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Microbes and Infection 4 (2002) 853–857


Molecular mechanisms of B-lymphocyte transformation

by Epstein–Barr virus
Gail A. Bishop a,b,c,*, Lisa K. Busch b
Departments of Microbiology and Internal Medicine, 3-570 Bowen Science Bldg., The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
Graduate Program in Molecular Biology, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
VA Medical Center, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA


The B-lymphotropic virus Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of B-cell malignancies, particularly in
immunodeficient individuals. This review provides a brief overview of the EBV-encoded proteins involved in B-cell transformation, and
the current state of knowledge about their roles in this process. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights

Keywords: B lymphocyte; Epstein–Barr virus; Cell transformation; Signal transduction; Lymphoma

1. Introduction has led to considerable effort to understand the molecular

mechanisms by which EBV transforms B cells. This review
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is a human herpesvirus with will focus upon a concise summary of the state of knowl-
tropism for B lymphocytes, although it can also infect edge about these mechanisms.
epithelial cells. In a healthy individual, EBV establishes and
maintains latency in a relatively small number of memory B
cells, remaining quiescent. However, viral inactivity is 2. EBV-associated B-cell malignancies
strongly dependent upon the continuous activity of cytolytic
CD8+ T lymphocytes (CTLs), and infected hosts also have While the majority of EBV-infected individuals will
serum antibodies to proteins expressed in the viral lytic experience no symptoms from latent viral infection, EBV
cycle (reviewed in [1]). Thus, conditions resulting in immu- has been associated with several human malignancies, most
nosuppression allow EBV to promote unregulated notably, endemic Burkitt’s lymphoma in sub-Saharan Af-
B-lymphocyte proliferation and/or survival. B-cell tumors rica, nasopharyngeal carcinoma in southeast Asia, and
directly associated with EBV-mediated transformation arise immunoblastic B-cell lymphoma in immunocompromised
in pharmacologically immunosuppressed patients (such as individuals; in these tumors, EBV is present in almost all
transplant recipients), HIV-infected patients, and persons cases (reviewed in [2]). A causal relationship between EBV
with the genetic disorder X-linked lymphoproliferative and the tumors is strongly suggested by the prevalence of
disease (XLP). In addition, EBV has been implicated as the association and the clonal nature of both EBV and the
contributing to the pathogenesis of Burkitt’s lymphoma and tumor cells. EBV is also frequently involved in the patho-
Hodgkin’s disease, although the specific role played by the genesis of the genetic disorder XLP. This disease was first
virus in these tumors is not yet known (reviewed in [1]). The identified in the 1970s in a family where several young male
strong potential of EBV to contribute to neoplastic disease children died from a fatal lymphoproliferative disease
resembling a dysregulated form of infectious mononucleo-
sis, an acute and self-limiting illness caused by primary
EBV infection in healthy individuals (reviewed in [3]). The
gene encoding the mutant protein involved in XLP, signal-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-319-335-7945; fax: +1-319-335-9006. ing lymphocyte activation molecule-association protein
E-mail address: (G.A. Bishop). (SAP), has recently been cloned and is a small signaling
© 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 2 8 6 - 4 5 7 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 1 6 0 5 - 2
854 G.A. Bishop, L.K. Busch / Microbes and Infection 4 (2002) 853–857

protein containing a single Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, driven by the immunoglobulin heavy chain
believed to function as a negative regulator in both B- and promoter/enhancer die from B-cell lymphomas [9].
T-cell signaling (reviewed in [3]). SAP may play a general
role in immune regulation as it has recently been reported 3.3. EBNA2
that XLP individuals can exhibit symptoms prior to EBV
infection (ibid.). EBNA2 is a potent transcriptional activator of viral and
cellular genes and is one of the first EBV proteins detected
in infection; it is required for B-cell immortalization in vitro
3. EBV immortalizing proteins and is the main determinant in transformation efficiency
between the EBV serological types 1 and 2 (reviewed in
3.1. Overview [4]). EBNA2 from the prototype 1 EBV strain B95-8
contains a polyproline region, a glycine–arginine repeat
During in vitro infection, EBV transforms primary B region, and a carboxyl terminal acidic transactivation do-
lymphocytes into semi-activated lymphoblastoid cell lines main that interacts with basal transcription factors [10].
(LCLs). EBV encodes >85 genes, but only nine viral pro- Unlike EBNA1, EBNA2 does not bind DNA directly, but is
teins are expressed by LCLs (reviewed in [2]). They include recruited to DNA by the cellular proteins Cp binding
the Epstein–Barr nuclear antigens (EBNA) 2, 3A, 3B, 3C factor/recombination site binding protein-Jj, Spi-1/PU.1,
and LP, which are important transcriptional regulators for and perhaps other as yet uncharacterized factors [11].
both viral and cellular proteins, EBNA1, which is respon- Similar to EBNA1, EBNA2 in the absence of other EBV
sible for the maintenance of the viral episome during proteins can be oncogenic, as 90% of transgenic mice
cellular division, latent membrane protein (LMP) 1, which expressing EBNA2 from the SV40 early enhancer-promoter
mimics an activated receptor of the tumor necrosis factor develop kidney tumors [12].
receptor (TNF-R) super-family; and LMP2A, which con-
tains immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs 3.4. EBNA3s and EBNA-LP
(ITAMs) and blocks certain signals transduced via the
B-cell antigen receptor (BCR). LMP2B, a variant of EBNA3A, 3B and 3C are encoded by three adjacent
LMP2A produced from a 3' promoter that lacks the amino- genes in the EBV genome that originally arose by gene
terminal ITAMs, is also expressed and is believed to duplication [4]. The proteins retain homology only in the
down-modulate LMP2A effects. EBNA2, 3A, 3B, and 3C amino-terminal region which is capable of interacting with
exhibit allelic polymorphisms, allowing EBV isolates to be Cp binding factor, just as EBNA2 does. Genetic analysis
classified as type 1 or 2 (reviewed in [4]). Immortalized B reveals that EBNA3B is not required for immortalization,
cells also transcribe two non-translated, non-polyadenylated while EBNA3A and 3C are essential [13]. All three proteins
RNAs, EBV early RNA (EBER) 1 and 2, which lack known are able to inhibit EBNA2 transactivation in transient
functions but are commonly used as markers of EBV transfection assays, but their exact role in vivo remains
infection because of their abundance. Of these nine proteins, unclear, as the inhibitory effect of EBNA3C depends upon
EBNA1, 2, 3A, 3C and LMP1 are required for EBV- the promoter being examined [4]. EBNA-LP is not required
mediated B-cell transformation [5]. for EBV immortalization of B cells, but its presence
enhances transformation [5]. EBNA-LP can enhance
3.2. EBNA1 EBNA2-mediated transcriptional activation by 10- to 100-
fold. There has been one report of EBNA-LP reorganizing
EBNA1 is the only EBV protein detected in all EBV- the position of EBNA3A in the nucleus, suggesting the
associated tumors and is required for the maintenance of the possibility of a complex transcriptional regulatory network
EBV episome [6]. The amino terminal half of EBNA1 of EBNAs [4].
contains a 239-amino acid region of repeating glycine–gly-
cine–alanine residues which inhibits proteosomal degrada- 3.5. LMP1
tion and presentation to CTLs [7], and two linking regions
surrounding the gly–ala repeat region that mediate homo- The role of LMP1 in EBV-mediated oncogenesis has
typic interactions between DNA bound EBNA1 molecules been intensively studied, both in epithelial cells and in B
[8]. The linking regions of EBNA1 are required for episo- lymphocytes, the latter being the cell type of focus in this
mal replication, maintenance, and transcription, supporting review. LMP1 is expressed in the majority of EBV-
the hypothesis that episomally bound EBNA1 links to associated malignancies, and is critical to the transformation
EBNA1 bound to mitotic chromosomes, resulting in the of B cells in vitro [14]. Additionally, transgenic expression
constant number of episomes found in infected cell lines of LMP1 driven by an immunoglobulin promoter/enhancer
over time [8]. The importance of EBNA1 as a transcrip- in mice accelerates development of age-related B-cell tu-
tional enhancer is unknown, but it may contribute to cell mors, in the absence of additional EBV-encoded proteins
transformation, as mice carrying an EBNA1 transgene [15]. Thus, while LMP1 expression alone cannot transform
G.A. Bishop, L.K. Busch / Microbes and Infection 4 (2002) 853–857 855

primary human B cells [16], it is clearly essential to the 3.6. LMP2A

process, in which it plays a major role. LMP1 consists of
short N-terminal and long C-terminal CY domains, sepa The effects of LMP2 expression on B-cell physiology are
rated by six membrane-spanning domains; the latter can multiple and complex. Like LMP1, LMP2A appears to
self-aggregate and initiate LMP1 signaling. However, the exploit the signaling pathways of a normal B-cell receptor,
C-terminal CY domain is both necessary and sufficient to in this instance the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR). It has
mediate LMP1 signaling to B cells [17]. LMP1 expression been shown that EBV recombinant viruses can transform
in B cells markedly mimics the effects of ligation of an cultured cells in the absence of functional LMP2 [25],
important B-cell activation receptor, CD40, and both CD40 unlike the proteins discussed above. However, LMP2 inter-
and LMP1 associate with members of the TNF-R-associated acts with a critical normal B-cell signaling pathway, and, as
factor (TRAF) family of cytoplasmic adapter proteins (re- detailed below, LMP2A is likely to participate at least
viewed in [18]). The ability of LMP1 to signal constitutively indirectly in the process of B-cell lymphomagenesis asso-
via self-aggregation is likely to contribute to its oncogenic ciated with EBV reactivation. Like the CD79a and CD79b
potential, an idea supported by a recent study of the molecules of the BCR complex, LMP2A contains two
interaction between LMP1 and lipid rafts [19], but recent ITAMs, and can bind the Src family kinase Lyn, via these
studies from several laboratories suggest that differences motifs [25]. Expression of LMP2A has been shown to block
between CD40 and LMP1-mediated signaling extend be- both B-cell proliferation and Ca2+ mobilization stimulated
yond the manner in which the signal is initiated. Both CD40 by BCR crosslinking [1,25]. Association of LMP2A with
and LMP1 induce rapid activation of stress-activated pro- Lyn has also been demonstrated to inhibit BCR transloca-
tein kinases c-jun kinase and p38, activation of the NF-jB tion to lipid rafts [26], and to promote ubiquitination of
BCR-associated tyrosine kinases [27]. These effects have
family of transcription factors, and downstream B-cell
recently been attributed to regulation of an SLP-65/CrkL
activation events that include upregulation of cell surface
signaling pathway [28]. Such information suggests that
antigens, protection from apoptosis, and induction of IL-6
LMP2A’s principal role might be in the maintenance of
production (reviewed in [18]). In addition, both CD40 and
EBV latency, by preventing EBV reactivation and lytic
LMP1 recruit TRAFs 1, 2 and 3 to lipid rafts in B cells
infection. However, in addition to blocking BCR signaling,
[20,21]. However, it was recently shown that shortly fol-
LMP2A can substitute for a BCR-mediated survival signal
lowing this recruitment to CD40, TRAFs 2 and 3 undergo
in B cells lacking membrane immunoglobulin [29]. Inas-
degradation, while LMP1-mediated recruitment is not asso- much as evidence has been presented that the primary
ciated with TRAF degradation [21]. This difference in reservoir for latent infection of EBV is memory B cells
TRAF regulation may contribute to LMP1’s transforming (reviewed in [1]), LMP2A signaling to such cells could
properties, as analysis of hybrid receptors revealed that promote their survival in the germinal center, even in the
signaling via the LMP1 CY domain provides amplified and absence of selection based upon BCR affinity. Thus,
sustained B-cell activation, as measured by the parameters LMP2A may serve not to directly mediate B-cell transfor-
listed above [21]. Interestingly (and of potential therapeutic mation, but to provide a reservoir of transformable, latently
relevance), CD40 signals mediate TRAF degradation even infected cells.
in cells expressing LMP1 [21], demonstrating that LMP1
does not block TRAF degradation, but cannot initiate this
process. A contributing factor to this difference may be the 4. Conclusions
binding affinity of individual TRAFs to each receptor.
Recent experiments studying endogenous TRAFs in B Transformation of B lymphocytes by EBV is clearly a
lymphocytes [22] have confirmed results of earlier studies complex and multi-step process, to which a number of
using exogenously overexpressed proteins in epithelial EBV-encoded proteins contribute in a variety of ways. Table
cells, or bacterially expressed fusion proteins [23], showing 1 summarizes the known activities of each of the EBV-
that while CD40 binds TRAF2 strongly, TRAF2 association transforming proteins. In addition to these activities, the
with LMP1 is much weaker. Additionally, it is becoming final outcome of transformation is undoubtedly influenced
increasingly clear that while B-cell transformation and by the activation status of the host B lymphocyte, and by
signaling by LMP1 is at least partially TRAF-dependent, it signals received from endogenous B-cell receptors. Main-
also has important TRAF-independent components [22,24]. tenance of, and reactivation from, EBV latency is consid-
One of these components has been reported to be the erably influenced by these parameters (for recent reviews,
adapter protein TNF-R-associated death domain-containing see [1,30]). EBNA1, by inhibiting degradation that allows
protein (TRADD); however, this association cannot be viral peptides access to MHC class I molecules in the
confirmed to occur between LMP1 and normal levels of endoplasmic reticulum, inhibits effective antigen presenta-
TRADD in B lymphocytes [22], and it is likely that tion needed for an effective CTL response to EBV, and also
additional LMP1-binding cellular proteins remain to be appears to have uncharacterized tumorigenic effects, at least
identified. when expressed as a transgene. The roles of the EBNA3s
856 G.A. Bishop, L.K. Busch / Microbes and Infection 4 (2002) 853–857

Table 1
EBV proteins contributing to B-cell transformation
Protein Function Required for B-cell transformation
EBNA1 Episome replication and maintenance Yes
EBNA2 Transcriptional enhancer Yes
EBNA3, 3A Transcriptional repressor Yes
EBNA3B, 4 Transcriptional repressor No
EBNA3C, 6 Transcriptional repressor Yes
EBNA-LP, 5 Cooperates with EBNA2 No
LMP1 Mimics an amplified and sustained CD40 signal Yes
LMP2A Blocks and/or substitutes for BCR signals No
LMP2B Modulates LMP2A function No

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