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Department of Education Region Ill DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS Angeles City Jesus St. Pulungbulu, Angeles City ‘ Tel No. (045) 322-4702/ Fax No. (045) 887-6099 ove. ges Oy, oekenotGhy cence May 20, 2016 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. _ js 8s. 2016 REVISED GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTING RESEARCH BASED ON THE BASIC EDUCATION RESEARCH FUND (BERF) STANDARDS To: Curriculum implementation Livisi: School Governance and Operations Division Public Secondary School Heads Public Elementary School Heads Secondary and Elementary Teachers - The Policy and Research Division of DepED Central Office has released DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2015 articulating the guidelines for the Basic Education Research Fund. In line with this, the revised guidelines in conducting research both applied and action researches, BERF and non - BERF shall be strictly followed. ny Attached herewith is Regional Memorandum No. 48, s. 2016 articulating the new guidelines in conducting applied and action researches for your reference. @ For the non-BERF researchers, the policies in conducting research which are articulated in Enclosure No. 2 of Regional Memorandum No. 144, s. 2015 shall be adopted. Wide dissemination of this memorandum is highly desired. * a LEILA! ‘CUNANAN, CESO VI Officer-In- Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION It D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando, Pampataey ‘Website: rw depen} com + Ema repon3eiéened gor |: 1 Teoma ores |P tency REGIONAL MEMORANDUM = A No. &§_. 8. 2016 it MAY 95 «| ; To : Assistant Regional Director iq SIYe Schools Division Superintendents ow im Regional Division Chiefs REVISED GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTING RESEARCH BASED ON THE BASIC EDUCATION RESEARCH FUND STANDARDS 1, The Policy and Research Division of DepED Central Office released DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2015 articulating the guidelines for the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF). 2. Anent to the standards of the mentioned Order, this Office is releasing the revised guidelines in conducting research both applied and action researches. 3. The following enclosures articulate the new guidelines in conducting applied and action researches: Enclosure No. | : Process Flow for the Submission of Proposal and Final Research Outputs Enclosure No. 2: Outline of an Applied Research Proposal Enclosure No. 3: Outline of an Action Research Proposal Enclosure No. 4: Outline of Final Research Output for Applied Research Enclosure No. 5 : Outline of Final Research Output for Action Research Enclosure No. 6: Format for Letter of Intent Enclosure No. 7: Sample Endorsement for School Head Enclosure No. 8: Sample Endorsement for Schools Division Superintendent Enclosure No. 9: Format for the Approval and Disapproval Letter from the Regional Research Committee Enclosure No.10: Rubrics in the Evaluation of Proposals 4. Fornon-BERF researchers, the policies in conducting research which are articulated in Enclosure No. 2 of Regional Memorandum No. 144, s. 2015 shall be adopted. However, in writing the research paper, the format for the BERF shall be strictly followed. Certificate of acceptance and approval shall also be included in the research proposal and final copy of the paper. 5. Previous issuances on the guidelines related to the conduct of research which are inconsistent to the revised guidelines based on BERF are rescinded. 6. Wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. Coe MALCOLM S. GARMA, CESO V Director IIT ‘ Officer-In-Charge o° Office of the Regional Director Enclosure No. 2 of the Regional Memorandum No. s. 2016 1. Technical (Guidelines in Preparing the Research Papers) “The test of the manuscript must conform to the following: Bond Paper Size: _ Letter Size 8.5” x 11” Font Style : Aerial Font Size seer 2: Text Spacing : Double Space 2. References — Use APA referencing and provide in text of work and reference list consistently and accurately Outline of an Applied Research Proposal Title Page “Table of Contents Introduction and Review of Related Literature and Studies Conceptual Framework Statement of the Problem Hypothesis Significance of the Study Scope and Limitations Method ‘Type of Research Respondents and Sampling Method Instruments Data Collection Procedure and Ethical Considerations Data Analysis References Appendices ‘A. Letter of Requests B. Instruments C. Gantt Charl/Time Table D. Cost Estimates Enclosure No. 3 of the Regional Memorandum No. __, s. 2016 1. Technical (Guidelines in Preparing the Research Papers) The test of the manuscript must conform to the following: “Bond Paper Size Letter Size 8.5” x 11” *Font Style 2 Aerial +Font Size tomar: “Text Spacing : Double Space 2. References ~ Use APA referencing and provide in text of work and reference list consistently and accurately Outline of an Action Research Proposal Title Page Table of Contents Rationale and Review of Related Literature and Studies Conceptual Framework Statement of the Problem Hypothesis Significance of the Study Scope and Limitations ‘Type of Research Respondents and Sampling Method Instruments ! Data Collection Procedure and Ethical Considerations Data Analysis, References Method Appendices A. Letter of Requests B. Instruments C. Workplan D. Cost Estimates Enclosure No. 4 to Regional Memorandum No.__, s. 2016 1, Technical (Guidelines in Preparing the Research Papers) ‘The test of the manuscript must conform to the following: Bond Paper Size 2 Letter Size 8.5" x 11” +Font Style : Aerial +Font Size ce, “Text Spacing : Double Space 2. References — Use APA referencing and provide in text of work and reference list consistently and accurately Outline of Final Research Output for Applied Research Title Page Table of Contents List of Tables Abstract Introduction and Review of Related Literature and Studies Conceptual Framework Statement of the Problem Hypothesis Significance of the Study Scope and Limitations Method ‘Type of Research Respondents and Sampling Method Instruments Data Collection Procedure and Ethical Considerations Data Analysis Results and Discussion Conclusion Recommendations References Appendices A. Letter of Requests B. Instruments C. Gantt Chart/Time Table D. Cost Estimates E. Plan for Dissemination/Advocacy ‘Enclosure No. 5 to Regional Memorandum No. __, s. 2016 1.Technical (Guidelines in Preparing the Research Papers) ‘The test of the manuscript must conform to the following: *Bond Paper Size t Letter Size 8.5” x 11” *Font Style Aerial Font Size 12 Text Spacing t Double Space 2. References — Use APA referencing and provide in text of work and reference list consistently and accurately Outline of the Final Research Output for Action Research Title Page Table of Contents List of Tables Abstract Rationale and Review of Related Literature and Studies ! Conceptual Framework Statement of the Problem Hypothesis Significance of the Study Scope and Limitations Method Type of Research Respondents and Sampling Method | Instruments Data Collection Procedure and Ethical Considerations Data Analysis, Results and Discussion Conclusions Recommendations References Appendices . Letter of Requests Instruments Workplan Cost Estimates Action Plan PDO m> Enclosure No. 6 to Regional Memorandum No. ___, s. 2016 Format for \f Intent Malcolm S. Garma, CESO V Officer-In-Charge of Education Regional Office Ill DMGC, Maimpis, San Fernando City Pampanga ‘Attention: Assistant Regional Director Chairman, BERF Regional Research Committee Sir: Thave the honor to submit a research proposal entitled “ > to the Regional Research ‘Committee for evaluation and for possible funding under the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) Grant Facility. This research aims to _ ‘Through this research, << state benefits from the study > Took forward to your comments and suggestions and I appreciate your time and consideration of my research proposal. Respectfully yours, Sed.) “ le. for School Head < School Logo and Letter Head > ___ Endorsement Respectfully forwarded to the Regional Director, DepEd Regional Office III, DMGC, Maimpis, City of ‘San Femnando, through the Schools Division Superintendent, Division of , the herein research proposal of Mr/Ms. entitled “ » for further evaluation and approval, for funding under the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) Grant Facility. < School Head > < Division Office Logo and Letter Head > Respectfully forwarded to the Regional Director, DepEd Regional Office Ill, DMGC, Maimpis, City of San Fernando, Pampanga, (Attention: Chairman, BERF Regional Research Committee) the herein research proposal of Mr/Ms. , entitled “ for further evaluation and approval, for funding under the ‘Basie Education Research Fund (BERF) Grant Facility. < SDS> ‘No. 9 to Regional Memorandum No. __, s. 2016 Format for the Approval. from the esearch Committee Date Mir JM. Dear Mr./Ms. This refers to the research proposal you submitted to the Regional Office tor possible funding under the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) Grant Facility. The Regionat Research Committee has carefully evaluated the final research proposal entitled “ based on the criteria prescribed in Oeptd Order No. _, dated ‘The Regional Research Committee is pleased to inform you that the said research proposal was approved for implementation. In this regard, we recommend the processing of the first tranche of payment upon submission of requires deliverables, Kindly note that in the event that the research proponent failed to complete and submit tie deliverables, the research proponent shall be required to return the full amount of research fund through direct payment and/or salary deduction, Further, strict adherence to provisions of the above DepEd Order is required. For questions an further clarifications, please coordinate with the Regional Research ‘Committee through the Planning, Policy and Research Division (PPAD}, We look forward to the successful implementation of your research. Thank you. Very truly yours, ASSISTANT REGIONAL DIRECTOR Chairman, BERF Regional Research Committee DearMr/ms, : This refers to the research proposal you submitted to the Regional Office for possible tunding under the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) Grant Facility The Regional Research Committee has carefully evaluated the final research proposal entitled "__ ————" based on the criteria prescribed in DepEd Order No, 43, dated September 16, 2015, The Regional Research Committee regrets to inform you that the said research proposal was disapproved due to the following reasons: We thank you far your iatevest in availing of the BERF facility. Kindly take note that you can still submit another research proposal for possible BERF support provided it has addressed the criteria defined in D043, series of 2015, Very truly yours, ASSISTANT REGIONAL DIRECTOR Chaimman, BERF Rogional Research Committee Becow. 10 to Regional Memorandum No. » 8. 2016 ts OrceNe. 4, 3.2016) 1 ACTION RESEARCH PROPOSALS (grants up to P 30,000 maximum) _GUIDE FOR APPRAISING SCH Increasing Levels of Quallty and thelr Descriptions OS! nor} The dclon rescarch'proposal |” The education relevance one! deserved | presents o general descrition | timeliness ofthe problem or ina points} | of the problem o issue are shown, The need t focus of! ‘conde ection ceseorch as © * (Bpoints) the nator (er comprehensively Lifferent aspects of research setting ore showing in clepth 0 | Rationale ofthe k analysis of the si ‘Action (15 points) Research 30 points wotion or strategy fertoken, and who involved. Activities to be problem oF issue is gi | undertaken are stated. r (25 points) (22 points) ‘ i The action research pro The Tésearch question(s) the research question | has. stoted aim, objective, or | specifies the action research | procends from the con | general reseorch que vorioble(s) or the focus of | inquiry. It clearly ret [Action Research (25 point inquiry. Key elements of the identified problem or. Question(s) { | research question(s) ore conveys the desired | reflected inthe ttle af the improvement oropesal. (30 voints} 30 points (25 ooiats) ate ‘No. 10 to Regional Memorandum No. » 8. 2016 Score Increasing Levels of Quality and their Descriptions nas Criteria | Sub-Criteria t ‘notsioied |The action research proposal siptes the target | Dei {no points) | participants and/or other sources of dato and | (ex:number, characteristics, sompling ra information (ex: learners, teachers, documents, if eny) and/ar other sources of do ' reat, leorners’ products, others) Information. Clear rationale for thei (5 points) | the study is given (20 points) c a en “rot.” | pne Gciion esearch proposal |” Details ofthe dows gathering | The propose expla ‘method(s) are provided: the specific kinds of dota, how ond employed for gathering data. | when they wit be collected (ex: ‘pretest and posttest scores). | gathering method{s)"s ol Research instruments, fany, are | the research question(s descrived (ex test, scale, survey | instrumes | questionnaire, checkiist, interview gui (8 points) (20 points) {no points) Action Research (S points) Methods AO points ‘The selected method ofhow the gathered dato / analyzed. (S points) ell as tools (ex: software} to bi employed ore specified. question(s) (8 points) (10 points) +8. 2016 ire No. 10 to Regional Memorandum No. The ection research froposal includes 0 ss ond their timelines. The action research proposal inciudes ¢ their estimated (no points) jor iter costs, The tote costs shown, Cost i (2 points) fstimates | | | i | | Spoints | | : | ! | Remarks: Increasing Levels of Guiality and their Oescriptions A — ih “| ata wk pion pro t to completion of the act Timelines are realistic and concretely how the action rese unfold over the allowed pe | __ overall pion reffecs the propo | copocity to concretize ideas i | sequential steps to be under (Spoints) Gi detailed breakdown of iterns corresponding costs is furr Items and casts reosonabl {funding needs of the action ‘adhere to the BERF guidelines. plon reflects the proponent’ | project specific expenses that accountable for. (S points) ee — re No. 10 to Regional Memorandum No. Rubrics in the Evaluation of} he Tésdardh propose presents © generaldescriotion of the topic or focus of inquir’. (points) Rationale ‘| of the Research | j 10 points Hl laenatia The reseorch proposdl cites the provided | jes reloted to the present {00 poin' properly acknowledged. {5 points} ao points, FOR APPRAISING DISTRICT, DISH increasing Levels of Quality research. Sources ore 48.2016 (as per DepEd Order No. 4, s. 2016) ION, REGION AND NATIONALLEVEL RESEARCH PROPOSALS . ind their Descriptions The educe | timetiness of the reseorch topic ore ‘shown, It expioins the need (2 conduct research to Wnderstand te discussed research setting are ela phenom Enowledge, improve 2 situation, OF | address an issue / problem (8 points) search questions specify the ves or the focus of aquity. KEY elements of i | geagrophicol cn [20 points) ibe ics onder previous | Viewpoints ondis8 Constr Jromework. Cito' Ate No. 10,to Regional Memorandum No. ___-8-2016-——~ = ne Increasing Levels of Quality and their Descriptions main Criteria 02) te te a e i ” 1 The research propos f ied ‘mojor octivities points) concretely how the resear | over the allowed period. (20 points) | “) “The research popes lates ost of A detailed breakdown of | major items and ther estimated costs. The | corresponding costs is tool cost is shown, items and costs reasonably (S points) funding needs of the research, o to BERF guidelines. The a reflects the proponent Project specific expenses will be accountable for (20 points) 1 not included foe points} { | i (eee |

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