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Liderazgo Social Y Empresarial Desde Soacha

Fundada en 1988 N

English G
First term
Thematic axis : Social Sedia , Phrasal Verbs ,Countries and Capitals .

 .

Indicators of achievement:

Conversación Comparación
Vocabuario Contrastación Sinonimia.
Lectural literal Conceptualización. Contextualización.
Escritura funcional Generalización. Modelación.
Toma de decisiones. Extraer macropensamientos
Resolución de problemas.


1. Explore your knowledge. HOURS: 2 HOURS.
2. Social Media
2. Phrasal Verbs HOURS: 4 HOURS
3. Activities
4. Countries and capitals HOURS: 8 HOURS
5.Critical reading.
7. Speaking. HOURS: 4 HOURS
8. Saber que es.

Gonna is the
informal way
to say going
to. Just
replace it as
you speak
Institución Educativa de
ExploreMaría Reina
Your Knowlege

How would you describe the following pictures? Look at them carefully, describe what you see.
If you prefer, write in your notebook your ideas before speaking






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Institución Educativa de
María Reina
Social media refers to websites and applications that are designed to allow people to share

content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. Many people define social media as apps on their
smartphone or tablet, but the truth is, this communication tool started with computers. This
misconception stems from the fact that most social media users access their tools via apps.

The ability to share photos, opinions, events, etc in real-time has transformed the way we live
and, also, the way we do business. Retailers who use social media as an integral part of their
marketing strategy usually see measurable results. But the key to successful social media is to
not treat it as an extra appendage but to treat it with the same care, respect, and attention you
do all of your marketing efforts.

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Institución Educativa de
María Reina
Do emojis and GIFs restrict our language and
by :


Recently I read Nineteen Eighty-Four, a dystopian novel by George Orwell set in a totalitarian state where
even the language they use is controlled. Adjectives are forbidden and instead they use phrases such as
'ungood', 'plus good' and 'double plus good' to express emotions. As I first read this I thought how impossible
it would be in our society to have such vocabulary. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realised
in its own way it's already happening. I type messages to my friends and alongside each is the obligatory
emoji. I often use them to emphasise something, or to not seem too serious, or because this specific GIF
conveys my emotions much better than I ever could using just words. And I wonder, with our excessive use
of emojis, are we losing the beauty and diversity of our vocabulary?

English has the largest vocabulary in the world, with over one million words, but who's to say what it'll be like
in the future? Perhaps we will have a shorter language, full of saying 'cry face' if something sad happens or
using abbreviations like LOL (laugh out loud) or BRB (be right back) instead of saying the full phrase. So
does this mean our vocab will shrink? Is it the start of an exciting new era? Will they look back on us in the
future and say this is where it all began – the new language? Or is this a classic case of the older
generations saying, 'Things weren't like that when I was younger. We didn't use emoticons to show our

Yet when you look back over time, the power of image has always been there. Even in the prehistoric era
they used imagery to communicate, and what's even more incredible is that we are able to analyse those
drawings and understand the meaning of them thousands of years later. Pictures have the ability to
transcend time and language. Images, be it cave paintings or emojis, allow us to convey a message that's
not restrictive but rather universal.

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Institución Educativa de
María Reina
Exploration of
the environment

Answer the questions that appear on the screen.


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Institución Educativa de
María Reina

Let’s give
an opinion

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Institución Educativa de
María Reina


Los verbos compuestos en inglés, también conocidos como phrasal verbs, son verbos
compuestos por dos palabras, un adverbio y una preposición que al ser utilizados juntos
adquieren significados diferentes.

Antes de explicar a fondo qué son los verbos compuestos en inglés, entendamos a detalle sus

1. Verbo (Verb)
El verbo es una palabra que describe una acción, algo que está sucediendo, un estado
del ser o una acción que se está realizando. Ejemplos:
To eat: Comer
To come: Venir
To sleep: Dormir

2. Preposición (Preposition)
Las preposicipnes describen una relación entre dos palabras, tratan principalmente de
lugares o ubicaciones. Ejemplos:
On: En

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Institución Educativa de
María Reina
Through: Por/ A través de
Around: Alrededor

3. Adverbio (Adverb)
El adverbio describe al verbo. Ejemplos:
Quickly: Rápidamente
Slowly: Lentamente
Gently: Gentilmente

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Institución Educativa de
María Reina

Liderazgo Social y Empresarial Desde Soacha. 14

Institución Educativa de
María Reina
Let’s give
an opinion


Watch the next video and then answer the questions.

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Institución Educativa de
María Reina
Write 9 phrasal verbs Miss Holly said on the video.

Liderazgo Social y Empresarial Desde Soacha. 14

Institución Educativa de
María Reina

COUNT ASIA es hoy en día el continente con mayores extensión y población de

nuestro planeta. Para que te hagas una idea, sólo en Asia reside el

61% de la población mundial.

CHINA es un país con muchísimas vías de tren. De hecho, si las unieran todas, por su extensión,
darían dos veces la vuelta a la tierra.
En JAPÓN, hasta 2015, era ilegal bailar en una discoteca después de medianoche. Esta ley se impuso
después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
¿La razón? Los locales nocturnos eran lugares en los que se facilitaba el ejercicio de la prostitución.
En un intento de evitar esta actividad, se puso esta norma que no ha sido eliminada hasta 67 años
5. En la INDIA tienen hasta 6 estaciones, en lugar de las 4 que nosotros reconocemos. Las 6
estaciones que reconocen son: primavera (a mediados de mayo), verano (a mediados de Julio),
monzón (a mediados de septiembre), otoño (a mediados de noviembre), final de otoño (a mediados de
enero) e invierno (a mediados de marzo).
Sabías que en COREA DEL SUR el tipo de sangre que tengas es algo esencial? Los surcoreanos
consideran que define también tu personalidad. Así, tienen unos estereotipos relacionados con cada
tipo y creen firmemente en ellos, hasta el punto que puede determinar con quién te casaras o si serás
contratado en una empresa.
Por ejemplo, se considera que los que tienen sangre tipo A son puntuales y tradicionales, pero también
obsesivos y un poco estirados. Por otra parte, son fieles a sus parejas. Los de tipo B son
prácticamente lo opuesto: creativos y pasionales y más infieles. Menos trabajadores y poco of
Los AB son considerados personas serenas, pero también muy exigentes. Los thedeenvironment
Tipo 0 son atléticos y
ambiciosos, pero también narcisistas.

23 interesting facts about

different countries!
Liderazgo Social y Empresarial Desde Soacha. 14
Institución Educativa de
María Reina
1. Africa has 54 countries!
2. A third of world’s languages are spoken in Africa!
3. Coffee is grown commercially in Hawaii!
4. After Christianity, Judaism is the 2nd largest Religion in the U.S.A!
5. 90% of the world’s fresh water is in Antarctica!
6. Antarctica is the largest desert in the world.
7. Did you know that there are no polar bears in Antarctica? Yes, they are in Arctic!
8. Antarctica is the only place in the world that has only one ATM!
9. Over 200 languages are spoken in Europe!
10. The largest country in Europe is Russia!
11. The smallest country in Europe is Vatican!
12. Disneyland is the most visited place in Europe! Disneyland is in Paris!
13. No pig is allowed to be called Napoleon in France!
14. The largest island in the world is Green Land!
15. The Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the seven wonders of the Ancient world, that is still
in existence and it is located in Egypt!
16. The official animal of Scotland is the unicorn! How crazy is that?
17. 10 million people visit the Great Wall of China every year.
18. Nigeria has the highest rate of twin births in the world!
19. The Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean are the most endangered island nation!
20. Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse country in the world with 851
individual languages listed.
21. The oldest state in the world is San Marino!
22. Ethiopia and Liberia are the only two countries in Africa that were not colonised by the
European powers.

Fill the missing words.

Liderazgo Social y Empresarial Desde Soacha. 14

Institución Educativa de
María Reina

Complete the crossword below.

Liderazgo Social y Empresarial Desde Soacha. 14

Institución Educativa de
María Reina

Word webs
Word webs means “redes de palabras” in Spanish. They help you to increase your vocabulary.
This is how they work

Joyful Sad

Glad Unhappy
The word in the middle represents the axis
The words in the red ovals tell something opposite to the axis word
The words in the blue ovals tell something similar to the axis word
1. Work in pairs. Select six words from “Eating disorders” text . Complete the following word
webs. You will need a dictionary

Liderazgo Social y Empresarial Desde Soacha. 14

Institución Educativa de
María Reina
By groups of three students. Create a short exposition about how bad habits can affects about physical
and mental health in the future
Aspects to take into account:

1. The exposition most last 5 minutes. Time will be measured

2. All students have to speak
3. Students have to prepare a short exposition about how bad habits can affects about physical
and mental health in the future
4. Use connectors during speaking
5. Body language and security to speak

Assess your classmates

Write comments about your classmates´ performance.

Teacher´s comments about your group


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Institución Educativa de
María Reina
Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Group 7

Que sabes

Read the following text

Ana´s routine

She wakes up, takes a shower and does not have breakfast
She goes to school by walking
She does not pay attention in class
She prefers to be alone between classes

She gives throws her lunch in the trash can
She goes back home at 3:00 pm

Liderazgo Social y Empresarial Desde Soacha. 14

Institución Educativa de
María Reina
She likes to be alone in her bedroom
She does not talk to her parents at all

She uses the computer to look for extreme diets
She does not like to see her reflection in the mirror
She cries at night because she does not like her body
She drinks a soup and goes to sleep

Ana wrote her all day’s routine in a notebook. One day her mother (Marta) finds the notebook and
decides to take a look. Marta is scared and worried about Ana…
Answer the following questions according to the text
1. The eating disorder that Ana has 5. A correct prediction about the reading is
is__________ ______
A. Obesity A. Ana will not go to the doctor
B. Bulimia B. Ana will continue with her problem
C. Anorexia C. Marta is going help Ana
D. not specified D. Marta is not going to pay attention to
2. What does Ana not do during the morning?
A. Have breakfast 6. One of the uses of future (will) is__
B. Take a shower A. Predictions with evidence
C. Walk to school B. Predictions with no specific evidence
D. Wake up C. Daily routines
D. Repeated actions
3. Who is surprised about this situation?
A. Ana 7. Read the sentences. Select the correct
B. The school one
C. Marta A. Ana are gonna go to the doctor
D. Ana´s friends B. Ana is will go to the doctor
C. Ana is gonna to go to the doctor
4. Which kind of help is correct for Ana? D. Ana will going to go to the doctor
A. Only physical
B. Only psychological
C. Physical and psychological
D. Mental and social

Liderazgo Social y Empresarial Desde Soacha. 14

Institución Educativa de
María Reina
Conectores de adición Conectores comparativos
Son aquellos que utilizamos para agregar Than/ que
más ideas: Similarly/ de manera similar
As/ como
Moreover/ además
Furthermore/ además Conectores para generalizar
In addition/ en adición Mostly/ generalmente, mayoritariamente
Not only/ no solo In general/ en general
But also/ sino que también/ incluso
Conectores para aclarar una afirmación
Conectores de contraste In other words/ en otras palabras
Son utilizados para contrastar dos ideas: That is to say/ es decir

Although/ aunque Conectores para enfatizar

However/ sin embargo As a matter of fact/ de hecho, por cierto
Whereas/while/ mientras que Obviously/ obviamente
On the other hand/ por otro lado Above all/ sobre todo
Nevertheless/ sin embargo Definitely/ definitivamente, en efecto
Actually/ de hecho
Conectores causales
Son usados para mostrar la causa de algo: Conectores de introducción
To begin with/ para empezar
Because/because of/ porque Nowadays/ actualmente, hoy en día
Since/ puesto, ya que
Therefore/ por lo tanto Conectores para concluir
As a result/ por eso, como consecuencia In conclusion/ en conclusión
In order to/ para, con tal de In short/ en resumen
To sum up/ para resumir
Conectores secuenciadores
Manifiestan el orden de los acontecimientos: Conectores para expresar opinión
First/firstly/ en primer lugar It seems to me that / A mí me parece que
Second/secondly/ en segundo lugar In my opinion / En mi opinión
Third/thirdly/ en tercer lugar My personal view is that / Mi opinión personal
Next/then/ además, luego, seguidamente es que
After/afterwards/ después de In my experience/ En mi experiencia
Finally/eventually/ eventualmente, al final As far as I understand/ Por lo que yo entiendo
Last but not least/ por ultimo As far as I can see / Por lo que yo puedo ver
As I see it / Como yo lo veo
Otros conectores From my point of view / Desde mi punto de
De igual forma existen otros conectores que vista
te permitirán unir oraciones y párrafos según As far as I know / Por lo que yo sé
sea el caso: From what I know / Por lo que sé
I must admit that/ Tengo que admitir que ...
Conectores para dar ejemplos I cannot deny that/ No puedo negar que
For example/ por ejemplo I can imagine that/ Me imagino que
For instance/ por ejemplo I think/believe/suppose/ Creo / creo /
Such as/ tal como supongo
Apart form/ aparte de Personally, I think/ Personalmente, creo que
Like/ como I am sure/certain/convinced that / Estoy
seguro / seguro / convencido de
Conectores para expresar causa y efecto I am not sure, because I don't know
the situation exactly / No estoy seguro,
As a result/ como resultado porque no conozco la situación exacta.
This is why/ esta es la razón I have read that … He leído que
Since/ ya que I have no opinion in this matter / No tengo
ninguna opinión al respecto.

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