Jdphillips 5e Lesson Plan Ed508

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Physical Education

5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: John David Phillips

Dates: September 5-6, 2019

10-12 Physical Education

Materials: Dumbbells, Barbell, Bench, Rubber and Metal Plates, Tablets/Desktops for viewing the videos
and creating the projects

Standards (State and ISTE Standards for Students):

a) Standard 1- The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills
and movement patterns.
b) Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies,
and tactics related to movement and performance.

a) ISTE 1: The Empowered Learner- Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing,
achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
ISTE 2: Digital Citizen- Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning
and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and

Upon completion of this unit TSWBAT:
 safely and successfully perform various lifts
 identify the differences between the lifts they will be performing
 identify the muscle groups that will be targeted in each lift

Differentiation strategies:
The teacher must ensure that the weight room/classroom is a safe environment. If a student has an IEP,
careful consideration for adaptations and modifications should be given. Allow those with disabilities
alternative methods of lifting. For example, students may use a broom handle as a substitute for a bar.
Additionally, as a replacement for upper body lifts, students may be allowed to do an exercise such as knee


This lesson will be comprised of multiple elements of the physical education curriculum. While the majority
of the lesson will be dedicated to the actual introduction of, demonstration of, and execution of physical
fitness, specifically weight lifting, there will be a technological component that the students will be
introduced to. The physical activity that will be performed will be incorporated into the technology

Approved January, 2013

Activity 1
In order to maximize engagement and ensure safety and proper form, an instructional video will be shown
to the class. The video will demonstrate safe and proper techniques of the lifts they will be executing.
Additionally, once the class has been shown the video and completes the lifts, they will take a quiz on
KaHoot! to review and ensure that they understand all elements of what they have learned.

Activity 2
Once the students have completed the Lower Extremity lifts that were involved in the second day’s lesson,
they will be taken to the computer lab and instructed on how to complete the individual and group projects.
The interactive activities and web pages that will be designed will require thought, engagement and
creativity. By nature of the personalization of the projects, the students should be on task and actively

KaHoot quiz URL: https://create.kahoot.it/details/weight-lifting-basics/36f1d7a6-e15d-49c0-b617-


Over the course of the next two days, the students will have two lessons on weight lifting. Day one will
cover upper extremity lifts and day two will focus on lower extremities. We will watch the videos that will
explain proper form and safety and then we will head to the weight room where you will be responsible for
finding appropriate weight that you can safely handle to perform the lift. Students will experiment with
different weights, starting with a lower weight and working themselves to a 75% max weight. We will have
a competition where each group’s highest weight will be highlighted. As the unit progresses, we will test
again to see what progress has been made and add incentives for improvement. At the completion of the
unit, certificates will be given for improvement during the course of the unit. Additionally, there will be 2
assignments to complete by 9/16/19. These assignments will be worked on solely during class time so
that the students may have assistance. To explore content that may be included in the project, students
will have access to the computer lab in order to research, find content to include in their projects, and
design their pages.

Assessment: Following completion of the weight lifting evaluation, students will be asked to demonstrate
the proper form of each lift. With 10 different lifts and a grade of 10/10 of each lift for perfect form, the
students will have the possibility to accumulate 100 total points for perfect form on all 10 lifts

Technology Assignment 1-Individual SMORE

The first assignment is an individual assignment where students will create a newsletter on SMORE. After
students complete it, they are to submit your URL to the class. Specific instructions on how to create a
SMORE are included under the Elaboration section once a topic has been chosen.

Technology Assignment 2-Group Project

The second assignment is a group project. The group will go to Weebly and design a webpage/portfolio on
the exercises we conducted in class. One group will cover the Upper Extremity exercises and the second
will present on Lower Extremity exercises. The students will be shown an example of my personal Weebly

Approved January, 2013

portfolio that I will be submitting at the conclusion of the semester for my Master’s program. Both projects
will be graded on creativity, organization, data, and content. Additionally, correct form of exercises that are
demonstrated in class will be a portion of the grade that will come from teacher observation. Incorporation
of technology is sometimes difficult in physical education, but there are ways to include it to assist in


Lesson one- Focus will be placed on upper extremity weight lifting. The following exercises will be
incorporated: bench press, pushups, push press, shoulder press and bench dips. Below are the videos that
will be watched prior to lifting in order to educate on the lift and prevent injuries. These videos will do a
great job in not only explaining the proper techniques of the lifts we will be executing, but will provide actual
demonstrations, as well.

Bench Press: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSza8hVTlmM

Push Up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l3ySVKYVJ8
Push Press: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6-DMh-t4nQ
Shoulder Press: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yWaNOvgFCM
Bench Dips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP4Y6ms52Mo

Lesson 2- Focus will be placed on lower extremity lifts. The following exercises will be incorporated:
squat, deadlift, snatch, overhead squat, and hanging clean. The links below will demonstrate the proper
form of each lift.

Squat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEQQle9-0NA
Deadlift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4qRntuXBSc
Snatch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZvy51ucmOc
Overhead squat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn8mqlG0nkE&t=3s
Hanging clean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCdhjfg7fv4

Assessments for each of these will be comprised of teacher evaluation of proper form and specific
feedback should be given progressively.

Following the completion the weight room portion of lesson 2, all students will go to the computer lab
where they will begin work on their SMOREs and group projects.


Individual Project:
Each student will create a SMORE and submit as an individual project. Students will come up with 3
additional exercises that are not listed and present a diagram/demonstration of them with video/pictures
and give information on what muscle groups each lift targets. Students selected for the upper extremity
group project will select 3 different arm exercises and present in a SMORE. Students chosen for the lower
extremity group project will submit 3 new lower extremity exercises and present in a SMORE. Students will

Approved January, 2013

go to www.smore.com to create their individual SMORE. It is free to use so students should not have to
pay to upgrade. Below is an example of my SMORE that can be used as a guide. This is a chance for
students to show their creativity. Students should be encouraged to think elaborately and maximize their
creative expressions.

Sample SMORE:

Group Project:
For your assignment, students are to create a webpage/portfolio of the exercises we went over in class.
They should find different videos/pictures or create their own with their group members. This is a group
assignment so everyone should participate and contribute in some capacity. Below is a sample portfolio
that students will be shown as an example and also be used to load student projects at completion in order
to share with my professor and classmates. This is an opportunity for students to be creative and inform
their classmates about the particular lifts that we went over in class. The class will be divided into 2 groups.
Students will be instructed to go to www.weebly.com to create their pages.
Students will be instructed to be sure to tell their audience who they are, their goals and what they have
learned from this assignment.

Group Assignments:

Group 1: Upper Extremity Exercises

Chase Heckman
CJ Davis
Warren Rivers
Mitch Weaver
Blaine Johnston

Group 2: Lower Extremity Exercises

Tyler Malone
Dylan Courtney
Dylan Williams
Andrew Harrison
TJ Orso
Colin Mason


Approved January, 2013

Students will be graded on both the individual and the group project using the Rubric found under the
Evaluation section of the lesson plan. The assessment tool will be a formative evaluation by the teacher
with the content of each component of the project to be worth the following:
 Use of media-25%
 Inclusion of Essential Content-25%
 Design of Sites-25%
 Final Product-25%


The following Rubric will be used as to assess the necessary components of both the individual
project and the group project.

Exceptional Proficient Basic Unacceptable

Use of Media Media content is Media content Media content is Content is either
thorough and includes everything very basic. missing or
complete and required and is Includes incomplete. Media
shows innovation interesting. everything required included either
and creativity. but nothing overly doesn’t work or is
Media use will be interesting or very plain.
captivating. exceptional.
Inclusion of Data included is Data includes Data is mostly Data is incomplete
Essential Content thorough and everything complete. Details and/or details are
complete. required. Details are very basic and vague and
Exceptional details are good and content is mostly explanations are
and complete content is included and either not given or
explanations are complete. explained at least incomplete.
given. to some degree.
Design of Sites Sites are Sites include Sites include Sites are
exceptionally everything mostly everything incomplete.
created. All required. Required required. Most Animations/media
required information is parts of the site are are either not
information is included and site created correctly included or poorly
included and design and and designed.
animations/media animations/media animations/media
and content of the are interesting are included,
site are although they are
captivating. basic or may be
missing small
Final Product Finished product is Finished product is Finished product is Finished product is
exceptional in good in terms of basic in terms of poor and lacks in
terms of site site design, site design, terms of site
design, animations, animations, design,
animations, organizations and organizations and animations,
organizations and content included. content included. organizations and
content included. content included.

Approved January, 2013

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks
for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for
teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry.
New York: Teachers College Press.

Approved January, 2013

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