English 10 H Summer Reading List: Online. The Format Is Your Choice

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English 10 H Summer Reading List

NOTE: You may purchase your title, check it out from your local library, download a digital version, or find a pdf
online. The format is your choice.

1. Gansworth, Eric If I Ever Get Out of Here

2. Alvarez, Julia Before We Were Free

3. Lake, Nick In Darkness

4. Van Draanen, Wendelin The Running Dream

5. Trueman, Terry Stuck in Neutral

6. Quick, Matthew Boy21

7. Butcher, Jim Storm Front

English 10 H Summer Reading Assignment

Students will choose one novel from the attached Summer Reading List. The students will be expected to make
connections between their summer novel and the texts covered in the classroom.
Journal Assignment:
As students read, they will create a double-sided journal. On the left-hand side, students will write down five
quotes that they feel have significance in the overall story. Students will then explain the significance of the
quote on the right hand side of the paper. The explanation should consider the following: Is the quote
connected to the central theme of the story? Does the quote make the reader understand a certain
character’s personality? Does the quote show a change or evolution within a certain character? Does the
quote contain figurative language that is vital to the author’s message? Finally, try to connect the quote
to real world issues or situations. The five quotes that the students discuss should appear in different sections
of the novel; make sure the quotes are not just from the beginning. For example, if the student chooses a 300-
page book, there should approximately be one quote from each 60 pages or so.
Characterization Assignment:
When the students read, they will choose a character that has importance in the novel. They will analyze what
they learn about the character through the elements of S.T.E.A.L (more information on the attached S.T.E.A.L.
handout). Focusing on that specific character, students will provide two direct quotes for each characterization
element and then they will explain what deeper character information in given through those quotes.
All assignments will be turned in digitally as ONE DOCUMENT (titled “Summer Reading Assignment”)
through Turnitin.com on August 23rd. Students will get the Turnitin.com code and password from their 10th
grade teacher within the first week of school.
Indirect Characterization


Characterization is a description of qualities or peculiarities related to characters in writing, especially by

imitating or describing actions, gestures, or speeches.

Speech What does the character say? What dialogue reveals the character’s personality? How does
the character speak?

Thoughts What is revealed through the characters private thoughts and feelings?

Effect on others What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters
feel or behave in reaction to the character?

Actions What does the character do? How does the character behave?

Looks What does the character look like? How does the character dress? How is the character

Novel: Character Name:

Direct Quote What does these quotes show about the character?
(include page number) 2-3 Sentences










Summer Reading Double Journal
Directions: As you read your outside reading book you are going to identify FIVE important quotes. In the left hand
column directly quote the novel, including page number. The quotes need to be from the beginning, middle and end of
the book. In the right hand column write 4-6 sentences per quote about why that quote is important. Questions to
consider: How does it relate to the plot, theme, motif or character? What does is show the reader? What characterization
does it show and how? Why is it important to your understanding of the story? etc.

Name: Title of Novel:

Direct Quote (Including Page Number) Why is this quote important? 4-6 Sentences

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