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Journal of Hydrology 529 (2015) 1901–1908

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Paddy rice ecohydrology pattern and influence on nitrogen dynamics

in middle-to-high latitude area
Wei Ouyang a,⇑, Siyang Chen b,a, Xuelei Wang c, Yushu Shan d,a
School of Environment, State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Marine Monitoring and Forecasting Center of Zhejiang, Hangzhou 310007, China
Satellite Environment Center, MEP, Beijing 100094, China
Taihu Basin Authority, Ministry of Water Resources, Shanghai 200434, China

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Paddy rice in middle-to-high latitude areas has a longer growing period with lower temperature.
Received 6 September 2014 Therefore, it was hypothesized to have a different soil ecohydrology pattern and nitrogen (N) efficiency.
Received in revised form 30 April 2015 Based on daily monitoring of soil moisture and N concentrations in soil water at four depth layers, the
Accepted 7 August 2015
characteristics and their ecohydrological interactions, soil environmental indexes and N dynamics were
Available online 13 August 2015
This manuscript was handled by Geoff
analyzed. The temporal–vertical observations of soil moisture and soil water acquisition rates demon-
Syme, Editor-in-Chief strated the existence of an impermeable soil layer at 30 cm, which had lower soil organic carbon content.
The soil moisture greater in the upper layer had higher soil organic carbon content, which provided the
critical conditions for the rice tillage. Lower than the 60 cm depth, the soil moisture increased and had a
Soil water peak acquisition rate of approximately 0.0075 cm3 s 1. The concentration of NO3 -N in the water at the
Paddy rice nitrogen soil subsurface was approximately 2.4 times than that of NH+4-N. The NO3 -N had a larger concentration
Ecohydrology in cold area at the deeper layer as a result of downing leaching, but the NH+4-N had a greater concentration in the tops
Soil microclimate soil layer than the other depths. The soils under the influence of freeze–thawing had the largest TN con-
Middle-to-high latitude area centration in surface water at the end of April, which was about three times than that of the peak during
the growing period. This study aligned the interactions between the N dynamics with soil microclimatic
factors such as temperature, water pH and moisture across the 90 cm profile. The temporal–vertical pat-
tern of soil moisture and the N in soil water provided evidence for the hypothesis that the soil ecohydrol-
ogy dynamics in this area. These findings were of particular significance to understanding the impacts of
paddy rice ecohydrology with N dynamics in middle-to-high latitude areas, which can help to optimize
the N availability and water efficiency.
Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction studies found that the soil ecohydrology feature is the most impor-
tant variable for the N transportation (McIsaac and Libra, 2003;
Paddy rice cultivation in the middle-to-high latitude regions of Shrestha et al., 2007). It has been hypothesized that the paddy rice
China occurs in the most northern latitude paddy rice area the cultivation had different ecohydrology dynamics under the cold
world. This cultivation is based on the long interactions of water conditions and had special impacts on the N movement. In this
and nutrients under cold conditions (Chen et al., 2013). Nitrogen study, the temporal–vertical dynamics of soil water and their
(N) is a major yield-limiting nutrient factor of crop production in impacts on N were observed and analyzed.
the agro-ecosystem (Möller et al., 2006). Nitrogen loss is also the The rice cultivated in the middle-to-high latitude ranges
main environmental issue for long term agricultural activities, requires special practices that impact the paddy land ecohydrology
which is critical for environmental quality (Arauzo et al., 2011). and the N cycle in the rice fields (Singh et al., 2006). The soil mois-
The impacts of irrigation, fertilizer, and crop rotation on N leaching ture and N availability in soil are controlled by patterned tillage
have generally been explored from the perspective of agricultural practices and fertilization application principles, which also impact
management (Fuller et al., 2010; Gheysari et al., 2009). Previous the relationship between the soil microclimate and N (Zvomuya
et al., 2006; Joseph and Henry, 2008). The ecohydrology and inter-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 58804585. actions with N in middle-to-high latitude paddy rice are still not
E-mail address: (W. Ouyang).
thoroughly understood and have not been well documented by
0022-1694/Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1902 W. Ouyang et al. / Journal of Hydrology 529 (2015) 1901–1908

field research (Hao et al., 2013). The ecohydrology in rice fields is were also identified. In brief, the objectives of the study were to:
characterized by ponding under saturation conditions during the (1) discriminate the paddy rice field ecohydrology characteristics
growth period, but is sometimes unsaturated under intermittent at four soil depths in middle-to-high latitude area, (2) identify
submerged conditions (Boling et al., 2008). Under this condition, the interactions between the soil ecohydrology and the transporta-
the amount of N and soil water in each layer of the soil profile tion of TN, NO3 -N, and NH+4-N at four soil layers, and (3) quantify
below the arable layer is an important part of soil N storage. the impacts of ponding and soil microclimate on four forms of N
Vertical flows are more effective than horizontal flow systems concentrations in the 0–90 cm soil profile.
because of their high oxygen transfer rates and longer ponding
times (Cooper, 2005).
The N dynamics in paddy rice depend on the varieties of 2. Materials and methods
edaphic, tillage, climatic, and agronomic factors. The soil proper-
ties, such as texture and organic matter content, are the priority 2.1. Research site description
factors that affect the water-holding capacity of soils (Hopmans,
2003; Sleutel et al., 2008). The greater leaching due to higher soil Field investigations provide the most direct and effective means
moisture and the presence of preferential flow pathways may for evaluating soil water dynamics and N transportation (Bagarello
decrease N availability (Shipitalo et al., 2000). The N transforma- et al., 2010; Jalali, 2005). Field observations were conducted on a
tion is highly sensitive to soil ecohydrology variations, which is a farm in a middle-high latitude area, which has latitude more than
controlling variable that affects the redox potential of soil (Yu 45°. The experiment station in Paddy #1 of the Bawujiu Farm
and Ehrenfeld, 2009). Furthermore, the paddy land ecohydrology adjoins the Ussuri River in northeast of China, (Fig. 1). The field
can include water storage and availability levels, which are the was irrigated by well water, where the well location is approxi-
necessary for rice growth. The temperature sensitivity of net nitri- mately 10 m north of the field. The irrigation and drainage canals
fication and N mineralization also vary with soil hydrological sta- embayed the field on two sides with a total length of 50 m. The
tus (Craine and Gelderman, 2011) and long-term studies show topography of the field is defined by a 0–1% slope in east-west
that N losses by leaching typically increase with higher soil mois- and north-south direction. The regional climate is cold temperate
ture conditions (Bryant et al., 2011). continental monsoon with a mean annual precipitation (1983–
Understanding the interactions of soil ecohydrology and nitro- 2010) of 588 mm and a mean annual air temperature (1983–
gen (N) is important to improve the efficiency of water use and 2010) of 2.94 °C. The monthly average air temperature is below
N in the farmland, which is more critical in the middle-to-high lat- 0 °C for approximately 6 months during the year (Ouyang et al.,
itude agricultural systems (Fuentes et al., 2003). Paddy land ecohy- 2013).
drology dynamics depend on a combination of micro-variables,
including soil texture, precipitation, evaporation, and crop transpi- 2.2. Soil characterization and farming practice
ration (Hupet and Vanclooster, 2005). During N transport in soil
water, dissolved organic N is recognized as the main form in soil The paddy rice growing area in this region has a special vertical
surface water (SW) and leaching in soil subsurface water (SSW) profile and there is an impermeable albic layer at around 30 cm
(Fellman et al., 2008). In addition to serving as transport media depth, which is the necessary condition for rice growth (Hao
for N transport, soil water also influences the denitrification pro- et al., 2013). The soil texture and chemical characteristics, such
cess and the availability of N to plants (Hagedorn et al., 2001). as soil bulk density, pH, organic matter, TN, and organic carbon
The paddy rice in this middle-to-high latitude area was of the 90 cm profile is summarized (Table 1). The planting and har-
reclaimed from wetlands during agricultural exploitation, and vesting dates, detailed irrigation events, and tillage and fertiliza-
how to minimize the environmental impact with larger yields is tion practices are presented in Table 2. Irrigation amounts from
the priority concern (Hao et al., 2012). In this study, the quantity ponding to harvesting in the rice growing season ranged from 20
of soil water and N dynamics (TN, NO3 -N, and NH+4-N) in SW and to 60 mm. The field received N, P, and K from chemical fertilizer
SSW at different depths was monitored daily. The impacts of soil of urea (N 46%), diammonium phosphate (N 18%, P2O5 46%), and
temperature, pH, and soil ecohydrology on soil water N dynamics potassium sulfate (K2O 33%).

Well Soil water sampler

Soil moisture sensor
Soil temperature sensor
Paddy #1
DC 15 cm
30 cm
Paddy #2
60 cm
Paddy #3
90 cm
Experimental site
IC: irrigation canal
DC: drainage canal

Fig. 1. Location of the experimental field and associated sensors and samplers.
W. Ouyang et al. / Journal of Hydrology 529 (2015) 1901–1908 1903

Table 1 inserted into the soil column and left to equilibrate for 24 h
Soil physical–chemical properties in four layers of tested paddy rice field. (Chen et al., 2013).
Soil depth Soil Organic TN (g kg ) Organic C pH Bulk
(cm) texture matter (g kg ) (g kg 1) density
(g cm 3) 2.5. Data analysis procedure
0–15 Loam 30.3 1.58 17.8 5.50 1.11
15–30 Loam 26.5 1.42 16.9 5.98 1.24 Statistical analyses were performed using Sigmaplot 10.0
30–60 Clay 12.0 0.69 7.2 6.10 1.58 (Systat Software Inc., San Jose, CA, USA) and SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc.,
60–90 Clay 10.2 0.74 5.9 6.57 1.64
Chicago, IL, USA) software packages. Curve regression (exponen-
tial) analysis was employed to describe relationships between TN
concentrations in SW during the ponding period. Pearson correla-
2.3. Soil water monitoring and laboratory measurements tion coefficients were computed to analyze the relationships
between the soil water acquisition rates with precipitation and
To evaluate the performance of the irrigation amount, a moni- the concentrations of each N form with soil temperature at differ-
toring system (Intelligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter, LDG-150S- ent depths. The MANOVA was employed to analyze the impacts of
M2X100, Tianjian, China) was employed. To monitor the soil water soil microclimate factors on N dynamics in SW and SSW. As is nec-
N, four vertical samplers (a suction cup: Teflon and quartz powder; essary for MANOVA, the air temperatures were divided into five
OD 21 mm  L 95 mm; aperture, 2 lm; conductibility, ranges (3–6 °C, 6–10 °C, 10–15 °C, 15–20 °C, and >20 °C); the soil
3.31  10 6 mm s 1, PRENART, Denmark) were installed in a plot temperatures were divided into five ranges (3–4 °C, 4–8 °C, 8–
at a 45° angle at depths of 15, 30, 60, and 90 cm. The porous cup 15 °C, 15–20 °C, and > 20 °C); the ponding depths were divided
was surrounded with fine quartz sand so that the biggest pores into five levels (0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, and 40–50 mm). The
in the collector were filled with fine soil or silica flour to ensure value of soil moisture, pH, and N concentrations at each depth
a tight capillary contact with the soil. For sampling, the PVC pipe were divided into five levels.
was separately connected to a PRENART collecting bottle with a
screw cap, and a 0.05 MPa vacuum was applied with aid of a por-
table vacuum pump. Soil water samples were collected at least 3. Results
once a week and three samples were collected continuously each
time. The precipitation, irrigation water, and recession flow sam- 3.1. Temporal–vertical pattern of soil moisture during thawing period
ples were collected with triplicate samples after each precipitation,
irrigation, or recession event. After each of these events, soil water Daily monitoring data was used to analyze the temporal–verti-
samples (15, 30, 60, and 90 cm) were collected at intervals of 1, 2, cal dynamics of the soil moisture, which observed the similar pat-
3, and 5 days. During the ponding period, water samples were terns at the four layers (Fig. 2). The soil moisture increased from
taken daily. The soil water sample was sealed in plastic bottles. 0.20 to 0.45 cm3 cm 3 in April because of the thawing of frozen
The water volume, elapsed time, pH, irrigation amount, and soil. Following the early growing period after the rice planting,
ponding level were determined immediately. The irrigation the moisture changed slightly from 0.38 to 0.42 cm3 cm 3 and fluc-
amount was calculated by the velocity and duration of irrigation. tuated noticeably during the pre-harvest period. At the depth of
The acquisition rate of soil water at a given depth was defined as 30 cm, the water storage decreased to 0.35 cm3 cm 3 and then
the water volume divided by the elapsed time. Water samples increased to 45 cm3 cm 3 after a heavy rain. Furthermore, the soil
were immediately taken to the lab and stored at 4 °C in an icebox at the 90 cm began with more water storage than soils at the other
until N analyses were performed. Water samples were analyzed for three depths. The water storage reached 0.48 cm3 cm 3, which was
total nitrogen (TN), nitrate (NO3 -N), and ammonia (NH+4-N). The TN approximately 14% more than that of the 15 cm soil, possibly
was analyzed by UV spectrophotometer after alkaline potassium because of the leaching of water through the soil profile or the
persulfate digestion. The NO3 -N was determined colorimetrically thawing of frozen soil.
using the UV spectrophotometric method. The NH+4-N was deter- Precipitation and irrigation were the main water sources for the
mined by salicylic acid spectrophotometry (Caliskan et al., 2008). rice field, and accumulated for the vertical distribution The precip-
itation event on 13 August resulted in the relatively high soil mois-
2.4. Meteorological monitoring ture on the soil profile after two (15 cm, 0.43 cm3 cm 3) and seven
days (30 cm, 0.42 cm3 cm 3; 60 cm, 0.43 cm3 cm 3). The ponding
The meteorological data were recorded on-site by the ZENO level responded sensitively to the precipitation and irrigation
Meteorological Station. Automated soil temperature (Thermistor, events (p < 0.01) mainly because of the drainage required for trans-
Coastal, Seattle, USA) and moisture (TDR type, Coastal, Seattle, planting. The precipitation events resulted in a 20 mm increase in
USA) sensors with data logger were inserted flatly into the undis- the ponding level. Moreover, the air temperature increased stea-
turbed soil layers at the corresponding depth of soil samples. The dily and reached 26.5 °C in late July. Followed by the dry soil sur-
set-up of soil temperature and moisture sensors was replicated face, this period, referred to as the booting stage, was the prime
at a distance of 0.5 m. The vertical samplers and sensors were time for rice plant growth.

Table 2
Tillage practices in paddy rice field in middle-to-high latitude area.
Crop Crop year Planting date Harvesting date Tillage prior to planting ponding Main fertilization (kg ha ) Fertilizationa (kg ha 1
Rice 2011 15/5 5/10 Rotary tilling 588.00 90.30 55.20 52.62
Irrigation (mm)
Date (D/M) 20/4 30/4 2/5 24/5 29/5 28/6 26/7
Amount (mm) 60 40 30 30 20 30 40
Based on computational the N, phosphorus, and potassium elements; All the dates are day/month.
1904 W. Ouyang et al. / Journal of Hydrology 529 (2015) 1901–1908

Drainage Dry period

0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45

Soil moisture (cm3 cm-3)

Fig. 2. Daily precipitation, 2-m air temperature, irrigation, ponding level and soil moisture pattern in paddy rice.

3.2. Soil water acquisition rate in paddy rice with those in the other layers; the coefficient of variance (CV) value
reached 0.52. The acquisition rate of the soil water and precipita-
The soil water-extractable efficiency and pH at each layer were tion showed similar trends. The correlation analysis between these
analyzed with vertical samplers. The acquisition rate of soil water factors indicated that the acquisition rate at 60 cm was mostly
at 60 cm was higher than at shallower depths, with a peak value of associated with precipitation (P < 0.050). Overall, the acquisition
0.0075 cm3 s 1 (Fig. 3). During the rice growing season, the soil rate decreased in late season due to the smaller amount of precip-
water acquisition rate at the various depths fluctuated. There itation and less irrigation at a time when temperatures were
was little variation in the acquisition rates among the depths at higher.
15, 30, and 90 cm, with slight fluctuations in the early season Over the growing season, the average pH and standard devia-
and a large fluctuation in the late season. For the 60 cm layer, tion of SW were 7.51 and 0.52, respectively. The pH increased from
the acquisition rate decreased sharply in early August after a slight 7.1 to 7.7 when the soil was fertilized with a weak alkaline med-
fluctuation stage. Table 3 shows that there were significant fluctu- ium. Then, the pH decreased quickly by 0.89 units and increased
ations in the acquisition rate at the 15 cm deep layer compared smoothly for a long time. The pH did not change significantly
under sustained wetting in June and thereafter decreased to 6.3
in the middle of August under dry and high-temperature condi-
0.008 tions. The average pH of the SSW was 7.60, and the pH at the
15 cm 15 cm depth was the highest, followed by the values at the 30,
0.007 30 cm
Acquisition rate of soil water (cm 3 s-1)

90, and 60 cm depths. The pH of SSW at each soil depth decreased

60 cm in the middle of August when the pH in SW decreased (see Fig. 4).
90 cm
3.3. Temporal–vertical pattern of N in soil subsurface water
The temporal–vertical variations of each N form in the paddy
0.003 rice soil profile are shown in Fig. 5. The TN concentration in each
Table 3
Statistical analysis of acquisition rates on soil water profile.
Items Depth (cm)
15 30 60 90
4-22 5-13 6-3 6-24 7-15 8-5 8-26 9-16
Mean 0.0016 0.0021 0.0048 0.0020
Date Std. error 0.0008 0.0008 0.0017 0.0005
Coefficient of variance 0.52 0.39 0.34 0.25
Fig. 3. Acquisition rate of soil water at different depths.
W. Ouyang et al. / Journal of Hydrology 529 (2015) 1901–1908 1905

9.0 a level of 1.63 mg L 1, compared with 0.8 mg L 1 late in the season.

8.5 The considerable concentration decrease in the lower layers may
be due to upward soil water flow from the lower to upper layer.
The soil water continued to migrate upwards, accompanied by

7.5 NO3 -N until late July, when irrigation and precipitation occurred.
7.0 The correlations of the N concentrations in SSW at different soil
depths were also analyzed (Table 4). The NO3 -N and NH+4-N in the
SW 15 cm 30 cm 60 cm 90 cm
top two soil layers varied in a similar manner. In contrast to NO3 -
6.0 N, NH+4-N had the smallest standard (Std.) error and variance, sug-
4-22 5-13 6-3 6-24 7-15 8-5 8-26 9-16
gesting that it did not fluctuate significantly in the entire period.
Date Relative to NO3 -N, NH+4-N was only found in small concentrations,
Fig. 4. SW and SSW pH (15, 30, 60, and 90 cm) during rice growing season.
fluctuating by approximately 0.5 mg L 1. The NO3 -N concentra-
tions were generally very small, and most of the depths showed
mean concentrations of approximately 0.8 mg L 1. Comparing the
layer reached a similar value late in the season, whereas the N con-
results to the N input, its concentration in the SSW was relatively
centrations at the 15 cm layer were higher earlier in the growing
low, suggesting that N was sustainably assimilated by the rice
season and lower as the rice matured in August and September.
plants or lost in other ways. In general, changes in TN and NO3 -
These results suggested that a considerable amount of N was lost
N were more pronounced than those in NH+4-N with fertilization.
during the growing season, which may be the consequence of crop
The correlation analysis indicated that there was a slight correla-
absorption, leach and microbial N transformation. The TN concen-
tion of NO3 -N at 90 cm depth with the other three layers.
tration at the 15 cm depth decreased and became close to that at
the 30 and 60 cm depths. At the 30 cm layer, the TN concentration
was low at the beginning and increased to a high concentration
level relatively late. The seasonal variation of TN at 60 cm was sim- 3.4. Soil water N dynamics in surface and recession water
ilar to the trend at 90 cm; in both cases the trend was relatively
smooth. The NO3 -N dynamics in the SW followed not the similar trends
The variation of NO3 -N, was very sensitive to the water input. to those for TN and NH+4-N, where the NO3 -N concentration kept
After irrigation or precipitation, the concentration of NO3 -N at constant during the rice growing period (Fig. 6(a)). The largest
the 15 cm layer increased, with peaks on May 30, July 2, and July TN concentration in the SW appeared at the end of April, when
28, and then decreased immediately thereafter. In the middle of the rice was not get cultivated. Overlaying the TN concentration
July, when there was no precipitation and the temperature was with the soil temperature, it was found that peak value in SW
high, the lower NO3 -N decrease suggested that the root zone was a consequence of soil thawing. The TN reached its peak con-
was watered without oxygen input, thereby enhancing the micro- centration quickly after urea was applied and then decreased
bial N transformation. The TN in the upper and lower layers had quickly during the growth period. The downward trend of TN fit
higher N concentrations than those of the two middle layers. In the exponential equation (Y = C0  e kt, R2 = 0.971). The NH+4-N
the ponding condition, there were high NO3 -N and NH+4-N concen- concentration peaked 1–2 days after urea was applied and
trations in the upper layer. The concentration of NH+4-N in the soil decreased soon afterward as NO3 -N increased slightly, which also
water decreased as the depth increased, suggesting that anaerobic leveled off after another 3–4 days. The NO3 -N typically changed
ammonia oxidation (anammox) may occur in these anaerobic smoothly, with a low concentration of approximately
conditions. 0.97 mg L 1. However, the results showed that N concentrations
In contrast to NH+4-N, the NO3 -N was inclined to vary through- of 28% and 62% were found in SW for NO3 -N/TN and NH+4-N/TN,
out the profile. The NO3 -N concentration was highest at the 15 cm respectively. In order to transplant the rice plants from greenhouse
layer, lowest at the 30 cm layer, and similar moderate values to the field, the SW was drained on 15 May. The recession flow was
occurred at the 60 and 90 cm layers. Furthermore, under the influ- investigated over five consecutive days (Fig. 6(b)). The concentra-
ence of the non-water input-cultivation in early July, the NO3 -N tions of TN, NO3 -N, and NH+4-N in the recession water gradually
concentration in soil water at the 15 cm depth increased from mid- decreased, with decreases of 22%, 15%, and 50%, respectively, from
dle July with higher soil moisture due to the precipitation, reaching the first to the fifth day.

2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 (mg L-1) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (mg L-1) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (mg L-1)

Fig. 5. Temporal–spatial variations of N concentration in soil subsurface water of paddy rice fields.
1906 W. Ouyang et al. / Journal of Hydrology 529 (2015) 1901–1908

Table 4
Statistical features and correlation coefficients of N in vertical SSW (mg L ).

Index Soil depth (cm) Min Max Mean Std. error Variance 15 cm 30 cm 60 cm 90 cm
TN 15 2.09 7.62 3.97 1.27 2.44 1
30 1.83 4.12 2.77 0.60 0.89 0.399a 1
60 1.24 3.50 2.55 0.60 0.82 0.166 0.149 1
90 2.26 5.40 3.39 0.69 1.09 0.060 0.451a 0.491a 1
NO3 -N 15 0.74 1.87 1.29 0.28 0.41 1
30 0.13 1.10 0.60 0.22 0.40 0.110 1
60 0.16 1.42 0.79 0.30 0.27 0.459a 0.293 1
90 0.16 1.41 0.91 0.37 0.57 0.470a 0.667a 0.706a 1
NH+4-N 15 0.37 0.96 0.72 0.16 0.21 1
30 0.24 0.79 0.52 0.14 0.21 0.762a 1
60 0.24 0.73 0.49 0.10 0.26 0.507a 0.529a 1
90 0.22 0.60 0.42 0.09 0.13 0.066 0.162 0.233 1
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The relationships between the TN concentration in SW and the

(a) soil microclimate factors were identified with the aid of statistical
TN 7
TN (b) analysis (Table 5). The five-way ANOVA analysis indicated that the
N concentration (mg L-1)

25 NO3--N 6 NO3--N
air temperature, soil temperature, and ponding level did not signif-
N concentration of SW (mg L-1)

NH4+-N 5 icantly correlate with the concentration of TN in the SW. The soil
20 2 moisture and the pH of the SW affected the TN concentration to
some extent (p < 0.05). Statistically, the concentrations of NO3 -N
and NH+4-N were not significantly correlated with soil moisture,
5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20
pH and temperature.
The relationships between the TN concentration in SSW at the
15 cm depth and the soil microclimate factors were also analyzed
(Table 6). The three-way ANOVA analysis indicated that the soil
temperature and moisture were closely, to some extent, related
to the TN concentration in the 15 cm layer (p < 0.05). The soil
microclimatic factors did not significantly impact the NO3 -N and
4-20 5-4 5-18 6-1 6-15 6-29 7-13 7-27 8-10 NH+4-N concentrations in either the 15 or 90 cm layers. In the
Date 30 cm layer, each N form was correlated with the soil temperature
of each layer (p < 0.05). In the 60 cm layer, the soil moisture had a
Fig. 6. N Concentrations in SW (a) and in recession flow (b) with drainage time significant effect on NO3 -N (p < 0.05), and the pH had a significant
during the ponding period.
effect on NH+4-N (p < 0.05).

3.5. Interaction analysis of soil water N with soil microclimatic factors

4. Discussion

In the paddy rice fields in this middle-to-high latitude area, the

4.1. Soil ecohydrology and N pattern in middle-to-high latitude area
soil temperature varied intensively from April to the end of
September (Fig. 7). The temperature at the 15 cm depth fluctuated
The special soil ecohydrology pattern due to the vertical profile
more than it did at the lower three layers due to the heat exchange
of the soil is the basis for rice cultivation in this cold middle-to-
with the soil surface or air and the soil texture of the profile.
Furthermore, the soil temperature of the 15 cm layer and the air Table 5
temperature were closely correlated with each other throughout ANOVA analysis of soil microclimatic factors on the concentration of TN in SW.
the growing season (PC = 0.971, p = 0.000). Variation Sum of squares Mean squares F P
Soil temperature 9.020 4.510 3.088 0.120
Ponding level 14.601 3.650 1.199 0.375
Soil moisture 16.860 8.430 5.772 0.040
pH 16.264 8.132 5.568 0.043
Error 8.763 1.460
Corrected total 65.984 26.658

0 Table 6
5 ANOVA results of soil microclimatic factors with TN concentration in SSW at 15 cm
10 depth.
20 Variation Sum of squares Mean squares F P
25 Soil temperature 12.410 0.886 4.187 0.044
Soil moisture 1.251 1.251 5.910 0.049
Ponding Growing stage pH 0.005 0.005 0.021 0.889
Error 1.270 0.212
Corrected total 16.426
Fig. 7. Temporal and vertical pattern of soil temperatures.
W. Ouyang et al. / Journal of Hydrology 529 (2015) 1901–1908 1907

high latitude area. Compared with a sand/gravel medium, clay soil the accurate fertilization with consideration of soil water and the
substrates have a high water retention capacity and porosity (Horn SW adjustment after the thawing are the priority issues.
et al., 1994; Zotarelli et al., 2009), which influence the microbial
community and N pattern in the soil. The lower acquisition rate
4.3. Paddy rice N optimization in middle-to-high latitude area
of soil water at the 30–60 cm depths meant there was an imperme-
able layer with the weak permeability. The soil moisture and
The effects of soil water on N redistribution in rice soil are
acquisition rate is different in comparison with other areas. In rice
mainly related to the differences in pH and N transformations,
field in tropical Thailand with loamy sand at depths of 0–60 cm
which also influence N optimization. The SW’s pH will decrease
and sand clay at depths below 60 cm, the soil moisture at
after fertilization, which is due to the organic acid exudation from
100 cm was always significantly higher than that at 60 cm
the rice residue impelled by the fertilizer (Surekha et al., 2003).
(Moroizumi et al., 2009). The soil moisture is closely related to
However, the ponding period and waterlogging events would
the soil texture as dispersion theory has show, where a linear rela-
accelerate urea hydrolyzation and increase the pH in soil
tionship between the coefficient of hydrodynamic dispersion and
(Ponnamperuma, 1972), which will occur more rapidly in the
the water velocity has been verified (Nützmann et al., 2002). For
middle-to-high latitude paddy rice area. The pH at the 60 cm depth
similar highly mechanized tillage practices, the soil properties in
has a more direct impact on the NH+4-N concentration, which
the rice field are fairly homogeneous during the agricultural
increased on June 16, July 12 and July 29 with correspondingly
exploitation, which leads to a clear gradient in the soil water acqui-
higher pH values. The SW’s pH can prove an indication of the sorp-
sition rate.
tion and dissolution of N in soil (Wang and Alva, 2000). The pH
In a paddy rice field, the soil has a greater chance of being stored
should be frequently monitored during tillage and before fertiliza-
in anaerobic holding ponds and subjected to the freeze–thawing.
tion planning, which also varies under different type of the soil.
Due to the anaerobia, NO3 -N may not be produced in waterlogged
The spatial distributions of the horizontal variations cause some
profiles (Cooper et al., 2007). Thus, the NO3 -N accounts for a small
uncertainty on the N optimization, especially for the soil
proportion of TN in the field experiment. With the tillage before
transplanting, the rice field is recharged with aerobic water. This
Vertical monitoring in Japanese middle latitude areas has indi-
may cause an alternating aerobic and anaerobic condition that
cate that flooded rice fields have higher NH+4-N concentrations in
would induce nitrification and subsequent denitrification.
the upper layers than in the non-flooded columns (Zhou et al.,
Precipitation and irrigation intensify soil hydrological processes
2009). The similar findings in our middle-to-high latitude study
and improve the NO3 -N leaching (Sun et al., 2008; Gheysari
area suggest that anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) may
et al., 2009), which also contributed slight N to the field with the
occur under anaerobic conditions. As a result of the vertical pattern
irrigation water and rainfall. The N from the irrigation is covered
of the soil in this area, the anaerobic condition varies at different
in the water sample, but this part of N can be explained separately.
depths and has a larger impact on N concentration than does the
pH in the SSW. Due to soil texture of the impermeable layer, it
has a much stronger soil redox potential under intermittently
4.2. Interactions of soil water with N transportation
flooded vertical flows (Minamikawa and Sakai, 2006). It is our con-
clusion that pH and irrigation adjustments provide effective solu-
The interactions between N concentrations with soil water
tions for N optimization in middle-to-high latitude paddy rice
could be affected by the N accumulation efficiency of crops and
the soil N concentration. Furthermore, the amount of soil N in
paddy rice fields can be supplemented by the substantial release
of N by the soil (Reddy and Dangelo, 1997). The MANOVA results 5. Conclusions
indicated that the soil water dynamics significantly affect the N
concentration in the SW and SSW at the 15 cm layer (Tables 5 This study explored the temporal–vertical dynamics of soil
and 6). The NO3 -N concentration at the 60 cm layer is high in water profile and patterns of three different N forms in paddy rice
the early growing season and low in the late growing season under land in a middle-to-high latitude area. The analysis compared the
the seasonal moisture dynamics, which is also controlled by the N concentration and transport among different soil microclimate
effect of soil moisture on net nitrification (Wang et al., 2006). conditions. The concentrations of each N form in the SW and
The nitrification rate is typically rapid under thermic and hyper- SSW were low with the low fertilizer level compared with other
thermic conditions (Thompson et al., 2002), which may explain paddy rice areas. The temporal variations in NH+4-N and NO3 -N
the soil temperature’s significant impacts on the N dynamics in were not significant, but the spatial distributions of water and N
some soil layers. For the SW, the impact of soil temperature on were different for the impermeable layer at the 30 cm depth. We
nitrification is not so significant due to the rapid leaching of concluded that soil texture played an important role in soil water
NO3 -N. The decreasing peak value of the NH+4-N concentration is and N dynamics in the middle-to-high latitude paddy rice area. It
consistent with ammonia volatilization, which is accompanied by improved water retention and N capacity of soil, thus improving
its quick attenuation (Sommer et al., 1991). conditions for rice growing.
The rice was planted in the beginning of May and harvested in Soil temperature and precipitation significantly affected the
the end of September (Table 1). This is a longer growth time than NO3 -N concentration in this middle-to-high latitude paddy rice
occurs in the tropical areas (Yang and Chang, 1999). Therefore, field. Before the rice was planted in May, the soil temperature
the water and N addition face a greater challenge under the longer was the key factor for soil moisture and N loss in the surface flow.
growing period. The peak concentration in SSW ranged from On average, the N concentrations in soil water were partially asso-
3.50 mg L 1 to 7.62 mg L 1, which was similar to the value in the ciated with the soil temperature and moisture. Under the relatively
SW. Compared with the N concentration and water flow in warm longer growth period, the N had more opportunities to slow down.
agricultural areas (Zhao et al., 2014), the N loss percentage was Furthermore, the concentrations of the three N forms in the 90 cm
lower in this middle-to-high latitude area. However, the largest layer had pronounced peaks during the early ponding period while
N concentration in SW after the thawing period and the peak value the layers above 60 cm was in a frozen state. The distributions of
in recession water after the fertilization still highlight the risk of N the soil water and N during the freeze–thaw period should be doc-
to the aquatic environment. With respect to soil N conservation, umented in future studies.
1908 W. Ouyang et al. / Journal of Hydrology 529 (2015) 1901–1908

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