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A combined gas–steam power cycle is being considered.

The topping cycle is a simple Brayton

cycle that has a pressure ratio of 12. Air enters the compressor at 15°C at a rate of 100 kg/s and
the gas turbine at 1200°C. The bottoming cycle is a reheat Rankine cycle between the pressure
limits of 6 MPa and 10 kPa. Steam is heated in a heat exchanger at a rate of 25 kg/s to 500 °C
by the exhaust gases leaving the gas turbine and the exhaust gases leave the heat exchanger
at 225°C. Steam leaves the high-pressure turbine at 1.0 MPa and is reheated to 350°C in the
heat exchanger before it expands in the low pressure turbine. The isentropic efficiencies of the
compressor and turbine in the Gas Power Cycle are 0.82 and 0.85 respectively. The moisture
content at the exit of the low-pressure turbine and the thermal efficiency of the combined plant
are determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are
negligible. 3 Cold-air assumptions are considered.

Analysis (a) The analysis of gas cycle is as follows

Process 7-8 (isentropic compression of an ideal gas):
𝑃8 𝑘−1/𝑘
T8 = T7 (𝑃7) = (288 K)(12) 0.4/1.4 = 585.8 K = 312.8 °C.

Process 9-10 (isentropic expansion of an ideal gas):

𝑃10 𝑘−1/𝑘 1 0.333/1.333

T10 = T9 ( 𝑃9 ) = (1473 K) (12) = 791.4 K = 518.4 °C.

We now find the work input to the compressor and the work output of the turbine:

T8−T7 585.8−288
ɛ= = = 0.82, T8’= 651.17 K = 378.2 °C.
T8′−T7 T8′−288

T9−T10′ 1473−T10′
ɛ= = 1473−791.4 = 0.85, T10’= 893.64 K = 620.6 °C

Wcomp,in = mcp(T8-T7) = (125 kg/s)(1.005 kJ/kg.K)(651.17-288)K= 45.623 MW

Wturb,out = mcp(T9-T10) = (125 kg/s)(1.15 kJ/kg.K)(1473-893.64)K= 83.283 MW

(b) The analysis of steam cycle is as follows

From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6),

h1 = hf @ 10 kPa = 191.81 kJ/kg

v1 = vf @ 10 kPa = 0.00101 m3 /kg

1 𝑘𝐽
wp,in = v1(P2-P1) = (0.00101 m3 /kg)(6000-10 kPa) (1 𝑘𝑃𝑎.𝑚3) = 6.05 kJ/kg

h2 = h1 + wp,in = 191.81 + 6.05 = 197.86 kJ/kg

P5 = 1 MPa h5 = 3158.2 kJ/kg

T5 = 350 °C s5 = 7.3029 kJ/kg.K

𝑆6−𝑆𝑓 7.3029−0.6492
P6 = 10 kPa x6 = 𝑆𝑓𝑔
= 7.4996
= 0.8872

s6 = s 5 h6 = hf +x6hfg =191.81 + (0.8872)(2392.1) = 2314.1 kJ/kg

Moisture level = 1 - x6 = 1 - 0.8872 = 0.1128 = 11.3 %.

Noting that Q = W since Δke = Δpe = 0 for the heat exchanger, the steady-flow energy balance
equation yields

Ein = Eout

∑ mihi = ∑ mehe
ms(h3-h2) + ms(h5-h4) = 2 mair(h10-h11)= 2mcp(T10-T11)

25 kg/s [ (3423.1-199.37) + (3158.2-h4)] = 2(125 kg/s)(1.008 kJ/kg.K)(620.6-225)°C

h4 = 2394.282 J/kg

Wnet,gas = W T,gas – W C,gas = 83.283-45.623 = 37.66 MW

WT,strean = ms(h3-h4 + h5-h6) = 25 kg/s (3178.3-2394.2 + 3158.2 – 2314.1)kJ/s = 46.8 MW

WP,strean = ms wpump = (16 kg/s) (6.05 kJ/kg) = 0.0968 MW

Wnet,strean = W T,strean - W P,strean = 46.8 – 0.0968 = 46.726 MW

Wnet,plant = W net,gas + W net,strean = 2(37.66) + 46.726 = 122.05 MW

Qin = mair(h9-h8) = mcp(T9-T8) = 2(125 kg/s)(1.008 kJ/kg.K)(1473-651.17)=207.1 MW

Wnet,plant 122.05 MW
nth = Qin
= 207.1 MW
= 0.589 = 58.9 %

A combined gas–steam power cycle is being considered. The topping cycle is a simple
Brayton cycle that has a pressure ratio of 12. Air enters the compressor at 15°C at a
rate of 100 kg/s and the gas turbine at 1200°C. The bottoming cycle is a reheat Rankine
cycle between the pressure limits of 6 MPa and 10 kPa. Steam is heated in a heat
exchanger at a rate of 25 kg/s to 500 °C by the exhaust gases leaving the gas turbine
and the exhaust gases leave the heat exchanger at 225°C. Steam leaves the high-
pressure turbine at 1.0 MPa and is reheated to 350°C in the heat exchanger before it
expands in the low pressure turbine. The isentropic efficiencies of the compressor and
turbine in the Gas Power Cycle are 0.82 and 0.85 respectively. The moisture content at
the exit of the low-pressure turbine and the thermal efficiency of A combined gas–steam
power cycle is being considered. The topping cycle is a simple Brayton cycle that has a
pressure ratio of 12. Air enters the compressor at 15°C at a rate of 100 kg/s and the gas
turbine at 1200°C. The bottoming cycle is a reheat Rankine cycle between the pressure
limits of 6 MPa and 10 kPa. Steam is heated in a heat exchanger at a rate of 25 kg/s to
500 °C by the exhaust gases leaving the gas turbine and the exhaust gases leave the
heat exchanger at 225°C. Steam leaves the high-pressure turbine at 1.0 MPa and is
reheated to 350°C in the heat exchanger before it expands in the low pressure turbine.
The isentropic efficiencies of the compressor and turbine in the Gas Power Cycle are
0.82 and 0.85 respectively. The moisture content at the exit of the low-pressure turbine
and the thermal efficiency of A combined gas–steam power cycle is being considered.
The topping cycle is a simple Brayton cycle that has a pressure ratio of 12. Air enters
the compressor at 15°C at a rate of 100 kg/s and the gas turbine at 1200°C. The
bottoming cycle is a reheat Rankine cycle between the pressure limits of 6 MPa and 10
kPa. Steam is heated in a heat exchanger at a rate of 25 kg/s to 500 °C by the exhaust
gases leaving the gas turbine and the exhaust gases leave the heat exchanger at
225°C. Steam leaves the high-pressure turbine at 1.0 MPa and is reheated to 350°C in
the heat exchanger before it expands in the low pressure turbine. The isentropic
efficiencies of the compressor and turbine in the Gas Power Cycle are 0.82 and 0.85
respectively. The moisture content at the exit of the low-pressure turbine and the
thermal efficiency of

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