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Prospect of hydrocarbon AUTHORS

associated with fossil-rift Nayyer Alam Zaigham ⬃ Professor,

Department of Geology, University of Karachi,
structures of the southern Karachi, Pakistan;
Nayyer Alam Zaigham received his B.Sc.,
Indus basin, Pakistan M.Sc., and Ph.D. from University of Karachi.
He started his career as an exploration
geophysicist in 1970 and has worked in
Nayyer Alam Zaigham and Khalil Ahmad Mallick various capacities with the Geological Survey
of Pakistan. In connection with his
professional activities, Zaigham has traveled
extensively in the United States and Canada.
ABSTRACT Presently, he is working as professor in the
The southern Indus basin (550 ⳯ 250 km) is characterized by tec- Geology Department of Karachi University.
tonic upwarping on the western margin of the Indo-Pakistan sub- Khalil Ahmad Mallick ⬃ Professor,
continent. Several hypotheses have so far been proposed to explain Department of Geology, University of Karachi,
the origin of these crustal features, but these basement upwarps Karachi, Pakistan;
remain puzzling. Aeromagnetic data have been analyzed and inter-
Khalil A. Mallick is professor and chairman of
preted, supplemented with seismicity and geological information. the Geology Department and also director of
From the integrated study, we inferred basement configuration and the Evening Program at the University of
developed models for tectonic evolution of these exotic crustal fea- Karachi, Pakistan. He has 40 years of teaching
tures and their impact on hydrocarbon potential associated with the and research experience at the university
southern Indus basin. The southern Indus basin is identified as an level. He received an M.S. degree in applied
extension basin resulting from an inferred fossil-rift crustal feature geochemistry from McGill University, Canada,
overlain by a thick sedimentary sequence. Extension was a conse- a Ph.D. from Karachi University, and a
quence of temporal divergence of the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent postdoctoral scholarship from Technical
from Gondwanaland during the early Paleozoic. Based on magnetic- University of Norway, Trondheim. He has
anomaly trends, the Indus basin fossil-rift feature is characterized directed 17 Ph.D. and M.Phil. students.
by horst and graben structures, together with a system of trans-
current faults. The association of seismicity events and basement ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
crustal features suggests that Tertiary reactivation of individual seg-
ments of the inferred rift structure has deformed overlying se- We very much thank AAPG referees R. V. In-
quences of the Indus basin and also the surrounding areas, particu- gersoll, H. J. White, and one who is anony-
mous for their painstaking reviews that helped
larly the fold and thrust belt of Pakistan on the western side of the
to improve the quality of the manuscript. We
basin. The proposed geological models also illustrate the potential
also thank I. H. Quraishi of the Geological
for appropriate environments for development of hydrocarbon Survey of Pakistan for his useful comments.
source rocks, sufficient heat for thermal maturity, and structures for
reservoirs and seals, suggesting more bright prospects in the south-
ern Indus basin.


The vast sedimentary basin extending approximately between 24⬚

and 28⬚N and from 66⬚E to the eastern boundary of Pakistan,

Copyright 䉷2000. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Manuscript received March 19, 1998; revised manuscript received May 3, 1999; final acceptance April
15, 2000.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 84, no. 11 (November 2000), pp. 1833–1848 1833

named the southern Indus basin, is characterized by convergence, having intense collision between the In-
several structural highs (SibiJaccobabad, Khairpur, dian and Eurasian continents in the Karakoram thrust
Mari-Khandkot, and Hyderabad) (Figure 1). Many zone to the north, and the translation between the
previous workers considered these highs to be subsur- Indo-Pakistan subcontinent and the Afghan craton in
face fingerlike extensions of the Indo-Pakistan shield the northwest (Chaman transcurrent fault system).
(Wadia, 1931, 1957; Krishnan, 1960; Gansser, 1964; The western part of the country also was affected by
Kazmi and Rana, 1982; Kazmi and Jan, 1997). How- the Tertiary convergence between the Arabian oce-
ever, these features are enigmatic. We undertook the anic plate and the Afghan craton (the Chagai arc and
present study to elucidate the plausible interpretation the Makran flysch basin), and between a segment of
for the deep-seated tectonic features within the south- the Arabian oceanic plate and the western rifted mar-
ern Indus basin and their relationships with the thin- gin of the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. The suture
skinned geological structures found on the surface. zones are marked by ophiolites.
We compiled aeromagnetic data covering the The western margin of the Indo-Pakistan sub-
study area from several sources (Raza and Medvedev, continent (i.e., the eastern part of Pakistan) is char-
1965, personal communication; Quadri and Shuaib, acterized by a broad north-south–trending sedimen-
1986; Phillips Petroleum Co., 1987, personal com- tary basin (i.e., southern Indus basin) having thick
munication) and reinterpreted them in the context of Tertiary sequences underlain by Mesozoic and older
plate tectonics. Similar aeromagnetic studies of the rocks and overlain by Quaternary sediments (flood-
Bela ophiolites (Zaigham, 1991) provided pertinent plain deposits of the Indus River). The southern Indus
information about the crustal rock units at the surface basin is about 250 km wide and bounded by the Thar
and at different depths in the southern part of the desert on the east and by the mountainous region of
axial fold and thrust belt of Pakistan. fold and thrust belts in Pakistan on the west. It had
We also incorporated analysis of regional seismic- been relatively tectonically stable during the Meso-
ity to analyze the structures and their relationships to zoic, but the intensity of shallow Tertiary folding in-
the tectonic movements through time, as well as the creases westward and becomes more pronounced in
present tectonic picture of the region. We collected the strongly folded and faulted areas of the axial fold
data from earthquake events occurring from 1905 to and thrust belt. The Indus river appears to more or
1981 from several sources (Ahmed, 1974; Khan and less follow the axis of the basin.
Lawrence, 1983, personal communication; Pakistan Cretaceous and Jurassic/Triassic(?) strata are ex-
Meteorological Department, 1996, personal commu- posed only along the extreme margins of the Indus
nication). This article describes the results of the anal- basin (Figure 2). On the eastern margin, Mesozoic
ysis of magnetic data from the southern Indus basin strata are exposed only in the Jaisalmer area of India
in the context of tectonic evolution of the basin and (Brown et al., 1928). On the other side, the western
the hydrocarbon prospects. margin is characterized by a narrow north-trending
In addition to the Badin Block, Sui, Khankot, zone of Mesozoic strata that have been intensely de-
Khairpur, Mari, Mazarani, Sari-Hundi, and other oil formed (Gansser, 1979). In the southeast, Mesozoic
and gas fields in the vicinity of the southern Indus rocks are exposed in the Rann Kutch part of India. In
basin, vast tracts still await exploration in the basin. the southern Indus basin, the Mesozoic rocks are
Better understanding of the geological evolution of the largely marine, calcareous and argillaceous (Kadri,
basin may provide strategies for new oil and gas dis- 1995; Kazmi, 1995).
coveries in Pakistan. The Wulgai Formation of the Triassic has been en-
countered in wells drilled in the southern Indus basin.
This formation consists of indurated dark gray mud-
GEOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE stone and shale having intercalations of thin limestone
SOUTHERN INDUS BASIN and calcareous mudstone and sandstone. The thickness
of the Wulgai Formation is about 1200 m.
In the present plate tectonic setting, Pakistan lies be- The Jurassic sedimentary sequence has three litho-
tween the northwestern corner of the Indian plate, the stratigraphic divisions, the Shirinab Formation, the
southern part of the Afghan craton, and the northern Chiltan Limestone, and the Mazar Drik Formation.
part of the Arabian oceanic plate (Figure 1). The east- The Shirinab Formation consists of interbedded lime-
ern part of Pakistan was affected by Tertiary plate stones and shales that grade downward into a dominant

1834 Fossil-Rift Structures (Pakistan)

Figure 1. Salient tectonic features of Pakistan.

shale lithology of the Wulgai Formation of the Triassic. Cretaceous sedimentary rocks are exposed exten-
The limestone is thin to medium bedded, gray to dark sively in Pakistan. At many places, the Cretaceous se-
gray and black. Argillaceous limestone is present at dif- quence contains volcanic rocks, obducted masses of
ferent levels and is generally associated with shale. The melanges, ophiolites, and igneous intrusions. The het-
lower part locally includes sandstone intercalations. erogeneous lithological characteristics of the Creta-
The associated shales are gray to dark gray, but in ceous formations have resulted from a variety of prov-
places orange, yellow, and red varieties are also pres- enance and different processes of sediment transport.
ent. The thickness of the Shirinab ranges between Lithology of Cretaceous sediments varies from shale
1500 and 3000 m. The Chiltan Limestone is typically to sandstone to conglomerate to limestone in the
massive, thick bedded, dark limestone. It contains pi- southern Indus basin. The Sember Formation of Neo-
solitic limestone beds locally. The texture varies from comian age is composed mainly of clastic rocks, pri-
fine grained, sublithographic to oolitic, reefoid, and marily shales followed by sandstones and siltstones
shelly. Its upper contact with the Mazar Drik Forma- having minor limestones. The sandstones, probably
tion is gradational, but in many areas this upper for- derived from the Indian shield, are more abundant to-
mation is not developed and the Chiltan has direct con- ward the eastern limits of the basin. However, shale
tact with the Sember Formation of the Cretaceous. and siltstone units are more abundant toward the
The Mazar Drik Formation is not developed through- western side, decreasing proportionately to the east.
out the southern Indus basin. In the type area in the The thickness ranges from Ⳮ760 to Ⳮ1000 m. The
northern part of the basin, it is 30 m thick and consists Goru Formation of Albian–Aptian age is dominantly
of interbedded gray limestones and dark shales. black to gray and locally maroon shale or mudstone.

Zaigham and Mallick 1835

Figure 2. Index map of Pakistan and general geology in and around the southern Indus basin overlain by aeromagnetic total
intensity magnetic contours. Line AB is the location of a geological cross section shown in Figure 6D. Geological legend: (1) Quaternary
sediments, (2) desert dune sands, (3) Neogene sediments, (4) Paleogene sediments, (5) Jurassic sediments, (6) ophiolites and
melanges, (7) Deccan traps, (8) Precambrian units, (9) Malani beds (rhyolites), (10) aeromagnetic total intensity contours, and (11)
tectonic upwarps. Modified after Brown et al., 1928; Hunting Survey Corporation, 1960: Bakr and Jackson, 1964; Raza and Medvedev,
1965, personal communication; Kazmi and Rana, 1982.

Sandstone is uncommon in the upper part but in- imum thickness of the Parh Limestone, approximately
creases significantly in the lower part. Environment 600 m, is found west of the Kirthar range. The
appears to have been generally marine having rela- Moghal Kot Formation of Maastrichtian age has a
tively deep water, as indicated by the pelagic fauna. more restricted distribution than the underlying Parh
The thickness of the Goru Formation is about 2360 Limestone in the southern Indus basin. It is deposited
m in the Badin area. The Parh Limestone of in a narrow but deep basin. The lithofacies pattern
Cenomanian–Turonian age occurs widely throughout is quite varied. In general, the clastics account for the
the southern Indus basin. It is a light gray, white, thick accumulations and the carbonates, having fine
cream to tan, thin bedded argillaceous limestone that clastics, were deposited in thinner sequences. The
exhibits lithographic to porcellaneous character. Max- formation generally consists of a dark gray, calcareous

1836 Fossil-Rift Structures (Pakistan)

mudstone having scattered intercalations of quartzose termines depth to the magnetic basement, the loca-
and argillaceous limestone. A dark limestone, com- tion of magnetic contacts, measurements of anomaly
monly sandy, at the top of the formation is widely amplitude to determine rock magnetization, and
distributed. The limestone increases in amount away anomaly shape to interpret magnetic-bedding atti-
from the main areas of clastic deposition. In the tude. The analysis of the magnetic profiles was based
southern Indus basin, most of the Moghal Kot dep- on prismatic models (Vacquier et al., 1951; Bhatta-
osition consists of limestone and shale. The Pab charya, 1964, 1977; Spector, 1968; Spector and Pi-
Sandstone of Maastrichtian age is areally the most chette, 1981; Grauch and Cordell, 1987) and their
restricted unit of the Cretaceous formations. The Pab model curves computed for the magnetic parameters
is light gray to light tan to brown, quartzose, fine to in Pakistan (i.e., field inclination ⳱ 40⬚ and decli-
coarse grained, hard to soft sandstone. The interca- nation ⳱ 0⬚) (Grant and Martin, 1966; Spector and
lations of dark gray shales are common, and at places Grant, 1970; Zaigham, 1991). The computed suscep-
it locally contains interbeds of argillaceous, micritic tibility factor was used to convert magnetic anomaly
limestone. amplitude to susceptibility contrast once the appro-
Thick Cenozoic strata are exposed along the priate model was selected. From the profile analysis,
western margin of the Indus basin in the Kirthar fold overlays were compiled showing magnetic contacts,
and thrust belt. A few small isolated outcrops of Ter- anomaly amplitude, bedding dip determination, and
tiary are exposed near Khairpur in the northern part basement depth determination (Figure 4). The cal-
and Hyderabad in the southern part. Tertiary strata culated magnetic susceptibility range (3500–10,000
have also been reported from the Jaisalmer and Rann ⳯ 10ⳮ6 cgs unit) of this zone corresponds to an oce-
Kutch areas (Biswas, 1982). Unconsolidated Quater- anic type of crust (Zaigham, 1991).
nary sediments range between 30 and 200 m thick On the basis of the present analysis, we have in-
in the southern Indus Plain (Kazmi, 1977). Cenozoic ferred a fossil rift structure buried by a thick se-
and Mesozoic sequences have been encountered to a quence of Cenozoic–Mesozoic in the southern Indus
depth of 4500 m in bore holes drilled for oil explo- basin along the western margin of the Indo-Pakistan
ration (Quadri and Shuaib, 1986). These sediments subcontinent (Figure 5). This structure is likely to
continue deeper than current drilling depths, dem- have developed during the initial stage of separation
onstrating that the basement is overlain by signifi- of the Indo-Pakistan plate from Gondwanaland. Fossil
cantly thick Cenozoic and Mesozoic (also possibly rift structures similar to the Indus basin have also
older) formations in the southern Indus basin. The been reported by Johnston and Kanter (1990) from
results of the stratigraphic investigations in the south- other parts of the world, such as New Madrid,
ern Indus basin have been summarized in Figure 3. Kutch, Basel, and Hainan Island. The fossil rift struc-
ture appears to have been an important factor in tai-
loring the tectonic history of the overlying thin-
GEOPHYSICAL ANALYSIS OF THE skinned sedimentary crust of the southern part of
SOUTHERN INDUS BASIN Pakistan. From the linear continuations of inferred
magnetic contacts associated with the geometry of
The aeromagnetic anomaly contours shown in Figure the Indus basin magnetic bodies, we distinguish a
2 show a north-trending zone (about 150 km wide) complex system of transverse faults that has de-
of broad magnetic anomalies of relatively high mag- formed the Indus basin fossil rift (Figure 5). Oblique
netic relief under the extensive Quaternary cover on movements, both lateral and vertical, of individual
the western margin of the Indo-Pakistan subconti- segments of the inferred incipient oceanic crust along
nent. The magnetic anomalies indicate the presence the faults have developed horst and graben struc-
of relatively highly magnetized crustal features at a tures. The sense of movement indicates that the up-
few kilometers depth beneath the thick sequence of thrown southern and the northern segments have
relatively nonmagnetic sediments. moved diagonally toward the west or northwest
Profiles of the total-intensity magnetic data were with respect to the central graben segment. In gen-
produced from the available aeromagnetic contour eral, the depths of these inferred rift segments are
map and analyzed for a definition of anomalies, mag- estimated as ⬎5 km for southern, ⬎9 km for central,
netic gradients, and measurement of gradients using and ⬎7 km for northern (Figure 5). The west and
the maximum slope technique. This technique de- northwest movements of horst segments appear to be

Zaigham and Mallick 1837

Figure 3. Generalized strati-
graphic sequence and occur-
rence of hydrocarbons in the
southern Indus basin (modified
after Shah, 1977; Raza et al.,

responsible for thin-skinned tectonic deformations of In general, earthquakes require a region weak-
the axial fold and thrust belt of Pakistan that consists ened by the tectonic processes to relieve the stresses.
of the Kirthar fold and thrust belt, Bela ophiolite From a study of earthquakes in the New Madrid and
zone, Khuzdar Knot, and other exotic features along Kutch stable continental crust areas, Johnston and
the Bela-Makran subduction zone in the west of the Kanter (1990) inferred that faults were reactivated
southern Indus basin (Zaigham, 1991). millions of years after their development and gener-

1838 Fossil-Rift Structures (Pakistan)

Figure 4. Magnetic anomaly and geological contacts map: (a) magnetic contacts and other relevant data interpreted from the
analysis of several east-west–oriented magnetic profiles (b) a profile illustrating an example of magnetic intensity data analysis, and
(c) example of a total intensity profile of a Prism model where anomaly amplitude is normalized to 1000 gammas. Parameters A and
B are prism half width given in units of H ⳱ 1.

ated earthquakes. Faults created in the continental covered by a blanket of sediments. Later on, com-
rifted margins by ancient extension stresses may be pressive stresses may reactivate a fault that slips in
dormant for millions of years and, thus, gradually be reverse direction, either vertically or horizontally or

Zaigham and Mallick 1839

Figure 5. Inferred deep-seated fossil failed rift of southern Indus basin and associated tectonic features, along with the overlays of
surface geology and recorded earthquake epicenters (from 1905 to 1981). Geological legend: (1) Quaternary sediments, (2) Neogene
sediments, (3) Paleogene and Cretaceous sediments, (4) Jurassic sediments, (5) ophiolites and melanges, (6) oceanic crust inferred
as a deep-seated fossil failed rift, (7) deep-seated transcurrent faults associated with the fossil rift, (8) water depth contours in the
Arabian Sea, and 9) city location.

both, generating an earthquake and causing tectonic shows seismicity patterns associated with the western
deformation of the upper crustal cover of the sedi- margin of the Indo-Pakistan continental plate. The
ments. Similarly, progressive Tertiary compression association of the epicenters with the peripheries of
within the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent might have the Indus basin horst and graben segments indicates
reactivated these older transverse faults associated that the northwestward movement of the complex
with the inferred fossil rift, causing them to move and the irregular western margin of the plate is still
obliquely and to generate earthquakes. Figure 5 in progress.

1840 Fossil-Rift Structures (Pakistan)

STRUCTURAL MODEL OF THE Indus basin failed rift, in which sediments started to
The third step (Figure 6C) represents subsidence
A geological history of a basin can be compiled by of the stretched continental crust and simul-
considering the basin-forming tectonics and deposi- taneous accumulation of the Mesozoic and Tertiary
tional sequences (Kingston et al., 1983). The western sediments in the Indus basin. The initial subsidence
margin of the Indo-Pakistan continental plate is char- seems to stem from thermal decay of heated litho-
acterized by past extension tectonics resulting in rifted sphere, and subsequent sediment loads caused addi-
protocontinent and new oceanic crust created during tional flexural subsidence, which increased offsets of
sea-floor spreading (Powell, 1979; Biswas, 1982; the rifted blocks along the tectonically created normal
Zaigham, 1991). We infer that new oceanic crust was faults.
formed at a rate matching the rate of continental sep- The fourth step (Figure 6D) illustrates the mod-
aration, similar to divergent phenomena associated ifying tectonic environments. The deformation of the
with the fossil rifts in Africa, Europe and the North basin and the mountain ranges in the west are the
Atlantic (Dingle and Scurtton, 1974; Jackson, 1980; result of combined effects of the northward move-
Dickinson, 1982; Emery, 1982). ment and the counterclockwise rotation of the Indo-
From data analysis we found that during rifting Pakistan continental mass (Powell, 1979). Based on
the lithosphere was stretched and consequently the paleomagnetic studies, it is estimated that during
thinned. Simultaneously, the basaltic magma formed initial rifting the rate of northward drift of the sub-
in the upper part of the asthenosphere, causing broad continent was on the order of about 0.7 cm/yr, which
tectonic upwarping and eruption of volcanic materials increased very rapidly to a rate of about 16 to 25 cm/
onto the surface. Full-fledged spreading centers did yr from the Cenomanian to mid-Eocene and finally
not develop in the beginning, but instead the conti- settled down to about 2 cm/yr to the present (John-
nental crust stopped stretching, and subsequently the son et al., 1976; Wyllie, 1976; Powell, 1979; Patriat
edges cooled and subsided. Hence, the stretched crust and Achache, 1984; Klootwijk et al., 1992). Contin-
subsided into a broad sediment-filled basin or trough. ued compression on the western margin of the plate
The proposed model (Figure 6) illustrates the de- has reactivated the east-west–trending transcurrent
velopment of the fossil rift structure on the western faults associated with the deep-seated fossil-rift crust
margin of the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. The first of the Indus basin, resulting in 1) the modification of
step of the model (Figure 6A) corresponds to the ini- the southern Indus basin by movement of the horst
tial rifting of the supercontinent of Gondwanaland, and graben segments of the fossil rift, 2) strike fault-
probably during the Paleozoic (Smith and Hallam, ing between the Afghan craton and the Indo-Pakistan
1970; Powell, 1979). The divergent phenomenon in- plate, 3) deformation of the southern branch of the
cludes the formation of basaltic magma in the upper Himalayan suture zone (i.e., the axial fold and thrust
part of the asthenosphere, causing broad tectonic up- belt of Pakistan), and 4) subduction of a segment of
warp, and the thinning of the overlying lithosphere, the Arabian oceanic plate in the Bela region
probably resulting from plastic flow in the lower part (Zaigham, 1991).
and extension faulting in the upper part. Continued
lithospheric thinning eventually resulted in collapse of
the tectonic upwarp over the magma blister, and sub- HYDROCARBON PROSPECTS IN THE
sequently the process of sea-floor spreading began, SOUTHERN INDUS BASIN
with basaltic magma upwelling to the earth’s surface
as oceanic lithosphere (Figure 6B). Extension forces The western margin of the Indo-Pakistan subconti-
broke the brittle upper crust into blocks separated by nental plate is characterized by several rift systems
active faults during sea-floor spreading. Continued ex- from Bombay (India) in the south to the southern
tension of the crust, just before the Mesozoic, allowed Indus basin (Pakistan) in the north. These include the
magma to rise. It appears that the stretching of the Narmada, Combay, Rann Kutch, and Thar rifts.
initial rifted part stopped at some geological time dur- Combay rift (India) has known oil and gas discovery
ing very late Paleozoic to very early Mesozoic(?), as (Biswas, 1982). On the western limb of the Thar rift,
was observed in the case of the Thar rift (Ahmad and a giant oil and gas field (Badin Block) was discovered
Zaigham, 1993). The stretched crust remained as the by Union Texas at Khaskheli, about 150 km east of

Zaigham and Mallick 1841

Figure 6. Proposed schematic tectonic models illustrating stages of evolution of the southern Indus basin. (A) Incipient breakup of
Gondwanaland during the Late Paleozoic as phenomena of thinning of the overlying lithosphere resulting from plastic flow in the
lower part and extension faulting in the upper part. (B) Continued stretching of the upper crust causing thinning, tilted block faulting,
and upwelling of magma that appears to stop just before the end of the Paleozoic, giving birth to the Indus failed rift. (C) Subsidence
of the stretched crust due to subsequent sedimentation of the Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments in the tectonic basin. New and
complete spreading center developed sometime in the Cretaceous. (D) Model illustrates the modifying tectonic environments and
present-day geological setting in the southern Indus basin. The location of the cross section is shown in Figure 2.

Karachi, in 1981 (Shuaib, 1982; Quadri and Shuaib, rani, 1994; Zaigham and Ahmed, 1996). Table 1
1986; Raza et al., 1989). The eastern limb of the shows the exploration activities in the southern Indus
Thar rift is potentially rich in coal (Fassett and Dur- basin.

1842 Fossil-Rift Structures (Pakistan)

Table 1. Exploration Activities and Discoveries of Oil and Gas Fields in Southern Indus Basin of Pakistan*

Name of Status of Year of Location in Name of Status of Year of Location in

S. No. Well Field Discovery S. Indus Basin S. No. Well Field Discovery S. Indus Basin
1 Sui Gas 1952 Northern part 51 Kadanwari-1 Gas 1989 Northern part
2 Zin Gas 1954 Northern part 52 Bhatti-1 Oil 1989 Southern part
3 Uch Gas 1955 Northern part 53 Rind-1 Oil & gas 1989 Southern part
4 Khairpur Gas 1957 Northern part 54 Qadirpur-1 Gas 1990 Northern part
5 Mari Gas 1957 Northern part 55 Kandra-1 Gas 1990 Northern part
6 Mazarani Gas 1959 Northern part 56 Gorwar-1 Gas 1991 Northern part
7 Kandhkot Gas 1959 Northern part 57 Dhamrakhi-1 Oil 1991 Southern part
8 Sari Singh Gas 1966 Southern part 58 Noor-1 Gas 1991 Southern part
9 Hundi Gas 1971 Southern part 59 Qadirpur X-2 Gas 1991 Northern part
10 Kothar Gas 1971 Southern part 60 Buzdar-1 Gas 1991 Southern part
11 Pirkoh Gas 1978 Northern part 61 Mian Ismail-1 Oil 1991 Southern part
12 Khaskheli Oil 1981 Southern part 62 Bobi North-1 Oil 1991 Southern part
13 Laghari Oil 1983 Southern part 63 Mahi-1 Gas 1992 Southern part
14 Golarchi Gas 1984 Southern part 64 Bari-2 Oil 1992 Southern part
15 Tando Alam Oil 1984 Southern part 65 Nakurji-1 Gas 1992 Southern part
16 Tajedii Oil 1984 Southern part 66 Buzdar North-1 Oil & gas 1993 Southern part
17 Mazari Oil 1984 Southern part 67 Miano-1 Gas 1993 Northern part
18 Dabhi Oil 1984 Southern part 68 Bachal-1 Oil & gas 1993 Southern part
19 Nari Oil & gas 1985 Southern part 69 S. Mazari Deep-1 Oil & gas 1993 Southern part
20 Loti Gas 1985 Northern part 70 Jalal-1 Gas 1993 Southern part
21 Turk Oil & gas 1985 Southern part 71 Buzdar South-1 Oil 1993 Southern part
22 S. Mazari Oil 1985 Southern part 72 Buland-1 Gas 1993 Southern part
23 Bukhari Gas 1985 Southern part 73 Zaur-1 Oil & gas 1994 Southern part
24 Dabhi South Gas 1986 Southern part 74 Badar-1 Gas 1994 Northern part
25 Matli Gas 1986 Southern part 75 Liari Deep-1 Oil 1994 Southern Part
26 Jabo Gas 1986 Southern part 76 Sara-1 Gas 1994 Northern part
27 Ghotana Oil 1986 Southern part 77 Mithrao-1 Gas 1994 Southern part
28 Makhdumpur Gas 1986 Southern part 78 Turk Deep-1 Oil 1994 Southern part
29 Liari Oil 1986 Southern part 79 Jhol North-1 Oil 1995 Southern part
30 Halipota Oil 1986 Southern part 80 Tangri-2 Oil 1995 Southern part
31 S. Lashari Oil 1987 Southern part 81 Makhdumpur D-1 Gas 1995 Southern part
32 Thora Oil 1987 Southern part 82 Chachar-1 Gas 1995 Northern part
33 Ghunghro Oil 1987 Southern part 84 Charo-1 Gas 1995 Southern part
34 Sona Oil 1987 Southern part 85 Khrewah Deep-1 Gas 1995 Southern part
35 Kunar-2 Oil & gas 1988 Southern part 86 Zaur Deep-1 Gas 1995 Southern part
36 Pir-1 Gas 1988 Southern part 87 Khipro-1 Gas 1995 Northern part
37 Paniro-2 Oil 1988 Southern part 88 Buzdar S. Deep-1 Gas 1995 Southern part
38 Duphri-1 Oil 1988 Southern part 89 Chak-5 Dim S.-1 Oil & gas 1996 Southern part
39 Bobi-1 Oil 1988 Southern part 90 Jagir-1 Oil 1996 Southern part
40 Korewah-1 Gas 1988 Southern part 91 Pali Oil 1996 Southern part
41 Injra-1 Oil 1988 Southern part 92 Sakhi-1 Oil 1996 Southern part
42 N. Akri-1 Oil 1988 Southern part 93 Sara West-1 Gas 1996 Northern part
43 Daru-1 Oil & gas 1988 Southern part 94 Bhit-2 Gas 1997 Central part
44 Bagla-1 Gas 1988 Southern part 95 Muban-1 Oil 1997 Southern part
45 Thora East-1 Oil 1988 Southern part 96 Mari Deep-1 Gas 1997 Northern part
46 Kunar-1A Oil & gas 1988 Southern part 97 Sakhi Deep Gas 1998 Southern part
47 T. G. Ali-1 Oil 1989 Southern part 98 M. Ismail Deep Gas 1998 Southern part
48 Koli-1 Oil 1989 Southern part 99 Dabhi North Oil 1998 Southern part
49 Pasahki-1 Oil 1989 Southern part 100 Hamza X-1 Gas 1998 Northern part
50 Fimkassar-1 Oil 1989 Southern part 101 Hasan X-1 Gas 1999 Northern part
*Modified from Progress, 1994.
Continental margins are controlled by the extent ing areas. Several gas fields have been discovered from
of postrift downwarping and by sedimentation after the eastern limb of the southern Indus rift, at Khairpur,
the initial separation of continental fragments. These Mari-Khankot, and other places. These gas fields are
processes differ on the various continental margins, associated structurally with the northern segment of
owing to differences in distance from detrital sedi- the rift. Likewise, the Mazarani gas/oil prospect was
ment source and differences in depth of water and in discovered on the western limb of this rift, the Sari,
bottom gradient (Thompson, 1976). Our proposed Hundi, and other gas fields on the eastern limb, and
geological models of the southern Indus basin repre- the recently explored Bhitt gas field on the western
sent a characteristic extension basin that includes for- limb of the southernmost segment of the Indus basin
mation of basaltic magma in the upper asthenosphere, fossil rift. No significant oil fields have been discovered
thinning of the overlying lithosphere, broad tectonic thus far in the Indus rift, as compared to oil discoveries
upwarp, and volcanism at the earth’s surface during associated with the western limb of the Thar rift. How-
the Paleozoic to early Mesozoic(?). The divergent pro- ever, the integrated, ongoing regional studies have
cess would have provided favorable conditions for el- opened channels leading to the development of con-
evated temperatures, imperative for thermal maturity ceptual models based on data.
of hydrocarbons within the southern Indus basin. In the Indus basin, oil and gas discoveries are
Concurrent tectonic subsidence provides shallow- associated primarily with the Lower Cretaceous strata
water depositional environments for the Mesozoic of the western limb of the Thar rift in Badin Block.
sediments that include euxinic muds for source, In the southern Indus basin the gas discoveries are
shoreline sands and carbonate reefs for reservoirs, and mostly from the Paleocene sediments, except the Bhitt
argillites/evaporites(?) for seals in general. gas prospect, where the gas is in the Cretaceous. It is
Source rocks, reservoir rocks, seals, traps, adequate interesting to note that Bhitt is the first location in
maturation of organic matter, and migration are pre- the southern Indus basin where exploration for hydro-
requisites for economic accumulation of hydrocarbons. carbon could be continued down to the Cretaceous.
Within extension basins, hydrocarbon potential is in- The models we propose illustrate good prospects for
creased owing to higher temperature gradients (from hydrocarbon in the southern Indus basin associated
magmatic proximity) favorable for generation and ex- with the horst and graben segments of the fossil rift. A
pulsion of oil and gas. Within the rift, shallow-water more detailed study of the basement structures asso-
sedimentation favored the formation of the sources ciated with the fossil rift of the Indus basin is impera-
and reservoirs (Thompson, 1976). Stratigraphically, tive for deciding the precise targets for the oil and gas
the shale series of the Early Cretaceous Sember For- traps.
mation and the Lower Goru Formation are the main Many of the present preliminary observations are
documented oil and gas source rock units (Figure 3) in less encouraging, because adequate subsurface data are
the southern Indus basin (Hussain et al., 1991). Upper not available from the Indus basin at this stage of ex-
Paleocene marine transgressive shales are the second- ploration. The industry has just begun to explore vast
ary source rock series, deeply buried in the western half areas of the southern Indus basin. In time, many sweet
of the southern Indus basin. In the southern Indus ba- spots will be found buried within the thick sedimen-
sin, the main oil and gas productive reservoir rock units tary sequences in the basin.
are the Cretaceous Lower Goru sandstones. The basal
transgressive sandstones of the Early Cretaceous Sem-
ber Formation may be important hydrocarbon targets. DISCUSSION
Moreover, hydrocarbon targets may also exist in the
Jurassic Chiltan Limestone, Paleocene, and Eocene for- For the origin of the well-known highs of Jaccobabad,
mations. The upper Goru shales are the main reservoir Khairpur, Hyderabad, and others, no plausible expla-
seal in the southern Indus basin. In general, the trans- nation could be established by previous workers,
gressive shales of the Cretaceous (Sember Formation) largely owing to the lack of subsurface geological and
and Tertiary (Bara-Lakhra, Laki-Ghazij, and Kirthar geophysical information. Most of the workers consid-
formations) provide seals to Jurassic and Tertiary ered these highs the result of subsurface northwest-
reservoirs. trending, narrow, fingerlike extensions of the Indian
Figure 7 illustrates the hydrocarbon discoveries as- shield, known as “re-entrances,” which caused defor-
sociated with the southern Indus basin and surround- mation of the overlying geological strata.

1844 Fossil-Rift Structures (Pakistan)

Figure 7. Hydrocarbon prospects and their tectonic association with the inferred fossil failed rifts in the southern Indus basin and
surrounding areas.

From the aeromagnetic study, we identified a dence phenomenon. Progressively increasing com-
north-south–trending fossil rift structure that is cov- pressional forces were due to the northwestward
ered by thick sequences of Mesozoic and Cenozoic movement of the Indo-Pakistan continental plate,
sediments in the southern Indus basin. The structure along with its counterclockwise rotation. The dor-
developed as a manifestation of rifting of the Indo- mant transform faults associated with the failed rift
Pakistan subcontinent from Gondwanaland. Sedi- were reactivated as the transcurrent faults forced
ments deposited after the creation of the failed rift movement of the segments of the failed rift and, sub-
structure were deposited under the normal subsi- sequently, created the horst and graben features.

Zaigham and Mallick 1845

Large vertical displacement of these horst and graben creasing trends, high geothermal gradients, more
structures has significantly affected the overlying sed- than 4⬚C/100 m, are expected to be found in the
iments. We now infer that concurrently developed inferred Indus failed rift region in the southern Indus
uplift trends in the Indus basin are responsible for basin. These heating events, caused by the rifting
the surface manifestations known as the Sibi- tectonism, brought about the generation and subse-
Jacobabad, Khairpur, and Hydrabad highs. The in- quent migration of the hydrocarbons during the Cre-
ferred failed rift Indus basin structure appears to be taceous, when the main fault block traps were al-
a vital factor in tailoring the tectonic picture of the ready in existence, as per proposed models. The
region in relation to exploration activities. Seismicity Lower Goru sandstones of the Cretaceous may be
associated with the inferred east-west–trending trans- the major reservoir rocks in the southern Indus ba-
current faults indicates that past and present relative sin, similar to the oil and gas field associated with
movements of segments of the failed rift structure are the western limb of the Thar rift (Badin oil block),
causing deformation of the thin-skinned structures in whereas the Sember shales are the proven source
the fold and thrust belts in the west. These structures rocks in the southern Indus basin. In addition, thick
were developed as a consequence of divergence and Triassic sandstones and carbonates having secondary
convergence phenomena along the western margin of porosity, Jurassic sandstones, the Ranikot formation
the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. of the Paleocene, and the Habib Rahi Member of
Initiation of sea-floor spreading from continental the Eocene are also considered to have good reser-
rifting may have special significance for petroleum voir quality.
exploration because of the high heat flow, favoring
generation of oil and gas. Likewise, the deposition
of shallow-water deposits yields favorable sources, CONCLUSIONS
reservoirs, and seals for hydrocarbons. The inferred
fossil rift opens bright prospects in the southern In- 1. Aeromagnetic data indicate a deep-seated, north-
dus basin for petroleum potential. Further systematic south–trending fossil failed rift in the southern In-
exploration studies are imperative for defining the dus basin on western margin of the Indo-Pakistan
targets for specific tracts in the basin. The southern continental plate.
horst segment of the fossil rift may be a good target 2. Horst and graben structures have been identified in
because 1) in its neighboring area in the southeast the subsurface associated with the Indus fossil rift.
there is the Badin oil and gas field associated with 3. The deep and extensive sedimentary basin, known
the western limb of the Thar rift (Zaigham and Ah- as the southern Indus basin, appears to have devel-
mad, 1996) and 2) this segment has been displaced oped owing to the creation of the failed rift and
upward, pushing the targets to shallower depths subsequent subsidence and sedimentation
than targets associated with other segments of the processes.
Indus fossil rift. Similarly, the northern segment may 4. The distribution of seismic epicenters in the Indus
have good oil and gas potential. Plain exhibits a close association with the regional
Based on the stratigraphic studies of the explor- east-west–trending system of transcurrent faults re-
atory data from oil and gas fields, we found that the lated to the Indus basin fossil rift, which seems to
Sember Formation of the Upper Jurassic–Lower be active even at present, causing deformation of
Cretaceous is the major hydrocarbon source for the overlying mountain ranges and geomorpholog-
charging the oil and gas fields of the southern Indus ical features.
basin and surrounding areas. Hydrocarbon genera- 5. The presence of the fossil failed rift has identified
tion from kerogen is controlled by geothermal gra- encouraging prospects for new discoveries of oil
dient, burial depth, and duration of source rock bur- and gas in the southern Indus basin, because fa-
ial (Tissot and Welte, 1978). Based on the available vorable conditions related to sources, earth heat,
bottom-hole temperature data, it has been found reservoirs, and seals prevail in the proposed geo-
that the thermal gradients increase from east to west logical models. The present basement interpreta-
in the Badin-Hyderabad Block, that is, from 1.31⬚F/ tion, combined with the presence of known hydro-
100 ft (2.36⬚C/100m) in Nabisar in the east to carbon source beds, reservoirs, and structures
2.39⬚F/100 ft (4.3⬚C/100 m) in the west (Quadri found in the surrounding basins, should be further
and Shuaib, 1986). In view of the westwardly in- interpreted to delineate new exploration targets as

1846 Fossil-Rift Structures (Pakistan)

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