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Vda. De Bataclan vs. Medina (GR No. L-10126.

October 22, 1957) Ruling:

Yes. The proximate cause of Bataclan’s death was the negligence of
Topic: Wrongful act different from what was intended the driver which resulted in the overturning of the bus. There is
Proximate cause, definition evidence to show that at the time of the blow out, the bus was
Plaintiff: Salud Villanueva Vda. De Bataclan speeding. It was also found that the driver failed to replace the tires
Defendant: Mariano Medina as was instructed by Medina. By the time the bus had overturned, it
Ponente: Montemayor, J. was expected that gasoline would leak from the tank thereby soaking
the area around the bus. Given that the leak could be smelled and
detected even at a distance, the carrier’s agents also failed to warn
Doctrine: ​The proximate cause is that acting first and producing the the rescuers not to bring the torches too near the bus thereby
injury, either immediately or by setting other events in motion, all causing the bus to burn resulting in the death of 4 trapped
constituting a natural and continuous chain of events, each having a passengers.
close causal connection with its immediate predecessor, the final
event in the chain immediately effecting the injury as a natural and
probable result. The person responsible for the first event should, as
an ordinarily prudent and intelligent person, have reasonable ground
to expect at the moment of his act or default that an injury to some
person might probably result therefrom.

Issue: ​Was the negligence of the driver which resulted in the

overturning of the bus the proximate cause for the death of Bataclan
and the 3 other people who also got trapped inside the bus?

Facts: ​A bus owned by Medina Transportation carrying 18 passengers

including the driver and conductor met an accident within the
jurisdiction of Imus, Cavite. One of its front tires burst causing the bus
to zig-zag until it fell into a ditch on the right side of the road and
overturned. After half an hour, rescuers came carrying with them
lighted torches. When they approached the bus, a fire had started
almost immediately due to a gas leak thereby burning the bus and the
4 people trapped inside it, including Bataclan.
that he had sustained shock and massive cerebral hemorrhages, as
People vs. Iligan y Jamito well as a wound on the right eyebrow, and abrasions. The death
certificate indicated that Quiñones died of “shock and massive
Topic: Wrongful act different from what was intended cerebral hemorrhages due to a vehicular accident.”
Petitioner: People of the Philippines
Respondent: Fernando Iligan y Jamito The accused, however, denied having perpetrated the crime, and
Ponente: Fernan, J. created their own alibis for that day, saying they were in their
respective houses at the time the crime was committed. In addition,
DOCTRINE: ​El que es causa de la causa es causa del mal causado ​- he the accused maintain the Quiñones’ death was caused by a vehicular
who is the cause of the cause is the cause of the evil caused. Criminal accident.
liability shall be incurred by any person committing a felony (delito)
although the wrongful act done be different from that which he HELD: YES. The Court has held that Quiñones had fallen after being
intended. hacked by a bolo, and then run over a vehicle. This finding, however,
does not in any way exonerate Iligan from liability for Quiñones’
ISSUE: ​Is Fernando Iligan criminally liable for the death of Quiñones, death. The intentional felony in this case was the hacking of the head
Jr.? of Quiñones, done by Iligan. What is material is that by the
instrument used in the hacking and the location of the wound, the
FACTS: ​In the early morning of August 4, 1980, Quiñones, Jr. and his assault was meant not only to immobilize the victim, but to do away
companions Zaldy Asis and Felix Lukban were walking home after with him as it was directed at a vital and delicate part of the body: the
attending a barrio fiesta dance. During their walk, they met accused head. The hacking incident happened on the national highway where
Fernando Iligan, his nephew Edmundo Asis, and Juan Macandog (at vehicles are expected to pass at any moment. Quiñones, who was
large). Edmundo Asis pushed the group of Quiñones aside, which weakened by the hacking blow, sent him to the cemented highway,
prompted Zaldy to box him. Lukban expressed that they had no desire and was run over by a vehicle. The sequence of events from Iligan’s
to fight, however, Iligan, seeing his nephew fall, drew his bolo and assault on Quiñones, to his being run over by a vehicle, considering
tried to hack Zaldy but missed. The trio of Quiñones ran while the the short span of time between them, constitutes one unbroken
accused pursued them. After realizing they were no longer being chain of events. Having triggered such events, Iligan cannot escape
chased, they stopped, and Quiñones invited Zaldy and Felix to his criminal liability.
house. However, on their way to the house, the three accused
emerged from the roadside and without any warning, Iligan hacked
Quiñones with his bolo on the face causing him to fall down. Lukban
and Zaldy ran away horrified. The autopsy done on Quiñones showed
injuries Javier suffered from Urbano. Urbano in response to this
Urbano vs. IAC argues that Javier’s death was not caused by the incident but by
negligence on the part of Javier after immediately returning to his
Topic: Wrongful act differently from what was intended Tobacco farm where he could possibly have gotten the infection.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES No, the petitioner should not be convicted for the result of the
Ponente: Gutierrez, JR. crime he didn't intend to. According to the medico legal of the victim,
Doctrine: there is a distinct possibility that the infection of the wound by tetanus
was an efficient intervening cause later or between the time Javier
Issue​: was wounded to the time of his death. The infection was, therefore,
Whether the petitioner should be convicted of a crime he didn't distinct and foreign of the crime.
intentionally commit?

Urbano went to his rice field where he stored his palays
however, found out that is already flooded. Urbano wend to the
elevated portion of the canal to see what happened and sa Marcelo
Jaview (Victim), and Emilio erfe. He asked them who’s responsible for
opening the irrigation canal which Javier answered and admitted to be
his doing. Feeling angry, Urbano unsheathed his bolo and attacked
Javier which was hit in his right palm. He was again hit by Urbano in
his left leg which caused a swelling. Urbano was stopped by his
daughter by embracing him.
Javier was taken to Dr. Padilla who conducted a medico legal
which recorded a 2 inch wound in his right palm. Urbano agreed to
settle the differences and paid for Javier’s Hospital bills. However, 22
days after the incident, Javier died which according to the new medico
legal, was caused by a tetanus infection. Urbano was charged
because of this with Homicide in pursuant to Article 4 of the RPC
“​Criminal liability shall be incurred: (1) By any person committing a
felony (delito) although the wrongful act done be different from that
which he intended.'' The respondents argue that the tetanus infection,
as ruled by the medico legal as the cause of death was due to the
People vs. Oanis ​(G.R. No. 47722; July 27, 1943) the victim was not the notorious criminal Balagtas but an innocent civilian
named Serapio Tecson.
Topic: Intentional and Negligent Act.
Petitioner: People of the Republic of the Philippines Issue:
Respondent: Antonio Z. Oanis and Alberto Galanta
Ponente: Moran, ​J. Are the respondents liable for criminal charges – murder?


Doctrine: Yes, the Court deems that the appellants are guilty of murder with the
As the deceased was killed while asleep, the crime committed is murder mitigating circumstance and accordingly sentenced to an indeterminate penalty
with the qualifying circumstance of alevosia. The crime committed is not merely from five (5) years of ​prison correccional ​to fifteen (15) years of ​reclusion
criminal negligence but the killing being intentional and not accidental. In temporal,​ with the accessories of the law and to pay the heirs of the deceased
criminal negligence, the injury caused to another should be unintentional, it Serapio Tecson jointly and severally an indemnity of P2,000.
being simply the incident of another act performed without malice.
Upon the appellants rely on the case of US vs. Ah Chong, the maxim
Facts: ignorantia facti excusat​, applies only on the mistake is committed without fault
Capt. Godofredo Monsod, Constabulary Provincial Inspector at or carelessness. In the case there is a common illusion of innocent mistake of
Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, received from Major Guido a telegram of the fact committed without any fault or carelessness because the accused having no
following tenor: “information received escaped convict Anselmo Balagtas with time or opportunity to make a further inquiry and being pressed by
bailarina n​ amed Irene in Cabanatuan get him dead or alive.” Accordingly, Capt. circumstances to act immediately had no alternative but to take the facts as they
Monsod called his first sergeant and be given four men for the indicated man then appeared to him and such facts justified his act of killing. Compared to the
hunt. Corp. Alberto Galanta, respondent, and three privates, reported to the instant case, found no circumstance whatsoever which would press them to
Office of the Provincial Inspector where they were shown of the telegram and immediate action. The victim who was presumed to be Balagtas was sleeping
the picture of Balagtas. They were instructed to arrest Balagtas and if and on his back without any means of assault to the respondents. Thus, the case
overpowered, to follow the instructions contained in the telegram. The same being invalid.
instruction was given to Chief of the Police, Antonio Oanis, respondent, who
was likewise called by the Provincial Inspector. Upon lack of men to assist in the The Court also reasoned out in the respondent’s defense that they were
hunt, Oanis joined the group which was divided into two; the respodents, Oanis in official capacity in killing Balagtas if it deemed necessary as under Article 11,
and Galanta, and a private went to route leading to the house where Irene was No. 5, of the RPC. As stated, any person who acts in the fulfillment of a duty or
supposedly residing. When they arrived at the premises of the house of Irene, in the lawful exercise of a right or office. However, there is no evidence or clear
Oanis approached a neighbor of Irene and asked where Irene was living. The manifestation of the victim’s usage of unnecessary force or treating him with
neighbor told the respondents that she was sleeping with her paramour. When wanton violence, or in resorting to dangerous means when the arrest could be
the room of Irene was located by the respondents, Oanis and Galanta saw a man affected otherwise. The doctrine insists on the rule of the court that “no
sleeping and laid on his back which they, the respondents, fired simultaneous unnecessary or unreasonable force shall be used in making an arrest, and the
gunshots. Irene awoken by the gunshots saw her paramour wounded and the person arrested shall not be subject to any greater restraint than is necessary for
respondents still firing the gunshots at the victim. Although, at their realization,
his detention”. As the deceased was killed while asleep, the crime committed is
murder with the qualifying circumstance of alevosia. The duty was to arrest People vs. Gona [No. 32066. March 15, 1930]
Balagtas or to get him dead or alive if resistance is offered by him and they are
overpowered. But through impatience or over-anxiety or in their desire to take
no chances, they have exceeded in the fulfillment of such duty by killing the
Topic: Killing the wrong man
person whom they believed to be Balagtas without any resistance for him and Petitioner: The people of the Philippines
without making any prior identification. Respondent: Gona (Mansaca)
Ponente: Ostrand, J.
Therefore, the Court with all the stated reasons deemed that the accused
are guilty of murder with a penalty of five years of ​prison correccional ​to fifteen Doctrine: ​A person committing a felony is still criminally liable even if
years of ​reclusion temporal with the accessory of the law and payment to the
there is a mistake in the identity of the victim.
heirs of Tecson jointly and severally an indemnation of P2,000.

Issue: ​Is Mansaca criminally liable for the death of Mapudul, even if
he did not intend to?

Facts: ​The defendant was charged with the crime of homicide, with
the information reading as follows:
“That on or about October 26, 1928, in the municipal district
of Pantukan, Province of Davao, Philippine Islands, and within the
jurisdiction of the court, the said accused voluntarily, illegally, and
criminally and with a bolo which he then carried, assaulted the
Mansaca Mapudul, causing him a mortal wound on the left side of the
neck and that, as a consequence of said wound, the said Mapudul
It appears from the evidence that on the evening of October
26, 1928, a number of Mansacas celebrated a reunion in the house of
the Mansaca Gabriel. There seems to have been a liberal supply of
alcoholic drinks and some of the men present became intoxicated,
with the result that a quarrel took place between the Mansaca Dunca
and the defendant. Dunca and his son Aguipo eventually left the
house and were followed by Mapudul and one Awad. The defendant
left the house about the same time with intention of assaulting
Dunca, but in the darkness of the evening and in the intoxicated
condition of the defendant, he mistook Mapudul for Dunca and People vs. Esteban (Nos. L-27046 and L-27047. March 30, 1981)
inflicted on him a mortal wound with a bolo. There can be no doubt
that the defendant killed Mapudul and that he is guilty of the crime Topic: Incidentally Killing Another
charged, but his attorney argues that in view of the fact that said Petitioner: The People of the Philippines
defendant had no intention to kill the deceased and committed the Respondent: Mariano Esteban y Molina, Luis Camaya y Rocha
crime by mistake, he should have been found guilty of homicide Ponente: Aquino, J.
through negligence under paragraph 1 of article 568 of the Penal
Code and not of the graver crime of intentional homicide. This Doctrine: ​A person is committing a felony is still criminally liable even
contention is contrary to earlier decisions of the court and so if there is a mistake in the blow.
appealed sentence is affirmed with costs against the defendant. One is not relieved from criminal liability for the natural
consequences of one’s illegal acts, merely because one does not
Ruling: Yes. ​Mansaca is criminally liable for the death of Mapudul. intend to produce such consequences. “He who is the cause of the
The court cited an earlier case similar to this. In the case of cause is the cause of the evil caused”.
United States vs. Mendieta (34 Phil., 242), the court said: "Even
admitting that the defendant intended to injure Hilario Lauigan Issue: ​Is Mariano Esteban criminally liable for the death of Maria
instead of Pedro Acierto, even that, in view of the mortal wound Pascua, even if he did not intend to?
which he inflicted upon the latter, in no way could be considered as a
relief from his criminal act. That he made a mistake in killing one man Facts: ​In 1963, resided in the vicinity of Protacio street extension and
instead of another, when it is proved that he acted maliciously and Gamban Street, Pasay city were Antonio Maravilla, Loreta Alega
willfully, cannot relieve him from criminal responsibility. Neither do (Lulu), Mariano Esteban, Tomas Ablola (Mati), and the spouses Marua
we believe that the fact that he made a mistake in killing the wrong Pascua and Apolonio Lozano. They were all neighbors. In 1961, the
man should be considered as a mitigating circumstance." The husband of Lulu Alega was killed. 4 people, among whom were
appealed sentence is affirmed with the costs against the defendant. Esteban, Ablola and Camaya, were implicated in the killing. The case
was compromised and it was agreed that the four accused would pay
One is not relieved from criminal liability for the natural Lulu 1,500 pesos as settlement of the case. On May 1, 1963, Maravilla
consequences of one’s illegal acts, merely because one does not and Lulu were collecting payments for the compromise settlement.
intend to produce such consequences They went to Camaya’s house to collect, but he said that Esteban
would advance the payment sum of 47 pesos and so they went to
Esteban to collect it, but Esteban promised to pay 20 pesos the next
day instead. Maravilla reminded Esteban that the case was only
provisionally dismissed and that nonpayment of the balance might sufficiently identified by Maravilla in the hater’s res gestae
prejudice him. declarations as one of the three assailants who fired the shots that
Later that night, Maravilla returned to the yard of the house of killed Maria Pascua and seriously wounded Maravilla. The paraffin
Maria Pascua for a drinking spree. After they had finished drinking, test proved that he fired a gun shortly before his arrest. At the
successive gunshots were fired at the group. Maravilla stood up and confrontation in the hospital, when Maravilla and the policemen
looked over the partition in the direction where the shots originated. fingered him as the gun wielder, Esteban did not say anything.
Maravilla saw three men about to leave the place, two of whom were Because of his silence the policemen confined him in jail instead of
Esteban and Mati. He then collapsed in the street and was found by a releasing him. Esteban was infuriated by Maravilla’s threat five hours
policeman later on, to which Maravilla told him that he identified his before the shooting that the dismissal of the homicide case against
assailants as Esteban and Ablola. The gunshots penetrated the house. Esteban for his complicity in the killing of Lulu’s husband was only
Maria Pascua, who was sleeping inside the house, died. provisional. Knowing Maravilla to be a criminal character (he was
Once at the Manila Sanitarium, Maravilla was interviewed by charged with murder in 1962 in the Court of First Instance at Pasay
Patrolman Cedilla and pointed out that Esteban and Matt were the City for having killed Zosimo Priego), Esteban feared that Maravilla
ones responsible for the shooting. Afterwards, Cedilla picked up was capable of asking for the revival of that homicide case. So,
Esteban and brought him to the hospital for the confirmation of Esteban liquidated Maravilla to prevent the resurrection of the
Maravilla on whether or not he is the correct suspect. A parafin test homicide case.
was made on Esteban’s hands on the following day at the forensic
chemistry division of the National Bureau of Investigation. They were
found to be positive with nitrate specks. On May 3, 1963, or less than Ruling: Yes. ​The fact that Esteban intended to kill Maravilla and in the
forty-eight hours after the shooting, Special Counsel Carlos Rustia of course of the assault incidentally killed Maria Pascua makes him liable
the Pasay City fiscal’s office filed in the Court of First Instance two for murder just the same because a person committing a felony is
informations against Esteban and two unidentified persons, charging criminally liable although the wrongful act done be different from
them with murder for the killing of Maria Pascua and frustrated that which he intended (Art. 4, Revised, Penal Code). This rule covers
murder for the assault on Maravilla. aberratio ictus or mistake as to victim. As to Maravilla, Esteban is
In the case of Esteban, his alibi was that he was in his house at guilty of frustrated murder. The trial court erred in imposing upon
the time of the shooting. On that evening, he was supposed to work him a straight penalty of seventeen years and four months. Esteban is
in the slaughterhouse with Carnaya from eleven o’clock to six o’clock entitled to an indeterminate sentence the maximum of which should
in the morning. But, according to his version, he did not work and he be taken from reclusion temporal minimum and the minimum from
preferred to sleep because Camaya did not pay him the five pesos the range o f prision correccional maximum to prision mayor medium
which he owed to Esteban and which the latter would use to pay his since no generic mitigating and aggravating circumstances can be
electric bill. That flimsy pretext is not credible. Esteban was appreciated in connection with that offense.
People vs. Sabalones 5. In the extrajudicial statement presented, it was found that prior to
this case, Sabalones was deemed a suspect in the death of Nabing
Topic: Culpability not diminished Velez, and also the son of Maj. Tiempo.
Petitioner - People of the Philippines 6. Trial Court ruled Sabalones and Beronga guilty for 2 counts of
Respondents - Rolusape “Roling” Sabalones, Artemios Beronga, murder (Glenn & Alfred), and 3 counts of frustrated murder (Rey,
Teodulo Alegarbes, Eufemio Cabanero Rogelio P., & Nelson).
Ponente: Panganiban, J. 7. The CA affirmed the decision of the RTC, however stated that the
penalties imposed were erroneous.
Doctrine: ​Aberratio Ictus​: Error in Personae; Mistake in the identity of
the victim carries the same gravity as when the accused zeroes in on Held: No. According to the SC, the conclusion of the trial court and
his intended victim. the CA that the appellants killed the wrong persons was based on the
extrajudicial statement of Appellant Beronga and also the testimony
Issue: Whether the mistake of Sabalones diminishes the gravity of his of Jennifer Binghoy.
crime. These pieces of evidence sufficiently show that appellants
believed that they were suspected of having killed the recently slain
Facts: Nabing Velez, and that they expected his group to retaliate against
1. At around 11:00pm, Stephen Lim, asked Nelson and Glenn Tiempo, them. Hence, upon the arrival of the victims’ vehicles to the gate of
Rogelio Presores, Rogelio Oliveros, Junio Villoria, Rey Bolo, and Stephen Lim, they mistook them to be the avenging men of Nabing
Alfredo Nardo, who was also at the party, for assistance to get his car Velez, thus the appellants opened fire,
to run, and eventually to take it back to his house. Nonetheless, ​the fact that they were mistakes does not
2. Nelson, Rogelio P., Rogelio O., and Junio drove to the residence in diminish their culpability​. The Court has held that ​mistake in the
Stephen’s car while the rest rode an owner type jeep to be able to identity of the victim carries the same gravity as when the accused
bring everyone back to the party. zeroes in on his intended victim​.
3. Once they go to the residence, they were met with a sudden burst Therefore, the Court agrees the ruling of the lower courts
of gunfire. These aggressors were identified as Teodulo Alegarbes, sustaining that guilt beyond reasonable doubt of the appellants in 2
Rolusape Sabalones, and Timoteo Alagarbes. counts of murder, and 3 counts of frustrated murder.
4. Sabalones flee, but was later on caught. Beronga was first to be
arraigned with Alegarbes, who died during the course of the trial,
while Cabanero still remains at large.
People vs. Adriano y Samson Homicide, as charged, for the death of Ofelia Bulanan. CA affirmed
the decision of RTC.
Topic: Miscarriage in the blow: Stray bullet & treachery apprehended
Plaintiff-Appellee: The People of the Philippines Ruling:
Accused-Appellant: Rolly Adriano y Samson (1) YES. Evidently, Adriano’s original intent was to kill Cabiedes.
Ponente: Perez, J. However, during the commission of the crime of murder, a stray
bullet hit and killed Bulanan. Adriano is responsible for the
Doctrine: ​One who commits an intentional felony is responsible for all consequences of his act of shooting Cabiedes. This is the import of
the consequences which may naturally or logically result therefrom, Article 4 of the Revised Penal Code. As held in People v. Herrera citing
whether foreseen, intended or not. The rationale of the rule is found People v. Ural:
in the doctrine, ‘el que es causa de la causa es causa del mal causado’, “Criminal liability is incurred by any person committing a felony although
or he who is the cause of the cause is the cause of the evil caused. the wrongful act be different from that which is intended. One who commits
Aberratio Ictus means mistake in the blow. It is a manner of incurring an intentional felony is responsible for all the consequences which may
criminal liability according to Paragraph 1, Article 4, Revised Penal Code. It is naturally or logically result therefrom, whether foreseen or intended or
a mistake in the identity of the victim, which may either be (a) "error in not.”
personae" (mistake of the person), or (b) "aberratio ictus" (mistake in the
blow), it is neither exempting nor mitigating. (2) YES. In People v. Flora, the accused was convicted of two separate
counts of murder: for the killing of two victims (the intended victim
I​ssues: and the victim killed by a stray bullet). The Court, due to the presence
(1) Is Adriano responsible for the death of Bulanan (bystander)? of the aggravating circumstance of treachery, qualified both killings to
(2) Can treachery be appreciated in aberratio ictus? murder. The material facts of People v. Flora are similar in the case at
bar. Thus, we follow its doctrine.
Facts: In March of 2007 in Nueva Ecija, Rolly Adriano, with three
others, overtook a police car and Honda CRV. With intent of
treachery, to kill and willfully shot Danilo Cabiedes, the driver of CRV,
resulting to his instant death. The shooting incident caused a
bystander, Ofelia Bulanan, to be hit by a stray bullet and eventually
Two policemen were able to trace the car used in the incident
and ended up arresting Adriano. RTC found accused ROLLY ADRIANO
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of Murder, as charged, for the death
of Danilo Cabiedes, and also guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
left occipital region which were necessarily mortal and caused his
immediate death.
People v. Cagoco 4. The next day, Yu Yee promptly reported the incident to the police. Cagoco
Date of Case: October 6, 1933| Judge: Vickers |GR No. L-38511| was later apprehended and identified by Yu Yee as his father‘s assailant.
Topic: Treachery 5. After hearing the evidence, Judge Torres found the defendant guilty with
PLAINTIFF: ​The ​People of the Philippine Islands the crime of murder and sentenced him to reclusion perpetua.
DEFENDANT: ​Francisco Cagoco y Ramones (alias Francisco Caguro, alias Yes, the accused struck the deceased on the back of the head because it would have
Francisco Admones, alias Bucoy, alias Frisco Guy) been necessary for him to go between the deceased and Yu Yee who were then
conversing. As a result, Yu Lon suffered a lacerated wound on the scalp and a
DOCTRINE: ​CRIMINAL LAW; MURDER; LACK OF INTENTION TO fissured fracture on the left occipital region which were necessarily mortal and
COMMIT SO GREAT A WRONG AS THAT COMMITTED; caused his immediate death. Since the accused struck the deceased from behind and
TREACHERY.·Under the circumstances of this case the defendant is ​liable for the without warning, he acted with treachery.
killing of the deceased because his death was the direct consequence of defendant's There is ​treachery when the offender commits a crime employing means, methods or
felonious act of striking him on the head​. If the defendant had not committed the forms in the execution thereof which tend directly to insure its execution without risk
assault in a treacherous manner, he would nevertheless have been guilty of to himself arising from the defense which the offended part might make​. In order that
homicide, although he did not intend to kill the deceased, and since the defendant a person may be criminally liable for felony different from that which he proposed to
did commit the crime with treachery, ​he is guilty of murder, because of the presence commit, these two requisites should be present: 1. that a felony was committed and
of the qualifying circumstance of treachery. 2. that the wrong done to the aggrieved person be the direct consequence of the crime
committed by the offender.
In the case at bar, there is nothing to indicate that Yu Lon‘s death was due to some
ISSUE: ​Is Cagoco liable for murder?
extraneous case. It was clearly the direct consequence of the accused‘s felonious act
1. On July 24, 1932, in the City of Manila, Yu Lon and Yu Yee, father and of striking him on the head. If the defendant had not committed the assault in a
son, stopped to talk on the sidewalk at the corner of Mestizos and San treacherous manner, he would nevertheless have been guilty of homicide, although
Fernando Streets in the District of San Nicolas, Yu Lon was standing near he did not intend to kill the deceased; and since the defendant did commit the crime
the outer edge of the sidewalk, with his back to the street. with treachery, he is guilty of murder, because of the presence of the qualifying
2. While they were talking, a man passed back and forth behind Yu Lon once circumstance of treachery​. The fact that he did not intend to cause so great an injury
or twice, and when Yu Yee was about to leave his father, the man that had does not relieve him from the consequences of his unlawful act, but is merely a
been passing back and forth (Francisco Cagoco) approached Yu Lon from mitigating circumstance.
behind and willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, without any just cause
therefor and with intent to kill and treachery, assault and attack him by As thus modified, the decision appealed from is affirmed.
suddenly giving him a fist blow on the back part of the head, ​under
conditions which intended directly and especially to insure the
accomplishment of his purpose without risk to himself arising from any
defense the victim Yu Lon might make​. Immediately after the said incident,
Cagoco ran away.
3. Yu Yee and two other witnesses (Chin Sam & Yee Fung) pursued him
through San Fernando, Camba, and Jaboneros Streets and then lost sight of
him. The blow caused Yu Lon to fall on the ground. As a consequence, Yu
Lon suffered a lacerated wound on the scalp and a fissured fracture on the
People vs. Quianzon

gas station, and according to her, she remembered that her husband
needed gasoline for his lighter, so she went to his place of work. Upon
People vs. Mananquil seeing Mananquil, Elias, who was under the influence of alcohol,
began shouting and cursing at her. Mananquil was scared and
Topic: Wrongful act different from that intended became dizzy, and she did not realize that she was already sprinkling
Petitioner: People of the Philippines gasoline on Elias’ face. Mananquil, in her effort to exculpate herself,
Respondent: Valentina Mananquil claims that her husband had died as a result of pneumonia because
Ponente: Cuevas, J. he had been drinking, proved by the toxicology report. Assuming that
she had set her husband on fire, Mananquil asserts that she should
DOCTRINE: Criminal liability shall be incurred by any person not be criminally liable for her husband’s death.
committing a felony (delito) although the wrongful act done be
different from that which he intended. One who inflicts injury on HELD: ​YES. The claim that her husband drank liquor while confined in
another is deemed guilty of homicide if the injury contributes the hospital cannot suffice to exculpate Mananquil. As testified by Dr.
mediately or immediately to the death of such other. The fact that Reyes, pneumonia is not caused by drinking alcohol. The Hon.
other causes contribute to the death does not relieve the actor of Solicitor General has also pointed out that the intake of liquor was
responsibility. not an efficient supervening cause of his death.

ISSUE: ​Is Mananquil guilty of parricide as a result of setting her As shown by the necropsy report, the cause of Elias’ death is
husband on fire? pneumonia, with second degree burns secondary. There is no
question, however, that the burns sustained by him as shown by the
FACTS: ​On March 6, 1965, Mananquil went to her husband Elias’ post-mortem findings involved about 62% of the victim’s entire body.
place of work in the NAWASA building in Pasay City where he worked Evidence clearly shows pneumonia was a mere complication of the
as a security guard. Mananquil had in her possession a bottle burns sustained. The Court has accepted that pneumonia is the
containing gasoline, and she poured said gasoline all over Elias, immediate cause of death, however, this would not have been the
ignited the gasoline, and as a result, Elias suffered burns and injures result had the victim not suffered from second degree burns. In
which subsequently caused his death. conclusion, the Court holds that with pneumonia only contributed to
the cause of death.
Mananquil, however, has her own account of the events that occured
that night. After putting her grandson to bed, she remembered that
the next day was Sunday and she had to go to church, and thus, had
to clean her church shoes with gasoline. She proceeded to go to the
Art. 4 of the Revised Penal Code provides that “criminal liability shall
be incurred by any person committing a felony (delito) although the
People vs. Toling (GR No. L-27097, Jan. 17, 1975) wrongful act done be different from that which he intended. The
presumption is that “a person intends the ordinary consequences of
Topic: Wrongful act different from that intended his voluntary act (Sec. 5[c], Rule 131, Rules of Court).
Intended consequence of voluntary act
Plaintiff/ The rule is that “if a man creates in another man’s mind an immediate
Appellee: The People Of The Philippines sense of danger which causes such a person to try to escape, and in
Defendants/ so doing he injures himself, the person who creates such a state of
Appellants: Antonio Toling, Jose Toling mind is responsible for the injuries which result.”
Ponente: Aquino, J.
However, the absence of eyewitness-testimony as to the jumping
from the train of the four victims already named precludes the
Issue: Are the Toling brothers criminally liable for the death of the 4 imputation of criminal responsibility to the Toling twins for the
victims who jumped off the moving train? ghastly deaths of the said victims.

Antonio and Jose Toling, identical twins and farmers from Samar,
were convicted of multiple murder and attempted murder. The twins
took the Bicol express train on their way home from Manila after
visiting Antonio’s daughter. After leaving the station in Laguna,
Antonio with a pair of scissors went into a stabbing frenzy along with
his brother who was wielding a knife. There was a total of 12 victims -
8 died from stab wounds while 4 jumped from the moving train to
avoid being killed.

No. They cannot be held criminally liable for the death of the 4
victims who jumped off the train.
YES. petition is hereby GRANTED, the decision of respondent Court of
Appeals holding Petitioner guilty of Attempted Murder is hereby
MODIFIED. sentences him to suffer the penalty of six (6) months of
Intod vs. CA arresto mayor, together with the accessory penalties provided by the
law, and to pay the costs
Topic: Impossible Crime
Petitioner: Sulpicio Intod · Art. 4(2). CRIMINAL LIABILITY. — Criminal Liability shall be

Respondent: CA and People of the Philippines incurred:

Ponente: Campos, Jr., J.
(2) By any person performing an act which would be an
DOCTRINE: offense against persons or property, were it not for the
Legal impossibility occurs where the intended acts, even if completed, inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of
would not amount to a crime. the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means.

ISSUE: Petitioner contends that, Palangpangan's absence from her room on

Whether or Not Intod is guilty attempted murder since it is an the night he and his companions riddled it with bullets made the
impossible crime under Art. 4 (2) crime inherently impossible. The Revised Penal Code, inspired by the
Positivist School, recognizes in the offender his formidability to
FACTS: punish criminal tendencies in Art. 4(2). Legal impossibility occurs
On February 4, 1979, Sulpicio Intod, Jorge Pangasian, Santos Tubio where the intended acts, even if completed, would not amount to a
and Avelino Daligdig went to Salvador Mandaya's house and asked crime.
him to go with them to the house of Bernardina Palangpangan. They
then had a meeting with Aniceto Dumalagan who told Mandaya that Legal impossibility would apply to those circumstances where
he wanted Palangpangan to be killed because of a land dispute 1. the motive, desire and expectation is to perform an act in
between them and that Mandaya should accompany them. violation of the law
Otherwise, he would also be killed. 2. there is intention to perform the physical act
All of them armed arrived at Palangpangan's house at around 10:00 3. there is a performance of the intended physical act
pm and fired at Palangpangan's bedroom but there was no one in the 4. the consequence resulting from the intended act does not
room. amount to a crime

Factual impossibility occurs when extraneous circumstances unknown and Santos Cruz, also convicts confined in the same institution, by hitting,
to the actor or beyond his control prevent the consummation of the stabbing, and striking them with ice picks, clubs and other improvised weapons,
pointed and/or sharpened, thereby inflicting upon the victims multiple serious
intended crime – this case
injuries which directly caused their deaths. The act of murdering the
“Sigue-sigue” sympathizers were testified by witnesses which they saw the
accused’s stabbing the said sympathizers.
People vs. Peralta ​(G.R. No. L-19069; October 29, 1968)
Topic: Facets, nature & quantum of proof Is there enough proof that the accused had a conspiracy to commit
Petitioner: People of the Republic of the Philippines murder against the sympathizers?
Respondent: Amadeo Peralta, et al
Ponente: ​per curiam Ruling:

Doctrine: No, the Court deemed that conspiracy arises at the very instant the
A conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to an agreement plotters agree, expressly or impliedly, to commit the felony and forthwith decide
concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it. to commit it. Also, the Court provides support from the ​People v Custodio, t​ here
is no showing of the opportunity for reflection and the persistence in the criminal
Facts: intent that characterize the aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation.
In the municipality of Muntinlupa, province of Rizal, two known
warring gangs inside the New Bilibid Prison as “Sigue-Sigue” and “OXO” were The conspiracy to do harm to a person or property regardless of
known to have multiple riots resulting in the death of many of their respective committing the said criminal act, the mere attendance of conspiracy in which
member and sympathizers. While they were preparing to attend Sunday mass on “any member of a band who is present at the commission of a robbery by the
February 16, 1958 at 7:00AM the members of the gangs and prisoners alike, band, shall be punished as principal of any of the assaults committed by the
assembled in the plaza which resulted to a big commotion between the rival band, unless it be shown that he attempted to prevent the same.” In this instance,
gangs. The fight was quelled and those involved where led away to the the conspiracy need not be proven, as long as the existence of a band is clearly
investigation while the rest of the prisoners were ordered to return to established. The liability of a member of the band for the assaults committed by
their respective quarters. his group is likewise anchored on the rule that the act of one is the act of all.

In the investigation, it was found out that the accused, “OXO” members, The proof of conspiracy is by nature a planned of utmost secrecy, it can
Amadeo Peralta, Andres Factora, Leonardo Dosal, Angel Paramog, Gervasio seldom be proven by direct evidence. Thus, competent and convincing
Larita and Florencio Luna (six among the twenty-two defendants charged therein circumstantial evidence will suffice to establish conspiracy. Conspiracies are
with multiple murder), are also convicts confined in the said prisons by virtue of generally proven by a number of indefinite acts, conditions, and circumstances
final judgments. ​They conspired, confederated and mutually helped and aided which vary according to the purposed to be accomplished. It can also be inferred
each other, with evident premeditation and treachery, all armed with deadly that proofs of facts and circumstances which taken together apparently indicate
weapons and improvised ones, did, then and there, willfully, unlawfully and that they are merely parts of some complete whole. Also, that conspiracy is
feloniously killed “Sigue-Sigue” sympathizers Jose Carriego, Eugenio Barbosa
proved if there is convincing evidence to sustain a finding that the malefactors
committed an offence in furtherance of a common objective pursued in concert.

The evidence on record proves beyond peradventure that the accused

acted in concert from the moment they bolted their common brigade. It is not
indispensable that a co-conspirator should take a direct part in every act and
should know the part which the others have to perform. Conspiracy is the
common design to commit a felony; it is not participation in all the details of the
execution of the crime. All those who in one way or another help and cooperate
in the consummation of a felony previously planned are co-principals. Hence, all
of the six accused are guilty of the slaughter of the victims each is guilty of three
separate and distinct crimes of murder.

It is significant to note that in the mentioned cases, this Court

consistently stressed that once conspiracy is ascertained, the culpability of the
conspirators is not only solidary or all co-principals but also multiple in relation
to the number of felonies committed in furtherance of the conspiracy. It can also
be said that had there been a unanimous Court in the ​Masim and Macaso cases,
multiple death penalties would have imposed upon all the conspirators. Under
Article 70 of the RPC, states that “all penalties corresponding to the several
violations of law should be imposed.” The conviction for multiple felonies
demands the imposition of multiple penalties as per the case of ​Balaba.​ Also,
under Article 87, “when a person found guilty of two or more felonies or
misdemeanors, all the penalties corresponding to the several violations of law
shall be imposed, the same to be simultaneously served, if possible, according to
the nature and effects of such penalties.”

Therefore, with the above mentioned reasons the Court decided to

modify the judgment of the trial court that the accused are each pronounced
guilty of three separate and distinctive crimes of murder and each sentence to
three death penalties; and all of them, jointly and severally, indemnify the heirs
of each of the three deceased victims in the sum of P12,000; each will pay
one-sixth of the costs.
subsequently left, he then stood outside the gate of the Mondragon
compound and was accompanied by his brothers: Ricardo, Robito,
and Marciano. Ricardo and Robito were armed with knives. Eugene
went to Susana’s house which was 15 meters away from the sari-sari
store when the store closed. However, upon passing the compound,
he was suddenly grabbed and stabbed by Armando and was assaulted
People vs. Caballero by the Caballero brothers. Arnold saw that commotion and went to
help Eugene. However, upon arriving he was stabbed by Ricardo and
Topic: Facets, nature and quantum of proof was also assaulted by the Caballero brothers. Arnold then fled to save
Petitioner: People of the Philippines his life. Leonilo Broce rushed from his house, which was next to the
Respondent: Armando Caballero, Ricardo Caballero, Marciano Mondragon compound, to stop the Caballero brothers. However, he
Caballero, Robito Caballero was met by Robito who stabbed him in the chest. The commotion
Ponente: Callejo, SR., J stopped upon the arrival of Teresito Mondragon. In the meantime,
Leonilo, Arnold, and Eugene were rushed to the Planters Hospital for
Doctrine: ​There is conspiracy when two or more persons agree to medical treatment. Unfortunately, Eugene and Leonilo eventually
commit a felony and decide to commit it. Conspiracy is always died from the stab wounds they sustained. They were convicted for
predominantly mental in composition because it consists primarily of the murder of Leonile and Eugune and the frustrated murder of
a meeting of minds and intent. Conspiracy must be proved with the Arnold.
same quantum of evidence as the crime itself, that is, by proof
beyond reasonable doubt. However, direct proof is not required. Ruling: ​Yes, the Court held that the appellants are guilty for the death
of Eugene and injuries sustained by Arnold only. Under Article 8 of
Issue: ​Whether or not the appellants are guilty for the death of the Revised Penal Code there is conspiracy when two or more
Eugene and Leonilo and injuries sustained by Arnold? persons agree to commit a felony and decide to commit it. Conspiracy
is always predominantly mental in composition because it consists
Facts: ​In the afternoon of August 3, 1994, Armando, Robito, and primarily of a meeting of minds and intent. Conspiracy must be
Marciano Jr., all surnamed Caballero, were having a drinking spree in proved with the same quantum of evidence as the crime itself, that is,
the house of their brother Ricardo in the Mondragon compound. by proof beyond reasonable doubt. However, direct proof is not
Eugene Tayatac and Arnold Barcuma arrived in a sari-sari store which required. In this case, the appellants ganged up and assaulted both
is across the Mondragon compound. Arnold went to Susana, Eugene’s Eugene and Arnold. Patently, all the appellants by their simultaneous
girlfriend, and left Eugene to have his dinner in the store. Armando collective acts before and after the commission of the crimes were
suddenly approached Eugene in an agitated manner and united in one common objective, to kill Eugene, and cause injuries to
Arnold for trying to intervene and prevent bloodshed. Hence, all the
appellants are criminally liable for the death of Eugene and for the
injuries of Arnold. It does not matter who among the appellants
stabbed Eugene or inflicted injuries on Arnold. The act of one is the
act of the others. However, for the death of Leonilo, the Court
believes that the appellants are not criminally liable. The prosecution
failed to adduce evidence that the appellants and the accused Robito
conspired to kill Leonilo.
non-existent. Thus, A.C. Cruz Construction had been overpaid by as
much as P232,628.35, which amount is more than the net payable
due per the computation of the fourth unpaid billing. Consequently,
Lazarte and other NHA officials were charged in violation of RA 3019
(The Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices Act) by allegedly conniving with
Arceo C. Cruz, as the General Manager of A.C. Cruz Construction.
Lazarte vs. Sandiganbayan Thus, providing Mr. Arceo unwarranted benefits.

Topic: Conspiracy as a crime or mode of committing a crime Ruling: ​No, the Court held that the constitutional right has not been
Petitioner: Felicisimo F. Lazarte violated. The Court stresses the fact that under the Philippine Law,
Respondent: People of the Philippines conspiracy should be understood on two levels. Conspiracy can be a
Ponente: Tinga, J mode of committing a crime or it may be constitutive of the crime
itself. Generally, crime is not a crime in our jurisdiction. When
Doctrine: ​Conspiracy should be understood on two levels. Conspiracy conspiracy is charged as a crime, the act of conspiring and all the
can be a mode of committing a crime or it may be a constitutive of elements of said crime must be set forth in the complaint or
the crime itself. Information. But when conspiracy is not charged as a crime in itself
but only as the mode of committing the crime as in the case at bar,
Issue: ​Whether or not Lazarte’s constitutional right has been violated there is less necessity of reciting its particularities in the Information
to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him because conspiracy is not the gravamen of the offense charged. The
due to the failure of the Information to specify his participation in the case at bar represents conspiracy of the public officials was just
commission of the offense? constitutive of the crime itself which is the violation of RA 3019.
Hence, there is less necessity of reciting the particularities of the
Facts: ​On June 1990, the National Housing Authority awarded the conspiracy because it is not the gravamen of the offense charged.
original contract for the infrastructure work on the Pahanocoy Sites
and Services Project to A.C. Cruz Construction. Mr. Fajutag, Project
Engineer, noticed certain deficiencies on the works of A.C. Cruz
Construction. The contractor failed to comply with work instructions.
As a result, the contract for the project was terminated and was
awarded to a new contractor named “Triad Construction and
Development Corporation”. Triad discovered that certain work items
that had been reported in the inventory report were in fact
scene proceeded to kick the woman sending her to the
3. Then the armed man who chased the helper, Jun Marquez,
returned and shot the woman dead, while she still lay on the
People vs. Del Rosario (GR No. 127755, April 14, 1999) 4. The bag was then brought to the tricycle of Joselito, as they
sped away from the crime scene.
Topic: Not mere presence and transcends companionship 5. Alonzo chased the tricycle and was able to get the license
Petitioner: People of the Philippines plate, and also recognize its driver. The driver was then
Respondent: Joselito Del Rosario y Pascual identified as Joselito Del Rosario. His name was given to the
Ponente: Bellosillo, J. local police as Alonzo reported the incident.
6. Joselito claimed that he was hired by a cartain”Boy” Santos,
Doctrine: To convict an accused, the presence of an ​implied just to drive him to a cockpit, but later on was asked to
conspiracy is required to be proved beyond reasonable doubt. The proceed to the market place to fetch “Jun” Marquez and
fact that an accused was with other accused at the time when the “Dodong” Bisaya.
crime was committed is insufficient proof to show cabal. Mere 7. He stated that he was then asked to stop at the same location
companionship does not establish conspiracy. witness Alonzo stated that he saw the crime being committed.
8. Joselito said that he tried to leave and ask for help but he his
Issue: Whether the fact that Joselito was with the persons who life and the life of his family was threatened by “Boy” Santos,
committed the crime at the time it was committed, makes him liable who stayed inside the tricycle preventing him from doing
as an accessory to the crime. anything.
9. Joselito was found guilty by the trial court and was sentenced
Facts: to death.

1. Tricycle driver Paul Vicente Alonzo, herein eyewitness,

stopped his tricycle on the side of the road to pick up Held: ​No. The SC stated that the lower court erred in ruling Joselito
passengers when he saw a few meters in front of him the guilty when he was also a victim in this case.
tricycle of Joselito. While Joselito admits that he was the driver of the getaway
2. Shortly after, he saw 2 men and a woman grappling for the car, he also proved that he had no inkling of the malevolent desire of
possession of a bag. After taking hold of the bag, one of the his co-accused to rob and kill since he was not given any briefing
two men, who was armed with a gun, started chasing a man thereof. He was merely hired by “Boy Santos” to drive to an agreed
who was trying to help the woman. The other man left in the
destination and he was prevented at gunpoint from leaving the scene
of the crime since he was ordered to help them escape.
It was found that there was no evidence that the accused
came into an agreement concerning the commission of a felony and
decided to commit the same. Therefore, in order to convict an
accused, the presence of an ​implied conspiracy is required to be
proved beyond reasonable doubt. ​The fact that Joselito was with
other accused at the time when the crime was committed is
insufficient proof to show cabal. Mere companionship does not
establish conspiracy.
The only evidence against him is that he was at the scene of
the crime but as already explained, the reason for his presence was
that he was hired to drive the tricycle to a certain location and
nothing more. By then, he feared for his life and the life of his family
because of the threats made to him.
This does not show that he participated in the overt act of
robbing and shooting although he was with the persons who
committed the crime​.
years, and a Board of Director of the PCSO. She states that the former
management of the PCSO was commingling the charity fund, the prize fund and
the operating fund. By commingling she means that the funds were maintained
in only one main account. This violates Section 6 of R.A. 1169, the PCSO
Charter and the generally accepted accounting principles. Also, the auditing
committee found out that there was excessive disbursement of the Confidential
and Intelligence Fund (CIF). There were also excessive disbursements for
Macapagal-Arroyo vs. People ​(G.R. No. 220598; July 19, 2016) advertising expenses. The internal audit department was also merged with the
budget and accounting department, which is a violation of internal audit rules.
Topic: Chain and Wheel Conspiracy There was also a disbursement from the CIF exceeding P10,000,000 which was
Petitioner: Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, also in violation of the PCSO Charter.
Respondent: The Honorable Sandiganbayan
Ponente: Bersamin, ​J. The financial statements from 2006 to 2009 indicate that the PCSO was
operating in deficit. It also did not have a registry of budget utilization. In 2005,
the deficit was P916 million; in 2006, P1,000,078,683.23. The net cash provided
by operating expenses in 2006 is negative, which means that there were more
Doctrine: The ​corpus delicti o​ f plunder is the assessment, accumulation or
expenses than what was received. Then in 2007, 2008, and 2009 COA report,
acquisition of ill-gotten wealth valued at not lee than P50,000,000. The failure to
there were no deposits made to the prize and charity funds, despite the
establish the ​corpus delicti s​ hould lead to the dismissal of the criminal
instruction and recommendation of COA.
Thus, GMA and Aguas filed separately for petitions of bail which were
denied by the Sandiganbayan on the ground that the evidence against them was
The Office of the Ombudsman charged in the Sandiganbayan former
strong. Then they separately filed their demurrers to evidence asserting that the
President GMA and PCSO Budget and Accounts Manager Aguas (and some
prosecution did not establish a case for plunder against the which was
other officials of PCSO and the Commission on Audit) for conspiracy to commit
subsequently denied by the Sandiganbayan. In its defense, the Sandiganbayan
plunder, as defined and penalized under Section 2 of R.A. No. 7080, amended by
holds that there was sufficient evidence to show that they had conspired to
R.A. No. 7659.
commit plunder. Also filed for motions of reconsideration which were likewise
denied, then filed for respective petitions for certiorari.
During the period from January 2008 to June 2010, the accused took
undue advantage of their respective official positions, authority, relationships,
connections or influence, conniving, conspiring, and confederating with one
Does the state have sufficient evidence to charge the accused of the
another. In which they willfully, unlawfully, and criminally amass, accumulate
crimes of plunder and the existence of conspiracy among the accused?
and/or acquire, directly or indirectly, ill-gotten wealth in the total value of
P365,997,915.00 more or less.
No, the Court grants the petitions for certiorari, annuls and sets aside the
One of the major findings was presented by the main witness Atty. Aleta
resolutions issued by the Sandiganbayan; grants the petitioners’ respective
Tolentino, is a Certified Public Accountant for 30 years and a lawyer for 20
demurrers to evidence. The Court dismisses the criminal case against the spoke. In the event that the spoke shares a common purpose to succeed, there is a
petitioners for insufficiency of evidence; orders the immediate release from single conspiracy. However, in the instances when each spoke is unconcerned
detention of the petitioners; and makes no pronouncements on costs of suit. with the success of the other spokes, there are multiple conspiracies.

The denial of the Sandiganbayan of the petitioners’ motion of demurrer A chain of conspiracy is successive communication and cooperation in
to evidence was improper as for her rights to due process. The Court deemed that much the same way as with legitimate business operations between manufacturer
the Sandiganbayan was guilty of grave abuse of discretion when it capriciously and wholesaler, then the wholesaler and retailer, and then retailer and consumer.
denied the demurrers to evidence despite the absence of competent and sufficient This involves individuals linked together in a vertical chain to achieve a criminal
evidence to sustain the indictment for plunder, and despite the absence of the objective.
factual bases to expect a guilty verdict.
In the case of plunder, under R.A. 7080, amended by R.A. 7659,
The prosecution’s alleged conspiracy between GMA, Aguas and Uriarte requires that a public officer must be identified as the one who amassed,
does not provide any factual evidence. Conspiracy is either a crime in itself or a acquired or accumulated ill-gotten wealth because it plainly states that plunder is
mere means to commit a crime. When conspiracy is a means to commit a crime, committed by an public officer who, by himself or in connivance with anyone
it is indispensable that the agreement to commit the crime among all the that amasses or acquires ill-gotten wealth in the aggregate amount or total values
conspirators, or their community of criminal design must be alleged and of P50 million through a combination or series of overt criminal acts as
competently shown. In the case at bar, GMA points out that all that the State prescribed by Section 1. If conspiracy and plunder was proven to be true, the
showed was her having affixed her unqualified ‘ok’ on the requests for the ill-gotten wealth acquired, P365,997,915.00 would be separately divided to the
additional CIFs by Uriarte. She argues that such an act was not even an overt act ten accused government-officials, equally divided, P36,599,791.50. Thus, not
of plunder because it had no immediate and necessary relation to plunder by liable for criminal charges of plunder. The Court deems that after the review of
virtue of her approval not being per se illegal or irregular. There is no proof of the records, it was duly found and ruled that the prosecution had no case for
conspiracy between the accused and the co-accused and that the prosecution was plunder as the above-mentioned requirements for such charges.
unable to prove their case against Arroyo. In this regard the Court sees that the
Sandiganbayan have gravely abused its discretion amounting to lack or excess of Therefore, with the above mentioned reasons the Court deemed to grant
its jurisdiction. Also, under Letter of Instruction 1282, required request for the petition for certiorari and sets aside the resolutions issued in the criminal case
additional confidential funds (CIFs) to be accompanied with detailed, specific against the petitioners. The Court grants the petition of their respective
project proposals and specifications; and COA Circular No. 92-385, which demurrers of evidence; dismisses the criminal case against the petitioners for
allowed the President to approve the release of additional CIFs only if there was insufficiency of evidence; order the immediate release from detention; and
an existing budget to cover the request. Noting that Arroyo’s handwritten makes no pronouncements on costs of suit.
unqualified ‘ok’ as an overt act of plunder was absolutely unwarranted
considering that such act was a common legal and valid practice of signifying
approval of a fund release by the President.

The wheel of conspiracy occurs when there is a single person or group

(the hub) dealing individually with two or more other persons or groups (the
spokes). The spoke typically interacts with the hub rather than with another
People vs. De Vera

Topic: Lookout’s Liability

Petitioner: People of the Philippines
Respondent: Edwin De Vera, Roderick Garcia, Kenneth Florendo,
and Elmer Castro
Ponente: Panganiban, J.

U.S. v. Eduave purpose to kill, thought he had killed, and threw the body into the bushes.
Date of Case: February 2, 1917| Judge: Moreland |GR No. L-12155| When he gave himself up, he declared that he had killed the complainant.
Topic: Never passes subjective phase
PLAINTIFF: ​The ​United States RATIO:

DEFENDANT: ​Protacio Eduave It is clear that the crime committed is ​frustrated murder.​ The fact that the accused
made a sudden attack upon his victim from the rear, or partly from the rear, and
DOCTRINE: ​CRIMINAL LAW; FRUSTRATED CRIMES.·A felony is frustrated dealing her a terrible blow in the back and side with his bolo, thus, such an attack
when the offender performs all the acts of execution which should produce the felony constitutes the finding that it was made treacherously; and that being so, the crime
as a consequence, but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of causes would have been qualified as murder if death had resulted. However, the crime is not
independent of the will of the perpetrator.
consummated because of the intervention of causes independent of the will of the
ATTEMPTED CRIMES.·There is an attempt when the offender commences the offender and that the elements of the crime’s execution and accomplishment were
commission of a felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of not complete, as the victim is alive.
execution which constitute the felony by reason of some cause or accident other than
his own voluntary desistance. Neither was the crime an attempted murder because Eduave’s actions already passed
the subjective phase. There was no external force or intervention of a foreign cause
SUBJECTIVE PHASE.·The subjective phase is that portion of the acts constituting the or agency between the beginning of the commission of the crime and the moment
crime included between the act which begins the commission of the crime and the last when all the acts have been performed preventing the accused from performing all
act performed by the offender which, with the prior acts, should result in the the acts necessary to commit a felony.
consummated crime. From that time forward the phase is objective. It may also be said
to be that period occupied by the acts of the offender over which he has control·that Also, a crime cannot be held to be attempted unless the offender, after beginning the
period between the point where he begins and the point where he voluntarily desists. If commission of the crime by overt acts, is prevented, against his will, by some outside
between these two points the offender is stopped by any cause outside of his own cause from performing all of the acts which should produce the crime. In other
voluntary desistance, the subjective phase has not been passed and it is attempt. If he is words, to be an attempted crime the purpose of the offender must be thwarted by a
not so stopped but continues until he performs the last act, it is frustrated. foreign force or agency which intervenes and compels him to stop prior to the
moment when he has performed all of the acts which should produce the crime as a
consequence, which acts it is his intention to perform.
ISSUE: ​What is the precise crime committed by Eduave?
The essential element which distinguishes attempted from frustrated felony is that, in
FACTS: the latter, there is no intervention of a foreign or extraneous cause or agency between
1. Protacio Eduave, who was the querido of the victim’s mother, rushed upon the beginning of the commission of the crime and the moment when all of the acts
the victim and suddenly struck her from behind, with a sharp bolo, have been performed which should result in the consummated crime; while in the
producing a frightful gash in the lumbar region and slightly to the side eight former there is such intervention and the offender does not arrive at the point of
and one-half inches long and two inches deep, severing all of the muscles performing all of the acts which should produce the crime. He is stopped short of
and tissues of that part. that point by some cause apart from his voluntary desistance.
2. The motive of the crime was that the accused was incensed at the girl for
the reason that she had theretofore charged him criminally before the local
officials with having raped her and with being the cause of her pregnancy.
3. In this case, the intent to kill is evident. A deadly weapon was used. The
blow was directed toward a vital part of the body. The aggressor stated his
People vs. Lamahang Ruling: ​YES. He was mistakenly declared guilty of attempted robbery.
But the accused is then held guilty of attempted trespass to dwelling,
Topic: Attempt: Indeterminate offense; Logical relation to a concrete committed by means of force, with the aforesaid aggravating and
offense; inchoate as to other possible offense mitigating circumstances and sentenced to three months and one day
Plaintiff-Appellee: The People of the Philippines of arresto mayor.
Accused-Appellant: Aurelio Lamahang
Ponente: Perez, J.

Doctrine: ​In the case of robbery, it must be shown that the offender
clearly intended to take possession, for the purpose of gain, of some
personal property belonging to another. In this case, it may only be
inferred as a logical conclusion that his evident intention was to enter
by means of force store against the will of its owner. There is nothing
in the record to justify a concrete finding that his final objective, once
he succeeded in entering the store, was to rob, to cause physical
injury to the inmates, or to commit any other offense.

Issue: Was the accused mistakenly declared guilty of attempted


Facts: ​The defendant, Aurelio Lamahang, is on appeal from a decision

finding him guilty of attempted robbery. At early dawn of March 2,
1935, policeman, Jose Tomambing, who was patrolling at Delgado
and C.R. Fuentes streets of IloIlo City, caught the accused in the act of
making an opening with an iron bar on the wall of a store of cheap
goods located on C.R. Fuentes Street. At that time, the owner of the
store, Tan Yu, was sleeping inside with another Chinese citizen. The
accused had only succeeded in breaking one board and in unfastening
another from the wall, when the policeman showed up, who instantly
arrested him and placed him under custody.
People vs. Lizada (GR Nos. 143468-71, Jan. 24, 2003) Ruling:
1. No. Lizada is not criminally liable for consummated rape. There
Topic: Attempt, Overt acts and necessary causal relation with was no introduction of the penis of the accused into the aperture
intended crime; Attempted, consummated rape or acts of or within the pudendum of the vagina of the offended party.
Plantiff/Appellee: The People Of The Philippines 2. No. Lizada is not criminally liable for acts of lasciviousness. To be
Defendant/Appellant: Freedie Lizada convicted of such, the prosecution is burdened to prove the ff.
Ponente: Callejo, Sr., J essential elements: (a) that the offender committed any act of
lasciviousness or lewdness, (b) that it was done under any of the
Doctrine: following circumstances: (i) by using force or intimidation, or (ii)
For overt acts to constitute an attempted offense, it is necessary that when the offended party was deprived of reason or otherwise
their objective be known and established or such that acts be of such unconscious; or (iii) when the offended party was under 12 years
a nature that they themselves should obviously disclose the criminal old.
objective necessarily intended, said objective and finality to serve as
ground for designation of the offense. 3. Yes. Lizada is criminally liable for attempted rape. The elements of
an attempted felony are: (a) the offender commences the
Issue: commission of the felony directly by overt acts or external acts
1. Is Lizada criminally liable for consummated rape? that have direct connection with the crime intended to be
2. Is Lizada criminally liable for acts of lasciviousness? committed, (b) he does not perform all the acts of execution
3. Is Lizada criminally liable for attempted rape? which should produce the felony, (c) the offender’s act be not
stopped by his own spontaneous desistance, and (4) the
Facts: Lizada was charged with 4 counts of qualified rape, and was non-performance of all acts of execution was due to cause or
meted with death penalty in each and every case. He had sexually accident other than his spontaneous desistance.
abused his 11-year old stepdaughter for 3 years and had threatened
to kill her if she divulged to anyone what he did to her. He denied The series of overt acts proven by the prosecution were not mere
such allegations on the basis of Analia’s genital examination which preparatory acts. He had commenced the execution of rape
showed that: (a) there was no evident sign of extragenital physical which, if not for his spontaneous desistance, will ripen into the
injuries, and (b) the hymen was still intact. crime of rape. Although he desisted from performing all the acts
of execution however his desistance was not spontaneous as he
was impelled to do so only because of the sudden and
unexpected arrival of Rossel. Hence, he is guilty only of attempted Marlon, failed to clearly and positively identify him as the malefactor
rape. responsible for his brother's death and insists that his testimony is
People vs. Listerio insufficient to convict him of the crimes charged. He likewise insists on
the absence of conspiracy and treachery in the attack of the victims.
Lastly, the defense persistently seeks to establish that the attack was
Topic: Proposal and conspiracy - direct proof not essential; implied
provoked mentioning that Marlon and the victim, had a drinking spree
prior to the incident.
Appellee: People of the Philippines
Appellant: Agapito Listerio
Ponente: Ynares-Santiago, J.
Yes, the accused should be criminally liable despite the
Doctrine​: A direct proof is not essential in proving that someone is
absence of direct proof of his involvement in a conspiracy. The story
criminally liable for a crime of conspiracy. As long as sufficient
told by Marlon Araque was given in a categorial, convincing, and
evidence is present to point out his involvement in the group, he is
straightforward manner during the cross examination. Also, there is no
automatically criminally liable because in conspiracy, an act of one is
showing that he was motivated by any ill-feeling or bad blood to
the act of all.
falsely testify against the accused, hence, the court believes that the
testimony of the lone witness, Marlon Araque, is the one that should
Issue​: Whether the accused should be criminally liable despite the
be believed in.
absence of direct proof of his involvement in a conspiracy
With regards to the absence of direct proof of his accused
involvement, the court noted that it should be remembered that direct
proof of conspiracy is rarely found for criminals do not write down their
Marlon Araque discloses that at around 5 pm, he and his
lawless plans and plots. Conspiracy, to exist, does not require an
brother Jeonito were in Purok 4, Alabang Muntinlupa to collect a sum
agreement for an appreciable period prior to the occurrence. In the
of money from a certain Tino. On their way back tramo near Tino’s
testimony of Marlon Araque, it clearly stated that he saw all of them
place, a group composed of the appellant, Agapito Listerio, Samson
armed with a deadly weapon which indubitably shows the ​criminal
Dela Torre, Georg Dela Torre, Marlon dela Torre, and Bonifacio
design to kill the victims. Thus, even assuming that the prosecution’s
Bancaya blocked their path and attacked them with lead pipes and
eyewitness may have been unclear as to who delivered the fatal blow
bladed weapon.
on the victim, the accused is still liable for the crime because he is a
Agapito Listerio, Marlon dela Torre, and George dela Torre,
co-conspirator as proven by the prosecution’s testimony, and in
armed with bladed weapons stabbed Jeonito from behind. Marlon
conspiracy, ​the act of one is the act of all.
Araque was hit on the head and lost consciousness. When he
regained his senses, he saw that Jeonito is already dead.
Agapito Listerio on the other hand disagrees with the facts
stated by Marlon saying that he was asleep at his home during the
time of the commission of the crime, and was just woken up to be
informed of the quarrel near the railroad track. He further argues that
Is there enough evidence to convict Yap for attempting to commit
Yap vs. People ​(G.R. No. 234217; November 14, 2018)

Topic: When intent to kill absent Ruling:

Petitioner: Johnny Garcia Yap
Respondent: People of the Republic of the Philippines No, the Court deemed the petition for certiorari, partly granted, and the
Ponente: Peralta, ​J. decision of the CA and RTC, modified. Instead, the Court finds the petitioner
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crimes of slight physical injuries and
Doctrine: ​When the intent to kill is lacking but wounds are inflicted upon the sentenced to suffer the penalty of fifteen (15) days ​arresto mayor.​ The petitioner
victim, the crime is not attempted murder but physical injuries only. is also ordered to pay moral damages to the victim, Ang, in the sum of five
thousand pesos, P5,000.
Johnny Garcia Yap, accused-petitioner, and George Hao Ang, alleged The Court deemed that the evidence of the victim’s wounds and
victim, have been friends for more than ten (10) years. They have gone out sleep-inducing drug does not provide a reasonable intent to kill the person. The
together fishing, gambling, and meeting girls. On November 5, 2012, they both victim’s wounds as testified by the physician who administered the wounds was
met at a KFC along Vito Cruz St., Manila to meet a businessman or some girls. not serious or severe; did not obtain any head fracture and his injuries were
Ang waiting for Yap at KFC saw with him two coffee cups and a plastic bag, the proved to be superficial as they only consisted hematoma, contusion, and
latter insisted to wait at the former’s car. Yap offered coffee to Ang but resisted laceration (an inch length). Further, the victim after treatment of two hours was
because he does not drink coffee. However, Yap insisted that the coffee was sent immediately home. This provides a clear indication that the victim’s life and
expensive. When Ang drank ¾ of the coffee, he droggy and subsequently, lost limbs were never actually in peril.
consciousness. Yap laced the coffee of Ang with benzodiazepines, a
sleep-inducing psychoactive drug. Upon returning to consciousness, Ang felt Also, there is a direct contradiction in the evidence, the sleep-inducing
something hitting his head. Thereupon, he saw Ang holding a bloodied rolling drug found on the victim’s urine was five times the therapeutic dosage given to a
pin and hitting him with it. Feeling helpless, Ang opened the car door and patient, which should have lasted for five hours. Thus, the victim should have
successfully escaped despite Yap’s attempt to prevent him from doing so. manifested the drug’s effects at the time of his treatment in the hospital. The
Court noting that there is no evidence that proves of the petitioner’s intent to kill
The Regional Trial Court rendered a decision that the accused, Yap the victim, as for the case at bar.
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Attempted Murder and sentenced
minimum imprisonment of four (4) years and two (2) months and maximum Thus, with above mentioned reasons the Court deemed the petitioner
imprisonment of eight (8) years; and to pay for actual and moral damages to the guilty of slight physical injuries under Article 266 of the RPC, sentenced to
victim. Yap filed for a motion of reconsideration to the RTC but was denied; he arresto mayor​, and payment of moral damages.
then appealed to the Court of Appeals which he was allowed to probational
liberty under the same bail. However, the C.A., found no merit to grant Yap’s
appeal and affirmed the decision of the RTC. Therefore, the appeal, dismissed.
Thus, the petition for certiorari.
Court convicted him for rape and was sentenced for life
imprisonment. Salinas then appealed the case stating that the trial
People vs. Salinas court erred in disbelieving his alibi and giving credence to the
testimony of Meryl. Furthermore, he also stated that the lack of any
Topic: In rape, touching the mons pubis of the pudendum sign of external violence on her vagina and her intact hymen belied
Petitioner: People of the Philippines her claimed defilement.
Respondent: Benito Salinas y Sillo
Ponente: Cruz, J Ruling: ​Yes, the Court held that a broken hymen is not essential to
consummate a rape. In any case, for rape to be committed, full
Doctrine: ​For rape to be committed, full penetration is not required. penetration is not required. It is enough that there is proof of
Its is enough that there is proof of entrance of the male organ with entrance of the male organ within the labia or pudendum of the
the pudendum of the female organ. female organ. Even the slightest penetration is sufficient to
consument the crime of rape. Thus, Salinas is guilty of rape even
Issue: ​Whether or not the absence of broken hymen will constitute as though upon the consumating the act did not produce a broken
rape? hymen, he still guilty of rape.

Facts: ​Benito seeks for the reversal of his conviction for rape of a 13
year old girl. Benito Sillo is 25 year old neighbor of the alleged victim,
Merly Alonzo, who was just living across Benito’s house. Merly
claimed that at about 2 in the early morning of December 19, 1991,
while sleeping in her bedroom, she heard the closing of the door
leading to the terrace of her house. As she sat up, she saw Benito and
subsequently covered her mouth and pointed a fan knife at her neck,
threatening her to keep quiet. Salinas ordered Meryl to lie down,
yanked her shorts and panty. He then mashed her breasts and kissed
her lips and other parts of her body. Likewise, he tried to penetrate
her vagina, however, upon constant resistance of Meryl, only the
head of the penis was able to penetrate the vagina. Frustrated in his
blunt efforts to engage her, Salinas withdrew and threatened Merly
to stay quiet. After two days, Merly told her story to his brother and
the corresponding rape case was filed against Salinas in the RTC. The
People vs. Pareja
Colinares vs. People
Petitioner: Topic:
Respondent: Petitioner:
Ponente: Respondent:
Velasco vs. People

2. A little over an hour, Jaime Palaganas, Ferdinand Palaganas,
and Vergilio Bautista also arrived at the videoke bar,
Palaganas vs. People (GR No. 165483, September 12, 2006) occupying separate tables from the brothers.
3. Later on, while Jaime was singing “My Way”, Melton sang
Topic: Is degree of injury proper basis of criminal liability? along with him. This aggravated Jaime which resulted to Jaime
Frustrated homicide/murder - Necessary proof of nature and confronting the brothers, and also hitting Servillano on the
severity that without timely medical assistance death would back of his head with the microphone. This eventually resulted
result to the Palaganas fighting with the Ferrers (Vergilio Bautista
Petitioner: Rujjeric Palaganas left once the fighting commenced).
Respondent: People of the Philippines 4. In the middle of the rumble, Ferdinand went out of the bar.
Ponente: Chico-Nazario, J. Michael attempted to follow him but was later on stopped by
Servillano. They both went back inside to continue fighting
with Jaime.
Doctrine: It is in the Courts precedence that when the accused 5. The fight eventually concluded with the arrival of Edith
intended to kill his victim, as manifested by his use of a deadly Palaganas, Jamie’s sister and owner of the karaoke bar.
weapon in his assault, and his victim sustained fatal or mortal 6. The brothers proceeded to go outside, in search of Servillano’s
wound/s but did not die because of timely medical assistance, the lost wristwatch. As they headed out, they saw Ferdinand along
crime committed is f​rustrated murder or frustrated homicide with a companion, pointing to them and saying “they are the
depending on whether or not any of the qualifying circumstances ones, shoot them.”
under Art. 249 of the RPC are present. 7. Said companion, who was later found to be Rujjeric Palaganas,
However, if the wound/s sustained by the victim in such a case shot at the brothers. Servillano was hit first at the left side of
were not fatal or mortal, then the crime committed is only attempted his abdomen, followed by Melton who also fell to the ground.
murder or attempted homicide. Michael then picked up some stoned and proceeded to throw
them at the Palaganas, causing them to leave.
Issue: Is Rujjeric Palaganas liable for frustrated homicide in shooting 8. The police came and the brothers were then rushed to the
Michael Ferrer? hospital.
9. It was then discovered that Michael took a blow to his right
Facts: shoulder while Melton was fatally hit in the head, causing the
latter’s death.
1. Around 9:45 at night, the 3 brothers (Servillano, Melton, and 10. The trial court rendered Rujjeric guilty beyond reasonable
Michael Ferrer) decided to move their drinking from their doubt on one count of Homicide (Melton), and two counts of
house to Tidbits Videoke Bar.
frustrated homicide (Michael & Servillano). The CA also
affirmed the RTC ruling.

Held: No. The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the lower
courts in holding Rujjeric liable for Homicide and the frustrated
homicide of Melton and Servillano, respectively. However, they did
not agree that the wounds inflicted on Michael were fatal enough to
be categorized under frustrated homcide.
It is in this Courts’ precedence that when the accused
intended to kill his victim, as manifested by his use of a deadly
weapon in his assault, and his ​victim sustained fatal or mortal
wound/s but did not die because of timely medical assistance, the
crime committed is f​rustrated murder or frustrated homicide
depending on whether or not any of the qualifying circumstances
under Art. 249 of the RPC are present.
However, if the wound/s sustained by the victim in such a case
were not fatal or mortal, then the crime committed is only ​attempted
murder or attempted homicide.​
In this case, Michael’s gunshot would was located in his right
shoulder. It was also written in his medical certificate that he was
discharged on the same day. Given these facts, it is clear to the Court
that ​the wound sustained by Michael in his right shoulder was not
fatal or mortal since the treatment period for his wound was short
and he was discharged from the hospital on the same day he was
admitted therein.
Therefore, the petitioner is liable only for the crime of
attempted homicide as regards to Michael’s case.
Serrano vs. People beyond reasonable doubt of frustrated homicide of the regional trial
court. The petitioner appealed to the CA about the trial court’s
Topic: Homicide/ Murder decision which the CA modified from frustrated homicide, to an
Petitioners: Giovanni Serrano y Cervantes attempted one.
Respondents: People of the Philippines
Ponente: Brion, J. Ruling​: Yes, the gravity of the victim’s injury determines whether the
Doctrine: The gravity of an injury could greatly affect whether the committed felony is an attempted homicide, or a frustrated one. The
felony is committed frustratedly, or attemptedly; court ruled that the CA made a right judgement in modifying the case
Attempted homicide: The victim was seriously injured although ​not to frustrated homicide because the prosecution failed to prove that the
fatal​, and the victim didn't die. injury that the victim had, was a fatal one. In Paddayuman v people,
Frustrated homicide: The victim was seriously injured and it was because there is no evidence that the wounds suffered were fatal
medically proven to be fatal​, but the victim didn't die. enough as to cause her demise, the rendered decision is an
attempted murder. Likewise, in this case, since neither the attending
physician of the victim nor even his discharge summary from East
Issue: avenue medical center specified that the gravity of his wounds were
Whether the gravity of the victim's injury determine whether it is an fatal, then the case should be an attempted homicide, and not a
attempted homicide, or a frustrated one. frustrated one.
The elements of a frustrated homicide are (1) the accused
Facts: intended to kill his victim, as manifested by his use of a deadly
The victim, together with his friends were on their way to weapon in his assault; ​(2) the victim sustained fatal of mortal
Fatima Ii in Pook Dagohoy, Up Campus when they came across wound/s but did not die because of timely medical assistance.
Gener Serrano, the petitioner’s brother. They tried to settle their
previous quarrel with Gener however, this only led to a fistfight
between them. Gener lost the fight which led to another rumble by the
members of the 2 groups. The petitioner sought to get back at the
victim and his friends, took out his knife and began chasing them. The
victim was left alone which the petitioner's group took advantage to
gang up on him. During this commotion, the petitioner stabbed the
victim in the left side of his stomach and continued to beat him until he
fell into a nearby creek.
The victim saw that a portion of his intestines showed and began
asking for help. He was immediately taken to the infirmary but was
transferred to the East Avenue Medical Center to have his needed
surgery. A case was filed against the petitioner and was found guilty
Valenzuela vs. People Calderon of the crime of consummated theft. They were sentenced to
an indeterminate prison term of two (2) years of ​prision correccional
Topic: 5. Stages of Punishable Conduct: A. Attempt: Theft as minimum to seven (7) years of ​prision mayor​ as maximum.
C. Consummation Valenzuela appealed before the Court of Appeals, arguing that
Petitioner: Aristotel Valenzuela he should only be convicted of frustrated theft since he was not able
Respondent: Court of Appeals to freely dispose of the items stolen.
Ponente: Tinga, J. Decision dated 19 June 2003, the Court of Appeals rejected
this contention and affirmed petitioner’s conviction, thus the Petition
DOCTRINE: ​Theft cannot have a frustrated stage and can only be for Review was filed before the Supreme Court.
attempted or consummated.
RULING:​ NO. The petition was DENIED.
ISSUE: ​Is Valenzuela guilty of frustrated felony? Article 6 of the Revised Penal Code provides that a felony is
consummated when all the elements necessary for its execution and
FACTS: ​On 19 May 1994, at around 4:30 p.m., petitioner and Calderon accomplishment are present.
were sighted outside the Super Sale Club, a supermarket within the Article 308 states that, in the crime of theft, the following
Shoe Mart (SM) complex along North EDSA, by Lorenzo Lago (Lago), a elements should be present: (1) that there be taking of personal
security guard who was then manning his post at the open parking property; (2) that said property belongs to another; (3) that the taking
area of the supermarket saw the accused, Aristotel Valenzuela, be done with intent to gain; (4) that the taking be done without the
hauling a push cart loaded with cases of detergent and unloaded consent of the owner; and (5) that the taking be accomplished
them where his co-accused, Jovy Calderon, was waiting. Valenzuela without the use of violence against or intimidation of persons or force
then returned inside the supermarket, and later emerged with more upon things.
cartons of detergent. Thereafter, Valenzuela hailed a taxi and started The Court held that theft is produced when there is
loading the boxes of detergent inside. As the taxi was about to leave, deprivation of personal property by one with intent to gain. Thus, it is
the security guard asked Valenzuela for the receipt of the immaterial that the offender is able or unable to freely dispose the
merchandise. The accused reacted by fleeing on foot, but were property stolen since he has already committed all the acts of
subsequently apprehended at the scene. execution and the deprivation from the owner has already ensued
The items seized from the duo were four (4) cases of Tide from such acts. Therefore, theft cannot have a frustrated stage, and
Ultramatic, one (1) case of Ultra 25 grams, and three (3) additional can only be attempted or consummated
cases of detergent, the goods with an aggregate value of P12,090.00.
In a Decision promulgated on 1 February 2000, the Regional
Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, convicted both petitioner and

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