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Luciana P. C. Aló1, Gilberto L. S. Hernandes2,
Marcos R. Moreno3

Copyright 2019, Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute - IBP

This Technical Paper was prepared for presentation at the Rio Pipeline Conference and Exhibition 2019,
held between 03 and 05 of September, in Rio de Janeiro. This Technical Paper was selected for
presentation by the Technical Committee of the event according to the information contained in the final
paper submitted by the author(s). The organizers are not supposed to translate or correct the submitted
papers. The material as it is presented does not necessarily represent ‘Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and
Biofuels Institute’ opinion, or that of its Members or Representatives. Authors consent to the publication
of this Technical Paper in the Rio Pipeline Conference and Exhibition 2019.


This paper aims to present the results reached by the communication campaign carried
out with the neighboring community of the shared Replan-Guararema right-of-way
where the Bolivia-Brasil gas pipeline is installed, along 8 municipality of São Paulo
state. The main objective of this work was to emphasize the presence of the Bolivia-
Brasil Gas Pipeline and the transportation of natural gas under high pressure, with its
associated risks. This action, in addition to the direct results expected from the target
public, provided a greater approximation between the two pipeline transportation
companies operating in the right-of-way. The communication campaign took place
along a 155 km extension of the gas pipeline, during 14 days of fieldwork, divided in
five phases between the months of August 2018 and January 2019, including
communication professionals of the transportation companies. In the planning phase, a
200 m wide corridor was defined for the mapping of existing dwellings. From the
dwellings mapped using satellite images, it was made the sectorization that selected 48
areas in the right-of-way to carry out the communication campaign. TBG has developed
a detailed brochure to emphasize the presence of Bolivia-Brasil gas pipeline in the
neighborhood, the associated risks of natural gas transportation under high pressure and
the possible effects of third parties actions. With the material in hand, the team visited
879 individual properties, in addition to six large condominiums in the region including
approximately 2,950 houses. At the end of the work, it can be highlighted, besides the
important figures achieved, the closer integration between the communication teams of
the companies and the sequence of the program in 2019 to the other shared right-of-
ways in the Paraná and Santa Catarina states.
Coordenadora de Relacionamento com Comunidades do Entorno, TBG
Engenheiro de Dutos Senior/Consultor, TBG
Técnico de Dutos e Faixa, TBG
1. Introduction

Promoting a culture of risk prevention should be linked to communication with

stakeholders about the dangers to which they are exposed so that the groupis able to
understand threats, vulnerabilities and how to protect themselves from physical harm
and reduce material losses. In this sense, this communication work is an activity focused
on education for the safety of people that seeks to refine the perception of the risks
present in a given environment. It should be noted that such action must focus on the
cause of events so that they can be prevented from happening, so that they will not
become disasters.
Disasters - the result of adverse events, whether natural
or man-made, on a vulnerable ecosystem. Disasters
promote human, material or environmental damage and
consequent economic and social damage.
("Communication of Risks and Disasters" - University
Center for Studies and Research on Disasters, CEPED /
UFSC - 2010).
TBG prioritizes and encourages in all of its practices the culture "safety first". In
this way, the relationship work with the communities around the Bolivia-Brazil Gas
Pipeline carried out by the company incorporates communication focused on risk
prevention, educating the population by providing information with the objective of
giving autonomy to identify situations with possibility of damage to the surroundings as
well as personal risk. At the same time, the company offers communication channels so
that this public can actively participate in the security process, by reporting activities
close to the pipeline by unauthorized persons which may have the potential to harm
their environment and themselves.
In this sense, TBG led a communication campaign on a shared pipeline in the
region of the Bolivia-Brazil Gas Pipeline called "Replan-Guararema", located in the
interior of São Paulo state. In this section, with approximately 155 kilometers, several
ducts that carry different flammable products coexist simultaneously in the right-of-
way, among them, the natural gas transported by TBG. In this section the
communication activities with the surrounding public are regularly carried out by the
company that performs the maintenance activities of the track, also responsible for the
management of the other transportation ducts.
The details of the activity carried out, since the planning phase, with its
peculiarities as it was held in a shared right-of-way, as well as the results obtained are
the object of this presentation work.

2. The Communication Campaign

2.1. Planning phase

The activities began with the delimitation of the physical space for carrying on with
the campaign, considering a corridor of 200 meters for each side of the limit of the
right-of-way. The 08 (eight) municipalities crossed by the pipelines in this region of the
Replan-Guararema stretch, 155 km long, were identified as below:
• Guararema • Nazaré Paulista
• Santa Isabel • Bom Jesus dos Perdões
• Atibaia • Itatiba
• Jarinu • Campinas

Figure 1: São Paulo state, with the municipalities marked on the map

In this region, the "sectorization of the right-of-way" was done with the mapping of 48
(forty eight) segments, identifying the existing buildings through satellite images.

Figure 2: Example of a map with the sectorization

Simultaneously, specific communication material was prepared for the work to be held
in the region with the target audience delimited. TBG developed a specific brochure on
the pipeline aiming at strengthening the presence of the Bolivia-Brazil Gas Pipeline and
the risks associated with high pressure natural gas and the possible action of third
parties, with the surrounding community. A brochure (Figure 3: Brochure), front and
back, for wide distribution, and a letter (Figure 4: LETTER) were prepared with the
same content. The letter was delivered to the population at the time of the visit and the
one other copy, exactly alike, stayed with the company, filling in the data of the resident
and his signature in order to evidence the contact. The two forms contain similar

Front Back

Figure 3 : BROCHURE

Contents of the brochure:

"This is a region of right-of-way shared with Transpetro, where there is more than one
duct buried, with the transport of different flammable products.
Around here we carry the natural gas that comes from Bolivia, under high pressure.
In all the places where the gas pipeline is present, there are teams of technicians who
regularly take care of its maintenance and adopt various security measures, always
thinking about people and the environment.
Natural gas is a light fuel and has no smell. It presents characteristics quite different
from those carried by other ducts.
Although pipeline transportation is very safe, this is a highly flammable product. So
immediately call 168 if you notice any abnormality:
- suspicious movements;
- presence of cars and people with any type of equipment;
- works and constructions in the pipeline right-of-way.
You can call from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. "
TBG Figure 4 : LETTER & PROTOCOL Letter for the
Protocol resident

2.2. Execution phase

The main objective of the communication activity for risk prevention carried out in
association with the maintenance company of the shared right-of-way also responsible
for the management of the other transport pipelines, was to emphasize the presence of
the Bolivia-Brazil Gas Pipeline in the region and to report on gas transportation with its
associated risks.
Held in 05 (five) phases between August 2018 and January 2019, the communication
activity comprised 155 km of extension in the Replan-Guararema segment, in 14 days
of field work. The initial estimate was to reach around 1,300 buildings, in the concept of
individual properties, condominiums, companies and warehouses. This number was
surpassed, reaching approximately 2,900 (two thousand and nine hundred) buildings.
Figure 5: Bolívia-Brazil Pipeline outline

2.2.1. The team

In order to carry on with the campaign, the team of TBG counted with the participation
of the coordinator of relationship with surrounding communities at all stages, from
planning to execution; a specialist engineer for the development of sectorization maps; a
technical professional; in addition to 03 (three) representatives of the company of
maintenance of the shared right-of-wayresponsible for the management of the other
transport ducts in all phases of communication in the field.

2.2.2. Dynamics
There was an initial estimate of 1,300 buildings mapped on satellite images. During the
process, a volume three times higher than the estimated was identified, since the region
has as characteristic the presence of many residential condominiums of middle class and
upper middle class.
With the sectorization maps in hand, the professionals moved with the communication
material, prepared exclusively for this purpose, to the defined places. Most of the time,
the team would be subdivided into two groups of two people to achieve greater agility
and scope of disclosure in the region. The "door-to-door" model was used, which is by
tapping on all ports found within that segment in order to convey the message about risk
prevention to as many surrounding residents as possible. During the meeting with the
resident, the brochure and the letter were delivered, as well as requested signature in the
protocol, in order to evidence the activities of the campaign. In the empty houses, the
brochure was left in the mailboxes.
In the specific situations of condominiums with large volumes of residences, in which,
above all, there was no permission from the administration for the team to carry out the
door-to-door visit, an alternative methodology was adopted. Personal contact was
maintained at the entrance (delivery of the brochure and letter with protocol), along with
the electronic mailing of the letter scanned to the administration, directing the
multiplication of that content to the residents.
Figure 6 : Images of the field activities

3. Main results

08 municipalities in São Paulo state;
155 km of right-of-way;
05 stages with 14 days of field activities;
48 right of way segments (sectorization maps);
879 individual properties (residences, sheds and companies);
06 condos with 2,950 houses.
The chart below shows the numbers foreseen and carried out referring to the topics
described above.
Abou the item denominated "Properties and condominium houses", the absolute
numbers add up to 879 individual properties and 6 (six) condominiums with 2,950 (two
thousand, nine hundred and fifty) houses.

4. Conclusion

This activity was one of the actions defined by a working group formed in order
to mitigate the effects of attempts of fuel theft in the pipelines installed in the segment
of the Replan-Guararema right-of-way. Among the various actions performed by this
working group, we understand that the work of door-to-door communication has a
significant effect in that we verify, in real time, the result in the population about the
information received about the risk they can be submitted in case there is an attempt to
drill the pipeline by people without adequate knowledge. People immediately became
allies in the security process.
In addition to the numerous benefits gathered during the stages of this
Campaign, already mentioned, it is particularly important to highlight the association
and the even greater integration that was established between TBG and the maintenance
company of the shared right-of-way, also responsible for the management of the other
pipelines transportation.

5. References

ZENATTI, A.P.A.: Comunicação de Riscos e Desastres - Centro Universitário de
Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Desastres, CEPED/UFSC – 2010.
ALVES, J.E.P.: Comunicação de risco, elemento-chave na gestão de crises corporativas
e um desafio para o século XXI: a teoria na prática, situação atual e tendências –
Organicom, Ano 4, número 6

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