Amigurumi BackPacks Frog and Bear

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Amigurumi Back Pack Pattern

A pattern by Amy Gaines

Worsted weight yarn of your choosing
4.00 mm hook
Felt (scrap of brown for bear)
Polyfill stuffing
Embroidery thread
Tapestry needle
Doll eyes (for the bear I used 12 mm animal eyes, for the frog I used 8 mm eyes.)
Animal Nose (for the bear) 18 mm
7 inch zipper
Sequin and crystal bead for bear- optional
ch = Chain
sc = Single Crochet
2sctog = single crochet 2 stitches together (decrease)
2scinc = single crochet twice in the same single crochet stitch (increase)
Finished size: Frog – 21 inches long, for the bear- 19.5 inches long

About this pattern: This pattern is worked in a spiral, so please mark the last stitch of each round to keep
place, with a stitch marker or safety pin. When starting a piece, the pattern calls for a “ring” use what ever
ring you would like: a slip knot, double ring, an adjustable loop, etc… The tail from the ring should be
tightened and sewn into the piece and cut.
©Copyright 2006: text and design Amy Gaines

To begin this pattern, decide which animal you will be making, the heads and arms and legs will be
different, but the body will be the same for each.

Rnd 1: make a ring, sc 8 times in ring (8) (remember to mark the last stitch at the end of each
round ).
Rnd 2: (in 1st sc on the ring) 2scinc in each sc (16)
Rnd 3: *2scinc, 1 sc* repeat around (24)
Rnd 4: *2scinc, 2 sc* repeat around (32)
Rnd 5: *2scinc, 3 sc* repeat around (40)
Rnd 6: sc around (40)
Rnd 7: *2scinc, 4 sc* repeat around (48)
Rnd 8: *2scinc, 5 sc* repeat around (56)
Rnd 9: *2scinc, 6 sc* repeat around (64)
Rnd10: *2scinc, 7 sc* repeat around (72)
Rnd11: sc around (72)
Rnd12 thru Rnd 45: Sc around (72)
Rnd46: (on this round, you will make the hole for the zipper) 2sc, (count 32sc’s and place a
marker as in the photo #1) chain 32 as in photo #2, (skipping 32 sc’s from previous
round) 38 sc.

Rnd47: Sc around (72) as in photo #4

(Begin shoulder shaping)
Rnd48: 2sctog, 32 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 32 sc, 2sctog (68)
Rnd49: 2sctog, 30 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 30 sc, 2sctog (64)
Rnd50: 2sctog, 28 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 28 sc, 2sctog (60)
Rnd51: 2sctog, 26 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 26 sc, 2sctog (56)
Rnd52: 2sctog, 24 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 24 sc, 2sctog (52)
Rnd53: 2sctog, 22 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 22 sc, 2sctog (48)
Rnd54: 2sctog, 20 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 20 sc, 2sctog (44)
Rnd55: 2sctog, 18 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 18 sc, 2sctog (40) End- slip st.
to next sc and pull thru and cut yarn, you will use this tail to
attach the head.

Color pattern for the frog:

Rnds 1- 12: brown
Rnds 13-19: light green
Rnds 20- 21: light pink
Rnds 22-24: dark pink
Rnd 25: brown
Rnds 26-29: dark green
Rnds 30-32: light green
Rnds 33-37: brown
Rnds 38-41: dark pink
Rnd 42: dark green
Rnds 43-47: light pink
Rnds 48-51: light green
Rnds 52-55: dark green

Now the zipper might seem daunting, but let me assure
you that it is quite simple. This is the way that I
hand sew zippers onto crochet or knitted items, so
feel free to do it your way. First arrange the body
and zipper as in photo #5, with the zipper head on
the right side when the zipper is closed. Open the
zipper and place inside the hole and starting on the
left side, align and pin the bottom half of the
zipper to the body. If the hole is not big enough
on the right side, that is okay and I will explain later on how to
correct that. Starting on the right side sew the bottom half of
the zipper to the body as in photo #7, stopping when you get
about 1 inch to the end of the left side. As in photo #8, close
the zipper and starting on the left side pin the upper part of the
hole and upper part of the zipper together. Finish sewing the
bottom half, turn the corner as in photo #9. Sew across the
upper part as in photo #10. When you get to the right side
corner, open the zipper and sew as in photo #11.

If the zipper and hole do not fit perfectly, follow the
instructions for the zipper as above. When
you have sewn it in place on the right hand
side you can adjust the zipper by a couple of
whip-stitches at the end of the zipper as in
photo #12.

Frog Head: light green yarn

Rnd 1: make a ring, sc 8 times in ring (8) (remember to mark the last stitch at the end of each
Rnd 2: (in 1st sc on the ring) 2scinc in each sc (16)
Rnd 3: *2scinc, 1 sc* repeat around (24)
Rnd 4: 2scinc, 10 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 10 sc, 2scinc (28)
Rnd 5: 2scinc, 12 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 12 sc, 2scinc (32)
Rnd 6: 2scinc, 14 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 14 sc, 2scinc (36)
Rnd 7: 2scinc, 16 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 16 sc, 2scinc (40)
Rnd 8: 2scinc, 18 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 18 sc, 2scinc (44)
Rnd 9: 2scinc, 20 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 20 sc, 2scinc (48)
Rnd10: 2scinc, 22 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 22 sc, 2scinc (52)
Rnd11: 2scinc, 24 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 24 sc, 2scinc (56)
Rnd12: 2scinc, 26 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 26 sc, 2scinc (60)
Rnd13: 2scinc, 28 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 28 sc, 2scinc (64)
Rnd14: 2scinc, 30 sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 30 sc, 2scinc (68)
Rnd15: sc around (68)
Rnd 16 thru Rnd 28: sc around (68)
Rnd29: 2sctog, 30 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 30sc, 2sctog (64)
Rnd30: 2sctog, 28 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 28sc, 2sctog (60)
Rnd31: *2sctog, 4 sc* repeat around (50)
Rnd32: (mark this round- you will sew the body to the head at this round.) *2sctog, 3 sc* repeat
Rnd33: *2sctog, 2 sc* repeat around (30) (start stuffing the head now- very tightly)
Rnd34: *2sctog, 1 sc* repeat around (20)

Rnd35: *2sctog* repeat around (10)
Rnd 36: *2sctog* repeat around (5). End- slip st. to next stitch, cut yarn and pull thru, make sure
the head is stuffed enough, close-up hole, and weave in this tail.
Sew the head onto the body at the marked round (32), weave in all tails and cut.

Frogs eyes: (make 2) with white yarn

Rnd 1: make a ring, sc 8 times in ring (8) (remember to
mark the last stitch at the end of each round.)
Rnd 2: (in 1st sc on the ring) *2scinc* repeat around
Rnd 3: *2scinc, 1 sc * repeat around (24)
Rnd 4: sc around (24)
Rnd 5: sc around (24)
Rnd 6: sc around (24)
Rnd 7: sc around (24)
Rnd 8: sc around (24) End- slip st. to next stitch, cut
yarn and pull thru. Attach 8 mm eyes and stuff.
Arrange them on the face and sew on. For the mouth I
used brown yarn and made a large V shape. Weave in
all tails and cut.

Frogs arms and legs: (make 2 arms and 2 legs)

Arms: with light green yarn
Rnd 1: Chain 10, in 2nd chain from the hook, make 2scinc,(this counts as 3sc’s) 6 sc
across the chain, 3sc in the last chain, working on other side of chain, 6 sc. (18)
(remember to mark the last stitch at the end of each round.)
Rnd 2: (in the 2 chains that act as the first sc in the 1st round) 1sc, 2scinc, 8 sc, 2scinc, 7 sc (20)
Rnd 3: sc around (20)
Before you work the next round: 2 sc- now replace the marker- this is now the beginning of each
Rnd 4: 2sctog, 6 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 6 sc, 2sctog (16)
Rnd 5: 2sctog, 4 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 4 sc, 2sctog (12)
Rnd 6: Sc around (12)
Rnds 7 thru Rnd 22: sc around (12) End- slip st. to next stitch, cut yarn and pull thru. Stuff the
stuffing in the hand area lightly.
Follow the arm pattern as above but do not end at round 22, change to brown yarn.
Rnds 22 thru Rnd 30 : sc around (12) End- slip st. to next stitch, cut yarn and pull thru. Stuff the
stuffing in the feet area lightly.
Attach arms and legs to the body- I sewed the arms for the frog just below the shoulder seams.

Nose for the Bear:

Cut out one felt circle this size in brown (1.5 inch circle).
Embroider the mouth as shown. Set aside.

Head for Bear: with light brown yarn
Rnd 1: make a ring, sc 8 times in ring (8) (remember to mark the last stitch at the end of each
Rnd 2: (in 1st sc on the ring) 2scinc in each sc (16)
Rnd 3: *2scinc, 1 sc* repeat around (24)
Rnd 4: *2scinc, 2 sc* repeat around (32)
Rnd 5: *2scinc, 3 sc* repeat around (40)
Rnd 6: *2scinc, 4 sc* repeat around (48)
Rnd 7: *2scinc, 5 sc* repeat around (56)
Rnd 8: *2scinc, 6 sc* repeat around (64)
Rnd 9: *2scinc, 7 sc* repeat around (72)
Rnd10: sc around (72)
Rnds 11 thru Rnd 30: sc around (72)
Rnd31: *2sctog, 7 sc* repeat around (64)
Rnd32: *2sctog, 6 sc* repeat around (56)
Rnd33: *2sctog, 5 sc* repeat around (48)
Rnd34: (mark this round- you will sew the
body to the head at this round.) *2sctog 4 sc*
repeat around (40)
Rnd35: *2sctog, 3 sc* repeat around (32) (start stuffing the head now- very tightly, and place the
2 animal eyes on the face and the animal nose thru the felt circle and the head)
Rnd36: *2sctog, 2 sc* repeat around (24)
Rnd37: *2sctog, 1 sc* repeat around (16)
Rnd31: *2sctog,* repeat (8) End- slip st. to next stitch, cut yarn and pull thru, make sure the head
is stuffed enough, close-up hole, and weave in this tail.
Sew the head onto the body at the marked round (32), weave in all tails and cut.

Ears for the Bear: (make 2) with dark brown yarn

Rnd 1: make a ring, sc 8 times in ring (8) (remember to mark the last stitch at the end of each
Rnd 2: (in 1st sc on the ring) *2scinc* repeat around (16)
Rnd 3: 2scinc, 6sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 6sc, 2scinc (20)
Rnd 4: 2scinc, 8sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 8sc, 2scinc (24)
Rnd 5: sc around (24)
Rnd 6: sc around (24) End- slip st. to next stitch, cut yarn and pull thru. Fold them in half and
sew to head, (I didn’t stuff mine and sewed them on in a curve).

Arms: (make 2) start with the light brown yarn

Rnd 1: make a ring, sc 8 times in ring (8) (remember to mark the last stitch at the end of each
Rnd 2: (in 1st sc on the ring) *2scinc* repeat around (16)
Rnd 3: 2scinc, 6sc, 2scinc, 2scinc, 6sc, 2scinc (20)
Rnd 4: Sc around (20)
Rnds 5 thru Rnd 8: Sc around (20)
Rnd 9: 2sctog, 6 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 6 sc, 2sctog, (16)
Rnd10:2sctog, 4 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 4 sc, 2sctog, (12)
Rnd11: sc around (12) (change to pink yarn)
Rnd12: sc around (12) (change to brown yarn)
Rnd13: sc around (12) (change to pink yarn)

Rnd14: sc around (12)
Rnds 15 thru Rnd 30: sc around (12) End- slip st. to next stitch, cut yarn and pull thru. Stuff the
stuffing in the hand area lightly.
Attach the arms to the body, I sewed them in at the body/head seam above the shoulder seams.
Weave in all tails.

Legs for Bear: (make 2) with dark brown yarn

Rnd 1: make a ring, sc 8 times in ring (8) (remember to mark the last stitch at the end of each
Rnd 2: (in 1st sc on the ring) *2scinc* repeat around (16)
Rnd 3: *2scinc, 1 sc* repeat around (24)
Rnd 4: Sc around (24)
Rnd 5: Sc around (24)
Rnd 6: Sc around (24)
Rnd 7: 10 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 10sc (22)
Rnd 8: 9 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 9 sc (20) (change to light brown yarn)
Rnd 9: 8 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 8 sc (18)
Rnd10: 7 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 7 sc (16)
Rnd11: 6 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 6 sc (14)
Rnd12: 5 sc, 2sctog, 2sctog, 5 sc (12)
Rnd13: sc around (12) (change to pink yarn)
Rnd14: sc around (12) (change to brown yarn)
Rnd15: sc around (12) (change to pink yarn)
Rnd16: sc around (12)
Rnds 17 thru Rnd 23: sc around (12) End- slip st. to next stitch, cut yarn and pull thru. Stuff the
stuffing in the foot area lightly.
If you want the shoe to be like a mary-jane,
then attach the brown yarn to the shoe area
and chain 8, cut yarn and pull thru and sew in
to other side, as shown in the photo. Attach
the legs to the bottom of the bears body,
weave in all tails.

Flowers: (optional)
Rnd 1: make a ring, sc 5 times in ring (5)
(remember to mark the last stitch at
the end of each round.)
Rnd 2: (in each sc of previous ring):*2 double
crochet stitches and a slip stitch*
repeat around in each of the 5 sc. End and slip st to next st, cut yarn and pull thru, weave
in all tails.
I made 2, one of bulky yarn with a larger hook and one with the size 4 hook, and stacked them on
top of each other, I sewed a sequin and crystal bead on top of them. Then sew them onto
the body and weave in all tails.

Hand Strap: for the bear I used the light brown, and for the frog I used the light green.
Rnd 1: chain 22, in 2nd chain from the hook, 20 sc, chain 1 and turn work
Rnd 2: sc across to end, chain one and turn work

Rnd 3: sc across to end. End- cut
and pull yarn thru.
Pin the strap on the body as
shown in photo. Sew on both
sides and weave in all tails.

Shoulder Straps: (make 2) (for

both the bear and frog I used
brown yarn)
You need to measure how long
you want the straps and chain to
that size. I made these for my 5
year-old daughter and made a
chain of 62, for the back pack I
made for myself I chained 82.
Rnd 1: Chain desired length, in
the 2nd chain from the hook, sc across each chain, chain 1 and turn work
Rnd 2: sc across, chain one and turn work.
Rnd 3: sc across, chain one and turn work.
Rnd 4: sc across to end. End- cut and pull yarn
For the frog I sewed each shoulder strap on the
head/body seam, and for the bear I sewed the
straps on the lower part of the head. The only
difference is that on the bear, the head doesn’t
“slump” as much. Then sew the bottom of the
straps to the bottom of the body, weave in all
tails and your

I hope that you have fun making these back packs! There are so many ways to alter
them to make different animals, (longer ears for a dog or bunny, different colors, etc...).
Have Fun!

Copyright © 2006 text and design: Amy Gaines

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