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Lemmor P.





Mathematics for Organization

In the animal world (humans including) symmetrical animals are regarded as the most
attractive by both sexes. It's like flashing You have perfect genes.

Fibonacci numbers are found in almost any flowers. Sunflowers have the seeds in
perfect Fibonacci order. 1 seed then 2 seeds 3 seeds 6 seeds 12 seeds 24 seeds and so
on in the flowers. This arrangement ensures maximum sunlight to each litte seed in
the flower.

If You take the number of petals in a flower, they all follow a mathemathical order.

A river flowing through a landscape has Pi in it. The straight distance from start to
end relates with Pi (I've forgot the exact relation) if You measure the actual distance.

The big pyramids have Pi in them. The Egyptians didn't know Pi, but learned from
experience. The formula is the height mulitplied with 2xPi. Divide the result with 4 -
that's the length of the sides. It gives the base You need to build as high as You can
on a solid base with the given angle.

The light of speed is a constant. If You send a signal and get a returnsignal, You
measure the time from sending to recieving the signal again. Knowing the speed of
light You can calculate the distance. The principal behind RADAR. The ears of an
owl works like RADAR. Their faces and ears are slightly assymmetrical. It's an
adoption to being able to locate the direction of the sound. The tiny difference in time
a sound hits the ears makes it possible to pinpoint the direction and distance and
predict the movement of the pray. An owl can hit very precisely in almost total
darkness having predicted the point of interception.

Insurance is ruled by math. You can predict accidents, breakdowns, health. Almost
anything can be calculated. They use it to offer You an insurance, You think is worth
it, while they stil make money.

Lottery is pure math, and some psychology. If You scratch the numbers and
win excactly what You just spent, most of us don't count our losses and tink
we're lucky getting a new lottery ticket because it's free.
Lemmor P. Tiogangco




The mind plays tricks on us. We like order and try to see a known patch. That's
why we can recognize a tootstick man. We simply catalog it in a known box.

Maybe that's the fascinating thing about math. Many things in our Universe is
pretty predictable, asking the right questions holds the answers. It's observing,
determening what You see, asking questions about it. Gaining knowledge by
finding an explanation, testing if You're right or wrong. Always being right is
proof of not trying hard enough.

How to do science, is a science in it's own right. At university You spend a good
part of the first year learning how to learn, there's a scientific approach/method in
how to do science. You can't really understand science, if You don't understand
the basics. It can be very intersubjective, only recognized by Your peers.

If You can explain a scientific problem to an eight year old, You probably
understood it Yourself.

I know there's a lot more to it, I'm barely scratching the surface. I'm the first to
admit, I don't know it all. That's the good thing about getting older. I just like to
turn another stone to see what's hiding underneath. You might just be so lucky to
be proven wrong and learn from it.

Google is pure math. The search engine is based on an algorithm.

That's why companies buys data. They want to be even more precise in targeting
You with adds. From Your search patterns, they can predict, what Your income
and intersts are. Even down to Your temper and personality.

It gives clues to the segment You belong to. In fact You don't have to interrogate
people to know who they really are. You can just look at Facebook and Google,
there's a good chance they know You better - than You do Yourself!

If You know what phone people use, what computer they use and what search
engine they use. You can begin to say something very specific about the persons
You're trying to figure out. In the end by math and cross references. If You use
Bing and Safari as a browser, You're most likely not a frontrunner, but accepts the
given choice. Just as an example.
Lemmor P. Tiogangco




The number of difficult words You type, says something about Your education.
You can probably predict the nationality, even when everything is written in

Abstraction means to take a practical situation, and ignore all aspects that “don’t
really matter”. Whether counting cars, people, hours or ideas, it does not matter,
it’s all counting.

It turns out, many practical problems, when abstractified, boil down to the same.
So, you only need to solve the abstract problem once, and that can give you the
solution to a huge number of practical problems.

Mathematics is a good language for such abstract problems. Many abstract

problems can be reduced to elementary mathematical concepts such as sets,
relations, functions, vector spaces, graphs, integrals, differentials, random

Sadly, it’s not easy to learn how to abstractify a general practical problem. In fact,
it’s even harder than the mathematics itself.

Mathematics is the tool used to structurally arrange the analysis of the

observations in such a way that a repeatable outcome is obtained. If a
mathematical formula can be derived from the analysis of the observations, then
that formula can then be employed to obtain repeatable filtration of the collected
data. Algorithms can then be structured from these formula to derive answers with
actionable outcomes.

 Bob White, None Code Detection & Pattern Recognition, U.S. Air Force

 Klaas Deschout, works at Banking – Insurance


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