 22), especially at Fontenelle.
at Corinth (II Tim IV, 20). The Greek
tradition is that he became bishop of EREMBERT I (Bl) AB. OSB.
Philippi Paneas in Palestine : that of the AC. Jan 24
Latinsis that his see was Philippi in d. p. 1050. Abbot of Kremsmiinster, in
Macedonia and that he was a martyr. Austria, to which office he was elected
in 1050.
? 5th cent. A Cornish saint who seems
PC. Oct 16
to have been related to one of the Corn-
Late 7th cent. Niece of St Wulmar, and
ish or Devonshire chieftains. Churches
first abbess of the nunnery of Wierre,
were dedicated to him in Cornwall.
which he built for her.
ERBO (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. Aug 27
d. 1 162. A disciple of St Theoger and a
(St) Abs. OSB. AC. June 30
monk under him at St George's in the
Black Forest. In 1121 he was chosen by
d. c.718. A sister —or niece —of St
Rupert, the apostle of Salzburg. She
St Otto, bishop of Bamberg, to succeed
was the first abbess of Nonnberg in
St Erminold in the abbacy of Priifening,
Salzburg, a nunnery founded for her by
which he governed for forty years, the
observance being that of Cluny-
ERFYL (EURFYL) (St) V. AC. July 5
ERCONGOTHA (St) V. OSB. ? A British maiden, foundress of the

AC. July church of Llanerfyl, Montgomeryshire.

d. 660.Daughter of King Ercombert of
Kent and of St Sexburga. She was a ERGNAD (ERCNACTA) (St) V.

nun at Farmoutier under her aunt, St AC. Jan 8

Etheburga. 5th cent. A native of Ulster who is said
to have received the veil from St Patrick.
(St) Bp. OSB. RM. Apr 30 ERGOULE (St) V. AC. Jan 8
d. r.686. An East-Anglian of royal Otherwise Gudula, q.v.
blood. He retired to the kingdom of the
East Saxons where he founded two ERHARD (St) Bp. RM. Jan 8

houses Chertsey abbey, in Surrey, for d. c .686. He is described as an Irishman,
men; and Barking nunnery, in Essex, who passed over to the Continent and
for women. He became the abbot of the laboured as a missionary bishop in Bava-
former and his sister St Ethelburga the ria, chiefly in and around Ratisbon.
abbess of the latter. In 675 he was chosen His cult has always been very flourish-
bishop of London by St Theodore. ing at Ratisbon.

AC. March 13 AC. Aug 16
d. 1415. The son of the King of Scan- Otherwise Armagillus, q.v.
dinavia, he inherited the crown on the
death of his father, but fled into solitude ERMELINDA (ERMELINDIS) (St)
to lead a life of penance. He went on V. . AC. Oct 29
pilgrimage to Rome and died at Peru- d. c.595. A Belgian recluse who lived at
gia, where he is venerated. Meldaert, near Tirlemont.


RM. May 18 AC. Nov 19
d. 1 160. Eric IX became king of Sweden d. ? Otherwise known as Domna
in 1
1 50 and at once began to exert all Ebba (Lady Ebba), abbreviated into
his influence to spread the gospel Domneva. She was a Kentish princess
throughout the country. He codified married to the king of Mercia, and the
the laws of his kingdom in the same mother of SS Mildred, Milburga and
spirit, and is for this reason called "the Mildgytha. In her old age she founded
Lawgiver." He also laboured for the the nunnery of Minster in Thanet,
conversion of the heathen Finns. He where the place-name Ebbsfleet still

was murdered as he was leaving a perpetuates her memory.

church after hearing Mass.
ERIZZO (Bl) Ab. OSB. Vail. AC. Sept 25
AC. Feb
d. f.670. A courtier then a monk at

d. 1094. A native of Florence, and the Luxeuil under its third abbot, St
first disciple of St John Gualbert. At a Waldebert. Later he became the abbot-
later period he became the fourth founder of Cusance.
general of the Vallumbrosans. Cult con-
firmed in 1600.
AC. June 1
ERKEMBODEN (St) Bp. OSB. £.1067-1147. A native of Angers and
wife of the duke of Brittany (1092).
AC. Apr 12
Before her death she received the Cister-
d. 714. A monk of Sithin at Saint-Omer,
cian habit at the hands of St Bernard
who succeeded the founder, St Bertinus,
as abbot,and then became bishop of
Therouanne, continuing to rule the ERMENGOL (St) Bp. RM. Nov 3
abbey. He was bishop for twenty-six
Otherwise Hermengaudius, q.v.
ERLAFRID;(St) Ab. OSB. AC. Nov 6 AC. July 30
d. ^.830. Count of Calw in Swabia. d. £.680. A sister of St Ermenburga
Founder of Hirschau Abbey, where he (Domneva). She lived under the latter's
became a monk. obedience as a nun at Minster in
ERLUPH (St) Bp. M. AC. Feb 10
d. 830. A Scottish missionary in Ger- ERMENILDA (ERMENGILD) (St)
many who became bishop of Wer-
later W. OSB. AC. Feb 13
den, and was martyred by pagans. d. 703. Daughter of King Erconbert of


Kent and of St Sexburga. She married EROTHEIS (St) M. RM. Oct 27

the king of Mercia and exercised a truly See Capitolina and Erotheis.
Christian influence over him and the
kingdom. On his death, she joined her EROTIS (EROTEIS) (St) M.
mother at Minster in Sheppey, eventu- RM. Oct 6
ally succeeding her as abbess. She then 4th cent. A martyr who perished at the
migrated to Ely where also she became stake. The martyrdom seems to have
abbess. taken place in Greece, though by some
Erotis is identified with St Erotheis of
(St) Cappadocia, who suffered with St
AC. Jan 6 Capitolina.
d. 1 121. He was offered to God at the
abbey of Hirschau as a child and educa- ERTH (HERYGH, URITH) (St)

ted and professed there. In 1 1 10 he was

AC. Oct 31
chosen abbot of Lorsch; but fearing 6th cent. Brother of St Uny and St la

that this appointment might have been

(Ives). He crossed from Ireland to

the result of simony he resigned and Cornwall, where a church is dedicated

returned to Hirschau. In 1114 he was in his name. He has given his name also

chosen the first prior of Priifening and to the village of St Erth.

in 1 1 17 its first abbot. One of the lay-

brothers of the community struck him
ERVAN (St) AC. May 29
Otherwise Erbin, q.v.
with a piece of timber and caused his
death. He has always been venerated as
ERVAN (St) Ab. AC. Aug 16
a martyr.
Otherwise Armagillus, q.v.

ERMINUS (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Apr 25 ESDRAS (EZRA) (St) Prophet.
d. 737. BornLaon. After his ordina-
RM. July 13
tion to the priesthood he professed the
5th cent. B.C. A Jewish scribe and priest,
Benedictine rule at Lobbes under St
born in Babylon during the captivity.
Urmar,who appointed him his successor
In 459 he obtained permission to lead a
both as abbot and as regionary bishop.
group of exiles back to Jerusalem. He
had the walls of the city built, and on
ERNAN (ERNIN) (several)
the completion of the work concluded a
There are various Irish saints of this or
solemn pact between God and the
a similar name. Perhaps the most
people. Two books of the Vulgate Bible
notableamong them is one described as
bear his name (Ezra and Nehemiah in
a nephew of St Columba.
the A.V.) although he is not their
author. Two others known as the third
ERNEST (St) Ab. OSB. 7 PC. Nov and fourth books of Esdras, are apocry-
d. 1 148. Benedictine abbot of Zwiefal-
ten in Germany who joined the cru-
saders and preached in Persia and ESKILL (St) Bp. M. AC. June 12
Arabia. He was taken prisoner and d. *\io8o. A fellow-missionary of St
tortured to death at Mecca. Sigfrid in Sweden by whom he was
consecrated bishop. Both were English.
ERNEY (St) St Eskill was stoned to death for pro-
? The
patron saint of a church at Lan- testing against a heathen festival at
drake in Cornwall. Strengnass.

AC. March 7 MM. AC. Oct 17
d. 688. A noble Northumbrian who d. 670. Great-grandsons of St Ethelbert
spent his early years at court, and then of Kent, cruelly put to death at Eastry
entered the monastery of Wearmouth, near Sandwich. Their shrine was finally
where he was professed under his kins- set up at Ramsey abbey in Huntingdon-
man St Benedict Biscop, the founder of shire.
the abbey. He succeeded St Benet as
abbot and ruled four years, dying be- ETHELBURGA (St) W. OSB.
fore the founder. He was celebrated for AC. Apr 5
his gentleness. d. f.647. Daughter of King St Ethelbert
of Kent, she married King St Edwin of
ETERNUS (St) Bp. AC. July 15 Northumbria. She went there accom-
d. />.66o. The ninth bishop of Evreux panied by St Paulinus as her chaplain.
in France. After Edwin's death she returned to
Kent and founded the nunnery of
ETHA (St) H. OSB. AC. May 5 Lyminge where she became a nun and
Otherwise Echa, q.v.

ETHBIN (St) Ab. RM. Oct 19

d. f.6oo. A Briton, educated in France

by St Samson. When a deacon he re-

RM. July 7
d. £.664. The daughter of Anna, king of
tired the abbey of Taurac (554),
the East Angles. She became a nun at
where he remained till the dispersion
Faremoutier, in France, where she suc-
of the community through a raid by the
ceeded, as abbess, the foundress herself,
Franks (556). He then crossed over to
Ireland, and there led the life of a hermit
St Fara. She is known in France as St
near Kildare.


RM. Feb 24 PC. Sept 8
d. 616. Husband of Bertha, a Christian See Ina and Ethelburga.
princess from France, he was reigning
in Kent when St Augustine arrived in ETHELBURGA (St) Abs. OSB.
Thanet. Ethelbert protected the mis- AC. Oct 11

sionaries from the start, and received d. f.678. Sister of St Erconwald of Lon-
baptism on Whit-Sunday, 597. Though don, who founded for her the nunnery
he never tried to force his subjects into of Barking in Essex. She was made
Christianity, hundreds followed his abbess; but as she was quite inexperi-
example. He was the founder of the enced, St Hildelid was fetched from a
abbeys of Christ Church, and SS Peter French nunnery to train her. Eventually

and Paul, Canterbury, and of St An- she governed alone and proved a great
drew's, Rochester abbess.


d. 793. King of East Anglia. He was EDILTRUDIS, AUDREY) (St) Abs.
treacherously murdered at the instiga- OSB. RM. June 23
tion of the wife of OfFa of Mercia. He d. 679. At one time the most popular of
has always been venerated as a martyr. Anglo-Saxon women saints, a native of

Suffolk, she was a sister to SS Sex- the crown to become a monk at Bardney,
burga, Ethelburga and Withburga. She where he was afterwards elected abbot.
took the veil at Coldingham under St
Ebba and then migrated to Ely where ETHELRED (St) M. AC. Oct 17
she was chosen abbess of the double See Ethelbert and Ethelred.
FREDA, ALFREDA, ALTHRYDA) d. 699. A monk of Ripon who succeeded
(St) V. OSB. AC. Aug 2 St Cuthbert as a hermit on Fame Island,
d. 834. Daughter of King Offa of Mer- where he lived for twelve years. He was
cia. She lived as a recluse on Croyland buried at Lindisfarne.
Island, in the desolate marshes of
Lincolnshire. ETHEL WIN (St) Bp. AC. May 3
8th cent. The second bishop of Lindsey.
ETHELDWITHA (EALSITHA) (St) He was a devoted friend of St Egbert,
W. OSB. AC. July 20
whom he accompanied to Ireland, where
d. 903. An Anglo-Saxon princess, wife
he died.
of King Alfred. After his death she re-
tired to a nunnery which she founded
at Winchester.
Bp. AC. Feb 12
d. r.740. One of St Cuthbert's chief
helpers. He was prior and then abbot of
AC. Oct 23
Old Melrose in Scotland and finally
Otherwise Elfleda, q.v.
succeeded to the see of Lindisfarne.


AC. Aug 22
RM. Aug 1
d. c .720. Abbess of a convent in North-
d. 984. A native of Winchester. When
St Dunstan became abbot of Glaston-
bury in 943 and restored there the
ETHELGIVA (St) Abs. OSB. Benedictine observance, Ethelwold,
9 AC. Dec
already a priest, took the habit and was
d. 896. Daughter of King Alfred the
made one of the deans. In 955 he be-
Great and abbess of Shaftesbury.
came abbot of Abingdon and in 963
bishop of Winchester. Together with St
ETHELHARD (St) Bp. AC. May 12
Dunstan and St Oswald of York he was
d. 803. A bishop of Winchester, trans-
a leader in the monastic revival of that
lated to Canterbury in 780.
century, replacing secular canons by
ETHELNOTH Benedictines, founding or restoring
(St) Bp. AC. Oct 30
Otherwise Egelnoth, q.v.

abbeys Newminster, Milton Abbas,
Chertsey, Peterborough, Thorney, Ely,
ETHELRED (St) Ab. AC. Jan 12 etc. He was indeed worthy of the name

Otherwise Aelred, q.v. given him, "The Father of Monks".


AC. May 4 AC. Jan 11
d. 716. A king of Mercia, who resigned d. 433. Daughters of King Laoghaire,

and among the first converts made by EUBULUS (St) M. RM. March 7
St Patrick. They received the veil from See Adrian and Eubulus.
his hands, and the tradition is that on
receiving Holy Communion from him EUCARPIUS(St)M. RM. March 18
immediately afterwards they died. See Trophimus and Eucarpius.


M. RM. March 4 See Bardomian, Eucarpus, and Comp.
See Basil, Eugene, etc.

EUCHARIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 8

ETHERIUS (St) Bp.C. RM. June 14 1 st cent. Said to have been the first

d. c.6th cent. Bishop of Vienne in bishop of Treves in apostolic times.

(St) RM. Feb 20
d. f.303. A martyr who suffered at Nico- d. 743. Born at Orleans, he received a
media under Diocletian. good education, especially in theology,
and entered the Benedictine abbey of
ETHERIUS (St) Bp. C. RM. July 27 Jumieges on the Seine, in the diocese of
d. 573. Bishop of Auxerre, 563-473. Rouen, about the year 714. In 721 he
was raised to the see of Orleans. He
ETHERIUS (ALERMIUS) (St) Bp. opposed Charles Martel for the latter's
C. AC. Aug 27 high-handed distribution of ecclesiasti-
The bishop of Lyons to whom St
d. 602. cal property, and was exiled to Cologne
Gregory the Great recommended St in 737. Here he became very popular,
Augustine when the latter was on his and was sent to Liege. He spent the rest
way to England. of his life in the abbey of St Trond near
ETHERNAN (St) Bp. AC. Dec 3
? A native of Scotland who studied in EUCHERIUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 16
Ireland, and was there consecrated d. 450. A Gallo-Roman by birth and the
bishop. He then went back to evangelize father, by his wife Galla, of two sons,
his country. who became bishops. He himself retired
to Lerins in 422, while Galla took the
ETHERNASCUS (St) Bp. veil. He spent his retirement in praying
AC. Aug 18 and writing, several of his ascetical
Otherwise Ernan, q.v. works being still extant. In 434 he was
compelled to accept the bishopric of
ETHOR (St) M. AC. Apr 10 Lyons, where he laboured till his death.
See Beocca, Ethor and Comp.
ETTO (HETTO) (St)Bp. OSB. (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Nov 20
AC. July 10 d. c .760. Abbot-founder of the monas-
d. £.670. Said to have been a native of tery of Cormery-en-Velay (Charmillac,
Ireland. He laboured as a missionary afterwards Saint-Chaffre). Before enter-
abbot-bishop in Belgium, using St ing upon his duties as abbot he went to
Peter's Abbey at Fescau as his head- Lerins to be instructed in the monastic
quarters. observance.


EUDOCIA (St) M. RM. March i EUGENE I (St) Pope. RM. June 2

d. 98-117. A native of Heliopolis in d. 657. A Roman priest, who acted as

Code-Syria and a Samaritan by blood vicar for Pope St Martin I during the
who led at first a profligate life, but was latter's exile in the Chersonese. After
converted to Christianity and died a St Martin's death in 655, Eugene was
penitent. She was beheaded under chosen to succeed him. Gentle and
Trajan. affable with the poor, he firmly opposed
the Monothelite emperor of Byzantium,
EUDOXIUS, ZENO, MARCARIUS who threatened to roast St Eugene alive.
and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Sept 5
f.311. A body of Christian soldiers, said EUGENE IU (Bl) Pope OSB. Cist.
to havebeen more than a thousand in RM. July 8
number, martyred at Melitene in d. 1 153. A native of Montemagno, be-
Armenia under Constantius I. tween Lucca and Pisa, of the Pignatelli
family, he was called Peter in baptism,
EUDOXIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 2
Bernard in religion, and Eugene on the
See Carterius, Styriacus, etc.
papal throne. He was an official in the
ecclesiastical curia of Pisa, when he en-
tered Clairvaux (1 135) and was pro-
AC. Oct 11
fessed under St Bernard. He was
7th cent. Monk
of the diocese of Asti,
appointed first abbot of Tre Fontane
venerated in the cathedral of Alba in
(St Anastasius) near Rome, and in 11 45
was chosen pope. His pontificate was a
EUGENDUS (OYEND) (St) Ab. troubled one, the greater part of it being
RM. Jan 1 passed at a distance from Rome owing
450-^:510. The fourth abbot of Condat, to the hostility of the citizens. St An-
near Geneva, called after him Saint- toninus fittingly called him "one of the
Oyend, but later Saint-Claude. He en- greatest and one of the most afflicted

tered the abbey at the age of seven and of popes". Cult confirmed in 1872.
lived there until his death at sixty-one.
EUGENE (several) and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. July 13
Note. The Latin form Eugenius is often d. 505.Eugene was raised to the see of
used also in English. Carthage in 481 and was shortly after-
wards expelled by the Arian Vandals
EUGENE (St) RM. Jan 4 with many of his flock, some of them
See Aquilinus, Geminus, etc. young boys who served as lectors in the
church. They were banished to the
EUGENE (St) M. RM. Jan 24 desert of Tripoli, where they had to
See Mardonius, Musonius, etc.
undergo much hardship. In 488 they
EUGENE were allowed to return to Carthage, but
(St) M. RM. March 4
See Basil, Eugene,
Eugene was banished again some eight
years later and died at Albi. They are
EUGENE (St) M. RM. March 20 called martyrs on account of their suf-

See Paul, Cyril, etc. ferings.

EUGENE (St) Bp. M. RM. May 2 EUGENE (St) M. RM. July 18

See Vindemialis, Eugene and Longinus. See Symphorosa and Comp.

See Apollonius and Eugene. MM. RM. Dec 20
d. 362. Two priests who were scourged,
EUGENE (St) M. RM. July 29 banished into the desert of Arabia, and
See Lucilla, Flora, etc.
on their return put to the sword under
Julian the Apostate. •
OWEN) (St) Bp. AC. Aug 23
EUGENE (St) Bp. RM. Dec 30
6th cent. An Irishman who laboured as
A bishop of Milan,
? of whose life no
a missionary in England and on the
record remains.
Continent, and then returned to his
native country, where he became first
EUGENIA (St) Abs. OSB. AC. Sept 16
bishop of Ardstraw in Tyrone, a see now
d. 735. Daughter of Adalbert, duke of
replaced by that of Derry.
Alsace, she succeeded her aunt St
Ottilia, as abbess of Hohenburg.
EUGENE (St) M. RM. Sept 6
See Cottidus, Eugene, and Comp.
EUGENIA (Bl) Abs. OSB. PC. Nov 22
d. f.1093. Abbess of the convent of SS
EUGENE (St) M. RM. Sept 25
Lucy and Agatha at Matera in S. Italy.
See Paul, Tatta, etc.

EUGENIA (St) V. M. RM. Dec 25

d. ? 257. A Roman maiden, martyred
RM. Nov 13
under Valerian and buried in the ceme-
d. 657. A Spanish Goth, born at Toledo, tery of Apronian on the Via Latina. At
where he was a cleric under St Hella-
a later period she was described quite
dius. He became a monk of St Engracia
groundlessly as a woman who disguised
at Saragossa, and the archdeacon of St
herself as a monk and who was accused
Braulio there. Finally, in 646, he was
of a crime she could not commit.
raised to the primatial see of Toledo.
He was a gifted poet and musician, and
EUGENIAN (St) Bp. M. RM. Jan 8
most zealous for all that pertained to
4th cent. He is stated to have been
divine worship.
bishop of Autun in France, a staunch

EUGENE (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 15 defender of the Catholic faith against
Arianism, and a martyr.
?A fellow-labourer of St Dionysius,
archbishop of Paris, martyred, it is said,
somewhere near the city. The RM. EUGRAPHUS (St) M. RM. Dec 10

wrongly calls him archbishop of Toledo. See Mennas, Hermogenes and Eugra-
His relics were, it is said, translated to phus.

Toledo many centuries afterwards.

EUGYPPIUS (St) C. PC. Jan 15
EUGENE (St) C. RM. Nov 17 d. c.$n. An African, who was ordained
d. 422. A deacon of the church of Flo-
priest at Rome, he was a companion of
St Severinus of Noricum, whose life he
rence under the bishop St Zenobius. He
had been a disciple of St Ambrose at
EUGENE (St) M. RM. Dec 13 VM. RM. Feb 12
See Eustratius, Auxentius, etc. d. 304. A maiden born at Barcelona,

who suffered martyrdom under Diocle- EULOGIUS of EDESSA (St) Bp.
tian. In all probability she is identical RM. May
with St Eulalia of Merida (see Dec 10) d. />.38i. A priest of Edessa, banished
though the Catalonians stoutly deny it. to the Thebaid for his firm stand against
Under the names of Aulaire, Aulazie, Arianism, and chosen bishop of his
Olalla,etc., she is greatly venerated native town on his return after the death
throughout Spanish and French Cata- of Valens (375).

EULOGIUS and Comp (SS) MM.

EULALIA (St) VM. RM. Dec 10 RM. July 3
d. 304. The most celebrated virgin d. 364-370. A group of Catholics mar-
martyr of Spain. Prudentius wrote a tyred at Constantinople under the Arian
long hymn describing her martyrdom, emperor Valens.
and she is mentioned by St Augustine
and others. A native of Merida, at
thirteen years of age, she was burnt at
Bp. RM. Sept 13
the stake in her native city under Dio-
d. 607. A Syrian by birth and a monk
from early youth, Eulogius was chosen
patriarch of Alexandria in 579. He was
EULAMPIA (St) VM. RM. Oct 10
a great friend of St Gregory the Great,
See Eulampius, Eulampia and Comp.
who wrote to tell him about the new
mission for the conversion of England.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 10
d. 310. Two young children, brother and
EUMENES (St) Bp. RM. Sept 18
3rd cent. Bishop of Gortyna in Crete,
sister, martyred at Nicomedia under
Gallienus. Their courage, it is added,
who died in exile. He is one of those
led to the conversion and martyrdom of
whom on account of their many
two hundred soldiers.
miracles, the Greeks surname "the
M. RM. Jan 21 EUNAN (St) Bp. AC. Sept 23
See Fructuosus, Augurius and Eulo- 7th cent. Identical with St Adamnan of
gius. Iona, q.v.


RM. March 11 See Thedulus, Saturninus, etc.

d. 859. A prominent priest of Cordova

in the middle of the 9th century, when EUNOMIA (St) M. RM. Aug 12
the Moorish persecution was at its See Hilarla, Digna, etc.

height. An outstanding personality for

his erudition and courage, he encour- EUNUS (St) M.
aged the Christians of the province in RM. Feb 27 and Oct 30
their sufferings, and wrote The Memo- See Julian, Cronion, etc.

rialof the Saints for their benefit. He

himself suffered martyrdom for having EUPHEBIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 23
protected St Leocritia, a girl converted ? A bishop of Naples, about whom
from Islam. nothing is known.

EUPHEMIA (St) M. RM. March 20 year, and was beatified in 1933 and
See Alexandra, Claudia, etc. canonized in 1940.


PC. June 17 See Theodotus, Thecusa, etc.
d. 1 Daughter of the
180. count of An-
dechs, shebecame a nun and abbess of EUPHRASIUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 14
Altomunster in Bavaria. ? Perhaps identical with Eucrathius, a
correspondent of St Cyprian; or else, a
EUPHEMIA, DOROTHY, THECLA bishop martyred in Africa by the Arian
and ERASMA (SS) VV.MM. Vandals.
RM. Sept 3
? 1 st cent. A group of maidens, mar- EUPHRASIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 29
tyred at Aquileia. They are venerated at See Corfu (Martyrs of).
Venice and at Ravenna.


EUPHEMIA (St) VM. RM. Sept 16 RM. May 15
d. 307. A maiden said to have been
See Torquatus, Ctesiphon, etc.
burnt at the stake at Chalcedon. She is
one of the most venerated of virgin-
martyrs in the Greek church.
d. />475- Bishop of Autun in France,
friend of St Lupus of Troyes. A letter
EUPHRASIA (St) V. RM. March 13
of his written with St Lupus survives
d. Born at Constantinople and
connected by blood with the imperial
(PL LVIII, col 66-67).
family. She was brought up in a convent
in Egypt, and when at a later date she EUPHRONIUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 4
was asked by the emperor to marry a 530-573. Bishop of Tours from 556 till

senator she refused and remained in the his During his episcopate the
convent for the rest of her life. An early city was burnt, and he worked most
life of her is in the Acta Sanctorum. strenuously and successfully to rebuild

EUPHRASIA (St) M. RM. March 20

See Alexandra, Claudia, etc. EUPHROSYNE (St) VM. RM. Jan 1

? According to the legend, St Euphro-

EUPHRASIA PELLETIER (St) syne was a maiden of Alexandria in
Foundress RM. Apr 24 Egypt, who lived as a monk in a monas-
1796-1868. A native of Noxmontier, in tery, there, her sex not being discovered

W. France, at eighteen she joined the till many years later. It is only
her death
institute of Our Lady of Charity foun- a of similar stories; see SS

ded by St John Eudes, and in 1829 Pelagia (Oct 8), Eugenia (Dec 25) etc.

founded at Angers the first convent of It is doubtful whether St Euphrosyne

the Good Shepherd, a congregation ever existed.

which today numbers three hundred
and thirty convents throughout the EUPHROSYNE (St) VM.
world and over ten thousand sisters. St RM. May 7
Euphrasia visited London in 1844. She See Flavia Domitilla, Euphrosyne and
died at Angers in her seventy-second Theodora.




d. 304. A Christian of Catania in Sicily AC. June 25
who was found with a copy of the gos- d. 714. According to the legend, she was
pels in his possession, against Diocle- a native —
of Bayonne a more florid
tian's edict. He was cruelly racked and version makes her a native of Bohemia
martyred on this account. His Acts are who was martyred by the Saracens at
genuine. Jaca in the Aragonese Pyrenees, close to
the French frontier. She is to this day
EUPORUS (St) M. RM. Dec 23 venerated as the patron saint of the dio-
See Theodulus, Saturninus, etc. cese of Jaca, and her cult has spread
throughout S. France and N. Italy. Leo
EUPREPIA (St) M. RM. Aug 12
XIII officially confirmed it in 1902.
See Hilaria, Digna, etc.
However, her very existence is doubtful.
EUPREPIS (St) M. RM. Nov 30
See Castulus and Euprepis.
AC March 16
EUPREPIUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 21 d. <\68o. Eldest daughter of SS Adal-
1 The first bishop of Verona in
st cent. bald and Rictrudis, she was placed by
N. Italy. The tradition (now abandoned) her mother in the abbey of Hamage
was that he was sent there by St Peter (Hamay) which had been founded by
himself. her grandmother St Gertrude. St Euse-
bia succeeded as abbess at the age of
EUPREPIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 27 twelve, whereupon she was summoned
d. Mentioned in the legendary
£.303. by her mother to Merchiennes she went;

Acta as a companion martyr of SS with all her community, but later was
Cosmas and Damian, q.v. allowed to return to Hamage and con-
tinued to rule her nunnery in peace.
d. 362. A youth of Caesarea in Cappa- EUSEBIA (St) Abs. M. OSB.
docia, martyred under Julian the Apo- AC. Sept 20
state as leader of a group of Christians d. f.731. Abbess of a nunnery at Mar-
accused of having destroyed the temple seilles. She, with some forty nuns of her
of Fortune in that city. community, was put to death by the
Saracens at Saint-Cyr.
d. f.130. A martyr of Caesarea in Cap- EUSEBIA (St)VM. RM. Oct 29
padocia who suffered under Hadrian. Late 3rd cent. A maiden of Bergamo, in
Lombardy, niece of St Domnio, q.v.,
EURFYL (St) V. AC. July 5 martyred under Maximian Herculius.
Otherwise Erfyl, q.v.
EUSEBIUS (Bl) Founder.
EURGAIN (St) V. AC. June 30 AC. Jan 20
6th cent. A daughter of the chieftain d. 1270.At first a Canon of Esztergom,
Caradog in Glamorgan, foundress of he became a hermit in the mountains of
Cor-Eurgain, afterwards Llantwit. An- Pilis. Gathering disciples there he
other St Eurgain, wife of a princeling founded the Pauline Order of Hermits,
in N. Wales, founded Llan-Eugain in after St Paul, the first Hermit (Jan 15
Flintshire. q.v.). The constitutions were written by


St Thomas Aquinas and received papal EUSEBIUS, NEON, LEONTIUS,

approval. He died in Pilis and has LONGINUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
always been venerated as Blessed in RM. Apr 24
Hungary. ? According to the Greek menologies,
these were eight bystanders, who be-
EUSEBIUS (St) H. AC. Jan 23 came Christians on witnessing the
d. 4th cent. A Syrian hermit who lived martyrdom of St George and were for
on Mt Coryphe, near Antioch. this reason put to death. The legend
should be studied in connection with
EUSEBIUS (St) M. OSB. that of St George.

AC. Jan 31
d. 884. An Irish pilgrim who took the EUSEBIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 28
Benedictine habit in the Swiss abbey of See Aphrodisius, Caralippus, etc.
St Gall. Eventually he obtained leave to
live as a recluse on Mt St Victor in the
Vorarlberg. When
he was denouncing
M. RM. June 21
some godless peasants, one of them
d. r.379. Bishop of Samosata in Syria
struck him with a scythe and killed him.
from the year 361, he was a great friend
Hence his veneration as a martyr.
of SS Basil and Gregory of Nazianzos,
and a brave defender of orthodoxy
EUSEBIUS (Bl) H. OSB. Cam. against the Arians. He was for this
PC. Feb 10 reason banished to France, but recalled
d. 1 501.A member of the Spanish four years later. He was killed by an
nobility who was sent as ambassador to Arian woman who threw a tile at his
the republic of Venice. Here, he left all head.
things todon the Camaldolese habit at
San Michele, on the isle of Murano. EUSEBIUS of MILAN (St) Bp.
RM. Aug 12
EUSEBIUS (St) H. AC. Feb 15 d. 465. Probably a Greek by birth, he
5th cent. A hermit of Aschia in Syria, succeeded St Lazarus in the see of
venerated in the East. Milan and governed it for sixteen years.
He helped Pope St Leo the Great to
repress Eutychianism.
EUSEBIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. March 5
? A group of ten martyrs who suffered EUSEBIUS (St) C. RM. Aug 14
in Africa. 4th cent. A Roman priest, belonging to
the patrician order, who founded the
EUSEBIUS (St) Ab. AC. March 5 "parish church" called after him the
d. £.423. A native of Cremona and an titulis Eusebii. The Acts of Eusebius,
intimate friend of St Jerome whom he according to which he publicly preached
followed to Rome and to the East. Here against Pope Liberius, are entirely
he succeeded the holy Doctor as abbot spurious.
of Bethlehem, and was involved, like his
friend, in bitter disputes on Origenism. EUSEBIUS (St) Pope. RM. Aug 17
The tradition that he founded the abbey d. 310. A Greek by birth, he was pope
of Guadalupe in Spain cannot be sub- for a few months only, and died in exile
stantiated. in Sicily.

; .


EUSEBIUS, PONTIAN, VINCENT Adria and Hippolytus scourged to

and PEREGRINUS (SS) MM. death; Paulina died in the torture-
RM. Aug 25 chamber; and Maximus was thrown
d. 192 ? The only certain fact is that the into the Tiber.
relics of SS Eusebius and Pontian were
sought from Pope Nicholas I and taken EUSEBIUS of VERCELLI (St) Bp.
to Vienne in 863. The Passio which M. RM. Dec 16
mentions other Christians, including c. 283-370. A native of Sardinia, he
Vincent, Peregrinus, Julius and Antony joined the Roman clergy and was in 340
(or Antoninus) is untrustworthy. raised to the see of Vercelli in Piedmont.
He fought Arianism with
all the ardour
EUSEBIUS, NESTABUS and ZENO of his temperament, and
(SS) MM. RM. Sept 8 with Dionysius of Milan and Lucifer
d. 362.Martyrs massacred by the mob of Cagliari was banished to the East.
at Gaza in Palestine for having helped Before returning to Italy under Julian
in the destruction of a pagan temple he visited St Athanasius at Alexandria.
there. St Jerome wrote: "on the return of
Eusebius, Italy put off her mourning".
EUSEBIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 21
? A
martyr of Phoenicia, who appears
He was the first bishop who lived with
his clergy under a rule, an example
to have given himself up voluntarily as a
which was followed by St Augustine.
On account of the sufferings he had to
EUSEBIUS of BOLOGNA Bp. (St) endure in his exile he is venerated as a
Sept 26RM. martyr although he died in peace at
d. f.400. A bishop of Bologna from Vercelli on Aug 1
about the year 370. He was a great
friend of St Ambrose of Milan, and an EUSEUS (St) H. AC. Feb 15
ardent opponent of Arianism. During 14th cent. A hermit who lived and died
his pontificate the relics of the martyrs near Serravalle in Piedmont. He is re-
SS Vitalis and Agricola were discovered. garded as a patron of cobblers, since he
plied that trade.
EUSEBIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 4
See Caius, Faustus, etc. EUSIGNIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 5
d. 362. An old soldier of the army of
EUSEBIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 22 Constantius Clorus who, surviving to
See Philip, Severus, etc. the age of no, refused to sacrifice to
idols at the bidding of Julian the
EUSEBIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 5 tateand was scourged and beheaded at
See Felix and Eusebius. Antioch in Syria.


POLYTUS, MAXIMUS, ADRIA, Note. The Latin forms of this name,
PAULINA, NEON, MARY MAR- viz., Eustachius and Eustathius, are
TANA and AURELIA (SS) MM. also used in English.
RM. Dec 2
d. 254-259. Roman martyrs under Va- EUSTACE (EUSTASIUS) (St) Ab.
lerian,Eusebius, a priest, Marcellus, his RM. March 29
deacon, Neon and Mary were beheaded d. 625. A favourite disciple and monk of

St Columbanus, whom he succeeded as stag with a crucifix between its antlers
second abbot of Luxeuil. He ruled over see by him while hunting. Actually,
about six hundred monks, and during however, nothing certain is known
his abbacy the monastery was a veritable about him, or his supposed family, and
seminary of bishops and saints. their Acts are wholly untrustworthy.

EUSTACE (St) M. AC. Apr 14 EUSTACE (St) M. (or C.)

See Antony, John and Eustace. RM. Oct 12
? Hagiologists are in complete disagree-
EUSTACE (St) Bp. RM. July 16 ment as to who this St Eustace was.
d. f.335. A native of Side in Pamphylia The RM. describes him as a priest and
and a confessor during the last persecu- confessor in Syria; the Bollandists
tion, he was made bishop of Beroea in make of him an Egyptian martyr.
Syria and then transferred against his
will to the patriarchal see of Antioch. EUSTACE, THESPESIUS and
He was present at the council of Nicaea, ANATOLIUS (SS) MM.
and from that time never ceased to RM. Nov 20
oppose Arianism in preaching and writ- Martyrs of Nicaea in Asia Minor
d. 235.

ing. The Arians succeeded in deposing under the emperor Maximinus the
and banishing him, and he died in Thracian.
EUSTACE (St) M. Bp. RM. Nov 28
EUSTACE (EUSTATHIUS) (St) M. See Valerian, Urban, etc.
RM. July 28
? A martyr of Galatia who after torture EUSTACE WHITE (Bl) M.
appears to have been cast into a river. AC. Dec 10
d. 59 1. Born at Louth, in Lincolnshire,

EUSTACE (St) Ab. OSB. Cist. he became a convert, and was educated
PC. Sept 7 for the priesthood at Reims and Rome.
d. 121 1. Born in the Beauvasis, he be- Ordained in 1588, he was condemned
came a priest of the diocese of Beauvais. to death for his priesthood and executed
He entered the Cistercian abbey of
later at Tyburn.
Flay (Saint-Germer) and was eventually
its abbot. Under Pope Innocent III he EUSTADIOLA (St) Abs. OSB.
was apostolic legate in England and on AC. June 8
the continent against the Albigenses. d. 690. A native of Bourges who married
He is greatly honoured by the Cister- early in life. Having been left a widow she
cians. spent all her fortune in building a nun-
nery in her native town Moyenmoutier —
EUSTACE, THEOPISTES, AGAPI- Medianum monasterium whither she —
TUS and THEOPISTUS (SS) MM. retired and became abbess.
RM. Sept 20
d. 118. Said to have been a Roman EUSTERIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 19
family of distinction —Eustace, an offi- 5th cent. The fourth bishop of Salerno,
and Agapitus
cer, Theopistes, his wife, of whom only the name is known.
and Theopistus, their two sons who
were martyred under Hadrian. Eustace EUSTOCHIA (St) V. RM. Sept 28
owed his conversion to the vision of a Otherwise Eustochium, q.v.



Poor Clare. AC. Feb i RM. Sept 19
1437-1 468. Daughter of the Countess d. 461. The successor (444) of St Brice
Matilda of Calafato, she was born at in the see of Tours.
Messina in Sicily, where she became a
Poor Clare, and eventually (1446) foun- EUSTOCHIUS (St) M.
ded a convent of stricter observance at RM. Nov 16
a place called Monte delle Vergini See Elpidius, Marcellus, etc.

(Maidens' Hill). Cult confirmed in

W. RM. Nov 9
EUSTOCHIUM of PADUA (Bl) N. 7th cent. It is uncertain whether both

OSB. AC. Feb 13 of these virgins were daughters of the

1444-1469. The Cinderella of the Cloi- emperor Maurice of Constantinople
ster. She was the daughter of a nun of (582-602) or only one of them. They
Padua who had been seduced, and her were from the first revered as saints.
baptismal name was Lucrezia Bellini.
Gentle and pious, she became a nun in EUSTORGIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 11
1 46 1 and for four years was subject to d. 300. A priest of Nicomedia in Asia

violent hysteria for which she was Minor, martyred, probably under Dio-
treated as one diabolically possessed: cletian.
exorcized, kept in prison, fed on bread
and water, or even deprived of food. EUSTORGIUS n (St) Bp.
When in her right mind she bore her RM. June 6
treatment with heroic patience and d. 518. A Roman priest who became
humility. She died after her profession, bishop of Milan in 512. He spent large
aged twenty-five, and the name of sums of money in ransoming many of
Jesus was found cauterized on her his flock taken prisoners by the bar-
breast. She is liturgically honoured at barians.
EUSTOCHIUM (St) V. RM. Sept 28 RM.Sept 18
d. 419. The third and best loved daugh- d. />.33i. A Greek by he was
ter of St Paula, the Roman matron who raised in 3 1 5 to the see of Milan, where
followed St Jerome to Palestine. She he exerted all his influence against the
joined her mother at Bethlehem, where Arians.
she collated manuscripts for St Jerome's
translation of the Bible. She succeeded EUSTOSIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 10
her mother in the direction of the nun- See Demetrius, Anianus, etc.
nery at Bethlehem.
RM. Nov 2 ORESTES (SS) MM. RM. Dec 14
d. 362. A
maiden of Tarsus in Cilicia d. f.302. Martyrs under Diocletian at
condemned to death under Julian the Sebaste in Armenia. Eustratius was
Apostate. She was barbarously tortured, burnt to death in a furnace; Orestes, a
and as a consequence died in prison, soldier, roasted on a gridiron; the others
while engaged in prayer. were martyred in various ways.

EUSTREBERTA (St) V. AC. Feb 10 Before his twentieth year became a
Otherwise Austreberta, q.v. monk atM. Olympus in Bithynia.
Later he migrated to M. Athos and
EUTHALIA (St) VM. RM. Aug 27 finally restored the monastery of St
? A virgin martyr of Leontini in Sicily. Andrew, and established a new nun-
The Bollandists consider her very exist- nery, near Salonika. He returned to
ence to be hardly proved. M. Athos to die.


RM. Jan 20 d. 303. A Christian of Nicomedia, fore-

378-473. An Armenian, born at Meli- most in encouraging his fellow-believers

tene. He was raised to the priesthood and during the persecution of Diocletian,
charged with the supervision of all the and a martyr himself under the same
monasteries of the district. At the age emperor.
of twenty-nine he became a monk near
Jerusalem, retiring afterwards to Jericho EUTROPIA (St) VM. RM. June 15
and further into the where he
desert, See Lybe, Levnis and Eutropia.
established several lauras. He opposed
Nestorianism and Eutychianism alike, EUTROPIA (St) W. RM. Sept 15
and induced the empress Eudoxia to 5th cent. Said to have lived in Au-
vergne, France. She is first mentioned
give up the latter. He is highly revered
throughout the East. by Sidonius Apollinaris.


M. RM. March 11 d. ? 253. An African martyr, probably
d. 840 ? A monk who
was made bishop under Valerian.
of Sardis in Lydia and bravely opposed
the Iconoclasts. He was banished by the
emperor Nicephorus, and although he See Nicasius, Eutropia, etc.

was several times given permission to

return on condition of his becoming an
EUTROPIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 12
See Tigris and Eutropius.
Iconoclast, he always refused and re-
mained in exile for twenty-nine years.
EUTROPIUS (St) M. RM. March 3
He was scourged to death.
See Cleonicus, Eutropius and Basiliscus.
? A deacon of Alexandria, martyred
RM. Apr 30
? One of the companions of St
EUTHYMIUS (St) C. RM. Aug 29 Dionysius of Paris. He is honoured as
4th cent. A Roman who fled to Perugia the first bishop of Saintes, and as a
with his wife and his child, St Crescen- martyr.
tius, during the persecution of Diocle-
tian. He died at Perugia and is venerated EUTROPIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 27
there. The Passio is untrustworthy. d- P-475- A native of Marseilles who
succeeded St Justin in the see of
EUTHYMIUS the THESSA- Orange, in France, at a time when the
LONIAN (St) Ab. AC. Oct 15 diocese had been laid waste by the
d. 886. Surnamed also "the New". Visigoths.

EUTROPIUS, ZOSIMA and from exhaustion on the road thither.
BONOSA (SS) MM. RM. July 15 His companions were other leading
d. ^.273. Martyrs of Porto, near Rome, Catholics of Alexandria, four of whom
under Aurelian. were seized and scourged (but not exe-
cuted) for showing sympathy for him.
EUTYCHES (St) M. RM. Apr 15
See Maro, Eutyches and Victorinus. EUTYCHIUS of CONSTANTI-
NOPLE (St) Bp. AC. Apr 6
EUTYCHIAN (St) M. RM. July 2 d. Appointed patriarch of Con-
See Ariston, Crescentian, etc. stantinople in 552, he opposed the
emperor Justinian's interference in theo-
EUTYCHIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 17 logical controversies. He was for this
See Straton, Philip and Eutychian. reason exiled for twelve years. He is

honoured in the East.

EUTYCHIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 2
See Diomedes, Julian, etc. EUTYCHIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 15
? A martyr of Ferentino in the Roman

EUTYCHIAN (St) M. RM. Nov 13 Campagna. According to the Dialogues

See Arcadius, Paschasius, etc. of St Gregory he appeared in a vision
to St Redemptus.
RM. Dec 8 EUTYCHIUS (St) M. RM. May 21
d. 283. A native of Etruria or Tuscany. See Timothy, Polius and Eutychius.
In 275 he succeeded St Felix I as pope.
He is venerated as a martyr
; but nothing
certain is known about him. (SS) CC. RM. May 23
6th cent. Two monks who successively

EUTYCHIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 4 governed a monastery in Valcastoria,

4th cent. A Roman martyr under Dio- near Norcia, Italy. St Gregory the
cletian.From St Damasus's inscription Great has left a glowing account of their
on the tomb of the martyr we learn that virtues and miracles.
he was left for twelve days in prison
without food and then thrown into a
1st cent. A Phrygian, disciple of St
John the Evangelist (according to the
apochryphal Acta of St John). He is
EUTYCHIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
sometimes identified with the young
RM. March 14
d. 741. A considerable number of mar- man raised from the dead by the apostle
Paul at Troas (Acts 20).
tyrs, put to death at Carrhes by the
Mohammedans in Mesopotamia for
EUTYCHIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 19
refusing to deny Christ.
See Januarius and Comp.


Comp. (SS) MM. RM. March 26 HERACLEAS (SS) MM. RM. Sept 29
d. 356. Eutychius was a subdeacon of ? Martys in Thrace.
the church of Alexandria who, for his
stand against Arianism, was condemned EUTYCHIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 5
to slavery in the mines, but perished See Placid, Eutychius, etc.



EUTYCHIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 21 EVAN (INAN) (St) H. AC. Aug 18

See Honorius, Eutychius and Stephen. 9th cent. A Scottish hermit in Ayrshire,
where churches are still dedicated to
EUTYCHIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 11 him.
4th cent. A Spanish martyr — San Oye
—martyred at Merida, or at Cadiz. EVANDUS (St) Bp. AC?
Nothing certain is known about him. d. f.313. First bishop of Urbino.


MM. RM. Dec 28 (BB) CC. OSA. AC. March 20
?A priest and his deacon, martyred at d. £.1250. These two saints were born
Ancyra, in Galatia.
at Verona, became friends at school,
entered together the order of the Augus-
EUVERT (St) Bp. RM. Sept 7
tinian friars, were both endowed with
Otherwise Evortius, q.v.
similar miraculous gifts, and died within

EVA of LIEGE (Bl) V. AC. March 14 a few hours of each other. Their cult
d. f.1266. A recluse of Liege who lived was approved in 1837.
under the Cistercian rule, and who on
the death of Bl Juliana of Cornillon EVARISTUS (St) M. RM. Oct 14
successfully continued her work in See Carponius, Evaristus and Priscian.
favour of the institution of the liturgical
feast of Corpus Christi. Cult confirmed EVARISTUS (St) Pope M.
in 1902. RM. Oct 26
EVAGRIUS (St) Bp. RM. March 6 d. f.107. A Hellenic Jew who was raised
d. £.380.In 370, after the Arians had
to the Roman see about the year 96
thus becoming the fourth successor of
occupied the see of Constantinople for
twenty years, the Catholics chose Eva-
St Peter. He is honoured as a martyr,
though the fact of his martyrdom is not
grius for that see but a few months later

he was banished by the emperor Valens,
and remained in exile till his death.
EVARISTUS (St) M. RM. Dec 23
EVAGRIUS and BENIGNUS (SS) See Theodulus, Saturninus, etc.

MM. RM. Apr 3

? Martyrs at Tomi on the Black Sea. EVASIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Dec 1

d. ? 362. Said to have been the first

EVAGRIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 1 bishop of Asti in Piedmont, whence he

See Priscus, Crescens and Evagrius. was driven by the Arians, and finally to
have been put to death under Julian the
EVAGRIUS, PRISCIAN and Comp. Apostate at Casale Monferrato. The
(SS) MM. RM. Oct 12 accounts given of him are very untrust-
? A group of martyrs, who suffered either worthy.
in Rome or, more probably, in Syria.
EVASIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 2
EVAL (Uvol, Urfol) AC. Nov 20 ? First bishop of Brescia.
6th cent. A British bishop in Cornwall,
from whom a village in that county is EVE (St) AC. Dec 24
named. See Adam and Eve.



EVELLIUS (St) M. RM. May 1 EVERMOD (St) Bp. O. Praem.

d. c.66.Said to have been a counsellor AC. Feb 17
of Nero, converted to Christ on witness- d. 1 178. A Premonstratensian canon
ing the patience of the martyrs, and under St Norbert, who preached to the
himself martyred at Pisa. Wends, and eventually was chosen
abbot of Gottesgnaden, then abbot of
EVENTIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 16 Magdeburg, and finally bishop of
See Saragossa (Martyrs of). Ratzeburg.

EVENTIUS (St) M. RM. May 3 (St) Ab. OSB. AC. June 10
See Alexander, Eventius and Theo- d. f.720. A native of Bayeux and a cour-
tier. He
married and, with his wife's
consent, founded several religious
EVERARD (several)
houses, the chief of which was Fontenay-
Otherwise Eberhard, q.v.
Louvet, in the diocese of Seez, where
he became monk and abbot. His wife
EVERARD HANSE (Bl) M. entered one of his foundations as a nun.
AC. July 30
d. 1 58 1. A native of Northamptonshire EVILASIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 20
who was educated at Cambridge and See Fausta and Evilasius.
became a Protestant minister. After his
conversion he was ordained priest at EVODIUS, HERMOGENES and
Reims (1581). A few months he after CALLISTA (SS) MM. RM. Apr 25
was martyred at Tyburn; when dying ? The RM. mentions this group three

he was heard to exclaim: "Oh happy times. On Aug 2 they are given as the
day!" Beatified in 1886. three sons of Theodota, martyred at
Nicea in Bithynia. On the other two
EVERGISLUS (EBREGESILUS) dates martyrdom is placed at

(St) Bp. M. RM. Oct 24 Syracuse, and in each of these places,

? 5th cent. A bishop of Cologne, and a the third name is given as Callista, indi-
martyr hands of heathen robbers.
at the cating a sister and not a third brother.
Very probably he died at a much later There is no Passio of the martyrs of
period and not as a martyr. Syracuse, and it is possible that they
suffered at Nicea. See Theodota.


EVODIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. May 6
9 AC. July
d. c.67. The successor of St Peter in the
d. late 7th cent. This saint received the
see of Antioch. Tradition makes him a
veil from St Wilfrid at York at a spot
martyr and one of the seventy-two dis-
called "the Bishop's Farm", afterwards
ciples of our Lord.
Everildsham, now Everingham, where
she became abbess of a large community. EVODIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 8
Her two first companions were SS Bega 5th cent. A native of Rouen and bishop
and Wulfreda. of that see. His relics were translated to
Braine, near Soissons.
d. c .700. A pilgrim, murdered by robbers EVODIUS (St) Bp. AC. Nov 12
at Rousson, near Tongres, in Belgium. d. ^.560. Bishop of Le Puy in France.

EVORTIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 7 EXUPERIA (St) M. RM. July 26
d. £.340. A Roman cleric who became See Symphronius, Olympius, etc.

bishop of Orleans. The abbey of Saint-

Euvert (St Evortius) was founded to EXUPERIUS (HESPERIUS),
enshrine his relics. CYRIACUS and THEODULUS
(SS) MM. RM. May 2

EVROUL (St) Ab. RM. Dec 29 d. £.127. A family of slaves— husband,

Otherwise Ebrulfus, q.v. wife and two sons —owned by a rich
pagan of Attalia in Pamphylia. They
EWALD the FAIR and EWALD the were martyred for refusing to take part
DARK (SS) Mks. OSB. RM. Oct 3 with their master in idolatrous rites.

d. £.695. Two brothers of Northumbrian

stockwho became monks and priests, EXUPERIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 22
and followed St Willibrord to Frisia. See the Theban Legion.
After a short apostolate they were
martyred together at Aplerbeke, near EXUPERIUS (French: SOUPIRE)
Dortmund. (St) Bp. AC. Aug 1
? 4th cent. A bishop of Bayeux, who
EXANTHUS (St) M. RM. Aug 7 appears to have lived in the 4th century,
See Carpophorus, Exanthus, etc. and is honoured at Corbeil under the
name of St Spire.
See Hermogenes, Caius, Expeditus, etc. (St) Bp. Sept 28 RM.
Bishop of Toulouse, a bene-
d. 411.
EXUPERANTIA (St) V. RM. Apr 26 factor and friend of St Jerome, noted
? A saint whose relics are venerated at for his generosity in sending large con-
Troyes in France. Nothing else is known tributions to the poor of Palestine and
about her. Egypt.


RM. Jan
24 See Severinus, Exuperius and Felician.
5th cent. Bishop of Cingoli near Ancona,
in Italy. He is believed to have been a EZECHIEL (St) Prophet
native of Africa. RM. Apr 10
6th cent. B.C. One of the four greater
EXUPERANTIUS (St) Bp. prophets and the writer of a canonical
RM. May 30 book of Scripture. The tradition is that
d. 418. Bishop of Ravenna from 398 to he was put to death, while in captivity in
418. Babylon, by one of the Jewish judges
who had turned pagan, and that he was
EXUPERANTIUS (St) M. buried there in the tomb of Shem. His
RM. Dec 30 grave was for the early Christians a place
See Sabinus, Exuperantius, etc. of pilgrimage.


FABIAN (St) Pope M. RM. Jan 20 FABIUS (St) RM. July 31
d. In 236 Fabian succeeded St
250. d. 300. A beheaded at Caesarea
Antheros on the papal throne and in Mauretania, under Diocletian, for
reigned fourteen years, until his martyr- refusing to carry a standard bearing
dom under Decius. St Cyprian, his idolatrous emblems.
contemporary, describes him as an
"incomparable man" and adds that the FABRICIAN and PHILIBERT (SS)
glory of his death corresponded with the MM. RM. Aug 22
purity and goodness of his life. Part of ? Said to have been martyred in Spain.
his relics were taken to the Basilica of They are honoured at Toledo.
St Sebastian; thereafter the two mar-
tyrs were honoured with one feast. FACHANAN (St) Bp. AC. Aug 14
d. late Probably the first
6th cent.
FABIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 31 bishop of Ross, in Ireland. He founded
See Stephen, Pontian, etc. the monastic school at what is now
Rosscarbery, in Co. Cork, and placed
FABIOLA (St) W. AC. Dec 27 there St Brendan as one of the teachers.
d. c .400. A Roman patrician maiden who He is venerated as the patron saint of
was married to a very young man of the diocese of Ross.
equal rank but of dissolute habits, whom
she divorced. She then united herself FACIOLUS Mk. OSB.
with another man, causing great scandal AC. Sept 7
in Rome. After the latter's death she d. c.950. A Benedictine monk of the
performed public penance, and devoted abbey of St Cyprian at Poitiers.
her great wealth to the care of the sick
in a hospital which she established in FACUNDINUS (St) Bp. AC. Aug 28

Rome the first of its kind in the West d. f.620. Bishop of Taino in Umbria,
—associating herself in this work with where he is still venerated.
St Pammachius. In 395 she visited her
friend St Jerome in the Holy Land, and FACUNDUS and PRIMITIVUS
wished to enter the convent at Bethle- (SS) MM. RM. Nov 27
hem; but was dissuaded by St Jerome. d. Born at Leon in Spain and
She returned accordingly to Rome and beheaded by the River Cea, where the
founded, and superintended, a hostel town of Sahagun now stands. At a later
for pilgrims near the city. The venera- period the great Benedictine abbey of
which she was held in Rome was
tion in Sahagun, round which grew the present
demonstrated by the great concourse of township of that name, was called after
people at her funeral. St Facundus (Sant'Facun-Sahagun).

FABIUS (St) M. RM. May 1 FAGAN (St) AC. Jan 3 (RM. May 26)
See Maximus, Bassus and Fabius. Otherwise Fugatius, q.v.

FAGILDUS (St) Ab. OSB. FALCO (St) Bp. AC. Feb 20
AC. July 25 d. 512. Bishop of Maestricht from 495
d. 1086. Benedictine abbot of the monas- till his death.
tery of St Martin de Antealtares, at
Compostella in Spain. The epitaph on FALCO (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. June 6
his tomb ends with this line: "A saint, d. 1 146. Falco received the Benedictine
he left the world to live with the saints." habit at Cava, at the hands of St Peter,
abbot of that monastery. Shortly after
FAILBHE the LITTLE (St) Ab. he was sent to rule the daughter house
AC. March 10 of St Mary at Cirzosimo, and in 11 41 he
d. 754.For seven years abbot of Iona, succeeded Bl Simon as abbot of Cava.
where he died at the age of eighty. Cult confirmed in 1928.

(St) AC. March 22 FALCO (Bl) H. AC. Aug 9
d. C.6S0. abbot of Iona. He was an
An d. 1440. A native of Calabria, who led a
Irishman and brother of St Finan of hermit's life in the Abruzzi. His shrine
Rath. There are some twenty other is to be found at Palena. Cult approved
saints of the same name commemorated in 1893.
in the Irish and Scottish menologies.
FAINA (St) M. RM. May 18 OSB. Cist. AC. Aug 8
See Theodotus, Thecusa, etc. 1 090-1 150. A native of Cologne, who
made the pilgrimage to the Holy Land,
FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY (SS) to Rome and Compostella, and finally
W. MM. RM. Aug 1 settled near the last named place as a
d. c.120. The English equivalent of the hermit, living for twenty-five years at
Greek Agape, and of the
Pistis, Elpis, San Placido on the River Minho. When
Latin Fides, Spes, Caritas. The legend the Cistercian abbey of Osera was built
is that they were three young girls, aged in the neighbourhood he joined the
respectively twelve, ten and nine years, community and professed the Rule.
daughters of St Wisdom (Sophia, However, he obtained leave to visit the
Sapientia) with whom they were mar- Holy Land once more and, on his return,
tyred in Rome under Hadrian. The died at Gallese in Umbria.
story seems to be a myth.
FAITH (FOI) (St) VM. RM. Oct 6 AC. Jan 1

? A Maiden of Agen in S. France, burnt d. c. ?585- A native of Clogher and

to death in thesame city (under Maxi- sister of St Endeus (Enda). She was the
mian Herculeus). Her shrine at the abbess-foundress of a convent at Rossory
abbey of Conques was very famous in Fermanagh, and was buried at Kil-
during the Middle Ages. A portion of lane.
her relics was taken to Glastonbury;
hence her place in the Sarum calendar FANDILAS (St) Mk. M. RM. June 13
and the dedication to her of several d. 853. An
Andalusian by birth, he was
English churches. a priest and abbot of the monastery of
Penamelaria, near Cordova. He was
FAL (FELE) (St) C. RM. May 16 beheaded at Cordova by order of the
Otherwise Fidolus, q.v. emir Mohammed.

FANTINUS (St) Ab. RM. Aug 30 FAUSTA (St) W. RM. Dec 19
d. p.gSo. A Basilian monk of Calabria, 3rd cent. The reputed mother of St
and abbot of the Greek monastery of St Anastasia of Sirmium.
Mercury. He was already an old man
when his abbey was destroyed by the FAUSTIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 29
Saracens. He then travelled to the East, See Corfu (Martyrs of).
where he died.

FAUSTINA (St) V. AC. Jan 18

FARA (St) Abs. RM. Apr 3 and Dec 7 See Liberata (Jan 18).
Otherwise Burgundofara, q.v.

FARANNAN (St) AC. Feb 15

Ab. FAUSTINIAN (St) Bp. RM. Feb 26
d. f .590. An Irish disciple of St Columba 4th cent. Said to have been the second
at Iona. Eventually he returned to Ire- bishop of Bologna. He reorganized the
land to lead the life of a hermit at All- diocese which had suffered much during
Farannan, now Allernan, Sligo, where the persecution of Diocletian, and lived
he probably died. to be a firm defender of the Faith against
FARO (St) Bp. RM. Oct 28
d. f.675. A brother of SS Fara and FAUSTINUS and JOVITA (SS) MM.
Cagnoaldus. He gave up the office of RM. Feb 15
chancellor which he held at the court of d. ;.?I2I. Two brothers, belonging to
Dagobert I and became a monk (either the nobility of Brescia, in Lombardy,
at Luxeuil or at Rebais), a priest, and and zealous preachers of Christianity,
finally bishop of Meaux (626). In this who were beheaded in their native city,
capacity he was a great fosterer of under the emperor Hadrian. The details
monasticism. of their Passion are doubtful but their
cult was ancient and widespread. They
FASTRED (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist. are the chief patrons of Brescia.
AC, Apr 21
d. 1 163. Fastred de Cavamiez was a
FAUSTINUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 16
native of Hainault who received the
Cistercian habit from St Bernard at
d. 381. The successor of St Ursicinus,
about the year 360, in the see of Brescia,
Clairvaux. In 11 48 he was dispatched
in Lombardy. He is said to have been a
with a colony of monks to be abbot-
collateral descendant of SS Faustinus
founder of Cambron, in the diocese of
and Jovita and to have compiled their
Cambrai. In 11 57 he was transferred to
the abbacy of Clairvaux and in 11 62 to
that of Citeaux.
FAUSTINUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. Sept 20 ? A group of forty-five martyrs, of

d. 303. St Fausta, a girl of about thir- whom nothing whatever is known. The
teen, was being cruelly treated by order RM. places them at Rome.
of Evilasius, a heathen magistrate, when,
on seeing her constancy, the latter also FAUSTINUS, TIMOTHY and
confessed Christ. Both were martyred VENUSTUS (SS) MM. RM. May 22
together at Cyzicum in Pontus under d. f.362. Roman martyrs under Julian
Diocletian. the Apostate.

FAUSTINUS (St) M. RM. June 5 FAUSTUS (St) M. RM. Aug 7
See Florentius, Julian, etc. d. According to tradition, this
c.i 90.

St Faustus was a soldier martyred at

FAUSTINUS (St) M. RM. July 29 Milan under Commodus.
See Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix.
FAUSTINUS (St) C. RM. July 29 (SS) MM. RM. Sept 6
4th cent. A disciple of St Felix, bishop d. 250. A group of twelve martyrs, be-
of Martano, or Spello, near Spoleto, and headed at Alexandria in Egypt under
his attendant at his martyrdom. St Decius.
Faustinus himself suffered much for
Christ before passing away peacefully FAUSTUS (St) Ab. AC. Sept 6
at Todi in Umbria. d. Abbot of the monastery of
Santa Lucia, at Syracuse, where he
FAUSTINUS, LUCIUS, CANDI- taught Zosimus, the future bishop of
MM. RM. Dec 15 FAUSTUS (St) M. RM. Sept 8
? African martyrs, about whom nothing
See Timothy and Faustus.
is known.
FAUSTUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 28
FAUSTUS (St) Ab. AC. Feb 15
d. c.493. Born in Brittany, Faustus be-
6th cent. An alleged disciple of St Bene- came a monk at Lerins and later the
dict at Montecassino, and companion
abbot (433) of that monastery. In 452,
and biographer of St Maurus, according
he was chosen bishop of Riez. He com-
to the legendary Vita Sancti Mauri of
bated with great energy and success both
Abbot Odo of Glanfeuil.
Arianism and Pelagianism; though in
his writings he himself is not exempt
FAUSTUS and Comp. (SS) MM. from semi-Pelagianism. He was one
RM. June 24 of the most influential bishops of his
? Twenty-four Roman martyrs, whose
Acts have been lost. They are very
probably to be identified with the group
FAUSTUS (St) M. RM. Oct 3
of Roman martyrs commemorated on
See Dionysius, Faustus, etc. This
June 25 (see Lucilla, Flora, etc.).
Faustus is identified by the RM. with
those of Oct 4 and Nov 19.
FAUSTUS (St) M. RM. July 16
d. 250. A martyr of the Decian persecu-
tion,who, crucified and transfixed with
FAUSTUS (St) M. RM. Oct 4
See Caius, Faustus, etc.
arrows, is said to have lingered in his

agony for five days.

FAUSTUS (St) M. RM. Oct 5
FAUSTUS (St) M. RM. Aug 1 See Placid, Eutychius, etc.

See Bonus, Faustus, etc.

FAUSTUS (St) C. 3 AC. Aug MARTIAL (SS) MM. RM. Oct 13
5th cent. Said to have been son of St d. 304. Martyrs of Cordova under Dio-
Dalmatius but the history is of later cletian, Prudentius calls them "the
origin. Faustus became a monk. Three Crowns of Cordova".


FAUSTUS (St) M. RM. Nov 19 FEIGHIN (St) Ab. AC. Jan 20

4th cent. The deacon of St Dionysius of Otherwise Fechin, q.v.
Alexandria and his companion in exile.

He survived his master and in extreme FELAN (St) Ab. AC. Jan 9
old age died a martyr under Diocletian. Otherwise Foelan, q.v.
See Dionysius, Faustus, etc., and Caius,
Faustus, etc. FELE (St) C. RM. May 16
Otherwise Fidolus, q.v.
MIUS, THEODORE and Comp. (Bl) V. OV. AC. June 6
(SS) MM. RM. Nov 26 1 600-1 666. Born at Rome of French
d. r.311. Egyptian martyrs under Maxi- parents, Marie Felicie des Ursins be-
mian Galerius. It is said that their total came a nun of the Visitation at Autun,
number was hundred and sixty.
six during the life-time of the foundress,
Phileas, Hesychius, Pachomius and St Jane Frances de Chantal.
Theodore were bishops, Faustus a priest
of Alexandria.
FELICIA MEDA (Bl) Poor Clare
AC. Oct 5
FAZZIO (FATIUS, FAZIUS, 378- 1 444. A native of Milan, who
FACIUS) (St) C. AC. Jan 18
joined the Poor Clares at the convent of
1 190-1272. A native of Verona and a
St Ursula in that city (1400). In 1425
goldsmith. He founded a charitable she was made abbess, and after fourteen
society at Cremona, called the Order of
years she was sent to Pesaro to establish
the Holy Spirit. He made several pil-
a new house which she ruled with equal
grimages on foot to Rome and to Com- success. Cult approved in 18 12.

FEBRONIA (St) VM. RM. June 25 FELICIAN (St) Bp. M.

d. 304. A young nun, barbarously muti-
RM. Jan 24 and Oct 20
lated and finally put to death under
d. 251. A native of Foligno, who was
consecrated bishop of that city by Pope
Diocletian at Nisibis in Mesopotamia
and governed his diocese for
St Victor I
The legend
(not at Sybapolis in Syria).
adds many ghastly details; but there is more than meanwhile evan-
fifty years,

gelizing the whole of Umbria. He was

good reason to doubt the very existence
arrested under Decius, and died on his
of this saint.
way to martyrdom at Rome.
FECHIN (St) Ab. AC. Jan 20
d. c.665. A native of Connaught, and the FELICIAN, PHILAPPIAN and
abbot-founder of several Irish monas- Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Jan 30
teries.His name is particularly con- ? A band of one hundred and twenty-six
nected with that of Fobhar (Fore) in African martyrs.
Westmeath. Ecclefechan and St Vi-
gean's, near Arbroath in Scotland, also FELICIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 2
perpetuate his memory. See Fortunatus, Felician, etc.

FEDLEMID (St) Bp. AC. Aug 9 FELICIAN (St) M. RM. June 9

Otherwise Phelim, q.v. See Primus and Felician.



FELICIAN (St) M. RM. July 21 or else in that of SS Cosmas and

See Victor, Alexander, etc. Damian at Padua. Her relics are now at
St Justina, Padua.
FELICIAN (St) M. RM. Oct 29
See Hyacinth, Quintius, etc. FELICITAS (St) M. RM. Nov 23
d. 165. A Roman widow martyred at
FELICIAN (St) M. RM. Nov 1 Rome with her sons under Marcus
See Valentine, Felician and Victorinus. Antoninus. The RM. identifies her sons
with the seven brothers, commemorated
FELICIAN (St) M. RM. Nov 19 July 10 (see Seven Brothers) but
See Severinus, Exuperius and Felician. modern writers incline to question this
identification. This Felicitas may be the
FELICINUS (St) Bp. RM. July 19 saint named in the Canon of the Mass,
Otherwise Felix of Verona, q.v. rather than the companion of St Per-
petua, as usually supposed.
See Gracilian and Felicissima. FELICULA (St) M. RM. Feb 14
See Vitalis, Felicula and Zeno.
PAULINUS (SS) MM. RM. May 26 FELICULA (St) VM. RM. June 13
d. 303. Martyrs under Diocletian. They d. c .90. A Roman maiden of the apos-
suffered in all probability at Todi in tolic age, thought to have been the foster
Umbria, where their relics are still sister of St Petronilla. After the latter's
venerated. martyrdom under Domitian she was
left for a fortnight in her prison without
FELICISSIMUS (St) M. RM. July 2 food or drink, and then was thrown into
See Ariston, Crescentian, etc. a ditch to die. Her body was recovered
by St Nicomedes.
See Sixtus II and Comp. FELINUS and GRATIAN (SS) MM.
RM. June 1
FELICISSIMUS (St) M. RM. Oct 26 d. 250. Soldiers in the imperial army
See Rogatian and Felicissimus. martyred at Perugia under Decius.
Their relics were translated to Arona
FELICISSIMUS (St) M. RM. Nov 24 near Milan in 979.
d. f.303. A
martyr who suffered at
Perugia, probably under Diocletian. FELIX (several)
Note. This name is one of the most
FELICITAS (St) M. RM. March 7 common in Christian Hagiology. In the
See Perpetua, Felicitas, etc. we
following notices list only the best
known among them.
FELICITAS (St) M. RM. March 8
See Cyril, Rogatus, etc. FELIX of BOURGES (St) Bp.
AC. Jan 1

FELICITAS (St) V. AC. March 26 d. r.580. Bishop of Bourges in France.

9th cent. A nun, in all probability of the He took part in the council of Paris
Benedictine Order, who professed the A D - - 573- He is still venerated at
Rule in a convent on the Colli Euganei, Bourges.



RM. Jan 7 RM. Feb 21
? Said to have suffered martyrdom at See Verulus, Secundinus, etc.

Heraclea, a name common to several

ancient cities. FELIX of METZ (St) Bp. RM. Feb 21
2nd cent. Described as the third bishop
FELIX (St) M. RM. Jan 9 of Metz, which see he is alleged to have
See Epictetus, Jucundus, etc. occupied for over forty years in the sub-
apostolic age.
FELIX OF NOLA (St) M. RM. Jan 14
d. c.260. The son of a Romano-Syrian FELIX of BRESCIA (St) Bp.
soldier who had settled at Nola, near RM. Feb 23
Naples. Felix was ordained a priest and d. f.650. The twentieth bishop of
devoted himself to the service of his Brescia. He governed the diocese for
bishop, St Maximus, especially during over forty eventful years during which
the persecution which broke out under he was occupied in combating Lombard
Decius. On account of his sufferings Arians and other heretics.
during the persecution, he is sometimes
referred to as a martyr. St Paulinus, FELIX (St) M. RM. Feb 26
bishop of Nola, has left a glowing See Fortunatus, Felix and Comp.
account of the popular veneration for
St Felix. FELIX HI (or H) (St) Pope
RM. March 1 (Nov 1)
FELIX (St) C. AC. Jan 14 d. 492. A Roman, said to have been an
? A Roman priest, venerated also on ancestor of St Gregory the Great. He
Jan 14, and often confused with St was pope from 483 till his death. The
Felix of Nola. nine years of his pontificate were occu-
pied with controversy against Mono-
FELIX O'DULLANY (Bl) Bp. physitism and Eutychianism as also in
OSB. Cist. PC. Jan 24 remedying the evils caused in Africa by
d. 1202. An Gstercian monk,
Irish numerous apostasies during the Vandal
probably of Jerpoint, Kilkenny. In 11 78 persecution.
he was made bishop of Ossory residing
at Aghaoe. He is venerated by the Cis- FELIX, LUCIOLUS, FORTUNA-
tercians as a beatus. TUS, MARCIA, and Comp. (SS)
MM. RM. March 3
? of forty martyrs conjectured
PRONIUS), HIPPOLYTUS and to have suffered in N. Africa.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Feb 3
? A group of martyrs who suffered FELIX of RHUYS (St) Ab. OSB.
probably in Proconsular Africa. AC. March 4
d. 1038. A native of the diocese of
FELIX of LYONS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 3 Quimper in Brittany who became a
See Lupicinus and Felix. hermit on Ouessant Island and after-
wards a Benedictine at Fleury (Saint-
FELIX of AFRICA (St) M. Benoit-sur-Loire). The abbot of Fleury
RM. Feb 11 sent him to restore Rhuys abbey, the
See Saturninus, Dativus, etc. great Breton monastery founded by St


Gildas, which had been destroyed by FELIX of TRfeVES (St) Bp.

the Normans. RM. March 26
Consecrated bishop of Treves
d. c .400.
FELIX (St) M. RM. March 8 by his friend, St Martin of Tours, in
See Cyril, Rogatus, etc. 386. Owing to the fact that this took
place under the usurping emperor
FELIX of DUNWICH (St) Bp. Maximus, the legality of his election was
RM. March 8 questioned by the Holy See and St
d. 648. A of Burgundy who
native Ambrose, and he consequently resigned.
brought about the conversion of Sige- Contemporary writers, particularly St
bert, king of the East Angles, when that Sulpicius Severus, speak very highly of
prince was in exile, and later was sum- his virtues.
moned by Sigebert to evangelize East
Anglia. St Felix undertook the mission
FELIX (St) M. RM. March 31
See Theodulus, Anesius, etc.
with the approval of St Honorius of
Canterbury, and placed his episcopal
see at Dunwich, now washed away by
the sea. He preached with great success
RM. Apr 16
See Saragossa (Martyrs of).
in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge-
shire,opening schools on the French
model. He is the veritable apostle of the
East Angles.
RM. Apr 21
See Arator, Fortunatus, etc.


RM. March 16
See Hilary, Tatian, etc.
d. 212. St Felix, a priest, and his two
deacons, Fortunatus and Achilleus,
were sent by St Irenaeus of Lyons to
RM. March 18 and Aug 1
evangelize the district of Vienne, in
See Narcissus and Felix.
France. After a most successful aposto-
late they were martyred. The Acta are
FELIX and Comp. (SS) MM.
of much later composition.
RM. March 23
5th cent. A group of twenty-one mar- FELIX of SEVILLE (St) M.
tyrs. Unless their proximity in the RM.
RM. May 2
to SS Victorian and Comp. implies
? A deacon, martyred in all probability
that they suffered in the same persecu-
at Seville where he is held in great
tion of the Vandals, we can only say
that they suffered in Africa.
FELIX of ROME (St) M. RM. May 10
FELIX of MONTECASSINO (Bl) See Calepodius, Palmatius, etc.
Mk. AC. March 23
d. r.iooo. A Benedictine of Monte- FELIX and GENNADIUS (SS) MM.
cassino, who spent all his life in one of RM. May 16
the daughter-houses of the abbey. On ? Two martyrs venerated from ancient

account of the many miracles wrought times in the city of Uzalis in Proconsular
at his tomb the bishop of Chieti raised Africa, where their relics were en-
his relics for veneration. shrined.


FELIX of SPOLETO (St) Bp. M. maker; then he sought to become a

RM. May 18 religious, but failed several times. At
d. £.304. A bishop, either of Spoleto or last he was professed as a lay-brother,

of the neighbouring town of Spello and in the course of his begging expedi-
(Hispellum) in Umbria. He was mar- tions on behalf of his friary at Nicosia,
tyred under Diocletian. reclaimed numerous sinners and helped
the poor and the sick. Beatified in 1888.
1 5 13-1587. A native of Cantalice, near AC. June 5
Rieti, in Apulia, the child of peasant d. £.790. A Benedictine monk of Fritzlar
farmers, he started life as a farm in Germany and a martyr probably at
labourer, and at the age of thirty joined the hands of the heathen Saxons.
the Capuchins in Rome as a lay-
brother; thereafter for forty years he FELIX and FORTUNATUS (SS)
begged the daily alms for his friary. He MM. RM. June 11
was a friend of St Charles Borromeo, d. 296. Two brothers, born at Vicenza
and an intimate of St Philip Neri. He in N. Italy, who suffered under Dio-
was nicknamed Deo Gratias on account cletian at Aquileia.
of his habitual use of this ejaculation.
His characteristic virtue was spiritual FELIX of CORDOVA (St) M.
joy. Canonized in 1724 —
the first Capu- RM. June 14
chin friar to attain this honour. See Anastasius, Felix and Digna.


RM. May 24 AC. June 16
See Zoellus, Servilius, etc.
6th cent. Natives of Palestine, father
and son, who after a pilgrimage to
Rome settled at a place now called San
RM. May 28
Felice near Narni, in central Italy.
See Emilius, Felix, etc.


(St) H. AC. May 29
See Votus, Felix and John.
RM. June 17
See Isaurus, Innocent, etc.

FELIX I (St) Pope M.

RM. May 30 and Dec 30
d. 274. A Roman by birth and pope RM. June 23
d. 257. A priest of Sutri in Tuscany,
from 269 to 274. He was the first to
condemn scourged to death under the emperors
the heresy of Paul of Samo-
He Valerian and Gallienus.
sata. is said to have died a martyr
under Aurelian; but this appears to be
an error, due to confusion with another FELIX of CITEAUX (Bl) Mk. OSB.
Felix. Cist. PC. June 23
d. 1 1 13. A Cistercian monk, listed in
FELIX of NICOSIA (Bl) OFM. Cap. the menologies of the order as a beatus.
AC. June 1
171 5-1787. A native of Nicosia in Sicily. FELIX (St) M. RM. July 2
He began life as an apprentice to a shoe- See Ariston, Crescentian, etc.


FELIX of NANTES (St) Bp. martyrs to Nola. As to St Felix the

AC. July 7 reference would simply be the date of
d. 584. A great bishop who ruled over the consecration of St Felix, bishop of
the see of Nantes for about thirty-three Nola (see Nov 15). SS Jucunda and
years. He
died on Jan 8; July 7 is the Julia are in older MSS assigned to
anniversary of the translation of his Nicomedia in Asia Minor.
FELIX II (St) Pope M. RM. July 29
FELIX (St) M. RM. July 10 d. 365. The accounts of the life of this
One of the Seven Brothers, MM., q.v. Felix are very conflicting: he does not
seem to have been either a pope or a
FELIX (St) M. RM. July 10
martyr. He certainly was intruded into
See Januarius, Marinus, etc.
the see of Rome in the year 355, when
Pope Liberius was exiled by the Arian
FELIX of MILAN (St) M. emperor Constantius II. The reasons
RM. July 12
why he was listed in the RM. are still
See Nabor and Felix.
heatedly debated.

FELIX of COMO (St) Bp.

RM. July 14
AC. Aug 9
d. £.390. Said to have been the first
Otherwise Phelim, q.v.
bishop of Como. He was an intimate
friend of St Ambrose.
FELIX of PAVIA (St) Bp. M.
RM. Aug 22
See Martial, Saturninus, etc.
RM. July 15
? A martyr, of whom nothing is known.
Some identify him with St Felix of
RM. Aug 26
Spoleto (May 18).
9th cent. A hermit of Pistoia in Tuscany,
FELIX venerated as a saint, about whom, how-
(St) M. RM. July 17
ever, almost nothing is known.
One of the Scillitan Martyrs, q.v.

FELIX (FELICINUS) of VERONA RM. Aug 28 and Sept 1
(St) Bp. RM. July 19 See Septiminus, Januarius and Felix, a
? A bishop of Verona, venerated from
group among the Twelve Holy Brothers.
ancient times as a saint.


RM. July 25 d. f.304. Martyrs beheaded in Rome
See Florentius and Felix. under Diocletian. St Felix was a priest;
as he was being led to execution, a by-
FELIX of CORDOVA (St) M. stander confessed Christ and was put to
RM. July 27 death with St Felix. Because this second
See George, Aurelius, etc. martyr's name was not known, he was
called Adauctus, i.e., the one added.
MM. RM. July 27 FELIX (St) M. RM. Sept 1

? The RM. erroneously assigns these See Donatus and Felix.


FELIX and AUGEBERT (SS) MM. number of four thousand nine hundred
AC. Sept 6 and sixty-six is usually given by his-
7th cent. Two English slaves sold in torians —
driven out to starvation and
France, and ransomed by St Gregory death in the Sahara desert by the Arian
the Great, who directed that they should Vandal king Hunneric. We have the
be received and educated in a monastery account of their sufferings from Victor
with a view to their becoming mission- of Utica, a contemporary writer.
aries in their native country. Felix was
ordained priest, and Augebert deacon; FELIX (AFRICANUS), AUD ACTUS
but unfortunately they were killed by (ADAUCTUS), JANUARIUS,
pagans in Champagne before they could FORTUNATUS and SEPTIMUS
undertake their mission. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 24
d. 303. Felixwas a bishop of Thibiuca
FELIX and another FELIX (SS) in Africa who
refused to deliver up the
Bps. MM. RM. Sept 10 sacred books, and was for this reason
See Nemesian, Felix, etc. put to death. He was one of the first
victims of Diocletian's persecution. The
FELIX and REGULA (SS) MM. accounts we have of the other martyrs
AC. Sept 11 mentioned with him are not trustworthy.
3rd cent. Brother and sister who at the
time of the martyrdom of St Maurice FELIX and EUSEBIUS (SS) MM.
under Maximian Herculeus, took refuge RM. Nov 5
in Switzerland, where they were eventu- ? 1st cent. Alleged martyrs of Terracina
ally found and martyred near Zurich. an Italian city between Rome and
MM. RM. Sept 19 FELIX of THYNISSA (St) M.
1 st Martyrs under Nero, at
cent. RM. Nov 6
Nocera, between Naples and Salerno. ? An African martyr who suffered at
Thynissa, near Hippona (Bona). He was
FELIX HI (IV) (St) Pope RM. Sept 22 found dead in prison the day before he
d. 530. Less accurately Felix IV. (See was to be executed. St Augustine
above, St Felix II, July 29.) His pontifi- preached a sermon on the martyr's
cate lasted from 526 till 530 and his best feast day.
remembered deed as pope was the
building of the church of SS Cosmas FELIX of FONDI (St) Mk. OSB.
and Damian. He was greatly loved in RM. Nov 6
Rome for his simplicity and generosity 6th cent. A monk of a Benedictine house
to the poor. at Fondi in S. Italy —a contemporary of
St Gregory the Great, by whom he was
FELIX of AUTUN (St) M. greatly revered.
RM. Sept 24
See Andochius, Thyrsus and Felix. FELIX of NOLA (St) Bp. M.
RM. Nov 15
FELIX and CYPRIAN (SS) MM. d. 287. Said to have been the first bishop
Bps. RM. Oct 12 of Nola, near Naples, and to have been
d. f.484. Two
African bishops, leaders put to death for Christ with thirty com-
of a great multitude of Catholics— the panions.


FELIX of VALOIS (St) C. that he "feared more the curse of one
RM. Nov 20 oldwoman than the whole army of the
1127-1212. We first meet him as a Moors". He was the founder of the
hermit in a forest near Meaux. Eventu- university of Salamanca and of the
ally—some writers say he was already cathedral of Burgos.By his second wife

seventy years old he, with St John of he was the father of Eleanor, wife of
Matha, organized the Trinitarians in Edward I of England. Canonized in 167 1
France, a religious order founded for the
purpose of ransoming captives from the FERDINAND of ST JOSEPH
Moors. He is called "of Valois" because AYALA (Bl) M. OSA. AC. June 1

he lived for a time in that province. 1575-1617. Born at Ballesteros, diocese

of Toledo, Spain, he took the Augus-
FELIX (St) Bp. RM. Nov 28 tinian habit at Mentilla, and in 1603
See Valerian, Urban, etc. was sent to Mexico, and thence to
Japan (1605) as vicar provincial. He
FELIX of BOLOGNA (St) Bp. worked at Ozaka with great success until
RM. Dec 4 his capture and execution at Omura.
d. 429. A deacon of the church of Milan Beatified in 1867.
under St Ambrose, and afterwards the
fifth bishop of Bologna. FERDINAND of PORTUGAL (Bl)
M. AC. June 5
FELIX (St) M. RM. Dec 5 1 402-1 443. Surnamed "the Constant"
See Julius, Potamia, etc. or "the Standard-bearer" (El Aban-
derado), son of King John I of Portugal,
FELIX of ROME (St) M. he was born at Santarem, and his lean-
RM. Dec 29 life led him to
ings towards the religious
See Callistus, Felix and Boniface. become the Master General of the
military order of Aviz, an order depen-
FEOCK (St) V. AC. Feb 2 dent on Citeaux. In this capacity he
? A saint otherwiseunknown, whose led an expedition against the Moors in
name is perpetuated by a church dedi- Africa, but was defeated Tangier and
cation in Cornwall. Possibly she was an given up as a hostage. He was impri-
immigrant from Ireland. Some have it soned at Arzilla and remained a prisoner,
that Feock is only a variant of the name with never a word of complaint, for
of St Fiace the friend of St Patrick; five years, finally dying there of neglect.
others identify St Feock with St Vougas Cult approved in 1470.
of Brittany.
FERDINAND HI (St) King AC. June 27
RM. May 30 13th cent. Related to the royal family of
1198-1252. King of Castile in 12 17, and Aragon, then the rulers of the Two
of Leon in 1230. For twenty-seven years Sicilies, he became the fifth bishop of
he was engaged in an almost uninter- Cajazzo, in that kingdom. His relics
rupted crusade against the Mohamme- are now venerated at Cornello, in Sicily.
dans in Spain, from whom he recap-
tured Cordova (1236), Murcia, Jaen, FERDINAND SANCHEZ (Bl) M.
Cadiz, and finally Seville (1249). He SJ. AC. July 15
was a wise ruler, and was wont to say d. 1570. Born in Castile, and a Jesuit


novice, he suffered martyrdom under the FERREOLUS (FERGEOL) (Bl) Bp.

leadership of Bl Ignatius de Azevedo, M. AC. Jan 16
q.v. d. c.670. Said to have been bishop of
Grenoble in France. Cult confirmed in
(St) 1907.
d. />.863. An Irishman by birth, chosen
abbot of Iona in 863. During his abbacy FERREOLUS and FERRUTIO (SS)
the relics of St Columba were removed MM. RM. June 16
to Ireland, for fear of the Danes. d. c.212. Ferreolus, a priest,and Fer-
rutio, a deacon, are said to have been
FERGNA (St) Ab. AC. March 2 brothers and natives of Asia Minor.
Surnamed "the White", a kins-
d. 637. They were sent by St Irenaeus of Lyons
man and disciple of St Columba and his to evangelize the country round Besan-
successor as abbot of Iona. con, where they worked for thirty years
and then were martyred.
GUISIUS) (St) Bp. AC. March 30 FERREOLUS (St) M. RM. Sept 18
6th cent. A bishop of Downpatrick ; but 3rd cent. An officer of the imperial
the traditions concerning him are vague army, martyred at Vienne in Gaul,
in the extreme, and he may possibly be under Diocletian. One tradition makes
identified with St Fergus of Scotland him superior officer to St Julian of
(Nov 18). Auvergne (cf. RM. Aug 31).

FERGUS (St) Bp. AC. Nov 18

FERREOLUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 18
d. ^.721. An Irish bishop who preached
d. Fifth bishop of Limoges in
in Perthshire, Caithness, Buchan and
France. Hementioned with great
Forfarshire. He signed the Acts of the
veneration by St Gregory of Tours.
Roman council of a.d. 721, describing
himself as a Pict. In the Aberdeen
breviary he is called Fergustian.
FERRUTIO (St) M. RM. June 16
See Ferreolus and Ferrutio.

FERNANDO (several)
The Spanish and Portuguese form of FERRUTIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 28
Ferdinand, q.v. ? A Roman soldier stationed at Mainz

in Germany, who demanded his dis-

FERRAN (several) charge from the army rather than take

The old Castilian and Catalan form of part in idolatrous worship. He was cast

Ferdinand, q.v. into prison, where he died of ill-treat-

ment and hunger.

(St) AC. Jan 4
d. 581. A native of Narbonne, who be- FESTUS (St) M. RM. June 24
came bishop of Uzes. He devoted him- Otherwise Faustus, q.v.
self in particular to converting the Jews
of his diocese, and is said to have been FESTUS (St) M. RM. Sept 19
exiled by King Childebert on that See Januarius and Comp.
account. He was the founder of a
monastery, for which he wrote a monas- FESTUS (St) M. RM. Dec 21
tic rule. See John and Festus.


FIACE (FIECH) (St) Bp. name of Fidelis, and after his ordination
AC. Oct 12 the newly founded Roman Congrega-
5th cent. An and
Irish bishop, friend tion of Propaganda sent him as a mis-
disciple of St Patrick, in whose honour sionary to the Swiss Protestants in the
he wrote a hymn which is still extant. Grisons. Incensed at his success, the
Calvinists raised* the peasants against
FIACHAN (FIANCHNE) (St) C. him by inventing the story that he was
AC. Apr 29 a political agent of the Austrian em-
7th cent. A native of Munster in Ire- peror. He was stabbed to death near
land, a monk at Lismore, and disciple Griisch.
of St Carthage the Younger.
FEVRE) (St) Ab. RM. Aug 30 See Bassa, Theogonius, etc.
d. r.670. Fiachra, an Irishman, was
given land for a hermitage by St Faro FIDELIS of COMO (St) M.
of Meaux. Here he lived for the rest of RM. Oct 28
his life, attracting many disciples for d. £.304. A soldier martyred in Lom-
whom he built the abbey of Breuil. St bardy under Maximian Herculeus. His
Fiacre's shrine is still a place of pil- body was translated by St Charles
grimage. As patron of gardeners, he is Borromeo to Milan, but some of his
often represented carrying a shovel. relics are venerated at Como.

FIBITIUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 5 FIDELMIA (St) V. AC. Jan 11

d. f.500. Abbot of monastery at
a See Ethenea and Fidelmia.
Treves, and the twenty-first bishop of
that city. FIDENTIAN (St) M. RM. Nov 15
See Secundus, Fidentian and Varicus.
FIDELIS (St) Bp. AC. Feb 7
d. r.570. An Eastern by origin, he travel- FIDENTIUS and TERENCE (SS)
led to Spain with some merchants, and MM. RM. Sept 27
settled at Merida, where he was trained ? The relics of these martyrs were dis-
by St Paul, bishop of the city, whom he covered in the 12th century at Todi in
succeeded in that office. central Italy, where they are venerated.
Nothing else is known about them. The
FIDELIS (St) M. RM. March 23 legend of their martyrdom is quite un-
? An African martyr. Some writers trustworthy.
place him in the same group of African
martyrs as St Felix and his twenty-four FIDENTIUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 16
companions (March 23). 2nd cent. Some make this saint a con-
fessor, others a martyr, Baronius a
FIDELIS of SIGMARINGEN (St) M. him to Padua
bishop. Tradition assigns
OFM. Cap. RM. Apr 24 and to the 2nd century. All this is
1 577-1 622. Mark Rey, born at Sig- mere surmise and nothing is known
maringen, in S. Germany, practised as about him.
a lawyer, and came to be known as the
"advocate of the poor". In 161 2 he FIDES (St) VM. RM. Aug 1

joined the Capuchins, receiving the new Otherwise Faith, q.v.


FIDHARLEUS (St) Ab. AC. Oct i FINBAR (St) Ab. AC. July 4
d. 762. An Irish saint, the restorer of 6th cent. An Irish abbot of Innis-
Rathin Abbey. Doimhle, Wexford.


Otherwise Phelim, q.v. White Head) (St) Bp. AC. Sept 25

Otherwise Barr, q.v.
FIDOLUS (French: PHAL) (St) Ab.
RM. May 16 FIND AN (or FINTAN) (St)H. OSB.
d. r.540. The son of a Roman official in AC. Nov 15
Auvergne, France. Taken prisoner by d. 879. A native of Leinster in Ireland
the soldiers of Clovis and sold into who was carried off as a slave to the
slavery, he was ransomed by Aventinus, Orkneys by Norse raiders, but managed
abbot of Aumont, near Troyes. At a to escape to Scotland. He then under-
later period Fidolus was himself abbot took a pilgrimage to Rome, and became
of the abbey, which was afterwards a Benedictine at the abbey of Farfa in
called Saint-Phal. Sabina. Thence he migrated to the
abbey of Rheinau in Switzerland, where
FIDWETEN (FIVETEIN, FIDIVI- he was allowed to live as a recluse for
TANUS) (St) Mk. OSB. AC. Dec 11 twenty-two years.
d. f.888. A Benedictine monk, disciple
of St Convoyon at the abbey of Redon, FINDBARR (St) Bp. AC. Sept 10
in Brittany. Otherwise Finian, q.v.


Otherwise Fiace, q.v. and Comp. (SS) MM. AC. Dec 14
5th cent. Fingar and Phiala, brother
FILLAN (St) Ab. AC. Jan 9 and sister, left their native Ireland and
Otherwise Foelan, q.v. crossed over to Cornwall, but they were
put to death at Hayle near Penzance by
FINA (St) V. AC. March 12 a pagan chief. Their attendants shared
Otherwise Seraphina, q.v. their crown.

FINAN (St) Bp. AC. Feb 17 FINIAN LOBHAR (St) Ab.

d. 661. An Irish monk of Iona,who AC. March 16
succeeded St Aidan in the government d. ? f.560. A disciple of St Columba, by
of the Northumbrian church. Attended whom he is said to have been made abbot
by St Cedd and other fellow-missionaries of Swords near Dublin. He is surnamed
he evangelized parts of southern Eng- "the Leper", on account of a skin
land. disease from which he suffered. The
records of his life are most conflicting.
6th cent. A Munster and a
native of (St) Bp. AC. Sept 10
disciple of St Brendan, at whose wish d. f.575.Born near Stangford Lough,
he founded and governed a monastery he became a monk in Scotland, and was
at Kinnitty in Offaly of which place he ordained in Rome. On his return to
is patron. Ireland he brought with him biblical


manuscripts which led to the famous the life of a hermit at Clonenagh in Leix.
incident of the Psalter of St Columba. He Soon numerous disciples attached them-
was the founder and first abbot-bishop selves him, and he became their
of the monastery of Moville in Co. Down. abbot. Such was the austerity of the life
Wrongly identified with St Frigidian of led at Clonenagh that neighbouring
Lucca. monasteries protested.


Ab. AC. Oct 21 Otherwise Findan, q.v.
d. £.635. A disciple of St Columba at
Iona, and at a later period the abbot- FIONNCHU (St) Ab. AC. Nov 28
founder of the monastery of Taghmon 6th cent. The successor of St Comgall in
in Co. Wexford. In Scotland he is called the abbey of Bangor.
St Mundus.
FIRMATUS (St) M. RM. Oct 5
FINIAN of CLONARD (St) Bp. See Placid, Eutychius, etc.
AC. Dec 12
d. c .552. Born Myshall in Co. Carlow,
early in life he became a monk in Wales, MM. RM. Oct 5
and after a long sojourn there returned ? Firmatus, a deacon, and Flaviana, a
to Ireland and founded a great number virgin, are veneratedon Oct 5 at Auxerre
of churches, monasteries and schools. in France. Their names appear already
Clonard was the greatest, and it was in St Jerome's martyrology, as venerated
here that Finian had as pupils the so- in France long before the supposed
called Twelve Apostles of Ireland, martyrdom of St Placid, Eutychius and
among whom was St Columba. Finian Companions (q.v.).
indeed became known as the "Teacher
of the Irish Saints", Clonard was the FIRMIAN (FERMANUS, FIR-
greatest school of its period, renowned MINUS) (St) Ab. OSB. AC. March 1
chiefly for its biblical studies. d. <M020. A Benedictine abbot of the
monastery of San Sabino Piceno, near
FINLUGH (FINLAG) (St) Ab. Fermo, in the Marches of Ancona.
AC. Jan 3
6th cent. A brother of St Fintan (Jan 3) FIRMINA (St) VM. RM. Nov 24
who crossed to Scotland, where it is d. r.303. A Roman maiden tortured to
thought that he became one of St death at Amelia (Ameria) in Umbria,
Columba's disciples. Returning to Ire- under Diocletian.
land he was made abbot of a monastery
established by St Columba in Co. Derry. FIRMINUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 19
? Third bishop of Gabales (G6vaudan),
FINTAN (St) Ab. AC. Jan 3 Mende, in France.
6th cent. A disciple of St Comgall at
Bangor. He is honoured as the patron FIRMINUS (St) Ab. RM. March 11
saint of Doon in Limerick. His holy ?seems that Baronius became con-
well is still venerated there. fused between St Firmian (or Firminus)
abbot in the Marches of Ancona (AC.
FINTAN (St) Ab. RM. Feb 17 March 11) and Firminus Bishop of
d. 603. A disciple of St Columba, he led Amiens (RM. Sept 1 and 25). No



abbot-saint, of the name of Firminus, FIRMUS (St) M. RM. March 1

has ever been venerated at Amiens. See Gorgonius and Firmus.

FIRMINUS (St) Bp. AC. March 29 FIRMUS (St) M. RM. June 1

6th cent. Bishop of Viviers, in France. d. c.2go. An Eastern martyr who suf-
fered under Maximian.


RM. June FIRMUS (St) M. RM. June 24
See Orentius, Heros, etc.
See Orentius, Heros, etc.


RM. July 31
RM. Aug 18
? Of him St Augustine writes that he
d. 496. Greek, or Italian, by origin, he
was firm by name but firmer yet by
ruled the see of Metz for eight years.
faith. Put to the torture, he endured the

most frightful sufferings rather than

betray the hiding-place of one of his
(SS) Bps.
flock. This notice of St Augustine led
RM. AC. Sept 1 and Sept 25 Baronius to insert St Firmus's name in
2nd~3rd cent. Two bishops of the name
Firminus are venerated at Amiens: one
on Sept 1, said to have been the third FIRMUS and RUSTICUS (SS) MM.
prelate of that city, and another on RM. Aug 9
Sept 25, the supposed first bishop of d. f.290. Two kinsmen, prominent citi-

Amiens. The latter is described as a zens of Bergamo in Lombardy, who

native of Pampeluna in Spanish Navarre suffered Verona under Maximian.
and a convert of St Saturninus, bishop Their Passio is not authentic; it seems
of Toulouse. The former, viz. the third possible that the relics of two martyrs
bishop of Amiens, is alleged to have of these names were translated from
been the son of one of the converts of Africa to Verona.
St Firminus, the first bishop of that
city. Some writers consider them to FISHER, JOHN (St) Bp. M.
have been one and the same person. RM. July 9
See John Fisher.
FIRMINUS of UZfeS (St) Bp.
RM. Oct 11 FLANNAN (St) Bp. AC. Dec. 18
d. 553. A Nar bonne in S.
native of 7th cent. An Irish monk consecrated
France, he was educated by his uncle bishop by Pope John IV. He was the
the bishop of Uzes, whom
he succeeded first bishop of Killaloe and worked also

as bishop at the age of twenty-two. He in the Hebrides and elsewhere, and in

died at the age of thirty-seven. spite of all this toil, he managed, we are
told, to recite daily the entire Psalter.
FIRMINUS (St) Bp. AC. Dec 5 He is patron of Killaloe diocese.
d. 6th cent. The seventh bishop of
FIRMUS of ROME (St) M. MM. RM. May 7
RM. Feb 2 2nd was a great-
cent. Flavia Domitilla
See Fortunatus, Felician, etc. niece of the emperors Domitian and

Titus, and also of St Flavius Clemens. patriarch of Jerusalem. Both were exiled
She became a Christian, and on refusing by the Monophysite emperor Anastasius
to marry a pagan, was banished from (491-518) for strenuously upholding the
Rome, and eventually martyred with decrees of the council of Chalcedon.
her foster sisters, Euphrosyna and This is the reason for their joint com-
Theodora, at Terracina. The Roman memoration in the RM.
liturgy associates hername with those
of SS Nereus and Achilles, wha were FLAVIAN (FLAVINIAN, FLAVIUS)
buried in the cemetery of Domitilla in of AUTUN (St) Bp. RM. Aug 23
the Via Ardeatina. Probably there were 7th cent. The 21st bishop of Autun in
two Roman ladies named Flavia Domi- France. The 15th bishop of Autun
tilla and both martyrs —the one des- also called Flavius (d. f.544) has also a
cribed above and her own niece by local cult.
FLAVIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 22
FLAVIA (St) VM. RM. Oct 5 d. 362. Said to have been an ex-prefect
See Placid, Eutychius and Comp. of Rome, branded on the forehead as a
slave and exiled to the small village of
FLAVIAN (St) M. RM. Jan 28 Acquapendente in Tuscany by order of
d. £.304. A deputy-prefect of Rome who At Acquapendente
Julian the Apostate.
suffered martyrdom at Civita Vecchia, he died while in prayer.
under Diocletian.
(St) Bp. M. RM. Feb 18 See Firmatus and Flaviana.
d. 449. Appointed patriarch of Constan-
tinople in 447. He refused to give the FLAVIUS,AUGUSTUS and
customary bribe on his accession to the AUGUSTINE (SS) MM. RM. May 7
see, and it was not long before he was d. f .300. Flavius,bishop of Nicomedia,
compelled to denounce the heresy of and histwo brothers, were martyred in
Eutyches, a favourite of the imperial that city under Diocletian.
court. Pope Leo the Great approved his
condemnation of Eutychianism by send- FLAVIUS CLEMENS (St) M.
ing him the famous "Dogmatic Letter". RM. June 22
At "the Robber Synod" of Ephesus in d. c.96.Brother of the emperor Vespa-
449, Flavian appealed to the pope, sian and uncle of Titus and Domitian,
whereupon he was exiled and maltreated, whose niece, Flavia Domitilla, he
dying shortly after of his injuries. The married. In the year 95 he held the
Council of Chalcedon (451) proclaimed consular office together with Domitian.
him a saint and a martyr. The following year Domitian had him
beheaded as a Christian.
FLAVIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 24
See Montanus, Lucius, etc. FLAVIUS of AUTUN (St) Bp.
RM. Aug 23
FLAVIAN and ELIAS (SS) Bps. Otherwise Flavian, q.v.
RM. July 20
512 and 518. St Flavian
d. (respectively) FLOCELLUS (St) M. RM. Sept 17
was patriarch of Antioch, and St Elias 2nd cent. A youth martyred at Autun in
1 ;

France under the emperor Marcus Leander. She retired to a convent for
Aurelius (161-180). After having been which St Leander wrote a rule. Even-
put to the torture he was flung, half- tually she governed it as abbess.
dead, to the wild beasts in the amphi-
MM. RM. Sept 27
FLORA (St) V. AC. Jan 29 ? Two French solitaries, put to death in

Otherwise Blath, q.v. Gaul by some invading barbarians.

Several places have been suggested as
FLORA of BEAULIEU (Bl) V. the place of their martyrdom. Pseudun,
AC. June 1 now Semont in the diocese of Autun;
d. 1347. Born in Auvergne, Flora, at the Sion in the Valais Suint, in Charollais

age of fourteen, entered the order of and Simond in the diocese of Dijon.
Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem at
Beaulieu, near Rocamadour. Her spirit- FLORENTINUS of TREVES (St)
ual and the physico-mystical
trials Bp. RM. Oct 16
phenomena which accompanied them 4th cent. The successor of St Severianus
make her life of absorbing interest. in the see of Treves. There is much con-
troversy about him and about his reputed
FLORA (St) VM. RM. July 29 predecessor St Severinus.
See Lucilla, Flora, etc.


FLORA and MARY (SS) W. MM. M. RM. Jan 3
RM. Nov 24 ? The RM. speaks of him as Bishop of
d. 856. Two Christian maidens of Cor- Vienne martyred under Gallienus about
dova, in Spain, who gave themselves up 275. The local feast also is of a bishop
to the Moors, and were beheaded by and martyr. But the episcopal catalogues
order of Abderrahman II. of Vienne place Florentius in the 4th
century, and he is said to have assisted
FLORENCE (several) at the Council of Valence (374).
Otherwise Florentina, Florentia or
Florentius, q.v. FLORENTIUS of SEVILLE (St)
RM. Feb 23
FLORENTIA (FLORENCE) (St) M. d. f.485. A saint much venerated in
RM. Nov 10 Seville and its neighbourhood.
See Tiberius, Modestus and Florentia.
AC. Apr 6
RM. Nov 28 ? 4th cent. Martyrs of Sirmium, Pan-
See Valerian, Urban, etc. nonia.


Abs. RM. June 20 RM. May 11
d. f.636. A native of Carthagena in See Sisinius, Diocletius and Florentius.
Spain, and the only sister of SS
Leander, Fulgentius and Isidore. Losing FLORENTIUS of NURSIA (St) Mk.
her parents at an early age, she was RM. May 23
placed under the guardianship of St See Eutychius and Florentius.


TINUS (SS) MM. RM. June 5 d. f.693. An Irishman by birth, he left

d. 250. These martyrs suffered under his country for Alsace and settled in the
Decius, being beheaded at Perugia in wilds of Haselac, where he built a
central Italy. monastery. About the year 678 he was
raised to the see of Strasburg, where
FLORENTIUS of CARTHAGE (St) he founded another monastery
M. RM. July 15 —
St Thomas's chiefly for his own
See Catulinus, Januarius, etc. countrymen.


July 25 (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Dec 10
d. 235. Two soldiers of the Roman im- d. 1 1 56. Abbot of the Black Benedictine

perial army put to death under Maxi- monastery of Carracedo, in the Bierzo
minius the Thracian, at Furcona, an Mountains, province of Leon, Spain.
ancient town near Aquila in S. Italy. He was greatly revered by King Alphon-
They belong to the group of eighty- sus VII of Leon. After the saint's death
three soldiers commemorated on July the abbey adopted the Cistercian ob-
24. servance. St Florentius is still greatly
venerated in his native province.
FLORENTIUS (St) C. RM. Sept 22
5th cent. A Bavarian by birth and a
Martin of Tours, by whom
disciple of St
AC. Dec 15
he was ordained priest and sent to
7th cent. An abbot of Bangor in Ireland.
evangelize Poitou. He eventually retired
as a hermit to Mt Glonne in Anjou, FLORIAN (St) M. RM. May 4
where he was followed by numerous
d. 304. A high Roman officer (princeps
disciples. He built for them the monas-
officiorum) in Noricum, now Upper
tery afterwards known as Saint-Florent-
Austria, who was drowned in the R.
le-Vieux. Here he died in extreme old
Enns (Anisus), near Lorch, under Dio-
cletian. He is the patron of Upper
FLORENTIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 10 Austria and Poland.
See Cassius, Florentius, etc.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 17
FLORENTIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 13 d. r.637. A band of sixty martyrs, slain
d. 312. A martyr of Thessalonica, who
by the Mohammedan invaders at Eleu-
died at the stake, under the emperor
theropolis (Beit Jibrin) in Palestine.
Maximinus Daza.
FLORIBERT (St) Bp. AC. Apr 27
FLORENTIUS of ORANGE (St) Bp. d. 746. Bishop of Liege, described as
RM. Oct 17 "vehement in correcting". He has been
d. £.526. The eighth bishop of Orange in confused with St Floribert, abbot of
S. France. Ghent.


3rd cent. A martyr who suffered at OSB. AC. Nov 1
Trois-Chateaux in Burgundy. d. £.660. Appointed by St Amandus

abbot of the new monasteries of Ghent, and his kinsman, St Comgan, to Scot-
Mont-Blandin and Saint-Bavon. land,where he became a missionary
monk. The place where he died is now
FLORIUS of NICOMEDIA (St) M. called Strathfillan.
RM. Oct 26
See Lucian, Florius, etc.
FOILA(FAILE)(St)V. AC. March 3
6th cent. Said to have been the sister of
FLORUS, LAURUS, PROCULUS St Colgan. The two were patrons of.the

and MAXIMUS (SS) MM. parishes of Kil-Faile (Kileely) and Kil-

RM. Aug 18 Colgan, in Galway. Kil-Faile has been a

2nd cent. A
Greek tradition, which is noted place of pilgrimage.
called in question by some writers, de-
scribed Florus and Laurus as twin
FOILLAN (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 31
d. f.655. Brother of SS Fursey and
brothers, stone masons by trade, and
Ultan. They left Ireland, their native
Proculus and Maximus as their em-
country, and worked in E. Anglia. St
ployers. They handed over a temple on
Foillan became the abbot of Burgh-
which they had been working to Chris-
castle, near Yarmouth, but when this
tian worship, and as a punishment were
monastery was destroyed by the Mer-
drowned in a well. This is said to have
cians, he crossed over to Belgium. Bl
happened in Illyria.
Ita of Nivelles gave him some land at
Fosses, where he founded the abbey of
FLORUS (French: FLOUR) of
that name. He was the religious leader
LODEVE (St)Bp. AC. Nov 3
of Nivelles and evangelized Brabant. He
d. 389. First bishop of Lodeve in Lan-
was killed by robbers and is venerated
guedoc. He has given his name to the
as a martyr.
town where his relics are enshrined.


FLORUS (St) M. RM. Dec 22
AC. Apr 30
See Demetrius, Honoratus and Florus.
d. 982. An Irish bishop who left his
native country and arriving at the abbey
FLOS (St) M. RM. Dec 31 of Waulsort on the Meuse joined the
See Stephen, Pontian, etc.
community as a monk and in 962
became its abbot. He spent some time
FLOSCULUS (French: FLOU) (St) at Gorze to study the monastic obser-
Bp. RM. Feb 2 vance established there by St John
d. p.480.Bishop of Orleans, a contem-
(Feb 27) in order to introduce it at
porary of Sidonius Apollinaris.
Waulsort, which he did most success-
FLOUR (St) Bp. AC. Nov 3
Otherwise Florus of Lodeve, q.v. FORT (St) Bp. M. AC. May 16
? 1 st cent. Venerated as the first bishop
FLOU (St) Bp. RM. Feb 2 of Bordeaux and as a martyr.
Otherwise Flosculus, q.v.
FORTCHERN (St) C. AC. Feb 17
FOELLAN (FOILAN, FILLAN) (St) ? 6th cent. Said to have been converted
C. AC. Jan 9 by St Lornan. He succeeded him for a
8th cent. A native of Ireland, who ac- short time as Bishop of Trim, and then
companied his mother, St Kentigerna, became a recluse.


AC. May 13 (St) M. RM. Apr 21
d. 1040. A native of Gubbio in Umbria, See Arator, Fortunatus, etc.
and a hermit in the mountains near
Scheggia, under the guidance of Bl FORTUNATUS of VALENCE (St)
Ludolph, founder of Fontavellana. M. •
RM. Apr 23
Later he entered that monastery and See Felix, Fortunatus and Achilleus.
was professed there as a monk-hermit.
Cult approved in 1756. FORTUNATUS (St) C. RM. June 1

d. c .400. A parish priest at a place near

FORTUNATA (St) VM. RM. Oct 14 Spoleto, in Umbria, conspicuous for his
d. 303. A
maiden martyred at Caesarea
charity to the poor.
in Palestine under Diocletian. Her
relics have been venerated at Naples
since the 8th century. The legend adds M. RM. June 1
that her three brothers, SS Carponius,
See Felix and Fortunatus.
Everistus and Priscian, suffered with
M. RM. Jan ? African martyrs, whose Acts have
See Vitalis, Revocatus and Fortunatus. been Most martyrologies
lost. register
six or more other names.
R.M Feb 2 PHER (St) AC. June 18
? The names have been transferred d. f.569. An from
Italian bishop driven

from the martyrology of Usuard, but his see in N. Italy by the Lombards.

nothingis known of them. He was much esteemed by St Ger-

manus of Paris. He must not be con-
FORTUNATUS (St) M. RM.Feb2i fused with the better known St
See Verulus, Secundinus, etc. Venantius Fortunatus, his contempo-
rary in France.
(SS) MM. RM. Feb 26 FORTUNATUS (St) M. RM. July 12
? A group of twenty-nine martyrs of
See Hermagoras and Fortunatus.
whom nothing is known.
FORTUNATUS (St) M. RM.Feb2 7 RM. Aug
27 and Sept 1
See Alexander, Abundius, etc. See Honoratus, Fortunatus, etc. (Sept
1), and the Twelve Holy Brothers.
FORTUNATUS (St) M. RM. March 3
See Felix, Luciolus, etc. FORTUNATUS, CAIUS and
ANTHES (SS) MM. RM. Aug 28
FORTUNATUS and MARCIAN d. Martyred near Salerno under
(SS) MM. RM. Apr 17 Diocletian. Their relics were enshrined
? Martyrs, perhaps of Antioch in Syria, at Salerno in 940, and since then they
but more probably of some town in have been held in great popular venera-
Africa. tion. Their Passion has no historical

— —

foundation. Fortunatus may be the FOUR CROWNED MARTYRS,
martyr included in the "Twelve Holy The (SS) RM. Nov 8
Brothers". There are two groups of martyrs called
the Four Holy Crowned Ones Sancti
FORTUNATUS of TODI (St) Bp. Quatuor Coronati: one group suffered
RM. Oct 14 at Albano c .305, viz, Severus, Severian,

d. 537. A bishop of Todi, who saved the Carpophorus and Victorinus; the other
city from being sacked by Totila the group met their death in Pannonia about
Goth. the same time: Claudius, Nicostratus,
Symphorian and Castorius, to whom a
FORTUNATUS (St) M. RM. Oct 15 fifthnamed Simplicius is added. In
d. ? 537. A Roman martyr. both cases their names were at first un-
known; hence the collective title by
FORTUNATUS (St) M. RM. Oct 24 which they are generally referred to.

See Felix, Audactus, etc.

Bp. AC. Dec 14 A collective feast is celebrated in
See Venantius Fortunatus. several places, chiefly in Germany, in
honour of fourteen saints, each of
FORTUNATUS (St) M. RM. Dec 15 whom is believed to grant a special form
See Faustinus, Lucius, etc. of help.The usual fourteen are: Acacius
(June 22), Barbara, Blaise (Feb 3),
FORTY ARMENIAN MARTYRS Catherine of Alexandria, Christopher
(SS) RM. March 10 (July 25), Cyriacus (Aug 8). Dionysius
d. 320. Forty soldiers put to death by of Paris (Oct 9), Erasmus (June 2),
the emperor Licinius at Sebaste (Sivas) Eustace (Sept 20), George (April 23),
in Lesser Armenia. They were exposed Margaret (July 20), Pantaleon, Vitus all
naked on the ice of a frozen lake, a warm martyrs —and Giles (Sept 1). See their
bath being on the bank as a temptation respective notices.
to apostatize. One fell, but his place
was taken by one of the guards who was FRAGAN and GWEN (BLANCHE)
converted by the heroism of the rest. (SS) AC. July 5
On the morrow all were dead, save the 5th cent. Refugees from Britain in the
youngest among them. His brave troublous times consequent upon the
mother carried her child after the departure of the Romans, and parents of
corpses of the rest until he too expired SS Winwaloe, Jacut and Guithern.
in her arms, and then laid his body by Churches in Brittany are dedicated to
their side. Many ecclesiastical writers of each of them.
that period speak of this group of mar-
tyrs —
SS Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, FRANCA VISALTA (St) OSB. Cist.
Gaudentius of Brescia, Sozomen, AC. Apr 26
etc. They are still greatly venerated in 1
70-1 2 1 8. A native of Piacenza in
the East. Italy. At the age of seven she was
offered to God in the Benedictine con-
FOSTER (St) Bp. RM. Feb 6 vent of St Syrus. She was professed at
The old English form of the name fourteen and soon, though very young,
Vedast or Waast. See Vedast. made abbess. She seems to have been

over severe, and she was in fact de- mistress. Frances Brideau was born at
posed. After some years she was made Belfort in 1752 and professed at Com-
abbess of the Cistercian nunnery of piegne in 1 77 1. She was the sub-
Pittoli. Cult confirmed, with the title of prioress. Both were guillotined at Paris
Saint, by Gregory X. with the rest of the community in 1794.
Beatified in 1906. .


1384-1 440. A native of Rome, she AC. Aug 17
married in 1396 Lorenzo de Ponziani, d. 1627. A Japanese, the wife of Bl Leo,
with whom she lived for forty years, she belonged to the third order of
succeeding during all this time in never Friars Preachers. She was condemned
once annoying him. Her life was a model to death for sheltering missionaries in
of fidelity and devotedness to her do- her house, and was burnt alive at
mestic duties; she patiently bore many Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
severe trials, among them being the
death of her children, her husband's FRANCES d'AMBOISE (Bl)OC.
banishment and the confiscation of their AC. Nov 4
estates. In 1433 she founded the com- 1427-1485. Reared at the court of Brit-
munity of Benedictine Oblates of Tor tany, Francesbecame the wife of Duke
de' Specci, but it was not until 1436, Peter of Brittany, and spent her life in
after the death of her husband, that she endeavouring to please and pacify her
could join it. Her biography, with many jealous husband —no light task —and in
particulars of visions and revelations, charitable works. She was a great bene-
of her devotion to her angel guardian, factress of the Carmelite Bl John Soreth,
whom she often saw walking by her side and herself became a Carmelite in her
and guiding her, was written by John widowhood (1470) at the convent which
Matteotti, who had been her confessor she had founded at Nantes. Beatified in
during the last ten years of her life. 1863.
Canonized in 1608.
FRANCES LANEL (Bl) M. Foundress RM. Dec 22
AC. June 26 1850-1917. Born at Sam' Angelo Lodi-
1 745-1 794. A native of Eu, diocese of giano in Lombardy, the thirteenth child
Rouen, she became a Sister of Charity of Augustine and Stella Cabrini. In
at Rouen, and was later stationed at 1874 she was asked by the parish priest
Cambrai and Arras. She, with three to teach in an orphanage at Codogno,
other sisters, was guillotined at Cam- diocese of Lodi. In 1877 the orphanage
brai. Beatified in 1920. became the mother-house of a new
institute,founded by Mother Frances
FRANCES de CROISSY and under the title of Missionary Sisters of

FRANCES BRIDEAU (BB) MM. the Sacred Heart. She made her own
OC. AC. July 17 profession at the hands of the bishop of
d. 1794. Frances de Croissy was born at Lodi, who in 1880 officially approved
Paris in 1745 and was professed a Car- the new congregation as a diocesan
melite nun Compiegne in 1764. She
at institute. Mother dream was
was prioress from 1779 to 1787 and at to send her sisters to China, but on the
the time of her death was novice- advice of Pope Leo XIII she dispatched


them instead to the United States. In chosen coadjutor to the bishop of

1889 she herself accompanied the first Geneva, whom he succeeded in 1602.
batch of missionary sisters to New Two years later he met St Jane Frances
York, and from that time almost every of Chantal, with whom he founded the
year she crossed the sea at the head of Order of the Visitation. He was inde-
new bands of missionaries. During her fatigable in the discharge of his office
life-time she founded as many as sixty- as a bishop: organized conferences for
seven religious houses —schools, or- the clergy, directed them to teach
phanages, hospitals, etc. —in N. and S. catechism in simple words, insisted on
America, Italy, Spain, England, etc. unadorned straightforward preaching,
She died in one of the American founda- established a seminary at Annecy which
tions, Columbus Hospital, Chicago. he visited regularly. He excelled as an
She had become an American citizen. ascetical writer, and his treatise Intro-
Canonized in 1946. duction to the Devout Life will always
remain a classic. His people loved him
FRANCIS FERDINAND de CAPIL- and styled him The Gentle Christ of
LAS (Bl) M. OP. AC. Jan 15 Geneva". Canonized in 1665; declared
1 606-1 648. A native of Vacherim de a Doctor of the Church in 1877, an(*
Campos Oldin Castile, Francis joined patron saint of journalists in 1923.
the Dominicans at Valladolid and was
sent to the missions in China. He FRANCIS XAVIER BIANCHI (St)
laboured in Fokien with great success, Barn. AC. Jan 31
but political and religious troubles arose 1 743-1 8 1 5. A native of Arpino in Italy
in the province, and Francis was who became a Barnabite clerk regular
executed as a spy. Beatified in 1909, and and was ordained priest in 1767 —in the
proclaimed the Protomartyr of China. teeth of opposition from his family.
Owing to overwork and to his austere
FRANCIS GIL de FEDERICH (Bl) life, he ruined his health and lost the use

M. OP. AC. Jan 22 of his legs. He was considered and

1702-1745. A native of Tortosa, Spain, acclaimed as the "Apostle of Naples"
he became a Friar Preacher at Barce- for his work for the poor and abandoned
lona and was sent to the Philippines. and to preserve girls from the danger of
Thence he went to Tonkin in 1732 an immoral life. Canonized in 1951.
where after long apostolic labours, he
was imprisoned for several years and FRANCIS BLANCO (St) M. OFM.
beheaded at Checo. Beatified in 1906. RM. Feb 5
d. 1597. A native of Monterey, in Span-
FRANCIS of SALES (St) Bp. Dr. ish Galicia. He studied at Salamanca,
Founder 29 RM. Jan and was professed as a Franciscan at
1 567-1 622. Born near Annecy, in Savoy, Villalpando. He first laboured at Churu-
the eldest son of the Seigneur de Nou- busco in Mexico, and in 1594 reached
velles. He read for the Law at Paris and Japan from Manila. He was crucified
Padua, but abandoned his legal studies at Nagasaki. Canonized in 1862.
and became a priest in 1593. At once he
set out for his apostolate among the FRANCIS of ST MICHAEL (St) M.
Calvinists of the Chablais, where he is OFM. RM. Feb 5
said to have made within two years over d. 1597. Born at Parilla, near Valladolid.
eight thousand converts. In 1599 he was He became a Franciscan lay-brother


and in 1593 accompanied St Peter Minimi, i.e., the least of all friars. The
Baptist from Manila to Japan. He was order was approved by Sixtus IV in
arrested with him at Ozaka (1596) and 1474. It was this same pope who directed
crucified. Canonized in 1862. St Francis to travel to France (1482) in
order to assist, at Plessis-les-Tours,
(St) the dying King Louis XI. At the request
RM. Feb 5 of that king's successors Francis re-
d. 1597. A
Japanese physician, from mained in France for the rest of his life
Macao, and a member of the third order and died at Plessis. Canonized in 15 19.
of St Francis. He served the mission-
aries as a catechist and was for this FRANCIS PAGE (Bl) M. SJ.
reason crucified at Nagasaki. Canonized AC. Apr 20
in 1862. d. 1602. Born at Antwerp, he belonged
to an English Protestant family of Har-
FRANCIS REGIS CLET (Bl) M. row-on-the-Hill. He was reconciled to
CM. AC. Feb 17 the Church, educated at Douai, or-

1 748- 1 820. Born at Grenoble, he joined dained in 1600, sent to the English
the Lazarists and was sent to China as a mission, captured, received in prison
missionary in 1791. Here he laboured into the Society of Jesus and executed
for thirty years, in the face of incredible for his priesthood at Tyburn. Beatified
difficulties, and at last, in his seventy- in 1929.

second year, was cruelly tortured and

strangled near Hankow. Beatified in
ANO (Bl) C. OFM. AC. Apr 22
1 251-1322. Born at Fabriano, the son

of a physician. He joined the Francis-

cans in 1267 and was a disciple of St
PC. March 15
Bonaventure. He founded the first
See Monaldus of Ancona, etc.
Franciscan library.


AC. March 18 AC. Apr 24
d. 1433. A Hungarian Pauline monk of
d. 1590. A Spanish missionary priest
the famous convent of Maria Nostra,
who evangelized the West Indies. He
he was meek and modest in outward
preached also in Guatemala.
appearance. His body is reputed to have
remained incorrupt after death. Vene- FRANCIS DICKENSON (Bl) M.
rated by his order as Blessed, though his AC. Apr 30
cult has not been officially confirmed. d. 1590. A native of Yorkshire and a
Called also Francis the Pious. convert, he was educated for the priest-
hood at Reims, ordained in 1589 and
(St) sent to the English mission, where the
RM. Apr 2 following year he was hanged, drawn
141 6-1 507. Born at Paola in Calabria. and quartered for his priesthood at
At the age of fourteen he settled as a Rochester. Beatified in 1929.
hermit on the sea coast near Paola.
Many disciples followed him and event- FRANCIS JEROME (deGERONI-
ually their community at Paola grew MO)(St)C. SJ. RM. May 11
into the new order of Minim Friars 1 642-1 7 1 6. Born near Taranto in S.


Italy, and ordained priest in 1666, he FRANCIS PACHECO and Comp.

entered the Society of Jesus in 1670. (Bl) MM. SJ. AC. June 20
From this time on he spent his whole 1 566-1 626. A native of Ponte da Lima
life preaching throughout S. Italy, in Portugal. In 1586 he became a Jesuit
where his sermons were attended by and was sent to Macao (1592) where he
huge congregations. Canonized in 1839. was ordained priest. He laboured at
Macao and in Japan and held the office
of rector, provincial, vicar general and
FRANCIS PATRIZI (Bl) C. OSM. administrator of the diocese. He was
AC. May 12
burnt alive at Nagasaki, together with
d. 1328. A native of Siena, he was con- two other Jesuits from Europe, a
verted by a sermon of the Servite friar,
Japanese Jesuit, four Japanese laymen
Bl Ambrose Sansedoni, and was himself and a Korean. All were beatified in 1867.
received into the Servite Order by St
Philip Benizi. He was favoured by God FRANCIS CHIEN (Bl) M. Tert. OP.
with the special grace of reconciling AC. June 25
enemies. He died at Siena. Cult ap- 1 796-1 838. A Chinese catechist, arres-
proved in 1743. ted with Bl Dominic Henares and
beheaded at Annam. Beatified in 1900.


1 223-1 294. Born at Abri in S. Italy, he
RM. July 9
d. 1572. Born at Brussels, he took the
was one of the first disciples of St
Franciscan habit at Gorkum, Holland.
Peter Celestine and his companions at
Shortly after his ordination he was
the hermitages of Orfente and Morrone.
In 1285 he became prior of Santo
hanged by the Calvinists at Briel.

Spirito and Majella and the first General

of the Congregation until 1294. It seems
(St) C.

probable that he was created Cardinal

RM. July 14
by St Peter in Sept 1294; he died the 1 549-1610. A native of Andalusia in

following month.
Spain. He professed the Franciscan
Rule among the Observants (1569) and
after twenty years of apostolic activities
FRANCIS CARACCIOLO (St) C. in Spain, he was sent to Peru (1589).
Founder RM. June 4 Here and elsewhere in S. America he
1563-1608. A scion of the noble Nea- laboured for another twenty years until
politan family of Caracciolo, he was his death at Lima. Canonized in 1726.
born in the Abruzzi and during his early
years was afflicted with a disease akin to FRANCIS ALVAREZ (Bl) M. SJ.
leprosy, of which he was cured on AC. July 15
deciding to become a priest. He did so, d. 1570. A native of Covilhao in Portu-
and in 1588founded with John Augus- gal, who became a Jesuit lay-brother.
tine Adorno the order of Minor Clerks He was martyred with Bl Ignatius de
Regular, with perpetual adoration of the Azevedo, q.v.
H. Eucharist as one of its main duties.
Francis was the first General of the FRANCIS ARANHA (Bl) M. SJ.
Order and spent his life in governing it AC. July 15
and in preaching. Canonized in 1807. d. 1583. A native of Braga in Portugal

who came to Goa with his uncle, and tertiary in whose house Fr Francis of
there joined the Society of Jesus (1571) St Mary was taken, and Br Antony of
as a coadjutor. He served the mission St Francis, a native catechist. With
on the of Salsette, where he was
islet them were beheaded the wife of Gaspar
martyred with Bl Rudolph Acquaviva, Vaz, named Mary, and six Franciscan
q.v. tertiaries: Louis .Soyeman a neigh-
bour, Francis Coufioye baptized in
FRANCIS MAGALLANES (Bl) M. prison, Thomas Wo Jonyemon, for-

SJ. AC. July 15 merly a servant of the Jesuits, Luke

d. 1570. A native of Alcazar do Sal, in Kiyemon, a builder of hiding places,
Portugal, who became a Jesuit cleric and Michael Kizayemon another carpenter,
shared the martyrdom of Bl Ignatius de and Martin Gomez de Facato who had
Azevedo and companions, q.v. hidden Franciscan friars. On the same
or the preceding day were burnt four
FRANCIS PEREZ GODOY (Bl) M. Dominican tertiaries: Francis Curo-
SJ. AC. July 15 bioye, catechist, Gaius Jiyemon,
d. 1570. A native of Torrijos, diocese of formerly a bonze of Corea, Magdalen
Toledo, in Spain. He was a Jesuit Kista, of royal blood, and Frances

novice and a companion in martyrdom Bizocca. All were beatified in 1867.

of Bl Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v.
(Bl) AC. Sept 2-3
See September Martyrs.
Tert. OFM. AC. Aug 13
d. 1350. An early Franciscan tertiary
who lived with others in community.

Cult confirmed in 1859.

M. OSA. AC. Sept
d. 1632. A native of Villamediana in
Spain. In 1 614 he took the habit of the
FRANCIS CULOYE (Bl) M. Hermits of St Augustine at Valladolid.
AC. Aug 17
In 1622 he was sent to Mexico, and
d. 1627. A Japanese tertiary of St
thence with Bl Vincent Carvalho, to
Francis, beheaded for having sheltered
Manila, and in 1623 to Japan. He was
missionaries. Beatified in 1867.
burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in
d. 1627. A native Japanese Christian, AC. Sept 8
and a Dominican tertiary, burnt alive at d. 1628. A native boy of five years of
Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. beheaded at Nagasaki with his
Louis Nifaki, and his brother
father, Bl
FRANCIS of ST MARY and Comps. Dominic. Beatified in 1867.
(BB) MM. AC. Aug 1
d. 1627. Mary was a
Francis of St FRANCIS de MORALES (Bl) M.
Spanish friar minor who was burnt OP. AC. Sept 10
alive at Nagasaki on Aug 17, 1627, to- d. 1622. A native of Madrid who be-
gether with Br Bartholomew Laurel, came a Dominican and worked for
another Franciscan, of Mexican origin, twenty years in the Japanese mission of
and a doctor, Gaspar Vaz, a Japanese Satzuma. In 1608 he returned to Fuximi,


and in 1614 to Nagasaki where he was He entered the Seminary for Foreign
burnt alive with Bl Charles Spinola and Missions in Paris and was sent to
companions. Beatified in 1867. Cochin-China in 1826. He was stran-
gled in Annam. Beatified in 1900.


d. 1622. A Japanese boy of twelve years AC. Oct 2
of age, a son of Bl Thomas Taquea, be- d. 1622. A Japanese boy of four years of
headed with Bl Caspar Cotenda at age, son of BB Louis and Lucy Cha-
Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. kichi. He was beheaded with his mother
and his brother Andrew (their father
was burnt at the stake) Nagasaki.
Beatified in 1867.
(Bl) M. OFM. AC. Sept 12
d. 1622. Born in Musaxi, Quanto,
Japan. A native catechist who worked FRANCIS of ASSISI (St) Founder
under Bl Apollinaris Franco. He was
RM. Oct 4
burnt alive at Omura. Beatified in 1867.
1181-1226. "The Poor Little Man"—
il Poverello —one of the best known and
loved of saints. A native of Assisi in
Umbria, the son of a merchant. In his
OFM. AC. Sept 13
youth he loved pleasure, until a series of
d. 1407.A native of Calderola, diocese of providential happenings led him, in
Camerino. He embraced the Franciscan
1209, to found the order of Friars
rule and was a very successful preacher,
Minor, characterized by a loving, joyous
with the special gift for reconciling
worship of the Sacred Humanity of
enemies. He died at Colfana. Cult
Christ, and by a profession of poverty
approved by Gregory XVI.
which was both individual and collec-
tive. The appeal of the new order to
FRANCIS of CAMPOROSSO (St) that generation may be gauged from
C. OFM. Cap. AC. Sept 16 the fact that at the General Chapter of
1 804-1 866. An Italian peasant born 1 219 five thousand friars were present.

near Ventimiglia, who became a lay-

This same year Francis sailed for Pales-
brother in the Capuchin friary of the
tine and tried to evangelize the Moham-
Immaculate Virgin at Genoa. He spent medans, but this mission was a failure.
forty years thereand died while nursing Meanwhile, the new order was passing
cholera victims. Canonized in 1962.
through a period of painful internal
difficulties. Francis returned to Italy,
FRANCIS de POSADAS (Bl) C. OP. sent friars into all western European
AC. Sept 20 countries, with instructions to establish
1 644-1 7 3. Born at Cordova in Spain,
1 themselves preferably in university
he took the Dominican habit at Aracoeli centres. His approved by
rule was
in 1663, and spent the rest of his life Innocent III, and his life and message
giving missions throughout S.W. Spain. received a direct sanction from Christ
He died at Aracoeli. Beatified in 1818. in 1224, when on September 14 Francis
received the stigmata of the Passion on
FRANCIS JACCARD (Bl) M. Mt Alvernia. He died still in deacon's
AC. Sept 21 orders and was canonized two years
1 799-1 838. Born at Onnion in Savoy. after his death.

FRANCIS TITELMANS (Bl) C. himself up to the Mandarin of Bongson
OFM. Cap. AC. Oct 4 and was strangled. Beatified in 1900.
d. 1537. A student of Louvain who
joined the Capuchins and ended his days FRANCIS DIAZ (Bl) M. OP.
tending the sick in the hospital of St AC. Oct 20
James in Rome. d. 1748. A Spanish Dominican mission-
ary in Fo-Kien, China. He was stran-
FRANCIS TRUNG (Bl) M. AC. Oct 6 gled in prison with Bl Francis Serrano
1 825-1858. A native of Cochin-China at Futsheu. Beatified in 1893.
and a corporal in the army there. Born
at Phan-xa, beheaded in An-hoa. Beati-
fied in 1909.
AC. Oct 20
d. 1748. Born in Spain and sent as a
missionary to China, to the province of
Fo-Kien. He was arrested with Bl Peter
RM. Oct 10
Sanz (1746). Whilst in prison at Fut-
1 5 10-1572. Born at Gandia, near Va-
sheu he was elected titular bishop of
lencia, in Spain, of the noble family of
Tipasa. He was strangled with three
de Borja. He was reared at the court of
other Dominicans. Beatified in 1893.
Charles V, married very young, and up
to the time of his wife's death (1546)
devoted himself to the discharge of his
AC. Nov 3
duties at the emperor's court and on his
See Peter-Francis Neron.
own duke of Gandia. In 1546
estates as
he left and joined the Society of
Jesus. As General of the Society, he was AC. Nov 20
one of the greatest instruments of Di- 1 803-1 837. Born at Sou-Mieng, in W.
vine Providence in the counter-reforma- Tonkin, he was a catechist attached
tion. Under him the Society spread to the fathers of the Foreign Missions of
throughout Europe and the foreign Paris. He was strangled in prison.
missions. Austere with himself, Francis Beatified in 1900.
was the typical saint of the Spanish
nobility — courteous, refined, kind, FRANCIS XAVIER (St) C. SJ.
humble and generous, yet most deter- RM. Dec 3
mined and enterprising. He died at 506-1 552. Born at the family castle of

Ferrara, while travelling on an embassy Javier, in Spanish Navarre, Francis in-

from Pope St Pius V, his great friend, herited the best characteristics of his
to the kings of France and Spain. race —generosity, love of culture and
Canonized in 1671. adventure. He was studying with dis-
tinction at the university of Paris when
FRANCIS ISIDORE GAGELIN (Bl) he met St Ignatius Loyola, and in 1534
M. AC. Oct 17 they took theirfirst religious vows at

1799-1 833. A native of Montperreux, Montmartre. In obedience to St Igna-

diocese of Besancon. He belonged to the tius's order, Francis set out on his first
Society of Foreign Missions of Paris, journey to the far east in 1540, landing
and was sent to Cochin-China in 1822, at Goa in 1542. He visited India, Cey-
where on his arrival he was ordained lon, Malaya, Japan, and other Far
priest. He worked zealously until the Eastern islands, dreaming all the time
persecution broke out, when he gave of his longed-for apostolate in China.

The he met with in his
missionary were well-nigh
labours CHINA (BB) AC. July 9
insurmountable they proceeded chiefly
: d. 1900. A group of 29 martyrs, mostly

from the politically-minded European Franciscans or tertiaries, put to death in

traders. However, he was favoured with the Boxer Rising under the Dowager
such extraordinary graces from heaven, Empress Tze'Hse, and beatified as a
that his mission proved from the start a representative group of the 100,000
signal success: it is reckoned that in Christians estimated to have been put
Japan alone, some forty years after- to death in that persecution. They were
wards, there were 400,000 Christians. nearly all slaughtered in the courtyard
Indeed, Francis Xavier is perhaps the of the palace of Yu Sun, viceroy of
greatest individual missionary the Tay-yuan-fu of the Scien-fu province.
Church has produced since St Paul. Their names were: (1) Bishop Gregory
Francis died at Sancian, when about to Grassi, Vicar Apostolic of Northern
enter China. Canonized in 1602, and Scian-si; Bishop Francis Fogolla, his
proclaimed by Pius X patron of all coadjutor; Elias Facchini; Theodore
foreign missions. Balat; Andrew Bauer; all friars minor.
Sisters Mary Emiliana Grivot; Mary of
FRANCIS GALVEZ (Bl) M. OFM. Peace Guiliani; Mary Clare Nanette;
AC. Dec 4 Mary of Sainte Nathalie Kerguin;
1 567-1623. A native of Uriel in New Mary of St Justus Moreau; Mary
Castile. He joined the Friars Minor at Amandina Jeuris; Mary Adolphine
Valencia (1591), went to Manila (1609) Dierk — all Franciscan Missionaries of
and thence to Japan (161 2). During the Mary; John Tciang; John Van; Philip
persecution he returned to Manila Tciang; Patrick Tun; another John
(1614); at Macao he blackened his face Tcaing —all seminarists; Thomas Sen;

in order to be able to enter Japan anew Simon Tcing; Peter U-Ngan-Pau;

(161 8). He preached with great courage, Francis Tciang-Iun; Matthias Fun-Te;
and finally was burnt alive at Yeddo. James Ien-Kutun; Peter Tchang-Pau-
Beatified in 1867. Nien; James Tciao-Tcieum-Sin; Peter

Van-al-man members of the Bishop's
FRANCIS FASANI (Bl) C. OFM. household. (2) Bishop Antoninus Fan-
AC. Dec 9 tosanti, Vicar Apostolic of Hunan (now
168 1 -1 742. Antony Fasani was born at Hengchow) and Joseph Mary Gambaro,
Luceria and after a devout childhood both friars minor, tortured to death at
entered the Franciscan order under the Hengchow on July 7. (3) Caesidius
name of Francis. Ordained in 1775 he Giacomantonio OFM., burned alive
rose to be provincial and introduced at Wanshawan on July 4. Beatified
salutary reforms. In prayer he was 1946.
sometimes raised from the ground. He
worked mainly at Luceria and died FRANCO (FRANCUS) (St) H. OSB.
there in 1742. Beatified in 1951. AC. June 5
d. f.1275. A native of Castel Regni, near
FRANCIS XAVIER MAU (Bl) M. Asserigo, in the Abruzzi. He became a
Tert. OP. AC. Dec. 19 Benedictine at the monastery of Coli-
d. 1839. A native catechist of Tonkin, mento, and after twenty years as a
strangled with four companions. Beati- cenobite, spent the last fifteen years of
fied in 1900. his life as a hermit near Asserigo.

AC. Dec ii AC. March 3
d. 1 291. A native of Grotto, near Siena. d. 1 175. Born at Hallum in Frisia he
Early inlife he fell in with evil com- became the abbot-founder of the Pre-
panions and became their leader. A monstratensian abbey of Mariengart in
fugitive from justice, he joined a band Holland.
of condottieri and excelled them all in
crime until about his fiftieth year. Then FREDERICK (Bl) Ab. OSB.
he became blind, repented, went on a AC. May 7
pilgrimage to Compostella, received d. f.1070. A native of Swabia and a
back his sight, was absolved by Gregory monk of Einsiedeln in Switzerland, he
X, and admitted to the Carmelite Order was sent with twelve monks to restore
as a lay-brother. He was already over discipline in the abbey of Hirschau

sixty-five, but managed to earn the title (1066). He was calumniated by evil-

of Saint by his fervour in his new life. minded monks and deposed by the
Count of Calw, owner of Hirschau, in
FRANCOVEUS (FRANCHY) (St) 1069. He retired to Ebersberg where he
Mk. AC. May 16 died.

7th cent. Monk of St Martin de la Bre-

FREDERICK (St) Bp. AC. May 27
tonniere, he had to suffermuch from d. Chosen bishop of Liege in 1 1 19
1 121.
the jealousy of his fellow-monks. The
in the room of the deposed simoniacal
monastery being destroyed, he lived as
prelate Alexander. He was an excellent
a hermit in the Nivernais.
bishop, but had to suffer much, and in
the end, it is said, was poisoned by Alex-
ander's supporter the count of Louvain.
RM. Sept 29
d. c .450. Bishop of Auxerre in France.
Tradition makes him also a martyr.
M. RM. July 18
d. 838. Grandson of Radbod, king of
FREDEGAND (FREGAUT) (St) Ab. the Frisians. In 820 he was appointed
OSB. AC. July 17 bishop of Utrecht and devoted himself
d. f.740. Said to have been an Irish
especially to combating the evil custom
companion of St Foillan. Monk and of incestuous marriages, for which
abbot of Kerkelodor, near Antwerp. It
reason he was murdered in church at
seems probable that he was a fellow-
worker with St Willibrord.
OSB. AC. Jan 6 d. 1329. Born at Ratisbon of poor
d. 1020. Son of Geoffrey le Barbu, parents. He was received as a lay-
count of Verdun. In 997 he handed over brother into the order of Augustinian
his patrimony to the bishop of Verdun, Hermits at Ratisbon and was employed
set out for Palestine, and on his return there as carpenter and wood-chopper.
was admitted to the Benedictine abbey Cult approved in 1909.
of St Vanne. His friend Bl Richard,
abbot of St Vanne, was transferred to FREDIANO (FRIGID ANUS, FRIG-
the abbey of St Vedast at Arras, and Bl DIANUS) (St) Bp. RM. March 18
Frederick followed him as prior. d. 588. An Irishman who went on

pilgrimage to Rome and settled in Italy FRIGIDIAN (FRIDAN, FINNIAN)
as a hermit on Monte Pisano. In 566 he (St) Bp. RM. March 18
was elected bishop of Lucca and formed Otherwise Frediano, q.v.

the clergy of the city into a community

of canons regular. He rebuilt the cathe- FRITHBERT (FRIDEBERT,
dral after it had been burnt by the FRITHUBEORHT) (St) Bp. OSB.
Lombards. He is greatly venerated at AC. Dec 23
Lucca. d. 766. The successor of St Acca in the
bishopric of Hexham, which church he
FREMUND (St) M. AC. May 11 ruled for thirty-four years.
9th cent.An Anglo-Saxon hermit, who
seems to have been killed by the Danes FRITHESTAN Bp. OSB.
and to have been honoured as a martyr. AC. Sept 10
His remains were enshrined at Dun- d. 933. A disciple of St Grimbald con-
stable. secrated bishop of Winchester by St
Plegmund. He ruled the see for twenty-
FRIARD (St) H. AC. Aug 1
three years.
d. £.577. Hermit on the isle of Vindo-
mitte, near Nantes. With him is men-
tioned St Secundel.
AC. Jan
d. c .673. A monk
of Luxeuil under the
third abbot St Waldebert. Abbot-
AC. Apr 1
founder of Moutier-la-Celle, near
See Caidoc and Fricor.
Troyes, where he led a life of continu-
ous prayer and great austerities.
(St) V. OSB. RM. Oct 19 FRODULPHUS (FROU) (St) H.
d. f.735. The daughter of Didan, prince
OSB. AC. Apr 21
(subregulus) of a district bordering the
d. f.750. A disciple of St Medericus
Upper Thames. She was the abbess-
(Merry), he became a at St Mar-
foundress of the nunnery of St Mary's
tin's,Autun, whence he was driven by
under the rule of St Benedict on the site
the Saracen invasion and settled at
of what is now Oxford. It is said that
Barjon, Cote d'Or, where he died.
from her childhood she took for her
maxim: "Whatsoever is not God is FROILAN (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Oct 3
nothing". She is the patroness of the d. 1006. A native of Lugo in Galicia, at
city and university of Oxford. the age of eighteen he undertook, to-
gether with his companion Attilanus
FRIGIDAND (St) Ab. OSB. (q.v.), the reorganization of monastic
AC. July j
7 observance at Moreruela, on the river
Otherwise Fredegand, q.v. Esla in Old Castile. After a very success-
ful career as abbot he was consecrated
FRIDOLIN (St) Ab. OSB. bishop of Leon. He and St Attilanus
AC. March 6 were the great restorers of Benedictine
d. f.540. A priest of Irish origin, he is monasticism in W. Spain.
said to have become a monk
of Luxeuil.
Later he founded the abbey of Sack- FROMUNDUS (St) Bp. OSB. Oct 24
ingen. He is venerated as the apostle of d. ^.690. Monk and abbot, and then
the Upper Rhine. bishop of Coutances.

FRONTO (St) H. RM. Apr 14 FRUCTUOSUS (St) Ab. Bp.
? 2nd cent. A solitary in the desert of RM. Apr 16
Nitria in Egypt. d. 665. Born in Spain, the son of a mili-
tary officer belonging to the royal house
FRONTO (St) M. RM. Apr 16 of the Visigoths. He became a monk,
See Saragossa (Martyrs of). and then a hermit in the Vierzo Mts,
whither he was followed by crowds of
FRONTO and GEORGE (SS) Bps. disciples. His rule was based on the rule
RM. Oct 25 of St Benedict. Fructuosus was eventu-
? Apostles of Perigueux in France at ally forced to accept the bishopric of
some early period. Worthless legends
Dumium and later became archbishop
have completely obscured their true ofBraga.

FROWIN (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist.

PC. Feb 17
AC. Oct 25
d. 1 1 65. A Cistercian of Bellevaux in
d. £.715. Two brothers and their sister
Savoy and the abbot-founder of Salom
who were living at Sepulveda in Old
in the diocese of Constance. He was a
Castile at the time of one of the Saracen
companion of St Bernard when the
raids. Valentine and Engratia were
latter was preaching his crusade.
killed by the Moors, but Frutos escaped
and died a hermit. They are now
venerated as the patron saints of Segovia
Ab. OSB. AC. March 7
where their relics are enshrined.
d. 1 178. A Benedictine of St Blasien in
the Black Forest who was made abbot of
Engelberg in Switzerland (1143). He
AC. Sept 3
founded the monastic school at Engel-
d. 675. A Benedictine of Fleury, killed
berg, a library, etc., and was himself the
with St Aigulphus, abbot of Lerins,
chronicler of the abbey and an ascetical
writer of distinction.

FRUCTULUS (St) M. RM. Feb 18 FRUMENTIUS and another FRU-

See Lucius, Sylvanus, etc.
MENTIUS (SS) MM. RM. March 23
See Victorian, Frumentius, etc.

FRUCTUOSA (St) M. RM. Aug 23

See Restitutus, Donatus, etc. FRUMENTIUS (St) Bp. RM.Oct2 7
d. f.380. A native of Tyre, who in the
FRUCTUOSUS, AUGURIUS and course of a voyage on the Red Sea, was
EULOGIUS (SS) MM. RM. Jan 21 wrecked on the Ethiopian coast with
d. 259. Fructuosus, bishop of Tarra- another young —
man perhaps his bro-
gona in Spain, with his two deacons, —
ther St Aedesius. Both were taken to
Augurius and Eulogius, were burnt at the king's palace at Aksum, and attained
the stake under Valerian. When the fire high offices at court. Eventually Fru-
had burnt through their bonds, they mentius applied to St Athanasius for
stretched out their arms in the form of the appointment of a bishop for Ethio-
a cross and thus expired. The account pia. St Athanasius complied by con-
of their official examination is still ex- secrating Frumentius. Frumentius and
tant and thoroughly authentic. Aedesius preached the gospel with

signal success and are for this reason He was bishop of Ecija, in Andalusia,
venerated as the apostles of Ethiopia. and one of the leaders of the Spanish
church of that time. He is often con-
FUGATIUS and DAMIAN (SS) fused with St Fulgentius of Ruspe (see
AC. Jan 3 (RM. May 26) Jan. 1).
? 2nd cent. The alleged missionaries
sent by Pope St Eleutherius to Britain. FULGENTIUS (Bl) Ab. OSB.
Their names are also written, Phaganus PC. Dec 10
and Diruvianus, Fagan and Deruvian, d. 1 122. A Walloon by birth, he was
Ffager and Dyfan. professed a Benedictine at the abbey of
See Dyfan. St Airy, Verdun. The community of
thismonastery had to disband, owing
FULBERT (St) Bp. AC. Apr 10
to the struggle between Gregory VII
d. 1029. The glory of his century. He and Henry IV. Fulgentius repaired to
was an Italian by birth, who became a
the abbey of Aiflighem in Belgium,
student at the Benedictine abbey of
where later he was elected abbot.
Reims, under Gerbert (Pope Silvester
II). He himself directed as headmaster
the cathedral school of Chartres, of
C. AC. March 2
which city he was made bishop. A poet d. 20 1. Parish priest of Neuilly-sur-
and scholar he identified himself Marne in France, commissioned by
whole-heartedly with the Cluniac
Innocent III to preach the third cru-
movement of reform. sade, in which Richard Coeur de Lion
took part. He died before setting out for
FULCRAN (St) Bp. AC. Feb 13
the Holy Land.
d. 1006. A
bishop of Lodeve in Lan-
guedoc, famous for his vigorous asceti-
cism and energetic rule. He was con-
FULK (St) C. RM. May 22

secrated in 949 and ruled his diocese for

d. ^.600. A pilgrim to Rome who gave
his life in the service of the plague-
over half a century.
stricken at Santopadre or Castrofuli,
FULGENTIUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 1 near Arpino, in S. Italy. He is venerated
468-533. An African, belonging to a as the patron saint of that district. Cult

family of senatorial rank. Early in life he approved in 1572. The legend is ex-
embraced the monastic life and was tremely doubtful, but he is certainly the
elected abbot of his monastery; but he patron saint of Castrofuli.
had owing to the Vandal persecu-
to flee
tion.In 508 he was chosen bishop of FULK (St) Ab. OSB. PC. Oct 10
Ruspe; but was again exiled by the d. 845. The twenty-first abbot of Fonte-
Vandals. He spent his exile in Sardinia nelle in Normandy.
where he wrote his numerous works,
which are still of the greatest importance FULK (St) Bp. RM. Oct 26
for the history of the Arian persecu- 164-1229. Born at Piacenza of Scottish

tions. In 523 he returned to Africa and parents, he was appointed to a canonry

died ten years later. there.Then, after his studies in Paris, he
became archpriest and bishop of Pia-
FULGENTIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 16 cenza. Six years later he was transferred
d. Brother of SS Isidore and
f.633. by Honorius III to the see of Pa via,
Leander of Seville and of St Florentina. which he occupied for thirteen years.


FULK (FOLQUET) (Bl) Bp. OSB. another at Burgh Castle, near Yarmouth,
Cist. PC. Dec 25 in East Anglia. He finally crossed over
c. 1 1 55-1 23 1. A Genoese by birth, and a to France and became the abbot-
minstrel by profession, he entered the founder of Lagny, near Paris. His life is
Cistercian abbey of Thoronet, of which also famous for his remarkable ecstasies,
he became abbot in 1200. In 1206 he of which St Bede and others write.
was raised to the see of Toulouse and
greatly helped St Dominic in the FUSCA V. and MAURA (SS) MM.
founding of the Friars Preachers. He RM. Feb 13
was known as "the Minstrel Bishop". d. f.250. Two martyrs of Ravenna under
He is venerated by the Cistercians. Decius. Fusca was a young girl and
Maura her nurse.
FULRAD (St) Ab. OSB. AC. July 16
d. 784. An Alsatian by origin, he became FUSCIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 1

a Benedictine at the abbey of St Denis See Victoricus, Fuscian and Gentian.

near Paris, and in 750 was elected its
abbot. From this time his life is identi- FUSCULUS(St)Bp.M. RM.Sept6
fied with that of the Carolingian court, See Donatian, Praesidius, etc.
at which he held offices : viz. councillor,
court chaplain, grand-almoner, ambas- FYMBERT (St) Bp. AC. Sept 25
sador to the pope, His was a
etc. 7th cent. A bishop in the W. of Scot-
crowded life in the service of the Church land, said to have been consecrated by
and of the Holy Roman Empire. St Gregory the Great.

FURSEY Ab. OSB. RM. Jan 16

d. f.648. An monk, who estab-
Irish W. MM. AC. Oct 13
lished a monastery at Rathmat, whence ? Two martyrs listed in the Aberdeen
he passed over to England and founded breviary, of whom nothing is known.

GABDELAS (St) M. RM. Sept 29 angel sent to Zachary (Luke I, 11 -19)

See Dadas, Casdoe and Gabdelas. and especially to our Lady, to tell her
that she was chosen to be the Mother of
GABINUS (St) M. RM. Feb 19 God (Luke I, 266 sqq). He is for this
d. 295 (or 296). A Roman Christian and reason called "The Angel of the An-
martyr, related to the emperor Diocle- nunciation". His feast was added to the
tian,brother of Pope St Caius and father general calendar of the Western Church
of the martyr St Susanna. His Acts, in 1 92 1. See also Seven Angels.
however, are quite untrustworthy.
MM. RM. May 30 1463-1532. Gabriel's baptismal name
d. f.130. The proto-martyrs of Sardinia. was Gilbert Nicolas, and he was born
They suffered at Torres, where they near Clermont. He was refused admis-
had preached the gospel, under Had- sion to several houses of the Franciscan
rian. Observants, but finally was received at
Notre-Dame-de-la-Fon, near Rochelle.
GABRIEL de DUISCO (St) M. He co-operated with St Jane of Valois,
RM. Feb 5 whose confessor he was, in the founda-
d. 1597. One of the group of twenty tion of the order of the Annonciades
martyrs who were crucified at Nagasaki. (1532). Cult approved in 1647.
He was a Japanese Franciscan tertiary.
ROWS (St) CP. RM. Feb
27 d. 1632. A native of Fonseca in New
1 838-1 862. Francis Possenti was born Castile, and a Franciscan lay-brother.
at Assisi and educated at Spoleto under In 1was sent to Manila, where he
61 2 he
the Jesuit Fathers. After two serious studied medicine, and in 1622 passed
he suddenly developed a religi-
illnesses over to Japan and ministered to the sick
ous vocation and joined the Passionist during the persecutions, at the risk of
Fathers at Morovalle, near Macerata his own life. He was at last captured and
(1856). Six years later (1862) the young burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1 867.
scholastic died of consumption at Isola,
in the Abruzzi. He attained perfection GABRIEL PERBOYRE (Bl) M.
by heroic self-denial in small things. AC. Sept 11
Canonized in 1920. 1 Born at Peuch, in the
802-1 840.
diocese of Montauban, he joined the
GABRIEL the ARCHANGEL (St) Vincentians in 181 8, and after his ordi-
RM. March 24 nation (1825) taught theology at Saint-
St Gabriel is mentioned in theBook of Flaur ( 1 825-1 835). Here he received
Daniel (VIII, 16; IX, 21) and was the the news of the death of his brother, a

missionary in China, and offered himself tion, already a Christian, converted his
to replace him. He arrived in China in wife, upon which each retired to a
1836 and worked in the mission of monastery. They were martyred under
Honan. In 1840, after a long incarcera- Decius at Emessa in Phoenicia. It is
tion and many tortures, he was stran- now generally agreed that these two
gled at the cross. Beatified in 1889. martyrs never existed: they are simply
the hero and heroine in what may be
GABRIEL JOHN TAURIN DU- described as the Christian continuation
FRESSE (Bl) M. AC. Sept 14 of the romance of Clitophon and Leu-
1750-1815. Born at Ville-de-Lezoux, cippe.
diocese of Clermont, he entered the
seminary for foreign missions in 1774, GALDINUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 18
and arrived in China in 1777. In 1800 he 1100-1176. A native of Milan and a
was consecrated titular bishop of Tab- member of the Delia Scala family. After
raca and after fifteen years of continual his ordination he was chancellor and
danger was betrayed by a native Chris- archdeacon of the archdiocese. In 1161
tian and beheaded. Beatified in 1900. he fled on the approach of the emperor
Barbarossa; but, though absent, was
GABRIEL FERRETTI (Bl) C. OFM. elected archbishop of Milan and created
AC. Nov 12 cardinal (1165). He returned to Milan
1385-1456. A native of Ancona, and a and was instrumental in rebuilding the
scion of the family of the counts city razed to the ground by Barbarossa.
Ferretti. He became a Friar Minor at He died immediately after having
Ancona, and eventually provincial of preached a sermon in his cathedral. The
Piceno (Marches). Cult confirmed in Milanese always invoke him after SS
1753. Ambrose and Charles Borromeo.


AC. Oct 17 d. 1 181. A native of Siena who at first
1 746-1 794. Her name in religion was led a worldly life, but was converted to
Marie-Ursule, and she belonged to the better ways and became a hermit at
group of Ursuline Nuns, martyrs of Monte Siepe in Tuscany, where he died.
Valenciennes, q.v. He was canonized by Alexander III. In
1 196 a church was built on the site of
GAIANA (St) VM. RM. Sept 29
his hermitage which was handed over to
See Rhipsime, Gaiana, etc.
the Cistercians in 1201. It is probably
for this reason that the Cistercians have
GAIUS (St) {several)
always claimed him as one of their own.
Otherwise Caius, q.v.

GAJAN (St) M. AC. Apr 10 GALL (GALLUS) (St) Bp.

? 4th cent. A deacon martyred in Dacia. RM. July 1
c. 489-554. A native of Auvergne who
GALATA (St) M. RM. Apr 19 became a monk but after being ordained
See Hermogenes, Caius, etc. deacon by St Quinctian, bishop of Cler-
mont, was sent to represent him at the
GALATION (GALACTEON) and court of King Thierry. In 527 he suc-
(SS) MM.
EPISTEMIS RM. Nov 5 ceeded St Quinctian. He was uncle and
d. 251. According to the legend, Gala- teacher of St Gregory of Tours.


GALL (St) Ab. RM. Oct 16 GAMALIEL (St) RM. Aug 3

d. c.640. Irishman and a monk of
An 1 st cent. The Jewish doctor of the Law,
Bangor who accompanied St Colum- atwhose feet St Paul sat (Acts XXII, 3)
banus to England and France, where he and whose counsel saved Peter and
helped in the foundation of Luxeuil. He John (ib. V, 34-39). Tradition makes
was banished, together with St Colum- him a convert to Christianity. The RM.
banus, and settled in Switzerland, at a commemorates the finding of his body,
place on the Steinach, where the great together with those of SS Stephen,
abbey and town of Saint-Gall sprang up protomartyr, Nicodemus and Abibo
at a later period, and is venerated as one (415).
of the apostles of Switzerland.
GAMELBERT (St) C. AC. Jan 27
720-800. Son of rich Bavarian parents,
GALLA (St) W. RM.Oct 5
he was set by his father to guard his
d. £.550. A Roman lady, daughter of
sheep. Later he went to Rome on pil-
Symmachus the younger and sister-in-
grimage, was ordained priest, and
law of Boethius. After her husband's
laboured for over fifty years as parish
death she led the life of a recluse in a
priest of Michaelsbuch. Cult approved
small cottage on the Vatican Hill, where
in 1909.
she died of cancer of the breast. Her life

and death are briefly described by St GAMO Ab. OSB.

(St) AC. May 30
Gregory the Great. 8th cent. Monk
and then abbot of the
abbey of Bretigny near Noyon.
GALLGO (St) Ab. AC. Nov 27
6th cent. A Welsh saint, founder of GANDULPHUS of BINASCO (Bl)
Llanallgo in Anglesey. C. OFM. AC. Apr 3
d. 1260. Born at Binasco, near Milan, he
GALLICANUS (St) M. RM. June 25
became a Friar Minor during the life-
Described as a high officer in
d. r.362.
time of St Francis, and spent all his life
the army of Constantine and consul at
praying and preaching in Sicily.
Rome, who in the year 330, retired to
Ostia, where he founded and
a hospital
ministered to the sick. The RM
makes RM. May 11
him a martyr at Alexandria under d. 760. A
Burgundian and a courtier,
Julian the Apostate; but both his
who retired from public life to lead the
banishment to Alexandria and his
life of a recluse and was killed by his
martyrdom are denied by historians.
wife's paramour.

GALLICANUS (St) Bp. AC. June 25 GARBH (St) V. AC. Jan 1

d. ^.541. The fifth bishop of Embrun,
Otherwise Fanchea, q.v.
in France.

GALLUS (St) RM. GARBHAN (St) Ab. AC. March 26

July 1
7th cent. The Irish saint who appears to
Otherwise Gall, q.v.
have left his name to Dungarvan.
GALMIER Nothing certain is known about him.
(St) RM. Feb 27
The French form of Baldomerus, q.v.
GALNUTIUS (St) Ab. AC. March 3 RM. Feb 5
Otherwise Winaloe, q.v. d. 1597. A Spanish Franciscan and

missionary in Japan, crucified at Naga- GAUCHERIUS (GAULTIER,
saki. Beatified in1627, and canonized WALTER) (St) Ab. AC. Apr 9
in 1862. d. 1 140. The abbot-founder of the
monastery of St John at Aureil in the
GARCIA (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Sept 29 Limousin, for Augustinian canons regu-
d. f.1073. A native of Quintanilla, near
lar. He was also a great benefactor of
Burgos, in Old Castile. He became St Stephen of Gramont at Muret.
monk and abbot (1039) of Artanza, in
Old Castile, and was the counsellor and GAUDENTIA and Comp. (SS) VV.
companion of King Ferdinand I of MM. RM. Aug 30
Castile, whom he more than once fol- ? St Gaudentia, a Roman maiden, is
lowed into battle. said to have suffered with three other
Christians; but the more ancient
(Bl) martyrologies do not rank her among
AC. March 7 the martyrs.
See Jermyn Gardiner.
GAREMBERT (St) Ab. AC. Dec 31 Bp. OSB. AC. Jan 5
Otherwise Walembert, q.v. Younger brother of St Adal-
d. r.1004.
bert of Prague and his fellow-monk at
GARIBALDUS (St) Bp. OSB. the Benedictine abbey of Sam' Alessio,
AC. Jan 8 on the Aventine, Rome, and again his
d. 762. Firstbishop of Ratisbon, who companion on his mission to Prussia,
was consecrated by St Boniface r.740. he escaped the massacre in which his
He had been abbot probably of St brother was martyred and in 1000 was
Emmeran at Ratisbon. appointed first archbishop of Gnesen
by Otto III.

Otherwise Baldomerus, q.v. Bp. RM. Jan 22

d. 417. A priest of Ivrea, near Turin,

G ARMON (St) Bp. RM. July 3 1 who was befriended first by St Laurence
A French form of the name of St Ger- of Novara and then by St Eusebius of
manus of Auxerre, q.v. Vercelli. He succeeded the former as
bishop of Novara, and governed the
GARNAT (St) AC. Nov 8 diocese twenty years.
Otherwise Gervadius, q.v.
GASPAR (several) Bp. RM. Feb 12
Otherwise Caspar, q.v. d. f.465. Bishop of Verona. His relics
are enshrined at Verona in the ancient
GASTON (St) Bp. RM. Feb 6 basilica of St Stephen.
A French form of Vedast, q.v.
GATIAN (St) Bp. RM. Dec. 18 OSB. AC. June 1

d. ? ^337- Venerated as one of the dis- d. 1044. Bishop of Ossero in Istria. He

ciples of St Dionysius of Paris and the was appointed to that see in 1030. Two
founder and first bishop of the diocese years later he journeyed to Rome to
of Tours, in France. appeal against his persecutors. On his

way back he fell ill at Ancona, and, on was in fact a bishop of Abitina in N.
resigned his see (1042)
his recovery, Africa, exiled by the Arian Vandal king
and became a Benedictine under St Genseric (440). He took refuge at
Peter Damian. Naples where he founded a monastery,
of which, later, St Agnellus became
(SS)MM. RM. June 19
d. 364. Gaudentius, a bishop, and Cul-

matius, his deacon, are stated in the Bp. AC. Nov 3

RM. been martyred at Arezzo
to have d. f.585. A monk
of Asan in the Ara-
in Tuscany under Valentinian I. With gonese Pyrenees, near Benasque, under
them suffered Andrew, a layman, with St Victorian. About the year 565 he was

his wife and children and a group of made bishop of Tarazona (not Tarra-
fifty-three companions. gona) in the province of Saragossa.


M. RM. Oct 14 AC. Sept 9
d. r.360. An Asiatic, who joined the d. 1 1 39. A disciple of Bl Vitalis, and his

Roman clergy (332) and in 346 became successor as abbot of Savigny (1122-
bishop of Rimini. He suffered much at 1139). Under him the new Benedictine
the hands of the Arians, who dominated congregation of Savigny spread to Nor-
the council of 357, and was by them mandy, England, Ireland and numbered
done to death. some twenty-nine houses.


Bp. RM. Oct 25 Bp. RM. Aug 11
d. c.410. A pupil of St Philastrius, d. f.625.Gaugericus was born in the
bishop of Brescia, he became a monk at diocese of Treves and was ordained
Caesarea in Cappadocia, but was re- priest by the bishop of that diocese, and
called to Brescia to succeed St Philas- later was made bishop of the united
trius as bishop and was consecrated by dioceses of Cambrai and Arras, which
St Ambrose (c .387). In 405 he was sent he governed for over thirty-nine years.
to the East to defend the cause of St
John Chrysostom and was imprisoned GAUSMARUS (Bl) Ab. OSB.
near Thrace. He died shortly after. AC. June 3
d. 984. Abbot of St Martin of Savigny
GAUDIOSUS of BRESCIA (St) Bp. (954-984).
RM. March 7
d. 445. ( ?) Bishop of Brescia where his GEBETRUDE (GERTRUDE) Abs.
relics are venerated. OSB. AC. Nov 7
d. f.675. Third abbess of Remiremont
GAUDIOSUS of SALERNO (St) (Habend). Her relics were elevated and
Bp. RM. Oct 26 her cult approved by Leo IX in 1051.
7th cent. Abishop of Salerno, whose
relics are venerated at Naples. GEBHARD (St) Bp. AC. Aug 27
Bishop of Constance (979-995).
d. 995.
GAUDIOSUS of NAPLES (St) Bp. He founded the great Benedictine abbey
RM. Oct 27 of Petershausen, near Constance (983),
d. f.455. Surnamed "the African". He where he was buried.

GEBIZO (St) Mk. OSB. AC. Oct 21 bishop to whom the pallium was sent.
d. r.1087. A native of Cologne, he be- In 1 1 62 he consecrated St Laurence
came a monk of Montecassino under O'Toole archbishop of Dublin.
Abbot St Desiderius (Pope Victor III)
in 1076. He was sent to Croatia by GELASIUS I (St) Pope RM. Nov 21
Pope St Gregory VII, to crown King d. 496. An African by descent he was
Zwoinimir. raised to the papal see in 492. He
showed himself a vigorous pontiff, in
GEBUINUS (St) Bp. AC. Apr 18 fact one of the greatest in that century
d. 1080. Archbishop of Lyons. He is
of great popes. Although he is not the
patron of the cathedral-chapter of author of the Sacramentary which goes
Langres. under his name, it probably contains
much that is really due to his talent and
GEDEON (St) Bp. AC. Aug 8
d. £.796. The thirteenth bishop of
Besancon (790-796).
GELASIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 23
GEDEON (St) Judge RM. Sept 1
See Theodulus, Saturninus, etc.

Otherwise Gideon, q.v.

GEMELLUS (St) M. RM. Dec 10
(St) d. 362. Crucified for the Faith at Ancyra

AC. Aug 26 in Galatia (Asia Minor) under Julian the

d. 297.An actor at Heliopolis in Phoe- Apostate.
nicia who, having to burlesque the
ceremony of baptism, suddenly declared GEMINIAN of MODENA (St) Bp.
himself a Christian and was stoned to RM. Jan 31
death by the mob. Probably identical d. 348. Deacon to the bishop of Modena

with St Genesius (Aug 25). and his successor in the see. He gave
shelter to St Athanasius as that great

GELASIUS II (St) Pope OSB. bishop passed through Italy on his way

29 RM. Jan to his exile in Gaul. Geminian bravely

f.1058-1119. A monk of Montecassino, opposed Jovinianism.
he became cardinal and counsellor of
Pope Pascal II. He was elected Pope in GEMINIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 16
1 1 18 and carried on the struggle with
See Lucy and Geminian.
the Emperor Henry V and his anti-pope.
But he died soon after at Cluny. Baro- GEMINUS (St) M. RM. Jan 4
nius said that no pontiff, except the See Aquilinus, Geminus, etc.

martyrs, had suffered so much for the

M. RM. Feb 4
GELASIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 4 See Aquilinus, Geminus, Gelasius, etc.
See Aquilinus, Geminus, etc.
GEMINUS (St) Mk. AC. Oct 9
GELASIUS (GIOUA-MAC-LIAG) d.? 815. A monk of Sanpaterniano de

(St) Bp. AC. March 27 Fano, diocese of Narni, in Umbria. He

d. 1 174. Abbot of Derry. He was conse- isclaimed both by the Basilians and the
crated archbishop of Armagh in 1138, Benedictines for their respective orders.
and is said to have been the first Irish He is the patron saint of San Gemini.


GEMMA GALGANI (St) V. is said to have performed a seven years'

RM. Apr n continuous penance.
1 878- 1 903. Born at Camigliano, near

Lucca, in Tuscany. Her mother died GENEBRARD (St) M. AC. May 15

when she was seven years old, and from Otherwise Gerebern, q.v.
that time her life was one of domestic
and intense suffering both spiritual
trials GENERALIS (St) M. RM. Sept 14
and physical. Through it all, however, See Crescentian, Victor, etc.

she remained at peace and was the

subject of various extraordinary super- GENEROSA (St) M. RM. July 17
natural phenomena — visions, ecstasies, One of the Scillitan Martyrs, q.v.
revelations, supernatural knowledge,
visible intercourse with her guardian GENEROSUS (St) Ab. OSB.
angel, prophecy, miracles, and above all AC. July 16
the periodically recurring stigmata be- d. r.682. An abbot of Saint-Jouin-de-
tween 1899 and 1 90 1. She was directed Marnes in Poitou.
by the Passionist fathers. Her physical
infirmities prevented her becoming a GENEROSUS (St) M. RM. July 17
Passionist nun, as she ardently desired. Venerated at Tivoli, where his relics

She died on Holy Saturday. Beatified in are enshrined in the cathedral, under the
high altar; but nothing is known about
1933 and canonized in 1940, in the teeth
of strong based on the
opposition him.
extraordinary nature of her religious
GENESIUS (St) Bp. AC. June 3
d. 662. Bishop of Clermont in Auvergne.
He is described as learned, benevolent,
GEMMA (Bl) V. AC. May 12
surpassingly good, beloved by old and
d. 1249. A shepherdess, and afterwards
young, rich and poor.
for forty-two years a recluse at Goriano
Sicoli, diocese of Sulmona in the GENESIUS the COMEDIAN (St) M.
Abruzzi. Cult approved in 1890. RM. Aug 25
d. c.300. An actor at Rome who, while
GEMMA (HEMMA, EMMA) (St) W. taking part in a burlesque of Christian
OSB. AC. June 29 baptism in the theatre, was suddenly
d. 1045. A near relative of the emperor converted and forthwith martyred. The
St Henry II. Left a widow, she became same story is told of at least three other
the foundress of the double monastery martyrs. Probably this Genesius is the
of Gurk in Carinthia, and took the veil same as the Saint of Aries, and a popu-
among the nuns. lar story has been applied to him. (Cf.
Gelasinus above.)
GEMUS(St)Mk.OSB. AC. March 19
? Monk, probably of Moyenmoutier in GENESIUS (GENfeS) of ARLES (St)
Alsace.His relics were enshrined at M. RM. Aug 25
Hurbach. d. f.303. A notary of Aries in S. Gaul,
who having refused to put on record an
GENEBALD of LAON (St) Bp. imperial decree against Christians and
AC. Sept 5 declaring that he himself believed in
d. f.555. A bishop of Laon related to St Christ, was martyred under Maximian
Remigius. For a fault he committed he Herculeus.


GENESIUS (St) M. RM. Oct n in Spain, abbot-restorer of San Pedro de

See Anastasius, Placid, etc. Montes, and a zealous propagator of St
Benedict's Rule throughout N.W.
GENESIUS (St) Bp. AC. Nov i Spain. About the year 895 he was raised
d. c .679. From being prior at Fontenelle to the see of Astorga, which he resigned
he was chosen abbot-chaplain of the five years before his death, returning to
palace by Queen Bathildis, and in 658 live as a monk-hermit in his beloved
raised to the see of Lyons. He died at San Pedro.
the nunnery of Chelles while on a visit
there. GENNARD(St)Ab.OSB. Ac. Apr 6
d. 720.Educated at the court of Clotaire
GENISTUS(St)M.OSB. AC. Apr 30 III, he became a monk at Fontenelle
f.noo. A Benedictine monk of Beaulieu under St Wandrille, and eventually
in the Limousin, diocese of Limoges.
abbot of Flay (Saint-Germer) in the
Killed by his nephew at Aynac-en-
diocese of Beauvais. Before his death
Quercy. He is venerated as a martyr
he resigned and returned to die at
and as patron saint of Aynac.

GENEVlfeVE (St) V. RM. Jan 3 GENNARO (St) M. RM. Sept 19

£.422-500. Born at Nanterre near Paris.
The Italian form of Januarius, q.v.
In her seventh year she happened to
become known to St Germanus of
Auxerre, who befriended her. When
July 31
fifteen years old she received the veil
Otherwise Germanus of Auxerre, q.v.
from the bishop of Paris, and gave her-
self up to penance and the exercise of
GENOCUS (St) C. AC. Apr 18
charity. When Paris was occupied by
See Bitheus and Genocus.
the Franks and afterwards threatened
by Attila and his Huns, St Genevieve
GENOVEFA (St) V. RM. Jan 3
encouraged the people to defend the
Otherwise Genevieve, q.v.
city. She has always been considered the
special protectress and patroness of
GENTIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 11
Paris. There has been in recent times a
See Victoricus, Fuscian and Gentian.
lively controversyover the authenticity
of her life, of which the above is a
d. 1530. The widow of a Venetian tailor,
GENGULPHUS(St)M. RM.Mayn she assisted Bl Marguerite of Ravenna
Otherwise Gangulphus, q.v. in the foundation of her institute.

GENITUS (St) AC. Jan 17 GENTILIS (Bl) M. OFM. AC. Sept 5

See Genulfus and Genitus. d. 1340. A native of Matelica in the
Marches, Piceno, where he joined the
GENNADIUS (St) M. RM. May 16 Friars Minor. He spent some time on
See Felix and Gennadius. Mt Alvernia and then went as a mis-
sionary among the Mohammedans of
GENNADIUS (St) Bp. OSB. Egypt and Persia. He was martyred at
AC. May 25 Toringa in Persia. Cult approved by
d. c .936. A monk at Argeo, near Astorga, Pius VI.

ALBINUS (SS) Bps. RM. Feb 5 AC. Apr 7
7th cent. A bishop of the small town of Bishop of Mitylene, the capital
d. C.S16.
Sabion (which has since disappeared) of Lesbos. He is called "the Younger"
With him is
near Brixen in the Tyrol. because two of his predecessors in the
commemorated on the same day St see and of that century, also named
Albinus, bishop of Brixen in the nth George, are venerated as saints.
TUS (SS) AC. Jan 17 d. 1608. A native of Bosham, Sussex.
? 3rd cent. They are said to have been In his youth he had a very adventurous
two holy monks so named who lived at career under Drake in the W. Indies.
Celle-sur-Naton in France. Another St He was
educated for the priesthood at
Genulfus is honoured at Cahors as the Douai and ordained priest in 1603. At
bishop of that see.
first Douai, too, he was received into the
Benedictine Order. Sent to the English
GEOFFREY (GODFREY) (St) Ab. mission he was condemned for his
AC. June 21 priesthood and suffered at Tyburn.
Otherwise Agofredus, q.v. Beatified in 1929.

GEOFFREY (St) Ab. AC. Sept 25 GEORGE of ANTIOCH (St) Bp. M.

The Norman form of the Saxon name RM. Apr 19
Ceolfrid, q.v. d. 814. A
monk, who became bishop of
Antioch in Pisidia. He was one of the
GEOFFREY (several) Fathers of the second council of Nicea
Otherwise Godfrey, q.v. (787) against the Iconoclasts. Banished
by the emperor Leo V. the Armenian,
GEORGE of LODfcVE (St) Bp. he died in exile.
OSB. AC. Feb 19
d. f.884. Born near Rodez and a Bene- GEORGE the GREAT (St) M.
dictine Sainte-Foi-de-Conques in
at RM. Apr 23
Rouergue. After the destruction of the d. f.300. It is now almost universally
monastery by the Norsemen (862) he agreed that St George was a martyr who
became a monk at Vabres, diocese of suffered at Diospolis (Lydda, Ludd) in
Rodez. When quite old he was elected probably under Diocletian.
to the see of Lodeve. All the other legends which have grown
up around his name may safely be
GEORGE of AMASTRIS (St) Bp. regarded as fictitious, including the
AC. Feb 21 story of the dragon, which seems to have
d. f.825. A native of Kromna, near originated in Italy at a comparatively
Amastris, on the Black Sea. He was recent period. The Crusaders certainly
first a hermit on Mt Sirik, then a monk gave great impetus to devotion to St
of Bonyssa, and lastly bishop of Amas- George in the West, though he was
tris. He deserved well of his people venerated there long before. He is

during the Saracen attacks, against venerated in the East as one of the
which he successfully defended his fourteen Holy Helpers and, univer-
episcopal city. sally, as themodel of knighthood and

avenger of women. He is the acknow- GEORGE of VIENNE (St) Bp.
ledged patron saint of England, Aragon, RM. Nov 2
Portugal and Germany, also of Genoa ? A bishop of Vienne in France, who
and Venice, and protector of Ferrara. flourished probably at the beginning of
In the East he is especially honoured as the eighth century, thoughsome put
the patron of soldiers. His veneration Nov 699 as the date of his death.
as protector ofEngland was officially Canonized in 1251.
approved by Pope Benedict XIV.
AC. July 26 d. 1 610. Born at Holywell Manor,
d. 1594. Born near Durham, he became Oxford, and educated at Corpus
a Protestant minister and schoolmaster. Christi College, Oxford. He studied for
He was condemned to death for being the priesthood at Douai where he was
reconciled to the Church, and executed ordained in 1596. Sent to the English
at Darlington. Beatified in 1929. mission he laboured in Oxfordshire and
was finally condemned for his priest-
GEORGE, AURELIUS and hood and executed at Oxford. Beatified
(SS) MM. RM. July 27 (Oct 20)
d. £.852. Martyrs who suffered at Cor- GEORGIA (St) V. RM. Feb 15
dova in Spain under the Caliph Abder- A maiden who became a recluse
d. c .500.
rahman II. Aurelius and Felix, with near Clermont in Auvergne, France.
their wives, Natalia and Liliosa, were
Spaniards; but the deacon George was
a monk from Palestine, who, though
d. 1077. From
being prior at Cluny
offered pardon as a foreigner, preferred
Gerald was raised by Pope Alexander II
to throw in his lot with the others.
to the see of Ostia as successor to St
Peter Damian. He was papal legate to
France, Spain and Germany, and was
RM. Aug 24
arrested and imprisoned by the Ger-
d. £.730. A hermit of Mt Olympus in
man emperor, Henry V. He is the prin-
Asia Minor, who had reached the age,
cipal patron saint of Velletri.
it is said, of ninety-five, when he was
martyred under Leo the Isaurian for
defending the worship of sacred images. GERALD (St) Ab. AC. March 13
d.732. A Northumbrian monk who
GEORGE and AURELIUS (SS) MM. followed St Colman from Lindisfarne
RM. Oct 20 to Ireland and became his successor in
See George, Aurelius, etc., July 27. the English house built at Mayo for the
The relics of SS Aurelius and George English monastic colony. He lived to
were translated to the abbey church of an old age and must have witnessed the
St Germain at Paris. The anniversary of introduction of the Roman observances
this translation is celebrated on Oct 20. into his abbey.


RM. Oct 25 Ab. OSB. AC. Apr 5
See Fronto and George. d. 1095. A native of Corbie, he was

; 1 1

educated and became a monk and cel- GERALD (St) Bp. OSB. PC. Dec 5
larer at thefamous abbey of his native d. 1 109. Born near Cahors in Gascony,
town. He suffered from acute headaches. he took the Benedictine habit at Moissac.
He was taken by his abbot to Rome and He accompanied Archbishop Bernard
Montecassino, and at Rome Pope Leo of Toledo to Spain, and was eventually
IX ordained him priest. On his return made archbishop of Braga in Portugal
to Corbie, he was cured by St Adalard (1100).
then he went to Palestine. Next, he was
chosen abbot of St Vincent's at Laon GERARD (Bl) D. OSB. Cist.
and of St Medard at Soissons; but, AC. Jan 30
being expelled by a usurper, he founded d. 1 138. The second and favourite
Sauve-Majeure, which became the brother of St Bernard of Clairvaux. He
centre of a powerful Benedictine con- was not of the party of thirty who ac-
gregation. Canonized in 1197. companied St Bernard to Citeaux. He
was then soldiering and, on being
GERALD (St) Bp. OSB. AC. May 29 wounded, made up his mind to become
d. 927. A monk of Brou. He became a monk. He entered Citeaux and fol-
bishop of Macon but after some forty lowed his brother to Clairvaux where
years in the episcopate he returned to his he excelled as a cellarer. St Bernard
old abbey to die. mourned him deeply when he died.


GERARD (Bl) C. OSB. Cam.
AC. Oct 13 AC. Apr 1
855-909. Gerald, count of Aurillac, led 1 280-1 367. At the age of nine Gerard
a life of great virtue at a period when it
received the Camaldolese habit at the
was one of his rank to do so.
difficult for
abbey of the Holy Cross, at Sassoferrato.
He founded a Benedictine abbey on his After his ordination he was entrusted
estate and endowed it in princely
with the care of the parish, which he
fashion. He is the patron saint of Upper served with untiring zeal. He died on
Auvergne. Nov kept by the
18; but his feast is

Camaldolese on Apr 1.
GERALD (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist.
AC. Oct 16
d. 1 177. A native of Lombardy and pro- GERARD of ORCHIMONT (Bl) Ab.
fessed at the Cistercian monastery at
OSB. AC. Apr 23
Fossanuova in the Roman Campagna, d. 1 138. A Benedictine monk and after-
being eventually chosen abbot. He was wards abbot, of Florennes ( 1 26-c. 1 36).

later promoted to the abbacy of Clair-

vaux (1 170) and was killed by an unruly GERARD of TOUL (St) Bp.
monk while on a canonical visitation to RM. Apr 23
Igny. d. 994. A native of Cologne, who be-
came bishop of Toul in 963. He rebuilt
GERALD of BEZIERS (St) Bp. the cathedral and established religious
AC. Nov 5 houses in which teaching was given by
d. 1 123. A canon regular who became Greek and Irish monks to the great
bishop of Beziers in S. France. He spent furtherance of religion and learning in
all his revenues in relieving the distress the diocese. He was canonized by Pope
of the poor of the diocese. Leo IX, his successor in the see.

GERARD (St) C. AC. Apr 28 Venetian by birth and a Benedictine
639 ? One of four English pilgrims —the monk and abbot of San Giorgio Mag-
other three were Ardwine, Bernard and giore in his native city. On a pilgrimage
Hugh —who died at Galinaro in S. he was stopped when pass-
to Palestine
Italy. Many scholars doubt their very ing through Hungary by King St
existence. Stephen and persuaded to work among
the Magyars. He became the tutor of
GERARD of BOURGOGNE (Bl) Prince St Emeric and, in 1035, first
Ab. OSB. Cist. PC. Apr 28 bishop of Csanad. He worked most

The zealously, but during the pagan reaction

d. 1 172. successor of St Fastred as
after St Stephen's death Gerard was
abbot of the Cistercian monastery of
Cambron. martyred at Buda, and his body cast
into the Danube.


AC. May 13
1 174-1242. A native of Tuscany who, OSB. RM. Oct 3
as esquire to a knight, took part in the d. 959. Born in the county of Namur,
crusades and was taken prisoner. On and trained for the army, as a page of
being ransomed, he returned to Italy, the count of Namur he was sent on a
joined the third order of St Francis and special mission to the French court
lived as a recluse for the rest of his life. (918). He stayed in France and joined
Cult approved in 1833. the Benedictines of St Denis. After
some eleven years he was ordained priest,
and left for Belgium in order to found a

AC. May 24 new abbey on his own estate of Brogne.

1275-1 298. Said to have been a French

He was its abbot for twenty-two years

pilgrim, belonging to the third order of

and during that period was instrumental
in introducing St Benedict's Rule into
St Francis, who died at Monte Santo,
near Ancona, on his return from Pales- numerous houses in Flanders, Lorraine
tine.His cult was approved by Benedict and Champagne. He was noted for his
XIV and Pius VI, and he is now hon- engaging sweetness of temper.
oured as the patron saint of Monte
RM. Oct 16
GERARD TINTORIO (Bl) C. 1725-1755. A native of Muro in S.
AC. June 6 Italy, he was apprenticed to a tailor
d. 1207. A young citizen of Monza in before asking to be received by the
Lombardy, to the upper
belonging Redemptionists as a lay-brother. He
middle class, who expended his wealth continued his trade in the monastery,
in founding a hospital, where he served where he soon attracted the attention
the sick, especially lepers. Cult ap- of St Alphonsus de Liguori, who
proved in 1582. shortened his novitiate. His wonderful
and well authenticated life was a series
GERARD SAGREDO Bp. M. (St) of supernatural phenomena biloca- —
OSB. Sept 24 RM. tions, reading of consciences, prophe-
d. 1046. Apostle of Hungary, where he cies, multiplying of food, etc. Canonized
is venerated as St Collert. He was a in 1904.

GERARD of POTENZA (St) Bp. Eventually he himself founded a laura
RM. Oct
30 on the banks of the Jordan, near Jericho,
d. 1 1 19. A native of Piacenza, who was which grew to be second only to that of
enrolled among the clergy of Potenza, in St Sabas. "St Jerome's Lion" really
S. Italy, and elected bishop there at an belonged to St Gerasimus.
advanced age. Canonized by Pope Cal-
OSB. AC. Nov 4 d. 862. The two were monks, the

d. 1 123. A Benedictine monk-priest of two latter deacons of the abbey of St

St Aubin, at Angers. Bertin, all martyred by the Danes.

GERARD (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Dec 6 GERBOLD (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Dec 5
d. 1 109. First prior of the Cluniac house d. if.690. Monk of Ebriciacum under
of La-Charite-sur-Loire, in the diocese Abbot Alnobert, and afterwards abbot-
of Namur. He founded several more founder of the abbey of Livray (Liberia-
Cluniac houses in France and elsewhere cum). Eventually he became bishop of
and finally governed the abbey of Bayeux.
Soigny, but resigned and returned to
La-Charite to end his days as a simple GERBRAND (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist.
religious. PC. Act 13
d. 1 21 8. Second abbot of the Cistercian
GERARD CAGNOLI (Bl) C. OFM. monastery of Klaarkamp in Frisia, and
AC. Jan 2 founder of Bloemkamp (1191). He died
1270- 1 345. He was born of noble at Foigny, in the Laonnais, when
parents at Valenzo near Pavia after the ; returning from a general chapter, and
death of his mother he became a hermit has been venerated there ever since.
on Mt. Etna in Sicily. After some years
he entered the Franciscans as a lay GEREBALD (St) Bp. AC. June 12
brother, and fulfilled the office of cook. d. 885. Bishop of Chalons-sur-Seine
He was the recipient of many extra- (864-885).
ordinary divine favours. Cult confirmed
M. AC. May 15
GERARDESCA (Bl) W. OSB. Cam. 7th cent. The aged Irish priest who ac-
AC. May 29 companied St Dympna (q.v.) to Belgium
d. £.1260. A native of Pisa, who married and shared in her martyrdom. He is
a citizen of that city. After some years the patron saint of a village in the
of married life she induced her husband Rhineland, where his relics are en-
to become a Camaldolese monk at San shrined.
Salvio, while she lived
nearby as a
recluse, under the obedience of the GEREMARUS (GERMER) (St) Ab.
abbey. Cult confirmed in 1856. OSB. RM. Sept 24
d. c.658. A native of Beauvais, attached
GERASIMUS (St) Ab. RM. March 5 to the court of Dagobert I. With the
d. f.475. A monk first in Lycia, Asia consent of his saintly wife he retired
Minor, and afterwards in Palestine. to the abbey of Pentale on the Seine,

near Brionne, of which he eventually GERLAND (St) C. AC. June 18
became abbot. He was over-severe, 13th cent. A knight—either a Templar
with the result that some of his monks or a Hospitaller —whose relics are ven-
made an attempt on his life, whereupon erated at Caltagirone in Sicily.
he resigned and retired to a cave near
the abbey to live as a hermit. In 655 GERMAN GARDINER (Bl) M.
he founded Flay abbey, between Beau- AC. March 7
vais and Rouen, which was afterwards Otherwise Jermyn Gardiner, q.v.
called Saint-Germer.
GERMANA (St) M. RM. Jan 19
GEREON and Comp. (SS) MM. See Paul, Gerontius, etc.
RM. Oct 10
? These martyrs represent a band of GERMANA (French: GERMAINE)

Christians said to have been three COUSIN (St) V. RM. June 15
hundred and nineteen in number who — c. 1 579-1 601. Born at Pibrac, near Tou-
suffered at Cologne, where their tomb louse, daughter of a poor farmer. She
was shown in the fifth century. They suffered from scrofula, was neglected
have been wrongly associated with the by her father and treated with much
Theban Legion. harshness by her step-mother. She was
sent to tend the sheep, and spent her
GERINUS (GARINUS, WERINUS) short life in the fields, communing with
(St) M. RM. Oct 2 God in prayer, and practising charity
d. 676. Brother of St Leodegarius towards others poorer than herself. She
(Leger) and, like him, persecuted by died all alone on her straw bed at the
Ebroin, mayor of the palace. He was age of twenty-two. Canonized in 1867.
stoned to death near Arras.
GERIUS (St) C. AC. May 24 A youth of Smyrna thrown
d. 156. to
Otherwise Gerard de Lunel, q.v. the wild beasts in the amphitheatre at
the public games. The letter describing
GERLAC (St) H. AC. Jan 5 his martyrdom —together
with that of
d. £.1170. A Dutch soldier of licentious St Polycarp —
one of the most authen-

life, who after the death of his wife ex- tic documents of early ecclesiastical
perienced a moral conversion and led history.
thenceforth aof most austere

penance: he lived in a hollow tree near GERMANUS and RANDOALD (SS)

Valkenberg, his native place. He had a MM. OSB. AC. Feb 21
kind of spiritual pact with St Hildegard. Germanus was born at Treves,
d. f.677.
and became a monk at Remiremont.
GERLAND (St) Bp. AC. Feb 25 Thence he migrated to Luxeuil under its
d. 1 104. Said to have been born at third abbot St Waldebert, who intro-
Besancon in France, and to have been duced the Benedictine rule into the
related to the Norman conqueror of abbey. At a later date he was made
Sicily, Robert Guiscard. He was cer- abbot of Granfield in the Val Moutier.
tainly consecrated bishop of Girgenti, He and his prior St Randoald, were put
in Sicily, by Urban II, and laboured for to death by the duke of that district
the restoration of Christianity in Sicily while interceding with him on behalf of
after the expulsion of the Saracens. the poor.

GERMANUS (St) M. RM. May 2 upon a secular career. In 418 he received
See Saturninus, Neopolus, etc. and shortly after became
priest's orders
bishop of Auxerre. He had relations with
GERMANUS (St) Bp. M. AC. May 2 the church in Britain, whither he came
d. c .460. Of Irish or Scottish origin, he twice (in 429, in 447) and where he
was converted by St Germanus of succeeded in completely stamping out
Auxerre whose name he took. He was Pelagianism. He led the Britons to their
martyred in Normandy. great "Alleluia" victory over the Saxons.
He died at Ravenna in Italy on a mission
GERMANUS OF CONSTANTI- which he undertook on behalf of his
NOPLE (St) Bp. RM. May 12 people.
d. 732. A churchman of senatorial rank,
who, from being bishop of Cyzieus, was GERMANUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Sept 6
made patriarch of Constantinople (715). See Donatian, Praesidius, etc.
He bravely opposed the iconoclast em-
peror, Leo III, the Isaurian and was GERMANUS of BESAN£ON (St)
forced to resign (732). He died in exile. Bp. M. RM. Oct 11
Several of his writings are still extant. d. c.390. Successor of St Desideratus in
the see of Besancon. He is said to have
GERMANUS of PARIS (St) Bp. been martyred by the Arians.
RM. May 28
496-576. Born near Autun, he was or- GERMANUS (St) M. RM. Oct 23
dained priest and became abbot of a See Servandus and Germanus.
monastery. In 554 he was promoted to
the see of Paris. By him King Childe- GERMANUS of CAPUA (St) Bp.
bert was cured in the body and con-
I 30RM. Oct
verted from a licentious life. The king d. ^.545. Bishop of Capua, and a great
built for him the abbey of St Vincent friend of St Benedict. He seems to have
now known as Saint-Germain-des-Pres. been sent to Constantinople as papal
St Germanus is one of those bishops to legate to heal the Acacian schism and to
whom history has given the title of have met with ill-treatment at the hands
"father of the poor". of the schismatics. St Benedict saw his
soul being carried to heaven.
GERMANUS (St)Bp. AC. July 3
d. £.474. Said to have been a nephew of GERMANUS of MONTFORT (St)
St Patrick and a missionary monk in Mk. OSB. AC. Nov 1
Ireland, Wales and Brittany. Eventually c. 906-1 000.Born at Montfort, he
he was sent as a bishop to the Isle of studied at Paris and was ordained priest.
Man, where his memory is still pre- Afterwards he entered the abbey of
served in several place-names under the Savigny and was made prior of Talloires.
forms "Gremain" and "Jarman". He ended his life as a recluse. His relics
were elevated by St Francis of Sales in
GERMANUS (St) M. RM. July 7 1621.
See Peregrinus, Lucian, etc.
July 31 MM. RM. Nov 3
f.378-448. A native of Auxerre,
he d. 250. Martyrs of Caesarea in Cappa-
studied civil law in Rome, and embarked docia under Decius.

GERMANUS (St) M. RM. Nov 13 who was murdered at Cagli on the
See Antoninus, Zebinas, etc. Flaminian Way, under circumstances
which led to his being honoured as a
GERMANY (Martyrs of) (SS) martyr.
RM. Oct 15
This is the same group of martyrs
as that listed under St Gereon, twice King M. AC. Aug 10
commemorated in the RM. on Oct 10 d. ? 508. Son of Erbin and king of
(318 martyrs) and on Oct 15 (300 Damnonia (Devon). He fell in battle
martyrs). against the Saxons. He and his wife
Enid have been the subject of much
GERMERIUS (St) Bp. AC. May 16 romantic legend. Another St Gerontius,
d. ? 560. Bishop of Toulouse for fifty king of Cornwall, died in 596. St
years. His cult is very ancient. Gerrans in Cornwall and St Geran in
Brittany have one or the other of these
GERMOC (St) C. AC. June 24 for patron saint.
6th cent. An Irish chieftain, brother of
St Breaca, who settled in Cornwall, GERTRUDE van OOSTEN (Bl) V.
near Mount's Bay. AC. Jan 6
d. 1358. Gertrude began life as a servant
GEROLD (St) H. AC. Apr 19 girl at Delft in Holland. Having been
d. 978. A member of the Rhetian family jilted by her lover, she entered the
of the counts of Saxony. He bestowed beguinage in her native town. In her new
his lands upon the abbey of Einsiedeln life she rapidly advanced in the way of
where his two sons, Cuno and Ulric, perfection and was rewarded with the
were monks, and retired to live as a stigmata. "Van Oosten" is said to be a
hermit, under the obedience of the nickname she earned by her frequent
abbot of Einsiedeln, in a village near repetition of the hymn "Het daghet in
Mitternach. den Oosten". "The day breaks in the
GEROLD (St) Bp. OSB. AC. June 14
d. 806. One of Charlemagne's courtiers GERTRUDE of NIVELLES (St)
who became a monk of Fontenelle and Abs. OSB. RM. March 17
in 787 was made bishop of Evreux. At a 629-659. Younger daughter of Pepin of
later period he resigned and returned to Landen and of Bl Ida. Ida founded the
Fontenelle, where he died. nunnery of Nivelles for herself and her
daughter, but insisted on Gertrude
GEROLD (Bl) M. AC. Oct 7 being the first abbess. Though then
13th cent. A from Cologne
pilgrim only twenty years of age, Gertrude per-
killed by robbers near Cremona and formed her duties admirably. At the
honoured as a martyr at Cremona and age of thirty she resigned in favour of
at Cologne. her niece Wilfetrudis. She befriended
the Irish saints SS Foillan and Ultan.
GERONTIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 19
See Paul, Gerontius, etc. GERTRUDE of ALTENBERG (Bl)
Abs. O. Praem. AC. Aug 13
GERONTIUS (St) Bp. M. RM.May9 1 227-1297. Daughter of Louis IV, land-

501 A bishop of Cervia, near Ravenna,

a. . grave of Thuringia and of St Elisabeth
of Hungary. She was educated and his inheritance. At the time of his death
became a nun at the nunnery of Alten- Gerulph was returning home after
berg. She was chosen abbess very young having received confirmation. He died
and ruled the house for half a century. with words of pardon on his lips.

Cult authorized by Clement VI.

(St) Abs. OSB. AC. Nov 7 d. f.470. Successor of St Eusebius in
d. c.6go. Sister of St Adolphus and the see of Milan (c. 465-470).
granddaughter of St Romaricus, she
was educated at the nunnery of Saint-
Mont, near Remiremont, where she took RM. Aug 25
the veil, and was abbess after her aunt
d. c.ioo. A missionary in Spain in the
St Clare (r.654). Cult authorized by St
apostolic age, said to have been bishop
of Talco (Italica, near Seville) and a
martyr. A special hymn in the old
Mozarabic breviary commemorates him.
OSB. RM. Nov 16, 17
c. 1 256-1 302. "The Prophetess of de-
votion to the Sacred Heart". She was
NET) (St) C. AC. Nov 8
born at Eisleben in Germany, and as a
child of five years old was offered to
10th cent. An Irish saint, who crossed
God over to Moray and afterwards became
at Helfta in Saxony, a Black Bene-
a recluse near Elgin.
dictine nunnery which in its early days
had for political reasons been fictitiously
designated Cistercian. Gertrude had GERVASE and PROTASE (SS) MM.
her first mystical experience in 1281, RM. June 19
and from that year her life was a con- ? 2nd cent. In 386, during the episco-

tinuous familiar communing with pate of St Ambrose, there were dis-

Christ, whose Heart she learned to love covered at Milan the relics of SS

and worship. Her mystical writings Gervase and Protase, whom the saintly
have done much to spread devotion to bishop styles the protomartyrs of the
the Sacred Heart. Her feast was ex- city. Even then next to nothing was

tended to the whole Church in 1677. remembered about them, except their
St Teresa of Avila had a great devotion names and the fact of their martyrdom
to her. St Gertrude is patroness of the in one of the early persecutions. Their

W. Indies. supposed Acta have no historical value.


OSB. AC. Dec 6 AC. March 3
d. 649. A
widow, who founded and was d. 1075. Born near Reims, and educated
the first abbess of the nunnery of at the episcopal school, Gervinus be-
Hamaye (Hamay, Hamage) near Douai. came a Subsequently
canon of that city.

he entered the Benedictine abbey of St

GERULPH (St) M. AC. Sept 21 Vannes at Verdun, and became abbot
d. r.746. A Flemish youth, heir to a vast of Saint-Riquier. He enjoyed the
estate, who was treacherously murdered friendship of St Edward the Confessor.
by a relativewho hoped to succeed to He is described as great in his devotion


to the Divine Office, great in preaching, GIBRIAN (St) C. AC. May 8
and great in collecting Greek and Latin d. ? r.515. An Irish hermit, the eldest
MSS. This last was, after the service of of five brothers and three sisters, all

God, the great passion of his life. alleged to have migrated to Brittany and
to have become saints there. Their
GERVINUS (Bl) Ab. OSB. names are given as Tressan, Helan,
AC. Apr Germanus, Abran (or Gibrian), Petran,
d. A monk of Saint-Winnoc, and Franca, Promptia, Possenna.
1 1 17.
then a hermit at Munster in Aldenburg,
he was finally chosen abbot (1095) of GIDEON (GEDEON) (St)

Aldenburg (Oudenburg) in Flanders.

RM. Sept 1

14th cent. B.C. The Judge of Israel

(Judges VI, VII), commemorated with
GERY(St)Bp. RM. Aug 11
Josua by the Greek and Latin Churches
Otherwise Gaugericus, q.v.
on Sept 1. The Copts keep his feast on
Dec 16; and the Armenians on the
GETULIUS, CAEREALIS, AMAN- second Saturday of August.
d. £.120. Getulius, a Roman, is said to C. Founder. RM. Feb 4
have been the husband of St Sympho- 1 083- 1 189. A native of Sempringham

rosa. He and his brother Amantius, and in Lincolnshire, who became parish
the two officers sent to capture him, and priest of that village in 11 23. A group of
converted by him, were clubbed to seven ladies of his parish wishing to live
death at Tivoli under Hadrian. in community, he drew for them a set of
rules. This developed into the Gilber-
GEZELIN (GHISLAIN, GISLE, tine Order, which came to comprise

JOSCELIN) (St) H. AC. Aug 6 monks under the Augustinian Rule as

? Ahermit honoured at Slebusrode well as nuns under that of St Benedict.
near Cologne. He was their first master-general until
he became blind. The Order counted
twenty-two houses in England at the
GHERARDINO (MANETTUS) time of the Reformation. Canonized in
SOSTEGNI (St) RM. Feb 12
See Seven Holy Founders.

GILBERT (St) Bp. AC. Apr 1

GIBARDUS (St) Ab. OSB. M. d. For twenty years bishop of
AC. Apr 7 Caithness, of which diocese he built the
d. r.888. Abbot of Luxeuil at the time of cathedral. He was a valued servant of
the invasion of the Huns.He and his the Scottish kings, and a zealous up-
monks from the abbey. The bar-
fled holder of Scottish independence against
barians found them and put them to the archbishop of York.
GILBERT (Bl) Ab. O. Praem.
AC. Oct 26 d. 1 52. The abbot-founder of the Pre-
d. ^.655. A nun at Faremoutier under monstratensian monastery of Neuffons
St Fara. (Neufontaines).



AC. Aug 21 1052-1077. A
devout canon of Dol, he
d. 1 1 85. A monk at Saint-Crespin-en- was elected bishop, but fled to Pope
Chaie, Soissons, and then the second Gregory VII in order to escape the
abbot of the monastery of St John the charge.He was released but died on the
Baptist at Valenciennes. He suffered return journey.
persecution at the hands of the count of
Hainault. GILES (several)
Note. Giles is the English form of the
(St) Latin name Aegidius. It was a very
AC. Sept 7 common name in the Middle Ages.
Otherwise Tilbert, q.v. The other Western European variants
are as follows: Italian, Egidio; French,
GILBERT (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist. Gilles; Spanish and Portuguese, Gil.
AC. Oct 17
d. 1 167. An Englishman by birth who GILES of LORENZANA (Bl) C.
became a Cistercian, probably at Ours- OFM. AC. Jan 28
camp, of which he was made abbot in c.1443-1518. A native of Lorenzana, in
1 147. In 1 1 63 he was promoted abbot the kingdom of Naples, who began life
The Cistercian writers sur-
of Citeaux. as a farm-hand. Later he became a Fran-
name him "the Great", or "the Theo- ciscan lay-brother and was allowed to
logian". live as a hermit in the garden of the
friary. He is famous for his love of
GILDARD (GODARD) (St) Bp. animals. Cult approved in 1880.
RM. June 8
d. f.514. Bishop of Rouen for about GILES MARY of ST JOSEPH (Bl)
fifteen years. The RM. unfortunately C. OFM. AC. Feb 7
re-echoes a later fable, according to d. 181 2. Born at Taranto in S. Italy,
which Gildard was a brother of St and a rope-maker by trade. He joined
Medard of Soissons "born on same the the Alcantarine Franciscians at Naples.
day, consecrated bishops on the same He spent the rest of his life as porter of
day, and on the same day withdrawn the Neapolitan friary. Beatified in 1888.
from this life". In fact Gildard had been
dead at least five years when St Medard GILES of ASSISI (Bl) C. OFM.
was consecrated. AC. Apr 23
d. 1262. The third follower of St
GILDAS the WISE (St) Bp. Francis of Assisi and one of the most
RM. Jan 29 delightful figures of theFioretti. He
d. f.570. Often called Badonicus, be- went to preach to the Mohammedans in
cause born in the year the Britons de- Tunis, but his mission was a failure.
feated the Saxons at Bath. He was The rest of his life he spent in Italy,
trained by St Illtyd, and towards the being eagerly consulted by all sorts of
end of his life, crossing over to Brittany, people on spiritual matters. He died at
lived as a hermit on the island of Rhuys. Perugia.
St Gildas is famous for a Latin work on
the miseries of his fatherland De excidiis GILES of SAUMUR (Bl) Bp.
Britanniae; his authorship of part of it, AC. Apr 23
however, is doubtful. d. 1266. Chaplain to St Louis, king of

France, with whom he went on crusade. GIRALD (GIRARD, GIRAUD) (St)
In 1243 he became bishop of Damietta, Ab. OSB. AC. Dec 29
and in 1245 archbishop of Tyre. He d. 103 1. A Benedictine monk at Lagny
died at Dinant in Belgium. and afterwards abbot of Saint-Arnoul.
Richard IV, duke of Normandy, en-
GILES of SANTAREM (Bl) C. OP. listed his services as abbot of Fontenelle,
AC. May 14 where he was murdered by an unruly
1 185-1265. A native of Vaozela in monk.
Portugal, who became a medical stu-
dent, and, it is said, practised necro-
W. AC. May 7
mancy. After his conversion, he joined
d. f.1095. First Queen of Hungary, wife
the Dominicans at Palencia, resided a
of St Stephen, sister of St Henry,
long time at Santarem, and was made
Emperor of Germany. After a saintly
provincial for Spain.
life of good works she retired to the

convent at Passau, where she died and

GILES (St) Ab. OSB. RM. Sept 1 is buried. Canonization not finished.
d. f.712. If we discard the legends which
have been woven round the memory of GISLAR (St) C. AC. Sept 24
this saint, the historical residue is as See Chrenrald and Ghislar.
follows : Giles was probably a Provencal
by birth, and abbot of a monastery on GISLENUS (GHISLAIN, GUIS-
the Rhone, where the city of Saint- LAIN) (St) Ab. OSB. RM. Oct 9
Gilles now stands. He became one of d. £.680. A Frankish recluse, living in a

the most "popular" saints of the Middle forest at Hainault, whither he was fol-
Ages, and his shrine a much frequented lowed by numerous disciples. He built
place of pilgrimage. Over one hundred for them the abbey of SS Peter and Paul
and sixty churches were dedicated in now Saint-Ghislain near Mons, which
his name in England alone. He is he governed for thirty years.
venerated as the patron saint of cripples,
beggars, and blacksmiths. GISTILIAN (GISTLIAN) (St) C.
AC. March 2
5th-6th cent. The uncle of St David
and a monk of Menevia, or St Davids.
PC. Sept 1

d. f.1050. Gileswas of Spanish birth,

and with the Italian St
GLADYS (St) W. AC. March 29
Arcanus, founded an abbey under the
5th cent. A Welsh saint, daughter of
Brychan of Brecknock. She became the
Benedictine rule, to enshrine the relics
wife of St Gundleus and mother of St
which they had brought from Palestine.
This grew into the present day Borgo
San Sepolcro in central Italy. GLAPHYRA (St) V. RM. Jan 13
A female slave in the service of
d. £.324.
GILES of CASTANEDA (Bl) Ab. Constantia, wife of the emperor Lici-
OSB. Cist. AC. Sept 1 nius, who, in order to safeguard her
d. c. 1203. Cistercian abbot of the chastity, fled to St Basil, bishop of
monastery of Castaneda in the Asturias. Amasea in Pontus. She was recaptured
He is now greatly venerated in the and condemned to death. She died on
diocese of Astorga, in Spain. the way to martyrdom.

GLASTIAN (St) Bp. AC. Jan 28 GOAR (St) C RM. July 6
d. 830. The patron saint of Kinglassie in d. ^.575. A secular priest of Aquitaine,
Fife. As mediator between the Picts and who led the life of a hermit near Ober-
Scots, he did much to alleviate the lot of wesel on the Rhine. His extant life is

the former when subjugated by their foes. most untrustworthy. Charlemagne built
a stately church over St Goar's hermit-
GLEB (St) AC. July 24 age.
See Romanus and David.
GLODESIND (St) Abs. OSB. May 23 AC.
Otherwise Clotsindis, q.v. 6th or 7th cent. Supposed to be the
Goban, mentioned in the life of St
GLODESIND (St) Abs. AC. July 25 Laserian as governing the monastery of
d. C.60S. Betrothed to a courtier who Old-Leighlin, from which he migrated
was arrested on wedding day and
their to Tascaffin, in the present Co Limerick.
afterwards executed. She took the veil
in a nunnery at Metz, of which she GOBAN (GOBAIN) M. OSB.
became abbess. AC. June 20
d. £.670. An Irishman by birth, and a
GLUNSHALLAICH (St) C. disciple of his countryman St Fursey,
AC. June 3 under whom he became a monk at
7th cent. An Irish penitent, converted Burgh-Castle in Suffolk. He followed
by St Kevin and buried in the same his abbot to France and both took to the
grave with him at Glendalough. solitary life in the great forest near the
Oise. He was murdered by barbarian
GLUVIAS (GLYWYS) (St) C. marauders at the place now called Saint-
AC. May 2 Gobain.
6th cent. Brother of St Cadoc of Llan-
carfan, and possibly sent by him into GOBERT (Bl) Mk. OSB.
Cornwall, where he made a monastic AC. Aug 20
foundation. A parish in Cornwall per- d. 1263. Count of Apremont. After
petuates his name. fighting as a crusader in Palestine he
became a Cistercian at Villers in Bra-
GLYCERIA (St) VM. RM. May 13 bant.
d. c.177. A Roman maiden, living with
her father at Trajanopolis in Greece, GOBNATA (GOBNET) (St) V.
who was martyred at Heraclea in the AC. Feb 11
Propontis. ? 6th cent. St Abban is said to have
founded a convent in Ballyvourney, Co
GLYCERIUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 20
Cork, and to have placed St Gobnet
d. c 438. Archbishop of Milan.
over it as abbess. A well still exists
there called after her.
GLYCERIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 21
A priest of Nicomedia in Asia
d. 303.
Minor, burnt at the stake under Dio-
GOBRAIN (St) Bp. AC. Nov 16

d. 725. A
Breton monk who became
bishop of Vannes, and at the age of
GLYWYS (St) C. AC. May 2 eighty-seven resigned his see to retire
Otherwise Gluvias, q.v. to a hermit's cell, where he died.

GODARD (St) Bp. OSB. RM. May 4 count, he owned large estates. He made
Otherwise Godehard, q.v. the acquaintance of St Norbert, and in
the teeth of violent opposition from his
GODARD (St) Bp. RM. June 8 relatives made over his lands to the
Otherwise Gildard, q.v. holy founder, turned his castle into a
Premonstratensian abbey and himself
GODEBERTHA(St)Abs. AC. Apr 11 joined the order with his brother, while
d. f.700.Born in the diocese of Amiens.
his wife and two sisters took the veil in
In 657 she received the veil from St
a nunnery which he founded for them.
Eligius, bishop of Noyon, who also
He died at the age of thirty and not yet
composed a rule for her nunnery at
a priest.
Noyon. She was the first abbess.


ARD) (St) Bp. OSB. RM. May 4
d. 1038. A Bavarian, whose father was
RM. July 9
employed in the service of the canons of
d. 1572. The former was a secular priest
and one time rector of a school in
Niederaltaich. Godehard joined them
was custos of the Fran-
Paris ; the latter
and became He was in-
their provost.
ciscan house at Gorkum, Holland, and a
strumental in re-introducing the Bene-
painter. Both were hanged with others
dictineRule at Niederaltaich and was
by the Calvinists at Briel. The group is
commissioned by the emperor St
Henry to revive the Benedictine obser-
known as the martyrs of Gorkum,
see Gorkum.
vance in several German dioceses.
Tegernsee, Hersfeld and Kremsmun-
ster received abbots from Niederaltaich.
In 1022 the saint was made bishop of
AC. Aug 3
Bishop of Mans from 1234, he
d. 1255.
Hildesheim and did much to foster
was a man of intense activity, and he
religion and culture. Canonized in 113 1.
took a full part in the ecclesiastical
affairsof the time. He founded the
Charterhouse of Pare d'Orgues, where
AC. July 6
d. 1070. Married very young to Bertulf
he was buried. He died at Anagni on a
visit to the Pope.
of Ghistelles, who after ill-treating her
fortwo years had her strangled. She has
been venerated as a martyr ever since.
GODFREY (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Nov 8
C.1066-1115. Born in the province of
GODFREY (several) Soissons and placed at the age of five at
Note. This name, in Latin, Godefridus, the abbey of Mont-Saint-Quentin,
is variously spelt in English: Godefrid, where in due course he was professed
Geoffrey, Gotfrid, Goffry, etc. In other and ordained. In 1096 he was promoted
languages the spelling is: Gottfried, abbot of Nogent-sous-Coucy in Cham-
Geoffroy, Gioffredo, Gaufrid, Geofroi, pagne and in 11 04 bishop of Amiens.
GofFredo, Gofrido, etc. He was rigidly austere, both with him-
self and with others. In spite of this
GODFREY of CAPPENBERG (Bl) when he wished to resign and become a
C. O. Praem. AC. Jan 13 Carthusian his people would not allow
1097-1127. Born at Cappenberg Castle it. He was a lifelong opponent of simony

in Westphalia, where, besides being a and incontinency.

AC. July 24 AC. July 9
d. £.690. A native of Verdun, and a ? 7th cent. A Breton saint, but of British
nephew of St Wandrille, under whom origin, whose fame for sanctity led to his
he was professed at Fontenelle. After- promotion to the see of St Pol-de-Leon.
wards he was the abbot-founder of Oye He died at Rennes where his relics are
Abbey, near Sezanne-en-Brie. still enshrined.

GODRIC (St) H. OSB. AC. May 21 GOMER (St) RM. Oct 11

Otherwise Gummarus, q.v.
d. 170. A native of Walpole in Norfolk,

after yearsof adventurous seafaring and

GOMIDAS (Bl) M. AC. Nov 5
of many pilgrimages he became a hermit
c. 1 656-1707. Gomidas Keumurjian, an
at Finchale in Co Durham, under the
Armenian by descent, was born at Con-
obedience of the prior of Durham.
stantinople, married at the age of twenty
There he lived for sixty years, remark-
and was ordained a priest of the dissident
able for his austerities, his supernatural
Armenian Church. In 1696, he and his
gifts and also for his familiarity with
family made their submission to Rome.
wild animals.
This angered the dissidents, who un-
justly accused Gomidas
Turkish to the
GODWIN (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 28 Western
authorities as an agent of hostile
d. c.6go. Abbot of the great Belgian
powers. Consequently he was beheaded
monastery of Stavelot-Malmcdy.
at Parmark-Kapu, on the outskirts of
Constantinople. Beatified in 1929.
(St) AC. Sept 19
d. 647. Alsc called Abbo. The successor
GONERI (St) C. AC. July 18
of St Arnulf in the bishopric of Metz.
6th cent. An exile from Britain to
Brittany, where he led an eremitical life
GOEZNOVEUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 25 near Treguier.
d. 675. A Cornish saint, brother of St
Maughan, who crossed into Brittany AMARANTHE
and became bishop of Leon.
(Bl) C. AC. Jan 16
Otherwise Gundisalvus, q.v.
GOFOR (St) C. AC. May 9
? a
Welsh saint, patron of Llanover in
RM. March 28
Otherwise Gunthamnus, q.v.
GOHARDUS (St) Bp.M. AC. June 25
d. 843. Bishop of Nantes, slain by raid-
ingNormans while celebrating Mass; RM. June 3
many monks and priests were killed Having spent a long time in
d. 1886.
with him.
prison, he was put to death by King
Mwanga of Uganda. See Uganda (Mar-
tyrs of).
C. AC. May 21
? 7th cent. A saint who has given his GOOD THIEF, THE (St)
name to Llangollen in Denbighshire. RM. March 25
His name is connected in legend with 1 st cent. The repentant thief, to whom
Wales, Glastonbury and Rome. the dying Saviour promised paradise.


The name of Dismas has been given GORGONIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 9
him by and a number of
tradition, See Dorotheus and Gorgonius.
legends have grown up around his name
but except for the episode recorded in GORKUM (Martyrs of (SS)
the gospel, nothing is known about him. RM. July 9
d. 1572. A group, of nineteen martyrs,
GORAN (WORANUS) (St) C. ten two Premonstraten-
AC. Apr 7 sians, Dominican, a canon regular,
6th cent. Several Cornish churches are four secular priests and a layman put —
dedicated in his honour. He was a friend to death with unspeakable cruelty by
of St Patrick. the Calvinists at Gorkum, near Dord-
recht in Holland. Each receives a
GORAZD (St) C. AC. July 17 separate notice in this book. Canonized
See Seven Apostles of Bulgaria. in 1867.


MM. RM. May 10 AC. Aug 28
d. 250 and 362. Epimachus was mar- d. 965. A Benedictine of Reichenau, who
tyred at Alexandria under Decius, and went to preach the gospel in the North
his relics were taken to Rome. Gordian and became bishop of Schleswig in
suffered at a later date, very probably Denmark.
under Julian the Apostate, and was
buried in the same tomb. Their Acta GORMCAL (St) Ab. AC. Aug 5
are not trustworthy. d. 1016. An Irish abbot of the monas-
tery of Ardoilen in Galway.
GORDIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 17
See Valerian, Macrinus and Gordian. GOSBERT (St) Bp. OSB.
AC. Feb 13
GORDIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 3 d. £.859. The fourth bishop of Osna-
d. 304. A soldier of Caesarea in Cappa- bruck and a disciple of St Anschar. His
docia, dismissed from the army on was a particularly laborious episcopate.
account of his religion. He retired to the
desert, but during the persecution under GOSCELINUS (GOSLIN, GOZ-
Diocletian gave himself up and was ZELINUS) (St) Ab. OSB.
beheaded. AC. Feb 12
d. 1 Second abbot of San Solutore,
GORGONIA (St) RM. Dec 9 near Turin (1147-1153). The solemn
d. r.375. Daughter of St Gregory Nazi- translation of his relics took place in
anzen senior and of St Nonna, and 1472.
sister of St Gregory Nazianzen junior,
the great Greek theologian. She married GOSWIN (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 9
and was a model Christian matron. d. 165. A native of Douai and a student

at Paris, he first taught theology in his

GORGONIUS and FIRMUS (or native city where he held a canonry;
FIRMINUS) (SS) MM. then he professed the Benedictine Rule
RM. March 11 at Anchin (11 13), where he eventually
3rd cent. Martyrs, either of Nicaea in became abbot (f.1130): one of the
Bithynia, or of Antioch in Syria. greatest abbots of that great abbey.

GOSWIN (Bl) OSB. Cist. GRATA (St) W. RM. May 1

AC. Oct 27 4th (or 8th) cent. A holy woman of

d. 1203. A Cistercian monk, first at Bergamo, zealous in securing Christian
Clairvaux and then at Chemnion. burial for the bodies of the martyrs. The
evidence regarding her life is very con-
GOTHARD (St) Bp. RM. May 4 flicting.

Otherwise Godehard, q.v.

GOTTESCHALK(St)M. AC. June 7 OSA. AC. Nov 16
d. 1066. A Wendish prince who re- 1438-1509. A native of Cattaro in Dal-
nounced Christianity because his father matia. For he was a fisher-
thirty years
had been murdered by Christian man and then professed
in the Adriatic
Saxons. As the husband of Canute's the Augustinian Rule as a lay-brother.
grandniece he came to England and He was famous for the gift of infused
returned to the Faith, which he hence- knowledge. Cult approved in 1889.
forth fostered with great zeal. He was
murdered at Lenzen by assassins in the GRATIAN (St) Bp. RM. Dec 18
service of his brother-in-law. Many Otherwise Gatian. q.v.
doubt whether he has a true claim to
the title of either saint or martyr. GRATINIAN (GRATIAN) (St) M.
RM. June 1

GOWAN (GOVAN, GOVEN, See Felinus and Gratian.

COFEN) (St) Matron AC. Dec 28
The wife of King Tewdrig of
5th cent. GRATUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 7
Glamorgan. The parish of Llangoven in d. c.470. Bishop of Aosta. He is now its

Monmouthshire takes its name from patron saint.

her, and a chapel in Pembrokeshire is

likewise dedicated in her honour. GRATUS (St)Bp. AC. Oct 8

d. c.652. A French bishop of Chalons-
GRACE and PROBUS (SS) sur-Saone.
AC. July 5
See Probus and Grace. GRATUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 11
d. f.506. The first bishop of the ancient
GRACIA (St) M. OSB. Cist. see, long suppressed, of Oloron, in S.
AC. June 1 France.
See Bernard, Mary, etc.

GRATUS (St) M. RM. Dec 5

GRACILIAN and FELICISSIMA See Julius, Potamia, etc.
(SS) MM. RM. Aug 12
d. f.304. According to the legend, which GREDIFAEL (St) C. AC. Nov 13
is untrustworthy, Gracilian, a Christian 7th cent. A Breton or Welsh saint who
of Faleria, while in prison awaiting accompanied St Paternus from Brittany
martyrdom, restored the sight of a to Wales. He is said to have been abbot
blind girl and converted her to Christ. of Whitland in Pembrokeshire.
They were beheaded on the same day.
GRAECINA (St) VM. AC. June 16 ELDER (St) Bp. C. AC. Jan 1

See Actinea and Graecina. f.276-374. A native of Nazianzos in


Cappadocia, Asia Minor, a state func- when he was elected pope in 715. He
tionary and a pagan, he was converted devoted much of his time to the affairs
(325) by his wife, St Nonna. They had of the Eastern Church, and his pontifi-
three children — all saints: Gregory cate is also famous for the spreading of
Nazianzen, junior, the great Father of the gospel among the Teuton races, to
the Church, Caesarius and Gorgonia. whom he sent as ^missionaries St Boni-
Gregory senior became bishop of his face and St Corbinian. He fostered
and attached himself
native city (^.328) Benedictine life everywhere, and res-
to some heretical sect; but was con- tored several Italian abbeys, notably
verted to orthodoxy (361) by his more Montecassino. An old tradition makes
gifted son, Gregory, who, in 372, be- him in fact a Benedictine monk, and
came his coadjutor. He died when nearly his office figured for centuries in several
one hundred years of age. Benedictine Propria. He opposed Icono-
clasm and checked the advancing Lom-
GREGORY of LANGRES (St) Bp. bards. He is one of the great popes.
RM. Jan 4
d. 539. A leading citizen (comes) of the GREGORY of TRAGURIO (Bl)
district round Autun and the civil OFM PC. Feb 12
governor of the city, firm and severe. See Antony of Saxony.
Later in life he lost his wife, was
ordained priest and became bishop of
Langres, and as such gained a reputation
RM. March 9
for gentleness and understanding. He
was the father of St Tetricus (q.v.), and
d. £.395. A
younger brother of St Basil
the Great. After his marriage he prac-
great-uncle of St Gregory of Tours.
tised as a professor of rhetoric but
abandoned this profession for the priest-
hood. In 372 his brother Basil nominated
RM. Jan 10
him bishop of Nyssa, a small township
d. 1276. Theobald Visconti was a native
in Lower Armenia. It was a somewhat
of Piacenza in Italy, who became arch-
unfortunate choice, as Gregory was not
deacon of Liege, in Belgium. While
a man of affairs, and the Arians were
holding this office he was entrusted with
predominant in the diocese. After a
the preaching of the last crusade. He
period of exclusion from his diocese he
himself accompanied the crusaders to
regainedit in 378 and after his brother's
Palestine,and he was still there when
death was the mainstay of orthodoxy
elected pope in 1271. He was not yet a
throughout Cappadocia. His writings
priest. The outstanding event of his
are remarkable for depth of thought and
pontificate was the holding of the council
lucidity of expression. Of the three
of Lyons, at which the Eastern orthodox
became reconciled, unhappily for only

"great Cappadocians" Basil, Gregory

a short time, to the Catholic Church.

Nazianzen, Gregory of Nyssa he is the —
least prolific but the most profound.
Beatified 17 13. His name was inserted
in the RM. by Benedict XIV.
GREGORY the GREAT (St) Pope,
GREGORY II (St) Pope RM. Feb 11 Dr. RM. March 12 and Sept 3
d. 731. Roman born andeducated at the c. 540-604. Born in Rome of patrician
Lateran, he held the offices of Librarian parents, he became the prefect praetor
and Archivist of the Roman Church, mayor —of the city. He soon resigned


the office, turned his ancestral home on with the heretics. In all good faith he
the Caelian Hill into a monastery and sided with the party of Lucifer of
became a monk there. Next he was sent Cagliari, but never left the communion
to Constantinople as apocrisarius — of the Roman see.

papal nuncio. On his return he was

chosen pope (590), and what he GREGORY OF BESIANS (Bl)
achieved in his fourteen years' pontifi- COP. AC. Apr 26
cate makes him one of the most com- See Dominic and Gregory.
manding figures in world history. First
in importance was his mission to Eng-
land, whither he sent St Augustine and
(B1)C. OSA. AC. May 4
some forty of his monks from the
Caelian Hill; this was important not
d. 1343. A native of Verucchio, in the
diocese of Rimini. His mother founded
only on account of the conversion of
a monastery for the Augustinians in his
England but also because of the
native town, and Gregory took the habit
spreading ofBenedictine Rule
he was dismissed for
there. After a time
among the new races of W. Europe. He
promoted likewise the conversion of the
some unjust reason, but was charitably
received by the Franciscans of Monte
Lombards in Italy and of the Goths in
Carnerio, near Rieti, where he died.
Spain; upheld the rights of the Roman
Cult confirmed in 1769.
see against Constantinople; embellished
the Liturgy in its sacramentary and in
its chant; defended and befriended GREGORY NAZIANZEN (St) Bp.
monachism; and cared for the poor in Dr. RM. May
Rome, at Ravenna and on his estates in f.329-390. A of Arianzos in
Sicily. He was moreover a prolific Cappadocia and eldest son of St Gregory
writer; his dialogues, compising the only Nazianzen the Elder (q.v.). He read law
extant life of St Benedict, and his for ten years at Athens and then joined
Regula Pastoralis are classics in ascetical his friend St Basil in his monastic
literature. solitude in Pontus. In 361 he was or-
dained priest and in 372 consecrated
GREGORY MAKAR (St) Bp. bishop of the small township of Sasima.
AC. March 16 This see he refused to accept, acting
d. f.iooo. He is described as an Ar- instead as coadjutor to his father at
menian, who became a monk and was Nazianzos, until, in 380, he was pre-
elected bishop of Nicopolis in Armenia. vailed to accept the see of Constanti-
He is said to have fled to France and nople. He was there only one month:
settled as a hermit at Pithiviers in the afterwhich he resigned and retired to
diocese of Orleans. Arianzos where he died in 390. The
tragedy of his life was his promotion to
GREGORY of ELVIRA (St) Bp. the rank of bishop, since his character
RM. Apr 24 was not fitted for a life of action. On the
d. f.400.Bishop of Elvira, in S. Spain other hand, as a writer he stands far
a see which has since been translated to above most other Greek Doctors, in
Granada. He was one of the champions fact, he is surnamed by the Greeks
of the Faith against Arianism, and one "the Divine"— o Theologos. He is
of the few bishops who at Rimini (359) venerated in East and West as a Doctor
consistently refused to compromise of the Church.

OSB. AC. May 9 AC. June 18
d. £.1044. A Benedictine cardinal, bishop 1625-1 697. Venetian-born, he was first
of Ostia, who exercised legatine powers bishop of Bergamo and then of Padua,
in the old kingdoms of Spanish Navarre and was created cardinal in 1660. He
and Old Castile. He died at Logrofio. was equally distinguished as a church-
He is still greatly venerated throughout man and as a statesman. His charities
Navarre and Rioja. His life, however, as were on a princely scale, and his
handed down to us, is full of conflicting benefactions to Padua numerous and
statements. lasting. He was an earnest worker for
the reconciliation of the dissident
GREGORY VII (St) Pope, OSB. Greeks. Canonized i960.
RM. May 25
c. 1 020-1 085. A native of Soana, in Tus- GREGORY ESCRIVANO (Bl) M.
cany. His baptismal name was Hilde- SJ. AC. July 15
brand. He was sent very young to Rome, d. Born at Logrofio, in Old
where was superior of the
his uncle Castile, he was a Jesuit coadjutor, and
Cluniac abbey of St Mary on the a companion of Bl Ignatius de Azevedo
Aventine, and there Hildebrand pro- q.v.
fessed the Benedictine Rule. He accom-
panied the deposed Pope Gregory VI
PC. July 20
to Germany, but returned to Rome
1 542-1 596. A native of Madrid, where
with St Leo IX, and became abbot of
he served as page to Philip II. In 1562
St Paul-outside-the-Walls (1059). From
he migrated to Mexico and lived as a
this date begins his close association
hermit among the Indians near Zacatecas
with the popes, five of whom he served
and later near the capital. His cult
as archdeacon. In 1073 he himself be-
spread all over Mexico, but the process
came supreme pontiff and continued his
of his beatification, begun in 1752, fails
life-long struggle against lay investiture,
simony and clerical concubinage. He
to make progress in Rome.
succeeded in imposing his will on his
persistent and childishly cunning enemy
Ab. OSB. AC. Aug 3
the emperor Henry IV of Germany,
d. 933. A Benedictine abbot of the great
but nevertheless a few years later he
Italian abbey of Nonantula, near
was driven into exile at Salerno where
he died. Few men have been so admired
by their friendsand reviled by their GREGORY of UTRECHT (St) Ab.
foes. Canonized in 1584. OSB. RM. Aug 25
f.703-776. A native of Treves. When
GREGORY, DEMETRIUS and a child he met St Boniface, under whom
CALOGERUS (SS) CC. AC. June 18 he became a monk. The old apostle
d. 5th cent. Respectively a bishop, an loved him as a son and made him abbot
archdeacon and an abbot, in N. Africa, of St Martin's at Utrecht. Without
whence they were driven by Arian Van- relinquishing his office of abbot, St
dals. They settled down at Fragalata, Gregory administered the diocese as
near Messina, in Sicily, and preached well for twenty-two years. During his
the gospel there. They are now hon- abbacy St Martin's became a great
oured as the patron saints of Fragalata. missionary centre and a nursery of saints.

(St) Bp. RM. Sept 30 Nov 17
Also surnamed "the apostle of
d. f.330. 539—596. This saint was born in
Armenia". Unfortunately his life, as Auvergne, and was baptized George
given by tradition, is not well authenti- Florentius, but took the name Gregory

cated. The following main facts seem when he was raised to the see of Tours
certain: he began to preach to the in 573. He was a great bishop much

Armenians and converted their king revered by St Gregory the Great. He

Tiridates, had himself consecrated excelled, however, as a historian, and

bishop and set up his see at Ashtishat, his writings are now the best historical

whence his apostolate spread far and source of the Merovingian period.
wide. Armenian legends, obviously fic-
titious, about St Gregory run to several GREGORY DECAPOLITES (St) C.

volumes. RM. Nov 20

9th cent. So-called from his birthplace
GREGORY of BURTSCHEID (St) in Asia Minor. He opposed the Icono-

Ab. OSB. AC. Nov 4 clasts zealously and suffered much at

their hands.
d. 999. A Basilian monk at Cerchiara, in
Calabria, who fled from the Saracens
and met the emperor Otto III in Rome.
The emperor befriended him, invited RM. Nov 23
him to Germany and built for him the d. f.638. A Sicilian of the Byzantine rite,
abbey of Burtscheid, near Aix-la- who, after a protracted sojourn in the

Chapelle, under the Benedictine Rule.

Eastern lauras, was nominated by St
Gregory the Great bishop of Girgenti
(Agrigentum) his native town. His in-
teresting commentary on the book of
Ab. OSB. Ac. Nov 8
Ecclesiastes is still extant.
d. 996. An Anglo-Saxon by birth, who
on a pilgrimage to Rome received the
Benedictine cowl on the Caelian Hill at
RM. Dec 10
Rome. On his way home he stayed at
d. 741. A Syrian by birth who reigned
the Swiss abbey of Einsiedeln, and as pope from 731 to 741. His was a very
joined the community (949). He was stormy pontificate, troubled in the be-
elected abbot and his rule coincided
ginning by the foolish excesses of the
with the period of the greatest monastic
Iconoclasts and at the end by the incur-
splendour of the abbey.
sions of the Lombards. Gregory sought
the aid of Charles Martel against the
GREGORY THAUMATURGUS latter, thus establishing a connection
(St) Bp. RM. Nov 17 with the Franks which was to prove of
f.213-270. A native of Pontus and a historic importance.
disciple of Origen. He was made bishop
of Neocaesarea in 240. It is related that GREGORY of TERRACINA (St) C.
on his accession to the see he found just OSB. AC. Dec 12
seventeen Christians, and that when he d. f.570. A disciple of St Benedict, and,
died he left only seventeen pagans. His with his brother St Speciosus, monk at
title of "the Wonder-Worker" explains Terracina. St Gregory the Great speaks
itself. He is also an ecclesiastical writer. of him in the Dialogues Bk. II.

GREGORY of AUXERRE (St) Bp. 1228 he was made bishop of Brescia, but
RM. Dec
19 resigned in 1242 on account of civil
d. £.540. The twelfth bishop of Auxerre. strife and retired to the Vallumbrosans
He governed the see thirteen years, and of San Sepolcro d'Astino, where he died.
died aged eighty-five. Cult approved in 1866.


24RM. Dec (St) H. OSB. Cam. AC. May 11
A priest said to have been martyred d. 1 127. A native of Augsburg and a
under Maximinian Herculeus. His Acta saddler, who plied his trade in Verona,
are not reliable; and doubt has been till the people began to look upon him
thrown on his very existence. as a saint. Then he retired to live as a
monk-hermit in the Camaldolese priory
GRIGNON de MONTFORT (Bl) C. of San Salvatore, near Verona.
AC. Aug 19
See Louis Mary Grignon de Montfort. GUALTERUS {several)
Otherwise Walter, q.v.
d. 903. A Benedictine monk, and prior OSB. Cist. AC. Jan 6
of Saint-Bertin. In 885 King Alfred, 1 065-1 150. Originally a monk of Moles-
then on his way to Rome, invited him mes, he was made abbot of Aulps, near
to England. Grimbald came, but de- Geneva. At his request his community
clined the see of Canterbury offered to was affiliated to Clairvaux. Afterwards

him by the king. Eventually he was he was raised to the see of Sion in the

made abbot of the New Minister at Valais.

Winchester. He was a restorer of learn-

ing in England.
RM. Feb 6
GRIMOALDUS (St) C. RM. Sept 29 d. 1 1 59. A of Bologna, who

d. /M137. Archpriest of Pontecorvo, joined the Augustinian canons regular.

near Aquino, in S. Italy. Some writers After forty years of religious life he was
state that he was an Englishman. elected bishop of Pa via; but nothing
could induce him to accept the post.
GRIMONIA (GERMANA) (St) VM. However, Lucius II created him car-
AC. Sept
7 dinal bishop of Palestrina. Canonized
4th cent. Said to have been an Irish by Alexander III.
maiden, martyred in Picardy in defence
of her virtue. GUASACHT (St) Bp. AC. Jan 24
4th cent. Son of Maelchu, the master
GRWST (St) C. AC. Dec 1 under whom St Patrick worked as a
7th cent. The Welsh saint whose slave in Ireland. Guasacht was con-
memory is perpetuated by the place- verted by Patrick, whom he helped, as
name Llanrwst, Denbighshire. bishop of Granard (Longford), in the
evangelization of Ireland.
GUALA (Bl) C. OP. AC. Sept 3
d. 1244. One of the first disciples of St GUDELIA (St) M. RM. Sept 29
Dominic and the first Domini-
in Italy A maiden martyred in Persia
d. r.340.
can prior of Brescia and Bologna. In under Shapur II.

AC. Jan 8 Bp. AC. Oct 25
d. 712. Daughter of St Amelberga, she d. 675. A bishop of Quimper in Brittany
was trained by St Gertrude at Nivelles, and founder of a monastery near Brest,
and afterwards lived at home a life of where he died.
great holiness. She is the patroness of
Brussels. In art she is often shown with GUETHENOC (GWENTHENOC)
a lantern. (St) AC. Feb 6
See Jacut and Guethenoc.
7th cent. A Welsh bishop who founded (St) Ab. AC. Feb 17
monasteries in Devon and Cornwall. By 6th cent. A Briton who followed St
many he is supposed to be the Gurval Tadwal to Brittany and succeeded him
who succeeded St Malo at Aleth in as abbot of Loc-Kirec. He helped St
Brittany. His relics are venerated at Paul of Leon in the rule of the diocese.
(St) AC. Nov 3 AC. May 23
d. f.550. Guenhael means "white d. 962. A noble of Lorraine who served
Angel". He was born in Brittany and with distinction in several campaigns.
educated at Landevenec under St He then lived the life of a hermit on his
Winwaloe, where in due course he be- own estate of Gembloux, in Brabant,
came abbot. but eventually he turned it into a monas-
tery and retired himself to the Benedic-
GUENNINUS (St) Bp. AC. Aug 19 tine abbey of Gorze. Several times,
A bishop of Vannes in Brittany,
7th cent. however, he had to leave the peace of
whose relics are enshrined in the cathe- Gorze in order to defend the rights of his
dral. foundation at Gembloux. He died at
AC. Nov 10 GUIDO (several)
d. 965. A Monk of Hirschau, who, Otherwise Guy, q.v.
through humility, renounced the bishop-
ric of Spire. GUIER (St) H. PC. Apr 4
? Priestand hermit in Cornwall, where
GUERRICUS (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist. a church perpetuates his name.
AC. Aug 19
?io8o-?ii55. Born at Tournai, he GUILMINUS (Bl) Mk. OSB.
studied there and became canon and PC. Nov 18
headmaster of the cathedral school. He See Burginus and Guilminus.
visited Clair vaux to see St Bernard,
and stayed there. In 1138 St Bernard GUINGAR (St) M. AC. Dec 14
sent him as first abbot of Igny, in the Otherwise Fingar, q.v.
diocese of Reims. He was a prolific
ascetical writer; some of his writings GUINGALOC (GUIGNOLE,
indeed have been attributed to St GUINVALOEUS) AC. March 3
Bernard. Cult approved 1889. Otherwise Winwaloe, q.v.

GUINIZO (St) Mk. OSB. who resigned and retired into the
AC. May 26 Vosges, where he founded the abbey of
d.$o. A native of Spain who pro- Senones (c .660).

fessed the Benedictine Rule at Monte-

cassino, and remained as a hermit on GUNDEBERT (St) M. AC. Apr 20
the holy mountain after one of the 8th cent. Tradition describes this saint
destructions of the abbey. as a Frankish courtier, who married St
Bertha and brother of St Nivard.
GUINOC (St) Bp. AC. Apr 13 He separated from his wife, became a
A Bishop
d. f.838. in Scotland, com- monk and crossed over to Ireland and
memorated in the Aberdeen breviary. was killed there by heathen marauders.

GUISLAIN (St) Ab. RM. Oct 9 GUNDECHAR (Bl) Bp. AC. Aug 2
Otherwise Gislenus, q.v. 1019-1073. Bishop of Eichstatt. The
Pontifical which he drew is still pre-
GUITMARUS (St) Ab. OSB. served and is of great historical interest.
AC. Dec 10 He had been chaplain to the Empress
d. c .765. Fourth abbot of Saint-Riquier Agnes.
(Centula) in France.
STANS) (St) Mk. OSB. AC. Nov 29 See Waccar, Gundekar, etc.

d. £.1010. A Benedictine of the abbey of

St Gildas of Rhuys, in Brittany, under GUNDELINDIS (GUENDELINDIS)
St Felix. V. OSB. AC. March 28
d. £.750. A
daughter of the duke of
GUMESINDUS and SERVUSDEI Alsace, and a niece of St Ottilia, whom
(SS) RM. Jan 13 she succeeded as abbess in the nunnery
d. 852. Two Spanish martyrs, one a of Niedermunster.
parish-priest, the other a monk, who
suffered at Cordova under Abderrah- GUNDENIS (St) VM. RM. July 18
man II. A maiden martyred at Carthage,
d. 203.
under Septimius Severus.
f.717-774. A courtier of King Pepin AC. Jan 16
who married a wife of extravagant and 187-1259. A native of Vizella in the

tiresome disposition. After long and diocese of Braga, in Portugal. After his
patient endurance of her perversity he ordination to the priesthood he led the
was at last obliged to separate from her life of a solitary at Amaranthe, and later
and died a recluse. The present Flemish entered the Dominican order. Cult
town of Lierre (Lier) has grown up approved in 1560.
and around his hermitage.
GONDELBERT) (St) Bp. OSB. 556-1 597. Born in the East Indies of

AC. Feb 21 Portuguese parents, he first served the

d. r.676. A Frankish bishop (of Sens) Jesuits as a catechist, then opened a


flourishing business in Japan, and finally of the Welsh Gwynllyw, anglicized as
(1591) joined the Franciscans at Manila Woollos. He is said to have been the
as a lay-brother. He returned to Japan husband of St Gladys and the father of
as an interpreter to St Peter Baptist, St Cadoc, and to have ended his life as
with whom he was crucified at Nagasaki. a hermit in Wales. There is a church
Canonized in 1862. dedicated to him at Newport.


AC. June 6 RM. June 17
d. 1466. Cistercian abbot of Azebeyro, 6th cent. A bishop somewhere in Gaul,
in Spanish Galicia. who is said to have died at Bourges.


(Bl) M. SJ. AC. July 15
? Said to have been a Northerner
d. 1570. A Portuguese deacon and a
Irish, Scottish or English —martyred at
Jesuit scholastic, companion of Bl Igna-
Pa via. His legend resembles that of St
tius de Azevedo, q.v.
Richard the King.


AC. Sept 10 GUNTHER (Bl) Mk. OSB. AC. Oct 9
582-1 622. A Japanese who held a high 955-1045. A cousin of St Stephen of

office at court but, after baptism, at-

Hungary. He began life full of worldly
ambition, but was brought to better
tached himself to the Jesuit missionaries,
ways by St Godehard of Hildesheim,
He was put in gaol at Omura, and there
and became a monk at Niederaltaich in
received into the Society of Jesus by Bl
Bavaria. But his ambitious nature
Charles Spinola, with whom he was
asserted itself once more and he had
burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in
himself made abbot of Gollingen, but
proved a failure. Made wise by experi-
GUNDISALVUS (St) OSB. Cist. ence, he resigned and lived as a hermit
AC. Oct 10 for twenty-eight years in the mountains
d. £.1163. First abbot, or prior, of the of Bakory, Hungary.
Cistercian abbey of Las Junias, in
Portugal, founded from Osera in 1135. GUNTHIERN (St) H. AC. July 3
d. c.500. A Welsh prince who adopted
GUNDISALVUS of LAGOS (Bl) C. the solitary life in Brittany.
OSA. AC. Oct 21
d. 1422. A native of Lagos in Portugal. GUNTHILDIS (St) V. OSB.
He became an Augustinian, and excelled AC. Dec 8
as a preacher. Cult approved in 1778. d. f.748. An English nun of Wimborne,
who, at the request of St Boniface,
GUNDISALVUS (GONZALO) (Bl) passed over to Germany, and was abbess
Mk. OSB. AC. Dec 20 of a nunnery in Thuringia, and inspec-
d. f.1073. Monk of the Benedictine tor of all the schools founded by the
abbey of Silos, in Old Castile, under its English nuns in the Germanies.
great abbot St Dominic.
GUNDLEUS H. AC. March 29
(St) (St) King RM. March 28
d. c.500. Gundleus is the latinized form d. 592. King of Burgundy. Having

divorced his wife and over-hastily or- Severus in that city, of which he was
dered the execution of his physician, he chosen abbot. Afterwards he was pro-
was overcome with remorse and moted to the abbey of Pomposa, near
lamented these sins for the rest of his Ferrara. He loved sacred learning, and
life. On his death he was at once pro- at his request, St Peter Damian deli-
claimed a saint. vered lectures on' the scriptures to his
monks two years. Towards the end
GURIAS and SAMONAS (SS) MM. of his he was fiercely, though un-
RM. Nov 15 justly, persecuted by the bishop of
d. 305. Martyrs beheaded at Edessa in Ravenna.
Syria under Diocletian.
GUY of VICOGNE (Bl)O. Praem.
GURLOES (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Aug 25 AC. March 31
d. 1057. A Benedictine monk, prior of d. Founder of the Premonstraten-
1 147.
Redon Abbey, who in 1029 became sian abbey of Vicogne, in the diocese
abbot of Sainte-Croix of Quimperle in of Arras, whither he retired and was
Brittany. superior of the community.


Otherwise Godwall, q.v. AC. May 20
d. 1099. A native of Pisa, who led the
GUTHAGON (St) C. AC. July 3 lifeof a solitary at Campo in the diocese
8th cent. An Irishman who crossed over of Massa Maritima, in Italy.
into Belgium, where he became a recluse.
GUY of ACQUI (Bl) Bp. AC. June 2
GUTHLAC (St) H. OSB. AC. Apr 12 d. 1070.Bishop of Acqui in Monferrato,
667-714. From being a warrior in the Piedmont, from 1034 till 1070. Cult
army of Ethelred, king of Mercia, confirmed in 1853.
Guthlac entered the Benedictine abbey
of Repton, a double house under the GUY VIGNOTELLI (Bl) C. Tert.

abbess Elfrida where he was duly pro- OFM. AC. June 16

fessed. Afterwards he asked to leave to c. 1 1 85-1 245. A rich citizen of Cortona

become a recluse in the heart of the who gave up his wealth on hearing a

Lincolnshire fens: here he spent the sermon by St Francis of Assisi. He was

last fifteen years of his life. At a later received into the third order of St
period the abbey of Croyland was Francis by the holy Founder himself.
erected on the site of his cell. Ordained a priest, he lived the rest of
his life as a recluse near Cortona.
Note. This is the English form of the GUY (St) Ab. OSB. AC. June 18
Latin Vitus and also of Guido. Variants d. />.940. The successor of Bl Berno in

in other languages are: Gui, Gwin, the abbey of Baume. About the year
Guidone, Viton, Wido, Witen, Wit, 940 he resigned and retired to a hermi-
Wye, Wyden. tage near Fay-en-Bresse.


(Bl) C.
AC. March 31 AC. June 25
d. 1046. Born near Ravenna, Guy be- d. 1 39 1. A native of Naples who became
came a Benedictine at the abbey of St a Dominican, taught philosophy and


theology, established a friary at Ragusa, St Norma and therefore aunt to St

and died as the General Inquisitor for David of Wales. She is alleged to have
the kingdom of Naples. Cult confirmed been the mother of SS Cuby and Cad-
in 1612. fan.


d. <r.ioi2. Surnamed "the Poor of Man (St) WM. AC. Oct 18
Anderlecht". He was a native of Brabant d. Reputed to have been a
and the sacristan of Our Lady of Laken, daughter of Brychan of Brecknock,
and afterwards for seven years a pilgrim murdered by the heathen Saxons at
in theHoly Land. On his return he was Talgarth.
admitted to the public hospital at
Anderlecht, near Brussels, where he GWENDOLINE (St) V. OSB.
died. AC. March 28
Otherwise Gundelindis, q.v.
d. £.11 57. A monk of Clairvaux, and one (St) V. AC. Oct 18
of St Bernard's most beloved disciples. See Brothen and Gwendolen.
He was sent to be abbot-founder of Our
Lady of Cherlieu, in the diocese of GWENHAEL (St) Ab. AC. Nov 3
Besancon. At the request of St Bernard Otherwise Guenhael, q.v.
he revised the Cistercian liturgical
chant, which was approved in the general GWERIR (St) H. AC. Apr 4
chapter of 11 50. ?A hermit near Liskeard in Cornwall,
at whose grave King Alfred is said to
GUY of CASAURIA (Bl) Ab. OSB. have been cured of a serious malady.
AC. Nov 23 St Gwerir's cell was after his death
d. 1045. A Benedictine of Farfa, who was occupied by St Neot.
promoted abbot of Casauria, near
Chieti. GWINOC (St) C. AC. Oct 26
See Aneurin and Gwinoc.
AC. July 5 GYAVIRE (St) M. RM. June 13
See Fragan and Gwen. d. 1886. Known as the "good runner of
messages". He was put to death by
GWEN (St) W. AC. Oct 18 order of King Mwanga of Uganda. See
5th cent. Said to have been the sister of Uganda (Martyrs of).

Note. Names beginning with a vowel to HADELIN (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Feb 3
which by some an aspirate is prefixed, d. f.690. A native of Gascony who fol-
by others not, will be found either under lowed St Remaclus first to Solignac and
the letter H or under the initial vowel, then to Maestricht and Stavelot. He
according as the one or the other form became the founder of Celles, in the
may appear the more usual or the more diocese of Liege. He lived as a hermit
authentic. near Dinant on the Meuse.


Prophet RM. Jan 15 AC. June 15
6th cent. B.C. One of the twelve lesser See Domitian and Hadelin.
prophets. He prophesied in Judaea dur-
ing the time of captivity. The reason HADELIN (ADELHEIM) (St) Bp.
why his name has been inserted in the OSB. AC. Nov 10
RM. is the alleged finding of his relics d. c.gio. Monk and
abbot of Saint-
by bishop Zebenus of Eleutheropolis Calais, and then bishop of Seez from
under Theodosius the Great (379-395). c.884 till 910.
Churches have been dedicated to him
in the Holy Land. HADELOGA (St) V. OSB.
AC. Feb 2
HABAKUK (St) M. RM. Jan 19 Otherwise Adeloga, q.v.
Otherwise Abachum. See Marius,
Martha, etc. HADRIAN (several)
See Adrian.
HABENTIUS (St) M. RM. June 7
See Peter, Wallabonsus, etc. HADUIN (HARDUIN) (St) Bp.
AC. Aug 20
HABERILLA (HABRILIA) (Bl) V. d. c.662. A bishop of Le Mans, founder
OSB. AC. Jan 30 of several monasteries including Notre-
d. c.i 100. A virgin who became a recluse Dame-d'Evron.
under the obedience of the abbot of
Mehrerau, in Switzerland. Mehrerau at HADULPH (St) Bp. OSB.
that time was a Black Benedictine AC. May 19
monastery. d. f.728. A prelate who simultaneously
held the offices of abbot of Saint-Vaast
HABET-DEUS (St) Bp. M. and bishop of Arras-Cambrai.
AC. Feb 17
d. £.500.Bishop of Luna in Tuscany, an HADULPH (St) M. OSB.
ancient city now in ruins. He was mar- RM. June 5
tyred by the Arian Vandals ( ?), and is Otherwise Hathawulf. See Waccar,
now venerated at Sarzana. Gundekar, etc.


AC. May 14 d. 1023. Twenty-first archbishop of
d. r.1043. A scion of the royal family of Salzburg (991-1023).
Norway. He is said to have met his
death while defending from ill-usage a HARUCH (St) Bp. OSB. AC. July 15
woman who had appealed to him for Abbot and regionary bishop
d. c .830. in
help. He is the patron saint of Oslo. the territory of Werden.


7th cent. Bishop of St Pol-de-Leon in AC. July 30
Brittany. The name is variously written d. 1 198. A native of Frisia, who pro-
Ouardon, Wardon, Hoarzon, Huardo, fessed the Benedictine Rule of St Paul's,
etc. became abbot of
in Utrecht. In 11 83 he
Olden-Klooster in his native land, and
HARDUIN (Bl) Mk. OSB. AC. Apr 20
as such he revived the Benedictine life
d. 811. Born in the diocese of Rouen he
throughout Frisia.
became a Benedictine at Fontenelle
(749). After a timehe asked leave to live
as a recluse near the abbey, and spent HATHA WULF (St) M. OSB.
his leisure time copying the writings of RM. June 5
the Fathers. See Waccar, Gundekar, etc.

HARDULPH (St) AC. Aug 21 HATTO (Bl) Mk. OSB. AC. July 4
? The church at Breedon-on-the-Hill d. 985. Born of a noble Swabian family,
in Leicestershire was dedicated to this he left all his property to the Benedic-
saint, of whom nothing is known. He tine abbey of Ottobeuren, and became
may be identical with the hermit of a monktherein. Afterwards he lived as
Bredon or Breedon mentioned in the a recluse but the abbot thought that he

life of St Modwenna, q.v. was showing too much attachment to

his old property, and recalled him back
HARMON (St) Bp. RM. July 31 to community life —
a call which he at
Otherwise Germanus of Auxerre, q.v.
once obeyed.

HAROLD (St) M. AC. March 25

d. 1 168. A child said to have been put to HEBED JESUS (St) M. RM. Apr 22
Otherwise Abdiesus, q.v.
death by Jews in Gloucester.

HARTMANN (Bl) Bp. AC. Dec 23 HEDDA and Comp. MM. OSB.
d. 1 1 64. A native of Polling in Austria, AC. Apr 9
who was educated by the Augustinians d. f.870. Hedda was
the abbot of Peter-
of Passau, and became dean of the borough (Medehampstead). He and
cathedral at Salzburg (1122) and even- eighty-four monks of his community
tually bishop of Brixen. He was highly were slain by the Danes, and thence-
respected by emperors and popes as forward venerated as martyrs.
well as by the poor people of his diocese.
He did much for the canons regular, HEDDA (St) Bp. OSB. RM. July 7
but was also a great benefactor of other d. 705. An Anglo-Saxon monk and ab-
religious, notably of the Benedictines. bot, probably ofWhitby, who in 676
Cult confirmed in 1784. was made bishop of the divided diocese

of Wessex. He resided first at Dor- Rome. He is considered the father of
chester, near Oxford, whence he re- ecclesiastical history and the first to
moved to the see of Winchester. He was from St
trace the succession of popes
a great benefactor of Malmesbury and Peter to his own day. Only a few
king Ina's chief adviser. He ruled the chapters of his work remain. It was
diocese for about forty years. warmly commended by Eusebius and
by St Jerome, who knew it well and
HEDWIG (Bl) Queen PC. Feb 28 made use of it.

1371-1399. She succeeded her father

Louis on the throne of Poland at the HEIMRAD (St) Mk. OSB.
age of thirteen. She was married to PC. June 28
Jagiello of Lithuania,but she made it a d. 1019. A priest of Baden, who, after
a condition that he should become a many pilgrimages, lived as a monk at
Christian, which he did. Afterwards she Hersfeld, and then as a hermit at Hasun-
was instrumental in bringing to the gen in Westphalia. In his wanderings
Faith many Lithuanians. She is vener- throughout Europe he was often taken
ated throughout Poland with a popular for a lunatic rather than a pilgrim. His
cult. cult has never been officially confirmed.


OSB. AC. Sept 13 OSB. AC. March 13
d. £.887. A niece of Bl Warinus of d. 842. A native of Provence who spent
Corvey. She became a Benedictine nun good works, and
his large fortune in
and abbess of Herford (Herivordien) in then set out on a pilgrimage to Rome.
Westphalia. H^ heard from other pilgrims of the
Benedictine abbey of Novalese, at the
HEDWIG (JADWIGA) (St) W. OSB. foot of the Alps, and joined that com-
Cist. RM. Oct 16 munity. After a time he was made abbot
c.i174-1243. Born at Andechs in Ba- and ruled the house for thirty years. The
varia, but of Moravian descent, she was library was his special care. He was
the daughter of the duke of Croatia and moreover a great builder, and had an
Dalmatia, and the aunt of St Elisabeth hospice erected at the highest point of
of Hungary. She was educated by the Mt Cenis pass. Cult approved in 1904.
Benedictine nuns of Hitzingen in Fran-
conia, and at the age of twelve was HELANUS (St) H. RM. Oct 7
married to the duke of Silesia, head of 6th cent. An
Irishman who crossed over
the Polish royal family. She bore him to France, it is said, with six brothers
seven children, who were in after-life and three sisters, and settled near
the of great anxiety to their
cause Reims. He was ordained priest and
parents. The king and the queen were ministered to the people of the neigh-
at one in fostering the religious life in bourhood.
their kingdom. Among other houses,
they founded the Cistercian nunnery of HELEN of POLAND W. Poor

Trebnitz, whither Hedwig retired in her Clare AC. March 6

widowhood. She was canonized in 1266. d. 1298. Daughter of Bela IV of Hun-
gary. In 1256 she married Boleslas V of
7 Poland, after whose death (1279) she
d. c.i 80. A Jew and a native of Jerusalem lived as a Poor Clare at Gnesen. Cult
who spent twenty years of his life in approved in 1827.


HELEN VALENTINI (Bl) W. married life for thirty years. After her
AC. Apr 23 husband's death she devoted herself
d. 1458. A lady of Udine noted by her completely to works of charity. Already
contemporaries both for her devotion to revered as a saint during her life, she
the duties of married life for twenty-five was venerated as such after her death.
years and for her charity and austerities Cult confirmed in 1828.
as an Augustinian tertiary after her hus-
band's death. Cult confirmed in 1848. HELEN ENSELMINI Poor
(Bl) V.
Clare AC. Nov 4
HELEN (St) V. RM. May 22 d. 1242. A native of Padua, who at the
d. P41S. A maiden mentioned in the age of twelve received the veil of the
Acts of St Amator of Auxerre as assist- Poor Clares from St Francis himself at
ing him on his deathbed. Arcella, near her native city. It is

narrated of her that her only food for

months was the Blessed Eucharist.
AC. June 24
Before her death she became blind and
Otherwise Alena, q.v.
dumb. Cult approved in 1695.
d. f.1160. A noble Swedish lady, who, (Bl) V. OP. PC. Nov 9
left a widow, spent her fortune in the d. f.1270. A Dominican nun
in Vesz-

service of the poor and the church. She prem, and novice mistress of St Mar-
was barbarously put to death in
garet of Hungary. She is reputed to
family feud. Canonized in 11 64. have been marked with the stigmata.
Venerated as Blessed in Hungary and
HELEN (St) M. RM. Aug 13 in the Dominican order.
See Centolla and Helen.
HELEN GUERRA (Bl) V. Foundress
HELEN (St) Empress RM. Aug 18 AC. Dec 23
f .250-330. An Asiatic by birth, probably 1835-1914. The foundress of the Sisters
a native of Bithynia (certainly not of of St Zita, also called the Handmaids of
Britain), who became the wife of Con- the Holy Ghost, was born at Lucca
stantius Chlorus, to whom she bore a (Tuscany), and her life was character-
child who became Constantine the ized by zealous devotion to the Holy
Great. Helen became a Christian after Ghost and to the propagation of the
the Edict of Milan (313), and spent the faith. Her Congregation is prominent in
rest of her life in the East and in Rome. mission territories. St Gemma Galgani
She helped in the building of several was a pupil in her schools. Beatified 1959.
Roman basilicas and many churches in
the Holy Land. Her name is chiefly HELIA (HELIADA) (St)Abs. OSB.
associatedwith the discovery of the AC. June 20
True Cross in a rock-cistern near Mt d. f.750. A Benedictine abbess of the
Calvary. nunnery of Ohren (Horreum) at Treves.


AC. Sept 23 M. RM. May 28
1472-1520. A native of Bologna, who, d. ? 250. A woman of Thessalonica, who
to please her mother, married against was arrested at Corinth and beheaded,
her own inclinations, and lived a happy during the persecution of Decius.

HELIER (HELEROUS) (St) M. were deported by the Persians, of these
AC. July 16 300 were set aside by Shapur and invited
6th cent. A native of Tongres (Lim- to renounce their faith. Two hundred
burg), who lived as a hermit in the and seventy-five refused and were
island of Jersey and was murdered by martyred. To this number belongs
heathen whom he was endeavouring to Abdicius (q.v.), KM. Apr 22.
HELIODORUS (St) M. RM. Sept 28
HELIMENAS (St) M. RM. Apr 22 See Mark, Alphius, etc.
See Parmenius, and Comp.


St) C. OSB. Cist. AC. Feb
MM. RM. Nov 21
d. £.270. A group of martyrs, who suf-
d. 1237. A native of Pronleroy (Oise) in
fered under Aurelian in Pamphylia.
the diocese of Beauvais, who from being
a court singer, was converted and be- HELLADIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 8
came a Cistercian at Froidmont. The See Theophilus and Helladius.
Cistercians venerate him as a saint.


MARJAB (SS) MM. PC. Apr 9 RM. Feb 18

f.355. Heliodorus was a bishop in

d. 632. A native of Toledo, and a mini-
ster of the court of the Visigothic kings.
Mesopotamia who with two priests, and
many were put to death in the
He loved to pay frequent visits to the

persecution of Shapur II.

abbey of Agali (Agallia) near Toledo on
the banks of the Tagus, until one day he
HELIODORUS, VENUSTUS and joined the community and eventually
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. May 6 was made its abbot (605). In 615 he was
3rd cent. A group of seventy-seven promoted archbishop of Toledo.
martyrs who suffered under Diocletian.
Heliodorus and seven others seems to HELLADIUS of AUXERRE (St) Bp.
have been martyred in Africa; St RM. May 8
Ambrose claims the greater part of the d. 387. Bishop of Auxerre in France for
rest for Milan. thirty years. He converted his own
successor St Amator to a devout life.
HELIODORUS (St) Bp. RM. July 3
f.332-390. A Dalmatian who, early in HELLADIUS (St) M. RM. May 28
life, became an intimate friend of St See Crescens, Dioscorides, etc.
Jerome, whom he followed to Palestine
and helped financially and otherwise, in HELPERS, FOURTEEN HOLY
the preparation of the Vulgate. Later he See under Fourteen Holy Helpers.
settled in Aquileia and was made bishop
of Altinum, a small town, since de- HELWISA (Bl) H. OSB. AC. Feb 11
stroyed near Venice. He was a great d. ^.1066. A recluse under the obedi-

bishop, and a brave opponent of ence of the Benedictine abbey of

Arianism. Coulombs in Normandy.


MARIAHLE, ABDISO and Comp. NIUS (SS) MM. RM. March 3
(SS) MM. PC. Aug 20 ? 4th cent. Two Spanish martyrs, be-

d. 362. A group of 9,000 Christians lieved to have been soldiers, who

suffered at Calahorra in Old Castile. folk ?) and a convert, who after being a
Their Acts have been lost; but both member of the Inns Court, studied for
Prudentius and St Gregory of Tours the priesthood at Douai in Rome. He
have handed down to us the few details entered the Society of Jesus in 1625 and
we have of them. worked in London. He was martyred
for his priesthood at Tyburn. Beatified
HEMMA (several) in 1929.
Otherwise Gemma, q.v.


HENEDINA (St) M. RM. May 14
AC. March 2
See Justa, Justina and Henedina.
£.1295-1365. A native of Bihlmeyer,

HENRY near Constance, who joined the Friars

Preachers at an early age, was prior in
Note. A
Teuton name latinized into
Henricus. The most common variants
several houses of the order, and excelled
in other languages are —
German, Hein- as a director of souls. He
one of the is

greatest Dominican mystics and his

rich; French, Henri; Danish, Eric;
Book of the Eternal Wisdom is still one
Spanish and Portuguese, Enrique;
of the most widely read of Christian
Hungarian, Emeric; Italian, Enrico
classics. Cult approved in 1381.
(Arrigo, Amerigo— whence America) etc.

HENRY (St) H. AC. Jan 16

d. 1 127. A Dane by birth, he renounced
Cist. AC. Apr 4
his own country and lived as a recluse
d. r.1190. A Cistercian monk at Villers,
in the diocese of Namur. His relics were
on Cocket Island, off the coast of
solemnly raised in 1599.
Northumberland, under the obedience
of the monks of Tynemouth to whom
the island belonged. Tynemouth itself
was a daughter-house of St Alban's. He AC. Apr 7
was buried at Tynemouth. d. 1595. A native of Docking, Norfolk,
who was educated at Norwich, Cam-
HENRY of UPSALA (St) Bp. M. bridge (Peterhouse) and Gray's Inn.
AC. Jan 19 He was reconciled to the Church, and
d. f.1156. An Englishman who accom- studied for the priesthood at the English
panied Nicholas Breakspear Pope (later College, Rome, there entering the
Adrian IV) to Sweden and Norway. Society of Jesus (1584). Ordained in
Made Bishop of Upsala in Sweden 1588, he worked at York. Here also he
(1152) he was helped in his apostolate was martyred for his priesthood. Beati-
by King St Eric IX. He then went to fied in 1929.

Finland as a member of an expedition

led by the same king. He was murdered HENRY the SHOEMAKER (Bl) C.
by Finn whom he had excommuni-
a PC. June 9 ?

cated. He was canonized in 11 58 and is d. 1666. Henry Michael Buche "der

venerated as a martyr and as the patron —
gute Heinrich" was a native of Lux-
saint of Finland. emburg, and a shoemaker by trade. In
1645 he settled at Paris and, with the
HENRY MORSE (Bl) M. SJ. help of Baron de Renti, founded the
AC. Feb 1 confraternity of SS Crispinus and
d. 1645. A native of Norfolk (or Suf- Crispinianus (Freres Cordonniers), for


his fellow-craftsmen. He is usually Bavaria and was educated by St Wolf-
called "saint" or "blessed" but there is gang of Ratisbon. From being duke of
no evidence of cult. Bavaria he was raised to the imperial
throne in 1002. He, with his wife St
HENRY of TREVISO (Bl) C. Cunegundis, were providentially raised
AC. June 10 up to protect the Church in that troub-
d. 13 1 5. Usually called in Italy, San lous period. Henry, though very much
Rigo (a diminutive form of Arrigo). He a political and temporal ruler, had
was born at Bolzano in the Tyrol, but always at heart the welfare of religion,
lived at Treviso, earning his daily and readily co-operated with the Bene-
bread as a hired labourer (facchino). dictine abbeys of that time Cluny, —
In his old age he lived on alms. Cult Montecassino, Camaldoli, Einsiedeln,
approved by Benedict XIV. St Emmeran, Verdun, Gorsch— in the
restoration of ecclesiastical and social
HENRY (HERIC) (Bl) C. OSB. discipline. He himself tried to become
AC. June 24 a Benedictine, and was for this reason
d. <r.88o. A native of Hery (Yonne), who officially declared by Pius X the patron
became a Benedictine, and the head- saint of the Benedictine Oblates.
master of the monastic school, at Saint- Canonized in 1146.
Germain d'Auxerre. He was also a
hagiographer. HENRY of COLOGNE (Bl) C. OP.
PC. Oct 23
HENRY ZDIK (Bl) Bp. O. Praem. One of the first Dominicans re-
d. 1225.
PC. June 25 cruited from among the students of the
d. 1 1 50. A son of King Wratislas I of university of Paris, who became the first
Bohemia who was elected bishop of prior of the friary at Cologne. He was a
Olmutz in 1126. In 1137 he went to friend of Bl Jordan.
Palestine and donned the Premon-
stratensian habit at Jerusalem. On his HENRY of ZWIEFALTEN (Bl) C.
return to his diocese he introduced the OSB. PC. Nov 4
Premonstratensians in many places and d. p.1250. A Benedictine monk of the
founded for them the abbey of Strahov. abbey of Zwiefalten, who became prior
of Ochsenhausen. Both monasteries
HENRY of ALBANO (Bl) Bp. Card. were in Swabia.
OSB. Cist. AC. July 4
d. 1 1 surnamed "Henricus
88. Usually HERACLAS (St) Bp. RM. July 14
Gallus". He was
a French Cistercian d. 247. An Egyptian, brother of St
who became cardinal bishop of Albano Plutarch the martyr. He was at first
in 1 179, and died at Arras. a pupiland afterwards the successor of
Origen as head of the catechetical school
HENRY ABBOT (Bl) M. AC. July 4 of Alexandria. He was raised to the
d. 1597. A native of Howden, in York- patriarchal see in 23 1
shire. He was a layman and a convert,
and was, for this reason, hanged at HERACLEAS (St) M. RM. Sept 29
York. Beatified in 1929. See Eutychius, Plautus and Heracleas.

HENRY II (St) Emperor RM. July 15 HERACLIDES (St) M. RM. June 28

972-1024. Henry the Good was born in See Plutarch, Serenus, etc.

See Paul, Heraclius, etc. BERTS) (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 30
? Abbot of Marmoutier, and afterwards

HERACLIUS and ZOSIMUS (SS) archbishop of Tours.

MM. RM. March 11
d. r.263. African martyrs who suffered HERCULANUS of PIEGARE (Bl) C.
at Carthage under Valerian and Gallie- OFM. AC. June 1

nus. d. 1 541. A native of Piegare, near Peru-

gia, he joined the Franciscans, and be-
HERACLIUS (St) M. RM. May 26
came one of their foremost preachers.
See Felicissimus, Heraclius and Pauli-
Beatified in i860.


RM. June 8
Bp. RM. Aug 12
d. f.515. The fourteenth bishop of Sens.
d. c.550. A bishop of Brescia in Lom-
He was present in the cathedral of
Reims at the baptism of Clovis (Dec 25, HERCULANUS (St) M. RM. Sept 5
496). He built the abbey of St John the d. ? <r.i8o. A martyr who suffered at
Evangelist at Sens, where he was buried. Porto, near Rome, probably under
Marcus Aurelius.
HERACLIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 1

See Priscus, Castrensis, etc. HERCULANUS (St) M. RM. Sept 25

2nd cent. A Roman soldier, mentioned
HERACLIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 22 in the untrustworthy Acts of St Alex-
See Alexander, Heraclius and Comp. ander I as having been converted by the
pontiff and martyred shortly afterwards.
and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. May 17 HERCULANUS (St) Bp.
d. 303. Five martyrs put to death at RM. Nov 7 and March 1

Nyon (Noviodunum) on the lake of d. 549. A bishop of Perugia, beheaded

Geneva, under Diocletian. by the soldiers of Totila, the marauding
leader of the Ostro-Goths.
HERAIS (St) VM. RM. Sept 22
Otherwise Irais, q.v. HEREBALD (HERBAND) (St) C.
AC. June n
HERBERT (St) H. AC. March 20 8th cent. A native of Britain who em-
d. 687. A priest, friend of St Cuthbcrt, braced the solitary life in Brittany,
who lived as a solitary on the island where a church is dedicated to him.
named after him on Lake Derwent-
water. The two saints were granted their HERENA (St) M. RM. Feb 25
prayer to die on the same day. See Donatus, Justus, etc.


AC. Aug 20 See Cyril, Rogatus, etc.
d. 1 180. An Englishman by birth, who
became archbishop of Conza, in the HERESWITHA (St) W. OSB.
Basilicata, Italy. He is venerated as the AC. Sept 3
principal patron saint of Conza. d. c.690. A Northumbrian princess,

sister of St Hilda and mother of SS HERMAGORAS and FORTUNA-
Sexburga, Withburga and Ethelburga. TUS (SS) MM. RM. July 12
She spent the closing years of her life as d. According to tradition, St
a nun at Chelles in France. Hermagoras was a disciple of St Mark,
by whom he was appointed first bishop
HERIBALDUS (St) Bp. OSB. of Aquileia. After "a fruitful apostolate
AC. Apr 25 he and his deacon Fortunatus were be-
d. c .857. A Benedictine monk and abbot headed under Nero.
of the monastery of St Germanus, at
Auxerre, who was promoted bishop of HERMAN of ZAHRINGEN (Bl) Mk.
the same city. OSB. AC. March 25
d. 1074. Margrave of Zahringen, who
HERIBERT (St) Bp. RM. March 16 became a monk at Cluny.
d. 1022. Born at Worms, and educated
by the Benedictines of Gorze, he became HERMAN JOSEPH (Bl) C.
chancellor to the emperor Otto III and O. Praem. AC. Apr 7
(998) archbishop of Cologne. He was an c. 1 1 50-1 241. A native of Cologne, who,
outstanding churchman, learned, zeal- at an early age, began to have mystical
ous and enterprising. He built the experiences which made him famous
Benedictine abbey of Deutz on the throughout the Germanies. He joined
Rhine where he was buried. the Premonstratensians at Steinfeld and
has left some remarkable mystical
HERLINDIS and RELINDIS (SS) writings. He had a special devotion to
Abs. OSB. AC. Oct 12 St Ursula.
d. f.745 and 750. Daughters of Count
Adelard, who built for them the nun- HERMAN of HEIDELBERG (Bl) H.
nery of Maaseyk, on the Meuse, of OSB. PC. Sept 3
which they became respectively first and d. f.1326. A Benedictine monk pro-
second abbesses. They were friends of fessed at Niederaltaich in Bavaria in
SS Willibrord and Boniface. See 1320, who lived as a hermit. An altar is
Relindis. dedicated to him in the parish church of
d. 1078. A native of Normandy who was TRACTUS) (Bl) Mk. OSB.
bred to the profession of arms and PC. Sept 25
served as a knight at the court of the d. 1054. His nickname "the Cripple"
count of Brionne. He left it to found a describes his physical condition. He was
monastery on his own estate at Bonne- offered as a child of seven to the abbey
ville, of which he became abbot. In of Reichenau on the Rhine, and became
1040 the community moved to a new the most famous religious poet of his
site on the banks of the little river Bee. age. He has always been given the title

One of the first novices was Bl Lan- of Beatus.

franc; shortly afterwards came St
Anselm. Under these three great men HERMAN (Bl) Ab. O. Praem.
Bee became the foremost school of AC. Dec 23
Christendom. Herluin has always been d. <r.i2oo. A Jew,
born in Cologne, who
given the title of Beatus. became a Christian and joined the

Premonstratensians. He was elected first HERMENGAUDIUS (ARMEN-
abbot of Scheda in the archdiocese of GOL) (St) Bp. RM. Nov 3
Cologne. d. 1035. Bishop of Urgell, in the Spanish
Pyrenees, from 1 010 till 1035. He built
HERMAS (St) Bp. RM. May 9 the cathedral and gave its canons a rule
1 st cent. A Roman, whom St Paul men- of life based on that of St Augustine.
tions in his Epistle to the Romans (XVI,
14). A Greek tradition makes him HERMENLAND (HERMELAND,
bishop of Philippi and a martyr. HERBLAND, ERBLON)
RM. March 25
HERMAS, SERAPION and POLY- d. £.720. A native of the diocese of
AENUS (SS) MM. RM. Aug 18 Noyon, he served in his youth as royal
? Roman martyrs who were dragged by cup-bearer. Then he withdrew to Fon-
their feet over rough ground till they tenelle and became a monk under St
expired; they were the victims of the Lambert. He was ordained priest and
infuriated mob. It seems that their bio- sent, with a band of twelve monks, to

grapher has united their stories quite establish a new abbey on the island of

arbitrarily into one. Hermas may be Aindre, in the estuary of the Loire.
Hermes (Aug 28).
(SS) MM. RM. Jan 4
HERMAS (St) M. RM. Nov 4
d. f.300. There is some uncertainty as to
See Nicander and Hermas.
where these martyrs suffered. The RM.
says at Bologna, under Maximian; this
HERMELLUS (St) M. RM. Aug 3 could be Bologna, a town of Mesia in
The same as Hermylus (q.v.).
Asia Minor. The feast day in their
honour at Bologna, Italy, was abolished
HERMENEGILD (St) M. in 19 1 4. Bononia on the Danube is
RM. Apr 13 another possibility.
d. Son of the Visigothic king of
Spain Leovigild, and brought up an HERMES and ADRIAN (SS) MM.
Arian at the court of Seville. He be- RM. March 1
came a Catholic on his marriage to the d. f.290. Martyrs who suffered under
daughter of Sigebert of Austrasia. His Maximian Herculeus. The RM. says
father disinherited him on account of "at Marseilles" but most writers now
his change of religion, whereupon he identify this group of martyrs —Hermes
rose in arms, was defeated and captured and Adrian are only the first in a list of
and, on refusing to give up the Catholic twenty-six —with "the Massylitan mar-
faith, was put to death at the instigation tyrs on whose birthday St Augustine
of his stepmother. delivered a discourse" (see RM. Apr 9).
The original reading of the martyrology
HERMENEGILD (St) Mk. OSB. was Massylis (Marula) in Numidia, the
AC. Nov 5 spelling of which is very similar to the
d. 953. A Spanish Benedictine of Latin Massilia (Marseilles).
Salcedo in the diocese of Tuy, in Span-
ish Galicia —one of those who helped in HERMES and Comp. (SS) MM.
the spreading of Benedictinism through- RM. Aug 28
out N.W. Spain under St Rudesind. d. f.120. Roman martyrs who perished

under the judge Aurelian, and are men- The cult of St Expeditus (whose name
tioned in the Acts of Pope St Alexander. appears in some documents as Elpidius)
Although their Acts are not trust- in order to receive a speedy answer,
worthy, the cult of St Hermes was both dates from the 17th century, and is of
ancient and widespread. German origin.

HERMES (St) M. RM. Oct 22 HERMOGENES (St) M. RM. Apr 25

See Philip, Severus, etc. See Evodius, Hermogenes and Callistus.

HERMES (St) M. RM. Nov 2 HERMOGENES (St) M. RM. Dec 10

See Publius, Victor, etc. See Mennas, Hermogenes and Eugra-
HERMES (St) M. RM. Dec 31
d. f.270. A cleric, of the rank of exorcist, HERMOGENES, DONATUS and
who is believed to have suffered under Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 12
Aurelian.He may be the same as the ? Twenty-four martyrs, said to have

martyr commemorated on Jan. 4. been driven into a marsh and there left
to perish of cold and exhaustion.
HERMIAS (St) M. RM. May 31
d. 170. A veteran soldier, martyred at HERMOGIUS (St) Bp. OSB.
Comana in Cappadocia —not in Pontus, AC. June 26
as Baronius thought. He has a promi- d. r.942. A native of Tuy and founder of
nent place in the Greek liturgy. the abbey of Labrugia (915) in Spanish
Galicia. He was taken captive by the
HERMIONE (St) V. AC. Sept 4 Moors and brought to Cordova, but
d. f.117. One of the daughters of Philip was subsequently given his freedom; his
the Deacon, mentioned in the Acts of nephew, the boy St Pelagius, being re-
the Apostles (XXI, 9) as a prophetess. tained there as a hostage. St Hermogius
She is said to have died a martyr at resigned his see and retired to Ribas del
Ephesus. Sil.


See Hermolaus, Hermippus and Her- HERMOCRATES (SS) MM.
mocrates. RM. July 27
d. £.305. St Hermolaus, an aged priest
HERMOCRATES (St) M. of Nicomedia, having succeeded in con-
July 27 verting St Pantaleon, the imperial physi-
See Hermolaus, Hermippus and Her- cian,was martyred with him and with
mocrates. the two brothersHermippus and Her-
See Peter and Hermogenes. HERMYLUS and STRATONICUS
(SS) MM. RM. Jan 13
HERMOGENES, CAIUS, EXPEDI- d. 315. Hermylus, a deacon of Singidu-
TUS, ARISTONICUS, RUFUS and num (Belgrade) and Stratonicus his
GALATA (SS) MM. RM. Apr 19 servant, were drowned in the Danube
4th cent. Armenian martyrs who are under Licinius. The value of the Life
believed to have suffered at Melitene. however has been questioned.

6th cent. A native
of Britain, who took C. AC. Apr 16
refuge in Brittany at the time of the d. 1021. A native of Touraine, he be-
Anglo-Saxon conquest. He lived as a came treasurer of the Abbey of St
solitary at a place called after him Loc- Martin of Tours, and lived for a time as
Harn, and he is the patron saint of that a hermit, but died among the canons of
village. St Martin.


PHLEGON (SS) MM. RM. Apr 8 AC. June 17
1st cent. Herodion, whom St Paul styles d. f.575. A Welsh and singer,
his kinsman (Rom XVI, 11), with blind from his childhood. He was taken
Asyncritus and Phlegon, likewise men- very young to Brittany, where he grew
tioned by the Apostle, are said to have up to become a teacher and minstrel.
become bishops, Herodion of Patras, Though blind he became abbot of
Asyncritus of Marathon and Phlegon Plouvien, whence he migrated with part
of Hyrcania, and to have been done to of his community to Lanhouarneau. He
death at the instigation of the Jews. is still a most popular saint in Brittany.

In art he is represented as blind, and led

HERON (St) M. RM. June 28 about by a wolf.
See Plutarch, Serenus, etc.
HERVEUS (Bl) H. AC. July 18
HERON (St) Bp. M. RM. Oct 17 d. 30. A native of the British Isles,
1 1

d. f.136. The disciple,and successor of he led the life of an anchorite on the

St Ignatius in the see of Antioch, which island of Chalonnes, in Anjou.
he governed for twenty years (c.116-
136). He died a martyr. HESPERIUS (St) M. RM. May 2
Otherwise Exuperius, q.v.
d. 250. The three first named were burnt AC. Dec 27
to death at Alexandria in Egypt under d. 1 133. Benedictine monk and procu-
Decius. Dioscorus, a boy, was whipped rator of Hirschau under St William. He
and then dismissed. was sent to Beinwil in Switzerland as its

first abbot (1085).

HEROS (St) M. RM. June 24
See Orentius, Heros, etc. HESYCHIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 15
See Torquatus, Ctesiphon, etc.
OSB. AC. Aug 13 HESYCHIUS (St) M. RM. June 15
d. 785. A son of the count of Ellwangen. d. f.302. A Roman soldier martyred at
He became a Benedictine at St Gall and Dorostorum (Silistria) in Maesia, to-
afterwards founded the abbey of Ell- gether with the veteran St Julius.
wangen (764) in the diocese of Augs-
burg.He was later raised to the see of HESYCHIUS (St) M. RM. July 7
Langres. See Peregrinus, Lucian, etc.

HERUNDO (St) V. RM. July 23 HESYCHIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 2

See Romula, Redempta and Herundo. See Diomedes, Julian, etc.


HESYCHIUS (St) H. RM. Oct 3 abbot both of Moyenmoutier and Bon-

d. f.380. A disciple of St Hilarion, under moutier (Galilaea, afterwards called
whom he became a monk at Majuma, Saint-Die).
near Gaza, in Palestine. He followed his
master from solitude to solitude, and HIERLATH (St) Bp. AC. Feb 1

when St Hilarion fled to Sicily, St Hesy- Otherwise Jarlath,.q.v.

chius spent three years searching for
him. At St Hilarion's death (371) he HIERO (IERO) (St) M. AC. Aug 17
conveyed the remains back to Majuma, d. 885. An Irish missionary in Holland,

where he lived until his own death. where he died a martyr.


See Hieron, Nicander, etc. CHIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. Nov 7
HESYCHIUS of ANTIOCH (St) M. d. c .300. A group
of thirty-three Arme-
RM. Nov 18 nian martyrs, who suffered at Mitilene
d. £.303. A Roman soldier who cast under Diocletian.
away his military belt (the cingulum
militare) proclaiming himself a Chris-
As a punishment for this he was
drowned in the river Orontes.
MM. RM. Sept 12
HESYCHIUS (St) Bp.M. RM.N0V26 d. £.300. Martyrs, cast into the sea at

See Faustus, Didius, etc. Alexandria in Egypt under Diocletian.

Hieronides was a deacon far advanced
HE WALD (SS) MM. RM. Oct 3 in years; Leontius and Serapion were
Otherwise Ewald, q.v. brothers. The name Selesius should be
HIA (IA, IVES) (St) V. AC. Feb 3
Otherwise la, q.v. HIEROTHEUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 4
? The alleged teacher and friend of St
HIDULPHUS (St) Mk. OSB. Dionysius the Areopagite. Modern
AC. June
23 writers either deny his existence or post-
d. r.707. Count of Hainault and a cour- date him to the 4th or 5th century.
tier at the royal palace of Austrasia. He
married St Aye, but by mutual consent HIEU (St) V. AC. Sept 2
they became religious, Hidulphus enter- d. c .657. A
Northumbrian maiden who
ing the abbey of Lobbes, which he had received the veil from St Aidan, by
helped to found. whom she was made abbess of Tad-
caster in Yorkshire. By some St Hieu is
HIDULPHUS (St) Bp. OSB. thought to be one and the same with St
AC. July 11 Bega or Bee.
d. 707. A native of Ratisbon who be-
came a monk of the abbey of Maximi- HILARIA, DIGNA, EUPREPIA,
nus, at Treves. At a later date he was EUNOMIA, QUIRIACUS, LAR-
consecrated a regionary bishop; but GIO, CRESCENTIAN, NIMMIA,
about the year 676 he resigned, and JULIANA and Comp. (SS) MM.
founded the Benedictine abbey of RM. Aug 12
Moyenmoutier. When he died he was d. £.304. Hilaria is the alleged mother of

St Afra of Augsburg (q.v.). She and consolidating the Church in Sandi,
her three were seized while
maids Africa and Gaul.
visiting the tomb of St Afra and burnt
alive. The others (Quiriacus, etc., HILARY (St) Bp. and Dr.
twenty-five in all) were Roman martyrs RM. Jan 14
buried on the Ostian Way. d. 368. Born at Poitiers of pagan patri-
cian parents, he studied rhetoric and
HILARIA (St) M. RM. Dec 3 philosophy and married early in life.
See Claudius, Hilaria, etc. Shortly after he became a Christian and
in 353 was elected bishop of Poitiers.
HILARIA (St) M. RM. Dec 31 At once he began his masterly campaign
See Donata, Paulina, etc. against Arianism,and for this reason
was exiled to Phrygia by the Arian
HILARINUS (St) RM. Aug 7 emperor Constantius. But in Phrygia
See Donatus and Hilarinus. he was even more objectionable to the
Arians, who clamoured for his recall.
HILARINUS (St) M. PC. Aug 23 He returned to Poitiers in 360. Hilary
See Altigianus and Hilarinus. is the Doctor of the Divinity of Christ.
He was officially declared a Doctor of
HILARION (St) M. RM. July 12 the Church in 1851.
See Proclus and Hilarion.
HILARION (St) Ab. RM. Oct 21 GUS and DENIS (SS) MM.
f.291-371. A native of Gaza in Palestine, RM. March 16
Hilarion became a Christian while d. C.2S4. Hilary was a bishop of Aqui-
studying at Alexandria, and took St Tatian his deacon, and the rest lay-

Antony the Great as his model. On his men. All were beheaded under Nu-
return to Gaza, he introduced there the merian.
eremitical life. Disciples soon flocked
around him and he founded several HILARY (St) M. RM. Apr 9
monasteries in Palestine. The latter part See Demetrius, Concessus, etc.
of his life is the story of his escapes from
the crowds who followed him on HILARY (St) Bp. RM. May 5
account of his miracles. He lived on Mt 400-449. Born in Lorraine, while still

Sinai, in Egypt, Sicily, Dalmatia, a pagan he gained high office in the local
Paphos and Cyprus, where he died at administration. His relative and friend,
the age of eighty. St Honoratus, invited him to the mon-
astery recently founded at Lerins, and
HILARY (HILARUS) (St) Pope Hilary baptism there, and
RM. Feb 28 joined the community. When St
d. 468. A Sardinian by birth, promoted Honoratus became bishop of Aries he
Roman curia by St
to high office in the took Hilary as his secretary. St Hilary
Leo the Great, who sent him as his succeeded to the see and showed himself
legate to the "Robber Synod of Ephe- a zealous prelate, though not always
sus" from which he escaped with diffi- prudent. In he was twice reproved
culty (449).He was made pope in 461 by the Holy See. His sanctity, however,
and worked energetically against the won for him popular veneration in life
Nestorians and Eutychians, as well as in and after death.


HILARY (St) Ab. AC. May 15 Streaneshalch. Her influence was cer-
d. 558. A hermit near the river Ronco in tainly one of the decisive factors in
Italy. Joined by others he built the securing unity in the English Church.
monastery called Galeata, afterwards Although she and her double com-
known as Sant'Ilaro, which at a later munity had professed and favoured the
period was handed over to the Camaldo- Celtic rule and observances, they gave
lese. them up after the council of Whitby
convened by St Hilda herself in 664,
HILARY (St) Bp. AC. May 16
when the Roman observances, including
d. 376. Bishop of Pavia. One of the pre-
the Roman monastic Rule of St Bene-
lates of N. Italy who fought Arianism.
dict, were definitely adopted throughout
England. Five of her monks, including
HILARY (St) Bp. AC. May 20
St Wilfrid of York and St John of
4th cent. Bishop of Toulouse.
Beverley, became bishops. Hilda is one
HILARY (St) Bp. AC. June of the greatest Englishwomen of all time.
? 4th cent. Bishop of Carcassonne.
HILARY (St) M. RM. Sept 27 AC. Apr 4
See Florentinus and Hilary. d. 752. Abbot of the Benedictine mon-
astery of St Peter at Ghent. He was
HILARY of MENDE (St) Bp. killed by some fanatics for his defence
RM. Oct 25 of holy images, and was venerated as a
d. 535. Born at Mende, the ancient martyr.
Gav alius ^ in S. France, he received bap-
tism on coming to man's estate, became

See Stephen and Hildebrand.

a hermit on the banks of the Tarn, monk
of Lerins, and finally bishop of Mende.
RM. May 25
HILARY of VITERBO (St) M. Otherwise Gregory VII, q.v.
RM. Nov 3
See Valentine and Hilary. HILDEGARD (Bl) Empress
AC. Apr 30
HILARY Ab. OSB. PC. Nov 21
(St) d. 783. A daughter of the duke of
d. c.i 045. A Matera in S.
native of Swabia. In 771 she was married to
Italy, he became abbot of San Vincenzo Charlemagne. Hildegard bore him eight
at Volturno (1011-1045). He revived children during the twelve years of their
the ancient glory of his monastery. married life. She befriended monks and
nuns, among whom she had a special
HILDA Abs. OSB. AC. Nov 17
(St) predilection for St Lioba. She is con-
617-680. A Northumbria and
native of sidered as the foundress of Kempten
a kinswoman of King St Edwin. She Abbey, where she was buried.
was baptized when a child by St Pauli-
nus (631) and at the age of thirty-three HILDEGARD (St) Abs. OSB.
joined the nuns of Hartlepool, by the RM. Sept 17
river Wear in Northumberland, of 1098-1179. Surnamed "the Sibyl of the
whom soon after she became the abbess. Rhine". Born at Bockelheim, she joined
Later on, she migrated also as abbess to the Benedictines at Diessenberg when
the double monastery of Whitby at she was only eight years old, and in

early womanhood was chosen abbess of apparel and calling herself Brother
the place. She removed the community Joseph. She died most holily and is
toMt St Rupert, near Bingen Or.1147), famous for her miracles." Hers is a
and founded another daughter-house in romantic story. She was born in the
the neighbourhood. Her claim to fame, Rhineland and, dressed as a boy, she
however, rests on her amazing writings. accompanied her father to the Holy
"Hildegard was the first of the great Land; on her return she joined the
German mystics, a poetess and a pro- Cistercian monks at Schonau; her sex
phetess, a and a political
physician was discovered after death. Of the
moralist, who
rebuked popes and several women of whom similar stories
princes, bishops and lay-folk, with are related, Hildegund is almost the
complete fearlessness and unerring only one in whose story there seems to
justice" (Attwater). Accused by her be a measure of truth. Her cult is,
numerous enemies, she was defended however, only a popular one.
by St Bernard and by his pope-disciple
Bl Eugene III. "Hildegard's mystical HILDELID (HILDILID, HILDEL-
writings have provoked comparison THA) (St) Abs. OSB. AC. March 24
with Dante and William Blake . . . d. £.717. A young Anglo-Saxon princess
she was alike one of the greatest figures who took the veil either at Chelles or
of the 1 2th century, of the followers of at Faremoutier, in France. She was
St Benedict, and of the women of all recalled to England by St Erconwald to
time" (Attwater). train her sister Ethelburga of Barking.
When the latter became abbess Hildelid
HILDEGRIN (St) Bp. AC. June 19 stayed on one of her nuns, and
d. f.827. Younger brother of St Ludger, eventually succeeded her as abbess. She
q.v., and his fellow-worker in the evan- won the admiration of SS Aldhelm,
gelization of the Saxons. At a later Bede and Boniface.
period (802?) he was promoted bishop
of Chalons-sur-Marne. It is usually HILDEMAR (Bl) M. OSA.
stated that towards theend of his life AC. Jan 13
he became a monk, and abbot of the d. 1097(8). German by origin, he was a
Benedictine monastery of Werden. court chaplain William the Con-
queror in England. Then he became a
HILDEGUND (St) W. O. Praem. hermit at Arrouaise in Artois. He was
AC. Feb 6 joined by many disciples for whom he
d. 1 Wife of Count Lothair. In her
183. founded the monastery of Arrouaise
widowhood she turned her castle of under the Augustinian rule of canons
Meer, near Cologne, into a Premon- regular. He was killed by an assassin
stratensian nunnery and entered there who posed as a novice.
with her daughter, in the teeth of fierce
family opposition. Hildegund became HILDEMAR (St) Bp. OSB.
the prioress of the new foundation. AC. Dec 10
d. P.S44. A monk of Corbie who was
HILDEGUND, or Joseph (Bl) N. appointed bishop of Beauvais in 821.
OSB. Cist. PC. Apr 20
d. 1 188. The Cistercian menology HILDEMARCA (St) Abs. OSB.
"Hildegund, died a novice at the
states: AC. Oct 25
abbey of Schonau, disguised in male d. r.670. A nun of St Eulalia at Bor-

deaux, who was invited by St Wandrille called after him Immertal, Val-Saint-
to govern his new monastery at Fecamp. Imier.


BALD) (St) Bp. OSB. 7 AC. Sept See Samosata Martyrs.
d. r.750. A missionary bishop in Flan-
ders, founder of St Peter's abbey at HIPPOLYTUS (St) M. RM. Jan 30
Dickelvenne, between Ghent and Aude- ? A martyr renowned at Antioch. The

narde, in the Schelde. details given in the RM. are borrowed

from the story of St Hippolytus of Rome.
Otherwise Tillo, q.v. HIPPOLYTUS (St) M. RM. Feb 3
See Felix, Symphronius, etc.
HILSINDIS (Bl) Abs. OSB. AC. May 4
d. 1028. Of the family of the dukes of
Lorraine. In her widowhood she was AC. March 20
the abbess-foundress of the nunnery of 1 565-1 6 1 9. A native of Florence, and a
Thorn, on the Marne. silk-weaver by trade. From his twelfth
year he assisted the priests in teaching
HILTRUDE (St) V. OSB. RM. Sept 27 Christian doctrine to the children. This
d. c.790. A recluse in a cell near the
practice was imitated by others, whom
abbey of under the obedience
Bl Hippolytus formed into the congre-
of its abbot, who was her own brother,
gation of Italian Doctrinarians. It soon
spread throughout Italy. Beatified in
HILTUTUS (St) Ab. AC. July 7
Otherwise Illtyd, q.v.
HIMELIN (St) C. AC. March 10 Comp. (SS) MM.
d. f.750. An Irish, or Scottish, priest, RM. Aug 13 and Nov 19
who died at Vissenaeken, near Tirle- d. f.236. A native of Rome who became
mont, in Belgium, on his return from a a member of the Roman clergy, among
Roman pilgrimage. He is still venerated whom he was known for his rigoristic
at Vissenaeken. leanings. He censured Pope St Callistus
I, causing himself to be elected anti-
HIMERIUS (St) Bp. RM. June 17 pope. He was exiled to Sardinia and
d. £.560. A native of Calabria, who from there reconciled to the church before his
being a monk, was raised to the see of martyrdom. He is one of the most
Amelia (Ameria) in Umbria. He is important ecclesiastical writers of his
described as a very austere man, first time. His story has been overlaid by
with himself and then with others. In legends. One connects him with the
995 his relics were translated to Cremo- death of St Laurence; and St Con-
na, where he is venerated as one of its cordia (a genuine martyr of whom
principal patron saints. however nothing is known) is worked
into the story. The legend of Hippolytus
HIMERIUS (IMIER) (St) Ab. of Porto has no basis beyond the fact
AC. Nov 12 that this Hippolytus was venerated with
d. <\6io. A monk-hermit and a mission- a basilica at Porto. See also Pontian
ary in the district of the Swiss Jura, now (Nov 19).

HIPPOLYTUS of PORTO (St) Bp. bishop of Pavia. She was a nun at Pa via,
M. RM. Aug 22 when Odoacer, the king of the Heruli,
? d. c .236. This saint is really St Hippo- dragged her into captivity. She was
lytus of Rome commemorated on Aug ransomed by her brother and returned
13. The confusion arose through this to Pavia.
saint having a basilica dedicated to him
at Rome. The RM. makes him a bishop HONORATUS of ARLES (St) Bp.
of Porto, martyred by drowning under RM. Jan 16
Alexander. d. 429. Born probably in Lorraine of a
Roman consular family, he renounced
HIPPOLYTUS (St) Bp. OSB. paganism in his youth and went to the
AC. Nov 28 East to study monasticism. Returning to
d. £.775. Abbot-bishop of Saint-Claude, France, he founded on the Mediter-
in France. raneanislet of Lerins, the abbey of that

name. In 426 he was forced to accept

the archbishopric of Aries; but died
See Eusebius, Marcellus, etc.
only three years later.


Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Nov 27 ?OSB. RM. Jan 16
d. f.305. Martyrs of Sebaste in Armenia.
6th cent. The
abbot-founder of the
They include Acacius, a priest, seven
monastery of Fondi on the confines of
women, and Hirenarchus, converted on
Latium and Campania. St Gregory the
witnessing the courage of the other
Great gives (Dialogues Bk I) a pleasing,
though all too short, account of his life.
HOMOBONUS (St) C. RM. Nov 13
d. 1 197. A
merchant of Cremona, who
throughout his life practised the most RM. Feb 8

scrupulous honesty and was conspicu-

d. 570. Appointed bishop of Milan in
ous for his charity to the poor. One day, 567, at a time when much trouble was

during the celebration of Mass, at which being caused by the Arian disputes and

he assisted every day, he fell prostrate by the Lombard invasion. He was

on the ground and was picked up dead. driven from his see by barbarians, and

Two years after his death his fellow- died in exile.

citizens petitioned the Holy See for his

canonization and their petition was
granted at once (1 199).
RM. May 16
d. c .600. A native of Ponthieu who be-
HONESTUS (St) M. AC. Feb 16 came bishop of Amiens. The church and
d. 270. A native of Nimes, who was thoroughfare of Saint-Honore, in Paris,
ordained priest and sent into Spain by take their name from him.
St Saturninus to preach the gospel,
which he did with much fruit. He HONORATUS, FORTUNATUS,
appears to have been martyred at Pam- ARONTIUS (ORONTIUS), SABI-
peluna in Spanish Navarre. NIAN (SAVINIAN) (SS) MM.
RM. Aug 27 and Sept 1

HONORATA (St) V. RM. Jan n d. 303. Martyrs beheaded at Potenza

d. ^.500. The sister of St Epiphanius, under Maximian. They are one of the

groups commemorated under the title HONORIUS of BRESCIA (St) Bp.
of "The Twelve Holy Brothers", q.v. RM. Apr 24
d. r.586. A hermit near Brescia, who
HONORATUS of VERCELLI (St) was chosen bishop of that city (f.577).
Bp. RM. Oct 28
c. 330-41 5. A native of Vercelli who was HONORIUS of CANTERBURY (St)
trained in the monastic and the ecclesi- Bp. OSB. RM. Sept 30
astical life by St Eusebius. He accom- d. 653. A Roman by birth and a Bene-
panied his master into his exile at dictine by profession, he succeeded St
Scythopolis (355), and in his wander- Justus as archbishop of Canterbury
ings through Cappadocia, Egypt and (627). He was consecrated at Lincoln
Illyricum. In 396 he was elected bishop by St Paulinus, and himself consecrated
on the recommendation of St Ambrose, bishops St Felix for the East Angles
to whom he administered holy viaticum. and St Ithamar, the first English born
bishop, for Rochester.
Bp. AC. Dec 21 HONORIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 21
d. 3rd cent. Born in Spanish Navarre, See Demetrius and Honorius.
he succeeded St Saturninus in the see
of Toulouse. He consecrated St Firmi- HONORIUS, EUTYCHIUS and
nus II bishop of Amiens. STEPHEN (SS) MM. RM. Nov 21
d. £.300. Spanish martyrs, who suffered
HONORATUS (St) M. at Asta, in Andalusia, under Diocletian.
RM. Dec 22
See Demetrius, Honoratus and Florus. HONORIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 30
See Mansuetus, Severus, etc.

HONORATUS (St) M. RM. Dec 29

See Dominic, Victor, etc.
HOPE (St) VM. RM. Aug 1

See Faith, Hope, and Charity.

HONORE (St) Bp. RM. May 16

HORMISDAS (St) Pope RM. Aug 6
Otherwise Honoratus of Amiens, q.v.
d. 523. Born at Frosinone in Latium, he
succeeded St Symmachus in 514. He is
HONORINA (St) VM. AC. Feb 27 best remembered for the confession of
? One of the early martyrs of Gaul. Her
faith called the Formula of Hormisdas,
Acts have been lost. Her cult is most
which was accepted in the East (519)
ancient in Normandy. and thus ended the Monophysite schism
of Acacius. His son, St Silverius, be-
came pope in 536.
Bl) M. 9 AC. Jan
d. 1250 (?) Born at Buzancais in Berry, HORMISDAS (St) M. RM. Aug 8
France, Honorius was a rich and charit- d. 420. A noble Persian youth, who re-
able cattle merchant. On his return from fused to apostatize, and was degraded
a journey, he found out that he had by King Varannes to the rank of an
been robbed by his servants and remon- army camel-driver and subsequently
strated with them. He was killed for this executed.
reason, at Parthenay in Poitou and
venerated as a martyr. Canonized in HORRES (St) M. RM. March 13
1444. See Theusetas, Horres, etc.

HORTULANUS (St) Bp. M. he was hunting, in circumstances simi-
RM. Nov 28 lar tothose narrated of St Eustace and
See Valerian, Urban, etc. others. He is by some writers
also said
to have joined the community of Stave-
HOSANNA of CATTARO (Bl) V. lot. Eventually he succeeded St Lambert

Tert. OP. AC. Apr 27 as bishop of Maestricht (r.706) whence

d. 1565. Her baptismal name was Cath-

he transferred the see to Liege. He is

erine Cosie,and she was the daughter of venerated as the patron saint of hunters.
dissident orthodox parents in Montene-
gro. She abjured the schism at Cattaro, HUBERT (HUGBERT) of BRETIG-
and became a Dominican tertiary, tak- NY (St) C. OSB. AC. May 30
ing the new name of Hosanna. Cult At the age of twelve he entered,
d. f.714.
confirmed in 1928. in spite of much opposition from his
family, the abbey of Bretigny, near

HOSANNA of MANTUA (Bl) V. Noyon. There his life was an uninter-

Tert. OP. AC. June 18 rupted series of portentous happenings.
1449-1 505. A native of Mantua, daugh-
ter of the patrician, Andreasio. She HUGH of FOSSE (Bl) O. Praem.
spent her large fortune in the service of AC. Feb 10
the poor as a Dominican tertiary. Cult 1 164. Fosse near Namur in
Born at
confirmed by Leo X and Innocent XII. Belgium, he was ordained priest and in
1 1
19 joined St Norbert the founder of
HOSPITIUS (St) H. RM. May 21 the premonstratensians, whose com-
d. f.580. A hermit at the place now panion and assistant he became, and
called after him Cap-Saint-Hospice, whom he succeeded as abbot of Pre-
between Villefrance and Banlieu. His montre and superior general of the
relics were translated to Lerins on May order. Cult confirmed in 1927.

21, the day on which his feast is now

celebrated. HUGH dei LIPPI-UGUCCIONI (St)
C. OSM. RM. Feb 12 and May 3
HROZNATA (Bl) M. O. Praem. d. 1282. A Florentine by birth. One of
AC. July 19 the Seven Founders of the Servite
1 1 60-1 2 1 7. A member of a noble family Order. He accompanied St Philip Benizi
of Bohemia, who married and lost by to France and Germany and was vicar-
sudden death his wife and only child. general of the order in Germany for

He then founded the Premonstraten- eight years. He died on Mt Senario.

sian abbey of Tepl in Bavaria, and was
himself professed therein. He died of HUGH of VAUCELLES (Bl) OSB.
starvation in a dungeon, into which he Cist. AC. March 29
had been thrown by robbers. Cult d. 1239. From being dean of the church
approved in 1897. at Cambrai he became a monk at the
Cistercian abbey of Vaucelles.
HUBERT (St) Bp. Nov 3RM.
d. 727. A courtier of Pepin of Heristal HUGH of GRENOBLE (St) Bp.
who, having lost his wife, entered the OSB. RM. Apr 1

According to a late
ecclesiastical state. 053-1 132. A native of Dauphine, who,

legend his conversion happened while although a layman, was at the age of

twenty-five already a canon of Valence. HUGH the GREAT of CLUNY (St)
He was appointed bishop of Grenoble Ab. OSB. RM. Apr 29
in 1080. Convinced of his own ineffi- 1 024- 1 109. Born at Samur, he made his

ciency, he retired to the austere abbey of profession at Cluny (1039), was or-
Chaise-Dieu and received the Benedic- dained priest at twenty, and elected
tine habit.Pope Gregory VII, however, abbot at twenty-five. He was abbot from
ordered him back to Grenoble. He gave 1049 till 1 109, and during this period
to St Bruno the land of La Grande he was the adviser of nine popes,
Chartreuse. He was canonized in 1134, consulted and revered by all the sove-
two years after his death. reigns of Europe, and the ruler of over
200 monasteries. He and his Cluniac
HUGH of BONNEVAUX (Bl or St) monk St Gregory VII were instrumen-
Ab. OSB. Cist. AC. Apr 1 tal in promoting the powerful revival of

d. 1 194. A
nephew of St Hugh of spiritual life throughout W. Europe
Grenoble who became a Cistercian at which characterizes the nth century.
Mezieres. In 1 163 he was made abbot of He founded a hospital at Marcigny in
Leoncel, and in 11 69 promoted to which he loved to wait upon the lepers
Bonnevaux. He was possessed of singu- with his own hands. Few men have been
lar powers of divination and exorcism, so universally esteemed. Canonized in
but he is chiefly remembered as the 1 120.
mediator between Alexander III and
OSB. PC. June 11
Born Tournai and educated
d. 1 1 58. at
at Reims, he became a Benedictine at
RM. Apr 9
St Martin, Tournai, and abbot of Mar-
d. 730. At a very early age he became a
chiennesin 1148.
monk, either at Fontenelle or Jumieges.
Then he was called to be primicerius of HUGH of MONTAIGU (Bl) Bp.
Metz and shortly after was made bishop AC. Aug
OSB. 10
of Rouen (722) as well as of Paris, being
d. 1 136. A nephew of St Hugh of Cluny,
at the same time abbot of Fontenelle
under whom
he was educated and pro-
and Jumieges. He made use of all these
fessed a at Cluny. In
offices to foster piety and learning.
1096 he was made bishop of Auxerre.
Before his death, however, he resigned
them all and died at Jumieges as a HUGH (LITTLE) (St) M. AC. Aug 18
simple monk. d. 1255. A
boy of Lincoln, aged nine,
who was put to death by Jews. King
HUGH of ANZY-LE DUC (St) C. Henry III conducted the judicial inves-
OSB. AC. Apr 20 tigationswhich resulted in eighteen
d. f.930. A native of Poitiers, he was Jews being hanged for their crime.
trained from infancy at the Benedictine
abbey of Saint-Savin, Poitou, where he HUGH GREEN (Bl) M. AC. Aug 19
became a monk. Later he was sent to d. 1642. A Londoner, educated at Peter-
several houses to revive monastic ob- house, Cambridge. After his conversion
servance, including the newly founded he studied for the priesthood at Douai,
abbey of Cluny where he helped Bl and was ordained there in 161 2. He
Berno. He died as prior of Anzy-le-Duc. worked in Dorset, and was hanged for
His relics were elevated in 1001. his priesthood at Dorchester.

AC. Aug 28 Cist. AC. Nov 17
d. 1588.Born at Grantham in Lincoln- d. ^.1172. Firstabbot of the Cistercian
shire, he was educated at Oxford abbey of Noara in Sicily, founded in
(Broadgates Hall) and Gray's Inn. He 1 172 by the community of Sambucina.

became a convert at Reims and was

hanged for this at Lincoln's Inn Fields. HUGH of LINCOLN (St) Bp. O.
Beatified in 1929. Cart. RM. Nov 17
1 140-1200. A native of Burgundy and a
HUGH of SASSOFERRATO (Bl) C. canon regular, who at the age of twenty
OSB. Silv. AC. Sept 19 joined the Carthusians. In 1175 he was

d. £.1290. Born at Serra San Quirico in invited by King Henry II to found the

the diocese of Camerino, he studied at first English Charterhouse at Witham in

Bologna. He received the monastic Somerset, which he did in the face of

habit from St Silvester, of whom he was obstacles of all kinds. In 1181 he was
a devoted disciple. He died at Sasso- raised to the see of Lincoln, and gov-
ferrato. Cult approved in 1747. erned it zealously and wisely; the
present cathedral of Lincoln was begun
during his episcopate. He died, aged sixty,
deeply lamented by all, especially by the
AC. Oct 8
1 168-1230. Priest and chaplain of the
Jews, whom
he had always defended
and befriended. At his magnificent
knights of St John of Jerusalem at
funeral the kings of England and Scot-
land helped to carry the bier. Canonized
in 1220.
Cist. PC. Oct 10 HUGOLINUS of GUALDO (Bl) C.
d. 1 151. A Cistercian under St Stephen, OSA. AC. Jan 1
and then abbot of Pontigny (1114). In d. 1260. A hermit of St Augustine who
1 37
he was elected bishop of Auxerre, ruled as prior a monastery of that order
the first Cistercian to be raised to the at Gualdo, in Umbria. Cult approved
episcopate. ini9i9.


OSA. AC. March 22
OSB. AC. Oct 21
d. f.i47o(?). An
Augustinian hermit
9th-ioth cent. Third abbot of the Bene-
friar who Cortona (or perhaps
lived at
dictine monastery of Ambronay in the
Mantua). Cult confirmed in 1804.
diocese of Belley.


OSB. AC. Nov 15 See Daniel, Samuel, etc.
d. 1539. Hugh Faringdon (vere Cook)
became abbot of Reading in 1520. He HUGOLINUS MAGALOTTI (Bl)
was an intimate friend of Henry VIII, C. Tert. OFM. AC. Dec n
but at the dissolution he refused to sur- d. 1373. A native of Camerino who lived
render his abbey. He was martyred at as a hermit after having joined the third
Reading with two prebendaries of the order of the Friars Minor. Cult con-
abbey (doubtless monks). firmed in 1856.

AC. Feb 12 PC. Dec 7
1 092-1 135. A younger of St
sister d. 1 148. A monk
of Chaise-Dieu who
Bernard of Clairvaux. She married a went over to Clairvaux in 11 17. St
rich man and was leading a worldly life Bernard made him prior and then sent
when a visit to her brother in Clairvaux him as abbot to Igny (1127). Humbert
resulted in her spiritual conversion. She sought to return to Clairvaux, but St
asked and obtained her husband's con- Bernard ordered him back to Igny
sent to become a nun, and entered the under pain of monastic excommunica-
Black Benedictine nunnery of Jully-les- tion. On Humbert's death St Bernard
Nonnais, near Troyes, of which she delivered a most touching homily to his
became abbess. She founded Tart brethren at Clairvaux.
nunnery for the Cistercians, but she
herself remained a Black Benedictine HUMILIANA de'CERCHI (Bl) Tert.
at Jully, where she died in St Bernard's
OFM. AC. May 19
1 220-1 246. Daughter of a Florentine
arms. Cult approved in 1763.
family, she married at the age of sixteen.


After the early death of her husband she

AC. March 4 became the first cloistered Franciscan

1 1 36-1 188. Humbert III was king of tertiary at Florence. Cult approved by
Savoy, and was three, perhaps four Innocent XII.
times married. Coming to the throne
at the age of thirteen, he learnt holiness
OFM. AC. Nov 27
and the art of government from Bl
1 582-1 637. A native of Bisignano in
Amedius of Lausanne. Ever just and
Calabria, and a Franciscan lay-brother.
pious, in his old age he retired to the
He became so widely known for his
Cistercian abbey of Haute Combe,
sanctity that he was called to Rome,
where he died in the Cistercian habit.
where both Gregory XV and Urban
Cult confirmed in 1838.
VIII consulted him. Beatified in 1882.


AC. March 25 Abs. OSB. Vail. AC. May 22
d. <\68o. A disciple of St Amandus who 1 226-1 3 10. Born at Faenza, in the Ro-
became the founder and first abbot
joint magna, at fifteen years of age she was
of the abbey of Marolles in Flanders. compelled to marry a frivolous young
man named Ugoletto. After nine years
HUMBERT of ROMANS (Bl) C. of married life he became seriously ill,

OP. PC. July14 and on his recovery consented to be-

d. 1277. The fifth master general of the come and allowed Humilitas
a religious
Dominicans. He was particularly suc- to receive the veil. She first lived as a
cessful in the development of the foreign recluse near the Vallumbrosan church
missions, and in the definitive planning of St Apollinaris where her husband was
of the studies among the Friars Prea- a monk, and later, persuaded by the gen-
chers. Cult not yet confirmed. eral of the Vallumbrosans, founded and
ruled two houses for Vallumbrosan nuns.
HUMBERT (Bl) C. OSB. AC. Oct 26
d. 7th or 8th cent. Monk of Fritzlar in HUMPHREY (St) H. RM. June 12
Hesse and prior of Buraburg. Otherwise Onuphrius, q.v.

OSB. AC. March 8 See Zoticus, Irenaeus, etc.

d. 871. A monk of the Benedictine

abbey of Priim, in the Ardennes, at the HYACINTH (St) M. RM. July 3
time of its greatest splendour. He be- d. c.120. A chamberlain of the emperor
came bishop of Therouanne and ruled Trajan at Caesarea in Cappadocia. He
at the same time the abbey of St Bertin. was imprisoned and offered as susten-
He was a source of strength and comfort ance only meat consecrated to idols.
to the people during the Norman in- This he constantly refused and died in
vasion. He had the feast of the Assump- consequence of starvation.
tion of Our Lady kept with especial
splendour in his diocese. HYACINTH (St) M. RM. July 17
? A martyr of Amastris in Paphlagonia,
HUMPHREY MIDDLEMORE (Bl) put to death for having cut down a tree
M. O. Cart. AC. June 19 consecrated to an idol.
d. 1535. A Carthusian monk, belonging
to the London Charterhouse, who was HYACINTH (St) M. RM. July 26
hanged at Tyburn with two others of his d. A martyr under Trajan. His

brethren. Beatified in 1886. existenceis certain, but his Acts are

thoroughly untrustworthy.
HUNA (St) C. OSB. AC. Feb 13
d. c .690. A monk-priest at Ely under St
HYACINTH (St) C. OP. RM. Aug 17
Etheldreda, whom he assisted in her
185-1257. Surnamed "the Apostle of
last moments, afterwards retiring to a
Poland". Silesian by birth, and a canon
hermitage in the Fens where he died.
of Cracow, he received the Dominican
habit from St Dominic himself. In
three apostolic journeys he is said to
AC. Aug 25
have travelled through Poland, Pome-
d. f.690.According to her biographer,
she was compelled to marry against her
ania, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Rus-
wish, and prevailed on her bridegroom
sia, and as far as Tibet and China.
to accompany her to Rome, where she
However, the details of his life are very
uncertain. He died at Cracow and was
received the veil at the hands of Pope
canonized in 1594.
St They returned to their
country and Hunegund entered the
nunnery of Homblieres, while her for-
mer betrothed served there as chaplain.
Martyrs who are said to have suffered

HUNGER (St) Bp. AC. Dec 22 at some place in the Sabine country,

d. 866. Bishop of Utrecht

from 856. about thirty miles from Rome.
During the Norman invasion he fled to
Priim, where he died. HYACINTH ORFANEL (Bl) M.
OP. AC. Sept 10
HUNNA (St) W. AC. Apr 15 1 578-1 622. A native of Liana, Valencia,
d. 679. The wife of an Alsatian noble- Spain. He joined the Dominicans at
man. Her neighbours called her "the Barcelona and was sent to the missions
holy washerwoman", because she was of Japan. He was burnt alive at Naga-
wont to help them all in that capacity. saki, after many years of apostolic
Canonized in 1 520. labours. Beatified in 1867.


HYACINTH (St) M. RM. Sept 1 whether he died a martyr. His pontifi-
See Protus and Hyacinth. cate was occupied with the struggle
against Gnosticism.
RM. Oct 29 See Lucillian, Claudius, etc.

? Martyrs of Lucania in S. Italy.

HYPATIUS (St) C. RM. June 17
d. f.450. Born in Phrygia, at the age of
nineteen he embraced the solitary life,
OP. AC. Nov 7
first in Thrace, and then at Chalcedon
d. 1773. Born at Setavo in the diocese
in Bithynia, where he became abbot of
of Valencia, Spain. After his profession
a flourishing laura. He was a deter-
as a Friar Preacher and his ordination
mined opponent of Nestorianism.
to the priesthood, he was sent to the
mission, first to China, then to Tonkin,
where he was beheaded. Beatified in
HYPATIUS (St) M. RM. June 18
See Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus.


Tert. V. OFM. RM. Jan 30 MM. RM. Aug 29
1 585-1 640. A lady of Viterbo, who, at d. 735. Natives of Lydia. Hypatius was
the age of twenty, was passed over by the a bishop, and Andrew a priest. They
Marquis Cassizucchi in favour of her were martyred at Constantinople under
younger sister, whom he married. Hya- Leo the Isaurian for their defence of the
cinth became so very troublesome that veneration of sacred images.
her family almost forced her into the
convent of Franciscan tertiaries at HYPATIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 14
Viterbo. Here, she began by scandal- d. c .325. A bishop of Gangra in Paphla-

ously ignoring or transgressing the Rule, gonia, who attended the council of
was then converted to better ways, but Nicaea and was a prominent defender
relapsed, and finally, during twenty- of the divinity of Christ. While on his
four years, gave herself up to a life of return from Nicaea, he was attacked by
heroic humility, prayer, patience and a band of heretics and stoned to death.

penance. Canonized in 1807.

HYDROC (St) C. AC. May 5 ? An
Egyptian desert father; a collec-
5th cent. The patron saint of Lanhydroc tion of 160 sayings attributed to him
in Cornwall. were published by Rosweyde's Vitae
BALD, HYBALD) (St) H. OSB. HYWYN (St) C. AC. Jan 6
AC. Sept 18 d. />-5i6. Probably a companion of St
d. c.690. An abbot in Lincolnshire to Cadfan on his return journey (516) from
whom several churches are dedicated. Brittany to Cornwall and Wales. He is
said to have been the founder of Aber-
HYGINUS (St) Pope M. RM. Jan 11 daron in Carnarvonshire. Several
d. f.142. The probable dates of his churches in W. England known as St
pontificate are 138 to 142; but even this Owen's or St E wen's possibly have him
much is not certain. It is also doubtful for their titular saint.

AC. Feb 3 AC. Feb 24
d. 450. An Irish maiden, sister of St d. ^.1195.Wife of Eberhard, count of
Ercus, who crossed into Cornwall, with Spanheim, and, after his death, a Bene-
SS Fingar, Piala, and other mission- dictine nun at Bingen.
aries,and there suffered martyrdom at
the mouth of the Hayle river. She has IDA of BOULOGNE (Bl) W.
left her name to St Ives in Cornwall. AC. Apr 13
1040-1113. Adaughter of Godfrey IV,
MM. duke of Lorraine, descended from
IA and Comp. (SS)
RM. Aug Charlemagne. She was the mother of
A Greek slave, who suffered Godfrey and Baldwin de Bouillon. After
d. 360.
with many other the death of her husband she endowed
martyrdom in Persia
several monasteries in Picardy, herself
Christian captives (the figure usually
given is nine thousand) during the per- living as a Benedictine oblate under the
secution of King Shapur II. The name obedience of the abbot of St Vaast.

signifies "violet", and the circumstances

attending his martyrdom are not known.
Cist. PC. Apr 13
d. f.1300. A She
native of Louvain.
IAGO (St) Apostle RM. July 25 joined the Cistercians at the nunnery of
Note. An antiquated Spanish form of
Rossendael, near Malines, where she
the name of St James. Iago is now always was favoured by God with a life-long
used with the prefixed hagiological title
series of amazing supernatural charis-
of Sant (Saint) in this way Santiago. :


AC. Apr 23 AC. May 8
5th cent. One of the missionaries — SS d. 652. She is also named Itta or Idu-
Kiaran, Ailbe, Declan, etc. — who evan- berga. She was the wife of Pepin of
gelized Ireland at the time of, or as Landen, after whose death (640) she
some writers hold, shortly before, St became a Benedictine at Nivelles under
Patrick. St Ibar preached chiefly in her own daughter St Gertrude.
Leinster and in Meath.
IDA of ARGENSOLLES (Bl) Abs. AC. Sept 4
OSB. Cist. AC. Jan 13 d. f.813. Great-granddaughter of Charles
d. 1226. A Black Benedictine nun of St Martel. She married and was very happy
Leonard's, Liege, who was elected in her married life ; but lost her husband
abbess of the Cistercian nunnery of very young. She then founded the nun-
Argensolles, in the diocese of Soissons. nery of Herzfeld in Westphalia, de-


voted herself to good works, and died name is mentioned in the canon of the
at the convent. Roman Mass.


OSB. AC. Nov 3 RM. Feb 3
1 1 56-1 226. She married a Count Henry See Laurentinus, Ignatius and Celerina.
of Toggenburg, to whom she bore no
child, and from whom she suffered IGNATIUS de LACONI (St) C.
much persecution. She escaped, and at OFM. Cap. AC. May n
last succeeded in obtaining her hus- 1701-1781. Vincent de Laconi was born
band's consent to her becoming a nun in Sardinia of parents of modest means.
in the Benedictine convent of Fiesh- His childish devotion was so remarkable
ingen. he would be at the church doors before
dawn waiting in prayer for them to be
IDABERGA (several) opened. Received with some difficulty
Otherwise Edburga, q.v. into the Franciscan Order, he made
profession as Br Ignatius in 1722. He
IDESBALD (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist. passed his life in menial tasks and in
AC. Apr 18 begging for his convent at Cagliari.
1 1 00-1167. Born in Flanders, he spent Illiterate, he loved to listen to the Gos-
his youth at the court of the count of pels, especially the Passion of Christ
Flanders. In 1135 he was made canon being read, and was favoured with the
of Fumes, but resigned his office to gifts of prophecy and miracles. He
become a Cistercian at the abbey of our would pass whole hours in prayer before
Lady of the Dunes on the sand-hills the tabernacle. Canonized 1951.
between Dunkirk and Nieuport. He be-
came the third abbot and ruled for IGNATIUS DELGADO (Bl) Bp. M.
twelve years. Cult confirmed in 1894. OP. AC. July 11
1 761-1838. A
Spaniard by birth, Igna-
IDUS (St) Bp. AC. July 14 tius Delgado y Cebrian professed the
5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick by Dominican rule and was sent to the
whom he was baptized and appointed missions in Tonkin. He laboured for
bishop of Alt-Fadha in Leinster. nearly fifty years and was appointed
vicar apostolic of E. Tonkin and conse-
IGNATIUS of ANTIOCH (St) Bp. crated bishop. He died in his cage at
M. RM. Feb 1 Annam from hunger and exposure.
d. £.107. Surnamed Theophorus (the Beatified in 1900.
God-bearer). Bishop of Antioch in
Syria for forty years. Under Trajan he IGNATIUS de AZEVEDO and
was carried to Rome, where he was Comp. (BB) MM. SJ. AC. July 15
thrown to the wild beasts in the amphi- d. 1570. A band of forty Portuguese and
theatre during the public games. On his Spanish Jesuit missionaries, who were
way to Rome
he wrote seven epistles, put to death by the Huguenot skipper,
which are still extant, and which show Jacques Sourie, near the Canary Islands,
the whole system of Christianity while on their way to the West Indies.
doctrinal, sacramental and hierarchical Ignatius was the superior and leader of
— as perfect then as it is today. His relics the band. He was born at Coimbra,
are kept at St Peter's, Rome, and his where he joined the Society of Jesus in

1548. He was a religious of outstanding of his native Constantinople. He stood
ability, highly revered by his superiors. firm against intrigue and corruption,
Cult officially confirmed in 1854. even in high places, and openly refused
holy communion to Bardas Caesar on
IGNATIUS of LOYOLA (St) account of his public incest. Ignatius
Founder RM. July 31 was driven from the see, and Photius
1491-1556. de Recalde de Loyola
Ifiigo intruded. After nine years Ignatius was
was born on the estate of his family at recalled and governed the see till his
Loyola in the Basque province of Gui- death.
puzcoa (Spain) and, after some time as
a page at court, joined the army and was
607-667. Nephew of St Eugene of
grievously wounded at the siege of
Toledo. He was born also at Toledo,
Pampeluna in 1521. On his recovery he
studied at Seville under St Isidore,
turned his mind to the service of the
became monk and abbot of Agli (Agalia),
militant church. He prepared himself by
on the Tagus near Toledo, and was
a retreat at Montserrat and Manresa,
where he wrote his epoch-making classic,
made archbishop of that city in 657. He
was responsible for the unification of
The Book of Spiritual Exercises. At Paris
the Spanish liturgy and excelled as a
he gathered nine companions and to-
writer, chiefly on Mariology.
gether they took their first vows at the
church of Montmartre. Ignatius's aim
was simply this to work for the greater

DHAN) (St) Bp. AC. June 10

glory of God under the obedience of
6th cent. Bishop of Rathliphthen (now
the pope. In 1537 he called his little
Rathlihen) in Offaly, Ireland.
band the Society of Jesus and in April
1 541, all took their final vows in the ILLIDIUS (ALLYRE) (St) Bp.
Benedictine basilica of St Paul-outside- RM. July 7
the-Walls, Rome. Ignatius was naturally d. 385. The fourth bishop of Clermont,
elected the first general and ruled the France. St Gregory of Tours had a
Society until his death. Before this time great veneration for him.
the original band had already become a
veritable army scattered throughout the ILLOG (St) C. AC. Aug 8
world —from Japan in the Far East to Otherwise Ellidius, q.v.
the furthermost West Indies. Ignatius
was canonized in 1622. ILLTYD (ILLTUT) (St) Ab.
AC. Nov 6
IGNATIUS JORJES (Bl) M. d. c .505. One of the mostcelebrated of
AC. Sept 10 the Welsh but unfortunately the
d. 1622. The four-year-old son of Domi- details of his life have not reached us in
nic Jorjesand Isabel Fernandez. He trustworthy form. From being a courtier
was beheaded with his mother at Naga- and minister, he embraced the monastic
saki (see Charles Spinola). life under St Cadoc, and later founded

the great abbey of Llan-IUtut, or

IGNATIUS of CONSTANTINOPLE Llantwit, whence issued most of the
(St) Bp. RM. Oct 23 Welsh saints of that period. According
f.799-877. Son of the Byzantine em- to some the original foundation was on
peror Michael, he was successively Caldey Island. He is said to have died
monk, priest, abbot, and patriarch (842) in Brittany.

ILLUMINATA (St) V. RM. Nov 29 as the restorer of Glastonbury. About
d. f.320. A maiden of Todi, in Italy, the year 726 he resigned and, with his
where she is still held in great venera- wife Ethelburga, journeyed to Rome,
tion. where he ended his days in practices of
piety and penance. They have never
ILLUMINATUS (St) Mk. OSB. been formally recognized as saints.
RM. May 11
d. £.1000. A Benedictine monk of the INAN (St) H. AC. Aug 18
abbey of San Mariano, in his native Otherwise Evan, q.v.
township of Sanseverino in the Marches
of Ancona. INDALETIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 15
See Torquatus, Ctesiphon, etc.
AC. 11
d. f.1230. Said to have been a disciple of
St Francis of Assisi. He is often con- d. 303. A group of martyrs, who suffered
fused with his homonym of Sanseverino. at Nicomedia under Diocletian.


MANNA, IMAINE) (Bl) Abs. OSB. d. f.710. An old legend makes him an
PC. Oct 21 who, on
Irish chieftain, his return from
d. 1270. Cistercian abbess of Salzinnes,
a Roman pilgrimage, was put to death,
near Namur, and afterwards of Flines,
with his sister St Dominica (Drusa) and
in the diocese of Cambrai.
others, by heathen Saxons, near Glaston-
bury, where their relics were enshrined.
OP. AC. May 12
A still later legend has made them con-
temporaries of St Patrick.
d. Daughter of Count Egano
Lambertini of Bologna, she was a pupil
at the Dominican convent of that city,

and "is stated to have received her first

OS A. Erem. AC. Jan 21
1 625-1 696. Born near Valencia, in
holy communion miraculously at the
Spain, she nunnery of
entered the
age of eleven, and to have died immedi-
Augustinian hermitesses at Beniganim
ately after". (Attwater.) Cult confirmed
with the new name of Josepha Maria.
in 1826.
In Spain she is usually called by her
IMELIN (St) Ab. AC. March 10 baptismal name as above. Beatified in
Otherwise Emilian, q.v. 1888.

IMMA (IMMINA) (St) Abs. OSB. INES, INEZ (several)

AC. Nov 25 Note. The Spanish and Portuguese

c .700-752. A native of Wurzburg and forms respectively of the name Agnes,
abbess of a nunnery at Karlburg in q.v.

INGEN (St) M. RM. Dec 20
INA and ETHELBURGA (SS) See Ammon, Zeno, etc.
PC. Sept 8
d. 727. Ina was king of Wessex from 688 INGENUINUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 5
till 726. As such he is best remembered Otherwise Genuinus, q.v.


ifilGO (St) Ab. OSB. RM. June i INNOCENT I (St) Pope RM. July 28
Otherwise Eneco, q.v. d. 417. A native of Albano, near Rome,
St Innocent was pope from 402 till 417.
INISCHOLUS RM. Apr 29 The outstanding event in his pontificate
See Corfu, Martyrs of. was the sack of Rome by the Goth Alaric
in 410. He firmly maintained the supre-

INJURIOSUS and SCHOLASTICA macy of Roman see, both in the


(SS) AC. May 25 West, in the case of the African synods

d. f.550. A married couple of Auvergne, against Pelagianism, and in the East,

who lived the whole of their married witness the appeal of St John Chrysos-
life as brother and sister, "Les Deux tom.
INNOCENT XI (Bl) Pope AC. Aug 12
1611-1689. Born at Como, he was
elected Pope in 1676. He was outstand-
RM. Apr 17
ing for charity, evangelical simplicity
d. £.350. He was a confessor under Dio-
and poverty. He withstood the auto-
cletian, being scourged and just escaping
cracy of Louis XIV of France, strove
death. After Constantine's peace, he was
to check nepotism, to stir up exemplary
ordained a priest and consecrated bishop
life among the clergy and to encourage
of Tortona in Italy (^.326).
catechetical instruction. He condemned
Jansenism, Quietism and the errors of
INNOCENT (St) M. RM. June 17 Molinos. Beatified 1956.
See Isaurus, Innocent, etc.

INNOCENT (St) M. RM. Sept 22

INNOCENT (St) Bp. AC. June 19 See Theban Legion.
d. 559. Bishop of Le Mans, in France,
for over forty years. INNOCENTS, The Holy (SS) MM.
RM. Dec 28
INNOCENT V. (Bl) Pope OP. 1 st cent. From a very early date "the

RM. June 22 men children that were in Bethlehem

and in all the borders thereof" (Matt.
1245-1 277. Born at Tarentaise in Bur-
gundy, he entered the Dominican order
II, 16), murdered by Herod, have been
liturgically venerated as martyrs. Pru-
and acquired great fame as a theologian
and as a preacher. In 1272 he was made them Flores
dentius most fittingly styles

archbishop of Lyons, and during his

Martyrum. Their number is not known,
episcopate the general council was held
and this has led to the multiplication of
in that city, in which he took a pro-
their relics in many churches.

minent part. Created cardinal of Ostia,

IPHIGENIA (St) V. RM. Sept 21
he was made pope in 1276, but died
st cent. An alleged maiden of Ethiopia
only a few months later. Beatified 1898.
converted by St Matthew the apostle
and evangelist.
RM. July 4 RM. Sept 22
? A group of thirty-two martyrs who d. c .300. An Egyptian maiden of Alex-
suffered at Sirmium, now Mitrovica, in andria, or of Antinoe, beheaded under
the Balkans. Diocletian.

IRCHARD (St) Bp. AC. Aug 24 ministered to other martyrs and buried
7th cent. An apostle of the Picts and their bodies.
disciple of StTernan, born in Kincar-
dineshire, and said to have been conse- IRENAEUS and ABUNDIUS (SS)
crated bishop in Rome by St Gregory MM. RM. Aug 26
the Great. d. r.258. They Were Roman martyrs.
According to their Passio they were
IRENAEUS (St) M. RM. Feb 10 drowned in the public sewers during the
See Zoticus, Irenaeus, etc. persecution of Valerian.


d. 304. A bishop in Pannonia (Hungary), and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 15
who suffered martyrdom under Dio- d. f.258. A group of twenty-two mar-
cletian at Sirmium (Mitrovica). His tyrs, who suffered under Valerian.
Acts are authentic and most touching.
IRENE (St) VM. RM. Apr 5
IRENAEUS (St) M. RM. March 26 d. 304. The sister of SS Agape and
See Theodore, Irenaeus, etc. Chionia, q.v.

IRENAEUS (St) M. RM. Apr 1 IRENE (St) M. RM. May 5

See Quintian and Irenaeus. See Irenaeus, Peregrinus, etc.


IRENE (SS) MM. RM. May 5 See Sophia and Irene.
d. £.300. Martyrs of Thessalonica, burnt
at the stake under Diocletian. IRENE (St) VM. RM. Oct 20
d. £.653. A Portuguese nun who suffered
IRENAEUS of LYONS (St) Bp. M. death in defence of her chastity. Her
RM. June 28 shrine is at Santarem (Sancta Irenes)
£.125-202. A native of Asia Minor and the ancient Scalabris. The legend as
a disciple of St Polycarp, who was a handed down to us is full of fiction, but
pupil of St John the Apostle. He the essential facts are certain.
migrated to Gaul, and became bishop
of Lyons (^.177). Tradition adds that IRENION Bp. (St) RM. Dec 16
he was a martyr, but of this we have no d. 389. A bishop
of Gaza in Palestine in
proof. St Irenaeus is the first great the time of Theodosius the Great.
ecclesiastical writer of the West. His
work against Gnosticism is a witness to IRMENGARD (Bl) Abs. OSB.
the apostolic tradition, derived from St AC. July 16
John: in it we find already a testimony d. 866. Daughter of King Louis the
to the primacy of the Roman see. German, grandson of Charlemagne. By
her father she was appointed abbess,
IRENAEUS and MUSTIOLA (SS) first of Buchau and then of Chiemsee.

MM. RM. July 3 Cult confirmed in 1928.

d. 273. Irenaeus, a deacon, and Mustiola,
a noble lady, were martyred at Chiusi in IRMINA (St) Abs. OSB. RM. Dec 24
Tuscany under Aurelian for having d. 708. Daughter of Dagobert II. At


the age of fifteen she was given in mar- public debate at Cordova he denounced
riage but on the day of her wedding her Mohammed and was put to death at
betrothed died. She then persuaded her the age of twenty-seven.
father to build for her the nunnery of
Oehren (Horreum) near Treves, under ISAAC the GREAT (St) Bp.
the Benedictine Rule. She was a AC. Sept 9
generous benefactress of both Celtic d. £.440. Son of the Armenian patriarch
and Saxon monks; and built Echternach (or katholikos) St Nerses the Great, to
for St Willibrord (698). She died at the whose office he succeeded. He is the

monastery of Weissenburg, another real founder of the Armenian church.

foundation of her father's. He translated a large part of the Bible,
founded monasteries, and was practi-
cally the only ruler —
ecclesiastical and

AC. March 16 civil —

of the Armenians. He died a
d. 1646 (Oct 18). A Jesuit missionary centenarian.

who arrived in Canada in 1636, and after

several heroic adventures, was toma- ISAAC (ISACIUS) Bp. M.

hawked by the Mohawks in an Iroquois Sept 21RM.

? An Eastern martyr, honoured chiefly
village. Canonized in 1930.
in Cyprus, of which he was Bishop.

ISAAC (St) H. RM.Apr 11

d. f.550. A Syrian monk, from who fled
ISAAC (St) M. OSB. RM. Nov 12
See Benedict, John, etc.
the Monophysite persecution and
founded a laura at Monteluco, near
Spoleto, in Umbria. He was one of the
restorers of eremitical life in 6th-
AC. Sept 10
century Italy.
d. 1622. A Spanish lady, widow of
Dominic Jorjes, beheaded with her son
Ignatius at Nagasaki, for having given
ISAAC (ISACIUS) (St) M. shelter to Bl Charles Spinola, q.v.
RM. Apr 21
Beatified in 1867.
See Apollo, Isacius and Crotates.

ISABELLA (St) Queen RM. July 8

ISAAC (St) Ab. AC. May 30 Otherwise Elisabeth, q.v.
d. r.410. A brave defender of the Catho-
lic faith the Arian emperor
against ISABELLE of FRANCE (Bl) V.
Valens, whom
he publicly denounced. Poor Clare AC. Feb 26
He narrowly escaped death, and became d. 1270. The only sister of St Louis of
a monk, and eventually abbot, of a large France. She declined marriage with the
monastery at Constantinople. emperor of Germany, and after the
death of her mother, Blanche of Castile,
ISAAC (St) M. RM. June 3 founded the convent of Poor Clares at
d. 852. Born Cordova, in Spain, he
at Longchamps, near Paris, where she
became very proficient in Arabic and lived as a nun, without, however, taking
was made a notary under the Moorish vows. Beatified in 1520.
government. He resigned this office to
embrace the monastic life at Tabanos, ISACIUS (ISAAC) RM. Apr 21
about seven miles from Cordova. In a See Apollo, Isacius and Crotates.


ISAIAS, SABAS and Comp. (SS) ISCHYRION and Comp. (SS) MM.
MM. RM. Jan 14 RM. June 1 and Dec 22
d. 309. Thirty-eight monks on Mt d. 250. Ischyrion was an Egyptian offi-

Sinai, massacred by pagan Arabs. This cialwho was impaled for the Faith under
massacre was followed by several others Decius. The Ischyrion commemorated
in the neighbourhood of the Red Sea. in the RM. on June 1 is identical with
the one mentioned on Dec 22.
AC. Feb 8 ISIDORA (St) V. AC. May 1
d. 1 47 1. Born at Cracow, where also he r.365. A nun in an Egyptian monastery
studied theology. He joined the Augus- who, to escape being honoured in the
tinians and was employed chiefly in cloister, fled to a desert hermitage where
teaching Scripture, which he did with she died.
extraordinary zeal and success.

ISAIAS (St) M. RM. Feb 16

See Elias, Jeremias, etc.
RM. Jan 2
Baronius introduced this saint into the
ISAIAS (ISAIAH) (St) Prophet RM. on the strength of a notice in the
RM. July 6 Hieronymen martyrology which read:
d. c.681. One of the four greater pro- In Antiochia Siridoni episcopi eiusdem
phets of the OT. Tradition tells us that loci.No such bishop is known.
he was sawn in two by order of King
Manasses of Juda, and buried under an ISIDORE of NITRIA (St) Bp.
oak tree. His tomb was still venerated RM. Jan 2
in the 5th century of our era. 4th cent. Mentioned by St Jerome as
"a holy venerable bishop" who had
ISARNUS (YSARN) of TOULOUSE welcomed him to Egypt. Some think
(St)Ab. OSB. AC. Sept 24 that he is identical with St Isidore of
d. 1048. Born at Marseilles, he was Pelusium (Feb 4).
educated, and became a monk and
abbot, at St Victor's, Marseilles. He was
famous for his charity, chiefly towards
RM. Jan 15
d. 404. An Egyptian priest, who was in
charge of the hospice for pilgrims at
JEREMIAS and PEREGRINUS (SS) Alexandria. He defended St Athanasius
and had much to suffer at the hands of
MM. RM. June 17
the Arians. Accused of Origenism by St
? Athenians who during one of the
Jerome, Isidore went to Constantinople
persecutions concealed themselves in a
where he was befriended by St John
cave at Apollonia in Macedonia. On
being discovered they were beheaded.


OSB. AC. May 21 RM. Feb 4
d. c.Soo. A
supposed sister of Charle- d. f.450. An Egyptian abbot of a monas-
magne. She was a nun at Aire (Aria) in tery at Pelusium. He was much esteemed
the Artois. She is venerated as the by St Cyril of Alexandria. A great
patroness of Artois. number of his letters are still extant.


ISIDORE (St) M. RM. Feb 5 him consecrated bishop. Several Welsh

The RM. places him but
at Alexandria, churches are dedicated to him.
he is probably a duplicate of Isidore of
Chios (May 15) q.v. ISMAEL (St) M. RM. June 17
See Manuel, Sabel and Ismael.
£.560-636. A native of Cartagena, in
AC. March 22
Spain, and brother to SS Leander,
d. 1244. A native of Chiampo, diocese of
Vicenza, he received the Dominican
Fulgentius and Florentina. He was edu-
cated by St Leander whom he succeeded
habit at the hands of St Dominic him-
self (1219) and was the founder and
in the see of Seville in 600. He presided
first prior of the friary at Pavia. It is
over several synods, reorganized the
narrated of him that, in spite of his
Spanish church, encouraged monastic
mortified life, "he was excessively fat
life, completed the Mozarabic liturgical
and people used to ridicule him about
rite, was responsible for the decree of
it when he was preaching". (Att water
the council of Toledo in 633, and was
h. 1.) Cult confirmed in 191 9.
himself an encyclopaedical writer on
theology, scripture, biography, history,
ISSELL (ISSEY) (St) Bp. AC. Feb 9
geography, astronomy and grammar.
Otherwise Teilo, q.v.
Declared Doctor of the Church by
Benedict XIV. ISSERNINUS (St) Bp. AC. Dec 6
See Auxilius, Isserninus and Secundi-
ISIDORE (St) M. RM. Apr 17 nus.
See Elias, Paul and Isidore.
ISSEY (St) Ab. AC. Feb 9
ISIDORE the FARMER (St) C. Otherwise Teilo, q.v. Perhaps also a
RM. May 10 Cornish variant of Ita.
d. 1 170. A native of Madrid, he spent
his whole life working in the fields on

an estate just outside the city. He was AC. Jan 15

d. f.570. In popular veneration among
married to St Mary de la Cabeza.
the Irish she second only to St Bridget.
Canonized in 1622 and venerated as the
She was a of Drum in Co.
patron saint of Madrid.
Waterford. She founded the nunnery
of Hy Conaill, in Co. Limerick and soon
attracted thither large numbers of
RM. May 15
maidens. Her life is full of incredible
d. ? 251. A martyr of Chios under

ITHAMAR (St) Bp. AC. June 10

ISIDORE (St) M. AC. Aug 4 d. £.656. A native of Kent, and the first
See Epiphanes and Isidore. Anglo-Saxon to be appointed bishop,
being promoted to the see of Rochester
ISIDORE (St) M. RM. Dec 14 after St Paulinus.
See Heron, Arsenius, etc.


ISMAEL (St) Bp. AC. June 16 AC. May 8
6th cent. A disciple of St Teilo, and by Otherwise Ida of Nivelles, q.v.


IVAN (St) H. AC. June 24 name from him (but not that in Corn-
9th cent. A hermit in Bohemia, who had wall).
renounced a brilliant position at court.
He was buried by St Ludmilla, duchess IVO (YVO) HELORY (St) C.
of Bohemia. RM. May 19
1253-1 303. A native of Brittany, born
IVE (IVES) (St) VM. AC. Feb 3 near Treguier. He studied at Paris and
Otherwise la, q.v. Orleans and he practised law in his
native city, both in the ecclesiastical
IVES (St) Bp. AC. Apr 24 and in the civil courts. He defended the
Otherwise Ivo, q.v. poor and unprotected as well as the
rich and was called "the Advocate of
IVETTA (JUTTA) (Bl) W. the Poor". Canonized in 1347, and
AC. Jan 13 venerated by lawyers as their patron
1 158-1228. A Dutch mystic who was saint.
left a widow and the mother of two
children at the age of eighteen. Conse- IVO of CHARTRES (St) Bp. OSA.
crating her widowhood to God, she AC. May 23
undertook the care of lepers, till she d. 1 1 15. The provost of the Augustinian
took to the solitary life at Huy, near canons regular of Saint-Quentin, who
Leyden. She spent more than forty in 1 09 1 was made bishop of Chartres.
years as a solitary, and was famous for He was renowned for his knowledge of
discernment of spirits and gifts of canon law, and was consulted by King
counsel. Philip of France on difficult canonical
questions. Upright and just, Ivo op-
IVO (St) Bp. AC. Apr 24 posed the rapacity of ecclesiastical digni-
? According to the medieval legend he taries. He wrote much on canon law.

was a Persian bishop, who became a

hermit in Huntingdonshire. The town IVOR (St) Bp. AC. Apr 23
of St Ives in Huntingdonshire takes its Otherwise Ibar, q.v.


C. OC. AC. March 3 Note. James is the English form of the
1 43 8- 1 508. A native of the diocese of Hebrew Jacob, latinized into Jacobus.
Vercelli, inPiedmont, and a Carmelite Hence the modern variants in different
lay-brother there. Cult approved in languages: in Italian, Giacomo; in
i845. French, Jacques; in Spanish, Santiago,
Iago, Jaime, Diego; in Portuguese,
JACOPONE da TODI (Bl) C. OFM. Iago, Diogo; in Catalan, Jaume.
PC. Dec 25
d. 1306. Jacopone Benedetti was a
native of Todi, who read law at Bologna, AC. Jan 16
married, and lived in easy circumstances.
d. ? 429. A Syrian by origin he became
In 1268 he lost his wife and his sorrow
a monk and a disciple of St Honoratus
knew no bounds. He became a "fool for
at Lerins and venerated at Chambery
and eventually joined the
Christ's sake"
as an apostle of Savoy and the first
Friars Minor. Unfortunately his tem-
bishop of Tarentaise.
pestuous temperament led him to join
the party of the Franciscan Spirituals
he wrote against the pope and was put
RM. Jan 28
in prison. He is the alleged author of
6th cent. The RM. says: "In Palestine
the Stabat Mater, etc. Cult never con-
the memory of St James the Hermit,
who, after a lapse from the faith, lay

JACUT and GUETHENOC (SS) CC. hid long in a tomb for penance, and,
AC. Feb 8 renowned for miracles, passed to the

5th cent. Sons of SS Fragan and Gwen, Lord." A later legend changes the
and brothers of the more celebrated St "lapse from the faith" into one of homi-
Gwenaloe or Winwaloe. They became cide, committed under most romantic
disciples of St Budoc, and like him were circumstances.
driven from Britain by the invading
Saxons. JAMES the ALMSGIVER (Bl) C. or
M. AC. Jan 28
JADER (St) Bp. M. RM. Sept 10 d. 1304. Born near Chiusi in Lombardy,
See Nemesian, Felix, etc. Bl James studied law, but on attaining
manhood became a priest and restored a
JADWIGA (several) ruined hospital, where he tended the
Otherwise Hedwig, q.v. sick and gave legal advice gratuitously.
Having discovered that the former
JAMBERT(St)Bp.OSB. AC. Aug 12 revenues of this hospital had been un-
d. 790. Abbot of St Augustine's, Can- justly appropriated, he found it neces-
terbury, chosen to succeed St Bregwin sary to sue the bishop of Chiusi in the
as archbishop in that see (766). courts and won his case. The bishop

retaliated by hiring assassins who mur- JAMES CARVALHO and Comp.
dered the saint. (BB) MM. SJ. AC. Feb 25
d. 1624. A Portuguese Jesuit who
JAMES KISAI (St) M. SJ. laboured as a missionary in the Far
RM. Feb 5 East. Together with sixty other Chris-
d. 1597. A native of Japan, temporal tianshe was slowly martyred by expo-
coadjutor of the Society of Jesus, and sure to cold at Sendai in Japan. They
catechist at Ozaka. He was crucified at were beatified 1867.
Nagasaki at the age of sixty-four.
Canonized in 1862. JAMES CAPOCCI (Bl)Bp. OSA.
AC. March 14
JAMES SALES and WILLIAM d. 1308. Born at Viterbo. From being
SAULTEMOUCHE (BB) MM. SJ. an Augustinian friar he was promoted
AC. Feb 7 (1302) to the see of Benevento and in
d. 1593. James Sales born in 1556,
1303 transferred to Naples. Cult ap-
joined the Society of Jesus. In 1592, in proved in 191 1.
company with William Saultemouche,
a temporal coadjutor, he was sent to
preach at Aubenas in the Cevennes.
AC. March 25
His sermons, in which he attacked the
d. 1593. A native of Winchester who, at
teaching of the Protestants, were a great
the age of nineteen, was hanged in that
success. Early in February, 1593, a
city for being reconciled to the Church.
band of Huguenot raiders dragged the
Beatified in 1929.
Jesuits before an improvised court of
Calvinist ministers. After a heated theo-
logical discussion Sales was shot, while JAMES of PADUA (Bl) M. OFM.
Saultemouche was stabbed to death. AC. Apr 9
Both were beatified in 1926. See Bl Thomas of Tolentino and Comp.


d. 1584. A native of Montacute, near OSB. Cam. AC. Apr 13
Yeovil, Somerset, he was educated at d. 1292. James Guidi was born at
Oxford (Corpus Christi College and Certaldo, the son of a knight of Volterra.
Gloucester Hall), became a school- He joined the Camaldolese Benedictines
master and married. On his wife's death at the abbey of SS Clement and Justus
he studied at Reims and was ordained at Volterra. He spent there sixty years,
priest (1580). Four years later he was during forty of which he acted as parish
martyred at Tyburn. Beatified in 1929. priest of the abbey church. His father
and his brother joined the abbey as
(Bl) C. lay-brothers. Twice he refused the
Erem. AC. Feb 13 abbacy.
d. 1308. He became an Augustinian
Hermit in his native city and taught JAMES of CERQUETO (Bl) C.
theology with considerable renown, OSA. AC. Apr 17
being known as Doctor Speculativus. He d. 1367. A native of Cerqueto, near
became bishop of Benevento, and was Perugia. He joined the Augustinian
transferred Naples in 1303. Cult
to friars in the latter city. Cult approved
confirmed by Pius X. in 1895.




OFM. AC. Apr 19 RM. Apr 30
d. 1404. A native of Lodi who married See Marianus, James, etc.

and for a time gave himself up to

pleasure and good living. He was con- JAMES the LESS (St) Apostle
verted to higher things during a time of RM. May 1

pestilence, became, with his wife, a d. c.62.James the Less (Jacobus Minor)
Franciscan tertiary, turned his house or "the Younger", surnamed also "the
into a church, and eventually was or- Just", was a cousin of our Lord, and one
dained priest. of the twelve. After the Resurrection he
became the first bishop of Jerusalem.
JAMES DUCKETT (Bl) M. He is the author of one of the canonical

AC. Apr He was martyred at Jerusalem

d. 1602. A native of Gilfortrigs, Skels-
by being thrown from a pinnacle of the
temple and then stoned to death.
mergh, Westmorland, who became a
convert and settled as a bookseller in
London. After several terms of impri- JAMES WALWORTH (Bl) M.
sonment, amounting to altogether nine
O. Cart. AC. May n
years, for printing and selling Catholic
d. 1537. A monk of the London Charter-
house, hanged in chains at York under
books, he was hanged at Tyburn for
the same reason. Beatified in 1929.
Henry VIII. Beatified in 1886.


JAMES BELL (Bl) M. AC. Apr 20 AC. May 27
d. 1584. A native of Warrington, Lanes, d. 1300. A native of Nocera in Umbria,
and educated at Oxford. He was or- and a monk of Santa Croce di'Fonta-
dained priest under Queen Mary, con- vellana.
formed to the Church under
Elizabeth, repented and was reconciled JAMES BERTONI (Bl) C. OSM.
to the true Church. On this account he May 30 AC.
was hanged at Lancaster in his sixty- 444- 483. A native of Faenza. At the
c. 1
fourth year. Beatified in 1929. age of nine he joined the Servites, whom
he served as procurator of the friary
JAMES of PERSIA (St) M. from the time of his ordination till his
RM. Apr 22 death. Cult confirmed in 1766.
4th cent. A priest martyr under Shapur
AC. May 31
JAMES of BITETTO (Bl) C. OFM. 1 231-13 14. A native of Venice who
AC. Apr 27 joined the Dominicans at Santa Maria
d. tr.1485. Surnamed also "of Sclavonia", Celeste, in that city, and held office in
or "of Illyricum", or "of Zara", or "of several houses of the Order until he died
Dalmatia". He was a native of Sebenico of cancer at Forli. Cult approved in
in Dalmatia, and donned the Franciscan 1526.
habit as a lay-brother at Zara but spent ;

most of his life at the friary of Bitetto, JAMES of STREPAR (Bl) Bp. OFM.
near Bari, in S. Italy. Cult approved by AC. June 1

Innocent XII. £.1350-1411. Of Polish birth, he joined

the Franciscans and worked very suc- Aurea Sanctorum, a classic now known
cessfully as vicar-general of the Fran- everywhere as The Golden Legend. Beati-
ciscan missions among the schismatics fied in 1816.
and pagans of W. Russia. In 1392 he
was appointed archbishop of Halicz in JAMES of NISIBIS (St) Bp.
Gallicia. Cult approved in 1791. RM. July 15
d. £.340. A Syrian who became a monk
JAMES BUZABALIAO (St) M. and eventually was promoted bishop of
RM. June
3 Nisibis in Mesopotamia. We have very
d. 1886. Son of the royal bark-cloth few authentic facts concerning him, but
maker and a soldier of King Mwanga he will always be remembered as an
of Uganda. He was baptized in 1885 ecclesiastical writer; indeed, among the
and burnt alive at Namuyongo in the Syrian Fathers, second only to St
following year. See Uganda (Martyrs Ephrem.


JAMES of TOUL (St) Bp.
AC. July 15
AC. June 23
d. 1570. BornPedrogao in the diocese
d. 769. Born probably at Bertigny in
of Coimbra, Portugal. He was a Jesuit
Haute Marne. It is commonly asserted
priest and a companion of Bl Ignatius
that he was a monk of Hornbach in the
de Azevedo, whose martyrdom he
diocese of Metz, before he was raised to
shared. Beatified in 1854.
the see of Toul (756). He was a great
benefactor of the Benedictines. He died
at Dijon, praying before the tomb of St JAMES the GREATER Apostle

Benignus, while on his return from a RM.

July 25
d. 43. The son of Zebedee and Salome
pilgrimage to Rome.
and brother of St John the Evangelist,
called with him to the apostolate by our
JAMES LACOP (St) M. O. Praem.
RM. Lord. He was the first of the Twelve to
July 9
d. 1572. A native of Oudenarden, Flan- be martyred (Acts XII, 2) under King
ders. He was a Norbertine at Middel- Herod Agrippa. A 9th-century legend
burg, and in 1566 he apostatized, wrote makes him apostle of Spain and points
and preached against the Church; then to Compostella as the place where his

he repented, returned to his abbey and body is enshrined; the legend grew,
was martyred by the Calvinists with the under Cluniac influence, and spread
group of Gorkum martyrs, q.v. Canon- throughout W. Europe, so that Com-
postella became, after Jerusalem and
ized in 1867.
Rome, the most famous place of pil-
VORAGINE grimage in Christendom. St James is
JAMES of (Bl)Bp. OP.
AC. July 13 the patron saint of Spain.

c. 1 230-1 298. A native of Varezze (Vora-

gine), in the diocese of Savona, he took JAMES GERIUS (Bl) C.OSB. Cam.
the Dominican habit was pro-
(1244), AC. Aug 5
vincial of Lombardy (1 267-1 286), and d. 1345. A Camaldolese monk of
finally was consecrated archbishop of Florence who died aged thirty-three. His
Genoa at Rome (1292). His highest title great devotion was the "Sacred Will of
to fame is the compilation of the Legenda God".



RM. Aug 6 OP. AC. Sept 8
d. p. 500. A Syrian by birth, who led a d. 1628. A Japanese who became a
solitary life in the environs of Amida Dominican tertiary and was beheaded at
(Diarbekir) in Mesopotamia. Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.


d. 1838. A native Tonkin priest, at- AC. Sept 22
tached to the Society of Foreign Mis- See Lawrence Imbert, etc.

sions of Paris. Beheaded with BB

Antony Dich, his host, and Bl Michael JAMES GRIESINGER (Bl) C.OP.
Mi. Beatified in 1900. AC. Oct 11
1 407- 1 49 1. Born at Ulm in Swabia, he
JAMES the DEACON (St) C. OSB. joined the army, but abandoned this
AC. Aug 17 profession to take the Dominican habit
7th cent. An Italian monk and deacon, as a lay-brother at Bologna (1441). For
companion of St Paulinus in his mission the rest of his life he was employed in
to Northumbria, where he remained in painting on glass, in which art he
spite of the pagan reaction which set in excelled. Beatified in 1825.
after the death of St Edwin.


RM. Nov 1
AC. Aug 18
See John and James.
d. 1620. A native Japanese child, aged
two, son of BB Thomas and Mary SASSEAU
JAMES of (St) C. OSB.
Guengoro, with whom he was crucified AC. Nov 19
at Cocura. Beatified in 1867.
d. f.865. A native of Constantinople and
JAMES DENXI (Bl) M. AC. Aug 19 an army officer, after many travels he
d. 1622. A Japanese sailor on board the
came to Gaul, was ordained priest at
Clermont and joined the Benedictines
ship of Bl Joachim Firaiama, q.v. He
near Bourges, whence at a later date he
was beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified in
retired to the solitude of Sasseau (Saxia-
d. 1 30 1. James Bianconi was a native of AC. Nov 26
Mevania —now Bevagna —in the diocese d. 1338. A native of Mantua and a Friar
of Spoleto, and the founder and first Preacher. He was a master in theology
prior of the Dominican friary in his and was chosen bishop of Man-
in 1303

native city. Cult approved in 1400 and tua, in which office he merited the title

again in 1674. of "Father of the Poor". Cult confirmed

in 1859.
d. 1588.Born in Yorkshire and educated RM. Nov 27
at Reims, where he was ordained in 1 582. d. 421. A Persian officer of high rank
He was hanged for his priesthood at who apostatized to keep the favour of
Isleworth. Beatified in 1929. King Yezdegird; but repented, and,


under King Varanes V, was martyred a niece of Montaigne. After the death
by being cut into twenty-eight parts. of her husband, in her forty-seventh
Hence his surname of Intercisus (cut year, she entered the Cistercian novitiate
into pieces). The RM. adds that many which she had to leave on account of
other Christians suffered with him. ill-health. She now felt called to found
a new religious institute for the educa-
C. tion of girls with the object of stemming
RM. Nov 28 the tide of Calvinism. Her scheme was
1391-1475. James Gangala was born in approved by Paul V in 1607 and the
the March of Ancona (the ancient first house was opened at Bordeaux.

Picenum). He studied law, but aban- The Order spread rapidly, some thirty
doned that career to join the Friars houses being established, and she ruled
Minor. He became a fellow-missionary them all as- superioress general. But as
of St John Capistran, and for forty the result of a calumny and intrigue on
years he never let a day pass without the part of one of the sisters she was
preaching the Word of God. deposed, and spent some years in seclu-
sion. Her character was completely vin-
JAMES THOMPSON (alias HUD- dicated before she died. Canonized 1949.
SON) (Bl) M. AC. Nov 28
d. 1582. Born
York and educated for
at JANE of VALOIS (St) Foundress
the priesthood at Reims, he was or- AC. Feb 4
dained in 1 581, and hanged the follow- 1461-1504. The daughter of Louis XI
ing year at York for his priesthood. of France, who married her to the duke
Beatified in 1895. of Orleans, afterwards King Louis XII.
Her husband obtained a decree of
JAMES (St) M. AC. Dec 9 nullity of marriage, and she retired to
See Samosata Martyrs. Bourges, where, together with the
Franciscan Bl Gabriel Mary, she
JANE (several) founded the order of nuns of the Annun-
The English feminine form of John. ciation —known as Les Annonciades.
The variants in other modern languages Canonized 1949.
are numerous. In hagiology, however,
the principal are : In Italian, Giovanna JANE MARY BONOMO (Bl) V.
in French, Jeanne; in Spanish, Juana; OSB. AC. March 1

in and Catalan,
Portuguese Joana. 1 606-1 670. Born at Asiago, diocese of
Another English form is Joan. Vicenza, in N. Italy and educated by
the Poor Clares at Trent. She became a
JANE OF BAGNO (Bl) V. OSB. Benedictine at Bassano in 1622 and fell

Cam. AC. Jan 16 into ecstasy for the first time at the
d. 1 105. Born at Fontechiuso in Tus- ceremony of profession. She held the
cany, she became a Camaldolese lay- offices of novice mistress, abbess (three
sister at Santa Lucia, near Bagno, in times) and prioress. She was bitterly
Tuscany. Cult approved in 1823. persecuted by some members of her
own community. Beatified in 1783.
Foundress AC. Feb 2 JANE MARY de MAILLE (Bl) V.
1 556-1640. She was born at Bordeaux, Tert. OFM. AC. March 29
the daughter of a Calvinist mother, and 1331-1414. The daughter of the Baron

de Maille, she married the Baron de freely given to the nuns as alms. Cult
Silly, with whom she lived in virginity confirmed in 177 1.
for sixteen years. After his death (1362)
she joined the Franciscan tertiaries and JANE of ORVIETO (Bl) Tert. OP.
retired to Tours, where she spent the AC. July 23
rest of her life in much poverty and d. 1306. Usually called Vanna, an
privation due to the persecution of her Italian derivative of Gio vanna (Jane).
husband's relatives. Cult confirmed in She was born at Carnajola, near Orvieto,
1871. where also she took the Dominican habit
of the third order. Cult approved in 1754.
JANE of TOULOUSE (Bl) V. Tert.
OC. AC. March 31
JANEofAZA(Bl)W.OP. AC. Aug 8
d. 1286. A native of Toulouse, she was
d. f.1190. Born at the family castle of
affiliated to the Carmelite Order, as a
Aza, near Aranda, in Old Castile, she
tertiary, by St Simon Stock, and is for
married Felix de Guzman, to whom she
this reason venerated as the foundress
bore two sons and a daughter and finally
of the Carmelite third order. She spent
— in answer to prayer before the shrine
her time and substance in training young
boy-candidates for the Carmelite Friars.
of St Dominic of Silos —the Dominic
who became the founder of the friars
Cult confirmed in 1895.
preachers. Cult approved in 1828.


AC. May 12
Foundress AC. Aug 16
145 2- 1 490. Born at Lisbon, a daughter 1 666-1 732.
Jane Delanoue was the
of King Alphonsus V of Portugal. In
twelfth child of a man who ran a small
1473 she entered the Dominican convent business in the village of Fenet, near
at Aveiro, but her family would not
Saumur, in the diocese of Angers. After
allow her to take her vows until 1485,
a pious childhood, her father being
when the Portuguese succession was dead, she continued to run the business
secured. She had to suffer much annoy- and became somewhat remiss in her
ance on this account. Cult confirmed in
piety. Recalled to grace and granted an
extraordinary vision, she began to serve

JANE of ARC (St) V. RM. May 30 the poor women and sick persons. For
Otherwise Joan of Arc, q.v. their care she founded the Institute of
the Sisters of St Anne, taking herself the
JANE GERARD (Bl) M. AC. June 26 name of Jane of the Cross. After prac-
d. 1794. One of the Sisters of Charity tising heroic virtue, and founding several
of Arras in France, who were arrested houses of the Institute, she died at
in 1792, and guillotined at Cambrai. Fenet. Beatified 1947.
Beatified in 1920.
AC. July 9 RM. Aug 21
c.i 428- 1 49 1. A native of Reggio 572-1641 (Dec 13). Jane Frances

d'Emilia, Italy. She was the foundress Fremiot was born at Dijon, in Bur-
and first prioress of the Carmelite gundy, and in 1592 married the Baron
nunnery at Reggio, for which she re- de Chantal. They spent together eight
fused all endowments except those years of happy married life and had


four children; then the Baron died as whom she became a Servite tertiary.
the result of a hunting accident. St Jane Beatified in 1827.
now found her spiritual father and friend
in St Francis de Sales, under whose JANE-LOUISE BARRE and JANE-
guidance, she founded the new Order REINE PRIN (BB) MM. AC. Oct 17
of the Visitation, chiefly for widows and d. 1794. Two Ursuline nuns, called in
ladies who could not stand the austeri- religion, respectively, Sister Cordula
ties of the older orders. Sixty-six con- and Sister Laurentina, guillotined at
vents were established during her life- Valenciennes. They formed part of a
time. Her last years were a period of group of martyrs, listed in this book
intense suffering in body and mind. St under the title Ursuline Nuns, MM.,
Francis described her as "the perfect q.v.
woman". She died at Moulins, but her
remains rest at Annecy in Savoy. JANE of SEGNA (Bl) V. AC. Nov 17
d. 1307. Born at Segna, near Florence,
JANE ANTIDE THOURET (St) V. she tended sheep. Both the Vallum-
Foundress RJVI. Aug 24 brosans and the Franciscans claim her
1765-1828. Born near Besancon, the as one of their tertiaries. Cult approved
daughter of a tanner. In 1787 she joined in 1798.
the Sisters of Charity of St Vincent de
Paul, but on the outbreak of the Revolu- JANE of CACERES (Bl) Abs. OSB.
tion she was forced to return home. She Cist. PC. Dec 8
now (1798) started at Besancon, a school d. 1383. Cistercian abbess of the nun-
of her own for poor girls. Soon her nery of St Benedict, at Castro, near
helpers in this and in other works of Caceres, in W. Spain. She was killed by
charity were so numerous as to lead her marauding soldiers.
to found a new Institute of Daughters
of Charity which was approved by the JANUARIA (St) M. RM. March 2
Holy See before the Foundress's death. See Paul, Heraclius, etc.

Canonized by Pius XI.

JANUARIA (St) M. RM. July 17
JANE-ELIZABETH BICHIER des See Scillitan Martyrs.
AGES (St) V. Foundress RM. Aug 26
1773-1832. Of noble rank, she was JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 7
born in the diocese of Bourges. After See Felix and Januarius.
the French Revolution she entrusted
herself to the guidance of St Andrew JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 19
Fournet (q.v.), and in spite of grave See Paul, Gerontius, etc.
difficultiesat the outset founded the
Congregation of the Daughters of the JANUARIUS, MAXIMA and
Cross for teaching and service in Hospi- MACARIA (SS) MM. RM. Apr 8
tals. She died at Le Pay, Poitiers. ? African martyrs of whom nothing

Canonized 1947. further is known. The names are some-

times given as SS Januarius, Maximus
JANE SODERINI (Bl) V. Tert. and Maccarius.
OSM. AC. Sept 1

1301-1367. Born at Florence and edu- JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 29

cated by St Juliana Falconieri, under See Corfu, Martyrs of.


JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. July 10 JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 15

See Seven Brothers. See Faustinus, Lucius, etc.


and FELIX (SS) MM. RM. July 10 MM. RM. Feb 5 (and AC. several
? African martyrs, of whom nothing dates)
further is known. d. 1597 and 1614 and the following
years. There are two main groups of
JANUARIUS and PELAGIA (SS) Japanese martyrs: the first comprises
MM. RM. July n six Franciscans, three Jesuits and
d. 320. Martyrs beheaded at Nicopolis The
seventeen lay people. friars were
in Lesser Armenia under Licinius.
Spanish or Portuguese with one Mexi-
can; the rest were Japanese. All were
JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. July 15 crucified near Nagasaki in 1597. They
See Catulinus, Januarius, etc.
were canonized by Pius IX in 1862.
The second group is formed of thirty-
six Jesuits, twenty-six Franciscans,
See Sixtus II and Comp.
twenty-one Dominicans, and five Augus-
tinians, and one hundred and seven lay
JANUARIUS and Comp. (SS) MM. victims. They were martyred between
RM. Sept 19 16 14 and 1644, and were beatified by
d. 304. Januarius, bishop of Benevento,
PiusIX and Leo XIII at different dates.
Festus, his deacon, Desiderius, lector or
Most of the religious were Spanish;
reader, Sosius, deacon of the church of
most of the lay people native Japanese.
Misenum, Proculus, deacon of Pozzuoli, Each is given a special notice in this
and two other Christians, Eutyches and
Acutius, were beheaded at Pozzuoli,
under Diocletian. The body of St
Januarius (Gennaro) was eventually AC. Feb 1
enshrined at Naples, of which city he
d. c.4.80. One of St Patrick's disciples,
has become the patron saint. The yearly
who succeeded St Benignus in the see
liquefaction of some of his blood pre-
of Armagh.
served in a phial is a well-known
phenomenon, of which there are records
JARLATH (St) Bp. AC. June 6
for the past four hundred years. No
d. f.550. The founder and first abbot-
natural explanation has been found,
bishop of Tuam, in Connaught, Ireland,
although many have been advanced. where he established a monastic school
which became famous. St Brendan of
JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 13 Clonard and St Colman of Cloyne were
See Faustus, Januarius and Martial.
pupils there.

JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 24

See Felix (Africanus), Audactus, etc.
JARMAN (St) Bp. AC. July 3
Otherwise Germanus, q.v.

JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 25

See Protus and Januarius. JASON (St) RM. July 12
1 st cent. The
Acts of the Apostles
JANUARIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 2 (XVII, 5) say that St Paul stayed at
See Severus, Securus, etc. Jason's house in Thessalonica. St Paul

mentions him in his Epistle to the JEROME LU (Bl) M. AC. Jan 28
Romans (XVI, 21). In the Greek legend f.1810-1858. Born at Mao-Cheu in
he is described as a bishop of Tarsus in China. He worked as a native catechist
Cilicia, going to Corfu, evangelizing and was beheaded in his native town.
that island, and dying there. The RM. Beatified in 1909..
wrongly identifies him with the Mnason
mentioned in the Acts (XXI, 16) "a
Cyprian, an old disciple", with whom
C. OSB. Vail. AC. June 18
St Paul was staying in Jerusalem and
whom tradition makes bishop of Tama- d. 1 135. A Vallumbrosan monk who
retired to the hermitage of the abbey,
sus in Cyprus.
called Masso delle celle, where he spent
thirty-five years, living all the time, it is
JASON (St) M. RM. Dec 3
See Claudius, Hilaria, etc.
said, only on bread and water.


See Seven Angels who stand before the OFM. RM.
July 9
throne of God. 1 522-1 572. A native of Werden in
Holland, who spent several years in
JEREMIAS (St) M. RM. Feb 16 Palestine as a Franciscan missionary. He
See Elias, Jeremias, etc. was a powerful preacher against Cal-
vinism. At the time of his martyrdom
JEREMIAS (St) Prophet RM. May 1 he was the vicar of the friary at Gorkum
r.590 B.C. The second of the greater under St Nicholas Pieck (see Gorkum,
prophets. The tradition concerning him Martyrs of).
is that at the age of fifty-five he was
stoned to death in Egypt by the Jews
who shared his captivity. His feast is AC. July 19
observed chiefly at Venice, where some
d. 787. Bishop of Pavia, 778-787.
of his alleged relics are enshrined.

JEREMIAS (St) M. RM. June 7


See Peter, Wallabonsus, etc. RM. July 20

1481-1537. A Venetian in hiswho
JEREMIAS (St) M. RM. June 17 youth served in the army of the Repub-
See Isaurus, Innocent, etc. lic. Being taken prisoner he was miracu-

lously set free after praying to our Lady.

JEREMIAS (St) M. RM. Sept 15 He took holy orders and devoted him-
See Emilas and Jeremias. self to charitable works. In 1532 he
founded a congregation of clerks regular
JERMYN (GERMAN) GARDINER vowed to the care of orphans. They were
(Bl) M. AC. March 7 called Somaschiy from the little town in
d. 1544. Educated at Cambridge, he Lombardy —
Somasca —
where they
became secretary to Stephen Gardiner, started. Jerome died of a contagious
bishop of Winchester, and was executed malady caught while tending the sick.
at Tyburn with BB John Larke and Canonized in 1767, and in 1928 declared
John Ireland, for denying the royal the patron saint of orphans and aban-
supremacy. Beatified in 1886. doned children.

JEROME of the CROSS de TORRES consecrated bishop. Arrested in 1861
M. Tert. OFM. AC. Sept 3 he was tortured and beheaded. Beatified
d. 1632. A Japanese secular
edu- priest, 1906.
cated in the seminary of Arima and
ordained at Manila. He returned to JEROME de ANGELIS (Bl) M. SJ.
Japan (1628), was arrested (1631) and AC. Dec 4
burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in d. 1623. A native of Castrogiovanni in
1867. Sicily, who became
a Jesuit at Messina
and was sent to the missions of the Far
JEROME (St) C. Dr. RM. Sept 30 East. He worked for twenty-two years
f.342-420.Eusebius Hieronymus So- in various parts of Japan and finally,
phronius was born at Stridonium in betrayed to the persecutors, was mar-
Dalmatia. He studied in Rome, particu- tyred by burning at Yeddo, together
larly the classics for which he developed with BB Simon Yempo and Francis
a life-long passion. He then travelled Galvez. Beatified in 1867.
extensively in Italy and Gaul, lived as a
hermit in Palestine, returned to Rome, JEROME RANUZZI (Bl) C. OSM.
where, after his ordination to the priest- AC. Dec 12
hood, he joined the Roman clergy and d. 1455. Born at Sant' Angelo in Vado
acted as secretary to the pope, and (Urbino), he took his religious vows as
finally, having come to be on bad terms a Servite and eventually became the
with those who surrounded him, went personal adviser of Duke Frederick of
back to Palestine and settled at Bethle- Montefeltro, of Urbino. On this account
hem. He spent the rest of his life trans- he was surnamed "the Angel of Good
lating, and commenting, the Bible, and Counsel". Cult approved in 1775.
became the most learned biblical scholar
of his day. He himself was the first to JOACHIM SACCACHIBARA (St)
appreciate this fact and was apt to resent M. Tert. OFM. RM. Feb 5
any opposition to his way of thinking. d. 1597. A native of Japan, doctor of
However, he acknowledged his own the Franciscan Fathers. He was cruci-
shortcomings, particularly his shortness fied at Nagasaki with twenty-four
of temper, with a rather tempestuous companions. Beatified in 1627. Canon-
but virile humility. His place as an ized in 1862.
exponent of Catholic dogma is still the
highest ever allotted to a biblical JOACHIM of FIORE (de FLORIS)
scholar. He died at Bethlehem and is (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist. PC. March 30
officially venerated as a Doctor of the c. 1 130-1202. Born at Celico in Calabria,

Church. after a pilgrimage to Palestine, he joined

the Cistercians at Sambucina and in
JEROME HERMOSILLA (Bl) M. 1 176 was made abbot of Corazzo about ;

OP. AC. Nov 1 the year 11 90 lie inaugurated at Fiore

d. 1 861. A native of La Calzada, in a new Cistercian Congregation. He was
Old Castile, who after his profession in a prolific asceticaland biblical writer,
the Dominican Order, was sent to and commentary on the Apocalypse
Manila, where he was ordained priest gave him the title of "the Prophet" by
and in 1828 appointed to the mission which he is described by Dante: "the
of E. Tonkin. He succeeded Bl Ignatius Calabrian abbot Joachim, endowed with
Delgado as vicar-apostolic and was prophetic spirit" (Paradiso, XII). Un-


fortunately, after his death the Francis- JOAN of ARC (St) V. RM May 30
can Spirituals made use of his books to 1 41 2-143 1. Called "the Maid of Or-
uphold their heretical tendencies. The leans" La Pucelle. She was born at
holy abbot, however, has always been Domremy in Lorraine, the daughter of
given the title of Beatus. a peasant. When she was seventeen,
while minding her father's sheep, she
JOACHIM PICCOLOMINI (Bl) C. heard supernatural voices commanding
OSM. RM. Apr 16 her to take up arms and lead the French
d. 1305. A member of the illustrious army against the English invaders of
Piccolomini family of Siena, he joined France. Accordingly, Charles VII en-
the Servites as a lay-brother under St trusted her with an armed force, and
Philip Benizi. Beatified by Paul V. Joan's rapid successes enabled him to
be crowned at Reims. However, as
JOACHIM (St) Patriarch Joan herself had predicted, she was
RM. Aug 16 captured by the Burgundians and
1 st cent. B.C. Joachim is now the usual handed over to the English. She was
name givento the father of our Lady. tried by an ecclesiastical court presided
Other names attributed to him are: over by the bishop of Beauvais, a tool
Heli, Cleopas, Eliacim, Jonachir, Sadoc. of the English, and condemned to be
Nothing is known about him. Liturgi- burnt alive at the stake as a heretic. The
cally, he has been honoured in the East sentence was executed at Rouen, May
from time immemorial; in the West 31, 1 43 1. In 1456 the case was re-tried
only since the 16th century. The tradi- and Joan was declared innocent. After
tions concerning him rest only on the centuries of popular veneration she was
apocryphal Gospel of James. beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920.
In 1922 she was declared the patroness
M. AC. Aug 19
d. 1622. A Japanese captain of a ship at JOANNA (St) W. RM. May 24
Manila. When bringing Bl Peter Zufiiga 1 st cent. The wife of Chuza, steward of
and Louis Flores to Japan his ship was Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee. She
captured by Dutch Protestant pirates, ismentioned by St Luke (viii, 3) in his
and brought to Firando. He and his gospel as one of the holy women who
crew, allmembers of the Confraternity ministered to our Lord.
of the Holy Rosary, were beheaded at
Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. JOANNICIUS (St) H. RM. Nov 4
750-846. A native of Bithynia who,
JOACHIM ROYO (Bl) M. OP. after serving as a soldier, retired at the
AC. Oct 28 age of forty to lead a solitary life near
d. 1748. A
Spanish missionary of the MtOlympus. Popular veneration, how-
Dominican Order, who was sent to ever, drove him from solitude to soli-
China to work under Bl Peter Sanz, and tude. He was a strenuous opponent of
was ordained there. He was strangled Iconoclasm. His memory is held in high
in prison at Fu-tsheu. Beatified in 1893. honour among the Greeks.


d. 1839. A Chinese, martyred at Kouei- AC. July 15
Tcheou. Beatified in 1900. d. 1570. A nephew of the captain of the


ship which carried Bl Ignatius de JOHN
Azevedo (q.v.) and his companions. He Note. This is the most popular proper
voluntarily joined the martyrs and was name in Christendom. The original
thrown into the sea by the French Hebrew form has been Hellenized and
Calvinist pirates. Latinized into Joannes, whence the
numerous variants in all languages. For
JOAQUINA VEDRUNA de MAS hagiological purposes we mention only
(St) W. Foundress AC. May 19 the following Italian, Giovanni ; French,

1 783-1 854. A
Spanish lady, wife of Jean; Spanish, Juan; Portuguese, Xuan;
Theodore de Mas,
of the Spanish Catalan, Jean; Dutch, Jan; German,
nobility, who died in the Napoleonic Johann; Russian, Iwan, Ivan. There are
wars. Joaquina then retired to Vich, also numerous diminutive forms, e.g.,

where she founded the Institute of the Italian,Giovannino, Nanino; Spanish,

Carmelite Sisters of Charity, now spread Juanito; French, Jeannin; Old English,
throughout Spain and S. America. She Johnikin, etc. Moreover, especially in
died at Barcelona during a cholera the Latin countries, the name is very
epidemic. Canonized 1959. often used in combination with others,
as follows: Gianpier, Gianluigi, Jean-
JOAVAN (St) Bp. AC. March 2 Benoit, Jean-Francois, Juan-Jose, Juan-
d. f.576. A Romano-Briton who passed Maria, etc. No less than seventy-three of
over to Brittany to live under his uncle the post-Reformation English martyrs
St Paul of Leon, from whom he received one canonized, forty-eight Beati, nine-
episcopal consecration as coadjutor. —
teen VenerabileSy five dilati were called
JOB (St) Patriarch RM. May 10
? 1500 B.C.The man "simple and up- JOHN NEPOMUCENE NEUMANN
right and fearing God and avoiding (Bl) Bp. C.SS.R. Founder AC. Jan 5
evil",whose patience forms the subject From Bohemia, his native
matter of a canonical book of Scripture. soil, missionary zeal led him to America

(See also James V, 11.) His liturgical in 1836, where he laboured in the dis-
cult obtains chiefly in the East. trict of Niagra until 1840 when he
became a Redemptorist. As superior,
JODOC (JUDOCUS, JOSSE, JOST) and even more fully with his consecra-
(St) C. RM. Dec 13 tion as Bishop of Philadelphia, he
See Judocus. devoted himself to the ministry of the
word, the education of youth, the build-
JOEL (Bl or St) Ab. OSB. ing of churches, the decorum of divine
AC. Jan 25 worship and, above all, to the care of
d. 1 185. A disciple of St John of Matera, orphans and the needy. He also founded
founder of the Benedictine Congrega- the Sisters of the Third Order of St
tion of Pulsano. St Joel was its third Francis. Beatified 1963.
JOEL (St) Prophet RM.
July 13 AC. Jan 6
8th cent. B.C. One of the twelve minor 1532-1611. A native of Seville, and the
prophets. His body is said to be en- son of the duke of Alcala, viceroy of
shrined under the high altar of the cathe- Naples. He was educated at the uni-
dral of Zara in Dalmatia. versity of Salamanca and ordained priest

in 1557. He remained at Salamanca as the Bosphorus. After some years he
professor of theology, gifts became returned home so changed in appear-
widely known and gained him the esteem ance that his parents did not recognize
of Pope Pius V, and of Philip II of him. He lived on their charity in a small
Spain. He was appointed bishop of —
hut Calybe in Greek, whence Kala-
Badajoz, but transferred shortly after bytes —near their' home until his death,
to the archbishopric of Valencia, with so runs the legend, which is remarkably
the added dignity of viceroy of that reminiscent of that of St Alexis of Rome
province. While all may not regard him and other saints.
as an enlightened statesman, one cannot
but admire his conscientious devotion JOHN of ROME (St) C. OSB.
to duty and his heroic patience in bear- RM. Jan 17
ing the responsibilities of his office. See Antony, Merulus and John.
Canonized 1959.
JOHN the ALMONER (St) Abp.
Bp. RM. Jan 10 d. ? 616. A Cypriot, who became patri-
d. c. 660. Bishop of Milan. The Lom- arch of Alexandria (r.608). He set him-
bard invasion forced the bishops of self to redress social evils by means of
Milan to live away from that city eighty almsgiving. He compiled a list of the
years. With John Camillus the line of 7,500 poor of the diocese, and one of his
resident bishops recommenced. He first episcopal acts was the distribution

worked successfully against Arianism of 80,000 pieces of gold to hospitals and

and the Monothelitism. monasteries. He followed this policy
systematically till his death.
RM. Jan 12 JOHN GROVE (Bl) M. AC. Jan 24
d. 494. Bishop of Ravenna from 452 to d. 1697. A layman, servant of Bl
494. He is said to have saved his flock William Ireland, SJ., with whom he was
from the fury of Attila the Hun, and martyred at Tyburn for alleged com-
mitigated its sad lot when the city was plicity in the Oates Plot. Beatified in
taken by Theodoric, king of the Ostro- 1929.
SJ. AC. Tan 12 f.344-407 (Sept Surnamed Chrysos-
d. 1737. A German Jesuit, born at tom ("Golden Mouthed") on account of
Duren near Cologne. He entered the his great eloquence, and also "the
Order at Macao in 1730. Sent to China Doctor of the Eucharist". He was born
with three Portuguese companions, he at Antioch, tried the monastic life in
was arrested at Tonkin in 1736, and his youth and ruined his health, and
martyred in the following year. was then ordained priest. It was as a
priest at Antioch that he delivered that
JOHN CALABYTES (St) H. series of sermons which made him
RM. Jan 15 famous throughout the East. In 398,
d. Born at Constantinople, he
r.450. much against his own will, he was raised
disappeared from home and became at to the see of Constantinople, where his
the age of twelve a monk at Gomon on ardent zeal, which knew no compromise,


brought down upon him the imperial according to them. He was one of the
wrath. In 403, at a gathering of bishops pioneers on monastic life in the West.
known as the Synod of the Oak, he
was deposed and banished, but public JOHN (St) M. RM. Jan 31
opinion was so strongly in his favour See Cyrus and John.
that the courtwas unable to prevent his
triumphant return. Two months later, JOHN ANGELUS (Bl) C. OSB.
however, on account of another of 31AC. Jan
his outspoken denunciations of vice, he d. r.1050. A native of Venice and a
was exiled again to Armenia, in defiance Benedictine at Pomposa in the diocese
of the pope who strenuously espoused of Ferrara, under St Guy, q.v.
the saint's cause. John died in exile on
Sept 14. Besides being the most pro- JOHN BOSCO (St) Founder
of the Greek Doctors, St John was
lific RM. Jan 31
famous for his revision of the Greek 1 81 5-1888. Born at Becchi, Castel-
Liturgy. nuovo d'Asti, in Piedmont, son of a
peasant. After his ordination to the
JOHN of WARNETON (Bl) Bp. priesthood in 1841 he began at Turin
AC. Jan 27 his life-long work of educating boys.
d. 1 130. Born at Warneton, in French From the first he had a clear programme
Flanders, a disciple of St Ivo of of education in his mind — viz., to
Chartres, he became
canon regular at
a educate through love, to compel the
Mont-Saint-Eloi, near Arras, and was boys to love their teachers, their studies,
eventually raised to the see of Therou- and all the conditions which surround
anne, which he accepted only under a their education. A group of willing
papal order. He was a great founder of helpers offered themselves to Don
monasteries. Though he had a reputa- Bosco and in i860 the new Institute was
tion for strictness, he showed himself approved by the Holy See. St John
extremely when dealing with
gentle placed it under the protection of our
certain individuals who had conspired Lady Help of Christians and of St
against his life. Francis of Sales Saksians. It grew
rapidly and spread throughout Europe
JOHN MARY MZEC M. (Bl) and the foreign missions. He also
AC. Jan 27 formed on the same lines a new sister-
d. 1887. A negro of Uganda who bap- hood, the Daughters of Mary Auxilia-
tized many in the hour of death. Be- trix, for the education of girls. Canonized
headed in January, 1887. Beatified in in 1934.
JOHN of the GRATING (St) Bp.
JOHN of REOMAY (REOME) (St) OSB. Cist. AC. Feb 1

Ab. RM. Jan 28 1098-1163. Surnamed de Craticula "of

425-539. Born at Dijon, he was first a the Grating", from the metal railings
solitary Reomay. When disciples
at that surrounded his shrine. He was a
gathered round him he escaped in Breton who entered Clairvaux and was
secret and became a monk of Lerins. professed under St Bernard. He re-
Here he learnt the traditions of St turned to Brittany as abbot-founder of
Macarius, and when summoned back to Buzay and Begard and finally was
Reomay, he regulated his monastery promoted to the bishopric of Aleth,

which see he transferred to Saint-Malo. Pyrenees. At a later period he returned
He introduced Canons Regular into the to Venice where he founded and was the
diocese, and some sources treat him as first abbot of San Giorgio Maggiore
a Canon, and a friend of St Bernard, (r.982). Most writers call him beatus,
but not a monk under him. although there is no evidence of cult.


AC. Feb 3 RM. Feb 5
d. 1578. A native of Skelton, near York. d. 1597. A Japanese temporal-coadjutor
He began his studies for the priesthood of the Society of Jesus, and catechist at
at Douai of forty and was
at the age Ozaka. Crucified at Nagasaki in his
ordained in 1575. He was sent to Lon- nineteenth year, with many com-
don, but was soon arrested and subse- panions. Canonized in 1862.
quently executed at Tyburn. He be-
came a Jesuit shortly before his death. JOHN KISAKA (or KIMOIA) (St)
M. Tert. OFM. RM. Feb 5
JOHN SPEED (Bl) M. AC. Feb 4 d. 1597. A
Japanese silk-weaver, born
d. 1594. Alias Spence. A layman, born at Meaco. He was baptized and received
at Durham, and martyred also at Dur- into the third order of St Francis shortly
ham for befriending priests. Beatified before his crucifixion at Nagasaki with
in 1929. twenty-five companions.

JOHN ZAKOLY (Bl) Bp. PC. Feb 3 JOHN of MATHA (St) Founder
d. 1494. Bishop of Csanad in Hungary, RM. Feb 8
he entered the Pauline Order and died 1 1 60-1 21 3 (Dec 17). A native of Faucon
Prior of the monastery of Diosgyor. in Provence, who studied at Paris and
later founded the order of Trinitarians
JOHN de BRITTO (St) M. SJ. for the redemption of captives, which
RM. Feb
4 was approved by Pope Innocent III. It
1 647- 1 693. A of Lisbon, he
native is said that John himself ransomed many

joined the Society of Jesus in 1662 and captives at Tunis, but of this and many
was soon after sent to the missions of the other episodes of his life there are no
Far East. He worked in Malabar, Tan- trustworthy records. He died at Rome.
jore, Marava and Madura, first as a
simple religious and afterwards as JOHN CHARLES CORNY (Bl) M.
superior. He joined the Brahmin caste AC. Feb 8
in an endeavour to reach the nobility, 1 809-1 837. Born at Loudun, in the dio-
and his methods were in many other cese of Poitiers, France. He belonged to
respects unconventional and enlight- the Paris Society of Foreign Missions
ened. He was captured and tortured and worked in Annam. He was seized at
and ordered to leave the country; but Ban-no, Tonkin, kept in a cage for
he refused and was martyred at Oreiour three months being put often in irons
in India. Canonized 1947. and brutally beaten. He was finally be-
headed (Sept 20). Beatified in 1900.
d. 1012. A native of Venice who became RM. Feb 12
a Benedictine at Cuxa in the Catalonian See Seven Holy Founders.

JOHN NUTTER and JOHN educated at Reims. Ordained in 1587,
MUNDEN (BB) MM. AC. Feb 12 he was sent to the English Mission,
d. 1584. John Nutter was born near where he spent his time mostly in prison
Burnley, Lanes, and was a fellow of St and was finally executed at Southwark,
John's College, Cambridge. He studied solely for his priesthood. Beatified in
for the priesthood at Reims, and was 1929.
ordained in 1581. Bl John Munden, a
native of Coitley, S. Maperton, Dorset, JOHN PETER (NEEL) (Bl)
studied at New College, Oxford, be- AC. Feb 18
came a schoolmaster, went to Reims 1 832-1 862. A French missionary priest
and to Rome for his ecclesiastical train- working in Kuy-tsheu, China, who was
ing and was ordained in 1582. They arrested, tied to a horse's tail by his
were martyred at Tyburn with three hair, and beheaded at Kuy-tsheu.
other priests. Beatified in 1929. Beatified in 1909.


JOHN the SAXON (Bl) M.
M. OFM. AC. Feb 13 AC. Feb 22
1 760-1 8 1 6. A native of Triora in
d. 895. Apparently a native of Old
Liguria, who at the age of seventeen
Saxony and a monk in some French
joined the Friars Minor. After having
abbey who was invited by King Alfred
been guardian of Velletri, near Rome,
to restore religion and learning in the
he volunteered for the Chinese missions,
English abbeys after the devastation of
where at that time a fierce persecution
the Danes. The king appointed him
was raging. He arrived there in 1799
abbot of Athelingay. John worked
and worked with great success in spite
zealously in furthering the king's wishes.
of many obstacles. At length he was
Two French monks of his own com-
seized and martyred by strangulation
munity murdered him one night in
at Ch'angsha Fu. Beatified in 1900.


TION (Bl) C. AC. Feb 14
JOHN of (Bl) OFM.
PC. Feb 23
1 56
-1 6 1 3. A native of Almodovar,
Toledo, Spain. He entered the Trini- d. 1287. Of French origin, he was the
tarian Order at Toledo and seventeen first Franciscan to work in Hungary. In
years later joined the party of reform the chronicle of his Order he is styled

in that Order. As superior, he inaugur-


ated such a revival at Valdepenas in

1597. The reform, called the Discalced JOHN THERISTUS (St) Mk. OSB.
Trinitarians,was approved by Rome RM. Feb 24
and John had to endure on this account d. 1 129. Of Calabrian parentage, he was
the bitter opposition of the "unre- born in Sicily, whither his mother had
formed". At the time of his death been carried as a slave by the Saracens.
thirty-four houses had adopted the He contrived to escape to Calabria while
reform. Beatified in 1819. still a child, and there he became a
Benedictine. Theristus means Har-
JOHN PIBUSH (Bl) M. vester, a reference to a miraculous har-
AC. Feb 18 vesting supposed to have been per-
d. 1 60 1. Born at Thirsk, Yorks, and formed by the Saint.

JOHN of GORZE (St) Ab. OSB. forty years of his life —shepherd, soldier,
AC. Feb 27 peddler, of slaves in
d. f.975. Born at Vandieres, near Metz. Morocco, vendor of religious books in
After some years spent in administering the district near Gibraltar, etc. He was
his large estates, he made a pilgrimage led to a more perfect life by a sermon
to Rome, and on his return restored, of Bl John of Avila, but the fervour of
and entered, the abbey of Gorze (933). his conversion produced in him such
The emperor Otto I sent him as his extravagant behaviour that he was taken
ambassador to the khalif Abd-er- for a madman. Finally, in 1540, he
Rahman of Cordova, where he stayed settled Granada and founded a
for two years. In 960 he was made abbot hospital where he tended the sick. This
of Gorze, and the wise reforms which was the beginning of the new Order of
he introduced spread even to distant Brothers Hospitallers (Brothers of St
Benedictine abbeys. The saint is said John of God). St John was canonized
to have been gifted with a prodigious in 1690 and declared patron of the sick
memory. and of hospitals in 1886.


C. OFM. RM. March 5 OSB. Vail. AC. March 10
1 654-1 734. Carlo Gaetano was born on d. £.1380. A Florentine monk of the
the island of Ischia, off the coast of Holy Trinity in his native city. As a
Naples. In 1670 he joined the Francis- result of poring over forbidden books
can-Alcantarines and was given the new night and day, he took secretly to the
name of Gianguiseppe (John-Joseph). practice of the Black Art and became a
He held various offices in the Order and necromancer, and a slave to vice and
finally that of superior of the new Italian depravity. On being found out, he was
branch of the Alcantarines. Canonized summoned before the abbot-general of
in 1839. Vallumbrosa and, after first denying
ultimately confessed his guilt and was
JOHN LARKE andJOHN imprisoned in a pestilential gaol. This
IRELAND (BB) MM. AC. March 7 proved his salvation: he became truly
d. 1544. Both were secular priests. John penitent and by voluntary fasting re-
Larke was rector of St Ethelburga's duced himself to a skeleton, so that his
Bishopsgate, then of Woodford, Essex, fellow monks implored him to return to
and finally of Chelsea, to which he was community life. He, however, preferred
nominated by St Thomas More. John to remain in prison till his death, living
Ireland, after being chaplain to the as a hermit to a very old age and attain-
same was made rector of Eltham,
saint, ing to great sanctity. He was an elegant
Kent. Both were martyred at Tyburn, writer, and a great friend of St Catherine
with Bl Jermyn Gardiner. John Larke of Siena, who often appeared to him.
was beatified in 1886 and John Ireland
in 1929. JOHN OGILVIE (Bl) M. SJ.
AC. March 10
JOHN of GOD (St) Founder d. Born at Drum-na-Keith,
161 5.
RM. March 8 Banffshire, and brought up a Calvinist,
1495-1 550. Born at Montemoro Novo, he was received into the Church at
diocese of Evora, in Portugal, John Louvain (1596), at the age of seventeen.
followed various vocations for the first He joined the Society of Jesus (1599)

and worked in Austria and in France York, together with Bl Robert Dalby.
till 1 613. He then returned to his native Beatified in 1929.
Scotland where he was beginning to
make converts when he was betrayed JOHN BREBEUF and JOHN de la
and imprisoned. For eight days and LANDE (SS) MM. SJ.
nights on end he was forcibly kept from RM. March 16 and Oct 18
sleep so that he should reveal the names d. 1649 and 1646. Two Jesuit martyrs,
of other Catholics. The attempt was belonging to the group of the North
unsuccessful. He was hanged at Glas- American Martyrs (q.v.). John Brebeuf,
gow. Beatified in 1929. born at Conde in 1596, was a priest
who landed at Quebec in 161 5 and
JOHN RIGHI of FABRIANO (Bl) C. worked chiefly among the Hurons for
OFM. AC. March 11 thirty-four years. He was martyred by
1469-1 539. John Baptist Righi was a the Iroquois in 1649. John de la Lande,
native of Fabriano, province of Ancona, a native of Dieppe was a lay brother,
who professed the Franciscan rule and and was martyred in 1646. Both were
lived a hermit's life at Massaccio. Cult canonized, with four companions, in
approved in 1903. 1930.


FRONTE (Bl) Bp. M. OSB. AC. March 17
AC. March 16 1 576-1 620. Born in Austrian Silesia, he
d. 1 183. A native of Cremona who became a parish priest of Holleschau in
joined the abbey of St Lawrence in his Moravia. He converted many Hussites
native city, and became abbot in 1 155. and Bohemian Brethren, but as a result,
He is described as most loyal to, and he was unjustly accused by the heretics
gentle with his monks. He sided with of conspiring to bring Polish troops into
the pope against the emperor Bar- the country, and was ordered to reveal
barossa, by whom he was banished what he heard in confession from his
from his abbey. He lived as a hermit penitent the baron of Moravia. On re-
near Mantua, and, in 1174, the bishop fusing he was cruelly racked and left to

of this city being deposed by the pope, die in prison. Beatified in 1859.
Bl John was raised to the see. But,
some three years afterwards, the former JOHN the SYRIAN of PINNA (St)
bishop repented and Bl John asked H. RM. March 19
permission to resign in his favour, being 6th cent. According to the RM. he was
himself transferred to Vicenza (1177). a Syrian monk who settled at Pinna,
Here he was killed by a man whom he near Spoleto, where for forty-four years
had rebuked for embezzling episcopal he was abbot of a large monastic colony.
revenues. It is probable that he was a refugee from

Monophysite persecution.
d. 1589. Born near Wakefield, he began C. OC. AC. March 20
life as a clothier and married, but on his 1448-15 1 6. Usually called Baptista
wife's death, studied for the priesthood Mantuanus. His family name Spagnuolo
at Reims and was ordained in 1581. He denotes his Spanish origin. He was,
was executed for his priesthood at however, born at Mantua, studied at

Padua, joined the Carmelites (1464) Jerome, Augustine, Cassian, Palladius,
and became their prior-general.
in 15 13 etc. He was remarkable for his gift of
He is famous as a Latin poet he wrote — prophecy.
over 50,000 lines of Latin verse and —
he is considered one of the most eminent JOHN DAMASCENE (St) C. Dr.
representatives of Christian Humanism RM. March 27
in Italy. Beatified in 1885. £.676-749. A native of Damascus, where
was the caliph's vizier. He
his father
JOHN of PARMA (Bl) C. OFM. was educated by Cosmos, a Greek
AC. March 20 monk who had been brought into Syria
1 209-1 289. A native of Parma, who after as a slave. After succeeding his father
his profession in the Franciscan Order as vizier,he retired to the laura of St
and his ordination, taught theology at Sabas at Jerusalem and embraced there
Bologna and Naples. In 1247 he was the monastic life. He boldly resisted the
elected seventh minister general of the Iconoclast emperor, Leo the Isaurian,
Franciscans and held the office until but he is best remembered as a theolo-
1257. He visited the Franciscan pro- gian. He was the author of the first real
vinces of different countries, including Sutntna Theologica, as well as of numer-
England. He was sent to Constantinople ous liturgical hymns. He was the last
as papal legate. His he lived
final years of the Greek fathers and the first of the
in retirement at Greccio. Cult approved Christian Aristotelians. Leo XIII pro-
in 1777. claimed him Doctor of the Church in
JOHN, SERGIUS and Comp. (SS)
MM. AC. March 20
d. 796. A group of twenty monks of the
laura of St Sabas, near Jerusalem, who
OFM. RM. March 28
1386-1456 (Oct 23). A native of Capis-
were one of the anti-Christian
killed in
trano in the Abruzzi, he began life as a
Arab raids. Many more were wounded,
lawyer, and was made governor of
and a few escaped. One of the last cate-
Perugia in the Papal States. When he
gory, Stephen the poet, has left a
was thirty he was left a widower and
detailed account of the event.
became a Franciscan and a life-long
JOHN del BASTONE (Bl) C. OSB. friend of St Bernardinus of Siena. His
Silv. AC. March 24 whole religious life was spent as papal
d. 1290. One of the first disciples of St legate to various states, Palestine, Milan,

Silvester at Monte Fano. France, Sicily, Austria, Bavaria, Poland,

Bohemia, and Silesia. The most impor-
JOHN of LYCOPOLIS (St) H. tant was that to Bohemia, where his
RM. March 27 conduct in connexion with the Hussite
£.305-394. Surnamed "The Egyptian" movement has been adversely criticized.
or "the Prophet of the Thebaid'\ He St John played a large part in inspiring
was born near Assiut, in Egypt, and was the heroic resistance of the Hungarians
a carpenter by trade. At the age of to the Turks. Canonized in 1724.
twenty-five he journeyed to a mountain
near Lycopolis and lived there for forty JOHN CLIMACUS (St) Ab.
years as a recluse. He was consulted by RM. March 30
the emperor Theodosius and greatly £.525-605. Called "Climacus" from the
admired by his contemporaries SS title of his book The Climax, or Ladder

of Perfection, which is a classic in was born at Sowerby, Yorks, and studied
ascetical literature. He was born in for the priesthood at Rome. Ordained
Palestine and, at the age of sixteen, in 1597, he was sent to the English
became a monk on Mt
Sinai and after- mission, where he worked from 1598 till
wards a solitary in different places in 1642. At the age of eighty-one he was
the Arabian Desert. He was already hanged, drawn and quartered for his
seventy-five when he was made abbot priesthood at York. Beatified in 1929.
of Sinai, but four years later he resigned
and died as a hermit. By some his life JOHNofVILNA(St)M. AC. Apr 14
is given later dates, and his death placed See SS Antony, John and Eustace.
after 650.
JOHN PAYNE (Bl) M. AC. Apr 20 OSB. Cist. PC. Apr 20
d. 1582. Born in the diocese of Peter- d. 1280. A Benedictine monk of St
borough, he was educated for the priest- Denis, who passed over to the Cister-
hood Douai, where he was ordained
at cians and became successively abbot
in He worked on the English
1576. of Igny, of Clairvaux (1257) and of
mission at Ingatestone in Essex until Grace-Dieu (^.1262).
his martyrdom at Chelmsford. Beatified
in 1886. JOHN FINCH (Bl) M. AC. Apr 20
d. 1584. A yeoman farmer of Eccleston
JOHN of PENNA (Bl) C. OFM. in Lancashire, who suffered at Lancaster
AC. Apr 3 for being reconciled to the Church and
d. 1 27 1. A native of Penna San Giovanni for harbouring priests. Beatified in 1929.
in the diocese of Fermo who, after being
ordained priest, joined the Franciscans JOHN of VALENCE (Bl) Bp. OSB.
at Recanati and founded several houses Cist. AC. Apr 26
in Provence, where he lived for twenty- d. 1 146. A native of Lyons, he was a
five years. (See his life in ch. 45 of the canon of that city, and after a pilgrimage
Little Flowersof St Francis.) Cult ap- to Compostella, entered Clairvaux under
proved by Pius VII. St Bernard. In 11 17 he was sent to
found Bonneval (Bona Vallis) on the
Loire, and proved to be an excellent
AC. Apr 9 abbot. In 1141 he was raised to the see
d. 1 33 1. Born at Vespignano in the dio-
of Valence, but had to be carried by
cese of Florence. During the civil wars
main force to the altar to be consecrated.
he devoted himself to works of charity
Cult approved in 1901.
among the refugees who flocked to
Florence. Cult approved by Pius VII. JOHN of CONSTANTINOPLE (St)
Ab. RM. Apr 27
JOHN of CUPRAMONTANA (Bl) d. 813. Abbot of the monastery called
C. OSB. Cam. AC. Apr 11 Cathares at Constantinople, a staunch
d. 1303. A
Camaldolese monk-hermit opponent of the Iconoclast emperor
who lived many years in the cave of Leo the Armenian by whom he was
Cupramontana, on Mt Massaccio. imprisoned and exiled.


AC. Apr 13 AC. Apr 28
d. 1642. John Lockwood, alias Lascelles, d. 1840. A native catechist in Tonkin,


attached to the Society of Foreign JOHN of AVILA (Bl) C. AC. May 10
Missions. He was beheaded with Bl d. 1569. Born Almodovar, in New
Peter Hieu, q.v. Castile, he studied law at Salamanca
and theology at Alcala {Complutum).
JOHN-LOUIS BONNARD (Bl) M. After his ordination he was preparing
AC. May i to sail for the missions of the West
1 824-1 852. A missionary priest, a native Indies and Mexico, but was detained by
of France, who belonged to the Paris the archbishop of Seville. He spent the
Society of Foreign Missions and was forty years of his priestly career evan-
beheaded in Annam. Beatified in 1900. gelizing Andalusia —preaching, writing,
directing souls(among others those of
JOHN HOUGHTON (Bl) M. O. SS Teresa, Francis Borgia, John of
Cart. AC. May 4 God, Louis of Granada) and converting
d. 1535. A and prior of
native of Essex sinners. His ascetical writings, chiefly
the London Charterhouse. As such, he his letters, rank high among the Spanish
was the first to oppose Henry VIIFs classics. He is usually called "the Apostle
Acts of Succession and Supremacy, of Andalusia". Beatified in 1894.
giving to his monks and the whole of
England a magnificent example of JOHN ROCHESTER (Bl) M. O.
fidelity to the Catholic faith, for which
Cart. AC. May 1

he was martyred at Tyburn, with four d. 1537. He was born at Terling, Essex,

companions. He is the proto-martyr of and a professed Carthusian of the

the post-reformation English martyrs. London Charterhouse. He was martyred
Beatified in 1886. at York, with Bl James Walworth.
Beatified in 1886.

JOHN HAILE (Bl) M. AC. May 5

d. 1535. A secular priest, vicar of Isle-
AC. May 12
worth, Middlesex. He was
martyred at
d. 1538. An Augustinian friar at Canter-
Tyburn with Bl John Houghton, q.v.
bury, martyred in that place for denying
the royal supremacy.
RM. May 7 JOHN the SILENT (St) Bp.
d. 721. He was born at Harpham in RM. May 13
Yorkshire and studied at Canterbury 454-558. Born at Nicopolis in Armenia,
under SS Adrian and Theodore; then before his twentieth year he had already
he became a monk at Whitby. Eventu- founded a monastery and become a
ally he was consecrated bishop of monk in his native city. At the age of
Hexham, whence he was transferred to twenty-eight he was chosen bishop of
York as metropolitan. As such he Colonia (Taxara). He resigned after
ordained St Bede to the priesthood. He nine or ten years, and hiding his epis-
was the founder of Beverley Abbey, to copal dignity, entered the laura of St
which he retired in his old age. Sabas near Jerusalem. Here he spent
the rest of his life, part of it as a "walled-
JOHN of CHALON (St) Bp. up" recluse.
AC. May 9
d. r.475. The third bishop of Chalon- JOHN BAPTIST de la SALLE (St)
sur-Saone. He was consecrated by St Founder RM. May 15
Patiens of Lyons. 1 654-1 7 1 9. A native of Reims and a

canon of the cathedral chapter (1667), at Granada and was martyred in the

before he was ordained a priest (1678). attempt.

His life-work was the foundation, on
new, original and revolutionary educa- JOHN FOREST (Bl) M. OFM.
tional principles, of the congregation of AC. May 22
the Brothers of the Christian Schools. d. 1538. Born in all probability at Ox-
In the teeth of extreme opposition, he ford, where, after his profession as a
succeeded in establishing his system Friar Minor, he was also educated in
and his new Institute on solid founda- the Franciscan college. He was stationed
tions. He died in retirement at Saint- at Greenwich when he became confessor
Yon. Canonized in 1900. to Queen Catherine of Aragon. He
opposed the queen's divorce and the
JOHN NEPOMUCEN (St) M. king's supremacy in matters spiritual,
RM. May 16 and was for this cause burnt to death
f.1345-1393. A native of Nepomuk, in at Smithfield under conditions of most
Bohemia, he became canon of Prague revolting cruelty. Beatified in 1886.
and eventually court chaplain and con-
fessor to Queen Sophie, second wife of JOHN BAPTIST MACHADO (Bl)
the dissolute Wenceslaus IV. He was M. SJ. AC. May 22
of a retiring disposition, and repeatedly 1 580-1617. Born at Terceira, in the
refused bishoprics which were offered Azores, he became a Jesuit at Coimbra,
to him. In 1393, or according to and in 1609 was dispatched to the
another tradition 1383, he was, by order Japanese missions. He was beheaded at
of Wenceslaus, thrown into the river Nagasaki with two companions. Beati-
Moldau and drowned. A tradition, still fied in 1867.
widely credited in Central Europe,
martyrdom to his refusal
attributes his JOHN BAPTIST de ROSSI (St) C.
what he had heard
to reveal to the king 23 RM. May
from the queen in sacramental confes- 698-1764. Born at Voltaggio, diocese

sion. Canonized in 1729. of Genoa, he studied at the Roman

College and, after his ordination in
JOHN of PARMA (St) Ab. OSB. 72 1, remained in Rome as a member

AC. May 22 of the Roman clergy. In 1737 he was

d. f.982. He was born at Parma and made canon of Santa Maria in Cosmedin
early in life was made canon of the at the foot of the Aventine. His main
cathedral in that city. He is said to have work as missioner and catechist was
made Jerusalem and
six pilgrimages to among the teamsters, farmers and herds-
to have taken the Benedictine habit men of the Campagna, and among the
there. He was abbot of St John's, at sick and prisoners. Canonized in 1881.
Parma (973-^.982) then under the
Cluniac observance. He is a minor JOHN of MONTFORT (Bl) Knight
patron of Parma. AC. May 24
d. 1177(8). A Knight Templar of Jeru-
JOHN of CETEMA (Bl) M. OFM. salem. Wounded in a battle against the
AC. May 22 Saracens he was taken to Cyprus, where
d. 1397. A Spanish Franciscan, who he died at Nikosia. His feast was for a
with Bl Peter de Duenas (q.v.) was long time celebrated at Cyprus on May
commissioned to evangelize the Moors 25.

JOHN del PRADO (St) M. OFM. abbey of St John de la Pena (of the
RM. May 24 Rock) was built. The saint and the
d. 1636. Born at Morgobresio, Leon, place are famous in Spanish history,
Spain. While following his theological since the abbey of La Pena became the
course of Salamanca he joined the bare- cradle of the Christian kingdoms of
footed Franciscans of the Strict Ob- Navarre and Aragon.
servance. Eventually he was sent to
Morocco with special ecclesiastical JOHN PELINGOTTO (Bl) C. Tert.
powers, and was martyred there with OFM. AC. June 1

two other Spanish friars. 1 240- 1 3 04. A native of Urbino, the son
of a merchant. He was received into the
JOHN HO AN (Bl) M. AC. May 26 Franciscan third order, and devoted his
f.1789-1861. Born at Kim-long, in whole life to prayer and works of charity.
Cochin-China, he was ordained priest, Cult approved in 191 8.
and worked zealously until his martyr-
dom by beheading under King Yu-Duc JOHN STOREY (Bl) M. AC.Junei
near Dougl Hoi. Beatified in 1909. d. 1 57 1. He was born in N. England and
educated at Oxford, where he received
JOHN I (St) Pope M. RM. May 27 the degree of Doctor of Law and subse-
d. 526. A Tuscan, who was ordained for quently was appointed president of
the Roman became archdeacon
clergy, Broadgate Hall and first Regius Pro-
and finally pope (523). In 526 he went fessor of civil law. He married (after
to Constantinople on an embassy from 1547), became a member of parliament,
Theodoric the Arian king of the Ostro- and opposed several laws against the
goths. On his return Theodoric cast the Catholic faith, enacted under Edward
pope into prison on suspicion of having VI and Elizabeth. He was imprisoned
conspired with the emperor Justin. The and managed to escape abroad, but was
pope died there of want and hardship. followed by Elizabeth's secret agents,
Some modern writers contest his claim kidnapped, brought back to England
to martyrdom. and martyred at Tyburn for alleged
JOHN SHERT (Bl) M. AC. May 28
d. 1582. Born at Shert Hall, near Mac- JOHN de ORTEGA (St) H.
clesfield, Cheshireeducated atand AC. June 2
Brasenose College, Oxford. After his d. f.1150. A priest of the diocese of
conversion he studied at Douai and Burgos, in Spain, who after sundry pil-
Rome and was ordained in 1576. In grimages to Palestine, Rome, and Com-
1579 he began his work on the English postella, became a hermit in a small
mission. He suffered at Tyburn with village near and helped St
BB Thomas Ford and Robert John- Dominic de la Calzada (q.v.) in the
stone. Beatified in 1886. work of building bridges and hospices,
opening roads, etc. His feast is liturgi-
JOHN de ATARES (St) H. cally observed in the diocese of Burgos.
AC. May 29
d. £.750. A hermit in the diocese of JOHN GRANDE (Bl) C. AC. June 3
Jaca, in the Aragonese Pyrenees, whose 1 546-1 600. Born at Carmona in Anda-
cellwas situated under a huge rock, lusia, Spain, he worked in the linen
where at a later time the Benedictine trade but abandoned that occupation to


become a hermit at Marcena. From tinguished himself as one of the leaders
this time up to his death, punning on in the restoration of discipline. In 1408
his Spanish surname Grande i.e. Great he was named archbishop of Ragusa and
— he always called himself Juan Grande He was one of those
created cardinal.
Pecador —John the Great Sinner. He left who worked most successfully for the
his cell towork in the prisons and hospi- healing of the Great Schism of the
tals at Xeres, where a recently opened West, and, as papal legate for Hungary
hospital was entrusted to his care. This and Bohemia, converted many Hussites.
he handed over to St John of God, Cult confirmed in 1832.
taking the habit of the latter's new order
at Granada. He died at Xeres while JOHN of SAHAGUN (of ST
still caring for the prisoners and the FACUNDO) (St) C. OSA.
sick. Beatified in 1853. RM. June 12
1419-1479. Born at Sahagun, province
JOHN MARIA MUZEYI (St) M. of Leon, in Spain, and educated by the
RM. June 3 Benedictines at the great abbey of his
d. 1886. He practised the corporal works native town, and then
Salamanca and
of mercy until his martyrdom by order Burgos. While stillyoung he held
of King Mwanga of Uganda. See several benefices in the diocese of
Uganda (Martyrs of). Burgos, but eventually he surrendered
all but one. In 1463 this too he gave up

JOHN of VERONA (St) Bp. to become an Augustinian at Sala-

RM. June 6 manca, where he held the offices of
7th cent. The successor of St Maurus novice-master and prior. By his fearless
in the see of Verona, in N. Italy. preaching he effected a great change in
the social life of Salamanca. Canonized
JOHN DAVY (Bl) M. O. Cart. in 1690.
AC. June 6
d. 1537. A Carthusian monk, professed JOHN of PULSANO (of MATERA)
at the London Charterhouse, starved (St) Ab. OSB. AC. June 20
to death at Newgate, where he was im- d. 1 139. A native of Matera in the Basili-
prisoned resisting Henry VI IPs
for cata, who early in life entered a Bene-
spiritual supremacy. He suffered with dictine monastery, where his austerity
a group of six other Carthusians. Beati- was not looked upon with much favour.
fied in 1886. He next joined the monks of Monte-
vergine under St William the founder,
JOHN RAINUZZI (Bl) C. OSB. but left him to become a popular
AC. June 8 preacher at Bari. Finally he settled at
d. ? 1330. A Benedictine monk of St Pulsano, near Monte Gargano, where
Margaret's monastery, at Todi. His he established an abbey, the first of a
him the title of "John
charity earned for series of foundations which coalesced
the Almsgiver", by which he is often into a new Benedictine congregation.
called. He died at Pulsano. He is often called,
from his birthplace, St John of Matera.
1 356-1 41 8. Born at Florence, he entered AC. June 20
the Dominican Order, in which he dis- 1 576-1 626. Born at Brescia in Italy, he

became a Jesuit (1595) and was sent to JOHN (St) M. RM. June 23
India (1602) and thence to Japan (1606). d. 362. A Roman priest beheaded under
He settled at Tacacu; but in 161 4 was Julian the Apostate. The relic venerated
banished to China. On his return to as the head of John the Baptist at San
Japan he was captured and burnt alive Silvestro in Capite, the English church
at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. in Rome, is supposed to be in reality the
head of this martyred priest. According
JOHN KINSACO (Bl) M. SJ. to the RM. he was buried by the priest
AC. June 20 Concordius.
d. 1626. A native of Ocinozu in Japan,
who became a Jesuit novice, and was JOHN the BAPTIST (St) Prophet M.
arrested and burnt alive at Nagasaki. RM. June 24
Beatified in 1867. 1 st cent. "The man sent from God", the
voice crying in the wilderness: "Prepare
JOHN FENWICK and JOHN ye the way of the Lord", of whom Christ
GAVAN (BB) MM. SJ. AC. June 20 said "among those that are born of
d. 1679.John Fenwick was born at women there is not a greater prophet".
Durham and educated at Saint-Omer. His career as a forerunner of the Mes-
He became a Jesuit in 1656. John siah is fully described in the four
Gavan, a Londoner by birth, was also Gospels. Patristic tradition maintains
educated at Saint-Omer and received that StJohn was freed from original sin
into the Society of Jesus in 1660. Both and sanctified in his mother's womb:
were martyred at Tyburn, with three hence from the earliest time the Church
other Jesuits, for alleged complicity in has liturgically celebrated the nativity
the Oates Plot. Beatified in 1929. of St John. His martyrdom under Herod
is also commemorated (August 29). St

JOHN RIGBY (Bl) M. AC. June 21 John has always been, and still is, one
d. 1600. A layman, born at Harrock of the most popular of saints. Liturgi-
Hall, near Wigan, Lanes, who was con- cally, he even ranks above St Joseph,
demned for being reconciled to the the foster-father of our Lord.
Catholic Church
and executed at
Southwark. Beatified in 1929. JOHN of TUY (St) H.
AC. June 24
JOHN I of NAPLES (St) Bp. 9th cent. A native of Spanish Galicia,
RM. June 22 who lived as a hermit near Tuy. His
5th cent. The bishop of Naples who body is now enshrined in the Domini-
translated the body of St Januarius from can church at Tuy.
Puteoli to Naples, "whom blessed
Paulinus bishop of Nola, called to the JOHN the SPANIARD (Bl) C. O.
heavenly kingdoms" (RM.). Cart. AC. June 25
1 1 23-1 160. A native of Almanza in
JOHN IV of Naples (St) Bp. Spain, who, when still a boy, travelled
AC. June 22 to France and studied at Aries. He
d. 835. Locally known as San Giovanni became a Carthusian at Montrieu, was
d'Acquarola, or "the Peacemaker". transferred to the Grande Chartreuse
Bishop of Naples, where he is now under St Anthelmus and finally sent as
venerated as one of the patron saints founder and first prior of the charter-
of the city. house of Reposoir, near lake Geneva.

He was the first to draw up constitu- student at Reims and then at Rome,
tions for the Carthusian nuns. Cult where he was ordained priest in 1583.
approved in 1864. He worked for ten years on the English
mission at Lanherne and became a
JOHN and PAUL (SS) MM. Jesuit only in 1594. He was condemned
RM. June 26 for the priesthood. Bl John Carey was a
? Roman martyrs who suffered at Rome, layman, an Irish servant of Bl Thomas
but not as traditionally asserted under Bosgrave and a fellow-servant of Bl
Julian the Apostate. Their names occur Patrick Salmon. The four were martyred
in the canon of the Mass, and there is a at Dorchester. Beatified in 1929.
stately basilica erected in their name on
the Coelian Hill. Their Acts, however, JOHN FISHER (St) Card. Bp. M.
are held by most scholars to be merely a RM. June 13, AC. July 9
pious fiction. 1 469-1 535 (June 22). Born at Beverley
in Yorkshire, the son of a draper. He
JOHN of the GOTHS Bp. (St) was educated at Cambridge and ever
AC. June 26 afterwards was connected with the life
d. c.800. A bishop of the Goths in S. of the university, of which he eventually
Russia, noted for his defence of the became chancellor. As such he did much
veneration of images. He was driven to further the growth and progress of
from his see by the invading Khazars, his Alma Mater, of which he may justly
and died in exile. be considered the second founder. In
1504 he was appointed bishop of
JOHN of CHINON (St) H. Rochester and proved to be the most
RM. June 27 faithful of the English bishops of that
6th cent. A native of Brittany who be- period he upheld the cause of the queen

came a hermit at Chinon in Touraine, against her adulterous husband, Henry

where he was the spiritual adviser of VIII, and refused to take the oath of
Queen St Radegund. supremacy. He was for this reason
beheaded on Tower Hill. Shortly before
JOHN SOUTHWORTH (Bl) M. his death he had been created cardinal
AC. June 28 by the pope. He died with the words
d. 1654. A Lancashire man who became Te Deu?n on his lips. Canonized in 1935.
a student at Douai. He was ordained in
1 and sent to the English mission,
61 9 JOHN of COLOGNE (St) M. OP.
where his ministrations during the RM. July 9
plague of 1636 were specially note- d. 1572. A native of Cologne who be-
worthy. He was arrested and impri- came Dominican and parish priest of
soned as early as 1627, but was subse- Horner, Holland. He was hanged with
quently released. He was executed at the other Gorkum martyrs, q.v. They
Tyburn for his priesthood under the were canonized in 1867.
commonwealth. Beatified in 1929.
CAREY (BB) MM. AC. July 4 d. 1572. A native of Holland who joined
d. 1 John Cornelius was born at
594. Bl the Augustiniansat Briel and was
Bodmin of Irish parents. He became a directorand confessor of a community
fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, and a of Augustinian nuns at Gorkum when


the town was taken by the Calvinists. powerful Congregation spread chiefly
He suffered with the group of the through Tuscany and Lombardy. St
Gorkum Martyrs, q.v. John died at Passignano, one of his own
foundations, and was canonized in 1 193.
RM. July ii JOHN JONES (61) M. OFM.
d. c.6go. A bishop of Bergamo (^.656 to AC. July 12
f.690) renowned for his learning and d. 1598. John Jones, alias Buckley, was
great success in combating Arianism. born at Clynog Fawr, Carnarvon. He
The letters BM. appended name, to his became a Franciscan Observant at
instead of being read Bonae Memoriae Rome and worked on the London mis-
— "of good memory", were wrongly sion from 1592 till 1597. He was mar-
taken for Beati Martyris "of the — tyred for his priesthood at Southwark.

Blessed Martyr" and he was in conse- Beatified in 1929.
quence formerly considered to have been
a martyr. JOHN NAISEN (Bl) M. AC. July 12
d. 1626. A wealthy Japanese layman
JOHN the GEORGIAN (St) Ab. from Arima. When the persecutors
AC. July 12 threatened him with the prostitution of
d. <\ioo2. This John is usually sur- his wife, his constancy gave way for a
named "the Iberian", i.e., the Georgian, time, but he repented and was burnt
and also "the Hagiorite". With his alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
wife's consent, he and his son St
Euthymius became monks Mt on JOHN TANACA (Bl) M. AC. July 12
Olympus in Bithynia. Thence they d. 1626. A Japanese layman who gave
migrated to Mt
Athos in Macedonia, shelter to Bl Balthasar de Torres. After
where they founded the monastery of a long imprisonment at Omura he was

Iviron (Iweron the Iberian), which burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1 867.
still exists.

JOHN FERNANDEZ, born at Lisbon.

Vail. RM. July 12 JOHN of SAN MARTIN, born at
d. 1073. A Florentine by birth, of the Toledo.
noble family of the Visdomini. As a
young man he spent his time in worldly JOHN de BAEZA, a Spaniard by birth.
amusements, until one Good Friday,
having pardoned his brother's murderer, JOHN de ZAFRA, born at Toledo.
he saw the image of the crucifix mira-
culously bow its head in acknowledge- JOHN de MAVORGA, born in Aragon.
ment of Gualbert's good action.
Thereupon John became a Benedictine JOHN FERNANDEZ (BB) MM. SJ.
at San Miniato del Monte, at Florence. AC. July 15
When it seemed likely that he would be d. 1570. Born at Braga, Portugal.
appointed abbot he left the abbey for a All belonged to the Society of Jesus;
more secluded spot and founded the the first two were clerics and the rest
monastery of Vallumbrosa Vallis Um- temporal-coadjutors. All suffered mar-
brosa —near Fiesole, under St Benedict's tyrdom with Bl Ignatius de Azevedo
Rule. His foundation soon grew into a and comp., q.v.

JOHN PLESINGTON (Bl) M. is best remembered as the translator of
AC. July 19 the Bible into Italian. Cult confirmed by
d. 1697. at Dimples, near Gar-
Born Benedict XIV.
stang, Lanes,and educated at Valla-
dolid, he worked on the mission in JOHN BOSTE (Bl) M. AC. July 24
Cheshire, and was hanged for his d. 1594. Born at Dufton in Westmor-
priesthood at Chester. Beatified in 1929. land and educated at Queen's College,
Oxford, and after his conversion, at
JOHN of EDESSA (St) H. Reims. He was ordained in 1581 and
RM. July 21 laboured in the northern counties for
6th cent. A Syrian monk of Edessa and twelve years until his martyrdom for the
an associate of St Simeon Salus. priesthood at Durham. Beatified in
AC. July 21 JOHN INGRAM (Bl) M.
d. 707. Said to have been twin brothers AC. July 26
and monks of Moyenmoutier under St d. Born at Stoke Edith, Here-
Hidulphus. fordshire. He became a convert, studied
at New College, Oxford, and afterwards
JOHN LLOYD (Bl) M. AC. July 22 at Reims and Rome. After his ordina-
d. 1679. A native of Brecknockshire who tion in 1589, he worked in Scotland. He
received his priestly education at Valla- was condemned for his priesthood, and
dolid and then served the Welsh mission. suffered at Gateshead.
He was executed for his priesthood at
Cardiff with Bl Philip Evans, SJ. JOHN BAPTIST LO (Bl) M.
Beatified in 1929. AC. July 29
1 825-1 861. A Chinese servant beheaded
JOHN CASSIAN (St) Ab. at Tsin-gai. Beatified in 1909.
AC. July 23
c.360-433. An Eastern monk who re- JOHN SORETH (Bl) C. OC.
ceived his monastic training in Egypt, AC. July 30
and afterwards established himself at V.i 420- 1 47 1. A native of Caen in Nor-
Marseilles, where he founded the abbey mandy. He joined the Carmelites and
of St Victor and a nunnery, and ruled wa's their prior general from 1451 to
both from Lerins. His Conferences and 1 47 1. He was a forerunner of St Teresa

his Institutes were commended by St in his efforts to return to the primitive

Benedict as authoritative treatises on observance and to admit nunneries into
the training of monks, and in conse- the order. Cult approved in 1865.
quence have exerted a lasting influence
in the Christian world. JOHN COLOMBINI (Bl) Founder
July 31 RM.
JOHN of TOSSIGNANO Bp. (Bl) c. 1 300-1 367. A
Native of Siena, who
AC. July 24 became a prominent citizen, held the
d. 1446. John Tavalli was born at office of Gonfalionere (first magistrate),
Tossignano, near Imola, and, after his and is described as an ambitious, avari-
studies at the university of Bologna, cious and bad-tempered man. While
joined the order of the Gesuati. In 1431 reading the story of the conversion of
he was raised to the see of Ferrara. He St Mary of Egypt, he was suddenly


converted and eventually formed a small he was a farm-hand and already nine-
society of lay persons devoted to penance teen when he began his studies for the
and deeds of charity. They were called priesthood, which he completed only
Gesuati and were approved in 1367. Bl with considerable difficulty. He was,
John was beatified by Gregory XIII. however, ordained in 181 5 and three
years after was appointed parish priest
JOHN FELTON (Bl) M. of Ars, a small village near Lyons, where
AC. Aug 8 he worked for the rest of his life, and
d. 1570. Born Bermondsey, of a
at for which he won world-wide fame. His
Norfolk family. He was living at chief work was the direction of souls
Southwark when the bull of Pope St his confessional was thronged with all
Pius V excommunicating Queen Eliza- classes of persons, who flocked to him
beth reached London, and he bravely from and wide, and during the last
affixed a copy to the door of the Bishop ten years of his life he spent in it sixteen
of London's house. For this he was to eighteen hours a day. He was gifted
martyred in St Paul's churchyard. with discernment of spirits, prophecy
Beatified in 1886. and hidden knowledge, and was often
tormented by evil spirits. Canonized in
(Bl) C. 1925 and declared patron saint of parish-
AC. Aug 9 priests.
c. 1 190-1242. A native of Salerno, who
received the religious habit from St JOHN and PETER BECCHETTI
Dominic and became the founder of the (BB) CC. OSA. Erem. AC. Aug 11
Dominican friary of Santa Maria 13th cent. Descendants of the family of
Novella at Florence (1221). Cult ap- St Thomas Becket (Becchetti) from a
proved in 1783. branch that settled at Fabriano, in
Italy. Both belonged to the Augustinian

JOHN of ALVERNIA (Bl) C. OFM. hermits, and Bl John is said to have

AC. Aug 9 taught at Oxford. Cult approved in
1 259-1 322. Born at Fermo, he joined i835.
the Friars Minor and thereafter
in 1272,
lived a semi-eremitical life on Mt JOHN BAPTIST PETRUCCI (Bl)
Alvernia, whence he evangelized the M. OSM. AC. Aug 11
surrounding district. He was famous for See Laurence Nerucci, etc.
his gift of infused knowledge. Cult
approved in 1880. JOHN BERCHMANS (St) C. SJ.
RM. Aug 13
JOHN of RIETI (Bl) C. OSA. Erem. 599-1621. Born at Diest in Brabant,

AC. Aug 9 the son of a master-shoemaker. He

d. r.1350. John Bufalari was a native of studied at Malines and there also he
Castel Porziano, near Rome, and an entered the Society of Jesus at the age
Augustinian friar-hermit at Rieti. Cult of seventeen and was sent to Rome for
approved in 1832. his novitiate. His short life of twenty-
two years was remarkable for the heroic
JOHN BAPTIST VIANNEY (St) C. fidelity with which he kept the minutest
RM. Aug 4 and 9 points of regular observance. He was
1786-1859. More often called "the Cure canonized in 1888, and is venerated as
d'Ars". Born at Dardilly, near Lyons, patron of young mass-servers.


JOHN of SAINT MARTHA (Bl) M. wholeheartedly to the "home-mission",
OFM. AC. Aug 16 twice risking his life in attending victims
1 578-1 6 1 8. Born at Prados, near Tarra- of the plague. In 1641 he founded the
gona, in Spain, after his ordination Sisterhood of our Lady of Charity of
(1606) he was sent to Japan, where he the Refuge to care of women of ill
is said to have gained a perfect mastery repute and in 1643 the Society of Jesus
of the language. Arrested at Meaco in and Mary Eudists —for the education
161 5, he was beheaded after a three of priests. He was moreover the origina-
years' imprisonment. Beatified in 1867. tor of the liturgical cult of the Sacred
Heart. He died at Caen, and was canon-
ized in 1925.
Bp. OSB. AC. Aug 17
d. 1094. A Benedictine monk, probably JOHN KEMBLE (Bl) M.
of Montecassino. He was
nominated AC. Aug 22
bishop of Monte Marano by Gregory 1 599-1 679. A native of Herefordshire.

VII (1074) while that pope was in exile After his studies and ordination at

at Salerno. His cult was approved in

Douai, he served the missions of Mon-
mouthshire and Herefordshire for fifty-
1906, and he is venerated as the principal
three years (1 625-1 679). In his eighty-
patron saint of Monte Marano.
first year he was hanged, drawn and
quartered at Hereford for being a priest.
JOHN and CRISPUS (SS) MM. Beatified in 1929.
RM. Aug 18
According to the Roman Martyrology,
they were Roman priests who devoted
AC. Aug 22
themselves to recovering and burying
d. Born near Preston, in Lanes,
the bodies of the martyrs, for which
he was educated at Douai and in Rome.
they themselves suffered martyrdom.
Here he joined the Friars Minor with
Their names are taken from the un-
the new name of Fr Joachim of St
trustworthy Acts of SS Simplicius,
Anne (1651). In 1656 he joined the
Faustinus and Beatrix.
Worcester mission which he served until
the year of his martyrdom for his
JOHN NANGATA, JOHN YANO priesthood at Worcester. Beatified in
and JOHN FOIAMON (BB) MM. 1929.
AC. Aug 19
d. 1662. The two first named were JOHN of CARAMOLA (Bl) C. OSB.
sailors in the ship on which Bl Peter Cist. PC. Aug 26
Zuriiga (q.v.) was a traveller, and the d. 1339. A native of Toulouse who be-
last named was a scribe on the same
came on Mt Caramola in the
a hermit
ship. They were beheaded at Nagasaki. and afterwards a Cis-
Basilicata, Italy,
Beatified in 1867. tercian lay-brother at the abbey of
Sagittario, near Chiaramonte, Naples.
JOHN EUDES (St) Founder
RM. Aug 19 RM. Aug 19 JOHN BASSAND (Bl) C. OSB. Cel.
1601-1680. A native of Ri, France, who AC. Aug 26
after his ordination (1625) entered the 1360-1445. A native of Besancon, where
French Oratory and devoted himself he joined the Canons Regular of St

Paul. Shortly after, however, he passed JOHN of NICOMEDIA (St) M.
over to the Celestine Benedictines at RM. Sept 7
Paris. He held important offices in the d. 303. A Christian of rank, who, when
congregation, and was spiritual director the of persecution against the
of St Colette. He made great efforts to Christians was first published at Nico-
establish his congregation in England media, removed it and tore it to pieces.
and Aragon. He was burnt alive.

JOHN (St) M. RM. Aug 27 JOHN of LODI Bp. OSB.

See Marcellinus, Mannea, etc. AC. Sept 7
d. 1 106. A native of Lodi Vecchio in
JOHN (St) Bp. RM. Aug 27 Lombardy, who, after being a hermit
d. 813. Bishop of Pavia, in Lombardy, for some years, entered the abbey of
801-813. Fontavellana, where he professed the
Benedictine Rule under St Peter
JOHN ROCHE (Bl) M. AC. Aug 30 Damian. In 1072 he was chosen prior of
d. 1588. John Roche (alias Neale) was the abbey and in 1 105 bishop of Gubbio.
an Irish waterman who was condemned He wrote the life of St Peter Damian.
to death for rescuing a priest. He
suffered at Tyburn with five com- JOHN MAKI (Bl) M. AC. Sept 7
panions : BB Richard Leigh, etc. Beati- d. 1627. An adopted son of Bl Louis
fied in 1929. Maki. He was burnt alive at Nagasaki.
Beatified in 1867.
JOHN du LAU (Bl) Bp. M.
AC. Sept 2 JOHN DUCKETT (Bl) M. AC. Sept 7
d. 1792. Archbishop of Aries. During d. 1644. A
kinsman of Bl James Duckett,
the French Revolution he was impri- the bookseller (q.v.). He was born at
soned in the Carmelite church in the Underwinder, near Sedbergh, Yorks,
rue de Rennes at Paris, and later mar- educated for the priesthood at Douai
tyred, by the mob, with the approval of and ordained in 1639. He ministered
the Legislative Assembly, for refusing to the Catholics at Durham. Martyred
the oath and constitution of the clergy for his priesthood at Tyburn with Bl
which had been condemned by the Ralph Corby. Beatified in 1929.
Holy See. He forms part of the group
September (Martyrs of) q.v. JOHN TOMAKI and JOHN
JOHN of PERUGIA and PETER of AC. Sept 8
SASSOFERRATO (BB) MM. OFM. d. 1628. Japanese laymen and Domini-
AC. Sept 3 can tertiaries, beheaded at Nagasaki for
d. 1 23 1. These two Franciscan friars, helping the missionaries. Bl John
priest and lay-brother respectively, were Tomaki was a very active Christian and
sent by St Francis of Assisi in 121 6 to the proud father of four martyr sons.
preach to the Mohammedans in Spain. Beatified in 1867.
They worked in the district between
Teruel and Valencia. Having been JOHN KINGOCU (Bl) M. SJ.
seized in a mosque at Valencia and AC. Sept 10
refusing to apostatize they were be- d. 1622. Born at Amanguchi in Japan,
headed. Cult approved in 1783. he was a catechist of Bl Charles Spinola,

by whom he was received into the JOHN (St) M. RM. Sept 23
Society of Jesus in the prison at Omura. See Andrew, John, etc.

He was beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified

in 1867. JOHN of MED A (St)Ab. OSB.
AC. Sept 26
JOHN of COREA (Bl) M. AC. Sept 10 d. 1 1 59 (?). A native of Meda, and a
d. 1622. A boy of twelve, son of Bl member of the clergy of Milan, who
Antony of Corea and his wife Mary, about the year 134 joined the Humiliati

beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. and advised them to adopt St Benedict's

Rule, which they did, although they
JOHN-GABRIEL PERBOYRE (Bl) continued to call themselves canons.
M. AC. Sept 11 Canonized by Alexander III.
See Gabriel Perboyre.
JOHN the DWARF (St) H. RM. Sept 27
AC. Sept 15 1 st cent. The RM. makes this John
5th cent. John, nicknamed Kolobos, Mark (see Acts XII, 25) a bishop of
"the Dwarf", was a native of Basta in Byblos in Phoenicia. Nowadays most
Lower Egypt. He became a disciple of biblical scholars identify him with St
St Poemen in the desert of and Skete, Mark the evangelist, first bishop of
is described as and short-tempered Alexandria.
conceited by nature, but gentle and
humble by grace. He was also famous JOHN of CORDOVA (St) M.
for his absentmindedness. In obedience RM. Sept 27
to orders he watered a walking stick, See Adolphus and John.
and when it sprouted, it was called "the
tree of obedience". JOHN COCHUMBUCO (Bl) M.
AC. Sept 28
JOHN (St) M. RM. Sept 16 d. 1630. A tertiary of St Augustine and
See Abundius, Abundantius, etc. a native catechist to Bl Bartholomew
Gutierrez. Beheaded at Nagasaki, and
JOHN de MASSIAS (Bl) C. OP. beatified in 1867.
AC. Sept 18
1 585-1 645. A native of Ribera, in JOHN de MONTMIRAIL (Bl) C.
Estremadura, Spain, who crossed over OSB. Cist. AC. Sept 29
to S. America and worked on a cattle 1165-1217. Besides other titles of nobi-
ranch before becoming a Dominican lityhe was Seigneur de Montmirail on
lay-brother at Lima. He was employed the Marne. He was bred to arms and
as the doorkeeper of the friary to the end married and had several children, but
of his life. Beatified in 1837. as soon as he could win his wife's
consent, he became a Cistercian at
JOHN EUSTACE (Bl) Ab. OSB. Longpoint, where he died. He is vener-
Cist. PC. Sept 20 ated liturgically by the Cistercians and
d. 1 A
canon regular at Mons who
48 1. in several French dioceses.
became a Cistercian and eventually was
made first abbot of Jardinet, in the JOHN of GHENT (Bl) C. OSB.
diocese of Namur. He was deputed to PC. Sept 29
restore discipline in several other houses. d. 1439. A Benedictine of the abbey of

Sainte-Claude on the Jura Mountains. JOHN of BRIDLINGTON (St) C.
A collaborator with St Joan of Arc, OS A. AC. Oct 11
known as "the Hermit of St Claude''. d. 1379. John Thwing, a student at the
university of Oxford, joined the com-
JOHN of DUKLA (Bl) C. OFM. munity of Augustinian canons at Brid-
AC. Oct i lington and in due course ruled it as
d. 1484. A native of Dukla in Polish prior for seventeen years. Canonized in
Galicia, who became a Franciscan Con- 1403. Nothing else is known about him.
ventual at Lemberg, and at the instiga-
tion of St John of Capistrano passed JOHN CANTIUS (St) C. RM. Oct 20
over to the Observants, and worked 395-1 473 (Dec 24). Born at Kenty
c. 1

successfully among the Ruthenian in Silesia,he graduated at the university

schismatics. Cult approved in 1739. of Cracow, and was appointed there to
the chair of Sacred Scripture. For some
JOHN ROBINSON (Bl) M. time he took charge of a parish but,
AC. Oct 1 fearing the responsibility of the care of
d. Born at Ferrensby, Yorks.
1588. souls, returned to his biblical teaching,
Having become a widower he went to which he carried on until his death. He
Reims to study for the priesthood and made a practice of sharing his earnings
was ordained there in 1585. He was with the poor. Canonized in 1767.
executed for his priesthood at Ipswich.
Beatified in 1929. JOHN of SYRACUSE (St)Bp. OSB.
AC. Oct 23
JOHN HEWITT (Bl) M. AC. Oct 5 d. f.609. Bishop of Syracuse from 595
d. 1588. Alias Weldon and Savell. A till c.609.
native of Yorkshire, he was educated at
Caius College, Cambridge and studied JOHN BUONI (Bl) C. OSA. Erem.
for the priesthood atReims. He was RM. Oct 23
ordained in 1586 and hanged for his d. 1249. A native of Mantua who in
priesthood at Mile End Green. Beatified early life was a licentious jester at
in 1929. various Italian courts. In 1208, after a
severe illness, he changed his life com-
JOHN LEONARDI (St) Founder pletely and retired to do penance as a
RM. Oct 9 hermit near Cesena, whither a number
c. 1 550-1609. A native of Diecimo in the of disciples followed him. They were
diocese of Lucca. While serving as an given the Augustinian rule (Boniti) by
apprentice to a pharmacist at Lucca he Innocent IV, and soon they coalesced
studied for the priesthood and was with similar hermits to form the order
ordained in 157 1. He worked with great of Augustinian hermit friars. Cult
zeal among the prisoners and in hospi- approved in 1483.
tals and, with the help of two laymen
and some priests, founded the Institute JOHN ANGELO PORRO (Bl) C.
of Clerks Regular of the Mother of OSB. AC. Oct 24
God, approved in 1593. He is reckoned d. 1504. native A of Milan who joined
one of the founders also of the College the Servites, and after a time spent at
of Propaganda Fide in Rome, and was Monte Senario, returned to Milan
appointed visitor of the Vallombrosans where he worked to the end of his life.

and Monteverginians. Cult approved in 1737.

JOHN DAT (Bl) M. AC. Oct 28 JOHN of RATZEBURG (St) Bp. M.
1764-1798. A native of W. Tonkin, AC. Nov 10
ordained to the priesthood in 1798. d. 1066. A native of Scotland, who be-
After three months' captivity he was came a missionary in Germany. He was
beheaded in the same year. Beatified in appointed bishop of Ratzeburg and
1900. evangelized the Baltic coastal region,
where he was martyred.
JOHN of AUTUN (St) Bp.
RM. Oct 29 JOHN of POLAND (St) M. OSB.
? A bishop-saint venerated at Autun, of RM. Nov 12
whom no particulars are extant. See Benedict, John and Comp.

JOHN SLADE (Bl) M. AC. Oct 30

JOHN CINI "della PACE" (Bl) C.
d. 1583. A native of Manston, Dorset
Tert. OFM. AC. Nov 12
( ?) and a student at New College, Ox-
d. Surnamed "the Soldier", or
ford. He became a schoolmaster, and
"Stipendario", or from his domicile,
was martyred at Winchester for denying
"de Porta pacts", "della pace". He was a
the royal supremacy in spiritual matters.
native of Pisa, bred to arms, who in
Beatified in 1929.
1396, became a Franciscan tertiary and
founded several charitable organizations
JOHN and JAMES (SS) MM. and a confraternity of flagellants. Cult
RM. Nov 1
approved in 1856.
d. £.344. Persian martyrs who suffered
under King Shapur II. John is de-
scribed as a bishop.
AC. Nov 14
400-151 1. Born at Caccamo in the dio-
JOHN BODEY (Bl) M. AC. Nov 2 1

d. 1583. Born at Wells, Somerset, and

cese of Palermo, in Sicily. He joined the
Dominican Order and died at the age of
a fellow of New College, Oxford. He
in. Cult confirmed in 1753.
a convert and studied law at
Douai. He returned to England and
became a schoolmaster. He was con- JOHN THORNE (Bl) M. OSB.
demned for repudiating the royal AC. Nov 15
supremacy in spiritual matters and was d. 1539. A Benedictine at Glastonbury
hanged at Andover. Beatified in 1929. and treasurer of the abbey at the time of
the dissolution. He was executed at

JOHN ZEDAZNELI (St) Ab. Glastonbury with his abbot, Bl Richard

AC. Nov 4 Whiting and a brother-monk, Bl Roger
6th cent. The leader of the group of James. The charge against John Thorne
Syrian monks, who
evangelized Georgia was that of sacrilege, the sacrilege con-
(Iberia) and introduced the monastic sisting in his having hidden various

life there. treasures of the abbey church to save

them from the rapacious hands of the
JOHN BAPTIST CON. (Bl) M. king. Beatified in 1895.

AC. Nov 7
1 805-1 840. A native of Tonkin, a lay- JOHN EYNON and JOHN RUGG
man and married, who was beheaded MM. OSB.
(BB) AC. Nov 15
for the faith. Beatified in 1900. d. 1539. John Eynon was priest in

charge of St Giles, at Reading, and JOHN ANGELOPTES (St) Bp.
John Rugg a prebendary of Chichester AC. Nov 27
living at Reading Abbey. Both were d. 433. Bishop of Ravenna, 430-433. He
executed at Reading with the abbot Bl was appointed by the pope metropolitan
Hugh Faringdon. They are generally of Aemilia and Flaminia. The nick-
considered to have been monks of the name Angeloptes means "the man who
abbey. Beatified in 1895. saw an angel" it was given him because,

according to the legend, an angel visible

JOHN XOUN (Bl) M. AC. Nov 18 to him alone once came and assisted
him in the celebration of mass.
d. 61 9. A Japanese layman, born
1 at
Meaco and baptized by the Jesuits at
Nagasaki. He was a member of the con-
fraternity of the Holy Rosary. Burnt
AC. Nov 27
alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
d. 1619. Japanese laymen, both belong-
ing to the royal family of Firando. They
JOHN of the CROSS (St) Dr. OC. were beheaded at Nagasaki with eight
RM. Nov 24 companions. Beatified in 1867.
1542-1 59 1. Juan de Yepes was born at
Fontiberos in Old Castile, the son of a JOHN of VERCELLI (Bl) C. OP.
weaver. He joined the Carmelites at AC. Dec 1

Medina (1562) and from 1564 to 1567 d. 1283. Born at Mosso Santa Maria,
was a student of theology at Salamanca. near Vercelli, he studied at Paris and
He now fellunder the influence of St taught law at Paris and Vercelli. He
Teresa and was her first "half-friar" of then joined the Friars Preachers, among
the first house of the reform, founded whom he held several offices ending
for men, at Duruelo. From 1572 to 1577 with that of master-general (1 264-1 283).
he was the confessor of St Teresa at He was commissioned by the pope to
Avila. There followed a most trying draw up the Schema for the second
period of ill-treatment, calumny and ecumenical council of Lyons. Cult
imprisonment at Toledo, until, in 1578 approved in 1903.
the Discalced were definitely separated
from the Calced Carmelites. St John JOHN BECHE (Bl) Ab. M. OSB.
was now made prior successively of AC. Dec 1

several houses, and in 1585 visitor of d. 1539. As a young Benedictine Beche

Andalusia. The last years of his life took his D.D. at Oxford (15 15) and
were again a period of intense humilia- eventually became abbot of St Wer-
tion, misunderstanding and physical burgh at Chester, whence in 1533 he
suffering. He died in obscurity at was promoted to the abbacy of Col-
Ubeda. St John's highest title to fame chester. He was a great friend of SS
are his mystical writings (The Ascent of John Fisher and Thomas More, and
Mount Carmel, The Dark Night of the opposed Henry VI IPs ecclesiastical
Soul, The Spiritual Canticle, etc) which, policy. He took the oath of supremacy,
besides being superb masterpieces of but when in 1538 his abbey was dis-
Spanish literature, contain a thorough solved, he openly denied the king's right
exposition of Catholic mysticism. St to do this. Within the year he was
John was canonized in 1726 and de- charged with treason and executed at
clared a Doctor of the Church in 1926. Colchester. Beatified in 1895.

JOHN RUYSBROECK (Bl) C. OSA. Liverpool, and educated at Much Wool-
AC. Dec 2 ton, Reims, and Rome. Ordained in
1293-1381. A native of Ruysbroeck, 1598 he worked on the English mission
near Brussels, who after his ordination from 1602 till 1 61 2. He was put to death
was appointed to a canonry at Sainte- for his priesthood at Tyburn. Beatified
Gudule. In 1343 he founded, and ruled in 1929.
monastery of Groenen-
as first prior, the
dael, for Augustinian canons. It was JOHN MASON (Bl) M.
here that he composed his numerous AC. Dec 10
spiritual works, which have entitled d. 1 591. A native of Kendal, Westmor-
him to a prominent place among medie- land. He was a layman and was hanged
val mystical writers. Cult confirmed in at Tyburn for relieving priests. He
1908. suffered with four companions. Beati-
fied in 1929.
d. 1566. A
Dominican lay-brother at AC. Dec 10
Baeza, Spain, who was directed by his 1 577-1610. Trawfynydd in
Born at
superiors to take Holy Orders. His two Merionethshire, he was brought up
great interests in life were study and nominally a Protestant, but was always
prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. a Catholic at heart. At the age of nine-
He is the object of a popular cultus. teen he went up to St John's College,
Oxford, and in 1598 was entered at the
JOHN (St) M. RM. Dec 3 Inns of Court as a student of law. This
See Claudius, Crispin, etc. same year travelling on the Continent
on holiday, he was received into the
John the WONDER-WORKER (St) Church at Notre Dame, Paris, and went
Bp. RM. Dec 5 to Valladolid inOctober for his ecclesi-
d. Bishop of Polybotum in
p.750. astical While there he joined
Phrygia, one of the most strenuous the Benedictines at San Benito el Real
champions of orthodoxy against the (1599), and was professed the following
emperor Leo, the Image-Breaker. Such year at Compostella. In December,
was his fame as a wonder-worker that 1602, after his ordination, he set out for
the emperor did not dare to interfere the English mission. His resourceful-
with him. ness and courage made him an out-
standing figure even among the priests
(Bl) of the English mission. Six or seven
AC. Dec 5 times he was imprisoned and released;
d. 1025. A Venetian nobleman, who was during the plague of 1603 his services to
professed as a Benedictine at Cuxa, in the sick in London made his name
the Catalonian Pyrenees, together with known throughout the land. Meanwhile,
his friend St Peter Urseolo. After a life he was the chief assistant of Dom
of manifold vicissitudes, he died as a Augustine Bradshaw in the founding of
hermit near Montecassino. St Gregory's, at Douai (now Downside
Abbey). He was captured in his priestly
JOHN ALMOND (Bl) M. vestments while saying Mass and execu-
AC. Dec 5 ted for his priesthood at Tyburn.
d. 1 61 2. A native of Allerton, near Beatified in 1929.

JOHN MARINONI (Bl) C. man by profession until called by Christ
AC. Dec 13 to be an apostle. He became in fact "the
1 490-1 562. A Venetian, canon of St Disciple whom Jesus loved," whom our
Mark's cathedral, who gave up his Lord, dying on the Cross, made the
canonry to join (1530) St Cajetan, the guardian of his mother. He wrote the
founder of the Theatines. He was a fourth Gospel, chiefly to prove Christ's
ubiquitous preacher, the exclusive Divinity, three canonical epistles and
theme of his sermons being Christ the Apocalypse (Revelation). After the
crucified. He refused the archbishopric resurrection he spent most of his time
of Naples, the city in which he died. at Ephesus. A very ancient tradition
Cult approved in 1762. holds that he was cast into a cauldron
of boilingoil at Rome under Domitan,
JOHN BREAD-and-WATER (Bl) C. but was preserved unhurt and banished
OSB. Cist. AC. Dec 14 to Patmos. This tradition used to be
d. ^.1150. A Cistercian lay-brother of liturgically commemorated in the
the abbey of Sagramenia (Sacra Moenia) Western Church on May 6
John — St
in Spain, founded in 1142. On account before the Latin Gate, ante Portam
of Bl John's life-long fasting on bread Latinam. St John died at Ephesus at a
and water the people nicknamed him great age.
Brother John Bread-and-Water. (Pan
y Agua). JOHN ALCOBER (Bl) M. OP.
AC. Dec 30
JOHN and FESTUS (SS) MM. 1 694- 1 748. Born at Gerona, in Spain,
RM. Dec 21
after his profession in the
? Martyrs honoured in Tuscany.
China (1728) and
order, he was sent to
for sixteen years he worked in the
province of Fo-kien. Arrested in 1746,
RM. Dec 21
he was strangled in the prison at Fu-
d. 1012. A native of Ravenna, who be-
tsheu. Beatified in 1893.
came a Benedictine at St Michael of
Chiusa, and then a hermit on Monte
Caprario; finally he was made bishop of
a diocese in the neighbourhood.
RM. Dec. 31
1 597-1640. Born at Font-Couverte in
JOHN CIRITA (Bl) H. OSB. the diocese of Narbonne, in Languedoc.
PC. Dec 23 At the age of eighteen he entered the
d. r.1164. A Spanish Benedictine who Society of Jesus at Beziers, was ordained
was first and then a
a hermit in Galicia in 1 63 1, and from that moment knew

monk Toronca in Portugal. He was

at no rest, spending himself in preaching
instrumental in handing over the abbey the gospel to unlettered farming folk
to the Cistercians, and is said to have of Languedoc and Auvergne, providing
written the rule of the Knights of Avis. for prisoners and fallen women, estab-
lishing confraternities of the Bl Sacra-
JOHN (St) Apostle and Evang. ment, and effecting everywhere numer-
RM. Dec. 27 ous conversions among the Huguenots.
d. c.ioo. Often surnamed in English the He died while preaching a mission (Dec.
Divine i.e. the theologian. A Galilean, 30) and was canonized in 1737.
the son of Zebedee and brother of St
James the Greater, John was a fisher- Note. There are some two hundred or

more other saints, named John e.g. — JONATUS (St) Ab. OSB.
John Thauler, John Gelibert, John AC. Aug 1

Wagner, John Duns Scotus, John of d. £.690. A monk of Elnone under St

Jesus-Mary, John of Lerida, etc. who — Amandus. He was abbot first of Mar-
are usually called Beati in their respec- chiennes (c.643-652), and then of El-
tive orders or nations, but there is no none (^.652-659).
evidence of their being the object of any
cult, whether official or popular. JORANDUS (St) H. OSB.
AC. Nov 2
(Bl) d. 1340. A monk-hermit at Kergrist and
Poor Clare AC. March 6 later Saint-Juhec in Pedernec.
Otherwise Helen of Poland, q.v.
JONAS (St) H. RM. Feb n AC. Feb 15
4th cent.A monk of Demeskenyanos in d. 1237. Jordan joined the Dominican
Egypt under St Pachomius. He was the order under St Dominic himself in
gardener of the community for eighty- 1220, and while yet a novice, attended
five years, working in his capacity the first general chapter of the order at
during the day, and at night plaiting Bologna. He was later elected second
ropes and singing psalms. master-general and under him the new
order advanced apace, spread through-
JONAS, BARACHISIUS and Comp. out Germany and reached Denmark.
(SS) MM. RM. March 29 He was a powerful preacher and one of
d. Jonas and Barachisius were
327. his sermons won St Albert the Great
brothers, born at Beth-Asa in Persia. for the order. He was shipwrecked and
They suffered martyrdom under Sha- drowned when on a voyage to the Holy
pur II. We have an eye- witness's Land. Cult confirmed in 1828.
account of their passion: the brutal
inventiveness of the persecutors in JORDAN of PISA OP.
(Bl) C.
devising new was only sur-
tortures AC. March 6
passed by the quiet heroism of the d. 131 1. Bl Jordan received the Do-
martyrs. Some nine companions suf- minican habit at Pisa in 1280. After
fered at the same time. having studied at Paris he returned to
Italy and he became a preacher of very
JONAS (JONAH) Prophet.
(St) great renown at Florence. It was he who
RM. Sept 21 began to make use of the Italian ver-
? 8th cent. B.C. One of the twelve minor nacular, instead of Latin, in his sermons,
Prophets and the subject of a canonical and he is reckoned as one of the creators
book of the Bible. Modern writers of the Italian language. Cult approved
regard the book as a much later compo- in 1833.
sition. In the time of St Jerome his
supposed tomb was shown at Diospolis. JORDAN FORZATEI (Bl) Ab. OSB.
AC. Aug 7
JONAS (YON) (St) M. RM. Sept 22 1 158-1248. A native of Padua, where he
3rd cent. A companion or disciple of St became a monk and then abbot of the
Dionysius of Paris, who preached in the Benedictine abbey of St Justina. He was
neighbourhood of that city, and was entrusted with the government of the
martyred. city by Frederick II. The tyrant Count


Ezzelino casthim into prison where he feminine form takes the following
remained for three years. He died at variants: Italian: Giuseppa, Giusep-
Venice. His feast is observed at Padua, pina; Spanish: Josefa, Josefina, French:
Treviso, Praglia, etc. Josephine.


OSB. AC. Sept 5 Card. AC. Jan 1

d. 1 152. A monk
of Pulsano under the 1 649-17 1 3. A
son of the duke of Paler-
founder St John of Pulsano, whom he mo. He joined the Theatines and was
succeeded as abbot general of the con- stationed in Rome, where he devoted
gregation (1 1 39-1 152). his great natural gifts to the methodical
study of the Liturgy and produced
JOSAPHAT (St) Bp. M. several very valuable works on this
RM. Nov 12 subject. He was the confessor of Cardi-
1 584-1 623. Aof Vladimir in
native nal Albani,who, on being elected pope
Poland, who, at the age of twenty, be- (Clement XI), was ordered by Bl Joseph
came a monk of the Byzantine rite and to accept the papacy under pain of
abbot of Vilna. He devoted himself mortal sin. The pope retaliated by
unsparingly to the work of reuniting appointing Bl Joseph cardinal. He was
schismatics with the Holy See. In his wont to teach the catechism to the
thirty-ninth year he was consecrated children in his titular church. Beatified
archbishop of Polotsk in Lithuania, in 1803.
where he continued his labours, refusing
to be dragged into politics. He was JOSEPH of FREISING (Bl) Bp.
martyred by a mob of schismatics. He OSB. AC. Jan 17
was the first of the Orientals to be d. 764. A Benedictine of Freising, who
formally canonized in Rome (1867). in 764 became third bishop of that
Bavarian see. In 752 he founded the
JOSAPHAT (St) M. RM. Nov 27 monastery of St Zeno at Isen. His relics
See Barlaam and Josaphat. are at Isen.


TUS) (Bl) C. OSB. AC. Nov 30 OFM. Cap. RM. Feb 4
d. 1 186. A Benedictine monk of Saint- 1556-1612. A native of Leonissa, in the
Bertin (Saint-Omer) in the diocese of States of the Church, who became a
Arras, renowned for his devotion to the Capuchin (1574). He was sent as a
Ave Maria. The legend adds, that after missionary to Turkey, chiefly to care for
his death, a rose tree grew out of his the Christian galley-slaves. During his
mouth and that the name of Mary was stay at Constantinople he suffered both
written on the leaves of one of the roses imprisonment and torture. He returned
to Italy and died after an operation for
JOSEPH (several) cancer. Canonized in 1745.
Note. The spelling is the same in most
modern languages, excepting the Ita- JOSEPH (JOSIPPUS) of ANTIOCH
lian:Giuseppe, and the Spanish: Jose. (St) M. RM. Feb 15
In both Italy and Spain the name is ? A
deacon who, with seven others, is

frequently joined to that of our Lady, stated to have suffered martyrdom at

viz. Giuseppe Maria, Jose Maria. The Antioch.

JOSEPH TSHANG-TA-PONG (Bl) He lived on bread and water for twenty-
M. AC. March 12 six years, carrying on at the same time a
£.1754-1815. A Chinese catechist mar- very active apostolate, being particu-
tyr. Beatified in 1909. larly successful with soldiers and chil-
dren. Canonized in 1909.
RM. March 17 JOSEPH of PERSIA (St) M.
1 st cent. "The noble counsellor" (Mark, 22 RM. Apr
XV, 43), mentioned in the gospels in d. 376. A martyr under Shapur
connexion with our Lord's burial. II: he suffered with St Acepsimas.
Later legends concerning him are
numerous in the sacristy of San Loren-
zo, Genoa, is the Sacro Catino, in which
GO (St) C. RM. Apr 30
Joseph is said to have caught the blood
1 786-1 842. Born at Bra, near Turin,
of Christ England
at the crucifixion; in
where he became canon of the church of
there is the well-known story which
Corpus Domini. In 1827 he opened a
connects St Joseph with Glastonbury.
small house near his church for the
None of these legends have any evidence
sick and derelict which in 1832 was
to support them.
transferred to Valdocco, and called the
Little House of Divine Providence.
JOSEPH (St) Patriarch
The Piccola Casa soon grew into a
RM. March 19
veritable township, comprising asylums,
1 st cent. Spouse of our Lady and foster-
orphanages, hospitals, schools, work-
father of our Lord. All that we know of
shops, almshouses of all descriptions,
him is to be found in Matt. I— II and
and catering for all needs. To meet the
Luke I—II. He is described with the
large daily expenditure required to keep
all-embracing phrase "a just man".
up all these institutions the saint con-
(Matt. I, 9.) From the circumstance of
tinued to depend almost entirely on
his not being mentioned in the history
alms he kept no books of accounts and

of the Passion, it is believed that he was

made no investments and his trust in
then already dead. Devotion to him as a
Divine Providence never once failed
saint, widespread in the East from early
him. From his time to this the Piccola
ages, has, since the 14th century,grown
Casa has cared for a daily average of
in the West to such an extent that Pope
from 8,000 to 9,000 inmates. Through-
Pius IX formally constituted him the
out his life he was first and foremost a
patron of the universal Church. Besides
the feast of his Transitus on March 19,
man of prayer. Canonized in 1934.
he has now a second feast St Joseph
the Workman on May 1.
JOSEPH LUU (Bl) M. AC. May 2
c. 790-1 854. A native catechist, born at

JOSEPH ORIOL (St) C. Cai-nhum, Cochin-China, who died in

RM. March 23 prison at Vinh-long. Beatified in 1909.

1650-1702. The son of humble parents,
citizens of Barcelona, Joseph Oriol JOSEPH MUKASA (St) M.
succeeded in his ambition to become a RM. June 3
priest, took the degree of doctor of d. Majordomo to King Mwanga
theology, and was appointed canon of of Uganda who ordered him to be put
Santa Maria del Pino in his native city. to death. See Uganda (Martyrs of).

(St) Bp. AC. June 14 RM. July 22
Bishop of Salonica, brother of
d. c .845. d. £.356. A Jew belonging to the biblical
St Theodore Studites. He bravely op- school of Tiberias. After prolonged in-
posed the Iconoclast emperor, Theo- terior resistancehe became a Christian
philus. He is one of the great liturgical and was much favoured by the emperor
poets of the Byzantine Church. Constantine, who bestowed on him the
title of Comes (count). He devoted
himself to building churches and
spreading the Gospel in the Holy Land.
RM. June 22
1811-1860. Born at Castelnuovo
He was the host of St Eusebius of Ver-
celli, St Epiphanius and others.
Asti, he was ordained priest in 1833,
and three years later was appointed
professor of moral theology at the
AC. July 24
ecclesiastical college at Turin. Ten
1775—1838. A Spaniard and a professed
years later he was appointed superior of
of the Dominican order. He was
the college, and remained in that posi-
sent to Tonkin in 1805, and having been
tion till his death. He led a very peniten-
ordained priest, was appointed provin-
tial and was renowned for
life his
cial vicar in Tonkin, where later he was
devotion to the Bl Sacrament and as a
beheaded. Beatified in 1900.
confessor. Canonized 1947.


JOSEPH YUEN (or UEN) (Bl) M. AC. July 29
AC. June 24 c. 1 A young native semina-
832-1 861.
1765-1 8 1 5. A native priest of Tonkin, rian, born in the province of Su-tchuen
he suffered a year's imprisonment and China. He was beheaded at Tsin-gai
was finally strangled. Beatified in 1900.
with three companions. Beatified in 1909.


AC. June 27 AC. Aug 21
d. 1840. A native Dominican priest of 1 786-1 838. A priest in Tonkin, be-
Annam, who was beheaded at Nam- headed at Hung-An. Beatified in 1900.
Dinh. Beatified in 1900.
Founder RM. Aug 27
1556-1648. Joseph Calasanz was born
Tert. OP. AC. July 3
at Peralta, near Barbastro, in Aragon.
1778-1 838. A native catechist, born in Ordained priest in 1583, he was en-
E. Tonkin, who died in prison. Beatified
gaged in pastoral work until in a vision
in 1900.
he learned that he was to go to Rome.
He did so in 1592 and at once joined the
JOSEPH BARSABAS (St) Disciple Confraternity of Christian Doctrine for
RM. July 20 the free schooling of neglected children.
1st cent. Surnamed "the Just" (Acts He gradually organized it into a reli-
I, 23). He was the competitor of St gious order, Le Scuole Pie
Matthias for the twelfth place among the (Religious Schools), whose members
apostles left vacant by Judas Iscariot. were, and are still, known as Scolopi, or

Piarists. The new congregation had to levitation: he would fly straight from
pass through a period of violent per- the church door to the altar over the
secution, mainly from other religious heads of the worshippers ; once he flew
engaged in similar work. In his old age to an olive tree and remained kneeling
Joseph was unjustly accused, brought on a branch for half an hour. Happen-
before the Holy Office and removed ings like these were almost every day
from control of the Congregation. Later, occurrences, witnessed by hundreds of
however, he was restored. Canonized persons. Withal he was a simple, gentle,
in 1767. humble follower of St Francis. His
brethren, however, resented so much
JOSEPH CANH (Bl) M. Tert.OP. publicity, and on this account the saint
AC. Sept 5 had much to suffer from them. Canon-
1 765-1 838. A native physician of Ton- ized in 1767.
kin, and a Dominican tertiary, be-
headed in 1838. Beatified in 1900. JOSEPH THI (Bl) M. AC. Oct 24
d. i860. A native captain in the army of

JOSEPH of ST HYACINTH (Bl) M. King Tu-duc of Cochin-China. He was

OP. AC. Sept 10 garroted at An-hoa. Beatified in 1909.
d. 1622. A native of Villareal in the
Spanish Mancha. He was provincial JOSEPH NGHI (Bl) M. AC. Nov 8
vicar of the Dominican missions in d. 1840. A native priest of Tonkin,
Japan and spoke Japanese perfectly. He attached to the Society of Foreign
was burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in missions of Paris. He was beheaded.
1867. Beatified in 1900.


AC. Sept 15 AC. Nov 11
d. f.590. Abbot of Alaverdi in Georgia; 737-1 8 1 1 A native of Saragossa and a
1 .

one of the thirteen Syriac disciples of St scion of one of the noblest Aragonese
John Zedazneli. families, who at the age of fifteen joined
the Jesuits at Tarragona. After his pro-
JOSEPH of CUPERTINO (St) C. fession he taught at Manresa, Bilbao and
Sept 18 Saragossa. After the banishment of the
1 602- 1 663. Joseph Desa was born at Jesuits from Spain he went to Corsica,
Cupertino, near Brindisi. He tried his and thence to Ferrara, in charge of the
vocation in several places, but was young Jesuits. Finally, after the sup-
marily on account of his
dismissed pression of the Society in 1773, he
"poor intelligence". Finally he was resided at Bologna for twenty years,
received by the Conventual Franciscans contributing to the temporal support of
of Grotella as a stable-hand and a lay his religious brethren, and strengthen-
tertiary. On account, however, of the ing their courage with brotherly advice.
rare spiritual giftswhich now began to At the same time he worked hard for
be manifest in him, he was professed as the restoration of his beloved Institute.
a friar and duly ordained priest. From In 1799 he was allowed to open a quasi-
this time on his life is an amazing, and novitiate, and in 1804 he became the
perfectly authenticated, succession of first Italian provincial of the restored

preternatural phenomena. The most Order

—"the link between the old and
remarkable of these was his power of the new Society". Pius XI described

him as a priest of "manly and vigorous ites into the land of Canaan. All that
holiness". Canonized in 1954. we know of him is to be found in the

Pentateuch and in the canonical book

JOSEPH MKASA (St) M. AC. Nov 16 which bears his name. He figures, with
d. 1885. A Negro, prefect of the royal Gideon, in both the Eastern and Wes-
pages of Uganda, baptized in 1881 and tern martyrologies.
beheaded in 1885. Canonized in 1964.
AC. Nov 30 Otherwise Judocus, q.v.
1 803-1 835. Born at Passavant in the
diocese of Besancon, in France. He JOVINIAN (St)M. RM. 5 May
joined the MissionarySeminary of d. f.300. A fellow missioner with St
Paris, and was sent to Annam, where he Peregrinus of Auxerre, whom he served
died while the flesh was being torn from as reader (lector). He is believed to have
his body with red-hot tongs. Beatified survived his bishop, and to have died a
in 1900. martyr.

AC. Dec 6 RM. March 2
1 832-1 861. Born at Tra-vi, province of d. £.258. Two martyrs, who suffered in
Nam-Dinh, Tonkin, he was a servant of Rome under Gallienus and Valerian,
Bl Jerome Hermosilla, whom he tried to and were buried on the Latin Way.
deliver from prison. Caught in the
attempt, he was punished with one JOVINUS (St) M. RM. March 26
hundred and twenty lashes and after See Peter, Marcian, etc.
other most cruel tortures, was beheaded.
Beatified in 1906. JOVITA (St) M. RM. Feb 15
See Faustinus and Jo vita.
(Bl) V. OSA. AC. Jan 21 JUCUNDA (St) M. RM. July 27
Otherwise Bl Ines de Beniganim, q.v.
See Felix, Julia and Jucunda.


LEROUX (Bl) VM. AC. Oct 23
A virgin of Reggio in Aemilia,
d. 466.
1 747-1 794. Born at Cambrai, she be-
Italy, a spiritual daughter of St Prosper,
came an Ursuline nun at Valenciennes
bishop of that city.
under the name of Josephine. When the
convents were closed by the French
Revolution she retired to Mons in
JUCUNDIAN (St) M. RM. July 4
Hainault, but returned to Valenciennes ? An African, who was martyred by
in 1793. The following year she was being cast into the sea.

captured and guillotined with ten other

Ursulines. Beatified in 1920. JUCUNDINUS (St) M. RM. July 21
See Claudius, Justus, etc.

JOSHUA (JOSUE) Patriarch

RM. Sept 1 JUCUNDUS (St) M. RM. Jan 9
15th cent. B.C. The leader of the Israel- See Epictetus, Jucundus, etc.

JUCUNDUS of BOLOGNA (St) Bp. choress beside the church of SS Michael
RM. Nov 14 and James. She died aged forty-eight,
d. 485. A of Bologna who
bishop on Jan 9. Cult confirmed in 181 9.
flourished in the 5th or 6th century.
(St) dress AC. Apr 8
RM. Oct 28 1751-1816. Marie Rose Julia Billiart
1 st cent. One of the Twelve, brother of was born at Cuvilly in Picardy, the
St James the Less and therefore related daughter of a peasant farmer. At the age
by blood to our Lord. He is the writer of fourteen she took a vow of chastity,
of one of the canonical epistles. The and gave herself up to the service and
tradition is that he preached in Meso- instruction of the poor. Soon her health
potamia, and afterwards, together with completely broke down, and she re-
St Simon, in Persia, where he was mained a helpless cripple until miracu-
martyred. lously cured in 1804. During the French
Revolution (1794-1804) pious friends
JUDGOENOC (JUDGANOC, gathered round her couch seeking to
JOUVEN) (St) RM. Dec 13 give a permanent shape to their works of
Otherwise Judocus, q.v. charity. Thus developed the Institute
of Notre Dame, for the Christian
JUDICAEL (St) King AC. Dec 17 education of girls, which was definitely
d. 658. King of Brittany, much beloved established at Amiens in 1 804. Beatified
by his people. After a victorious reign in 1906.
he abdicated and spent the last twenty
years of his life in the monastery of Gael, JULIA of SARAGOSSA (St) M.
near Vannes. RM. Apr 16
See Saragossa (Martyrs of).

JUDITH (St) OSB. AC. June 29

See Salome and Judith. JULIA (St) VM. RM. May 22
5th cent. A noble maiden of Carthage
JUDOCUS (JUDGANOC, JOSSE, sold into slavery by the Vandal con-
etc.) (St) H. RM. Dec 13 querors. The ship on which she was
d. 668. A priest, brother of King Judi- being taken to Gaul touched at Corsica.
cael of Brittany, and on the abdication A heathen festival was just being ob-
of the latter for some months occupant served by the islanders, and when Julia
of the throne. After a pilgrimage to refused to join in it, she was forthwith
Rome, he left Brittany and retired to nailed to a cross.
Villiers-Saint-Josse, near Saint-Josse-
sur-Mer, where he ended his life as a JULIA (St) M. RM. July 15
solitary. See Catulinus, Januarius, etc.


AC. Feb 15 OC. AC. July 17
d. 1367. Julia began life as a domestic Otherwise Rose Chretien, q.v.
servant, but in her nineteenth year she
joined the third order of St Augustine JULIA of TROYES (St) VM.
at Florence. Returning to her native RM. July 21
city of Certaldo, she lived as an an- d. p.2-j2. A maiden of Troyes, France,

seized by the soldiers of the emperor poor and indigent. Antony was a priest;
Aurelian after his victory over the usur- Anastasius a new convert; Marcionilla
per Tetricus. Committed to the charge a married woman and Celsus her little

of Claudius, an officer of the army, she son. All except Basilissa, were put to
succeeded in converting him to Christ, death at Antioch —which Antioch it is

and both were beheaded at Troyes not known —under Diocletian. The very
under the same Aurelian. existence, however, of Julian and Basi-
lissa is questioned.
RM. July 27 JULIAN SABAS the ELDER (St) C.
See Felix, Julia and Jucunda. RM. Jan 17 and Oct 18
d. 377. A Mesopotamian solitary who
JULIA of LISBON (St) M. did much to encourage the Christians
RM. Oct 1 when persecuted by Julian the Apostate.
See Verissimus, Maxima and Julia. He was called on to go to Antioch to visit
the triumphant Arian party. St John
JULIA (St) VM. RM. Oct 7 Chrysostom and Theodoret have left us
d. c .300. A martyr, either in Egypt or in an account of his life.

Syria, under Diocletian.

JULIAN (St) M. RM. Jan 27
JULIA of MERIDA (St) VM. See Datius, Reatrus, etc.

RM. Dec
d. f.304. A with St
fellow-sufferer JULIAN of SORA (St) M.
Eulalia at Merida in Spain, under Dio- RM. Jan 27
cletian. d. r.150. A Dalmatian, arrested, put to
the torture and beheaded at Sora in
JULIA (Bl) V. OSB. Cam. AC. Dec 15 Campania, under Antoninus Pius (138-
? A
Camaldolese nun in St Benedict's 161).
convent, at Arezzo, Italy.
RM. Jan 7 ? 3rd cent. Honoured as the first bishop
? Amartyr honoured at Cagliari in of Le Mans in France. Various English
Sardinia, whose relics were discovered churches and places dating from Nor-
and enshrined in 161 5. Locally he is man and Plantagenet times have this
often styled Comes (Count), but nothing Julian for their titular.
is now known of his history.


JULIAN (St) M. RM. Jan 8 RM. Jan 28
See Lucian, Maximian and Julian. 1 127-1208. A native of Burgos in Spain
who, on the recapture of Cuenca in New
JULIAN, BASILISSA, ANTONY, Castile from the Moors by King Al-
ANASTASIUS, CELSUS, MAR- phonsus IX, was appointed bishop of
CIONILLA and Comp. (SS) MM. that city. In his longing to help the poor
RM. Jan 9 he is said to have spent all his spare time
and Basilissa, a married
d. c .304. Julian earning money for them by the work of
couple, took vows of continence and his hands. He is the principal patron
turned their house into a hospital for the saint of the diocese of Cuenca.

JULIAN MAUNOIR (Bl) C. SJ. leader of 5,000 martyrs who suffered in
AC. Jan 28 Egypt. Nothing, however, is known of
1606- 1 683. Born at Saint-Georges-de- him and his fellow-sufferers. One text
Reitembault in France, he was piously substitutes militibus for millibus i.e.

brought up by his parents, and entered five soldiers not five thousand persons.
the Society of Jesus and took vows in
1625. Being ordained in 1637 he de- JULIAN of CAESAREA (St) M.
sired to go on the Canadian mission RM. Feb 17
but was destined to become an apostle d. 308. According to Eusebius, this St
in Brittany. He mastered the language, Julian was a native of Cappadocia who
and preached so effectively that he is happened to be present at Caesarea in
said to have recalled 30,000 to God Palestine at the martyrdom of St Pam-
within two years. He laboured thus for philus and ten companions. He in-
forty years, being joined by a number stantly offered himself to the execu-
of secular priests, and finally died worn tioners to make up the number of twelve
out with his labours in the town of and was roasted to death at a slow fire.

Plevin. Beatified in 1951.

JULIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 19
JULIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 12 See Publius, Julian, etc.
See Modestus and Julian.
JULIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 24
JULIAN the HOSPITALLER (St) C. See Montanus, Lucius, etc.
AC. Feb 12
? Also surnamed "the Poor". The leg- JULIAN, CRONION (surnamed
end, very popular in the Middle Ages, EUNUS) and BESAS (SS) MM.
runs as follows Julian in error slew his
: RM. Feb 27 and Oct 30
own parents in penance he and his wife
; d. 250. Martyrs at Alexandria in Egypt
went to Rome to obtain absolution and, under Decius. Julian, too infirm to walk,
on their return home, built a hospice by was carried to the court by his two
the side of a river, where they tended slaves, both Christians. One apostatized
the poor and the sick and rowed travel- through fear, the other, Eunus, bravely
lers across the river. Julian is for this shared his master's lot. They were
reason venerated as patron saint of boat- carried on camels through Alexandria,
men, innkeepers and travellers. Prob- pcourged, and finally, burnt to death.
ably the whole story is fictitious. It Besas, a sympathetic soldier, was killed
may be a variant of that of St Julian of by the mob for having sought to shield
Jan 9 (q.v.). them. We have these particulars from
St Dionysius of Alexandria.
RM. Feb 13 JULIAN of TOLEDO (St) Bp.
? Amartyr registered in the RM.
as RM. March 8
having suffered at Lyons in France, d. 690. Monk of Agali
under St Eugene,
though many maintain that he was whom he succeeded first as abbot in the
martyred at Nicomedia. same monastery and then (680) as arch-
bishop of Toledo. He was the first
JULIAN of EGYPT and Comp. bishop to exercise the primacy over the
RM. Feb 16 whole Iberian Peninsula. Besides pre-
? It is said that this saint Julian was the siding over several national councils

and revising and developing the Moza- JULIAN (St) C. RM. June 9
rabic liturgy, he was a voluminous d. £.370. A captive from the West who
writer. He was an outstanding church- was sold into slavery in Syria. On re-
man in the Spain of his day. gaining his freedom he entered a mon-
astery in Mesopotamia under St Eph-
(St) rem.
RM. March 16
d. c.302. A Christian of senatorial rank
JULIAN (St) M. RM. July 18
One of the alleged sons of St Sympho-
of Anazarbus in Cilicia who suffered
rosa, q.v.
under Diocletian. After being tortured
he was taken to the coast, sewn up in a
JULIAN (St) M. RM. July 20
sack half-filled with scorpions and vipers
See Sabinus, Julian, etc.
and cast into the sea. His body was
recovered and enshrined at Antioch,
JULIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 7
where St John Chrysostom delivered a
See Peter, Julian, etc.
sermon in his praise.
JULIAN (St) M. RM. March 23 (SS) MM. RM. Aug 9
? The RM. styles him a confessor but it
d. 730. A group of about ten citizens of
appears certain that he was also a Constantinople (among them a patrician
martyr. Nothing more is known about lady, named Mary) who opposed by
him. force the attempts of the Iconoclasts to
deface the picture of our Lord set up
JULIAN of ST AUGUSTINE (Bl) C. over the Brazen Gate of the city. They
OFM. AC. Apr 8 were put to death by order of Leo the
d. 1606. BornMedinaceli in the dio-
at Isaurian.
cese of Segovia, in Castile. After being
twice rejected he was finally admitted to JULIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 12
the Franciscan Order as a lay-brother at See Macarius and Julian.
Santorcaz. He accompanied the Fran-
ciscan preachers on their missions and it JULIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 25
was his custom to ring the bell through Baronius describes him as a Syrian

the streets to summon people to the priest, but nothing certain is known
sermon. Beatified in 1825. about him.


(Bl) C. OFM. AC. May 11 RM. Aug 28
? Born and died at Valle in Istria where 3rd cent. A native of Vienne in France,
his tomb is venerated. Cult approved in an officer in the imperial army, and
1910. secretly a Christian. On the outbreak
of persecution, probably under Decius,
JULIAN (St) M. RM. May he fled but gave himself to his pursuers
and was martyred near Brionde. His
See Quintian, Lucius, etc.
feast day was fixed by St Germanus of
RM. June 5 JULIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 2
See Florentius, Julian, etc. See Diomedes, Julian, etc.

JULIAN (RENATUS) MASSEY (Bl) whose piety and charity are extolled by
M. OSB. AC. Sept 2 St Ambrose of Milan. Her husband,
d. 1792. Julian (his baptismal name was having with her consent left her to be-
Rene) Massey was a Benedictine monk come a priest, she devoted herself to
of St Melania of Rennes, of the Con- bringing up her four children and to the
gregation of St Maur. He was martyred service of the church and the poor.
at Paris with the September martyrs,
q.v. Beatified in 1926. JULIANA (St) VM. RM. Feb 16
d. 305. The RM. describes this virgin
JULIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 4 martyr as having suffered at Nicomedia
See Theodore, Oceanus, etc. in Asia Minor, but it is more probable
that she was martyred in the neigh-
JULIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 13
bourhood at Naples, perhaps at Cumae,
See Macrobius and Julian.
where her relics are supposed to be
AC. Oct 4
JULIANA (St) VM. RM. March 20
d. 1470. A Benedictine of San Martino
See Alexandra, Claudia, etc.
delle Scale in Sicily. He was held in high
esteem by popes and kings. Six years
before his death he became a recluse.
OSA. AC. Apr 6
JULIAN, EUNUS, MACARIUS and 1 192-1258. Born at Retinnes near
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 30 Liege she became an Augustinian nun
d. f.250. Martyrs of Alexandria in and prioress at Mt Cornillon. As such
Egypt. St Julian and St Eunus are she promoted the institution of the feast
identical with the martyrs of that name of Corpus Christi. On this account she
commemorated on Feb 27 St Macarius ;
was reviled as a visionary and driven
is again mentioned on Dec 8. The dup-
from Cornillon. Recalled by the bishop
been caused by the inserting
lication has of Liege she was expelled definitely
in the RM.
of another group of sixteen from her convent in 1248. She took
martyrs, which includes the above- refuge at the Cistercian nunnery of Sal-
mentioned. This larger group is com- zinnes, and when this place was burnt

memorated in the Greek calendar on down, she retired to Fosses, where she
this day. lived as a recluse. Her great achieve-
ment was the institution of the feast of
JULIAN (St) M. RM. Nov 1 Corpus Christi. Cult confirmed in 1869.
See Caesarius and Julian.
JULIAN of APAMEA (St) Bp. OSB. May 13
RM. Dec 9 d. f.1423. Dame Juliana of Norwich is

3rd cent. Bishop of Apamea in Syria. one of the most celebrated of English
He distinguished himself in the con- mystics. She was a recluse at Norwich
troversies with the Montanist and Kata- and was under the spiritual direction of
Phrygian heretics. the Benedictines of that city. "The
book in which she narrates her visions,
JULIANA of BOLOGNA (St) W. Revelations of Divine Love, is the
RM. Feb 7 tenderest and most beautiful exposition
d. 435. A matron of Bologna in Italy in the English language of God's loving

dealings with men." (Attwater, h.l.) nun at Pavilly in Normandy under St
She has never been beatified. Benedicta, and finally abbess of the
same nunnery. She is called "the Little
JULIANA FALCONIERI (St) V. Sister of Jesus".
Tert. OSM. RM. June 19
1270-1 340. A lady of Florence who, at
JULIANA (St) M. RM. Nov 1

See Cyrenia and Juliana.

the age of sixteen embraced the Rule of
the Servite Friars, of whom her uncle
St Alexis Falconieri, was a co-founder.
French form for Julia Billiart, q.v.
In 1304 thecommunity of Servite
Tertiaries, known as the "Mantellate"
of which she was the first superior was
AC. July 17
formally established and admitted into
d. 1794. Called in religion Sister St
the Order by St Philip Benizi. She re-
Francis Xavier. She was born in the
ceived Holy Viaticum miraculously on
diocese of Troyes and became a Car-
her death-bed. Canonized in 1737.
melite nun at Compiegne, the last
Carmelite to be professed there (Jan 12,
JULIANA (St) M. RM. Aug 12
See Hilaria, Digna, etc.
1789) before the outbreak of the French
Revolution. She was guillotined with
her community at Compiegne. Beatified
in 1906.
AC. Aug 14
1427-1501. A native of Busto-Arizio in JULIOT (St) M. RM. June 16
upper Italy, who, as an Augustinian See Quiricus and Julitta. (The Cornish
nun, was the first companion of Bl form of the name.)
Catherine da Pallanza at the Sacro
Monte sopra Varese, where she died. JULITTA (St) VM. RM. May 18
Cult approved in 1769. See Theodotus, Thecusa, etc.

JULIANA (St) VM. RM. Aug 17

JULITTA (St) M. RM. June 16
See Paul and Juliana.
See Quiricus and Julitta.

JULIANA (St) M. RM. Aug 18

See Leo and Juliana. JULITTA (St) M. RM. July 30
d. 303. A rich lady of Caesarea in Cap-

JULIANA of COLLALTO (Bl) V. padocia, who, after losing her property,

OSB. AC. Sept 1 was condemned to be burnt at the stake.

d. 1262. Born near Treviso of the noble

Collalto family. At the age often she be- JULIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 19
came a Benedictine at Salarola, whence, See Paul, Gerontius, etc.

in 1222, she migrated with Bl Beatrix of

Este, to Gemmola. In 1226 she became JULIUS of NOVARA (St) C.
the abbess-foundress of SS Biagio and RM. Jan 31
Cataldo at Venice. Cult approved by d. ^.390. Julius was a priest
and his
Gregory XVI. brother Julian a deacon. They were
authorized by the emperor Thedosius,
JULIANA of PAVILLY (St) Abs. to devote themselves to converting the
OSB. AC. Oct 11 heathen temples into Christian
d. r.750. A servant girl, who became a churches.


JULIUS I (St) Pope. RM. Apr 12 JUNIAN (St) Ab. AC. Aug 13
d. 352. A Roman; he ruled the church d. 587. Founder and abbot of first

from 337 to 352. He received the appeal Maire (Mariacum) in Poitou, France,
of St Athanasius, whom he defended and then a recluse at Chaulnay.
against his Arian accusers. The letter he
wrote to the East on this occasion is one JUNIAN (St) H. AC. Oct 16
of the most momentous pronounce- 5th cent. A hermit at Commodoliacus
ments of the Roman see. He built now Saint-Junien (Haute Vienne), in
several churches in Rome, and ranks as the diocese of Limoges, France.
one of the most distinguished occupants
of the Holy See.
See Andronicus and Junias.


RM. May 27 7th cent. An E. Anglian prince, son, or
d. c.302. A veteran soldier of the Roman more probably, nephew of King Anna.
army put to death at Dorostorum on the His relics were eventually enshrined at
Danube (now Silistria in Rumania) Bury St Edmunds.
under Diocletian. Other soldiers of his
legion were martyred about the same JUST (St)
time. The titular saint of a parish in Cornwall.
He may be identical with Justus (or
JULIUS and AARON with others Justin), a boy-martyr commemorated
(SS) MM. RM. July 1 on Oct 18, or with the Justus com-
d. f.305. According to tradition these memorated on Aug 12.
martyrs met their death at Caerleon-
upon-Usk under Diocletian. JUSTA, JUSTINA and HENEDINA
(SS) MM. RM. May 14
have been ven-
d. f.130. Saints, said to
JULIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 19
erated in Sardinia, where they were
d. f.190. A Roman senator mentioned
martyred under Hadrian (1 17-138),
in the unreliable Passio of SS Eusebius,
either at Cagliari or at Sassari.
Pontian etc. There is no archeological
evidence of his existence.
JUSTA (St) M. RM. July 15
See Catulinus, Januarius, etc.
JULIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 3
See Ambicus, Victor and Julius.
RM. July 19
JULIUS, POTAMIA, CRISPIN, d. 287. Two sisters of Seville, in Spain,
FELIX, GRATUS and Comp. (SS) potters by trade, who suffered under
MM. RM. Dec 5 Diocletian. They honoured
are greatly
d. 302. Twelve African martyrs, who
in the Mozarabic liturgy and are now
suffered at Thagura in Numidia under venerated as principal patron saints of
Seville. It is to be noted that in the early
MSS Justa is given as Justus.
JULIUS (St) M. RM. Dec
? A martyr registered in the martyrolo- JUSTIN of CHIETI (St) C.
gies as having suffered at Gelduba RM. Jan 1

(Gildoba) in Thrace. d. c ?540.

. This saint has been from time

immemorial venerated at Chieti. Some Beauvais, commemorated on Oct 18. At
writers describe him as a bishop of that any rate his story appears to have been
city. taken from the same source.


JUSTIN (St) M. RM. Sept 17
d. 259. A priest who devoted himself to
RM. Apr 13 and
14 burying the bodies of martyrs, and was
c. 100-165. Born at Nablus in Palestine
eventually martyred himself. His relics
of pagan parents. He was converted to
were transferred to Frisingen in Ger-
Christ when about thirty years of age by
reading the Scriptures and witnessing
the heroism of the martyrs. His two
JUSTIN (St) M. RM. Dec 12
Apologies for the Christian Religion and
See Maxentius, Constantius, etc.
his Dialogue with the Jem Tryphon are
among the most instructive second-
century writings which we possess. He AC. March 12
was beheaded in Rome with other
d. 13 19. Francuccia (in religion Justina)
Bezzoli, was born at Arezzo, and at the
JUSTIN (St) M. RM. July 18 age of thirteen entered the Benedictine
One of the alleged sons of St Sympho- convent of St Mark in her native city,
rosa, q.v. whence she migrated to that of All
Saints, also Benedictine, at Arezzo.
JUSTIN de JACOBIS (Bl) Bp. C. Later she lived as a recluse at Civitella,
AC. July 31 and finally returned to community life
1 800-1 860. He was a great Apostle of at All Saints. Cult confirmed in 1890.
Africa and the true founder of the
Abyssinian mission. Born at San Fele JUSTINA (St) M. RM. May 14
in Lucania, he was noted for his youth- See Justa, Justina and Henedina.
ful piety. He became a Vincentian and
was chosen by the Congregation de JUSTINA (St) M. RM. June 16
Propaganda Fide as Prefect Apostolic See Aureus, Justina, etc.

for Abyssinia. In 1838 he left for his

mission field with a few companions. JUSTINA (St) VM. RM. Sept 26
There he adapted his whole way of life See Cyprian and Justina.
to that of the country, and amid per-
secution, prison and hardship laboured JUSTINA (St) VM. RM. Oct7
with indefatigable zeal; he founded d. r.300. A virgin-martyr of Padua
missions and named a native clergy; under Diocletian. A medieval forgery
his converts are reckoned at 12,000, associates her with St Prosdocimus "a
among them Bl Ghebre Michael. In disciple of blessed Peter". Her cult
1849 ne was constrained to accept the spread throughout Italy on account of
of Vicar Apostolic and episcopal
title the Benedictine abbey dedicated in her
consecration. Beatified in 1939. name at Padua, which became the
cradle of the Cassinese Congregation of
JUSTIN (St) M. RM. Aug 1 St Justina.
d. £.290. A child said to have been mar-
tyred at Louvre, near Paris. He may be JUSTINA (St) VM. RM. Nov 30
identical with Justus, the boy-martyr of ? A maiden martyred at Constantinople.

AC. Dec
5 Otherwise Ust, q.v.
6th cent. A hermit, a native of Brittany,
who became a recluse on the Isle of JUSTUS of LYONS
(St) Bp.
Ramsey off the coast of S. Wales, where RM.
Sept 2 and Oct 14
he was murdered by evildoers and was d. 390. A deacon of Vienne who was
thenceforward venerated as a martyr. bishop of Lyons in 350. In 381 he at-
tended the council of Aquileia and then
JUSTUS (St) M. RM. Feb 25 instead of returning to his see, repaired
See Donatus, Justus, etc. to Egypt, where, in spite of remon-
strances, he lived as a hermit till his
JUSTUS (St) M. RM. Feb 28 death.
See Macarius, Rufinus, etc.


JUSTUS of URGELL (St) Bp. RM. Oct 18
RM. May 28 d. 287. A child-martyr, aged nine, who
d. ^.527. The first recorded bishop of is alleged to have suffered at Beauvais.
Urgell in Spanish Catalonia. He is He is probably identical with some other
numbered by St Isidore among the saint of this name, and certainly his
"viri illustres", of whom
he wrote the Acts, as we now possess them, are pure
lives. St Justus has left us a very fiction.
interesting commentary on the Song of
Songs. JUSTUS of TRIESTE (St) M.
RM. Nov 2
JUSTUS (St) M. RM. July 2
d. 303. A citizen of Trieste martyred
See Ariston, Crescentian, etc.
under Diocletian by being cast into the
sea. He is still much honoured at Trieste.
Cam. AC. July 9
d. 1008. One of the four Polish Brethren
— viz. SS Benedict, Andrew, Barnabas OSB. RM. Nov 10

and Justus. All were Camaldolese monks.

d. 627. A Roman Benedictine, one of
those sent by St Gregory the Great in
JUSTUS (St) M. RM. July 14 601 to reinforce the mission to the
? A Roman soldier in the imperial army Anglo-Saxons. In 604 St Augustine of
martyred at Rome (or perhaps at New Canterbury consecrated him bishop of
Rome, i.e. Constantinople). Rochester, and in 624 he succeeded St
Mellitus Canterbury itself. Pope
JUSTUS (St) M. RM. July 21 Boniface V,
in sending Justus the
See Claudius, Justus, etc. Pallium, writes to him in words of high
d. c .304. Two brothers, aged respectively RM. Dec 14
thirteen and nine years, who were d. 283. Spanish martyrs who suffered
scourged and beheaded at Alcala under under Numerian. After a futile attempt
Diocletian. Prudentius numbers them to burn them at the stake, they were
among the most glorious martyrs of beheaded. The Mozarabic liturgy has a
Spain. solemn office in their honour.

JUTHWARE (St) V. AC. July i d. f.132. A saint of Narni. His reputed
7th cent. Sister of St Sidwell. They were shrine is at Benevento.
probably of British lineage and appear
to have lived inDevonshire before the JUVENAL ANCINA (Bl) Bp.
Anglo-Saxons of Wessex penetrated into AC. Sept 12
that county. 1545-1 604. Born- at Fossano in Pied-
mont, he became professor of medicine
JUTTA (Bl) W. AC. Jan 13 at the university of Turin and as such
Otherwise Bl Ivetta, q.v. he accompanied the ambassador of
Savoy to Rome as his private physician
JUTTA (St) W. AC. May 5 (1575). At Rome he came under the
d. 1250. A
Thuringian of noble family influence of St Philip Neri and joined
whose husband lost his life crusading the Oratory in 1575. He was duly or-
in the Holy Land, and who, after pro- dained and sent to Naples to open a
viding for her children, became a recluse new oratory there. He was noted especi-
near Kulmsee in Prussia. She is vener- ally for his work for the poor. Finally
ated as patroness of Prussia. in 1602 he was made bishop of Saluzzo
and at once set out on his first episcopal
JUTTA (JULITTA) (Bl) Abs. OSB. visitation. On his return he was poisoned
Cist. AC. Nov 29 by a friar whose evil life he had rebuked.
d. £.1250. Foundress and first abbess Beatified in 1869.
(1234.-f.1250) of the Cistercian nunnery
of Heiligenthal. JUVENTINUS and MAXIMUS (SS)
MM. RM. Jan 25
JUTTA (JUDITH) (Bl) Abs. OSB. d. 363. Officers in the army of Julian the
AC. Dec 22 Apostate. For criticizing the laws against
d. 1 136. Sister of the count Palatine of Christians and refusing to sacrifice to
Spanheim, she became a recluse in a cell idols, they were degraded, imprisoned,
near the monastery-church of Disenberg scourged and finally beheaded at An-
(Disibodi Mons). Here she was entrusted tioch in Syria.
with the education of St Hildegarde.
Other disciples gathered round her and JUVENTIUS of PAVIA (St) Bp.
she formed them into a Benedictine RM. Feb 8 and Sept 12
community, which she ruled for twenty 1 st cent. (?). The tradition is that St
years. Hermagoras, bishop of Aquileia, the dis-
ciple of St Mark, despatched SS Syrus
JUVENAL of NARNI (St) Bp. and Juventius to evangelize Pavia
RM. May 3 (Ticinum)) of which city the latter be-
d. 369. First bishop of Narni, in central came the first bishop. The RM. com-
Italy, ordained, it is said by Pope St memorates him a second time with St
Damasus. His biographers have con- Syrus on Sept 12.
fused him with other saints of the same
name, with the result that we have no JUVENTIUS (St) M. RM. June 1
certainty as to the details of his career. ? A Roman martyr, whose relics were

translated in the 16th century to the

JUVENAL of BENEVENTO (St) Bp. Benedictine abbey of Chaise-Dieu,
RM. May 7 Evreux, France.

Note For Katherine and similar names
. universally venerated as a saint and
sometimes written with an initial K, see martyr.
also C and CH^
KENNERA (St) VM. AC. Oct 29
KANTEN (CANNEN) (St) C. 4th cent. A recluse at Kirk-Kinner,
AC. Nov 5 Galloway, Scotland. She had been edu-
8th cent. A
Welsh saint. Founder of cated with St Ursula and also with St
Llanganten Abbey (Brecknock). Regulus of Patras.


Probably identical with St Carantac of AC. Aug 1

May 1 6, q.v. 6th cent. A Welsh hermit, the son of a

chieftain. He made his cell among the
KEA (KAY, KENAN) (St) Bp. rocks in the peninsula of Gower.
AC. Nov 5
6th cent. A British saint who has left his KENNETH (St) Ab. RM. Oct 11
name to Landkey Devon. He passed
in Otherwise Canice (or Canicus), q.v.
some of his life in Brittany, where he is
venerated as St Quay. The details of his KENNOCHA (KYLE, ENOCH) (St)

life are very uncertain. V. AC. March 25

d. 1007. A Scottish nun belonging to a
KEBIUS (St) Bp. AC. Nov 8 convent in Fife. Formerly she was held
Otherwise Cuby (Cyby), q.v. in great veneration in Scotland, especi-
ally in the district round Glasgow.
KELLACH (St) Bp. AC. May i

Otherwise Ceallach, q.v. KENNY (St) Ab. RM. Oct 11

Otherwise Canice, q.v.
d. f.500. An Irish bishop. He was with AC. Jan 14
St Patrick a disciple of St Martin of d. 603. The surname Mungo means
Tours. He was the first bishop in Ire- "darling". He began his missionary
land to build his cathedral (Damleag or labours at Cathures, on the Clyde, on
Duleek, in Meath) of stone. the site of the present city of Glasgow,
and was consecrated first bishop of the
KENELM (St) King M. AC. July 17 Strathclyde Britons. Driven into exile,
d. 821. Said to have been a Mercian he preached around Carlisle and then
prince, who at the age of seven succeeded wentto Wales, and he is said to have
to the throne of his father, King stayed with St David at Menevia.
Kenulph. He was murdered in the Tradition credits him with having
forest of Clent by order of his sister founded the monastery of Llanelwy (St
Cynefrith. In medieval England he was Asaph), but it is now thought that he

was not the founder, but merely the remembered as the abbot-founder of
abbot of that monastery for a time. Glendalough, one of the most famous
Returning to Scotland, he continued his names in Irish history. His extant bio-
missionary labours, making Glasgow graphies abound in romantic but un-
his centre. He died while taking a bath. trustworthy legends, which, however,
He is venerated as the apostle of N.W. may be based on "actual facts. He is one
England and S.W. Scotland. of the patron saints of Dublin.


d. 734. Daughter of Kelly, prince of
QUIVOCA) (St) AC. March 13
Leinster and mother of St Coellan. 7th cent. She is Kyle in
honoured at

After her husband's death she left Scotland. Possibly she should be identi-

Ireland and became a recluse on the fied with St Mochoemoc.

island of Inchebroida, in Loch Lomond,
where a church is dedicated in her name.
AC. Feb 8
Otherwise Kigwe, q.v.
KERIC (St) Ab. AC. Feb 17
Otherwise Guevrock, q.v.
AC. Oct 8
AC. March 5, RM. Sept 9
5th cent. A Welsh
an alleged
daughter of Brychan of Brecknock. She
A variant of the name Kieran, q.v.,
Piran, Queranus.
lived as a recluse in Somersetshire — at
Keynsham, so called after her —but she
KESSOG (MACKESSOG) (St) Bp. returned to Wales to die. Many churches
AC. March 10 were dedicated in her honour.
d. £.560. Born at Cashel, Ulster. Even
as a child he is said to have worked
AC. Jan 5 (Oct 16)
miracles. He became a missionary and
Scotland, where he was
d. £.680. An Irish maiden, directed in
laboured in
the religious life by St Fintan Munnu.
consecrated bishop. It is not certain
She lived near Nenagh, Co. Tipperary,
where he died: according to one tradi-
at a place now called after her Kilkeary.
tion he was martyred at Bandry. He is

the patron of Lennox.

KESTER (St) M. RM. July 25 CIARAN) (St) Bp. AC. March 5
Otherwise Christopher, q.v. d. r.530. Styled "the first-born of the
saints of Ireland". A native of Ossory, he
KEVERNE (St) Nov 18 was probably consecrated bishop by St
6th cent. A Cornish saint, friend of St Patrick. He has certainly been venerated
Kieran or Piran, with whom indeed from time immemorial as the first bishop
some identify him. of Ossory and as founder of the Monas-
tery of Saighir. He is wrongly identified
KEVIN (COEMGEN, CAOIMH- with St Piran of Cornwall.
GHIN) (St) Ab. AC. June
d. C.61S. The name has been Latinized KIERAN (KYRAN, Latin:
asCoemgenus. A native of Leinster, he QUERANUS) (St) Ab. RM. Sept 9
was educated by St Petroc of Cornwall d. c .556Surnamed "The Younger".
( ?).

who was then in Ireland. He is best He was born in Connacht, and was
trained in the monasticlife by St Finian KINGSMARK (CYNFARCH) (St) C.
of Clonard, where he was one of the AC. Sept 8
"Twelve Apostles of Ireland". At a 5th cent. Said to have been a Scottish
later date he became the abbot-founder chieftain who lived in Wales, where
of Clonmacnois in West Meath, on the some churches are dedicated to him.
Shannon, and gave his monks an ex-
tremely austere monastic rule, known
KINNIA (St) V. AC. Feb 1
5th cent. An Irish maiden, baptized by
as "the Law of Kieran".
St Patrick, and by him also consecrated

KIGWE (KEWE) (St) V. AC. Feb 8 to God. She is greatly venerated in Co.

? She probably the same as St Ciwa,

a 6th- or 7th-century saint venerated in
KITT (St) M. RM. July 25
Monmouthshire. The name is also
Otherwise Christopher, q.v.
spelt: Ciwg, Cwick, Kigwoe, etc.
KIZITO (St) M. RM. June 3
KILDA (St) d. 1886. At he was the
An unidentified saint whose name has youngest of the martyrs put to death
been given to an Island off the Scottish by King Mwanga of Uganda. See
coast, in which there is a well-known Uganda (Martyrs of).
St Kilder's or St Kilda's Well.
"KLAUS" (St) RM. Dec 6
KILIAN (CHILIANUS), COLMAN A corrupt form of the name Nicholas
and TOTNAN (SS) MM. (Niklaus), q.v.
RM. July 8
d. c.6Sg. Irish missionary monks who KYBI (St) Bp. AC. Nov 8
Otherwise Cuby, q.v.
were commissioned by Pope John V to
evangelize Franconia and East Thurin- KYNEBURGA, KYNESWIDE and
gia, where they were martyred after a TIBBA (SS) OSB. AC. March 6
successful apostolate. d. Kyneburga and Kyneswide,
were daughters of Penda of Mercia
KILIAN (St) Ab. AC. July 29
famous for his fierce opposition to
7th cent. An Irish abbot of a monastery
Christianity. The former became the
in the island of Inishcaltra, and author
abbess-foundress of Dormancaster, now
of a life of St Brigid.
Castor, in Northamptonshire, and was
succeeded by her sister as abbess. Tibba
KILIAN (St) C. AC. Nov 13
Otherwise Chillien, q.v.
was kinswoman, who joined them
at the convent. Their relics were en-
shrined at Peterborough Abbey.
KINGA (St) V. Tert. OFM.
AC. July 24 KYNESWIDE (St) V. OSB.
d. 1292. A niece of St Elizabeth of AC. March 6
Hungary and great-niece of St Hedwig. See SS Kyneburga, Kyneswide and
She shared with her husband, Prince Tibba.
Boleslaus of Poland, the sufferings to
which the Tartar invasion subjected KYRAN (St) Ab. RM. Sept 9
She died a Franciscan tertiary
that land. Otherwise Kieran, q.v.

in the nunnery she had founded at

Sandez. Her name is also given as
rh -
r r»
AC March 14

Cunegunde, Kioga, Zinga, etc. Otherwise Boniface, q.v.

LACTAN (LACTINUS) Ab. He himself was an untiring preacher
AC. March 19 and travelled the whole length and
d. 672. Born near Cork, in Ireland, he breadth of Poland evangelizing the
was educated at Bangor under SS Com- country. Beatified in 1586.
gall and Molua. St Comgall sent him
to be abbot-founder of Achadh-Ur, now LAETANTIUS (St) M. RM. July 17
Freshford in Kilkenny. See Scillitan Martyrs.

LADISLAS(Bl)M.OFM. PC. Feb 12 LAETUS (St) M. RM. Sept 1

See Antony of Saxony, etc. See Vincent and Laetus.


PC. Feb 27 See Donatian, Praesidius, etc.
d. r.1484. A Pauline hermit on the
mountains of Buda. He translated the LAETUS (St) Priest RM. Nov 5
bible into Hungarian. Not officially d. 533. Honoured in the diocese of
beatified. Orleans, his relics being enshrined in
the village of St Lie in that diocese. He
LADISLAS (LANCELOT) (St) King is said to have embraced the monastic
RM. June 27 state at the age of twelve years.
1040-1 095. Son of Bela, king of Hun-
gary, to which kingdom, after his LAICIN (St) Ab. AC. Jan 20
accession in 1077, he added Dalmatia Otherwise Molagga, q.v.
and Croatia. His enlightened govern-
ment, with regard both to church and LAMALISSE (St) H. AC. March 3
state affairs, makes him one of the great 7th cent. A Scottish hermit who has left
national heroes of Hungary. He fought his name to an islet (Lamlash) off the
just and successful wars against the coast of the isle of Arran.
Poles, Russians and Tartars. He died
while preparing to take part, as com- LAMBERT of LYONS (St) Bp.
mander-in-chief, in the first crusade. OSB. RM. Apr 14
Canonized in 1192. The Hungarians d. 688. Born N. France and reared at
call him Laszlo. the court of Clotaire III, he became a
monk Fontenelle under St Wandrille
LADISLAS of GIELNIOW (Bl) C. whom he succeeded as abbot in 666. In
OFM. AC. Sept 25 678 he was raised to the see of Lyons.
1440-1505 (May 4). A Pole by birth, he
joined the Observant Franciscans at LAMBERT of SARAGOSSA (St) M.
Warsaw and eventually became their RM. Apr 16
minister provincial. As such he sent d. A servant, killed near Sara-
Franciscan missionaries to Lithuania. gossa in Spain, by his Saracen master


during the Moorish occupation. His see by Pepin of Heristal, and did much
cult was promoted by Pope Hadrian VI. to foster the apostolate of St Willibrord.
He was murdered in the then village of
LAMBERT PELOGUIN (St) Bp. Liege, and has ever since been vener-
OSB. AC. May 26 ated as a martyr.
r.1080-1 154. He was born in the diocese
of Riez, France, and became a Bene- LAMBERT and VALERIUS
dictine at Lerins. In 11 14 he was made (BELLERE, BERLHER) (SS) CC.
bishop of Vence in Provence, and ruled OSB. AC. Oct 9
his diocese for forty years. His relics d. c .680. Disciplesof St Gislenus, and
are still enshrined at Vence. his fellow-workers in preaching the
d. 1 125. From
childhood he was trained RM. June 15
in the monastic life at the Benedictine £.625-686. Born near Bapaume, in N.
abbey of Saint-Bertin, of which he France, Landelinus, though carefully
eventually became the fortieth abbot. brought up by St Aubert of Cambrai,
He finished the abbey church and intro- was for a time led astray and turned
duced the Cluniac observances. robber, but repented and became a
monk. Afterwards he was ordained
(Bl) priest and founded the abbeys of Lobbes
AC. July 12 (Lanbacum) in 654, Aulne (656), Walers
d. 1 163. He became a Cistercian monk (657) and Crespin (Crepy, Crespiacum)
at Morimond and afterwards ruled in 670, which he governed till his
successively as abbot Clairfontaine, death.
Morimond and Citeaux (11 55-1 161).
The last two years of his life he spent LANDERICUS (LANDRY) (St) Bp.
in retirement at Morimond, where he OSB. AC. Apr 17
died. 7th cent. The eldest son of SS Madel-
garus and Waldetrudis. From 641 to
LAMBERT (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist. 650 he was bishop of Meaux, but on the
AC. Aug 22 death of his father, the abbot of Soignies,
d. 1
5 1 . A brother of St Peter of Taren- Landericus resigned his see in order to
taise, and, like him, a Cistercian monk undertake the government of that abbey.
at Bonne vaux. In he was sent to 11 40
preside as abbot-founder over the new LANDERICUS (St) Bp. AC. June 10
Abbey of Chezery, in the diocese of d. <\66i. Bishop of Paris from 650 to
Belley, France. his death. He is best remembered as the
founder of the first hospital Hotel-
Dieu in Paris.
Sept 17
d. 709. Born at Maestricht, he became LANDERICUS (St) M. OSB.
bishop of that city in 668, but in 674 he AC. June 10
was driven from his see by the tyrant 1050 (?). A Benedictine monk of
Ebroin. He now lived for seven years Novalese in Savoy, drowned in the R.
at the Benedictine abbey of Stavelot as Arc by some malefactors whom he had
a simple monk. He was recalled to his reprimanded.


LANDOALD and AMANTIUS (SS) recalled. At the time of his death he had
CC. RM. March 19 definitely determined to become a
d. f.668. Said to have been a Roman Vallumbrosan.
priest and his deacon, sent by the Pope
to evangelizewhat is now Belgium and LANTFRID, WALTRAM and
N.E. France. They founded the church ELILANTUS BB or (SS) OSB.
at Wintershoven. AC. July 10
d. p.770. Three brothers who became
LANDRADA (St) V. OSB. founders of Benediktbeuren in Bavaria
AC. July 8 and succeeded one another as abbots of
d. £.690. Foundress and first abbess of the monastery. St Lantfrid, the first to
the nunnery of Miinsterbilsen, in Belgic be abbot, was still alive in 770.
LANUINUS (Bl) C. O. Cart.
OSB. AC. June 7 d. 1 120. A disciple of St Bruno, who
1070-1134. Born at Asti in Piedmont, accompanied the saint to Calabria, where
he took the Benedictine habit at San he succeeded him as prior of the
Michele in Ciel d'Oro at Pavia and charterhouse which he founded at Torre
became bishop of Asti in 1103. in the diocese of Squillace. He was also
appointed visitor apostolic of all the
LANFRANC of CANTERBURY (Bl) monastic houses in Calabria. Cult con-
Bp. OSB. PC. May 28 firmed in 1893.
£.1005-1089. Born of a family of sena-
torial rank at Pavia, he studied at LANZO (Bl) Mk. OSB. PC Apr 1

Bologna, taught civil law at Pavia, and d. £.1100.Described by William of

in 1042 became a Benedictine at Bee Malmesbury as "the most perfect reli-
in Normandy, where he founded the gious of his century", Lanzo was a
school which was to become famous monk of Cluny who became Prior of
throughout Christendom. He left Bee St Pancras in London.
to be the first abbot of St Stephen's at
Caen and in 1070 was raised to the see LARGIO (St) M. RM. Aug 12
of Canterbury. Both as a zealous church- See Hilaria, Digna, etc.
man and as a theological writer he left
his mark on the ecclesiastical as well as LARGUS of AQUILEIA (St) M.
on the civil history of his time. He has RM. March 16
always been given the of Beatus,
title See Hilary, Tatian, etc.
although he does not seem to have been
honoured with a public cult. LARGUS of ROME (St) M.
RM. Aug 8
LANFRANC BECCARIA (Bl) Bp. See Cyriacus, Largus, etc.
OSB. Vail. AC. June 23
d. 1 194. He was
born near Pavia, and LASAR (LASSAR, LASSERA) (St)
in 1 178 was made bishop of that city. V. AC. March 29
During his episcopate he was troubled 6th cent. An Irish nun, niece of St
much by heretics and rapacious civil Forchera. She was in early life placed
magistrates. He left the city and joined under the care of SS Finan and Kiernan
the monks of S. Sepolcro, but was at Clonard. Her name means "Flame"

d. 639. Otherwise Molaisse, and (prob- AC. Jan 28
ably) Lamliss. He was an Irishman by 1811-1858. A Chinese catechist, born
birth and the founder of the monastery at Kuy-yang and beheaded at Mao-
and bishopric of Leighlin. He was ap- Ken. Beatified in 1909.
pointed by Pope Honorius I apostolic
legate to Ireland, where he strenuously LAURENCE of CANTERBURY (St)
upheld the Roman observance. He was Bp. OSB. RM. Feb 2
prominent at the synod of Whitefield d. 619. One of the Benedictines sent by
(635). Pope St Gregory the Great to convert
England. St Augustine sent him back to
LASSA (St) M. AC. Feb 9
Rome to report to St Gregory on the
See Ammon, Emilian, etc.
progress of the English mission and to
bring back reinforcements for the work.
LASZLO (St) King RM. June 27
Succeeding to the archbishopric of
Magyar form of Ladislas, q.v.
Canterbury in 604, he had much to
suffer during the pagan reaction in Kent
under Eadbald and thought of escaping
RM. March 24
to France, but was forcibly rebuked by
d. 115. Flavius Latinus is said to have
St Peter in a dream, and in the end
been a successor of St Viator (q.v.) and
third Bishop of Brescia (84-115). He is
succeeded in converting Eadbald. The
said to have suffered imprisonment and
IrishStowe Missal commemorates him
torture with other Christians.
by name in the canon of the Mass.


Otherwise Lauto, q.v. (St) Bp. AC. Feb 3
d. 576. A Syrian Catholic, driven by the
LAURA (St) Abs. M. AC. Oct 19 Monophysite persecution to Italy, where
d. 864. A Cordova in Spain.
native of he was ordained and founded a monas-
In her widowhood she became a nun at tery near Spoleto. Chosen bishop of
Cuteclara. Condemned as a Christian that city, he held the see for twenty
by the Moorish conquerors she was years: he then resigned and founded
thrown into a cauldron of molten lead. the famous abbey of Farfa in the Sabine
hills near Rome. St Laurence was re-
LAURENCE GIUSTINIANI (St) Bp. nowned as a peacemaker, and his title,

RM. Jan 8 it is said, derives from his gift of healing

1 381-145 5. A scion of the noble Vene- blindness, both spiritual and physical.
tian family of the Giustiniani, who at the
age of nineteen joined the canons regular LAURENCE of SIPONTO (St) Bp.
of San Giorgio in Alga, of whom in dae AC. Feb 7
time he became the general. In 1433 he d. r.546. Surnamed Majoranus. Bishop
was forced to accept the see of Castello, of Siponto from 492 to his death. He is
and in 1451 was translated to that of said to have built the sanctuary of St
Grado which (with its patriarchal title) Michael on Mt Gargano.
was transferred at the same time from
Grado to Venice. His writings on mysti- LAURENCE HUNG (Bl) M.
cal contemplation are sublime in their AC. Apr 27
simplicity. Canonized in 1690. c. 1 802-1 856. A native priest of Tonkin,

beheaded near Ninh-biuh, in W. and was appointed chaplain to the forces
Tonkin. Beatified in 1909. of the Archduke Matthias fighting
against the Turks. He contributed to the
LAURENCE of NO VARA and success of the Christian army by his
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Apr 30 prayers and shrewd military advice. He
d. f.397. Said to have come from the died at Lisbon during one of his diplo-
West (Spain or France?) and to have matic missions. Canonized in 1881.
assisted St Gaudentius, bishop of
Novara in Piedmont. He was put to LAURENCE of ROME (St) M.
death with a group of children whom RM. Aug 10
he was instructing. d. 258. The Passio of St Laurence was
written at least a century after his death,
LAURENCE RICHARDSON (vere and although accepted by the Fathers
JOHNSON) (Bl) M. AC. May 30 of the Church leaves room for doubt
in the details. According to this account
d. 1582. A native of Great Crosby in
Lancashire, he was educated at Brase- St Laurence, one of the Deacons of

nose College, Oxford, and after his Pope Sixtus II, was put to death three
conversion, studied for the priesthood days after the martyrdom of that Pope,

at Douai. He was ordained in 1577 and by being roasted alive on a gridiron. See
Sixtus II (Aug 7). Whatever may be said
was sent to the English mission, where
he worked in Lancashire. He was mar- of the historical value of his Acts the
fact remains that Laurence has always
tyred at Tyburn. Beatified in 1886.
been venerated, both in the West and
in the East, as the most celebrated of the
LAURENCE of VILLAMAGNA (Bl) numerous Roman martyrs witness the —
C. OFM. AC. June 6
writings of SS Ambrose, Leo the Great,
1476-1535. Born at Villamagna, in the Augustine and Prudentius. His martyr-
Abruzzi, of the noble family dei Mascoli,
dom must have deeply impressed the
he joined the Franciscan order and he Roman Christians. His death, says
became a most powerful and successful
Prudentius, was the death of idolatry
preacher. Cult approved in 1923.
in Rome, which from that time began
to decline. He was buried on the Via
LAURENCE HUMPHREY (Bl) M. Tiburtina, at the Campus Veranus,
AC. July 7 where his basilica now and his
1571-1591. A native of Hampshire and name is mentioned in the canon of the
a convert, he was only twenty years of Mass.
age when he was hanged, drawn and
quartered at Winchester for his conver- LAURENCE NERUCCI, AUGUS-
sion to the Catholic faith. Beatified in TINE CENNINI, BARTHOLOMEW
OFM. Cap. RM. July 22 d. 1420. Four Servite friars sent from
1559-1619. A native of Brindisi who Siena to Bohemia by Pope Martin V to
joined the Capuchins and was sent to combat the Hussite heresy. With sixty
Germany as one of the pioneers of the other Servites they were burnt in a
Capuchin Order in that country. He church at Prague while singing the Te
preached throughout Central Europe, Deum. Cult approved in 191 8.

OSB. AC. Aug 16 RM. Sept 28
d. 1243. Born at Fanello, near Siponto, See Martial, Laurence, and Comp.
he was bred to arms and, having acci-
dentally killed a man, undertook a pil- LAURENCE of RIPPAFRATTA
grimage to Compostella. On his return (Bl) C. OP. AC. Sept 28
in 1209 he joined the Benedictines at d. 1457. Born Tuscany,
at Rippafratta in

Subiaco and obtained leave to live as a he joined the Friars Preachers at Pisa
recluse in the ruins of one of the twelve under Bl John Dominic, and was made
monasteries founded there by St novice-master at Cortona. St Antoninus
Benedict. His name Loricatus was given and BB Benedict of Mugello and Fra
to him on account of a coat of mail Angelico were his novices. Cult ap-
which he wore next his skin. His relics proved in 1 85 1.
are enshrined at the Sagro Speco,
Subiaco. Cult approved in 1778.
AC. Sept 28
d. 1630. A native of Japan and a tertiary
of St Augustine. He was condemned to
M. AC. Aug 19 death for having sheltered the Augus-
d. 1622. A Japanese merchant on the tinian fathers and was beheaded at
ship of Bl Joachim Firaiama. He was Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified in
OSA. RM. Nov
LAURENCE JAMADA (Bl) M. 1 1 28-1 180. Lorcan O'Tuathail was born
AC. Sept 8 in Leinster, and at the age of twelve be-
d. 1628. Son of Bl Michael Jamada, came an Augustinian canon at Glenda-
and a Dominican tertiary. He was lough of which he was made abbot at the
beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. age of twenty-five. Eight years later he
was promoted to the archbishopric of
Dublin. In 179 he attended the Lateran
LAURENCE IMBERT, Bp. PETER Council at Rome and was made papal
MAUBANT, JAMES CHASTAN legate in Ireland. He carried out many
and Comp. (BB) MM. AC. Sept 22
reforms in his diocese and was much
d. 839- 1 846. These martyrs perished
engaged in negotiating on behalf of the
in thepersecution of the Christians
Irish with King Henry II of England.
which raged in Corea from 1839 till
It was while on an embassy to the latter
1846. Imbert, a native of Aix-en-
that he died at the Augustinian abbey
Provence, was a member of the Paris
of Eu in Normandy. Canonized in 1226.
Society of Missions. He worked first as
a missionary priest in China and then LAURENCE PE-MAN (Bl) M.
as a bishop in Corea. With Maubant and AC. Nov 24
Chastan, missionary priests of the same d. 1856. A Chinese labourer and convert
society, he was exiled and cruelly tor- of Bl Augustine Chapdelaine. He was
tured to death in 1839. With them were beheaded after torture at Su-Lik-Hien
beatified in 1925 seventy-six native (Prov. of Kwang-Si). Beatified in 1900.
converts (including Bl Andrew Kim,
q,v.) who suffered death in the next LAURENTIA (St) M. RM. Oct 8
few years with heroic constancy. See Palatias and Laurentia.

CELERINA (SS) MM. RM. Feb 3 6th cent. Titular of four churches in the
3rd cent. African martyrs, of whom St diocese of St David's, Wales, and per-
Cyprian writes movingly in his 34th haps identical with St Lleuddad (Lau-
Epistle. SS Laurentinus and Ignatius datus), abbot of Bardsey.
were uncles, and St Celerina, an aunt,
of the deacon St Celerinus (q.v.), who LAZARUS of MILAN (St) Bp.
is commemorated on the same day. RM. Feb n
d. f.450(March 14). An archbishop of
LAURENTINUS SOSSIUS (Bl) M. Milan who was the support of his flock
AC. Apr 15 during the invasion of the Ostrogoths.
d. 485. A boy aged five, said to have been His feast was translated to Feb 11, in

killed by the Jews on Good Friday at deference to the Milanese custom of not
Valrovina in the diocese of Vicenza, in keeping saints' days in Lent.
Italy. Cult approved in 1867.
LAZARUS (St) C. RM. Feb 23
LAURENTINUS (St) M. RM. June 3 d. f.867. Surnamed Zographos (the

See Pergentinus and Laurentinus.

Painter). He was a monk of Constanti-
nople, and a skilled painter, who in the
time of Theophilus (829-842), one of
the iconoclast emperors, busied himself
d. ? have been a Hun-
f.544. Said to
in restoring the sacred pictures, defaced
garian by birth, ordained deacon in
by the heretics. For this he was cruelly
Milan, and later appointed archbishop tormented by the Emperor. Later he
of Seville. The place of his supposed was restored to honour and sent as
martyrdom is given as Bourges in ambassador to Rome.
France. All these details are open to
grave doubt. LAZARUS M. RM. March
(St) 27
See Zanitas, Lazarus, etc.
LAURUS (St) M. RM. Aug 18
See Florus, Laurus, etc. LAZARUS (St) AC. June 21
The poor man in our Lord's parable
LAURUS (LERY) (St) Ab. (Luke XVI). The military Order of St
AC. Sept 30 Lazarus, founded during the crusades,
7th cent. A native of Wales, who crossed one of whose duties was to take care of
over to Brittany and became the abbot- lepers, was named after him. Hence also
founder of the monastery afterwards the words Lazaretto, for a hospital,
called after him Saint-Lery, on the R. Lazarone, for a poor man of the street,
DonefF. etc. The Abyssinians keep his feast on

June 21.
(St) Bp. RM. Sept 22 LAZARUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 17
d. 568. Bishop of Coutances in Nor- 1 st cent. The and friend of our
mandy for forty years (528-568). He Lord raised by Him from the dead.
appears to have been one of the most (John XI). The Greek tradition states
energetic prelates of that period. His that he died bishop of Kition in Cyprus.
family estate has become the village of The French legend which connects him
Saint-Ld. with Marseilles is first heard of in the

nth century, and has no historical LEGER (St) Bp. M. RM. Oct 2
foundation whatever: it is probably due Otherwise Leodegarius, q.v.

to confusion with an early bishop of

Aix, called Lazarus. LELIA(St)V. AC. Aug 11
? An Irish maiden, who seems to have
LEA (St) W. RM. March 22 lived at a very early period and to have
d. 384. A Roman lady who, after the been connected with the dioceses of
death of her husband, joined the com- Limerick and Kerry. Several place-
munity of St Marcella, where she spent names in Ireland perpetuate her
her life serving the nuns. memory.


Otherwise Lebuin, q.v. RM. Feb 5
d. 1597. A native of Corea, who after
LEANDER (St) Bp. RM. Feb. 27 being a pagan priest was converted to
d. 596. The elder brother of SS Fulgen- the Faith and was the first to be received
tius, Isidore and Florentina. He entered into the third order of St Francis in
a monastery in his early youth and was Japan. As a catechist of the Franciscans,
later sent to Constantinople on a diplo- he was crucified at Nagasaki. Beatified
matic mission. There he met St Gre- in 1627 and canonized in 1862.
gory the Great, whose close friend he
became and whose Moralia was pub- LEO and PAREGORIUS (SS) MM.
lished at his request. On his return to AC. Feb 18
Spain Leander was appointed arch- d. Martyrs of Patara in Lycia,
bishop of Seville. He proved himself a greatly venerated in the East. Their
great prelate: revised and unified the alleged Acts may be merely a pious
Spanish liturgy, converted St Hermene- romance.
gild, was instrumental in winning the
Visigoths from Arianism and was LEO of CATANIA (St) Bp.
responsible for the holding of two RM. Feb 20
national synods at Toledo (589 and 703-787. Known in Sicily as St Leo
590). He founded the episcopal school "j7 Maraviglioso" the wonder-worker.

of Seville. In Spain he is liturgically He was a priest of Ravenna who became

honoured as a Doctor. bishop of Catania in Sicily. He was
highly esteemed for his learning. The
(St) C. story of his life has been embellished
AC. Nov 12 with many delightful, though unreliable,
d. ^.773. A Benedictine of Ripon who "FbrettT.
crossed over to Holland and took part
in the missionary work inaugurated by LEO of SAINT-BERTIN (Bl) Ab.
St Boniface. He worked with St Mar- OSB. AC. Feb 26
cellinus (July 14)under St Gregory of d. 1 163. Of noble Flemish birth, Leo

Utrecht and founded the church at was appointed abbot of Lobbes where
Deventer. From there he went forth to he succeeded in making good the
preach to the Saxons and Frisians. ravages of war. In 1138 he was given
charge of the great abbey of Saint-
LEBUINUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 12 Bertin, which he ruled for twenty-five
Otherwise Livinus, q.v. years. In 1146 he joined the second

crusade and reached Jerusalem and on Sixtus III, and was raised to the papal
his return brought with him the alleged throne in 440. Ever conscious of his
relic of our Lord's Blood which ever supreme jurisdiction and responsibility
since has been worshipped at Bruges. as the successor of St Peter, he com-
The abbey of St Bertin was destroyed bated Pelagians, Manicheans, Priscil-
by fire in 1 152, but Bl Leo was energetic lianists, and, especially, the Eutychians
in its rebuilding. and Nestorians. His celebrated Tomos,
or Dogmatic Letter, addressed to
LEO, DONATUS, ABUNDAN- Flavian, patriarch of Constantinople, in
TIUS, NICEPHORUS and Comp. which he defined the exact Catholic
(SS) MM. RM. March 1 belief on the twofold nature and one
? A group of thirteen martyrs, believed person in Christ, marks an epoch in
to have laid down their lives for Christ Catholic theology. It was acclaimed as
in Africa. the teaching of the Church at the coun-
cil of Chalcedon (451). The most
LEO of ROUEN (St) Bp. M. famous action of his pontificate was his
AC. March 1 meeting with Attila outside the gates of
£.856-900. Born
Carentan in Nor-
at Rome, which resulted in the salvation
mandy, he is said to have been bishop of of Rome (452), but he was unable to
Rouen, and afterwards to have resigned stop Genseric the Vandal from pillag-
in order to preach the gospel in Navarre ing it in 455.
and the Basque provinces both French —

and Spanish devastated by the Sara- LEO IX (St) Pope RM. Apr 19
cen invasion. Pirates beheaded him near 1 002-1 054. A cousin of the emperor
Bayonne, of which city he is now the Conrad the Salic, born in Alsace, and
patron saint. The whole story is in baptism named Bruno. He was made
untrustworthy. bishop of Toul in 1026 and constrained
to accept the papal office in 1048. He
LEO LUKE (St) Ab. C. took with him to Rome, as his spiritual
PC. March 1 adviser, Hildebrand, the future Gregory
d. £.900. He became
abbot of a Basilian VII, and the reform of the Roman curia
monastery of Cooleoni in Sicily, and is now began in earnest. Leo combated
honoured also in Calabria. He died a simony, condemned Berengarius, and
centenarian after eighty years of mon- strove to prevent the schism between
astic life. the Eastern and the Western churches
then being engineered by the emperor
LEO (St) Bp. M. RM. March 14 Michael Coerularius. While at Bene-
? The RM. has the following entry: Holy See,
vento, a city belonging to the
"At Rome, in the Agro Verano, St Leo, he was taken prisoner by the Normans.
bishop and martyr." This is all that is He was released, but shortly after died
known about him. He may have been a before the high altar in St Peter's.
victim of the Arians.
LEO of SENS (St) Bp.
LEO the GREAT (St) Pope and Dr. RM. Apr 22
RM. Apr 11 d. 541.Bishop of Sens for twenty-three
d. 461. Born probably inTuscany and years. He defended the rights of his
joining the Roman clergy,he became own see against the pretensions of King
archdeacon under Celestine I and Childebert.

LEO of TROYES (St) Ab. Benedictine abbey of San Martino, he
RM, May 25 was chosen pope in 847. He enclosed
d. £.550. A monk who succeeded St the whole Vatican city with a wall (the
Romanus in the government of the mon- Leonine city), and through his prayers
astery of Mantenay, near Troyes. and exhortations to the soldiers the
Saracens from Calabria were utterly
LEO TANACA (Bl) M. AC. June 1 routed at Ostia. His benefactions to
d. 617. A Japanese catechist to the
1 churches take up twenty-eight pages
Jesuit Fathers. Beheaded at Nagasaki, in the Liber Pontificalis. The English
and beatified in 1867. king Alfred visited Rome during his
pontificate (853) and Leo stood god-
LEO III (St) Pope RM. June 12 father for him at his confirmation.
d. 816.A Roman by birth, who became
pope in 795. While attempting to sup- LEO and JULIANA (SS) MM.
press the unruly factions of Rome he RM. Aug 18
was himself seized and put to the ? Leo was martyred at Myra, in Lycia,
torture. He then called to his help and Juliana at Strobylum. Juliana may
Charlemagne, who re-established order be identified with the martyr of Ptole-
in Rome, and who was by Pope Leo mais. (See Paul and Juliana.)
crowned emperor of the West in St
Peter's (800). Leo refused to add the LEO SUCHEIEMON (Bl) M.
"filioque" to the Nicene creed. AC. Aug 19
d. 1622. A native Japanese, pilot of the
LEO (St) M. RM. June 30 ship of Bl Joachim Firaiama. Beheaded
See Caius and Leo. at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.

LEO II (St) Pope RM. July 3 LEO II of CAVA (Bl) Ab. OSB.
d. 683. A Sicilian who became pope in AC. Aug 19
681. He governed the church only two 1239-1295. The fifteenth abbot of the
years and the oustanding event of his Benedictine abbey of La Cava, near
pontificate was the condemnation of Naples. He ruled from 1268 to 1295.
Pope Honorius I for having been remiss Cult approved in 1928.
in formally denouncing the Monothe-
lites. LEO COMBIOGE (Bl) M.
AC. Sept 8
(St) d. 1628. A
Japanese catechist, member
AC. July 12 of the third order of St Dominic. Be-
d. 1079. Born at Lucca in Tuscany, he headed at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
entered the Benedictine abbey of La
Cava, near Naples, under its founder LEO SATZUMA (Bl) M. AC. Sept 10
St Alferius, whom he succeeded as d. 1622. A
Japanese catechist, and a
abbot in 1050. He stood in great favour Franciscan tertiary. He was burnt alive
with Duke Gisulf II of Salerno. Cult at Nagasaki with Bl Charles Spinola
approved— as a saint in 1579 and again (q.v.), on the day of the great martyr-
in 1893. dom.

LEO IV (St) Pope OSB. RM. July 17 LEO (St) M. OFM. RM. Oct 10
d. 855. A Roman and a monk of the See Daniel and Comp.

LEOofMELUN(St)C. RM.Novio dates from the 5th century, at the latest.
? A saint held in veneration from time In Flanders she is known as St Locaie.
immemorial Melun, near Paris. He
is now identified by scholars with St LEOCRITIA (LUCRETIA) (St) VM.
Leo the Great, who died on Nov 10. RM. March 15
d. 859. A maiden' of Cordova, Spain,
LEO of NONANTULA (St) Ab. born of Moorish parents, but early con-
OSB. AC. Nov 20 verted to Christianity and in conse-
d. iooo. Monk
and abbot of the Bene- quence driven from her home. She was
dictine monastery of Nonantula, near sheltered by St Eulogius, and both were
Modena. flogged and beheaded.


d. 61 9. A Japanese layman, born at
1 RM. Oct 2
Amangucchi, of the royal family of f.616-678. Nephew of the bishop of
Firando. He was beheaded with ten Poitiers by whom he was educated. In
companions at Nagasaki. Beatified in 653 he was made abbot of the monastery
1867. of St Maxentius, where he introduced
the Benedictine rule. On the death of
LEOBALD (LEODEBOD) (St) Ab. King Clovis II he assisted St Bathildis,
OSB. AC. Aug 8
the queen regent during the minority of
d. 650. Abbot-founder of Fleury, after-
her son, Clotaire III. In 659 he became
wards called Saint-Benoit-sur-Loire, in
bishop of Autun, in which capacity he
the diocese of Orleans. He had been a reformed church discipline and imposed
monk at Saint-Aignan, in the same
on all the monasteries the observance of
the Rule of St Benedict. His connexion
with the court brought upon him the
full fury of the tyrant Ebroin, mayor of
RM. Jan 18
A the palace, who had the saint degraded,
d. 593. recluse at Tours who shut
imprisoned, blinded and finally mur-
himself up in a cell near the abbey of
Marmoutier and lived there for twenty-
dered. He is widely venerated in France
as St Leger.
two years under the direction of St
Gregory of Tours.
LEOMENES (St) M. RM. Dec 23
LEOBINUS (LUBIN) (St)Bp. See Theodulus, Saturninus, etc.

RM. Sept 15
d. r.556. Born near son of a
Poitiers, the LEONARD of AVRANCHES (Bl)

peasant family. Early in he became

life Bp. C. PC. March 4
a hermit, then a priest, abbot of Brou, d. f.614. In his early years he was a

and finally bishop of Chartres one of — torment to the countryside, but being
the most distinguished occupants of that converted, largely by the prayers of his
important see. mother, he was elected Bishop of
Avranches, and venerated by the people
LEOCADIA (St) VM. RM. Dec 9 as a saint.
d. £.303.According to the RM. she was
a maiden of Toledo, who died in prison, LEONARD MURIALDO (Bl) C.
after having been condemned to death, Founder AC. March 30
under Diocletian. Her cult at Toledo 1 828-1 890. As a native of Turin he

belongs to the times and the distin- LEONARD of RERESBY (St) C.
guished quadrumvirate of saintly PC. Nov 6
priests, John Bosco, Joseph Cafasso, 13th cent. A native of Thryberg in
Joseph Cottolengo with himself the Yorkshire. According to local tradition,
fourth as the guide of Christian Social he was a crusader, who, taken prisoner
Work. In fact, "conservative Catholics" by the Saracens, was miraculously set
dubbed him "a socialist" for advocating free and returned safely home.
an eight-hour day for workers in 1885.
His Congregation of St Joseph con- LEONARD KIMURA and Comp.
tinues to care for young apprentices. (BB) MM. AC. Nov 18
Beatified in 1963. d. 1619. A Japanese nobleman, who,
after his conversion, became a temporal
LEONARD (Bl) H. OSB. Cam. coadjutor in the Society of Jesus, and
AC. May 15 with others of his countrymen was burnt
d. £.1250. Monk-hermit at Camaldoli. to death at Nagasaki.


July 9 (St) C. OFM. RM. Nov 26
d. 1572. Born at Bois-le-duc, in Hol- 1676-1 75 1. Born at Porto Maurizio, on
land, he studied for the priesthood at the Italian Riviera, he studied in the
Louvain, and was appointed parish Roman College and became a Francis-
priest of Gorkum, where he was noted can of the Strictest Observance in the
He was
for his opposition to Calvinism. convent of St Bonaventure on the
one of the group of the Gorkum mar- Palatine. Soon after his ordination he
tyrs, q.v. Canonized in 1867. began his career as a missionary, spread-
ing everywhere devotion to the Blessed
(Bl) Sacrament, to the Sacred Heart, to the
AC. Aug 18 Immaculate Conception and to the
d. 1255. Eleventh abbot of La Cava, in Stations of the Cross he is said to have

S. Italy, from 1232 till his death. Cult established the Way of the Cross in
confirmed in 1928. five hundred and seventy-two places
including the Colosseum in Rome. He
LEONARD of VANDOEUVRE (St) was a prolific ascetical writer, his works
Ab. AC. Oct 15 filling thirteen volumes. In 1744 he was
d. f.570. A hermit, who became the sent to restore discipline in Corsica. In
abbot-founder of Vandoeuvre, now 175 1 he was called to Rome by Benedict
Saint-Leonard-aux-Bois, near Le Mans. XIV but died on the night after his
arrival at his old friary of St Bonaven-
LEONARD of NOBLAC (St) Ab. ture. Canonized in 1867.
RM. Nov 6
d. c .559. A French courtier converted by LEONIANUS (St) C. AC. Nov 6
St Remigius of Reims. On the advice of d. f.570. A Pannonian by birth, he was
that saint, St Leonard retired to the taken as a captive to Gaul, and, on re-
abbey of Micy near Orleans, and later gaining his freedom, lived as a recluse
became a hermit in a neighbouring near Autun. Later he embraced the
forest, now called Noblac. His cult was monastic life at the abbey of St Sym-
widespread in the west during the phorianus, also at Autun. Cult approved
Middle Ages. in 1907.

LEONIDAS and Comp. (SS) MM. LEONTIUS (St) Bp. AC. March 19
RM. Jan 28 d. 640.Bishop of Saintes. A friend of St
d. 304. Egyptian martyrs, associated Malo, whom he received into his dio-
with SS Philemon and Apollonius cese when he was exiled from Brittany.
(q.v.). All suffered under Diocletian.

LEONTIUS (St)"M. RM. Apr 24

LEONIDAS (St) M. 22 RM. Apr See Eusebius, Neon, etc.
d. 202. The father of Origen, and him-
self a distinguished philosopher. He was
martyred at Alexandria, his native city,
under Septimius Severus.
RM. June 18
d. ? Greeks martyred
135. at Tripoli in
LEONIDES (St) M. RM. Aug 8
Phoenicia at an early date.
See Eleutherius and Leonides.

LEONIDES (St) M. RM. Sept 2

See Diomedes, Julian, etc.
and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. July 10
d. c .320. A band of forty-five martyrs

LEONILLA (St) M. RM. Jan 17

who suffered together at Nicopolis in

See Speusippus, Eleusippus, etc. Armenia under the emperor Licinius

and were among the last martyrs of the
LEONIS (St) VM. RM. June 15
great persecution.

See Lybe, Leonis and Eutropia.

Bp. AC. July 1 £.510-565. A soldier who served against
d. f.570. A son of Hoel, king of Brit- the Visigoths. He married and went to
tany, but born in Wales, educated by St reside at Bordeaux; he was forced to
Illtyd, and consecrated bishop by St accept the see and government of that
Dubricius. Crossing to Brittany, then city, his wife taking the veil.

ruled by his brother Hoel II, he founded

the monastery of Pontual, near Saint LEONTIUS, ATTIUS, ALEXAN-
Malo. DER and Comp. RM. Aug 1
d. r.300. Three Christians of Perge in
LEONTIA (St) M. RM. Dec 6
Pamphylia, who, together with six farm
See Dionysia, Dativa, etc.
labourers, were martyred under Dio-
cletian for having destroyed the altar of
LEONTIUS of CAESAREA (St) Bp. Artemis.
RM. Jan 13
d. 337. Bishop of Caesarea in Cappado-
cia and one of the fathers of the council
of Nicaea (325). He is specially praised
AC. Aug 21
d. r.541.Bishop of Bordeaux, the im-
by St Athanasius and described as "an
mediate predecessor of St Leontius the
angel of peace" by the Greeks.
Younger (v. July 11).


RM. March 19
LEONTIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 12
See Apollonius and Leontius. See Hieronides, Leontius, etc.


LEONTIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 27 der of Mariazell (Benedictine), Heili-
Mentioned in the RM. as a companion genkreuz (Cistercian) and Klosterneu-
in martyrdom of SS Cosmas and Da- burg (Augustinian). He was buried in
mian, q.v. the last mentioned monastery.


d. £.432. Bishop of Frejus in France Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 23
from r.419 to f.432. He was a great d. 718. Of noble Frankish family, Leo-
friend of Cassian, who dedicated to him thade became a monk and shortly after
his first ten conferences. abbot of Moissac, in S. France. Later he
was raised to the see of Auch.
d. 7th cent. Monk
and abbot of the (SS) MM. RM. Aug 20
monastery of St Symphorian of Vivaris d. was a monk of SS
852. Leovigild
in the province of Berry, France. He Justus and Pastor of Cordova, and
perished at the hands of assassins and Christopher of the monastery of St
was forthwith venerated as a martyr. Martin de La Rojana, near Cordova.
They were martyred at Cordova under
LEOPARDUS (St) M. RM. Sept 30 Abderrahman II.
d. 362. A servant, or slave, in the house-
hold of Julian the Apostate. His execu- LESBOS (Martyrs of) RM. Apr 5
tion probably took place in Rome. ? Five maidens venerated by the Greeks
as having suffered martyrdom in the
LEOPOLD of GAICHE (Bl) C. island of Lesbos.
OFM. AC. Apr 2
1732-1815 (Apr 15). A native of Gaiche, LESMES (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Jan 30
in the diocese of Perugia, he joined the The Spanish form of Adelelmus, q.v.
Franciscans, and after his ordination
was professor of philosophy and theo- LETARD (St) Bp. AC. Feb 24
logy, and apostolic missionary for the Otherwise Liudhard, q.v.
Papal States. During the Napoleonic
invasion he was compelled to put off his LEU (St) Bp. RM. Sept 1

habit and became parish priest, although French form for Lupus of Sens, q.v.
then seventy-seven years of age. Beati-
fied in 1893. LEUCHTELDIS (LIUTHILD) (St)
V. AC. Jan 23
LEOPOLD the GOOD (St) C. Otherwise Lufthild, q.v.
RM. Nov 15
1073-1136. Born at Melk in Austria, a LEUCIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 1

grandson of the emperor Henry III. In See SS Peter, Severus and Leucius.
1096 he succeeded his father as fourth
margrave of Austria. He married Agnes, LEUCIUS of BRINDISI (St) Bp.
daughter of Henry IV, by whom he had RM. Jan 11
eighteen children. He ruled firmly and d. c.iSo.Venerated as the first bishop of
successfully for forty years, and was Brindisi whither he is said to have come
especially interested in the spread of as a missionary from Alexandria. An-
religious institutions. He was the foun- other saint of the same name, likewise

bishop of Brindisi, who flourished at the to meet the needs of the growing num-
beginning of the 5th century, is men- ber of Christians, but was soon put to
tioned by St Gregory the Great. death by the pagans.


See Thyrsus, Leucius and Callinicus. Bp. OSB. AC. Jan 4
938-1013. Born in S. Swabia, he be-
LEUDOMER (LOMER) (St) Bp. came bishop of Hamburg in 988, pro-
AC. Oct 2 fessing at the same time the Benedictine

d. r.585. A French bishop of Chartres. Rule at the cathedral abbey of Ham-

burg. He is venerated as one of the
apostles of the Slavs.
LEUS (LEO) (St) AC. Aug 1

A priest of the 4th cent, whose relics

were transported to Viguenza in the LIBERALIS (St) C. AC. Apr 27
diocese of Ferrara. d. c .400. A round
priest of the district
Ancona, who worked zealously for the
conversion of the Arians and suffered
RM. June 21 much at their hands. His relics are en-
shrined at Treviso.
d. 738. Abbot-founder of the monastery
La - Croix - Saint - Ouen (afterwards
Saint-Leufroy), near Evreux, which he LIBERATA AC. Jan 16
(St) V.
governed for nearly fifty years. In art he 5th cent. of St Epiphanius of

is represented surrounded by a group of Pavia and St Honorata, she was a virgin,

the poor children it was his delight to living however in her parents' house.
LIBERATA (St) V. RM. Jan 18
LEVAN (St) C. AC. June 8 d. 580. A maiden of Como, at which city
6th cent. An Irish saint who came over she, with her sister St Faustina, founded
to Cornwall and who has given his name the nunnery of Santa Margarita. Both
(spelt also —
Levin possibly an abbre- died in 580. Their relics are in Como
viated form of Silvanus) to a parish in Cathedral.
that county.
LIBERATA (St) V. RM. July 20
LE WINA (St) VM. AC. July 24 Otherwise Wilgefortis, q.v.
5th cent. The first surviving record of
this saint dates from 1058, when her LIBERATUS, BONIFACE, SER-
relics were translated from Seaford in
Sussex, where she is said to have been SEPTIMUS and MAXIMUS (SS)
venerated, to Berg in Flanders. She is MM. RM. Aug 17
supposed to have been a British maiden d. 483. Liberatus was abbot of a mon-
martyred by the Saxon invaders. astery in Africa, were his
the rest
monks: Boniface, a deacon; Servus and
LEZIN (St) Bp. AC. Feb 13 Rusticus, sub-deacons; Rogatus and
Otherwise Lucinius, q.v. Septimus, simple monks; Maximus, a
child educated in the monastery. All
LIAFDAG (St) Bp. M. PC. Feb 3 were martyred by the Arian king
c .980. He was made Bishop in Jutland Hunneric.

LIBERATUS da LORO (Bl) C. in 506 was chosen bishop of Couserans
OFM. AC. Sept 6 (now in the diocese of Pamiers). The
d. 1258. Born at San Liberato, in RM. wrongly makes him bishop of
Piceno, of the Brumforti family, he Lerida.
joined the Franciscans, among whom at
a later date he introduced the initial
LICINIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 7
See Carpophorus, Exanthus, etc.
austerity of the Order, aided by BB
Humilis and Pacificus. His cult was
forbidden in 1730, but restored in 1731
and again approved in 1868.
RM. Nov 1

d. £.616. Count of Anjou under King

Chilperic. He became a monk and after-
wards was chosen bishop of Angers
MM. RM. Dec 20
? Martyrs venerated at Rome, of whom (586), and consecrated by St Gregory

nothing certain is known.

of Tours. He wished to resign, but his
people would on no account allow him
to do so.
LIBERIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 30
d. *\200. A
bishop of Ravenna, vener- LIDANUS(St)Ab.OSB. AC. July 2
ated as one of the founders of that see. 1026-1118. A native of Antina in the
Abruzzi who became the abbot-founder
LIBERT (LIEBERT) (St) Bp. of the Benedictine abbey of Sezze in the
AC. June 23 Papal States. He deserves well of hu-
d. 1076. Bishop of Cambrai from 1051 manity for his work in draining the
till his death. He went on a pilgrimage
Pontine Marshes. In his old age he
to Palestine, but failing to reach the retired to Montecassino. He is the
Holy Places, he built instead, on his patron saint of Sezze.
return to his diocese, the abbey of the
Holy Sepulchre. He excommunicated LIDWINA (St) V. AC. Apr 14
the lord of Cambrai and was on that Otherwise Lydwina of Schiedam, q.v.
account brutally persecuted.
LIE (several)
LIBERT (St) M. OSB. AC. July 14 French form of Laetus and Leo, q.v.
d. 783.Born at Malines, baptized and
educated by St Rumoldus, from whom LIEPHARD (St) Bp. M. AC. Feb 4
he received the Benedictine habit. d. 640. An
Englishman by birth and
Afterwards he migrated to the abbey of perhaps a bishop, said to have been the
Saint-Trond, where he was put to death companion of King Cadwalla on the
by invading barbarians. latter's pilgrimage to Rome. While on
his way back to England, Liephard was
LIBORIUS (St) Bp. RM. July 23 done to death near Cambrai.
d. 390. Bishop of Le Mans from 348 to
390. He is the patron saint of Paderborn, LIGORIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 13,
whither his relics were translated in 836. ? An eastern saint who met his death at
the hands of a pagan mob. His relics are
LICERIUS (LIZIER) (St) Bp. enshrined at Venice.
RM. Aug 27
d. f.548. Born in Spain, probably at LILIOSA (St) M. RM. July 27
Lerida (Ilerda). He went to France and See George, Aurelius, etc.

d. 1294. ACyprian by birth who be- RM. June 3
came a Benedictine nun at Genoa, and d. £.550. A prominent lawyer of Orleans
then lived as a recluse in a cave below who of fifty embraced the
at the age
the church of St Thomas in that city. and eventually became the
solitary life
Cult approved by Paul V. (Note. In abbot-founder of the monastery of
1509 the church of St Thomas was Meung-sur-Loire.
handed over to the Augustinians and
this is the reason why Limbania is often LITTEUS (St) M. RM. Sept 10
described as an Augustinian.) See Nemesian, Felix, etc.

LIMNAEUS (St) H. AC. Feb 22 LIUDHARD (St) Bp. AC. Feb 24

See Thalassius and Limnaeus. d. Frankish chaplain to Queen

Bertha of Kent. He is said to have been

LINUS (St) Pope M. RM. Sept 23 a bishop and to have played an impor-
d. £.79. The immediate successor of St tant part in the conversion of King
Peter in the see of Rome, which he ruled Ethelbert, q.v. He was buried in the
for twelve years (67-79). He is tradi- abbey of SS Peter and Paul, at Canter-
tionally venerated as a martyr, but there bury.
is no evidence for his martyrdom. His
name is mentioned in the Canon of the LIUTWIN (St) Bp. OSB.
Mass. AC. Sept 29
d. £.713. Founder and monk of Mett-
LIOBA (St) Abs. OSB. RM. Sept 28 lach, and then bishop of Treves.
d. £.779. An Anglo-Saxon by birth and
a kinswoman of St Boniface, St Lioba LIVINUS (LEBWIN) (St) Bp. M.
professed the Benedictine Rule at Wim- RM. Nov 12
borne. In 748, at the request of St d. r.650. An
Irishman by birth, he was
Boniface, she, with a band of missionary ordained priest by St Augustine of Can-
nuns, left England for the German terbury, and crossed over to Flanders,
mission and was at once appointed where for some years he preached the
abbess of Bischoffsheim and was given gospel with great success. At some time
the general supervision of all the during this period he is said to have
daughter-houses founded from that been consecrated bishop in Ireland. He
nunnery. "Lioba ruled her home in the was martyred near Alost in Brabant. He
very spirit of St Benedict's moderation is perhaps to be identified with St

and gentleness, and insisted equally on Lebuinus.

manual work and studies for all her
nuns" (Attwater). She was greatly loved LIZIER (St) Bp. RM. Aug 27
by her nuns and a close friend of the Otherwise Licerius, q.v.
empress St Hildegard, Charlemagne's
wife, while the tender affection which LLEUDADD (LAUDATUS) (St) Ab.
subsisted between herself and St Boni- AC. Jan 15
face forms one of the most charming 6th cent. A Welsh saint, abbot of Bard-
episodes in church history. St Lioba's sey (Carnarvon), who accompanied St
convents were one of the most powerful Cadfan to Brittany. By some scholars he
factors in the conversion of Germany is thought to be no other than St L6 of
by the Benedictines. Coutances.


LLEWELLYN (LLYWELYN) and then priest,he became a hermit. Disci-
(SS) ples came and so he founded the mon-
6th cent. Welsh monks at Welshpool astery of Corbion near Chartres. He
and afterwards at Bardsey. lived to be over a hundred.

LLIBIO (St) C. AC. Feb 28 LONDON (Martyrs of)

6th cent. The patron saint of Llanllibio Three main groups of post-Reformation
in the isle of Anglesey. martyrs may be listed under the above
heading, namely: those of 1582,

LO (St) Bp. RM. Sept 22 executed for concerned in a

Otherwise Lauto, q.v. spurious plot called the conspiracy of
Reims and Rome; (II) those of 1588,
LOARN (St) C. AC. Aug 30 following on the defeat of the Armada
5th cent. A native of W. Ireland and a (III) those of 1 591, following on a
disciple of St Patrick. Some writers stricter enforcement of the laws against
describe him as a regionary bishop of Catholics. Each martyr receives in this
Downpatrick. book a special notice.

LOCAIE (St) VM. RM. Dec 9 LONGINUS (St) M. RM. March 15

Otherwise Leocadia, q.v. 1st cent. This is name given by
the tra-
dition to the soldier who pierced the
LOLANUS (St) C. AC. Sept 2 side of our Lord hanging on the Cross
d. c. ? 1034. A Scottish bishop. The (John XIX, 34). The centurion who
legend which makes him a native of acknowledged Christ to be the son of
Galilee who preached the gospel in God, after the crucifixion, is also called
Scotland during the 5th century de- Longinus. (Matt. XXVII, 54.) He is
serves no credence. said to have died a martyr in Cappado-
cia, his alleged native country.
LOLLIAN (St) AC. Dec 9
See Samosata Martyrs. LONGINUS (St) M. RM. Apr 24
See Eusebius, Neon, etc.
AC. Feb 17 LONGINUS (St) Bp. M.
d. f.450. Said to have been a nephew of RM. May 2
St Patrick and the first bishop of Trim See Vindemnialis, Eugene and Longi-
in Meath. nus.

LOMBARDS (Martyrs under the) LONGINUS (St) M. RM. June 24

(SS) RM. March 2 See Orentius, Heros, etc.
d. c.579. A group of eighty martyrs slain
by the Lombards in Campania for LONGINUS (St) M. RM. July 21
refusing "to adore the head of a goat" See Victor, Alexander, etc.
(RM.). They are also mentioned by St
Gregory the Great. LONOCHILUS (LONGIS, LENO-
AC. Jan 19 d. 653 and 638. The was a priest

d. 593. A shepherd boy near Chartres, who founded a monastery in Maine,

France. Agnofleda vowed her virginity LOUIS of CORDOVA (St) M.
to God and cast herself on his pro- RM. Apr 30
tection. Both were calumniated as a See Amator, Peter and Louis.
result, but their innocence was proved
miraculously. LOUIS (LUDWIG) von BRUCK (St)
M. •
AC. Apr 30
LORGIUS (St) M. RM. March 2 d. 1429. A boy born of Swiss parents at
See Lucius, Absalom and Lorgius. Ravensburg in Swabia, who was mur-
dered by the Jews at Easter.
r.756. Founder ofmonastery in the
a AC. May 1

forest of Argentan, which was later See John-Louis Bonnard.

called after him Saint-Loyer-des-
Champs. Afterwards he was raised to LOUIS MARY PALAZZOLO (Bl) C.
the see of Seez, which he ruled for Founder AC. June 15
thirty-two years. 1 827-1 886. A native of Bergamo, he
was ordained priest in 1880. A spirit
LOUIS akin to John Bosco, he also applied all
See also under Aloysius. his energy to the Christian education of
young people and adults, the preserva-
LOUIS IBARCHI (St) M. tion of girls, especially children of the
RM. Feb 5 working class, and the care of the sick
1585-1 597. A Japanese boy of twelve and the poor. Heirs to these tasks are
who served Mass for the Franciscan the Congregations he established the —
missionaries in Japan. He was crucified Poor Little Sisters, and the Brothers of
at Nagasaki with twenty-five com- the Holy Family. Beatified in 1963.
panions. Canonized in 1867.
LOUIS NAISEN (Bl) M. AC. July 12
LOUISMARY GRIGNON de 1 61 9-1 626. A Japanese boy of seven
MONTFORT (St) C. RM. Apr 28 years, son of BB John and Monica
1673-171 6. Born in Brittany of poor Naisen. He was beheaded at Nagasaki.
parents. Some charitable persons having Beatified in 1 867.
defrayed the cost of his education, he
was ordained priest in 1700. He became LOUIS CORREA (Bl) M. SJ.
chaplain to a hospital at Nantes, where AC. July 15
he founded the institute of Sisters of the d. 1570. A Jesuit cleric, born at Evora in
Divine Wisdom. He now began his Portugal. A companion of Bl Ignatius
missionary activities throughout France, de Azevedo, q.v.
and in order to train helpers in his
forceful methods of preaching, he LOUIS BERTRAN (Bl) M. OP.
formed, shortly before his death, Mis- AC. July 29
sionaries of the Company of Mary. His d. 1629. Born at Barcelona a kinsman of
writings, especially his little treatise on St Louis Bertran, the apostle of Colom-
"True Devotion to our Lady" are of bia. After his profession in the Domini-
great doctrinal value. He was a Domini- can Order, he was sent to the Philippine
can tertiary, but never a professed Islands in 161 8 and then to Japan,
member of that order. where he worked until his martyrdom.

He was burnt alive with two com- defeated King Henry III of England at
panions at Omura. Beatified in 1867. Taillebourg in 1242. He was the father
of eleven children and a devoted hus-
LOUIS SOMEYON (? MATZUO) band. He led the two crusades: in the
(Bl) M. AC. Aug 17 first he was made prisoner in Egypt,
d. 1627. A Japanese layman, of the third and during the second he died of
order of St Francis, beheaded at dysentery before Tunis. He was canon-
Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. ized, with the universal approbation of
Western Christendom, in 1297.
1274-1 297. Son of Charles II of Anjou, AC. Aug 25
king of Naples, great-nephew of St d. 1624. Born of a noble family at Se-
Louis of France and of St Elisabeth of ville, in Spain, he became a Franciscan
Hungary. He was born probably at at Salamanca. After his ordination he
Nocera and grew up in Provence. He was sent to Manila (1601) and then to
spent seven years as a hostage for his Japan (1603). He was arrested and
father at Barcelona and in Tarragona. shipped back to Spain (161 3), but after
At the age of twenty-three he was a visit to Rome, he returned to Japan
ordained and joined the Friars Minor. (1622). Again arrested at Nagasaki, he
Reluctantly he accepted the see of was burnt alive at Ximabara. Beatified
Toulouse, but died only six months in 1867.
later. Canonized in 13 17.
19 AC. Aug d. 1624. Son of Bl Michael Sasanda, a

1570-1 622. Born at Antwerp, he went martyr at Yeddo, Japan. In 1613, he

with his parents to Mexico, where he accompanied Bl Louis Sotelo to Mexico,
joined the Dominicans. After serving as where he became a Franciscan. In 1622
novice-master, he was sent in 1602 to he was ordained at Manila. Two years
the Philippine Islands. In 1620, while later he was burnt alive at Ximabara,
on a journey, he was captured by the with Bl Louis Sotelo and comp. Beati-
Dutch, handed over to the Japanese, fied in 1867.
tortured, and imprisoned for two years,
and finally burnt alive at Nagasaki. LOUIS BABA (Bl) M. Tert. OFM.
Beatified in 1867. AC. Aug 25
d. 1624. A Japanese catechist. He
LOUIS IX (St) King RM. Aug 25 accompanied Bl Louis Sotelo to Europe.
1 214-1270. Born at Poissy, near Paris, On his return to Japan he was arrested,
he succeeded to the throne under the received the Franciscan habit in prison
regency of his mother Blanche of Castile at Omura, and was burnt alive at
in 1226. He reigned for forty-four years. Ximabara. Beatified in 1867.
In his private life he was more austere
and more prayerful than a religious, as a LOUIS BARREAU de la TOUCHE
ruler he was energetic but considerate to (Bl) M. OSB. AC. Sept 2
his people, especially to the poor, and he d. 1792. A French Benedictine of the
was a brave warrior who knew how to congregation of St Maur, monk of Saint-
lead his armies to victory, as when he Florent-de-Saumur, and nephew of Bl

Augustine Chevreux, with whom he was party" during the troubled period of the
massacred at Paris (see September, Western Schism. He was one of those
Martyrs of). who elected and remained faithful to
the antipope Felix V. On this account
LOUIS MAKI (Bl) M. AC. Sept 7 he was deprived of the cardinalate and
d. 1627. A Japanese layman, burnt alive excommunicated by Eugenius IV. Pope
at Nagasaki for having allowed Bl Nicholas V restored him, and from this
Thomas Tzughi to say Mass in his time till his death Louis attended ex-
house. Beatified in 1867. clusively to the government of his
diocese. In his private life, he was always
a model of virtue.
AC. Sept 8
d. 1628. A Japanese Dominican tertiary, LOUIS CHAKICHI(B1)M. AC. Oct 2
beheaded at Nagasaki with his two sons, d. 1622. A Japanese layman who re-
Francis and Dominic, for having shel- leased Bl Louis Flores from prison at
tered the missionaries. Beatified in 1867. Firando. He was burnt alive at Naga-
saki. His wife and children were be-
LOUIS CAVARA (Bl) M. SJ. headed. Beatified in 1867.
AC. Sept 10
d. 1622. A page at the court of Arima, LOUIS BERTRAN (St) C. OP.
Japan, who was later exiled by the RM. Oct 9
apostate prince, Michael. Received into 1 526-1 58 1. A native of Valencia, in
the Society of Jesus by Bl Charles Spain, and a blood relation of St Vincent
Spinola, he was burnt alive at Nagasaki. Ferrer; like him he was a Dominican.
Beatified in 1867. After filling very successfully the office
of novice-master, he was in 1562 sent to
LOUIS (LUDWIG) (Bl) C. evangelize S. America, and for seven
PC. Sept 11 years worked in what are now Colombia,
1 200-1 227.
Landgrave of Thuringia Panama and some of the West Indian
and husband of St Elisabeth of Hun- islands. Under obedience he returned to
gary. An able ruler and brave warrior, Spain, and served as prior in several
he died at Otranto while following the houses. Canonized in 167 1.
emperor Frederick II to the crusade.
His cult has never been confirmed, but LOUIS MORBIOLI (Bl) C.

is certainly well deserved. AC. Nov 16

1439-1495. A who
native of Bologna,
LOUIS the GREAT (Bl) C. as a young man was notorious for his
PC. Sept 11 loose living, even after hehad contrac-
d. 1382. One of the greatest of the Kings ted marriage. He was converted by
of Hungary; later of Poland too. Fought sickness became a Carmelite tertiary,

for the expansion of the Church in the and went about teaching Christian
Balkans. Never officially beatified, his doctrine to the young, and begging alms
cult is chiefly in Poland. which he gave to the poor. Cult con-
firmed in 1842.
AC. Sept 16 LOUISE degli ALBERTONI (Bl) W.
d. 1450. Appointed archbishop of Aries RM. Jan 31
in 1423 and cardinal shortly after, Louis 474-1 533. A Roman born, she married

was one of the leaders of the "Council James de Citara to whom she bore three


children. After his death she put on the became a disciple of St Comgall and
habit of the third order of St Francis founder of many monasteries (the
and spent her life in works of charity. number is given as 120). His rule was
Cult approved in 1 67 1 most austere, but he was of great ten-
derness to man and beast.
dress RM. March 15 LUBIN (St) Bp. RM. Sept 15
1 591-1660. Born in Paris. She wished Otherwise Leobinus, q.v.
to become a nun, but on the advice of
her confessor, married Antony Le Gras. LUCANUS (St) M. RM. Oct 30
After his death (1625), Louise spent the 5th cent. A
martyr who is believed to
remainder of her life in co-operating have suffered at Lagny, near Paris,
with St Vincent de Paul in the establish- where his relics were enshrined.
ment of the Sisters of Charity. The
sisters took their vows for the first time LUCERIUS (St) Ab. OSB.
in 1638, and Louise remained their AC. Dec 10
superioress till her death. Beatified in d. 739. While still a child he joined the
1920, canonized in 1934. Benedictines of Farfa near Rome under
its restorer, St Thomas of Maurienne,
whom he eventually succeeded as abbot.
Clare AC. July 24
1462-1503. Daughter of Bl Amadeus
LUCHESIUS (Bl) C. AC. Apr 28
IX, duke of Savoy, and cousin of Bl
d. 1260. Born near Poggibonsi, in Um-
Joan of Valois. In 1479 she was married
bria, he married Bl Bonadonna and was
to Hugh of Chalons, who left her a
in business as a grocer, money changer
widow when she was only twenty-seven.
and corn merchant. About the year 1221
She now joined the Poor Clares at Orbe
he and his wife gave themselves to a life
and was employed in collecting food for
of alms-deeds and penance as Francis-
the community, which she did most
can tertiaries. They are venerated as the
graciously and cheerfully. Cult ap-
first to have become tertiaries, but this
proved in 1839.
is not quite established.


AC. Sept 8
A Japanese woman AC. Apr 28
d. 1628. martyred at
Omura. See under Louthiern.

LOUP (St) Bp. RM. July 29 LUCIAN of ANTIOCH (St) M.

Otherwise Lupus of Troyes, q.v. RM. Jan 7
d. 312. A native of Edessa, where he
LOUTHIERN (St) Bp. AC. Oct 17 distinguished himself as a scriptural
6th cent. An Irish saint, patron of St scholar. He where
travelled to Antioch
Ludgran in Cornwall, possibly identical he opened a school of exegesis, and then
with St Luchtighern, abbot of Ennisty- to Nicomedia, where he was martyred
mon, associated with St Ita. after nine years in prison. The Arians
endeavoured to claim the authority of
LUANUS (LUGID, MOLUA) (St) his name for their errors. He is highly
Ab. AC. Aug 4 praised by SS John Chrysostom and
554-609? Originally from Limerick he Jerome.

(SS) MM. RM. Jan 8 See Nemesius and Lucilla.
d. c.2go. Alleged to have been mission-
aries from Rome martyred at Beauvais. LUCILLIAN, CLAUDIUS, HYPA-
LUCIAN (St) M. RM. May 28 MM. RM. June 3
See Emilius, Felix, etc. d. 273. Lucillian is said to have become
a Christian in his old age. He was cruci-
LUCIAN (St) M. RM. June 13 fied at Byzantium, and on the same
See Fortunatus and Lucian. occasion the four youths, mentioned
above, were beheaded. Another version
LUCIAN (St) M. RM. July 7
of the story states that Lucillian was the
See Peregrinus, Lucian, etc. father, the four youths his sons, and
makes Paula (q.v.), a lady commemo-
LUCIAN, FLORIUS and Comp. rated on the same day, their respective

(SS) MM. RM. Oct 26 wife and mother.

A group of martyrs who suf-
d. r .250.
Nicomedia under Decius. Their
fered at
LUCINA (three of the same name)
Acts were fancifully embellished at a
(St) RM. June 30
later date.
Some modern writers affirm that there
were three Roman saints of this name.
(I) St Lucina of apostolic times, men-
tioned in the (spurious) Acts of SS
DRUSUS (SS) MM. Processus and Martinianus. (II) St
RM. Dec 24
Lucina who ministered to the martyrs
? African martyrs who suffered at
under Decius (250). (Ill) St Lucina,
connected with St Sebastian and other
martyrs under Diocletian. The first is
LUCIDIUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 26
? A bishop of Verona, famous for his
commemorated on June 30.
life of prayer and study.
AC. Feb 13
d. C.61S. A courtier who eventually be-
AC. July 28
came bishop of Angers, which see he
d. ? 938. Benedictine monk of St many years.
ruled for
Peter's, near Aquara in S. Italy. He died
as a recluse in the cell of Santa Maria LUCIOLUS (St) M. RM. March 3
del Piano. See Felix, Luciolus, etc.


ANTONINUS, THEODORE and See Paul, Lucius and Cyriacus.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. July 29
d. £.260. A band of twenty-three martyrs LUCIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
who suffered under Gallienus. It seems RM.Febu
that this group should be identified with d. 350. Lucius, bishop of Adrianople,
the three groups commemorated on the played a leading part in the council of
following days: June 24 (SS Faustus, Sardica (347). Under
the protection of
etc.),June 25 (SS Lucy and Comp.), Pope St Julius he returned to Adrian-

July 6 (SS Lucy, Antoninus, etc.). ople, but refused to be in communion

with the Arian bishops condemned at were set apart for their apostolate (Acts
Sardica. On this account he was mar- XIII, i). He is stated to have been "of
tyred with a group of his faithful Cyrene", whence the tradition that he
Catholics by order of the emperor was the first bishop of that city in the
Constantius. Ptolemais (Africa).

LUCIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 15 LUCIUS (St) M. RM. May 23

See Saturninus, Castulus, etc. See Quintian, Lucius, etc.


FRUCTULUS and MAXIMUS (SS) ? The story of Lucius is wrapped in
MM. RM. Feb 18 obscurity.According to the RM. he
? African martyrs, whose names Baroni- came from Cyrene to Cyprus, and this
us inserted in the RM. on the authority, may imply a confusion with Lucius of
he states, of reliable MSS. Cyrene (May 6).

LUCIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 24 LUCIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Sept 10

See Montanus, Lucius, etc. See Nemesian, Felix, etc.


GIUS MM. RM. March 2 See Caius, Faustus, etc.
The names are first met in the martyro-
logy of Usuard. The RM. says they LUCIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 19
were martyred at Caesarea in Cappa- See Ptolemy, Lucius, etc.
LUCIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 25
LUCIUS I (St) Pope M. See Theodosius, Lucius, etc.

RM. March 4
d. 254. He
succeeded St Cornelius as LUCIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 29
Pope in 253, and was at once sent into See Hyacinth, Quintus, etc.
exile. On the death of the emperor
Gallus he returned triumphantly to his LUCIUS, ROGATUS, CASSIAN
flock, but his pontificate lasted only and CANDIDA (SS) MM.
eight months. Although referred to as a RM. Dec 1

martyr by St Cyprian, there is no ? Roman martyrs.

evidence or probability of his having
been put to death; he was a Confessor LUCIUS (St) King. RM. Dec 3
of the faith. d. c .200. King of Britain. According to
a tradition, first heard of in the sixth
LUCIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 22 century, he asked Pope St Eleutherius
See Apelles, Lucius and Clement. (d. r.189) to send missionaries into
where he founded the dioceses
LUCIUS of CYRENE (St) Bp. of London and LlandafF and whence he
RM. May
6 eventually set out as a missionary to the
1 st cent. One of the "prophets and doc- Grisons in Switzerland. Present-day
tors" mentioned as being in the church scholars incline to regard the whole
at Antioch when Paul and Barnabas story as fictitious.

LUCIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 15 to a Portuguese, Philip de Freitas. For
See Faustinus, Lucius, etc. having given shelter to the missionaries
she was burnt alive at Nagasaki on the
LUCRETIA(St)VM. RM. March 15 day of the great martyrdom. Beatified
Otherwise Leocritia, q.v. in 1867.

d. 306. A Spanish maiden, martyred at
RM. Sept 16
Merida (Emerita) in W. Spain.
d. c .300. A Roman widow have
(said to

LUCY (Bl) VM. AC. Feb been 75 years old) and a neophyte, who
were martyred together under Diocle-
1813-1862. A
Chinese school-teacher
tian. Their Acts are untrustworthy.
beheaded at Kuy-tszheu. Beatified in
RM. March
25 d. ? 1304. Born at Caltagirone in Sicily,

1 672-1 732. Born Tuscany, she

in she became a Poor Clare at Salerno.
joined Rosa Venerini at Montefiascone Cult approved in 15 14.
and helped her in the work of training
school-mistresses. This was the origin LUCY CHAKICHI (Bl) M. AC. Oct 2
of the flourishing Italian institute of the d. 1622. The wife of Bl Louis Chakichi,
Maestre Pie, or Filippine, of which St q.v. She was beheaded with her two
Lucy is venerated as the co-foundress. boys, Andrew and Francis (q.v.), at
Canonized in 1930. Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.


Comp. (SS) MM. RM. June 25 OSB. Cam. AC. Nov 7
See the notice of SS Lucilla, etc., of d. 1 2th cent. Born at Bologna, she took
July 29. the Camaldolese habit in the convent of
St Christina, at Settefonti, diocese of
LUCY, ANTONINUS, SEVERI- Bologna. The Camaldolese venerate her
NUS, DIODORUS, DION and as the foundress of their sisterhoods.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. July 6
See the notice of SS. Lucilla, etc., of LUCY BROCOLELLI (Bl) V. Tert.
July 29. OP. AC. Nov 15
LUCY BUFALARI (Bl) V. OSA. 1476-1544. Born at Narni in Umbria,
after three years of virginal wedlock she
AC. July 27
d. 1350. Born at Castel Porziano, near
was allowed by her husband to become
a Dominican regular tertiary at Viterbo,
Rome, a sister of Bl John of Rieti, she
took the veil in the Augustinian convent where she received the Stigmata. In
of Amelia where she became prioress. 1499 she was sent as the first prioress of
She the convent of Ferrara, but she proved
is venerated as patroness against
diabolical possession. Cult confirmed in
a very incapable superior, and was de-
posed, treated with un-Christian cruelty
by her successor, and forgotten by all.

LUCY de FREITAS (Bl) M. Thus she lived thirty-nine years without

AC. Sept 10 ever complaining. Cult confirmed in
d. 1622. Of Japanese birth, but married 1710.

RM. Dec 13 AC. Aug 13
d. 304. A maiden who
Sicilian suffered d. 983.Abbot of New Corvey in West-
at Syracuse under Diocletian. She is one phalia from 971 to 983. During his
of the most famous of the Western abbacy there was a marked revival of the
virgin-martyrs, and is still daily com- monastic school and studies.
memorated in the canon of the Mass.
Her Acta, however, though written be- LUDOLPH (Bl) OSB. PC.
fore the 6th century, are unfortunately nth cent.? Abbot founder of Fontoa-
not trustworthy. vellana. It is not certain what rule they
followed; apparently there were ele-
LUDAN (LUDEN, LOUDAIN) (St) ments from St Benedict, and others
C. AC. Feb 12 from St Columban, or they may have
d. r.1202. The saint of this name hon- been Camaldolese, following a visit from
oured at Scherkirchen in Alsace is said St Romuald.
to have been a Scottish or Irish pilgrim
who died in that country on his way LUDOVICUS PAVONI (Bl) C.
back from Jerusalem. Founder AC. Apr 1

1784-1 849. From the cradle to the

LUDGER (St) Bp. OSB. grave his life was lived in his native
RM. March
26 Brescia. Ordained in 1807 he did not
d. 809. A Frisian by birth, educated
spare himself in the fulfilment of priestly
under St Gregory in the abbey school of tasks, particularly in the care of the
Utrecht and under Bl Alcuin in Eng-
young. This ideal urged him to create
land. Returning to his fatherland as a
the religious institute known as the
missionary, he worked chiefly in West-
Sons of Mary Immaculate. Beatified in
phalia, of which he is the apostle. His
gentleness did more to attract the
Saxons to Christ than all the armies of LUDWIN (LEODWIN, etc.) (St) Bp.
Charlemagne. He lived for a time at OSB. AC. Sept 29
Montecassino, learning the Benedictine d. 713. Born in Austrasia and educated
observance. He was the founder and under St Basinus, he married early in
the first bishop of Munster. life. Left a widower, he founded the

abbey of Mettlach (Mediolacus) and be-

LUDMILLA (St) M. AC. Sept 16 came a monk there. Later he was raised
d. 921. Duchess of Bohemia entrusted
to the see of Treves.
with the education of the young prince
St Wenceslaus. She fell a victim to the LUFTHILD (St) V. AC. Jan 23
jealousy of her daughter-in-law, by d. ? 850. A saint honoured in the neigh-
whose orders she was strangled by hired bourhood of Cologne. She is said to have
assassins at Tetin. lived as an anchoress in that locality.

LUDOLPH (St) Bp. O. Praem. LUKE (St) M. RM. Feb 6

AC. March 29 See Silvanus, Luke, etc.
d. 1250. A Premonstratensian canon
who became bishop of Ratzeburg and LUKE the YOUNGER AC. Feb 7
had to endure much persecution at the d. ^946. A Greek farm labourer who
hands of the Duke Albert of Sachsen- was admitted as a novice to a monastery
Lauenberg. at Athens, and became a solitary on

Mt Joannitza, near Corinth. He worked Celestine congregation. Pope Nicholas
so many miracles in this place that it V appointed him general of the Celes-
was known as Soterion (place of healing) tines.
and he himself as the Thaumaturgus
(the wonder-worker). LUKE BANFY (Bl) Bp. M.
PC. Aug 28
LUKE BELLUDI (Bl) C. OFM. d. Primate of Hungary and
AC. Feb 17 Archbishop of Esztergom, he defended
1 200-1 285. He received the Franciscan the Church against royal despotism. His
habit from St Francis himself at Padua canonization, started by Gregory IX,
and became the intimate associate of was interrupted by the Tartar invasion
St Antony of Padua, at whose death he of Hungary.
assisted. On his own death he was laid
in the empty tomb from which the body LUKE (St) M. RM. Sept 10
of St Antony had been taken. Cult See Apelles, Lucius and Clement.
confirmed in 1927.
LUKE (St) Evangelist RM. Oct 18
LUKE (St) M. RM. Apr 22
1 st cent. A Greek of Antioch, and a
See Parmenius and Comp.
physician by profession, who became
the fellow worker of St Paul and re-
LUKE KIRBY (Bl) M. AC. May 30
mained with him till the great apostle's
d. 1582. Born N. England and edu-
martyrdom. He wrote the third gospel
cated, probably, at Cambridge. After
his conversion he studied for the priest-
— "St Paul's Gospel"— and the Acts of
the Apostles. The later tradition that he
hood at Rome and Douai. On his return
to England as a priest (1580) he was
was a painter seems to be based on the
picturesque style of his narrative. There
arrested and subjected in the Tower to
is no evidence that he died a martyr.
the terrible torture known as the "sca-
venger's daughter". He was finally mar-
tyred at Tyburn.
PC. Dec 5
LUKE BANABAKIUTU (St) M. 14th cent. A Hungarian Pauline hermit,
RM. June 3 friend and confessor of King Louis the
d. 1886. A Negro, baptized in 188 1 and Great (1 342-1 382).

burnt alive at Namuyongo in Uganda.

See Uganda (Martyrs of). LULLUS (St) Bp. OSB.
RM. Oct 16
LUKE LOAN (Bl) M. AC. June 4 d. 787. An Anglo-Saxon monk of Mal-
1 756-1 840. An old priest, native of mesbury, and a kinsman of St Boniface,
Tonkin, beheaded for his priesthood. whom he joined in Germany, becoming
his archdeacon and chief assistant. In
LUKE KIEMON (Bl) M. AC. Aug 17 751 he was sent to Rome, and on his
d. 1627. A native of Japan, and a Fran- return Boniface consecrated him region-
ciscan tertiary, beheaded at Nagasaki. ary bishop and his coadjutor in the see
Beatified in 1867. of Mainz, which he ruled after his
master's martyrdom.
AC. Aug 24 LUNAIRE (St) Bp. AC. July 1

d. f.1460. A Benedictine monk of the Otherwise Leonorius, q.v.

LUPERCULUS (LUPERCUS) (St) husband and wife separated by mutual
Bp. M. AC. March i consent, Lupus becoming a monk at
300. A French, or Spanish, martyr under Lerins. In 426 he was made bishop of
Diocletian. He is venerated chiefly at Troyes. In the course of his episcopate
Tarbes, near Lourdes. he accompanied St Germanus of
Auxerre to Britain to rid the country of
LUPERCUS (St) M. RM. Apr 16 Pelagianism, and in 453 he succeeded
See Saragossa (Martyrs of). in saving Troyes from being sacked by
Attila. He died at the age of ninety-
LUPERCUS (St) M. RM. Oct 30 four.
See Claudius, Lupercus and Victorius.
LUPUS of SENS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 1
d. 623. A monk of Lerins who became
LUPERIUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 15
bishop of Sens in 609. He was slandered
6th (or 8th) cent. A bishop of Verona,
and banished from his see under Clo-
of whom nothing further is known.
taire, but was recalled by his own people
and his cause fully vindicated.
RM. Feb 3
5th cent. Described in the Martyro-
logies as bishops of Lyons. To St
Sept 25
Lupicinus is usually assigned the date
d. 542. A monk of a monastery near
Lyons who became archbishop of that
486. Nothing else is known of either
see.He had much to suffer in the politi-
cal troubles which followed the death
of St Sigismund, king of Burgundy.
LUPICINUS (St) Ab. RM. March 21
d. f.480. Brother of St Romanus of
Condat (Feb 28), with whom he founded LUPUS (St) M. RM. Oct 14
See Saturninus and Lupus.
the abbeys of St Claud (Condat) in the
Jura and Lauconne.
LUPICINUS (St) Bp. RM. May AC. Oct 19
5th cent. Bishop of Verona, described as
d. f.540. A
nephew of St Remigius of
"the most holy, the best of bishops".
Reims who became bishop of Soissons.

LUPUS (St) M. RM. Aug 23

? A slave who gave his life for Christ.
AC. Oct 25
5th cent. A bishop of Bayeux, said to
have ruled that diocese about the year
AC. Jan 27 465-

d. c.610. Bishop of Chalons-sur-Saone, LUPUS of VERONA (St) Bp.

famous for his charity to the afflicted. RM. Dec 2
We have a letter of St Gregory the ? A bishop of Verona of whom nothing
Great addressed to him 601. is known save the bare name.


RM. July 29 RM. June 16
384-478. A native of Toul who married 1 182-1246. Born at Tongres in Bra-
the sister of St Hilary. After seven years bant, she became a Black Benedictine


nun at the age of twenty, and after some its dye-works, whence Lydia's trade
years, in order to escape being made purpuraria, purple seller. She was at

abbess she migrated to the Cistercian Philippi in Macedonia when she be-
nunnery of Aywieres. Here she lived for came St Paul's first convert in Europe
thirty wonderful
years a life full of and afterwards his hostess (Acts XVI,
mystical experiences: she is an out- H-I5).
standing figure among the women
mystics of the Middle Ages. She was LYDWINA of SCHIEDAM (Bl) V.
blind for eleven years before her death. AC. Apr
1380-1433. In the words of her proper
LUXORIUS, CISELLUS and office she was "a prodigy of human
CAMERINUS (SS) MM. RM. Aug 21 suffering and heroic patience". The
d. r.303. Sardinian martyrs, beheaded daughter of a labourer, at the age of
under According to his
Diocletian. sixteen she met with an accident and
Passio Luxorius had been a soldier in became completely bedridden. The
the imperial army; the other two were disease increased in virulence up to the
boys whom he encouraged to brave moment of her death. Through it all
martyrdom. she was favoured by God with mystical
experiences. She suffered greatly.
(SS) W. MM. RM. June 15 LYE (several)
d. 303. Martyrs under Diocletian, at Note. Both St Leo of Troyes (May 25)
Palmyra in Syria. Lybe was beheaded; and St Leo of Melun (Nov 10) are fre-
Leonis, her sister, died at the stake and ; quently called Lie or Lye, which is also
Eutropia, a girl of twelve, was, by order a French form of Laetus.
of the judge, used as a target for the
soldiers to shoot at. LYONS and VIENNE (Martyrs of)
RM. June 2
LYBOSUS (St) M. RM. Dec 29 See Photinus (Pothinus), Sanctius, etc.
See Dominic, Victor, etc.
LYCARION (St) M. RM. June 7 AC. Sept 1

?A martyr who suffered in Egypt. ? Titular saint of two Welsh churches

in the Llandaff diocese.
LYDIA (St) M. RM. March 27
See Philetus, Lydia, etc. LYUTIUS (St) H. OSB.
? AC. July 28

LYDIA PURPURARIA (St) Matron d. r.1038. A monk of Montecassino,

RM. Aug 3 who died as a hermit at La Cava. Some
1 st cent. A native of Thyatira (now Ak- writers identify him with St Lucidus,
Hissar), a city in Asia Minor famous for q.v.

MABYN (St) AC. Sept 21 his abode in the desert of Nitria. Lucius,
6th cent. Welsh and Cornish saints, the intruded Arian patriarch of Alexan-
Mabyn, Mabon, Mabenna, are associ- dria, banished him on account of his
ated with St Teilo, and have originated unflinching orthodoxy.
some place-names, but nothing definite
can be stated in regard to them. One of MACARIUS the ELDER (St) H.
the daughters of the chieftain Brychan RM. Jan 15
of Brecknock is venerated as St £.306-390. Known also as "Macarius
Mabenna; and the place-name Ruabon of Egypt" or "the Great". Born in
(Denbighshire) perpetuates the name Upper Egypt, in his youth he retired
of another saint of similar name. to a solitary hut, where he combined
assiduous prayer with the tending of
MACAILLE (St) Bp. AC. Apr 25 sheep and the plaiting of baskets. To
A disciple of Mel who became
d. f.489. escape notice he migrated to the desert
bishop of Croghan, Offaly. He assisted of Skete, where he was promoted to the
St Mel in receiving Brigid's vows. He priesthood and passed the remaining
seems to be other than his contem- 60 years of his life. His chief duty was
porary, St Maccai, also a disciple of to say daily Mass for the several
St Patrick, venerated in the isle of thousand members of the monastic
Bute. colony. He was banished for a time for
having upheld the Catholic faith against
MACANISIUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 3 the Arians.
d. 514. Or Aengus Mc Nisse. He is said
to have been baptized as an infant by MACARIUS, RUFINUS, JUSTUS
St Patrick, by whom he is also alleged and THEOPHILUS (SS) MM.
to have been consecrated bishop. He RM. Feb
became the abbot-founder of a monas- d. f.250. Martyrs under Decius. The
tery, probably at Kells, which grew into RM. claims them for Rome; other mar-
the diocese of Connor. tyrologies for Alexandria. They are said
to have been potters by trade.
See Januarius, Maxima, etc. Bp. RM. March 10
d. c.335. Bishop of Jerusalem from 314
MACARIUS the YOUNGER (St) H. till his death. It is said that during his

RM. Jan 2 episcopate St Helen found the True

d. c .408. Surnamed also "of Alexandria". Cross and that it was he who identified
He is said to have abandoned the trade it. He planned Constantine's basilica of

of a fruiterer to become a monk in the the Holy Sepulchre and of the Resurrec-
Thebaid in Upper Egypt, f.335. Thence tion, which was completed before his
passing into Lower Egypt, he took up death.

WORKER (St) Ab. RM. Apr i This Macarius, who suffered at Alexan-
d. 830. Abbot of Pelecete, near Constan- dria, also seems to be identical with
tinople. He was singled out as the special those noticed under Feb 28 and Oct 30.
object of their persecution by the icon-
oclast emperors Leo the Armenian MACARIUS the SCOT (Bl) Ab.
and Michael Stammerer. After
the OSB. AC. Dec 19
several years in prison he died in exile. d. 1 153. A Benedictine monk who
crossed over to Wurzburg from Scotland
MACARIUS of ANTIOCH (St) Bp. (or Ireland) and was elected first abbot
RM. Apr 10 of St James's monastery, founded by
d. 1012. Said to have been a native of Bishop Embricho (1125-1146).
Antioch in Pisidia and a bishop, who
travelled westward as a pilgrim and was MACARIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 20
received by the Benedictines of St Bavo, See Eugene and Macarius.
Ghent, in whose hospice he died of the
plague, then raging in Belgium. MACARTIN (MACARTAN,
MACARIUS (St) Bp. RM. June 20 AC. March 24
d. f.350. A bishop of Petra in Palestine.
d. £.505. An early disciple and com-
panion of St Patrick, by whom he is
He took part in the council of Sardica
said to have been consecrated bishop
against the Arians, who succeeded in
of Clogher. His name in Irish is Aedh
securing his banishment to Africa, where
he died. His name was originally Arius,
mac Carthin.

but he has been renamed Macarius to

distinguish him from the founder of MACCABEAN MARTYRS (SS)

Arianism, whom Macarius opposed

RM. Aug 1

See Machabees.
throughout his life.

MACCALDUS (St) Bp. AC. Dec 28

MACARIUS and JULIAN (SS) MM. Otherwise Maughold, q.v.
RM. Aug 12
? Described by the RM. as martyrs of
Syria. The earlier martyrologies treat
OSB. AC. Jan 21
them as confessors; possibly they were
d. 978. An Irishman who made a pil-
grimage to St Fursey's shrine at Peronne,
and entered the Benedictine abbey of
MACARIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 5
Gorze. Later he became a hermit and
See Eudoxius, Zeno, etc.
later still abbot of St MichaePs monas-
tery at Thierache and Waulsort (Valcio-
MACARIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 6 dorum), near Dinant, on the R. Meuse.
See Faustus, Macarius and Comp.
RM. Oct 30 AC. Sept 6
d. £.250. The RM. places them at d. £.497. An Irish bishop of Lusk, who is
Alexandria but they seem to be identical venerated also in Scotland, which
with the group noticed under Feb 28. country he is known to have visited.

MACDARA (St) VII), all Jews and probably natives of
The saint who has given its name to St Antioch, martyred under Antiochus IV
Macdaras Island off the coast of Galway. Epiphanes for refusing to eat the flesh
of swine forbidden by the Jewish
MACEDO (St) M. RM. March 27 Torah. Their relics are said to be en-
See Philetus, Lydia, etc. shrined in the church of St Peter ad
vinculo, in Rome.
d. £.430. A Syrian hermit who wandered MACHABEO (GILDA-MARCHAI-
for forty years in Syria, Phoenicia and BEO) (St) Ab. AC. March 31
Cilicia, living all the time on barley; 1104-1174. An Irishman, abbot of the
hence his surname of Kritophagos "the monastery of SS Peter and Paul at
barley-eater". Armagh from 113^ till his death.


MODESTA (SS) MM. 5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick, who
RM. March 13 founded a monastery in the isle of Bute.
d. £.304. A
group of three martyrs,
husband, wife and daughter, whom the MACHAN (St) Bp. AC. Sept 28
RM. assigns to Nicomedia. Earlier ? A Scottish saint trained in Ireland
martyrologies extend the group to and consecrated bishop in Rome.
twenty-two names.
AC. Apr 25 6th cent. An Irishman by birth, he was
d. 516. A patriarch of Constantinople baptized by St Colman and became a
who suffered deportation for his zeal in disciple of St Columba at Iona. After-
defence of the Council of Chalcedon. wards he was sent with twelve disciples
He died in exile. to convert the Picts, and fixed his
episcopal residence at Old Aberdeen.
d. 362. Martyrs of Phrygia, roasted alive AC. Nov 15
on gridirons at Mevos for having broken 7th cent. Abbot-founder of Llanfechell
into the temple and destroyed the idols (Anglesey).
during the restoration of paganism
under Julian the Apostate. MACHUTUS (MACLOVIUS) (St)
Bp. RM. Nov 15
MACERATUS (St) M. Otherwise Malo, q.v.
See Peregrinus, Maceratus, etc.
MACHABEES (SS) MM. RM.Augi AC. March 10
d. 166 B.C. These are the only saints of Otherwise Kessog, q.v.
the Old Testament liturgically vener-
ated in the Western Church. Prominent MACRA (St) VM. 6 RM. Jan
among them were by name
a scribe d. 287. A maiden of Reims,
martyred at
Eleazar, ninety years of age, and a Fismes in Champagne under the prefect
mother with her seven sons (2 Mac. VI, Rictiovarus, before the outbreak of the

persecution under Diocletian. In art she tyrs have been confused with those of
is usually represented with a pair of Sept 17, Valerian, Macrinus (Macro-
pincers in her hand, in memory of one bius) and Gordian (Julian).
of the fiendish tortures to which she
was subjected. MACULL (St) Bp. AC. Apr 25
Otherwise Maughold, q.v.
d. f.340. The paternal grandmother of AC. Sept 7
SS and Gregory of Nyssa. In her
Basil d. 706.Daughter of SS Vincent Madel-
youth she had been directed by St garus and Waldetrudis. She was
Gregory Thaumaturgus, and during the educated by her aunt, St Aldegund, the
persecution of Diocletian she and her foundress of Maubeuge, where she took
husband were forced to remain con- the veil. About the year 697 she suc-
cealed for seven years or more in a ceeded her sister, St Aldetrudis, as
hiding place on the shores of the Black abbess.
Sea. They had much to suffer later
under Licinius. Nevertheless they suc- MADELEINE (several)
ceeded in rearing one of the most French form of Magdalen. See under
saintly families in Cappadocia. Mary Magdalen.


July 19 MAUGUILLE) (St) H. OSB.
d. c .380. Granddaughter of St Macrina AC. May 30
the Elder (v. Jan 14) and eldest daughter d. f.655. An Irish monk, disciple and
of SS Basil and Emmelia. She was one trusted confidant of St Fursey. After
of ten children among whom were SS some years of monastic life at St Riquier,
Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa. he, together with St Pulgan, retired to a
She helped her parents in the training solitude, near Monstrelet, where he died.
of her younger brothers and sisters and
afterwards became a nun and abbess. MADEN (MADERN, MADRON)
(St) C. AC. May 17
MACRINA (St) VM. RM. July 20 d. £.545. A
Breton hermit of Cornish
Otherwise Margaret, q.v. descent, to whom many churches are
dedicated, the most noted being that at
MACRINUS (St) M. RM. Sept 17 St Madern's Well in Cornwall, the
See Valerian, Macrinus and Gordian. reputed site of his hermitage.

MACROBIUS (St) M. RM. July 20 MADIR (St) M. RM. March 3

See Sabinus, Julian, etc. Otherwise Hermiterius, q.v.


MM. RM. Sept 13 AC. ? Jan 31
d. Martyrs who seem to have
f.321. ? A saint who has left his name to a

suffered under Licinius —

Macrobius, a place in the Carse of Gowrie. Some
Cappadocian, at Tomis on the Black identify him with St Modoc or Aidan of
Sea, and Julian, a priest, in Galatia. It Ferns. Another tradition makes of him
appears, however, that these two mar- a fellow missionary to Scotland with St

Boniface Quiritinus or Curitan, who MAETHLU (St) C. AC. Dec 22
appears to have been sent from Rome Otherwise Amaethlu, q.v.
to preach in N. Britain. It seems impos-
sible to disentangle the facts from the MAFALDA (St) N. OSB. Cist.
legendary accretions. AC. May 2
203-1 252. Daughter of King Sancho

MADRUN (MATERIANA) (St) W. II of Portugal. At the age of twelve she

AC. Apr 9 was married to King Henry I of Castile,
5th cent. A
Welsh or Cornish saint to but her marriage was declared null by
whom some Welsh churches are dedi- the Holy See on account of consan-
cated. guinity. She at once entered the Cister-
cian nunnery of Arouca in Portugal and
MAEDHOG (AEDHAN, there professed the Benedictine Rule.
MOGUE) (St) Ab. AC. Apr 11 Cult, as a saint, approved in 1793.
6th cent. An whose chief
Irish abbot,
monastery was at Clonmore. He was
MAGDALEN (several)
closely associated with SS Onchu and
See under Mary Magdalen.


EDAN, AIDUS) (St) Bp. AC. Jan 31
MAUVE) (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 5
d. £.776. Born Verdun, he became a
Otherwise Aidan, q.v.
monk of St Vannes, and afterwards
(f.736) bishop of his native city.
MAEL (MAHEL) (St) C. AC. May 13
6th cent. A disciple of St Cadfan with
whom he came from Brittany into Wales. MAGENULPUS (St) C. AC. Oct 5
He became one of the solitaries of the Otherwise Meinuph, q.v.

isle of Bardsey.
MAGI (Three Holy Kings):
AC. July 3 and MELCHIOR (SS) AC. Jan 6
d. ^.1167. Maelmuire O'Gorman was 1st cent. According to a very ancient,
an abbot of Knock (Louth), and is best though not altogether constant tradition
known as a composer in Irish verse of the Wise Men from the East were three
an Irish menology. in number (Matt. II). The idea, traced
back to the 6th century, that they were
MAELRHYS (St) C. AC. Jan 1 kings was almost certainly suggested by
6th cent. A saint of the isle of Bardsey, the passage in the psalm "The kings of:

probably a Breton by birth, venerated Tharsis and the islands shall offer
in N. Wales. presents ; the kings of the Arabians and
of Saba shall bring gifts." Names were
MAELRUBIUS (MAOLRUBHA) attributed to them as early as the 8th
(St) C. AC. Apr 21 century. A magnificent medieval shrine
d. 724. A member
of St Comgall's in Cologne cathedral contains their
community at Bangor, who migrated to reputed bones.
Iona. He afterwards founded a church
at Applecross on the N.W. coast of MAGINA (St) M. RM. Dec 3
Scotland. Cult approved in 1898. See Claudius, Crispinus, etc.

MAGINUS (Catalan: MAGI) (St) M. MAGNUS (St) M. AC. Apr 16
RM. Aug 25 d. 1 1 16. A native of the Orkneys, over
d. f.304. Born at Tarragona, in Spain, which he was set as governor by the
he evangelized the people of the Montes king of Norway, the then overlord of
Brufagani near his native city, and was the islands. When his life was threat-
finally beheaded under Diocletian. ened by conspirators, he escaped to the
court of Scotland, where he gave himself
MAGLORIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 24 up to a life of penance. In the end he was
d. c .586. Maglorius, or Maelor, was born murdered by his cousin Hakon for
in S. Wales and educated under St political reasons, but has nevertheless
Illtyd. He was a kinsman of St Samson, been always venerated as a martyr.
with whom he crossed over to Brittany,
where they became abbots of two MAGNUS (St) M. RM. Aug 6
monasteries, St Samson of Dol and St See Sixtus II and Comp.
Maglorius of Lammeur. St Samson
became moreover bishop of Dol, and MAGNUS of ANAGNI (St) Bp. M.
on his death he is said to have been RM. Aug 19
succeeded by St Maglorius, who finally d. f.250.In the RM. he is described as
retired to the Channel Islands and built a bishop martyred under Decius. Actu-
an abbey on Sark, where he died. ally he seems to be a duplicate of St
Andrew the Tribune, q.v. (Aug 19),
MAGNERICUS (St) Bp. RM. July 25 surnamed by the Greeks "the Megalo-
d. 596. Of Frankish descent, he was the martyr" and listed in the martyro-
firstof his race to be raised to the see of logies as Andreas Tribunus Magnus
Treves (r.566). He was an intimate Martyr. Apparently a scribe put a
friend of St Gregory of Tours, and one comma after Tribunus, and thus made
of the most illustrious of the prelates of one martyr into two.
his time.
MAGNUS (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Aug 19
MAGNOALDUS (St) Ab. AC. Sept 6 d. 660. Born
Avignon, he was ap-
Otherwise Magnus, q.v. pointed governor of the city. After his
wife's death he joined the monks of
MAGNOBODUS (MAINBOEUF) Lerins, whither his son St Agricola had
(St) Bp. AC. Oct 16 preceded him. In 656 he was raised to
d. f.670. A Frank of noble birth, ap- the see of Avignon. His existence is
pointed at the demand of the people doubtful, as he is first mentioned in a
bishop of Angers. document of 1458, and his cult cannot
be traced. There was, however, a bishop
MAGNUS (St) M. RM. Jan 1 named Magnus at the Council of
A martyr mentioned in the RM., of Chalons-sur-Saone (630).
whom nothing is known.
RM. Feb 4 ? They probably belong to the group of
See Aquilinus, Geminus, etc. seventeen martyrs (SS Rufinus, Sil-
vanus, put to death at Ancyra in
MAGNUS (St) M. RM. Feb 15 Galatia. Their names seem to have been
See Saturninus, Castulus, etc. separated from the remainder of the

group, whose entry occurs on the same MAIDOC (MO-MHAEDOG) (St)
day. Ab. AC. March 23
5th cent. An Irish abbot of Fiddown in
MAGINOLD, MANG, etc.) (St) Ab.
OSB. AC. Sept 6 MAILDULF (St) Ab. AC. May 17
d. £.666. A fellow-missionary with the d. 673. An
Irishman by birth who came
Irish saints Columbanus and Gall. He to England and founded the great
became the abbot-founder of Fussen in abbey of Malmesbury, where he had St
Bavaria. Aldhelm among his disciples, and where
he ended his days.
MAGNUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 6
d. c.66o. A Venetian born, who became MAIMBOD (St) M. AC. Jan 23
bishop of Oderzo in the province of d. £.880. An Irish missionary who was
Treviso, on the Adriatic. In 638, owing put to death by pagans while evangeliz-
to the incursions of the Lombards, he ing the country people near Kalten-
transferred his see to Citta Nuova, then brunn in Alsace, diocese of Besancon.
called Heraclea in honour of the em-
peror Heraclius. MAINARD (Bl) Ab. OSB.
AC. Dec 10
(St) RM. Nov 5 d. Abbot and founder of the
d. 525. Archbishop of Milan from f.520 monastery and Congregation of the
to 525. Little further is known about Holy Cross at Sassovivo in the diocese
him. of Foligno.


Otherwise Madelgisilus, q.v. MEEN) (St) C. AC. June 21
d. 617. A Welsh or Cornish disciple of
MAHARSAPOR (St)M. AC. Oct 10 St Samson, whom he accompanied to
d. 421. A Persian who was martyred Brittany. He founded there the monas-
under Varanes V. After a three years* tery since known as Saint-Meon. He
imprisonment he was thrown into a pit died at a great age.
and left to die of starvation.
MAIDOC (MADOC) (St) Bp. Ab. OSB. RM.Mayn
AC. Feb 28 f.906-994. Born at Avignon, he studied
There Welsh and Irish saints
are several at Lyons and while still very young he
of this name. Hardy gives the following was chosen archdeacon of Macon. He
Edan, Aldus,
variants: Aidnus, Aidan, was offered the see of Besancon, but he
Edus, Eda, Maidoc, Maedoc, Modoc, fled instead to Cluny and became a
Modog, Moedoc, Moeg, Mogue, monk there, and shortly after, in 954,
Madog. The best known saints of this was made abbot-coadjutor to St Aymard.
name are St Aidan of Ferns (Jan 31) In 965 he succeeded as the head of the
and St Aidan of Lindisfarne (Aug 31). Cluniac congregation, which under him
The St Maidoc assigned to Feb 28 may grew and spread throughout W. Europe.
be the 6th century abbot-bishop after He was the friend of emperors and
whom Llanmadog in Glamorganshire popes and several times refused the
is called. tiara. He died at Souvigny.

MAJORICUS (St) M. RM. Dec 6 MALCHUS (St) M. RM. March 28
d. f.490.According to the RM. he was See Priscus, Malchus and Alexander.
the son of St Dionysia, who encouraged
him to suffer martyrdom and buried MALCHUS (St) Bp. OSB.
him in her own house. For the account AC. Apr 10
given by Victor of Utica see Dionysia, d. 1 2th cent. An Irishman who became a
Dativa, etc. The martyrdom took place monk of Winchester in England and was
in Africa under the Arian Hunneric the consecrated by St Anselm first bishop of
Vandal. Waterford. He was one of the preceptors
of St Malachy O'More. His life has
MALACHY (St) Prophet RM.Jani 4 been confused with those of several
5th cent. B.C. The last of the twelve
among his contemporaries.
Minor Prophets. The tradition is that
he was a native of Sapha. The Jews
erroneously identify him with Esdras
MALCHUS (St) H. RM. Oct 21

(Ezra). d. £.390. A Syrian monk at Chalcis near

Antioch. After about twenty years of
MALACHY O'MORE (St) Bp. monastic life he was kidnapped by the
RM. Nov 3 Bedouins, who sold him for a slave. He
1095-1148. Maolmhaodhog ua Morgair was given an already married woman to
was born at Armagh and ordained priest wife, but they lived as brother and
by St Celsus. He was successively vicar sister. After some seven years of bondage
general to St Celsus, abbot of Bangor, they succeeded in escaping together and
bishop of Connor and archbishop of Malchus returned to his monastery. St
Armagh (1132). He worked zealously to Jerome knew him there and wrote his
restore ecclesiastical discipline and suc- life.
ceeded in replacing once and for all
the Celtic liturgy by the Roman. In 1 138 MALCOLDIA (Bl) H. OSB.
he resigned the primatial see and made AC. March 15
a pilgrimage to Rome, staying for a d. r.1090. Benedictine nun and then a
while at Clairvaux, then at the acme of recluse near the abbey church of St
itsfame under St Bernard. He wished Anastasia, at Asti.
to remain a monk there, but this was
not allowed by the pope. Instead he left
at Clairvaux several young Irishmen
(St) Bp. RM. Nov 15
who four years later were the pioneer d. 621. A Welshman who became a
monks of Mellifont abbey in Ireland. monk at Llancarfan and eventually
He made a second pilgrimage to Rome migrated to Brittany with a band of
and on his way back died at Clairvaux
Welsh missionaries. He settled at a
in St Bernard's arms. He was formally
place called Alethnow St Malo —of
canonized in 1190. The "prophecies of
which he is recognized as the first
the popes" attributed to him were first
bishop. For a time he was banished and
found in Rome in 1590 that is, over — resided at Saintes.
four centuries after his death.

MALARD (St) Bp. AC. Jan 15 MALRUBIUS (St) M. AC. Aug 27

d. ^.650. A bishop of Chartres who took d. c. 104.0. An anchorite in Merns (Kin-
part in the council of Chalon-sur- cardineshire) Scotland. He was mar-
Saone (650). tyred by Norwegian invaders.

MAMAS (MAMMAS, MAMANS) Apostles (XIII, 1) as the foster-brother
(St) M. RM. Aug 17 of King Herod Antipas and as a prophet.
d. £.275. A shepherd of Caesarea in He is supposed to have died at Antioch
Cappadocia, martyred under Aurelian. in Syria.
He is greatly venerated throughout the
East. His Acta are not reliable.
AC. Oct 14
MAMELTA (St) M. RM. Oct 17 6th cent. A
Welshman, abbot of Holy-
d. f.344. Said to have been a heathen head, connected with St Cuby. He ap-
priestess at Bethfarme in Persia, who, pears to have died in Cornwall. Manac-

on being converted to Christ, was stoned can (Minster), near Falmouth, is said

and finally drowned in a lake. to owe its name to him.


MANCIUS (St) RM. March 15

AC. March 30
5th (or 6th?) cent. Of Roman origin, he
appears to have been bought as a slave
d. £.462. A convert of St Germanus, he
by Jewish traders and taken to Evora in
became a monk, and then abbot, of SS
Portugal, where he was martyred by his
Cosmas and Damian at Auxerre in


(St)Bp. RM. May 11 AC. July

d. 475. Archbishop of Vienne, 461-475.

d. 1626. A Japanese layman, brother of
Bl Matthew Araki. For giving shelter to
He is best remembered as the originator
the missionaries he was imprisoned at
of the Rogation Days before the Ascen-
Omura, where he died of consumption.
sion,which he established in his diocese
His body was burnt at Nagasaki (July
in consequence of the many calamities
12). Beatified in 1867.
which afflicted his people.


M. RM. March 12 (Bl) M. OP. AC. July 29
d. 1629. An aged catechist,burnt alive
? A Roman martyr, of whom nothing
definite is known.
at Omura with Bl Louis Bertran. Beati-
fied in 1867.
MAMILIAN (St) Bp. AC. Sept 15
d. 460. A bishop of Palermo in Sicily, MANCIUS of ST THOMAS (Bl) M.
said to have been exiled to Tuscany by OP. AC. Sept 12
the Arian king Genseric. His relics were d. 1622. A
Japanese catechist impri-
eventually taken back to Palermo. soned and burnt alive with Bl Thomas
Zumarraga and companions at Omura.
MAMILLUS (St) M. RM. March 8 Beatified in 1867.
See Cyril, Rogatus, etc.
MAMMEA (St) M. RM. Aug 27 AC. Sept 25
Otherwise Mannea. See Marcellinus, d. 1630.A native of Japan, and a ter-
Mannea, etc. tiary of St Augustine, beheaded at
Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
MANAHEN (St) Prophet
RM. May 24 MANCUS (St) AC. May 31
1 st cent. Mentioned in the Acts of the See Winnow, Mancus and Myrbad.

MANDAL (St) M. RM. June 10 MANNUS (St) M. RM. Feb 4
See Basilides, Tripos, etc. Otherwise Magnus, q.v.


(St) V. 14AC. Oct d. c .690. A Roman by birth, he was ap-
d. £.490. Born at Perthois, she was the pointed to the see of Milan (^.672) and
youngest of seven sisters, all of whom ruled it with vigour and wisdom. He

are honoured as saints in different parts wrote a treatise against the Monothe-
of Champagne. She is the patroness of lites.

Sainte-Menehould on the R. Aisne.

MANETTO) (St) C. OSM. d. Bishop of Toul in
f.350. France
RM. Aug 20 and Feb 12 His biography as it has
d. 1268. Benedict dell' Antella was a come down to us is full of fictitious
Florentine merchant who became one matter.
of the Seven Founders of the Servite
Order, q.v. From provincial of Tuscany MANSUETUS (St) M. RM. Sept 6
he became general of the Order. In 1246 See Donatian, Praesidius, etc.
he attended the council of Lyons, and
at the request of St Louis introduced MANSUETUS (St) Bp. M.
the Order into France. He resigned his RM. Nov 28
generalate to St Philip Benizi and re- See Papinianus and Mansuetus.
tired to Monte Senario, where he died
in the following year. MANSUETUS, SEVERUS, APPIAN,
MANEZ (MANNES, MANES) (Bl) Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 30
C. OP. AC. July 30 d. r.483. A group of ten martyrs, who
d. 1230. Manez de Guzman, an elder suffered at Alexandria in connexion
brother of St Dominic, was born at with the troubles raised by the Mono-
Calaruega. He joined the original sixteen physites.
members of the Order of Preachers in
1 21 6 and later was prior of St James's in MANUEL (several)
Paris,and the founder of a convent for The Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan
nuns at Madrid. Cult approved in 1834. form of Emmanuel, q.v.


? One of the apostles of N. Scotland. (SS)MM. RM. June 17
His work seems chiefly to have been the d. 362. Persian magnates sent to nego-
promoting of good feeling and union tiate for peace with Julian the Apostate
among the newly converted High- at Chalcedon. The tradition is that
landers. Julian, finding that they were Chris-
tians, had them beheaded. Theodosius
MANNEA (St) M. RM. Aug 27 the Great dedicated a church in their
See Marcellinus, Mannea, etc. honour near Byzantium.

MANNONIUS (St) M. RM, Apr 29 MAOLRUAIN (St) Ab. AC. July 7

See Corfu, Martyrs of. d. 792. Abbot-founder of the monastery

of Tallaght in Ireland and compiler of consecrated virgin from the hands of
the martyrology named after that place. Pope Liberius on Christmas Day, 353.
She outlived both her brothers. Her
MAPPALICUS and Comp. (SS) remains are enshrined at Milan.
MM. RM. Apr 17
d. 250. African martyrs who suffered at MARCELLINUS (St) M. RM. Jan 2
Carthage under Decius. They are highly See Argeus, Narcissus and Marcellinus.
praised by St Cyprian.
MAPRILIS (St) M. RM. Aug 22 RM. Jan 9
See Martial, Saturninus, etc. d. r.566. A native of Ancona, who was
promoted to that see f.550. He is men-
MARANA and CYRA (SS) MM. tioned by St Gregory the Great.
RM. Aug 3
5th cent. Twomaidens who embraced MARCELLINUS (St) M. RM.Apr6
the eremitical life near Beroea in Syria. d. 413. Marcellinus was the imperial
It is recorded of them that they observed representative in Africa at the time of
continuous silence throughout the year the Donatist disturbances. He and his
except on Whit Sunday. brother the judge Agrarius endeavoured
to enforce the decisions of a conference
31 at Carthage against those heretics, but
d. 410. She belonged to the nobility of the Donatists resorted to false accusa-
Rome, and after the early death of her tion, and the two brothers were put to
husband turned her house into a sort of death without even the formality of a
"retreat" for ladies of the aristocracy. trial. St Augustine was an intimate
St Jerome was her guest for three years friend of Marcellinus, to whom the holy
and under his direction she devoted her- Doctor dedicated his masterpiece "De
self to the study of the Bible, to prayer civitate Dei".
and to alms-deeds. When Alaric sacked
Rome, Marcella was cruelly scourged MARCELLINUS, VINCENT and
for concealing, as the Goths thought, DOMNINUS (SS) RM. Apr 20
her wealth, which she had already dis- d. f.374. African missionaries who
tributed to the poor. She died from the crossed over to Gaul and preached in
effects of this treatment shortly after. Dauphine. St Marcellinus was conse-
crated first bishop of Embrun by St

MARCELLA (St) M. RM. June 28 Eusebius of Vercelli. The relics of the

See Plutarch, Serenus, etc. three saints are venerated at Digne, in
the Alps of Savoy.
MARCELLIAN (St) M. RM. June 18
See Mark and Marcellian. MARCELLINUS (St) Pope M.
RM. Apr
26 (and Oct 25)
MARCELLIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 9 d. 304. A native of Rome, he was pope
See Secundian, Marcellian and Verian. from 296 to his death, during the perse-
cution under Diocletian. It seems to be
MARCELLINA (St) V. RM. July 17 the fact that Marcellinus was guilty of
d. c.398.Born in Rome, the elder sister some personal weakness during the
of St Ambrose of Milan and of St persecution, though the story of his
Satyrus. She received the veil of a lapse as told in the Roman Breviary up

to the year 1883 is now discredited. He MARCELLINUS of RAVENNA (St)
certainly died a good death, in all Bp. RM. Oct 5
probability as a martyr. St Marcellinus 3rd cent. The second or third bishop of
is mentioned a second time in the RM. Ravenna, said to have occupied that see
on Oct 25. in the second half of the third century.


d. 304. Marcellinus was a priest and ANTONINUS (SS) MM. RM. Oct 25
Peter probably an exorcist, both belong- d. 304. Claudius, Cyrinus and Antoni-
ing to the Roman clergy. Although their nus are named on this day as having
extant Acts are unreliable, these two been beheaded together with Pope St
martyrs were certainly greatly vener- Marcellinus. See April 26.
ated by the Romans, since their names
occur in the canon of the Latin Mass MARCELLUS (St) Pope M.
and Constantine built a basilica over RM. Jan 16
their tombs. d. 309. St Marcellus was pope for one
year only (308-309). He seems to have
MARCELLINUS (St) M. RM. June 5 been exiled by Maxentius, but not to
See Florentius, Julian, etc.
have died a martyr. The story of his
having been forced to work as a slave
in the stables seems to be legendary.
LIANUS) (St) M. RM. June 18
See Mark and Marcellian.
MARCELLUS (St) M. RM. Feb 19
MARCELLINUS (MARCHELM, See Publius, Julian, etc.

MARCULF) (St) C. RM. July 14

d. r.762. An Anglo-Saxon who followed MARCELLUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 9
St Willibrord to Holland. Together with d. 474. A native of Avignon, he was

St Lebuin he preached the gospel to the educated by his own brother St

people of Over-Yssel. In 738 he accom- Petronius, bishop of Die (not of Saint-
panied St Boniface to Rome. He died at Die), whom he succeeded in the see,

Oldensee (Oldenzeel), but his remains being consecrated by St Mamertus,

were transferred to Deventer. bishop of Vienne. He suffered much
from the Arians, and died after a long
MARCELLINUS (or MARCEL- episcopate.
(SS) MM. RM. Aug 27 (SS)MM. RM. June 29
d. £.303. According to their authentic d. 274. Roman missionaries sent into
Acta, Marcellinus, a tribune, with his Gaul They were
to preach the gospel.
wife Mannea, his three sons, John, put to death in the neighbourhood of
Serapion and Peter, a bishop, three Bourges. Marcellus was beheaded and
clerics, eight laymen and another Anastasius scourged to death.
woman, that is the entire Christian
congregation of a small place, now said MARCELLUS (St) Bp. M.
to be Oxyrinchus, in Egypt, were taken RM. Aug 14
to Thmuis and beheaded. Marcellinus d. 389. A native of Cyprus, who from
is often known as Marcellus. being a conscientious civil magistrate

was elected to the see of Apamea in notary, who refused to write the official

Syria. While supervising the destruction report of the case and who was in con-
of a pagan shrine, at Aulona, in accor- sequence martyred, was St Cassian
dance with the edict of Theodosius the (v. Dec 3). The Acta of St Marcellus
Great, he was attacked and murdered are quite reliable.
by the mob.
MARCELLUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 1
MARCELLUS (St) M. RM. Aug 27 d. ^.430. A bishop of Paris, who was
Otherwise Marcellinus, q.v. buried in the old Christian cemetery
outside the walls of the city, where now
MARCELLUS (St) M. RM. Sept 4 is the suburb of Saint-Marceau.
d. f.178. A priest of Lyons who escaped
from prison and, being again arrested,
MARCELLUS (St) M. RM. Nov 16
was buried up to the waist on the banks
See Elpidius, Marcellus, etc.
of the Saone and left to die. It is said
that he survived three days.
d. 349. A Nicomedia, in Asia
priest of
Minor, who during the reign of the
RM. Sept 4 emperor Constantius was seized by the
? A bishop of Treves (or of Tongres)
Arians and killed by being hurled from
listed in theRM. His name seems to
a high rock.
have been invented in the 10th century.


See Eusebius, Marcellus, etc.
PC. Sept 27
d. c .869 ( ?). An Irishman (or Scot) by
(St) Ab. 29
birth, he became a monk at St Gall in
d. f.485. Surnamed "Akimetes" the
Switzerland and is best known as the
"non-rester". A native of Apamea in
tutor of Bl Notker Balbulus.
Syria, who joined the monks called
Akimetes, because they recited the divine
MARCELLUS, CASTUS, EMILIUS office in relays throughout the day and
night. He became the third abbot of their
RM. Oct 6 chief abbey at Constantinople, and
? Martyrs of Capua, of whom no parti- under his rule the Akimetes grew in
culars are extant.
number and influence. He was present

MARCELLUS at the council of Chalcedon.

MM. RM. Oct 7
? Apocryphal saints perhaps to be
MARCELLUS (St) M. RM. Dec 30
See Sabinus, Exuperantius, etc.
identified with Niceta and Aquilina,
MARCHELM (St) RM. July 14
MARCELLUS (St) M. RM. Oct 30 Otherwise Marcellinus, q.v.
d. 298. A centurion of the Roman army
stationed at Tangier. During a festival MARCIA (St) M. RM. March 3
in honour of the birthday of the emperor See Felix, Luciolus, etc.
he refused to join in the celebrations,
threw away his arms and insignia and MARCIA (St) M. RM. June 5
declared himself a Christian. The See Zenais, Cyria, etc.

See Ariston, Crescentian, etc. NIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. June 5
MARCIAN (St) M. RM. Jan 4 d. £.304. According to the RM. they
See Aquilinus, Geminus, etc. were a group of Egyptian martyrs who
suffered under Diocletian. Their Acts
MARCIAN (St) C. RM. Jan 10 are, however, quite unreliable. It is
d. f.471. A native of Constantinople, more probable that Marcian and
though connected with a Roman family. Nicander (not Nicanor) were soldiers
He was ordained priest and appointed in the Roman army, who suffered either
treasurer of the church of St Sophia. In in Bulgaria or Rumania.
this capacity he superintended the
building of several churches, notably of MARCIAN of SYRACUSE (St) Bp.
that of the Anastasis. He was
wrongly M. RM. June 14
suspected of Novatianism and had to d. f.255. Said to have been "the first

suffer much on this account. bishop of the West", having been, ac-
cording to the Sicilian legend, sent to
MARCIAN (St) Bp. RM. March 6 Syracuse by St Peter himself. It is more
d. 120. Said to have been a disciple of likely that Marcian was sent to Sicily

St Barnabas and first bishop of Tortona by a pope of the 3rd century. He is said
inPiedmont, where he is alleged to have to have been thrown from a tower by
been martyred under Hadrian, after an the Jews.
episcopate of forty-five years. The
theory has been advanced that St MARCIAN (St) M. RM. June 17
Marcian of Tortosa is to be identified See Nicander and Marcian.
with St Marcian of Ravenna.
MARCIAN (St) Bp. AC. June 30
MARCIAN (St) M. RM. March 26 d. £.757. Bishop
of Pampeluna, in
See Peter, Marcian, etc. Spanish Navarre. He signed the decrees
of the sixth council of Toledo in 737.

MARCIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 17

See Fortunatus and Marcian. MARCIAN (St) M. RM. July 11
d. 243. A youth martyred at Iconium in

MARCIAN of AUXERRE Mk. Lycaonia. He is specially notable for his

courage in confessing Christ.
RM. Apr 20
d. £.470. A native of Bourges, of humble
who was admitted as a lay-brother
birth, MARCIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 9
into the abbey of SS Cosmas and See Julian, Marcian, and Comp.
Damian at Auxerre. There he dis-
charged menial duties and had charge MARCIAN of SAIGNON (St) Ab.
of the cattle of the abbey. AC. Aug 25
d. 485. Born at Saignon (Vaucluse) he

MARCIAN of RAVENNA (St) Bp. became the abbot-founder of St Euse-

RM. May 22 bius at Apt, diocese of Avignon.
d. f.127. The fourth bishop of Ravenna,
where he is known as San Mariano. He MARCIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 16
ruled the diocese from c.112 to c.127. See Abundius, Abundantius, etc.

MARCIAN (St) M. RM. Oct 4 can in his early years. He was a model
See Mark, Marcian, and Comp. religious, but it was only after his death
that his brethren realized his heroic
MARCIAN (St) M. RM. Oct 25 sanctity. Cult confirmed in 1750.
See Martyrius and Marcian.
MARCULFUS (St) Ab. AC. May 1
MARCIAN (St) H. RM. Nov 2 d. 558. The abbot-founder of a monas-
d. 387. He left the emperor's court and tery of hermit-monks, on the Egyptian
gave up a brilliant military career in model, at Nanteuil. His relics were in
order to lead the solitary life in the 898 enshrined at Corbigny, diocese of
desert of Chalcis. He had several illus- Laon, and thither the kings of France
trious disciples. resorted after their coronation. After
touching the relics of the saint they
MARCIANA (St) VM. RM. Jan 9 healed those afflicted with "the king's
d. r.303. A maiden of Mauritania, evil" (scrofula).
accused of having shattered a statue of
the goddess Diana and thrown to the MARD (St) Bp. RM. June 8
wild beasts in the amphitheatre, where Otherwise Medard, q.v.
she was gored to death by a bull. The
Mozarabic office has a special hymn in MARDARIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 13
her honour. See Eustratius, Auxentius, etc.


See Susanna, Marciana, etc. EUGENE and METELLUS (SS)
MM. RM. Jan 24
MARCIANA (St) VM. RM. July 12 d. Four martyrs burnt
?. at the stake
d. f.303. The RM. assigns this virgin- somewhere in Asia Minor.
martyr to Toledo in Spain, but she is
almost certainly identical with St MARDONIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 23
Marciana of Mauretania (v. Jan 9). See Migdonius and Mardonius.

MARCIONILLA (St) M. RM. Jan 9 MAREAS (St) Bp. M. RM. Apr 22

See Julian, Basilissa, etc. d. 342. A Persian bishop martyred un-
der King Shapur II. Together with him
MARCIUS (MARK, MARTIN) H. there suffered twenty-one other bishops,
OSB. RM. Oct 24 nearly two hundred and fifty clerics,
d. f.679. An Italian hermit at Monte- many monks and nuns, and a great
cassino, mentioned by St Gregory the number of lay people. The church of
Great in the life of St Benedict. The Persia was brought to the verge of
Cassinese tradition adds that Marcius extinction.
(or Martin) became a monk at the abbey
and then retired into a cave on Mount MARGARET (several)
Massicus (Mondragone) where he died. Note. The Latin, Spanish, Portuguese
and Catalan form of this name is Mar-
MARCOLINO of FORLI (Bl) C. Margherita and the
garita; the Italian
OP. AC. Jan 24 French Marguerite. There are numer-
I3 I 7 _I 397 (J an 2). Marcolino Amanni ous diminutives of the same name in all
was born at Forli and became a Domini- languages.

MARGARET of RAVENNA (Bl) V. suffered from calumny and obloquy,
PC. Jan 23 but God favoured her with supernatural
d. 1505. Born at Russi, near Ravenna, charismata. Canonized in 1728.
Margaret was from her youth almost
blind and suffered much from want of MARGARET CLITHEROW (Bl) M.
sympathy on the part of those around AC. March 25
her nevertheless in course of time she
; 1556-1 586. Margaret Middleton was
gained many friends by her patience and born at York, married John Clitherow
humility. With the help of a priest she and shortly after became a Catholic. For
formed a religious association of persons this she was imprisoned for two years,

living in the world, but this did not and on her release she began to shelter
survive her. Her cult has never been priests in her house. She was again

officially confirmed. arrested, and, refusing to plead, was

condemned to the horrible penalty of
MARGARET of HUNGARY (St) V. being pressed to death. The sentence
OP. RM. Jan 18 was carried out at York. Beatified in
1252-1270. Daughter of Bela IV, king 1929.
of Hungary. She founded a convent for
Dominican nuns on an island in the

Danube near Budapest and herself

TELLO (Bl) V. Tert. OP. AC. Apr 13
d. 1320. Born
Meldola, in the diocese
joined the community. Her life was
of S. Angelo in Vado, Italy, she was left
most penitential. Canonized in 1943.
a foundling at Citta-di-Castello and
was brought up by several families in
the city, being occupied in
OSB. Cist. AC. Feb 3
looking after children. She died at the
d. 1 Born in Hungary, probably of
age of thirty-three, after passing her life
an English mother and related to St
in poverty, in blindness and in com-
Thomas of Canterbury. She lost her
plete innocence of soul. Cult approved
mother in the Holy Land, made a pil-
in 1609.
grimage to our Lady of Montserrat in
Spanish Catalonia and joined the MARGARET of AMELIA (Bl) V.
Cistercian nuns at Sauve-Benite, in the OSB. PC. Apr 20
diocese of Puy-en-Velay. She was d. 1666. A Benedictine abbess of the
greatly venerated in that district. nunnery of St Catherine at Amelia,
possessed of mystical gifts.
Tert. OFM. RM. Feb
1 247-1 297. Born Laviano in Tus-
at AC. May 28
cany, a farmer's daughter, she was the d. 1 541. Margaret Plantagenet was a
mistress of a young nobleman for nine niece of Edward IV and Richard III.
years. In his sudden death she saw a She married Sir Reginald Pole, to whom
judgment from heaven, and publicly she bore five children. Left a widow she
confessing her sins in the church of was created countess of Salisbury in her
Cortona, she placed herself under the own right and appointed governess to
direction of the Franciscan friars. She Princess Mary, daughter of Henry VIII.
became a tertiary herself and the foun- When her son Cardinal Pole opposed
dress of a convent and a hospital where the royal supremacy and refused to
she and her nuns tended the sick. She return to England, Henry revenged

himself on the cardinaPs mother, and MARGARET of FAENZA (Bl or St)
lodged her in the Tower of London for Abs. OSB. Vail. AC. Aug 26
two years. Finally she was condemned d. 1330. A native of Faenza, she became
for high treason by Bill of Attainder and a Vallombrosan nun under St Humilitas
beheaded on Tower Hill at the age of at the convent of St John the Evangelist,
seventy. Beatified in 1886. near Florence, and eventually its second
d. 1277. Daughter of Duke Henry II of (St) W. RM. Aug 27
Brabant, she became a Cistercian nun, d. A
poor girl of Sanseverino,
and second abbess, of the convent of near Ancona, in Italy, who in her fif-
Vau-le-Duc in Brabant, which had teenth year was married to a man who
been founded by her father. She has ill-treated her. She bore it all with
always been venerated as a beata by the patience for many years.
W. RM. June 10 and Nov 16 d. 1588. A gentlewoman of Congleton,
c. 1 050-1 093 (Nov 16). Granddaughter Cheshire, hanged at Tyburn for rescu-
of King Edmund Ironside of England ing a priest. Beatified in 1929.
and granddaughter of St Stephen of
Hungary. In 1070 she married King MARGARET of LOUVAIN (Bl) V.
Malcolm III Canmore of Scotland. She AC. Sept 2
used her influence as queen for the good 1 Surnamed in Belgium
207-1 225.
of religion and for the promotion of "Marguerite la Fiere". Born at Louvain,
justice, ever having a special thought she worked as a maid-servant at an inn
for the poor. She had six sons and two in the same city. She was murdered by
daughters, one of whom was "Good robbers whom she had seen kill and rob

Queen Maud", wife of Henry I. Among her employers. The Cistercian Caesa-
the foundations she made was the rius of Heisterbach states that she was
Benedictine abbey of Dunfermline, about to become a Cistercian nun. Cult
where she was buried. Canonized in approved in 1905.
MARGARET or MARINA (St) VM. (St) V. RM. Oct 17
July 20 647-1 690. Born at L'Hautecourt in

d. £.304. Said to have been a maiden of Burgundy. In 167 1 she joined the Order
Antioch in Pisidia martyred under Dio- of the Visitation at Paray-le-Monial.
cletian. This much is probably true; From a revelation made to her by our
everything else related in her Acta is Lord in 1675 she was led to enter upon
pure legend, including, of course, the her great work, the spreading of public
story of the fierce dragon which swal- and liturgical devotion to the Sacred
lowed her before she was beheaded. Heart. After violent opposition, met
Nevertheless, she is one of the most with chiefly in Jansenistic milieus, the
popular of maiden-martyr saints and devotion triumphed and became ex-
her cult is very ancient. In the East she tremely popular in the Church. St
is known as Marina. Margaret was canonized in 1920.


MARGARET LEROUX (Bl) V. castle on the mountain side above
AC. Oct 23 Palestrina into a convent of Poor Clares,
d. 1794. An Ursuline nun of Valen- for whom her brother, Cardinal James
ciennes, who formed part of the group Colonna, adapted a mitigated version of
of martyrs guillotined on Oct 23. She the Franciscan Rule. Cult confirmed in
was born at Cambrai in 1747 and was 1847.
Her name in religion
professed in 1769.
was Ann-Joseph, or Mother Josephine. MARGUERITE BOURJEOYS (Bl)
See Ursuline Nuns. V. Foundress AC. Jan 19
1 620-1 700. Born at Troyes, she went to

Canada as tutor to the children of the

French garrison of Montreal. In 1688
Poor Clare AC. Nov 6
she founded the Congregation of the
1463-1521. A daughter of Duke Fred-
Sisters of Notre Dame de Montreal,
erick of Lorraine, she married in 1488
dedicated to the apostolate of Canada.
Rene, duke of Alencon, who died in
She obtained from Louis XIV the royal
1492 leaving her a widow with three
patent to teach throughout Canada. Her
children. She devoted herself exclu-
Congregation subsequently spread to
sively to their upbringing and to works
the United States, receiving Papal
of charity. When they were of age, she
approval in 1889. Beatified in 1950.
founded a convent of Poor Clares at
Argentan, and entered there in 15 19.
Cult confirmed in 192 1.
MARI (St) Bp. AC. Aug 5
See Addai and Mari.


Tert. OP. AC. Nov 23 Merc. AC. Apr 27
d. 1464. Born at Pinerolo, daughter of 1 565-1624. Surnamed "the Lily of
Duke Amadeo II of Savoy. In 1403 she Madrid". Mariana Navarra de Guevara
married Theodore Paleologus, marquis was born in Madrid and joined the
of Montferrat, after whose death (141 8), community of Discalced Mercedarians
influenced by St Vincent Ferrer, she in the same city, where she distin-
joined theDominican tertiaries. In 1426 guished herself by her life of penance.
she founded a house at Alba in Liguria, Beatified by Pius VI.
of which she became the first Domini-
can prioress. Cult confirmed in 1669. MARIANA de PAREDES (St) V.
AC. May 26
MARGARET 1 61 8-1 645. Known as the Lily of
Quito". Her family name was Mariana
V. OSB. AC. Dec 26
de Paredes y Flores, but she chose to
d. p. She belonged to the family of
call herself Mariana of Jesus. She was
the Hohenfels and became a Benedic-
born at Quito, in Ecuador, and was of
tine nun at Bingen under St Hildegard,
Spanish descent. She tried her vocation
by whom she was appointed prioress.
as a religious, but failed. After this, she
lived as a solitary in the house of her
MARGARET COLONNA (Bl) V. brother-in-law. During the earthquakes
Poor Clare AC. Dec 30 at Quito in 1645 she offered herself as a
d. 1284. Daughter of Prince Odo Colon- victim for the city and died shortly
na of Palestrina. She turned her family after. Canonized in 1950.

MARIANUS SCOTUS (Bl) Ab. After becoming a monk, he migrated to
OSB. AC. Feb 9 Cologne (1056), then to Fulda, where
d. 1088. His Irish name Muirdach Mac- for a time he lived as a recluse, and
Robartaigh was latinized as Marianus. finally (1069) to Mainz. He wrote a

He was born in Donegal. In 1067, "Chronicle of the World".

setting out with some companions on a
pilgrimage to Rome, he was, while on MARINA (several)
his way thither, induced to become a Note. Marina is the Latin form of the
Benedictine at Michelsberg, near Bam- Greek name which has
Pelagia, a fact
berg, whence he migrated to Upper caused a few duplicates in our martyro-
Minster at Ratisbon. In 1078 he logies.
founded and became the abbot of the
abbey of St Peter, also at Ratisbon, MARINA (St) VM.
thus originating the congregation of RM. June 18 (and July 17)
Scottish monasteries in S. Germany. ? In the ancient martyrologies this saint
Throughout his life Bl Marianus occu- is variously named Maria, Marina, or

pied his free time in copying manu- even Marinus. Moreover, she is simply
scripts. called virgin, not martyr. Some identify
her with St Margaret (July 20); others
MARIANUS (St) Mk. RM. Apr 20 with the Marina who lived in a mon-
Otherwise Marcian of Auxerre, q.v. astery of men dressed as a boy, i.e., a
duplicate of the Greek St Pelagia (Oct

MARIANUS, JAMES and Comp. 8). Her

served as a model for the

legends of SS Euphrosyne, Maria,

(SS) MM. RM. Apr 30
Theodora, etc. The RM. makes her a
d. 259. Martyrs of Lambesa, an ancient
martyr at Alexandria.
town in Numidia (Algeria). Marianus
was a reader and James a deacon. Their
Acta are touching and authentic. The
true day of their martyrdom was May
AC. June 18
d. Marina Vallarina was an
Augustinian nun of Spoleto in Umbria.

MARIANUS (St) H. RM. Aug 19 Her cult at Spoleto seems to have died
d. f.515. A solitary in the forest of
Entreaigues, near Evaux, in Berry,
France. His life was written by St
MARINA (St) VM. RM. July 18
Gregory of Tours. ? The RM. states that she was amartyr
of Orense in Spanish Galicia. All re-
cords concerning her are lost. The name
MARIANUS (St) M. RM. Oct 17
was introduced into the Roman Mar-
See Victor^ Alexander and Marianus.
tyrology by Baronius (second revision).


See Diodorus, Marianus, and Comp. OSB. RM. Jan 25
See Amarinus.
AC. Dec 22 MARINUS (St) M. RM. Jan 29
d. 1086. Born in Ireland, his real name Otherwise Maurus. See Papias and
was Moelbrigte, i.e., servant of Brigid. Maurus.

MM. RM. March 3 d. 731.Born in Italy, he became a Bene-
d. 262. Marinus was a Roman soldier dictine at Maurienne in Savoy, and
stationed at Caesarea in Palestine, who, afterwards a hermit near the monastery
when on the point of being promoted to of Chandor, where he was put to death
the rank of centurion, was denounced by the Saracens. •

as a Christian by a jealous rival and

forthwith martyred. Asterius, or Asty- MARINUS (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. Dec 15
rius, a senator, buried the body, and it d. 170. A Benedictine monk of La

seems, although it is not certain, that he Cava in S. Italy, where he held the office
too died a martyr. of treasurer before he was elected abbot
in 1 146. He received the abbatial bless-
MARINUS, VIMIUS and ZIMIUS ing at Rome from Pope Eugene III.
(SS) CC. OSB. AC. June 12 He was a close friend both of the su-
d. ^.1100.Surnamed the "Tres Sancti preme pontiffs and of the kings of Sicily,
Exules", the "Three Holy Exiles". and he acted as mediator between the
They were Benedictine monks of the two powers in 11 56. Cult confirmed in
Scots abbey of St James at Ratisbon, 1928.
who, r.noo, became hermits at Gries-
stetten. MARINUS (St) M. RM. Dec 26
d. 283. He is described as a Roman, the
MARINUS, THEODOTUS and son of a senator, who was beheaded
SEDOPHA (SS) MM. RM. July 5 under Numerian, after having been
? Martyrs who suffered at Tomi on the miraculously delivered from torture
Black Sea. chambers, wild beasts, fire, water, etc.
His Acta are probably a pious romance.
MARINUS (St) M. RM. July 10
See Januarius, Marinus, etc. MARIUS (MARIS), MARTHA,
MARINUS (St) M. RM. Aug 8 MM. RM. Jan 19
d. £.305. An
aged man, martyred at d. r.270. A Persian nobleman, who with
Anazarbus in Cilicia under Diocletian. his wife Martha and their two sons
Audifax and Abachum journeyed to
MARINUS (St) Ab.-Bp. OSB. Rome to venerate the tombs of the
AC. Aug 19 Apostles. While in the holy city they
c.Soo. A Benedictine abbot-bishop of busied themselves in burying the bodies
the monastery of St Peter at Besalu in of those who were then being martyred
Spanish Catalonia. in the persecution of Claudius II. They
too were arrested, the three men be-
MARINUS (St) H. RM.Sept 4 headed and St Martha drowned.
4th cent. He is said to have been born
on an island off the coast of Dalmatia, MARIUS (St) RM. Jan 27
and to have been by profession a stone- Otherwise Maurus, q.v.
mason, to have been ordained a deacon
by Gaudentius, bishop of Rimini, and MARK dei MARCONI (Bl) C.
finally to have died a hermit where now AC. Feb 24
stands the tiny Republic of San Marino, 1480-15 10. Born of a poor family at
which is called after him. Milliarino, near Mantua, he joined the

Hieronymites of Bl Peter of Pisa in the of Arianism by Baronius, who excluded
monastery of St Matthew of Mantua, his name from the RM. He has since
where he spent his life. Cult approved been vindicated by the Bollandists. St
in 1906. Mark died a martyr under Julian the
d. 1601. Bl Mark Barkworth (alias AC. Apr
Lambert) was born in Lincolnshire and 1405-1479. Born at Bologna, he first
educated at Oxford. After his conversion studied law and in 1430 became a Friar
he studied for the priesthood at Rome Minor. He held several offices in the
and Valladolid and was received into order and preached throughout Italy,
the Benedictine Order at the abbey of Istria and Dalmatia, visiting also the
our Lady of Hirache, near Estella, in friars in Austria, Poland, Russia and the
Spanish Navarre. He was the first to die Levant. He died at Piacenza. Cult
at Tyburn in the Benedictine habit after approved in 1868.
the suppression of the monasteries.
MARK (St) Evangelist RM. Apr 25
MARK (St) M. RM. March 13
d. 75. He is generally thought to have
See Horres, etc.
been the young man who ran away when
our Lord was arrested (Mark XIV, 51-
MARK (St) M. RM. March 19
52) and the "John who is surnamed
See Quintus, Quintilla, etc.
Mark" of Acts XII, 25. He accom-
panied SS Paul and Barnabas on their
first missionary journey. Afterwards he
OFM. AC. March 20
426-1 497. Born at Montegallo, diocese
followed St Peter to Rome, where, in

of Ascoli Piceno, he became a physician

the words of the RM., he was "the
disciple and interpreter of St Peter",
and married. Later, by mutual consent,
both he and his wife joined the Francis-
whose preaching he set down in writing
in the gospel which bears his name. St
cans. Bl Mark was ordained priest and
travelled the length and breadth of Italy
Peter callshim "my son Mark" (1 Pet
V, 13). According to tradition he after-
preaching and establishing charitable
wards went to Alexandria where he
pawnshops for the poor, known in Italy
established the church and died a
as Monti diPietd.
martyr. His body was in the 9th cen-
MARK and TIMOTHY (SS) MM. tury translated to Venice.
RM. March 24
d. c . 1 50. Two Roman martyrs of post- MARK of GALILEE (St) Bp. M.
apostolic times, mentioned by Pope St RM. Apr 28
Pius I in a letter to the bishop of Vienne d. 92. Said to have been a Galilean by
in Gaul. descent and the first missionary bishop
and martyr in the province of the Marsi
MARK of ARETHUSA (St) M. Bp. (Abruzzi) in Italy.
AC. March 29
d. r.362. Bishop of Arethusa on Mt MARK of LUCERA (St) Bp.
Lebanon. In 351 he was present at the AC. June 14
synod of Sirmium where he produced a d. f.328. A bishop in local veneration in
creed for which he was unjustly accused S. Italy.

MARK and MARCELLIAN (SS) the Calvinist soldiers at Korosi in
MM. RM. June 18 (and July 29) Hungary. Beatified in 1905.
d. f.287. Roman martyrs, twin brothers
and deacons, who suffered at Rome MARK of MODENA OP.
(Bl) C.
under Maximian Herculeus. Their AC. Sept 23
basilica in the catacombs of St Balbina d. 1498. Born at Modena he joined the
was rediscovered in 1902. Friars Preachers and was a very suc-
cessful preacher in N. and Central Italy.
MARK, MUCIAN, an unnamed Cult approved in 1857.
boy, and PAUL (SS) MM. RM. July 3
? The entry in the RM. reads as fol- MARK CRIADO (Bl) M. OS. Trin.
lows:"The holy martyrs Mark and AC. Sept 25
Mucian who were slain with the sword 1 522-1 569. Born at Andujar, in Anda-
for Christ's sake. When a little boy lusia, in 1536 he joined the Trinitarians.
called upon them with a loud voice that He was tortured and slain at Almeria by
they should not sacrifice to idols, he was the Moors. Cult approved by Leo XIII.
ordered to be whipped, and as he then
confessed Christ more loudly, he was MARK (St) Bp. RM. Sept 27
slain too, together with one Paul who Otherwise John Mark, q.v.
was exhorting the martyrs."
MARK CALDEIRA (Bl) M. SJ. and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Sept 28
AC. July 15 d. f.303. The RM. says: "At Antioch in
d. 1570. A native of Feira, diocese of Pisidia, the martyrs Mark, a shepherd,
Oporto, Portugal, and a Jesuit novice. Alphius, Alexander and Zosimus, his
He was martyred with Bl Ignatius de brothers, Nicon, Neon, Heliodorus, and
Azevedo, q.v. thirty soldiers, who through the mi-
racles of blessed Mark believed in Christ,
MARK XINEIEMON (Bl) M. and were crowned with martyrdom in
AC. Aug
19 divers manners and places."
d. 1622. A Japanese merchant on the
ship of Bl Joachim Firaima (q.v.). He MARK, MARCIAN and Comp.
was beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified in MM. RM. Oct 4
1867. d. 304. Egyptian martyrs under Diocle-
tian. Mark and Marcian were brothers.
MARK (St) M. RM. Aug 31 The rest are described as "victims of all
See Robustian and Mark. ages and both sexes" and their number
as "innumerable". They seem, however,
MARK (St) M. RM. Sept 1 to be duplicates of other groups.
See Priscus, Castrensis, etc.
MARK (St) Pope RM. Oct 7
MARK, STEPHEN, SJ. and MEL- d. 336. A Roman by birth, who was
CHIOR, SJ. (BB) MM. AC. Sept 7 chosen pope in 336 and died within the
d. 1 61 9. Bl Mark Crisin (Korosy) was year.
a Croat and a canon, Bl Stephen Pon-
gracz a Hungarian Jesuit and Bl Mel- MARK (St) Bp. M. RM. Oct 22
chior Grondech a Czech Jesuit. The d. f.156. The first bishop of Jerusalem
three were most brutally massacred by not of Jewish extraction. He is said to

have ruled that see for twenty years and MARO, EUTYCHES and VIC-
to have died a martyr: both statements TORINUS (SS) MM. RM. Apr 15
are mere conjectures. d. c .99.According to the Gesta Nerei et
Achillei they belonged to the entourage
MARK (St) RM. Oct 24 of St Flavia Domitilla, whom they
Otherwise Marcius, q.v. accompanied in her exile to the island of
Ponza. Eventually they returned to
MARK (St) M. RM. Oct 25 Rome and suffered martyrdom under
See Theodosius, Lucius, etc. Trajan. The RM. mentions Victorinus
again on Sept 5 as a bishop, but little
MARK (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. Nov 13 credence can be given to the legend of
d. £.1280. A Benedictine abbot of Sant' these martyrs.
Angelo di Scala, of the Congregation of
Montevergine. MAROLUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 23
d. 423. A Syrian by origin, he was raised
MARK (St) M. RM. Nov 16 to the see of Milan in 408. The Chris-
See Rufinus, Mark, etc. tian poet Ennodius wrote a poem in his
RM. Nov 22 MAROTAS (St) M. RM. March 27
d. £.305. Mark, with another martyr by See Zanitas, Lazarus, etc.
name Stephen, suffered at Antioch in
Pisidia under Galerius. MAROVEUS (St) Ab. OSB.
AC. Oct 22
MARK (St) M. RM. Dec 15 d. £.650. Monk of Bobbio. Abbot-
See Faustinus, Lucius, etc. founder of the monastery of Precipiano,
near Tortona.
AC. March 1 AC. Feb 2
d. f.625. An Irish monk under St d. 880. A monk at New-Corbey in
Columba at Iona, and afterwards a Saxony, he ruled the see of Hildesheim
missionary bishop, who died at Annan- from 874 to 880 and fell in battle against
dale, and was much venerated in the the Norsemen at Ebsdorf. (See Bruno
neighbourhood of the Scottish border. and Comp. MM. Feb 2.)
He has given his name to Kilmarnock in
Scotland. His feast is celebrated again MARTANA (St) M. RM. Dec 2
on Oct 25. See Eusebius, Marcellus, etc.

MARO (St) Ab. AC. Feb 14 MARTHA (St) M. RM. Jan 19

d. f.435. A Syrian hermit, who lived on See Marius, Martha, etc.
the bank of the R. Orontes between
Horns and Apamea. He was greatly MARTHA (St) VM. RM. Feb 23
revered by St John Chrysostom and by d. 251. A
Spanish maiden, beheaded at
Theodoret. The monastery of Beit- Astorga under Decius. Her relics are
Marun, built around his shrine, gave its enshrined in the old Benedictine abbey
name to the body of Syrian Catholics of Ribas de Sil and at Tcrs, diocese of
called Maronites. Astorga.

MARTHA (St) V. RM. July 29 His memory is still held in great venera-
d. £.80. Sister of St Lazarus and of St tion in the Limousin. Other legends
Mary of Bethany (identified in the West connected with the saint are medieval
with St Mary Magdalen). She was the forgeries. Alpinian and Austriclinian
hostess of our Lord in their house at were priests who collaborated with him.
Bethany (Luke X, 38, John XI, 2) who
was "careful and troubled about many MARTIAL (St) M. RM. July 10
things". For this reason she has become See Seven Brothers.
the type of the active life. The story of
her subsequent journey to S. Gaul MARTIAL, SATURNINUS, EPIC-
merits no credence. TETUS, MAPRILIS, FELIX and
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Aug 22
MARTHA WANG (Bl) M. d. £.300. ? The names occur in the
AC. July 29 Passio of St Aurea (q.v.); otherwise un-
d. 1 86 1. A native woman of Tonkin who identifiable.
carried from the imprisoned
seminarians BB Joseph Tshang and MARTIAL, LAURENCE and
Paul Tcheng to their bishop. She was Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Sept 28
arrested and beheaded with them at ? A group of twenty-two African mar-
Tsingai. Beatified in 1909. tyrs, who suffered in the province now
called Algeria.
MARTHA, SAULA and Comp. (SS)
W. MM. RM. Oct 20 MARTIAL (St) M. RM. Oct 13
? The entry in the RM. reads: "At See Faustus, Januarius and Martial.
Cologne the passion of the holy virgins
Martha and Saula with many others." MARTIN of LEON (St) C. OSA.
They are now usually assigned to the AC. Jan 12
mythical cycle of St Ursula and her d. 1203. BornLeon, in Old Castile,
1 1 ,000 virgins (Oct 21), and it is thought he joined the Augustinian canons regu-
that these martyrs of Oct 20 formed the lar, first at San Marcelo and then at St

first nucleus of the Ursuline legend. Isidore in his native city. He was a
Indeed, it seems that the name Ursula prolific ascetical writer.
derives from Sa-ula.
MARTIA (St) M. RM. June 21 AC. Jan 31
See Rufinus and Martia. d. 1 156. Born
Auranca, near Coim-
bra, in Portugal. As archpriest of Soure
MARTIAL (St) M. RM. Apr 16 he was captured by the Saracens and
See Saragossa, Martyrs of. died in prison at Cordova of ill-treat-
ment at their hands.
(SS) RM. June 30 SION (St) M. OFM. RM. Feb 5
d. f.250. First bishop of Limoges, the d. 1597. Born at Vergara, near Pampe-
reputed apostle of the Limousin, and, luna, in Spanish Navarre, he studied at
according to St Gregory of Tours, one Alcala, and became a Franciscan in
of the seven missionary bishops sent 1586. He did missionary work in
from Rome to preach the gospel in Gaul. Mexico, Manila, and finally Japan. He

was crucified at Nagasaki. Canonized in Castilian family of the Hinojosas. He
1862. became aand eventually
founded the abbey of Huerta, by the R.
MARTIN (Bl) M. AC. Feb 18
Jalon, near Soria (1164), of which he
181 5-1 862. A native Chinese catechist
was the first abbot. In 1185 he became
and host of Bl John Peter Neel. He was
bishop of Sigiienza, but resigned in 1 192
beheaded at Kuy-tsheu. Beatified in
to live again as a monk.
AC. Sept 13
AC. March 20
d. 1259. Abbot and prior general of
d. 580. Born became a
in Pannonia, he
Camaldoli (1 248-1 259). He is best
monk and later travelled in
in Palestine,
known as the compiler of the new con-
Spanish Galicia where he preached to
stitutions of the order.
the pagan Suevi. He was bishop first of
Mondonedo (Dumium) and then of MARTIN (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Sept 28
Braga, and introduced monasticism See Willigod and Martin.
throughout N.W. Spain. Several of his
highly interesting writings are still MARTIN CID (St) Ab. OSB. Cist.
extant. AC. Oct 8
d. 1
52. Born at Zamora, in Spain, he
MARTIN of TONGRES (St) Bp. became the abbot-founder of the Cister-
RM. June 21 cian abbey of Val-Paraiso, for which St
d. f.350. He is said to have
been the Bernard himself supplied the pioneer
seventh bishop of Tongres
and is community. He is still greatly venerated
venerated as the apostle of the Hesbaye in the diocese of Zamora and by the
district in Brabant. Cistercians.

MARTIN of VIENNE (St) Bp. MARTIN (St) C. RM. Oct 24

RM. July i Otherwise Marcius, q.v.
d. p. 132. Alleged third bishop of Vienne,
sent thither by Pope St Alexander. MARTIN of VERTOU (St) Ab.
24 RM. Oct
MARTIN of TRfeVES (St) Bp. M. Abbot-founder of Vertou Abbey,
d. 601.
RM. July 19 near Nantes, of Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes
d. c.2\o. Listed in the episcopal records and of other monastic establishments.
of Treves as the tenth bishop of that see. The particulars of his life, as they have
There is no conclusive evidence for his come down to us, are rather confused.
martyrdom. He is venerated in the province of
d. 1627. A native Japanese, of Portu- AC. Nov 5
guese descent, beheaded at Nagasaki. 569-1 639. Born at Lima, in Peru, son

Beatified in 1867. of a Spanish knight of Alcantara and of

a negro or Indian mother from Panama,
MARTIN de HINOJOSA (St)Bp. Martin became a barber and studied
OSB. Cist. AC. Sept 3 surgery, and entered as a lay-brother at
d. 1 21 3. A member of the illustrious the Dominican friary of Lima. Here he

nursed the sick and "became a friend to MARTIN I Pope. M.
allthe poor in the city, especially the RM. Nov12 (and Sept 16)
African slaves, and including stray cats d. 655. Born in Tuscany, he was raised
and dogs". (Attwater, h.l.) When he to the papacy in 649. At once he con-
was dying the Spanish Viceroy, the vened a council and condemned the
Count of Chinchon, came to kneel by Monothelites, of- whom the reigning
his bed and ask for his blessing. Canon- emperor Constans II was one. The
ized in 1962. imperial wrath now fell upon the pontiff,
who in 653 was deported by force to
MARTIN TINH and MARTIN THO Naxos, in the Aegean Sea, the following
(BB) MM. AC. Nov 8 year condemned to death at a mock trial

d. 1840. Martin Tinh was a native of at Constantinople, and finally taken as

Tonkin and a priest, martyred at the age prisoner to the Chersonese where he
of eighty with his companion, a tax- died of starvation.
gatherer, Martin Tho, also a native of
Tonkin. MARTIN of ARADES (St) C.OSB.
AC. Nov 26
MARTIN of TOURS (St) Bp. d. 726. A monk of Corbie, in France,
RM. Nov 11 (and July 4; chaplain and confessor to Charles
r.316-397. Born in Upper Pannonia Martel.
(now Hungary), the son of a Roman
officer. He was educated at Pavia and at MARTIN of SAUJON (St) Ab.
the age of fifteen enrolled in the imperial RM. Dec7
cavalry. The episode of his sharing his d. f.400. A disciple of St Martin of
cloak with a poor beggar and the sub- Tours, who, in his turn, became the
sequent heavenly vision which led to his abbot-founder of the monastery of
baptism has become famous. He left the Saujon, near Saintes.
army and placed himself in the hands
of St Hilary, bishop of Poitiers, living MARTINA (St) VM.
for ten years as a recluse and founding a RM. Jan 1 and 30

community of monk-hermits at Liguge. d. 228. A Roman martyr under Alex-

In 371 he was promoted to the see of ander Severus. She has a basilica dedi-
Tours, but he accepted the office with cated in her honour at the Roman
great reluctance, and, establishing Forum, and there the sarcophagus con-
another great monastic centre at Mar- taining her remains was found in 1634.
moutier, he continued to live there Her "Passion" is entirely apocryphal
privately as a monk, while publicly he and is borrowed from those of St
devoted himself with burning zeal to Prisca and St Tatiana.
the discharge of his episcopal duties. He
opposed Arianism and Priscillianism, MARTINIAN (MATERNIAN) (St)
but befriended the Priscillianists when Bp. RM. Jan 2
they were persecuted and condemned d. £.435.Bishop of Milan (423-^.435).
the practice of invoking the civil power He took part in the council of Ephesus
to punish heretics. He was the greatest and wrote against Nestorianism.
of the pioneers of Western monachism
before St Benedict, who had a particu- MARTINIAN (St) H. AC. Feb 13
lar veneration for St Martin. His shrine d. c.400. A hermit who lived near
at Tours was a great resort of pilgrims. Caesarea in Palestine. Zoe, a woman


of evil repute, tempted him to become reorganization of the church in Persia
her paramour; instead she was con- and E. Syria, as well as to the preserva-
verted and persuaded to become a nun tion of the memory of the numerous
at Bethlehem. The story is questionable. Syrian and Persian martyrs under
Shapur. He collected their Passiones,
MARTINIAN (St) M. RM. July 2 and wrote liturgical hymns in their
See Processus and Martinian. honour. St John Chrysostom highly
valued his friendship.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 16 MARY CHRISTINA (Bl) AC. Jan 31
d. 458. Four Afro-Roman brothers, 1 81 2-1 836. Born at Cagliari in Sardinia,

reduced to slavery in the house of an daughter of Victor Emmanuel, king of

Arian Vandal in Mauretania. They were Savoy and of Mary Teresa, niece of the
encouraged to suffer for Christ by their emperor Joseph II. In 1832 she married
fellow-slave, Maxima by name. The Ferdinand II, king of the two Sicilies,
four brothers were martyred under to whom she bore a son before her death
Genseric by being dragged to death by at the age of twenty-three. Beatified in
horses. Maxima died in peace, in a con- 1872.

Foundress AC. Feb 7
MARTIUS (St) C. AC. Apr 13 1 825-1 87 1. Born at Lille, she founded
d. ^.530. A native of Auvergne, he lived
the Congregation of the Helpers of the
an austere and primitive life on the
Holy Souls, aided by the advice of the
mountainside, but later built a mon-
Cure d'Ars, to make atonement on
astery for his disciples.
behalf of the souls in Purgatory by
works of charity. Her Congregation is
MARTYRIUS (MARTORY) (St) M. now spread throughout the world and
RM. Jan 23 particularly in mission territories. Her
6th cent. A solitary in the Abruzzi
boundless patience under various trials,
(Valeria), whom St Gregory the Great
especially her sufferings in the crucible
extols in his Dialogues (Dial. I, II).
of incurable cancer, demonstrated more
clearly the great soul she was. Beatified
29 in 1957.
See Sisinius, Martyrius and Alexander.
MM. RM. Oct 25 d. 994. Daughter of Boleslas I, duke of
d. 351. Martyrius, a subdeacon, and Bohemia. She became the abbess-
Marcian, a chorister, were martyred at foundress of the nunnery of St George,
Constantinople under the Arian patri- at Prague (967). She has always been
arch Macedonius on a trumped-up venerated as a beat a.
charge of sedition.
MARY (St) VM. RM. Feb 1

(St) RM. Dec 4 See Saturninus, Dativus and Comp.
d. f.415. One of the most prominent
personalities of the Syrian church. He MARY MAMALA (Bl)W. Poor
was bishop of Maiferkat in Mesopo- Clare AC. March 31
tamia and devoted all his energy to the d. 1453. A member of the Spanish

family of the dukes of Medina-Sidonia. MARY BERNARD SOUBIROUS
She married Henry de Guzman, and in (St) V. RM. Apr 16
her widowhood joined the Poor Clares Otherwise Bernadette Soubirous, q.v.
at Seville.
MARY of EGYPT (St) H. W. OC. AC. Apr 18
RM. Apr 2 d. 161 8. Barbara Avrillot, who in her
5th cent. An
Egyptian by birth, who young days was styled "the beautiful
became an actress and then lived as a Acarie", was married to Peter Acarie, a
courtesan at Alexandria. After her con- French government official. After his
version, which took place, it is said, at death in 161 3, Barbara joined the Car-
the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, she fled new
melites as a lay-sister and took the
into the desert beyond the Jordan, name of Mary-of-the-Incarnation. She
where she spent the remainder of her introduced into France the Discalced
life doing penance, and where she was Carmelites of St Teresa. Beatified in
found dead by two disciples of St 1791.
Cyriacus. The story is doubtful, and its
elaborate additions may be ignored. See MARY SAINTE-EUPHRASIE
also St Zosimus, H. PELLETIER (St) V. RM. Apr 24
Otherwise Euphrasia Pelletier, q.v.


RM. Apr 9 MARY-ANN of JESUS Apr 27
Otherwise Mariana of Jesus, q.v.
1 st The wife of Cleophas or
Alpheus (John XIX, 25) and the mother
of the apostle St James the Less. She
was one of the "three Marys" who fol-
(St) V. Co-Foundress AC. May 14
1837-1 88 1. She was born at Mornese in
lowed our Lord from Galilee and who
the diocese of Acqui, N. Italy, of hum-
stood at the foot of the cross on Calvary.
ble parents. After a devout childhood in
The which have grown up
which she worked in the fields, she
around her name deserve no credence.
joined the Pious Union of Mary Im-
maculate. First one and then other
MARY MARGARET DUFROST de companions joined her in a life of regu-
LAJEMMERAIS DTOUVILLE (Bl) lar piety, and so insensibly her Institute,
W. Foundress AC. Apr 11 the Daughters of Mary Auxiliatrix came
1 70 -1 77 1. Born at Varennes, Canada,
into being. Under the direction of St
she experienced the joys and hardships John Bosco it received full canonical
of a poor backwoods home, the early formation and status, and undertook
loss of her father, eleven years of for girls what the Salesians were doing
married life and the untimely death of for boys. St Mary Dominic was obliged
her husband and four of her six chil- to become first Superior General in
dren. These trials did not break her 1874. She died in 1881 after a long
spirit but rather helped to develop a life illness, and was canonized in 1951.

of union with God and of service of her

neighbour, especially those visited by MARY-MAGDALEN of CANOSSA
suffering. She founded the Sisters of Foundress
(Bl) V. AC. May 14
Charity to serve the sick and the needy. 1 774- 1 83 5. She was a daughter of the

Beatified in 1959. Marquis of Canossa. Her father died

while she was a child, and her mother MARY-MAGDALEN de'PAZZI
married again, abandoning her children. (St) V. OC. RM. May 29
She managed her late father's household 1566-1607 (May 25). A native of
till she was thirty-three. Then, after a Florence, where she became a Discalced
brief period of serving hospitals in Carmelite at the age of sixteen.
Venice in 1808, she founded the first Throughout her life she was subject to
house of her Institute, the Daughters of remarkable mystical experiences and
Charity, at Verona, its scope being the was tried with many kinds of suffering
education of poor girls, the service of — spiritual and physical. She filled

hospitals and the teaching of the cate- various conventual offices with remark-
chism in parishes. When the foundress able ability. Canonized in 1669.
died in 1835 she left several houses in
N. Italy; since then well over 400 MARY (St) M. OSB. Cist.

houses have been established in all parts AC. June 1

of the world. Beatified in 194 1. See. Bernard, Mary, etc.


(Bl) V. OSA. AC. May 15 V. OSM. AC. June 10
d. 1465. Born at Como, she entered a d. 1546. A Servite lay-sister at Carpi,
nunnery at Brunate, near her native city, collector of alms for her community.
of which she became prioress. While
prioress she affiliated the convent to the MARY of OIGNIES (Bl) W.
Augustinian friars. She was remarkable AC. June 23
for her promotion of frequent com- d. 1 21 3. Born at Nivelles in Belgium,
munion among her nuns. Cult approved she married early in life, but persuaded
in 1907. her husband not to consummate the
marriage. They then turned
their house
MARY-MAGDALEN SOPHIE into a leper hospital, and tended the sick
BARAT (St) V. Foundress there. Finally Mary became a recluse in
RM. May 25 a cell near the church of Oignies, where
1779-1865. Madeleine Sophie Barat she was favoured with supernatural
was a native of Joigny, in Burgundy, and charismata.
opened the first convent of her new
congregation of nuns, called the Society MARY-MAGDALEN FONTAINE
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at Amiens (Bl) M. AC. June 26
in 1 80 1. She was a lady of great charm 1723-1794. Born at Etrepagny (Eure),
and enterprise, and before her death she she entered the noviciate of the sisters
had established houses throughout of Charity of St Vincent de Paul in 1748,
Europe, America and Africa one — and from 1767 was the superior of the
hundred and five foundations in all, house of that Institute at Arras. She was
during her life-time. Canonized in 1925. guillotined at Cambrai during the
French Revolution together with three
MARY-ANN de PAREDES (St) V. religious of her community. Beatified in
AC. May 26 1920.
Otherwise Mariana de Paredes, q.v.
MARY (St) W. RM. June 29
MARY-BARTHOLOMEW BAG- 1st cent. Mentioned in the Acts of the
NESI (Bl) AC. May 27 Apostles (XII, 12), as the mother of
Otherwise Bartholomaea Bagnesi, q.v. John, surnamed Mark (q.v.). From the

text it appears that Mary's house was a MARY ST-HENRY (MARGUE-
place of assembly for the apostles and RITE-ELEONORE de JUSTA-
the faithful generally. Subsequent tra- MOND) and MARY-MAGDALEN
ditions about her are conflicting. du ST-SACREMENT (MAGDA-
AC. July 5 AC. July 16
1 890-1 902. Born at Corinaldo, near
Ancona, Italy, she showed marked signs by blood and Cistercian
d. 1794. Sisters
nuns convent of St Catherine at
at the
of youthful holiness. She was pursued
Avignon. They were guillotined at Or-
by a youth inflamed with lustful desires
ange during the French Revolution.
for her. Finally, when all were working
Beatified in 1925.
in the fields, he came upon her alone,
but she died in defence of her chastity
under the repeated blows of his knife MARY MAGDALEN LIDOIN (In
rather than give way to him. Her canon- religion: Mere Therese de St Augus-
ization in 1950 was attended by her MARY ANN PIED-
tine, Prioress)
mother, family and an enormous crowd. COURT (Soeur de Jesus Crucifie),
Some thirty to forty miracles worked by MARY HANISSET (Soeur Therese
her are 01 record. du Coeur de Marie), MARY
TRESEL (Soeur Therese de St
MARY ROSE (Bl) M. OSB. Ignace), MARY DUFOUR (Soeur
AC. July 6 Sainte Marthe) (BB) MM. OC.
1 741-1794. Her baptismal name was
AC. July 17
Susanne-Agatha de Loye. She was
born at Serignan, near Orange, and in d. 1794.They belong to the community
1762 became a Benedictine in the nun- of Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne, q.v.,
nery of Caderousse. At the outbreak of guillotined at Paris during the French
the French Revolution she was expelled Revolution. The first four were so-
from the convent, and in May 1794 she lemnly professed choir sisters, Bl Mary
was arrested and guillotined, the first of Dufour a lay-sister.
a band of thirty-one martyrs put to
death at Orange. Beatified in 1925.


RM. July 22
V. Foundress RM. July 16 1 st cent. Mary Magdalen mentioned

1 756-1 846. Born at Barfleur. Early in in the four gospels as one of the most
life she opened a school for girls, but devoted followers of our Lord. Chiefly
soon the French Revolution stopped her under the influence of St Gregory the
work. During that trying period she Great's writings, the Western liturgies
obtained permission to administer the have identified her with the unnamed
Bl Sacrament to the dying. In 1805 she sinner (Luke VII, 37, cf. Luke VIII, 2)
reopened her school at Cherbourg, and and Mary the sister of Martha and
this proved to be the origin of the Sister- Lazarus (John XI). This identification
hood of Christian Schools, which, after is challenged by Eastern tradition and

severe trials, spread and flourished by the writings of the Eastern Fathers.
throughout the world. Canonized in The story connecting St Mary Magdalen
1925- with France is pure legend.

MARY-MAGDALEN MARTIN- virtue of which she is truly entitled to
ENGO (Bl) V. OFM. Cap. the name of Theotokos —Deipara—
AC. July 27 Mother of God. (8) Feb 2: the Purifica-
1 687-1 737. A native of Brescia, where tion, when Mary took her Child to
she entered the convent of Capuchin present Him for the first time in the
nuns. She filled the post of novice- temple at Jerusalem. (9) On the Friday
mistress and prioress with marked after Passion Sunday and on Sept 15:
success. Beatified in 1900. the Seven Sorrows of our Lady. (10)
Aug 15: Mary's Assumption soul and
MARY the CONSOLER (St) body into heaven. Other feasts refer to
AC. Aug 1 special events connected with our
8th cent. Said to have been the sister of Lady's patronage over the Church;
St Anno bishop of Verona. these are (1 1) Aug 5 : feast of the dedica-
tion of her principal Roman basilica
MARY the BLESSED VIRGIN, "of the Snow". (12) July 16: feast of our
Mother of God (St) Lady of Mt Carmel. (13) Sept 24: the
RM. Aug 15 and as below apparition of our Lady of Ransom.
d. ? 45. The Virgin Mother of God is (14) Oct 7: feast of the Most Holy
venerated with a special cult, called Rosary. (15) Feb 1 1 feast of our Lady's

hyperdoulia,by the Catholic Church, as miraculous apparitions to St Bernadette

the highest of God's creatures. The Soubirous at Lourdes. Moreover, each
invocation of Mary pervades all Catholic nation and almost every diocese of the
devotion, public and private, and among Catholic Church venerates our Lady
Catholics her name is more commonly under some special title, thus literally
bestowed baptism than any other.
at fulfilling her prophecy: All genera-
The principal events of the
life of our tions shall call me blessed (Luke I, 48).
Lady are the object of special liturgical
feasts celebrated by the universal MARY-MAGDALEN KIOTA (Bl)
Church and listed in the RM. as fol- M. AC. Aug 16
lows: (1) Dec 8: her Immaculate d. 1620.Wife of Bl Simon Kiota. She
Conception, viz., the singular privilege was crucified with her husband at
by which God preserved her from all Cocura, Japan. Beatified in 1867. {She is

stain of original sin at the first moment not to be identified with Bl Mary Mag-
of her conception. (2) Sept 8: her birth- dalen Kiota of Nagasaki, q.v.)
day as a Jewish child and a lineal de-
scendant of the royal family of David. MARY-MAGDALEN KIOTA (Bl)
(3) Sept 12: her most holy name of M. Tert. OP. AC. Aug 17
Mary. (4) Nov 21 her Presentation, i.e.,
: d. 1627. A
Japanese princess, kins-
the offering of her to God for the first woman to the king of Bungo, and a
time by her parents in the temple at Dominican tertiary. She was burnt at
Jerusalem. (5) March 25: the Annun- Nagasaki for having sheltered the
ciation, when Gabriel the Archangel missionaries. Beatified in 1867.
was sent by God to declare unto her
that she was chosen to be the Mother of MARY VAZ (Bl) M. AC. Aug 17
God. (6) July 2: the Visitation, viz. d. 1627. A
Japanese woman, wife of Bl
Mary's visit to her cousin St Elizabeth, Caspar Vaz. She was a Franciscan ter-
the mother of St John the Baptist. tiary. Beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified

(7) Oct 1 1 her divine Motherhood, in

: in 1867.

MARY GUENGORO (Bl) M. d. 1622. Japanese women beheaded at
AC. Aug 18 Nagasaki, the last two with their respec-
d. 1620. A Japanese, wife of Bl Thomas tive husbands, BB Paul Tanaca and
Guengoro. She was crucified at Cocura Antony Sanga. Beatified in 1867.
with her husband and her son James.
Beatified in 1867. MARY TOCUAN and MARY
XOUN (BB) MM. AC. Sept 10
MARY de MATTHIAS (Bl) V. d. 1 61 9. Japanese women martyred with
Foundress AC. Aug 20 their husbands.
1 805-1 866. She was born at Vallecorsa,

S. Italy. Bl. Gaspar Buffalo chose her at MARY VICTORIA FORNARI-

the age of seventeen to found a Con- STRATA (Bl) Foundress AC. Sept 12
gregation for women corresponding to 1562-1617. Mary Victoria Fornari was
that which he was founding for teaching born at Genoa and married Angelo
boys. In 1834 she opened her first school Strata, by whom she had six children.
at Acuto, and this became the cradle of In 1589 he died. After Mary Victoria
the new Congregation, the Adorers of had educated and provided for her
the Most Precious Blood. By the time of children, she founded the congregation
her death, her sisters were conducting of nuns called the Blue Annonciades, of
about seventy schools. Beatified in 1950. whom she was the first superior. Beati-
fied in 1828.
MARY-MICHAELA (St) Foundress
1809-1 865. Michaela Dermaisieres, vis- O. Merc. RM. Sept 19
countess of Sorbalan, was born at d. 1290. Also called, in her native Cata-
Madrid. She was educated by the lan,Maria de Socos, "Mary of help".
Ursulines and afterwards lived with her She was born at Barcelona and became
family at Guadalajara, where she began one of the first nuns of the Mercedarian
her active life of charity. In 1848 she Order (our Lady of Ransom) and the
founded the Institute of Handmaids of superioress of the convent at Barcelona.
the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity Cult confirmed in 1690.
which was approved in 1859. She died
at Valencia from the cholera, which she MARY-TERESA COUDERC (Bl) V.
contracted in ministering to its victims. Foundress AC. Sept 26
In Spain she is surnamed La Loca del 1 805-1 885. At the age of twenty under Sacramento the mad-woman of the guidance of Father Terma she
the Bl Sacrament. Canonized in 1934. founded the Society of Our Lady of the
Cenacle at La Louvesc, France. The
MARY de la CABEZA (Bl) intention was to attract pilgrims to the
AC. Sept 9 tomb of St John Francis Regis there,
d. c.i 175. Born at Torrejon, she married and induce them to spend time there in
St Isidore the Farmer, q.v., after whose recollection. The Institute developed
death she retired to Caraquiz. Cult as one of Retreat Houses for women and
approved in 1697. rapidly spread throughout Europe and
to America. Although obliged in 1835
MARY TANAURA, MARY TANA- to resign the administration of her
CA, and MARY MAGDALEN SAN- Institute through ill-health, she lived
GA (BB) MM. AC. Sept 10 to the age of eighty. Beatified in 1951.

MARY FRANCES (St) V. RM. Oct 6 d. 1794. Two Ursuline sisters, belong-

1715-1791. Anna Maria Gallo was born ing to the community of Valenciennes,
at Naples of a middle-class family. Her guillotined in that town during the
father was brutal and avaricious and French Revolution together with nine
was especially harsh towards her when others of the same community. Beatified
she refused to marry the man he had in 1920. See also Ursuline Nuns, MM.
chosen for her. In 1731 she became a
Franciscan tertiary with the new name MARY-TERESA de SOUBIRAN
of Mary Frances of the Sacred Wounds. (Bl) V. Foundress AC. Oct 20
She continued to live at home until she 1 834-1 889. Born of noble parents in

got a position as housekeeper to a priest, Castelnaudary, Carcassonne, she wished

a post which she filled for thirty-eight to become a Carmelite nun, but under
years. God favoured her with extra- the guidance of her uncle, a canon, she
ordinary graces, including the mystical founded a Beguinage in 1855, and took
marriage. the name of Mary-Teresa. In order to
attain her apostolic ends more fully she
MARY-DESOLATA TORRES transformed the Beguinage into the
ACOSTA (Bl) V. Foundress Oct 11 Institute of Mary Auxiliatrix, with the
1 826-1 887. This truly great woman was approval of the Bishop. But through
born in a poor quarter of Madrid. She the machinations of one of her subjects
tried unsuccessfully to become a Domi- she was driven from her own Congre-
nican nun. In 1848 she responded to the gation, overwhelmed with calumnies
call of a priest to found an institute for and deprived of her property. Thus in
the care of the sick in their own homes. 1868 she sought refuge in the Institute
A subsequent priest-director of the of Our Lady of Charity in which she
young Institute (Handmaids of Mary) was allowed to take vows and in which
removed her and appointed another she persevered till her death. Only then
Superior in her place, with the result did the truth come out. She enjoyed
that the Institute nearly perished. But mystical gifts of a high order. Beatified
after an examination by the Bishop she in 1946.
was re-appointed and lived to found
forty-six houses. She died in Madrid in MARY SALOME (St) RM. Oct 22
1887. Beatified in 1950. 1 st cent. One of the "three Marys".
She was the wife of Zebedee, the mother
MARY-MAGDALEN dei PANAT- of St James the Great and St John the
TIERI (Bl) V. OP. AC. Oct 13 Evangelist, and one of the pious women
1443-1 503. Born at Trino, in the dio- who ministered to our Lord during His
cese of Vercelli, in Piedmont, she public life. She also witnessed His death
modelled herself on St Catherine of on the cross, burial and resurrection.
Siena, and like her became a Dominican
tertiary in her own home, devoted to MARY the SLAVE (St) M. RM. Nov 1

charitable works among her neighbours. d. f.300. A slave-girl in the household

Cult approved by Leo XIII. of a Roman patrician who was venerated
as amartyr on account of her sufferings
MARY MAGDALEN DEJARDIN during the persecution of Diocletian.
(in religion Soeur Marie-Augustine)
and MARY LOUISE VANOT (Soeur MARY (St) VM. RM. Nov 24
Natalie) (BB) MM. AC. Oct 17 See Flora and Mary.

MARY (St) M. RM. Dec 2 born at Baldinero, near Turin, the
See Eusebius, Marcellus, etc. daughter of Count Fontanella. In 1676
she entered the Carmel of St Christina
MARY of ST MARTIN (Bl) N. OSB. at Turin and soon her life was a replica
Cam. AC. Dec 4 of that of SS Teresa and Magdalen de'
d. 1240. A Camaldolese nun of the con- Pazzi. She founded the Carmel of
vent of Pugnano, near Pisa. Moncaglieri, which still exists. Beatified
in 1865.
V. Foundress AC. Dec 7 MARY of PISA (Bl) W. Tert. OP.
1811-1888. Born at Albisola in the dio- AC. Dec 22
cese of Savona of poor parents, Bene- d. 1 43 1. A member of the Mancini
dicta Rossello showed early signs of family of Pisa. She received extraor-
unusual virtue. Unable to enter a dinary mystical favours such as the
religious order for want of a dowry or apparition of her Guardian Angel from
sufficient health, she became a Francis- childhood. She married at the early age
can tertiary. In 1837 she laid the founda- of twelve and was left a widow and the
tions of her new Institute, the Daughters mother of two children at sixteen. She
of Our Lady of Mercy, which spread married again, but lost her second
rapidly through Italy and South Ameri- husband eight years later. Mary then
ca. Known in religion as Sister Mary- became a Dominican tertiary and later

Joseph, she suffered from constant sick- took charge of a new foundation of that
ness, but ruled her Institute with heroic order, noted for its strict observance.
courage amid many difficulties until her Cult confirmed by Pius IX.
death in 1888. Canonized in 1949.
MASCULAS (St) M. RM. March 29
See Armogastes and Comp.
V. Foundress AC. Dec 15
1 81 3-1885. She was born of a well-to-
RM. Aug 24
do business family. From her childhood
d. c.260. The name Massa Candida (the
she showed a lively piety and sympathy
white mass) denotes a group of martyrs
with the poor. When cholera broke out
who suffered at Utica in N. Africa
in 1836 she gave herself wholeheartedly
under Gallienus and Valerian. The
to tending its victims, and in the course
RM. number as
gives their three hun-
of this work gathered the first com-
dred, but modern writers limit it to
panions of her Institute, the Servants of
one hundred and fifty. According to the
Charity. The Society formed in 1839
RM. they were called the white mass
was approved by Pius IX in 1851. Her
because they were thrown into a lime
love for Christ crucified showed itself
pit, and their remains became con-
in the addition of the name Crucifixa,
glomerated into one great white mass,
and in her great austerities. Her Order
but it now appears that Massa Candida
today has three hundred houses and
was a locality near Utica.
three thousand religious. Canonized in
1954. MASSALIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 29
See Corfu, Martyrs of.
MARY of the ANGELS (Bl) V. OC.
AC. Dec 16 MATERNIAN (St) Bp. RM. Jan 2
1661-1717. Mary Ann Fontanella was Otherwise Martinian, q.v.

MATERNUS (St) Bp. RM. July 18 the Fowler. She was of a very generous
d. f.307. Bishop of Milan, raised to the disposition and founded, among others,
see by popular acclamation in 295. He the Benedictine abbeys of Nordhausen,
had much to suffer during the persecu- Pohlde, Engern and Quedlinburg. She
tion of Diocletian, but survived it and was a widow and had to
for thirty years
died in peace. suffer much hands of her sons,
at the
Otto and Henry, by whom she was
MATERNUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 14 despoiled of most of her possessions.
The first bishop of Cologne
d. £.325. She died at Quedlinburg and the Bene-
about whom we have positive evidence. dictines venerate her as one of their
His name is in fact mentioned in con- oblates.
nexion with the Donatist controversy.
A medieval legend, which was still MATRONA(St)VM. RM. March 15
defended by St Peter Canisius, identi- d. c. ?35o. The serving-maid of a rich

fies this Maternus with the son of the Jewess of Thessalonica, scourged to
widow of Nairn and makes him a death at the orders of her mistress when
disciple of St Peter. she discovered that she was a Christian.
The Acts are not very clear.
RM. June 3 MATRONA (St) M. RM. March 20
d. 1886. A Chief of several villages, who See Alexandra, Claudia, etc.

was martyred by King Mwanga of

Uganda. See Uganda (Martyrs of). MATRONA (St) H. RM. May 18
See Theodotus, Thecusa, etc.
RM. March 14 MATRONIAN (St) H. RM. Dec 14
Otherwise Matilda, q.v. ? A native of Milan, who became a
hermit, and whose relics are said to
MATHURIN (MATURINUS) (St) have been enshrined by St Ambrose in
C. RM. Nov 1 the church of S. Nazario.
d. 388. Born in the district of Sens, he
was converted and ordained priest by MATTHEW ALONSO LEZINIANA
Polycarp, bishop of that city. In his (Bl) M. OP. AC. Jan 22
turn he converted his own parents and d. 1745. Born at Navas del Rey in the
evangelized his native district with sig- diocese of Valladolid, Spain. After his
nal success. profession in theDominican Order and
his was sent to the
ordination he
MATILDA of SPANHEIM (Bl) V. Philippine Islands and thence to Ton-
OSB. PC. Feb 26 kin, where he was eventually beheaded.
d. 1
1 54. A German recluse, first at Beatified in 1906.
Mainz, under the obedience of her
brother, the abbot of St Albans's, MATTHEW of GIRGENTI (Bl) Bp.
Mainz; and then near Spanheim when OFM. AC. Feb 3
he became abbot of a new abbey there. d. 1450.Matthew Gimarra was born at
Girgenti in Sicily and became a Con-
MATILDA (MATHILDIS, MAUD) ventual Franciscan. He afterwards
(St) W. RM. March 14 migrated to the Observants and worked
d. 968. Wife of the German king Henry zealously under St Bernardinus of

Siena. Pope Eugene IV forced him to was a tax-gatherer at Capharnaum. We
accept the bishopric of Girgenti, but as have a legendary account of his career
a result of much opposition he had to after the coming down of the Holy
resign the see. He died in a Franciscan Ghost, but the gospel narrative provides
friary at Palermo. Cult confirmed in the only trustworthy data concerning
1767. him. He is the author of the first gospel,
which he addressed to his fellow-Jews.
MATTHEW of BEAUVAIS (St) M. It is not known where he preached or
AC. March 27 whether he died a martyr.
d. r.1098. A native of Beauvais who took
the cross under bishop Roger of Beau- MATTHEW CARRERI (Bl) C. OP.
vaisand joined the First Crusade. He AC. Oct 7
was taken prisoner by the Saracens and d. 1 47 1. Born at Mantua, he joined the
beheaded on refusing to renounce Dominicans and spent his life in preach-
Christ. ing throughout Italy. Cult approved in
80 1 -1 86 1. Born at Ke-lay in Cochin-
c. 1 M. AC. Oct 8
China, he became a catechist, for which d. £.1309. Born in Buda, Hungary, he
he was beheaded near Dong-hoi in N. went as a missionary to the East, being
Cochin-China. Beatified in 1909. apparently the first Catholic missionary
in China, where he was martyred.
AC. May 27 MATTHEW (St) M. OSB.
1 81 2-1 847. A native Tonkin Christian RM. Nov 12
who brought the missionaries of the See Benedict, John, etc.

Paris Foreign Missions from Singapore

to Annam He was im-
in his boat. MATTHEW (Bl) Card. OSB.
prisoned in 1846, tortured and beheaded. PC. Dec 25
Beatified in 1900. d. 1 134. A canon of Reims who became
a Cluniac monk at Saint-Martin-des-
MATTHEW ALVAREZ (Bl) M. Champs (1108) and prior there in 11 17.
Tert. OP. AC. Sept 8 In 1 1 25 he was created cardinal bishop
d. 1628. A Japanese catechist and Do- of Albano and in 11 28 papal legate in
minican tertiary who was beheaded at France and Germany. He was a staunch
Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. upholder of the Cluniac ideal and a
great friend of St Peter the Venerable.
d. 1303. A Camaldolese hermit, disciple PIEVE (Bl) C. OSM. PC?
of Bl John of Massaccio, whose cave on d. 1348. The ninth superior general of
Mt Massaccio he inherited. the Servites (1 344-1 348). His cult has
not yet been confirmed.
MATTHEW (St) Apostle
RM. Sept 21 MATTHIA dei NAZAREI (Bl) Abs.
1 st Matthew, or Levi, before he
cent. OSB. AC. Dec 30
was called by our Lord to be an apostle, d. 1 21 3. Born at Metalica in the March

of Ancona, she received the Benedictine MATTHIAS ARAKI (Bl) M.
veil at the nunnery of Santa Maddalena, 12AC. July
at Metalica, of which she became abbess, d. 1626. A Japanese
layman, brother of
a position which she held for forty years. Bl Mancius Araki, q.v. He was burnt
At a later date the convent adopted the alive at Nagasaki for having sheltered
rule of the Poor Clares, and for this the European missionaries. Beatified in
reason Bl Matthia is often called a Poor 1867.
Clare. Cult confirmed in 1756.
d. c.120. A bishop of Jerusalem of AC. Nov 27
Jewish descent. He governed the see at d. 1 61 9. Japanese laymen belonging to
a time when his flock was in great part the royal family of Firando.They were
dispersed. imprisoned at Omura, their native
place, and beheaded at Nagasaki. Beati-
MATTHIAS of MEACO (St) M. fied in 1867.
RM. Feb 5
d. 1597. BornMeaco, he became a
at MATURINUS (St) C. RM. Nov 1

Franciscan tertiary and was crucified at Otherwise Mathurin, q.v.

Nagasaki with St Peter Baptist and
twenty-five companions. Canonized in
MATURUS (St) M. RM. June 2
See Photinus (Pothinus), Sanctus, etc.

MATTHIAS (St) Apostle

RM. Feb 24 MAUD and MAUDE
1 st cent. He was
chosen by lot by the Note. Saints of this name should be
Eleven to take the place of Judas Iscariot sought under other forms of the word,
among the apostles (Acts I, 21-22). which is either a variant of Mechtilde,
The traditions concerning his later life Matilda, or a diminutive of Magdalen
are not consistent. It seems, however, (Maudlin).
that he was martyred in Colchis.
MATTHIAS of ARIMA (Bl) M. GAN) (St) AC. Sept 26
22AC. May Otherwise Meugant, q.v.
d. 1622. A native Japanese catechist of
the Jesuit Fathers and servant of the MAUGHOLD (MACCALDUS) (St)
provincial. Because he would not betray Bp. AC. Dec 28
his master he was subjected to a most
d. £.488. An Irishman said to have been
revolting martyrdom. Beatified in 1867.
a brigand, converted by St Patrick and
by him sent to the Isle of Man, where
MATTHIAS MURUMBA (St) M. his episcopate was very successful.
RM. June 3
d. 1886. A
negro judge in Uganda. He
was firstMohammedan, then a Pro-
MAURA (St) M. RM. Feb 13

testant, and in 1 88 1 became a convert See Fusca and Maura.

to the Catholic Faith. He was martyred
on Kumpala hill. See Uganda (Martyrs MAURA (St) M. RM. May 3
of). See Timothy and Maura.

MAURA and BRITTA (SS) VV. As abbot both of Langonel and of
AC. Jan 15 Carnoet he was a great friend and
? 4th cent. Two virgins whose life is adviser of the dukes of Brittany. Cult
not known, but whose relics were, confirmed by Clement XI.
according to St Gregory of Tours,
found during the episcopate of his pre- MAURILIUS (St) Bp. OSB.
decessor, St Euphronius. AC. Aug 9
d. 1067. A native of Reims, he became
MAURA (St) V. AC. Sept 21 successively headmaster of the cathe-
d. 850. A maiden of Troyes in Cham- dral school at Halberstadt, a Benedic-
pagne, who died at the age of twenty- tine monk at Fecamp in Normandy,
three after a life of prayer and good abbot of St Mary's at Florence and
works. archbishop of Rouen (1055). He was
one of the leading churchmen of his
MAURA (St) V. AC. Nov 2 day; he wrote against Berengarius.
See Baya and Maura.
MAURILIUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 3
MAURA (St) VM. RM. Nov 30 d. 580. Bishop of Cahors. It is recorded
? A maiden martyred at Constantinople. that he knew the whole Bible by heart.
One of the Ionian islands is named after
her. MAURILIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 13
d. r.430. A native of Milan who migrated
MAURICE CSAKY (Bl) C.OP. to France where he became a disciple
PC. March 20 of St Martin of Tours. About the year
1 281-1336. Maurice Csaky belonged to 407 he was raised to the see of Angers.
the royal house of Hungary. Some years
after their marriage both he and his wife MAURINUS (St) Ab. M.
by mutual consent became religious, RM. June 10
Maurice joining the Friars Preachers. ? Abbot of a monastery —probably that
Although never officially canonized or of St Pantaleon — at Cologne. Venerated
beatified, he is still venerated in Hun- also as a martyr. All other data are
gary. lacking.

MAURICE (St) M. RM. July 10 MAURITIUS (several)

See Leontius, Maurice, etc. Otherwise Maurice, q.v.


RM. Sept 22 MAURUNTIUS) (St) Ab. OSB.
See Theban Legion. AC. Jan 9
d. Abbot-founder
f.700. of Saint-
MAURICE of CARNOET (St) Ab. Florent-le-Vieil, in Anjou.
OSB. Cist. AC. Oct 13
f.1114-1191. Born in theof district MAURONTUS (MAURONT) (St)
Loud6ac, in Brittany, and educated at Ab. OSB. AC. May 5
Paris, he joined the Cistercians at Lan- d. 701. Eldest son of SS Adalbald and
gonel, in his native country (1144). In Rictrudis, he was reared at the court and
1 1 47 he was made abbot, and in 1177 succeeded his father as lord of Douai.
he became the abbot-founder of Carnoet. He was just on the point of marrying
when he joined the Benedictines at MAURUS de CHAK (Bl)OP.
Marchiennes. Eventually he became PC. March 20
abbot-founder of Breuil-sur-lys, near d. 1336. Son of the Count Chak, he
Douai, of which town he is now the left the wealth and dignity of his family
patron saint. to enter the Dominican order. He died
in Gyor, where his tomb was, till de-
MAURONTUS (St) Bp. OSB. stroyed by the Turks. His miracles were
AC. Oct 21 collected for the Council of Ferrara but
Abbot of St Victor at Marseilles,
d. C.S04. the Turkish invasion stopped the pro-
who was promoted to the see of the cess.
same city (^.767).
M. OSB. AC. May 30
RM. Jan 15
Eutychius, a noble Roman, was d. 1612. William (in religion, Maurus)
d. f.580.
Scott was born at Chigwell, in Essex,
among the first to place his son, Maurus,
and became a student of law at Trinity
under the care of St Benedict, the
Hall, Cambridge. By reading Catholic
patriarch of Western monks, then at
literature he was led to embrace
Subiaco. The youth grew up a faithful
Catholicism and was received into the
disciple of St Benedict and a pattern of
Church by Bl John Roberts, OSB., who
obedience to his fellow monks. When
sent him to the Benedictine abbey at
Benedict migrated to Montecassino
Satagun, in Spain. He became a monk
(c .525) he left Maurus in charge of the
of this abbey (1604) and after his ordina-
monasteries at Subiaco. The legend
tion was sent back to England as a
which makes St Maurus abbot-founder
missionary. Shortly after his arrival he
of Glanfeuil in France is now completely
witnessed the martyrdom of Bl John
Roberts and not long afterwards he
himself was captured and martyred for
his priesthood at Tyburn. Beatified in
RM. Jan 20
d. 946. A Roman, nephew of Pope John 1929.

IX, who ordained him priest. Next he

became monk and abbot of Classe at MAURUS (St) M. AC. June 16
Ravenna (926), and finally bishop of See Felix and Maurus.
Cesena (934). He built for himself a
cellon a hill near the city, where he
would spend part of his time in prayer.
SERGIUS (SS) MM. RM. July 27
After his death the cell grew into the
d. c.?U7. Three martyrs venerated at
Benedictine abbey of Santa Maria del
Bisceglia on the Adriatic. Maurus is said
to have been a native of Bethlehem, sent

MAURUS (MARIUS, MAY) (St) Ab. by St Peter to be the first bishop of

Bisceglia. They been
are stated to have
RM. Jan 27
martyred under Trajan, but their Acts
d. r.555. Abbot-founder of Bodon in the
are quite untrustworthy.
diocese of Sisteron, France.

MAURUS (St) M. RM. Jan 29 MAURUS (St) M. RM. Aug 1

See Papias and Maurus. See Bonus, Faustus and Maurus.

RM. Aug 22 RM. Jan 4
? A group of fifty martyrs, whose leader, d. 212. A martyr of Adrumetum in
Maurus, was a priest. All other data are Africa, flung to the wild beasts in the
uncertain. The RM. assigns them to arena, under Caracalla.
Reims, and they seem to have suffered
either under Valerian (^.260) or under MAWES (MAUDETUS, MAUDEZ)
Diocletian (^.300). (St) Ab. AC. Nov 18
6th cent. An Irishman, who lived first as
MAURUS (Bl) Bp. OSB. a solitary nearFalmouth in Cornwall,
PC. Oct 25 and then passed over to Brittany where
d. c.1070. A Benedictine abbot who in he is known as St Maudez.
1036 became Bishop of Pecs in Hun-
gary.He wrote the lives of St Benedict MAWGAN (St) AC. Sept 26
Zorard and St Andrew Szkalka (q.v.). Otherwise Meugant, q.v.


d. 383. Second bishop of Verdun (353— AC. Nov 13
383). His relics were enshrined in the d. r.670.She was stabbed to death at
9th century, when many miracles are Caudry, near Cambrai, by Hardouin of
said to have taken place at his tomb. Solesmes, in a fit of rage because she
wished to be a nun and refused to marry
MAURUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 21 him.
d. c.600. Twelfth bishop of Verona, in
N. Italy. Towards the end of his life he MAXENTIA (St) VM. AC. Nov 20
resigned and became a hermit. ? An Irish or Scottish maiden who
settled as a recluse near Senlis in France,
MAURUS (St) M. RM. Nov 22 where she was put to death at the place
d. £.284. Born of Christian parents in now called Pont-Sainte-Maxence. She
Proconsular he travelled to
Africa, is venerated at Beauvais.
Rome, where he was martyred under
Numerian. About ten different cities in MAXENTIOLUS (MEZENCEUL)
Italy and in France claim to possess his (St) Ab. AC. Dec 17
relics. 5th cent. A disciple of St Martin of
Tours, who became the abbot-founder
MAURUS (St) M. RM. Dec 3 of our Lady of Cunault.
See Claudius, Hilaria, etc.
MAURUS (Bl) Bp. OSB. RM. June 26
AC. Dec 4 £.448-5 1 5. Born at Agde in S. France,
d. r.1070. One of the Benedictine monks he was educated by St Severus and
whom St Stephen of Hungary invited to afterwards became a monk in a monas-
his kingdom. He was a member of the tery of Poitou, now called after him
community of Pannonhalma until 1036, Saint-Maixent, of which he eventually
when he was made bishop of Pecs became abbot. He was highly esteemed
(Quinque Eccksiae). He is notable too by Clovis I and by the surrounding
as a hagiographer. Cult approved in population whom he protected from the
1848. invading barbarians.

Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 12 d. 434. A Roman by birth, he became a

d. f.287.Martyrs at Treves, at the be- priest and finally patriarch at Con-

ginning of the reign of Diocletian. stantinople. He was highly esteemed by
Pope Celestine I.

MAXIMA (St) M. RM. March 26

See Mc-.itanus and Maxima. MAXIMIAN of SYRACUSE (St) Bp.
OSB. RM. June 9
MAXIMA (St) M. RM. Apr 8
d. 594. A by birth and a monk
See Januarius, Maxima and Macaria.
of St Andrew's abbey on the Coelian
Hill in Rome under St Gregory the
MAXIMA (St) V. RM. May 16
Great. He served both Pope Pelagius
? She is widely venerated in the diocese
and Gregory the Great as Apocrisarius
of Frejus, in France, where several
in Constantinople. Recalled to Rome,
villages are called after her.
he acted as minister to St Gregory, who
however, is known about her.
finally appointed him bishop of Syra-

MAXIMA, DONATILLA and cuse and apostolic legate in Sicily (591),

SECUNDA (SS) W. MM. where he died in the third year of his
RM. July 30 episcopate.

d. Three maidens (Secunda was

aged twelve), martyred at Tebourba in MAXIMIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 21
Proconsular Africa under Diocletian. See Bonosus and Maximian.

MAXIMA (St) M. RM. Sept 2 MAXIMIAN (St) Bp. RM. Oct 3

d. 304. A Roman slave, who expired d. 404. An African, a convert from
under the lash, during the persecution Donatism, who was made bishop of
of Diocletian. She was condemned to Bagae (Bagaia) in Numidia. Finding his
death together with St Ansanus. nomination displeasing to the people,
he persuaded the Fathers of the council
MAXIMA (St) M. RM. Oct 1 of Milevis to accept his resignation.
See Verissimus, Maxima, etc. Having deprived the Donatists of the
basilica of Calvianum, he was grievously
MAXIMA (St) RM. Oct 16 wounded and thrown from a tower by
See Martinian, Saturian, and Comp. the heretics. Nursed back to life, he
crossed over to Italy and obtained a
MAXIMIAN of BEAUVAIS (St) M. decree of justification from the em-
RM. Jan 8 peror Honorius.
See Lucian, Maximian, and Julian.
MAXIMIAN of RAVENNA (St) Bp. RM. March 12
RM. Feb 22 d. 295. Otherwise Mamilian. The RM.
d. f.556. Consecrated bishop of Ravenna appears to be wrong in placing his
by Pope Vigilius in 546. He built the martyrdom at Rome. His Acts are
splendid basilica of St Vitalis, which genuine, and describe him as a young
was dedicated with much pomp in the martyr who as a Christian refused to do
presence of the emperor Justinian and military service and was therefore exe-
his wife Theodora. cuted at Thebeste in Nimidia.

RM. Oct 12 d. 511.There were two Bishops of
d. 284. A native of Novicum (the terri- Pavia of this name, both reputed as
tory between the Inn and the Danube). Saints. The one honoured today is the
He founded the church of Lorch second. He assisted at Councils held at
(Laurencum), near Passau, and was mar- Rome under Pope Symmachus.
tyred at Cilli in Styria, under Numerian.
St Rupert of Salzburg erected churches MAXIMUS of NOLA (St) Bp.
in his name. RM. Jan 15
d. ^.250. Bishop of Nola. He ordained
MAXIMILIAN (St) Bp. M. St Felix. During the persecution of
29RM. Oct Decius (250) he fled to the mountains,
d. 284. A duplicate of St Maximilian of where he nearly died of exposure and
Lorch, coupled in the RM. with St hunger. He died at Nola worn out with
Valentine, of whom nothing is known. the hardships he had endured for the
MAXIMINUS (St) M. RM. Jan 25
See Juventinus and Maximus. MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Jan 25
Otherwise Maximinus. See Juventinus
MAXIMINUS of TRfeVES (St) Bp. and Maximus.
RM. May 29
d. r.349. Born at Silly near Poitiers and
MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Feb 18
a brother of St Maxentius of Poitiers. In
See Lucius, Silvanus, etc.
333 he succeeded his teacher St Agrecius
in the see of Treves and became the
valiant defender and host of St Athana-
sius of Alexandria and St Paul of Con-
stantinople, exiled from their sees by
CUTIAS (SS) MM. RM. Feb 18
d. 295. These martyrs are supposed to
the Arian emperor. He was a prominent
have suffered under Diocletian, but their
opponent of Arianism in the councils of
legend seems to be no more than a pious
Milan, Sardica and Cologne. St Jerome
describes him as "one of the most
courageous bishops of his time".
DAD AS(SS) MM. RM. Apr 13
d. 303. Three brothers of Dorostorum,
RM. June 8
1 st cent. Venerated as the first
now Silistria on the Danube, in Bul-
garia, beheaded at Ozobia under Dio-
bishop of Aix in Provence, and con-
cletian. Maximus was a lector.
nected by legend with the mythical
journey of St Mary Magdalen to Mar-
seilles. Indeed, he is identified with the MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Apr 14
man born blind of John IX. See Tiburtius, Valerian and Maximus.


RM. Dec 15 (SS) MM. RM. Apr 15
d. f.520. Firstabbot of the monastery d. 251. Persian noblemen, martyred by
of Micy, founded near Orleans by King being beaten to death with crowbars,
Clovis. under Decius.

MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Apr 30 bered for his homilies and other ascetical
d. r.251. A citizen of Ephesus, a mer- writings, which are still extant.
chant by profession, who on the publica-
tion of the edict of Decius against the MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. July 20
Christians in 250, presented himself to See Sabinus, Julian, etc.

the judge as a Christian and was accord-

ingly martyred. His proconsular Acta MAXIMUS of PADUA (St) Bp.
are still extant. RM. Aug 2
2nd cent. Successor of St Prosdocimus
MAXIMUS of JERUSALEM (St) Bp. as bishop of Padua.His alleged relics
RM. May 5 were found in 1053 and enshrined by
d. £.350. A confessor of the faith under Pope St Leo IX.
Diocletian. He survived the persecution,
although a cripple for life, and eventu- MAXIMUS HOMOLOGETES Ab.
ally succeeded St Macarius in the see and Comp. (SS) CG. RM. Aug 13
of Jerusalem. The Arians taking advan- 580-662. A Greek of noble birth and a
tage of his simplicity used him as a courtier at Byzantium, who became a
tool against St Athanasius, but he after- monk, and later abbot, of Chrysopolis
wards made ample amends. The Greeks, (Scutari). As such he firmly opposed the
however, do not venerate him. Monothelite heretics and upheld the
authority of the Roman see. After assist-
MAXIMUS, BASSUS and FABIUS ing at the council of the Lateran held at
(SS)MM. RM.Mayn Rome in 649 he stayed for some years in
d. 304. Roman martyrs under Diocletian. the Eternal City. In 655 he was seized by
order of the Monothelite emperor, taken
MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. May 15 to Constantinople, maimed and exiled.
See Cassius, Victorinus, etc. He died near Batum in Transcaucasia.
He was a prolific theological and asceti-
MAXIMUS and VICTORINUS (SS) cal writer. Several of his disciples, two
MM. AC. May 25 of whom were named Anastasius, shared
d. c .384. Said to have been two brothers his exile and are honoured with him.
sent from Rome by Pope Damasus to
preach in Gaul, and martyred by bar- MAXIMUS (St) RM. Aug 17
barians near Evreux. See Liberatus, Boniface, etc.

MAXIMUS (St) Bp. RM. May 29 MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Aug 18

? 6th cent. A bishop of Verona. See Florus, Laurus, etc.

MAXIMUS (St) Bp. M. RM. June 10 MAXIMUS (St) Ab. RM. Aug 20
4th cent. Tenth bishop of Naples (359). d. f.470. Abbot founder of Chinon in
He died in exile and is honoured as a the diocese of Tours. A disciple of St
martyr. Martin.

MAXIMUS of TURIN (St) Bp. MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Aug 23

RM. June 25 See Quiriacus, Maximus, etc.
d. c.470. Bishop of Turin in the
troublous times of the barbarian inroads MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Aug 25
into N. Italy. He is now best remem- Otherwise Maginus, q.v.

MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Sept 4 MAXIMUS of RIEZ (St) Bp.
See Magnus, Castus, and Maximus. RM. Nov 27
d. 460.Appointed abbot of Lerins in
MAXIMUS, THEODORE and 426 and promoted to the see of Riez,
ASCLEPIODOTUS (SS) MM. much against his will, in 434, receiving

RM. Sept the consecration from St

d. £.310. Three martyrs, natives of Mar- Hilary. He was
one of the most promi-
cianopolis, an ancient town in what is nent prelates of the church of Gaul in
now Bulgaria, who suffered at Adriano- his time.

MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Dec 2
MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Sept 25 See Eusebius, Marcellus, etc.

See Paul, Tatta, etc.


MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Sept 28 Bp. RM. Dec 27

According to the best authorities, identi-
d. 282. A priest of Alexandria, who ad-
ministered the patriarchate while St
cal with the St Maximus, M., entered
Dionysius was in exile (251-264) and
under April 30 in the RM.
finally succeeded him in the see (265-
282). He drove Paul of Samosata from
MAXIMUS of AQUILA (St) M. Egypt.
RM. Oct 20
d. £.250. A deacon of Aquila in S. Italy,
(St) V.
conspicuous for his zeal, who was mar-
? One of a band of nineteen
8th cent.
tyred by being cast down from an over-
maidens who came over from Ireland to
hanging cliff near his native city, during
Scotland and founded a community at
the persecution of Decius. He is now Abernethy on the Tay. Mazota seems
venerated as the patron saint of Aquila.
to have been their leader.


d. 304. According to the RM. he was RM. June 3
martyred at Apamea in Phrygia, under d. 1886. A
page to King Mwanga of
Diocletian. More likely, the place of his Uganda and adopted son of the chief
martyrdom was Cuma (the ancient executioner, he had to resist the pleas
Cumae) in Campania. of his family up to the very moment of
execution. He was burnt alive at Namu-
MAXIMUS of MAINZ (St) Bp. yongo. See Uganda (Martyrs of).
RM. Nov 18
d. 378. The 19th bishop of Mainz, which MECHTILD of SPANHEIM (Bl)
see he governed from £.354 to 378. He H. OSB. PC. Feb 26
suffered much at the hands of the Arians, Otherwise Matilda of Spanheim, q.v.
and was distinguished as a scholar and
writer. MECHTILD (Bl) V. AC. Apr 11
d. 1200. A virgin of Scottish origin who
MAXIMUS (St) M. RM. Nov 19 passed with her brother into France and
d. f.255. A martyr who suffered in spent her life as a recluse in the village
Rome under Valerian. of Lappion, diocese of Laon.

MECHTILD of DIESSEN (St) Abs. over into Scotland and lived in Galloway.
OSB. AC. May 31 She is possibly identical with StMidnat
25-1 160. Born at Andechs in Bavaria,
1 1 venerated in West Meath on Nov 18.
daughter of Count Berthold of Andechs.
At the age of five she was placed in a MEDARD (St) Bp. RM. June 8
convent at Diessen, where in due time f.470-558. Born in Picardy, he was
she professed the Benedictine Rule and ordained when thirty-three years of age,
became abbess. In 11 53 she was en- and in 530 was raised to the see of
trusted by the bishop of Augsburg with Vermand, which he transferred to
the reform of the nunnery of Edel- Noyon. At a later date he was entrusted
stetten, which she carried through in the also with the diocese of Tournai, which
teeth of fierce opposition, some of the remained united with Noyon till 1146.
nuns having in fact to be expelled. She See also St Gildard.
was greatly revered by her contem-
poraries who credited her with the gift MEDERICUS (MERRY) (St) Ab.
of miracles. OSB. RM. Aug
d. £.700. Born
Autun, he was offered
MECHTILD of MAGDEBURG (Bl) to God at the age of thirteen in the
V. OSB. AC. Oct 8 abbey of St Martin of Autun, of which
d. 1282. After living as a beguine for he eventually became abbot. Later he
forty years, she became, towards the resigned and lived as a hermit in a cell
end of her life, a Benedictine at Helfta, near Paris, where now stands the
where she was professed under Abbess church of Saint-Merry.
Gertrude of Hackeborn and was a
fellow-religious of St Mechtild of MEDRALD (MERALD, MERAUT)
Hackeborn and St Gertrude the Great. (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Feb 23
Mechtild of Magdeburg was the first d. c.850. A monk
of Saint-Evroult
of the Helfta nuns known to have been (Ebrulfus) of Ouche he became abbot

favoured with mystical experiences. of Vendome.


V. OSB. AC. Nov 19 AC. July 7
d. 1298. A Benedictine nun of Helfta, 6th cent. Two brothers, disciples of St
sister of the Abbess Gertrude of Hacke- Kieran of Saghir, one of whom remained
born. She was the teacher and novice- to the end with that holy man, while the
mistress of St Gertrude the Great. She other became the abbot-founder of a
too had mystical experiences, which were monastery at Muskerry.
written down by St Gertrude in the
Book of Special Grace. MEEN (St) Ab. AC. June 21
Otherwise Maine, q.v.
MEDA (St) V. AC. Jan 15
Otherwise Ita, q.v. MEGINGAUD (MENGOLD,
MED AN (St) AC. June 4 AC. March 16
See Croidan, Medan, etc. d. 794. Born of a Frankish family, he
became a monk at Fritzlar (738), and
MED ANA (St) V. AC. Nov 19 after some years as teacher in the abbey
8th cent. An Irish maiden who passed school, was elected abbot. Later he

succeeded St Burchard as bishop of Switzerland, at the place where after-
Wurzburg (r.754). In 787 he resigned wards arose the abbey of Einsiedeln
and retired to the abbey of Neustadt (i.e., Hermitage). He was a hermit
where he died. twenty-five years and was murdered by
robbers who thought to find hidden
MEGINHARD (MEGINHER, treasures in his cell". He has always been
MEGINARD) (Bl) Ab. OSB. venerated as a martyr.
AC. Sept 26
d. 1059. A monk of Hersfeld in Ger- MEINULPH (St) C. AC. Oct 5
many who was chosen abbot in 1035. d. c .859. A godson of Charlemagne. He
In 1037 he undertook the rebuilding of founded the abbey of Bodeken in West-
the monastery after it had been de- phalia, where he died.
stroyed by fire. He was one of the best
biblical scholars of the Middle Ages. MEINWERK (Bl) Bp. AC. June 5
d. 1036. A relative of the emperor St
MEGINRATUS (St) M. RM. Jan 21 Henry by whom he was promoted to
Otherwise Meinrad, q.v. the seeof Paderborn in 1009. On
account of his building activities, which
MEINGOLD (St) AC. Feb 8 occupied him throughout his episcopal
10th cent. There was a holy man, Mein- career, he has been called "the bishop-
gold of Huy on the Meuse, who was builder" and "the second founder of
venerated in Belgium after his death in Paderborn". His cathedral school was
the tenth century. Long afterwards he famous all over N. Germany.
seems to have been confused with a
certain Count Meingaud who was MEL (MELCHNO) (St) Bp.
assassinated in 892. AC. Feb 6
d. c .490. Said to have been one of the
MEINGOSUS (MEINGOS) (Bl) Ab. four nephews of St Patrick (viz., Mel,
OSB. AC. Apr 2 Melchu, Munis and Rioch), sons of
f.1200. Abbot of the great Benedictine Conis and Darerca, St Patrick's sister.
abbey of Weingarten in Swabia from They are further stated to have accom-
c. 1 1 88 to 1200. panied St Patrick to Ireland as mission-
aries, St Mel becoming the first abbot-
MEINHARD (Bl) Bp. OSA. bishop of Ardagh. The evidence,
AC. Apr 12 however, concerning him and his bro-
d. 1 196. An
Augustinian canon regular thers is hopelessly entangled and
who went to preach in Latvia. In 11 84 conflicting.
he was consecrated bishop and fixed his
residence at Yxkill on the Duna. (The MEL AN (St) Bp. AC. June 15
see was transferred to Riga in 1201.) Bishop of Viviers from 519 till
d. />.549-
some time after 549, in which year he
MEINRAD (St) M. OSB. sent his representatives to the council
RM. Jan 21 held at Orleans.
d. 861. Born
Solgen in Swabia, of the
noble family of Hohenzollern, and edu- MELANGELL (MONACELLA) (St)
cated, professedand ordained a priest at V. AC. Jan 31
the Benedictine abbey of Reichenau on d. f.590. A virgin commemorated in
the Rhine. Later he became a hermit in certain Welsh calendars. She seems to

have been a recluse in Montgomery- MELASIPPUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 17
shire. Otherwise Meleusippus, q.v.


AC. June 8 CARINA (SS) MM. RM. Nov 7
d. c .400. A patrician lady of Rome, of d. 360. Antony, or Antoninus, was the
the family of the Valerii. She was inter- child of Melasippus and Carina. All
ested in the Holy Land, which she was three were martyred at Ancyra, under
one of the first Roman matrons to visit. Julian the Apostate. The parents died
under torture, and their child was be-
MELANIA the YOUNGER and headed.
PINIAN (SS) 31 RM. Dec
5th cent. This Melania was the grand- MELCHIADES (St) Pope M.
daughter of St Melania the Elder. A RM. Dec 10
Roman by birth, she belonged to the Otherwise Miltiades, q.v.
patrician family of the Valerii. She
married her cousin St Pinian and they MELCHIOR (St) AC. Jan 6
had two children who died young. One of the Magi, q.v.
About the year 410 husband and wife
travelled to the East, the former enter- MELCHIOR (Bl) M. SJ. AC. Sept 7
ing a monastery and the latter a nun- See Mark, Stephen and Melchior.
nery at Jerusalem. Melania outlived her
husband, dying in 439. MELDON (MEDON) (St) Bp.
7 AC. Feb
MELANIUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 6 6th cent. An
Irishman who became an
d. f.530. A Breton by birth, he was anchorite in France and died at Pe-
bishop of Rennes at the critical period ronne, where he is the titular saint of
when the were overrunning
Franks several churches.
Gaul. He is said to have almost com-
pletely succeeded in extirpating idolatry MELETIUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 12
from his diocese. He was highly revered d. 381. Born at Melitene in Armenia he
by King Clovis. became bishop of Sebaste (358) and
then patriarch of Antioch (360) then in
MELANIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 22 the throes of the Arian controversy.
Otherwise Mellonius, q.v. Within a month he was exiled by the
Arian emperor. Recalled for a brief
MELANTIUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 16 space, he was again banished and not
Otherwise Melas, q.v. fully reinstated till 378. In 381 he pre-
sided over the second general council of
MELAS (MELANTIUS) (St) Bp. Constantinople, dying while the council
RM. Jan 16 was still sitting.

d. f.385. A humble ascetic who was

made Bishop of Rhinocolura, a little MELETIUS (St) M. RM. May 24
town on the Mediterranean near the ? The laus in the RM. reads "The
boundary between Egypt and Palestine. passion of the holy martyrs Meletius, a
During the Arian troubles he underwent general of the army, and his 252 com-
imprisonment and banishment for the panions, who suffered martyrdom in
Catholic cause. various ways." Nothing more, that is

really trustworthy, can be stated about and Tigernach. After the death of her
them. husband she embraced the religious life
and died abbess of Doire-Melle,
MELETIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 21
? The Menology of Basil associates the
name of this St Meletius with that of St
MELLANIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 22
Isacius, who is styled a martyr. They
Otherwise Melanius, Mellonius, Mel-
are both described as bishops in Cyprus.
lon, Mellonus, Mello, Mullion, etc. In
this dictionary we have adopted the
MELETIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 4 form Mellonius, q.v.
d. c .295. A bishop in Pontus, he suffered
much during the persecution of Dio-
MELLITUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 24
cletian. Eusebius, who knew him
d. 624. A Roman abbot, presumably
personally, tells us that Meletius derived
from the monastery of St Andrew on
his name from Mel Atticutn: ("Attic
the Coelian Hill, whom St Gregory
honey") a phrase used to describe his
the Great sent to England in the wake of
eloquence. If so, we do not know his
St Augustine in 601 at the head of a
real name.
second band of missionary monks. He
spent three years in Kent, and then was
See Speusippus, Eleusippus, etc.
stationed in London as its first bishop.
He was banished to France for refusing
holy communion to the apostate sons of
(Bl) H. OSB. Vail. AC. March 26 King Sigebert. In 619 he was recalled
to Kent to succeed St Laurence as arch-
d. 1 198. A priest and monk of Vallum-
bishop of Canterbury.
brosa, who after many years of cenobi-
tical life, asked to become a recluse in
the hermitage called Massa delle Celle y
MELLONIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 22
d. 314. Said to have been a Briton, born
above Vallumbrosa. His relics are en-
near Cardiff, in the district called St
shrined at Vallumbrosa in the "altar of
Mellon's, and to have been the first
bishop of Rouen.

MELITINA (St) RM. Sept 15

Mid. 2nd cent. A
maiden martyred at
MELORIUS (St) M. AC. Oct 1

8th cent. Son of a king of Armorican

Marcianopolis in Thrace under Antoni-
nus Pius. Her relics were translated to
Cornwall, done to death when a child.

the isle of Lemnos.

He was one time venerated at Ames-
bury in Wiltshire, and his cult still
MELITO of SARDIS survives at Quimper in Brittany.
(St) Bp.
AC. Apr 1

d. c.iSo. A
bishop of Sardis in Lydia
and an ecclesiastical writer of the period (St) Bp. RM. Aug 5
of the Apologists. He had a great repu-
d. r.300. Founder and bishop of the

see of Chalons-sur-Marne, and the

tation, but very little of his work is

apostle of that district. He preached
during the second half of the 3rd
MELLA (St) W. AC. Apr 25 century, the legend which makes him a
d. r.780.Born in Connaught, Mella be- disciple of St Peter being now dis-
came the mother of two saints, Cannech credited.

MEMNON (St) M. RM. Aug 20 became the abbot-restorer of the mon-
See Severus, Memnon and Comp. astery of Menat near Clermont.


RM. Sept 7 CAPITO (SS) MM. RM. July 24
d. 451. Memorius, registered in the RM. ? Martyrs commemorated in both the
as Nemorius and popularly known as Greek and the Latin menologies, of
St Mesmin, was a deacon of Troyes, whom, however, nothing is known.
under St Lupus, by whom he was sent
with five companions to the camp of MENIGNUS (St) M. RM. March 15
Attila, to implore the mercy of the d. 251. A martyr who suffered at Parium
barbarian leader. Attila had them all on the Hellespont under Decius. He was
beheaded. The story is not trustworthy. a dyer by trade. He tore down the
The relics of the martyrs are still the imperial edict against the Christians. In
object of great veneration. punishment for this his fingers were
cut off. Later he was beheaded for the
MENALIPPUS (St) M. RM. Sept 2 faith.
See Diomedes, Julian, etc.
MENANDER (St) M. RM. Apr 28 d. c .395. A
maiden of Lorraine said to
See Patrick, Acacius, etc. have been related by blood to SS Eu-
cherius and Elaptius (MM.) and other
MENANDER (St) M. RM. Aug 1 The particulars of her life as they
See Cyril, Aquila, etc. have reached us are very unreliable.


One of the group Urban, Theodore, RM. Aug 25
and Comp. q.v. d. 552. A native of Alexandria who be-
came superior of the hospice of St
MENEFRIDA (St) V. AC. July 24 Samson at Constantinople and later was
5th cent. Of the family of Brychan of promoted patriarch of the latter city in
Brecknock. She is the patron saint of 536. He condemned
Origenism, but
Menver, in Cornwall. subscribed to the decrees of the emperor
Justinian on "the Three Chapters" and
MENEHOULD (St) V. AC. Oct 14 was for this reason excommunicated by
5th cent. Patron saint of the French Pope Vigilius in 551. He submitted at
town in the Argonne called after her. once, and died shortly after.
With her five sisters, likewise honoured
as saints, she brought fame by her MENNAS (St) M. RM. Nov 11
sanctity to the diocese of Chalons-sur- d. f.295. An Egyptian, martyred at
Marne. Karm Aba-Mina, near Alexandria. At a
later period he was said to have been an
MENELEUS (French: MENELE, officer in the imperial army and was
MAUVIER) (St) Ab. OSB. venerated as one of the great warrior
RM. July 22 saints, whose cult was so much in vogue
d. f.720. Born in Anjou, he became a during the Middle Ages. The legends
monk of Carmery in Auvergne. Seven woven around his name are as numer-
years afterwards he left the abbey and ous as they are untrustworthy.

MENNAS (St) H. RM. Nov n the imperial army, martyred at Caesarea
d. 6th cent. A Greek from Asia Minor, inCappadocia under Decius. He forms
who became a hermit in the Abruzzi, one of the group of "Warrior Saints".
probably at Santomena (Sanctus Menna)
in the diocese of Conza. St Gregory the MERCURIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
Great (Dial., Ill, 26) enlarges upon his RM. Dec 10
virtues and miracles. d. c .300. (?) A group of soldiers told off
to escort Christian prisoners to their
MENNAS, HERMOGENES, and place of execution at Lentini (Leontium)
EUGRAPHUS (SS) MM. RM.Dec 10 in Sicily. The soldiers were so impressed
d. £.312.Three martyrs who were be- with the behaviour of the prisoners that
headed at Alexandria under Diocletian. they too declared themselves believers
Their Passio is worthless; it has been in Christ, and soldiers and prisoners
falsely ascribed to St Athanasius. were beheaded together.


RM. Sept 10 AC. May 13
Three sisters who were martyred
d. 306. Abbess of Rumsey, a nunnery
d. c .970.
under Maximian Galerius near the in Hampshire, restored under King
Pythian baths or hot springs in Bithynia. Edgar the Peaceful.
These bare facts are certain; but not so
the later Acta based upon them. MEREWENNA (St) V. AC. Aug 12
? Marhamchurch, near
Titular saint of
MENULPHUS (MENOU) (St) Bp. Bude in Cornwall. She is said to have
AC. July 12 been one of the daughters of Brychan of
7th cent. Said to have been an Irish pil- Brecknock.
grim who became bishop of Quimper in
Brittany and died in the neighbourhood MERIADEC (St) Bp. AC. June 7
of Bourges while on his return journey d. f.886 (?). Probably a Welshman by
from Rome. birth. He became a hermit-priest and
later bishop of Vannes in Brittany,
MERCOLINO of FORLI (Bl) C. OP. where he is greatly venerated. The de-
AC. Jan 24 tails of his life are of small historical
Otherwise Marcolino of Forli, q.v. value.

MERCURIA (St) M. RM. Dec 12 MERIADEC (St) Bp. AC. June 7

See Ammonaria, Mercuria, etc. d. 1302. Born in Brittany, he was or-
dained priest and retired to a solitude to
MERCURIALIS (St) Bp. live as a hermit, but was forced to
RM. May 23 abandon it on being elected by the
d. c .406. First bishop of Forli in central clergy bishop of Vannes. He was known
Italy. He was opponent of
a zealous far and wide for his charity to the poor.
paganism and Arianism. His life became
the subject of many extravagant legends. MERINUS (St) H. AC. Jan 6
6th cent. A disciple of Dunawd of Ban-
MERCURIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 25 gor and titular saint of churches in
d. f.250. An alleged Scythian officer in Wales and Brittany.

MERINUS (MERRYN, MEADH- became a missionary under St Isaac the
RAN) (St) Bp. AC. Sept 15 Great. The Armenians attribute to him
d. c.620. A disciple of St Comgall at the invention of their alphabet and the
Bangor, venerated both in Scotland translation of the New Testament into
and in Ireland. Armenian. He certainly organized
schools and studies throughout the
MERILILAUN (MEROLILAUN) country. Indeed, he was one of the most
(St) M. AC. May 18 remarkable oriental churchmen of his
8th cent. A British pilgrim who met his time.
death by violence near Reims while on
his way to Rome and has since been MESSALINA (St) VM. AC. Jan 19
popularly venerated as a martyr. d. 251. A maiden of Foligno, who re-
ceived the veil from St Felician, bishop
MERRI or MERRY (St) Ab. of that city. She is said to have visited

RM. Aug 29 him in prison and to have been there-

Otherwise Medericus, q.v. upon delated as a Christian and clubbed
to death.


AC. Sept 15 Otherwise Maximian. See Lucian,
Otherwise Merinus, q.v.
Maximian and Julian.


RM. Jan 17 See Mardonius, Musonius, etc.
See Antony, Merulus and John.
MERWENNA (St) Abs. OSB. RM. Apr 6 and July 7
AC. May 13 See Cyril and Methodius.
Otherwise Merewenna, q.v.


MESME (St) Aug 20 (St) Bp. RM. June 14
See Maximus. d. 847. A Sicilian who founded a mon-
astery on the He was
island of Chios.
MESMIN (St) M. RM. Sept 7
sent to Rome on the iconoclas-
to report
Otherwise Memorius, q.v.
tic persecution of the Holy See. On his

return to Constantinople he was de-

MESMIN (St) RM. Dec 15
tained in prison for seven years. Finally
Otherwise Maximinus, q.v.
in 842, the empress Theodora induced
MESOPOTAMIA him to become
patriarch of Constanti-
(Martyrs of)
nople. In this position he did excellent
RM. May 23
A work in restoring the faith after thirty
d. £.307. group of martyrs who suf-
years of iconoclastic rule.
fered in Mesopotamia under Maximian
MESROB (St) C. AC. Nov 25 RM. Sept 18
d. Surnamed "the Teacher". A
441. d. 311. Bishop of Olympus in Lycia,
native of the province of Taron in and then of Tyre in Phoenicia. He is
Armenia, he became a disciple of St generally supposed to have died a mar-
Nerses the Great and a monk. Later he tyr at Chalcis. He is now better known

as an ecclesiastical writer of distinction, MEWAN (St) Ab. AC. June 21
especially for his Banquet of the Ten The Cornish form of the name Maine,
Virgins, an imitation of Plato's Sym- q.v.
posion, and for his treatise on the
MEWROG (St) C. AC. Sept 25
? A Denbighshire saint, concerning
METRANUS (METRAS) (St) M. whom no particulars are extant.
RM. Jan 31
d. £.250. An
Egyptian of Alexandria, MICAH (MICHAEAS) (St) Prophet
martyred under Decius. St Dionysius of RM. Jan 15

Alexandria, his bishop and contempo- 8th cent. B.C. One

of the twelve minor
rary, has left a vivid account of the
prophets. His book contains the pro-

martyrdom. phecy of Christ's birth in Bethlehem.

His presence in the RM. is due to an
METROBIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 24 alleged finding of his remains.
See Lucian, Metrobius, etc.
RM. Sept 10 £.1445-1522. Born at Florence, he was
See Menodora, Metrodora and Nym- in high favour at the court of Lorenzo
phodora. de' Medici before becoming a Camaldo-
lese hermit (1502). After ordination to
METROPHANES (St) Bp. the priesthood he was walled up in his
RM. June
4 hermitage, where he remained till his
d. 325. Bishop of Byzantium from 313 death.
to 325, and supposed to have been the
first occupant of that see. Very little, MICHAEL COZAKI (St) M.
however, is known about him. RM. Feb 5
d. 1597. AJapanese catechist and hos-
MEUGANT (MAWGHAN, MOR- pital nurse to the Franciscan mission-
GAN) (St) AC. Sept 26 aries. He was crucified at Nagasaki with
6th cent. He appears to have been a dis- St Peter Baptist and other companions
ciple of St Illtyd, to have lived as a her- including his own son, St Thomas
mit in several places in W. Britain, and Cozaki. Beatified in 1627, and canonized
to have died on the isle of Bardsey. in 1862.
Several churches in Wales and Cornwall
are dedicated to him. MICHAEL of the SAINTS (St) C.
O. Trin. RM. Apr 10
MEURIS and THEA (SS) MM. 1591-1625. Born at Vich, in Spanish
RM. Dec 19 Catalonia, he joined the calced Trini-
d. f.307. Two
maidens martyred at tarians at Barcelona in 1603, and took
Gaza They are probably
in Palestine. his vows at Saragossa in 1607. This same
identical with the St Valentina and her year he passed over to the discalced
anonymous fellow-martyr commemo- Trinitarians and renewed his vows at
rated on July 25. Alcala. After his ordination he was twice
superior at Valladolid, where he died.
MAVENUS (MAVENNA) (St) Ab. He was one of the greatest apostles of
AC. June 21 the Holy Eucharist in 17th century
Otherwise Maine, q.v. Spain. Canonized in 1862.

MICHAEL ULUMBIJSKI (St) C. encountering many initial difficulties the
AC. May 7 Congregation grew and spread beyond
6th cent. One of the twelve companions France and across the Atlantic. Canon-
of St John Zedazneli (Nov 7) in Georgia, ized in 1947.
RM. May 8 and Sept 29 d. 1485. Born near Vilna in Lithuania of
One of the three angels (Michael, Gab- noble parentage. He was a cripple and
riel, Raphael) liturgically venerated by a dwarf. He took up his abode in a cell
the Church, and also described as one adjoining the church of the Augustinian
of the Seven Angels who stand before canons regular at Cracow, and there he
the throne of God (q.v.). Holy Scripture lived all his life, famous for his gifts of
describes Michael as "one of the chief prophecy and miracles.
princes" (Dan. X, 13); and as the leader
of the heavenly armies in their battle MICHAEL HO-DINH-HY (Bl) M.
against the forces of hell (Apoc. XII, AC. May 22
7). He is mentioned also in the epistle c. 1 808-1 857. Born at Nhu-lam in
of St Jude as "rebuking the devil". He Cochin-China of Christian parents, he
has always been especially invoked by became a Great Mandarin and super-
the Catholic Church both in the East intendent of the royal silk mills. For a
and in the West. His feast on Sept 29 is long time he did not practise his reli-
probably the anniversary of the dedica- gion, but eventually became leader and
tion of a church of St Michael and All protector of his fellow-Christians. He
Angels on the Salarian Way at Rome was for this reason beheaded at An-Hoa,
in the 6th century; that of May 8 com- near Hue, in N. Cochin-China. Beatified
memorates his apparition on Mt in 1909.
Gargano in S. Italy (also 6th century).
Another apparition in France (8th MICHAEL of SYNNADA (St) Bp.
century) led to the foundation of Mont RM. May 23
Saint-Michel "in peril of the sea" (in d. f.820. A disciple of St Tarasius of
periculo maris), in Brittany. Constantinople, by whom he was con-
secrated bishop of Synnada in Phrygia.
MICHAEL GARICOITS (St) Tarasius also Michael as the
Founder RM. May 14 bearer of his synodal letter to the pope
1797- 1 863. Born near Bayonne, the son St Leo III in Rome. Michael was a
of a Pyrenean peasant, he acted as ser- fearless opponent of the iconoclasts. He
vant to his parish priest, and later to the was for this reason banished to Galatia
bishop of Bayonne, in return for his by the emperor Leo the Armenian.
education. He was ordained priest in
1823, and after holding a curacy for a MICHAEL TOZO (Bl) M.
short time was appointed professor of AC. June 20
philosophy, and eventually rector of the d. 1626. A native of Japan, catechist to
diocesan seminary. As such he founded Bl Balthassar Torres. He was burnt
in 1838 at Betharram the congregation alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
of Auxiliary Priests of the Sacred Heart,
known as the Betharram Fathers, for MICHAEL MI (Bl) M. AC. Aug 12
mission work among the people. After d. 1838. Born in Tonkin. He was mayor

of Ke-Vinh, and a married man. He was received at the hands of his gaolers.
martyred with BB Antony Dich his son- Beatified in 1Q26.
in-law and James Nam. Beatified in
1900. MICHAEL JAMADA (Bl) M. Tert.
OP. AC. Sept 8
(Bl) d. 1628. A Japanese and a Dominican
Tert. OFM. AC. Aug 17 tertiary, beheaded at Nagasaki. Beatified
d. 1627. A native of Japan and tertiary in 1867.

of St Francis. Beheaded at Nagasaki.

Beatified in 1867.
AC. Sept 8

MICHAEL DIAZ (Bl) M. 1613-1626. A

Japanese boy of thirteen
beheaded at Nagasaki with his father,
AC. Aug 19
Bl John Tomaki, and his three brothers.
d. 1622. A
Spanish merchant on the
Beatified in 1867.
Japanese ship of Bl Joachim Firaiama
(q.v.). He was beheaded at Nagasaki.

Beatified in 1867.
AC. Sept 10
1 589-1 622. A Japanese, who attached
himself to the Jesuit missionaries when
AC. Aug 25
only eight years old. He was received
1577-1 624. Born at Braga in Portugal,
into the Society of Jesus by Bl Charles
he entered the Society of Jesus in 1597
Spinola in the prison at Omura and later
and was sent to Goa, where he was
burnt alive at Nagasaki. Beatified in
ordained priest and taught theology for
fifteen years. He was next dispatched to
Japan, which he reached after many MICHAEL YAMIKI (Bl) M.
adventures. In July 1623 he was arrested AC. Sept 10
and finally roasted to death at Ximabura 1 617-1622. The five-year-old son of Bl
with BB Peter Vasquez, OP., Louis Damian Yamiki, beheaded at Nagasaki
Sotelo, OFM. and two other Friars with his father on the day of the great
Minor. Beatified in 1867. martyrdom. Beatified in 1867.


AC. Sept 1 Tert. OP. AC. Sept 16
1791-1855. Born in Abyssinia of dissi- d. 1628. A Japanese catechist and Do-
dent parents, he became an orthodox minican tertiary, beheaded at Nagasaki.
monk in that country and was known Beatified in 1867.
for his zeal and scholarship. Contact
with missionary fathers of St Vincent of MICHAEL KINOXI (Bl) M. Tert.
Paul brought to him at the age of fifty OSA. AC. Sept 28
the grace of conversion. In 1844 he was d. 1630. A native of Japan, beheaded at
reconciled to the Catholic Church and Nagasaki for having given shelter to the
in 1 85 1 was ordained priest, having missionaries. He was an Augustinian
already joined the Vincentian Fathers. tertiary. Beatified in 1867.
In 1855 a persecution was launched
against the Ethiopian Catholics by their MICHAEL TAKEXITA (Bl) M.
new Theodore II. Michael was
negus, AC. Nov 27
arrested and died from the ill-usage he d. 1 61 9. A Japanese layman, of the royal
family of Firando. He is described as a MIGDONIUS and MARDONIUS
man of most amiable character. He was (SS) MM. RM. Dec 23
beheaded, at the age of twenty-five, at d. High officials
303. at the imperial
Nagasaki, with ten companions. Beati- court of Rome. When the persecution
fied in 1867. broke out under Diocletian in 303, they
refused to renounce their Christian
MICHAEL NAKAXIMA (Bl) M. SJ. faith. Migdonius was for this reason
AC. Dec 25 burnt at the stake and Mardonius
d. 1628. Born at Maciai in Japan. He drowned in a well.
concealed the missionary priests in his
house and was admitted to the Society
of Jesus. From the year 1627 to Septem-
RM. Feb 23
d. 722. The elder sister of St Mildred
ber 1628 he was kept a prisoner in his
of Thanet, and abbess-foundress of
own house. He was then taken to
Wenlock in Salop. Archbishop St
Ximabara and after many tortures
Theodore consecrated her abbess and
brought to the hot springs of Mt Ungen,
the nunnery is said to have greatly
where scalding water was poured upon
flourished under her rule. She had the
him until he died. Beatified in 1867.
gift of miracles and a mysterious power
over birds.
Otherwise Mary-Michaela, q.v. AC. Jan 17
d. f.676. The youngest of the three holy
MICHELINA of PESARO (Bl) W. virgins of Thanet —
Milburga, Mildred
Tert. AC. June 20 and Mildgytha. She received the veil at
1 300-1 356. Michelina Metelli was born Minster in Thanet, where her own
at Pesaro, in the duchy of Urbino, of mother, St Ermenburga, or Domneva,
the family of the counts of Pardi. At the was abbess. Later she migrated to a con-
age of twelve she married Duke Mala- vent in Northumbria, where she died.
testa and was left a widow when she was
only twenty. On the death of her only MILDRED of THANET (St) Abs.
child she determined to change her life, OSB. AC. July 13
but met with opposition from her par- d. c.700 (or 725?). One of the three
ents who shut her up as a lunatic. When daughters of St Ermenburga of Thanet.
gave up her fortune, became
set free she She was sent by her mother to be edu-
a Franciscan tertiary, and lived as such cated in the French nunnery of Chelles,
till her death. Cult confirmed in 1737. and on her return, received the Bene-
dictine habit from St Theodore of
MIDA (St) V. AC. Jan 15 Canterbury at Minster in Thanet, where
Otherwise Ita, q.v. she eventually succeeded her mother as
abbess. Her relics were first enshrined
MIDAN (NIDAN) (St) at Canterbury and afterwards removed
AC. Sept 30 to Holland, whence a part of them have
d. c.610. A saint of Anglesey who been in recent times brought back to
flourished early in the 7th century. Minster. Mildred was one of the most
popular saints in medieval England. In
MIDNAT (St) V. AC. Nov 18 her life she is described as "ever merci-

Otherwise Medana, q.v. ful, of easy temper and tranquil".


AC. Apr 30 Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Aug 23
d. 1590. Alias William Richardson. He 3rd cent. The details of the passion of
was born near Wigan and became a these martyrs are wanting, and those
schoolmaster. Afterwards he studied for given in the chronicles are untrust-
the priesthood at Reims and was or- worthy. It seems fairly clear that they
dained in 1583. He was martyred for his suffered at Lyons. Eight children are
priesthood at Rochester. Beatified in said to have been included in their
1929. number, and these are alleged to have
been the children either of Minervius
MILLES (St) M. RM. Apr 22 or of Eleazar. Eleazar is believed by
d. 380. A Persian bishop martyred under some to have been a woman, perhaps
King Shapur II. the wife of Minervius.

(Bl) PC. Feb 23 MIMAS (Italian: MINIATO) (St) M.
d. 1076.Born in Auvergne, he was made RM. Oct 25
canon of Paris and dean of the chapter, d. r.250. A soldier, stationed at Flo-
and finally (1074) archbishop of Bene- rence, where he spread the faith among
vento in Italy. He died two years later. his comrades, and where he was mar-
tyred under Decius.
MILO (Bl) Bp. O. Praem.
d. 1 Milo of Selincourt was a disci-
59. AC. July 18
ple of St Norbert. He became abbot of d. 986. An Irishman, who became abbot
Donmartin in 1123 and bishop of of St Martin at Cologne (974-986).
Therouanne in 1131. He was one of the
ablest opponents of Gilbert de la MIRO (Bl) C. OSA. AC. Sept 12
Porree. d. 1 1 61. An Augustinian canon regular
at St John de las Abadesas, near Vich,
MILO (Bl) H. OSB. PC. Aug 18 in Spanish Catalonia.
d. ^.740. His parents who were noble
Franks both entered the cloister; Milo MIROCLES (St) Bp. RM. Dec 3
entered with his father at Fontenelle d. 318. Archbishop of Milan, one of the
and later became a recluse. originators of the Ambrosian liturgy and
MILTIADES (St) Pope RM. Dec 10
d. 314. Wrongly spelt in the RM. and MISAEL (MISHAEL, MISACH)
elsewhere Melchiades. An African by (St) RM. Dec 16
birth,he was pope from 311 to 314, 7th cent. B.C. One of the three Hebrew
during which period the emperor Con- youths cast into the fiery furnace at
stantine granted toleration to the Babylon and miraculously delivered
Church. St Miltiades is venerated as a unscathed therefrom (Dan. III).

martyr on account of his many suffer-

ings during the persecution of Maxi- MITRIUS (French: MITRE,
mian. METRE, MERRE) (St) M.
RM. Nov 13
MINERVINUS (St) M. RM. Dec 31 d. 314. A Greek slave belonging to a
See Stephen, Pontian, etc. tyrannical master at Aix in Provence.

He was savagely ill-used by his master MOD AN (St) Ab. AC. Feb 4
and by his fellow-slaves, and finally be- ? 6th cent. The son of an Irish chieftain,
headed. who preached at Stirling, Falkirk, and
along the Forth, retiring in his old age
MNASON (St) RM. July 12 to a solitude near Dumbarton.
Otherwise Jason, q.v.
MODANIC (St) Bp. AC. Nov 14
MO ? A Scottish bishop, whose feast was
Note. The syllable mo (my) often pre- kept at Aberdeen, but of whom we have
fixed to the names of Irish saints has an no reliable particulars.
honorific significance.
MOBEOC (MOBHEOC) (St) Ab. MORAN) (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 22
AC. Jan 1 d. f.730. A native of Rennes who be-
Otherwise Beoc, q.v. came bishop of that city in 703. About
the year 720 he made a pilgrimage to
MOCHOEMOC (MOCHAEMHOG, Rome, resigned his see and ended his
PULCHERIUS, VULCANIUS) (St) days as a monk-hermit in the abbey of
Ab. AC. March 13 Berceto, in the diocese of Parma.
d. r.656. He was born in Munster and
brought up by his aunt, St Ita. He be- MODESTA (St) M. RM. March 13
came a monk of Bangor in Co. Down See Macedonius, Patricia and Modesta.
under St Comgall, and later the abbot-
founder of Liath-Mochoemoc. All MODESTA (St) Ab. OSB.
other information we have about him is RM. Nov 4
pure legend. Niece of St Mocoald, and first
d. c .680.
abbess of the nunnery of Oehren (Hor-
MOCHELLOC (CELLOG, MOT- reum) at Treves, to which office she was
TELOG, MOTALOGUS) (St) appointed by its founder St Modoald.
AC. March 26
d. £.639. Patron saint of Kilmallock in MODESTUS (St) M. RM. Jan 12
Limerick. Authentic particulars of his See Zoticus, Rogatus, etc.
life are lacking.
AC. Aug 19 d. r.722. A monk under St Virgilius,
6th cent. A Briton by birth, he founded abbot-bishop of Salzburg. He was
the monastery of Louth in the East of appointed regionary bishop of Carinthia
Ireland. His life is a tissue of miracu- and was largely responsible for the
lous fables. evangelization of that country.

Otherwise Cuan, q.v. Several Irish RM. Feb 12
saints are honoured under the name of ? Modestus was martyred at Carthage,
Mochua on various days. Julian at Alexandria (in 160). The
former is venerated as the patron saint
MOCHUDA (St) Bp. AC. May 14 of Cartagena in Spain. Their association
Otherwise Carthage the Younger, q.v. in the RM. is arbitrary.

MODESTUS and AMMONIUS (SS) Merryn, and in French Modivene. Four
MM. RM. Feb 12 or five saints of this name are listed in
? Martyrs at Alexandria in Egypt. They different menologies, but their lives are
are said to have been the children of St hopelessly confused. Two seem to have
Damien, martyr (Feb 12). Nothing is been more important than the rest: (1)
known about them. St Modwenna who succeeded St Hilda
as abbess of Whitby (d. £.695); and (2)
MODESTUS (St) M. RM. Feb 12 St Modwenna, abbess of Polesworth in
d. £.304. A deacon, said to have been a Warwickshire (d. £.900).
native of Sardinia, martyred under Dio-
cletian. His relics were brought to MOELIAI (MOELRAY) (St) Ab.
Benevento £.785. AC. June 23
d. r.493. A native of Ireland, baptized
MODESTUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 24
by St Patrick, and by him set over the
d. 489. Bishop of Treves from 486 to
newly founded monastery of Nendrum,
489, that is, during the difficult period
where he had SS Finian and Colman
when the city came under Frankish
among his disciples.
rule.His relics are venerated in the
church of St Matthias at Treves.
MOGUE (St) Bp. AC. Jan 31
Otherwise Aidan, q.v.
MODESTUS (St) M. RM. June 15
See Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia.
AC. Jan 20
MODESTUS (St) M. RM. Nov 10
d. r.655. An Irishman, brought up in
See Tiberius, Modestus and Florentia.
Wales under St David. He founded a
monastery at Fulachmhin (Fermoy).
MODOALD (St) Bp. RM. May 12
He is much venerated in S. Ireland.
d. 640. A native of Gascony, related by
blood and united in friendship with
MOLAISRE (St) Bp. AC. Apr 18
most of the saints of the Merovingian
Otherwise Laserian, q.v.
period. From being the adviser of King
Dagobert I, he was raised in 622 to the
see of Treves, which he governed most
successfully till his death.
Bp. AC. June 17
d. 697. Born Wexford, he is said to
MODOC (St) Bp. AC. Jan 31
have been a monk at Glendalough and
Otherwise Aidan of Ferns, q.v.
afterwards abbot at Aghacainid (Tegh-
molin, St Mullins). Later, he succeeded
St Aidan in the see of Ferns, having the
DOMINIC) (St) Bp. AC. Feb 13
d. £.550. An alleged descendant of the
whole of Leinster under his jurisdiction.
Irish royal line of O'Neil. He was a
He resigned some years before his death.
disciple of St David in Wales, and
afterwards a hermit at Tibraghny in
Kilkenny, and, some writers add, a
LUGAIDH) (St) Bp. AC. June 25
d. £.572. A Scot, who was educated in
Ireland and then returned to his native
MODWENNA (St) V. AC. July 5 land as a missionary. His main work as
Also called Edana, Medana, Monyna, a bishop was the evangelization of the

Hebrides. He died at Rossmarkie, but severalnuns who had followed her ex-
his shrine was at Mortlach. ample and who later united in forming
the original community of Saint-Pierre-
MOLONACHUS (St) Bp. le-Puellier.
AC. June 25
7th cent. A Brendan who
disciple of St MONESSA (St) V. AC. Sept 4
became bishop of Lismore in Argyle. d. 456. Daughter of an Irish chieftain
converted by St Patrick. The tradition
MOLUA (St) Ab. AC. Aug 4 is that she died on coming out of the

Otherwise Luanus, q.v. baptismal font.


AC. Oct 16 332-387. Born at Carthage of Christian
Otherwise Mummolinus, q.v. parentage, but married to a pagan hus-
band, she was the mother of three chil-
MOMMOLUS (St) dren. Her husband's example led to the
Otherwise Mummolus (q.v.) lapsefrom the Faith of her elder son, St
Augustine, the future Doctor of the
MONACELLA (St) V. AC. Jan 31 Church. Through her patience and
Otherwise Melangell, q.v. gentleness she converted her husband,
and after his death her prayers and tears
MONALDUS of ANCONA, AN- were rewarded by the return of Augus-
TONY of MILAN and FRANCIS of tine to the practice of the Catholic Faith.
FERMO (BB) MM. OFM. Monica followed him to Rome, where
PC. March 15 the longed-for conversion took place.
d. 1286. Three Franciscan friars who She died the same year at Ostia, near
were sent to Armenia to preach the Rome, on the way back to Africa with
Gospel and were martyred there. Augustine.

MONAN (St) M. AC. March 1 MONICA (Bl) M. AC. July 12

d. 874. A saint trained under St Adrian d. 1626. A native Japanese woman, wife
of St Andrew's, and a missionary in the of Bl John Naisen, with whom she was
country about the Firth of Forth. He beheaded at Nagasaki for having given
was slain by the Danes, together with a shelter to Bl John Baptist Zola. Beati-
great number of fellow-Christians. fied in 1867.

MONAS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 12 MONINNE (or DARERCA) (St) V.

d. 249. Bishop of Milan from 193 till his AC. July 6
death, i.e., for fifty-six years. He lived d. 518. An Irish hermit at Sliabh Cuil-
through several persecutions. lin, where she died.


(St) MONITOR (St) Bp. RM. Nov 10
d. 570. A woman of Chartres who, on d. r.490. Twelfth bishop of Orleans.
the death of her two daughters, obtained
the consent of her husband to become a MONON (St) M. AC. Oct 18
hermit. She spent the better part of her f.645. A Scottish pilgrim who crossed
life in a cell at Tours, where she died. over to the Continent and lived as a her-
Round her deathbed were gathered mit in the Ardennes. He was murdered
at Nassogne, in Belgian Luxemburg, by MORICUS (Bl) C. AC. March 30
some evil-doers whom he had reproved. d. 1236. A religious of the Order of the
Cruciferi, whose story is told by St
MONTANUS, LUCIUS, JULIAN, Bonaventure in his life of St Francis of
VICTORIOUS, FLAVIAN and Assisi. The Franciscans claim him as
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Feb 24 the fifth recruit to join the Friars Minor.
d. 259. A
group of ten African martyrs, He is honoured chiefly at Orvieto and
disciples of StCyprian of Carthage, who among the Franciscans.
suffered in that city under Valerian.
Their Acta are thoroughly authentic: MOROC (St) Bp. AC. Nov 8
the story of their imprisonment is told 9th cent. Abbot of Dunkeld and after-
by themselves, and that of their martyr- wards bishop of Dunblane. He appears
dom by eye-witnesses. to have left his name to several chur-
ches, and was venerated with a solemn
MONTANUS and MAXIMA (SS) office in the old Scottish rite.
MM. RM. March 26
Montanus, a priest, and Maxi-
d. 304.
MORWENNA (St) V. AC. July 8
ma, said to have been his wife, were
5th cent. A Cornish saint, to whom we
drowned as Christians in the R. Save at
owe several place-names. She is often
Sirmium, in Dalmatia, or Singidunum,
confused either with the other saints of
name or with the
this Irish saints of the
name of Moninne.
MONTANUS (St) M. RM. June 17
d. £.300. A soldier, who was taken to
the island of Ponza, off the Italian coast,
MOSES (St) Bp. RM. Feb 7
and martyred there by being thrown
d. £.372. An Arab who retired into the

into the sea with a heavy stone tied

desert around Mt Sinai, and there
worked as bishop of a roaming Arab
round his neck. The Christians re-
covered his body and enshrined it at
MOSES (St) M. RM. Feb 14
MORANDUS (St) Mk. OSB. See Cyrion, Bassian, etc.

AC. June 3
d. f.1115.Born of noble parentage near MOSES the BLACK (St) M.
Worms, he was educated at the cathe- RM. Aug 28
dral school of Worms, and after a pil- d. f.395. An Abyssinian Negro, born in
grimage at Compostella, received the slaveryand of such vicious propensities
Benedictine habit at Cluny from St that his master drove him from his
Hugh the Great. Eventually he was sent household. He now became the chief of
to the new Cluniac foundation of St a gang of robbers. It was as a fugitive
Christopher's at Altkirk, in Alsace, of from justice that he took refuge among
which he was the first superior. He was the hermits of Scete in Lower Egypt,
greatly esteemed for his work as a by whom he was converted. He re-
missioner throughout the neighbouring mained with them, was ordained priest,
countryside. and became famous for his supernatural
gifts. In his old age he was murdered
MORE, THOMAS (St) M. RM. July 9 by Bedouins against whom he refused
See Thomas More. to defend himself.

MOSES Prophet
(St) RM. Sept 4 MUCIAN (St) M. RM. July 3
15th cent. B.C.The Hebrew leader and See Mark, Mucian, etc.

lawgiver. What we know of him we learn

from the Bible, chiefly from the Book of MUCIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 6
Exodus. He died at the age of one See Silvanus, Luke, etc.
hundred and twenty, on the borders of
Where he was buried
the promised land.
MUCIUS (St) M. RM.Apr22
no man knows. See Parmenius and Comp.

MOSES (St) M. RM. Nov 25 MUCIUS (St) M. RM. May 13

d. 251. A Roman priest, noted for his d. 304. A Roman by origin, but born at
zeal in preaching the gospel and for his Byzantium, Mucius became a priest and
firm stand against Novatianism. He was was martyred under Diocletian for
one of the victims under Decius. having, it is said, overturned a pagan


RM. Dec 18 MUGAGGA (St) M. RM. June 3
d. c. ? 250. An African martyr, who d. 1886. He was
brought up and taught
probably suffered under Decius. by the royal clothmaker. He was mar-
tyred by order of King Mwanga of
MOSEUS and AMMONIUS (SS) Uganda. See Uganda (Martyrs of).
MM. RM. Jan 18
d. 250. Two soldier-martyrs sentenced MUIRCHU (MACCUTINUS) (St)
to forced labour for life in the mines and C. AC. June 8
later burnt alive at Astas (Asracus) in 7th cent. An Irishman, who wrote a life
Bithynia. of St Brigid and a life of St Patrick.


RM. June 22 RM. June 3
See Acacius. He served at the royal table of
d. 1886.
King Mwanga of Uganda by whose
MOUNT SINAI (Martyrs of) orders he was put to death. See Uganda
RM. Jan i\ (Martyrs of).

d. f.380. A group of monks on Mt Sinai,

massacred by the marauding Bedouins. MULLION (St) Bp. RM. Jan 6
Another and larger group of solitaries Otherwise Melanius, q.v.

done to death also by the Bedouins in

the neighbouring desert of Raithu is MUMMOLINUS (MOMMOLEN-
commemorated on the same day in the US, etc.) (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 16
RM. d. r.686. A native of Constance in Swit-
zerland, he became a monk at Luxeuil,
MOVEAN (BITEUS) Ab. (St) and eventually was sent to St Omer and
AC. July 22 appointed superior of the Old Mon-
? A disciple of St Patrick and abbot of astery (now Saint-Mommolin). Thence
Inis-Coosery, Co. Down. He seems also he migrated to the New Monastery, viz.
to have worked in Perthshire, where he Sithin, which had been founded by his
is thought to have died as a hermit. great friend and fellow-monk St Ber-

tinus. Finally in 660 he was raised to the MURA McFEREDACH (MURAN,
see of Noyon-Tournai. MURAMES) (St) Ab. AC. March 12
d. r.645. Born in Donegal, he was
MUMMOLUS (MOMMOLUS, appointed abbot of Fahan by St Col-
MOMMOLENUS) (St) Ab. OSB. umba. He is the special patron saint of
AC. Aug 8 the O'Neill clan and of Fahan in Co.
d. f.678. Second abbot of Fleury. Derry.
He caused the relics of SS Benedict and
Scholastica to be translated from MUREDACH (MURTAGH) (St) Bp.
Montecassino to France, and for this AC. Aug 13
reason Fleury began to be known as d. r.455. A disciple of St Patrick, by
Saint-Benoit-sur-Loire. whom he was consecrated first bishop of
Killala. He ended his life as a hermit in
MUMMOLUS (MUMBOLUS, the island of Innismurray.
OSB. AC. Nov 18 MUREDHAE (Bl) Ab. OSB.
d. An Irishman, companion of
£.690. AC. Feb 9
St Fursey, whom he succeeded as abbot Otherwise Marianus Scotus, q.v.
of Lagny, in the diocese of Meaux.

MURITTA (St) M. RM. July 13

MUN (St) Bp. AC. Feb 6 See Eugene, Salutaris, etc.
5th cent. Described as a nephew of St
Patrick, who consecrated him bishop of
MUSA (St) V. AC. Apr 2
what is now Co. Longford. He ended his
d. 6th cent. A child living in Rome who
days as a solitary in an island in Lough
was favoured with visions and mystical
experiences. She is spoken of by St
Gregory the Great, her contemporary.
MUNCHIN (St) Bp. ( ?) AC. Jan 2
? Patron of the city and diocese of Lim-
erick, St Munchin may have been first
MUSONIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 24
See Mardonius, Musonius, etc.
bishop of that see. He is said to have
lived in the 7th century or earlier, but
even this is uncertain. MUSTIOLA (St) M. RM. July 3
See Irenaeus and Mustiola.


MOND) (St) Ab. AC. Apr 15 MYD WYN (St) AC. Jan 1

d. £.962. A Scottish abbot who governed See Elvan and Mydwyn.

a large abbey and made several monastic
foundations in Argyle. The details of his MYLLIN (St) Bp. AC. June 17
career are obscure. The Welsh form of the name Moiling,
MUNGO (St) Bp. AC. Jan 13
Otherwise Kentigern, q.v. MYLOR (St) C. AC. Oct 1

Otherwise Melorius, q.v.

MUNNU (MUNDUS, etc.) (St)

AC. Oct 21 MYRBAD (St) C. AC. May 31
Otherwise Fintan, q.v. See Winnow, Mancus and Myrbad.

MYRON (St) Bp. RM. Aug 8 MYROPE (St) M. RM. July 13
c. 250-350. Surnamed "the Wonder- d. £.251. A native of Chios in the Gre-

worker". A bishop in Crete, who died a cian archipelago, whence she used to
centenarian. make pilgrimages to the shrines of the
martyrs. Accused of having hidden the
MYRON (St) M. RM. Aug 17 body of the martyr St Isidore, she ad-
d. £.250. A priest who boldly faced the mitted having done so. She was
persecutors when they came to destroy scourged and died in prison from the
his church, and was martyred at Cyzi- effects of the punishment,
cus on the sea of Marmora.

NAAL (St) Ab. AC. Jan 27 NAHUM (St) Prophet RM. Dec 1

Otherwise Natalis, q.v. c .660. B.C. One of the minor prophets,

supposed to have been a native of N.
NABOR (St) M. RM. June 12 Palestine. His short prophecy of three
See Basilides, Cyrinus, etc. chapters is directed against Niniveh.
He lived to see the destruction of
NABOR (St) M. RM. July 10 Niniveh which he had foretold.
See Januarius, Marinus, etc.
NAMADIA (St) N. OSB. AC. Aug 19
NABOR and FELIX (SS) MM. d. c .700. Wife of St Calminius, and in
RM. July 12 her widowhood a Benedictine nun at

d. f.304. Martyrs at Milan under Dio- Marsat.

cletian. They owe their celebrity to
theirsolemn translation and enshrine-
ment by St Ambrose, nearly a century NAMATIUS) (St) Bp. AC. Nov 17
d. r.559. Twenty-second bishop of
Vienne in France. Cult confirmed in
NAGRAN (Martyrs of) (SS) 1903.


d. 523. A group of martyrs (the
large AC. Oct 27
RM. gives their number as 340) mas- d. ^.462. Ninth bishop of Clermont in
sacred at Nagran (Nedjran) in S.W. France. He built the cathedral.
Arabia by Jews and heathen Arabs
under the Jew Dhu Nowas (Dunaan). NAMPHANION and Comp. (SS)
The leader of the martyrs was the chief MM. RM. July 4
of the Beni Harith, Abdullah ibn Kaab d. c. ? Namphanion, of Carthagi-
(the "Aretas" of the RM.). "After nian descent, was martyred with several
these," adds the RM., "a Christian companions, his compatriots, at Ma-
woman was delivered to the flames, and daura in Numidia. He is usually styled
her son of five years old in his lisping by the African writers "the Arch-
voice confessed Christ, and could not be martyr".
moved from his purpose by promises or
threats, but threw himself headlong into NAMPHASIUS (NAMPHISIUS,
the fire where
mother was burning."
The massacre of the Nagran martyrs NAMPHRASE) (St) H. OSB.
made such a deep impression that they AC. Nov 12
are even mentioned by Mohammed in d. <\8oo. A friend
of Charlemagne, and
the Koran. one of those who fought against the
Saracens in S. France. He afterwards
NAHUM (St) C. AC. July 17 became a monk-recluse near Marcillac
See Seven Apostles of Bulgaria. (Lot).

NANTERIUS (NANTIER, NAN- tired from his see, but returned to it at
TfcRE) (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 30 the request of his people.
d. £.1044. A Benedictine abbot of the
monastery of Saint-Mihiel (S. Michaelis NARCISSUS (St) M. RM. Oct 31
ad Mosam) in Lorraine, diocese of See Ampliatus, Urban and Narcissus.
NARNUS (St) RM. Aug 27
NAPOLEON (NEOPOLUS) (St) M. ? The allegedbishop of Bergamo,

AC. Aug 15 said to have been consecrated by St

d. r.300. An
Egyptian martyr who suf- Barnabas.
fered at Alexandria under Diocletian.
He was put to the torture and so horri- NARSES(St) Bp. PC. Jan 3
bly maimed thereby that he expired 340? Narses, Bishop of Subogord in
while being carried back to his dungeon. Persia was arrested with his disciple
Joseph and martyred. The date is un-
NARCISSUS (St) M. RM. Jan 2 certain.
See Argeus, Narcissus, and Marcellinus.
NARSES (St) M. RM. March 27
NARCISSUS and FELIX (SS) MM. See Zanitas, Lazarus, etc.
RM. March 18
d. f.307. A bishop and his deacon NARSEUS (St) M. RM. July 15
honoured as martyrs at Gerona in See Philip, Zeno, etc.
Spanish Catalonia. This is all that is
certain about these martyrs; their NARZALES (St) M. RM. July 17
alleged escape to, and their apostolate See Scillitan Martyrs.
in,Germany and Switzerland, with the
subsequent conversion of St Afra, is NATALIA (St) M. RM. July 27
legendary. See George, Aurelius, etc.


(SS) MM. RM. Sept 17 See Adrian and Natalia.
d. f.260. They are mentioned in the Acts
of St Lawrence the Martyr, which are NATALIA (St) RM. Dec 1

only substantially authentic. St Law- d. r.311. A woman of Nicomedia, who

rence used to distribute alms to the poor bravely ministered to the martyrs im-
in the house of Narcissus, and there he prisoned during the persecution of Dio-
cured Crescentio of his blindness. On cletian. She is especially mentioned in
the Salarian Way a cemetery bore the the Acts of the martyr St Adrian (Sept
name of St Crescentio. 8). She survived the persecution and
died in peace at Constantinople.
NARCISSUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 29
d. f.222. A Greek who was appointed NATALIS (St) Ab. AC. Jan 27
bishop of Jerusalem when he was 6th cent. The founder of monasticism
already a very old man. He was sum- in the northern parts of Ireland, and a
moned to a council at Jerusalem at fellow-worker with St Columba. He
which he favoured the Roman custom ruled the abbeys of Cill, Naile and
of celebrating Easter. He was for this Daunhinis. His holy well is still vener-
reason calumniated and for a time re- ated.

AC. Feb 21 RM. July 28 and May 10
1 747-1 794. Born at Angers, he was or- d. Martyrs said to have been
c ?68.

dained priest in 1 77 1 and worked in that beheaded Milan under Nero. Their
diocese as parish priest of Louroux- Acts are certainly unreliable, and even
Beconnais till the outbreak of the French the above mentioned data are open to
Revolution. On his refusal to take the doubt. The only certain fact is that St
oath recognizing the civil constitution Ambrose searched forand discovered
of the clergy he was extruded from his their alleged relics at Milan in 395.
parish, but continued to minister to his
flock at first in secret and afterwards NAZARIUS (St) Ab. AC. Nov 18
openly. In 1794 he was captured when d. £.450. Monk and abbot of Lerins.
vested for Mass and guillotined still
wearing his priestly vestments. Beati- NEACHTAIN (St) C. AC. May 2
fied in 1926. 5th cent. A near kinsman of St Patrick,
at whose death, according to tradition,
(St) AC. May 13 he was present.
d. 751. Bishop of Milan (740-751).
NEBRIDIUS (St) Bp. AC. Feb 9
NATALIS (St) C. AC. Sept 3 d. ^.527. Bishop of Egara, a city since
6th cent. A native of Benevento who destroyed, near Barcelona in Spain.
became a priest and worked at Casale
in Piedmont. NECTAN (St) M. AC. June 17
6th cent. The patron saint of Hartland
NATHALAN (St) Bp. AC. Jan 19 in Devonshire. He has always been
d. 678. A Scot by birth and a rich man. venerated as a martyr, but nothing is
He became an anchorite, and is especi- known about him.
ally praised for having earned his living
by the cultivation of the soil, "which NECTARIUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 13
approaches nearest to divine contempla- Bishop of Autun.
d. £.550. A great friend
tion". He was made bishop and resided of St Germanus of Paris.
at Tullicht. Cult confirmed in 1898.
NECTARIUS (St) Bp. AC. May 5
NATHANAEL (St) Apostle d. r.445. Bishop of Vienne in Dauphine.
RM. Aug 24
Otherwise probably Bartholomew, q.v. NECTARIUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 11
d. 397. Successor of St Gregory Nazian-
NATHY (DAVID) (St) Bp. AC. Aug 9 zen and predecessor of St John Chry-
d. c.610. Disciple of St Finian of Clo- sostom in the see of Constantinople
nard. He became the founder and abbot- (38i-397)-
bishop of a monastery at Achonry, Sligo,
where he is now venerated as the patron
saint. Cult confirmed in 1903.
NAVALIS (St) M. RM. Dec 16 DATIVUS and Comp. (SS) Bps.
See Valentine, Concordius, etc. MM. RM. Sept 10
d. 257. Nine bishops of Numidia who,
NAZARIUS (St) M. RM. June 12 with numerous lower clergy and lay-
See Basilides, Cyrinus, etc. folk, were condemned to servitude in

the marble quarries of Sigum, where monasteries of the isles of Arran and
they ended their lives. We
have still a Bute.
letter of St Cyprian addressed to them.
NEOMISIA (St) V. RM. Sept 25
See Aurelia and Neomisia.
NEMESIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 20
See Potamius and Nemesius. NEON (St) M. RM. Apr 24
See Eusebius, Neon, etc.
NEMESIUS (St) M. RM. July 18
See Symphorosa and her children. NEON (St) M. RM. Aug 23
See Claudius, Asterius, etc.
? A saint venerated near Lisieux, but of NEON (St) M. RM. Sept 28
whose life we have no reliable account. See Mark, Alphius, etc.


MM. RM. Aug 25 (Oct 31, Dec 8) See Eusebius, Marcellus, etc.

d. c.260. Nemesius, a Roman deacon,

and Lucilla, his daughter, were martyred NEOPHYTUS (St) M. RM. Jan 20
at Rome under Valerian. Their Acts are d. 310. A youth, not yet fifteen years of
not trustworthy. age, martyred at Nicaea under Galerius.

NEMESIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 19 NEOPHYTUS (St) M. RM. Aug 22

d. 250. An
Egyptian martyred at Alex- See Athanasius, Anthusa, etc.

andria under Decius. He was burnt at

the stake between two thieves. NEOPOLUS (St) M. RM. May 2
See Saturninus, Neopolus, etc.

NEMORIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 7

Otherwise Memorius, q.v. NEOT (St) H. OSB. AC. July 31
c.SSo. According to tradition he was a
NENNIUS (St) Ab. AC. Jan 17 monk of Glastonbury and a priest, who
6th cent. An Irishman, disciple of St became a hermit in Cornwall at the
Finian of Clonard, reckoned as one of place now called Saint Neot. His relics
the "Twelve Apostles of Ireland". The were subsequently taken to St Neots in
particulars of his life are lost. Huntingdonshire.


(St) V. AC. June 4 See Ammon, Theophilus, etc.
d. f.467. A British maiden, one of the
children of Brychan of Brecknock, said NEPOTIAN (St) C. AC. ( ?) May 4
to have followed St Germanus of d. 395. Nephew of St Heliodorus,
Auxerre to France and to have become bishop of Altino, by whom he was
abbess of one or more monasteries in ordained priest after having abandoned
Armorica. his high position of an officer in the
imperial bodyguard. He was much
NENNUS (NENUS, NEHEMIAS) esteemed by St Jerome, who dedicated
(St) Ab. AC. June 14 to him a treatise on the sacerdotal life.

7th cent. An Irish abbot, successor of It seems, however, that he has never
St Enda in the government of the been the object of a public cultus.

NEPOTIAN (St) Bp. AC. Oct 22 Armenian, including the Rule of St
d. r.388. Bishop of Clermont (386- Benedict and St Gregory's Dialogues.
MM. RM. May 12 1102-1173. He was "Chnorhali"
d. c.ioo. Pretorian soldiers, baptized, it meaning "the Gracious" on account of
is said, by St Peter, exiled with St his goodness and his agreeable literary
Flavia Domitilla to the of Pontia
isle style. As Catholicos he worked dili-

and later to Terracina, where they were gently at the union of the Greek and
beheaded. Their extant Acts are far Armenian churches, but died before
from reliable. achieving it. He became bishop of the
Armenians in 11 66 and throughout his
NEREUS (St) M. RM. Oct 16 he succeeded in maintaining perfect

See Saturninus, Nereus, etc. union and full communion with the
Holy See. He excelled as a poet.
RM. June 24 NERSES the GREAT (St) Bp. M.
d. 64. The laus of the RM. reads as AC. Nov 19
"At Rome, the birthday of very
follows: d. 373. Born in Armenia, educated in
many holy martyrs who, under the em- Cappadocia and married to a princess of
peror Nero, were falsely charged with the Mamikonian family by whom he
the burning of the city, and by him were became the father of St Isaac the Great
ordered to be slain by divers kinds of (q.v.). In 353 he was consecrated patri-

cruel deaths ; some of them were covered arch by force. As such he worked zeal-
with the skins of wild beasts, and cast ously for certain reforms which proved
to the dogs to be torn; others were unpalatable to King Arshak. Nerses was
crucified; others were delivered to the exiled, but recalled by the dissolute
fire, and when daylight failed were used King Pap, who contrived to poison him.
for lights in the night. All these were
disciples of the Apostles and the first NERSES and Comp. (SS) MM.
fruits of the martyrs whom the holy RM. Nov
Roman Church, that fruitful field of d. 343. A
group of at least twelve Per-
martyrs, sent to their Lord before the sian martyrs, of whom the most illus-
Apostles' death." All the above facts are trious were Nerses, bishop of Sahgerd,
historically accurate; it is not certain, and his disciple Joseph. They suffered
however, that Nero himself set fire to under Shapur II for refusing to worship
the city. the sun.


AC. July 17 See Eusebius, Nestabus, and Zeno.
1 1 53-1 198. An Armenian by birth,
nephew of St Nerses Glaietsi (see Aug NESTOR (St) Bp. M. RM. Feb 26
13), he became the Armenian arch- d. 251. Bishop of Magydos in Pam-
bishop of Tarsus, and was instrumental phylia, crucified at Perge under Decius.
in bringing about the reunion of Little
Armenia with the Holy See in 1 198. He NESTOR (St) Bp. M. RM. March 4
translated many Western works into See Basil, Eugene, etc.

NESTOR (St) M. RM. Sept 8 imperial army, martyred probably in
d. 362. A youth of Gaza in Palestine, the region now covered by Rumania
martyred under Julian the Apostate. and Bulgaria. Probably duplicates of
After the horrors of the torture- SS Marcian and Nicanor (June 5), q.v.
chamber, he was, with others, being
dragged half-dead to execution when the NICANDER and HERMAS (SS)
crowd intervened and insisted, out of MM. RM. Nov 4
pity, on his being left to die by the ? St Nicander was a bishop and St
wayside. He was taken to a Christian Hermas a priest. They were martyred
home, where he expired. at Myra in Lycia (Asia Minor).

NESTOR (St) M. RM. Oct 8 NICANDER (St) M. RM. Nov 7

d. £.304. A
martyr of Thessalonica See Hieron, Nicander, etc.
under Diocletian. His story, as handed
down to us in his Acts, is certainly NICANOR (St) M. RM. Jan 10
fabulous. d. f.76. A Jew by birth, one of the seven
deacons chosen by the Apostles (Acts,
NEVOLO (Bl) H. OSB. Cam. VI, 5). The is that he eventu-
AC. July 27 ally came Cyprus, where, years after-
d. 1280. A shoemaker by trade and wards, he was martyred under Ves-
married, he led a frivolous life until at pasian. It is more likely that he died in
the age of twenty-four he turned com- peace.
pletely to God. He became first a
Franciscan tertiary and later a Camal- NICANOR (St) M. RM. June 5
dolese lay-brother in the monastery of See Marcian, Nicanor, etc.
San Maglorio at Faenza. Cult approved
in 1817. NICARETE (NICERAS) (St) V.
RM. Dec 27
d. r.405. A woman Nicomedia
born at
RM. June 22
but resident at Constantinople, where
d. f.414. Most modern writers identify
she became the loyal friend and sup-
him with St Nicetas of Remesiana (Jan
porter of St John Chrysostom, whose
7), qv.
exile and suffering she shared.


? Catalogued as Syrian martyrs who RM.
July 9
suffered at Antioch.
c. 1 522-1 572. Born in the castle of Hez,
Brabant, he became a licentiate of
NICANDER (St) M. RM. March 15 theology and was the author of several
d. c .304. An Egyptian martyr beheaded controversial treatises against Protes-
under Diocletian. He was a physician tantism. He was hanged at Briel, Hol-
and was condemned for ministering to land, with eighteen companions. Canon-
the Christians in prison, and burying ized in 1867. (See Gorkum, Martyrs of.)

the dead.
MM. RM. June 17 RM. Oct 11
d- 173 (or 304 ?). Two officers in the d. r.285. Nicasius was a regionary bishop

who, on a journey from Paris to Rouen, alleged soldier-martyrs. In the apocry-
was slain for the faith along with his phal Acts of St Christopher the names
priest Quirinus, his deacon Scubiculus are given a feminine form and are said
(Egobille) and other companions. The to be those of two harlots.
legend that Nicasius was one of the
missionaries sent from Rome during the NICETAS of REMESIANA (St) Bp.
first century is now rejected; some even RM. Jan 7 and June 22
say that he is a duplicate of St Nicasius d. £.414. A zealous missionary bishop in
of Reims (see Dec 14). Dacia, i.e., modern Rumania and Yugo-
slavia. Many recent scholars assign to
NICASIUS, EUTROPIA, V. and him the authorship or redaction of the
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 14 thanksgiving hymn Te Deum.
d. r.407 (or 451).Bishop of Reims, who,
with his sister Eutropia and a number
NICETAS (St) Bp. RM. March 20
of his clergy and faithful, was martyred
d. f.735. Bishop of Apollonias in Bithy-
either by the Vandals in 407 or by the
nia, persecuted by the iconoclastic
Huns in 451.
emperor Leo III. He died in exile in
d. 260. A martyr of Antioch under
Valerian. It is reasonably contended that
NICETAS (St) Ab. RM. Apr 3
his story is a pious invention, written d. 824. Abbot of Medikion at the foot of
to inculcate the forgiveness of injuries. Mt Olympus in Bithynia. He suffered
much in defence of the veneration of

NICEPHORUS (St) M. images against Leo the Armenian. He

RM. Feb 25 was imprisoned for six years in the isle
See Victorinus, Victor, etc. of Glyceria, but after the emperor's
death was set free and died in a hermi-
NICEPHORUS (St) Bp. M. tage near Constantinople.
RM. March 13 and June 2
758-828 (June 2). He began his career NICETAS the GOTH (St) M.
as imperial secretary at the court of RM. Sept 15
Constantinople. In 806, though a lay- d. r.378. Surnamed in the East "the

man, he was chosen patriarch of the Great". He was an Ostrogoth, con-

city. His antecedents roused the hos- verted with many of
his people by the

tility of the powerful monks of Studion Arian Ulphilas. He was a priest, and
and their abbot St Theodore, while the perhaps also, in good faith, an Arian.
revival of iconoclasm by the emperor He was put to death by King Athanaric,
Leo the Armenian soon brought him who did his utmost to root out Chris-
into disagreement with the court. He tianity from his people.

was exiled to a monastery which he had

founded on the Bosporus and there he NICETAS (St) C. AC. Oct 6
spent the last fifteen years of his life. d. f.838. A young patrician of Paphla-
gonia, who became prefect of Cilicia
NICETA and AQUILINA (SS) MM. and then a monk at Constantinople. He
RM. July 24 opposed the blind fury of the icono-
? The names were originally Nicetas clasts and was exiled to Catisia, where
and Aquila and were applied to two he died.

gON (St) Bp. AC. Feb 8 OFM. PC. Feb 12
d. 611. Bishop of Besancon and a friend See Antony of Saxony, etc.

of St Columbanus of Luxeuil. He re-

stored to Besancon the episcopal see, NICHOLAS SAGGIO (Bl) C.
which after the invasion of the Huns O. Minim. AC. Feb 12
had been transferred to Nyon, on the d. 1709. Born of poor parents at Longo-

Lake of Geneva. bardi in Calabria, he became a lay-

brother in the Order of Minims of St
NICETIUS (NIZIER) (St) Bp. Francis of Paola. Beatified by Pius VI.
RM. Apr 2
d. 573. Became bishop of Lyons
and governed the see for twenty years. 14 AC. Feb
1197-1255. Born at Giovinazzo, near
NICETIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 5 Bari. As a young man he heard St
d. 566. The of the Gallo-Roman
last Dominic preach at Bologna and joined
bishops of Treves, to which see he was the Friars Preachers. He established
raised in 532. He had been a monk and houses of the order at Perugia (1233)
abbot in his native province of Auvergne. and at Trani (1254) and became pro-
As a bishop he withstood the cruelty of vincial of the Roman province in 1230
the Frankish barbarians and excom- and again in 1255. He died at Perugia.
municated Kings Theudebert I and Cult confirmed in 1828.
Clotaire, by whom he was exiled for a
time. He restored discipline among the NICHOLAS of VANGADIZZA (Bl)
clergy, founded a school of clerical C. OSB. Cam. AC. Feb 21
studies, rebuilt the cathedral and com- d. f.1210. A Camaldolese monk and
bated heresy. priest at the abbey of Vangadizza. A
great helper of the holy souls.
NICETUS (St) Bp. RM. May 5
d. ^.449. The fifteenth bishop of Vienne NICHOLAS of PRUSSIA (Bl) C.
in Gaul. OSB. PC. Feb 23
c. 1 379-1456. A native of Prussia who
NICHOLAS STUDITES (St) Ab. became one of the original members of
AC. Feb 4 the reformed abbey of St Justina at
d. 863. A native of Crete, who at an Padua under the Ven. Ludovico Barbo,
early age entered the monastery of the the founder of the Benedictine Cas-
Studion at Constantinople. During the sinese congregation. Nicholas lived
iconoclastic persecution he followed his successively at Padua, Venice, Padoli-
abbot into banishment, and on his rone, and abbey of San
finally at the
return, when peace was temporarily Niccolo del near Genoa,
restored, succeeded as abbot. He went where he was novice-master and prior.
again into exile under the emperor Cult not yet officially approved.
Michael, refusing to recognize the
usurping patriarch Photius. When the NICHOLAS OWEN (Bl) M. SJ.
emperor Basil restored St Ignatius, the AC. March 12
lawful patriarch, Nicholas considered d. 1606. A Jesuit lay-brother who, both
himself too old to resume charge and before and after entering the Society of
died as a simple monk. Jesus, was employed in making hiding-

places for hunted priests. He was twice was deposed and banished from his see
imprisoned and tortured, and when he by the emperor Leo the Wise, because
was arrested a third time and refused he would not permit that monarch to
to give any information concerning the marry a fourth time, this being forbidden
Gunpowder Plot, he was tortured so in the Eastern Church. He is surnamed
mercilessly that he died therefrom, "the mystic" because he was the oldest
being literally torn to pieces. Beatified member of the mystic, or secret, council
in 1929. of the Byzantine court.


RM. March 21 AC. May 31
1 41 7-1487. Born near Sachseln, Canton d. f.1163. He and his father gave up
Obwalden, Switzerland, the son of a splendid worldly prospects in order to
peasant, he married and had ten child- receive the Cistercian habit from St
ren. Besides fighting bravely in the army Bernard. Nicholas became abbot of
of his canton, he was appointed judge Vaucelles. He is venerated by the
and councillor for Obwalden. At the Cistercians.
age of fifty he left his family with their
consent and for nineteen years lived as NICHOLAS PEREGRINUS (St) C.
a hermit at Ranft without any food RM. June 2
besides Holy Communion. His advice 1 075-1 094. A
Greek who journeyed to
was much sought after, especially by S. Italy and wandered through Apulia,
civil magistrates. He is still greatly carrying a cross and crying out "Kyrie
venerated in Switzerland as "Bruder eleison". Crowds of people, especially
Klaus". Canonized in 1950. children, followed him repeating the
same cry. He was taken for a lunatic and
NICHOLAS (Bl) C. OSB. Cist. treated as such, but after his death at
AC. Apr 1 Trani, at the age of nineteen years, so
d. f.1220. A Cistercian monk at Santa many miracles were alleged to have
Maria delP Arcu, near Neti, in Sicily. taken place at his tomb that he was
canonized in 1098.
1375-1443. A native of Bologna who in LAS POPPEL (SS) MM. RM. July 9
1394 joined the Carthusians and in 141 8, d. 1572. Two members of the group of
much was made arch-
against his will, the martyrs of Gorkum (q.v.). Nicholas
bishop of his native In 1426 he was
city. Pieck was the Franciscan guardian of
created cardinal. He was called in as Gorkum. He was a native of
the friary at
mediator between the emperor and the Holland and a student of Louvain, and
pope and the latter and the French king, had made the conversion of Calvinists
and was prominent at the councils of his life's work. Nicholas Poppel, also a
Basle and Ferrara-Florence. He was a Dutchman, was curate to Leonard van
generous patron of learned men. Cult Wechel, another Gorkum martyr. Can-
confirmed in 1744. onized in 1867.


AC. May 15 AC. June 13
d. 925. Patriarch of Constantinople. He d. 1839. A Tonkinese soldier who was

hacked asunder for the faith. He was a Sulmona, and founder of the Hermits of
companion of Bl Augustine Huy, q.v. St Jerome (Romitani di San Girolamo),
for whom he established houses at
NICHOLAS DINNIS (Bl) M. SJ. Naples, Rome (Sant'Onofrio) and Flor-
AC. July 15 ence. Afterwards he amalgamated his
d. 1570. A native of Braganza in Portu- institute with the Hieronymites, founded
gal and a Jesuit novice. Companion of by Bl Peter of Pisa. Cult approved in
Bl Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v. 1771.


Bp. AC. July 24 RM. Oct 10
1331-139 1. Born at Skeninge in Sweden, See Daniel, Samuel, etc.
and educated at Paris and Orleans, he
was ordained priest and appointed tutor NICHOLAS I (St) Pope RM. Nov 13
to the sons of St Brigid of Sweden. d. Surnamed "the Great", a
Eventually he became bishop of Linko- Roman by birth and a member of the
ping. He is greatly honoured in Sweden Roman clergy, he was elected pope in
as a liturgist and poet. It is said, but 858. He was remarkable for his energy
cannot be proved, that he was canonized and courage. Among those who were
in 1414 (or 1416). excommunicated by him were John, the
recalcitrant archbishop of Ravenna, king
Lothair of Lorraine for matrimonial
AC. (?) Align irregularity, and Photius, the intruded
d. 1466. A canon of St-Marcel-de-
patriarch of Constantinople. He also
Premery, diocese of Nevers. Cult ap-
forced Archbishop Hincmar of Reims,
proved by the bishop of Nevers in 173 1.
after a struggle, to acknowledge the
papal appellate jurisdiction. Nicholas
was described by his contemporaries as
AC. Aug 17
the champion of the people. He con-
1117-1167. Born at Aderno, in Sicily.
firmed St Anschar as papal legate in
He lived for thirty years as a hermit in a
Scandinavia, and, through his mission-
cave on Mt Etna. Cult approved by
aries, effected the conversion of Bul-
Julius II.


1 245-1 305. A native of Sant'Angelo, OSB. AC. Nov 21
diocese of Fermo. In 623 he joined the
d. ^.1180. A Venetian belonging to the
hermits of St Augustine. After his noble family of the Giustiniani. He
ordination to the priesthood he made a became a Benedictine in the monastery
resolution to preach daily to the people, of San Niccolo del Lido. After all his
and this he did, first at Cingoli, and then brothers had been killed in battle at
for thirty years at Tolentino. He was Constantinople the Doge obtained from
also known for his work among the poor. the pope a dispensation for Nicholas to
Canonized in 1446. marry and beget heirs for the family.
He accordingly married and had six
NICHOLAS of FORCA-PALENA sons and three daughters. In his old age
(Bl) C. AC. Oct 1 Nicholas returned to the abbey. He has
1 349-1 449. A native of Palena, near always been venerated at Venice.

NICHOLAS TAVIGLI (Bl) M. spent his life as an itinerant preacher,
OFM. AC. Dec 5 pitilessly scourging himself before every
d. 39 1. Born in the diocese of Sebenico
1 sermon. He was beatified in 1786, St
in Dalmatia, he joined the Friars Minor, Paschal Baylon and Bl Louis Bertrand
and was sent to the Bosnian mission, being used as witnesses in the process
where he worked for twenty years among of beatification:
the Paterine schismatics. Thence he
travelled to Palestine to preach to the NICODEMUS (St) M. RM. Aug 3
Mohammedans and was by them cut to 1 st cent. The though timid,
pieces at Jerusalem. Cult confirmed by disciple of Christ mentioned in the
Leo XIII. gospel of St John (ch III), styled by
our Lord "a master in Israel". He shared
NICHOLAS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 6 with St Joseph of Arimathaea the privi-
d. f.350. One of the most popular saints lege of laying Christ in the tomb. One
in Christendom. His cult is based mainly of the apocryphal gospels was circulated
on legend, since almost nothing is known under his name. On Aug 3 is kept the
of his life, excepting the bare facts that feast of the finding of his body with that
he was a bishop of Myra in Lycia, and of St Stephen and others. He has always
that his alleged relics were stolen by been venerated as a martyr.
Italian merchants in 1087 and now are
enshrined at Bari. Legend, however, has NICOLINO MAGALOTTI (Bl) H.
abundantly supplied the lack of known AC. Nov 29
data, as witness the life of the saint d. 1370. A Franciscan tertiary who lived
written by Simon Metaphrastes in the as a hermit near Camerino for thirty
10th century. To this day he is venerated years. Cult approved in 1856.
as the patron saint of sailors, of captives,
and especially of children. The last NICOMEDES (St) M. RM. Sept 15
mentioned veneration derives from the d. r.90. A Roman priest martyred in
story that he raised to life three children Rome at a very early period, some say
who had been pickled in a brine-tub. under Domitian. In later legends he is

Numerous medieval observances were associated with SS Nereus, Achilleus

connected with this saint, for example, and Petronilla.
that of Santa Klaus (Sint Klaes,
Sanctus Nicolaus), and the ceremony NICOMEDIA, Martyrs of (SS)
of the boy-bishop which still survives The RM. lists four anonymous groups
at Montserrat in Catalonia. St Nicholas of martyrs who suffered at Nicomedia
is a patron saint of Russia. on the Hellespont, for a time the prin-
cipal residence of the Roman emperors
Bp. AC. Dec 16 RM. March 18
d. 996. Patriarch of Constantinople d. £.300. A band of 10,000 massacred,
(983-996). He was, and always remained, it is said, following a fire in the imperial
a staunch Catholic. palace at Nicomedia.
RM. June 23
NICHOLAS FACTOR (St) C. OFM. d. r.303.Numerous martyrs (some sug-
AC. Dec 23 gest 20,000) who hid in the mountains
1 520-1 582. Born at Valencia in Spain. and caves, and were hunted down by the
He became a Franciscan in 1537 and persecutors.

d. f.304. A group of twenty martyrs. RM. July
7 and Nov 8
See Four Crowned Martyrs.
RM. Dec
d. 303. Many thousands Greeks say
(the NIDAN (St) C. AC. Sept 30
20,000) burnt alive by order of Dio- Otherwise Midan, q.v.
cletian in the great basilica of Nico-
media where they had assembled to NIDGER (NIDGAR, NITGAR) (Bl)
celebrate Christmas. Bp. OSB. AC. Apr
Probably the above figures are exag- d. f.829. Said to have been abbot of the
gerated. There are other difficulties in Benedictine monastery of Ottobeuren in
accepting the stories as they stand, e.g., Bavaria. He became bishop of Augsburg
Christmas was not celebrated in the in 822.
East until a later period.
NIGHTON (St) M. AC. June 17
NICON and Comp. (SS) MM. Otherwise Nectan, q.v.
RM. March 23
d. £.250.Nicon was a Roman soldier NILAMMON (St) H. RM. June 6
of distinction, who, while travelling in 5th cent. An Egyptian monk and recluse.
the East, became a Christian and a To avoid consecration as a bishop, he
monk. His master, Theodosius of barricaded his cell and died in prayer,
Cyzicus, left him in charge of two while the consecrating prelates were
hundred disciples, and when persecution waiting outside.
threatened Palestine they fled to Sicily
where they were martyred under Decius. NILUS (St) M. RM. Feb 20
The RM. wrongly assigns them to See Tyrannio, Sylvanus, etc.
Caesarea in Palestine.
NILUS (St) M. RM. Sept 19
NICON (St) M. RM. Sept 28 See Peleus, Nilus, etc.
See Mark, Alphius, etc.


NICON (St) C. RM. Nov
26 RM. Sept 26
d. 998. Surnamed Metanoite, because d. 1004. A Greek of S. Italy, who, after
penance (in Greek metanoia) was always a careless youth, joined the Basilian
the theme of his preaching. He was an monks of the abbey of St Adrian in
Armenian monk first at Khrysopetro Calabria, of which he soon after became
and then in his native country, where he abbot. In 981 the invading Saracens
carried on missionary work. This he drove the community to Vellelucio in
continued later in Crete and in Greece. the Terra di Lavoro, where they lived
on land given them by Montecassino.
NICOSTRATUS, ANTIOCHUS While sick at Frascati shortly before
and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. May 21 his death Nilus designated that city as
d. 303. A cohort of Roman soldiers said the place where his community were to
to have been put to death at Caesarea be definitely established and there in
under Diocletian.
Philippi, in Palestine, fact the still flourishing abbey of
Nicostratus was tribune. Then-
their Grottaferrata was founded by his dis-
story occurs in the apocryphal Acta of ciple St Bartholomew. The monks of
St Procopius, M. Grottaferrata profess the Basilian rule

and use the Greek rite, and they regard NITHARD M. OSB. AC. Feb 4
St Nilus as their founder and first abbot. d. 845. Monk
of Corbie in Saxony and
companion of St Anschar, whom he
NILUS the ELDER (St) Ab. followed to Sweden as a missionary. He
RM. Nov 12 was martyred there by the pagan
d. £.430. Surnamed "the Wise". An Swedes.
imperial official at Constantinople, who
when already advanced in years em-
NIVARD (Bl) Mk. OSB. Cist.

braced the solitary life with one of his

PC. Feb 7
sons on Mt Sinai. He was a staunch
c.i 100-^.1150. The youngest brother of
friend and defender of St John Chrysos- St Bernard. He followed his brother to
Clairvaux and eventually was appointed
tom. He is now best remembered as an
ascetical, theological and biblical writer
novice-master at Vaucelles. Our in-
formation as to his later career is rather
of some distinction.
confused. Cult not yet officially con-
NIMMIA (St) M. RM. Aug 12
See Hilaria, Digna, etc. NIVARD (St) Bp. AC. Sept 1

d. c.670.Archbishop of Reims. Brother-

NINIAN (St) Bp. RM. Sept 16 in-law of King Childeric II of Austrasia.
d. ? 432. A Briton who was educated in He restored the abbey of Hautvilliers,
Rome, and thence sent to evangelize where he was buried.
his native country. He established his
episcopal Whithorn (Candida
see at NIZIER (St) Bp. RM. Apr 2
Casa, the White House) in Wigtown- Otherwise Nicetius, q.v.
shire, so called because the cathedral
was built of white stone. There was a NOE MAWAGGALI (St) M.
monastery attached to it, and it was RM. June 3
from this centre that Ninian and his d. 1886. A potter by trade, he was put
monks evangelized the northern Britons to death by King Mwanga of Uganda.
and the Picts. See Uganda (Martyrs of).

NINO (or CHRISTIANA) (St) V. NOEL (several)

RM. Dec The French form of Natalis, q.v.

d. r.320. A native of Colastri in Cappa-
NOMINANDA (St) M. RM. Dec 31
docia. The RM. not knowing her local
See Donata, Paulina, etc.
name, calls her "Christiana". As a slave
or captive she was brought into Georgia NONIUS ALVAREZ (Bl) OC.
(Iberia)and was the means of spreading AC. Nov 6
Christianity in that country. She is 1 360-1 43 1. Nunez Alvarez de Pereira
venerated as the apostle of Georgia. was born at Bomjardin in Portugal and
Substantially her story is true, but many was bred to arms. He served his king
myths and contradictory legends have in the wars for the independence of
been added to it. Portugal, and, after the death of his
wife, became a Carmelite lay-brother at
NISSEN (St) Ab. AC. July 25 Lisbon. Cult confirmed in 191 8.
5th cent. An Irish convert of St Patrick,
by whom he was set over a monastery at NONNA (St) W. RM. Aug 5
Montgarth (Mountgarret) in Wexford. d. 374. Wife of St Gregory Nazianzen

the Elder, whom she converted to the necessary. He was a zealous exponent of
Faith. Their three children, Gregory, the doctrine of the Real Presence and
Caesar and Gorgonius, are also vener- fostered the cult of the Blessed Sacra-
ated as saints. ment. Canonized in 1582.


AC. March 3 (SS) SJ. RM. March 16 and Oct 18
5th-6th cent. The mother of St David 1 642- 1 649. A group of six Jesuit priests

of Wales. She ended her days as a nun, and two lay-brothers martyred in N.
according to some writers in a nunnery America at various dates between 1642
in Brittany. and 1649 while evangelizing the Red
Indians. Their names are: John de
NONNOSUS (St) Mk. OSB. Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues, Antony Daniel,
RM. Sept 2 Gabriel Lalemant, Charles Garnier and
d. £.575. A Benedictine monk, praeposi- Noel Chabanel, priests; and John
tus in the abbey of Mt Soracte, near Lalande and Rene Goupil, lay-brothers.
Rome. His wonderful deeds of faith are They were working among the Hurons
recorded by St Gregory the Great. when they met their death at the hands
of the Iroquois, the mortal enemies of
NONNUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 2 the Hurons. The Iroquois were ani-
d. f.458. A monk of Tabennisi in Egypt, mated by bitter hatred of the mission-
promoted in 448 to the see of Edessa. aries, whom they subjected to inde-
He laboured with great success among scribable tortures before putting them
the Arabians around Heliopolis (Baal- to death. Canonized in 1930.
beck). He is connected with the con-
version of St Pelagia, the Penitent. NOSTRIANUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 14
d. Bishop of Naples, a valiant
NORBERT (St) Bp. Founder opponent of Arianism and Pelagianism.
RM. June 6
080- 1 134. Born of a princely family
c. 1 NOTBURGA (St) V. AC. Sept 14
at Xanten, he led a worldly life at the d. 1 3 13. A Tyrolese serving-maid. She
German court and even received holy joyfully fulfilled her humble duties first

orders as a means to worldly advance- in a noble household, then in that of a

ment. In 1 1 15 a narrow escape from peasant. She made it one of her duties
death brought about his conversion. to help those poorer than herself. Her
After endeavouring to reform the chap- shrine is at Eben in the Tyrolese moun-
ter of canons at Xanten, he became an tains. Cult confirmed in 1862.
itinerant preacher. In 1 1 20 he was given
the territory of Premontre near Laon, NOTBURGA (NOITBURGIS) (St)
and here he founded a community of N. OSB. AC. Oct 31
canons regular under the Rule of St d. f.714. A Benedictine nun in the con-
Augustine, since known as Norbertines vent of St Mary in the Capitol, at
or Premonstratensians. The new Order Cologne.
soon spread over Western Europe.
Norbert himself was compelled to ac- NOTHELM (St) Bp. AC. Oct 17
cept the see of Magdeburg, where he d. Archbishop of Canterbury,
setabout the reformation of his clergy, friend and collaborator of St Bede and
even resorting to force when it was correspondent of St Boniface.

NOTKER BALBULUS (Bl) Mk. St Cyprian. St Cyprian mentions a
OSB. AC. Apr 6 priestnamed Numidicus but this group
d. 912. Nicknamed Balbulus, i.e., the of martyrs is unknown to the ancient
Stammerer. He was born at Heiligau martyrologies.
(now Elgg) in the canton of Zurich and
when still a child entered the Benedic- NUNCTUS (NOINT) (St) Ab. M.
tine abbey of St Gall, where he spent AC. Oct 22
his whole life, holding the offices of d. 668. Abbot of a monastery near
librarian, guest-master and precentor. Merida, in W. Spain. He was killed by
He excelled as a musician and was the robbers and venerated thenceforward
originator of liturgical sequences, he as a martyr.
himself composing both the words and
the music of many of them. Cult con- NUNDLO and ALODIA (SS) W.
firmed in 1 5 12. MM. 22 RM. Oct
d. 851. Two born at Adahuesca,
NOVATUS (St) RM. June 20 in the province of Huesca, Spain. After
d. r.151. Alleged son of Pudens, the their birth their Christian mother
senator, and brother of SS Praxedes and married a Mohammedan, who brutally
Pudentiana. persecuted them, had them imprisoned
at Alquezar, near Barastoro, and finally
NOVELLONE (Bl) H. OSB. beheaded at Huesca during the persecu-
AC. July 27 tion of Abderrahman II. They are still

Otherwise Nevolo, q.v. greatly venerated in Aragon.


? A maiden, beheaded at
British AC. May 5
Beignan in Brittany. According to the 1 8 17-1836. Born in the Abruzzi, he
legend she walked to Pontivy holding accomplished the full mission of his
her head in her hands. She is greatly Christian life in the short span of
venerated in Brittany. nineteen years in the ranks of simple
working men as an apprentice black-
NUMERIAN (MEMORIAN) (St) Bp. smith. His patience under the handicaps
OSB. RM. July 5 of health and fortune, his chastity and
d. r.666. Son of a rich senator of Treves, the social evils of the 19th century set
he first became a monk at Remiremont him as a challenge to youth and work-
under St Arnulph, and then went to men. Beatified in 1963.
reside in the abbey of Luxeuil under
St Waldebert. Ultimately he was ap- NYMPHA (St) VM. RM. Nov 10
pointed bishop of his native city. See Tryphon, Respicius and Nympha.


RM. Aug
9 RM. March 13
d. 251. A group of African martyrs See Theusetas, Horres, etc.

burnt at the stake at Carthage under

Decius (not Valerian). Numidicus is NYMPHODORA (St) VM.
said to have been dragged still breathing RM. Sept 10
out of the ashes of the funeral pyre and See Menodora, Metrodora and Nym-
to have lived to be ordained priest by phodora.

OBDULIA (St) V. RM. Sept 5 date their story became connected with
? A virgin venerated at Toledo, where the legend of the Theban Legion.
her relics are enshrined.Nothing is
known about her beyond her name and ODA (Bl) V. O. Praem. PC. Apr 20
cult. d. 1 158. Daughter of a noble family in
Brabant, she avoided marriage with a
(St) young nobleman by disfiguring her
d. c.1204. A knight of Brescia, who face. She was then allowed to follow her
narrowly escaped drowning and, terri- religious vocation in the Premonstra-
fied by a vision of hell, gave himself to tensian nunnery of Rivroelles, of which
a life of austere penance as a Benedic- she became prioress. Her cult has never
tine lay-brother in the service of the been officially confirmed.
Benedictine nuns of St Julia at Brescia.
Cult approved in 1900. ODA (St) W. AC. Oct 23
d. £.723. A
French princess married to
OCEANUS (St) M. RM. Sept 4 the duke of Aquitaine. In her widow-
See Theodore, Oceanus, etc. hood she devoted herself to the care of
the poor and suffering. Her shrine is at
OCTAVIAN and Comp. MM. Amay, near Liege.
RM. March 22
d. 484. Octavian, archdeacon of the ODDINO BARROTTI (Bl) C.
church at Carthage, and several thou- AC. July 21
sand companions suffered martyrdom 324- 1 400. A native of Fossano in

at that city under the Arian Vandal king Piedmont who became parish priest at
Hunneric. the church of St John the Baptist at
Fossano and a Franciscan tertiary.
OCTAVIAN (Bl) Bp. OSB. Later he resigned his cure of souls and
AC. Aug 6 turned his house into a hospital. He is
f.1060-1132. Born at Quingey in the still greatly venerated at Fossano. Cult
diocese of Besancon and a brother of approved in 1808.
Pope Callixtus II.Educated by the
Benedictines, he became a Benedictine ODERISIUS (Bl) Card. OSB.
himself at the abbey of St Peter in del AC. Dec 2
d Oro y
at Pa via. In he was pro-
11 29 d. 1 105. A son of the noble family of de*
moted to the see of Savona. Cult con- Marsi, in the diocese of Marsi, he was
firmed in 1793. educated at Montecassino, where he
became a Benedictine. In 1059 he was
OCTAVIUS, SOLUTOR and created cardinal deacon of St Agatha
ADVENTOR (SS) MM. RM.N0V20 and shortly after cardinal priest of St
d. 297. Patron saints of Turin, where Cyriacus in Termis. Finally, in 1087 he
they suffered martyrdom. At a later succeeded Bl Victor III as abbot of


Montecassino. He was a poet and patron up his profession of arms to become a
of scholars and the mediator between Benedictine at Corbie, where he was
the crusaders and the Greek emperor tutor to the sons of Charles Martel. In
Alexius. 851 he succeeded St Paschasius Rad-
bert as abbot. In 861 he was raised to
the see of Beauvais, where his reforms
AC. Oct 27 greatly influenced the whole church of
Otherwise Otteran, q.v.
N. France. He was the mediator between
Pope Nicholas I and Hincmar of Reims.
ODILIA (St) V. OSB. RM. Dec 13
Cult approved by Pius IX.
Otherwise Ottilia, q.v.

ODILO (St) Ab. OSB. RM. Jan 1 ODO of MASSAY (Bl) Ab. OSB.
c.962-1 049. A scion of the noble family AC. June 7
of Mercoeur in Auvergne. About the d. 967. A Benedictine abbot of Massay
year 990 he joined the community of (935-967), a house belonging to the
Cluny, became abbot coadjutor in 992 Cluniac observance.
and abbot in 994. Gentle and kind, he
was known throughout Christendom for ODO of CAMBRAI (Bl)Bp. OSB.
his liberality to the needy. A friend of AC. June 19
popes and princes, he was the promoter 1050-1113. A native of Orleans who
of the Truce of God and instituted the became the headmaster (scholasticus) of
annual commemoration of the faithful the cathedral school at Tournai. In
departed (103 1). Under his government £.1090 he was converted to a higher life

the Cluniac houses increased from 37 by reading St Augustine on free will,

to 65. He was surnamed by his contem- and founded a community of Benedic-
poraries "the Archangel of Monks" tines in the disused abbey of St Martin

Archangelus Monachorum. at Tournai. In 1 105 he was made bishop

of Cambrai, but, on refusing to receive
ODILO (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 15 secular investiture, was exiled to the
d. ^.954. A Benedictine of Gorze in abbey of Anchin where he died. He was
Lorraine, who in 945 was elected abbot one of the most learned French scholars
of Stavelot-Malmedy. He raised the of the nth century.
standard of studies and discipline in the
abbey. ODO the GOOD Bp. OSB.

ODO of NOVARA (Bl) C. O. Cart.

AC. July 4
d. 959. Born in East Anglia of Danish
AC. Jan 14
parents, he became a bishop in Wessex
c. 1 105-1200. A native of Novara who
and was present at the battle of Brunan-
became a Carthusian and was made prior
burh. In 942 he was appointed to
of Geyrach in Slavonia. However, owing
to difficulties with the bishop he resigned
Canterbury. He tried to escape conse-
cration by declaring that, unlike previous
and became chaplain to a convent at
archbishops, he was not a monk, and he
Tagliacozzo in Italy, where he died at a
consented to accept the dignity only
very advanced age. Cult confirmed in
after he had received the Benedictine
habit from the hands of the abbot of
ODO of BEAUVAIS (St) Bp. OSB. Fleury.As archbishop he took a promi-
AC. Jan 28 nent part in the legislation of Kings
801-880. Born near Beauvais, he gave Edmund and Edgar and paved the way

under SS
for the monastic restoration ODRAN (St)M. AC. Feb 19
Dunstan, Oswald (Odo's nephew) and d. £.452. The chariot-driver of St
Ethelwold. He gave his life for his master by
changing places with him in the chariot,
ODO of URGELL (St) Bp. when he knew that an ambush awaited
RM. July 7 him.
d. 1 122. A scion of the house of the
counts of Barcelona who, after following ODRAN (St) Ab. AC. July 7
the profession of arms, entered the See Medran and Odran.
service of the Church. He was appointed
archdeacon of Urgell in the Pyrenees ODRIAN (St) Bp. AC. May 8
and in 1095 was consecrated by Pope ? One of the early bishops of Waterford.
Urban II bishop of the same town. His
outstanding characteristic was love of ODULPHUS (St) C. OSA.
the poor. AC. June 12
d. £.855. A native of Brabant, appointed
ODO of CLUNY (St) Ab. OSB. canon of Utrecht by St Frederick, whom
RM. Nov 18 he greatly helped in the evangelization
£.879-942. Born in Maine, he was edu- of Frisia. He founded a monastery of
cated at the cathedral school of St Augustinian canons at Stavoren. His
Martin Tours. In 909 he became a
at relics are said to have been stolen in
Benedictine at Baume under Bl Berno, 1034 and taken to London and from
the abbot-founder of Cluny, to the there to Evesham abbey.
government of which latterabbey he
succeeded in 927. Under his prudent and ODUVALD (St) Ab. AC. May 26
paternal rule Cluny began to exert its d. 698. A Scottish nobleman who be-
influence throughout France and in came a monk and later abbot of Melrose.
Italy, including Rome, where the saint He was a contemporary of St Cuthbert.
was asked to restore the observance at
St Paul-outside-the-Walls. He died at OFFA (St) Abs. OSB. AC. Dec 31
Tours, by the tomb of St Martin. He d. r.1070. A Benedictine abbess of St
was one of the great abbots who en- Peter's at Benevento.
hanced the prestige of the Benedictine
Order. OGERIUS (OGLER) (Bl) Ab. OSB.
Cist. AC. Sept 10
ODORIC of PORDENONE (Bl) C. d. 1214. A Cistercian abbot of Locedio,
OFM. 3 AC. Feb in the diocese of Vercelli. He wrote a
1 285-1 33 1. Odoric Mattiuzzi was born series of sermons in defence of the
at Villanova near Pordenone in Friuli, doctrine of the Immaculate Conception.
became a Franciscan, and spent some Cult confirmed in 1875.
years as a recluse. Then he set out on his
apostolic missions, journeying through OGMUND (St) Bp. AC. March 8
the Near and the Far East and entering d. Bishop of Holar in Iceland. He
1 121.
China and even Tibet. After sixteen is venerated as one of the apostles of

years of such labours he returned to that island. Canonized in 1201.

Europe to report to the pope at Avig-
non, but died at Udine. Cult confirmed OLALLA (St) VM. RM. Dec 10
in 1775. Otherwise Eulalia of Merida, q.v.

OLAF, OLAUS, TOOLEY) (St) ? A nun of Anagni, near Rome, of whose
King M. RM. July 29 life we have no authentic particulars.

995-1030. Son of King Harald of

Norway. His early youth was spent, OLIVA (OLIVIA, OLIVE) (St) VM.
after the manner of his countrymen in AC. June 10
those days, as a pirate. In 1010 he ? A virgin martyr venerated both at

received baptism at Rouen and in 1013 Palermo and at Carthage. She is, how-
helped Ethelred of England against the ever, a fictitious person, the heroine of

Danes. In 1015 he succeeded to the a romance the scene of which is laid

throne of Norway and at once sum- among the Mohammedans of Tunis, by

moned missionaries, chiefly from Eng- whom also she is held in high veneration.
land, to complete the Christianization
of the country. He succeeded to some OLIVER (OLIVERIUS, LIBERIUS)
extent, but his measures were harsh (St) C. OSB. AC. Feb 3
and he was driven from his kingdom. In d. c.1050. A Benedictine monk of Santa
an attempt to recover it he fell in battle Maria di Portonuovo at Ancona.
at Stiklestadt. He is now regarded in
Norway as the champion of national OLIVER PLUNKET (Bl) Bp. M.
independence. AC. July 11
1629-1681. Born at Loughcrew in Co.
Meath, he studied for the priesthood in
OLAV of SWEDEN (St) King M.
Rome, where he was ordained in 1654.
AC. July 30
d. f.950. A king of Sweden, murdered
remained there as professor of theo-
logy in the college de Propaganda Fide
by his rebellious heathen subjects for
till 1669. In that year he was consecrated
refusing to sacrifice to idols at the spot
archbishop of Armagh and at once threw
where Stockholm now stands.
himself courageously into the task of re-
storing the Irish church, laid waste by
OLCAN (St) Bp. AC. Feb 20
continuous persecution. He was arrested
Otherwise Bolcan, q.v.
on a charge of complicity in one of the
sham plots of the time and, the Irish
OLGA(St)W. AC. July ii
judges refusing to convict him of trea-
£.879-969. Wife of Igor I, duke of Kiev, son, he was brought for trial to London.
whom she married in 903. After his Here, too, his first trial collapsed for lack
assassination in 945 she ruled the of evidence, but on a second trial he was
country for the rest of her life. In 958 found guilty of treason "for propagating
she became a Christian and made great, the Catholic religion". While in prison
though unsuccessful, efforts to introduce Bl Oliver made his Benedictine oblation
Christianity into Russia, a task which hands of his fellow prisoner, Dom
in the
was achieved by her grandson St Maurus Corker, the president of the
Vladimir. English Benedictines, to whom also
he bequeathed his body, which is now
OLIVA (St) VM. AC. March 5 enshrined at Downside Abbey. He was
d. 138. Said to have been a martyr the last Catholic to be martyred at
under the Emperor Adrian. Her body is Tyburn. He was beatified in 1920 and
venerated in the church of St Afra at his canonization is expected to take
Brescia. place before very long.

Sept 9
RM. March 6 £.595-670. Born in the territory of
1 060- 1 137. Born at Barcelona, he joined Constance, he became a monk at
the Augustinian canons regular and was Luxeuil, and after some twenty years
prior in several houses in France before was raised to the see of Therouanne
being raised to the see of Barcelona in (which at that time embraced what is
1 1 15. The following year he was trans- now called Pas-de-Calais and Flanders,
ferred to the archbishopric of Tarra- in Belgic Gaul). The diocese sadly
gona. That diocese he successfully needed evangelization, and for this
raised from the condition of neglect and purpose St Omer secured the services of
decay into which it had fallen during the a numerous band of fellow-monks, who
Moorish domination. literally covered that district with
abbeys. The saint himself was the co-
OLYMPIADES (St) M. founder of Sithin, over which he placed
RM. Apr 15 St Bertinus. Round this abbey grew up
See Maximus and Olympiades. the town now known as Saint-Omer.


d. 303. Said to have been a Roman of AC. Feb 8
consular rank tortured to death at d. c.6oo. An Irish pilgrim, who was also
Almeria (now Amelia) in central Italy, a poet, a guardian of the Celtic tradi-
under Diocletian. tions and a collector of holy relics. While
pursuing his search for memorials of the
OLYMPIAS (St) W. RM. Dec 17 Irish saints he died at Clonmore monas-
A lady of noble birth at Constan-
d. 408. tery,then governed by St Maidoc, and
tinople who married Nebridius, prefect his body was there enshrined together
of the On her husband's death soon
city. with the relics he had gathered.
after their marriage she devoted herself
to the service of the church, becoming a ONESIMUS (St) M. RM. Feb 16
deaconess and establishing a "domestic
d. ego. The slave who ran away from
community" of virgins in her own home.
his master Philemon, was converted by
She loyally supported the cause of St
St Paul in Rome, and was the occasion
John Chrysostom, and on this account
of the apostle's letter to Philemon. The
was herself persecuted and exiled, her
RM. has confused him with another
house being sold and her community
Onesimus, who was bishop of Ephesus
disbanded. She died in exile at Nico-
after St

ONESIMUS (St) Bp. AC. May 13

OLYMPIUS (St) Bp. RM. June 12
d- P343- A bishop of Aenos (now Enos)
d. £.361. Fifth bishop of Soissons.

in Rumelia, contemporary of St
Athanasius. He was
a staunch opponent ONESIPHORUS and PORPHY-
of Arianism and was driven from his RIUS(SS) MM. RM. Sept 6
see by the Arian emperor Constantius. d. c.Si. Onesiphorus is mentioned by
St Paul in the second epistle to Timothy
OLYMPIUS (St) M. RM. July 26 (IV, 19). Tradition adds that he fol-
See Symphronius, Olympius, etc. lowed St Paul to Spain and then back to


the East, where he was martyred under OPTATUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 31
Domitian somewhere on the Hellespont d. £.530. A bishop of Auxerre who died
by being tied to wild horses and so torn in the second year of his episcopate.
to pieces. Porphyrius is described as a
member of his household, who shared in ORAN(St)Ab. AC. Oct 27
the work and the martyrdom of his Otherwise Otteran, q.v.
ORANGE (Martyrs of) (BB)
H. RM. June 12 d. 1794. A
group of thirty-two nuns
d. £.400. An Egyptian who lived as a one Benedictine, two Cistercians, thir-
hermit for seventy years in the desert of teen religious of the Institute of Per-
the Thebais, in Upper Egypt. He was a petual Adoration and sixteen Ursulines
very popular saint in the Middle Ages, — imprisoned during the French Rev-
both in the East and in the West. He is olution in the public gaol at Orange for
the patron saint of weavers, probably several months and ultimately guillo-
because "he was dressed only in his own tined there. They were martyred on
abundant hair and a loin-cloth of leaves". different days during the month of July.
Beatified in 1925. Each receives a special

OPPORTUNA (St) Abs. OSB. notice in this book.

AC. Apr 22
d. f.770. Born near Ayesmes in Nor- ORDONIUS (ORDOftO) (St) Bp.
mandy, sister of St Chrodegang, bishop OSB. AC. Feb 23
of Seez. At an early age she entered the d. 1066. Monk of the Benedictine abbey
Benedictine abbey of Montreuil, of (Cluniac observance) of Sahagun, in the
which she became abbess. She is de- province of Leon, Spain, and afterwards
scribed as "a true mother to all her nuns". bishop of Astorga (1062- 1066).
Her cult has always been very flourish-
ing in France. ORENTIUS and PATIENTIA (SS)
MM. RM. May 1
OPTATIAN (St) Bp. RM. July 14 d. c.24.0. Husband and wife, who lived
at Loret, nearHuesca, in N. Aragon. An
d. f.505. Bishop of Brescia £.451-505.
ancient Spanish tradition makes them
the parents of St Laurence the martyr.
OPTATUS (St) M. RM. Apr 16
See Saragossa (Martyrs of). ORENTIUS (or ORIENTIUS) of
AUCH (St) Bp. RM. May 1

OPTATUS of MILEVIS (St) Bp. d. £.439. A

hermit in the Lavendan
RM. June 4 valley near Tarbes, whom the people of
Bishop of Milevis in Numidia.
d. r.387. Auch insisted on having for their bishop.
He was an excellent controversialist He governed that see for over forty years.
against the Donatists —resourceful and
vigorous but conciliatory. He wrote six ORENTIUS, HEROS, PHARNA-
treatises against them which are praised CIUS, FIRMINUS, FIRMUS,
by his contemporaries, chiefly by SS CYRIACUS and LONGINUS (SS)
Augustine and Fulgentius of Ruspe. He MM. RM. June 24
is often quoted in modern controversial d. £.304. Described in the RM. as seven
works against heresy and schism. brothers who, on account of their faith,

were deprived of their military belt by ORORA (St) AC. Oct 20
Maximian, taken away to various places See Bradan and Orora.
and put to death.
ORSISIUS (St) H. AC. June 15
ORESTES (St) M. RM. Nov 9
d. £.380. A favourite of St

d. 304. A martyr of Cappadocia, tor- Pachomius, and his assistant in drawing

tured to death under Diocletian. up the rules for the cenobites. He suc-
ceeded Pachomius as abbot. Some
twelve years before his death he was
ORESTES (St) M. RM. Dec 13
forced to resign by his monks. He is the
See Eustratius, Auxentius, etc.
author of an ascetical treatise which St
Jerome translated into Latin.
ORGONNE (St) V. RM. Jan 30
Otherwise Aldegund, q.v.
OSANNA (several)
Otherwise Hosanna, q.v.
ORIA (St) V. OSB. AC. March 11
Otherwise Aurea, q.v. OSBURGA (or OSBERGA) (St) Abs.
OSB. AC. March 28
ORICULUS and Comp. (SS) MM. d. r.1016. First abbess of the nunnery
RM. Nov 18 founded by King Canute at Coventry.
d. £.430. A
group of martyrs, put to Her cult was confirmed in the 15th
death by the Arian Vandals in the pro- century, and her feast is still kept in the
vince of Carthage. diocese of Birmingham. The above data
are commonly accepted, but she may be

ORINGA (or CHRISTIANA) of the a saint of much earlier date.

CROSS (Bl) V. OSA. AC. Jan 4

d. 13 10. Her which seems somewhat
OSEE (HOSEA) (St) Prophet
legendary, relates that she fled from
RM. July 4
home to escape marriage, and became 8th cent. B.C. A prophet among the
ten tribes of Israel. He seems to have
a serving-maid at Lucca. Then she
returned to her birthplace, Castello di been a contemporary of Isaiah. His
Santa Croce, in Tuscany, and founded prophecy was directed to his compatriots
a convent under the Augustinian Rule.
of Samaria, of which kingdom he fore-
tells the destruction.

ORLANDO (Bl) H. OSB. Vail.

OSITH (St) M. OSB. AC. Oct 7
AC. May 20
Otherwise Osyth, q.v.
d. 1 21 2. A Vallombrosan lay-brother
who was celebrated as an exorcist.
OSB. AC. June 18
ORMOND (ARMAND) (St) Mk. d. c .700. A nun of the Benedictine con-
AC. Jan 23 vent of Jouarre in France.
6th cent. Monk
of the abbey of Saint
Maire, he became abbot in 587, in OSMANNA (or ARGARIARGA) (St)
which task he was eminently successful. V. AC. Sept 9
d. f.650. An maiden who crossed
ORONTIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 22 over to Brittany and became a solitary
See Vincent, Orontius and Victor. in a hermitage near Brieuc.

OSMUND (St) Bp. RM. Dec 4 at Iona during a period of exile among
d. 1099. A Norman noble attached to the the Scots. In 635 he defeated the Welsh
court of William the Conqueror, with King Cadwalla near Hexham and with
whom he came to England and by whom that victory his actual reign began. One
he was made chancellor. In 1077 he was of his chief aims was the complete
appointed to the see of Salisbury (Old evangelization of His country. In 642 he
Sarum), where he finished the cathedral fell in battle at Maserfield fighting
and instituted a chapter of secular against the champion of paganism,

canons. He is especially remembered as Penda of Mercia. He has always been

the compiler of the liturgical services venerated as a martyr.
for his diocese, now known as the
"Sarum use". His hobby was book- OSWIN (St) King M. AC. Aug 20
binding. Canonized in 1457. A prince of Deira, part of the
d. 651.
kingdom of Northumbria, he was edu-
OSTIANUS (St) C. RM. June 30 cated by St Aidan. In 642 he succeeded
? A saint venerated at Viviers. He is St Oswald as ruler of Deira, but reigned
been a priest, but nothing
said to have is only nine years, being killed at Gilling
now known about him. in Yorkshire by order of his cousin
Oswy. He has ever since been venerated
OSWALD (St) Bp. OSB. as a martyr.
AC. Feb 28
d. 992. Born in England of a noble OSYTH (OSITH) (St) M. OSB.
Danish family, he was educated under AC. Oct 7
his uncle St Odo of Canterbury and was d. £.675.She was brought up in a Bene-
appointed dean of Winchester. Shortly dictine nunnery the name of which is no
after he crossed over to France and pro- longer known. Later she founded a
fessed the Benedictine Rule at Fleury. nunnery herself at a place called Chich,
At the suggestion of St Dunstan he was now St Osyth, on a creek of the Colne
raised to the see of Worcester (960), and in Essex. She was murdered there by
heartily identified himself with St Danish pirates.
Dunstan and with St Ethelwold in their
efforts to revive monastic life and OTGER (St) M. OSB. AC. Sept 10
ecclesiastical discipline in England. St See Wiro, Phechelm, etc.

Oswald founded the abbey of Ramsey

and the monastery at Worcester which OTHMAR (OTMAR, AUDEMAR)
later became the cathedral priory. In (St) Ab. OSB. RM. Nov 16
972 he was promoted to the archbishop- d. 759. Of Teutonic origin and already
ric of York, without relinquishing the a priest, in720 he was appointed abbot
government of the diocese of Worcester. of the then dilapidated monastery of St
He died while still on his knees after Gall. He introduced at once the Bene-
having performed his daily practice of dictine Rule and a new period of pros-
washing the feet of twelve poor persons. perity began for the abbey, which soon
became the most important in Switzer-
OSWALD (St) King M. land. He was persecuted by two neigh-
RM. Aug 5 bouring counts, unjustly calumniated
604-642. The successor of King Edwin and condemned by an ecclesiastical tri-
on the throne of Northumbria in the bunal. He bore his sufferings with great
time of the Heptarchy. He was baptized patience, and died in prison.

OTILLIA (ODILIA, OTHILIA, Niederaltaich in Bavaria. After his
ADILIA)(St) Abs. OSB. RM. Dec 13 brother's death in 1326, Otto exercised
d. £.720. According to tradition St Ottilia his priestly office at the cell where Bl
was born blind and cast out for this Herman had died.
reason by her family. She was adopted
by a convent, where she miraculously OUDACEUS (In Welsh: Eddogwy)
recovered her sight. Eventually she be- (St)Ab. (?) AC. July 2
came abbess foundress of Hohenburg d. c.6oo. Son of Budic, prince of Brit-
(now Odilienberg) and of Nieder- tany, but brought up in Wales by his
munster, both under the Benedictine uncle St Teilo, whom perhaps he suc-
Rule. Her life as it comes down to us ceeded in the abbacy of Llandeilo Fawr.
abounds in extraordinary legends. He is wrongly described as bishop of
f.563. An Irish abbot of Meath who OWEN, DADO) (St) Bp.
crossed over to Scotland with St RM. Aug 24
Columba, and was the first to die at 610-684. Son of St Authaire (q.v.). He
Iona. His feast is kept throughout founded the abbey of Rebais, was conse-
Ireland. He has given its name to crated bishop of Rouen in 641, attended
Oronsay. the Synod of Chalons in 644, and died
near Paris in 684.
OTTO (St) M. OFM. RM. Jan 16
See Berardus, Peter, etc. OWEN (OWIN, OUINI) (St) H.
OSB. AC. March
OTTO of BAMBERG Bp. (St) d. 680. After having been steward in the
RM. July 2 household of St Etheldreda, he became
d. 1 139. Born in S. Germany, he was a monk at Lastingham under St Chad,
chosen bishop of Bamberg under the and when the latter was appointed
emperor Henry IV, whom he endea- bishop of Mercia he settled St Owen
voured to reconcile with the Holy See. with other monks in a house near
He was more successful in his mission- Lichfield.
ary activities among the Pomeranians,
and is honoured as their apostle. Canon- OYAND (St) Ab. RM. Jan 1

ized in 1 189. Otherwise Eugendus, q.v.


OSB. AC. Dec 28 Otherwise Eutychius, q.v.
d. 1344. A brother of Bl Herman of
Heidelberg and, like him, a monk and OYS (St) C. AC. Apr 22
priest at the Benedictine abbey of Otherwise Authaire, q.v.

PABIALI (St) C. AC. Nov i tical discipline, but -most of it is lost.
5th (or 6th) cent. Son of the British His treatise on penance is considered a
prince Brychan by his Spanish wife classic. In his first letter against Nova-
Proistri : he is said to have gone to Spain. tian occurs the famous saying: "My
He is patron of a chapel called Party- name is Christian, my surname is
pallai in Wales. Catholic".

PABO (St) C. AC. Nov 9

d. f.510. Surnamed "Post-Pry dain", OFM. AC. June 8
i.e., the prop of N. Britain. He was the 1424-1 482. Pacificus Ramota was born
son of a chieftain on the Scottish border at Cerano, diocese of No vara, and be-

and at first a soldier. Later he came to came a Friar Minor in 1445. He excelled
Wales and founded the monastery called both as a popular preacher and as a
after him Llanbabon, in Anglesey. writer of moral theology, his Summa
Pacifica being much used by his con-

PACHOMIUS (St) Ab. RM. May 9 temporaries. Cult approved in 1745.

d.292-346. Born in the Upper Thebaid,
he followed at first the profession of arms
C. OFM. RM. Sept 24
which he abandoned to receive baptism
1 653-1 72 1. A native of San Severino,
(314) and three years later became a
near Ancona, he joined the Franciscans
hermit. In 318 he built his first monas-
of the Observance and was ordained
tery atTabenna (Tabennisi), north of
priest in 1677. In his early years as a
Thebes on the east bank of the Nile, and
priest his preaching bore much fruit,
subsequently he established several
but in 1688 he became deaf and blind
others. He
governed them all much as a
and almost a cripple. From this time his
present day superior general and wrote
life was one of intense suffering, blessed
for them the first known cenobitical
by God with supernatural charismata.
rule, thus departingfrom the then com-
Canonized in 1839.
mon type of eremitical monachism. At
the time of his death he had seven
PADARN (St) Bp. RM. Apr 16
thousand monks under his rule. He is
Otherwise Paternus, q.v.
one of the most outstanding figures in
the history of monachism. PADUINUS (PAVIN) (St) Ab. OSB.
AC. Nov 15
PACHOMIUS (St) Bp. M. d. £.703. Monk and prior of St Vincent's
RM. Nov 26 abbey, at Le Mans, and later first abbot
See Faustus, Didius, etc. of St Mary's near the same city.

PACIANUS (St) Bp. RM. March 9 PAGANUS(Bl)Mk.OSB. AC. Feb 10

d. f.390. Bishop of Barcelona from 365. d. 1423. An Italian who became a pro-
He wrote much on matters of ecclesias- fessed monk of the Sicilian abbey of

San Niccolo d' Arena. He lived as a RM. Feb 19
hermit near the monastery, but returned d. £.509. Saracen tribes under Persian
to it before his death. rule invaded Palestine about this time
and martyred the solitaries they found
(Bl) there, out of hatred for Rome and
AC. Dec 26 Christianity.
d. 1274. He was admitted into the RM. May 16
Dominican Order by St Dominic him- d. f.614. Forty-four monks of the laura
self and lived in it for fifty years. He of St Sabbas, massacred during the war
succeeded St Peter of Verna as inquisitor between Heraclius and Chosroas. (They
general and, like him, was murdered by are included among those listed under
heretics. June 22, q.v.)
RM. May 28
PALAEMON (St) Ab. RM. Jan 11 d. r.410. A
number of monks martyred
d. 325. One of the earliest of the Egyp- by Arabs and other pagans who invaded
tian hermits. He took refuge in Upper Palestine early in the reign of Theo-
Egypt during the persecution under Dio- dosius the Younger.
cletian. To him came St Pachomius to RM. June 22
be trained in the monastic life. He was d. f.614. A great number of martyrs
closely associated with Pachomius in (the RM. speaks of 1480) massacred at
organizing the hermits on cenobitical Samaria or in its neighbourhood during
lines, and he eventually followed the war between Heraclius and Chosroas.
Pachomius to Tabennisi and died there.
RM. Aug 16
group of thirty-three martyrs of

MM. RM. Oct 8 whom no details are known.

d. 302. Palatias was a lady of Ancona
converted to Christ by her slave Lau- PALLADIA (St) M. RM. May 24
rentia.Both were martyred at Fermo, See Susanna, Marciana and Palladia.
near Ancona, under Diocletian.
PALLADIUS (St) H. AC. Jan 28
PALATINUS (St) M. RM. May 30 d. f.390. A hermit near Antioch in
See Sycus and Palatinus. Syria, a friend of St Simeon "the
Abbots OSB. AC. Jan 11 PALLADIUS (St) Bp. AC. Apr 10
8th cent. Three brothers, natives of d. 661. An
abbot of the abbey of St
Benevento, who became monks at the Germanus at Auxerre, who in 622 was
abbey of Farfa, in Sabina, and eventu- appointed bishop of that city. He
ally founded the monastery of San founded several monasteries.
Vincenzo at the headwaters of the
Volturno. Of this latter foundation they PALLADIUS (St) Bp. AC. July 7
became successively abbots, Paldo dying d. 432. A deacon of the Roman church,
c. 720, Taso f.729, and Tato f.739. consecrated bishop and sent (**43°) by
Pope Celestine I to evangelize Ireland.
PALESTINE, Martyrs of (SS) He landed near Wicklow and after
There are five groups of anonymous founding a few churches left for Scot-
Palestinian martyrs listed in the RM. land, where he died shortly after.

PALLADIUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 7 joined to that of Valva) and Corfinium
d. r.590. Bishop of Saintes (570-f .590). in the Abruzzi. He was accused to Pope
He is liturgically honoured in several Sergius of Arian practices, chiefly, it

dioceses of France, but his claim to the seems, on account of his singing Mass
title of saint is disputed, not without before daybreak on Sundays —but he
reason. completely vindicated himself.

PALMATIUS (St) RM. May 10 PAMPHILUS and Comp. (SS) MM.

See Calepodius, Palmatius, etc. RM. June 1

d. 309. A native of Beirut (Berytus) in

PALMATIUS and Comp. (SS) MM. Phoenicia. He studied at Alexandria
RM. Oct 5 under Pierius, and then settled at
d. c .287. Apocryphal martyrs of Treves Caesarea in Palestine, where he was
alleged (only since the nth century) to ordained priest. Himself the greatest
have been put to death under Maximian biblical scholar of his day, he fostered
Herculeus. learning and protected all students. His

household became famous for its prac-

PALUMBUS(Bl)H.OSB. AC. Jan 4 tice of fraternal love, slaves and domes-
d. £.1070. A monk-priest of the abbey of tics being treated as sons and brothers.
Subiaco, who lived for some years as a The historian Eusebius assumed the
hermit near the monastery. surname "Pamphili" in gratitude for
favours received from St Pamphilus.
PAMBO (St) Ab. AC. July 18 After years of imprisonment and re-
d. f.390. A disciple of the great St peated tortures, he was martyred under
Antony and one of the pioneers of the Galerius. With him suffered his deacon
eremitical life in the Nitrian desert. In and ten companions.
his old age he was a venerable figure,
visited by a great number of persons PAMPHILUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 7
from East and West. Among these were d. £.400. A Greek by birth, consecrated
St Athanasius, St Melania the Elder and bishop of Capua by Pope Siricius. His
Rufinus. relics were enshrined at Benevento.

PAMMACHIUS (St) C. RM. Aug 30 PAMPHILUS (St) M. RM. Sept 21

d. 410. A Roman senator, married to one ?A Roman martyr, about whom nothing
of the daughters of St Paula. On the is known.
death of his wife in 395 Pammachius
donned the monastic habit and received PANACEA (PANEXIA, PANASSIA)
priest's orders, spending the rest of his (St) V. AC. May 1
life and his immense wealth in the per- 1 378-1 383. Born at Quarona, diocese of

sonal service of the sick and the poor. Novara. When she was only five years
His great friends, SS Jerome and old her stepmother killed her with a
Paulinus of Nola, admired and en- spindle while she was at prayer. Cult
couraged him. His house became the confirmed in 1867.
present church of SS John and Paul
(Titulus Pammachii). PANCHARIUS (St) M.
RM. March 19
(St) d. 303. A Roman senator, a favourite
d. c .700. Bishop of Sulmona (a see later officer of the emperor Maximian. At


the outbreak of the persecution he virgins and martyrs." Modern research

denied, or at any rate concealed, his has found no further particulars about
but on receiving a letter from
religion, them.
his mother and sister, he nobly con-
fessed Christ and was beheaded at PANTAENUS (St) C. RM. July 7
Nicomedia. d. £.216. A Sicilian and a convert from
Stoicism, Pantaenus became the head of
PANCHARIUS (St) M. the catechetical school of Alexandria,
AC. July 22 which under him began to be consi-
d. r.356. Bishop of Besancon. He suf- dered the intellectual centre of the
fered much at the hands of the officials Christian East. He is said to have ended
of the Arian emperor Constantius. his life as a missionary in India (more
probably in Ethiopia).
TIUS) (St) Bp. M. RM. Apr 3 PANTAGAPES (St) M. RM. Sept 2
1 st cent. According to the Sicilian tradi- See Diomedes, Julian, etc.

tion, this St Pancras was an Antiochene

by birth, whom St Peter consecrated PANTAGATHUS (St) Bp.
bishop and sent to Taormina (Tauro- RM. Apr 17
tnenium) in Sicily, where he was stoned 475-540. A courtier in the service of
to death. King Clovis, he eventually left the
court and received holy orders. He was
PANCRAS (St) M. RM. May 12 afterwards raised to the see of Vienne.
d. c .304 ( ?). A
martyr of this name was
certainly buried in the cemetery of PANTALEEMON (St) M.
Calepodius in Rome. Other particulars RM. July 27
are lacking. His story as given in Car- See Maurus, Pantaleemon and Sergius.
dinal Wiseman's Fabiola is of course a
literary creation of the novelist's PANTALEON (St) M. RM. July 27
imagination. In the 7th century Pope d. f.305.His Greek name is Panteleemon
St Vitalian sent relics of the saint to one which means "the All-compassionate".
of the Anglo-Saxon kings, and St Pan- The name may have given rise to the
cras thenceforward became very popu- legend of his life, which, as we have it
lar in England. now, is not to be trusted. The main
facts are probably true: viz., that he
PANDONIA (St) V. AC. Aug 26 was a physician by profession, who
Otherwise Pandwyna, q.v. practised his art without taking any fees,
and who was martyred under Diocletian,
PANDWYNA (St) N. OSB. perhaps at Nicomedia.
AC. Aug 26
Born in Scotland or Ireland.
d. f.904. PANT ALUS (St) Bp. M.
She became a nun at Ettisley in Cam- AC. Oct 12
bridgeshire. ? A legendary bishop of Basle connected
with the story of St Ursula.
PANNONIA (Martyrs of) (SS)
RM. Apr 9 PAPAS (St) M. RM. March 16
? The RM. has this entry: "At Sirmium d. c .300. A martyr of Lycaonia in Asia
in Pannonia the passion of seven holy Minor under Diocletian.

PAPHNUTIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 19 Pamphylia (Asia Minor), tortured and
?A priest put to death at Jerusalem. put to death under Decius.


RM. Sept 11 RM. June 28
d. f.356. An Egyptian who suffered for d. f.303. A martyr, possibly in Sicily,
the Faith under Maximums Thrax by under Diocletian.
having one eye plucked out and one leg
hamstrung. In 311 he joined St Antony PAPIAS (PAPIUS) (St) M.
as monk, but shortly after was conse- RM. July 7
crated bishop of a see in the Upper See Peregrinus, Lucian, etc.
Thebaid. As such he assisted at the
council of Nicaea, where he is said to PAPIAS (St) M. RM. Nov 2
have advocated the marriage of priests See Publius, Victor, etc.
before ordination. Throughout his life

he was a strenuous opponent of Arian- PAPINIANUS and MANSUETUS

ism. He was in great favour with the (SS) MM. RM. Nov 28
emperor Constantine. 5th cent. African bishops, martyred
under the Arian Vandal King Genseric,
PAPHNUTIUS and Comp. (SS) who had overrun that Roman province.
MM. RM. Sept 24
d. £.303. Martyrs in Egypt under Dio- PAPOLENUS (St) Ab.
cletian. AC. June 26
Otherwise Babolenus, q.v.
PAPHNUTIUS (St) Ab. AC. Sept 25
d. r.480. The alleged father of the girl- PAPPUS (PAPIU9) (several)
monk St Euphrosyne, q.v. He became a Otherwise Papias, q.v.
monk and abbot in Egypt and is held in
great veneration in the East. PAPULUS (PAPOUL) (St) M.
AC. Nov 3
PAPIAS and MAURUS (SS) MM. d. r.300. A priest who worked as a mis-
RM. Jan 29 sionary under St Saturninus in S.
d. r.303. Roman soldiers martyred at France, and who like him was martyred
Rome under Maximian. under Diocletian. His shrine is at
(St) RM. Feb 22
d. c.120. Bishop of Hierapolis in the PAPYLUS (St) M. RM. Apr 13
valley of the Lycus in Phrygia, a con- See Carpus, Papylus, etc.

temporary and friend of St Polycarp of

Smyrna. He wrote much, but only a few PARAGRUS (St) AC. Dec 9
fragments of his works are extant. See Samosata Martyrs.

PAPIAS (St) M. RM. Feb 25 PARAGUAY (Martyrs of) (BB) SJ.

See Victorinus, Victor, etc. AC. Nov 17
d. 1628. Three Spanish Jesuits Roch —
PAPIAS, (Roque) Gonzalez, Alphonsus Rodri-
CLAUDIAN (SS) MM. RM. Feb 26 guez and John de Castillo founders of —
d. f.250. Poor shepherds, natives of the "reduction" of the Assumption on

the Jiuhi river in Paraguay. In 1628 they PARMENAS (St) M. RM. Jan 23
established the new mission of All d. c.gS. One of the seven deacons or-
Saints, and it was here that they were dained by the Apostles (Acts VI, 5).
murdered by order of the local chief. Tradition says that after many years
spent in preaching the gospel in Asia
PARAMON and Comp. (SS) MM. Minor, he was martyred at Philippi in
RM. Nov 29 Macedonia under Trajan.
d. 250. A group of three hundred and
seventy-five martyrs, venerated es- PARMENIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
pecially by the Greeks. They are said RM. Apr 22
to have suffered on the same day during d. £.250. The priests Parmenius, Heli-
the Decian persecution. menas and Chrysotelus, and the dea-
cons Luke and Mucius were beheaded
PARASCEVE (St) M. near Babylon when the emperor Decius
RM. March 20 invaded Mesopotamia.
See Photina, Joseph, etc.
PARDULPHUS (PARDOUX) (St) See Calocerus and Parthenius.
Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 6
£.658-738. Born at Sardent, near PASCHAL I (St) Pope OSB.
Gueret, diocese^ of Limoges, he first be- RM. Feb 11
came a hermit, but afterwards joined the d. 824. A Roman, and abbot of the
Benedictine community of Gueret, of Roman Benedictine monastery of St
which he became abbot. At the time of Stephen near the Vatican, he was raised
the Saracen invasion he remained alone to the papal throne in 817. He defended
in the abbey, which he saved by prayer. the Greek Catholics against the bar-
barous persecution of the iconoclast
PAREGORIUS (St) M. AC. Feb 18 emperors. He is perhaps best remem-
See Leo and Paregorius. bered for his zeal in the recovery and
enshrining of the bodies of St Caecilia
PARIS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 5 and other martyrs.
d. 346. According to the local tradition,
Bishop of Teano, near Naples. His life PASCHAL BAYLON OFM.
(St) C.
is embellished with the usual legendary RM. May 17
additions. 1 540-1 592. Born of peasant stock at
Torrehermosa in Aragon, he started life
PARISIUS (St) C. OSB. Cam. as a shepherd. Later he became a Fran-
RM. June 11 ciscan lay-brother of the Alcantarine
1 152-1267. Born probably at Treviso. reform (1564). He spent his life mainly
At the age of twelve he received the as doorkeeper in different friaries of
Camaldolese habit, and was ordained Spain. All his life he was animated with
priest in 1 190. In that same year he was an intense love for the Holy Eucharist,
appointed chaplain and spiritual direc- the true doctrine of which he trium-
tor of the Camaldolese nuns of St phantly defended against a Calvinist
Christina outside the walls of Treviso, preacher in France. Beatified in 161 8,
and he filled that office for seventy-seven canonized in 1690. In 1897 he was
years. His body is enshrined in the declared patron of all Eucharistic con-
cathedral of Treviso. fraternities and congresses.


PASCHARIUS (PASQUIER) (St) Silistria, in Moesia (Bulgaria). They
Bp. AC. July 10 belong to the group of St Julius of
d. c .680. Bishop of Nantes. He founded Dorostorum, q.v.
the abbey of Aindre, where he placed
St Hermenland of Fontenelle as first PASTOR, VICTORINUS and
abbot. Comp. (SS) MM.' RM. March 29
Seven martyrs who suffered
d. £.311. at
9 Nicomedia under Galesius.
d. £.178 (?). A virgin martyr venerated
at Dijon. Her cult is already described PASTOR (St) Bp. KM. March 30
as ancient by St Gregory of Tours. 6th cent. Bishop of Orleans. His
( ?).

Later legends connect her with St name, however, does not appear in the
Benignus of Dijon. ancient lists.

PASCHASIUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 22 PASTOR (St) C. P M. July 26

d. f.312. The eleventh bishop of Vienne d. f.160. A Roman priest, said to have
in Gaul. been brother to Pope St Pius I. He has
left his name to the title (i.e. parish) of
PASCHASIUS RADBERT (St) Ab. St Pudentiana in Rome Titulus Pas-
OSB. AC. Apr 26 torts.

d. f.851. Born in the Soissonnais, he

became a monk
of Corbie under St PASTOR (St) M. RM. Aug 6
Adalard and was ordained deacon. For See Justus and Pastor.
many years he held the offices of novice-
master and headmaster, both at Old PATAPIUS (St) H. RM. Dec 8
Corbie and at New Corvey, whither he 7th cent. An Egyptian monk, who
accompanied his abbot in 822. In 844 migrated to Constantinople and passed
he was made abbot of Corbie, an office his life as a hermit in the suburbs of the
which he found most uncongenial, and city. He is much venerated in the East.
which he resigned about the year 850.
He was prolific on biblical subjects and PATERIUS Bp. (St) RM. Feb 21
his most famous book is his treatise on d. 606. A Romanmonk, disciple and
the Holy Eucharist. friend of St Gregory the Great. From
being notary of the Roman Church, he
PASCHASIUS (St) C. RM. May 31 was raised to the see of Brescia in Lom-
d. f.512. A Roman deacon who, in good bardy. He was a prolific writer on bibli-
faith, sided with the antipope Laurence cal subjects.
against Pope Symmachus. He is men-
tioned by St Gregory the Great (Dial. PATERMUTHIUS, COPRES and
IV, 40). He wrote some theological ALEXANDER (SS) MM. RM.July9
works which have been lost. d. £.363. Patermuthius was a notorious
robber converted by an Egyptian her-
PASCHASIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 13 mit, St Copres. Patermuthius then
See Arcadius, Paschasius, etc. became a hermit also. The RM. makes
them martyrs together with Alexander,
PASICRATES, VALENTIO and a converted soldier under Julian the
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. May 25 Apostate; but the Acts of these alleged
d. c.302. Four soldiers, martyred at martyrs cannot be admitted as history.

PATERNIAN (St) Bp. RM. July 12 to Rome, was arrested at Fondi and ex-
d. £.470.Bishop of Bologna f.450-470. pired in the dungeon there.
Probably identical with the following.
PATERNUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 28
PATERNIAN (St) Bp. AC. Nov 23 2nd cent. Born at Bilbao in Spain. He
d. f.343. A Christian who, towards the was one of the earliest bishops —some
end of the persecution of Diocletian say the first —of Eauze (now Auch) in
escaped to the mountains. Later he was France.
made bishop of Fano.
PATERNUS (Bl or St) H. OSB. RM. Nov 12
AC. Apr 10 d. f.726. Born in Brittany, he was a

d. 1058. A Scot by birth, he was one of monk first at Cessier, in the diocese of

the first monks to enter the Benedictine Avranches, and then at Saint-Pierre-le-
abbey of Abdinghof in Paderborn, Vif, diocese of Sens. He was murdered

founded by St Meinwerk. Afterwards by malefactors whom he had admon-

he became a hermit and died in his cell, ished to reform their lives.

refusing to leave it when the monastery

was destroyed by fire. Bl Marianus
PATIENS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 8
2nd cent. Venerated as the fourth
Scotus visited the place a fortnight after
bishop and the patron saint of Metz.
the fire. St Paternus was greatly revered
by St Peter Damian. PATIENS RM. Sept 11
(St) Bp.
d. £.491. Archbishop of Lyons, highly
praised by his contemporary St Sidoni-
AC. Apr 15
d. c .500. Bishop of Vannes in Brittany,
us Apollinaris. He devoted all his
revenues to the relief of the poor.
consecrated f.465.



See Orentius and Patientia.

AC. Apr 16
5th cent. A monk
from Brittany, who,
with other monks from the same coun-
RM. March 13
try, founded Llanbadarn Fawr (i.e., the
See Macedonius, Patricia and Modesta.
great monastery of Padarn) near Aber-
ystwyth in Wales. He preached the PATRICIA (St) V. RM. Aug 25
gospel in the country round about. d. f.665.According to the legend, she
was a maiden of Constantinople, related
PATERNUS (French: PAIR) (St)
to the imperial family. In order to
Bp. RM. Apr
16 and Sept 23
escape marriage she went on a pilgrim-
d. c.574 (or 563). Born at Poitiers, he
age to Jerusalem and then to Rome,
became a monk at Ansion, and later a
where she received the veil. She died at
hermit near Coutances. Eventually he
Naples, of which city she is one of the
was raised to the see of Avranches in
Normandy. He is often confused with
St Paternus of Llanbadarn (see Apr 16). PATRICIAN (St) Bp. AC. Oct 10
5th cent. A Scottish bishop driven from
PATERNUS (St) M. RM. Aug 21 his see by heathen invaders. He spent
d. f.255. The RM., based on doubtful the remainder of his life in the Isle of
Acta, says that he came from Alexandria Man.

PATRICK (St) Bp. RM. March 16 others have been added in the early
? Registered in the RM. as bishop
of calendars.
Auvergne, but his name is not to be
found in the lists of the sees of Au- PATRICK (St) Bp. AC. May 24
vergne. Quite probably the copyists d. c .469. The fourth bishop of Bayeux.
wrote Arvernia for Hibernia,i.z., Ireland, Liturgically venerated at Bayeux on
and thus duplicated the apostle of that May 24.
country (see the following). At Malaga,
in Spain, is kept on March 16 the feast
of St Patrick, a native and bishop of that
AC. July 4
city, who, according to the local tradi-
d. 1594. A servant of Bl Thomas Bos-
tion, fled to Auvergne, and died there
grave and martyred with him at Dor-
chester for sheltering a priest.

PATRICK (St) Bp. RM. March 17 PATRICK de' PATRIZI (Bl) Mk.
c. 3 89-46 1. A Romano-Briton by origin,
OSB. Oliv. PC. Aug 21
See Ambrose Piccolomini, etc.
at the age of sixteen he was taken cap-
tive to Ireland (f.405). He escaped after
six years. He now pursued his education
(St) AC. Aug 24
d. f.450. Surnamed "Sen-Patrick"
in continental monasteries. About the
(Patrick the Elder). Several traditions
year 432, after having been consecrated
mention him as a kinsman and con-
bishop by St Germanus at Auxerre, he
temporary of St Patrick of Ireland.
returned to Ireland as a missionary.
There is also St Patrick, abbot of
Whatever may be said of the extant data
supplied by his biographers, which in
Nevers, France, likewise commemo-
rated on Aug 24. It is impossible to
some instances are obviously conflicting
disentangle the conflicting data concern-
or legendary, the fact remains that St
ing these and other saints of the same
Patrick established the Catholic Church
throughout Ireland on lasting founda-
tions: he travelled throughout the
country preaching, teaching, building
See Philologus and Patrobas.
churches, opening schools and mon-
asteries, converting chiefs and bards,
PATROCLUS (St) M. RM. Jan 21
and everywhere supporting his preach-
d. r.275 (or 259). A very wealthy and
ing with miracles. His writings show
exceedingly charitable Christian of
what solid doctrine he must have taught
Troyes, martyred in that city. His relics
his hearers. He was, moreover, the first
were (960) translated to Soest in
organizer of the Irish church, with the
primatial see at Armagh (established
r.444). He fully deserves his title of PATTO (Latin: PACIFICUS) (St)
"Apostle of Ireland". Bp. OSB. AC. March 30
d. f.788. A native of Britain who
PATRICK, ACACIUS, MENAN- crossed over to Saxony, became abbot
DER and POLYAENUS (SS) MM. of a monastery there, and finally was
RM. Apr 28 appointed bishop of Werden.
? A group of martyrs of Prusa (Broussa)
in Bithynia. The Acts of Patrick are PAUL
considered authentic. The names of the Note. A very widely used name in all


Christian lands. The Latin form is PAUL YUANKI or IBARKI and
Paulus, and its modern derivatives are: PAUL SUSUKI (SS) MM. RM. Feb 5
in Italian and Portuguese, Paolo; in d. 1597. Japanese laymen, tertiaries of
English and French, Paul; in Spanish, St Francis, interpreters and catechists
Pablo; in Catalan, Pau. to the Franciscan missionaries. Both
were crucified at Nagasaki. Canonized
PAUL the HERMIT (St) C. in 1862.
RM. Jan 10 and 15
c. 230-342. The life of this saint, written PAUL, LUCIUS and CYRIACUS
by St Jerome, tells us that he was an (SS) MM. RM. Feb 8
Egyptian of good birth and well edu- ? Martyrs at Rome.
cated. At the age of twenty-two he fled
into the desert of Thebes to escape the PAUL of VERDUN (St) Bp. OSB.
persecution under Decius. He stayed RM. Feb 8
there even after the ending of the per- d. f.649. A courtier who retired first to
secutions until his death, that is, for Mt Voge (now Paulberg), near Treves,
ninety years. He was
comforted in the as a hermitand afterwards entered the
end by a visit from St Antony. On a monastery of Tholey, where he was
second visit St Antony found him dead appointed headmaster of the monastic
and buried him. school. After some years (£.630) King
Dagobert appointed him bishop of
19 PANIONS (BB) MM. OP. PC. Feb 10
2nd cent. ( ?). African martyrs, of the d. 1240. Paul was a lawyer of Hungarian
province of Numidia, about whom no origin at the University of Bologna.
particulars are given. Induced by St Dominic to join the
Friars Preachers, he brought the new
PAUL of TROIS-CHATEAUX (St) order into Hungary. With ninety com-
Bp. RM. Feb 1 panions he was sent to Wallachia, where
d. c.405. A native of Reims, who, they were martyred by the Cumanians.
escaping from the barbarian invasions,
became a hermit near Aries, and eventu- PAUL LIEOU (Bl) M. AC. Feb 13
ally was chosen bishop of Trois- d. 181 8. A Chinese layman who was
Chateaux {Augusta Tricastrinorum — martyred by strangulation. Beatified in
diocese now extinct) in Dauphine. 1900.

PAUL MIKI (St) M. SJ. RM. Feb 5 PAUL LOC (Bl) M. AC. Feb 13
1 562-1 597. Born at Tounucumada in 183 -1 859. A native
of An-nhon in
Japan, son of a Japanese military chief, Cochin-China, who, shortly after his
he was educated at the Jesuit college of ordination to the priesthood, was be-
Anziquiama, and in 1580 entered the headed at Saigon. Beatified in 1909.
Society of Jesus. He was famed as an
orator and controversialist. His last PAUL, HERACLIUS, SECUNDIL-
sermon was delivered from the Cross on LA and JANUARIA (SS) MM.
which he was martyred at Nagasaki. RM. March
Canonized in 1862. d. f.305. Martyrs who suffered under

Diocletian at Porto Romano, at the PAUL, CYRIL, EUGENE and
mouth of the Tiber. Comp. (SS) MM. RM. March 20
? A group of seven martyrs, who suffered
PAUL of PRUSA (St) Bp. in Syria.
RM. March 7
d. Bishop of Prusa (Plusias) in
840. PAUL of NARBONNE (St) Bp.
Bithynia. For his courageous resistance RM. March 22
to the iconoclasts he was banished to d. p.250. St Gregory of Tours (Hist.
Egypt where he died. Franc. I. 30) writes that St Paul was
consecrated at Rome towards the mid-
PAUL the SIMPLE (St) H. dle of the 3rd century and sent to Gaul
RM. March 7 to preach the gospel, which he did with
d. r.339. An Egyptian farmer who, at great success at Narbonne. A much
the age of sixty, discovered the adultery later legend identifies him with the
of his wife and forthwith left for the Roman proconsul Sergius Paulus, con-
desert, where he placed himself under verted by St Paul the Apostle (Acts
St Antony. His prompt obedience and XIII).
childlike disposition were "the pride of
the desert" and merited for him the PAUL TINH (Bl) M. AC. Apr 6
surname of "the Simple". He is men- d. 1857. Born at Trinh-ha, Tonkin, he
tioned by Rufinus and Palladius. became a priest, and was beheaded at
Son-tay, in W. Tonkin. Beatified in
PAUL (St) M. RM. March 10 1909.
See Codratus, Dionysius, etc.


AC. March 12 See Elias, Paul and Isidore.
d. f.575. A Romano-Briton by origin,
he was born in Wales, and educated at PAUL of the CROSS (St) C. Foun-
Llantwit Major under St Illtyd, to- der RM. Apr
gether with SS David, Samson, Gildas, 1694-1775 (Oct 18). Paolo Francesco
etc. He dwelt for a time on Caldey Danei was born at Ovada in Piedmont.
Island, whence he crossed over into Inspired by a series of visions he with
Brittany with twelve companions. He some companions went to live the
established a monastery at Porz-Pol on religious on Mt Argentaro, near

the isle of Ouessant and finally fixed his Orbitello. In 1720 they received the
residence at Ouismor (now Saint-Pol- habit of "Barefooted Clerks of the
de-Leon), where he was consecrated Cross and the Passion" (Passionists)
bishop. from the bishop of Alessandria. In 1727
Paul was ordained priest in the Vatican
PAUL of CYPRUS (St) M. basilica, and in 1747 the first general
RM. March 17 chapter of the new Congregation was
d. 775. A
monk of Cyprus, who, in the held. St Paul lived to see its expansion
reign of the iconoclast emperor Con- throughout Italy. Canonized in 1867.
Copronymus, refused to tram-
pleon a crucifix and was hung head PAUL KHOAN (Bl) M. AC. Apr 28
downwards over a slow fire till he d. 1840. A native of Tonkin, and a
died. priest attached to the Paris Foreign

Missions for forty years. He was in Gaeta, he became a lawyer and prac-
prison for two years before he was tised his profession for ten years at
beheaded. Beatified in 1900. Naples. In 1549 he was appointed royal
counsellor, but in 1558 he joined the
PAUL (St) M. RM. May 15 Theatine order and eventually was
See Peter, Andrew, etc. made superior at the houses of Naples
and Rome. St Pius V appointed him
PAUL (St) M. RM. May 17
bishop of Piacenza and created him
See Heradius, Paul, etc.
cardinal. Finally he was promoted to
the see of Naples. Beatified in 1772.
PAUL (St) M. RM. May 28
See Crescens, Dioscorides, etc.
RM. June 20
PAUL HANH (Bl) M. AC. May 28 ? Martyrs who suffered at Tomi on the
d. 1859. A native layman of Cochin-
Black Sea, in Lower Moesia.
China. He abandoned his Faith and
joined aband of outlaws. When PAUL XINSUKI (Bl) M. SJ.
arrested, he professed his religion, and, AC. June 20
after frightful tortures, was beheaded d. 1626. A Japanese Jesuit, catechist to
near Saigon. Beatified in 1909. Bl Paul Navarro. He was burnt alive
at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
PAUL (St) M. RM. June 1

See Reverianus, Paul, and Comp. PAUL (St) M. RM. June 26

See John and Paul
PAUL (St) M. RM. June 1

See Valens, Paul, and Comp. PAUL I (St)Pope RM. June 28

d. 767. A Roman, educated with his
PAUL (St) M. RM. June 3 brother, the future Pope Stephen III,
See Lucillian, Claudius, etc. at the Lateran school. He succeeded his
brother in the papal chair in 757. His
PAUL of CONSTANTINOPLE (St) pontificate was uneventful except for
Bp. M. RM. June 7 the iconoclast excesses of the Byzantine
d. c .350. A patriarch of Constantinople, emperor Constantine Copronymus,
whose episcopate was largely spent in whom the pope valiantly opposed. As
exile for the Catholic faith. Elected in some compensation for the destruction
336, he was exiled to Pontus in 337, in the East, St Paul restored and beau-
whence he returned in 338, but was tified several Roman churches and
exiled again by an Arian synod, this enshrined the relics of many saints.
time to Treves. He returned to his see
r.340, but in 342 was sent in chains to PAUL GIUSTINIANI (Bl) OSB.
Mesopotamia by the emperor Con- Cam. AC. June 28
stantius. Recalled in 344, he was 1 476- 1 528. A member of the Venetian

banished for the last time to Kukusus in house of Giustiniani. He joined the
Armenia, where he was left without Camaldolese Benedictines, and eventu-
food for six days and then strangled. ally established the new Congregation
of Monte Corona. He ranks among the
PAUL BURALI d' AREZZO (Bl) Bp. Camaldolese as their most prolific
Card. AC. June 17 writer. His feast is kept by the Camaldo-
1511-1578. Born at Itri, diocese of lese.

PAUL the APOSTLE (St) M. zealous in ministering to his fellow-
RM. June 29 (30) Christians imprisoned by the Moham-
f.3-67. Born Tarsus in Cilicia, a Jew
at medans. He was beheaded for the Faith,
of the tribe of Benjamin, a Pharisee, a and his fellow Christians succeeded in
Roman citizen, a tentmaker by trade, securing his remains, which they en-
he was educated in the Sacred Law of shrined in the church of St Zoilus.
the Jews at the feet of Gamaliel in
Jerusalem. After taking an active part in PAUL of GAZA (St) M. RM. July 25
the stoning of the first Christian martyr d. 308. A martyr of Gaza in Palestine,
St Stephen, he placed himself whole- beheaded under Maximian Galerius.
heartedly at the service of the Jewish
authorities in their attempt to stamp out PAUL TCHENG (Bl) M. AC. July 29
Christianity, but was miraculously d. 861. A seminarian. Beheaded at

converted on the road to Damascus, and Tsin-gai. Beatified in 1909.

received directly from Christ his mission
to evangelize the Gentiles. He did so in PAUL and JULIANA (SS) MM.
at least four apostolic journeys, ex- RM. Aug 17
tending from Cappadocia and Galatia d. c .270. Brother and beheaded at

perhaps as far as Spain, establishing Ptolemais in Palestine under Aurelian.

churches everywhere, and ever sur-
rounded by dangers of all sorts he was — PAUL SANCHIKI (Bl) M.
shipwrecked, imprisoned, flogged, AC. Aug 19
stoned, banished from several cities, d. 1622. A Japanese on board the
persecuted by the hatred of his own ship of Bl Joachim Firaiama. Beheaded
people. Neverthelesshe was always at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
burning for more sufferings and con-
quests for Christ, who recompensed PAUL (St) M. RM. Aug 29
him, even in this life, with the highest See Nicaeas and Paul.
degree of mystical experience. His
fourteen epistles, addressed mostly to PAUL TOMAKI and PAUL AY
the churches which he had founded, BARA Tert. OP. (BB) MM.
belong to the deposit of divine revela- AC. Sept 8
tion. He was beheaded in Rome near d. 1628. Paul Tomaki was a boy of
the Ostian Way where the Church of seven, beheaded with his father, Bl
Tre Fontane now stands. Liturgically John Tomaki, q.v., and his three
he is honoured with St Peter, on June brothers at Nagasaki. Paul Aybara was
29, as the co-founder of the Roman a Japanese catechist and Dominican
church; while the feast of his conversion tertiary, likewisebeheaded at Nagasaki.
is celebrated on Jan 25. Beatified in 1867.


See Mark, Mucianus and Paul. GAXI (BB) MM. AC. Sept 10
d. Japanese companions in
PAUL of ST ZOILUS (St) M. martyrdom of Bl Charles Spinola, q.v.
RM. July 20
d. 851. A Spanish deacon of Cordova PAUL FIMONAYA (Bl) M. Tert.
who belonged to the community of St OP. AC. Sept 16
Zoilus in the same city and was most d. 1628. Son of Bl Michael Fimonaya

(q.v.)and a Dominican tertiary. Be- PAUL MI (Bl) M. AC. Dec 18
headed at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. d. 1838. A native of Tonkin, attached to
the Society of Foreign Missions of Paris.
PAUL, TATTA, SABINIAN, Martyred by strangulation. Beatified in
(SS) MM. RM. Sept 25
? Paul and Tatta were husband and PAUL (St) M. RM. Dec 19
wife, the others were their sons. All died See Darius, Zozimus, etc.

under torture in their native city of

Damascus. PAUL (St) M. RM. Dec 24
See Lucian, Metrobius, etc.
PAUL (St) M. RM. Oct 3
See Dionysius, Faustus, etc. PAULA (St) V.OSB. Cam. AC. Jan 5
13 1 8-1368. Born
Tuscany, she was
PAUL DOI BUONG (Bl) M. entrusted in childhood to the Camaldo-
AC. Oct 22 lese nuns and remained with them all
d. 1833. A native of Cochin-China and her life. She was instrumental in
captain of the bodyguard of King bringing the feuds between Pisa and
Minh-Menh. As a Christian he became Florence to a peaceful settlement.
attached to the Society of Foreign
Missions of Paris. He was arrested in PAULA (St) W. RM. Jan 26
1832, degraded and beheaded. Beatified 347-404. A Roman lady of noble birth,
in 1900. she married a patrician, to whom she
bore five children, among them St
Eustochium and St Blaesilla. Left a
(BB) MM. SJ. AC. Nov 1
widow when she was thirty-four Paula
d. 1622. Paul Navarro was born in 1560
embraced the religious life, and for
at Laino, diocese of Cassano, in Italy.
twenty years presided over the sister-
He became a Jesuit in 1587 and while
hood founded by her near St Jerome's
stilla scholastic was sent to India where
monastery at Bethlehem, where she
he was ordained, and thence to Japan.
also established a hospital. St Jerome
He worked with great success as su-
became her spiritual director, and after
perior of Amanguchi. He was burnt
her death her biographer.
alive at Ximabara. With him suffered
two junior members of the Society and
a servant.
Matron AC. Jan 31
PAUL NGAN (Bl) M. AC. Nov 8 1473-15 1 5. Born at Brescia, she married
d. 1840. A Tonkinese priest, beheaded at the age of twelve a young nobleman.
with four other martyrs at Nam-Dinh. She had much to suffer from her hus-
Beatified in 1900. band, who not only objected to her
charities, admittedly lavish, but was
PAUL of LATROS (St) H. also shamefully unfaithful to her. By
AC. Dec
15 her heroic patience she won him over to
d. 956. Born near Pergamos. After the better things and passed the remainder
death of his parents he became a hermit of an austere life in peaceful wedlock.
first on Mt
Olympus, then in a cave on She died worn out with self-imposed
Mt Latros in Bithynia, and finally on penances. Cult confirmed by Gregory
the isle of Samos. He died on Mt Latros. XVI.

1 .

PAULA (St) VM. RM. June 3 1854. Then she began to receive and
d. £.273. A maiden of Nicomedia who care for orphan girls in her house at
ministered to the martyr St Lucillian Como, whom she educated and taught
(q.v.) and to four youths in prison, and to till the fields. Under her pious leader-

was for this reason arrested and tor- ship there thus arose the Institute of the
tured, and finally sent to Byzantium, Sisters of the Holy Family, of which she,
where she was beheaded. under the name of Paula-Elizabeth,
was made Superior. Later she founded
PAULA FRASINETTI (Bl) Foun- a similar orphanage for boys in 1863.
dress AC. June 1 She died of heart disease at forty-seven,
1 809-1 882. Born at Genoa, she lived leaving the memory of a saint. Beatified
with her brother who was parish-priest in 1950.
at Quinto, one of the suburbs of the
city, and there she began to teach poor PAULILLUS (St) M. RM. Nov 13
children. This was the beginning of the See Arcadius, Paschasius, etc.

Congregation of St Dorothy, which she

lived to see flourishing throughout Italy
PAULILLUS (St) M. RM. Dec 19
See Cyriacus, Paulillus, etc.
and the New World. Beatified in 1930.

PAULA (St) VM. RM. June 18

See Cyriacus and Paula.
AC. March 14
d. 1 107. A German princess, who, after
the death of her husband, founded, with
PAULA (St) M. RM. July 20
her son Werner, the double monastery
See Sabinus, Julian, etc.
at Zell (Paulinzelle). She died at
Miinstersch warzach
PAULA (St) VM. RM. Aug 10
See Bassa, Paula and Agathonica.
PAULINA (St) M. RM. June 6
See Artemius, Candida and Paulina.
Poor Clare AC. Oct 29 PAULINA (St) M. RM. Dec 2
1443-15 14. Born at Montaldo, near See Eusebius, Marcellus, etc.
Mantua, at the age of fifteen she joined
the Poor Clares at Santa Lucia in PAULINA (St) M. RM. Dec 31
Mantua, where she was later elected See Donata, Paulina, etc.

abbess three times. She was favoured

with mystical experiences. Cult ap- PAULINUS of AQUILEIA (St) Bp.
proved in 1906. AC. Jan 28
f.726-804. Born near Cividale in N.
PAULA-ELIZABETH CERIOLI (Bl) Italy he received a good education, and
W. Foundress AC. Dec 24 after the destruction of the Lombard
1 8 1 8- 1 865 Constance Honorata Cerioli
. kingdom in 774, was summoned to
was born at Soncini, Cremona, and court by his great admirer Charle-
educated by the Visitation nuns. In magne, who in 784 sent him back to
spite of an inclination to the religious Italy as patriarch of Aquileia. Paulinus
life, she accepted the will of her parents wrote much and competently against
and married Cajetan Buzecchi-Tassis, Adoptionism and was a firm supporter
by whom she had three children. All, of the Filioque. He also carried on
however, died, as did her husband in missionary work among the Avars.

RM. Apr 29 Comp. (SS) MM. RM. July 12
d. £.545. Bishop of Brescia (r.524-545). ? This St Paulinus is venerated as the
His relics are enshrined in the church of first bishop and patron saint of Lucca
San Pietro in Oliveto. in Tuscany. The legend adds that he
was a native of Antioch sent to Lucca
PAULINUS (St) M. RM. May 4 by St Peter, and that he was martyred
? A martyr whose relics are enshrined at (f.67) with a priest, a deacon and a
Cologne, but of whom otherwise no- soldier. The whole story is most un-
thing is known. trustworthy and it is probable that this
saint is to be identified with the bishop
PAULINUS of SINIGAGLIA (St) Paulinus who governed the see f.355-
Bp. AC. May 4 365.
d. 826. Bishop, and now patron saint, of
Sinigaglia, in Italy. Nothing is known PAULINUS of TREVES (St) Bp.
of his life. RM. Aug 31
d. 358. A native of Gascony who
PAULINUS (St) M. RM. May 26 accompanied St Maximinus to Treves
See Felicissimus, Heraclius and Pauli- and succeeded him as bishop in 349. He
nus. was a brave supporter of St Athanasius
and was for this reason banished to
PAULINUS of NOLA (St) Bp. Phrygia by the Arian emperor Con-
RM. June 22 stantius in 355. He died in exile, but
c.354-43 1. Pontius Meropius Anicius his relics were brought back to Treves.
Paulinus was born at Bordeaux, the son
of a Roman patrician who at that time PAULINUS of YORK (St) Bp. OSB.
held the office of praetorian prefect in RM. Oct 10
Gaul. Paulinus was taught by the poet d. 644. A Roman monk sent to England
Ausonius. He was appointed prefect of with SS Mellitus and Justus (601) by
Rome, but after the death of his only Pope Gregory the Great to aid St
child (390) he retired from the world Augustine in his labours. He spent
and went to Spain, where the people of twenty-four years in Kent, and in 625
Barcelona compelled him to accept the was consecrated bishop of York and
priesthood. Finally he settled as a sent to evangelize Northumbria, which
hermit near Nola in Campania and here he did very successfully, baptizing King
the people (410) chose him for their St Edwin at York on Easter Sunday, 627.
bishop. He proved to be one of the best After the king's death he was driven
prelates of his time, and was in friendly from his see and returned to Kent,
intercourse with most of his great con- where he administered the see of Roch-
temporaries Ambrose, Jerome, Augus-
: ester till his death.
tine, Martin of Tours, Victricius of
Rouen, etc. He had much to surfer PAULINUS of CAPUA (St) Bp.
during the invasion of Campania by the RM. Oct 10
Goths under Alaric. Most of his poems d. 843. Said to have been a native of
and a number of his letters are still England, who, while on a pilgrimage to
extant, and they show him to have been Jerusalem, made a stay at Capua and
a Christian poet of distinction as well as was constrained by the inhabitants to
a fluent writer of prose. become their bishop. After an episco-


pate of eight years he died at Sicopolis, disciple of St Lucian at Antioch. When
whither he had fled during the invasion soldiers were sent to arrest her, she
of the Saracens. threw herself from the top of her house
to avoid the loss of her virginity and was
PAULINUS (St) Mk.OSB. AC. Nov 5 killed. St John Chrysostom, who greatly
See Augustine and Paulinus. praised her courage, attributes her
action to divine inspiration.
PAULHEN) (St) C. AC. Nov 23 PELAGIA (St) M. RM. July 1

d. ^.505 (?). A Welsh abbot, pupil of See Januarius and Pelagia.

St Illtyd, founder ( ?) of the monastery
of Whitland (Caermarthen), where he PELAGIA the PENITENT (St)
had among his disciples St David and RM. Oct 8
StTeilo. Otherwise Marina (June 18) q.v.


RM. March 24 See Beronicus, Pelagia, etc.
See Timolaus, and Comp.


See Theodore and Pausilippus.
RM. March 25
d. ^.381. A bishop of Laodicea. He
championed the Catholic cause against
Arianism and on that account was
Otherwise Byblig, q.v.
banished by the Arian emperor Valens.
Recalled by Gratian, he was present at
PEGA (St) V. AC. Jan 8
the council of Constantinople (381).
d. f.719. A sister of St Guthlac of Croy-
The date of his death is not known.
land. She too lived as a recluse, but
seems to have died while on a pilgrim-
age to Rome. The village of Peakirk in PELAGIUS (St) M. AC. Apr 7
? A priest martyred at Alexandria in
Northamptonshire preserves her name.
Egypt. Mentioned in the Martyrology
PEGASIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 2 of St Jerome.
See Acindynus, Pegasius, etc.
PELAGIA (St) M. RM. March 23 (St) M. RM. June 26
See Domitius, Pelagia, etc. c. 912-925. A young boy of Asturias left
as a hostage with the Moors at Cordova.
PELAGIA (St) VM. RM. May 4 He was offered freedom and other re-
d. r.300. A maiden of Tarsus in Cilicia, wards if he would turn Mohammedan
said to have been roasted to death for and commit other shameful sins. These
refusing to marry one of the sons of the inducements were repeatedly put before
emperor Diocletian. The story is him during the three years that he was
regarded as apocryphal. kept in prison, and on his stubborn
refusal he was put to the torture, which
PELAGIA of ANTIOCH (St) VM. he endured for six hours, finally dying
RM. June 9 while under it. His relics were trans-
d. f.311. A girl of fifteen who was a ferred to Leon in 967 and to Oviedo in


985. The Benedictine poetess Rhos- PEPIN of LANDEN (Bl) C.

witha of Gandersheim (d. 973) wrote a AC. Feb 21
long poem in his honour. He is still d. c.64.6. Pepin,duke of Brabant, mayor
greatly honoured in Spain. of the palace under Kings Clotaire II,
Dagobert and Sigebert, and ancestor of
PELAGIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 28 the Carolingian dynasty of French
d. r.283. A boy martyred in Istria under kings, was the husband of Bl Ida and
Numerian. His were transferred
relics the father of St Gertrude of Nivelles
to Citta Nuova in and part of
Istria and of St Begga. He is described as "a
them (f.915) to Constance on the Swiss lover of peace and the constant defender
lake of that name. He is venerated as the of truth and justice". His feast was kept
patron saint of Constance. at Nivelles.


VANUS (SS) MM. AC. Aug 30 AC. March 20
d. f.950. Hermits near Burgos in Old
See Evangelist and Peregrinus.
Castile,who, according to an old tradi-
tion, were done to death by the Sara-
cens. Their cell was the origin of the
OSM. RM. May 1
Benedictine Abbey of Artanza. The 1260-1345. A native of Forli who spent
three martyrs are still greatly venerated
a very worldly youth, in the course of
in the province of Burgos.
which during a popular revolt he struck
St Philip Benizi across the face. Philip
PELEUS (St) Bp. M.
turned the other cheek and Peregrinus
RM. Feb
20 and Sept 19
was converted on the spot and forthwith
See Tyrannio, Sylvanus,etc, and Peleus,
joined the Servites at Siena. He was
Nilus, etc.
afterwards sent back to Forli where he
PELEUS, NILUS, ELIAS and spent the rest of his long life. He was
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Sept 19
instantaneously cured of a cancer of the
d. £.310. Three Egyptian bishops (or foot as a result of a vision, and is for

priests) together with many priests and that reason invoked against cancer.

laymen (some say, with only one lay- Canonized in 1726.

man), were sentenced to labour in the

quarries and finally burnt alive, pro- PEREGRINUS (St) M.
bably at Phunon, near Petra, for cele- RM. May 5
brating the liturgy in the place of See Irenaeus, Peregrinus and Irene.
detention. Some identify this group
with that listed in the RM. on Feb 20 PEREGRINUS (St) Bp. AC. May 16
under St Tyrannio, q.v. d. f.138 Bishop of Terni in Umbria
( ?).

and founder of its cathedral.

? According to the RM., a priest of PEREGRINUS (St) Bp. M.
Alexandria. Nothing is known of him. RM. May 16
d. £.304. A Roman by birth, venerated
PELINUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Dec 5 as the first bishop of Auxerre, to which
d. 361. A martyr of Confinium, a town see he is said to have been appointed by
in Samnium now destroyed, who suf- Pope Sixtus II. He was martyred under
fered under Julian the Apostate. Diocletian.

H (BB) CC. OSB. Cam. AC. June 3 VIVENTIUS (SS) MM. AC. Aug 4
d. f.1291. Peregrinus I was a Camal- 6th cent. A doubtful legend makes
dolese abbot of Santa Maria dell' Isola. them Spaniards and brothers who
In 1290 he returned to Camaldoli as perished in France, seeking to rescue
sacrist and prior. Peregrinus II was a their enslaved sister. The cult is entirely
simple monk who lived at Camaldoli local.
and died about the same time as Pere-
grinus I.
See Eusebius, Pontian, etc.
US) (St) Bp. M. RM. June 13 PEREGRINUS of FALERONE (Bl)

d. Bishop of Amiternum (now

c.6oo. C. OFM. AC. Sept 6
Aquila) in S. Italy. He was drowned in d. 1240.Born at Falerone in the diocese
the river Aterno by the Arian Lombards of Fermo, he became a follower of St
for asking mercy for a condemned Francis of Assisi, and after a pilgrimage
prisoner. to Palestine, lived as a lay-brother at
San Severino.
PEREGRINUS (St) M. RM. June 17
See Isaurus, Innocent, etc. PERFECTUS (St) M. RM. Apr 18
d. 851. A Spanish priest of Cordova,
PEREGRINUS, LUCIAN, POM- martyred by the Mohammedans on
PEIUS, HESYCfflUS, PAPIUS, Easter Sunday.
d. c.iij. Astius was bishop of Dyrra- NUS (SS) MM. RM. June 3
chium (Durazzo) in Macedonia and was d. 251. Two brothers martyred at
there crucified under Trajan. The Arezzo under Decius. It is not certain
others were Italians who had fled to whether they ever existed.
Macedonia in order to escape the per-
secution in their own country and were PERIS (St) C. AC. Dec 11
seized on account of the sympathy they ? The patron saint of Llanberis in N.

showed for Astius. They were loaded Wales. No record of him exists.
with chains, taken out to the sea and
thrown overboard. PERPETUA, FELICITAS, SATU-
2nd cent. ( ?). He seems to have been a (SS) MM. RM. March 6 and 7
priest of the diocese of Lyons in the d. 203. Vivia Perpetua was a young
time of St Irenaeus, and during the married woman of good social position
persecution under Severus to have lived and Saturus was her brother. Felicitas,
as a hermit in an island in the R. Saone. also married, was a slave. The others
were catechumens. All were imprisoned
PEREGRINUS (St) H. AC. Aug 1 together at Carthage. Secundulus died
d. 643. An Irish, or Scottish, pilgrim, in prison: the others were thrown to
who, returning from a pilgrimage to the the wild beasts in the amphitheatre on
Holy Land, settled in a solitude near March 7. The feast of SS Perpetua and
Modena where he passed the rest of his Felicitas is kept on the preceding day.
days. Their Acts, which are of the highest


value and interest, both theologically RM. Apr 22
and historically, are undoubtedly auth- d. 376. A vast number of martyrs put to
entic. They were written by Saturus, death under the same king Shapur II
one of the martyrs, and completed by on Good Friday. Among them were
an eye-witness, perhaps Tertullian. SS some twenty-five bishops, two hundred
Perpetua and Felicitas are mentioned in and fifty priests and deacons and very
the canon of the Roman Mass. many monks and nuns.
RM. May 9
PERPETUA (St) 4 RM. Aug ? A
group of three hundred and ten
d. f.8o. A Roman matron said to have
martyrs of whom, again, no details are
been baptized by St Peter and to have
converted her husband and her son St
Nazarius. (See Nazarius and Celsus.) Eastern menologies give other dates
Her relics are at Milan and Cremona. and other figures, but a fair estimate of
the Persian martyrs put to death during
PERPETUUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 8 the first six centuries would bring the
d. c .490. Bishop of Tours (c. 460-490).
number up to ten thousand.

His alleged will is admittedly a forgery

of the 17th century. PETER (several)

Note. The name Petrus is the latinized

PERREUX (St) Ab. AC. June 4 form of the Greek Petros, which means
The Breton form of Petroc, q.v. Rock. Modern variants of Petrus are as
follows: Italian, Pietro (antiquated
PERSEVERANDA (PECINNA, form Piero); Spanish and Portuguese,
PEZAINE) (St) V. RM. June 26 Pedro; French, Pierre; Catalan, Pere;
d. f.726. Said to have been a Spanish English, Peter.
maiden, who with her sisters Macrina
and Columba, travelled to Poitiers, PETER APSELAMUS and PETER
where they founded a nunnery. While ABSALON (SS) MM. RM. Jan 3
fleeing from the pirate Oliver, Per- 311. Peter surnamed Apselamus, or
severanda died of exhaustion in the Balsamus, was crucified at Aulona, near
place now called after her Sainte- Hebron. Eusebius mentions a Peter
Pezaine in Poitou. Abselame (or Absalon) who was burnt
at Caesarea. It is disputed whether
PERSIA, Martyrs of (SS) these two are the same person.
The RM. catalogues five anonymous
groups of martyrs who suffered in PETER of CANTERBURY (St) Ab.
Persia, as follows OSB. AC. Jan 6
RM. Feb 8 d. c.608. A Benedictine monk of St
? 6th cent. Martyrs slain under Cabas. Andrew's Rome, who was a member of
the first band of missionaries sent to

RM. March 10 England by St Gregory the Great. He

? A group of forty-two martyrs of became first abbot of the monastery of
whom all details are lost. SS Peter and Paul (afterwards St
RM. Apr 6 Augustine's), founded at Canterbury.
? 345. Another group of one hundred While on a mission in France he was
and twenty martyrs, believed to have drowned at Ambleteuse, near Boulogne.
suffered under Shapur II (309-380). Cult confirmed in 191 5.

PETER of SEBASTE (St) Bp. work he was assassinated, his last words
RM. Jan 9 being: "May God forgive thee, bro-
d. r.391. A native of Cappadocia, and ther, as fully as I forgive thee."
younger brother of St Basil and of St
Gregory of Nyssa. He succeeded St PETER (St) M. OFM. RM. Jan 16
Basil as abbot and in 380 was appointed See Berardus, Peter, etc.
bishop of Sebaste in Armenia. He took
part in the general council of Constan- PETER THOMAS (St) Bp. OC.
tinople (381). (Another Peter of Sebaste, AC. Jan 25
Bishop, is also honoured as a Saint. He 1305-1 366 (Jan 6). A native of Breil in
died about 320.) Gascony, Peter Thomas joined the Car-
melites and in 1342 was sent to Avignon
PETER URSEOLUS (St) H. OSB. as procurator of his Order. There he
RM. Jan 10 entered the service of the papal court
928-987. Born in Venice, Peter became, and was sent on diplomatic missions to
at the age of twenty, admiral of the Vene- Italy, Serbia, Hungary and the Near
tian fleet. In 976 he became Doge of East, being appointed successively bish-
Venice and succeeded in guiding the op of Patti and Lipari (1354), bishop
Republic safely through a time of of Coron in Morea (1359), archbishop
dangerous political crisis. After two of Candia (1363) and Latin patriarch
years, unknown to all— even to his of Constantinople (1364). On behalf of
family, he disappeared from Venice, to Pope Urban V and with the support of
emerge as a monk in the Benedictine King Peter I of Cyprus he led a crusade
abbey of Cuxa, in the Spanish Pyrenees. against the Turks. In an unsuccessful
He acted as sacristan of the abbey until attack on Alexandria he was severely
some years later he retired to live as a wounded and died three months later
hermit. at Cyprus. Throughout his active life he
remained true to the spirit of his con-
PETER, SEVERUS and LEUCIUS templative profession. Cult approved
(SS)MM. RM.Jann in 1608.
? Peter and Leucius are mentioned in
the Hieronymen martyrology as Con- PETER NOLASCO (St) Founder
fessors. To them the RM. adds Severus RM. Jan 31
and describes all three as martyrs at 182-1258 (Dec
c. 1 25). A native of
Alexandria. Languedoc, who, after seeing service
against the Albigenses, settled at Barce-
PETER of CASTELNAU (Bl) M. lona, where he became intimate with
OSB. Cist. AC. Jan 15 St Raymund of Penafort. About the
d. Born near Montpellier, he
1208. year 121 8 both saints, with the help of
became archdeacon of Maguelonne James I of Aragon, reorganized a lay
(1199) and shortly after (f.1202) a Cis- for ransoming captives
tercian at Fontfroide. The following from the Moors, which was gradually
year Pope Innocent III appointed him transformed into the Order of the
apostolic legate and inquisitor for the Mercedarians (B. V. Mariae de Mercede
Albigensians — in fact the leader of the Redemptions Captivorum), of which St
famous expedition, of which St Dominic Peter Nolasco is revered as the chief
was a member, for the conversion of founder. He personally ransomed several
those heretics. While engaged in that hundred captives. Canonized in 1628.

PETER of ZALANKEMEN (Bl) C. order to convict the bishop of Florence
PC Jan 31 of simony, Peter miraculously passed
15th cent. He was an exemplary General through the flames unharmed, whence
of the Pauline Hermit Order (1488- his surname of Igneus, "of the fire". At

1492). a later period he was created cardinal-

bishop of Albano and sent to foreign
PETER CAMBIAN (Bl) M. OP. countries as legate of the Holy See.
AC. Feb 2
d. 1365. Peter Cambian de Ruffi, a PETER of TREJA (Bl) C. OFM.
Dominican of was sent in
distinction, AC. Feb 20
135 1 as inquisitor general to Piedmont d. One of the early Franciscans
and Lombardy. He had chiefly to deal
associated with Bl Conrad of Offida in
with the Waldenses, who ultimately
his apostolate. They preached with
trapped and killed him. Cult approved
great success throughout Italy. Bl Peter
in 1856.
died at Sirolo in Piceno. Cult approved
in 1793.
RM. Feb 5 PETER the SCRIBE (St) M.
545-1 597. Born near Avila, in Spain,
RM. Feb 21
He joined the Friars Minor in 1567.
He was sent as a missionary first to d. 743. Surnamed also Mavimenus, from
the town of Majuma in Palestine where
Mexico, then to the Philippine Islands
he worked as a scribe (chartularius). He
(1583) and lastly (1593) to Japan.
was put to death by the Arab sheik of
Political intrigues led to the arrest of
Peter and twenty-six missionaries (six
Franciscans, three Jesuits and seven-
teen native Franciscan tertiaries), who PETER DAMIAN (St) Bp. Card.
had never given a thought to politics. Dr. OSB. RM. Feb 23
They were all crucified at Nagasaki. 007- 1 072. Born at Ravenna, the young-

St Peter Baptist, who had the gift of est of many children, he was left an
working miracles, is considered as their orphan in charge of a married brother,
leader. All were canonized in 1862. who ill-treated him and set him to herd
swine. Another brother, Damian, arch-
PETER XUKEXICO (St) M. priest of Ravenna, took pity on the child
RM. Feb 5 and paid for his schooling at Faenza and
d. 1597. A Japanese layman. He was a Parma. Peter soon joined the Bene-
Franciscan tertiary, a catechist, and dictine community of Fontavellana,
house-servant and the
sacristan to founded by Bl Rudolph twenty years
Franciscan missionaries in Japan. He before. Earnest in all his undertakings,
belongs to the group of St Peter Baptist, Peter model monk and was
became a
q.v. chosen abbot. In 1057 he was sum-
moned to Rome and created cardinal-
PETER IGNEUS (St) Card. Bp. bishop of Ostia. He served successive
OSB. Vail. RM. Feb 8 popes in various missions: as legate to
d. c.ioSg. He is said to have belonged to Germany, to France, to Lombardy, as
the Aldobrandini family of Florence. president, or papal representative, at
He took his vows at Vallumbrosa under sundry councils and synods; as visitor
St John Gualbert. Shortly after, in to bishoprics and abbeys. Meanwhile

he wrote unceasingly, mostly theological PETER the SPANIARD (St) C.
or ascetical works, but also poetry, his RM. March 11
Latin verse being among the very best ? A Spanish pilgrim to Rome who
of the Middle Ages. He died at Faenza settled as a hermit at Babuco, near
worn out by his labours* Declared doc- Veroli. He wore a coat of mail next to
tor of the Church in 1828. his skin.


AC. March 1
RM. March 12

1758-1796. A native of Vannes in Brit- d. 303. A

chamberlain (cubicularius) in
tany and a priest of the Congregation of the palace of Diocletian at Nicomedia.
the Mission (Vincentians) at Paris. He He was one of the first victims of the
refused to take the constitutional oath last great persecution. His flesh was

during the French Revolution and was torn from his bones, salt and vinegar
guillotined. Beatified in 1934. were poured into his wounds, and finally
he was roasted to death over a slow fire.


OSB. AC. March 4
AC. March 12
d. 1 He was
1 23. born at Salerno, and
d. ^.605. The disciple, secretary and
became a monk of Cava under the
companion of St Gregory the Great, to
second abbot St Leo I. About the year
whom the great pope dictated the four
1062 he was sent to Cluny, where he
books of his Dialogues. He is venerated
stayed some six years. In 1079 he was
as the patron saint of Salassola, diocese
made bishop of Policastro, but resigned
of Biella, in Upper Italy. He is usually
and returned to Cava, where Leo I
described as a Benedictine.
appointed him coadjutor abbot. He
succeeded to the abbacy in the same
year (1079), but showed himself too
AC. March 13
strict, and in view of the remonstrances
d. 1208. The ninth abbot of Cava, near
of the community he withdrew to
Salerno, from 1195 to 1208. is de-
another house. He was soon recalled
scribed as "an enemy of all litigation",
and under his new, more paternal, re-
which, for that time, is no small praise.
gime, the abbey prospered exceedingly:
Cult confirmed in 1928.
he is said to have given the habit to over
three thousand monks. When he died
Cava numbered twenty-nine subject
MM. RM. March 14
abbeys, ninety priories and over three
5th cent. Martyrs under the Arian Van-
hundred and forty cells.
dals inN.W. Africa. Nothing else is
known about them.
AC. March 10 PETER LIEOU (Bl) M.
1381-1452. A native of Palermo, who AC. March 17
was a student of law at Bologna when d. 1834. A
Chinese layman. Converted
he decided to join the Friars Preachers. when young, he was exiled for his faith
He became one of the best known to Tartary (1814). In 1827 he was
preachers and missionaries of his age. allowed to return. During a fresh per-
Cult approved in 1784. secution, he gained entry into the prison

to comfort and strengthen his sons and PETER CERDAN (Bl) C. OP.
was strangled. Beatified in 1900. AC. Apr 5
d. 1422. A Dominican friar, who accom-
PETER of GUBBIO (Bl) C. OSA. panied St Vincent Ferrer in his travels
Erem. AC. March 23 and apostolate. He died at Grans, dio-
d. r.1350 (?). Born at Gubbio in Um- cese of Barbastro, Aragon.
bria,of the family of the Ghisleni. He
became a hermit of St Augustine, and PETER of SIENA (Bl) M. OFM.
was provincial of his congregation. His AC. Apr 9
shrine is at Gubbio. Cult confirmed by See Bl Thomas of Tolentino and Comp.
Pius IX.


THECLA, CASSIAN, and Comp. d. 1098. A

Vallumbrosan abbot of San
Virgilio at Brescia, who ended his life as
(SS) MM. RM. March 26
a hermit at Montepiano in Tuscany.
? Roman martyrs, of whom nothing

certain is known. Some registers have

Theodula instead of Thecla.
(St) C. OP. AC. Apr
1 190-1246. Born at Astorga in Spain he
became a canon of Palencia and sub-
Cist. AC. March 26
sequently joined the Dominicans. He
d. 1435. A Cistercian monk of Poblet,
was chosen by King St Ferdinand of
near Tarragona, in Spain, and the
Castile as his confessor and court-
cellarer of the abbey. From a life of high
chaplain, and in that position did much
fervour he lapsed into one of crime,
to foster the crusade against the Moors
apostatized and became the leader of
and to obtain a kindly treatment for the
bandits. After some years he repented,
Moorish captives when Cordova and
went back to the abbey and spent the
Seville were taken. He also worked
rest of his life doing penance.
among the sailors and peasants of
Galicia. Spanish sailors often call him
PETER REGALADO (St) C. OFM. Telmo, or Elmo thought to be a cor-
RM. March 30 —
ruption of Erasmus that saint being
1390-1456. A Spaniard of noble birth of
an earlier patron of mariners.
Valladolid who entered the Franciscan
order and effected a strict reform in PETER and HERMOGENES (SS)
several friaries, notably at Aguilar del MM. RM. Apr 17
Campo in New Castile. ? Peter, a deacon, and Hermogenes, his
servant, were martyred at an unknown
PETER of POITIERS (St) Bp. date, probably at Antioch.
AC. Apr 4
d. 1 1 15. Bishop of Poitiers (1087-1 1
1 5). PETER of BRAGA (St) Bp. M.
A fearless prelate who publicly de- RM. Apr 26
nounced the sacrilegious tyranny and ? The alleged first bishop and martyr of
licence of King Philip I and of William Braga in Portugal. The local tradition
VI, count of Poitiers and duke of Aqui- connects him with the apostolate of St
taine. He befriended and helped Bl James the Great, q.v., in Spain. He is
Robert d'Arbrisselle in founding the thought, however, to have lived in the
abbey of Fontrevault. 5th or 6th century.

O. Merc. RM. Apr
27 d. 1840. A native catechist of Tonkin,
1 238-1 304. He belonged to the house of attached to the Society of Foreign
the counts of Urgell, in the Spanish Missions of Paris. He was beheaded
Eastern Pyrenees. He spent his youth with two companions. Beatified in 1900.
in dissipation, but in 1258 joined the
Mercedarians and devoted all his ener- PETER MARTYR (St) OP.
gies to the ransoming of captives. He RM. Apr
29 (and Apr 6)
offered himself as a hostage for eighteen 1 206-1252. Born at Verona of heretical

Christian children, and was put to (Catharist) parents, he joined the

frightful tortures in his African cap- Dominicans and was appointed in-
tivity, being for this reason considered quisitor of Lombardy, then swarming
a martyr. He died near Tarragona. with Catharists. He preached very suc-
cessfully throughout northern and
PETER CANISIUS (St) C. Dr. SJ. central Italy, until at length the Cathar-
RM. Apr
27 ists succeeded in waylaying him on the
1521-1597. A native of Nijmwegen in road between Como and Milan. He was
Holland. He was received into the canonized in the following year (1253).
Society^ of Jesus by Bl Peter Faber
(1543). He was the leader of the Catho- PETER (St) M. RM. Apr 30
lic counter-Reformation in German See Amator, Peter and Louis.
lands, being constantly engaged in
preaching, teaching, writing, instruct- PETER of PAVIA (St) Bp.
ing, advising, arbitrating, in Germany, RM. May 7
Austria, Switzerland, Bohemia, Poland. d. £.735. A
bishop of Pavia during the
His short catechism in Latin and Ger- reign of his kinsman Luitprand, king of
man had passed through two hundred the Lombards. His episcopate was brief.
editions before his death and was trans-
lated into twelve European languages. PETER of TARANTAISE (St) Bp.
He also wrote theological, ascetical and OSB. Cist. RM. May 8
historical treatises. He has been rightly 02- 1 175. Born near Vienne in Dau-
1 1

called "the Second Apostle of Ger- phine, at the age of twelve he joined
many". Canonized and declared Doctor the Cistercians at Bonnevaux and before
of the Church in 1925. he was thirty he was sent as first abbot
to the foundation of Tamie. In 1142 he
PETER CHANEL (St) M. was chosen archbishop of Tarantaise,
AC. Apr 28 but after holding this position thirteen
1803-1 840. Peter Louis Mary Chanel years he disappeared and was eventu-
was born at Cluet, diocese of Belley, in ally found serving his novitiate as a lay-
France, of a family of peasants. He was brother in a remote Cistercian abbey in
ordained priest in 1827 and appointed Switzerland. He was compelled to
parish priest of Crozet. In 1831 he return to his diocese, where he made a
entered the Society of Mary (Marist name for himself as an upholder of
Fathers) and was sent to Oceania as papal rights. Canonized in 1191.
superior of the first missionary band.

He was martyred on Fortuna Island by PETER, ANDREW, PAUL and

the native king. He is the first martyr DIONYSIA (SS) MM. RM. May 15
of Oceania. Canonized in 1954. d. 251. Peter was a young man of

Lampsacus on the Hellespont, martyred with the result that the heretics seized
at Troas with SS Paul, Andrew and him and put him to a cruel death.
Dionysia, under Decius.
Founder, OSB. RM. May d. 1 61 7. Born at Cuerva, archdiocese of
Toledo. He went to Japan with a band
1 2 1 0-1296. Born at Isernia in the
of fifty Franciscan missionaries (1601)
Abruzzi, he became a hermit and a
and was appointed guardian of the friary
priest. In 1246 he received the Bene-
at Nagasaki. He was beheaded at Naga-
dictine habit from the abbot of Faizola,
saki with Bl John Machado (q.v.). He
but he returned to the solitary life at
is the first martyr of the second great
Morone, near Sulmona (1251) where he
Japanese persecution. Beatified in 1867.
gathered numerous disciples and
founded the new Benedictine congrega-
tion named after him. In 1294 he was
PETER VAN (Bl) M. AC. May 25
elected pope and was compelled by the
c. 1 780- 1 857. A native catechist be-

cardinals to accept, but he proved an

headed at Son-tay, in W. Tonkin.
Beatified in 1909.
utter failure and resigned the same
year.His successor Boniface VIII kept
him in custody till his death. Canonized PETER SANZ (Bl) Bp. M. OP.
in 1313.
AC. May 26
d. 1747. Born at Asco in Catalonia he
joined the Dominicans (1697) and was
PETER de DUENAS (Bl) M. OFM. sent to the Philippine Islands (1712)
AC. May 19
whence (17 13) he proceeded to China.
1378-1397. Born at Palencia, Spain, he
In 1730 he was nominated vicar apos-
became a Franciscan and in 1396 ac-
tolic of Fo-Kien and titular bishop of
companied Bl John de Cetina to Granada
Mauricastro. In 1746 he was im-
Moors. Both
to preach the gospel to the
prisoned and finally beheaded at Fu-
were beheaded in the following year.
tsheu. Beatified in 1893.


AC. May 19 AC. May 28
d. 65 1. Born at Slipton in Northamp-
d. 1242. A layman, notary of the inquisi-
tonshire, he became a convert to the tion at Toulouse, put to death by the
Catholic faith and studied for the priest- Albigenses at Avignonet with eleven
hood at Ghent and in Rome. In 1629 he inquisitors. Cult approved in 1866.
joined the Jesuits and was a chaplain to
the royalist army during the Civil War. PETER PETRONI (Bl) C. O. Cart.
He was condemned to death for his AC. May 29
priesthood and executed at Tyburn. 1311-1361. A Sienese by birth, he be-
came (1328) a Carthusian at Maggiano
PETER PARENZI (St) M. near Siena. His thoughtful charity was
May 22 AC. instrumental in the conversion of Boc-
d. 1 199. A Roman by birth,
he was sent caccio.
to Orvieto (1199) as papal governor to
repress the excesses of the Catharist PETER (St) M. RM. June 2
heretics. He adopted severe measures, See Marcellinus and Peter.

PETER, WALLABONSUS, He became the catechist of Bl Francis
SABINIAN, WISTREMUNDUS, Pacheco, by whom he was received into
HABENTIUS and JEREMIAS (SS) the Society while in prison. Burnt alive
MM. RM. June 7 at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
d. 851. Spaniards living at Cordova
under the Moorish rule. Peter was a PETER of TARANTAISE (Bl) Pope
priest; Wallabonsus, a deacon; Sabinian RM. June 22
and Wistremundus monks of St Zoilus Otherwise Innocent V, q.v.
at Cordova; Habentius a monk of St
Christopher's; Jeremias, a very old PETER of JUILLY (Bl or St) OSB.
man, had founded the monastery of Cist. AC. June 23
Tabanos, near Cordova. For publicly d. 1 An Englishman and a com-
reprobating Mohammed they were mar- panion and friend of St Stephen
tyred under Abderrahman II. Jeremias Harding at Molesme. He was appointed
was scourged to death, the others were chaplain and confessor to the Benedic-
beheaded. tine nuns of Juilly-les-Nonnais, sub-
ject to Molesme, where St Bernard's
PETER TU (Bl) M. OP. AC. June 10 sister, St Humbeline, was abbess. Peter
d. 1838. A native Dominican priest of is described as a great preacher and

Tonkin, beheaded at Ninh-Tai. wonder-worker. He died at Juilly.


(BB)MM.(?) PC. June 11 OSA. AC. June 23
d. 1242. A group of seven Portuguese d. £.1496. An Augustinian friar in the
knights of Santiago, whose leader was monastery of St Nicholas at Pesaro.
Bl Peter Rodriguez. All were murdered Cult approved by Pius IX.
during an armistice by the Moors at
Tavira in Algabes, Portugal. Cult not PETER the APOSTLE (St) M.
yet approved. RM. June 29 (Jan 18, Feb 22, Aug 1,

Nov 18)
PETER GAMBACORTA (Bl) d. ^.67. Simon, son of Jona, was a Gali-
Founder AC. June 17 lean fisherman, a married man living at
1355-1435. Born at Pisa or Lucca. Bethsaida. He was a disciple of St John
After a misspent youth, he repented and the baptist before he was called, with his
retired to the solitude of Montebello, elder brother Andrew to be a disciple of
diocese of Urbino, where, it is said, he Christ, by whom he was at once named
converted twelve robbers, with whom "Rock" (Kephas, Petros, Petra, Peter).
he founded the institute of the Poor The culminating episode narrated of
Brothers of St Jerome. When his father him in the gospel, is that of his confes-
and two brothers were murdered, Peter sion of Christ as the Son of God (Matt.
refused to leave his cell, and, like his XVI, 15-19), to which Christ answered
sister, Bl Clare Gambacorta, fully for- with the solemn promise: "Thou art
gave the assassins. Peter and upon this rock I will build my
church and I will give thee the
. . .

PETER RINXEI (Bl) M. SJ. keys of the kingdom of heaven." This

AC. June 20 promise was ratified by Christ after his
1 589-1 626. A
Japanese who was edu- resurrection with the threefold injunc-
cated at the Jesuit seminary of Arima. tion to feed His flock.- As one of the most

ancient catalogues of the popes puts it, PETER van ASCHE (St) M. OFM.
St Peter "succeeded our Lord as bishop RM.
July 9
of Rome andof the universal church". d. 1572. Born at Asche near Brussels.
After Christ's ascension he presided at He was a Franciscan lay-brother at
Jerusalem, preached in Samaria, was Gorkum in Holland, and was hanged by
perhaps for a time bishop of Antioch the Calvinists at Briel.
and permanent see in
finally fixed his
Rome, where he was martyred, head PETER of PERUGIA (St) Ab. OSB.
downwards according to tradition, in AC. July 10
the circus of Nero on the Vatican Hill. d. 1007. Peter Vincioli was born near
Liturgically he is commemorated several Perugia and belonged to the family of
times in the year, but his chief feast is the counts of Agello. He was the abbot-
that ofJune 29 on which day he has founder of the monastery of St Peter at
been honoured with St Paul at least Perugia, where he has an altar dedicated
since the beginning of the 4th century. to him in the abbey church.


PETER TU (Bl) M. AC. July 10
d. 1840. A native catechist of Tonkin,
Card. AC. July 4
beheaded at Anam. Beatified in 1900.
1369-1 387. Born at Ligny in Lorraine,
of the family of the counts of Liitzelburg.
As a boy he showed an inclination to the
AC. July 12
clerical state, and, according to the abuse
d. 1626. A Japanese layman burnt alive
of the time, was forthwith given sundry
at Nagasaki for sheltering Christians.
canonries at Paris, Chartres and Cam- Beatified in 1867.
brai and was made archdeacon of Dreux.
At the age of fourteen he was appointed
bishop of Metz. At sixteen he was
AC. July 12
created cardinal of San Giorgio in
f.1780-1842. A native priest of Tonkin,
Velabro. He died at the age of eighteen.
beheaded at Con-co in W. Tonkin.
He was a youth of great promise and
Beatified in 1909.
holiness of life. Beatified in 1527.


PC. July 8 AC. July 15
d. 1 1 15. A soldier of European birth d. 1570. Two Portuguese Jesuits, fellow-
who became a hermit for a time in martyrs of Bl Ignatius de Azevedo. The
Then he returned
Palestine. to Europe former was a cleric, a native of Fron-
and preached the first Crusade through- teria; the latter a lay-brother, born at
out Italy, France and part of the Ger- Braga.
manies. He accompanied the first ex-
pedition to the East and followed once PETER BERNA (Bl) M. SJ.
more the profession of arms. He fought AC. July 15
at the siegeof Antioch and the capture d. 1583. Ascona, on the lake of
Born at
of Jerusalem. Subsequently he founded Locarno, Ticino, Switzerland, he stud-
the monastery of Neumoutier at Huy ied at the German Rome and
College in
in Flanders, where he died. He was joined the Jesuits. He went to India
never officially beatified. with Bl Rudolph Acquaviva and was

ordained at Goa. After some years of PETER of ANAGNI (St) Bp. OSB.
missionary work he was put to death RM. Aug 3
with Bl Rudolph, q.v. d. 1 105. Born he became a
at Salerno,
Benedictine monk in his native city. In
PETER TUAN (Bl) M. AC. July 15 1062 Pope St Gregory VII appointed
1766-1 838. A native priest of Tonkin, him to the see of Anagni. He built a new
who died in prison of wounds received cathedral there, took part in the first

for the Faith while awaiting the decree crusade and was sent as papal legate to
of decapitation. Beatified in 1900. Constantinople. Canonized four years
after his death.

d. 1629. A
Japanese catechist and a Founder AC. Aug 3
Dominican. He was burnt alive at 181 1-1868. A native of La Mure ('Isere).
Omura with Bl Louis Bertran. Beatified He was ordained in 1834 and worked
in 1867. for some time as a parish priest, but
subsequently joined the congregation of
PETER of MOGLIANO (Bl) C. the Marist Fathers, as a member of
OFM. AC. July 30 which he became renowned as a preacher
d. 1490. Born at Mogliano, diocese of and confessor. In 1856 he was dispensed
Fermo, he studied law at Perugia and from his vows in that Institute, and in
joined the Observant Franciscans there. the following year founded another of
Later on he went about preaching with his own, the Congregation of priests

St James della Marca, q.v. "It is said of of the Blessed Sacrament, with the
him that he would die laughing." (Att- special object of fostering devotion to the

water, h.i.) Cult approved in 1760. Holy Eucharist. Shortly after he estab-
lished a congregation of women with
AC. July 31
(Bl) similar aims. In both enterprises he was

d. 1859. Born Bung

at in encouraged by St John Vianney.
he was ordained priest and beheaded Canonized in 1963.
for that reason near Chau-doc, in W.
Cochin-China. Beatified in 1909.
PETER, JULIAN, and Comp. (SS)
MM. RM. Aug 7
PETER (St) M. RM. Aug 1
d. ^.260. A band of twenty or more
See Cyril, Aquila, etc.
Roman martyrs under Valerian and
Gallienus. Julian should probably be
d. 1 109. A
French monk of Cluny, one (Bl) AC. Aug n
of the numerous Cluniac monks who See John and Peter Becchetti.
settled in Spain from f.1050 to £.1130.
He first became archdeacon of Toledo PETER FABER (Bl) C. SJ.
under the Cluniac archbishop Bernard AC. Aug 11
de la Sauvetat, who in 11 01 nominated 1 506-1 546. Peter Lefevre was born at
him bishop of Osma in Old Castile. St Villaretin Savoy and was already a
Peter is venerated as the principal priestand a student at Paris when he
patron saint of the cathedral and diocese attached himself to St Ignatius of
of Osma. Loyola. After the official approbation of

the Society of Jesus (1540) he worked PETER CLAVER (St) C. SJ.
at Worms, Spires, Mainz, and especi- RM. Sept 8
ally at Cologne. He was a man of very 1581-1654. Born at Verdu, near Barce-
winning manners, of great ability and of lona, in Spain, the son of a farmer, he
untiring energy. He died in Rome, when became a Jesuit and was
in 1609
about to leave for the Council of Trent. stationed at Majorca, where he was in-
spired by St Alphonsus Rodriguez with
PETER ZUNIGA (Bl) M. OSA. the desire to work for souls in America.
AC. Aug 19 In 1 610 he was sent there, and received
1 585-1 622. A native of Seville, he spent priest's orders at Cartagena in Central
his youth in Mexico, where his father America. During the following forty
was the sixth viceroy. On his return to years he worked chiefly at Cartagena, at
Spain he joined the Augustinians at that time the central slave-mart of the
Seville, and after being ordained priest West Indies, dedicating his life by a
asked to be sent to Japan. He arrived at special vow to the service of the outcast
Manila in 1610 and in Japan in 1620, Negroes. He is said to have baptized,
and two years later was burnt alive at and cared for over 300,000 of them.
Nagasaki with Bl Louis Flores, Bl During the last four years of his life he
Joachim Firayama and the captain of was a sick man and was often neglected
the vessel which had brought him. The by his brethren. He was canonized in
crew of twelve who were Christians 1888 and declared patron of all the
were beheaded. All were beatified in Catholic missions among the Negroes
1867. in 1896.


AC. Aug 25 RM. Sept 10
d. 1624. Born at Berin, in Galicia, he
d. r.iooo. Surnamed also St Peter of
joined the Dominicans in Madrid and
Mozonzo. He was a native of Spanish
ultimately was appointed to the mis-
Galicia, and about the year 950 became
sions in Japan.He was burnt alive at a Benedictine at the abbey of St Mary of
Ximabura with Bl Louis Sotelo and
Mozonzo. Later he was appointed abbot
Comp. Beatified in 1867.
of St Martin de Antealtares, at Compo-
stella and finally (r.986) archbishop of
PETER (St) M. RM. Aug 27
See Marcellinus, Mannea, etc.
He is one of the heroes of the
that city.
Spanish Reconquest, as also one of the
PETER of TREVI (St) C. supposed authors of the Salve Regina.
RM. Aug 30
d. f.1050. Born at Carsoli in the diocese PETER de AVILA (Bl) M. OFM.
of Marsi, He was
ordained to the
Italy. AC. Sept 10
priesthood and preached with signal 1 562-1 622. Born Palomares in Castile,

success to the peasants of the districts of he was sent to Manila with Bl Louis
Tivoli,Anagni and Subiaco. He died Sotelo (161 7) then to Japan. He was
while young at Trevi, near Subiaco.
still burnt alive at Nagasaki on the day of the
Canonized in 121 5. Great Martyrdom. Beatified in 1867.


OFM. AC. Sept 3 AC. Sept 10
See under John of Perugia. d. 1622. Born in the province of Ochu,

in Japan. He was received into the So- historical and uncritical: not a single
by Bl Charles Spinola in
ciety of Jesus sentence of death or of torture can be
the prison of Omura. Burnt alive at traced to him; but his integrity was
Nagasaki on the day of the Great feared by the Crypto-Jews (the Mar-
Martyrdom. Beatified in 1867. ranos) who murdered him in his cathe-
dral. Canonized in 1867.
(BB) MM. AC. Sept 10 and 11 AC. Sept 22
See Laurence Imbert.
d. 1622. Three Japanese children mar-
tyred with their parents at Nagasaki.
Peter Nangaxi, a boy of seven years,
PETER (St) M. RM. Sept 23
See Andrew, John, etc.
was the son of BB Paul and Thecla;
Peter Sanga, a boy of three years, was the
second son of BB Antony and Mary
Magdalen Sanga, of Corea; Peter
AC. Sept 23
d. £.1180. Born of a noble Venetian
Ikiemon, a boy of seven years, was the
family, he spent his life tending the
son of Bl Bartholomew. The three were
beheaded: the first two on the 10th, the
sick. Some years before his death he
retired to live as a recluse in a cell near
third on the 1 ith of September. Beatified
the Benedictine abbey of San Giorgio
in 1867.
Maggiore in Venice, under the obedience
of the abbot. Cult approved by Clement
OS A. AC. Sept 11

1 003-1 080. A native of Langeac, in

Haute Loire, he became a secular priest
AC. Sept 28
and then founded an abbey of Augus-
d. 1630. A
Japanese Augustinian ter-
tinian canons regular at Pebrac in
tiary, beheaded at Nagasaki for shelter-
Auvergne and ruled it as its first pro-
ing the Augustinian missionaries. Bea-
tified in 1867.


PETER (St) M. RM. Oct 3
M. OFM. AC. Sept 12
See Dionysius, Faustus, etc.
d. 1622. Born at Saigo in Arima, Japan,
he became a catechist under Bl Apolli- PETER of DAMASCUS (St) Bp. M.
naris Franco. He was burnt alive at RM. Oct 4
Omura. Beatified in 1867. d. £.750. A bishop of Damascus who
was maimed, blinded, exiled and ulti-
PETER ARBUES (St) M. OSA. mately bound to a cross and beheaded
RM. Sept. 17 by the Arab rulers of the city for preach-
1 442- 1 485. Born at Epila in Aragon he ing against their prophet.
studied philosophy at Huesca, and
theology and canon law at Bologna. In PETER of SEVILLE (St) M.
1478 he became an Augustinian canon RM. Oct 8
regular at Saragossa, and in 1484 was ? A martyr venerated at Seville, of whom

made inquisitor of Aragon. What has only the name is known. Later legends
been written about his cruelty is un- are admitted to be fables.

d. 1833. A native Tonkinese priest be- AC. Nov 1

headed at the age of seventy under King d. 86 1. Born at Sasserra, diocese of


Minh-Menh. Beatified in 1900. Vich, Spain, he became a Dominican

and was sent to the Philippine Islands,
PETER of ALCANTARA (St) C. and thence to Ximabara under Bl
OFM. RM. Oct 19 Jerome Hermosilla, with whom he was
1499-1562. Born at Alcantara in Estre- beheaded. Beatified in 1906.
madura, at the age of fifteen he became a
Franciscan Observant and after his PETER-FRANCIS NERON (Bl) M.
ordination (1524) initiated at Pedrosa a AC. Nov 3
still more severe Franciscan reform 181 8-1860. Born in Bornay, in Jura, he
which was known as Alcantarine and was admitted into the seminary of
received papal approval. St Peter is also Foreign Missions of Paris (1846), or-
remembered one of the group of
as dained priest (1848) and sent to Hong-
great Spanish mystics and his treatise Kong. He worked in W. Tonkin as
on prayer was much valued, and used director of the central seminary until
by St Francis of Sales. He encouraged his martyrdom by beheading. Beatified
and defended St Teresa, whose con- in 1919.
fessor and admirer he was. St Teresa
held him in great esteem and speaks PETER OU (Bl) M. AC. Nov 7
with awe of his austerities and penances d. 1 814. Originally an innkeeper, on his
as "incomprehensible to the human conversion he became a catechist and
mind"; they had reduced him, she tells instructed about six hundred persons.
us, to a condition in which he looked as He was strangled at Tsen-y-Fou, of the
if "he had been made of the roots of Su-Tchuen Province. Beatified in 1900.
trees". Canonized in 1669.
AC. Oct 21 DIEM (BB) MM. AC. Nov 24
1 390-1 445. Born at Citta di Castello d. 1838. Bl Peter Dumoulin was born at
(the ancient Tifernum), he joined the Cors, diocese of Tulle, France, in 1808,
Dominicans and was raised to the and entered the seminary for Foreign
priesthood at Cortona. He became Missions at Paris in 1829, being sent to
known as "the preacher of death", be- Tonkin after his ordination in 1832. In
cause he used to preach with a skull in 836 he was arrested and received when

his hands. Cult confirmed by Pius VII. in prison his appointment as titular
bishop and vicar apostolic of W.
PETER (St) M. RM. Oct 25 Tonkin. BB Peter Choa and Vincent
See Theodosius, Lucius, etc. Diem were natives of Tonkin and
priests. The bishop was beheaded, the
PETER ONIZUKO (Bl) M. SJ. two priests strangled at Dong-Hoi.
AC. Nov 1 Beatified in 1900.
d. 1622. A Japanese born at Faciram,
Arima. He became a Jesuit postulant PETER of ALEXANDRIA (St) Bp.
and attached himself to Bl Paul Navarro, M. RM. Nov 26
with whom he was burnt alive at d. 31 1 . An Alexandrian who, as a young
Ximabara. Beatified in 1867. man, was a "confessor" during the

Decian persecution. Then he became ? Martyrs in Africa, of whom nothing
the head of the catechetical school and is known.
as such combated extreme Origenism.
In 300 he was raised to the patriarchal
see and in that position he figured as
Founder RM. Dec 9
1 565-1 640. Born. at Mirecourt in Lor-
one of the opponents of the Meletian
raine, he joined the Augustinian canons
schism, being also one of the first to
regular, ahd some time after his ordina-
detect the dangerous teaching of Arius.
tion (1585) was put in charge of the
He was martyred under Galerius
neglected parish of Mattaincourt. Here
Maximus, "the seal and complement of
he founded the Congregation of Notre
martyrs" as the Copts term him, be-
cause he was the last to be put to death
Dame for the education of girls. He
failed, however, in similar efforts to
as a Christian by public authority at
establish a new congregation for teach-
ing boys. Canonized in 1897.
PETER (St) M. RM. Nov 28
See Stephen, Basil, etc. PETER TECELANO (Bl) C. OFM.
AC. Dec 10
PETER CHRYSOLOGUS (St) Bp. d. 1287. Born at Campi in Tuscany, he
Dr. RM. Dec 2 and 4 started life as a comb-maker at Siena.
406-^.450. Born at Imola, he became On the death of his wife he joined the
deacon there, and then successive arch- Franciscans as a lay-brother and carried
deacon and archbishop of Ravenna on his trade in the friary for the
(r.433). He is chiefly famed for his remainder of his long life. He attained
assiduityand eloquence in preaching, a high degree of mystical prayer. Cuk
whence the name given him of Chryso- confirmed in 1802.
logus, "Golden Speech". A great
number of his sermons are still extant. PETER DUONG and PETER
He was declared a Doctor of the Church TRUAT (BB) MM. AC. Dec 18
in 1729. d. 1838. Native catechists in Tonkin,
martyred in Annam. Beatified in 1900.
RM. Dec 6 PETER de la CADIRETA (Bl) M.
1 227-1 300. Peter Pascual, or Pascualez OP. PC. Dec 20
(latinized as Paschasius), was born at d. Born at Moya in Spain, he
Valencia in Spain. About the year 1250 became Dominican friar. He was
he was ordained priest and was for some stoned to death by heretics while preach-
time tutor to the son of the king of ing at Urgell. His body is venerated in
Aragon. Later he was raised to the see of the church of St Dominic at Urgell.
Jaen, which at that time was still under
Moorish government. His heroic exer- PETER MASSALENUS (Bl) C.

tions in ransoming captives, and his OSB. Cam. AC. Dec 20

preaching and writing against Islam 1 375-1 453. Peter de Massalenis was
were rewarded with martyrdom at born at Othoca in Sardinia. After re-

Granada. Cult confirmed in 1673. peated pilgrimages to the Holy Land

he joined the Camaldolese Benedictines
PETER, SUCCESSUS, BASSIAN, at San Michele di Murano, Venice
PRIMITIVUS and Comp. (SS) MM. (1410). He was famed for his gift of
RM. Dec 9 mystical contemplation.

PETER THI (Bl) M. AC. Dec 20 ston (Padstow) and another at Bodmin
1763-1 839. A native of Tonkin and a where he died. In Brittany he is vener-
priest. At the age of sixty he was be- ated under the name of Perreux.
headed at Ha-Noi. Beatified in 1900.
PETER the VENERABLE (Bl) Ab. AC. May 6
OSB. AC. Dec 25 d. £.747. A native of Brescia who was
£.1092-1156. Peter de Montboissier was induced by Pope St Gregory II in 717
born in Auvergne, and became a monk to visit Montecassino, destroyed in 580
at Cluny in 1109. At twenty he was by the Lombards, with a view to re-
prior of Vezelay and in 1122 succeeded storing the cenobitical life there. He
to the abbacy of Cluny. He was one of found a few hermits who elected him
the most eminent churchmen of his age, their abbot and Benedictine life began
and during the thirty-four years of his afresh. St Willibald, bishop of Eichstatt
reign Cluny retained its position as the and St Sturmius of Fulda, were monks
greatest and most influential abbey in under him. He is surnamed "the second
Christendom. Calm and serene in his founder of Montecassino".
charity, he was the counterpart of his
tempestuous contemporary, friend, ad-
mirer, and, on some points, rival, St
Abs. Poor Clare AC. May
Bernard of Clairvaux. At Cluny he
d. 1355. Of the family of the counts of
regulated the finances, raised the
Troyes. She was thefirst abbess of the
standard of studies (he was himself a
convent of Poor Clares at Moncel in
poet and a theological writer of dis-
Burgundy, founded by King Philip le
tinction) and received the vanquished
Abelard under his roof. He died, ac-
cording to his wish, on Christmas Day,
after having preached about the feast to
st cent.
1 ?). A Roman virgin venerated
his monks. His name was inserted in
from the earliest times. Later legends
French martyrologies, and his feast is
connect her with St Peter, to whom she
observed in the diocese of Arras on
is said to have ministered. The RM.
Dec 29.
goes further and describes her as the
daughter of the Apostle, which she
PETER of SUBIACO (Bl)M. OSB. certainly was not.
PC. Dec 31
d. 1003. The twenty-second abbot of
Subiaco. For defending the rights of his
PETRONIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 10

abbey he was blinded by the baron of d. f.463. The son of a senator of Avig-

Monticello and died in prison.

non. He became a monk of Lerins and
bishop of Die from £.456 to 463.


PERREUX) (St) Ab. AC. June 4 PETRONIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 6
d. r.594. Said to have been the son of a d. £.450. A bishop of Verona.

Welsh chieftain, and to have studied in

Ireland and settled in Cornwall, where PETRONIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 4
he undoubtedly exercised a very active d. f.445.Born in Byzantium, he was sent
apostolate. There he founded a monas- by the emperor Theodosius the Younger
tery at a place called after him, Petroc- to report to the pope on the case of

Nestorius. While in Italy he was raised PHELIM (FIDLEMINUS) (St) Bp.
to the see of Bologna. He is said to have AC. Aug
built the monastery of St Stephen in 6th cent. Said to have been a disciple of
that city, reproducing the general lines St Columba. The city of Kilmore sprang
of the buildings of the Holy Places at up round the place where his cell stood.
Jerusalem, which he had visited. Principal patron of Kilmore.


AC. Apr 25 RM. May 10
d. f.392. A bishop of Agen in S. Gaul, See Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyrinus.
who, together with his friend St Hilary
of Poitiers, succeeded in stamping out PHILADELPHIA (St) M.
Arian heresy in Gaul. He was one of the RM. Sept 2
best known prelates of his time and pre- See Diomedes, Julian, etc.
sided at several councils. St Jerome
mentions him among "the illustrious PHILAPPIAN (St) M. RM. Jan 30
men" of the Church. See Felician, Philappian, etc.


AC. Jan 3 (RM. May 26) d. £.387. A Spaniard who was appointed
Otherwise Fugatius, q.v. bishop of Brescia at the time of the
Arian troubles. He wrote a book against
PHAINA (St) VM. RM. May 18 the Arians, which is still extant. St
See Theodotus, Thecusa, etc. Gaudentius, his successor, praises him
for his "modesty, quietness and gentle-
PHAL (PHELE) (St) RM. May 16 ness towards all men", and because he

Otherwise Fidolus, q.v. helped the poor.

PHARA (St) Abs. RM. Dec 7 PHILEAS and Comp. (SS) MM.
Otherwise Burgundofara (Apr 3) q.v. RM. Feb 4 and Nov 26
d. r.304-311. Martyrs whose passion is

PHARAILDIS (VAREIDE, related by their contemporary, the his-

VERYLDE, VEERLE) (St) V. torian Eusebius. Phileas, bishop of
AC. Jan 4 Thmuis, an ancient city in Lower
d. r.740.She seems to have been born in Egypt, was beheaded. From his prison
Ghent and was married against her will, at Alexandria he wrote a letter to his
having dedicated her virginity to God. flock describing the sufferings of his
She was maltreated by her husband, fellow Christian prisoners. With him
either because she insisted on living as suffered a Roman tribune named
a virgin or because he objected to her Philoromus and a great number of
nocturnal visits to the churches. She people from Thmuis and its neighbour-
is one of the patron saints of Ghent. hood. See also Faustus, Didius, etc.


See Orentius, Heros, etc. (SS) MM. RM. March 8
d. Philemon was an actor and
PHARO (St) Bp. RM. Oct 28 musician at Antinoe, who was con-
Otherwise Faro, q.v. verted by the deacon Apollonius of the


same city. They were brought to iled. Before his death he had established
Alexandria, bound hand and foot, and the Abbey of Noirmoutier, restored
cast into the sea. They suffered under Quincay and aided several others.
PHILIBERT (St) M. RM. Aug 22
PHILEMON and DOMNINUS (SS) See Fabrician and Philibert.
MM. RM. March 21
? Romans by birth, who preached the PHILIP (several)
gospel in various parts of Italy and were Note. Philip is the English form of the
finally put to death, where is not Latin Philippus the French is Philippe
; :

certain. the Italian, Filippo ; the Spanish, Felipe.


(APPIA) (SS) MM. RM. Nov 22 AC. Jan 9
d. f.70. Philemon is the Christian of d. 1260. A nephew of St William of
Colossae, master of the runaway slave Bourges, and, like his uncle, archbishop
Onesimus, to whom St Paul's shortest of that diocese.
epistle is addressed, Apphia is supposed
to have been Philemon's wife. Both are PHILIP of VIENNE (St) Bp.
said to have been stoned to death at their AC. Feb 3
home at Colossae. d. f.578. Bishop of Vienne in Gaul
PIDES), RM. Feb 5
CRONIDAS (SS) MM. d. 1597. Born Mexico City of Spanish
RM. March 27 parents, Philip became a Franciscan at
d. c.121. Martyrs of Illyria under Puebla, but left the Order in 1589 and
Hadrian. The RM. describes Philetus travelled to the Philippines as a mer-
as a senator, Lydia as his wife, Macedo chant. He repented and rejoined the
and Theoprepius as their sons, Amphi- Franciscans at Manila (1590). On his
lochius as a captain, and Cronidas as a way home to be ordained in Mexico, his
notary. Their Acts are not reliable. ship was driven by a storm to Japan
(1596) where he was arrested with St
PHILIBERT (St) Ab. OSB. Peter Baptist and crucified at Nagasaki.
RM. Aug 20 Canonized in 1862.
c.608-684. Born in Gascony and edu-
cated at the court of King Dogobert I. PHILIP of GORTYNA (St) Bp.
At the age of twenty he became a monk RM. Apr 11
at Rebais and shortly afterwards its d. <\i8o. A bishop of Gortyna in Crete,
abbot. However he left this abbey and, author of a work, now lost, against the
after visiting several famous Colum- Marcionite Gnostics.
banian houses (which were at that time
adopting the Rule of St Benedict), PHILIP the APOSTLE (St)
founded and ruled the abbey of RM. May 11
Jumieges, not far from Fontenelle. He d. c.So. One of the Twelve, a native of
opposed Ebroin, the tyrannical mayor of Bethsaida, he always takes the fifth
the palace, and was imprisoned and ex- place in the catalogue of the Apostles,

and is mentioned three times as a con- his apostolatewas in Rome. In 1548 he
fidant of our Lord in St John's gospel. gathered fourteen companions into a con-
After the ascension he is believed to gregation which ultimately received a
have preached in Asia Minor and to definite shape as the Congregation of
have been martyred at Hierapolis in the Oratory. It was not until 1551 that
Phrygia. His relics are venerated in he was ordained priest. During the thirty-
Rome. three years that followed Philip and his
Oratory constituted the centre of religi-
ous life in Rome. In 1583 his institute
AC. May 3 was officially approved with its mother-
d. f.770. An Anglo-Saxon pilgrim who
house at the church of La Valicella,
settled as a hermit near Worms and
which St Philip rebuilt on a magnificent
became a great friend of King Pepin.
scale. He fully deserves the title given
Being joined by several disciples, he
him of "Second Apostle of Rome".
founded the monastery of Zell thus — Canonized in 1622.
called from his own original cell which —
in subsequent times grew into the town
of Zell.
RM. June 6


1 st cent. One of the seven deacons
ordained by the Apostles (Acts VI, 5).
RM. May 12
? A saint venerated in the little hill
He worked in Samaria, baptized the
eunuch of Queen Candace of Ethiopia
town of Agirone in Sicily as the first
(ib. VI, 8), and was the host of St Paul
missionary sent to that country by the
Holy See. The story abounds in con-
at Caesarea (ib.XXI, 8). His four
tradictory, as well as improbable, state-
daughters (ib. XXI, 9) are honoured as
saints with him.


AC. May 24 AC. June 30
d. 1306. A native of Piacenza who d. 1646. A native of Tralon in Breck-
joined the Augustinian Order in that nockshire, he was educated at Aber-
city. He was famed for his spirit of gavenny grammar school, and joined
prayer and compunction. Cult ap- the Benedictines at St Gregory's, Douai
proved in 1756. (now Downside) in 1614, being ordained
priest in 1621. In the following year he
PHILIP NERI (St) C. Founder was sent to the English mission and
RM. May 26 worked chiefly in Devon but also in
151 5-1 595. A native of Florence, he Somerset and Cornwall for twenty
worked first as an assistant to a mer- years. Martyred at Tyburn. Beatified in
chant at San Germano, at the foot of 1929.
Montecassino (1534-1541). Then he
settled in Rome as tutor in the house of PHILIP MINH (Bl) M. AC. July 3
a Florentine nobleman. Meanwhile he 181 5-1853. Born at Caimong in W.
devoted all his leisure time to the study Cochin-China, he joined the Society for
of theology and to the silent unobtrusive Foreign Missions and was ordained
service of his neighbour. He thought of priest of Mac-Bat in E. Cochin-China.
going to the foreign missions, but a He was beheaded at Vinh-hong. Beati-
Benedictine of St Paul's told him that fied in 1900.

PHILIP (St) M. RM. July 10 Eugenia, in whose household SS Pro-
One of the Seven Brothers, q.v. tus and Hyacinth are said to have been
employed. Since St Eugenia's story is
PHILIP, ZENO, NARSEUS and thought now to be only a pious romance,
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. July 15 the very existence of St Philip is prob-
? Martyrs of Alexandria. The "com- lematical.
panions" consisted often little children.
AC. Sept 18
AC. July 22 d. 1285. From being a monk of Fon-
1645-1 679. Born in Monmouthshire tavellana he was raised to the see of
and educated at Saint-Omer, he joined Nocera in Umbria, which he occupied
the Jesuits (1665) and served on the from 1254 to 1285. He was a great
Welsh mission. Martyred for his priest- friend and defender of the early Friars

hood at Cardiff in consequence of the Minor.

"Oates plot". Beatified in 1929.
PHILIP (St) M. RM. Aug 17
AC. Oct 19
See Straton, Philip and Eutychian. d. 1595. Earl of Arundel and Surrey.
He was converted from a life of indif-
PHILIP BENIZI (St) C. OSM. ference and neglect of his religion and
23 RM. Aug became a and conscientious
1233-1 285. Born at Florence (Aug 15), Catholic. In 1585 he was committed to
where, after his studies at Paris and the Tower of London and in 1589
Padua, he practised medicine. In 1253 sentenced to death. The sentence was
he joined the Servite Order as a lay- never carried out but he remained a
brother, until 1259, when he was prisoner until his death at the age of
directed by his superiors to receive holy thirty-eight. Beatified in 1929.
orders. Soon he was known as one of the
most zealous preachers in Italy, was PHILIP (St) Bp. M. RM. Oct 22
made superior of several friaries, and, d. c .270. A bishop martyr of Fermo in
in 1267, the fifth general of the Order. Italy, whose relics are enshrined in his
In the following year the cardinals were cathedral.

for putting him forward as a candidate

for the papacy, but he fled by night and
HERMES (SS) MM. RM. Oct 22
hid in a cave until another was elected.
d. 304. Philip was bishop of Heraclea
He established new foundations of his
near Constantinople; Severus was his
institute throughout
Italy and the
deacon; Eusebius and Hermes, two of
German and was untiring in
the inferior clergy. During the persecu-
visiting them. Moreover he intervened
tion under Diocletian they were all
as peacemaker in the feud between
arrested and brought to trial. It was
Guelphs and Ghibellines. Canonized in
insistently demanded of them that they
should deliver up the sacred books of
PHILIP (St) M. RM. Sept 2 the church to be burnt. On their refusal

See Diomedes, Julian, etc. they were taken to Adrianopolis and

burnt at the stake. We have a copy of
PHILIP (St) M. RM. Sept 13 the legal process instituted against them,
3rd cent. The alleged father of St a document of undeniable authenticity.

By mistake the recent editions of the of the saint as they were able to recover
RM. register these martyrs as having and are believed to have written the
suffered under Julian. "Acts" of his trial and death.


Clare AC. Feb 16 RM. Dec 20
d. 1236. Born at Cicoli in the Abruzzi. d. 324. A lawyer at Antioch and a con-
After having met St Francis of Assisi in fessorunder Licinius. After the death of
her parents' home she decided to be- his wife he became bishop of Antioch
come a hermit, and did so on a moun- and was one of the first to denounce
tain above Mareri. Eventually she Arianism. St John Chrysostom preached
founded and ruled as first abbess, a a panegyric, still extant, in honour of
Franciscan nunnery at Rieti under the St Philogonius.
direction of Bl Roger of Todi.
PC. Feb 26 1 st cent. Roman Christians saluted by
1462-1547. Of noble birth, she married St Paul in his epistle to the Romans
the Duke of Lorraine. Her life however (XVI, 14-18).
was marked by tribulation. An orphan
from the cradle, she was early a widow
PHILOMENA (St) V. RM. July 5
d. 0.500. A saint venerated at San
and was deprived of most of her fortune.
Severino (Septempeda) near Ancona.
She entered a convent of Poor Clares at
Nothing is now known of her.
Port a Mousson in 15 19, and lived a life
of great austerity. Cult never officially
In 1802 the remains of a young woman
were discovered in the catacomb of St
Priscilla on the Via Salaria. The tomb
OSB. AC. Aug 29 was closed by three stones bearing the
d. 1335. A disciple of Bl Santuccia of description lumena pax te cum fi.
Gubbio. Foundress and first abbess of The conclusion was drawn that here
the Benedictine convent of Santa Maria
was buried a martyr called St Philo-
di Valverde at Arezzo.
mena, and a shrine was set up at Mug-
nano, in the diocese of Nola. The cult
PHILIPPA (St) M. RM. Sept 20 spread throughout the world. Further
See Theodore, Philippa, etc.
archaeological investigation proved how-
ever that the disarrangement of the
stones was a regular habit of the sextons
AC. Nov 18
in the 4th century when they re-used
Otherwise Rose-Philippine Duchesne, materials already engraved, and inten-
ded to indicate that it was not the same
person. The shrine was dismantled and
PHILO and AGATHOPODES cultus forbidden by decree of Rome,
(AGATHOPUS) (SS) RM. Apr 25 1961.
d. f.150. The two deacons of Antioch
who (f.107) attended St Ignatius, their PHILOMENUS (St) M. RM. Nov 14
bishop, to his martyrdom in Rome. See Clementinus, Theodotus and Philo-
They took back to Antioch such relics menus.

PHILOMENUS (St) M. RM. Nov 29 church (Rom. XVI, 1-3). It has been
d. 275. A martyr of Ancyra in Galatia suggested, without the slightest founda-
under Aurelian. tion, that she was St Paul's wife.


See Zenais and Philonilla. SEBASTIAN, ANATOLIUS, PHO-
See Phileas, and Comp. MM. RM. March 20
? This group of martyrs constitutes a
PHILOTERUS (St) M. historical puzzle.The Greek tradition
RM. May 19 identifies Photina with the Samaritan
d. 303. A nobleman of Nicomedia, mar- woman of St John's gospel (chap. IV)
tyred there under Diocletian. His sup- and makes Joseph and Victor her sons.
posed Acts are quite untrustworthy. They are alleged to have been martyred
with other Christians at Rome under
PHILOTHEUS (St) M. RM. Nov 5 Nero. Baronius may have put them in
See Domninus, Theotimus, etc. the RM. because he believed that the
head of St Photina was preserved at St
PHILOTHEUS (St) M. AC. Dec 9 Paul's outside-the-walls.
See Samosata, the Seven Martyrs of.


See Herodion, Asyncritus and Phlegon. EPAGATHUS, MATURUS, PONTI-
PHOCAS (St) M. RM. March
d. f.320. A martyr of Antioch, suffo- and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. June 2
cated in a bath. His Acts are not reliable. d. 177. Martyrs of Lyons, the details of
Often confused with St Phocas the whose martyrdom are given in an au-
Gardener (see July 23). thentic letter writtenby the churches of
Vienne and Lyons to those of Asia. The
PHOCAS (St) Bp. M. RM. July 14 writer may have been St Irenaeus. The
d. 117. Bishop of Sinope on the Black martyrs were at first set upon by the
Sea, martyred under Trajan. pagan mob, but afterwards they were
tried and condemned on account of their
PHOCAS the GARDENER (St) M. religion, by the regular tribunals. Pho-
AC. July 23 tinus, their leader, bishop of the city,
d. f.303. A gardener near
Sinope on the an old man of ninety years, expired in
Black Sea martyred under Diocletian. his dungeon from the ill-usage he re-
His existence, martyrdom and ancient ceived. The others were thrown to the
cult are established facts. He is still wild beasts in the amphitheatre at the
greatly venerated in the East. public games. The slave-girl, Blandina,
enmeshed in a net and tossed by a wild
PHOEBE (St) RM. Sept 3 bull, and the boy, Ponticus, who was
1st cent. A matron who worked as a one of the last to suffer, have ever
deaconess at Cenchreae near Corinth, excited special admiration. The whole
highly commended by St Paul and the description is most graphic. They suf-
bearer to Rome of his epistle to that fered under Marcus Aurelius.


PHOTINUS (St) M. RM. Aug 12 bered among distinguished ecclesiastical

See Anicetus, Photinus, etc. writers by Eusebius.

PHOTIS (St) M. RM. March 20 PIONIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.

See Photina, Joseph, etc. RM. Feb 1

d. 251. A Of Smyrna who, with

PHOTIUS (St) M. RM. March 4 fifteen companions, suffered under
See Archelaus, Cyril and Photius. Decius. They were arrested while litur-
gically commemorating the anniversary
PHOTIUS (St) M. RM. March 20 of the martyrdom of St Polycarp. They
See Photina, Joseph, etc. were burnt at the stake after a long
cross-examination and after having been
PIA (St) M. RM. Jan 19 put to severe torture. We have an eye-
See Paul, Gerontius, etc. witness's account of their death.

PIALA (St) M. AC. Dec 14 PIOR (St) H. AC. Jan 17

See Fingar, Phiala, and Comp. d. r.395. AnEgyptian solitary, a disci-
ple of St Antony.
RM. Oct 1 PIPERION (St) M. RM. March 11
d. C.2S6. Said to have been a native of See Candidus, Piperion and Comp.
Benevento in Italy, sent by the pope to
evangelize the districts of Tournai and PIRAN(PYRAN)(St)C. AC. March 5
Chartres. He thought to have died a
is 5th or 6th cent. A hermit near Padstow
martyr at Tournai under Maximian. in Cornwall, titular of the church of the
canons regular at Truro. Many writers
PIENTIA (St) VM. RM. Oct 11 identify him with St Kieran, q.v. He is
See Nicasius, Quirinus, etc. venerated as the patron saint of miners.

PIERIUS (St) C. RM. Nov 4 PIRMIN (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Nov 3
d. f.310. A priest of Alexandria, writer d. 753. According to the latest re-
of several philosophical and theological searches, Pirmin was born in S. Aragon
treatises. and became a monk there. The name of
his monastery is not known. When the
PIGMENIUS (St) M. RM. March 24 Saracens invaded Spain, he fled, and
d. 362. A Roman priest thrown into the travelled as far as the Rhineland where
Tiber under Julian the Apostate. he established several abbeys Reiche- —
nau, Murbach, Amorbach and re- —
PINIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 31 stored others, notably Dissentis, intro-
See Melania and Pinian. ducing into them all the Benedictine
Rule. He was ordained by the pope a
PINNOCK (St) Nov 6 chorepiscopus, or regionary bishop; he
A church in Cornwall is called St Pin- was never bishop of Meaux. He is one
nocks, but it is probable that Pinnock is of the great Benedictine apostles in
a corruption of Winnock. German lands.

PINYTUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 10 PISTIS (FAITH) (St) VM. RM. Aug 1
d. ^.180. A Greek bishop in Crete num- See Faith, Hope and Charity.

1 1

PIUS V (St) Pope OP. RM. May 5 priest of Tombolo, and the latter formed
1 504-1 572. Michael Ghislieri was born a high opinion of his virtues. Promotion
in Piedmont, joined the Dominicans in followed: in 1867 he was parish priest
1 5 18, was ordained priest in 1540, of Salzano; in 1884 Bishop of Mantua,
taught philosophy and theology for and 1893 Patriarch of Venice and Car-
sixteen yearsand in 1556 was nominated dinal. Very unexpectedly to himself was
bishop of Sutri and inquisitor for Lom- elected Pope at the Conclave of 1903,
bardy. In 1557 he was created cardinal and Pope he continued the simple
and in 1559 was transferred to the see of personal life he had always observed.
Mondovi, finally being elected pope in The keynote of his pontificate was
1565. Of an and severe disposi-
austere Omnia Instaur are in Christ 0. It was
tion hewas well fitted for the task of distinguished by his decrees on early
combating the loose discipline of that and frequent Communion, on liturgical
time in many ecclesiastical quarters, reform, on the teaching of the Cate-
including the Roman curia. He insisted chism. Other notable activities were his
on the exact observance of the decrees condemnation of Modernism, his re-
of the Council of Trent, organized an organization of the Roman Curia and
expedition against Turks which
the initiation of the codification of Canon
won the victory of Lepanto (1570), pro- Law. Greatly saddened by the outbreak
moted ecclesiastical learning, reformed of the World War in August 19 14, he
liturgical worship, excommunicated died on the 20th of that month. His will
Queen Elizabeth of England and fought ran: I was born poor; I lived poor; I
Protestantism everywhere. Canonized wish to die poor. Canonized in 1954.
in 1712.
PIUS I (St) Pope M. RM. July 1 Ab. OSB. AC. May 7
d. f.154. Pope from c.142 to f.154. He d. £.675. Abbot in the basilica of St
may have been a brother of Hermas, the Symphorian at Autun.
writer of the work called The Shep-
herd ; if so, Pius, like his brother, was PLACID (St) M. AC. July 1

born a slave. His pontificate was one of See Sigisbert and Placid.
active opposition to the Gnostics,
notably the Gnostic Marcion. It is not PLACID (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist.
proved that he died a martyr. AC. June 12
d. 1248. Born at Rodi, near Amiterno
PIUS X (St) Pope RM. Sept 3 in Italy, of working class parents. He
1835-1 9 1 4. Joseph Sarto was born in became a Cistercian monk at St Nicho-
1835 m
Riese, diocese of Treviso near las in Corno, then a hermit at Ocre in
Venice, then part of the Austrian Em- the Abruzzi, and ultimately the abbot-
pire. His parents were very poor; his founder of the monastery of Santo
father owned a cow and a strip of land, Spirito, near Val d'Ocre. It is narrated
and worked part-time as caretaker of of him that he took his sleep in a stand-
the village hall, and postman. Joseph ing posture for thirty-seven years.
used to walk four miles barefoot to
school to save shoe-leather. From 1850 PLACID, EUTYCHIUS, VICTORI-
he studied minor seminary at
Treviso, and went on to Padua. He MATUS, FAUSTUS, and Comp.
served nine years as curate to the parish (SS) MM. RM. Oct 5

? A heterogeneous group of martyrs, PLATO (St) Ab. RM. Apr 4
some of whom, notably Placid, have d. 813. A Greek monk, and abbot, first

been venerated asSicilian martyrs since of Symboleon on Mt Olympus in

the 4th century, their names being Bithynia, and then Sakkudion near
included in the martyrology compiled Constantinople. He opposed the divorce
by St Jerome. In the 12th century this and subsequent attempted marriage of
Sicilian Placid was identified with the emperor Constantine Porphyro-
Placid the disciple of St Benedict at genitus, who retaliated by persecuting
Subiaco (d. £.550) who was also thought and imprisoning him.
tohave died a martyr. This latter Placid
is the Placid now honoured
liturgically PLATO (St) M. RM. July 22
in the RM. Of him we know only what d. c.306. A youth martyred at

St Gregory tells us in Book II of the Ancyra in Galatia. He was a brother of

Dialogues, viz. that he was the son of St Antiochus (q.v.). He is held in great
the Roman patrician Tertullus, that he, veneration in the East.
when mere child was offered to God
at Subiaco and placed under the care of
St Benedict, and that he was saved from
MM. RM. Apr 6
d. f.308. A deaconess and foundress of a
drowning by the miraculous interven-
nunnery at Mesopotamia.
Nisibis in
tion of St Benedict and St Maurus. The
The RM. wrongly her a martyr
death of St Placid, St Benedict's disci-
and ascribes her to Ascalon. Nothing is
ple, is usually said to have taken place
known about her companions.

PLACID (St) M. RM. Oct 11 PLAUTDLLA (St) W. RM. May 20

See Anastasius, Placid, etc. d. £.67. The mother of St Flavia
Domitilla. She is said to have been bap-
PLACIDEVIEL(B1)V. AC. March 4 tized by St Peter and to have been
1 8 15-1877. Born on a farm in Nor- present at the martyrdom of St Paul.
mandy she was introduced by her aunt
to St Marie-Madeleine Postel, the first PLAUTUS (St) M. RM. Sept 29
Mother General of the Sisters of the See Eutychius, Plautus and Heracleas.
Christian Schools. She entered the
Order in 1833 and became Assistant- PLECHELM (St) M. OSB.
General at the age of twenty-six. This AC. July 15
was the cause of some resentment See Wiro, Plechelm and Otger.
against her, but on the death of Mother
Postel in 1846 she succeeded her, and PLEGMUND (St) Bp. OSB.
in 1859 obtained Papal approval of the PC. Aug 2
Institute. Her organizing work during d. 914. The tutor of King Alfred. At
the Franco-Prussian War was heroic and that monarch's request, consecrated
probably hastened her end. Beatified archbishop of Canterbury by Pope


d. £.460. A virgin venerated at Verona. CLIDES, HERON, a second SERE-
She has been often erroneously identi- NUS, RHAIS, POTAMIOENA and
fied with Placidia the daughter of the MARCELLA(SS)MM. RM. June 28
emperor Valentinian III. d. 202. Martyrs of Alexandria under

Septimius Severus. They were pupils became bishop of Smyrna f.96. He with

of Origen at the catechetical school of his friend St Ignatius of Antioch were

Alexandria. The virgin Potamioena was the link between the Apostles and sub-
lowered slowly into a cauldron of boiling sequent generations of Christians in
pitch.Her mother St Marcella suffered Asia Minor, and, through their disciple
at the same time. St Irenaeus of Lyons, in Gaul. We have
an authentic record of St Polycarp's
PODIUS (St) Bp. OSA. RM.May28 martyrdom in a letter written by eye-
d. 1002. A son of the margrave of Tus- witnesses of the church of Smyrna. His
cany who became a canon regular and profession of faith before the proconsul
eventually ruled the see of Florence is a touching example of loyal devotion
from 990 to 1002. to Christ. He said that he had served
Christ eighty-six years when he was
POEMON (POEMEN) (St) H. burnt alive with twelve of his own flock,
RM. Aug 27 under Marcus Aurelius. Polycarp's
d. c .450. His name is often written in its letter to the Philippians, still extant,
Latin form "Pastor." One of the most was during at least three centuries
famous of the fathers of the Egyptian publicly read in the churches of Asia.
desert. He dwelt at Skete, where he be-
came abbot of the numerous groups of POLYCARP (St) C. RM. Feb 23
hermits, who lived in the abandoned d. r.300. A Roman priestof whom
ruins of a pagan temple at Terenuth. mention is made in the Acts of the
martyrs for his zeal in ministering to
POL de LEON (St) Bp. AC. March 12 those detained in prison for their faith.
Otherwise Paul Aurelian, q.v.
POLIUS (St) M. RM. May 21 M. AC. Apr 2
See Timothy, Polius and Eutychius. d. 303. A martyr beheaded at Alexan-
dria after many torments.
POLLIO (St) M. RM. Apr 28
d. c .304. A lector of the church of Cy- POLYCARP and THEODORE (SS)
balae in Pannonia, burnt alive under MM. RM. Dec 7
Diocletian. ? Martyrs at Antioch in Syria.


See Patrick, Acacius, etc. RM. Feb 17
? Bishop and martyr at Babylon. The
POLYAENUS (St) M. RM. Aug 18 RM. says that he was put to death by
See Hermas, Serapion and Polyaenus. Decius, but that emperor never made
an expedition against the Persians. As
POLY ANUS (St) M. Bp. RM. Sept 10 St Polychronius of Dec 6 had also a
See Nemesian, Felix, etc. feaston Feb 17, it is suggested that this
feastmasked the translation of his relics,
POLYCARP of SMYRNA and and there was only one person.
Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. Jan 26 and Feb 23 POLYCHRONIUS (St) M.
d. 156 (or 166). Converted to the Faith RM. Dec 6
by St John the Evangelist <\8o, Polycarp 4th cent. A priest who, in the reign of

the emperor Constantius, was slain by POMPONIUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 30
Arians while he was celebrating Mass. d. 536. Bishop of Naples (508-536). He
He was present at the council of Nicaea was a strong opponent of Arianism, then
(325). under the patronage of the Gothic king
AC. Dec 10 POMPOSA (St) VM. RM. Sept 19
d. 1591. Born in London and educated d. 835. A nun of Pefiamelaria near Cor-
for the priesthood at Reims and in dova. She was beheaded by the Moors
Rome, he was ordained in 1588 and at Cordova.
martyred at Tyburn for his priesthood.
Beatified in 1929. PONS (St) M. RM. May 14
Otherwise Pontius, q.v.
d. £.259. A Roman martyred at
officer PONTIAN (St) M. RM. Jan 19
Melitene in Armenia under Valerian. d. 169. An Italian martyr who suffered
His Acts, as given by Metaphrastes, are at Spoleto under Marcus Aurelius. His
as touching as any in early Christian Acts are only substantially accurate.
literature. Corneille has used some
elements of the martyr's story in his PONTIAN NGONDWE (St) M.
tragedy Polyeucte. RM. June 3
d. 1886. A member of the Royal Guard
POLYEUCTUS, VICTORIUS and of King Mwanga of Uganda by whose
DONATUS (SS) MM. RM. May 21 orders he was put to death. See Uganda
? Martyrs of Caesarea in Cappadocia, (Martyrs of).
of whom we know no more than the
names (variously spelt) registered in the PONTIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 25
martyrologies. See Eusebius, Pontian, etc.

POLYXENA (St) M. RM. Sept 23

PONTIAN (St) Pope M. RM. Nov 19
See Xantippa and Polyxena.
d. £.236. He succeeded St Urban I in

the chair of Peter about the year 230.

POMPEIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 10
He was exiled by the emperor Maxi-
See Terence, Africanus, etc.
mums where he is
to Sardinia f.235,
succumbed to ill-treatment.
said to have
POMPEIUS (St) M. RM. July 7 With him the RM. commemorates St
See Peregrinus, Lucian, etc.
Hippolytus as his fellow exile in Sar-
POMPEIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 14
d. ^.290. Bishop of Pavia. PONTIAN and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. Dec 2
group of five Roman mar-
C. RM. July 15 tyrs who suffered under Valerian.
1710-1756. Born at Montecalvo, dio-
cese of Benevento, he joined the Piarist PONTIAN (St) M. RM. Dec n
fathers (Scolopi) at Naples in 1727 and See Trason, Pontian and Praetextatus.
devoted his life to teaching in the
schools of his Order. He died at Lecce PONTIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 31
in Apulia. Canonized in 1934. See Stephen, Pontian, etc.

PONTICUS (St) M. RM. June 2 monastic discipline. Shortly after he was
See Photinus (Pothinus), Sanctius, etc. appointed provost of St Vaast, Arras,
and soon became known to the emperor
PONTIUS (St) C. RM. March 8 St Henry, who chose him as one of his
d. c.260. A deacon of the church of most trusted advisers. In 1021 the
Carthage. He was the attendant of St emperor made Poppo abbot of Stave-
Cyprian in his exile and at his trial and lot-Malmedy and soon the revival
execution. He has left us a graphic spread to several of the most ancient
account of the life and passion of St abbeys of Lotharingia and neighbouring
Cyprian. territories Hautmont, Marchiennes,

St Maximinus of Treves, St Vaast at

PONTIUS of CIMIEZ (St) M. Arras, etc. Poppo ruled all these houses
RM. May 14 as a sort of superior general. He is one
d. 258 ( ?). A martyr of Cimella (Cimiez) of the greatest monastic figures of the
near Nice. His relics, translated into nth century.
Languedoc, have given its name to the
town of Saint-Pons. PORCARIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
OSB. RM. Aug 12
PONTIUS of FAUCIGNY (Bl) Ab. d. f.732. Porcarius was the second of
OSA. AC. Nov 26 this name to be abbot of Lerins, an
d. 1 178. Born in Savoy, at the age of island off the coast of Provence. The
twenty he joined the canons regular at whole communityof five hundred
Abondance in the Chablais. He founded —
monks except the youngest members
and was abbot of the monastery of St whom the abbot had sent away to safety,
Sixtus, whence he was promoted to the were massacred by the Saracens.
abbacy of Abondance. He was held in
high veneration by St Francis of Sales. PORPHYRIUS and SELEUCUS
Cult confirmed in 1806. (SS) MM. RM. Feb 16
d. 309. Palestinian martyrs put to death
PONTIUS of BALMEY (Bl) Bp. at Caesarea. We owe the account of their
O. Cart. PC. Dec 13 martyrdom to the historian Eusebius.
d. 1 140. Born at Balmey, he became a
canon of Lyons. Later he founded on PORPHYRIUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 26
his paternal estate the charterhouse of d. 420. A wealthy Greek who became a
Meyriat and joined the Carthusians. He hermit first in the desert of Skete in
was appointed bishop of Belley in 1 121, Egypt and then in Palestine on the
but resigned before his death and re- banks of the Jordan. Much against his
turned to Meyriat. will he was raised to the see of Gaza,
which he ruled with extraordinary
POPPO (St) Ab. OSB. RM. Jan 25 energy, ability and success. He almost
978-1048. Born in Flanders, he first completely uprooted the remnants of
followed a military career and led an paganism in his diocese. His biography
unbridled life. He then made a peniten- written by his deacon Mark is one of the
tial pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Rome most valuable historical sources of the
and on became a Benedictine
his return 5th century.
at St Thierry, Reims (1006). Two years
later he migrated to Saint- Vannes and PORPHYRIUS (St) M. RM. May 4
helped Bl Richard in the revival of d. 250. A priest who is said to have

preached in Umbria, chiefly at Cameri- He was one of the ablest controversial-
no, and to have been beheaded under ists of his time.
Decius. He belongs to the apocryphal
legend of St Venantius (May 18), q.v. POTAMIA (St) M. RM. Dec 5
See Julius, Potamia, etc.


? Connected with the apocryphal legend POTAMIOENA the YOUNGER
of St Agapitus of Palestrina (Aug 18), (St) VM. AC. June 7
whose story was transferred to the d. £.304. A
young girl put to death at
equally unhistorical legend of St Venan- Alexandria under Diocletian.
PORPHYRIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 6 VM. RM. June 28
See Onesiphorus and Porphyrius. See Plutarch, Serenus, etc.


d. 362. Said to have been a horse-dealer MM. RM. Feb 20
and an actor, who, while playing before ? Martyrs in Cyprus. Nothing is known
Julian the Apostate and burlesquing of them. Eusebius attaches them to the
the baptism of Christians, suddenly Church of Alexandria.
declared himself a believer and was at
once slain. POTAMON (St) Bp. M.
RM. May 18
PORPHYRIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 4 d. r.340. Bishop of Heraclea in Upper
d. 271. A martyr at Ephesus under Egypt. During the persecution of Maxi-
Aurelian. mums Daza (310) he was sentenced to
the mines, lamed in one leg and de-
PORTIANUS (St) Ab. RM. Nov 24 prived of one eye. Released after Con-
d. 533. A slave who became a monk and, stantine's decree of toleration, he was
in course of time, abbot of Miranda in present at the council of Nicaea. He
Auvergne. He fearlessly faced the Mero- supported his metropolitan St Athana-
vingian king Thierry of Austrasia and sius and was as a result fiercely persecu-
obtained from him the release of his ted by the Arians, who ultimately
Auvergnate prisoners. compassed his death.

POSSESSOR (St) Bp. AC. May n POTENTIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 31

d. c .485. A city magistrate of Verdun, See Sabinian and Potentian.
who became bishop of that city in 470.
He and his flock were reduced to great POTENTIANA (St) M. RM. May 19
distress by the invasions of the bar- Otherwise Pudentiana, q.v.
barians —Franks, Vandals, Goths, etc.
POSSIDIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 16 MM. RM. Feb 20
d. 450. A
favourite disciple, and the Otherwise Potamius and Nemesius, q.v.
biographer, of St Augustine of Hippo.
He became bishop of Calama in Numi- POTHINUS (St) Bp. M.
dia,whence he was driven by the Arian RM. June 2
Vandals, and ended his days in Apulia. Otherwise Photinus, q.v.

POTITUS (St) M. RM. Jan 13 PRIAM (St) M. RM. May 28
? Honoured boy-martyr in the dio-
as a See Emilius, Felix, etc.

cese of Naples. His extant Acts are

legendary. PRILIDIAN (St) M. RM. Jan 24
See Babilas, Urban, etc.


PREILS, PRIX) (St) Bp. M. PRIMAEL (St) H. AC. May 16
RM. Jan 25 d. f.450. A native of Britain who crossed
d. 676. He became Bishop of Clermont over to Brittany and became a hermit in
in Auvergne with the approval of the diocese of Quimper, where churches
Childeric II in 666. A great administra- are dedicated to him.
tor, and fosterer of monasticism, he was
slain by evil-doers at Volvic in the PRIMIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 29
Vosges. See Dominic, Victor, etc.


RM. Feb 18 ? An early martyr, probably of Rome.

See Maximus, Claudius, etc. Some old martyrologies have "Primi-

See Donatian, Praesidius, etc. PRIMITIVA (St) VM. RM. July 23
? An early martyr, probably of Rome.

PRAETEXTATUS (PRIX) (St) Bp. Very probably identical with the Primi-
M. RM. Feb
24 tiva of Feb 24. Several ancient lists
d. 586 (Apr 14). Bishop of Rouen (550- write her name "Primitia"; others,
586). For his courage in denouncing the "Privata".
crimes of the wicked queen Fredegonda
he was cruelly persecuted and exiled. PRIMITIVUS (St) M. RM. Apr 16
Recalled after seven years he was put to See Saragossa Martyrs.
death by her order on Easter Sunday in
his own church. PRIMITIVUS (St) M. RM. June 10
See Getulius, Caerealis, etc.
RM. Dec 11 PRIMITIVUS (St) M. RM. July 18
See Trason, Pontian and Praetextatus. See Symphorosa and her sons.


RM. Nov 22 See Facundus and Primitivus.
d. r.520.Bishop of Autun. His diocese
suffered much
during the war between PRIMITIVUS (St) M. RM. Dec 9
thesonsofClovis. See Peter, Successus, etc.

PRAXEDES (St) V. RM. July 21 PRIMUS (St) M. RM. Jan 3

2nd cent. Said to have been the daugh- See Cyrinus, Primus and Theogenes.
ter of the Roman senator Pudens and
sister of St Pudentiana. One of the most PRIMUS and DONATUS (SS) MM.
ancient churches in Rome perpetuates RM. Feb
her memory. d. 362. Two African deacons slain by

the Donatist schismatics when the latter Apostle, whose headquarters were at her
were trying to get possession of the villa, near the Roman catacombs which
Catholic church at Lavallum in N.W. to this day bear her name.
PRIMUS and FELICIAN (SS) MM. See Aquila and Priscilla.
RM. June 9
d. ^.297. Two
aged brothers, Roman PRISCILLIAN (St) M. RM. Jan 4
citizens, beheaded under Diocletian on See next below.
the Via Nomentana. Their Acts are not
altogether trustworthy. PRISCUS, PRISCILLIAN and
PRIMUS, CYRIL and SECUNDA- ? The names from the un-
are taken
RIA (SS) MM. RM. Oct 2 trustworthy of St Bibiana, in
? Martyrs at Antioch in Syria in one of which it is stated that they were Chris-
the early persecutions. tians buried by her father, Flavian. The
martyrologist Ado treated them as
PRINCIPIA (St) V. AC. May 11 martyrs.
d. f.420. A Roman virgin, a disciple of
ANDER (SS) MM. RM. March 28
PRINCEPIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 25 d. 260. Martyrs thrown to the wild
d. r.505. The elder brother of St Re- beasts during the public games at
migius of Reims. He became bishop of Caesarea in Palestine under Valerian.
PRISCUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
PRIOR (St) H. AC. June 17 RM. May 26
r.295-395. An Egyptian hermit, one of d. r.272. Priscus, a Roman military
the first disciples of St Antony. officer, several soldiers under his com-
mand, and a number of citizens of
PRISCA (St) VM. RM. Jan 18 Besancon were martyred near Auxerre
3rd cent. ( ?). A virgin martyr venerated at a place where they had concealed
from ancient times in Rome, where a themselves.
church is dedicated in her honour on the
Aventine, but of whom nothing authen- PRISCUS (St) M. RM. Sept 1

tic is known. d. c.66. The bishop of

alleged first

Capua, whither he is supposed to have

PRISCIAN (St) M. RM. Oct 12 been sent by St Peter. He is said to have
See Evagrius, Priscian, etc. been a disciple of our Lord and to have
died a martyr under Nero.
PRISCIAN (St) M. RM. Oct 14
See Carponius, Evaristus and Priscian. PRISCUS, CASTRENSIS, TAM-
1 st cent. The wife of Manius Acilius MARK, AUGUSTUS, ELPIDIUS,
Glabrio and mother of the senator CANION and VINDONIUS (SS)
Pudens. The tradition is that she was CC. RM. Sept 1 and Feb 11
the hostess in Rome of St Peter the 5th cent. Priscus, an African bishop,


with his priests, were cast adrift in a St Gregory the Great describes the
rudderless boat by the Arian Vandals. death-bed scene of St Probus, when St
They reached S. Italy, where eventually Juvenal and St Eleutherius appeared to
Priscus became bishop of Capua and him in a vision.
several of the others were in time pro-
moted to different sees. The Acts, PROBUS and GRACE (SS)
however, are untrustworthy and it seems AC. July 5
that the companions of St Priscus are ? Cornish saints, by tradition husband
Campanian saints unconnected with the and wife. The church of Tressilian, or
story of the Roman Martyrology. One Probus, is dedicated in their honour.
opinion interprets Priscus Castrensis as
meaning "Priscus formerly Bishop of PROBUS (St) M. RM. Oct 1

Castra in N. Africa". See Tharacus (Tarachus), Probus and

Sept 20
? A native of Phrygia, martyred by PROBUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 10
being first stabbed with poniards and d. £.175. A Roman who became sixth
then beheaded. bishop of Ravenna. His relics are still
venerated in the cathedral of Ravenna.
GRIUS (SS) MM. RM. Oct 1 PROBUS (St) M. RM. Nov 13
? Martyrs at Tomi on the Black Sea. See Arcadius, Paschasius, etc.


d. 260. A bishop of Gevaudan (now (SS) MM. RM. July 2
Mende) in Gaul. He was seized by in- ? Roman martyrs greatly venerated in
vading barbarians, but was offered his Rome: their tomb and basilica were on
life on condition of his revealing the the Aurelian Way. Their connexion
hiding place of his flock ; on his refusal with the apostles Peter and Paul in the
he was beaten to death. Mamertine jail is mere legend.

PRIVATUS (St) M. RM. Sept 20 PROCHORUS (St) Bp. M.

See Dionysius and Privatus. RM. Apr 9
1 st cent. One of the seven deacons or-
PRIVATUS (St) M. RM. Sept 28 dained by the apostles. The tradition is

d. 223. A Roman citizen, scourged to that he afterwards became bishop of

death under Alexander Severus. Nicomedia and was martyred at Anti-
PRIX (St) M. RM. Jan 25
Otherwise Praejectus, q.v., or Praetex- PROCLUS and HILARION (SS)
tatus (Feb 24). MM. RM. July 12
d. 115. Martyrs of Ancyra in Galatia in
PROBUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 12 the reign of Trajan.
d. ^.591. A bishop of Verona, about
whom no particulars are extant. PROCLUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 24
d. 447. A disciple of St John Chrysos-
PROBUS (St) Bp. RM. March 15 tom. He became patriarch of Constan-
d. f.571. Bishop of Rieti in central Italy. tinople in 434. His treatment of heretics,

chiefly Nestorians, was characterized by PROCULUS (St) Bp. M.
great gentleness. According to tradition AC. July 12
he instituted the singing of the Trisa- d. 542. Bishop of Bologna (540-542).
gion in the liturgy in miraculous He was martyred by the Goths.
PROCULUS (St) M. RM. Aug 18
PROCOPIUS (St) C. RM. Feb 27 See Florus, Laurus, etc.
See Basil and Procopius.
PROCULUS (St) M. RM. Sept 19
(St) See Januarius, and Comp.
AC. July 4
r.980-1053 (March 25). Born in Bo- PROCULUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 4
hemia, he studied at Prague, where he d. p. 7 17. Bishop of Autun, said to have
was ordained and became a canon. Later been put to death by the invading Huns.
he became a hermit, and finally abbot-
founder of Sazaba abbey in Prague. PROCULUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Dec 1
Canonized in 1804. d. r.542. Bishop of Narni (others say of
Terni), put to death by order of Totila,
PROCOPIUS (St) M. RM. July 8 king of the Goths.
d. 303. The first victim of the Diocletian
persecution in Palestine. He was a
PROCULUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 9
reader in the church of Scythopolis and
d. £.320. Bishop of Verona. He was a
was beheaded at Caesar ea Maritima.
confessor during the persecution of
The account of his martyrdom is given
Diocletian, but ultimately died in peace
by his contemporary Eusebius the
in his episcopal city.
historian. It has been much distorted by
later legend.
PROJECTUS (St) M. RM. Jan 24
See Thyrsus and Projectus.
RM. Feb 14
d. 273. Mentioned as martyrs at Terni
RM. Jan 25
Otherwise Fraejectus, q.v.
in the untrustworthy Acts of St Valen-
tine of Terni. The Bollandists identify
this Proculus with the bishop of Terni
PROSDOCE (St) M. AC. Oct 4
See Domina, Berenice.
venerated on April 14.


?A martyr of Terni, in Italy, who suf- RM. Nov 7
fered martyrdom under Maxentius. d. c.ioo. First bishop of Padua, greatly
The RM. says he was Bishop, but there venerated in N.E. Italy. That he was

is no authority for this. sent from Antioch by St Peter is now

generally denied by historians.
PROCULUS (St) M. RM. June 1

d. c .304 ( ?). Said to have been a Roman PROSPER of REGGIO (St) Bp.
officer, martyred at Bologna under Dio- RM. June 25
cletian. He has been held in great vener- d. r.466. A bishop of Reggio in Emilia,
ation at Bologna from very ancient venerated as principal patron of the
times. city and diocese of Reggio.

PROSPER of AQUITAINE (St) C. the see of Besancon, he was consulted
RM. June 25 on all important matters by Clotaire II.

£.390-463. A of Aquitaine, a
layman and, probably, a married man, PROTOGENES (St) Bp.
Prosper devoted his fine intellect to the RM. May 6
study of theological questions and be- 4th cent. A bishop of Carrhae in Syria,
came an enthusiastic admirer of St who, while still a priest, had been ban-
Augustine, whose doctrine on grace he ished by the Arian emperor Valens. He
defended against the Semi-Pelagians. was recalled under Theodosius and
He worked for a time in the Roman consecrated bishop.
curia. He was a prolific writer and a
powerful controversialist. PROTOLICUS (St) M. RM. Feb 14
See Bassus, Antony and Protolicus.
RM. July 29 PROTUS (St) RM. May 31
d. £.453. A bishop of Orleans, who has See Cantius, Cantian, etc.

often been confused with St Prosper

of Aquitaine and St Prosper of Reggio. PROTUS and HYACINTH (SS)
MM. RM. Sept 11
PROTASIUS (PROTASE) (St) d. r.257.According to tradition they
RM. June 19 were Romans by birth, brothers, and
See Gervase and Protase. servants in the house of St Philip and ;

they are said to have been martyred in

PROTASIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 4 Rome. The relics of St Hyacinth were
? A martyr honoured at Cologne. Prob- beyond any doubt discovered in the
ably identical with the fellow-sufferer of cemetery of St Basilla at Rome in 1845.
St Gervase (June 19). The Acts, however, of these martyrs,
as handed down to us, are largely
PROTASIUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 24 legendary.
d. 352. Bishop of Milan 331-352. He
espoused the cause of St Athanasius PROTUS and JANUARIUS (SS)
against the Arians, doing so with special MM. RM. Oct 25
effect at the synod of Sardica (343). d. 303. Protus, a priest, and Januarius, a
deacon, were sent by the pope to work
PROTERIUS (St) Bp. M. in Sardinia, where they were beheaded
AC. Feb 28 at Porto Torres, not far from Sassari, in
d. 458. Patriarch of Alexandria. He the persecution of Diocletian.
replaced Dioscorus, who had been de-
posed by the council of Chalcedon, and PROVINUS (St) Bp. AC. March 8
did his utmost to counter the plots of d. c.420. A native of Gaul who became
the Eutychians, who were leading his Ambrose at Milan. Later
a disciple of St
flock astray. They, however, succeeded he was coadjutor to St Felix, bishop of
in compassing his death on Good Como, whom he succeeded in the see
Friday. (39i).


Bp. AC. Feb 10 PC. May 6
d. 624. The successor of St Nicetius in d. 1492. Prudentia Castori joined the

hermits of St Augustine at Milan and We owe the account of their passion to
became the abbess-foundress of a
later St Justin Martyr, their contemporary.
new convent at Como, where she died.
PTOLEMY (St) M. RM. Dec 20
PRUDENTIUS GALINDO (St) Bp. See Ammon, Zeno, etc.

AC. Apr 6
d. 86 1 . A Spaniard who in his youth fled PUBLIA (St) W. RM. Oct 9
from the Saracens to the court of d. 362. A Syrian matron, head of a
France, where he changed his baptismal community of women at Antioch, ill-
name Galindo to Prudentius. He be- treated by order of Julian the Apostate.
came bishop of Troyes and played a While the emperor was passing through
prominent part in the controversy on Antioch, he overheard the community
predestination against Gottschalk and singing the verse: "The idols of the

Scotus Erigena. His feast is still kept at Gentiles are silver and gold, let them
Troyes. that fashion them be made unto
them," and interpreted the words as an
insult to himself.
PRUDENTIUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 28
d. pqoo. A native of Armentia, in the
province of Alava, Spain. After having
PUBLICUS (St) AC. July 3
Otherwise Byblig, q.v.
been a hermit for some years he was
ordained priest and became bishop of
Tarazona (not Tarragona) in Aragon. PUBLIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Jan 21
He is the patron saint of the diocese of d. c.112. Tradition identifies this saint
Tarazona. with the Publius, "chief man of the
island of Malta", who befriended St
Paul after his shipwreck (Acts XXVIII,
7). He is said to have become bishop of
MET) (St) H. AC. June 14
Athens and to have died a martyr under
7th cent. Of Irish or Scottish descent,
Trajan. Other sources describe him
and a disciple of St Brendan. He crossed
simply as the first bishop of Malta.
into France and lived as a hermit near
Limoges. He is identical with St Sau-
man (or Saumay). PUBLIUS (St) Ab. AC. Jan 25
d. £.380. An abbot of Zeugma in Syria,

PTOLEMY (St) Bp. M. who housed his large community in two

separate buildings, one for the Greeks
RM. Aug 24
and the other for the Syrians.
1 st have been a disciple of
cent. Said to
St Peter and bishop of Nepi in Tuscany
and there to have suffered martyrdom. PUBLIUS, JULIAN, MARCELLUS
and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Feb 19
Martyrs in Proconsular Africa.

RM. Oct 19
d. r.165. Roman martyrs under Anto- PUBLIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 16
ninus Pius. Ptolemy was put to death See Saragossa Martyrs.
for instructing a woman in the Christian
religion. One Lucius and an unnamed PUBLIUS, VICTOR, HERMES and
man protested against the injustice of PAPIAS (SS) MM. RM. Nov 2
the sentence and were also martyred. ? Martyrs in N.W. Africa.

PUBLIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 12 peror Arcadius, she was regent during
See Aurelius and Publius. the minority of her brother Theodosius
II, and empress after his death. She was
PUDENS (St) M. RM. May 19 a devoted adherent of the see of Rome
2nd cent. A Roman senator baptized by and a firm opponent of Monophysitism.
the apostles, the father of St Pudentiana.
He is by many identified with the PUPULUS (St) M. RM. Feb 28
Pudens mentioned by St Paul (2 Tim. See Caerealis, Pupulus, etc.

IV, 21).
PUSICIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 21
PUDENTIANA (or POTENTIANA) See Simeon, Abdechalas, etc.

(St) V. RM. May 19

2nd cent. A Roman maiden, daughter of PUSINNA (St) V. PC. Apr 23
the senator St Pudens. She is said to 5th-6th cent. A holy virgin of Cham-
have died at the age of sixteen. We know pagne who had six sisters all honoured
very little that is really certain about her. widely as saints. They lived mostly at
RM. Sept 10 PYRAN (St) AC. March 5
d. 453. Daughter of the Eastern em- Otherwise Piran, q.v.

QUADRAGESIMUS (St) C. ? Two citizens of Capua, condemned

RM. Oct 26 and executed in Rome, whose remains

d. f.590. A
shepherd and subdeacon at were taken back to Capua and there
Policastro,who, according to the testi- enshrined.
mony of St Gregory the Great, raised
a dead man to life. QUARTUS (St) ? Bp. RM. Nov 3
1 st cent. The disciple of the apostles
QUADRATUS (CODRATUS), whom St Paul (Rom. XVI, 23) men-
THEODOSIUS, EMMANUEL and tions as "greeting the Christians of
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. March 26 Rome". Some traditions describe Quar-
d. r.304. A group of forty-three martyrs, tus as one of the seventy-two disciples
under the leadership of St Quadratus, (Luke X), others add that he was a
bishop in Anatolia, put to death under bishop.
QUENTIN (St) M. RM. Oct 31
QUADRATUS (St) M. RM. May 7 Otherwise Quintinus, q.v.
d. 257. A martyr said to have been kept
in prison for years at Nicomedia, Nicaea QUERANUS (St)
and Apamea, previous to his martyrdom Otherwise Piran, Kieran, q.v., "Qui-
at Herbipolis under Valerian. rinus" may be taken as one of the
Latinized forms of the names of both St
QUADRATUS (St) M. RM. May 26 Kieran of Ossory and St Kieran of
? Amartyr in Proconsular Africa in Saghir. Another would be Queranus, as
whose honour St Augustine preached a above.
QUADRATUS (St) Bp. RM. May 26 Note. For names in Quinct- see
d. c.130. Bishop of Athens and the first Quint—
to write an Apology for the Christian
religion, which he addressed to the QUINIDIUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 15
emperor Hadrian. d. £.579. From being a hermit at Aix in
Provence he was raised to the see of
QUADRATUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 21 Vaison, also in Provence.
3rd cent. Bishop of Utica highly praised
by St Augustine "He taught his whole
: QUINTA (St) M. RM. Feb 8
people, clergy and laity, to confess Otherwise Cointha, q.v.
Christ." They were all martyred. His
cult was widespread in Africa. QUINTIAN and IRENAEUS (SS)
MM. RM. Apr. 1

QUARTUS and QUINTUS (SS) ? Armenian martyrs, of whom nothing

MM. RM. May 10 is known.

Comp. (SS) MM. RM. May 23 DONATUS (SS) MM. RM. Sept 5
d. r.430.Three of a group of African Martyrs venerated
? at Capua and else-
martyrs under the Arian Vandal King where in S. Italy.
Hunneric. The group seems to have
numbered nineteen and to have in- QUINTIUS (QUENTIN) (St) M.
cluded several women. AC. Oct 4
d. f.570. A citizen of Tours and an
QUINTIAN (St) Bp. RM. June 14 official at the court of the Frankish
? Bishop of an unidentified see in king. The reigning queen, having tried
France. The RM. mistakenly ascribes in vain to seduce him, had him assassi-
him to Rodez. nated at LTndrois, near Montresor.

QUINTIAN (St) Bp. RM. Nov 13 QUINTUS (St) M. RM. Jan 4

d. f.527. An African by birth, he fled to See Aquilinus, Geminus, etc.

Gaul to escape the Arian-Vandal per-

secution. Eventually he became bishop QUINTUS, QUINTILLA, QUAR-
of Rodez, but was driven thence, this TILLA, MARK and Comp. (SS)
time by the Arian Visigoths, and went to MM. RM. March 19
Auvergne, where St Euphrasius made ? Martyrs venerated at Sorrento, near
him his successor in the see of Clermont. Naples. The three first-named were
probably a brother and two sisters.

QUINTIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 31

See Stephen, Pontian, etc. QUINTUS, SIMPLICIUS and
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec 18
d. r.255.Martyrs in Proconsular Africa
under the emperors Decius and Valerian.
See Maximus, Dadas and Quintilian.


RM. May 4
See Saragossa, Martyrs of.
Otherwise Cyriacus, q.v.


RM. March 8 See Hilaria, Digna, etc.
? A martyr of Nicomedia. Most ancient
records mention St Capitolinus as a QUIRIACUS, MAXIMUS,
fellow-martyr. ARCHELAUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. Aug 23
QUINTINUS (QUENTIN) (St) M. d. f.235 (or 250?). Stated to have been
RM. Oct 31 bishop, priest and deacon of Ostia
d. 287.According to the traditional respectively, and to have been martyred
story, much embel-
often recast and with a number of Christian soldiers
lished, Quentin was a Roman by birth under Alexander Severus. Some modern
who went as a missionary to Gaul. He writers place themartyrdom twenty or
evangelized the district round Amiens more years later.
and was martyred at the town on the
Somme now called Saint-Quentin. He QUIRIACUS (St) H. RM. Sept 29
is beyond doubt a historical person. A Greek who lived as a hermit
d. r.550.

in various lauras of Palestine. He is said to escape the persecution of Galerius,
to have died when long past his hun- was captured and brought back and
dredth year. ordered to sacrifice to the gods. He
refused, was barbarously beaten and
QUIRICUS (French: CYR) and handed over to the governor of Pan-
JULITTA (SS) MM. RM. June 16 nonia Prima at -Sabaria (now Szom-
d. 304. Julitta was a widow of noble bathely in Hungary). There, on his con-
birth from Iconium, and was martyred tinued refusal to apostatize, he was
at Tarsus. Previous to her own martyr- drowned in the river Raab.
dom her three-year-old son Quiricus
had been brained before her eyes be- QUIRINUS (St) M. RM. June 4
cause he had scratched the face of the ? A martyr at Tivoli, near Rome.
infuriated magistrate. Modern writers
regard the story as fictitious. QUIRINUS (St) M. RM. Oct 11
See Nicasius, Quirinus, etc.

QUIRINUS (St) M. RM. March 25

A Roman martyr who suffered
d. f.269. QUITERIA (St) VM. RM. May 22
under Claudius II. He was one of those ? A Spanish saint greatly venerated on

befriended and buried by SS Marius, the borders of France and Spain, es-
Martha and Comp. (q.v.). pecially in Spanish and French Navarre.
Her traditional story is wholly untrust-
QUIRINUS (St) M. RM. March 30 worthy.
d. c.i 17. The jailer of Pope St Alexander
I, by whom he was converted with his QUIVOX (EVOX) (St)
daughter St Balbina. He was martyred AC. March 13
shortly after under Hadrian. The story Otherwise Kevoca, q.v.
forms part of what modern writers
describe as "the Romance called the QUODVULTDEUS (St) Bp.
Passion of St Alexander", q.v. (May 3). RM. Feb 19
d. c .450. A bishop of Carthage exiled by
QUIRINUS (St) Bp. M. RM. June 4 the Arian Genseric, king of the Vandals,
d. 308. Bishop of Siscia (Sisak, or after the capture of the city in 439. He
Seseg) in Croatia. He fled from his city ended his days at Naples.

RABANUS MAURUS (Bl) Bp. pagan king of Friesland, Radbod be-
OSB. AC. Feb 4 came bishop of Utrecht in 900. He at
£.776-856. Born at Mainz, he was once put on the Benedictine habit, all
offered as a child to the abbey Fulda, his predecessors having been monks,
and there he spent practically his whole and ruled the monastic cathedral and the
life. After receiving his early education diocese as an exemplary abbot-bishop.
at theabbey, he completed it at Tours, At the end of his life he retired to
where he studied for two years under Deventer, where he died.
Alcuin. Already a monk of Fulda, he
was appointed headmaster of the abbey RADEGUND (St) Queen.
school in 799, ordained deacon (801) RM. Aug 13
and priest (814), and elected abbot in 518-587. Daughter of the pagan king of
822. In 847 he resigned this office, but Thuringia, whose assassination was
in the same year was appointed arch- avenged by the Frankish king Clotaire
bishop of Mainz. He governed his dio- I. The latter had the child, then twelve
cese with remarkable ability and was years old, baptized and educated, and
noted for his charity to the poor, three eventually married her; but much ill-
hundred of whom were entertained daily usage, crowned by the king's murder of
at his house. Rabanus was the out-
her brother, compelled Radegund to
standing scholar of his century and one leave him. She received the veil from
of the most prolific writers of any age. St Medard and founded the great
His biblical commentaries, homilies, nunnery of the Holy Cross at Poitiers,
martyrology and poetical works (he where she spent the last thirty years of
composed the Veni Creator Spiritus) her life.
have by no means lost their value or
RADEGUND (St) V. PC. Aug 13


d. c.i 300. A serving maid at the castle
of Wellenburg, near Augsburg, who
PC. Nov 23
d. r.946. A female recluse who lived
occupied herself much in works of
charity.While on an errand of mercy
walled up in a cell near that of St
to a neighbouring hospital she was set
Wiborada, under the obedience of the
abbot of St Gall in Switzerland.
upon and torn to pieces by wolves. She
at once became the object of a popular



AC. Jan 25
d. <r.66o. The first Frankish bishop of
RADINGUS (St) Ab. AC. Sept 17

Autun. Otherwise Rodingus, q.v.

RADBOD (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Nov 29 RADULPHUS (RADULF) (several)

d. 918. The great-grandson of the last Otherwise Ralph, q.v.

RAINGARDIS (Bl) W. OSB. stead, Hants, martyred at Winchester
PC. June 24 for relieving Bl Roger Dickenson. Beati-
d. 1 Mother of St Peter the Venera-
135. fied in 1929.
ble,abbot of Cluny. In her widowhood
she became a Benedictine nun at RALPH de la FUTAYE (de
Marcigny. She was venerated as a saint FLAGEIO) (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. Aug 16
by the Cluniac Benedictines. d. 1 129. A Benedictine of Saint-Jouin-
de-Marne, who helped Bl Robert of
RAITHU (Martyrs of) (SS) Arbrissel to establish a new Benedictine
RM. Jan 14 congregation, and then became the
d. r.510. Forty-three anchorites living abbot-founder (1092) of the double
in the desert of Raithu, near the Red monastery of Saint-Sulpice, diocese of
Sea, who were massacred by savages Rennes.
from Ethiopia or by Saracens.
RALPH (several) TON) (Bl) M. AC. Sept 7
Note. Ralph is the English form of d. 1644. Born he was edu-
in Dublin,
Radulphus, which is more common in cated at St Omer and then studied for
its French form of Raoul. There are
the priesthood at Seville and Valla-
many other variants: Radult, Raul, dolid. In 1 63 1 he was admitted to the
Radolph, Randulph, Rodolfo, Rudolf, Society of Jesus and ordained priest.
Rodolphe, Rollon, Ruph, etc. He was sent to the English mission and
ministered in Co Durham. He was mar-
tyred at Tyburn for his priesthood.
AC. Apr 7 Beatified in 1929.
d. 1606.A Jesuit lay-brother martyred
atWorcester for being found in atten-
dance upon Bl Edward Oldcorne.
AC. Oct i
Beatified in 1929.
d. 1588. Born at Barton-on-the-Hill in
Cheshire, he was educated at Christ's
RALPH (Bl) Bp. OSB. Cist.
College, Cambridge, and at Gloucester
AC. Apr 14
monk and abbot Hall, Oxford. He became a school-
d. 24 1. Cistercian
master in Norfolk and Suffolk. Later he
(1209) of Thoronet Abbey. Later, bishop
studied for the priesthood at Reims,
of Sisteron, France (121 6-1 241).
where he was ordained in 1586. He was
RALPH (St) Bp. OSB. AC. June 21 arrested while engaged in priestly work
d. 866. In his boyhood he was entrusted in England and martyred at Chichester.
to the care of the abbot of Solignac and, Beatified in 1929.
according to Benedictine historians, be-
came a monk there. He later held several RALPH SHERWIN (Bl) M.
abbacies, including that of St Medard, AC. Dec 1

Soissons. In 840 he was made bishop of d. 1 581. Born

Rodsley in Derbyshire,

Bourges, and as such he fostered learn- he gained a fellowship at Oxford, where

ing,founded monasteries and in general he was known as a classical scholar of
promoted the public welfare. distinction. After his conversion he
studied for the priesthood at Douai and
RALPH MILNER (Bl) M. AC. July 7 Rome, and was ordained in 1580. Within
d. 1 591. A husbandman, born at Stack- afew months he was in England and in

prison. Queen Elizabeth offered him RANULPHUS (RAGNULF) (St) M.
preferment if he would turn Protestant: RM. May 27
on his indignant refusal he was mar- d. c.joo. A
martyr of Thelus, near
tyred at Tyburn. He is the protomartyr Arras. He was the
father of St Hadulph,
of the Venerable English College, Rome. bishop of Arras-Cambrai.
Beatified in 1886.
RALPH of VAUCELLES (Bl) Ab. RM. Oct 24
OSB. AC. Dec 30 One of the three angels whom the
d. 1 152. An Englishman he became St Church venerates liturgically by name,
Bernard's disciple at Clairvaux, by and also described as one of the Seven
whom he was later sent to be the abbot- Angels who stand before the throne of
founder of Vaucelles, diocese of Cam- God (q.v.). His name means "the
brai. He has a cult among the Cister- Healer of God", and his ministrations
cians. in favour of men are described in the
book of Tobias. He is commonly identi-
fied with the angel of the sheep-pool
RAGNOBERT) (St) M. AC. June 13
d. c .680. A courtier of high standing and
(John V, 1-4). His feast was added to
the calendar of the universal church in
much influence at the court of Thierry
III of Austrasia. Ebroin, mayor of the
palace, had him exiled and then am-
bushed and murdered in the Jura moun-
RASSO (or RATHO) (Bl) Mk. OSB.
tains. He has always been considered a
AC. May 17
d. 953. Count of Andechs in Bavaria,
remarkable for his great stature. He was
RAMBOLD (RAMNOLD) (St) Ab. a brave warrior, leader of the Bavarians
OSB. AC. June 17 against the invading Hungarians. In
d. 1001. Monk
of St Maximinus at middle age he made a pilgrimage to
Treves, called to Ratisbon by St Palestine and Rome, and on his return
Wolfgang to be abbot of St Emmeram. founded the abbey of Worth in Bavaria
He died at the age of one hundred. (now called after him Grafrath), in
which he took the Benedictine habit.
RAMIRUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
AC. March 13 RASYPHUS (St) M. RM. July 23
d. f.554 (or 630). Prior of the Monastery A martyr venerated in Rome from early

of St Claudius Leon, Spain. Two days

at times. He may be identical with a St
after the martyrdom of his abbot, St Rasius whose relics are enshrined in the
Vincent, he, with all the monks of the Pantheon.
community, was massacred by the Arian
Visigoths while chanting the Nicene RASYPHUS and RAVENNUS (SS)
creed in the choir of the abbey church. MM. AC. July 23
5th cent. Said to have been natives of
RAMON (several) Britain who took refuge in N. France
The Spanish form of Raymund, q.v. from the Anglo-Saxon invaders. There
they became hermits and were ultimately
RANDCALD (St) M. OSB. slain for the Faith at Mac£, diocese of
AC. Feb 21 S6ez. Their relics are enshrined in
See Germanus and Randcald. Bayeux cathedral.

1 1

RATHARD (Bl) C. AC. Aug 8 of Scala Dei in France. From there he
d. 815. A member of the family of the was sent to found and govern the abbey
counts of Andechs in Bavaria, he be- of Fitero in Spanish Navarre. In 11 58,
came a priest and founded the Augus- the city of Calatrava in New Castile
tinian monastery of Diessen. being abandoned by the Templars and
threatened by the Moors, he founded for
RAVENNUS (St) M. AC. July 23 its defence the military Order of
See Rasyphus and Ravennus. Calatrava under the Benedictine Rule
and the Cistercian Customary. Under
him this Order won for itself a glorious
RAVERRANUS (RAVERIANUS) name in Spanish history. Raymund's
(St) Bp. OSB. AC. Nov 7 cult, as a saint, was approved in 17 19.
d. 682. Bishop of Seez. He resigned his
see and became a Benedictine monk at
Bp. OSA. AC. June 21
d. 1 26. Born at Durban, near Coserans,
RAYMUND of PENAFORT (St) in France, he became an Augustinian
C. OP. RM. Jan 23 canon regular at Pamiers and in 11 04
1 175-1275. A
kinsman of the kings of second bishop of the recently recap-
Aragon, he was born at Villafranca in tured city of Barbastro in Aragon. He
Catalonia and studied and taught at is the principal patron of the city and
Barcelona, where he became a priest diocese of Barbastro.
and a dignitary of the cathedral. In 1222
he joined the Dominican Order and RAYMUND LULL (Bl) M.
began to preach to the Moors and the AC. July 3
Albigenses. Called to Rome by Gregory 232-1 3 1 5. Born at Palma, Majorca,
c. 1
IX, he was appointed penitentiary and he married young and led a gay life as
confessor to the pope and was entrusted seneschal at the court of Aragon. At the
with the task of systematizing and age of about thirty he was converted by
codifying the canon law. This he did in a series of apparitions, became a Fran-
his five books of the decretals, finished ciscan tertiary and devoted his whole
in 1234, which remained the most lifeto the conversion of the Moors. He
authoritative codification of ecclesiasti- was unsuccessful in his attempts to in-
cal legislationtill 1 917. In 1238 he was
terest the Holy See and the courts of
chosen master-general of his Order and Western Europe in this enterprise. He
in that capacity encouraged St Thomas himself learned Arabic and three times
Aquinas to write the Contra Gentiles. In went to preach the gospel to the Moors
his later years Raymund resided in of Tunis. Twice he was banished, and
Majorca. The part he took, if any, in on the third occasion he was stoned to
the foundation of the Mercedarians is death. In the interests of his life's work
still open to controversy. Canonized in he travelled extensively in Italy, France,
1 601.
England and Germany, wrote copiously
in Latin, Arabic and Catalan, and en-
RAYMUND of FITERO (St) Ab. couraged the study of oriental religion
OSB. Cist. AC. March 15 and culture. For a time he taught
d. 1 63. A native of Aragon who be- Arabic metaphysics at the university of
came canon of the cathedral of Tara-
a Paris. He was a theologian (Doctor
zona and then a Cistercian at the abbey Illuminatus), a philosopher, a poet, an

alchemist and a chemist. His feast is Nocera in Umbria, he took the Benedic-
kept by the Friars Minor. tine habit at Fontavellana and in 1222
was raised to the see of Nocera, of which
RAYMUND of TOULOUSE (St) C. city he is now venerated as the principal

AC. July 8 patron.

d. 1118. A chanter in the church of St

Sernin at Toulouse who, after the death RAYNALD of RAVENNA (Bl) Bp.
of his wife, received a canonry in the 18AC. Aug
same church and was noted for his d. 32 1. Raynald Concorrezzo was born

generosity to the poor and for his at Milan, became a canon of Lodi and
personal austerity. was then raised to the see of Vicenza
(1296). After holding various offices in

RAYMUND NONNATUS (St) Card. the papal states he became archbishop of

O. Merc. RM. Aug 31 Ravenna (1303). He was a friend and
d. 1240. A memberof the Mercedarian defender of the Knights Templars. Cult
Order, which was instituted in Spain approved in 1852.
for the ransoming of Christian captives
from the Moors of the Barbary Coast. RAYNALD de BAR (Bl) Ab. OSB.
He succeeded St Peter Nolasco as its Cist. PC. Dec 16
second master general. He spent his d. 1 151. A monk of Clair vaux who was
whole substance in purchasing the free- appointed abbot of Citeaux in 1133.
dom of Christian slaves and surrendered He is remembered chiefly as the com-
himself as a hostage to secure the libera- piler of the first collection of Cistercian
tion of one of their number until his statutes. He was also instrumental in
Order succeeded in ransoming him in his bringing about the union of the Bene-
turn. He was created cardinal by Gre- dictine congregations of Obazine and
gory IX. Savigny with Citeaux.


AC. Oct 5 OSB. AC. Feb 22
d. 1399. Raymund delle Vigne was born d. r.967. Benedictine monk at Beaulieu
at Capua, joined the Dominicans and in the neighbourhood of Limoges.
held various offices in different friaries
of the Order. He became the spiritual RAYNERIUS INCLUSUS (Bl) H.
director of St Catherine of Siena when AC. Apr 11
and with her his
living in that city, name d. 1237. A hermit who lived in a cell
will be always linked. Later he became near the cathedral of Osnabriick. He
master general of the Dominicans and spent twenty-two years in his cell (in-
restored discipline with such success clusus means "shut up").
that he has been called the second
founder of the Order. He wrote lives
of St Catherine and of St Agnes of
RAINERIUS) (St) H. RM. June 17
Montepulciano. Beatified in 1899.
d. 1 160. Raniero Scacceri was a native
of Pisa. After a sinful youth he under-
RAYNALD of NOCERA (St) Bp. took several penitential pilgrimages to
OSB. AC. Feb 9 Jerusalem and afterwards lived as a
d. 1225. Born of German parents near conventual oblate in the Benedictine

abbey of St Andrew at Pisa and then in REGIMBALD (REGINBALD,
that of San Vito in the same city, where REGIMBAUT, REGINOBALDUS)
he died. Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 13
d. 1039. A Benedictine monk of the
RAYNERIUS of SPALATRO (St) abbey of SS Ulric and Afra at Augsburg.
M. OSB. AC. Aug 4 In 1 01 5 he migrated to the abbey of
d. 1 1 80. A Camaldolese monk of Fonta- Ebersberg. In 1022 he became abbot of
vellana, raised to the see of Cagli in Lorsch and later founded therefrom the
56 and to the archbishopric of daughter-abbey of Heiligenberg. In
Spalatro in 1175. He was murdered by 1032 he was appointed bishop of Speyer.
members of his flock for his defence of
ecclesiastical immunity. REGINA (REGNIA, REINE) (St)
VM. RM. Sept 7
RAYNERIUS of AREZZO (Bl) C. d. c ?286.. A virgin martyr venerated at
OFM. 3 AC. Nov Autun from an early date.We have no
d. 1304. Raniero Mariani was a native of particulars of her life.

Arezzo. He became a Franciscan lay-

brother and died at Borgo Sansepolcro. REGINALD of SAINT-GILLES (Bl)
Cult confirmed in 1802. C. OP. AC. Feb 1

1 183-1220. Born at Saint-Gilles in Lan-

RAYNERIUS of TODI (Bl) C. guedoc. After having taught canon law
OFM. Cap. AC. Nov 5 at the universityof Paris from 1206 to
d. £.1586. Born at Sansepolcro, he he was appointed dean of Saint-
121 1

married to please his parents, but on the Agnan, Orleans. He met St Dominic in
death of his wife became a Capuchin Rome and became one of his ablest
friar. He died at Todi. Cult confirmed disciples. He helped to establish the
by Pius VII. Dominicans at Bologna and Paris. Cult
confirmed in 1885.
RAYNERIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 30
d. 1077. Bishop of Aquila (Forconium) REGINALD MONTEMARTI (Bl)
in the Abruzzi. C. OP. AC. Apr 9
1 292-1 348. He was
born near Orvieto
REATRUS (RESTIUS) (St) M. and became a Dominican. He died at
RM. Jan 27 Piperno. Cult approved in 1877.
See Datius, Reatrus, etc.
REGINALD (Bl) H. OSB. AC. July 2
REDEMPTA (St) V. RM. July 23 d. f.1095. A Benedictine monk of
See Romula, Redempta and Herundo. Baume who lived as a hermit in the cell
occupied by St Adegrin more than a
REDEMPTUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 8 century before.
d. 586. Bishop of Ferentini {in Hernicis),
a town to the south of Rome. He was a REGINTRUDIS (Bl) Abs. OSB.
friend of St Gregory the Great, who AC. May 26
bears witness to his sanctity. d. £.750. Fourth abbess of Nonnberg
near Salzburg.
M. OCD. AC. Nov 29 REGULA (St) VM. AC. Sept 11
See Dionysius and Redemptus. See Felix and Regula.

Bp. RM. March 30 (St) M. OSB. AC. Jan 7
d. c.260. Said to have been a Greek by d. 960. Said to have belonged to the
origin. He is honoured as the first bishop family of Charlemagne. He was a
of Senlis. An old tradition connects him Benedictine monk of the abbey of St
with Aries. Pantaleon at Cologne. He was in charge
of the building operations there and was
REGULUS (RULE) (St) Ab. killed by the stonemasons with their
AC. March 30 hammers and his body flung into a pool
? 4th cent. The legendary abbot who near the Rhine. It is said to have been
brought the relics of St Andrew from found later by divine revelation.
Greece to Scotland. His cult is very
ancient, but we have no Life earlier RELINDIS (RENILDIS, RENULA,
than the 9th century. RENULE) (St) Abs. OSB.
AC. Feb 6
REGULUS (St) M. Sept 1RM. Educated with her sister Her-
d. c .750.
d. £.545. An African driven into exile by lindis in the Benedictine nunnery of
the Arian Vandals. He landed in Tus- Valenciennes. She became an expert in
cany and appears to have been martyred embroidery and painting. On the death
under Totila. of her sister, St Boniface appointed her
abbess of the convent of Maaseyk,
REGULUS (French: REOL) (St) Bp. founded by her parents. See Herlindis
OSB. AC. Sept 3 and Relindis.
d. 698. A monk of Rebais under St
Philibert. He succeeded St Nivard REMACLUS (St) Bp. OSB.
(c .670) as archbishop of Reims. He was AC. Sept 3
the founder of the great abbey of Orbais d. f.663. A and a
native of Aquitaine
(680). courtier. He became a monk and after
his ordination to the priesthood was
REINE (St) VM. RM. Sept 7 appointed first abbot of Solignac near
Otherwise Regina, q.v. Limoges,and then of Cougnon in
Luxemburg. About the year 648 he
REINELDIS (RAINELDIS, REIN- founded the twin abbeys of Stavelot and
ALDES) V. and Comp. (SS) MM. Malmedy in the Ardennes, and in 652
RM. July 16 he became bishop of Maestricht. After
d. <r.68o. Daughter of St Amelberga and eleven years as a bishop he resigned and
sister of St Gudula. She was a nun of returned to Stavelot, where he died.
Saintes in Hainault and was put to
death, together with two clerics, by the REMBERT (St) Bp. OSB.
Huns who were then ravaging the RM. Feb 4
country. d. 888. Born and a monk of
in Flanders
Turholt. He shared with St Anschar the
REINHARD (Bl) Ab. OSB. apostolate to Scandinavia and succeeded
AC. March 7 him in the see of Hamburg-Bremen
d. p.\i*jo. Monk and
headmaster of the (865). He died on June 1 1, but the RM.
abbey school of Stavelot-Malmedy. commemorates him also on the day of
About 1 130 he was appointed first his episcopal consecration. He wrote an
abbot of Reinhausen in Saxony. excellent biography of St Anschar.

REMEDIUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 3 surgeon and acted as assistant to the
?A bishop of Gap in the French Alps. missionaries to the Red Indians. He
was the first to be martyred (Sept 29)
REMI (REMY) (several) being tomahawked for making the sign
The French form of Remigius, q.v. of the cross on the brow of some child-
ren. See N. America (Martyrs of).
REMIGIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 19
d. £.772. A natural son of Charles Mar- RENATUS (French: REN£) MAS-
tel. He was bishop of Rouen from 755 SEY M. OSB.
(Bl) AC. Sept 2
till his death. He worked successfully A Maurist monk and Prior of Saint
for the introduction of the Roman rite Florent de Saumur, one of the Sep-
and chant into Gaul. tember Martyrs of 1792 (q.v.).

(Bl or St) Bp. RENATUS (French: RENE) (St) Bp.
AC. March 20 AC. Nov 12
d. 783. A son of Duke Hugh of Alsace d. c.422. Said to have been bishop first
and a nephew of St Ottilien. He was at Angers and then at Sorrento in S.
educated at, and became abbot of, Italy. Probably this is a mistaken
Miinster near Colmar, and in 776 was identification of two different persons.
raised to the see of Strasburg. Pope Leo
IX authorized his feast for the abbey of RENOVATUS (St) Bp. AC. March 31
Miinster. d. r.633. A converted Arian, he became
monk and then Abbot of Cauliana in
REMIGIUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 1 became Bishop of
Lusitania. Finally he
d- ^-533 (Jan 13). A Gallo-Roman by Merida, and governed the see for
birth,he was elected in 459, while still twenty-two years.
a layman, to the see of Reims. During
the seventy-four years of his episcopate REOL (REOLUS) (St) Bp. AC. Sept 3
he was the most influential prelate of Otherwise Regulus, q.v.
Gaul, the culminating event in his life

being the conversion and baptism of REPARATA (St) VM. RM. Oct 8
Clovis, king of the Franks, on Easter d. £.250. A virgin martyr of Caesarea in
eve 496. The sources for his biography martyred at the age of twelve
are not very trustworthy. under Decius. Her Acts are spurious.

REMIGIUS (St) Bp. PC. Oct 28

d. 875.Royal arch-chaplain and in 852
RM. Aug 29 and Sept 1
archbishop of Lyons. He combated
See Vitalis, Sator and Repositus.
Gottschalk's doctrine on predestination
but defended the latter's person against
RESPICIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 10
his metropolitan Hincmar of Reims.
See Tryphon, Respicius and Nympha.

REMO (St) Bp. RM. Oct 13

Remo is a corrupt form of Romulus,
q.v. 255 (or 304). An African maiden
martyred at Carthage either under
RENATUS (French: RENE) Valerian or Diocletian. Her relics are
GOUPIL (St) M. AC. March 16 said to be enshrined in the cathedral of
d. 1642. He was a laybrother and a Naples.

RESTITUTA and Comp. (SS) MM. REYNE (St) VM. RM. Sept 7
RM. May 27 Otherwise Regina, q.v.

d. 272. Said to have been a Roman

maiden of patrician parentage who fled RHAIS (St) M. RM. June 28
to Sora in Campania to escape the perse- See Plutarch, Serenus, etc.

cution under Aurelian and who was

martyred there with several companions. RHAIS (St) VM. RM. Sept 22
Otherwise Irais, q.v.


d. £.299. A Roman martyr under Dio- RHEDIUS (RHEDIW) (St)
cletian. His Acts are not trustworthy. AC. Nov 11
? A Welsh saint whose name is perpetu-
RESTITUTUS (St) M. RM. June 10 ated by the dedication of a church in his
See Crispulus and Restitutus. honour at Llanllyfni in Carnarvonshire.


Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Aug 23 d. 334. A Gallo-Roman raised to the see
d. c. ?305. A group of sixteen Syrian of Autun r.310. In 313 he was present
martyrs put to death at Antioch. Some at the Lateran synod which condemned
may have been African. The grouping the Donatists.
was made by Florus of Lyons (^.850).
RESTITUTUS (St) Bp. M. AC. Mar 8
RM. Dec 9 ? The saint who has left his name to
? Bishop of Carthage, in whose honour Llanrhian in Pembrokeshire. He is

St Augustine preached a sermon which described as an abbot, but we have no

is now lost. authentic details of his life.


(SS) MM. RM. June 1 and Comp. (SS) W. MM.
d. 272. Reverianus, a bishop, and Paul, RM. Sept 29
a priest, Italians by birth, appear to have d. c .290. A
band of virgin martyrs ven-
been sent as missionaries to Gaul by the erated from early times as the first to
Holy See. They evangelized Autun and suffer for Christ in the Armenian
the surrounding district and were mar- Church. Their existence is certainly
tyred with several companions under established, but their Acts are in no way
Aurelian. trustworthy.


See Saturninus, Theophilus and Revo- See Diodorus and Rhodopianus.

RHUDDLAD (St) V. AC. Sept 4

9 ? 7th cent. Patron of Llanrhyddlad, at
See Vitalis, Revocatus and Fortunatus. the foot of Moel Rhyddlad in Anglesey.

REVOCATUS (St) M. RM. March 7 RIBERT (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Sept 15
See Perpetua, Felicitas, etc. 7th cent. Monk and abbot of Saint-

Valery-sur-Somme. He may have been adviser of the archbishops of Canter-
also a regionary bishop in Normandy and bury, St Edmund Rich and St Boniface
Picardy. He is the patron of numerous of Savoy. Having been ordained priest
parishes in the diocese of Rouen. in France, he was raised to the see of
Chichester, and in the early years of his
RIBERT (REBARIUS) (St)Ab. OSB. episcopate he had to defend himself
AC. Dec 19 against the rapacity of Henry III. He
d. £.790. Seventeenth abbot of Saint- died at Dover while engaged in preach-
Oyend. He is much venerated in ing the crusade. Canonized in 1262.
RICHARD the SACRIST (Bl) Mk. Bridg. AC. May 4
OSB. Cist. AC. Jan 28 £.1490-1535. Born at Devon, he studied
d. p. 11 42. An Englishman who became at Christ's Cambridge, was
a Cistercian monk and sacristan of the elected of Corpus Christi
a fellow
abbey of Dundrennan in Kirkcud- College in 15 10, took the degree of
brightshire. B.D. in 1 5 13 and was appointed univer-
sity preacher. In the same year he was
professed a Bridgettine monk at Syon
Ab. OSB. Cist. AC. Jan 28
Abbey, Isleworth. He was one of the
d. 1 169. An Englishman who became a
first band of martyrs executed at Tyburn
Cistercian and was made by St Bernard
for their opposition to the royal supre-
second Abbot of Vaucelles, near Cam-
macy. Beatified in 1886.


RM. Feb KILD) (Bl) M. AC. May 29
According to the earlier Italian
d. 1583. Born in Co. Durham, he was
d. 722.
educated at Queen's College, Oxford,
legend this saint was a prince in Wessex
and when already advanced in years
and father of SS Willibald, Winebald
completed his studies for the priesthood
and Walburga: he died at Lucca on a
at Douai and Reims, being ordained in
pilgrimage to Rome. A later legend
makes him duke of Swabia. Both legends 1579. He ministered to the Catholics
of Yorkshire and was condemned and
have been proved to be quite untrust-
executed for his priesthood at York.
Beatified in 1886.

RICHARD (St) M. AC. March 25

d. 1 179. He was a child crucified by RICHARD NEWPORT (alias:

fanaticalJews at Pontoise. The body SMITH) (Bl) M. AC. May 30

was transferred to Paris. d. 1 Born at Harring worth in North-
61 2.
amptonshire, he was educated for the
RICHARD of CHICHESTER (St) priesthood at Rome and ordained in
Bp. 3 RM. Apr I 597- On his return to England he
1 197-1253. Richard de Wych was born worked in the London district and was
at Droitwich in Worcestershire and executed at Tyburn for his priesthood.
pursued his studies at Oxford, Paris and
Bologna. Returning to England (1235), RICHARD of ANDRIA (St) Bp.
he was chosen chancellor of Oxford RM. June 9
university. He then became the legal d. ^.1196. An Englishman who became
bishop of Andria in Italy. By a confusion Hayhurst) was born near Preston in
of dates at a much later period he has Lancashire and worked there as a
been ascribed, quite erroneously, to the farmer. He was condemned ostensibly
fifth century (453). formurder but in fact because he was a
Catholic recusant. He was hanged at
RICHARD of ST VANNES (Bl) Ab. Lancaster. Beatified in 1929.
OSB. AC. June 14
d. 1046. Nicknamed "Gratia Dei", RICHARD LEIGH and RICHARD
from a phrase frequently on his lips. MARTIN (BB) MM. AC. Aug 30
From being dean of the cathedral of d. 1588. Richard Leigh (alias Garth or
Reims, he became a Benedictine at St Earth) was born in London, educated at
Vannes, Verdun. He was a personal Reims and Rome and ordained in 1586.
friend of St Odilo of Cluny and of the Richard Martin was a Shropshire gentle-
emperor St Henry, who is said to have man who was educated at Broadgates
asked Richard to confer the monastic Hall, Oxford. They were martyred to-
habit on him. gether at Tyburn with Bl Edward
Shelley, Bl John Roche, Bl Margaret
RICHARD LANGHORNE (Bl) M. Ward, and Ven Richard Lloyd (alias
AC. July 14 Flower) of Anglesey. Leigh for being
d. 1679. Born he read
in Bedfordshire, a priest and Martin for sheltering priests.
law at the Inner Temple and was called Beatified in 1929.
to the bar in 1654. He was executed at
Tyburn for alleged complicity in the RICHARD BERE (Bl) M.
"Popish Plot". Beatified in 1929. AC.Aug 3 i(?)
d. Born at Glastonbury, he was
RICHARD FEATHERSTONE (Bl) educated at Oxford and the Inns of
M. AC. July 30 Court. He became a Carthusian at the
d. 1540. Educated Cambridge, he
at London Charterhouse and was starved
became Mary and
tutor to the princess Newgate, with others of his
to death in
archdeacon of Brecknock. As one of the community, for opposing the divorce
chaplains to Queen Catherine of Aragon plans of Henry VIII.
he defended her in convocation and was
forthwith attainted for treason and RICHARD of ST ANN (Bl) M.
executed at Tyburn. Beatified in 1886. OFM. AC. Sept
1 585-1 622. Born of Spanish parents in
RICHARD KIRKMAN (Bl)M. Flanders, he was a tailor at Brussels
AC. Aug 22 when he joined the Friars Minor as a
d. 1582. Born
Addingham, near Skip-
at lay-brother. He was sent as a missionary
ton in Yorkshire, he was educated at to Mexico and thence (161 1) to the
Douai and ordained in 1579. He was Philippines, where he was raised to the
appointed tutor in the family of Dymoke priesthood at Cebu. In 161 3 he went to
of Scrivelsby. He was martyred at York Japan, where he was martyred at Naga-
for denying the queen's supremacy in saki on the day of the great martyrdom.
spiritual matters. Beatified in 1886. Beatified in 1867.


AC. Aug 29 PC. Sept 29
d. 1628. Richard Herst (also Hurst or c. 1 300-1 349. Born at Thornton in York-

shire, he lived as a hermit at Hampole the nunnery of Andlau, which she her-
and elsewhere in that county. He is best self had founded, and lived there as a
known as one of the foremost mystical nun till her death. She is venerated as a
writers of his time. At one time he had Benedictine Her relics were
a very considerable popular cult. elevated by order of Pope Leo IX.


(Bl) M. AC. Oct 17 RM. Apr 26
1 537-1 584. Born at Llanidloes, in Mont- d. £.645. Born at Centula (Celles) near
gomeryshire, he was educated at St Amiens, he became a priest and founded
John's College, Cambridge. He re- an abbey in his native place, afterwards
nounced Protestantism, married and called after him Saint-Riquier. He was
became a schoolmaster in Flintshire and the first to devote himself to the work of
Denbighshire. He was imprisoned for ransoming captives. After some years as
four years before he was martyred for abbot he resigned and spent the rest of
his Catholic faith atWrexham. In jail his life as a hermit.
he wrote numerous religious poems in
Welsh. He is the proto-martyr of Wales. RICHALM (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist.
AC. Dec 2
RICHARD WHITING (Bl)M. Ab. d. 1 21 9. Cistercian abbot of Schonthal
OSB. AC. Nov 15 (Speciosa Vallis) in Wurtemberg.
d. 1539.Born at Wrington in Somerset,
he became a Benedictine monk at RICHILDIS (Bl) N. OSB.
Glastonbury and was sent to Cambridge AC. Aug 23
for his higher education. In 1525 he d.r.noo. A Benedictine nun at Hohen-
became abbot of Glastonbury. At the wart in Upper Bavaria, diocese of
dissolution he refused to surrender his Augsburg. After several years of com-
abbey to the Crown and was condemned munity life she became an anchoress.
to death for treason. He was hanged with
the usual brutalities on the summit of RICHIMIRUS Ab. OSB. (St)
Tor Hill overlooking Glastonbury. AC. Jan 17
Beatified in 1895. d. f.715. An abbot who, under the
patronage of the bishop of Le Mans,
RICHARD LANGLEY (Bl) M. founded a monastery in that diocese
AC. Dec 1 (afterwards called after him Saint-
d. 1586. A gentleman of
Yorkshire Rigomer-des-Bois) and gave it the Rule
Ousethorpe near Pocklington, hanged of St Benedict.
at York for sheltering priests in his
house. Beatified in 1929. RICTRUDIS (St) W. OSB.
AC. May 12
RICHARDIS (St) Empress d. 688. Born in Gascony, she married
AC. Sept 18 St Adalbald, by whom she had four
She was married at twenty-two
d. c .895. children — all saints, viz. Maurontius,
to the emperor Charles the Fat, and Eusebia, Clotsindis and Adalsindis.
after nineteen years of married life was After her husband's death she received
accused of unfaithfulness. Her inno- the veil from St Amandus and became
cence was established, but she ceased to the abbess-foundress of Marchiennes,
cohabit with her husband and retired to ruling that house for forty years.

Otherwise Regulus, q.v. (St) M. RM. July 6
The RM. reads "On the same day the

RIGOBERT (St) Bp. OSB. holy martyr Lucy, a native of Campania,

RM. Jan 4 who, being tried and sharply tortured
d. £.745. Monk and abbot of Orbais. under the vicar Rixius Varus, converted
In 721 he was made archbishop of him to Christ. They suffered and
. . .

Reims, but some years later was were crowned together." Rixius Varus
banished by Charles Martel. He re- is notorious in the Martyrology as a

turned to Orbais and resumed monastic persecuting prefect under whom hun-
life. On being recalled to Reims he dreds of martyrs died. Modern scholars,
came to terms with the intruded prelate however, not only reject the legend of
and himself became a hermit. his conversion, but even query his

Variant forms of Ninian and Ninnian RIZZERIO (RICHERIUS) (Bl) C.

respectively. OFM. AC. Feb 7

d. 1236. Referred to in the Fioretti as
Rinieri. Born at Muccia in the Italian
RIOCH (St) Ab. AC. Aug 1
Marches. While studying at Bologna he
d. f.480. Described as a nephew of St
heard St Francis preaching and at once
Patrick and abbot of Innisboffin, Long-
attached himself to him. He was much
ford, Ireland.
beloved by Francis and was present at
his death. He later became provincial of
RIQUIER (St) Ab. RM. Apr 26
the Marches. Cult approved in 1836.
Otherwise Richarius, q.v.

RITA (MARGARITA) of CASCIA Corruption of Maelrubius, q.v.
(St) W. OSA. RM. May 22
d. 1457. Born near Spoleto, she married ROBERT of REIMS (St) Bp. OSB.
a rude ill-tempered husband who died RM. Jan 4
a violent death. Her two sons, who had Otherwise Rigobert, q.v.
sworn vengeance against their father's
murderers, died shortly afterwards filled ROBERT SOUTHWELL (Bl) M. SJ.
with the spirit of forgiveness. Rita now AC. Feb 21
entered a convent of Augustinians at 1 561-1595. Born at Horsham St Faith's
Cascia, where she sanctified herself in Norfolk, at the age of 17 he joined
under the strain of a chronic and very the Jesuits in Rome and worked as a
painful malady. She was canonized in priest in London from 1584 to 1592.
1900. In Spanish-speaking countries she He was betrayed and kept three years in
is surnamed La Abogada de Imposibles, being tortured thirteen times. He
the saint of desperate cases. was martyred at Tyburn. He holds a
place in English literature as a religious
RITBERT (St) Ab. OSB. poet. Beatified in 1929.
AC. Sept 15
d. f.690. Monk and abbot of a small ROBERT of ARBRISSEL (Bl) Ab.
monastery at Varennes. He had pre- OSB. PC. Feb 24
viously been a disciple of St Ouen. d. 1 1 17. A native of Arbrissel in Brit-

tany who became chancellor of the became the mother-house of an impor-
university and then vicar
of Paris tant Black Benedictine congregation.
general of Rennes (1085). At Rennes his
activities as preacher and reformer ROBERT WATKINSON (Bl) M.
caused such a reaction that he had to AC. Apr 20
quit Brittany. In 1099 he founded the d. 1602. Born af Hemingborough in
Order of Fontevrault on the borders of Yorkshire, he studied for the priest-
Poitou and Anjou. This Order con- hood at Douai and Rome and was
sisted of both men and women. Its ordained in 1602 at the age of twenty-
members lived under the Benedictine three.The same year he suffered at
Rule, the abbess being in supreme Tyburn for his priesthood.
command over both nuns and monks,
the position of the latter being really ROBERT of SYRACUSE (St) Ab.
that of chaplains to the nuns. After a OSB. AC. Apr 25
stormy career Robert retired to Fonte- d. a. 1000. Benedictine abbot of a
vrault and lived out the remainder of his monastery at Syracuse in Sicily.
life as a simple monk.
AC. March 16 d. 1586. Born at Chorley, Lanes, he was
d. 1589. Hemingborough in
Born at educated at Brasenose College, Oxford.
Yorkshire. He was a convert from the After his conversion he studied for the
Protestant ministry and was ordained priesthood at Reims and was ordained
priest at Reims in 1588. He was hanged in 1585. The following year he was mar-
for his priesthood at York. tyred in the Isle of Wight. Beatified in
(St) M. AC. March 25 ROBERT of MOLESMES (St) Ab.
d. 1 181. A child said to have been put OSB. Cist. 29 RM. Apr
to death by Jews on Good Friday at 1018-1110 (March 21). Born near
Bury St Edmunds, where his relics Troyes in Champagne, he became a
were enshrined in the abbey church. monk at Moutier-la-Celle.
He was made prior soon after his novi-
ROBERT of CHAISE-DIEU (St) Ab. and then abbot of St Michael of
OSB. 17 RM. Apr Tonnerre. He left this monastery to
d. 1067. Robert de Turlande, a native become superior of some hermits in
of Auvergne, was a priest and canon the forest of Collan. In 1075 he migrated
noted for his love of the poor, for whom with thislittle community to Molesmes.

he founded a hospice. After spending As the community grew Robert felt less
many years at Cluny under St Odilo and satisfied with the life and withdrew to
having made a pilgrimage to Rome, he a hermitage at Or. He was recalled to
retired to a solitude near Brioude in Molesmes but again left it, this time in
Auvergne, where he was joined by many the company of SS Stephen Harding and
disciples. Buildings soon arose which founded at Citeaux
Alberic. In 1098 they
developed into the great abbey of Casa a new monastery more
in consonance
Dei or Chaise-Dieu, housing some 300 with their monastic ideals. However,
monks. To these Robert gave the the monks of Molesmes appealed to
Benedictine Rule, and the foundation Rome and obtained Robert's recall

(1099), and he ruled that abbey thence- ROBERT SALT (Bl) M. O. Cart.
forward until his death. AC.June6(?)
d. 1537. A lay-brother of the London
ROBERT of BRUGES (Bl) Ab. OSB. Charterhouse, starved to death, with six
Cist. AC. Apr 29 of his brethren, at Newgate under
d. 1 1 Robert Gruthuysen was a
57. Henry VIII. Beatified in 1886.
native of Bruges. In 113 1 he followed St
Bernard to Clairvaux, and in 1139 was ROBERT of NE WMINSTER (St)
sent back to Belgium as abbot of Dunes. Ab. OSB. Cist. RM. June 7
In 1 153 he succeeded St Bernard as d. 1 1 59. A Yorkshire priest who took
abbot of Clairvaux. the Benedictine habit at Whitby and
obtained permission to join some monks
of York who were attempting to live
Cart. AC. May 4 according to anew interpretation of the
d. 1535. The prior of the charterhouse
Benedictine Rule at Fountains Abbey
at He was one of the
Beau vale, Notts.
(1132). Fountains soon became Cister-
firstgroup of Carthusians to be mar-
cian and one of the centres of the White
tyred at Tyburn under Henry VIII.
Monks in N. England. Newminster
Beatified in 1886.
Abbey was founded from it in 1137,
ROBERT BELLARMINE (St) Bp. and Robert became its first abbot. He is
Card. Dr, SJ. described as "gentle in companionship,
RM. May
13 and Sept 17
merciful in judgment."

1542-1621. (Sept Born at Monte-

pulciano, he was educated by the Jesuits ROBERT of FRASSINORO (St) Ab.
and joined that Society in 1560. As a OSB. AC. June 8
young man he held professorships of d. Abbot of the Benedictine
p. 1070.

Greek, Hebrew and theology. It was at monastery of Frassinoro near Modena.

Louvain that he first made his reputa-
tion as a controversialist, and from that ROBERT of SALENTINO (Bl) Ab.
time onward his pen and voice were OSB. Cel. AC. July 18
busy in defence of Catholic doctrine 1272-1 341. A Benedictine monk, dis-
against its Protestant opponents. He ciple of St Peter Celestine at Murrone

was created cardinal in 1598 and arch- and founder of fourteen monasteries of
bishop of Capua in 1602. Recalled to the Celestine congregation.
Rome in 1605, he became head of the
Vatican library and theological adviser ROBERT MORTON (Bl) M.
to the popes. He was canonized in 1930 AC. Aug 28
and declared a Doctor of the Church d. 1588. Born at Bawtry in Yorkshire,

the following year. he studied for the priesthood at Reims

and Rome and was ordained in 1587.
ROBERT JOHNSON (Bl) M. He suffered for his priesthood the
28 AC. May following year at Lincoln's Inn Fields,
d. 1582. Born in Shropshire and edu- London. Beatified in 1929.
cated at Rome and Douai, he was
ordained in 1576. He began to minister ROBERT FLOWER (Bl)H.
to the Catholics in London in 1 580. Two PC. Sept 24
years later he was hanged at Tyburn. d. 1218 (or 1235?). Born at York, he
Beatified in 1886. became a postulant at Newminster, but


left abbey to become a hermit,
by the river Nidd near
living in a cave M. SJ. AC. Nov 17
Knaresborough. His cult has never been See Paraguay, Martyrs of.
officially confirmed.
RODERICK (St) M. RM. March 13
ROBERT WILCOX and ROBERT Otherwise Rudericys, q.v.


AC. Oct i
d. 1588. Robert Wilcoxwas born at
AC. Sept 17
Chester and educated at Reims, where
d. c.6go. An monk and priest who

he was ordained in 1585. Robert Wid-

preached in Germany and entered the
abbey of Tholey near Treves. Distracted
merpool was a gentleman of Notting-
hamshire who was educated at Oxford
by the visits of his converts, he migrated
to the forest of Argonne, where he be-
and followed the profession of a school-
master. They were martyred together at
came the abbot-founder of Wasloi,
afterwards called Beaulieu. His cult is
Canterbury, the former for his priest-
very ancient.
hood. Beatified in 1929.

RODOLPH or RODULPH (several)

ROBERT SUTTON (Bl) M. Otherwise Rudolph, q.v.
AC. Oct 5
d. 1588. Born at Kegwell in Leicester- RODRIGO (St) M. RM. March 13
shire,he was a schoolmaster in London The Spanish form of Roderick or
and was hanged at Clerkenwell for Rudericus, q.v.
having been reconciled to the Catholic
Church. Beatified in 1929. ROGATIAN (3t) M. RM. Feb 1

See under Saturninus, Dativus, etc.

RM. May 24 ROGATIAN (St) M. RM. May 24
? An early Milanese martyr, possibly See Donatian and Rogatian.
one and the same with the following.
(SS) MM. RM. Oct 26
d. 256. Rogatian, a priest, and Felicis-
RM. Aug 31
simus, a layman, belonged to the church
? Martyrs venerated at Milan from
of Carthage. They are mentioned by St
whom nothing further is
early times, of
Cyprian as having "witnessed a good
confession for Christ." These words are
usually taken as referring to their
ROCH (St) C. RM. Aug 16
1 350-1 379. A citizen of Montpellier in

France who devoted his life to the ser-

ROGATIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 28
vice of the plague-stricVen. He was a
See Castor, Victor and Rogatian.
pilgrim and laboured for the sick
especially in Italy. He is invoked as a ROGATUS (St) M. RM. Jan 12
protector against pestilence. The Latin See Zoticus, Rogatus, etc.
form of his name is Rochus, the Italian
Rocco, the Spanish Roque. Scottish ROGATUS and ROGATUS (SS)
corruptions of the name are Rollock, MM. RM. March 8
Rollox and Seemirookie. See Cyril, Rogatus, etc.

Comp. (SS) MM. RM. March 28 AC. July 7
? A band of eighteen martyrs put to d. 59 1. Born at Lincoln and educated

death in proconsular Africa. at Reims, where he was ordained in

1583. He was hanged at Winchester for
ROGATUS (St) M. RM. June 10 his priesthood together with Bl Ralph
See Aresius, Rogatus, etc. Milner, a layman, who had sheltered
him. Beatified in 1929.
ROGATUS (St) M. RM. Aug 17
See Liberatus, Boniface, etc.
AC. Nov 15
ROGATUS (St) M. RM. Dec 1
d. 1539. At the time of his death he was
See Lucius, Rogatus, etc.
the youngest monk of the Glastonbury
ROGELLUS and SERVUS-DEI (SS) community, where he held the office of
RM. Sept 16 sacristan. He was executed with his
d. 852. A monk and his young disciple
abbot, Bl Richard Whiting, and a

martyred at Cordova for publicly de- fellow monk, Bl John Thorne, on Tor

nouncing Mohammedanism. Hill near Glastonbury under Henry

VIII. Beatified in 1895.
Cist. AC. Jan 4 ROLAND de' MEDICI (Bl) H.
d. 1 160. An Englishman who joined the AC. Sept 15
Cistercian Order at Lorroyen-Berry, d. 1386. A scion of the illustrious
France, and in 1156 was chosen abbot Florentine family of that name. For
of the new monastery of Ellant in the twenty-six years he lived without any
diocese of Reims. shelter in the forests of Parma. He died
at Borgone. Cult confirmed in 1852.
d. 1237. Ruggiero da Todi was one of ROOKIE (St) C. RM. Aug 16
the early Franciscans, having been ad- Scottish variants of Roch (in the case of
mitted to the Order by St Francis him- the third, of Saint-Roch), q.v.
self, who appointed him spiritual
director of the convent of Poor Clares ROMANA (St) V. RM. Feb 23
at Rieti. He died at Todi. Cult con- d. 324. A Roman maiden who died at
firmed by Benedict XIV. the age of eighteen while living as a
solitary in a cave on the banks of the
ROGER LEFORT (Bl) Bp. Tiber. She figures in the spurious life of
AC. March 1 Pope St Sylvester.
d. 1367. Son of the lord of Ternes in the
Limousin. He became a jurist and while ROMANUS of CONDAT (St) Ab.
still only a subdeacon was raised to the RM. Feb 28
see of Orleans (1321). In 1328 he was d. c.460. A
Gallo-Roman who, at the
translated to Limoges and in 1343 to age of thirty-five, went to live as a her-
Bourges. He honour
instituted a feast in mit in the Jura mountains, whither he
of our Lady's conception. In his will he was followed by his brother, St Lupici-
left all his property for the education of nus. Many disciples soon gathered
poor boys. round the two brothers, who thereupon


founded the abbeys of Condat (later Bl Paul Aybara, beheaded at Nagasaki.
known as Saint-Oyend) and Leuconne, He was a Dominican tertiary. Beatified
over which they ruled jointly, and the in 1867.
nunnery of La Beaume (afterwards
St-Romain-de-la-Roche) presided over ROMANUS the MELODIST (St) C.
by their sister. AC. Oct 1

d. £.540. A Syrian Jew by origin, he be-

ROMANUS of SUBIACO (St) Ab. came a deacon at Berytos and a priest at
OSB. RM. May 22 Constantinople. He is the greatest of
d. £.560. The monk, living in a com- the Greek hymnographers, about 1000
munity near Subiaco, who discovered hymns being attributed to him. Some
the hermitage of the youthful St Bene- eighty of these have come down to us

dict, when the latter first fled from the they are marked by poetic inspiration,
world, and bestowed on him the monas- depth of feeling and purity of style.
tic habit and his daily food. There is no
historical evidence of his having been an
M. RM. Oct 6
d. ? 564. An alleged bishop of Auxerre.
His existence doubtful.

(GLEB) (SS) MM. AC. July 24 ROMANUS of ROUEN (St) Bp.

d. 1 010. Sons of St Vladimir, the first
RM. Oct 23
Catholic duke of Muscovy. Their zeal
d. 639. A courtier of Clothaire II who
for the propagation of the Christian
became bishop of Rouen ^.629. He
faith led to their martyrdom at the
devoted himself to the care of prisoners,
hands of their heathen fellow-country- particularly those condemned to death.
men. Benedict XIII approved their
feast for the Russian Catholics. Ro- ROMANUS and BARULAS (SS)
manus, called by the Russians Boris, MM. RM. Nov 18
is the patron saint of Moscow. d. 304. Romanus wasyoung deacon a
martyred at Antioch in Syria under Dio-
ROMANUS OSTIARIUS (St) M. cletian. His companion Barulas is de-
RM. Aug 9 scribed in the RM. as a young boy, but
d. 258. The accounts we have of him we know nothing authentic about him.
are untrustworthy. His martyrdom was
connected with that of St Laurence and ROMANUS of LE MANS (St) C.
he died about the same time. He may RM. Nov 24
have been a doorkeeper; the RM. makes d. 385. A Gallo-Roman priest who con-
him a soldier. verted the pagans at the mouth of the
Gironde and died at Blaye. He seems to
ROMANUS of NEPI (St) Bp. M. have exercised a special influence over
RM. Aug24 sailors.
1 st cent. A bishop-martyr of Nepi in
Tuscany, said to have been a disciple ROMANUS MATEVOCA (Bl) M.
of St Ptolemy (q.v.). AC. Nov 27
d. 1 61 9. A Japanese layman, born at
ROMANUS AYBARA (Bl) M. Tert. Omura of the royal family of Firando.
OP. AC. Sept 8 He was beheaded at Nagasaki with ten
d. 1628. A Japanese layman, father of companions. Beatified in 1867.

ROMANUS (St) M. AC. Dec 9 RM. March 14
See Samosata Martyrs. d. £.67. Forty-seven martyrs baptized
by St Peter, according to an account
ROMARICUS (St) Ab. OSB. which is not very trustworthy; they are
RM. Dec 8 under Nero on the
said to have suffered
d. 653. A
Merovingian nobleman con- same day. The details of the RM. are
verted by St Amatus. He was professed from the Acts of SS Processus and
a monk at Luxeuil and founded on his Martinian.
estate the abbey of Habendum (after- RM. March 25
wards called Remiremont, i.e. Romarici ? A group of two hundred and sixty-two
Mom), of which Amatus became the martyrs who seem to be identical with
first abbot and he himself the second. those of March 1.
The laus perennis was performed there RM. Apr 10
by relays of seven choirs. d. r.115. A number of malefactors de-
tained in the public jail and baptized by

ROME (Martyrs of) (SS) Pope St Alexander during his imprison-

The RM. catalogues the following ment there: they were taken to Ostia
groups of martyrs who suffered at and put on board an old boat which was
Rome: then sent out to sea and scuttled.
RM. Jan 1

d. £.304. Thirty soldiers martyred under RM. June 17

Diocletian. ? A group of two hundred and sixty-two
RM. Jan 2 martyrs stated to have suffered under
d. £.303. Many martyrs who suffered Diocletian and buried on the old Via
under Diocletian for refusing to give up Salaria; they seem to be identical with
the holy books. those of March 1 and March 25.

RM. Jan 13
d. 262. Forty soldiers who suffered on RM. June 24
the Via Lavicana under Gallienus. This group has already been cata-
logued in this book under the heading
RM. Feb 10 "Neronian Martyrs," q.v.
? 250. Ten soldiers martyred on the Via
RM. July 2
f.68. Three soldiers who, according to
RM. March 1
the legend, were converted at the pas-
d. 269. Two
hundred and sixty martyrs
sion of St Paul and martyred.
condemned to dig sand on the Salarian
Way and subsequently shot to death RM. Aug 5
with arrows in the amphitheatre under d. 303. Twenty-three martyrs who suf-
Claudius II. fered on the Salarian Way under Diocle-
RM. March 2 tian.
d. 219. A large number of martyrs put RM. Aug 10
to death under Alexander Severus and d. 274. One hundred and sixty-five
the prefect Ulpian. martyrs put to death under Aurelian.
4RM. March
d. 260 ( ?). A group of nine hundred RM. Oct 25
martyrs buried in the catacombs of and one hun-
d. 269. Forty-six soldiers
Callistus on the Appian Way, of whom dred and twenty-one civilians martyred
no particulars are extant. under Claudius II.

d. £.303. A group of thirty martyrs who UNDO (SS) W, RM.
July 23
suffered under Diocletian and were d. Three Roman maidens who
buried on the Via Lavicana "between lived an austere life of retirement and
the two laurels." prayer near the church of St Mary
Major. St Gregory the Great held them
Quite possibly there were many other in high esteem.
similar groups. It is also likely that not
all the data given in the RM. are trust- ROMULUS (St) M. RM. Feb 17
worthy. Nevertheless the RM.'s de- See Donatus, Secundian, etc.
scription (June 24) of Rome as "a fruit-
ful field of martyrs" is historically very ROMULUS (St) M. RM. March 24
exact. See Timolaus and Comp.


AC. March 4 MM. RM. March 24
d. 1380. An Italian Carmelite lay- ? Two brothers who suffered in pro-
brother, thecompanion of St Avertanus. consular Africa. In some MSS the name
Having set out together from Limoges of Secundus appears as Secundulus.
on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, both
died, apparently from plague, at Lucca.
AC. March 27
ROMUALD (St) Ab. OSB. Founder
d. Abbot of St Baudilius near
RM. Feb 7 and June 19
Nimes. About 720 he and his com-
c. 951-1027. A native of Ravenna, of the munity fled before the invading Sara-
ducal family of the Onesti. In his youth
cens and settled in a ruined monastery
he saw his father commit a murder and
at Saissy-les-Bois in the Nivernais.
resolved to atone for that crime by be-
coming a monk at the Benedictine abbey
of Classe near Ravenna. In 996 he was
ROMULUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
elected abbot of the monastery, but he
RM. July 6
d. r.90. Said to have been appointed by
resigned in 999 and from that time
St Peter first bishop of Fiesole and to
forward led a wandering life in central
have been martyred with several com-
and northern Italy and the country of
panions under Domitian.
the Pyrenees establishing hermitages
and monasteries. The best known of
these latter, which remains to this day, ROMULUS (St) M. RM. Sept 5
is that of Camaldoli near Arezzo (1009). d. f.112. An of the court of Tra-

The Camaldolese Benedictines com- jan who, for remonstrating with the
bine the eremitical life of the Eastern emperor on his cruelty to the Christians,
type with the cenobitical monachism of was made to share their fate.
the West. Romuald made repeated
attempts to embark upon missionary ROMULUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 13
work among the Slavs. He died on June d. ^.641. A bishop of Genoa concerning
19. Feb 7 is the anniversary of the trans- whom we have no trustworthy docu-
lation of his relics from Val di Castro, ments.He died at Matuziano, a coast
near Camaldoli, where he died, to town on the Riviera, since called after
Fabriano. him, San Remo.


ROMULUS and CONINDRUS (SS) 1586-1617. Born of Spanish parents at
Bps. AC. Dec 28 Lima in Peru. From childhood her life
d. r.450. Two of the first preachers of was an exact replica of that of St
Christianity in the Isle of Man, con- Catherine of Siena. She lived in her
temporaries of St Patrick. own home as a Dominican tertiary and,
like her model, was favoured with ex-
RONALD (St) M. AC. Aug 20 traordinary mysticalgifts. She is the
d. 1 1 58. A chieftain of Orkney who, in American born to have been canon-
discharge of a vow, built the cathedral ized (1671) and is venerated as the
of St Magnus at Kirkwall. He was mur- patron saint of S. America.
dered by rebels and is venerated as a
RONAN (St) Bp. RM. Sept 4
Otherwise Ruadan, q.v. 1 234-1 252. Born at Viterbo of poor
There are several saints of this or a parents. She had the highest spiritual
similar name venerated especially in gifts from earliest years and used to
Ireland. preach in the streets against the Ghibel-
linesand in favour of the pope. She
ROQUE (St) C. RM. Aug 16 sought admittance to the convent of
The Spanish form of Roch, q.v. Poor Clares and was repeatedly refused.
After her death, however, her body was,
by order of Pope Alexander IV (1258),
RM. Sept 4 and July 15 laid to rest in that convent. Canonized
d. ? 1According to the Sicilian
in 1457-
tradition she was a girl of good family
who became an anchoress in a cave on
Mt Coschina, near Bivona, and later in ROSE-PHILIPPINE DUCHESNE
a grotto on Mt Pellegrino, three miles (Bl) V. AC. Nov 18
from Palermo. Her alleged relics were 1 769- 1 852. Born at Grenoble, she
found in 1624 and she was acclaimed joined the Visitation nuns. When these
the patron saint of Palermo. were scattered during the Reign of
Terror she stayed with her family at
ROSE de LOYE (Bl) M. OSB. Grenoble and, in spite of the difficult
AC. July 6 times, gathered together a community
See Mary Rose. there. In 1804, at the suggestion of St
Magdalen Sophie Barat, she incorpo-
ROSE CHRETIEN (Bl) M. OC. rated her community into the Society

AC. July 17 of the Sacred Heart. Her life's desire

1 741
-1 794. A native of Evreux who was to work and in 181
in the missions,

married very young and, on being left she landed at New Orleans and set up a
a widow, entered the Carmel of Com- missionary centre at St Charles, Mis-
piegne, taking the name of Soeur Julie- souri. In the teeth of many difficulties

Louise. She was guillotined at Paris she founded six more mission stations
with her community. See Carmelite and went herself to work among the
Nuns of Compiegne. Pottowatomies at Sugar Creek. Later she
worked in the Rocky Mountain mission
ROSE of LIMA (St) V. Tert. OP. area. In her old age she returned to St
RM. Aug 30 Charles to die. Beatified in 1940.

See Elizabeth Rose. RM. March 13
d. 857. Roderick was a priest at Cabra,
ROSELINE de VILLENEUVE (Bl) near Cordova, who was betrayed by his
V. O. Cart. AC. Jan
17 Mohammedan brother and imprisoned
d. 1329. A Carthusian nun of noble at Cordova. In prison he met his fellow-
familywho became prioress of Celle martyr, Salomon, a layman. They were
Roubaud in Provence. She was favoured both martyred at Cordova.
with frequent visions and other mystical
phenomena. Cult confirmed in 185 1. RUDESIND (ROSENDO) (St) Bp.
OSB. AC. March 1
907-977. Born of a noble family in
AC. March 1
Spanish Galicia, he became bishop of
The Spanish form of Rudesind, q.v. Mondonedo (the ancient Dumium) at
the age of eighteen. Shortly after he
ROSIUS (St) RM. Sept 1
replaced an unworthy prelate, as ad-
See Priscus, Castrensis, etc.
ministrator of the see of Compostella.
In this capacity he opposed with equal
ROSULA (St) M. RM. Sept 14 success the depredations of the Nor-
See Crescentian, Victor, etc.
mans and the Saracens. Driven from
Compostella by the ex-bishop, he
ROSWINDA (St) N. OSB. AC. Dec 13 founded the abbey of Celanova and
See Einhildis and Roswinda. became a monk there. He built further
monasteries, imposing on these, as well
ROTRUDIS (St) V. AC. June 22 as on others already founded, the strict
d. r.869. A saint whose relics were en-
observance of the Rule of St Benedict.
shrined at the Benedictine abbey of He was elected second abbot of Celano-
Saint-Bertin at Saint-Omer. According va, where he died. Canonized in 1 195.
to popular belief she was a daughter, or
sister of Charlemagne.
ROUIN (St) Ab. AC. Sept 17
Comp. (BB) MM. SJ. AC. July 27
Otherwise Rodingus, q.v.
d. 1583 (July 25). Rudolph was born at
Atri in 1550 and was a nephew of
RUADAN (RUADHAN, RODAN) Claudio Acquaviva, fifth general of the
(St) Ab. AC. Apr 15
Jesuits. He too became a Jesuit and was
One sent to the Jesuit missions in the East
d. 584. of the leading disciples of
St Finian of Clonard and abbot-founder Indies. He was martyred on the penin-
of the monastery of Lothra. sula of Salsette, near Goa, with four
companions. Beatified in 1893.
RUMON, RONAN) (St) AC. June 1 RUDOLPH (Bl) Ab. OSB. Vail.
6th cent. A bishop
sometimes confused AC. Aug 1

with the Irish saint Ruadan or Ronan. d. 1076. Guest Master under St John
He was patron of the abbey of Tavistock Gualbert, he succeeded him as abbot
in Devonshire, and of several places in general on his death. Cult recognized
Cornwall and Brittany. in 1602.

RUDOLPH of GUBBIO (St) Bp. RUFINUS (St) M. RM. June 14
OSB. AC. Oct 17 See Valerius and Rufinus.
d. £.1066. A monk of Fontavellana under
St Peter Damian. In 1061, while still RUFINUS and MARTIA (SS) MM.
very young, he was appointed bishop of RM. June 21
Gubbio. He is described as "a miracle ? Martyrs in one of the early persecu-
of unselfishness." tions at Syracuse.


AC. Feb 28 A martyr in one of the early persecu-

6th cent. Successor of St Tudwal in tions at Assisi.

the see of Treguier in Brittany.
RUFINUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RUFFINUS (St) M. AC. July 24 RM. Aug 11
See Wulfhade and Ruffinus. ? Rufinus is described in the RM.
"bishop of the Marsi." Probably he is
RUFILLUS (RUFFILIUS) (St) Bp. identical with St Rufinus of Assisi
RM. July 18 (July 30). Of his companions nothing is
d. 382. The alleged first bishop of known.
Forlimpopoli (Forum Pompilii) in Emi-
lia. RUFINUS (St) RM. Aug 19

RUFINA, MODERATA, ROMANA, ?A saint, probably a priest, venerated

SECUNDUS and Seven Compa- at Mantua from early times.

nions (SS) MM. AC. Apr 6
? 4th cent. Martyrs at Sirmium, Pan- RUFINUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 26
nonia. 5th cent. A bishop of Capua, whose
relics are enshrined in the cathedral of
RUFINA and SECUNDA (SS) W. that city.
MM. RM. July 10
d. 257. Two Roman maidens martyred RUFINUS, SILVANUS and VIC-
under Valerian and buried at Santa TALICUS (SS) MM. RM. Sept 4
Rufina on the Aurelian Way. Their ? Three children who formed part of a
later Acts are apocryphal. large group of martyrs put to death at
Ancyra in Galatia.
RUFINA (St) VM. RM. July 19
See Justa and Rufina.

RUFINA (St) M. RM. Aug 31

Sept 9
See Theodotus, Rufina and Ammia. ? Two brothers martyred at a time and
place unknown.
RUFINIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 9
See Rufinus and Rufinian. RUFINUS, MARK, VALERIUS and
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Nov 16
RUFINUS (St) M. RM. Feb 28 ? African martyrs.
See Macarius, Rufinus, etc.


RUFINUS (St) M. RM. Apr 7 RM. Apr 19
See Epiphanius, Donatus, etc. See Hermogenes, Caius, etc.

RUFUS (St) H. AC. Apr 2 tradition makes him a bishop in the
?A hermit at Glendalough, where he East.
was buried. Some writers call him a
bishop. RUFUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. Nov 28
RUFUS (St) M. RM. Aug 1 d. 304. A Roman citizen who was mar-
See Cyril, Aquila, etc. tyred with his entire household under
RUFUS of CAPUA (St) Bp. M.
? The RM. makes him Bishop of RM. Dec 18
Capua and of St Apollinaris of
disciple d. £.107. Citizens of Philippi brought to
Ravenna. He is however to be identified Rome with St Ignatius of Antioch and
with the St Rufus commemorated with thrown to the beasts in the Roman
St Carpophorus (see below). amphitheatre two days before the
latter's martyrdom.
MM. RM. Aug
27 RULE (St) Ab. AC. March 30
d. 295. Martyrs of Capua under Dio- Otherwise Regulus, q.v.
cletian. According to the untrustworthy
Acts Rufus was a deacon. Of Carpo- RUMOLDUS (RUMBOLD, ROM-
phorus (the MSS has Carpone) nothing BAULD) (St) Bp. M. OSB.
is known. RM. June 24
d. ^.775. A monk, probably of an Anglo-
RUFUS (St) M. RM. Sept 25 Saxon abbey, who became a regionary
See Paul, Tatta, etc. bishop and worked under St Willibrord
in Holland and Brabant. He was mur-
RUFUS of METZ (St) Bp. dered near Malines. He is now the
RM. Nov 7 titular of Malines cathedral. The RM.
d. f .400. An early bishop of Metz. He and later legends say that he was of Irish
was bishop for about twenty-nine years. descent and bishop of Dublin.
He is perhaps identical with the Rufus
of Metz mentioned c .386 in connection RUMON (St) Bp. AC. June 1

within the Priscillianist controversy. Otherwise Ruadan, q.v.

RUFUS of AVIGNON (St) Bp. RUMWOLD (St) C. AC. Aug 28

RM. Nov 12 d. f.650. Said to have been a three-
d. f.200. Venerated as the first bishop days' old infant, prince of Northumbria,
of Avignon. He certainly existed, but who, immediately after baptism, pro-
the biographies we have of him are quite nounced aloud the profession of faith
unhistorical. and then died. He was at one time
honoured with a cult, chiefly in North-
RUFUS of ROME (St) Bp. (?) ants and Bucks.
RM. Nov 21
d. f.90. The disciple whom St Paul RUPERT (HRODBERT, ROBERT)
greets in Rom. XVI, 13. Some identify (St) Bp. OSB. RM. March 27
him with the son of Simon of Cyrene d. £.717. He seems tohave been of
mentioned in Mark XV 21. A later French, not Irish, descent. Having been

appointed bishop of Worms, he set RUSTICUS (St) M. AC. Aug 9
himself to spread Christianity in S. ? 4th cent. Martyr of Sirmium, Pan-
Germany. He started operations at nonia.
Ratisbon and pushed his way along the
Danube. The duke of Bavaria gave him
the old ruined town of Iuvavum, which
RM. Aug 9
See Firmus and Rusticus.
Rupert rebuilt and called Salzburg.
Here he founded the abbey of St Peter, RUSTICUS (St) M. RM. Aug 17
with school and church attached, and
See Liberatus, Boniface, etc.
also the nunnery of Nonnberg, over
which he placed his sister Erentrudis. RUSTICUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 24
He is venerated as the first archbishop- d. 446.Bishop of Clermont in Auvergne
abbot of Salzburg and as the apostle of 426-446.
Bavaria and Austria.
RUSTICUS (St) M. RM. Oct 9
RUPERT and BERTHA (SS) See Dionysius, Rusticus and Eleu-
AC. May 15

9th cent. A hermit who lived with his

RUSTICUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 14
mother Bertha on a hill near Bingen.
d. 574. Bishop of Treves. Accused of
The hill has been since called after him sexual impurity by St Goar, he resigned
Rupertsberg. During the 12th century
and retired to the hermitage of the
St Hildegard greatly fostered the cult of
same St Goar.
both saints.
RUSTICUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 26
RUPERT (Bl) Ab. OSB. d. r.462. A monk of Lerins who was
PC. Aug 15 raised to the see of Narbonne. He was
d. 1 145. He was prior of St George's present at the council of Ephesus in 431.
abbey in the Black Forest when (1102)
he was asked to become abbot of Otto- RUTILIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 2
beuren in Bavaria. He accepted, and d. 250. A native of Proconsular Africa.

during the forty-three years of his During the persecution of Decius he

abbacy Ottobeuren attained great pros- fled from place to place and even paid

perity and influence. He introduced money to obtain exemption from sacri-

there the Cluny-Hirschau customary. fice, but he was at last arrested and

bravely confessed Christ. The story is

RUSTICA (St) M. RM. Dec 31 given by Tertullian (De fuga in persecu-

See Donata, Paulina, etc. tione).

RUTILUS and Comp. (SS) MM.

RM. June 4
AC. March 12 Pannonia
? Martyrs at Sabaria in
d. 1092. A monk of Vallumbrosa who
(Sabar in modern Hungary).
was chosen third abbot general of the
Congregation in 1076. His relics were RUTULUS (St) RM. Feb 18
elevated in 1200. See Lucius, Silvanus, etc.

SABAS (St) M. RM. Jan 14 SABBAS Ab.
(St) RM. Dec 5
See Isaias, Sabas, etc. 439-532. A
Cappadocian who, at a very
early age, fled to Palestine, where for
SABAS (SAVA) (St) Bp. AC. Jan 14 many years he lived a hermit's life in
1 174-1237. youngest son ot
Rastho, various places. He eventually founded a
Stephen Nemanya, king of Serbia, laura (Mar Saba, which still flourishes)
became a monk at Mt Athos, where he in the mountainous desert of Judaea
received the name of Sabas (in Slavonic between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea.
Sava) and followed the observance till He was appointed archimandrite over
nearly sixty years of age. He was then all the Palestinian houses and in that

appointed archbishop of Serbia and capacity played a prominent part in the

managed the ecclesiastical affairs of that campaign against the Eutychian heresy.
kingdom with tact and skill. He was He is regarded as one of the founders of
instrumental in securing the papal Eastern monachism.
recognition of his brother Stephen II as
king of Serbia. He is venerated as one SABBATIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 19
of the principal patron saints of Yugo- See Trophimus, Sabbatius, and Dory-
slavia. medon.

SABAS (SABBAS) and Comp. (SS) SABEL (St) M. RM. June 17

See Manuel, Sabel and Ismael.
MM. RM. Apr 12
d. 372. A Goth who held the office of
lector in a localchurch of what is now
SABINA (St) M. RM. Aug 29
? The famous basilica on the Aventine
Rumania. He was captured by heathen
is dedicated to her. Was she a wealthy
Gothic soldiers, and on refusing to eat
lady who founded it in the 3rd or 4th
food which had been sacrificed to idols,
century, or, as her Passion asserts, a
was tortured to death and thrown into
Roman martyr? The former seems
the river Mussovo at a spot near Tirgo-
more probable, but we do not know.
vist. Several others suffered with him.

He is greatly venerated in the East.

SABINA (St) V. RM. Aug 29
d. ? 275. The alleged sister of St Sabi-
SABAS and Comp. (SS) MM. nian of Troyes, where she is venerated
RM. Apr 24 together with the latter. The martyro-
d. 272. A Christian officer of Gothic
logist Usuard placed her on this date.
descent martyred with seventy com-
panions at Rome under Aurelian. Some SABINA (St) M. RM. Oct 27
writers identify him with his namesake See Vincent, Sabina and Christeta.
of Apr 12.
SABAS (St) C. AC. July 17 (St) M. RM. Jan 29
See Seven Apostles of Bulgaria. d. ? 275. A martyr honoured at Troyes


in France as having suffered there in martyred by drowning in the Nile
one of the early persecutions (under under Diocletian.
Aurelian ?). The French tradition claims
that he was a native of Samos, whence SABINUS (St) RM. July 1
with his sister St Sabina he fled to Gaul. d. 5th cent. A saint venerated in the
neighbourhood of Poitiers. He is said
SABINIAN (St) M. RM. June 7 to have been a disciple of St Germanus
See Peter, Wallabonsus, etc. of Auxerre. The local tradition con-
siders him a martyr.
RM. Aug
27 and Sept 1 SABINUS (SAVINUS) and CYP-
See Honoratus, Fortunatus, etc. RIAN (SS) MM. RM. July 1
? Two martyrs, brothers, venerated at

Brescia in Italy, but probably the

SABINIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 25
Brixia of the RM. refers to La Bresse in
See Paul, Tatta, etc.
Poitou, where these two saints are also
AC. Nov 22
d. f.720 (or r.770?). Third abbot of
Moutier-Saint-Chaffre (Menat).
and ten Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. July 20
group of Syrians put to death for
MM. RM. Dec 31 the faith at Damascus.
d. f.300. Sabinian is honoured as the
first bishop of Sens. Potentian was per-
SABINUS (French: SAVIN) (St) H.
haps his successor. Both were martyred
AC. Oct 9
and are now venerated as the patron
d. c. ? 820. Venerated as one of the
saints of the diocese of Sens. The
apostles of the Lavedan, a district of the
legend that they were immediate disci-
Pyrenees which includes Lourdes. He is
ples of St Peter is now discarded.
said to have been born at Barcelona,
educated at Poitiers, professed as a
SABINUS (St) M. RM. Jan 25 Benedictine at Liguge, and finally to
See Donatus, Sabinus and Agape. have become a hermit. All these state-
ments are very doubtful.
SABINUS Bp.(St) RM. Feb 9
d. c .566. Bishop of Canosa (the ancient SABINUS (St) Bp. AC. Oct 15
Canusium, now destroyed) in Apulia d. Bishop of Catania in Sicily.
and a friend of St Benedict. Pope St After a few years as bishop he resigned
Agapitus I entrusted him with an and became a hermit.
embassy (535-536) to the emperor
Justinian. He is the patron saint of Bari,
SABINUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 1
where his relics are now enshrined.
d. 420. Bishop of Piacenza and a close
friend of St Ambrose, who used to send
SABINUS (St) M. RM. March 13 him his writings for revision and appro-
d. 287. An Egyptian of noble birth, val. While still a deacon he was sent by

Pope St Damasus to settle the Meletian the Tartars, Sadoc and his forty-nine
schism at Antioch. friars were butchered while singing the
Salve Regina.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Dec
30 (SS) MM.
and Comp. RM. Feb 20
d. 303.Sabinus is described as a bishop d. 345 (or 342). Sadoth was the metro-
who was martyred near Spoleto. His see politan of Seleucia-Ctesiphon in Persia.

is unknown, but Faenza, Assisi, Spoleto He, with one hundred and twenty-eight
and Chiusi each claim him. Venustian other Christians, was arrested in the
and his family were converts ofSabinus, persecution of Shapur II. Most of these
while Exuperantius and Marcellus are were martyred at once, but Sadoth,
said to have been his deacons. with eight companions, was detained
for five months in a filthy prison at Bei-

SACER (MO-SACRA) (St) Ab. Lapat before being executed.

AC. March 3
7th cent. An Irish saint, abbot-founder
AC. Nov 29
of the monastery of Saggard, Dublin.
6th cent. Brother of St Illtyd and disci-
ple of St Cadfan. Some Welsh churches
SARDOU, SERDON, SERDOT) are dedicated to him. He has been con-
fused with St Saturninus (RM. Nov 29).
(St) Bp. OSB. RM. May 4
670-C720. Born in the neighbourhood of
Sarlat in Perigord,he became a monk
SAGAR (St) Bp. M. RM. Oct 6
d. f.175.Bishop of Laodicea in Phrygia,
and eventually the abbot-founder of
put to death under Marcus Aurelius. It
Calabre (Calabrum, Calviat). He was
seems impossible to accept the tradition
appointed bishop of Limoges, resigning
that he was a disciple of St Paul.
his see shortly before his death.

SAIR (St) Bp. AC. July 1

SACERDOS (St) Bp. RM. May 5 Otherwise Servan, q.v.
d. £.560. A Spanish saint venerated at
Murviedro (the ancient Saguntum), SALABERGA (St) Abs. RM. Sept 22
and said to have been bishop of that d. r.665. As a child she was cured of
city. blindness by St Eustace of Lisieux. She
married very young, and her husband
SACERDOS Bp. RM. Sept 12
(St) died after two months. Her second hus-
d. 551. Bishop of Lyons 544-551 and band was St Blandinus, to whom she
adviser of King Childebert. He pre- bore five children, two of whom are
sided at the council of Orleans in 549. venerated as saints. In later years hus-
band and wife decided to become
SADOC and Comp. (BB) MM. OP. religious. Salaberga entered the nun-
AC. June 2 or May 5 nery of Poulangey and was subsequently
d. 1260. Sadoc was received into the the foundress of St John the Baptist at
Dominican Order by St Dominic him- Laon, where she died.
self and sent to Hungary. Later he
passed on to Poland, where he founded SALAUN (SALOMON) (St) C.
a house at Sandomir and became its AC. Nov 1

prior. When the town was pillaged by d. 1358. A poor man of Leseven in


Brittany. Content to be despised and SALVATOR of HORTA (St) C.
considered "a fool for Christ's sake/' OFM. RM. March 18
he reached a high degree of contempla- 1520-1 567. Born at Santa Columba,
tion. He is venerated at N.D. de Folgoet diocese of Gerona, Spain, he was a
in Brittany. shoemaker by trade before he joined
the Franciscans as a lay-brother at
SALLUSTIA (St) M. RM. Sept 14 Barcelona. He spent most of his life as
See Caerealis and Sallustia. cook of the friary of Horta, near Tor-
tosa. He died at the friary of Cagliari in
SALLUSTIAN (St) RM. June 8 Sardinia. Canonized in 1940.
? A saint honoured in Sardinia from
time immemorial. In some martyrolo- SALVINUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 4
gies he is described as a martyr, in d. f.420. Third bishop of Verdun (c.
others as a hermit. 383-420).

d. 562.Bishop of Verona. His relics are
AC. June 29
enshrined in the church of St Stephen
9th cent. Salome is been an
said to have
in that city.
Anglo-Saxon princess, exiled from her
native country. She was befriended by a
pious Bavarian widow named Judith.
RM. Jan n
Both became anchoresses under the
d. f.625. Bishop of Amiens. There is no
obedience of the Benedictine abbey of
reason to suppose that he was a martyr
as stated in the RM. He has been con-
fused with other saints of the same
SALOME (St) RM. Oct 22
See Mary Salome.
SALVIUS (St) M. RM. Jan 1
SALOMEA (Bl) W. Poor Clare. ? A martyr in Proconsular Africa.

AC. Nov
219-1268. Daughter of Prince Lesko
c. 1 SALVIUS (Bl) Ab. OSB. PC. Feb 10
of Poland. At the age of three she was d. 962. Benedictine abbot of Albelda in
betrothed to Prince Coloman of Hun- N. Spain. He was a prudent adviser at
gary and was left a widow before her the courts of Navarre and Castile at the
23rd year in 1241. She founded the time of the Reconquest.
convent of Poor Clares at Zawichost,
later removed to Skala, where she be- SALVIUS and SUPERIUS (SS) MM.
came a nun and ended her days. d. r.768. Salvius was a regionary bishop
Beatified in 1673. in the district ofAngouleme, who went
to Valenciennes to evangelize the Flem-
SALOMON (St) M. RM. March 13 ish. The cupidity of a baron led to his
See Rudericus and Salomon. death, and with a companion he was
hastily interred. When the bodies were
SALONIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 28 discovered the companion was found
Otherwise Solomon, q.v. first {Super ius).

SALUTARIS (St) M. RM. July 13 SALVIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 10

See Eugene, Salutaris, etc. d. 584. A lawyer who became a monk

and abbot, then a hermit, and finally the rest of his life evangelizing that
bishop of Albi (574-584). He died while country, fixing his central residence at
tending the sick during an epidemic Dol (f.525). His name is still held in
which was ravaging his diocese. benediction throughout Brittany and
Wales. He is indeed one of the greatest
SALVIUS (French: SAIRE) (St) H. missionaries Britain has ever produced.
AC. Oct 28
6th cent. A hermit at the place now SAMTHANA (St) V. AC. Dec 19
called after him Saint-Saire in Nor- 6th cent. An Irish saint, abbess-foun-
mandy. Some writers identify him with dress of Cluain-Bronach in Meath.
Salvius of Albi.
SAMUEL (St) M. RM. Feb 16
SAMONAS (St) M. RM. Nov 15 See Elias, Jeremias, etc.
See Gurias and Samonas.
SAMOSATA, The SEVEN MAR- d. ^.496. He is mentioned by Genna-
TYRS of (SS) AC. Dec 9 dius in work on Ecclesiastical
d. f.311. Their names were: Hipparchus Authors. Samuel wrote in Syriac
and Philotheus, magistrates, and their against the Nestorians, Eutychians and
converts James, Paragrus, Abibus, Timotheans.
Romanus and Lollian. They were
crucified at Samosata on the Euphrates SAMUEL (St) Prophet RM. Aug 20
for refusing to join in the public rejoic- nth cent. B.C. The book of Kings,
ing, including pagan rites, after Maxi- often for this reason called the 1st book
minus's victory over the Persians. of Samuel, contains the history of the
prophet, the wonders of his birth and
SAMSON (SAMPSON) (St) C. childhood (i, ii) his judgeship of Israel

RM. June 27 (iv-vii); his anointing of Saul as king

d. f.530. Surnamed "the Hospitable" (viii-x) his replacing of Saul by David

(Xenodochius). He was a distinguished (xvi) and his death (xxv).


citizen of Constantinople who studied

medicine and was ordained priest in SAMUEL (St) M. RM. Oct 10
order to devote his life to the spiritual See Daniel, Samuel, etc.
and physical care of the sick and desti-
tute. He founded and equipped a SANCHA (SANCTIA) (Bl) V. OSB.
magnificent hospital near St Sophia. AC. March 13
180-1229. Daughter of King Sancho
c. 1


(St) I of Portugal, sister of BB Teresa and
RM. July 28 Mafalda. She helped the first Franciscan
d. £.565. Born in Glamorgan, Wales, he and Dominican foundations in Portugal
became a disciple of St Illtyd at Llan- and afterwards (1223) joined the Cis-
wit Major, and then for a time monk and terciansat Cellas. Cult approved in
abbot of the monastery on Caldey i7<>5-
Island. He left Caldey and visited Ire-
land then, on his return to England, he
sojourned in Cornwall and was conse- (St) M. RM. June 5
crated bishop by St Dubricius. Finally d. 851.Born at Albi in France, he was
he crossed over to Brittany and spent brought to Cordova as a prisoner of

war, educated at the Moorish court mums In 972 he was sent by
at Treves.

there,and enrolled in the guards of the the emperor Otto I to restore monastic

Emir. He was martyred by impalement observance at St Gall. Shortly after he

on refusing to embrace Mohammedan- was made abbot of Gladbach, and in
ism. 981 also abbot of Weissenburg. He died
SANCTAN (St) Bp. AC. May 9
6th cent. Bishop of the Irish sees of SANTUCCIA TERREBOTTI (Bl)
Kill-da-Les and Kill-na-Sanctan (Dub- W. OSB. AC. March 21
lin). He was probably of British birth. d. 1305.Born at Gubbio in Umbria, she
married and bore a daughter who died
SANCTES BRANCASINO (Bl) C. young. Santuccia and her husband then
OFM. AC. Aug 14 decided to enter religion. She became a
d. 1390. Born at Monte Fabri, diocese of Benedictine at Gubbio and rose to be
Urbino, he became a Franciscan lay- abbess. Under her. the community
brother at Scotameto, where he spent migrated to Santa Maria in Via Lata,
most of his life. Cult approved by on the Julian Way, Rome, where they
Clement XIV. continued to live the Benedictine life,

though usually called the Servants of

SANCTES of CORI (Bl) C.OSA. Mary. The people nicknamed them Le
AC. Oct
5 Santuccie.
d. 1392. A native of Cori, diocese of
Velletri, who joined the Augustinians SAPIENTIA (St) W. RM. Sept 30
and became famous as a zealous mis- Otherwise Sophia, q.v.
sioned Cult approved by Leo XIII.
SANCTIAN (St) M. AC. Sept 6 Comp. (SS) MM. AC. Nov 30
See Augustine, Sanctian and Beata. d. 339. A band of Persian martyrs under
Shapur II. Sapor and Isaac were
SANCTINUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 22 bishops: the former died in prison, the
d. r.300. Alleged to have been the first latter was stoned to death. SS Mahanes,
bishop of Meux and a disciple of St Abraham and Simeon suffered at the
Dionysius of Paris. He is probably to same time.
be identified with a St Sanctinus
claimed by the diocese of Verdun. SARAGOSSA, The EIGHTEEN
See Photinus (Pothinus), Sanctus, etc. LIAN, PUBLIUS, FRONTO,
LUS, SANDULF) (St) M. RM. Sept 3 four named SATURNINUS (SS)
d. c .855. A
Spanish martyr of Cordova RM. Apr 16
under the Moorish domination. Martyrs of Saragossa in Spain
d. f.304.
under the emperor Diocletian and the
SANDRATUS (SANDRADUS) Ab. prefect Dacian. Prudentius, who lived
OSB. AC. Aug 24 at Saragossa a lifetime later, describes
d. 986. Monk of the abbey of St Maxi- their martyrdom.


ABLE MARTYRS of (SS) See Paul, Gerontius, etc.

RM. Nov 3
d. £.304. An exceedingly large number SATURNINUS, THYRSUS and
of martyrs put to death at Saragossa VICTOR (SS) MM. RM. Jan 3
under Diocletian by the savage prefect d. c. ? 250. Egyptians martyred at
Dacian, who had been sent to Spain to Alexandria.
enforce the decrees. He published an
edict banishing all Christians from the SATURNINUS, THEOPHILUS and
city, and while they were leaving he REVOCATA (SS) MM. RM. Feb 6
ordered the soldiers to fall upon and ? A group of martyrs concerning whom

massacre them. Eighteen of them are neither place nor date of martyrdom is

mentioned by Prudentius and received a known.

special notice in the RM. on April 16.
BEA (BEBAIA) (SS) MM. RM. Feb 11
RM. Jan 29 d. 304. A group of forty-six martyrs of
d. 101. Brother and sister martyred at Albitina in Africa. They were arrested at
Edessa under Trajan. Previous to their Mass and sent to Carthage for examina-
martyrdom they were tortured with tion. Saturninus was a priest, and with
red-hot irons. Before his conversion him suffered his four children, viz.,
Thatueles Sarbelius had been the Saturninus and Felix, lectors, Mary, a
pagan high priest of the city. virgin, and Hilarion, a young child.
Dativus and another Felix were sena-
SARDON (St) Bp. RM. May 4 tors.Other names from this group
Otherwise Sacerdos, q.v. which have come down to us are:
Thelica, Ampelius, Emeritus, Rogatian
SARMATA (St) M. RM. Oct 11 and Victoria, a maiden of undaunted
d. 357. An
Egyptian disciple of St courage. The child Hilarion, when
Antony, murdered in his monastery by threatened by the magistrates, while his
a band of marauding Bedouins and companions were being tortured, re-
venerated as a martyr. plied: "Yes, torture me too; anyhow,
I am a Christian". They all appear to
SATOR (St) M. have died in prison. Their Acts bear the
RM. Aug 29 and Sept 1 stamp of authenticity.
See Vitalis, Sator and Repositus.
See Martinian, Saturian, etc. RM. Feb 15
d. 273. These martyrs belonged to the
SATURNINA (St) VM. RM. June 4 flock of St Valentine, bishop of Terni in
?A maiden said to have come from Ger- Italy. They were buried at Passae
many neighbourhood of Arras
into the (Rocca San Zenone).
and there to have met her death in de-
fending herself against an assault on her SATURNINUS (St) M.
virginity. The story is now held to be a RM. March 7
romance. See Perpetua, Felicitas, etc.

MM. RM. March 22 RM. Oct 30
?A group often martyrs of N.W. Africa. d. 303. A martyr of Cagliari, in Sardinia,
under Diocletian. According to his
SATURNINUS (St) Bp. untrustworthy Acts he was beheaded
RM. Apr 7 during a pagan festival of Jupiter.
4th cent. Bishop of Verona. No details
of his career are extant. SATURNINUS (St) M. RM. Nov 27
See Basileus, Auxilius and Saturninus.


RM. Apr 16

Four of the same name among the group

MM. RM. Nov 29
of Saragossa Martyrs, q.v.
d. ? 309. Saturninus was a Roman
priest, though by birth, it is said, a
Carthaginian. He and his deacon
SATURNINUS (St) M. RM. Apr 29 Sisinius were sentenced to hard labour
See Corfu, Martyrs of.
and subsequently martyred. They were
buried in the cemetery of St Thraso on
SATURNINUS, NEOPOLUS, the Salarian Way. They have no con-
GERMANUS and CELESTINE nexion with SS Cyriacus, Largus and
(SS) MM. RM. May 2 Smaragdus, as has been alleged.
d. Saturninus was martyred at
Alexandria under Diocletian, not at SATURNINUS (French: SERNIN)
Rome as stated in the RM. Of the (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 29
others nothing is known. d. c.257. A missionary from Rome who
evangelized the district round Pampe-
SATURNINUS (St) M. RM. July 7 luna in Spanish Navarre, and then the
See Peregrinus, Lucian, etc. territory and city of Toulouse. He is

venerated as the first bishop of Toulouse.

SATURNINUS (St) M. RM. Aug 22 He is said to have been martyred in the
See Martial, Saturninus, etc. persecution of Valerian by being fast-
ened behind a wild bull which dragged
SATURNINUS (St) M. RM. Oct 6 him about until he was dashed to pieces.
See Marcellus, Castus, etc.


SATURNINUS and LUPUS (SS) Otherwise Sadwen, q.v.
MM. RM. Oct 14
? Martyrs at Caesarea in Cappadocia. SATURNINUS (St) M. RM. Dec 15
See Irenaeus, Antony, etc.
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Oct 16 SATURNINUS (St) M. RM. Dec 23
d. f.450. A band of some three hundred See Theodulus, Saturninus, etc.
and sixty-five martyrs who suffered in
Proconsular Africa under the Vandal SATURNINUS (St) M. RM. Dec 29
king Genseric. Some authorities main- See Dominic, Victor, etc.
is merely a second listing
tain that this
of the band of martyrs led by SS Mar- SATURUS (St) M. RM. March 7
tinian and Saturian, q.v. See Perpetua, Felicitas, etc.

SATURUS (St) M. RM. March 29 SAVINUS (Bl) H. OSB. Cam.
See Armogastes and Comp. AC. May 19
See Bellatanus, Savinus.
SATURUS (several)
Otherwise Satyrus, q.v. SAWL (St) C. AC. Jan 15
6th cent. A Welsh chieftain, father of St
SATYRUS (St) M. RM. Jan 12 Asaph. The traditions concerning him
d. ? An Arab by birth, who was mar- are very obscure.
tyred in Achaia (or at Antioch) for
insulting an idol. Another version says SAZAN (St) M. AC. Oct 1

that the idol fell to the ground when See Aizan and Sazan.
Satyrus made the sign of the cross over
it. There is complete confusion in the SCANNAL (St) C. AC. May 3
sources. d. ^.563. Scannal of Cell-Coleraine was
a disciple of St Columba and a cele-
SATYRUS (St) C. RM. Sept 17 brated missionary.
d. f.392. The elder brother of St
Ambrose of Milan. As a lawyer he SCARTHIN (St) C. AC. Jan 6
undertook the administration of the Otherwise Schotin, q.v.
temporal affairs of the diocese of Milan.
His high sense of justice, his integrity SCHADOST (St) M. RM. Feb 20
and his generosity are eulogized by Otherwise Sadoth, q.v.
Ambrose in the funeral sermon "On the
death of a brother". SCHENUTE (SINUTIUS) (St) Ab.
AC. July 1
SAULA (St) VM. RM. Oct 20 d. £.460. An Egyptian who became a
See Martha, Saula and Comp. monk at Deir-al-Abiad in 371 He is said .

to have become in the course of time

SAUMAN (SAUMAY) (St) H. superior of a very large number of
AC. June 14 monks and nuns, the number being
Otherwise Psalmodius, q.v. It seems to
given as over four thousand.
have been under him that the custom
SAUVE (St) Bp. RM. Sept 10 arose of religious binding themselves
Otherwise Salvius, q.v. by public vows.

SAVINA (St) RM. Jan 30

d. 311. A womanof Milan who, during RM. Feb 10
the persecution of Diocletian, busied of St Benedict. She be-
d. f.550. Sister
herself in ministering to the martyrs in came a nun and lived near Montecassino
prison and in interring their bodies after under the direction of her brother. She
execution. She died while praying at the is first nun of the Bene-
regarded as the
tomb of SS Nabor and Felix. dictine Order. StGregory narrates that,
at her last meeting with her brother,
SAVINIAN (SAVINIEN) (several) she obtained by prayer a sudden heavy
Otherwise Sabinian, q.v. rainstorm, which prevented Benedict
from returning to his monastery and
SAVINUS (several) thus prolonged their interview through
Otherwise Sabinus, q.v. the night three days later Benedict saw

her soul ascend to heaven in the sem- then a co-worker with St Willibald in
blance of a dove. The tradition that St the Reichswald. He was probably an
Scholastica was a nun dates from the Anglo-Saxon missionary.
nth century. Before then she was con-
sidered a devout and holy woman SEBASTE, MARTYRS of
living in the vicinity of the Abbey of RM. March 10
Montecassino. See Forty Armenian Martyrs.


See Injuriosus and Scholastica. See innocent, Sebastia, and Comp.


SEBASTIAN (St) M. RM. Jan 20
AC. Jan 6
d. ? 288. One of the most renowned of
6th cent. While still a youth Schotin left
the Roman
martyrs. According to his
Ireland to become a disciple of St
Acts, which however are not trust-
David in Wales. On his return to his
worthy, he was an officer in the im-
native country he for many years led
perial army and a favourite of Diocle-
the life of an anchorite at Mt Mairge,
tian. Nevertheless when it was dis-
Leix. He is said to have established a
covered that he was a Christian no
school for boys at Kilkenny.
mercy was shown to him. Tied to a
tree, his body was made a target for the
SCILLITAN MARTYRS (SS) Roman archers, and he was finally
RM. July 17
dispatched with clubs. His cult, both at
d. 180. Twelve martyrs, seven men and
Rome and at Milan, dates from the 4th
five women, who suffered at Scillium in
century. In 367 Pope St Damasus built
Proconsular Africa under Septimius
a basilica over his tomb on the Appian
Severus. Their names are: Speratus,
Way, and this is now one of the seven
Narzales, Cythinus, Veturius, Felix,
principal churches of Rome.
Acyllinus, Laetantius, Januaria, Gener-
osa, Vestina, Donata and Secunda. The
official Acts of these martyrs are still

AC. Jan 30
629-1 7 10. Born at Verduno, diocese of

SCUBICULUS Alba, N. Italy, he joined the Oratorians

(St) M. RM. Oct 11
See Nicasius, Quirinus, etc.
at Turin after his ordination to the
priesthood, and he spent the

SEACHNALL (SECHNALL, remainder of his life. He became prefect

SECUNDINUS) (St) Bp. AC. Nov 27 of the Oratory and was much in request
d. 457. A nephew and disciple of St
as a spiritual director. He acquired in

Patrick. In 433 he was appointed first full measure the spirit of St Philip Neri.
bishop of Dunsauglin, Meath, and later Beatified in 1834.

served as assistant bishop of Armagh.

He wrote the earliest Latin poem of the SEBASTIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 8
Irish —
church an alphabetical hymn in See Dionysius, Emilian and Sebastian.
honour of St Patrick.
SEBALD (St) H. OSB. 19 RM. Aug OFM. AC. Feb 25
d. r.770. First a hermit near Vicenza, d. 1600. Born in Spanish Galicia, he

became a farm labourer and then valet SEBASTIAN MAGGI (Bl) C. OP.
to a gentleman of Salamanca. He emi- AC. Dec 16
grated to Mexico, where he was engaged d. 1494. A
native of Brescia, he became
by the government in building roads and a Friar Preacher and was noted for his
in conducting the postal service between zeal in enforcing religious observance.
Mexico and Zacateca. After the death He was twice vicar of the Lombard
of his second wife, when he was province and was for a time confessor of
seventy years old, he became a Francis- Savonarola. He died in Genoa. Cult
can lay-brother at Puebla de los Angeles. confirmed in 1760.
He lived for another twenty-six years,
his chief occupation being to beg alms SEBASTIAN (Bl) Bp. OSB.
for the community. Beatified in 1787. AC. Dec 30
d. f.1036. A Benedictine monk who
SEBASTIAN (St) M. RM. March 20 became Archbishop of Esztergom (1002)
See Photina, Joseph, etc. and Primate of Hungary in the time of
St Stephen.
O. Cart. AC. June 19 SEBASTIANA (St) M.
d. 1535. Born at Harefield, Middlesex, RM. Sept 16
and educated at Cambridge, he professed 1 st cent. A woman converted by St
the Carthusian Rule in the London Paul.Beheaded at Heraclea in Thrace
Charterhouse. He was executed at under Domitian.
Tyburn for denying the royal supre-
macy. BB Humphrey Middlemore and SEBBE (SEBBA, SEBBI) (St) C.
William Exmew suffered with him. OSB. RM. Aug 29
Beatified in 1886. d. c .694. King of the East Saxons at the
time of the Heptarchy. After a peaceful
SEBASTIAN KIMURA (Bl) M. SJ. reign of thirty years he received the
AC. Sept 10 monastic habit in London and died
d. 1622. A grandson of the first Japanese shortly after.
baptized by St Francis Xavier. At the
age of eighteen he joined the Jesuits and SECUNDA (St) VM. RM. July 10
worked as a catechist at Meaco. He was See Rufina and Seconda.
the first Japanese to be ordained priest.
After two years imprisonment at Omura SECUNDA (St) M. RM. July 17
he was burnt alive with Bl Charles One of the Scillitan Martyrs, q.v.
Spinola. Beatified in 1867.
SECUNDA (St) VM. RM. July 30
SEBASTIAN MONTAftOL (Bl) M. See Maxima, Donatilla and Secunda.
OP. PC. Dec 10
d. 1616. A
Spanish Dominican and a SECUNDARIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 2
missionary in Zacateca, Mexico, where See Primus, Cyril and Secunda rius.
he was put to death by the Indians whom
he had rebuked for having profaned the SECUNDEL (St) H. AC. Aug 1

Sacred Host. Though he has never been 6th cent. He lived with St Friard, q.v.
officially declared a martyr, he has
always been the object of a popular SECUNDIAN (St) M. RM. Feb 17
cult. See Donatus, Secundian, etc.

VERIAN (SS) MM. RM. Aug 9 See Epictetus, Jucundus, etc.

d. 250. Tuscan martyrs who suffered

near Civitavecchia under Decius. Secun- SECUNDUS (St) M. RM. March 24
dian seems to have been a prominent See Romulus and Secundus.
government official; the others are
described as "scholastics". Nothing cer-
SECUNDUS (St) M. RM. March 29
tain can be stated about this group.
d. 119. A patrician of Asti in Piedmont
and a subaltern officer in the imperial
army. He was beheaded at Asti under
RM. March 2
See Paul, Heraclius, etc.
SECUNDUS (St) Bp. RM. May 15
See Torquatus, Ctesiphon, etc.
A Roman maiden, scourged to
d. f.250. SECUNDUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
death in the neighbourhood of Rome in RM. May 21
the persecution of Decius. d. 357. Secundus, a priest of the church
of Alexandria, was martyred with a
SECUNDINUS (St) M. RM. Feb 18 great multitude of clergy and laity,
See Lucius, Silvanus, etc. including many women, by the intruded
Arian patriarch George. The latter was
SECUNDINUS (St) Bp. M. supported in his occupation of the see
RM. Apr 29 of Alexandria by the emperor Constan-
See Agapius and Comp. tius, the rightful patriarch, St Athana-
sius, having been driven into exile.
d. f.306. A Spanish martyr at Cordova SECUNDUS (St) M. RM. June 1

under Diocletian. d. 304. An alleged martyr at Amelia,

drowned in the Tiber under Diocletian.
SECUNDINUS (St) Bp. M. He is the patron saint of several places
RM. July 1 in central Italy, but his historical exis-
See Castus and Secundinus. tence cannot be proved.


MAXIMUS, FORTUNATUS and See Democritus, Secundus and Diony-
MARTIALIS (SS) MM. AC. July 15 sius.

? 4th cent. Martyrs in Pannonia.

SECUNDUS (St) M. RM. Aug 7
See Carpophorus, Exanthus, etc.

See Priscus, Castrensis, etc. SECUNDUS (St) M. RM. Aug 26

3rd cent. A legendary soldier, said to
SECUNDINUS (St) Bp. AC. Dec 6 have belonged to the Theban legion and
See Auxilius, Isserninus and Secun- to have been martyred near Ventimiglia.
RM. March 7 Martyrs of Proconsular Africa, of

See Perpetua, Felicitas, etc. whom nothing is known.

SECUNDUS (St) M. RM. Dec 19 SELYF (St) M. AC. June 25
See Darius, Zosimus, etc. Otherwise Solomon, q.v.


See Cyriacus, Paulillus, etc. AC. Aug 3
6th cent. A disciple of St Finian and his
SECUNDUS (St) M. RM. Dec 29 successor at Clonard.
See Dominic, Victor, etc.
SECURUS (St) M. RM. Dec 2 AC. March 8
See Severus, Securus, etc. d. r.560. An Irish monk of Kilmanagh
in Ossory. Having established a monas-
SEDNA (St) Bp. AC. March 10 tery, probably at Enniscorthy, he is said
d. f.570. Bishop of Ossory and friend to have then visited Rome and on his
of St Luanus. way home to have stayed with St David
in Wales. On his return to Ireland he
SEDOPHA (St) M. July 5 RM. founded more churches and monasteries,
See Marinus, Theodotus and Sedopha. notably one at Inishcarra near Cork.
Finally he settled on Scattery Island in
SEDUINUS (St) Bp. the Shannon estuary, where he was
? RM. July 15 buried. There are indications that he
Possibly identical with St Swithin of spent some time in Cornwall.
Winchester, q.v.
SENAN (St) H. AC. Apr 29
SEEMIE-ROOKIE (St) C. 7th cent. Said to have been a hermit in
RM. Aug 16 N. Wales. There is much confusion in
See Roch. the records of saints of this and similar
names, and consequently it is impossible
SEINE (St) Ab. RM. Sept 19 to give any precise account of them.
Otherwise Sequanus, q.v.
SENATOR (St) Bp. RM. May 28
SEIRIOL (St) C. AC. Jan 2 d.480. A Milanese who, as a
6th cent. A Welsh saint whose memory young man, attended the council of
is perpetuated by the name of the island Chalcedon as a legate of Pope St Leo
of Ynys-Seiriol. the Great. Afterwards he became arch-
bishop of Milan.
RM. Sept 12 SENATOR (St) Bp. AC. May 28
See Hieronides, Leontius, etc. d. 480. Bishop of Pavia.

SELEUCUS (St) M. RM. Feb 16 SENATOR (St) RM. Sept 26

See Porphyrius and Seleucus. ?A saint of Albanum, of whom nothing
is known. Albanum may be Albano near
SELEUCUS (St) RM. March 24 Rome or Apt, the ancient Alba Helve-
? A Syrian saint honoured in the East tiorum, in S. France.
and often described as a martyr. Our
only record of him is in the Eastern SENNEN (St) M. RM. July 30
Calendars. See Abdon and Sennen.


AC. Apr 22 RM. Sept 19
d. 982. She was related to St Rudesind d. f.580. Monk of Reomay and abbot-
of Mondofiedo. Entrusted to the care of founder of a monastery at Segreste,
her aunt, the abbess Godina, at the con- diocese of Langres, which was later
vent of St John of Venaria (Vieyra), she called after him Saint-Seine.
joined the community and later became
its abbess. As such she removed the SERAPHIA (St) VM. RM. July 29
community to Basto in the diocese of Otherwise Serapia, q.v.
SEPTEMBER (Martyrs of) (BB) AC. March 12
AC. Sept 2-3 d. 1253. Born at San Geminiano in

d. 1792. A group of one hundred and Tuscany, she led a life of constant
ninety-one martyrs who met their death suffering, being the victim of repulsive

during the French Revolution. They diseases and continuous neglect. She

were imprisoned by the Legislative was never a nun, but seems to have lived
Assembly for refusing the oath to sup- at home under the obedience of the

port the civil constitution of the clergy Benedictines. She is greatly venerated
which had been condemned by the at San Geminiano as Santa Fina.

Holy See. They were massacred by the

mob, with the connivance of the Assem- SERAPHINA SFORZA Poor
(Bl) V.

bly, on Sept 2 and 3, 1792. The most Clare AC. Sept 9

1 434-1 478. Born at Urbino, the daughter
prominent members of the group were
John Mary du Lau, archbishop of of Guido, count of Urbino and lord of
Aries, Francis de la Rochefoucauld, Gubbio, she married in 1448 Alexander
bishop of Beauvais, his brother Louis, Sforza, duke of Pesaro, who treated her

bishop of Saintes, Augustine Ambrose with great ignominy and expelled her
Chevreux, OSB., last superior general from her home. She took refuge in the
of the Maurists, and Charles de la convent of Poor Clares and eventually
Calmette, count of Valfons. One hun- professed their rule and became abbess.
dred and twenty were massacred at the Beatified in 1754.

Carmelite church (Les Carmes) in the

rue de Rennes, Paris. Beatified in 1926. SERAPHINA (St) RM. July 29
d. ? f.426. The RM. ascribes this saint
to a Civitas Mamiensis, which some
writers place in Armenia, others in
Spain, others in Italy.
RM. Aug 28 and Sept 1

A group among the Twelve Holy

(St) C.
Brothers, q.v.
RM. Oct 12
1 540-1 604. Born at Montegranaro, he
SEPTIMUS (St) M. RM. Aug 17 took the Capuchin habit as a lay-
See Liberatus, Boniface, etc. brother in 1556 and spent the whole of
his uneventful life at the friary of Ascoli-
SEPTIMUS (St) M. RM. Oct 24 Piceno. He is said to have been the
See Felix (Africanus) Audactus spiritual adviser of high ecclesiastical
(Adauctus), etc. and civil dignitaries. Canonized in 1767.

SERAPIA (St) VM. RM. July 29 Eusebius and St Jerome for his theolo-
d. 119. A slave of Syrian extraction in gical writings, which however are no
the household of St Sabina, whom she longer extant.
converted to the Faith. She was be-
headed under Hadrian. SERAPIQN (St) M. RM. Nov 14
d.252. A martyr "of Alexandria who
SERAPION (St) M. RM. Feb 25 perished in a riot raised against the
See Victorinus, Victor, etc. Christians. The mob cast him down
from the roof of his own house, a high
SERAPION (St) M. RM. Feb 28 building.
See Caerealis, Pupulus, etc.

SERAPION (St) M. O. Merc.

SERAPION (St) Bp. RM. March 21 RM. Nov14
d. £.370. An
Egyptian monk who was d. 1240. Said to have been born in Eng-
consecrated bishop of Thmuis in Lower land and to have fought against the
Egypt and distinguished himself by his Moors in Spain under the banner of
firm opposition to Arianism. He was a Castile. In Spain he joined the Merce-
great friend of St Athanasius and of St darian Order and surrendered himself
Antony. He was the author of several as a hostage at Algiers, where he was
works; his Euchologium, a valuable crucified for preaching the gospel while
liturgical source was discovered in 1899. awaiting his ransom. Cult confirmed, as
a saint, in 1728.
AC. ? March 21 SERDOT (St) Bp. RM. May 4
d. 4th cent ? One of the most famous of Otherwise Sacerdos, q.v.
the desert fathers, he ruled over 10,000
monks scattered through the desert.
SERENA (St) RM. Aug 16
d. c.igo. Described in the RM. as
SERAPION (St) M. RM. March 26 "sometime wife of the emperor Dio-
See Theodore, Irenaeus, etc. cletian", but his information is derived
from the spurious Acts of St Cyriacus.
d. £.356. Born in Egypt, he became a H. (SS) OSB. AC. May
monk and pushed self-denial to extreme d. c.669. Two brothers belonging to a
limits. He made a pilgrimage to Rome. patrician family of Spoleto. They re-
ceived the Benedictine habit at the
SERAPION (St) M. RM. July 13 tomb of the apostles, which was then in
d. £.195. An oriental martyr who suf- Benedictine custody. Later they settled
fered under Septimus Severus, probably in France as hermits near the river
in Macedonia. Sarthe. Serenus remained a hermit till

the end of his but Serenicus be-


SERAPION (St) M. RM. Aug 27 came the head of a community of some

See Marcellians, Mannavea, etc. one hundred and forty disciples who
gathered round him. On these he im-
SERAPION (St) Bp. RM. Oct 30 posed the Benedictine Rule and other
A bishop of Antioch praised
d. 199. by Roman practices.

(St) M. RM. Feb 23 RM. Oct 7
d. r.303. A Greek monk who lived as a d. 303. High officers of the Roman army
hermit at Sirmium, now Mitrovica, in in Syria. For refusing to join in pagan
the Balkans. He was martyred under sacrifices they were dressed in women's

Diocletian. clothes and led through the streets of

Arabissus. Then Bacchus was beaten to
(St) May 7 death, and Sergius was beheaded a week
See Serenicus and Serenus. later.

SERENUS (St) M. RM. June 28

See Plutarch, Serenus, etc.
SERLO (Bl) Ab. OSB. PC. March 3
d. 1 104. A Norman by birth, he became
SERENUS (St) Bp. AC. Aug a canon of Avranches and later a Bene-
d. 606. Bishop of Marseilles. St Gregory dictine monk at Mont Saint-Michel.
wrote him several letters, in which he Four years later (1074), on the recom-
recommended to him the Roman medation of St Osmund, he was
missionaries travelling to England and appointed abbot of Gloucester, receiving
twice reprimanded him for his icono- the abbatial blessing from St Wulstan.
clastic tendencies. When he arrived at Gloucester the
community consisted of two adult monks
SERF (St) Bp. AC. July 1 and eight boys: when he died he left a
Otherwise Servan, q.v. community of over one hundred pro-
fessed monks. He was noted for his
SERGIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 24 building activities and his fearless de-
d. 304. A monk, perhaps a priest, in fence of ecclesiastical rights and the
Cappadocia, martyred under Diocletian. moral law.
His relics are said to have been trans-
lated to Ubeda, near Tarragona, in SERLO (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist.
Spain. AC. Sept 10
SERGIUS (St) M. AC. March 20 d. 1 158. A Benedictine of Cherisy who
See John, Sergius, and Comp.
became abbot of Savigny in 1140. He
united the whole of
SERGIUS (St)RM. July 27
M. Savigny to the Cistercians in 11 47 and
See Maurus, Pantaleemon and Sergius. was thenceforward a devoted member
of the latter order.
SERGIUS (St) Pope RM. Sept 8
d. 701. Of Syrian parentage, but born at SERNIN (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 29
Palermo in Sicily and admitted to Otherwise Saturninus, q.v.
membership of the Roman clergy, Ser-
gius governed the Church as Pope from SEROTINA (St) M. RM. Dec 31
687 to 701. He opposed the interference See Donata, Paulina, etc.
of the Byzantine emperors in ecclesias-
tical affairs and refused to sign the SERVAN (SERF, SAIR) (St) Bp.
decrees of the synod known as Trul- AC. July 1
lanum. He blessed and fostered the ? Apostle of the Orkney Islands. The
missionary enterprise of the English traditions concerning him are very con-
monks in Friesland and Germany and tradictory and extravagant. He died and
defended St Wilfrid. was buried at Culross.

(SS) RM. Oct
23 See Rogellus and Servus-Dei.
d. f.305. Said to have been sons of St
Marcellus of Leon (Oct 30). They were SETHRIDA (SAETHRYTH) (St)
put to death at Cadiz while on their way Abs. OSB. AC. Jan 10
under arrest to Tangiers. They are held d. c.66o.Stepdaughter of Anna, king of
in great veneration throughout S. Spain. the East Angles (635-644). She became
a nun at Faremoutier-en-Brie under St
SERVATUS (French: SERVAIS) Fara, whom she succeeded as abbess.
(St) Bp. RM. May 13 She was half-sister to SS Ethelreda and
d. 384. Bishop of Tangres in the Low Ethelburga.
Countries. He was the host of St
Athanasius when the latter was an exile SETON (Mother) ELIZABETH
in the West. ANNE BAYLEY (Bl)
See Elizabeth Anne Bayley Seton.
SERVILIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 20
See Sulpicius and Servilian. SEVEN ANGELS who stand before
the throne of God AC. Apr 20
SERVILIUS (St) M. RM. May 24 See Tob. XII 15; Apoc. VIII, 2-5. The
See Zoellus, Servilius, etc.
names usually given to them are
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael (these three
names occur in the Bible), Uriel,
AC. Aug 31 Shealtiel, Jehudiel and Berachiel. A
d. 1420. Sixty-four Servite friars burnt
church at Palermo is dedicated to the
to death in their church at Prague by the
Seven Angels, their feast being observed
Hussites. The group included four
there on Apr 20.
friars from Tuscany who had been sent
to Bohemia preach against the
Hussite heresy. Cult confirmed in 191 8.
(SS) CC. AC. July 17
The Bulgarians venerate liturgically
SERVULUS (St) C. RM. Dec 23 their first seven apostles; they are,
A cripple who begged for alms
d. £.590.
besides well-known Cyril and
at the door of the church of St Clement
Methodius, q.v., Gorazd, Nahum,
in Rome, sharing what he received with
Sabas, Angelarius and Clement of
other beggars. St Gregory the Great
Okharida. The last-named, who is the
describes the beautiful scene of Servu-
most important after Cyril and Metho-
lus's death.
dius, died on July 17, 916.

SERVUS (St) M. RM. Aug 17

See Liberatus, Boniface, etc.
RM. July
SERVUS (St) M. RM. Dec 7 d. c.i so. The seven alleged sons of the
d. 483. A layman of noble birth in Pro- Roman martyr Felicitas, q.v. Their
consular Africa. He was seized and names are: Januarius, Felix and Philip,
tortured to death under the Arian scourged to death; Sylvanus, thrown
Vandal king Hunneric. over a precipice; Alexander, Vitalis and
Martial, beheaded. They seem to have
SERVUS-DEI (St) M. RM. Jan 13 suffered at Rome under Antoninus Pius.
See Gumesindus and Servus-Dei. Modern scholars deny that they were

brothers: the fact that they were com- of the most ingenuous of these was
memorated on the same day led to the written by St James of Sarug in Syriac
legend of their being related by blood (f.500). The origin of the legend is

and the sons of Felicitas. probably to be traced to the discovery of

some forgotten relics. Baronius, al-

SEVEN HOLY FOUNDERS (SS) though he left the memoria of the Seven
RM. Feb 12 Sleepers in the RM., doubted the
Their names are: Bonfilio Monaldo, authenticity of their story.
Alexius Falconieri, (Benedict) Manet-
tus dell'Antello, (Bartholomew) Amedeo SEVERA (St) V. Abs. RM. July 20
de Amideis, (Ricovero) Uguccio Uguc- d. <r.68o. Sister of St Modoald, bishop
cione, (Gherordino) Sostenes Sostegni, of Treves. First abbess of St Gemma
(John) Buonagiunta Monetti. They (later Sainte-Severe) at Villeneuve,
were young Florentine members of the diocese of Bourges.
Confraternity of Our Lady who, on
Aug 15, 1233, in obedience to a vision SEVERA (St) Abs. OSB. AC. July 20
of the Mother of God, withdrew to Mt d. £.750. Benedictine abbess of the great
Senario and laid the foundation of the nunnery of Oehren at Treves.
Order of the Servants of Mary, known
as Servites. The chief devotion of this SEVERIAN and AQUILA (SS) MM.
Order is to the Seven Sorrows of Our RM. Jan 23
Lady. Bonfilio was the first superior ? A husband and wife martyred at Julia
General, Buonagiunta the second, Caesarea in Mauritania.
Manettus the fourth. Amedeo was first
prior of Carfaggio. Uguccio and Sos- SEVERIAN (St) Bp. M. RM. Feb 21
teneo established the order in France A bishop of Scythopolis (Beth-
d. f.452.
and Germany respectively. Alexis re- san) in Galilee who, on his return from
mained a lay-brother and was the last the council of Chalcedon, was mur-
to die (13 10). They were canonized dered by the Eutychian heretics with
conjointlyby Leo XIII in 1887, when the connivance of the empress Eudoxia.
their common feast was added to the
Roman Missal for the universal Church. SEVERIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 20
See Victor, Zoticus, etc.
(SS) MM. RM. Apr 29 SEVERIAN (St) M. Sept 9 RM.
See Corfu (Martyrs of). d. 320. An Armenian who, senator
having witnessed the martyrdom of the
SEVEN SLEEPERS (SS) MM. forty martyrs of Sebaste, openly pro-
RM. July 27 fessed his Christianity and was torn
250-362. The legend of the Seven with iron rakes until he died. He suf-
Sleepers states seven youths of
that fered at Sebaste under Licinius.
Ephesus were walled up in a cave under
Decius in the year 250 and were found SEVERIAN (St) M. RM. Nov 8
alive there in the time of Theodosius II One of the Four Crowned Martyrs, q.v.
(362), having spent the intervening
period in sleep. There are three or four SEVERINUS (St) Ab. RM. Jan 8
sets of different names and a large d. 476. An Eastern hermit who under-
number of variants of the legend. One took the evangelization of Noricum

(corresponding to modern Austria), Bordeaux. He was bishop of Cologne
where he established several monastic and a prominent opponent of Arianism.
foundations, notably one on the Danube
near Vienna, where he died. Six years SEVERINUS (French: SEURIN)
after his death the monks were driven (St) Bp. RM. Oct 23
from the country and carried his relics d. £.420. Said to "have been an oriental
to Naples, where the great Benedictine by birth. He was bishop of Bordeaux
monastery of San Severino was built to £.405-420.
enshrine them.
SEVERINUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 8 AC. Oct 23
Under this date the RM. commemorates d. 523. Anicius Manlius Torquatus Sev-
a St Severinus, bishop at Naples, erinus Boethius is known to history as
brother of St Victorinus M. The entry a Roman statesman in the service of
in the RM. is the result of a confusion Theodoric the Ostrogoth and as an
between the saint noticed above and St eminent philosopher, author of De
Severinus of Septempeda (June 8), consolatione philosophiae. About the
brother of St Victorinus of Camerino. year 534 he fell into disfavour with the
barbarian king and was beheaded at
SEVERINUS (St) Ab. RM. Feb n Pavia after a long imprisonment. His
d. ? 507. A Burgundian said to have relics are enshrined at the cathedral of
been the abbot of Agaunum in Switzer- Pavia, where his feast observed. His

land. He is also alleged to have restored feast is church of Santa

also kept at the
to health Clovis, first Christian king of Maria in Portico, Rome. Cult confirmed
the Franks. The historical evidence for in 1883.
these assertions is not good.
SEVERINUS (St) Bp. RM. June 8 RM. Nov 1
d. 550. Bishop of Septempeda, now d. £.699. A Benedictine monk who lived
called after him Sanseverino, in the as a hermit at Tivoli. His relics are in
Marches of Ancona. He and his brother the church of St Laurence at Tivoli.
Victorinus distributed their great wealth
among the poor and became hermits at SEVERINUS, EXUPERIUS and
Montenero. They were forced by Pope
Vigilius (540) to become bishops, the
d. 170. Martyrs of Vienne in Gaul under
former of Septempeda, the latter of
Marcus Aurelius.
Camerino. Severinus died shortly be-
fore Septempeda was destroyed by
Totila the Ostrogoth.
SEVERINUS (St) H. RM. Nov 27
d. f.540. A hermit who lived first at
Paris and then in a cell at Novientum
SEVERINUS (St) M. RM. July 6
near Paris.
See Lucy, Antoninus, etc.

SEVERINUS (St) M. RM. Aug 7 SEVERINUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 21

See Carpophorus, Exanthus, etc. <*• '-3°o. Bishop of Treves.

SEVERINUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 23 SEVERUS (St) M. RM. Jan 11

d. £.403. Said to have been born at See Peter, Severus and Leucius.

SEVERUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb i SEVERUS, MEMNON and Comp.
A native of Ravenna who be-
d. c .348. (SS) MM. RM. Aug 20
came bishop of that city in 283. He d. £.300. Severus was a priest and Mem-
accompanied the papal legate to the non a centurion at Bizya in Thrace,
synod of Sardica (344). where they were beheaded for the faith.
Thirty-seven Christian soldiers from
SEVERUS (St) Bp. AC. Feb 1 Philippopolis were at the same time
d. f.690.Born of poor parents in the Co- thrown into a furnace.
tentin, he became successively priest,
abbot and bishop of Avranches. Before SEVERUS (St) C. RM. Oct 1
his death he resigned his see and re- This saint seems to be identical with
turned to monastic life. Severus, Feb 15, q.v.

SEVERUS (St) C. RM. Feb 15 SEVERUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 15

A parish priest of Interocrea
d. r.530. d. f.455. Born was a disciple
in Gaul, he
(Androcca) in the Abruzzi. St Gregory of St Germanus of Auxerre and of St
the Great relates that he brought a dead Lupus of Troyes. He accompanied Ger-
man back to life that he might receive manus to Britain to oppose the Pelagian
the Last Sacraments. The relics of heresy. He preached the gospel to the
Severus were translated to Munster- Germans on the lower Moselle and
Maifeld, diocese of Treves, in the 10th became bishop of Treves (446-^.455).
SEVERUS (St) M. RM. Oct 22
SEVERUS and SIXTY-TWO See Philip, Severus, etc.
COMPS. (SS) MM. AC. Feb 21
3rd-4th cent. Martyrs at Syrmium, SEVERUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Nov 6
Pannonia. d. 633. Bishop of Barcelona, martyred
under the Arian Visigoths, who put him
SEVERUS (St) Bp. R M. Apr 29 to death by driving nails into his tem-
d. 409.Bishop of Naples and a famous ples. He is a minor patron of Barcelona.
wonder-worker. He raised a dead man
to life in order that he should bear SEVERUS (St) M. RM. Nov 8
witness in favour of his persecuted One of the Four Crowned Martyrs, q.v.
d. f.500. A priest of noble family and RM. Dec 2
famous for his charity, he has been d. f.450. African martyrs who suffered
honoured from time immemorial in under the Vandals.
the village that bears his name, St
Sever de Rustan in Bigorre (Hautes- SEVERUS (Bl) Bp. OSB.
Pyrenees). PC. Dec 9
d. 1067. A Benedictine of Brevnov who
SEVERUS (St) C. RM. Aug 8 became bishop of Prague (1 031 -1067)
d. ^.445. priest who came from afar and was noted for his activities as a
(some accounts say from India) and builder of churches. He is always styled
evangelized the district round Vienne either saint or blessed by Czech hagio-
in Gaul. graphers.


SEVERUS (St) M. RM. Dec 30 reclusetill the age of eighty, doing

See Mansuetus, Severus, etc. penance and working miracles. Cult

approved in 1853.
d. £.699. Daughter of Anna, king of the AC. Dec 10
East Angles, of SS Etheldreda,
sister d. 1 591. A layman and a convert
Ethelburga and Withburga, and half- hanged at Tyburn for relieving priests.
sister of St Sethrida. She married Beatified in 1929.
Erconbert, king of Kent, by whom she
became the mother of SS Ermengilda SIDONIUS APOLLINARIS (St) Bp.
and Ermengota. As queen she founded RM. Aug 23
the nunnery of Minster in Sheppey. £.430-486. Caius Sollius Apollinaris
Left a widow after twenty-four years of Sidonius was born at Lyons and ranks
happy married life, she became a nun as one of the last of the great Gallo-
at Milton in Kent, whence she migrated Romans. He was first a soldier and
to Ely, where she became abbess. married the daughter of Avitus, em-
peror of the West. In 468 he served the
SEXTUS (St) M. RM. Dec 31 state as chief senator and prefect of
See Stephen, Pontian, etc. Rome. After his term of office he retired
and while
to his country estate in Gaul,
SEZIN (St) Bp. AC. March 6
there, although a marriedman, he was
d. f.529. A native of Britain who
promoted to the see of Clermont. As a
laboured in Ireland at the time of St
bishop he saved his people from the
Patrick and then crossed over to Guic-
fury of the Gothic invaders under
Sezni in Brittany, where he is said to
Alaric, for which purpose he not only
have founded a monastery and where his
employed skilful diplomacy but also
relics are now venerated. introduced into his diocese and re-
organized days of public prayers called
"Rogation Days". Sidonius was a man
See Seven Angels who stand before the
of letters. He wrote Latin verse with
throne of God.
facility, but his letters are now much

SIAGRIUS (St) (several) more important than the twenty-four

Otherwise Syagrius, q.v. poems of his which are still extant.

SIARDUS (SIARD) (St) O. Praem. SIDONIUS (French: SAfiNS) (St)

PC. Nov 13 Ab. OSB. AC. Nov 14
d. 1230. Premonstratensian abbot of d. f.690. An
Irishman who became a
Mariengaarden in Frisia (1 196-1230). monk at Jumieges under St Philibert
(644). Later he was appointed by St
SIBYLLINA BISCOSSI (Bl) V. Tert. Ouen first abbot of a small monastery
OP. AC. March 23 which that bishop had founded near
1 287-1 367. Born at Pavia and left an Rouen: this monastery was in after ages
orphan, at the age of twelve she became called Saint-Saens.
blind and was adopted by a community
of Dominican tertiaries. In 1302 she SIDRONIUS (St) M. RM. July 1

retired to a cell near the Dominican d. r.270. A Roman martyr under Aure-
friary at Pavia, and there she lived as a lian. In the Middle Ages his relics were

translated to Another St
Flanders. wich ?), but was forcibly removed from
Sidronius is Sens in
venerated at the cloister by his warrior subjects and
France. The history of the two saints fell while leading them in battle against

has been confused, and the traditions Penda of Mercia. His opponents being
concerning them are untrustworthy. pagans, he was venerated as a martyr.

AC. Aug i d. f.1045. An English priest and monk,
? Probably of British (not Anglo- probably of Glastonbury. At the invi-
Saxon) lineage. She is said to have lived King Olaf of Norway he went
tation of
in the West of England, and there are to that country as a missionary and
churches dedicated to her in Devon- fixed his residence at Wexiow. Great
shire, chiefly in the neighbourhood of success attended his efforts, one of his
Exeter. Particulars of her life, and as to converts being Olaf, king of Sweden.
how she came to be venerated as a He is said to have been canonized by
martyr, are lacking. Pope Adrian IV.


SUFFREDUS) (St) Bp. AC. Nov 27 d. 690.Monk and disciple of St Benet
d. 540 (or 660 ?). A native of Albano, Biscop, by whom he was appointed
near Rome, who became a monk at abbot of Wearmouth in 686. They both
Lerins and later bishop of Carpentras died in the same year.
in Provence, where he is now venerated
as the principal patron saint of the dio- SIGFRID Mk OSB.
AC. Dec 15
cese. d. 121 5. A monk of Rein-
hardsbrunn in Thuringia. From the year
SIGEBERT (St) King AC. Feb 1 1 21 2 he lived as a hermit at Georgen-
631-656. Sigebert III, son of Dagobert berg.
I, was king of Austrasia, i.e., Eastern

France. Under the influence of Bl SIGHARDUS (Bl) Ab. OSB. Cist.

Pepin of Landen, of St Cunibert of AC. Apr 5
Cologne and of other saintly persons, d. 1 162. Cistercian monk of Jouy. In
the young king grew up to be a clean- 1 141 he founded and became the first
living and pious man. He died at the abbot of Bonlieu, or Carbon-Blanc,
age of twenty-five. Though not a very near Bordeaux.
successful monarch, he was revered as
the founder of numerous hospitals, SIGIBALD (St) Bp. AC. Oct 26
churches and monasteries. The abbeys d. Bishop of Metz 716-^.740.
of Stavelot and Malmedy were founded He was promoter of learning, a builder
by him. of schools and abbeys (notably Neu-
weiter and Saint-Avoid) and an able
SIGEBERT (St) King M. OSB. administrator.
AC. Sept 27
d. 635. The first Christian king of East SIGIRANUS (CYRAN, SIRAN,
Anglia. He was baptized in France and, SIGRAM) (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Dec 5
assisted by SS Felix and Fursey, he d. f.655 Born of a noble
(or 690?).
introduced Christianity into his realm. Frankish family, he was first cup-bearer
He took the monastic habit (at Dun- at the court of Clotaire II and later

archdeacon of Tours, of which city his SIGRADA (St) N. OSB. AC. Aug 8
father was bishop. Ultimately he be- d. r.678.Mother of SS Leodegarius and
came a monk and abbot-founder of Warinus. In her widowhood she be-
Meobecq and of Lonrey (Longoretum). came a nun in the convent at Soissons.
The latter was afterwards called after She died shortly after the martyrdom of
him Saint-Cyran. her two sons, victims of the cruelty of
Ebroin, mayor of the palace.
(SS) AC. July ii SILAS (or SILVANUS) (St) C.
d. r.650 (or f.750 ?). Sigisbert was the RM. July 13
abbot-founder of the great Benedictine 1 and companion
st cent. Silas, disciple

abbey of Dissentis in Switzerland. He of St Paul, is mentioned both as Silas

built it on land given him by St Placid, (Acts XV, 22; XVIII, 5) and as Silvanus
a wealthy landowner who joined the (2 Cor. I, 19; 1 Thess. 1, 1; 2 Thess. I,
new community as a monk and was later 1 1 Pet. V, 12). Legend makes him the

murdered for defending the ecclesiasti- first bishop of Corinth. The Greeks

cal rights of the abbey. Sigisbert sur- distinguish Silas from Silvanus and
vived him several years. Cult approved commemorate both on July 20.
in 1905.
SIGISMUND (St) King, M. Bp. AC.
17 May
RM. May 1 d. 1 100. Said to have been an Irish
d. 523. A Vandal by extraction and dis- bishop who died at Lucca on his way
position, he was king of the Burgun- back from a pilgrimage to Rome. He is
dians for one year. During that period the subject of many extravagant legends.
he ordered one of his sons to be strangled
for rebuking his step-mother. He atoned SILIN (SULIAN) (St) C.
for this sin by giving generously to the AC. Sept 1
Church and the poor. Being defeated in 6th cent. A prince of N. Wales who be-
battle he disguised himself in a monk's came a hermit on an island off the coast
habit and hid in a cell near the abbey of of Anglesey. Later he became a mission-
Agaunum, which he had built. There he ary in Brittany.
was found by his enemies and put to
death. He is honoured as a martyr. SILLAN (SILVANUS) (St) Ab.
AC. Feb 28
SIGOLENA (SEGOULEME) (St) d. £.610. A disciple of St Comgall at
Abs. OSB. AC. July 24 Bangor, Co. Down, and his second
d. £.769. Daughter of a nobleman of successor as abbot of that monastery.
Aquitaine and a widow early in life, she
became a nun in the convent of Troclar SILVANUS, LUKE and MUCIUS
on the Tarn, S. France, where she was (SS) MM. RM. Feb 6
later chosen abbess. She is co-patroness d. 312. Silvanus was bishop of Emesa in
of the diocese of Albi. Phoenicia, Luke his deacon, and
Mucius his lector. After long imprison-
SIGOLINUS (SIGHELM) (St) Ab. ment the three were martyred under
OSB. AC. Oct 29 Maximian. The RM. identifies this
d. f.670. Abbot of Stavelot and Mal- Silvanus with the companion of St
medy, in Belgium. Tyrannio, q.v. (Feb 20).


SILVANUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 10 SILVANUS (St) M. RM. Sept 4

? Bishop of Terracina. He is described See Rufinus, Silvanus and Vitalicus.
as a "Confessor", which would mean
that he had suffered for the Faith, by SILVANUS (St) RM. Sept 22
imprisonment, or torture, or even death. ? A saint venerated from ancient times
at Levroux, diocese of Bourges. Legend

SILVANUS (St) M. RM. Feb 18 identifies him with the Zacchaeus of the

See Lucius, Silvanus, etc. gospel.

SILVANUS (St) Bp. M. RM.Feb20 SILVANUS (St) M. RM. Nov 5

See Tyrannio, Silvanus, etc. See Domninus, Theotimus, etc.

SILVANUS (St) M. RM. March 8 SILVANUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 2

See Cyril, Rogatus, etc. d.£.450. A monk at Constantinople.
Later bishop of Troas in Phrygia.
SILVANUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
RM. May 4 SILVERIUS (St) Pope, M.
d. £.311. A
group of forty-one martyrs RM. June 20
from Egypt and Palestine, of whose d. r.537. A native of Frosinone in Cam-
martyrdom an account is given by pania and son of Pope St Hormisdas.
Eusebius. Silvanus was bishop of Gaza He was only a sub-deacon when pro-
and was sentenced to the mines in moted to the Roman see. For refusing
Palestine, but being too old for heavy to countenance the restoration of
work, he was beheaded instead, to- the monophysite bishop Anthimos to the
gether with forty others similarly in- see of Constantinople he incurred the
capacitated. violent hatred of the empress Theodora.
He was summarily condemned on a
SILVANUS (St) M. RM. May 5 charge of high treason, deported to the
? A Roman martyr. East and finally banished to an islet off
Naples, where he was of pri-
left to die
SILVANUS (St) H. AC. May15 vation, or perhaps actually murdered.
4th cent. An actor who left the world
and became a monk at Tabennisi under SILVESTER (St) Bp.
St Pachomius. After twenty years of AC. March 10
monastic life he became lax and was c.420. A companion of St Palladius in
excommunicated by Pachomius. This the evangelization of Ireland.
led to a second conversion and to the
beginning of a new life of sanctification. SILVESTER (St) Ab. AC. Apr 15
He is honoured by the Greeks. d. ^.625. Second abbot of Moutier-
Saint-Jean (Reome), diocese of Dijon.
SILVANUS (St) M. RM. May 24
See Zoellus, Servilius, etc. SILVESTER VENTURA (Bl) Mk.
OSB. Cam. AC. June 9
SILVANUS (St) M. RM. July 10 d. 1348. A
native of Florence and a
One of the Seven Brothers, MM., q.v. carder and bleacher of wool by trade. At
the age of forty he joined the Camaldo-
SILVANUS (St) M. RM. July 10 lese at S. Maria degli Angeli at Florence
See Bianor and Silvanus. as a lay-brother, and served the com-

munity He was favoured with
as cook. Hosius of Cordova. The major part of
ecstasiesand heavenly visions, and the his remains are enshrined at San Sil-
angels were wont to come and cook for vestro in Capite, Rome.
him. His spiritual advice was much
sought after. SILVINUS (St) Bp. OSB.
RM. Feb 17
20 d. f.720. A courtier who gave up his
d. f.525. Bishop of Chalons-sur-Saone worldly life and became a pilgrim. At

from c .484 to c .525. St Gregory of Tours Rome he was consecrated a regionary

describes him as "the glory of con- bishop and evangelized the district
fessors". round Therouanne. After some forty
years of unceasing apostolate, a feature
SILVESTER GOZZOLINI (St) Ab. of which was the ransoming of numer-
OSB. RM. Nov 26 ous slaves, he retired to the Benedictine
1 177-1267. Born at Osimo, he read law abbey of Auchy-les-Moines, where he
at Padua and Bologna, then became a lived the few remaining years of his life
secular priestand canon at Osimo. Later as a monk.
he retired to live as a hermit at Monte-
fano, near Fabriano. In 1231, directed SILVINUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 12
by St Benedict in a vision, he instituted d. r.550. Bishop of Verona. Nothing
a new congregation of Benedictines further is known about him.
known from the colour of their habit as
the Blue Benedictines. The congrega- SILVINUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 28
tion spread rapidly, and Silvester d. 444. Bishop of Brescia. He was raised
governed it "with unbounded wisdom to the episcopate in extreme old age.
and gentleness" for thirty-six years. It
was approved by Innocent IV in 1247. SILVIUS (St) M. RM. Apr 21
St Silvester represents the new efflo- See Arator, Fortunatus, etc.
rescence of Benedictinism in Italy which
synchronized with the foundation of SIMBERT (SIMPERT, SINTBERT)
the new orders of friars. He was (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 13
equivalently canonized in 1598. d. £.809. Pupil, monk and abbot at the
abbey of Murbach, near Colmar in
SILVESTER (St) Pope RM. Dec 31 Alsace. In 778 he was made bishop of
d. 335. Silvester was a Roman, and Augsburg, but retained the government
governed the Church as Pope from 314 of Murbach. He was a remarkable pre-
t0 335- I n 3 X 3 Constantine had, by the late in every respect, but especially as a
Edict of Milan, granted toleration to restorer of ecclesiastical discipline and
Christianity, and Silvester was there- studies. Canonized by Nicholas V.
fore enabled to govern the Church free
from persecution. Very little that is SIMEON STYLITES the ELDER
historically certain is known about his (St) H. RM. Jan 5
life, though there are various legends 390-459. Born at Sis in Cilicia, the son
which connect his name with that of of a shepherd and a shepherd himself in
Constantine. During his pontificate the his youth. He joined a community of
first general council was held at Nicaea Syrian monks but was dismissed on
to deal with the Arian heresy, and he account of his excessive austerities. He
was represented at the council by bishop then became a hermit attaching himself

by chains to a rock, but so many people SIMEON of TRfeVES (St) H. OSB.
came to see him that, in order to gain RM. June 1

greater solitude, he took to living on a d. 1035. A native of Syracuse who, after

platform mounted on a pillar. He gradu- being educated at Constantinople, lived
ally raised the height of the pillar till as a hermit by the Jordan. He then
itreached sixty-six feet, and it was on joined a community at Bethlehem, but
the flat summit of this, about three feet migrated later to Mt Sinai and again
in width, that he spent the remaining became a hermit, first in a small cave
thirty-seven years of his life : hence the near the Red Sea and then on the sum-
name which means "raised on
Stylites, mit of Sinai. Thence he was sent by the
a pillar". For forty years he passed the abbot of Mt Sinai on a mission to the
whole of Lent without taking any food. duke of Normandy. After a series of
His pillar stood on a hill on the borders adventures he settled at Treves, where
of Syria and Cilicia, and the wild tribes he was walled up by the archbishop and
of the desert flocked to him for baptism lived under the obedience of the abbot
and spiritual advice. The above facts are of the great Benedictine monastery of St
quite authentic, being based on the Martin. It was the abbot of this mon-
testimony of eye-witnesses. astery who assisted Simeon at his death
and wrote his life. St Simeon was the
SIMEON the ANCIENT (St) C. second saint to be formally canonized
AC. Jan 28 (1042).
d. c .390. He lived from early youth in a
cave in Syria, and later founded two SIMEON SALUS (St) H.
monasteries on Mt Sinai. He often RM. July 1

visited his friend Palladius. d. />-588. An Egyptian who lived as a

hermit for close on thirty years in the
SIMEON (St) Bp. M. RM. Feb 18 desert of Sinai, by the Red Sea, and
d. f.107. The son of Cleophas and a afterwards at Emesa in Phoenicia. He
kinsman of our Lord (Mat XIII, 55; received the nickname Salus meaning
Mk. VI, 3; John XIX, 25). He suc- fool on account of his eccentric be-
ceeded St James the Less in the see of haviour.
Jerusalem and was crucified in extreme
old age under Trajan. SIMEON of PADOLIRONE (St) Mk.
OSB. RM. July 26
SIMEON, ABDECHALAS, ANA- d. 1 01 6. An Armenian who, after spend-
NIAS, USTHAZANES, PUSICIUS ing some time as a hermit, went on
and Comp. RM. Apr 21 pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Rome, Compo-
d. 341. Persian martyrs under Shapur and St Martin of Tours. He was
II. Simeon was bishop of Seleucia- renowned for the miracles he worked on
Ctesiphon, Abdechalas and Ananias his these journeys. Finally he settled at the
priests,Usthazanes the king's tutor (a Cluniac abbey of Padolirone near
repentant apostate), and Pusicius the Padua, where he passed the rest of his
overseer of the king's workmen. They life. Canonized by Benedict VIII.
suffered with a band of over one hun-

dred other Christians bishops, priests SIMEON STYLITES the YOUN-
and clerics of various ranks. Pusicius's GER (St) H. RM. Sept 3
virgin daughter was also martyred with 521-597. A native of Antioch who as a
them. The Acts are authentic. child joined the community of St John

Stylites. As a boy he began to live on a and was prominent figure as a writer,
pillar, and he continued to live thus preacher and adviser in the life of most

uninterruptedly for sixty-nine years, of the cities of central Italy. In recent

until his death. In his earlier years he times scholars have claimed to find in
did not always remain on the same his book De Gestis Domini Salvatoris the
pillar, but he remained on his last pillar source of several of Luther's heretical
(on the Wonderful Mountain, near doctrines.
Antioch) for forty-five years. He was
ordained priest and celebrated Mass at SIMON of ST BERTIN (Bl) Ab.
on the pillar itself. He was
a small altar OSB. AC. Feb 4
consulted by prelates and princes, as d. 1 148. Successively monk of Saint-
well as the common people. Bertin, abbot ofAuchy, and abbot of
Saint-Bertin His election as
SIMEON SENEX (St) RM. Oct 8 abbot of Saint-Bertin was contested,
i st cent. The "just and devout man and he was unable to take up his office
who awaited the consolation of Israel" until 1 1 38.
(Luke II, 25), who took the Infant
Saviour in his arms when he was SIMON of TRENT (St) M.
brought to the Temple and who on that RM. March 24
occasion sang the Nunc dimittis (ib.). d. 1474. A child living at Trent in N.
Italy who is said to have been murdered
SIMEON of CAVA (Bl) Ab. OSB. by Jews at Eastertide out of hatred of
AC. Nov 16 Christ. The confession of the Jews was
d. 1 141. Abbot of the great Benedictine obtained under torture. The trial was
abbey of La Cava, in S. Italy, from 1 124 reviewed at Rome by Sixtus IV in 1478
to 1 141. He was highly esteemed by but he did not authorize the cult of St
Pope Innocent II and by Roger II of Simon. This however was done by
Sicily. It was during his abbacy that Sixtus V in 1588, largely on account of
Cava reached the peak of its splendour. the miracles. In 1965 the Sacred Con-
Cult confirmed in 1928. gregation of Rites forbade all future
veneration. The cause of the child's
SIMILIAN (French: SAMBIN) (St) death is considered quite uncertain.
Bp. RM. June 16
d. 310. Third bishop of Nantes. St SIMON RINALDUCCI (Bl) S. OSA.
Gregory of Tours testifies to his sanc- AC. Apr 20
tity. d. 1322. A native of Todi, he became an
Austin friar, a famous preacher, and for
SIMITRIUS and Comp. (SS) MM. a time provincial of Umbria. He kept
RM. May 26 silence under an unjust accusation
d. r.159. A band of twenty-three Ro- rather than cause scandal among his
man martyrs, arrested while assembled brethren. Cult confirmed in 1833.
church of St
for prayer in the titulus or
Praxedes and beheaded without trial. SIMON STOCK (St) C. OC.
AC. May 16
SIMON FID ATI of CASCIA (Bl) C. d. 1265. Born at Aylesford in Kent, he
OSA. Erem. AC. Feb 3 joined the Carmelites and eventually
d. 1348. Born at Cascia in Umbria, he (1247) became the sixth general of the
joined the friar-hermits of St Augustine order. As such he was instrumental in

establishing houses at the principal a descendant of Charlemagne. He was
university cities of Europe: Cambridge brought up at the court of William the
(1248), Oxford (1253), Paris (1260), Conqueror. The sight of his father's
Bologna (id.), and in modifying the rule decomposing body led him to desire the
so that the Carmelites became an order monastic life, and with William's leave,
of mendicant friars rather than of her- though the latter wished him to marry,
mits. According to a Carmelite tradition he set out for Rome. On the way thither
our Lady gave Simon the brown scapu- he stopped at the Benedictine abbey of
lar with all the privileges attached to it. Condat in the Jura and there took the
Though never formally canonized, habit. After his profession he was em-
Simon is venerated throughout the ployed by St Gregory VII and others in
Church as a canonized saint. He died at bringing about reconciliations between
Bordeaux. princes and potentates. It was while he
was at Rome engaged in a mission of this
SIMON ACOSTA and SIMON LO- kind that he died, being attended at his
PEZ(BB) MM. SJ. AC. July 15 deathbed by Pope Gregory.
d. 1570. The former was born at
Oporto in Portugal and became a Jesuit SIMON of GENOA (Bl) A. OSB.
lay-brother; the latter was a native of Cam. AC. Sept 18
Ourem, also in Portugal, and was a d. 1292. A Genoese who became a her-
Jesuit cleric. Both formed part of the mit at Camaldoli.
missionary expedition of Bl Ignatius
Azevedo, q.v. SIMON de ROJAS (Bl) C. O. Trin.
AC. Sept 28
SIMON of LBPNICZA (Bl) C. OFM. 1 522-1 624. A native of Valladolid who
AC. July 30 became which order he
a Trinitarian, in
d. 1482. A native of Lipnicza in Poland became and a famous mis-
a superior
who, as a result of hearing a sermon by sionary. In later life he was appointed
St John Capistran, joined the Friars confessor at the court of Philip III and
Minor and became a powerful preacher tutor to the royal family. Beatified in
himself. He died while tending the sick 1766.
during a plague at Cracow. Beatified in
1685. SIMON (St) Apostle RM. Oct 28
1 In the gospels he is surnamed
st cent.
SIMON KIOTA and Comp. (BB) "the Cananean", i.e., "the Zealot". His
MM. AC. Aug 16 name occurs only in the lists of the
d. 1625. A Japanese, member of one of apostles. The tradition of the West
the old Christian families of Bungo and places the scene of his labours in Egypt
an officer in the royal army. He served and Mesopotamia, but there are several
as a catechist and at the ageof sixty was other different traditions among the
crucified with his wife and three com- Christians of the East, and nothing posi-
panions (Bl Thomas Ghengoro, his wife tive can be stated about his life and
and their child James) at Cocura. Beati- activities.
fied in 1867.


(Bl) C.
SIMON of CRESPY (St) Mk. OSB. AC. Nov 3
AC. Sept 18 d. 1 3 19. Born at Sant' Arcangelo near
d. £.1080. Count of Crespy in Valois and Rimini, the son of Count Ballachi and

nephew of two archbishops of Rimini. SIMPLICIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
At the age of twenty-seven he became a RM. May 10
Dominican lay-brother in his native city See Calepodius, Palmatius, etc.

and was remarkable for his extraordi-

nary austerities. Cult confirmed in 182 1. SIMPLICIUS (St) M. RM. May 15
d. 304. A martyr of Sardinia, buried
SIMON of AULNE (Bl) C. OSB. alive under Diocletian.
Cist. AC. Nov 6
d. 1 21 5. A Cistercian lay-brother at SIMPLICIUS of BOURGES (St) Bp.
Aulne renowned for his gift of mystical AC. June 16
prayer, his visions and his ecstasies. On d. 477 (March 1). He was already
this account he was invited to Rome by married and the father of a large family
Innocent III. when the bishops of the province raised
him to the see of Bourges. He defended
SIMON YEMPO (Bl) M. AC. Dec 4 the Church against the Arian Visigoths
A native of Japan who became
d. 1623.
and the ambitions of lay magnates.
a Buddhist monk. Having been con-
verted to Christianity and become a lay
catechist, he was burnt alive at Yeddo.
RM. June24
Beatified in 1867.
d. f.360. A married man who lived a
virginal life with his wife and was raised
SIMON HOA (Bl) M. AC. Dec 12
to the see of Autun. As a bishop he
d.1840. A native of Cochin-China, a
worked zealously and successfully to
physician and mayor of his village. He
uproot paganism.
was attached to the Foreign Missions of
Paris. After most cruel tortures he was
beheaded for the Faith. Beatified in
d. 303. Said to have been two brothers
SIMPLICIAN (St)Bp. RM. Aug 16 and their sister martyred in Rome under
d. 400. A friend and adviser of St Am- Diocletian. Their Acts are not trust-
brose,whom he succeeded in the see of worthy.
Milan. He was already an old man and
governed the see only three years. He SIMPLICIUS, CONSTANTIUS and
played a leading part in the conversion VICTORIAN (SS) MM.
of St Augustine, by whom he was RM. Aug 26
always remembered with deep gratitude. According to the RM., Simplicius

and his two sons were martyred under

SIMPLICIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 31 Aurelian, but it seems that three sepa-
See Stephen, Pontian, etc. rate martyrs have been artificially
grouped by a hagiographer, Simplicius
SIMPLICIUS (St) Pope of Rome, Victorianus of Amiternum
RM. March 10 and Constantius of Perugia (q. v. Jan 29).
d. 483. A native of Tivoli who was pope
from 468 to 483. He upheld the decrees SIMPLICIUS (St) Ab. OSB.
of the council of Chalcedon and sup- AC. Oct 22
ported the Eastern Catholics against the d. r.570. A of St Benedict and
Monophysite heretics, who were backed third abbot of Montecassino. His relics
by three successive Byzantine emperors. were elevated in 107 1.

— :


SIMPLICIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 8 SIRMIUM (Martyrs of) (SS)

See Four Crowned Martyrs. RM. Feb 23 and Apr 9
d. £.303. Two anonymous groups of
SIMPLICIUS of VERONA (St) Bp. martyrs are catalogued in the RM. as
RM. Nov 20 having suffered under Diocletian at
d. f.535. Bishop of Verona. Sirmium, now Mitrovica in the Balkans
(i) a band of seventy-two, on Feb 23,

SIMPLICIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 18 put to death probably in 303; and (ii)
See Quintus, Simplicius, and Comp. a group of seven maidens commemo-
rated on Apr 9 and probably martyred
SINAI (Martyrs of) (SS) RM. Jan 14 in the same year.
See Isaias, Sabas and Comp.
SINCHEALL(St)Ab. AC. March 26 AC. March 15
5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick. Ab- d. 1082. Abbot of the Benedictine
bot-founder of the monastery and school monastery of Cardena in the diocese of
at Killeigh, Offaly, Ireland, where he Burgos, Spain. Under him the abbey
had one hundred and fifty monks under became a powerful focus of ecclesiastical
his direction. and civil life. He gave shelter to the Cid
(Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar), the celebrated
SINDIMIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 19 hero of the Christian Spanish Recon-
See Cyriacus, Paulillus, etc. quest.


RM. Oct 20 RM. July 16
d. 660. A native of Gascony who lived d. 851.Born at Badajoz in Estremadura,
as a hermit at Aussonce, near Reims. he became a deacon in the church of St
Acisclus at Cordova. He was beheaded
SINDULPHUS of VIENNE (St) Bp. under Abderrahman II.
RM. Dec 10
d. c.669. The thirty-first bishop of SISINIUS, DIOCLETIUS and
Vienne in Gaul. FLORENTIUS (SS) MM.
SIRAN RM. May 11
(St) Ab. OSB. AC. Dec 5 d. 303. Martyrs Osimo, near Ancona,
Otherwise Sigiranus, q.v.
under Diocletian. They were stoned to
death at the same time as the better
SIRICIUS (St) Pope RM. Nov 26
d. 399. A native of Rome who ruled the known Roman priest, St Anthimus.
Church from 384 to 399. His episcopate
isvery important for the development SISINIUS, MARTYRIUS and
of the Roman primacy. His letter ALEXANDER (SS) MM.
called the first papal decretal— to Arch- RM. May 29
bishop Himerius of Tarragona marks d. 397. Said to have been Cappadocians,
an epoch in the history of the papal received by St Vigilius of Trent on the
authority. recommendation of St Ambrose and
sent to evangelize the Tyrol. They were
SIRIDION (St) Bp. RM. Jan 2 martyred by a pagan mob who were
? Probably a scribe's error for Isidore. celebrating the festival of the Ambar-
See Isidore of Antioch. valia.

SISINIUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 23 tus" was written for "diacones quat-
d. p. 325. Bishop of Cyzicus and a con- tuor". It is probable that St Sixtus
fessor of the Faith under Diocletian. He suffered with allhis seven deacons, the
was dragged by wild horses, but sur- six mentioned today, and, later, St
vived and was present at the council of Laurence.
SISINIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 29 RM. Aug 19
See Saturninus and Sisinius. d. 440.Pope from 432 to 440. A Roman
by birth. As pope he is best remem-
SISOES (St) H. AC. July 4 bered for having opposed Nestorianism
d. f.429. He lived as a hermit in Egypt and Pelagianism and for having re-
for sixty-two years. To some extent he stored several Roman basilicas, among
resembled St Antony in the influence he them S. Maria Maggiore.
SITHIAN (St) Bp. AC. July 15 Bp. RM. Sept 1
Otherwise Seduinus, possibly identical d. £.300. First bishop of Reims, ^.290-
with Swithun, q.v. 300. He was sent from Rome and estab-
lished his see at Soissons before moving
SIVIARD (St) Ab. OSB. it to Reims.
RM. March 1

d. £.729. Benedictine monk at Saint- SLEBHENE (SLEBHINE) (St) Ab.

Calais, on the R. Anisole. He succeeded AC. March 2
his own father as abbot of the mon- d. 767. An Irish monk who was abbot of
astery. To him we owe an interesting Iona from 752 to 767.
life of St Calais, founder of the abbey.
SIXTUS I (XYSTUS) Pope, M. See Cyriacus, Largus, etc.

RM. Apr 3
d. 127. A Roman. Pope from 1 17 to 127. SOBEL (St) M. RM. Aug 5
The martyrologies refer to him as a See Cantidius, Cantidian and Sobel.
martyr but there are no Acta.
SIXTUS n (XYSTUS) Pope, and MM. RM. Apr 19
Comp. MM. RM. Aug 6 d. 275. Martyrs of Pamphylia, stabbed
d. 258. He
reigned for one year: 257- to death under Aurelian.
258. While preaching in the catacomb
of Praetextatus during the celebration of SOCRATES and STEPHEN (SS)
the liturgy he was seized with his dea- MM. Sept 17 RM.
cons Felicissimus and Agapitus and d. £.304. Alleged British martyrs under
martyred. His name is mentioned in the Diocletian. The RM. assigns them to
canon of the Roman Mass. The RM. Britain, but seems certain that Soc-

commemorates with them Januarius, rates was martyred in Abretania, a

Magnus, Vincent and Stephen, sub- province of Mysia in Asia Minor, and
deacons, and Quartus, all as martyrs. that a scribe changed the name to
Quartus owes his existence to a bad Britannia. Bithynia has also been sug-
manuscript in which "diaconus Quar- gested as the place of martyrdom.

6S i
SOLA (SOL, SOLUS, SUOLO) (St) d. 874. King of Brittany and a brave,
H. OSB. AC. Dec 3 though at times brutal, warrior against

d. 794. An Anglo-Saxon monk and Franks, Northmen and his own rebel-
priestwho followed St Boniface to lious subjects. The Bretons count him
Germany and lived as a hermit first near among their many national heroes. He
Fulda under the obedience of that did penance for the crimes of his youth,
abbey and later near Eichstatt. Finally and when he was assassinated the
he settled on a piece of land bestowed people at once acclaimed him a martyr.
on him by Charlemagne, on which he
founded the abbey of Solnhofen as a SOLOMON (SALOMON, SALONI-
dependency of Fulda. US) (St) Bp. RM. Sept 28
d. p.2b(). First bishop of Genoa. His
SOLANGIA (SOLANGE) (St) VM. true name was Salonius : it was changed
AC. May 10 into Salomon by a scribe's error.
d. £.880. A poor shepherdess of the
neighbourhood of Bourges, who, for SOLUTOR (St) M. RM. Nov 13
resisting the attempts of the local lord See Valentine, Solutor and Victor.
on her chastity, was brutally murdered
by him. SOLUTOR (St) M. RM. Nov 20
See Octavius, Solutor and Adventor.
RM. Sept 25 SOPATRA (St) V. RM. Nov 9
d. f.511. Bishop of Chartres c. 490-511.
See Eustolia and Sopatra.
He was present at the baptism of Clovis.

SOPHIA (St) VM. RM. Apr 30

SOLINA (St) VM. AC. Oct 17
A maiden of Fermo in central
d. c .250.
d. c.290. A Gascon maiden who escaped
Italy, martyred under Decius.
to Chartres to avoid marriage to a pagan.
She was beheaded at Chartres.
RM. Sept 18
SOLOCHON and Comp. (SS) MM. d. c. ?200. Martyrs beheaded in Egypt.
RM. May 17
d. 305. Three Egyptian soldiers in the
SOPHIA (St) W. RM. Sept 30
imperial army, stationed at Chalcedon.
d f.138. The mother of the virgin mar-
They were clubbed to death for the
tyrs Faith, Hope and Charity, who,
Faith under Maximian.
according to a Roman tradition, suffered
SOLOMON (St) M. RM. March at Rome under Hadrian. Three days
See Rudericus and Salomon. later Sophia, while praying at their
tomb, herself passed peacefully away.
SOLOMON I (St) M. AC. June 25 The story seems to have come from the
d. 434. Born in Cornwall, husband of East and is thought by some to be an
St Gwen and father of St Cuby (Cybi). allegorical explanation of the cult of the
He reigned as a kinglet in Brittany and Divine Wisdom, from whom proceed
was assassinated by heathen malcon- Faith, Hope and Charity.
tents among his subjects.
SOLOMON m (Breton: SELYF) Prophet RM. Dec 3
(St) M. AC. June 25 7th cent. B.C. Said to have been of the

tribe of Simeon. He prophesied in He became a disciple of St Paul and is
Judaea in the days of King Josiah his : probably the "brother" mentioned in
most remarkable prophecy regards the 1 Cor. I, 1. Greek tradition makes him
ultimate conversion of the Jews. There the first bishop of Colophon in Asia
are no trustworthy traditions concerning Minor.
RM. March n (SS) MM. AC. July 8
d. f .639. A Syrian from Damascus who ? 4th cent. Martyrs of Syrmium, Pan-
became patriarch of Jerusalem in 633. nonia.
He an ecclesiastical writer of distinc-

tion. His life's work, however, was the SOTER (St) Pope, M. RM. Apr 22
condemnation of Monothelism. He was A native of Fondi, near Gaeta.
d. 174.
engaged in this campaign when the He was pope from 166 to 174 and was
Saracens occupied Jerusalem and drove an active opponent of Montanism. He
him from his see (638). He is said to is supposed to have died a martyr.

have died of grief shortly after.

SOTERIS (St) VM. RM. Feb 10
SOPHRONIUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 8 d. 304. A Roman
maiden martyred
6th cent. An alleged bishop of Cyprus. under Diocletian. She seems to have
been a sister of the great-great-grand-
SOSIPATER (St) RM. June 25 mother of St Ambrose, by whom she is
2nd cent. A kinsman and of St
disciple often mentioned.
Paul (Rom. XVI, 21). He accompanied
the apostle on some of his journeys, and SOZON (St) M. RM. Sept 7
tradition connects his later life with the A shepherd
d. r.304. in his native Cili-
island of Corfu. cia. At a pagan celebration he pulled off
the golden hand of an idol, broke
it up

SOSIUS (St) M. RM. Sept 19 and distributed the pieces among the
See Januarius and Comp. poor. He was forthwith burnt at the
One of the Seven Founders of the Ser- SPECIOSUS (St) Mk. OSB.
vite Order, q.v. RM. March 15
d. £.555. A wealthy landowner of Cam-
SOSTHENES and VICTOR (SS) pania who, with his brother Gregory,
MM. Sept 10 RM. received the habit from St Benedict at
d. 307. Martyrs at Chalcedon under Montecassino. He was attached to the
Maximian. They were among the new foundation at Terracina, but died
executioners appointed to torture St at Capua while on an errand undertaken
Euphemia and were converted through for the benefit of his monastery.
her prayers and the example of her
Abs. OSB. AC. Sept 11
SOSTHENES (St) RM. Nov 28 d. 1276. A relative of St Ubald of Gub-
1 st cent. The ruler of the synagogue at bio. She became a Benedictine at
Corinth mentioned in Acts XVIII, 17. Cingoli, in the Marches of Ancona, and


eventually abbess of her nunnery. She is STACHYS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 31
venerated as the patron saint of Cingoli. 1 st cent. The Christian saluted by St
Paul (Rom. XVI, 9) as "my beloved".
SPERATUS (St) M. RM. July 17 The tradition is that St Andrew con-
See Scillitan Martyrs. secrated him bishop of Byzantium.

SPES (St) Ab. RM. March 28

An abbot of Campi in central
STACTEUS (St) M. RM. July 18
d. c.5 1 3.

Italy. He was totally blind for forty One of the alleged sons of St Sympho-
rosa, q.v.
years, but fifteen days before his death
his eyesight was restored.
STACTEUS (St) M. RM. Sept 28
SPES (HOPE, ELPIS) (St)VM. A Roman martyr of whom no particu-
RM. Aug 1
lars are available.
See Faith, Hope and Charity.



1030-1079. Stanislaus Szczepanovsky
(SS) MM. RM. Jan 17
was born near Cracow and educated at
d. 175. According to the legend, which
Gnesen and Paris. In 1072 he was
probably has no basis in fact, these
raised to the see of Cracow. He ex-
saints were three brothers born at one
communicated King Boleslaus the Cruel
birth, natives of Cappadocia, martyred
for his evil life, and that monarch in
with their grandmother Leonilla under
consequence slew the saint with his own
Marcus Aurelius. Their alleged relics
hand while he was celebrating Mass.
were brought to Langres, where their
Pope St Gregory VII laid Poland under
church bears the name of St Geome
an interdict and Boleslaus fled the
(Holy Twins).
country and died a fugitive in Hungary.
Stanislaus was canonized in 1253. Some
Polish historians contend that the saint
Ab. OSB. AC. Nov 5
was plotting to dethrone Boleslaus.
d. 707 (or 720). A Benedictine monk of
Moyenmoutier under St Hidulphus.
Later he became the abbot-founder of STANISLAUS KOSTKA (St) C. SJ.
the small abbey of Begon-Celle (now RM. Aug 15
Saint-Blasien). 1 550-1 568. Born at Rostkovo in Poland,
the son of a senator, he was sent in 1563
SPIRIDION (St) Bp. RM. Dec 14 to Vienna to study at the Jesuit college
He began life as a shepherd and
d. £.348. recently established in that city. Despite
rose to be bishop of Tremithus in his fierce opposition from his family he
native island of Cyprus. Under Diocle- resolved to become a Jesuit himself. St
tian he was condemned to lose an eye Peter Canisius sent him to Rome, where
and forced to labour in the mines. He he was received into the Jesuit novice-
survived the persecution and was one ship by St Francis Borgia in Oct 1567.
of the venerable "confessors of the He died within a year, but during that
Faith" present at the council of Nicaea, brief period he had gained a reputation
where he was a strong opponent of for angelic innocence. Canonized in
Arianism. 1726.


STEPHANA de QUINZANI (Bl) V. life and was appointed novice master in
OP. AC. Jan 2 Rome and later parish priest at the
1457-1530. She was born near Brescia shrine of our Lady at Genazzano. Here
and at the age of fifteen joined the Do- he died as a result of his devoted mini-
minican tertiaries. After living at home strations to the victims of the cholera
for many years she founded a convent epidemic. Beatified in 1904.
called San Paolo, near Soncino, of
which she became first abbess. She was STEPHEN of GRANDMONT (St)
noted for her ecstasies and for the marks Ab. RM. Feb 8
of the sacred stigmata, which were 1 046- 1 124. Born at Thiers in Auvergne,

attested by many eye-witnesses. Cult the son of the lord of the district, he
confirmed by Benedict XIV. accompanied his father at the age of
twelve to the tomb of St Nicholas of
STEPHEN Bari. He Benevento and re-
fell ill at

Note. Stephen is the English variant of mained by Arch-

there, being educated
the Graeco-Latin Stephanus (crowned). bishop Milo. On his return to France he
Other modern variants of the same founded at Murat a congregation of
name are: Italian, Stefano; French, Benedictine monk-hermits on the model
Etienne; Spanish, Esteban; German, of those he had seen in Calabria. He
Stephan; Hungarian, Istvan. ruled them for forty-six years but does
not seem ever to have become a monk
STEPHEN du BOURG (St) O. Cart. himself. After his death the large com-
PC. Jan 4 munity migrated to Grandmont, whence
d. 1 18. A canon of St Rufus at Valence the name of Grandmontines given to
who became one of the first companions this new branch of the Benedictine
of St Bruno at the foundation of the order. Stephen was canonized in 11 89
Grande-Chartreuse. He was sent (11 16) at the request of Henry II of England.
to found the charterhouse at Meyria,
and there he died. STEPHEN CUENOT (Bl) Bp. M.
AC. Feb 8
STEPHEN of LIEGE (Bl) Ab. OSB. 1802-1861. Born at Beaulieu, France, he
AC. Jan 13 joined the society of Foreign Missions
d. 1059. A canon of St Denis, Liege, and was sent to Annam. In 1833
at Paris
who became a Benedictine monk at St he was appointed vicar apostolic of E.
Vannes, Verdun. Later he returned to Cochin-China, receiving episcopal con-
Liege as abbot-founder of St Laurence. secration at Singapore. After fifteen
years more of fruitful labour he was one
STEPHEN BELLESINI (Bl) C. OSA. of the first to be arrested on the out-
Erem. AC. Feb 3 break of the persecution of 1861. He
1774-1840. A nativeof Trent who died in prison (perhaps from poison) on
joined the Augustinian hermits at Nov 4, shortly before the date fixed for
Bologna and studied there and at Rome. his execution. Beatified in 1909.
Owing to the disturbances following the
French Revolution he retired to his STEPHEN of LYONS (St) Bp.
home where he held
in the Trentino, RM. Feb 13
the post of government inspector of d. 512. Bishop of Lyons. He was active
schools. At the earliest opportunity, in converting the Arian Burgundians to
however, he returned to the religious the Catholic faith.

STEPHEN of RIETI (St) Ab. d. 1 137. An English monk of Sherborne
RM. Feb 13 who, after a pilgrimage to Rome, joined
d. f.590.An abbot at StRieti whom St Robert at Molesmes and with him
Gregory the Great describes as "rude of migrated to Citeaux. Here he became
speech but of cultured life". successively sub-prior under St Robert,
prior under St Alberic, and third abbot
STEPHEN of OBAZINE (St) Ab. (1109). As such he was responsible for
OSB. Cist. AC. March 8 the original constitutions of the Cister-
d. 1 1 Stephen and another priest
54. cians, as also for the Charter of Charity
withdrew into the forest of Obazine near which he presented to the general chap-
Tulle, France, to lead a solitary life. ter of Citeaux in 1 1 19. To him therefore,
When disciples wished to join them they much more than to St Robert, the
obtained leave of the bishop of Limoges Cistercians owe their definite status as a
to build a monastery. The new abbey new branch of the Benedictines. It was
had no written rule, and St Stephen Stephen who received St Bernard and
arranged for its affiliation to the Cister- his thirty companions at Citeaux and
cian order, and was himself blessed as two years later sent him to become the
its first abbot. abbot-founder of Clairvaux and the
principal exponent of the Cistercian
STEPHEN of PALESTRINA (Bl) ideal. St Stephen was canonized in
Card. Bp. OSB. Cist. PC. March 17 1623.
d. 1 144. A monk of Clairvaux who was
promoted to the cardinalate and to the STEPHEN de PETERVARAD (Bl)
see of Palestrina (1141). By Cistercian M. OFM. AC. Apr 22
writers he is always called either saint or d. 1334. A
Hungarian Franciscan in the
blessed. Balkans. Being tortured by the Moham-
medan Tartars, he denied his faith, but
STEPHEN IX or X (Bl) Pope, OSB.
recovering his courage, solemnly pro-
PC. March 29
fessed it before the Khan, and was
d. 1058. A distinguished ecclesiastic he
cruelly put to death.
became a monk of Montecassino. In
1057 he first became abbot of Monte-
cassino and then Pope. His pontificate
RM. Apr 25
though brief was vigorous and worthy.
d. 481. A patriarch of Antioch who was
STEPHEN a special target for the fury of the
(St) M. RM. Apr 1

See Victor and Stephen. Monophysite heretics. In the end they

attacked him at the altar, struck him
STEPHEN and HILDEBRAND (BB) down and flung his body into the River
MM. OSB. Cist. PC. Apr 11 Orontes.
d. 1209. Two Cistercians, the former an
abbot, the latter a monk, slain by the STEPHEN (St) M. RM. Apr 27
Albigenses at Saint-Gilles in Langue- See Castor and Stephen.
doc. They are venerated at Saint-Gilles,
though their cult has not been officially STEPHEN of NARBONNE and
confirmed. Comp. (BB) MM. AC. May 28
d. 1242. Stephen was a member of the
STEPHEN HARDING (St) Ab. OSB. Inquisition of Toulouse: he was a
Cist. RM. Apr 17 Franciscan. Together with eleven com-


panions — Benedictines, Franciscans, STEPHEN I (St) Pope, M. RM. Aug 2
Dominicans, and one secular priest A Roman of the gens Julia. He
d. 257.
he was murdered at Avignonet by the became pope in 254, and during his
Albigensian heretics. Cult approved in short pontificate he was occupied with
1866. the question of the re-baptizing of
heretics. He invoked the apostolic tradi-
STEPHEN of CORVEY (St) Bp. M. tion in favour of the Roman practice and
OSB. AC. June 2 met with stout opposition from St
d. ? 1075. A monk of Corvey in Saxony Cyprian. Tradition says that he was
who was appointed regionary bishop in beheaded while seated in his chair
Sweden, where he worked as a mission- during the celebration of his Mass in
ary with signal success. He was the first the catacombs, but the earliest liturgical
to plant the faith on the shores of the documents present him as a bishop and
Sound. He was martyred, probably at confessor.
STEPHEN (St) M. RM. Aug 6
(Bl) C. See Sixtus II and Comp.
AC. June 12
d. 1450. Born at Castelnuovo, diocese of STEPHEN of CARDEftA and
Piacenza, where he became a Domini- Comp. (SS) MM. OSB. RM. Aug 6
can. He was an eminent preacher and d. 872. Abbot of the great Castilian
reformer. Cult approved in 1856. monastery of Cardena, near Burgos, in
which were housed over two hundred
STEPHEN of REGGIO (St) Bp. M. monks. The abbot and community were
AC. July 5 slain by
Saracens from S. Spain.
1 st cent. Said to have been ordained The was approved in 1603 and
first bishop of Reggio by St Paul and to Card. Baronius composed the proper
have been martyred under Nero. It is lessons for their office. As these martyrs
only since the 17th century that this are first heard of in an inscription of the
story has gained currency and that he 13th century, there is considerable
has been venerated as the principal doubt as to their existence; the name
patron of Reggio. Stephen for the abbot is an even later
AC. July 15 STEPHEN of HUNGARY (St) King
d. 1570. Born at Viscaya in Spain, he RM. Sept 2
became a Jesuit lay-brother and formed d. 1038. On the death of his father Geza
one of the martyr-band headed by Bl (997) Stephen succeeded as sovereign of
Ignatius de Azevedo, q.v. the Magyars of Hungary. He married
Gisela, a sister of the emperor St Henry
Ab. OSB. (St) II, and they set their hands to the
AC. July 19 common task of christianizing their
d. 1 191. Benedictine monk of San people. With the help of the Holy See
Liberatore di Majella, and afterwards and as a result of numerous victories
abbot-founder of St Peter's at Valle- over external and internal foes, Stephen
bona, near Manopello, in Italy. He is gradually welded the Magyars into a
said to have been befriended by a wolf: national unity. He organized dioceses
hence his nickname of "del lupo". and founded abbeys (among them the

great Benedictine abbey of Pannon- bishop of Apt, S. France, in 1010. He
halma, which still stands), and secured rebuilt the cathedral.
the services of prominent foreign monks,
notably of St Gerard Sagredo, abbot of STEPHEN (St) M. RM. Nov 21
San Giorgio Maggiore at Venice, who See Honorius, Eutychius and Stephen.
became the tutor of the king's son, the
young St Emeric. The latter died in the STEPHEN (St) M. RM. Nov 22
prime of life, and the declining years of See Mark and Stephen.
St Stephen were darkened by many
misfortunes and difficulties. His relics STEPHEN, BASIL, PETER,
were enshrined in 1083 by order of St ANDREW and Comp. (SS) MM.
Gregory VII. To this day the Magyars RM. Nov 28
consider him their greatest national saint d. 764. St Stephen, surnamed "the
and hero. Younger", was born at Constantinople
in 714 and became a monk and abbot
STEPHEN of CHATILLON (St) Bp. of Mt St Auxentius. He firmly opposed
O. Cart. AC. Sept 7
the fanatical iconoclasm of the emperor
d. 1208. Born at Lyons of the noble
Constantine Copronymus. When all at-
family of the Chatillons, he entered the
tempts to win him over to heresy had
charterhouse of Portes, where he be-
failed, the emperor had him put to death,
came prior in 11 96. In 1203 he was
along with SS Basil, Peter, Andrew and
raised to the see of Die. Cult approved
a band of over three hundred monks.
in 1907.


SJ. AC. Sept See Claudius, Crispin, etc.
See Mark, Stephen and Melchior.
OSB. AC. Sept 16 d. 1839. A peasant of Tonkin and a
d. 1026. Third abbot of the Benedictine Dominican tertiary. Strangled at Ninh-
monastery of St Peter at Perugia, where Tai with four companions. Beatified in
an altar is dedicated to him. 1900.


See Socrates and Stephen. Protomartyr RM. Dec
26 (Aug 3)
d. 33. The disciple chosen by the
STEPHEN of CAJAZZO (St) Bp. apostles, "full of faith and the Holy
OSB. AC. Oct 29 Ghost" as the first of the seven deacons
935-1023. Born at Macerata and edu- (Acts VI, 1-5). He was stoned to death
cated at Capua, he was appointed abbot by the Jews at the instigation of the
of San Salvatore Maggiore and later, in Sanhedrin, thus becoming the Christian
979, bishop of Cajazzo. He is now protomartyr. His dying prayer obtained
venerated as the principal patron of the the conversion of St Paul, who was
city and diocese. actively engaged in his martyrdom. The
RM. commemorates on Aug 3 the
STEPHEN of APT (St) Bp. finding of the reputed relics of St
PC. Nov 6 Stephen at Kafr Gamala in 415, and on
975-1046. Born at Agde, he was elected May 7 their translation to Rome.

Mk. AC. Nov 6 RM. Dec 17
d. 1 General of the Hungarian
5 19. d. 779. The first German to become a
Pauline Order, and biographer of St Benedictine. As a child he was entrusted
Paul the Hermit. He died in the monas- to St Boniface and educated by St
tery of St Peter in Siimeg. Wigbert in the abbey of Fritzlar. He
was ordained and sent to evangelize the
STEPHEN (Bl) Mk. AC. Dec 8 Saxons. Under orders from Boniface,
d. 1300. Third General of the Pauline whose favourite disciple he was, he led
Order. an expedition to discover a suitable site
for a central abbey for Germany. He
STEPHEN, PONTIAN, ATT ALUS, chose Fulda, and the abbey of that name
FABIAN, CORNELIUS, SEXTUS, was founded there in 744. Sturmius was
FLOS, QUINTIAN, MINERVINUS then dispatched to Montecassino to
and SIMPLICIAN (SS) MM. learn the true Benedictine observance,
RM. Dec 31 and on his return he was appointed
? Catalogued as martyrs of Catania in
abbot of Fulda. One of his lasting
achievements was the establishment of
the celebrated school at Fulda. Dearly
STERCATIUS (St) M. RM. July 24
loved by his monks, Sturmius was
See Victor, Stercatius and Antinogenes.
considered as second only to Boniface
as the apostle of the Germanies. Canon-
STILLA AC. July 19
(Bl) V.
ized in 1 1 39.
Daughter of Count Wolfgang
d. £.1141.
II of Abenberg and a sister of Arch-
bishop Conrad I of Salzburg. She
STYLIANUS (St) H. RM. Nov 26
d. 390. A hermit in the vicinity of
founded the church of St Peter at
Adrianople in Paphlagonia. His life has
Abenberg, near Nuremburg, where she
was buried and venerated as a saint.
come down to us in a naively legendary
Cult confirmed in 1927.


CHIAN (SS) MM. RM. Aug 17 See Carterius, Styriacus, etc.

d. £.301 ? Citizens of Nicomedia, they

were burnt at the stake. In most MSS SUAIRLECH(St)Bp. AC. March 27
a fourth martyr is added, by name d. £.750. First bishop of Fore, West-
Cyprian. Their Acts have no value. meath, Ireland, from f.735 to £.750.

STRATON (St) M. RM. Sept 9 SUCCESSUS (St) M. RM. Jan 19

? A martyr who was bound to two trees See Paul, Gerontius, etc.

bent towards each other and torn

asunder by their recoil. Place and era SUCCESSUS (St) M. RM. March 28
unknown. See Rogatus, Successus and Comp.

STRATON (St) M. RM. Sept 12 SUCCESSUS (St) M. RM. Apr 16

See Hieronides, Leontius, etc. See Saragossa (Martyrs of).


See Hermylus and Stratonicus. See Peter, Successus, etc.

SULINUS (St) Ab. AC. Sept i alleged relics were enshrined at Bergen.
Otherwise Silin, q.v. The whole story seems to be a somewhat
modified version of the legend of St
SULPICIUS (II) PIUS (St) Bp. Ursula.
RM. Jan 17
d. 647. Bishop of Bourges from 624 to SUPERIUS (St) M. RM. June 26
647. He devoted himself to the care and See Salvius and Superius.
defence of the poor and persecuted,
particularly those who were victims of a SURANUS (St) Ab. RM. Jan 24
certain official of King Dagobert. He is d. r.580. Abbot of a monastery at Sora,
the titular saint of the church and semin- near Caserta, who distributed all the
ary of Saint-Sulpice at Paris. goods of the monastery among the
refugees from the Lombards. When the
SULPICIUS (I) (St) Bp. RM. Jan 29 latter arrivedand found that nothing
d. 591. Bishop of Bourges from 584 to remained in the abbey to plunder, they
591. Though often called Sulpicius slew Suranus on the spot. We owe the
Severus, he is not to be confused with story to St Gregory the Great (Dial.
the celebrated man of letters of that IV, 22).
name, whose name was likewise for
some centuries included in the RM. SUSANNA (St) VM. AC. Jan 18
See Archelais, Thecla, etc.
d. c.i 17. Roman martyrs whose conver- DIA and Comp. (SS) MM.
sion is traditionally ascribed to the RM. May 24
prayers of St Flavia Domitilla. They 2nd cent. Wives of certain soldiers be-
were beheaded under Trajan. longing to the military unit commanded
by St Meletius. They were put to death
SULPICIUS of BAYEUX (Si) Bp. together with their children and other
M. AC. Sept 4 martyrs in Galatia. Their Acts are
d. 843. Bishop of Bayeux from f.838 to legendary.
843. He was slain by the Normans at
Livry, diocese of Versailles. SUSANNA COBIOJE (Bl) M.
AC. July 12
SUNAMAN (St) M. OSB. Wife of Bl Peter Araki Cobioje.
d. 1628.
AC. Feb 15 Six months before her death she was
See Winaman, Unaman and Sunaman. hung naked by her hair from a tree for
eight hours. She was beheaded at
SUNNIVA (SUNNIFA) (St) V. Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867.
AC. July 8
10th cent. According to the legend, SUSANNA (St) VM. RM. Aug 11
Sunniva was an Irish princess who fled d. 295. The Acts of this saint are wholly
from her country with her brother untrustworthy, but there certainly was a
Alban and a number of other maidens. famous Roman
martyr of this name, and
They were shipwrecked off the coast of to her is Roman church of
dedicated the
Norway and succeeded in landing at St Susanna. She had no connexion with
Selje Island. Here they were slain by St Tiburtius commemorated on the
people from the mainland. Their same day.

d. 362. According to the RM. she was AC. Dec 10
the daughter of a pagan priest and a d. 1 59 1. A
gentleman of Bambridge,
Jewess. Being converted to Christ after Hants, executed at Gray's Inn Fields for
their death, she was made a deaconess at sheltering a priest named Edmund
Eleutheropolis, where she was martyred Genings, q.v., who suffered with him.
under Julian the Apostate. Beatified in 1929.

SUSO, HENRY (Bl) C. AC. Oct 25 SY

See Henry Suso. Note. Names beginning with Sy are
quite as often written Si. Sometimes too
SWITHBERT (St) Bp. OSB. the initial letters Sy stand for the Greek
RM. March 1 Su.
647-^715. A Northumbrian Benedictine,
he formed one of the group of twelve SYAGRIUS (SIACRE) (St) Bp. OSB.
missionary monks who in 690 crossed
AC. May 23
over to Friesland under the leadership d. r.787. A
kinsman of Charlemagne.
of St Willibrord. He preached the gospel He became a monk of Lerins and later
with great success, mainly in Hither abbot-founder of the monastery of St
Friesland. In 693 he was consecrated Pons at Cimiez in Provence, whence he
regionary bishop by St Wilfrid at was promoted to the see of Nice (777).
Ripon and returned to preach along the
right bank of the Rhine. His work here
was undone by the Saxon invaders, and RM. Aug
he retired to the small island of Kaisers- d. 600. Bishop of Autun £.560-600. He
werth in the Rhine, near Diisseldorf. played a prominent part in the eccle-
siastical and political life of his time.
Here he founded a Benedictine monas-
tery (710) and here he died. He entertained St Augustine and his
fellow monks on their way to England.
d. 807. An Englishman, perhaps a RM. May 30
Benedictine monk, who joined the mis- ? Martyrs of Antioch in Syria. Probably
sionaries in Germany and was made the original entry was: Hesychius
bishop of Werden in Westphalia. Palatinus (March 2), q.v.


AC. July July 2
15. RM. Otherwise Silvester, Silvanus, q.v.
d. 862. He was born in Wessex and
spent his youth at the Old Abbey at SYLVIA (St) W. RM. Nov 3
Winchester, but it is not certain that he d. £.572. The mother of St Gregory the
ever became a monk. After being or- Great. Over her former house on the
dained priest he was made chaplain to Coelian Hill at Rome a chapel was built
Egbert, king of the W. Saxons and tutor in her honour.
to the young prince Ethelwolf. In 852
he was appointed bishop of Winchester. SYMMACHUS (St) Pope
The origin of the popular saying: "If RM. July 19
it rains on St Swithun's day" etc., is d. 514. A Sardinian by birth, he became
not known. pope in 498. His pontificate was a


troubled one owing to the activities of SYNCLETICA (St) V. RM. Jan 5

his enemies, who set up an antipope. He d. c.400. A wealthy lady of Alexandria
was a holy and able pope and well who abandoned the world and lived as
deserved the title "father of the poor" a recluse in a disused tomb till her
which was bestowed upon him. eighty-fourth year. For a long time she
sufferedfrom temptations and spiritual
SYMPHORIAN (St) M. RM. July 7 desolation,and in her later years from
See Claudius, Nicostratus, etc. cancer and consumption.


d. £.180. A member of a senatorial RUTILUS, LIBIUS, SENEROTAS
family at Autun, put to death under and ROGATIANUS (SS) MM.
Marcus Aurelius for refusing to sacri-
AC. Feb 23
fice to the goddess Cybele. He is one of
4th cent. Martyrs of Syrmium, Pan-
the most celebrated martyrs of France. nonia.


One of the Four Crowned Martyrs, q.v. (SS) MM. RM. May 21
Identical with Theopemptus and Theo-
SYMPHOROSA (St) M. RM. July 2 nas of Jan 3, q.v., Theonas being also
See Ariston, Crescentian, etc.
known as Synesius.


MM. RM. SYNESIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 12
July 18
d. r.135. A martyr of Tivoli under
d. 275. A lector of the Roman church
martyred under Aurelian.
Hadrian, widow of the martyr St Getu-
lius. The RM. describes her as the
mother of seven other martyrs, viz.,
SYNTYCHE (St) RM. July 22
Crescens, Julian, Nemesius, Primitivus,
d. 1 st cent. A female member of the
church of Philippi, described by St
Justin, Stacteus and Eugene. Her Acts,
Paul as his fellow labourer in the gospel
however, are very untrustworthy, being
and as one whose name is in the book of
a Christian adaptation of the story of
life. (Philip. IV, 2-3).
the Maccabees. She was not the mother
of seven martyrs, and these seven
martyrs were not brothers, nor were
SYRA (SYRIA) (St) V. AC. June 8

they martyred together.

7th cent. An alleged sister of St Fiacre
(Flaker) who followed her brother from
SYMPHRONIUS (St) M. RM. Feb 3 Ireland to France and there lived as a
See Felix, Symphronius, etc. recluse.


(St) V. AC. Oct 23
THEODULUS and EXUPERIA (SS) d. c.66o. Nun
of Faremoutier, whence
MM. RM. July 26 she was summoned by Bishop Ragne-
d. 257. Symphronius was a Roman slave boldus to be abbess of a convent at
who brought about the conversion of Chalons-sur-Marne.
the tribune Olympius, the latter's wife
Exuperia and their son Theodulus. SYRIAN MARTYRS (SS)
They were all burnt to death under RM. July 31
Valerian. d. 517. A group of three hundred and

fifty monks slain by the Monophysites f.380. He had been parish priest of St
for defending the decrees of the council Romulus (now San Remo). He is the
of Chalcedon. titular of the cathedral of Genoa and
principal patron of the city and diocese.
SYRIAN MARTYRS (SS) His feast is kept on July 7.
RM. Nov 14
d. 773. A large number of women cruelly SYRUS (St) Bp. M. RM. Dec 9
put to death at Emesa in Phoenicia by 1st cent. (?). Alleged first bishop of
the Mohammedan conquerors of the Pavia. He probably belongs to the 3rd
country. or 4th century. He is the principal patron
of Pavia. See also Juventius (Feb 8).
RM. June 29 SYTHA (St) V. AC. May 19
d. c .380. Bishop of Genoa from r.324 to Otherwise Osyth, q.v.

TABITHA (or DORCAS) (St) W. TARACUS (St) M. RM. Oct 11
AC. Oct 25 Otherwise Tharacus, q.v.
1 st cent. A widow of Joppe who believed

in Christ. She was raised from the dead TARAGHTA (St) V. AC. Aug 11

by St Peter (Acts IX, 36-43). Otherwise Attracta, q.v.


? 6th cent. A bishop, probably Pictish, RM. Feb 25
in whose honour various Scottish d. 806. A patrician of Constantinople.

churches were dedicated. Mentioned in Though layman he was chosen

the Aberdeen Breviary. patriarch, and he accepted on condition
that a general council should be con-
TALIDA (St) V. AC. Jan 5 vened to end the iconoclastic persecu-
4th cent. Palladius relates that she was tion. He was accordingly consecrated
abbess of one of the twelve nunneries at (Christmas 784) and the second council
Antinoe in Egypt, and that she had been of Nicaea held, the decrees of which
eighty years at her convent when he were approved by the pope. Shortly
visited her. after, however, on his refusing to coun-
tenance the emperor's bigamous mar-
TALMACH (St) C. AC. March 14 riage, he was cruelly persecuted by the
7th cent. A disciple of St Barr at Lough empress Irene. On the other hand St
Ere, and founder of a monastery which Theodore and his monks of Studium
he placed under the same saint. accused the patriarch of being too
lenient. Tarasius is highly venerated in
TAMMARUS (St) C. RM. Sept 1
the Orthodox Church.
See Priscus, Castrensis, etc.


(St) VM. AC. Oct 10
VM. RM. Apr
d. r.637. A young girl of the neighbour-
hood of Troyes in France, who lost her
d. 345 (May 5). Sister of St Simeon, the
great bishop-martyr of Persia, and a
life in defence of her virginity and is
virgin consecrated to God. After her
locally venerated as a virgin martyr.
brother's death Tarbula was accused by
Jews of having caused by witchcraft the
sickness of King Shapur's wife, and she
Bp. M. OSB. AC. Feb 6
was put to death by being sawn in two.
d. 808. An Irish monk who became
abbot of the Benedictine monastery of
TARKIN (St) Bp. AC. Oct 30
Amalbarich in Saxony, and who was
Otherwise Talarican, q.v.
eventually promoted to the see of
Werden. He died at the hands of a TARSICIA (TARSITIA) (St) V.
pagan mob whose savage customs he had AC. Jan
denounced. d. <\6oo. Said to have been a grand-

daughter of Clotaire II and sister of St TASSO (TASO) (St) Ab. OSB.
Ferreolus of Uzes. She lived as a recluse AC. Jan n
near Rodez, where she is now venerated. See Paldo, Taso and Tato.


CUS and Comp. (SS) MM. Otherwise Ethelbiirga, q.v.
RM. Jan 31
? Martyrs at Alexandria. TATHAI (TATHAN, TATHAEUS,
ATHAEUS) (St) H. AC. Dec 26
TARSICIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 15 Early 6th cent. A nephew of St Samson
d. ? 255. The upon
inscription his of Dol who settled in Glamorganshire,
tomb, written by Pope St Damasus, in- where he founded a church.
forms us that Tarsicius, while carrying
the Blessed Sacrament to some Chris- TATIAN (St) M. RM. March 16
tians in prison, was seized by a heathen
See Hilary, Tatian, etc.
mob and preferred to die rather than
expose to profanation the Sacred Mys-
teries. The story was embellished by
Cardinal Wiseman in his Fabiola.
RM. June 15
Otherwise Dulas, q.v.

TARSILLA (St) V. RM. Dec 24

d. £.581. An aunt of St Gregory the
TATIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 12
See Macedonius, Theodulus and Tatian.
Great, sister of St Emiliana and niece of
Pope St Felix. In her paternal home she
led a life of seclusion and mortification. TATIANA (St) M. RM. Jan 12
d. According to the RM., a

TARSUS (Martyrs of) (SS)

woman put to death in Rome under
Alexander Severus. On this day the
RM. June 6
Greeks also honour a St Tatiana to-
d. f.290. A
group of twenty martyrs at
gether with two others, Euthasia and
Tarsus in Cilicia under Diocletian.
Mertios, MM.
TASSACH (St) Bp. AC. Apr 14
d. r.495. One of St Patrick's earliest
TATION (St) M. RM. Aug 24
d. £.304. A martyr beheaded at Claudi-
disciplesand first bishop of Raholp (Co.
polis in Bithynia under Diocletian.
Down). He was a skilful artisan and
made crosses, croziers and shrines for
St Patrick. It was he who administered TATO (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Jan 11

the last sacraments to St Patrick. See Paldo, Taso and Tato.

TASSILO (Bl) Mk. OSB. TATTA (St) M. RM. Sept 25

AC. Dec 13 See Paul, Tatta, etc.

d. ^.794. Duke of Bavaria and one of the

greatest benefactors of the Benedictine TATWIN (St) Bp. OSB. AC. July 30
monks. After founding many abbeys d. 734. Monk
of Bredon, or Brenton, in
and churches he himself became a monk Worcestershire. He succeeded St Brith-
at Jumieges, whence he migrated to wald in the see of Canterbury in 731 and
Lorsch, where he died. received the pallium in 733.


d. Bishop of Evreux in Nor-
c.412. PEIUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
mandy. The legend connecting him RM. Apr 10
with St Denis of Paris is now rejected d. 250. A band of fifty martyrs, impri-
by all scholars. soned with a number of snakes and
scorpions, and finally beheaded at Car-
TAURION (St) M. RM. Nov 7 thage under Decius.
See Auctus, Taurion and Thessalonica.
TERENCE (St) Bp. M. RM. June 21
TEATH (TEATHA, EATHA) (St) 1 st cent. Bishop of Iconium in apostolic
~ T AC. Jan 15 times. Some hagiographers conjecture
Otherwise Ita, q.v.
that he is identical with the Tertius
The title-saint of the church of St Teath
mentioned as his amanuensis by St Paul
in Cornwall perhaps another of that
in his epistle to the Romans (XVI, 22).
name, is believed to have been
for there
a St Teath from Wales, one of the
daughters of Brychan of Brecknock.
RM. Sept 27
See Fidentius and Terence.
AC. June 1

? The patron saint of the church and

holy well at Llandegla in Denbighshire.
AC. Oct 29
d. 520. Sixteenth bishop of Metz.


d. 118. Bishop of Todi in Umbria. He
was racked, had his tongue cut out, and
(St) Bp. AC. Feb 9
was finally beheaded under Hadrian.
Born at Penally, near Tenby, in
d. c .580.
S. Wales, and educated by St Dubricius.
He was a companion and friend of SS TERESA EUSTOCHIUM VERZERI
David and Samson. He became the
(Bl) V. Foundress AC. March 3
1801-1852. Born at Bergamo of noble
founder and abbot-bishop of Llandaff
parents she attempted three times to
monastery (Llandeilo Fawr) in Carmar-
become a Benedictine nun. Failing in
this she gave herself to the instruction
TELEMACHUS (St) M. RM. Jan 1 of young girls. Thus she came to found
Otherwise Almachius, q.v. the Daughters of the Sacred Heart in
1 83 1. Both the numbers and the scope

TELESPHORUS (St) Pope M. of the Institute grew, so as to include a

RM. Jan wide range of charitable works. The
d. 136. A Calabrian Greek, he was pope Bishop of Bergamo, at first favourable,
for ten years, and according to the turned against her, but approval was
Roman tradition suffered martyrdom given by Rome in 1841. Worn out with
under Hadrian. labour she died comparatively young at
Brescia. Beatified in 1946.
TENENAN (St) Bp. AC. July 16
d. f.635. A Briton by birth who became TERESA MARGARET REDI (St)
a hermit in Brittany and was eventually V. OCD. RM. March 7
raised to the see of Leon. 1 747- 1 770. Anna Maria, in religion

Teresa Margaret, Redi became a Dis- of "Little Sisters of the Poor". Her

calced Carmelitenun at the convent of deep spiritual insight, firmness of spirit,

St Teresa at Florence in 1765. She died unflagging industry and endurance were
at the age of twenty-three, her short responsible for the foundation of no less
lifein religion being remarkable for than fifty-eight houses of her congre-
penance and prayer. Canonized in 1934. gation during her lifetime. Beatified in
Cist. AC. June 17 TERESA of LISIEUX OCD.
(St) V.
d. 1250. Daughter of King Sancho I of RM. Oct 3
Portugal. She married her cousin Al- 1 873-1 897.Marie Francoise Therese
phonsus IX, king of Leon, but the Martin (her religious name was Teresa
marriage was declared null by the Holy of the Infant Jesus) was born at Alencon,
See on the grounds of consanguinity. entered the Carmelite Order at Lisieux
She returned to Portugal and entered the at the age of fifteen, and such was her
Cistercian convent at Lorvao, near progress in the spiritual life that she was
Coimbra, where she died. Cult con- appointed novice-mistress at the age of
firmed, with the title of saint, by twenty-two. Two years later she died,
Clement XI in 1705. her short life having been remarkable
for its humility, simplicity and silently
TERESA FANTOU (Bl) VM. heroic endurance of suffering. Since her
AC. June 26 death she has worked innumerable
d. 1794. A Sister of Charity of Arras. miracles, and her
has spread
With three other Sisters she was ar- throughout the world. Pius XI declared
rested by the French revolutionaries in her, together with St Francis Xavier,

1794, brought to Cambrai and there patron saint of foreign missions.

guillotined. Beatified 1920. Canonized 1925. In English-speaking
countries she is often known as the
TERESA SOIRON (Bl) VM. Little Flower of Jesus.
AC. July 17
d. 1794. A sister of Bl Catherine Soiron. TERESA (St) V. OCD. RM. Oct 15
She was a maid in the service of the 1 51 5-1 582. Teresa Cepeda de Ahumada
Princess Lamballe. During the French was born at Avila in Old Castile and at
Revolution she attached herself to the the age of eighteen entered the Car-
Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne, q.v., melite convent in her native town. In
with whom she was executed. 1562 she founded her first reformed
convent of St Joseph at Avila, and from
TERESA of JESUS IBARS (Bl) V. that year till her death she was always
Foundress AC. Aug 26 on the move, opening new houses
1 843-1 897. Born at Aytona in Cata- (fifteen directly and seventeen through
lonia, she experienced the hardships of others), smoothing away difficulties for
life on a farm in her youth before her nuns, placating those in authority
qualifying as a teacher at Lerida. Of (both clerical and lay), who often fiercely
deep interior life, she tried to become a opposed her and called her the "roving
religious but without success. Finally, nun". All this time she was being
with the advice of her spiritual director, favoured with remarkable mystical ex-
she started an Institute of her own at periences, which she described, under
Barbastro on Jan 27, 1872, under the obedience, in treatises which may be
regarded as veritable text-books of Raginfred, who slew him with a sword
mystical prayer and rank as classics of as he lay asleep on a bench.
Spanish literature. She is the saint of
sound common sense, of sane good TETTA (St) Abs. OSB. AC. Sept 28
humour, of generous ideals, "one of the Abbess of Wimborne in Dorset-
d. c .772.
shire. She helped St Boniface by send-
greatest, most attractive and widely
appreciated women the world has ever ing him band after band of missionary

known". (Attwater, h.l.) She died at nuns from her community, among whom
Alba de Tormes. Canonized 1622. were SS Lioba, Thecla, etc. She is said
to have ruled over some five hundred

TERNAN (St) Bp. AC. June 12 nuns.

? 5th cent. An early missionary bishop
TEUZZO (Bl) C. OSB. AC. Aug 9
among the Picts in Scotland. He is said
d. r.1072. Monk of St Mary's Abbey (La
to have resided at Abernethy and to
Badia) at Florence. During some fifty
have been consecrated by St Palladius.
years he lived as a recluse near his
He is the reputed founder of the abbey monastery. He supported St John
of Culross in Fifeshire.
Gualbert in his campaign against
Bp. AC. Aug 8 THADDEUS (TADHG) (Bl) Bp.
d. <r.68o. Eleventh bishop of Besancon. AC. Oct 25
d. 1497. Thaddeus McCarthy (Machar)
TERTIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 6 was made bishop of Ross in 1482 but
See Dionysia, Dativa, etc. driven from his see in 1488. The Holy
See next nominated him bishop of Cork
TERTULLA (St) VM. RM. Apr 29 and Cloyne, but he was not allowed into
See Agapius and Comp. the diocese. Then the perplexed bishop
went to Rome to plead his cause person-
TERTULLIAN (St) Bp. RM. Apr 27 ally, but died on his way home at Ivrea
d. r.490. Eighth bishop of Bologna. in Piedmont. Cult approved 1910.


d. 257. A Roman priest, martyred under RM. Oct 28
Valerian two days after his ordination. Otherwise Jude, q.v.


d. 572. Son of St Gregory, bishop of AC. Nov 24
Langres, and uncle of St Gregory of A
d. 1823 (Nov 30). Chinese priest in
Tours. Hesucceeded his father in the the province of Zyu-Thuan. He was im-
see of Langres about the year 540. prisoned for two years and then strang-
led. Beatified 1900.
AC. Apr 12 THAIS (St) Penitent AC. Oct 8
d. 707.Abbot of the Benedictine monas- d. r.348. A wealthy and beautiful
tery of St Germanus at Auxerre. He courtesan of Alexandria converted by
was raised to the see of Auxerre by St Paphnutius (other accounts say St
popular acclamation. The saint met his Bessarion or St Serapion) and walled
death at the hand of his archdeacon up, for three years in a cell. Only to-

wards the end of her life was she ad- retired officer of the Roman army,
mitted to full conventual life with the Probus a Roman citizen from Paraphi-
other nuns. Some modern writers con- lia, and Andronicus a young man of

sider the story a moral tale with no good birth from Ephesus. They were
foundation of fact. beheaded near Tarsus in Cilicia under
Diocletian. The authenticity of their
THALASSIUS and LIMNAEUS Acts is disputed.
(SS) HH. AC. Feb 22
5th cent. Two Syrian hermits who lived THARASIUS (St) Bp. RM. Feb 25
in a cave near Cyrrhus. Our knowledge Otherwise Tarasius, q.v.
of them is due to the historian Theo-
doret, who knew them personally. THAW (St) AC. Sept 1

Otherwise Lythan, q.v.

d. Surnamed Epiclautos, i.e.,
THEA (St) M. RM. Dec 19
weeping much. A hermit who dwelt at
See Meuris and Thea.
Gabala in Syria, next to the shrine of an
idol,where he converted many of the
THEAU (St) AC. Jan 7
pagan pilgrims. For many years he lived
Otherwise Tillo, q.v.
in an open barrel.


ALEXANDER and Comp. RM. Sept 22
d. r.287. The story of the Theban
RM. May 20
Legion is as follows. In the army of
d. ? 284. Thalelaeus practised medicine
and attended
Maximinian Herculeus there was a
his patients gratis at Anaz-
He legion (6,600 men) consisting of Chris-
arbus in Cilicia. suffered martyrdom
at Aegae, a town on the coast of that
tians recruited in Upper Egypt. When
the emperor marched his army across
province, and not at Edessa as has been
the Alps to suppress a revolt in Gaul he
sometimes stated. The RM. adds Aster-
ius and Alexander, two of his execu-
camped near Agaunum, in Switzerland,
tioners, and others of the spectators,
and prepared for the battle with public
who were converted by the constancy sacrifices. The Christian legion refused
to attend (another version says that they
of the martyr.
refused to attack innocent people) and
THALUS (St) M. RM. March 11 were in consequence twice decimated.
See Trophimus and Thalus. When they still persevered in their
refusal they were massacred en masse.
THAMEL and Comp. (SS) MM. Among those who suffered were
RM. Sept 4 Maurice, the primicerius, Exuperius,
d. r.125. A converted pagan priest, Candidus, Vitalis, two Victors, Alex-
martyred with four or five others (one ander (at Bergamo) and Gereon (at
of them his own sister) somewhere in Cologne). At Agaunum, now St-
the East, under Hadrian. Maurice-en-Valais, a basilica was built
(^.369-391) to enshrine the relics of the
THARACUS (TARACHUS), martyrs. The story can therefore be
PROBUS and ANDRONICUS (SS) accepted as substantially true, but it is

MM. RM. Oct 11 almost unbelievable wholethat the

d. 304. Tarachus, aged sixty-five, was a legion was Christian and that the whole

of it was put to death. Probably a very party which set out for the German
large number of soldiers were put to mission under St Lioba. She was named
death and that gave rise to the story as by St Boniface first abbess of Ochsen-
now told. furt, and then of Kitzingen on the
Main, over which she ruled for many
THECLA (St) VM. AC Jan 18 years.

See Archelais, Thecla, etc.

THECUSA (St) VM. RM. May 18
See Theodotus, Thecusa, etc.
THECLA (St) M. RM. March 26
See Peter, Marcian, etc.
THELIAU (St) Bp. AC. Feb 9
Otherwise Teilo, q.v.
THECLA (St) M. RM. Aug 19
See Timothy, Thecla and Agapius. THELICA (St) M. RM. Feb 11
See under Saturninus, Dativus, etc.
THECLA (St) M. RM. Aug 30
See Boniface and Thecla. THEMISTOCLES and DIO-
SCORUS (SS) MM. RM. Dec 21
THECLA (St) VM. RM. Sept 3
d. 253. Themistocles was a shepherd of
See Euphemia, Dorothea, etc.
who was beheaded
Myra in Lycia for
refusing to reveal the hiding-place of
THECLA NANGAXI (Bl) M. St Dioscorus.
AC. Sept 10
d. 1622.A Japanese woman, wife of Bl THENEVA (THENEW, THENOVA,
Paul Nangaxi, beheaded at Nagasaki DWYNWEN) (St) W. AC. July 18
(see Charles Spinola). 7th cent. The mother of St Kentigern
and together with him the patron saint
THECLA (St) VM. RM. Sept 23 of Glasgow.
1 st According to the 2nd cen-
tury novel called the Acts of Paul and THEOBALD (THIBAUD) of
Thecla, which abounds in extravagant VIENNE (St)Bp. AC. May 21
stories and is not quite orthodox in d. 1 00 1. Archbishop of Vienne 970-
doctrine, Thecla was a maiden of 100 1. Cult confirmed 1903.
Iconium who heard St Paul preaching
while she sat at her chamber window, THEOBALD ROGGERI (Bl) C.
became a Christian and followed the AC. June 1

apostle dressed in boy's clothes. Several d. 1

50. Born
Vico in Liguria of a
times she underwent most cruel tor- good family, he left home and chose to
tures for the Faith —in the prayer for work as a cobbler at Alba in Piedmont.
the dying the Roman Ritual refers After a pilgrimage to Compostella he
especially to "three most cruel tor- earned his living as a carrier, sharing his
ments" —and finally died a solitary in wages with the poor and suffering.
Seleucia. The story seems to have a
foundation of fact, but it is not possible THEOBALD (THIBAUT) (St) H.
to disentangle truth from fiction. OSB. Cam. 30 RM. June
1017-1066. Born in Brie, the son of
THECLA (St) Abs. OSB. RM. Oct 15 Count Arnoul of Champagne, he was
d. f.790. A Benedictine nun of Wim- bred to arms, but at the age of eighteen,
borne under St Tetta. She was one of the filled with a desire for greater perfection

as a result of reading the lives of the THEODICHILDIS (TELCHILDIS)
saints,he became a pilgrim and then a (St) Abs. OSB. AC. June 28
hermit. Finally he settled at Salanigo, d. ^.660. A nun of Faremoutier, she
near Vicenza, received the Camaldo- became the first abbess of Jouarre,
lese and was ordained priest.
habit diocese of Meaux.
Canonized by Alexander II in 1073.
THEODORA (St) Empress
THEOBALD of MARLY (St) Ab. AC. Feb 11
OSB. Cist. AC. July 27 d. 867. Wife of the iconoclast emperor
d. 1247. Born in the castle of Marly, the Theophilus. During the regency of her
son of Buchard of Montmorency, he son, Michael the Drunkard, she did her
was a distinguished knight at the court utmost to restore the veneration of
of Philip Augustus of France. He aban- images. She ended her life in a convent.
doned his worldly prospects and entered Her claim to sanctity is questionable.
the Cistercian abbey of Vaux-de-Cernay
(1220), becoming prior in 1230 and THEODORA (St) M. RM. March 13
abbot in 1235. He was highly esteemed See Theusetas, Horres, etc.
by St Louis of France.
THEODORA (St) M. RM. Apr 1
THEOCTISTE (St) V. RM. Nov 10 According to the Acta of Pope
d. £.120.
10th cent. A nun of Lesbos who became
Alexander I, she was sister of St
isle of Paros. The story
a solitary in the
Hermes (Aug 28) whom she assisted in
of her last Holy Communion seems to
prison and under torture. She was her-
be an adaptation from the life of St
self martyred some months later. Brother
Mary of Egypt. and sister were buried side by side.


AC. May 1
d. Educated at the Benedictine
MM. RM. Apr 28

abbey of St Martin at Montauriol, he

d. 304. A maiden of Alexandria, sen-
tenced to prostitution, but delivered
became archbishop of Narbonne. He
from the brothel by St Didymus, who
died at St Martin's Abbey, having been
was still a pagan. This led to his con-
clothed with the Benedictine habit.
version, and the two saints were mar-
Later the abbey was named after him,
St Audard.
tyred together. The Acts are considered
RM. Sept 10 THEODORA (St) VM. RM. May 7
d. c.670. A disciple of St Remaclus at See Flavia Domitilla, Euphrosyne and
Malmedy-Stavelot and his successor as Theodora.
abbot (653) and as bishop of Maestricht
(663). On a journey undertaken in de- THEODORA (St) Penitent
fence of his church he was murdered by RM. Sept 11
robbers in the forest of Bienwald, near d. 491. The current story of this saint is

Speyer. similar to that of St Pelagia of Antioch

(Oct 8) q.v. The RM., however, simply
THEODEMIR (St) M. RM. July 25 says: "At Alexandria, St Theodora,
d. 851. A monk martyred at Cordova who fell through lack of care, but re-
under Abderrahman II. penting of her deed, persevered in the

religious habit, unknown, with won- prior; Elfgete, deacon;
Savinus, sub-
drous abstinence and patience, until her deacon; Egdred and Ulrick, acolytes;
death." Grimkeld and Agamund (Argamund),
both centenarians.
THEODORA (St) Matron
d. r.305. A Roman lady of noble birth (SS) MM. RM. Apr 5
and great wealth, who, during the perse- d. f.130. Martyrs near Byzantium under
cution of Diocletian, generously devoted Hadrian.
herselfand her riches to the service of
the martyrs. She seems to have died THEODORE TRICHINAS (St) H.
while the persecution was still raging. RM. Apr 20
d. />-330. A hermit near his native city
THEODORE of EGYPT (St) H. of Constantinople. He is surnamed
RM. Jan 7 Trichinas, "the hairy", because his only
4th cent. A monk of Egypt, disciple of garment was a rough hair-shirt.
St Ammonius.
M. RM. Feb 7 d. 613. Born at Sikion in Galatia, the
d. 319. He is been a general
said to have son of an imperial messenger, he became
(stratelates) in the army of Licinius, by a monk at Jerusalem and in after life

whose order he was tortured and cruci- the abbot-founder of several monas-
fied at Heraclea in Thrace. He is prob- teries. About 590 he was made bishop of
ably identical with St Theodore Tyro Anastasiopolis in Galatia. He was a
of Amasea (Nov 9). great fosterer of the cult of St George.


See Alexander and Theodore. RM. Apr 27
d. c.368. Usually called "Theodore the
THEODORE, IRENAEUS, SERA- Holy" by the Greeks. He was trained in
PION and AMMONIUS (SS) MM. the monastic life by St Pachomius,
RM. March 26 whom he succeeded as abbot of Taben-
d. 310. Theodore, bishop of Pentapolis na. His feast is kept in the East on
in Libya, Irenaeus, his deacon, and May 16, but the actual date of his death
Serapion and Ammonius, his two lec- was Apr 27.
tors, suffered under Gallienus by having
their tongues cut out. However, they THEODORE of BOLOGNA (St) Bp.
survived and died in peace, being never- RM. May 5
theless venerated as martyrs. d. f.550. A bishop of Bologna r.530-
THEODORE and Comp. (SS) MM.
OSB. AC. Apr 9 THEODORE of PA VIA (St) Bp.
d. 870. Theodore was abbot of Croy- RM. May 20
land, and he and his large community d. 778. Bishop of Pavia 743-778. He
were put to death by the Danes. Besides had much to endure, including repeated
the abbot, several others are mentioned banishment, at the hands of the Arian
by name: Askega, prior; Swethin, sub- Lombard kings.

THEODORE of CYRENE (St) Bp. diction with St Chad and St Wilfrid,
M. RM. July 4 but these controversies were conducted
d. Bishop of Cyrene in Libya.
f.310. with dignity and settled in a spirit of
He had and
great skill in copying books, charity. St Theodore has a claim to be
was brutally martyred under Diocletian considered one of the greatest figures in
for refusing to deliver up his manu- English history.
scripts of the Holy Scriptures.
THEODORE (St) M. RM. July 29 Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Sept 20
See Lucilla, Flora, etc. d. 220. A group of four Christians cruci-
fied atPerge in Pamphilia under Helio-
THEODORE (St) M. RM. Sept 2 gabalus. They were: Theodore and
See Zeno, Concordius and Theodore. Socrates, soldiers; Dionysius, a former
pagan priest; and Philippa, Theodore's
THEODORE, OCEANUS, AMMI- mother. They expired after three days
ANUS and JULIAN (SS) MM. on the cross.
RM. Sept 4
d. £.310. Oriental martyrs, burnt at the THEODORE (THEODORET) of
stake, probably under Maximian Her- ANTIOCH (St) M. RM. Oct 23
culeus. d. 362. A priest, treasurer of the Church
of Antioch, martyred under Julian the
THEODORE (St) M. RM. Sept 5 Apostate for continuing to minister to
See Urban, Theodore, etc. the faithful in spite of the imperial
decrees to the contrary.
THEODORE (St) M. RM. Sept 15
See Maximus, Theodore and Asclepio- THEODORE (THEUDAR, CHEF)
dotus. (St) Ab. RM. Oct 29
d. r.575. A priest, disciple of St Caesar-
THEODORE of CANTERBURY ius of Aries and abbot of one of the
(St) Bp. RM.
Sept 19
monasteries of Vienne in Gaul. He made
£.602-690. Born at Tarsus in Cilicia, he
several ecclesiastical and monastic foun-
spent some time at Athens and became a
dations and died as a recluse in the
monk at Rome. He was sixty-six years
church of St Laurence in Vienne.
old when St Vitalian appointed him
to the see of Canterbury at the sugges- THEODORE GU^NOT (Bl) Bp. M.
tion of the African St Adrian. These two AC. Nov 4
travelled to England together, Adrian 1 802-1 861. A native of Bessieux, diocese
becoming abbot of the monastery of SS of Besancon. He joined the Society of
Peter and Paul of Canterbury and acting Foreign Missions and after his ordina-
as adviser to the new archbishop. Theo- tion was sent to Cochin-China. Later
dore is rightly called second the he was appointed vicar apostolic of that
founder of the see of Canterbury and region and titular bishop of Metello-
the first primate of the English Church. polis. He was arrested and sentenced
He visited all parts of the country, to death, but died in prison as a result
consolidated or re-established dioceses, of ill-treatment.
promoted learning and opened schools,
and held the first national council at THEODORE TYRO (St) M.
Hertford in 673. His activities involved RM. Nov 9
him in disputes on questions of juris- d. f.306. Said to have been a recruit

(hence his nickname of Tyro) in the THEODORE (St) M. RM. Dec 15
Roman army, who set fire to the temple See Irenaeus, Antony, etc.

of Cybele at Euchaita, near Amasea in

Pontus, for which he paid the penalty THEODORE the SACRISTAN (St)
by being burnt alive at the same place. C. RM. Dec 26
Beyond the fact of his martyrdom d. 6th cent. A contemporary of St
nothing certain is known about him. He Gregory the Great, from whom we
is greatly venerated in the East as one derive our information concerning

of the "three soldier saints", viz., SS his life. Theodore was

a sacristan (man-
George, Demetrius and Theodore. He is sionarius) in the basilica of St Peter,
almost certainly identical with St Theo- Rome, where, while busy about his
dore Stratelates. duties in the church, he engaged in
visible intercourse with the angels.
RM. Nov n THEODORE, M. and THEO-
759-826. A native of Constantinople PHANES Bp. (SS) RM. Dec 27
who became a monk at the monastery r.841 and c .845. Two brothers, monks of
of the Studium (more correctly Studios) the laura of St Sabbas in Jerusalem, who
in that city. In 799 he became abbot, and were prominent in defence of the
under his rule the monastery developed veneration of images. They were cruelly
into a centre from which a monastic persecuted by the Byzantine emperors.
revival spread throughout the East, its Verses were cut in the flesh of their faces
influence reaching to Mt Athos and later (for this reason they are called Graphic
to Russia, Rumania and Bulgaria. "the Written-on"), and they were other-
Studium stood for all that is lasting in wise ill-treated. Theodore died in prison
monastic observance: liturgical prayer, in consequence of his sufferings. Theo-
community life, enclosure, poverty, phanes survived him a few years and
studies and manual work (the monks according to the RM. became bishop of
excelled in calligraphy). The com- Nicaea.
munity, with St Theodore at their head,
uncompromisingly defended the su- THEODORET (St) M.
preme authority of the see of Rome, the RM. Oct 23
veneration of images (against a series Called Theodorus in the RM. (see
of iconoclastic emperors), and opposed above, Oct 23).
Caesaropapism in every form. Theodore
suffered banishment for seven years on THEODORIC H of ORLEANS (St)
this account. He is one of the great Bp. OSB. AC. Jan 27
figures of monastic history. d. 1022. Monk of Saint-Pierre-le-Vif at
Sens. He was summoned to court as
THEODORE (St) Bp. M. counsellor and afterwards nominated
RM. Nov 26 bishop of Orleans. He died at Tonnerre
See Faustus, Didius, etc. on his way to Rome.


See Polycarp and Theodore. AC. Feb 2
d. 880. Third Bishop of Ninden. He
THEODORE (St) M. RM. Dec 14 fell Norsemen at
in battle against the
See Drusus, Zosimus and Theodore. Ebsdorf, Saxony. See Bruno and Comp.

— 1

THEODORIC (THIERRY, THEO- other women. The whole story seems
(St) RM. July i to be a fabrication.
d. f.533. Educated by St Remigius of
Reims, by whom he was appointed abbot THEODOSIA (St) VM.
of Mont d'Or, near Reims. AC. May 29
d. 745. A nun of Constantinople who led
THEODORIC of EMDEN (St) M. a group of other nuns in an attempt to
OFM. RM. Oct 9 resist by who were
force the soldiers
d. 1572. A Dutch Friar Minor, confessor sent to destroy the image of Christ over
to the Franciscan nuns at Gorkum. He the main door of their monastery. She
was hanged at Briel with the group of was tortured and put to death.
Gorkum martyrs, q.v.
(St) AC. Aug 5 (St)Ab. RM.Jann
d. 863. Bishop of Cambrai-Arras, £.830- 423-529. A Cappadocian who was put
863. in charge of the church of Our Lady
situatedon the road between Jerusalem
and Bethlehem. He next founded a
monastery in the desert of Juda by the
AC. Oct 25
Dead Sea, where several hundred monks
d. 1087. Educated Maubeuge, he
were soon living under his rule. He
became a Benedictine at Lobbes, and in
divided them according to nationality
1055 abbot of St Hubert in the Ar-
dennes. Here and at the neighbouring
Greeks, Armenians and Arabs and —
built church for each group. The
abbeys of Stavelot-Malmedy he intro-
patriarch of Jerusalem appointed him
duced with great success the Cluniac
visitor to all the cenobitical communi-
ties in Palestine — as distinct from ere-
THEODOSIA (St) M. RM. March 20 mitical —whence the title cenobiarch

See Alexandra, Claudia, etc.

given to the saint. The Byzantine em-
peror tried unsuccessfully to bribe
THEODOSIA (St) M. RM. March 23 Theodosius to support Monophysitism.
See Domitius, Pelagia, etc. The saint died at the age of one hundred
and five.
d. 308. A maiden of Tyre, eighteen THEODOSIUS of ANTIOCH (St)
years old, who, on a visit to Caesarea Mk. AC. Jan 1

in Palestine, seeing some martyrs on d. f.412. A native of Antioch, of good

their way to execution, asked them to family, he left the world to found a
pray for her. Whereupon she was seized, monastery near Rhosus in Cilicia. He
tortured, and finally cast into the sea. died and was buried at Antioch.

THEODOSIA and Comp. (SS) MM. THEODOSIUS (St) Bp. AC. Feb 14
RM. May 29 d. 554.Bishop of Vaison in France and
Theodosia, the alleged mother
d. £.303. predecessor of St Quinidius.
of St Procopius, is said to have been
martyred at Caesarea Philippi in THEODOSIUS (St) M.
Palestine under Diocletian. She is said RM. March 26
to have been put to death with twelve See Quadratus, Theodosius, etc.

THEODOSIUS (St) Bp. was martyred there under Diocletian
RM. July 17 for giving Christian burial to the bodies

d. 516. Bishop of Auxerre £.507-516. of the seven virgins mentioned above,

also martyrs of Ancyra. The Bollandist
THEODOSIUS, LUCIUS, MARK Father Delehaye contends that the Acts
and PETER (SS) MM. RM. Oct 25 are merely a moral tale.
d. 269. They belong to a group of fifty
soldiers martyred at Rome under THEODOTUS (St) M. RM. July 5
Claudius II. See Marinus, Theodotus and Sedopha.


d. £.735. A lady of Constantinople MIA (SS) MM. RM. Aug 31
martyred under the iconoclastic em- d. c.270. Theodotus and Rufina were
peror Leo the Isaurian for hiding three the parents, and Ammia the foster-
holy icons from the imperial officers. mother, of St Mamas (v. Aug 17). They
also are said to have suffered in Cappa-
THEODOTA and her three Sons docia under Aurelian. The untrust-
(SS) MM. RM. Aug 2 worthy Acta of St Mamas is the sole
d. 304. Martyrs of Nicaea. Theodota source of our knowledge.
with Evodius (q.v.) and her other two
sons were cast into a furnace and THEODOTUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 2
perished in the flames. Their Acts are d. 334. A bishop of Laodicea at the time
not trustworthy. of the Arian troubles and a great friend
of the Arianizing Eusebius the historian,
THEODOTA (St) Penitent. who is loud in his praise. Theodotus
? AC. Sept 29 subscribed to the Nicene formula, but
d. £.318. Described as a penitent harlot, seems to have sided with the Arians
martyred at Philippopolis in Thrace. and the semi-Arians up to his death.
According to her untrustworthy Acts
her executioners exhausted their in- THEODOTUS (St) M. RM. Nov 14
genuity in devising fresh tortures for See Clementinus, Theodotus and Phil-
her. omenus.


See Aquilinus, Geminus, etc. RM. March 25
Otherwise Dula, q.v.
THEODOTUS (St) Bp. RM. May 6
Bishop of Cyrenia in Cyprus.
d. f.325. THEODULPHUS (THIOU) (St) Bp.
He suffered a long term of imprison- OSB. RM. June 24
ment under Licinius. d. 776. The third abbot-bishop of the
great Benedictine abbey of Lobbes,
RONA and JULITTA (SS) MM. d. 309. An aged man in the household of
RM. May 18 Firmilian, governor of Palestine, by
d. 304.According to their Acts, Theo- whom he was ordered to be crucified at
dotus was an innkeeper of Ancyra who Caesarea in Palestine.

RM. March 23 OSB. AC. Jan 26
? A priest of Antioch in Syria, of whom d. c.690. A monk of Luxeuil who be-
nothing else known. His name is also
is came abbot of Corbie (622) and a
given as Theodore and Theodoricus. regionary bishop.


CORNELIA and Comp. (SS) MM. FRE) (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 19
RM. March 31 d. 728. A native of Orange who became
? Martyrs in Proconsular Africa. monk and abbot of Carmery-en-Velay
(Monastier-Saint-Chaffre). He died as a
THEODULUS (St) M. RM. Apr 4 consequence of ill-treatment received at
See Agathopodes and Theodulus. the hands of the invading Saracens and
has been ever since venerated as a
THEODULUS (St) M. RM. May 2 martyr.
See Exuperius, Zoe, etc.
THEODULUS (St) M. RM. May 3 See Cyrinus, Primus and Theogenes.
See Alexander, Eventius and Theodu-
lus. THEOGENES and Comp. (SS) MM.
d. 258. According to the RM. Theo-
THEODULUS (St) M. RM. June 18 genes was bishop of Hippona (Hippo
See Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus. Regius) in Africa, where he suffered
with thirty-six of his flock under
THEODULUS (St) M. RM. July 26 Valerian. A modern opinion places
See Symphronius, Olympius, etc. these martyrs at Laodicea in Phrygia.


17 GER) (Bl) Bp. OSB. PC. Apr 29
4th cent. An early bishop of Valais d. 1 120. A native probably of Alsace
whose cult was widespread in that who became successively canon of
region, Switzerland and Savoy. A later Mainz, monk of Hirschau, prior of
life placing him in the 9th century, has Raichenbach on the Murg, abbot of St
led to much confusion about his Georgen in the Black Forest (1090) and
identity. bishop of Metz (11 18). However, after
his consecration at Corbie he retired to
THEODULUS (St) M. RM. Sept 12 the abbey of Cluny, where he died.
See Macedonius, Theodulus and Ta-
tian. THEOGONIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 21
See Bassa, Theogonius, etc.

CIAN, ZETICUS, CLEOMENES See Theopemptus and Theonas.
MM. RM. Dec 23 AC. Apr 4
d. 250. Martyrs of Crete who suffered d. £-395 • A famous solitary who lived
under Decius. near Oxyrinchus in the Thebaid.

THEONAS (St) M. RM. Apr 20 persecution which soon after broke out.
See Victor, Zoticus, etc. Beatified 1909.


d. 300. Bishop of Alexandria 281-300. RM. March 12
He fostered sacred studies, chiefly by his d. 818. A native of Constantinople and
care of the catechetical school of his educated at the imperial court, he
episcopal city. He was also known as a married early in life, but two years later
determined opponent of Sabellianism. allowed his wife to become a nun and
himself joined the monks of Polychro-
THEONESTUS (St) Bp. M. nion. Some time later he founded two
30 RM. Oct monasteries and governed one of them
d. 425. Said to have been bishop of as abbot, viz., that of Mt Sigriana, near
Philippi in Macedonia, to have been Cyzicus. For his steadfast opposition to
driven from his see by the Arians, and iconoclasm he was banished by Leo the
to have been sent by the pope with Armenian to Samothrace, where he died
several companions (among whom was from the ill-treatment he had received.
St Alban of Mainz) to evangelize Ger-
many. Arrived at Mainz, they were THEOPHANES and Comp. (SS)
obliged to flee from the invading Van- MM. RM. Dec 4
dals, and on their way home Theonestus Four officers of the court of
d. r.815.
was martyred at Altino in the Veneto. Leo the Armenian, imprisoned and
Probably Theonestus is a local martyr tortured for their opposition to icono-
of Altino having no connexion with the clasm. Theophanes died under torture;
others. the rest survived and eventually be-
came monks.
THEONILLA (St) M. RM. Aug 23
See Claudius, Asterius, etc. THEOPHANES (St) Bp. C.
RM. Dec 27
THEOPEMPTUS and THEONAS See Theodore and Theophanes.
(SS) MM. RM. Jan 3
d. Theopemptus was bishop of
284. THEOPHILA (St) VM. RM. Dec 28
Nicomedia. Theonas was a magician See Indes, Domna, etc.
converted by the example of Theo-
pemptus and after him martyred. Their THEOPHILUS and HELLADIUS
Acts are wholly untrustworthy, though (SS) MM. RM. Jan 8
the martyrs themselves seem to be ? Africans martyred in Libya, where
historical personages. they had preached the gospel. Theo-
philus was a deacon, Helladius a lay-
THEOPHANES VENARD (Bl)M. man. They were tortured and thrown
AC. Feb 2 into a furnace.
1 829- 1 86 1. A native of the diocese of
Poitiers who joined the Society of THEOPHILUS the PENITENT (St)
Foreign Missions was ordained
at Paris, Feb 4
in 1852 and arrived in Tonkin in 1854. r.538. Metaphrastes is responsible for
After teaching in an Annamite semi- the spread of the legend connected with
nary he took up work in W. Tonkin. this saint. He is said to have been arch-
He was barbarously put to death in a deacon of Adana in Cilicia and, having

been deposed from his office through a revival of Franciscan observance. Ca-
calumny, to have made a pact with the nonized in 1930.
devil. He repented, and our Lady
appeared to him and returned the pact, THEOPHILUS M. RM. July 22
which was then torn up and publicly d. 789. An of the imperial forces

burnt. Goethe made use of this legend stationed in Cyprus' when the Saracens
in his Faust. invaded the island. As admiral of the
Christian fleet he refused to flee when
THEOPHILUS the LAWYER (St) the battle went against him. He was
M, RM. Feb 6 taken prisoner and after one year's in-
d. f.300. Said to have been beheaded at carceration was martyred for refusing to
Caesarea in Cappadocia. He figures in deny Christ.
the legend of St Dorothy, where he is

surnamed Scholasticus, i.e., the lawyer. THEOPHILUS (St) M. RM. July 23

See Trophimus and Theophilus.
See Saturninus, Theophilus and Revo- THEOPHILUS (St) M. RM. Sept 8
cata. See Amnion, Theophilus, etc.


See Macarius, Rufinus, etc.
RM. Oct 2


d. c .750. A native of Bulgaria, who be-
came a monk of a monastery in Asia
RM. March 5
Minor, in which the community fol-
d. f.195. A bishop of Caesarea in Pales-
lowed the Western Rule of St Benedict.
tine and a prominent opponent of the
For opposing iconoclasm he was fiercely
Quartodecimans, a sect which insisted
persecuted, maltreated and finally exiled
on keeping Easter on the Jewish Pass-
by the emperor Leo the Isaurian.
over day, whether it fell on a Sunday or
THEOPHILUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 13
THEOPHILUS (St) Bp. d. 181. An Eastern philosopher who
RM. March became a Christian as a result of reading
His real name is Theophylact, q.v. the Scriptures with a view to attacking
them. He became bishop of Antioch.
THEOPHILUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 27 He is now best known as one of the
d. ^.427. Bishop of Brescia and succes- Apologists of the second century.
sor to St Gaudentius.
THEOPHILUS of CORTE (St) C. See Germanus, Theophilus, etc.
OFM. RM. May 19
1 676-1 740. Biagio Arrighi was born at THEOPHILUS (St) M. RM. Dec 20
Corte in Corsica and joined the Friars See Ammon, Zeno, etc.
Minor, taking the name of Theophilus
(1693). He was ordained priest at THEOPHYLACT (St) Bp.
Naples and taught theology at Civitella RM. March 7
in the Roman Campagna. Later he be- d. 845. Wrongly called Theophilus in
came a famous missioner in Italy and the RM. An Asiatic monk who be-
Corsica and a zealous worker for the came bishop of Nicomedia. He opposed

the iconoclastic fury of Leo the Arme- the Augustinian canons regular at
nian, by whom he was banished to Coimbra. Highly esteemed by King
Caria, where he died thirty years later. Alphonsus of Portugal, he was fearless
in rebuking vice and exact in the per-
THEOPISTES and THEOPISTUS formance of the divine service. Cult
(SS) MM. RM. Sept 20 approved by Benedict XIV.
See Eustace, Theopistes, etc.
THERESA (several).

THEOPOMPUS (St) M. Otherwise Teresa, q.v.

RM. May 21
See Synesius and Theopompus. THESPESIUS (St) M. RM. June 1

d. £.230. A Cappadocian martyred under

THEOPREPIUS (St) M. Alexander Severus.
RM. March 27
See Philetus, Lydia, etc. THESPESIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 20
See Eustace, Thespesius and Anatolius.
See Thordgith. RM. Nov 7
See Auctus, Taurion, and Thessalonica.
THEOTICUS (St) M. RM. March 8
See Arianus, Theoticus, etc. THETHMAR (THEODEMAR) (St)
C. AC. May 17
THEOTIMUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 20 d. 1 1 52. A native of Bremen who be-
d. 407. Bishop of Tomi on the Black came a missionary among the Wends
Sea. He defended Origen against St under St Vicelinus. He was probably a
Epiphanius of Salamis. He evangelized Premonstratensian. He died at Neu-
the barbarian tribes of the Lower Dan- munster.
ube, who were then pressing into
imperial territory. THEUDERIUS (St) Ab.
RM. Oct 29
THEOTIMUS (St) M. RM. Nov 5 See Theodore (Theudar).
See Domninus, Theotimus, etc.
MM. RM. Dec 18 and ARABIA (SS) MM.
? Martyrs of Laodicea in Syria. RM. M^rch 13
? Theusetas was the parent of the young

THEOTIMUS (St) M. RM. Dec 24 boy Horres. The whole group was put
See Lucian, Metrobius, etc. to death at Nicaea in Bithynia. Earlier
martyrologies have a much longer list of
THEOTONIUS (St) C. OSA. martyrs in this group.
AC. Feb 18
1086-1166. Born in Spain, he was edu- THIEMO (THEODMARUS) (St)
cated at Coimbra in Portugal and Bp. M. OSB. AC. Sept 28
became archpriest of Viseu. He resigned d. 1 102. Of the family of the counts of
that office to go on pilgrimage to the Meglin in Bavaria. He became a Bene-
Holy Land, and on his return joined dictine at Niederaltaich, where he

gained great celebrity as an artist in the Roman Campagna, became an Ob-
metal, a painter and a sculptor. In 1077 servant Franciscan (1675), and, after his
he was chosen abbot of St Peter's, Salz- ordination to the priesthood, was
burg, and in 1090 archbishop of the stationed at Civitella. He spent the
same city. He was persecuted, impri- remainder of his life in preaching and
soned and exiled for his loyalty to the ministering to the* inhabitants of the
principles of Gregory VII. As an exile mountain district around Subiaco.
he joined the crusaders, was captured Beatified 1785.
and imprisoned at Ascalon, and after
long and cruel tortures was martyred THOMAS REYNOLDS (Bl)M.
at Corozain for refusing to apostatize to AC. Jan 21

Islam. d. 1642. Thomas Reynolds, whose true

name was Green, was born at Oxford
THIENTO and Comp. (BB) MM. and educated for the priesthood at
OSB. AC. Aug 10 Reims, Valladolid and Seville. After his

d. 955. An abbot of Wessobrunn in ordination in 1592 he returned to

Bavaria who was martyred with six of England and worked on the English
his monks by the invading Hungarians. mission for nearly fifty years. He must
have been about eighty years of age
THIERRY (St) C. RM. July 1
when he was hanged for his priesthood
Otherwise Theodoric, q.v. at Tyburn, together with Bl Bartholo-
mew Roe, OSB. Beatified 1929.
Otherwise Tillo, q.v.
or DAUKI (St) M.
RM. Feb 5
d. 1597. A Japanese layman, Franciscan
THIOU (St) Bp. RM. June 24
and interpreter to the
tertiary, catechist,
Otherwise Theodulphus, q.v.
Franciscan missionaries in Japan. Cruci-
fied at Nagasaki with twenty-five com-
THOMAIS (St) M. RM. Apr 14
panions. Canonized 1862.
d. 476. An Alexandrian woman, wife of
a fisherman. Tempted to an act of im- THOMAS COZAKI (St) M.
purityby her father-in-law, she refused RM. Feb 5
and was murdered by him. d. 1597. A Japanese boy of fifteen, son
of St Michael Cozaki. He served Mass
THOMAS PLUMTREE (Bl) M. for the Franciscan missionaries and was
AC. Jan 4 crucified at Nagasaki with twenty-five
d. 1570. A native
of Lincolnshire, edu- companions, including his own father.
cated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Canonized 1862.
and rector of Stubton. He was chaplain
to the insurgents of the North. Before THOMAS SHERWOOD (Bl) M.
being martyred in the market-place at AC. Feb 7
Durham he was offered his life if he 1 551-1578. A Londoner, who was pre-
would turn Protestant. Beatified 1886. paring to go to Douai to study for the
priesthood when he was betrayed, im-
THOMAS of CORI (Bl) C. M. prisoned and racked in the Tower in
AC. Jan 19 order to force him to disclose the place
1655-1729. A native of Cori, diocese of where he had heard Mass. He was
Velletri, who, after being a shepherd in finally executed at Tyburn on the charge

of denying the queen's ecclesiastical THOMAS (or THOMASIUS) of

supremacy. Beatified 1886. COSTACCIARO (Bl) H. OSB. Cam.

AC. March 25
THOMAS of FOLIGNO (Bl) M. d. 1337. Born at Costacciaro in Umbria,
OFM. PC. Feb 12 the son of poor peasants. He joined the
See Antony of Saxony. Camaldolese at Sitria, then retired to
Monte Cupo as a hermit, where he lived
for many years. At the time of his death
AC. Feb 12
his existence had been almost forgotten.
d. 1584. A Dorsetshire man who was
educated at St John's College and Hart
Hall, Oxford. He studied for the priest-
Comp. (BB) MM. OFM. AC. Apr 9
hood at the English College, Rome,
The d. 1322. A native of Tolentino in Italy,
where he was ordained in 1583.
who became a Franciscan and went to
following year, with four priest-com-
preach the gospel in Armenia and
panions, he was hanged at Tyburn for
Persia. He was on way
to Ceylon,
his priesthood. Beatified 1929.
with a view to proceeding to China,

THOMAS of SZOMBATHELY (Bl) when he was seized at Thama in Hin-

AC. March dustan and beheaded by the Moham-
Mk. 7
15th cent. General of the Hungarian
medans. Three companions, BB James
PaulineOrder 1476-1480 and 1484-1488, of Padua, Peter of Siena, Franciscans,

he was renowned for his austerities and and Demetrius of Tiflis, layman,
suffered with him. Cult approved 1894.
gifts of prophecy, and also as a theo-
logical writer.
(St) OSB. AC. May 9
RM. March 7 d. 1679. A native of Westmoreland who
c. 1 226-1 Surnamed the "Angelic
274. joined the Benedictines as a lay-brother
Doctor." Born at Roccasecca, near at St Gregory's, Douai (now at Down-
Aquino, Naples, and educated as an side)and took his vows in 1660. He was
oblate by the Benedictines at Monte- sent to England and attached to the
cassino, he joined the then recently small community of Benedictine chap-
founded Dominicans, studied and re- lains who served the royal chapel. He
ceived the doctorate of theology at the was a victim of the "Popish Plot,"
university of Paris, and thenceforward being falsely accused and hanged at
taught that subject at Paris (1 252-1 260), Tyburn. Beatified 1929.
Orvieto (1 261-1264), Rome (1265-
1267), Viterbo (1268), Paris (1269- THOMAS FORD (Bl) M. AC. May 28
1271) and Naples (1 272-1 274). He died d. 1582. A native of Devon who was
at Fossanova, near Rome, on his way educated at Trinity College, Oxford,
to the council of Lyons. Canonized in where he was converted to the Catholic
1323 and declared Doctor of the Church Faith. He studied for the priesthood at
in 1567 and patron saint of Catholic Douai, was ordained there in 1573, and
universities and centres of study in 1880, sent on the English mission in 1576. He
St Thomas is the acknowledged prince worked in Oxfordshire and Berkshire
of Catholic theologians, and his Summa until his arrest and martyrdom at
Theologica is unrivalled as an authority Tyburn with BB John Shert and Robert
in that branch of sacred learning. Johnson. Beatified 1886.

AC. May 30 AC. June 20
1549-1 582. Born at Dilworth in Lan- d. 1679. Thomas Whitbread, alias Har-
cashire of Protestant parents, he gradu- court,was a native of Essex. He was
ated at Brasenose College, Oxford, and educated at St Omer and joined the
was converted to the Catholic Faith. Jesuits in 1635. He was provincial of
He crossed over to Douai and then went the English mission and at the time of
to Rome to study for the priesthood. At the Popish Plot was convicted with four
Rome he was received into the Society other priests of his Order on a bogus
of Jesus. He returned to England in charge of conspiring to murder Charles
1580, but was arrested on landing at II. He was hanged at Tyburn. Beatified
Dover and imprisoned in the Tower. 1929.
Two years later he was hanged at Ty-
burn with three priest-companions. THOMAS CORSINI (Bl) C. OSM.
Beatified 1886. AC. June 23
d. 1343. A native of Orvieto who be-
THOMAS DU (Bl) M. Tert. OP. came a Servite lay-brother and spent
AC. May 31 his life collecting alms for his friary. He
1774-1 839. A native of Tonkin who is credited with many visions. Beatified
was ordained priest, became a Domini- 1768.
can tertiary and worked in the province
of Nam-Dingh. He was tortured and THOMAS GARNET (Bl) M. SJ.
beheaded. Beatified 1900. AC. June 23
d. 1608. Born in South wark, a nephew
THOMAS GREEN, THOMAS of Fr Henry Garnet, SJ. Educated for
SCRYVEN and THOMAS REDING the priesthood at St Omer and Valla-
(BB) MM. O. Cart. AC. June 15 dolid. He worked first as a secular priest
d. 1537. Thomas Green (or Green- but in 1604 was admitted to the Society
wood) was a fellow of St John's College, of Jesus. Hanged at Tyburn for his
Cambridge, who took monastic vows priesthood. Beatified 1929.
and was ordained priest at the London
Charterhouse. The other two were lay- THOMAS TOAN (Bl) Tert. OP.
brothers of the same charterhouse. AC. June 27
These three, with four companions, 1 767-1 840. A native catechist of Ton-
were starved to death at Newgate. kin who, having shown signs of
Beatified 1886. apostatizing, repented and was in con-
sequence cruelly scourged and exposed
THOMAS WOODHOUSE (Bl) M. to the sun and insects without food or
SJ. AC. June 19 drink for twelve days until his death.
d. 1573. A secular priest who resided in Beatified 1900.
Lincolnshire and acted also as a private
tutor in Wales. In 1561 he was com- THOMAS MAXFIELD (Bl) M.
mitted to the Fleet prison, where he AC. July 1

was kept in custody till his death. d. 1616. A native of Enville, Staffs., he
During his imprisonment he was was educated for the priesthood at Douai
admitted by letter to the Society of and ordained in 161 5. The following
Jesus. He was hanged at Tyburn. year he was hanged for his priesthood at
Beatified 1886. Tyburn. Beatified 1929.

THOMAS BOSGRAVE (Bl) M. the Tower. After fifteen months' incar-
AC. July 4 ceration he was beheaded on Tower
d. 1594. A
gentleman, nephew of Sir J. Hill. In the decree of his canonization
Arundel, hanged at Dorchester with in 1935 Pius XI described him as the
two of his servants for sheltering priests. "Martyr of the Papacy."
Beatified 1929.
AC. July 4 d.1 61 6. Thomas Tunstal, alias Helmes,

d. 1597. A
gentleman of Yorkshire, was born at Whinfell, near Kendal,
hanged with three companions at York Westmorland. He was educated for the
for sheltering priests. Beatified 1929. priesthood at Douai, ordained there in
1609, sent to the English mission in
THOMAS ALFIELD (Bl) M. 1610 and imprisoned almost at once.
AC. July 6 He spent the rest of his fife in prison,
d. 1585. Born at Gloucester and educa- and while there was received into the
ted at Eton and King's College, Benedictine Order. He was hanged for
Cambridge. He was reconciled to the his priesthood at Norwich. Beatified
Catholic Church and went abroad to 1929.
study for the priesthood at Douai and
Reims. After his ordination in 1581 he THOMAS ABEL (Bl) M. AC. July 30
returned to England and was arrested d. 1540. A doctor of Oxford university,
while engaged in distributing copies of chaplain to Queen Catharine of Aragon
Dr Allen's True and Modest Defence. and a loyal defender of the validity of
For this he was hanged at Tyburn. her marriage. He was kept a prisoner in
Beatified 1929. the Tower of London for six years and
finally executed at Smithfield for re-
THOMAS MORE (St) M. RM. July 6 fusing to acknowledge the king's
1478-1535. A native of London, More spiritual supremacy. Beatified 1886.
studied at Canterbury Hall, Oxford,
and read Law at the Inns of Court, THOMAS WELBOURNE (Bl) M.
being called to the bar in 1501. He AC. Aug 1

married twice and was the ideal hus- d. 1605. A Hutton Bushel in
native of
band, devoted to wife and children, Yorkshire and a schoolmaster by pro-
devout, cheerful and charitable. In 15 16 fession who was hanged at York for
he published his Utopia, which gained persuading people to turn Catholic.
for him a European reputation as a Beatified 1929.
scholar and humanist. From this time
he was more and more in favour with THOMAS of DOVER (St)M. OSB.
Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey, AC. Aug 5
whom in 1529 he succeeded as Lord d. 1295. Thomas Hales was a Benedic-
Chancellor. Soon, however, he found tine monk of St Martin's Priory, Dover,
himself unable to support the king on a cell of Christ Church, Canterbury.
the question of the royal divorce. He On Aug 5, 1295 the French raided
resigned the chancellorship and on Dover and all the monks went into
refusing to take the oath of supremacy, hiding except Thomas, who was too old
declaring the king supreme head of the and infirm to get away. The raiders
Church in England, was imprisoned in found him in bed and ordered him to

disclose the whereabouts of the church to plead the cause of his see before the
plate: he refused and was murdered. pope. Canonized 1320.
Miracles occurred at his tomb and he
was forthwith venerated as a martyr. THOMAS PERCY (Bl) M.
There was an altar dedicated to him in AC. Aug 26
Dover Priory church in 1500, and his 1528-1 572. Earl of Northumberland,
image figured among those of the condemned to death and executed at
English saints at the English College, York for his part in the rising of the
Rome. North against Elizabeth. During the
period of nearly three years' imprison-
THOMAS WO YINYEMON (Bl) M. ment which preceded his martyrdom he
AC. Aug 17 was repeatedly offered his freedom on
d. 1627. A Japanese layman beheaded condition of his apostasy to Protestant-
at Nagasaki for sheltering the mission- ism. Beatified 1896.
ary priests. Beatified in 1867.
(Bl) AC. Aug 28
AC. Aug 18 d. 1588. Thomas Holford, alias Acton
d. 1620. A
Japanese layman. With his or Bude, was born at Aston in Cheshire
wife and his little son he was crucified of Protestant parents and became a
at Cocura for sheltering Bl Simon Kiota. schoolmaster in Herefordshire, where
Beatified 1867. he embraced the Catholic faith. After
his studies and ordination at Reims
THOMAS COYANANGHI (Bl) M. (1583) he worked in Cheshire. He was
AC. Aug 19 hanged for his priesthood at Clerken-
d. 1622. A
Japanese passenger on the well. Beatified 1929.
ship of Bl Joachim, beheaded at Naga-
saki. Beatified 1867. THOMAS FELTON (Bl) M. O.
Minim. AC. Aug 28
THOMAS of HEREFORD (St) Bp. 1 568-1 588. Born at Bermondsey, son of
RM. Aug
25 Bl John Felton. He was educated at
£.1218-1282. Born at Hambledon, near Reims and became a friar minim. He
Great Marlow, the son of the Norman was hanged at Isleworth in his twentieth
Baron William of Cantalupe. He was a year. Beatified 1929.
brilliant student atOxford and Paris,
became chaplain to Pope Innocent IV, THOMAS TZUGHI (Bl) M. SJ.
and in 1262 chancellor of Oxford AC. Sept 6
University. In 1265 he was appointed d. 1627. A Japanese, educated by the
chancellor of England, but on being Jesuit fathers at Arima, whom he joined
deprived of this office by Henry III, in 1589. He was noted for his gift of
he returned at once to his beloved Ox- oratory. Exiled to Macao, he returned in
ford. He was raised to the bishopric of disguise. He separated himself from the
Hereford in 1275. The seven years of Society of Jesus, but only for one day;
his episcopate were taken up with a he then repented of his act and engaged
continuous struggle in defence of the himself again in missionary work with
rights of his diocese and in untiring renewed zeal. He was burnt alive with
pastoral activities. He died atMonte- several companions at Nagasaki. Beati-
fiascone in Italy, whither he had gone fied 1867.

THOMAS of ST HYACINTH (Bl) house imprisoned with others of his
M. OP. AC. Sept 8 community at Newgate for opposition
d. 1628. A Japanese catechist attached to Henry VIII's ecclesiastical policy.

to the Dominican missionaries, burnt He died in prison from starvation.

alive with Bl Dominic Castellet and Beatified 1886.
companions. Beatified 1867.
AC. Sept 8 d. 1838. A native seminarist in Cochin-

A Japanese boy, ten years old, China, attached to the Foreign Missions
d. 1628.
beheaded with his John
father, Bl of Paris. He was cruelly scourged and
Tomaki, and his three brothers. Beati- finally strangled, being eighteen years
fied 1867.
old at the time of his death. Beatified


AC. Sept 10
Bp. OSA. RM. Sept 22
d. 1622. A Japanese layman, seventy
1 488-1 555 (Sept 8). Born at Fuellana,
years old, highly respected by his fel-
near Villanueva, Spain, the son of a
low-citizens, beheaded at Nagasaki with
miller. He studied at Alcala and joined
Bl Charles Spinola. Beatified 1867.
the Augustinians at Salamanca. After
his ordination in 1520 he was appointed
THOMAS of the HOLY ROSARY prior successively of the Augustinian
(Bl) M. OP. AC. Sept 10
friariesof Salamanca (where he taught
d. 1622. A
Japanese catechist, attached
moral theology in the university), Bur-
to the Dominican missionaries, with
gos and Valladolid. Later he became in
several of whom he was beheaded at
turn provincial of Andalusia and Castile,
Nagasaki. Beatified 1867.
court chaplain and (1544) archbishop
of Valencia. As archbishop his out-
THOMAS ZUMARRAGA (Bl) M. standing characteristic was self-sacri-
OP. AC. Sept 12
fice he was known as the grand almoner

1575-1622. A native of Vitoria in Spain

of the poor. He left a number of
who joined the Dominicans and was
theological writings. Canonized 1658.
sent to their missions in Japan. He was
imprisoned for three years at Suzuta THOMAS CUFIOJE (Bl) M.
(Omura) and ultimately burnt alive at AC. Sept 28
Omura with several companions. Beati- d. 1630. A Japanese layman, Augusti-
fied 1867. nian tertiary, beheaded at Nagasaki.
Beatified 1867.
AC. Sept 19 THOMAS HELYE(B1)C. AC. Oct 19
d. 1622. A Japanese nobleman from 1 187-1257. Born at Biville in Nor-
Fingo who acted as catechist to Bl mandy, he led an ascetic life in the
Leonard Kimura. Burnt alive at Naga- house of his parents and devoted part of
saki. Beatified 1867. his time to teaching the catechism to
the poor. He was ordained priest at the
THOMAS JOHNSON (Bl) O. Cart. request of his bishop and became an
AC. Sept 20 itinerantpreacher throughout Nor-
d. 1537. A priest of the London charter- mandy. Later he was appointed almoner

to the king. He died at the castle of saki, where he was ultimately beheaded
Vauville, Manche. Cult confirmed 1859. with ten companions. Beatified 1867.


(Bl) M. AC. Oct 23 AC. Dec 10
d. 1680. Born at Heworth in Yorkshire d. 1610. Thomas Sbmers (alias Wilson)
and educated at Douai, he was ordained was born at Skelsmergh, Westmorland,
in 1665 and returned to England where and started life as a schoolmaster. Later
he worked for fifteen years on the he went to Douai and became a priest.
Yorkshire mission. He was martyred at On returning to England he worked on
York for his alleged part in the Oates the London mission. Together with Bl
plot. Beatified 1929. John Roberts, OSB., he was hanged at
Tyburn for his priesthood. Beatified
AC. Oct 31
1 370-1 447. A native of Florence who THOMAS HOLLAND (Bl) M. SJ.
joined the Franciscan friary at Fiesole, AC. Dec 12
where, though only a lay-brother, he d. 1642. Thomas Holland (alias San-
was made novice-master. Later he derson, alias Hammond), born at
worked successfully to introduce the Sutton, near Prescot, Lanes., was
Franciscan Observance into Corsica educated at St Omer and Valladolid
and S. Italy and combated the Fraticelli and became a Jesuit in 1624. He was
in Tuscany. When over seventy he went hanged for his priesthood at Tyburn.
to preach in Syria and Abyssinia where, Beatified 1929.
to his sorrow, he narrowly escaped
martyrdom by the Mohammedans. THOMAS DE and Comp (BB) MM.
Cult approved 1771. Tert. OP. AC. Dec 19
d. 1839. A native of Tonkin, a tailor by
THOMAS of WALDEN (Bl) C. OC. trade and a Dominican tertiary, who
PC. Nov 2 was strangled with four companions for
£.1375-1430. Thomas Netter was born giving shelter to the missionaries. Beati-
at Saffron Walden and joined the Car- fied 1900.
melites.He was an active opponent of
Lollardism and a prominent member of THOMAS of FARFA (St) Ab. OSB.
the council of Constance. King Henry AC. Dec 10
V chose him as his confessor and died in d. £.720. A native of Maurienne in
his arms. He died at Rouen. Savoy. After becoming a Benedictine he
went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land
THOMAS of ANTIOCH (St) H. and on his return settled as a hermit
RM. Nov 18 near Farfa in Italy. With the help of his
d. 782. A Syrian monk who dwelt in the friend, the duke of Spoleto, he restored
vicinity of Antioch. He is venerated as a the abbey of Farfa to its former splen-
protector against pestilence. dour.


(BB) MM. AC. Nov 27 RM. Dec 21
d. 161 9. A scion of the Japanese royal 1 st cent.Surnamed "Didymus," i.e, the
family of Firando. He was educated by twin. All we know for certain about him
the Jesuits and lived in exile at Naga- is derived from the gospel narrative,

where the chief episode related of him d. c.joo. Novice-mistress at the abbey

concerns his unbelief and subsequent of Barking under St Ethelburga. She is

profession of faith in Christ's resurrec- described as a miracle of patience under
tion (John XX, 24 sqq.). According to a suffering.

very ancient tradition he is said to have

preached in S. India and there to have THORLAC THORHALLI (St) C.
suffered martyrdom, but there is no OSA. PC. Dec 23
decisive proof of this. 1133-1193. Born in Iceland, he was
ordained deacon before he was fifteen
THOMAS BECKET (St) Bp. M. and priest at the age of eighteen. He was
RM. Dec 29 then sent to study at Paris and Lincoln.
1 1 1 8-1 170. Born in London of Norman In 1 177 he became bishop of Skalholt in
parents, he was sent to Paris to study By vigorous measures
his native island.
and entered the service of Archbishop he succeeded in stamping out simony
Theobald of Canterbury, who sent him and incontinency. He was "canonized"
to Bologna and Auxerre to follow a in 1 1 98 by the Althing, but his cult has
course of civil and canon law and in never been officially confirmed.
1 1 54 made him his archdeacon. He
soon became a bosom friend of Henry THRACE (Martyrs of) (SS)
II, who in 1 155 appointed him chan- RM. Aug 20
cellor of the kingdom and in 11 62 ? A group of thirty-seven martyrs put
archbishop of Canterbury. Up to this to death somewhere in Thrace. They
time Thomas had led a rather worldly were cast into a furnace after their
life, but he now gave himself up com- hands and feet had been cut off.
pletely to the faithful discharge of his
pastoral duties. Being forced to oppose THRASEAS (St) Bp. M. RM. Oct 5
the king's wanton interference in eccle- d. c.170. Bishop of Eumenia in Phrygia,
siastical matters, he was brutally done an opponent of the Montanists, mar-
to death in his cathedral by royal tyred at Smyrna.
retainers. The whole kingdom at once
proclaimed him a martyr, and the THRASILLA (St) V. RM. Dec 24
Church confirmed the title by canoniz- Otherwise Tarsilla, q.v.
ing him in 1 173. His shrine became one
of the most famous in Christendom. THYRSUS and PROJECTUS (SS)
MM. RM. Jan 24
? whom we know only the
H. OSB. Cam. AC. March 25 names.
Otherwise Thomas of Costacciaro, q.v.
AC. Jan 10 d. 251. Martyrs of Apollonia in Phrygia.
d. c.66o. Archbishop of Armagh 623- Their alleged relics were brought to
c.66o. He wrote a letter to the Holy See Constantinople and thence to Spain and
on the paschal controversy. France for this reason St Thyrsus had

a full office in the Mozarabic liturgy,

THORDGITH (THORCTGYD, and he is also patron of the ancient
THEORIGITHA) N. OSB. cathedral of Sisteron in the Basses
AC. Jan 26 Alpes, France.

See Saturninus, Thyrsus and Victor. RM. Feb 3
6th cent. ? Two bishops who succeeded
THYRSUS (St) M. RM. Sept 24 one another in the see of Gap (French
See Andochius, Thyrus and Felix. Alps).

TIBBA (St) N. OSB. AC. March 6 TIGRIDIA (or TRIGIDIA) (St) Abs.
See Kyneburga, Kyneswide and Tibba. OSB. AC. Nov 22
d. r.925. A daughter of Count Sancho
TIBERIUS, MODESTUS and FLO- Garcia, of Old Castile, who founded for
RENTIA (SS) MM. RM. Nov 10 her the Benedictine nunnery of Ona,
d. 303. Martyrs who met their death near Burgos (later it became a monastery
under Diocletian at Agde, diocese of of monks). St Tigridia is greatly vene-
Montpellier. rated in the province of Burgos.


14 MM. RM. Jan 12
d. ?. Three names which occur in the d. 404-405. Tigrius was a priest and

Acta of St Caecilia Valerian as her Eutropius a reader in the church of
husband, Tiburtius as his brother and Constantinople; both were loyal ad-
Maximus as an official. Their tombs in herents of their bishop St John Chry-
the Cemetery of Pretextatus were visited sostom. When the latter was banished
by pilgrims in the Middle Ages. Though they were falsely accused of setting fire

the Acta of St Caecilia are regarded as a to the cathedral and senate-house of

romance, these saints might be authen- Constantinople and were put to the
tic martyrs, to whom the author of St torture. Eutropius died under it;
Caecilia's life had assigned imaginary Tigrius seems to have survived and to
roles. have been deported into Asia.


d. f.288. A martyr at Rome. He was OSB. AC. Sept 7
later connected with the soldier-martyr d. 789. Bishop of Hexham, 781-789.
St Sebastian. His cult is ancient but No details are known of his life.
there are no trustworthy biographical
See Hyacinth, Alexander and Tibur- OSB. AC. Jan 7
tius. d. £.702. Born in Saxony, he was kid-
napped by robbers and carried as a
TIGERNACH (TIGERNAKE, slave to the Low Countries, where he
TIERNEY, TIERRY) (St) Bp. was ransomed by St Eligius of Noyon.
AC. Apr 4 He became a monk at Solignac, and
d. 549. Said to have been abbot of the after his ordination to the priesthood,
monastery of Clones and to have suc- evangelized the district round Tournai
ceeded St Macartin as bishop at Clo- and Courtrai. He returned to Solignac,
gher. His life, in its present form, cannot where he passed the last years of his
be taken as a historical document. life.


TIMOLAUS and Comp. (SS) MM. TIMOTHY (St) M. RM. May 22

RM. March
24 See Faustinus, Timothy and Venustus.
d. 303. A group of eight martyrs, be-
headed at Caesarea in Palestine under TIMOTHY (St) Bp. M.
Diocletian. Eusebius gives the names of RM. June 10
the rest: Dionysius (two), Romulus, d. 362. Bishop of Prusa in Bithynia,
Pausis, Alexander (two), and Agapius. martyred under Julian the Apostate.


1st cent. One of the first seven deacons, US (SS) MM. RM. Aug 19
chosen by the Apostles (Acts VI, 5). d. 304-306. Timothy, bishop of Gaza in
There are only conflicting traditions as Palestine, was burnt alive in his episco-
to the rest of his life. pal city (304). Thecla was condemned
to be thrown to the wild beasts. Agapius
TIMOTHY (St) Bp. M. RM. Jan 24 was cast into the sea at Caesarea in
d. 97. "The beloved son in faith" of St
Palestine (306).
Paul, whom
he accompanied on his
missionary journeys and by whom he TIMOTHY (St) M. RM. Aug 22
was ordained bishop of Ephesus, while A Roman martyr of the time of
d. r.306.
yet young. The Apostle wrote to him
Diocletian. His remains were enshrined
two which are among the
in a chapel near St Paul-outside-the-
canonical books. According to a very
Walls and venerated there during the
ancient tradition, St Timothy was
Middle Ages.
stoned to death for denouncing the
worship of Diana.
TIMOTHY (St) M. RM. Aug 23
See Apollinaris and Timothy.
TIMOTHY (St) M. RM. March 24
See Mark and Timothy.


MM. RM. Apr 6 1 41 4- 1 504. A native of Montecchio,
d. ? 345. Martyrs at Philippi in Mace-
near Aquila, in Italy, he became a
donia, victims probably of the Arians. Franciscan Observant and was celebra-
ted for his supernatural gift of infused
TIMOTHY and MAURA (SS) MM. knowledge. Cult confirmed in 1870.
RM. May 3
d. 298. Husband and wife, martyred at TIMOTHY and FAUSTUS (SS)
Antinoe in Egypt, by being nailed to a MM. RM. Sept 8
wall, where they lingered for nine days, ? Martyrs at Antioch in Syria.
consoling each other. They had been
married only three weeks. Timothy, TIMOTHY (St) M. RM. Dec 19
who was a reader, had been condemned d. £.250. A deacon, burnt alive in Africa
for refusing to deliver the Sacred Books. under Decius.


CHIUS (SS) MM. RM. May 21 For thirty years a bishop in the
d. 650.
? Three deacons in the African pro- neighbourhood of Venice. The seat of
vince of Mauretania Caesariensis, mar- his bishopric (Opitergium or Oderzo)
tyred under Diocletian. has since been destroyed.

1 ' —

TITIAN (St) Bp. RM. March 3 Vallumbrosans and Franciscans claim
d. ^.536. Said to have been a German by him. It seems certain that he was, at any
birth, who became bishop of Brescia. rate, a Vallumbrosan oblate. Cult con-
firmed by Benedict XIV.
TITUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 4 and Feb 6
d. ?. c.g6. One of the favourite disciples TORPES M. RM. Apr 29
of St Paul, by whom he was consecrated d. ? r.65. A
martyr at Pisa, said to have
first bishop of Crete. St Paul addressed suffered under Nero. The legends we
to him one of the pastoral epistles. He have about him are altogether un-

died in Crete (at Gortyna ?). reliable.


d. 410 (or 426?). A Roman deacon, put SECUNDUS, INDALETIUS, CAE-
to death by a soldier during the sack of CILIUS, HESYCHIUS, and EU-
Rome by the Goths, while he was dis- PHRASIUS (SS) MM. RM. May 15
tributing alms to the half-starved 1 st cent. According to a tradition,
population. which, however, is not very ancient,
they were disciples of the Apostles, by
TOBIAS (St) M. RM. Nov 2 whom they were sent to evangelize
See Carterius, Styriacus, etc. Spain. They worked chiefly in the
South, as follows Torquatus at Guadix,

TOCHUMRA (St) V. AC. June 1 near Granada; Ctesiphon at Verga

? A virgin venerated in the diocese of (Vierzo?); Secundus at Avila; Indale-
Kilmore. She is invoked by women in tius at Urci, near Almeria; Caecilius
labour. at Granada; Hesychius at Gibraltar;
Euphrasius at Andujar. Most of them
TOIMAN (St) Bp. AC. Jan 10 suffered martyrdom. The Mozarabic
Otherwise Thomian, q.v. liturgy had a common feast for all seven.

TOLA (St) Bp. AC. March 30 TORTHRED (St) M. AC. Apr 9

d. £.733. An Irish abbot-bishop of Perhaps a variant of Theodore, q.v.
Disert Tola (Meath).
TOTNAN (St) M. RM. July 8
TOOLEY (St) King M. RM. July 29 See Kilian, Colman and Totnan.
A corrupt form of the name of St Olaus
or Olav, q.v. TOULOUSE (Martyrs of) (BB)
AC. May 29
TORANNAN (St) Bp. AC. June 12 d. 1228. A group of twelve martyrs
Otherwise Ternan, q.v. Domini-
four of the secular clergy, three
cans, two Benedictines, two Francis-
TORELLO (Bl) H. OSB. Vail. cans, one layman put to death by the —
AC. March 16 Albigensians near Toulouse on the eve
1 201-128 1. Born at Poppi in Tuscany, of the Ascension. They died singing the
he was led astray by evil companions, Te Deum. Cult confirmed in 1866.
but repented and received the habit of
a recluse from the Vallumbrosan abbot TOUREDEC (St) M. AC. Apr 9
of San Fedele. He lived as a recluse, Otherwise Torthred, perhaps a variant
walled up in his cell, for sixty years. of Theodore, q.v.


RM.July 6 AC. June 15
d. ? 288. A Roman martyr connected 6th cent. The son of a Breton chieftain,
with the legend of St Sebastian, q.v. who crossed over into Wales with St
Cadfan. He is the patron saint of Llan-
TRASON, PONTIAN and PRAE- drillo (Denbigh) and of Llandrillo
TEXTATUS (SS) MM. RM. Dec 1 (Monmouth).
d. £.302. Roman martyrs under Dio-
cletian,put to death for ministering to TRIPHINA (St) W. RM. July 5
the Christian prisoners awaiting mar-
6th cent. The mother of St Tremorus
tyrdom. the infant-martyr. She passed the latter
years of her life in a convent in Brittany.
TREA (St) V. AC. Aug 3
5th cent. Converted to Christianity by TRIPHINA (St) M. RM. July 5
St Patrick. She passed the rest of her See Agatho and Triphina.
life as a recluse at Ardtree, Derry.
TREMORUS (St) M. AC. Nov 7 RM. June 13
6th cent. Infant son of St Triphina. He d. f.370. A lawyer converted to Christi-
was murdered at Carhaix in Brittany by anity who was made bishop of Nikosia
his stepfather, Count Conmore. He is Cyprus. He was a companion of St
patron saint of Carhaix. Spiridion and a loyal supporter of St
Athanasius against the Arians, who
bitterly persecuted him.
C. AC. Feb 7
d. 550. An Irish missionary, ordained TRIPOS (St) M. RM. June 10
priestby St Remigius, who worked at See Basilides, Tripos, etc.
Mareuil on the Marne.
TRIVERIUS (St) K. AC. Jan 16
TREVES (Martyrs of) (SS) d. f.550. Born in Neustria, he showed
RM. Oct 6 from childhood a strong leaning to the
d. 287. The entry in the RM. is as contemplative He lived as a hermit

follows: "At Treves, the commemora- near the monastery of Therouanne,

tion of the almost innumerable martyrs until he moved to Dombes. The village
who were ways in the
slain in divers of Saint Trivier commemorates his
persecution of Diocletian, under the name. He is honoured at Lyons and in
governor Rictiovarus, for the faith of the diocese of Belley.
TROADIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 28
TRIDUNA (TREDWALL, TRAL- d. 250. A martyr of Neo-Caesarea in
LEN) (St) V. AC. Oct 8 Pontus, in the persecution under
8th or 4th cent? A m?iden connected Decius.
with the legend of St Regulus's mission
to Scotland. TROJAN (French: TROYEN) (St)
Bp. RM. Nov 30
TRIEN (TRIENAN) (St) Ab. Said to have been born of a Jew-
d. 533.
AC. March 22 ish father and a Saracen mother. He
5th cent. One of St Patrick's disciples, became a priest at Saintes under St
abbot of Killelga. Vivian, whom he succeeded in the see.

TRON or TROND (St) Ab. OSB. The Benedictine abbey of St Trudpert
RM. Nov 23 aroseon that site. According to his life
Otherwise Trudo, q.v. he was of Irish origin, and was mur-
dered by servants, and so venerated as
TROPHIMUS and THALUS (SS) a martyr. This life is however con-
MM. RM. March 11 sidered a legend. *

d. £.300. Martyrs at Laodicea in Syria,

crucified under Diocletian. TRUMWIN (St) Bp. OSB.
AC. Dec 2
TROPHIMUS and EUCARPIUS d. £.700. He was
appointed (681) by St
(SS) MM. RM. March 18 Theodore and King Egfrid bishop over
d. r.304. Two pagan soldiers told off to the Southern Picts, and set up his see
hunt up Christians; they were con- at the monastery of Abercorn on the
verted and burnt alive at Nicomedia Firth of Forth. In 685 King Egfrid was
under Diocletian. killed by the Picts and St Trumwin and
all his monks had to flee South. He
TROPHIMUS and THEOPHILUS retired to Whitby and there he lived an
(SS) MM. RM. July 23 exemplary monastic life.
d. f.302. Martyrs, beheaded at Rome
under Diocletian.



matron of Cyzicus on the Helles-
pont who, after having been tortured
RM. Sept 19
in divers manners, was thrown to a
d. £.277. Asiatic martyrs under the em-
savage bull and gored to death.
peror Probus. They suffered probably
at Antioch in Syria.
TROPHIMUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec29 (SS) RM. Nov 10
d. £.280. First bishop of Aries, sent to 1st cent. Two converts of St Paul from
Gaul from Rome c.240-260. Since 452 Iconium in Lycaonia, mentioned by the
(Synod of Aries) the church of Provence apostle in his Epistle to the Romans
has identified him with St Trophimus, (XVI, 12). Tradition represents them
the disciples of St Paul (Acts XX, as protectresses of St Thecla.
XXI, 29; II Tim. IV, 20).
TRYPHON (St) M. RM. Jan 4
TRUDO (TRUDON, TRON, See Aquilinus, Geminus, etc.
(St) Ab. OSB. 23 RM. Nov TRYPHON and Comp. (SS) MM.
d. £.695 A Benedictine
St under RM.
July 3
Remaclus, he was ordained priest by St ? A group of thirteen martyrs, who
Clodulphus of Metz, and eventually suffered at Alexandria in Egypt.
founded and governed an abbey on his
paternal estate (c.66o), which was after- TRYPHON, RESPICIUS and
wards called after him St Trond. It is NYMPHA (SS) MM. RM. Nov 10
situated between Louvain and Tongres. d. Tryphon was a gooseherd at
Campsada near Apamea in Syria and
TRUDPERT (St) H. AC. Apr 26 was martyred in Nicaea under Decius.
d. c. ? 644. A solitary in Miinstethal. The names of Respicius and Nympha

have been joined to that of Tryphon TUDY (TUDINUS, TEGWIN,
only since the nth century; we know THETGO) (St) Ab. AC. May 9
nothing about either saint. 5th cent. A Breton saint, disciple of St
Maudez (Mawes) and fellow-worker
TRYPHONIA (St) W. RM. Oct 18 with St Corentinus. He was first a
3rd cent. A Roman widow martyred in hermit and then an abbot near Lande-
the Holy City. In legend she has been vennec in Brittany; like St Mawes, he
made wife either of the emperor Decius, spent some time in Cornwall, where a
or of Decius's son, Messius Decius. Her church and parish still bear his name.
Acta are worthless.
TUGDUAL (St) Bp. AC. Nov 30
TRYPHOSA (St) RM. Nov 10 Otherwise Tudwal, q.v.
See Tryphenna and Tryphosa.
TUDA (St) Bp. PC. ( ?) Oct 21 (St) Bp. RM. July 13
d. 664. An Irish monk who succeeded d. r.750. A Breton who succeeded St
St Colman in the see of Lindisfarne, a Samson as bishop of Dol.
staunch adherent of the Roman prac-
tices. He died of the pestilence within TURIBIUS de MOGROBEJO (St)
the first year of his appointment. He Bp. RM. March 23
does not seem to have enjoyed a public 1 538-1 606. Torbibio Alfonso de Mog-
cult. robejo was born at Mayorga, prov. of
Leon, Spain. He was professor of law at
TUDE (St) Bp. M. RM. June 17 Salamanca, and, though a layman, was
Otherwise Antidius, q.v. made president of the court of the In-
quisition at Granada. Philip II ap-
pointed him to the see of Lima in Peru
TUDINUS (St) Ab. AC. May 9
Otherwise Tudy, q.v.
(1580) and the saint, fearing God but
no man, with boundless zeal and un-
tiring energy renewed the face of the
TUDNO (St) C. AC. June 5 Church in Peru. Canonized in 1726.
6th cent. The saint after whom Llan-
dudno in Carnarvon is named. Several
Welsh legends refer to him.
RM. Apr 16
Bishop of Astorga in Spain,
d. f.460.
TUDWAL (TUGDUAL, TUGDUA- champion of Catholic doctrine against
LUS) Bp.
(St) AC. Nov 30 the Priscillianists.
d. c.564. A
Welsh monk who crossed
over into Brittany and became bishop TURIBIUS of PALENCIA (St) Ab.
of Treguier. Three places in the Lleyn AC. Apr i6(?)
Peninsular in Carnarvonshire perpetu- d. f.528. Probably a bishop. The abbot-
ate his memory. founder of the great abbey of Liebana in
Asturias, which eventually became a
TUDY (TUDCLYD, TYBIE) (St) V. Benedictine centre.
AC. Jan 30
5th Daughter
cent. of Brychan of TURKETIL (St) Ab. OSB.
Brecknock. She has left her name to AC. July n
Llandybie in Carmarthenshire. 887-975. A nephew of King Edred of

England and his chancellor. In 948 he historical foundation. The several
became a monk and shortly after abbot groups comprised in the so-called
of Croyland, which he restored, attach- "twelve brothers," or Martyrs of the
ing a cloistral school to the monastery. South, are (1) Aug 27. At Potenza in
the Basilicata, Arontius or Orontius,
TURNINUS (St) C. AC. July 17 Honoratus, Fortunatus and Sabinian.
8th cent. An Irish priest who worked as (2) Aug 28. At Venosa in Apulia, Septi-

a missionary with St Foillan in the minus, Januarius and Felix. (3) Aug 29.
Netherlands, and more particularly in At Velleianum in Apulia, Vitalis, Sator
the vicinity of Antwerp. (or Satyrus) and Repositus. (4) Sept 1.
At Sentianum in Apulia, Donatus and
another Felix.
AC. March 28
d. f.915. Monk of St Gall in Switzer-
This occurs as a place-name in Pem-
land. Handsome, eloquent, quick-
brokeshire. It is possibly a corrupt form
witted, a giant in strength and stature,
of the name of St Winneur, or Winoc,
poet, orator, architect, painter, sculptor,
or Winwaloe.
metal worker, mechanic, musician who
played and taught several instruments
at the abbey school, he was character-
TYCHICUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 29
1st cent. A disciple of St Paul the Apostle
ized by his obedience and recollection.
(Acts 20: 4; 21: 29) and his fellow-
worker (Col. 4: 7; Eph. 6: 21 sq.). He
issaid to have ended his days as bishop
AC. May 14
of Paphos in Cyprus.
d. 930. Monk
and abbot of St Em-
meram He became bishop
at Ratisbon.
TYCHON (St) Bp. RM. June 16
of the same city and secretary to the
d. f.450. Bishop of Amathus in Cyprus.
emperor Arnold.
He energetically fought against the last
remnants of paganism in the island,
TUTO (TOTTO) (Bl) Ab. OSB. especially the cult of Aphrodite.
AC. Nov 19
d. 815. Abbot-founder (764) of the TYDECHO (St) AC. Dec 17
great Benedictine abbey of Ottobeuren 6th cent. A
Welshman, brother of St
in Bavaria. Cadfan. He and his sister dwelt in
Merionethshire. Several churches are
TWELVE HOLY BROTHERS, The dedicated in his honour.
(SS) MM. RM. Sept 1
d. £.303 ? The relics of several groups TYDFIL (St) M. AC. Aug 23
of martyrs, who had suffered in S. Italy, d. r.480. Of the clan of Brychan. She is

were brought together and enshrined at venerated at Merthyr-Tydfil, Glamor-

Benevento in 760. A legend grew up gan, where she was slain by the maraud-
according to which all these martyrs ing Picts or Saxons.
were the sons of SS Boniface and
Thecla, q.v. they were said to have
been arrested in Africa and brought to NILUS and ZENOBIUS (SS) MM.
Italy where they were put to death. This RM. Feb 20
legend is now considered to have no d. f.304. The RM. entry commemorates

an unknown number of Martyrs of Tyr. the wisdom of God alone can tell ."
. .

According to the Bollandists, Tyrannio The group of the preceding entry were
and Zenobius, whose names are in- among this number.
cluded, suffered at Antioch in 310,
Silvanus at Emesa; Peleus and Nilus TYSILIO (TYSSEL, TYSSILO,
were, according to Eusebius, Egyptian SULIAU) (St) Ab. AC. Nov 8
bishops, among the martyrs of Palestine. d. c.640. A
Welsh prince, who became
abbot of Meifod in Montgomeryshire
TYRE (Martyrs of) RM. Feb 20 and founded several churches in the
d. 302-310. The RM. has this entry: other parts of Wales; finally (^.617) he
"At Tyre in Phoenicia, the commemora- migrated to Brittany and died at Saint-
tion of blessed martyrs whose number Suliac.

RM. May 16 RM. May 3 and Feb 12
£.1100-1160. Born at Gubbio near An- One of the Seven Founders of the
cona, he was made dean of the cathedral Servite Order, q.v.
and introduced community life among
the canons. In 1 128 he became bishop of UGUZO (LUCIUS) M.
his native city. His character was re- AC. Aug 16
markable for its combination of gentle- ? A
poor shepherd in the mountains of
ness with courage, and it was by these Carvagna (Italian Alps) who gave his
qualities that he succeeded in disarming savings to the poor and the churches.
the tyrannical Frederick Barbarossa. He was killed through envy by one of
Canonized 1192. his former masters. His cult has
flourished at Milan since 1280 and has
UBALD ADIMARI (Bl) C. OSM. been repeatedly approved by Rome.
AC. Apr 9
1 246-1 3 1 5. He belonged to the nobility
of Florence, and as a leader in the (St) AC. Apr 6
Ghibelline party he was notorious for ? The holy man who has given hisname
his wild and dissolute life. In 1276 he to the church of Llechulched in
was converted by St Philip Benizi who Anglesey.
admitted him to the Servite institute.
Ubald spent the remainder of his life ULFRID (WOLFRED, WILFRID)
on Mt Senario, a model to penitent (St) M. AC. Jan 18
souls. Cult confirmed 1821. d. 1029. A native of England who
became a missionary in Germany and
UBRIC (St) Bp. RM. July 4
Sweden. He was martyred for destroy-
Otherwise Ulric, q.v.
ing the idol of Thor.
UDA (St) V. AC. Jan 30
Otherwise Tudy, q.v. ULMAR (St) Ab. OSB. AC. July 20
Otherwise Wulmar, q.v.
UGANDA (Martyrs of) (SS)
1 Twenty-two negroes of
885-1 887. WULFE) (St) H. AC. Jan 31
Uganda, boys and young men from 8th cent. Said to have lived as a solitary
thirteen to thirty years of age, for the near Amiens under the direction of the
most part pages of King Mwanga. They aged hermit St Domitius. At a later
were converts of the White Fathers and period the convent of the Paraclete was
were martyred with horrible cruelty. built over her tomb.
Their heroic courage rivalled that of
the early martyrs. Canonized in 1964. ULPIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 3
Each has a separate entry in this book. Otherwise Vulpian, q.v.

ULRIC (St) H. AC. Feb 20 Gertrude of Nivelles. He was chaplain
Otherwise Wulfric, q.v. to her nunnery and taught chant to the
nuns until he succeeded his brother St
ULRIC of EINSIEDELN (Bl) C. Foillan in the abbacies of Fosses and
OSB. May 29 AC. Peronne.
d. A978. Son of St Gerold. He became
a monk at the Swiss abbey of Einsiedeln ULTAN H. OSB.
(St) AC. Aug 8
and was appointed treasurer. After his 8th cent. An
Irishman and monk-priest
father's death he retired to live as a of St Peter's monastery at Craik. He
hermit in the His feast is
latter's cell. excelled in the art of illumination.
observed at Einsiedeln.
ULTAN (St) Bp. AC. Sept 4
ULRIC (ULDARICUS, UDAL- 7th cent. There are a score or so of Irish
RIC) (St) Bp. RM. July 4 saints named Ultan. Besides the two
d. 973. A native of Augsburg, at the age listedabove the most important seems
of seven he was sent to be educated at to have been a bishop of Ardbraccan,
the Swiss Benedictine abbey of St Gall. noted for his fondness for children and
In 923 he was nominated bishop of said to have collected the writings of
Augsburg and became the protector of St Brigid.
his people against the invading Magy-
ars. In his old age he retired to St Gall ULTIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 8
and took one of his nephews as his Otherwise Wulsin, q.v.
coadjutor: this led to an unjust charge
of nepotism. Canonized 993. UNAMAN (St) M. OSB. AC. Feb 15
See Winaman, Unaman and Sunaman.
AC. July 14 UNI (UNNI, UNNO, HUNO) (St)
c. 1 01 8-1093. Born at Ratisbon, he be- Bp. OSB. AC. Sept
came archdeacon of Freising and then d. 936. A Benedictine of New Corvey in
went on a pilgrimage to Rome and Saxony, who in 917 was appointed
Jerusalem. On his return he joined the bishop of Bremen-Hamburg. He evan-
Benedictines at Cluny under St Hugh gelized Sweden and Denmark with
(1061). He held the following offices in signal success and died at Birka in
rapid succession novice master (as such
: Sweden.
he wrote the famous Cluniac Cus-
tomary), and confessor of the
prior URBAN (St) M. RM. Jan 24
Cluniac nunnery of Marcigny, prior of See Babilas, Urban, etc.
Peterlingen, prior of Riiggersburg, and
finally prior-founder of Zell in the Black URBAN (St) M. RM. March 8
Forest. Throughout life he suffered from See Cyril, Rogatus, etc.
violent headaches.
ULTAN (St) Ab. OSB. AC. May 2 RM. Apr 2
d. r.686. An Irishman, brother of SS d. f.390. Sixth bishop of Langres,
Fursey and Foillan and a monk with nominated to that see in 374. In some
them at Burghcastle near Yarmouth. parts of Burgundy and neighbouring
Thence he crossed over to Belgium, provinces he is honoured as the patron
where he was warmly welcomed by St saint of vine dressers.

URBAN (St)Ab. OSB. AC. Apr 6 appealed to the emperor against the
d. £.940. Abbot of the Benedictine persecution of the Catholics.
monastery of Penalba in the diocese of
Astorga, Spain. He helped St Genna- URBAN (St) M. RM. Oct 31
dius to bring about a Benedictine revival. See Ampliatus, Urban and Narcissus.

URBAN (St) M. RM. Apr 16 URBAN (St) Bp. RM. Nov 28

See Saragossa (Martyrs of). See Valerian, Urban, etc.

URBAN I (St) Pope M. RM.May25 URBAN (St) Bp. RM. Dec 7

d. 230. A Roman, successor of Callistus d. f.356. Bishop of Teano in Campania.
in the papal chair (222-230). During his
pontificate the Church seems to have URBAN V (Bl) Pope OSB.
enjoyed comparative peace. He does not RM. Dec 19
appear to have died a martyr. 1 William of Grimoard was
3 10-1370.
born in Languedoc and educated at the
URBAN (St) M. RM. July 2 universities of Montpellier and Tou-
See Ariston, Crescentian, etc. louse. He became a Benedictine at the
priory of Chiriac and was sent to take
URBAN II (Bl) Pope OSB. his doctorate at Paris and Avignon. He
July 29 affiliated himself to the Cluniacs and
1 042-1 099. Odo of Lagery was born at was made abbot of St Germanus at
Chatillon-sur Marne and belonged to Auxerre, and then of St Victor at
the family of the counts of Semur. He Marseilles. In 136 1 he was sent as papal
studied at Reims under St Bruno and legate to Italy (the papacy then being
became archdeacon of that church. In at Avignon) and in the following year,
1070 he joined the Benedictines of although not yet a cardinal, was elected
Cluny and was soon appointed grand pope. He succeeded in transferring the
prior under St Hugh. In 1078 he was papacy back to Rome, but in 1370 he
created cardinal bishop of Ostia and in was forced to retire to France, dying the
1088 was elected pope. As prior, as same year. Cult confirmed 1870.
cardinal and as pope he followed and
fostered the Gregorian policy of eccle- URBITIUS (St) Bp. AC. March 20
siastical reform. As pope he had as d. Bishop of Metz. He built a
adviser St Bruno, the founder of the church in honour of St Felix of Nola
Carthusians. Urban is perhaps best which became the abbey church of the
remembered as the promoter of the monastery of St Clement.
first crusade at the council of Clermont,

in consequence of an appeal from the URBITIUS (Spanish: URBEZ) (St)

Byzantine emperor Alexius I. Beatified H. OSB. AC. Dec 15
1881. d. £.805. Said to have been born at
Bordeaux, to have become a monk in
URBAN, THEODORE and Comp. France, and to have been taken prisoner
(SS) MM. RM. Sept 5 by Saracens and brought to Spain. He
d. 370. a group of eighty priests and managed to escape and settled as a
clerics who, in the time of the Arian hermit in the valley of Nocito, Aragonese
emperor Valens, were deliberately left Pyrenees, near Huesca. There is no
to perish in a burning ship for having trustworthy biography of the saint, but

his cult is still very flourishing in that tery of St Ursanne, from which the
district. Swiss town so called takes its name.

URCISCENUS (St) Bp. RM. June 21 URSICIUS (St) M. RM. Aug 14

d. c.216. Reckoned as the seventh bishop d. 304. An Illyrian tribune in the im-

of Pa via, c. 183-2 16. perialarmy beheaded at Nicomedia

under Diocletian.
URPASIAN (St) M. AC. March 13
d. 295. A Christian of the household of URSINUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 9
Diocletian who was burnt alive at 3rd cent. Though alleged to have been
Nicomedia. one of several disciples of Christ sent by
the apostles to be bishops in Gaul, it is
URSACIUS (St) RM. Aug 16 certain that he flourished in the 3rd
Otherwise Arsacius, q.v. century and that he was the first bishop
of Bourges.
URSICINUS (St) M. RM. June 19
d. c .67. Said to have been a physician at URSMAR (St) Bp. OSB. RM. Apr 19
Ravenna who, on being sentenced to d. 713. Abbot-bishop of the great Bene-
death for being a Christian, wavered, dictine abbey of Lobbes on the Sambre
but was encouraged by the soldier St and founder of Aulne and Wallers, also
Vitalis and accepted martyrdom. His in present-day Belgium. His work as
Acts are not trustworthy. regionary bishop in Flanders was of
great importance.
URSICINUS (St) Bp. RM. July 24
d. f.380. Registered as the fourth bishop URSULA and Comp. (SS) VV. MM.
of Sens. An opponent of Arianism. RM. Oct 21
4th cent. A group of maidens martyred
URSICINUS (St) Bp. OSB. at Cologne, probably under Diocletian.
AC. Oct 2 In the fourth century a church was built
d. 760. Abbot of Disentis in Switzer- at Cologne in their honour. Medieval
land, who became bishop of Chur in legends greatly embellished the scanty
754. In 758 he resigned and became a historical facts. The number of, prob-
hermit. ably, eleven (XI MM
VV, i.e., eleven
martyr-virgins) was increased to eleven
URSICINUS (St) Bp. RM. Dec 1 thousand (XIM VV, i.e., XI Millia
d. p.347. A bishop of Brescia in Lom- —
Virginum 11,000 virgins) and a con-
bardy who took part in the council of venient legendary setting was found for
Sardica (347). His shrine at Brescia the increased number. Pope Benedict
still exists. XIV intended to delete the entry con-
cerning them from the RM.
d. f.585. Bishop of Cahors, often men- URSULINA (Bl) V. AC. Apr 7
tioned by the historian St Gregory of 1375-1410. A young woman of Parma
Tours. who, alleging supernatural visions,
visited Clement VII at Avignon and
URSICINUS (St) Ab. AC. Dec 20 Boniface IX at Rome with a view to
d. c.625. An Irish missionary monk, putting an end to the papal schism.
companion of St Columbanus. He be- After a pilgrimage to the Holy Land
came the abbot-founder of the monas- she was refused admittance to Parma

and had to retire to Bologna, where she Amator of Auxerre, who was made
died. bishop of that city when he was already
seventy-five years of age.
AC. Oct 17 URSUS (St) M. RM. Sept 30
d. 1794. A group of eleven Ursuline See Victor and Ursus.
nuns guillotined at Valenciennes for
having reopened their school in spite of
UST (JUSTUS) (St) AC. Aug 12
the prohibition of the French revolu-
? He gives its title to the church of St
tionary authorities. Each has a special
Just a few miles from Penzance. He is
entry in this book. Beatified 1920.
described indiscriminately as a hermit,
as a martyr, and as a bishop. Possibly
URSUS (St) C. PC Feb 1
there were several saints of this name,
6th cent. Of Irish origin, he preached
whose lives have been amalgamated.
against the Arians in the South of
France and became archdeacon of
See Simeon, Abdechalas, etc.

URSUS (St) Bp. RM. Apr 13

d. 396. Of a noble Sicilian family, he UTTO (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. Oct 3
became a convert and fled from his c .750-820.Abbot-founder of the Bene-
father's wrath to Ravenna, where in 378 dictine monastery of Metten in Bavaria.

he became bishop. Cult approved 1909.

URSUS (St) Bp. RM. July 30 UVAL (St) Bp. AC. Nov 20
d. 508. A recluse at the church of St Otherwise Eval, q.v.

VAAST (St) Bp. RM. Feb 6 buried on the Flaminian Way. In 350
Otherwise Vedast, q.v. a church was built over his tomb. The
custom of sending "Valentines" on Feb
VACZ (Bl) H. AC. Nov 26 14 is based on the medieval belief that
nth cent. Hermit at Visegrad, in the birds began to pair on the 14th of
mountains of Pilis, Hungary. Consi- February.
dered by the Pauline Order as the fore-
runner of their founder Bl Eusebius VALENTINE (St) Bp. M.
(1260). RM. Feb 14
d. f.269. A bishop of Terni (Interamna)
VALENS and Comp. (SS) MM. about sixty miles from Rome, martyred
RM. May 21 under Claudius the Goth. Some writers,
? Said to have been a bishop martyred we believe rightly, identify this saint with
at Auxerre with three boys. the St Valentine recorded above.

VALENS, PAUL and Comp. (SS) VALENTINE (St) Bp. AC. May 2
MM. RM. June 1 d. Bishop of Genoa, c.295-307. His

d. 309. Martyrs at Caesarea in Palestine, relics were discovered and enshrined in

companions of St Pamphilus. Valens was 985.
an aged deacon of the church of Jeru-
salem. They suffered under Diocletian. VALENTINE (St) Bp. M.
RM. July 16
VALENS (St) Bp. RM. July 26 d. f.305. A bishop of Treves (or more
d. 531. Bishop of Verona, 524-531. probably Tongres) martyred under Dio-
VALENTINA and Comp. (SS) W.
MM. RM. July 25 VALENTINE (St) Bp. AC. Sept 2
d. 308. Virgin martyrs in Palestine under 4th cent. Fourth bishop of Strasburg.
Maximian Galerius. See Meuris and
Thea. VALENTINE (St) H. AC. Oct 25
See Fructus, Valentine and Engratia.
VALENTINE (St) Bp. AC. Jan 7
d. f.470. An
abbot who became a mis- VALENTINE (St) Bp. RM. Oct 29
sionary bishop in Rhaetia. He died at Coupled in the RM. with St Maximi-
Mais in the Tyrol. Some years later his lian. Nothing is known of him.
body was translated to Trent and finally
(Bl) Bp. M. OP. AC. Nov 1
VALENTINE (St) M. RM. Feb 14 1 827-1 86 1. Born at Ellorio, diocese of
d. 269. A priest and physician in Rome Vitoria, Spain. After his profession in
martyred under Claudius the Goth and the Dominican Order he was sent to the

Philippine Islands and thence (1858) to slew by hanging them on a tree: and
Tonkin as a bishop titular and vicar there, although dead, they were heard
apostolic. He was beheaded with Bl even by their enemies singing psalms".
Jerome Hermosilla. Beatified in 1909. The story is taken from St Gregory the
Great (Dial. IV, 21).
MM. RM. Nov 3 VALERIA (St) M. RM. Apr 28
d. f.304. A priest and his deacon, be- ? 1st cent. The mother of SS
headed at Viterbo, near Rome, under Gervase and Protase and wife of St
Diocletian. Vitalis. She seems to be a fictitious per-
sonage. See Vitalis.
RM. Nov 11 See Zenais, Dyria, etc.
d. £.305. Martyrs at Ravenna under
Diocletian. VALERIA (St) VM. RM. Dec 9
This saint probably never existed. She

VALENTINE, SOLUTOR and is said to have been converted to the

VICTOR (SS) MM. RM. Nov 13 Faith by St Martial of Limoges, and

d. ^.305.Martyrs at Ravenna under to have been beheaded there. (Cf.
Diocletian. Probably a duplicate of Martial of Limoges).
Nov 11. To both groups some martyr-
ologies add a number of other names. VALERIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 14
See Tiburtius, Valerian and Maximus.
MM. RM. Dec 16 d. £.350. Third bishop of Auxerre. A
d. £.305. In all probability a repetition champion of the Catholic Faith against
of the two preceding entries. Since St Arianism.
Peter Chrysologus (d. £.450) writes that
St Apollinaris was the only martyr of VALERIAN (St) Bp. AC. July 23
Ravenna, it may be that St Valentine d. r.460. A monk of Lerins who was
and Comp. were merely venerated in promoted to the see of Cimiez (now
that city, and only later said to have been united to that of Nice).
martyred there.
VALERIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 23
VALENTINIAN (St) Bp. See Restitutus, Donatus, etc.
AC. Nov 3
d. c.$oo. Bishop of Salerno in S. Italy. VALERIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 12
See Hieronides, Leontius, etc.
VALENTIO (St) M. RM. May 25
See Pasicrates, Valentio, etc. VALERIAN (St) M. RM. Sept 15
d. 178. A companion of St Photinus
VALERIA (Martyrs of) (SS) (Pothinus) of Lyons. He succeeded in
RM. March 14 escaping from prison and reappeared at
8th cent. The RM. has this entry: "In Tournus, near Autun, where he again
the province of Valeria, the birthday of preached to the people. He was captured
two holy monks, whom the Lombards a second time and beheaded.

VALERIAN, MACRINUS and More probably he was bishop of that
GORDIAN (SS) MM. RxM. Sept 17 city at the beginning of the fourth
? Martyrs ascribed by some to Noyon, century.
by others to Nevers, by others to Nyon
(near Berne, Switzerland), by others to VALERIUS (St) Bp. AC. Feb 19
a place called Noviodunum near the d. p.450. Bishop of Antibes in S. France.

mouth of the Danube in Lower Moesia.

VALERIUS (St) Bp. AC. Feb 20
VALERIAN (St) Bp. RM. Nov 27 ? Mentioned by St Gregory of Tours
d. 389. Bishop of Aquileia in N. Italy. as the first bishop of Conserans in
He succeeded immediately after an France.
Arian bishop and his pontificate, 369-
VALERIUS (St) Ab. AC. Feb 21
389, was spent in combating that heresy.
d. 695. A native of Astorga in Spain,

VALERIAN, URBAN, CRESCENS, who became a monk and abbot of San

EUSTACE, CRESCONIUS, Pedro de Montes. He has left several

ascetical writings: he in fact the last

representative of the Isidorian revival

in Spain.
Bps. RM. Nov
5th cent. African bishops banished from
their country by the Arian king Gen-
MM. RM. June 14
seric. They died in exile and were after-
d. r.287. Roman missionaries in Gaul
wards honoured as confessors of the
who were martyred at Soissons.


VALERIAN (St) Bp. (M) RM. Dec 15
See Lambert and Valerius.
d. 457. Bishop of Abbenza in Africa,
who, when over eighty years of age, was
VALERIUS (St) M. RM. Nov 16
left to die of exposure for refusing to
See Rufinus, Mark, etc.
give up the sacred vessels. He died
under the Arian Genseric, king of the
VALERY (St) Ab. RM. Apr 1
Otherwise Walericus, q.v.

VALERIUS (St) Bp. AC. Jan 16 VAMNES (St) M. AC.

d. £.453. A hermit taken from his soli- d. A convert to Christianity, he
tude by the people of Sorrento, who was put to death by the Persian King
made him their bishop. Bahram V for having rescued a monk
cruelly tormented.
VALERIUS (St) Bp. RM. Jan 28
d. 315. Bishop of Saragossa in Spain, VANDRILLE (St) Ab. RM. July 22
under whom St Vincent served as Otherwise Wandrille, q.v.
deacon. He was arrested, and exiled
under Diocletian but survived and died
; VANNE (VAUNE) (St) Bp. AC. Nov 9
in peace in his episcopal city. Otherwise Vitonus, q.v.


d. Legendary second bishop of
£.320. (St) V. AC. Jan 4
Treves and alleged disciple of St Peter. Otherwise Pharaildis, q.v.

VARICUS (St) M. RM. Nov 15 body was brought from Spalato to the
See Secundus, Fidentian and Various. Lateran by Pope John IV in 641.

VARUS (St) M. RM. Oct 19 VENANTIUS (St) M. RM. May 18

d. 307. A Roman soldier in Upper d. £.250. Said to have been a boy of
Egypt who, being on guard at a prison fifteen who died a "martyr at Camerino,
in which certain monks condemned to near Ancona, under Decius. Nothing
death were confined, on seeing one of certain is known about him: Pope
them expire in his dungeon, insisted on Clement X, a former bishop of Camer-
taking his place and was forthwith ino, raised the feast of St Venantius to
hanged from a tree. The Acts are the double rite and composed the
genuine. proper hymns of his office.


(St) M. AC. Apr 16 d. £.400. Elder brother of St Honoratus,
d. £.500. A rich citizen of Saintes, in the founder of Lerins. After living as
France, murdered by his relatives for hermit on an island near Cannes, both
distributing his property among the travelled to the East to study the
poor. monastic and Venantius died
life, at
Modon in Morea.
TON, FOSTER) (St) Bp. RM. Feb 6
VENANTIUS (St) Bp. AC. Aug 5
d. 539. A fellow-worker with St Remi-
d. The most celebrated of the
gius in the conversion of the Franks.
ancient Bishops of Viviers. His life,
For close on forty years he ruled the
written in the 12th century, has no
united sees of Arras-Cambrai.


WENNAPA) (St) V. AC. July 1
5th cent. An abbot of the monastery of
6th cent. Patron saint of St Veep in
St Martin at Tours.
Cornwall. St Veep (in Welsh, Gwena-
fwy) was a daughter of Caw, chief of
North Britain and a sister of St Samson
Bp. AC. Dec 14
of York. Driven south by the Picts, she
^.535-605. Born near Treviso in N.
settled in Cornwall, where place-names
age of thirty he settled at
Italy, at the
still recall her memory.
and was ordained priest. He
became known to Queen St Radegunde
VEHO (St) Bp. AC. June 15
Otherwise Vouga, q.v.
who befriended him. He was a prolific
writer and poet; the hymn Vexilla
VELLEICUS (WILLEIC) (St) Ab. Regis was composed by him. Not all his
OSB. AC. Aug 29 other compositions, however, reach the
8th cent. An Anglo-Saxon, who fol- same excellence. Shortly before his

lowed St Swithbert to the apostolate in death he was made bishop of Poitiers.

Germany and became abbot of Kaisers- His feast is celebrated in several Italian

werth, on the Rhine. and French dioceses.


d. .V.255. A bishop in Dalmatia, whose 2nd cent. Described by the RM. as a

martyr and ascribed to Gaul. It seems VENUSTUS (St) M. RM. May 6
that Veneranda is a later corruption of See Heliodorus, Venustus, etc.

Venera (from dies Veneris Friday) the—

Latin counterpart of Parasceves, and VENUSTUS (St) M. RM. May 22
that she is identical with a Parasceves, See Faustinus, Timothy and Venustus.
at one time venerated by the Greeks.
VERANUS (St) Bp. AC. Sept 10
VENERANDUS (St) M. RM. Nov 14 Son of St Eucherius of Lyons,
d. r.480.

d. 275. An influential citizen of Troyes he became a monk at Lerins, and after-

in France, martyred under Aurelian. wards bishop of Vence (Alpes Mari-
times) France.
VENERANDUS (St) Bp. AC. Dec 24
d. 423. Born of a senatorial family of VERANUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 19
Clermont in Auvergne, he became d. 590. Native of Vaucluse, who be-
bishop of the same city (385-423). came bishop of Cavaillon, in France.

VENERIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 4 VERANUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 11
d. 409.Ordained deacon by St Ambrose, 5th cent. Ascribed by theRM. to
eventually he was promoted to the see Lyons. Probably he is identical with St
of Milan. He is best remembered as a Veranus of Vence (Sept 10).
loyal supporter of St John Chrysostom.
VERDA (St) M. AC. Feb 21
VENERIUS (St) Ab. OSB. See Daniel and Verda.
RM. Sept 13
7th (or 9th) cent. A hermit, and then VERECUNDUS (St) Bp.
abbot on the island of Tino in the Gulf RM. Oct 22
of Genoa. His "Life" is very untrust- d. 522. Bishop of Verona.
OSB. AC. 3 May d. 1092. A native of Navarre, he entered
1 2th cent. Born at Spello near Assisi, he the Benedictine abbey of Our Lady of
joined the Italian Cruciferi, under the Hirache. He eventually became abbot,
Benedictine Rule, and eventually built and during his abbacy the monastery
an abbey-hospice on his family estate was reckoned the most influential reli-
which he ruled as abbot till his death. gious centre of Navarre. St Veremundus
himself was the advisor of its kings. He
VENTURINUS of BERGAMO was remarkable for his charity towards
PC. March 28 the poor and for his zeal for the accurate
1 304-1 346. A celebrated Dominican recitation of the Divine Office. In the
preacher, he was entrusted with preach- controversy concerning the use of the
ing the crusade against the Turks. He Mozarabic rite, he won for it the
accompanied the expedition, preached approval even of the Roman see which
successfully to schismatics and died at was for suppressing it.
VERENA (St) RM. Sept 1
VENUSTIAN (St) M. RM. Dec 30 3rd cent. Said to have been an Egyptian
See Sabinus, Exuperantius, etc. maiden, related to a soldier of the

Theban Legion, who travelled to were accurately authenticated by eye-
Switzerland in search of him, and settled witnesses. Though in a state of almost
as a recluse near Zurich. Her cult is very continuous supernatural vision, she was
ancient. in no way visionary, but a most practical
and level-headed religious. Canonized
VERGILIUS (St) Bp. RM. Nov 27 in 1839.
Otherwise Virgilius, q.v.
VERONICA (St) AC. July 12
VERIAN (St) M. 9RM. Aug 1 According to tradition, when
st cent.

See Secundian, Marcellian, and Verian. our Lord fell beneath His cross on the
road to Calvary, a compassionate woman
VERIDIANA (St) H. OSB. Vail. wiped His face with a towel, on which a
RM. Feb 1 picture of the same Holy Face remained
d. 1242. A maiden of Castelfiorentino in imprinted. Numerous legends have
Tuscany, who after a pilgrimage to grown up around her the derivation of

Compostella, was walled up as a recluse her name from the Graeco-Latin word
in her native town, where she lived for —
Veron Ikon true image is only a —
thirty-four years under the obedience hypothesis.
of a Vallumbrosan abbey. Cult approved
JULIA (SS) MM. RM. Oct 1 and Comp. (SS) MM. RM. Feb. 21
d. c .302. Martyrs at Lisbon under Dio- d. f.434 Martyrs in N. Africa. Hadru-

cletian. Full office in the Mozarabic metum given as the place, and the

Breviary. number was apparently twenty-six. The

RM assigns them to the Vandal perse-
VERONICA of BINASCO (Bl) V. cution, but there is a wide variety of
OSA. RM. Jan 13 opinion.
d. 1497. Born at Binasco, near Milan,
the daughter of poor peasants, with VERUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 1

whom she worked in the She fields. d. .p.314. Bishop of Vienne in France.
joined the Augustinian nuns of Milan He assisted at the synod of Aries in 314.
as a lay-sister and spent her life in
collecting alms for the convent in the VERUS (St) Bp. RM. Oct 23
streetsof the city. She experienced 4th cent. The third bishop of Salerno.
wonderful ecstasies and visions. Cult
confirmed in 15 17. VESTINA (St) M. RM. July 17
One of the Scillitan Martyrs, q.v.
OFM. Cap. RM. July 9 VETIUS (St) M. RM. June 2
1 660-1 727. Born at Mercatello, diocese See Photinus, Sanctius, etc.
of Urbino, inItaly, Veronica became a
Capuchin nun at Citta di Castello, in VETURIUS (St) M. RM. July 17
Umbria, where she spent the rest of her One of the Scillitan Martyrs, q.v.
life, being novice-mistress for thirty-
four years. Her mystical experiences VIAL (VIAU) (St) AC. Oct 16
(visions, revelations, stigmata, etc.) Otherwise Vitalis, q.v.


d. r.390. A disciple of St Justus, arch- CLAUDIAN and BASSA (SS) MM.
bishop of Lyons, whom he accom- RM. March 6
panied into the solitude to live as a ? A group of martyrs, natives of Bithy-
hermit. nia, who perished in prison at Nico-
media. Bassa was the wife of Claudian.
VIATOR (St) Bp. RM. Dec 14
d. f.378. Said by the local tradition to
VICTOR (St) M. RM. March 10
have been one of the first bishops of ? Perhaps he suffered in N. Africa under
Brescia, and later of Bergamo, during the Decius. He is mentioned by St Augus-
first century. Probably he was never
tine. (In Psalm CXV, 15).
bishop of Brescia, but only of Bergamo,
from 344 to 378.
VICTOR (St) M. RM. March 20
See Photina, Joseph, etc.
VIBIANA (St) VM. AC. Sept 1
The Roman virgin martyr whose body
is now venerated at Los Angeles, Cali-
VICTOR (St) M. RM. March 30
See Domninus, Victor, and Comp.
fornia, of which she is the principal
patron. See Bibiana (RM. Dec 2).
Bp. RM. Apr 1

d. 1 1 54. A disciple of St Norbert, who ? Martyrs in Egypt.

worked with considerable success among
the Wagrian Wends in N.E. Germany VICTOR (St) Bp. M. RM. Apr 2
and died a bishop at Liibeck. d. 554. A Bishop of Capua in S. Italy
and an ecclesiastical writer.

VICTOR (St) M. RM. Jan 22

See Vincent, Orontius and Victor. VICTOR (St) M. RM. Apr 12
d. c.300. A
catechumen, martyred at
VICTOR (St) M. RM. Jan 3 Braga in Portugal under Diocletian. He
See Saturninus, Thyrsus and Victor. was thus baptized in his own blood.


See Victorinus, Victor, etc. ACINDYNUS, CAESAREUS,
AC. Feb 25 MM. 20 RM. Apr
d. 995. A Benedictine monk of St Gall d. Martyrs at Nicomedia. The
in Switzerland who became a recluse in apocryphal Acta of St George connect
the Vosges, where he died. them with his martyrdom.

VICTOR (St) H. RM. Feb 26 VICTOR the MOOR (St) M.

7th cent. A hermit at Arcis-sur-Aube, RM. May 8
in Champagne. His feast was celebrated d. 303. A from Mauritania in
by the Benedictines of Montiramey at Africa, martyred at Milan under Maxi-
whose request St Bernard wrote hymns mian. He is associated by St Ambrose
in honour of the saint. with the martyrs SS Nabor and Felix.

RM. May14 M. RM. Aug 26
d. £.176. Husband and wife martyred, d. £.950.According to the Passio com-
it seems, in Syria. Their Acta abound in posed in the 1 5th century, Victor was a
details of an untrustworthy character. Spanish priest martyred by the Moors
in the 9th or 10th century. More
VICTOR (St) M. RM. May 17 ancient documents show him to have
See Adrio, Victor, and Basilla. been an African martyr put to death at
Caesarea in Mauretania in the early
RM. July 21 VICTOR (St) Bp. M. RM. Sept 10
d. 304. Victor, an army officer stationed See Nemesian, Felix, etc.
martyrdom there
at Marseilles, suffered
with three prison-guards whom he had VICTOR (St) M. RM. Sept 10
converted. In the 4th century St John See Sosthenes and Victor.
Cassian built a monastery over their
tomb, which afterwards became a Bene-
VICTOR (St) M. RM. Sept 14
See Crescentian, Victor, etc.
dictine abbey.


RM. July 24
^.1027-1087. A native of Benevento,
the only son of the duke of that city.
d. 304. Said to have been three brothers,
His secular name was Dauferius, which
martyred at Merida in Estremadura,
he changed into that of Desiderius on
Spain. Probably, however, only Victor
becoming a Benedictine at Monte-
belongs to Merida; the other two to the
cassino (1047) and into that of Victor on
group who suffered with St Theozonus
his election to the papacy (1087). He
of Sebaste in Armenia.
became a monk in the teeth of family
VICTOR I (St) Pope M. RM. July 28 opposition: he was successively at La
d. c.igg. Perhaps an African by birth. Cava, at St Sophia in Benevento, at a
He was pope for about ten years: c.iSg- house on an island in the Adriatic, at
c.igg. The paschal controversy was then Salerno as a student of medicine, in the
vexing the Church, and Victor threat- Abruzzi as a hermit, back at Salerno
ened the Asiatics with excommunication and finally at Montecassino. He was
in a synod held at Rome. He is said to chosen abbot in 1057 and under him the
have been the first to use Latin in the abbey attained its high level of pros-
celebration of the liturgy. It is not perityand glory: the community rose
certain that he died a martyr. to two hundred monks; basilica and
monastery were rebuilt on a larger
VICTOR of VITA (St) Bp. scale; arts, learning, sanctity flourished.
RM. Aug 23 In 1086 he was acclaimed pope by the
d. r.535. A native of Carthage, and cardinals at Montecassino itself. It was
Bishop either of that city or of Utica (as not a happy choice, and the abbot was
stated in the RM.). Baronius identified persuaded to accept only after one year
him (without proof) with Victor of —
of delay the year in which he died.
Vita who wrote the history of the Hun- Cult confirmed in 1727 and again (con-
neric persecution. ferring the title of saint) by Leo XIII.


VICTOR (St) M. RM. Sept 22 VICTORIA (St) VM. RM. Feb n
See Theban Legion. See Saturninus, Dativus, etc.


RM. Sept 30 See Acisclus and Victoria.
d. C.2S6. Two soldiers connected with
the Thebian Legion and venerated at VICTORIA (and ANATOLIA) (SS)
Soleure in Switzerland. W. MM. RM. Dec 23
d. 250. Two sisters, martyred at Rome,
VICTOR and Comp. (SS) MM. for refusing to marry pagan husbands.
RM. Oct 10 Their Acta are unfortunately worthless.
d. c .286. A group of three hundred .ind Anatolia is not mentioned in the RM.
thirty soldiers, connected with the
Theban Legion who were martyred at VICTORIAN of ASAN (St) Ab.
Xanten on the Lower Rhine. AC. Jan 12
d. f.560. A native of Italy, who settled
VICTOR, ALEXANDER and in France for a time, and then became
MARIANUS (SS) MM. RM. Oct 17 the abbot-founder of Asan (now called
d. 303. A group of martyrs in the Dio- after him San Victorian) in the Arago-
cletian persecution who suffered at nese Pyrenees, diocese of Barbastro. He
Nicomedia. is highly praised by St Venantius
VICTOR (St) M. RM. Nov 2
See Publius, Victor, etc. VICTORIAN, FRUMENTIUS and
Comp. (SS) MM. RM. March 23
VICTOR (St) M. RM. Nov 13 d. 484. Victorian, a former pro-consul
See Valentine, Solutor and Victor. and four wealthy merchants
in Africa,
were martyred at Adrumetum under
VICTOR (St) M. RM. Dec 3 King Hunneric, for refusing to become
See Ambicus, Victor and Julius. Arians.


AC. Dec
7 See Aquilinus and Victorian.
d. 375. First bishop of Piacenza, f.322-

375. He was a brave champion of the VICTORIAN (St) M. RM. Aug 26

Catholic faith against the Arians. See Simplicius, Constantius and Vic-
VICTOR (St) M. RM. Dec 15
See Irenaeus, Antony, etc. VICTORICUS (St) M. RM. Feb 24
See Montanus, Lucius, etc.
VICTOR (St) M. RM. Dec 18
See Victurus, Victor, etc. VICTORICUS, FUSCIAN and

VICTOR (St) M. RM. Dec 28 d. f.287. Victoricus and Fuscian are

See Castor, Victor and Rogatian. described as early missionaries in Gaul,
martyred near Amiens; and Gentian as
VICTOR (St) M. RM. Dec 29 an old man killed while endeavouring to
See Dominic, Victor, etc. protect them when they were arrested.

PHORUS, CLAUDIAN, DIO- One of the Four Crowned Martyrs, q.v.
PAPIAS (SS) MM. RM. Feb 25 VICTORINUS (St) M. RM. Nov 11
d. 284. Citizens of Corinth exiled to See Valentine, Felipian and Victorinus.
Egypt in 249 and martyred in various
ways and with great brutality, under VICTORINUS (St) M. RM. Dec 2
Numerian, at Diospolis in the Thebaid. See Severus, Securus, etc.


RM. March 6 See Victurus, Victor, etc.

See Victor, Victorinus, etc.

VICTORIUS (St) M. RM. May 21
VICTORINUS (St) M. See Polyeuctus, Victorius and Donatus.
RM. March 29
See Pastor, Victorinus, etc. VICTORIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 1

d. f.490. A disciple of St Martin of

VICTORINUS (St) M. RM. Apr 15 Tours who became bishop of Le Mans
See Maro, Eutyches and Victorinus. M53-

VICTORINUS (St) M. RM. May 15 VICTORIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 30

See Cassius, Victorinus, etc. See Claudius, Lupercus and Victorius.


Brother of St Severino, bishop of
d. 543. d. 407. A Roman officer, who retired
Septempeda (now San Severino), with from the army, because he thought the
whom he led an eremitical life near military service incompatible with the
Ancona. profession of Christianity. He was sen-
tenced to death, but the sentence was
VICTORINUS (St) M. RM. July 7 not carried out. He became a missionary
See Four Crowned Martyrs. among the northern tribes of France
and later as bishop of Rouen (380) was
(St) one of the leading prelates of Gaul.
d. 644. Bishop of Como. A great oppo-
nent of Arianism. VICTURUS, VICTOR, VICTORI-
VICTORINUS (St) Bp. M. Comp. RM. Dec 18
RM. Sept 5 ? A group of thirty-five martyrs in
See Maro, Eutyches and Victorinus. N.W. Africa.

VICTORINUS (St) M. RM. Oct 5 VIGEAN (St) Ab. AC. Jan 20

See Placid, Eutychius, etc. Otherwise Fechin, q.v.


M. RM. Nov 2 d. 685. Successor of St Palladius (661)
d. f.303. A bishop of Pettau in Styria in the see of Auxerre. By order of the
(Upper Pannonia), and an exegete of mayor of the palace, Waraton, he was
distinction. killed in a forest near Compiegne.

VIGILIUS (St) Bp. M. RM. June 26 tory is very confused. He is said to have
d. 405. A Roman patrician who studied been the founder of the monastery of
at Athens, and with his family settled in Holy wood.
the Trentino. He was made bishop of
Trent and succeeded in practically up- VIMIUS (St) C. OSB. AC. June 12
rooting paganism from his diocese. He See Marinus, Vimius, etc.
was stoned to death in the Val di
Rendena for overturning a statue of VINCENT STRAMBI (St) Bp. CP.
Saturn. AC. Jan 1

745-1 824. Born at Civitavecchia, he


VIGILIUS (St) Bp. RM. Sept 26 was ordained priest in 1767 and shortly
d. p. 506. A bishop of Brescia in Lom- afterwards joined the Passionists. He
bardy. filled almost all the offices of the Order,
being at the same time an indefatigable
missioner. He was created bishop of
VIGOR (St) Bp. RM. Nov 1
Macerata and Tolentino in 1801 and
d. c.537. A disciple of St Vedast, who
was exiled in 1808 for refusing to take
became bishop of Bayeux.
the oath of allegiance to Napoleon. At
the end of his life he was summoned by
VILLANA de' BOTTI (Bl)Matron.
Leo XII to the Vatican as papal adviser.
AC. Feb 28
Canonized in 1950.
d. r.1360.Daughter of a rich Florentine
merchant. In her youth she wished to
enter a convent but was opposed by her
AC. Jan 12
father. She married and abandoned
d. 1737. A Jesuit cleric sent to Tonkin in
herself completely to worldliness and
1736 and martyred there with Bl John
vanity. One day, it is said, on looking
Gaspard Cratz and two companions.
into a mirror she saw, instead of her
own reflection, the figure of a demon.
She completely changed her life, be-
RM. Jan 22
came a Dominican tertiary, and, in spite
d. 304. A Huesca who became
native of
of much obloquy, persevered in heroic
deacon to St Valerius at Saragossa and
works. Cult confirmed in 1824.
was martyred at Valencia under Dio-
cletian. He has always been widely
VILLANUS (St) Bp. OSB. AC. May 7 venerated at the Western Church. St
d. 1237. A native of Gubbio who be- Augustine, St Leo and Prudentius wrote
came a monk at Fontavellana, and in in his honour. In some places he is
1206 was raised to the see of his native honoured as the patron of vinedressers.


(St) AC. Apr 17 AC. Jan 22
d. 568. Bishop of Metz, 543-568. He
d. 380. An African by birth who suc-
was praised for his virtues by Venantius ceeded St Domninus in the see of Digne.
Fortunatus. He is the principal patron saint of the
city and diocese of Digne.
6th cent. A Scottish bishop, whose his- TOR (SS) MM. RM. Jan 22
d. 305. Vincent and Orontius were appointed provost at Sandomir in Po-
brothers, natives of Cimiez, near Nice. land. In 1208 hewas consecrated bishop
They preached the gospel to the people of Cracow, but resigned (121 8) and
of the Spanish Pyrenees and were mar- became a Cistercian at Jedrzejo Abbey.
tyred, with St Victor, at Puigcerda, in He is one of the earliest Polish chroni-
the province of Gerona. Their bodies clers. Cult approved in 1764.
were subsequently brought to Embrun,
RM. Apr 5
VINCENT PALLOTTI (St) C. ^.1350-1418. A native of Valencia in
Founder AC. Jan 23 Spain, at an early age he entered the
1798-1850. He was born at Rome of a Dominican Order and soon became the
noble family and became a secular priest adviser of the king of Aragon and of the
in 1820. After a short period of theo- Avignon pope, with whom he sided in
logical teaching he dedicated himself to good faith. To heal the schism of the
pastoral work in Rome. His apostolic papacy he travelled through Spain,
labours were matched only by his France, Switzerland and Italy, preach-
austerities, and in 1837 during the ing penance, working miracles and con-
cholera plague he constantly endan- verting thousands, being endowed with
gered his life. His Society, the Pallot- the gift of tongues. When
it became

tines, or the Society of Catholic Action, clear to him that the Avignon party were
numbered only twelve during his life, not in the right, he turned his efforts
but has since spread all over the world. towards bringing them into obedience
In 1836 he started the special observ- to the legitimate pope. His authority
ance of the Octave of the Epiphany for acquired as a preacher and sustained by
the reunion of the Oriental Church numerous miracles was tremendous.
with Rome. He was especially interested He died at Vannes in Brittany.
also in the English Mission. Canonized
in 1963. VINCENT of COLLIOURE (St) M.
RM. Apr. 19
VINCENT (St) M. RM. Jan 27 d. f.304. A martyr at Collioure, in
See Datius, Reatus, etc. Languedoc, under Diocletian. His Acta
are worthless. Some have identified him
VINCENT of TROYES (St) Bp. with St Vincent of Gerona (Jan 22).
AC. Feb 4
d. r.546. Bishop of Troyes, r.536-546. VINCENT (St) RM. Apr 20
See under Marcellinus, Vincent and
VINCENT of SIENA (Bl) C. OFM. Domninus.
AC. Feb 14
d. 1442. A Friar Minor for twenty-two VINCENT (St) Ab. OSB.
years, the companion of St Bernardinus AC. May 9
of Siena in his travels through Italy. d. £.950. Abbot of St Peter de Montes,
disciple and successor of St Gennadius.
Bp. OSB. Cist. AC. March 8 VINCENT of LERINS (St) C.
d. 1223. Born in the Palatinate, he RM. May 24
studied in France and Italy, and was d. £.445. A member of a noble family of
Gaul who in early life followed a mili- persecution in 1832, he lived six years
tary career but later abandoned it to in hiding, but was finally betrayed and
become a monk at Lerins, where he was beheaded at Hai-Duong. Beatified in
ordained priest. He is best known as the 1900.
writer of the Commonitorium, in which
he deals with the doctrine of exterior VINCENT de PAUL (St) C.
development in dogma and formulates July 19 RM.
the principle that only such doctrines 576-1 660. Born either at Pouy, near

are to be considered true as have been Dax, in France or at Tamarite, in

held "always, everywhere and by all the Aragon, Spain, he studied with distinc-
faithful." {Quod semper, quod ubique, tion at Saragossa and at Toulouse and
quod ab omnibus). was ordained priest at the age of twenty.
He fell into the hands of corsairs and
VINCENT of PORTO (St) M. was taken captive to Tunis but con-
RM. May 24 trived to escape and went to Paris. Here,
? A martyr at Porto Romano, the former under the guidance of Berulle, he em-
port of Rome which has long since dis- barked upon his life work of active
appeared. charity. No one was excluded from his
ministrations: he organized relief for all:
VINCENT of BEVAGNA (St) Bp. M. abandoned orphans, sick children, fallen
AC. June 6 women, the poor, the destitute, the
d. 303. First bishop of Bevagna in blind, the insane. He began to preach
Umbria, martyred under Diocletian. missions and retreats and enlisted for
thiswork a number of priests whom he
VINCENT of AGEN (St) M. grouped into a new religious institute:
RM. June 9 the Lazarists, or Vincentians (Priests of
d. ? r.292. A
deacon martyred at Agen the Mission, Congregatio Missionis). In
in Gascony for having disturbed a feast 1633 he organized the congregation of
of the Gallic druids. the Sisters of Charity, who have been
ever since a worldwide and glorious
VINCENT CAUN (Bl) M. SJ. feature of Catholic life. He was canon-
AC. June 20 ized in 1737 and has been declared
d. 1626. A native of Seul in Corea who patron saint of all societies devoted to
in 591 was carried to Japan as a pri-
1 works of charity.
soner of war. He became a Christian
and entered the Jesuit seminary at VINCENT (St) M. RM. July 24
Arima, spending thirty years as a cate- A Roman, martyred
? outside the walls
chist in Japan and in China. He was of the city on the road to Tivoli.
burnt alive at Nagasaki with Bl Francis
Pacheco and companions. Beatified in VINCENT (St) M. RM. Aug 6
1867. See Sixtus II and Comp.


AC. June 30 AC. Aug 7
c.1765-1838. A native of Tonkin, he d. 1504. A native of Aquila, who be-
became a Dominican in 1808, and came a Franciscan lay-brother and was
laboured as a priest in the mission field. famed for his mystical gifts. Cult
From the publication of the edict of approved in 1785.


VINCENT (St) M. RM. Aug 25 year 653 his wife became a nun and
See Eusebius, Pontian, etc. Madelgarus took the Benedictine habit
with the name of Vincent in the mon-
VINCENT and LAETUS (SS) MM. astery of Haumont which he founded.
RM. Sept 1 Later he established another abbey at
? 5th cent. The RM. ascribes these Soignies, which he" ruled, and where he
martyrs to Spain, and they are actually died.
venerated at Toledo as natives of that
diocese ; but seems that they should be
identified with St Vincent of Xaintes,
TETA (SS) MM. RM. Oct 27
d. 303. Martyrs at Avila, in Spain. Their
the first bishop and patron of Dax in
Acta are not trustworthy.
Gascony and St Laetus, one of his
AC. Nov 7
VINCENT CARVALHO (Bl) M. d. 1773. A member of a noble family in
OSA. AC. Sept 3 Tonkin who became a Dominican and a
d. 1632. A native of Alfama near Lisbon priest and worked under Bl Hyacinth
who joined the Augustinians at Santa
Castaneda, OP. He was beheaded.
Maria de la Gracia, Lisbon. In 1621 he
Beatified in 1906.
was sent to Mexico, and thence in 1623
travelled to Japan. He was burnt alive VINCENT DIEM (Bl) M. AC. Nov 24
at Nagasaki. Beatified in 1867. d. 1838. A Tonkinese native priest, mar-
tyred in Tonkin by beheading. Beatified
VINCENT of ST JOSEPH (Bl) M. in 1900.
OFM. AC. Sept 10
1 596-1 622. Born at Ayamonte, diocese VINCENT ROMANO (Bl) C.
of Seville, he migrated to Mexico, AC. Dec 20
where he became a Franciscan lay- 1751-1836. Born not far from Naples at
brother (161 5). In 1 61 8 he accompanied Tor' del Greco, he was a soul akin to
Bl Louis Sotelo to Manila and in 161 the Cure d'Ars. Throughout his lifehe
was sent to Japan. He was arrested in lived at Tor' del Greco as the father of
1620 and after two years of inhuman the orphan, consoler of the afflicted and
incarceration, was burnt alive at Naga- protector of the oppressed. He was
saki. Beatified in 1867. persecuted first by the French invaders
and then by certain Italian political
(St) societies. Beatified in 1963.
RM. Sept 11
d. £.554 (or 630), March 11. Abbot of VINCENTIAN (French: VIANCE,
St Claudius, at Leon, in Spain. He was VIANTS) (St) H. AC. Jan 2
martyred at the hands of the Arian d. r.730. A disciple of St Menelaus, who
Visigoths. (See Ramirus.) became a hermit in the diocese of Tulle
d. 677. Madelgarus was the husband of VICUfiA (Bl) V. Foundress
St Waldetrudis, who bore him four AC. Jan 18
children, all saints Landericus, Dentlin,
: 1847-1 890. Born at Cascante in Spanish
Madalberta and Aldetrudis. About the Navarre, she declined the marriage her

parents wanted her to contract, and VIRGILIUS of ARLES (St) Bp.
overcoming their opposition dedicated AC. March 5
herself at the age of nineteen to the d. c.610. A monk of Lerins who was
service of God. Shocked at the dangers promoted to the metropolitan see of
and difficulties of the lives of domestic Aries. Probably it was he who conse-
servants she founded in 1876 the crated St Augustine bishop of Canter-
Daughters of Mary Immaculate in order bury at the request of Pope St Gregory
to look after those in need. Papal the Great.
approval was given in 1888. She died
overwhelmed with her business affairs VIRGILIUS (FEARGAL) (St) Bp.
and sickness in 1890, and was beatified OSB. RM. Nov 27
in 1950. d. 784. An Irish monk, who undertook
a pilgrimage to Palestine but remained
VINCENZA GEROSA (St) V. in Bavaria to help StRupert the apostle
AC. June 28 of Austria. St Virgilius was eventually
1784-1847. An Italian woman, who till made abbot of the Benedictine abbey of
her fortieth year led an undistinguished St Peter at Salzburg and archbishop of
domestic life. She then came to know that city (^.765). He is venerated as the
Bl Bartolomea Capitanio, the foundress apostle of Carinthia. Canonized in 1232
of the Italian Sisters of Charity at by Gregory IX.
Lovere. When the foundress died in
1833, Bl Vincenza succeeded her and
under her guidance the institute ex-
AC. Feb 1
panded in a wonderful way. Canonized
See Veridiana.
in 1950.



RM. May 2 d. f.iooo. A Benedictine abbot of the
d. f.485. African bishops, put to death Navarrese abbey of St Saviour, Leyre.
by the Arian Vandal King Hunneric He is undoubtedly an historical per-
who had beforehand inflicted on them sonage, but his life has been overlaid
most horrible tortures. with much legendary though often—
very beautiful —accretion.
VINDICIAN (St) Bp. AC. March 12
d. 712. A disciple of St Eligius, who YISSIA (St) VM. RM. Apr 12
became bishop of Arras-Cambrai, and d. c .250. An maiden, martyred
Italian at
with great courage protested against the Fermo, near Ancona, under Decius.
excesses of the Merovingian kings and
the all-powerful mayors of the palace.
VITALIAN (St) Pope RM. Jan 27
In his last days he lived mostly in the
d. Pope from 657 to 672. The
whole of his pontificate was troubled by
VINDONIUS the Monothelite controversy in the
(St) RM. Sept 1

See Priscus, Castrensis, etc.

East. He consecrated St Theodore of
Tarsus, whom he sent to England as
VINTILA (St) H. OSB. AC. Dec 23 archbishop of Canterbury.
d. 890. A Benedictine monk who died as
a recluse at Pugino, near Orense, in VITALIAN (St) Bp. RM. July 16
Spanish Galicia. ? A bishop of Capua in S. Italy.


VITALIAN (St) Bp. AC. July 16 VITALIS (St) M. RM. July 10
d. 776. Bishop of Osimo in Italy. One of the Seven Brothers, q.v.


See Rufinus, Silvanus and Vitalicus. (SS) MM. RM. Aug 29 and Sept 1
? 3rd or 4th cent. "Martyrs of Velleia-
VITALIS, num in Apulia. They belong to the
TUNATUS (SS) MM. RM. Jan 9 group known as the Twelve Holy
? have been a bishop
Vitalis appears to Brothers, q.v.
and Revocatus and Fortunatus his two
deacons. They were martyred at VITALIS of SAVIGNY (Bl) Ab.
Smyrna. OSB. AC. Sept 16
£.1063-1122. In early he acted as

VITALIS (St) M. RM. Jan 9 chaplain to Robert, count of Mortain,

See Epictetus, Jucundus, etc. half-brother of William the Conqueror;
then he spent seventeen years as a her-
VITALIS of GAZA (St) H. mit; finally (1 1 12) he founded the abbey
AC. Jan 1 of Savigny in Normandy which soon
d. f.625. An aged monk
of Gaza who became the mother house of numerous
undertook the reclamation of fallen monasteries throughout France and
women, and caused great scandal by the England. Bl Vitalis visited the British
methods he employed. He was vindi- Isles in this connexion. He died while
cated after his death. presiding in choir at the recitation of
the office of Our Lady. The Bollandists
VITALIS, FELICULA and ZENO give his feast on Jan 7.
(SS) MM. RM. Feb 14
? Probably Roman martyrs. Nothing is VITALIS (St) M. RM. Sept 22
known about them. One of the alleged martyrs of the The-
ban Legion, q.v.
VITALIS (St) M. RM. Apr 21
See Arator, Fortunatus, etc. VITALIS (VIAL) H. OSB. AC. Oct 16
d. c.740. An Anglo-Saxon who became
VITALIS of MILAN (St) M. a Benedictine at Noirmoutier, and after-
? 1st cent. The alleged father of SS wards a hermit on Mt Scobrit, near the
Gervase and Protase and husband of St Loire.
Valeria. The Acts are spurious and
cult has been discontinued. VITALIS (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 20
d. 745. St Rupert's successor as abbot of
VITALIS (St) H. OSB. St Peter's at Salzburg, and as arch-
AC. May 31 bishop of that city (717^745).
d. ? 1370. Monk of Monte Subasio,
near Assisi, and then for twenty years a VITALIS (St) M. RM. Nov 3
hermit under the obedience of the See Germanus, Theophilus, etc.
abbot of Monte Subasio at Santa Maria
delle Viole, also near Assisi. VITALIS and AGRICOLA (SS) MM.
RM. Nov 4
VITALIS (St) M. RM. July 2 d. £.304. Martyrs at Bologna under Dio-
See Ariston, Crescentian, etc. cletian. St Vitalis was a slave of St


Agricola. The slave suffered martyrdom attached himself to St Hilary of Poitiers.
in the presence of his master with such He closed his life as a hermit. His Life
courage that Agricola was inspired by written in the 10th century lacks credi-
his example to face a shameful death bility.

probably crucifixion — for Christ's sake.

VITONUS (VANNE, VAUNE) (St) See Peregrinus, Maceratus, etc.

Bp. AC. Nov 9

d. £.525. Bishop of Verdun, £.500-525. VIVIAN (St) Bp. AC. Jan 21
At a later period a great Benedictine Otherwise Vimin, q.v.
abbey of Lorraine was dedicated to him,
which in 1600 became the centre of the VIVIAN (St) Bp. RM. Aug 28
Congregation of St Vannes. d. f.460. A bishop of Saintes in W.
France, who protected his people during
VITUS, MODESTUS and CRES- the invasion of the Visigoths.
CENTIA (SS) MM. RM. June 15
? Martyrs from S. Italy, perhaps Sici- VIVIAN (St) VM. RM. Dec 2
lians, whose cult is certainly very Otherwise Bibiana, q.v.
ancient, but whose Acts have reached us
in various embellished versions. St VIVINA (St) V. RM. Dec 17
Vitus (Guy) is described as a child, Otherwise Wivina, q.v.
St Crescentia being his nurse and St
Modestus Crescentia's husband. St VLADIMIR (St) King AC. July 15
Vitus is patron against epilepsy and the 956-1015. Great Prince of Kiev in
nervous disorder called St Vitus's Russia. He was baptized before his
dance. marriage to the sister of the Byzantine
emperor, and invited the Greek clergy
VITUS (St) Mk. OSB. AC. Sept 5 to evangelize Russia. His two sons
d. f.1095. A Benedictine monk of Pon- Boris and Gleb (known in the Western
tida, near Bergamo, under its founder Church as Romanus and David) are
St. Albert. venerated as martyrs. St Vladimir is

honoured by the Russian Catholics as

VIVALDUS (UBALDO, GUALDO) their patron saint.
(B1)C. AC. May 11
d. 1300. Disciple and companion of Bl VODOALDUS (VOEL, VODALUS,
Bartholomew Buonpedoni. When the VODALIS) (St) H. AC. Feb 5
latter became a leper, Vivaldus nursed d. r.725. An Irish or Scottish monk who
him for twenty years. He was a Fran- crossed over to Gaul as a missionary and
ciscan tertiary. Cult approved in 1909. died a recluse near Soissons.


d. 524. Monkof St Oyend (Condat) AC. Sept 18
who became archbishop of Lyons. A d. 1 1 54. A Cistercian monk at the Ger-
great friend of St Avitus of Vienne. man abbey of Altenkamp, whence he
was sent as prior to a new foundation at
VIVENTIUS (St) H. RM. Jan 13 Walkenried (1129) and later as abbot to
d. c.400. A Samaritan who becom-
after a third foundation at Sittichenbach, or
ing a priest travelled to the West and Sichem (1141) in Westphalia.

AC. March 7 AC. March 13
d. 1 132. A missionary monk of Siegburg Otherwise Mochoemoc, q.v.
put to death by the Obotrites, whom he
was evangelizing. VULGANIUS (St) H. OSB.
AC. Nov 3
VOLOC (St) Bp. AC. Jan 29 d. f.704. An Irishman or Welshman,
d. r.724. An Irish missionary bishop who crossed over to France, evangelized
who worked in Scotland. the Atrebati, and finally lived as a her-
mit at Arras, under the obedience of the
VOLUSIAN (St) Bp. M. abbotofStVaast.
RM. Jan 18
d. 496. A senator of Tours and a married VULGIS Bp. OSB.
(St) AC. Feb 4
man who was afflictedwith a bad- d. Regionary bishop (chorepis-
tempered wife. He was chosen bishop copus) and abbot of the Benedictine
of Tours and shortly after driven from monastery of Lobbes in Hainault.
his see by the Arian Visigoths. He died
in exile at Toulouse. His martyrdom is VULMAR (St) Ab. OSB. RM. July 20
not established. Otherwise Wulmar, q.v.


AC. June 7
HH. AC. May 29
Votus and Felix were brothers,
d. c .750.
d. f.643. A parish priest at Rue, near
Abbeville, who retired to the desert and
natives of Saragossa, who went in
died a solitary. His memory was greatly
search of a hermitage and found one in
venerated at Montreuil-sur-Mer.
the fastnesses of the Aragonese Pyre-
nees, already inhabited by St John. The VULPIAN (St) M. RM. Apr 3
three lived together and died about the
d. f.304. A Syrian put to death at Tyre
same time. The
hermitage was situated
in Phoenicia under Diocletian. He is
beneath huge rock (Pena) where
been sewn up in a leathern
said to have
shortly afterwards arose the great Bene-
sack, together with a dog and a serpent,
dictine abbey of St John de la Pena. See
and so cast into the sea.
John of Atares.
VULSIN (St) Bp. AC. Jan 8
VOUGA (VOUGAR, VEHO, Otherwise Wulsin, q.v.
AC. June 15 VYEVAIN (Bl) Bp. AC. Aug 26
6th cent. An Irish bishop who settled in d. 1285. An archbishop of York, who
Brittany and there lived as a hermit in a was honoured with a liturgical cult at
cell near Lesneven. Pontigny in France.

WACCAR, GUNDEKAR, ELLE- its religious and cultural influence in
HER, HATHAWULF (SS) MM. W. Europe. He helped St Salaberga to
OSB. RM. June 5 establish her great nunnery at Laon.
d. 755. Mentioned by name and as
monks among the fifty-two companions WALDERIC (Bl) Ab. OSB.
who shared St Boniface's martyrdom. AC. Nov 29
It is very probable that most of the d. £.817.Abbot-founder of Murrhardt,
others, if not all, were Benedictines. which he built with the help of the
emperor Louis the Pious.
d. f.678. Duke of Lorraine and count of W. Abs. OSB. RM. Apr 9
Hainault, husband of St Bertilia and d. c.688. Daughter of SS Walbert and
father of SS Waldetrudis and Alde- Bertilia, wife of St Vincent Madelgarus,
gundis. and mother of SS Landericus, Dente-
linus, Madalberta and Aldetrudis.
RM. Feb 25 When her husband became a monk she
founded a nunnery and took the veil
d. 779. Sister of SS Willibald and Wine-
there. Around her nunnery there grew
bald. She became a nun at Wimborne
up the town of Mons in Belgium, where
in Dorset under St Tatta and followed
her memory has always been greatly
St Lioba to Germany at the invitation of
St Boniface. She died abbess of Heiden-
heim, whence her relics were translated
to Eichstatt. Remarkable cures are
WALDRADA (St) Abs. AC. May 5
d. c .620. First abbess of the nunnery of
ascribed to the use of a fluid which
Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnais at Metz.
exudes from the rock on which her
shrine is placed.
WALDALENUS (St) Ab. C. OSA. AC. Dec 31
AC. May 15 1084-1141. A native of the district of
7th cent. Abbot-founder of Beze, and Furness in Belgium who became a her-
brother of St Adalsindis. mit and then built an Augustinian abbey
on Mont-Saint-Martin in the diocese of
WALDEBERT (WALBERT, GAU- Cambrai, of which he became the first
BERT) (St) Ab. OSB. RM. May 2 superior.
d. c.668. A Frankish noble who left the
army to become a monk at Luxeuil. WALERICUS (VALERY) (St) Ab.
About the year 628 he was made abbot, RM. Apr 1
and shortly afterwards (f.630) he intro- d. £.622. A monk under
duced the Rule of St Benedict. Under at Luxeuil, then a missionary in N.
him the monastery reached the peak of France, where he became the abbot-

founder of Leuconay at the mouth of the appointed guest master and attracted
Somme. Two towns in that district are many to the monastic life by his affa-
called Saint- Valery after him. bility and tact. He died at Villers.


AC. Feb 15 d. 1307. A native of Bruges he became a
d. c .765. A of Pisa who married
citizen Franciscan and studied at Paris. Named
and had five sons and one daughter. In Bishop of Poitiers, he felt it his duty to
middle life he joined with two other excommunicate his metropolitan, Ber-
married men in founding the abbey of trand de Got. The latter became Pope as
Palazzuolo, between Volterra and Piom- Clement V and deposed Walter. He
bino, and a nunnery nearby for their retired to the religious life, and was
wives and Walfrid's daughter. Walfrid miraculously vindicated after his death.
ruled Palazzuolo as first abbot and was
succeeded as second abbot by one of his WALTER of PONTOISE (St) Ab.
sons. Cult confirmed in 186 1. OSB. AC. Apr 8
d. 1099. A Picard who became a pro-
WALHERE (St) M. AC. June 23 fessor of philosophy and rhetoric but
? A priest in the Walloon of district later joined the Benedictines of Rebais
Belgium. On remonstrating with an in order to escape worldly applause.
ecclesiastic for his unedifying life he Against his will he was made abbot of
was murdered by the latter, and has Pontoise. He fled from his abbey several
since been venerated as a martyr, chiefly times, once to Cluny and on the last
at Dinant. occasion to Rome, where he placed his
resignation in the hands of the pope,
WALLABONSUS (St) M. who however refused to accept it but
RM. June 7 gave him orders to return to Pontoise
See Peter, Wallabonsus, etc. and never again to leave it. He died on
Good Friday.
WALPURGIS (St) V. RM. Feb 25
Otherwise Walburga, q.v. WALTER (St) Ab. AC. Apr 9
Otherwise Gaucherius, q.v.
WALSTAN (St) C. AC. May 30
d. 1 01 6. Born at Bawburgh in Norfolk, WALTER (Bl)Ab. OSB. AC. Apr 21
he spent his life as a farm labourer at d. 1 1 Abbot of the Benedictine
Taverham and Costessey, being remark- monastery of Mondsee in Upper
able for his charity to all in need. His Austria.
cult, although a local one, is undisputed.
WALTER (St) Ab. OSA. AC. May 11
WALTER (GUALTERIUS, GAU- d. 1070. An Augustinian canon and
TIER) (Bl) C. OSB. Cist. abbot of L'Esterp in the Limousin.
AC. Jan 22
d. 1222. A native of Brabant who was WALTER (St) Ab. OSB. AC. June 4
bred to arms. On becoming he
a knight d. £.1250. A Roman who
became first
was a familiar figure at tournaments a hermit and afterwards the founder and
untilhe found his way to the Cistercian first abbot of Serviliano in the Marches

abbey of Himerode. There he was of Ancona.

AC. ? June 4 AC. Dec 27
d. 1 1 50. An Englishman who became d. 1 156. Abbot of Wessobriinnin Bava-
abbot of Fontenelle in France. He is ria. His sanctity attracted many friends
commended for his humility, piety and and benefactors to the abbey.
zeal by Pope Innocent II.
O. Cart. AC. June 6 See Lantfrid, Waltram, etc.

d. 1537. A Carthusian lay-brother of the

London Charterhouse left with six
companions to starve to death in prison.
AC. Apr 17
d. £.756. Monk and abbot of Fontenelle.
As a result of a false accusation he
Troyes but reinstated after his
exiled to
AC. Aug 2
innocence had been proved. He died at
d. f.1258. One of the first friars and
companions of St Francis. He was sent
by the founder to establish the order in
Portugal, where he died at Guemar-
RM. July 22
d. 666. Born near Verdun, he served in
WALTER of AULNE (Bl) Mk. OSB. the king's palace, where he had among
Cist. AC. Nov 26
his fellow-courtiers seven or eight future
d. £.1180. A canon of Liege who fol-
saints. In spite of his desire for the
lowed St Bernard to Clairvaux and then
monastic life he was appointed count of
became the first prior of the abbey of
the palace and married. After a pilgrim-
Aulne in Brabant.
age to Rome he entered (637) the abbey
of Roumain-Moutier, and some ten
WALTHEOF (WALTHEN, WAL- years afterwards founded the abbey of
ENE) (St) Ab. OSB. Cist.
Fontenelle, which became the great mis-
AC. Aug 3 sionary centre of that district as well as
d. 1 160. Son of the earl of Huntingdon,
a school of arts and crafts. Soon it had a
he was educated at the court of the king
community of over three hundred
of Scotland, where he became a great
friend of St Aelred. He joined the
Augustinian canons at Nostell, but later WANINGUS (VANENG) (St) Ab.
migrated to the Cistercians and eventu- OSB. AC. Jan 9
ally became abbot of Melrose, rebuilt
d. c .686. Born in the diocese of Rouen.
for him by King David. His outstanding From a courtier at the court of Clothair
characteristics were cheerfulness and III he became a monk, and assisted his
unbounded generosity to the poor. friend St Wandrille in the foundation
of Fontenelle. Soon after he himself
WALTMANN (Bl) Ab. O. Praem. made another, no less celebrated and
AC. Apr 11 important, at Fecamp.
d. 1 138. A disciple of St Norbert, whom
he accompanied to Cambrai to preach WARINUS (GUARINUS, WAR-
against heresy and who left him there as REN) (St) M. AC. Aug 25
abbot of St Michael's. 7th cent. Son of St Sigrada, and put to

death by Ebroin, mayor of the palace, WERBURG(St)V.OSB. AC. Feb 3
who was at war with his brother, the d. £.699. Daughter of St Ermenilda and
bishop, St Leodegarius. of King Wulf here of Mercia. She be-
came a nun of Ely under St Etheldreda
WASTRADA (St) Matron and later founded the nunneries of Han-
AC. July 21 bury near Tutbury, Trentham in Staf-
d. £.760.Mother of St Gregory of fordshire and Wedon in Northampton-
Utrecht. Towards the end of her life she shire. She died at Trentham, but her
retired to a convent and probably be- body was transferred to Chester, of
came nun, though contemporary
a which city she is the patron saint.
evidence of this is lacking.
WERBURG (St) Matron AC. Feb 3
WENCESLAUS (St) M. RM. Sept 28 d. f.785. Wife of a Ceolred of Mercia. In
d. 935. Duke of Bohemia. He received her widowhood she retired to a convent
a pious upbringing from his grand- (Bardney ?) of which she became abbess.
mother the martyr St Ludmilla. He
took over the reins of government at the WERENFRID OSB.
(St) C.
time of a pagan reaction. This he tried to AC. Aug 14
stem with great patience and mildness, d. f.760. An Englishman who worked
but in the end he met his death as a with St Willibrord among the Frisians.
result of a political conspiracy. He was He died at Arnheim.
murdered by his own brother Boleslav
at the door of the church of Alt-Bunz- WERNHER (WERNER) (St) M.
lau. He is the patron of Bohemia. AC. Apr 19
d. 1275. A boy in the service of a Jewish
WENDOLINUS (WENDELINUS, family at Oberwesel, alleged to have
WENDEL) (St) C. AC. Oct 21 been martyred by that family on Maun-
d. 607 (or 650 A shepherd who be-
?). dy Thursday after he had received Holy
came famous for his sanctity and is Communion.
venerated at St Wendel on Nahe in
W. Germany. A later legend makes him WIBORADA (GUIBORAT, WEIB-
an Irish hermit and abbot of Tholey in RATH) (St) M. OSB. AC. May 2
the diocese of Treves. d. 925. She belonged to the Swabian
nobility. When her brother Hatto be-
WENN (St) W. AC. Oct 18 came a Benedictine monk at St Gall, she
Otherwise Gwen, q.v. asked to be walled up in an anchorhold
not far from the monastery, where she
WENNAPA (St) V. AC. July 1 lived the rest of her life under the
Otherwise Veep, q.v. obedience of the abbey. She occupied
her time in binding books and doing
WENOG (St) AC. Jan 3 similar work for the abbey. She was
? A Welsh mentioned in various
saint, martyred by the invading Hungarians.
calendars, but of whose life nothing is Canonized in 1047.
WEONARD (St) AC. Apr 7 Bp. AC. Apr 18
Otherwise Gwrnerth, Guainerth. See d. 749. Abbot of Ellwangen. He took
Llewellyn and Gwrnerth. an active part in the foundation of the

abbeys of Fussen, Wessobriinn and community at York, and shortly after-
Kempten, all of which became famous wards coadjutor of St John of Beverley,
in mediaeval Germany. St Wicterp whom he succeeded in the see. Before
became the tenth bishop of Augsburg. his death he retired to a monastery, pre-
sumably Ripon.
WIDRADUS (French: WARE) (St)
Ab. OSB. AC. Oct
d. 747. Restorer of the abbey of Fla- RM. Oct 12
vigny, diocese of Dijon, and founder of d. 709. A Northumbrian who became
Saulieu (Sanctus Andochius —Saint- the champion of the Roman See in
Andoche) in the diocese of Autun. England. Born at Ripon, he became a
monk at Lindisfarne under the Celtic
WIDUKIND (Bl) C. AC. Jan 7 regime, but he left to adopt the Roman
Otherwise Wittikund, q.v. observance elsewhere. After a short stay
at Canterbury he went to Rome (653—
WIFRED (Bl) Ab. OSB. AC. Dec 13 657). On his return to Northumbria he
d. 1 02 1. A Benedictine monk, prior and founded the abbey of Ripon under the
abbot of St Victor at Marseilles (1005- Roman observance. In 664 he was con-
1021). secrated bishop at Compiegne and
played a leading part in the council of
WIGBERT (St) C. AC. Apr 12 Whitby when Roman usages were
d. 690. An Anglo-Saxon who became a adopted for the whole of England. The
disciple of St Egbert in Ireland. He remainder of Wilfrid's life was occupied
spent two years as a missionary in Fries- with long journeys, with appeals to
land, but returned to Ireland to die. Rome (the first recorded in English
history) to recover his see (see St Chad),
WIGBERT (St) Ab. OSB. RM.Augi3 and with missionary work among the
d. f.746. An English monk who was in- Frisians and South Saxons.
vited by St Boniface to cross over into
Germany. He did so, and Boniface WILFRIDA (WULFRITHA) (St)
appointed him abbot of Fritzlar, near Abs. OSB. AC. Sept 9
Cassel. A few years later he was appoin- d. f.988. Mother of St Edith of Wilton
ted to Ohrdruf in Thuringia, but before by King Edgar. After Edith's birth
his death Boniface allowed him to return Wilfrida retired to Wilton, where she
to Fritzlar. took the veil at the hands of St Ethel-
wold. As a nun, and later as abbess, her
WILFETRUDIS (St) Abs. OSB. edifying life made ample amends for the
AC. Nov 23 irregularity of her connexion with
Second abbess of the Benedic-
d. p.d-jo. Edgar.
tine nunnery of Nivelles in Brabant,
which had been founded by her aunt St WILGEFORTIS (St) V. RM. July 20
Gertrude. ? I.e. She was known in
England Uncumber, in the Low
WILFRID the YOUNGER (St) Bp. Countries as Ontkommena, in Ger-
OSB. AC. Apr 29 many as Kummernis, in Gascony as
d. 744. A monk and favourite disciple Livrade, in Spain as Librada. Her story
of St John of Beverley at Whitby. He is a worthless romance abounding in

was appointed abbot of the cathedral absurdities, e.g., that she was one of

nine sisters all born at one birth, that William was born near Novara and
she miraculously grew a beard in order educated in a monastery. He became a
to escape marriage, etc. Benedictine at Locedio, near Vercelli,
whence he migrated to Cluny under St
WILLA (Bl) H. OSB. AC. Oct 15 Majolus (987). Sent to restore the abbey
d. f.1050. A Benedictine nun at Nonn- of St Benignus at Dijon, he made this a
berg, near Salzburg, who died a recluse. centre from which he extended the
Cluniac observance throughout Bur-
WILLEHAD of DENMARK (St) M. gundy, Normandy, Lorraine and N.
OFM. July 9 RM. Italy. Gentle with the poor, in his

1 482-1 572. A Danish Franciscan who, dealings with the great he showed
on the introduction of Lutheranism into remarkable firmness. Towards the end
his country, was sent into exile and re- of his life he founded the abbey of Frut-
paired to the Franciscan friary of Gor- tuaria in Piedmont and rebuilt that of
kum in Holland. He was ninety years of Fecamp, where he died.
age when he was hanged by the Pro-
testants with eighteen companions at WILLIAM of BOURGES (St) Bp.
Briel. OSB. Cist. RM. Jan 10
d. 1209. William de Donjeon was born
WILLEHAD (St) Bp. OSB. at Nevers and shortly after his ordina-
RM. Nov 8 tion was made canon of Soissons, and
d. f.790. A
Northumbrian monk, pro- later of Paris. He joined the monks of
bably of York or Ripon, who f.765 went Grandmont, whence he migrated to the
to evangelize the Frisians. Later he Cistercians of Pontigny. He was ap-
crossed theWeser and preached to the pointed successively abbot of Fontaine-
Saxons, but he had to abandon this Jean, abbot of Chalis and bishop of
mission and retired to the Benedictine Bourges (1200). He made a great many
abbey of Echternach. Eventually he converts among the Albigenses. Canon-
was consecrated bishop and fixed his see ized 1 2 17.
at Bremen.
WILLEIC (St) Mk. OSB. AC. Jan 22
PC. March 2 d. 1592. A native of Durham, he studied
d. 726. A disciple of St Swithbert, who for the priesthood at Reims and was
made him prior of the abbey at Kaiser- ordained there in 1587. He was con-
werth, a position he held till his death. demned for his priesthood and hanged,
drawn and quartered at Tyburn. Beati-
WILLIAM (several) fied 1929.
Note. The English form of the Teutonic
willhelm, which has been Latinized WILLIAM IRELAND (Bl) M. SJ.
into gulielmus or guilielmus, whence AC. Jan 24
the Italian gulielmo, the French d. 1679. His true name was Iremonger
guillaume, and the Spanish guiller- and he was a native of Lincolnshire. He
MO. was educated at St Omer and received
into the Society of Jesus there in 1655.
WILLIAM of DIJON (St) Ab. OSB. He was martyred at Tyburn for alleged
AC. Jan 1 complicity in the imaginary Popish Plot.
962-1031. Son of the count of Volpiano, Beatified 1929.

WILLIAM SAULTEMOUCHE (Bl) land and was betrayed by an apostate in
M. SJ. 7 AC. Feb the house of Bl Margaret Clitherow.
See James Sales and William Saulte- Executed at York. Beatified 1886.
mouche (Feb 7).
WILLIAM of MALEVAL (St) H. H. OSB. AC. March 20
OSB. RM. Feb 10 d. c.1042. Monk of the Benedictine
d. 1 1 57. A Frenchman by birth, after (Cluniac) monastery of Satagiin, pro-
some years of care-free military life he vince of Leon, Spain. In 988 he fled
went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the other monks from the Saracens
and on his return was made superior of and settled in the solitude of Penacorada,
an abbey near Pisa. Failing to maintain where he eventually built the monastery
discipline there, as well as in a founda- of Santa Maria de los Valles, later
own on Monte Bruno, he
tion of his named after him San Guillermo de
embraced the eremitical life in the Penacorada.
solitude of Maleval near Siena (1155).
He was by some disciples. After
joined WILLIAM of NORWICH (St) M.
William's death, Gregory IX gave them AC. March 24
the Rule of St Benedict, but they were d. 1 144. A boy of twelve, apprentice to a
eventually absorbed by the Augustinian tanner at Norwich, who is alleged to

hermits. have been murdered by two Jews out of

hatred of Christianity. The case for the
WILLIAM RICHARDSON (Bl) M. crime does not seem to be established.
AC. Feb 17
d. 1603. William Richardson, alias An- WILLIAM TEMPIER (Bl) Bp.
derson, was born at Wales near Sheffield AC. March 27
and educated for the priesthood at d. 1 197. From being a canon regular at
Valladolid and where he was
Seville, Poitiers, he
ordained in 1594. He was martyred for was promoted to the see of that city and
his priesthood at Tyburn. Beatified proved a brave champion of ecclesiasti-
1929. cal liberty.


AC. Feb 18 OSA. RM. Apr 6
d. 1594. Born at Mt St John, Felixkirk, d. 1203. A Frenchman, canon regular at
in Yorkshire, he studied and was the church of St Genevieve, Paris, who
ordained (1592) at Reims. He was only was sent to Denmark to reform a com-
twenty-seven years of age when he was munity of canons regular at Eskilsoe
hanged, drawn and quartered for his (Ise Fjord) and then founded the abbey
priesthood at Tyburn. Beatified 1929. of Ebelholt, Zeeland. He worked in
Denmark for thirty years. Canonized
AC. March 15
d. 1583. A native of Wells, he was edu- WILLIAM CUFITELLA (Bl) H.
cated at Lincoln College, Oxford, and AC. Apr 7
on being reconciled to the Catholic d. 141 1. A native of Noto in Sicily, who
Church studied for the priesthood at for seventy years lived as a hermit at
Douai, Reims and Rome. After his Scicli. He was a Franciscan tertiary.
ordination (1581) he returned to Eng- Cult approved 1537.

AC. Apr 16 Mk. OSB. Cist. AC. May 24
d. f.1317. A native of Polizzi, near d. £.1250. A Cistercian monk at the
Palermo, who atoned for a sin of the abbey of Villers in Belgium.
flesh by leading a very penitential life.


AC. Apr 24 755-812. Duke of Aquitaine and a mem-
d. 1 103. A
canon and medical practi- ber of Charlemagne's entourage. He
tioner at Saint- Venance, who, in conse- manifested the qualities of the ideal
quence of a divine warning against Christian knight when campaigning
avarice, gave all to the poor and spent against the Saracens
in S. France.
the rest of his life on pilgrimages and as Afterwards he built a monastery at Gel-
a hermit at Savigny and Mantilly. lone, diocese of Lodeve, not far from
Aniane, which he peopled with monks
WILLIAM MARSDEN (Bl) M. from the latter abbey, himself joining
AC. Apr 25 the community as a lay-brother. Later
d. 1586. Born in Lancashire and educa- the abbey was renamed after him Saint-
ted at St Mary Hall, Oxford. He studied Guilhem-du-Desert. Canonized 1066.
for the priesthood and was ordained at
Reims (1585). Shortly after, he was WILLIAM ARNAUD (Bl) M. OP.
executed for his priesthood in the Isle of AC. May 29
Wight. Beatified 1929. d. 1242. The inquisitor general in S.
France against the Albigensians, by
WILLIAM of PONTOISE (St) C. whom he was killed with eleven com-
AC. May 10 panions. See Toulouse (Martyrs of).
d. 1 192. An Englishman who lived as a
hermit at Pontoise in France. Some WILLIAM FILBY (Bl) M.
writers say that hewas a Benedictine of AC. May 30
St Martin's abbey. d. 1582. Born in Oxfordshire, he was
educated at Lincoln College, Oxford,
WILLIAM de NAUROSE (Bl) C. and, after his conversion, at Reims,
OSA. Erem. AC. May 18 where he was ordained in 1581. He was
1297-1 369. A native of Toulouse, who martyred at Tyburn with three com-
joined the Augustinian hermits and was panions. Beatified 1886.
famed as a very zealous missionary
priest. Cult confirmed 1893. WILLIAM SCOTT (Bl) M. OSB.
AC. May 30
WILLIAM of ROCHESTER (St) M. Otherwise Maurus Scott, q.v.
AC. 23May
d. 1 20 1. Said to have been a native of WILLIAM of YORK (St) Bp.
Perth in Scotland, who was murdered at RM. June 8
Rochester while on a pilgrimage to d. 1 William Fitzherbert, or "of
Canterbury. As a result of miracles Thwayt", was a nephew of King
wrought after his death he was ac- Stephen and was appointed archbishop
claimed a martyr by the people and his of York in 1142. Powerful enemies,
body was enshrined in the cathedral of chiefly the newly arrived White Monks
Rochester. supported by St Bernard of Clairvaux,

contested the appointment on the St Benedict, which was definitively

ground of simony, but Pope Innocent adopted by the community under

II,St Bernard's great friend, decided in William's successor. He died at the
favour of William, who was consecrated daughter house of Guglieto, near
and enthroned. His enemies, however, Nusco.
did not rest till they had him deposed
from his see. William went into retire-
AC. July4
ment and lived a very mortified life,
d. 1597. Born at Etton, near Beverley,
giving to all an heroic example of patience
and educated at St John's College,
and resignation, until the Holy See
Cambridge. After his conversion he
restored him to York, where he was
studied at Douai and was ordained
received by his people with unbounded
priest in 1577. He laboured in York-
joy. Canonized 1226.
shire for twenty years. He was con-
demned for his priesthood and martyred
at York with three Catholic laymen.
O. Cart. AC. June 16
Beatified 1929.
d. 1537. A lay-brother of the London
Charterhouse, starved to death at New- WILLIAM of HIRSAU (Bl) Ab.
gate with six companions. Beatified
OSB. AC. July 4
1886. A monk
of St Emmeram at
d. 1 09 1.
Ratisbon, who
being named abbot
of the recently restored abbey of Hirsau
AC. June 19 in Wiirtemberg, introduced there the
d. 1535. Educated at Christ's College, observance of Cluny. He founded a
Cambridge, and sub-prior of the Lon- monastic school, restored the scriptorium,
don Charterhouse. He was martyred attended to the instruction and well-
with BB Humphrey Middlemore and
being of the tenants and serfs of the abbey
Sebastian Newdigate, q.v.
supported Gregory VII against
Henry IV, wrote learned treatises and
WILLIAM HARCOURT (Bl) M. SJ. founded seven new abbeys. These acti-
AC. June 20 vities, coupled with great holiness of
d. 1679. A native of Lancashire who be-
life, show him
to have been typical of
came a Jesuit at St Omer (1632) and
the great Benedictine abbots of his time.
worked on the English mission from
1645 to 1678, chiefly in London. He was WILLIAM of BRETEUIL (St) Ab.
martyred at Tyburn with five Jesuit OSB. AC. July 14
companions for alleged complicity in the d. 1 monastery
130. Abbot-restorer of the
"Popish Plot". Beatified 1929. of Breteuil, in the diocese of Beauvais,
which had been practically destroyed
WILLIAM of MONTEVERGINE during the Norman invasions.
(St)Ab. Founder RM. June 25
1085-1142. A native of Vercelli who, WILLIAM WARD (Bl) M.
after a pilgrimage Compostella,
to AC. July 26
settled as a hermit on the summit of d. 1 64 1 His true name was Webster and

Monte Virgiliano, now Monte Vergine, he was a native of Thornby in West-

between Nola and Benevento. Here he morland. He was educated at Douai
was joined by a band of hermit-monks and ordained there in 1608. He spent
to whom he gave a rule based on that of thirty-three years on the English mis-

sion, of which twenty were passed in WILLIAM DEAN (Bl) M.
prison. He was martyred for his priest- AC. Aug 28
hood at Tyburn. Beatified 1929. d. 1588. A native of Linton in Craven,
Yorkshire, he was a convert minister,
WILLIAM of SAINT-BRIEUC (St) who was ordained at Reims in 158 1. He
Bp. RM. July 29 was martyred for his priesthood at Mile
d. 1234. William Pinchon was born in End Green. Beatified 1929.
Brittany, and shortly after receiving holy
orders, was appointed successively canon WILLIAM GUNTER (Bl) M.
and bishop of Saint-Brieuc (1220). Dur- AC. Aug 28
ing the fourteen years of his episcopate d. 1588. Born at Raglan in Monmouth-
he suffered banishment to Poitiers and shire, and educated and ordained at
other penalties for maintaining the Reims (1587). Condemned for his priest-
rights of the Church. Canonized 1253. hood and hanged at Shoreditch. Beati-
fied 1929.
d. 1540. A lay-brother of the London AC. Sept 2
Charterhouse, martyred at Tyburn with d. 1067. An Anglo-Saxon, chaplain to
two companions. Beatified 1886. King Canute. He crossed over to Den-
mark and was made by the same king
WILLIAM FREEMAN (Bl) M. bishop of Roeskilde. Besides being a very
AC. Aug 13 successful missionary, William stead-
d. 1595. William Freeman, alias Mason, fastly resisted the anti-Christian policy
was a Yorkshire convert, who had been and crimes of King Sweyn Estridsen.
educated at Magdalen College, Oxford.
He was ordained at Reims in 1587 and WILLIAM BROWNE (Bl) M.
sent on the English mission. He laboured AC. Sept 5
in Worcestershire and Warwickshire d. 1605. A
layman, a native of North-
and was executed for his priesthood at amptonshire, condemned and executed
Warwick. Beatified 1929. for the Faith at Ripon. Beatified 1929.


AC. Aug 22 AC. Sept 23
d. 1582. Born Horton, near Settle, in
at d. 1588. A native of Devon who was
Yorkshire. He was a gentleman of means educated and ordained (1586) at Reims.
and a staunch Catholic. He was married He was martyred for his priesthood at
twice, and during the fourteen years of Kingston-on-Thames. Beatified 1929.
his married life his house was a refuge
for supporters of the Old Religion. WILLIAM HARTLEY (Bl) M.
After the death of his second wife he AC. Oct 5
went to Reims to study for the priesthood d. 1588. A native of W ilne, near Derby,

and was ordained in Rome. He minister- he was educated at St John's College,

ed to the Catholics round York, and was Oxford, and became an Anglican minis-
captured in York prison while acting as ter. After his conversion he studied at
Deacon to the Sung Mass of Bl Thomas Reims, where he was ordained (1580).
Bell. He was martyred at York with Bl He was hanged for his priesthood at
Richard Kirkman. Beatified 1886. Shoreditch. Beatified 1929.

WILLIAM of SAVIGNY (Bl) Mk. Boniface in his missionary labours, and
OSB. AC. Oct 20 was soon after consecrated by the latter

d. £.1122. A novice at Savigny under bishop of Eichstatt. With his brother

Bl Vitalis. St Winebald he founded the double
abbey of Heidenheim, over which they
WILLIAM (St) Mk. OSB. PC. Nov 3 placed their sister Walburga as abbess.
See Acheric and William. Canonized in 938 by Leo VII.


AC. Nov 30 RM. Nov 7
d. 1423. Born at Catania, he professed £.658-739. A Northumbrian by birth
the Benedictine Rule at San Niccolo and a Benedictine of Ripon, he crossed
delP Arena, and at a later period was over to Ireland to be trained in the
sent to restore monastic discipline at missionary life. Thence he went to
Maniaco. Friesland (£.690) accompanied by eleven
other English monks. Six years later he
was consecrated bishop and established
O. Cart. AC. Dec 19 his see at Utrecht. His labours among
d. f.1205. A Carthusian lay-brother at
the Frisians bore much fruit, but he
the charterhouse Casularum in Lom- was less successful in Heligoland and
bardy. Cult confirmed i860.
Denmark. With the help of Pepin of
Heristal he founded the monastery of
Echternach in Luxemburg as the centre
AC. Dec 29
of his missionary expeditions, and thither
1 Grandson of Bl Philip How-
61 6- 1 680.
he retired to die.
ard, and Viscount Stafford. He was
accused of complicity in the "Popish
Plot" and after two years' imprisonment
WILLIGIS (St) Bp. AC. Feb 23
d. 1 01 1. The son of a wheelwright of
was beheaded on Tower Hill. Beatified
Schoningen, he became a canon of
Hildesheim and as such attracted the
WILLIBALD (WILLEBALD) (St) attention of the emperor Otto III, who
Bp. OSB. RM. July 7 made him his chaplain and (971) chan-
f.700-786. Born in Wessex, he was a cellor of the Empire. About two years
brother of SS Winebald and Walburga later he was appointed archbishop of
and a cousin of St Boniface. At the age Mainz, and Boniface VII created him
of he was offered as a monk at
five vicar apostolic for Germany. Perhaps
Waltham in Hampshire. In 721 he the greatest statesman of his age,
accompanied his father and brother on Willigis was first and foremost a church-
a pilgrimage to Rome and the Holy man, and ever remained humble and
Land. He visited all the holy places and charitable in his dealings with others.
many Eastern monastic lauras and stayed In 1002 he consecrated the emperor St
for two years at Constantinople. On his Henry II. In art he is shown with a
return to Italy he lived at Montecassino wheel, which he chose for his arms as
for ten years and helped in the monastic symbolizing his father's trade.
restoration under St Petronax, filling
the offices of sacristan, dean and porter. WILLIGOD and MARTIN (SS)
While on a visit to Rome he was sent Abbots OSB. AC. Sept 28
by the pope to Germany to help St d. ? c .690. Monks of Moyenmoutier who

became co-founders and successive WINEFRED (WINEFRIDE, WENE-
abbots of the monastery of Romont. FRIDA, GWENFREWI,
GUINEVRA, etc.) (St) VM.
AC. Jan 6 d. c .650. A native of Wales, she is said
d. c.986. The wife of Duke Berthold of to havebeen a niece of St Beuno and to
Bavaria, who after her husband's death have been murdered by Caradog of
(^.947) founded (f.976) the nunnery of Hawarden for refusing his amorous
Bergen, near Neuburg on the Danube, advances, a spring of water gushing
under the Benedictine Rule, and herself forth on the spot where her head fell.
became a nun and its first abbess. She This was the origin of the Holy Well,
was renowned for her skill in artistic which has been a centre of pilgrimages
handicrafts. for over a thousand years. Another
version of the legend adds that she was
WINAMAN, UNAMAN and restored to life by St Beuno and that
SUNAMAN (SS) MM. OSB. she became a nun and abbess of
AC. Feb 15 Gwytherin in Denbighshire. She is evi-
d. f.1040. Missionary monks, nephews
dently an historical personage, but it is
of the English missionary St Sigfrid of
equally evident that her true story can
Wexiow, whom they followed to the
no longer be reconstructed.
Swedish mission. They were martyred
by pagans at Wexiow. WININ (St) Bp. AC. Sept 10


The Welsh form of the name of St
Finian, q.v.
OSB. AC. Apr 6
d. c .650. At first a hermit, he afterwards
took the monastic habit at Saint-Loup-
de-Troyes, of which monastery he was
Probably 6th cent. Three Irish saints
chosen abbot.
who lived in Cornwall, where they have
WINEBALD (St) Ab. OSB. churches dedicated in their honour.
AC. Dec 18
d. 761. An
Englishman, brother of SS WINOC (St) Ab. OSB. RM. Nov 6
Willibald and Walburga. When on pil- d. ? 717. He was of royal blood and
grimage to the Holy Land with his probably of British origin, though
brother, Winebald was taken ill and brought up in Brittany. He became a
remained at Rome, where he studied for monk at Sithiu under St Bertinus, by
seven years. Eventually he became a whom eventually he was sent to estab-
Benedictine in Rome and
passed into lish a new foundation among the

Germany of St Boni-
at the invitation Morini at Wormhoult, of which he
face. In time he became the abbot of became abbot. From that centre he
Heidenheim, a double abbey built for evangelized the whole neighbourhood.
him and his sister by their brother, then
bishop of Eichstatt. WINWALOE (GUENGALOEUS,
AC. Apr 27 AC. March 3
d. f.731. The successor of St Bercthun d. f.532. Born in Brittany of parents
as abbot of Beverley. exiled from England, he became a

discipleof St Budoc on Isle Verte and WITHBURGA (St) V. OSB.
abbot-founder of Landevennec near AC. July 8
Brest. Several Cornish churches are d. f.743 (March 17). Youngest daughter
dedicated to St Winwaloe, which seems of King Anna of East Anglia. After her
to indicate that the saint had some father had fallen in battle she took the
connexion with those parts. veil and lived mostly at Dereham, a
nunnery which she had founded.
MAGUS) (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Nov 8 WITTA (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Oct 26
d. cjgo. Monk of St Maximinus at Otherwise Albinus, q.v.
Treves. He became abbot of Mettlach
and finally bishop of Treves (c. 750-790). WITTIKUND (Bl) C. AC. Jan 7
d. £.804. A duke of Westphalia who as a

WIRNTO (Bl) Ab. OSB. pagan resisted the arms of Charlemagne.

AC. Oct 29 It is related that he was converted by a

d. 1 127. A Benedictine of Gottweig in miraculous vision, and baptized in 785.

Austria, who became abbot of Form- Thereafter he was most zealous in pro-
bach in Bavaria. pagating Christianity and restoring
churches. He died in warfare with the
(SS) MM. OSB. RM. May 8
d. r.739. British missionaries in Fries- WIVINA (VIVINA) (St) Abs. OSB.
land under St Willibrord (or perhaps RM. Dec 17
under St Switbert). They were martyred d. 1 170. A Flemish lady of the house of
while preaching the gospel in that Oisy. In her twenty-third year she
country. The centre of Wiro's apostolic secretly left her father's house and
labours was Peterkloster, afterwards became an anchoress in a wood near
renamed Odilienberg. According to the Brussels, called Grand-Bigard. The
RM. Wiro was a bishop Scotiae. count of Brabant offered her the land
and she built a nunnery, placing it
WISINTO (Bl) Mk. OSB. under the direction of the Benedictines
AC. Dec 31 of Affiighem, near Alost. She was the
d. a. 1250. A monk and priest of the first abbess.
great Austrian abbey of Kremsmunster.
He has always been venerated as a saint WOLFGANG (St) Bp. OSB.
by the Austrian Benedictines. RM. Oct 31
924-994. A native of Swabia, who was
WISTAN (St) M. AC. June 1 educated by the Benedictines at Reich-
d. 849. Of the royal house of Mercia. enau, and after being dean of the cathe-
He is said to have been put to death by dral school at Treves, became a
Bertulph, king of Mercia, when the Benedictine at Einsiedeln (964). He was
latter was regent of the kingdom during made headmaster of the abbey school
Wistan's youth. The saint's shrine was which became under him the most
in Evesham abbey. flourishing institution of its kind in
those parts. In 971 he was raised to the
WISTREMUNDUS (St) M. priesthood and with a group of monks
RM. June 7 went as a missionary to the Magyars;
See Peter, Wallabonsus, etc. but in the following year (972) he was

promoted to the see of Ratisbon. He restoration as a nunnery by King Edgar.
was one of those monk-bishops who have When the king died, Queen Elfrida
left their mark on the history of their drove her out, but she was recalled by
times. He was tutor to the emperor King Ethelred and died abbess of
Henry restored abbeys (St Em-
II, Barking.
meram Ratisbon being one of the
most important of these), raised the WULFRAM (St) Bp. OSB.
standard of education, reformed eccle- RM. March 20
siastical discipline and was a great d. f.703. A courtier-priest who was
benefactor of the poor, being known as given the see of Sens, which he occupied
Major (Great Al-
their Eleemosynaritis for only two and a half years. He then
moner). Canonized by Leo IX in 1052. undertook the work of the evangelization
of the Frisians, and after spending some
WOLFHELM (Bl) Ab. OSB. time at Fontenelle, he set out with some
AC. Apr 22 of the monks. After spending many
d. 1091. A Rhinelander, he joined the years among the Frisians he returned to
Benedictine abbey of St Maximinus at Fontenelle, where he died.
Treves. From there he transferred to
St Pantaleon's at Cologne, and then WULFRIC (St) H. AC. Feb 20
became abbot successively of Gladbach, d. 54. A priest who,
1 1 after leading a
Siegburg and Brauweiler, at which worldly life, became a hermit at Hasel-
last-named he ended his days. He is bury-Plucknett, near Crewkerne, in
described as a great student of Holy Somerset. The Cistercians lay claim to
Writ and a great lover of the Holy Rule. him, but he was attached to no Order.


d. £.990. Abbot-founder (^.973) of etc.) (St)Ab. OSB. AC. July 20
Hohentwiel. d. 689.Born near Boulogne in Picardy,
he married, but was separated by force
WOOLLOS (St) AC. Jan 19 from his wife and became a Benedictine
Otherwise Gundleus, q.v. lay-brother at Haumont in Hainault.
Here he was employed in keeping cattle
WORONUS (St) AC. Apr 7 and hewing wood for the abbey, but
Otherwise Goran, q.v. after a time, being considered worthy
of the priesthood, he was ordained and
WULFHADE and RUFFINUS (SS) eventually became the founder and first
MM. AC. July 24 abbot of the monastery of Samer (Sal-
d. 675. Two princes of the royal family viniacum) afterwards called after him
of Mercia, baptized by a hermit and Saint- Vulmaire, near Boulogne.
thereupon put to death by the king their
father, who was as yet unconverted. WULSIN (St) Bp. OSB. AC. Jan 8
d. 1005. Described as "a loyal and
(St) trusty monk whom St Dunstan loved
AC. Sept 9 like a son with pure affection". When
d. 980. Abbess-foundress of Horton St Dunstan restored Westminster Ab-
nunnery in Dorsetshire. She was later bey (958) he made Wulsin superior
put in charge of Barking abbey on its there and finally abbot (980). In 993

he was promoted to the see of Sher- he was raised to the see of Worcester
borne. (1062), which he governed so wisely
that he was the only English bishop
WULSTAN (WULFSTAN, ULF- who was allowed to retain his see after
STAN, WOLSTAN) Bp. OSB. the Conquest. During his episcopate,
RM. Jan 19 which lasted thirty-two years, he rebuilt
d. 1095. A native of Long Itchington in his cathedral. He died while engaged in
Warwickshire, he studied at the abbeys his daily practice of washing the feet of
of Evesham and Peterborough. Then he twelve poor men. Canonized 1203.
became a priest and joined the Benedic-
tines at Worcester, where he filled the WYNNIN (St) Bp. AC. Jan 21
offices of precentor and prior. Finally Otherwise Vimin, q.v.

VV. RM. Sept 23 Otherwise Sixtus, q.v.
1 st Described in the RM. as "dis-
ciples of the Apostles", but we have no
trustworthy information about them.

YMAR (St) M. OSB. AC. Nov 12 YSARN (St) Ab. OSB. AC. Sept 24
d. r.830. A monk of Reculver in Kent, d. 1048. Born near Toulouse, he be-
martyred by the Danes. came a Benedictine monk, and then
abbot of St Victor's at Marseilles.
YOLANDA (IOLANTHA) (Bl) W. Under his government the abbey be-
AC. June 15 came the centre of a Benedictine congre-
d. 1298.Daughter of Bela IV, King of gation with houses in S. France and
Hungary, niece of St Elizabeth, she N.E. Spain.
married Boleslaus, the devout prince of
Pomerania. She was a tertiary of St YTHA (St) V. AC. Jan 15
Francis. Beatified in 1827. Otherwise Ita, q.v. In Cornwall she is

known as St Ide or St Syth.

YON (St) M. AC. Sept 22
Otherwise Jonas, q.v. YVO (St) C. RM. May 19
Otherwise Ivo, q.v.
AC. Aug 24 YWI (YVIUS) (St) H. OSB.
5th cent. A Scottish priest, consecrated AC. Oct 8
bishop by St Ternan, and like him a d. £.690. A monk
of Lindisfarne or-
missionary among the Picts. dained deacon by St Cuthbert. His
relics were translated to Wilton, near
YRIEIX (St) Ab. AC. Aug 25 Salisbury.
See Aredius.

ZACCHAEUS (St) Bp. RM. Aug 23 exhorted the people to rebuild the
This Zacchaeus or Zacharias is
d. c.i 16. Temple.
reckoned by St Epiphanius and other
Fathers to have been the fourth bishop ZACHARY (ZACHARIAS) (St)

of Jerusalem. Prophet RM. Nov 5

1 st cent. Father of St John the Baptist,
ZACCHAEUS (St) M. RM. Nov 17 known to us from Luke I. Nothing is

See Alphaeus and Zacchaeus. known of the rest of his life.

ZACHARY (St) Pope RM. March 22 ZAMA (St) Bp. RM. Jan 24
d. c .268. The first bishop of Bologna of
d. 752. Born at San Severino in Calabria
of a Greek family. Chosen pope in 741,
whom there is any record. He is said to
have been consecrated by Pope St
he showed himself worthy of that office:
Dionysius f.260.
he successfully negotiated peace between
the Lombards and the Greek empire;
sanctioned the assumption of the Frank-
Bp. RM. Feb
ish crown by Pepin; seconded the mis-
d. r.304. Said to have been the thirty-
sionary work of St Boniface and
seventh bishop of Jerusalem. He has
confirmed him as archbishop of Mainz;
been connected with the legend of the
planned and undertook the restoration
Theban legion.
of Montecassino under St Petronax,
himself consecrating the abbey church ZANITAS, LAZARUS, MAROTAS,
in 748; gave the Benedictine habit to
NARSES and Comp. (SS) MM.
St Ratchis, king of the Lombards and ;
RM. March 27
in many other ways furthered the recon-
d. 326. A group of Persian martyrs who
struction of Europe.
suffered under Shapur II. The remain-
ing five martyrs of this group were:
ZACHARY (St) Bp. M. RM. May 26 Elias, Abibos, Sembeeth, Mares and
d. r.106. Said to have been the second Sabas.
bishop of Vienne in Gaul, and to have
died a martyr under Trajan. ZEBINAS (St) M. RM. Nov 13
See Antoninus, Zebinas, etc.
ZACHARY (St) M. RM. June 10
? Described by the RM. as a martyr at ZEBINUS (St) H. AC. Feb 23
Nicomedia. 5th cent. A hermit in Syria who trained
St Maro, St Polychronius and others in
ZACHARY (ZECHARIAH) (St) the monastic life.
Prophet RM. Sept 6
6th cent. B.C. A fellow-prophet of ZDISLAVA BERKA (Bl) Matron,
Aggaeus (Haggai). Both prophesied OP. AC. Jan 1
under King Darius (r.520 B.C.) and d. 1252. Born in Bohemia of noble

parents, she married a man of her own mained with him as a servant. Both
rank to whom she bore four children. were beheaded under Diocletian.
Her generosity towards the poor caused
difficulties with her husband, whom she
ZENO and Comp. (SS) MM.
conciliatedby her heroic patience. She RM. July 9
died as a Dominican tertiary in the d. r.300. According to the RM. this
priory of St Lawrence, which she had group of martyrs numbered 10,204. The
founded. Cult approved in 1907. entry is in fact a record of the wholesale
slaughter, ordered by Diocletian, of the

ZENAIS, CYRIA, VALERIA and Christians who had been condemned to

MARCIA (SS) MM. RM. June work on the building of the baths named
? Zenais seems to have suffered at Con- after him. Zeno seems to have been the

stantinople. The other martyrs of this chief spokesman of these martyrs.

group are traditionally believed to have

been contemporaries of our Lord and
ZENO (St) M. RM. July 15
See Philip, Zeno, etc.
among the early martyrs of the Church.
MM. RM. Oct 11 d. Zeno and his two sons were
1st cent. Two holy women, perhaps
martyred at Nicomedia under Dio-
sisters, related to St Paul the Apostle.
They were natives of Tarsus.
ZENAS (St) M. RM. June 23 RM.
Sept 3
See Zeno and Zenas.
d. 303. Martyrs in the East under Dio-
ZENO (St) M. RM. Feb 14
See Vitalis, Felicula and Zeno.
ZENO (St) M. RM. Sept 5
See Eudoxius, Zeno, etc.
ZENO (St) M. RM. Apr 5
? A martyr who was burnt alive. Date ZENO (St) M. RM. Sept 8
and place unknown. See Eusebius, Nestabus, and Zeno.

ZENO (St) Bp. RM. Apr 12 ZENO (St) M. RM. Dec 20

d. 371. Bishop of Verona, 362-371, at See Ammon, Zeno, etc.
the time of Julian the Apostate. He is
best remembered as an ecclesiastical ZENO (St) M. RM. Dec 22
writer of distinction, his main subject d. 303. A Nicomedia. As a
soldier at
being the virgin-birth of our Lord. punishment for laughing when Dio-
cletian was offering a sacrifice to Ceres
ZENO (St) M. RM. Apr 20 his jaws were broken and he was be-
See Victor, Zoticus, etc. headed.


(St) RM. Dec 26
RM. June
23 d. c .399. A cousin of the martyr-brothers
d. f.304. Zeno, a wealthy citizen of Eusebius, Nestabus and Zeno, com-
Philadelphia near the Dead Sea, freed memorated on Sept 8. He survived
all and gave his property to
his slaves Julian's persecution and was made
the poor. Zenas, a former slave, re- bishop of Gaza.

ZENOBIA (St) M. RM. Oct 30 would give her food and clothing to the
See Zenobius and Zenobia. poor —
and sometimes her master's too.
For this she was at first misunderstood
ZENOBIUS (St) M. and maltreated, but she ended by gain-
RM. Feb 20 and Oct 29 ing the confidence of the whole house-
See Tyrannio, Silvanus, etc. hold. She was canonized in 1696 and is
greatly venerated, especially in Italy, as
ZENOBIUS (St) Bp. RM. May 25 the patron saint of domestic servants.
Bishop of Florence. A great
d. c. ?390.
friend of StAmbrose and also of St ZOE (St) M. RM. May 2
Damasus, by whom he was sent as See Exuperius, Zoe, etc.
papal representative to Constantinople
in connexion with the Arian troubles. ZOE (ZOA) (St) M. RM.
July 5
d. f.286. A Roman lady, said to have
ZENOBIUS (St) M. RM. Oct 29 been the wife of a high official of the
d. 310. A priest and physician at Sidon, imperial court, put to death for the
who was martyred at Antioch under Faith.
Diocletian by being torn with iron hooks.
MM. RM. Oct 30 MM. RM. May 24
d. 285-290. Bishop and physician at ? Martyrs at Istria (or in Syria?).
Aegae (now Alexandretta) on the coast
of Asia Minor. He is probably identical ZOILUS and Comp. (SS) MM.
with St Zenobius of Antioch (Oct 29), 27 RM. June
in which case his martyrdom took place d. £.301. A
youth martyred with nine-
somewhat later, under Maximian. Ze- teen companions at Cordova under Dio-
nobia is said to have been his sister. cletian. The Benedictine abbey of San
Zoil de Carrion, province of Leon, in
ZENOBIUS (St) M. RM. Dec 24 N. Spain, was founded to enshrine their
See Lucian, Metrobius, etc. relics.

ZEPHYRINUS (St) Pope M. ZOSIMA (St) M. RM. July 15

RM. Aug 26 See Eutropius, Zosima and Bonosa.
d. 217. Pope from 199 to 217. He does
not seem to have died a martyr. ZOSIMUS and ATHANASIUS (SS)
MM. RM. Jan 3
ZETICUS (St) M. RM. Dec 23 Martyrs in Cilicia under Dio-
d. 303.
See Theodulus, Saturninus, etc. cletian.Another account says that Zosi-
mus was put to the torture and that
ZIMIUS (St) C. OSB. AC. June 12 Athanasius, a spectator, was converted
See Marinus, Vimius, etc. and forthwith tortured also, but that
both survived and died in peace as
ZITA (St) V. RM. Apr 27 hermits.
121 8-1278. A native of Monsagrati near
Lucca, at the age of twelve she entered ZOSIMUS (St) Bp. RM. March 30
the service of a family at Lucca, with d. c.ddo. A Sicilian, placed at the age of
whom she remained all her life. She seven in the monastery of Santa Lucia

(Benedictine or Basilian) near Syracuse. ? A group of between forty and fifty

After being a simple monk for thirty soldiers martyred in Africa.

years,he was successively made abbot
and bishop of the city. He died at the ZOTICUS (St) M. RM. Jan 12
age of ninety. Identical with St Getulius, the martyr of
Tivoli (June 10), q.v.
ZOSIMUS (St) H. RM. Apr 4
5th cent. A Palestinian anchorite who ZOTICUS (St) M. RM. Jan 31
livedon the banks of the Jordan, the See Tarsicius, Zoticus, etc.
supposed confidant and biographer of
ZOSIMUS (St) M. RM. June 19 (SS) MM. RM. Feb 10
d. no. A martyr of Spoleto in Umbria d. 120. A group often soldiers martyred
under Trajan. in Rome and buried in the Via Lavicana.

ZOSIMUS (St) M. RM. Sept 28 ZOTICUS (St) M. RM. Apr 20

See Mark, Alphius, etc. See Victor, Zoticus, etc.

ZOSIMUS (St) H. RM. Nov 30 ZOTICUS (St) M. RM. July 21

6th cent. A hermit in Palestine, sur- d. 204. Bishop of Comana in Cappa-
named the Wonder-Worker. docia, famous for his zeal against the
Montanist heretics and for his martyr-
ZOSIMUS (St) M. RM. Dec 14 dom.
See Drusus, Zosimus and Theodore.
ZOTICUS (St) M. RM. Aug 22
ZOSIMUS (St) M. RM. Dec 18 See Agathonicus, Zoticus, etc.
See Rufus and Zosimus.
ZOTICUS (St) M. RM, Oct 21
ZOSIMUS (St) M. RM. Dec 19 See Dasius, Zoticus, etc.
See Darius, Zosimus, etc.

ZOTICUS (St) RM. Dec 31

ZOSIMUS (St) Pope RM. Dec 26 d. r.350. A Roman priest who migrated
d. 418. A Greek, whose short pontificate to Constantinople at the time when
was marked by the condemnation of the Constantine transferred thither the
Pelagian heresy. capital of the empire. Zoticus built in
that city a hospital for the poor and for
ZOTICUS, ROGATUS, MODES- orphans. He was a confessor of the
TUS, CASTULUS and Comp. (SS) Faith under the Arian emperor Con-
MM. RM. Jan 12 stantius.




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