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The end of printed newspapers?

The newspaper industry is entering a new era. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer has become America's
first newspaper to stop printing and become the first newspaper to appear online only. The
newspaper was 146 years old, the oldest in Washington State.

Only about 20 people work for seattlepi.com , the Internet version of the newspaper. Once over
150 people worked in the newsrooms of Seattle's most famous paper. There is only one daily
newspaper left in Seattle, The Times. Many people think that it could follow the Post-Intelligencer
by going online only too.

Among other big cities in the US, Denver only has one daily newspaper because the Rocky
Mountain News closed a few weeks ago. Some newspapers around the US are afraid of going
bankrupt. Among these are the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.

One of the main problems that printed newspapers face today is advertising. Big local newspapers
earn a lot of their money with ads. But that market has moved to advertising on the Internet which
is either free or costs very little. Another reason is that many newspapers have become bigger and
bigger. They have spent too much money expanding and buying up other papers.

Newspapers are reducing costs wherever they can. In Detroit daily newspapers are delivering their
papers on only three days a week. In Ohio the state's largest newspapers are sharing stories.
Almost 8,000 jobs have been lost in the newspaper industry.

Newspapers have lost millions of readers in the past years because a new generation of readers
has emerged. Much of the news that people get online still comes from newspapers and most of
them publish it for free. While newspapers have fewer reporters in big cities and abroad, observers
say that they have lost much of their quality. The question is: Will they find a new home on the
1) The sentence “Denver only has one daily newspapers because the Rocky Mountain News closed
a dew weeks ago” is equivalent to:

a) Denver only has one daily newspaper due to the Rocky Mountain News closed a few weeks ago.

b) Since the Rocky Mountain News closed a few weeks ago, Denver only had one daily newspaper.

c) Denver only has one daily newspaper owing to the Rocky Mountain News closed a few weeks ago.

d) Denver only has one daily newspapers like the Rocky Mountain News closed a few weeks ago.

e) Denver only has one daily newspapers because of he Rocky Mountain News closed a few weeks

2) “... adversiting on the internet which is either free or costs very little”. The underlined
expression. Conveys na idea of:

a) Possibility

b) Contrast

c) Addition

d) Concession

e) Condition

3) The crisis that printed newspapers have been facing can not be explained by:

a) Expansion of newspapers.

b) Cost of advertising.

C) Lower costs of online newspapers

d) Chance on reader’s preferences.

e) The little interst of people in being informed.

4) Accord to the text:

a) Online newspapers have more quality than printed ones.

b) Printed newspapers publish News that had been previosly published online.

c) Printed newspapers employ more people than online ones.

d) Readers still prefer printed newspapers to online ones.

e) Printed newspapers will certainly disappear.


Are there hidden truths in dreams?

Imagine waking up after dreaming about a horrible plane crash. The next day you plan to make a
plane journey that you have planned long before. Will you get on the plane?

A survey shows that you may not cancel your trip but your dream will probably influence your
thoughts just as if there had been a real plane accident.

The study says that dreams are a window to the mind and they may influence what we are really
doing while we are awake.

Until Sigmund Freud published his famous book on "The Interpretation of Dreams" in 1899 we hadn't
really thought very much about what dreams mean. Freud called dreams a "path to the unconscious"
and for more than a century researchers and scientists have been trying to find out what dreams

The interpretation of dreams is still an unclear area. A team of researchers at Harvard University are
entering a new field of studies: Do dreams actually influence our behavior?

They have conducted studies in different cultures and found out that dreams contain hidden truths.
Commuters in Boston, for example, said that dreams affected the way they live and work. 68% said
that dreams foretell the future and 63% said that at least one of their dreams have come true.

Researchers, however, warn that dreams may also lead to trouble as well. If you dream that your
husband or wife is cheating on you, you may be so influenced by this so much that it could cause
problems in your relationship or even provoke an affair.
5) Based on the use of verb tenses in the text, choose the alternative which completes the
following sentences with the adequate verb forms.

"Before you told me, I _____ of such a situation. For many years until this exact moment, I
________________ to avoid such thought".

a) Haven't really thought / are trying

b) Hadn't really thought / have been trying

c) Hadn't really thought / are trying

d) Haven't really thought / have been trying

e) Hadn't really thought / had been trying

6) The question “Do dreams actually influence our behavior?” in the report Speech would be:

a) The researchers wanted to know whether do dreams influence our behavior.

b) The researchers wanted to know if dreams did actually influence our behavior.

c) The researchers wanted to know did dreams actually influence our behavior.

d) The researchers wanted to know if did dreams actually influence our behavior.

e) The researchers wanted to know whether dreams actually influenced our behavior.

7) The two underlined words “plane” and “crash” function in the text as:

a) Adjective / noun

b) Noun/ Verb

c) Noun / noun

d) Adjective / Verb

e) Noun / Adjective

8) The sentence "it could cause problems in your relationship" in the past would be:

a) it could caused problems in your relationship.

b) it could cause problems in your relationship.

c) it could have caused problems in your relationship.

d) it can have caused problems in your relationship.

e) it could were caused problems in your relationship


High Hopes for Mineral in Beer May Fall Flat, Despite New Study Feb. 8, 2010

For beer drinkers, a new study that suggests beer is a significant source of a mineral key to
maintaining bone density may sound too good to be true.

That may well be, say health experts who overwhelmingly agree the the connection may be more
wishful thinking than solid science.

But that may not stop many brew lovers from viewing the new research as an excuse to order
another round. The study of 100 commercial beers in the February issue of the Journal of the
Science of Food and Agriculture by Charles Bamforth and Troy Casey of the University of California
Davis examined the silicon content that results from different ingredients and brewing processes.

"Silicon impacts bone mineral density in humans, and supplementing silicon in the diets of
osteoporitic women increased bone mineral density," the authors wrote. Thus, they surmise,
silicon-rich beer may also help to strengthen bones.

Although a press release issued with the study prominently mentioned the link between silicon
and bone health, the study itself did not look at bone mineral density or analyze any patient data,
according to several researchers contacted by MedPage Today and ABC News.

Also, bananas and some grains have high levels of silicon, but for many, beer appears to be the
richest source.

The authors wrote that they explored the silicon content in beer because the popular beverage has
been identified as one of the richest potential sources of dietary silicon in the Western diet.

In the study, the authors concluded that "beer is a substantial source of silicon in the diet" and that
"beers containing high levels of malted barley and hops are richest in silicon," but they did not
attempt to establish a link between beer drinking and bone health.
Experts contacted for comment on the study also cautioned the public against establishing any
such connection.

"To conclude any bone health benefits from this study would require a great leap," said Dr. Tim
Byers, deputy director of the University of Colorado Cancer Center in Aurora.

9) The word “thus” in “Thus, they surmise, silicone-rich beer may also help to strengthen bones.”
Can be replaced by:

a) However.

b) Moreover

c) Although

d) In addition

e) Thefore

10) The sentence “Although a press release issued with the study prominently mentioned the link
between silicon and bone health, the study itself did not look at bone mineral density or analyze
any patient data.” Is equivalent to:

a) Despite that a press release issued with the study prominently mentioned the link between silicon
and bone health, the study itself did not look at bone mineral density or analyze any patient data.

b) Despite a press release issued with the study prominently mentioned the link between silicon and
bone health, the study itself did not look at bone mineral density or analyze any patient data

c) Despite the fact that a press release issued with the study prominently mentioned the link
between silicon and bone health, the study itself did not look at bone mineral density or analyze any
patient data

d) Inspite of a press release issued with the study prominently mentioned the link between silicon
and bone health, the study itself did not look at bone mineral density or analyze any patient data

e) Inspite the fact that a press release issued with the study prominently mentioned the link between
silicon and bone health, the study itself did not look at bone mineral density or analyze any patient
11) The sentence “beer appears to be the richest source.” Contains a superlative form. Choose the
alternative which also contains correct superlative form:

A- Mary is the most kind girl i've ever met.

B- Peter is tallest than Carol.

C- Andrew is the richest than Paul.

D- Carol is the most intelligent girl in her class.

E- Paul is the most smart boy in the neighborhood.

12) The sentence "did not attempt to establish" shows a verb followed by infinitive form. Choose
the alternative in which a verb is correctly followed by an infinitive form.

a) He finished to write the letter.

b) She enjoyed to go to the party.

c) They resisted to eat more.

d) She denied to cheat on him.

e) He can't afford to buy that car.

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