Guidance Lesson College Fit

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Michelle Sake

Guidance Lesson

“College Fit”

There is a need for all high school students to participate in guidance lessons for

Pennsylvania state requirements. They need complete activities and lessons for their career

portfolio in order for them to meet graduation requirement. Pennsylvania requires students to

have a career portfolio created and completed for students to be able to graduate. Through the

course of their high school career they should be working on and completing different activities

to be saved under their career portfolio. Ninth grade has a need to complete a lesson to be saved

under their career portfolio. The 9th grade counselors and I, identified the need by going through

students’ portfolio’s that are saved in the program used at Pennridge High School, Naviance.

Naviance is a program used by the high school’s students not only to complete activities and

lessons for their career portfolio, but also used for their future college applications or careers

after high school. This program can tell us what lessons and activities students have already

completed and saved under students’ career portfolio.

Lesson Plan

Title-College Fit


What will the students learn, understand, discuss, collect, measure, or develop from participation

in this lesson/activity?

Students will learn how to navigate the Naviance website to complete a college search.

They will work in groups of 3-4 students to discuss and help navigate to find the correct fit for a

sample student. They will measure the different colleges and options that are out there for all

students when they look at colleges. They will develop skills in researching for colleges and put

into perspective what courses the sample student should be taking at the high school level to help

them in their future career. They will be able to compare these sample students to themselves for

their future searches of colleges and courses they should be taking in high school.

Essential Questions

These are questions connected to the SAS framework and are specifically linked to the Big Ideas.

They should frame student inquiry, promote critical thinking, and assist in learning transfer.

How do interests, abilities, and academic scores guide a career choice?

How does your GPA and SAT scores effect the college you might be interested in?

How do your interests effect your college choices?


What new vocabulary will be introduced in this lesson/activity?

Some new vocabulary introduced in the lesson will be different college names. Some

students will have never heard of some of the colleges or universities. Students will also be

introduced to some different courses that are offered at the high school that may not have heard



What is the length of time needed for this lesson/activity?

We will need at least 40 minutes for the lesson and activity.


What materials will be needed for this lesson/activity?

Students will need their lap tops.

Students will need written directions on how to navigate through Naviance website.

Students will need a Sample Student description for them to use as a sample search for


Students will also be given a list of courses that are offered at the high school.

Related Materials & Resources

List the related materials and resources you used to develop this lesson/activity.

Classroom Developmental Guidance Lesson Plan

Unit Title: College Fit

PA or ASCA Standard or Indicator:

A:A3.2 Demonstrate the ability to work independently, as well as the ability to work

cooperatively with other students

A:C1.6 Understand how school success and academic achievement enhance future career

and vocational opportunities

C:B1.1 Apply decision-making skills to career planning, course selection and career


C:B2.5 Maintain a career-planning portfolio

Lesson Objective:

Students should master the ability to navigate the Naviance website to be able to

complete their own college search based on their own personal academic scores and


# of Lessons in Unit: 1

Lesson Number: 3

Grade Level: 9

Time Required: 40 minutes

Lesson Title: College Fit


Students will be introduced into the lesson plan by asking to log into Naviance on their

lap tops. They will then be asked to group up into 3-4 students to help with the lesson. While

they are logging on, they will be given directions on how to complete assignment. They will also

be given different sample students that have different criteria assigned to them. This includes

sample students’ interests, GPA, SAT scores, how far away they are willing to go to school, and

if they are interested in attending a 2-year university or 4-year university. Students will be asked

to use the Naviance website and go into “Colleges”, then click “Find your Fit”. After they do

that, they are asked to enter the information given to them on the direction sheet about the

sample student. After they enter the information, they are asked to click favorites on the top 3

schools that match the sample student’s criteria. They are then asked to save this search under

their profile as “sample”. They are then asked to go into “About Me” and go under my surveys.

They will be asked 3 different questions about the Sample Student that they received including a

question about the student and what classes they should be taking in the high school to help their

future college interest or major. They will be able to look at the hand out given to them showing

all the courses offered at Pennridge High School. They should submit the answers to be added to

their career portfolio. They will then be asked to do a college search based on themselves, their

academic level, future career interests.


Students will be evaluated by completing and submitting the activity to Naviance.

We will be able to assess if the students learned from this lesson by seeing if students use this

search engine to be able to find their future college they attend after high school.

Lesson Source:


Cited Source for Lesson Plan Model:

PDE SAS. (n.d.). Sample Lesson Plan. Retrieved from http://www.psca-

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