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Barangay Health Workers or the volunteer health workers are define as a person who

has undergone training programs under any accredited government and non-government

organization and who voluntarily renders primary health care services in the community

after having been accredited to functions as such by the local health board in

accordance to the guidelines promulgate by the Department of Health (DOH). The

Barangay health workers is the first aiders of the community and as referral persons to

hospitals or doctors or other health service delivery systems.

Barangay Health Centers are the venues where people could access free basic health

services, barangay health workers face big challenges in performing their roles to

achieve health development in rural and underserved urban areas. However, little

information is known regarding community health workers like the BHW’s at the

community level (Dawson, 2010). Majority of the studies about them focused on

intermediate level health workers lik e midwives, medica l practitioners, and nurses

(Evangelista, 2011; Westley and Kantner , 1996). Meanwhile, studies on reproductive

health dealt more with family planning and maternal and prenatal health , and catered

mostly to women’s health and well-being ( Punzalan , 2009; Baraodian , 2003;Elipse ,

2004;Sugui , 2008). In addition, little emphasis has been given to men’s role in decision-

making regarding reproductive health (Greene et al. n.d ).

The Government search for reducing mortality and morbidity, enough and efficient health

care workers are apparently needed. With this fact, the government has resolved to

recruit and train additional manpower in a form of primary volunteer workers to carry
out a variety of health promotion and service delivery activities at the community level.

These volunteer workers are the Village Health Workers or more popularly recognized in

the Philippines as the Barangay Health Workers (BHW’s). Internationally they are known

as Community Health Workers (CHW). With the fast improvement in the health care

system, appearance of diseases, and the ever changing attitude and health lifestyle of

the people in the community, HBW’s now faced with the fact that upgrading and training

their skills and knowledge is indeed a necessity. Being members of the Community

health team, BHW’s serve as a link between the community and the professional health

team. Therefore to serve their purpose well, these community health workers need to

have trainings.

In this study would like to address the training needs for Barangay Health Workers. In

general, this study sought to analyze how to assess the barangay health workers in

terms of their training in the Municipality of Mariveles, Bataan .

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of the study will be based on the (1) Approaches in

Training Needs Analysis with approaches the Reactive Approach and Proactive

Approach the study also adopts (2.) The Concept of Training Needs Analysis

and lastly the (3) Training Needs Analysis Model which have Organizational

Analysis, Operational Analysis, Individual Analysis .

Approaches in Training Needs Analysis

There are two main approaches are discuss with regards to training needs

analysis. The first approach is categorized as reactive approach which is more

focusing on current performance gap in individuals. The second approach which

is more forward looking is categorized as proactive approach.

1. Reactive Approach

According to Anderson (1994) stresses that reactive approach taken up extensive

criticism and fails in linking the employees training needs with strategic

objectives of an organization. Furthermore, the major problem identified with

consistent attention on job performance gap is the extensive confusion and

irrelevancy concerning the concepts of ‘job’ Anderson (1994). He stresses further

that while, by the time, the identified needs being translated, in order to convert

it into training program and deliver to the employees necessitating such need,

the context and capacity of needs and the content were already no longer in
fashion and had lost their influence.

2. Proactive Approach

This approach unearthed the contribution at sub-units as how these take part in

the overall organization. According to Anderson (1994, pg. 24), “a proactive

approach unlike the deficit models, will actively see out ways to help people

further develop existing strengths and encourage them to improve both the

quality of their contribution to the organization and their life at work”. According

to Wright and Geroy (1992), the ability to predict training needs is of paramount

importance if training is to make a larger contribution to productivity.

The Concept of Training Needs Analysis

There are few terms that can be used to refer to the process of identification of

training needs. The most common terms are training needs analysis (TNA).

Reed and Vokala (2006), defines the term training needs analysis as a process

of gathering, assessing and analyzing data to determine the training needs for

an organization. A more details meaning of TNA explained by Chiu, Thompson,

Mak, and Lo (1997, pg 87) as “an ongoing process of gathering data to

determine what training needs exist so that training can be developed to help the

organization accomplish its objective”. Knowledge and necessary skills are not

the only reasons concerned with Employee inability to perform well, but it is due

to non-training issues. However, Chiu, et al (1999) insist that performance’

problems concerned with lack of knowledge and important skills can only be

solved by training. (Goldstoin, 2014) Training can solve employees performance

problem only if the problem are due to the employee lack of knowledge and

skills as emphasized by Chiu, et al (1999).

Training Needs Analysis Model

One of the earliest and most classical works to influence TNA and the field of

training and development was written by McGehe and Thayer (1961) and

Goldstein (1998). McGehe and Thayer (1961) Introduced the tripartite level of the

TNA model and this model has been a great influence to other subsequent

models of TNA. The three levels are: 1. Organizational Analysis; 2. Operational

Analysis; and 3. Individual Analysis.

1. Organizational Analysis

Organizational analysis involve a process of determining at where within the

organization training emphases could and should be placed (Ling et al 2014;

McGehe and Thayer, 1961). In addition, Noe et al (2009) explained that

organization analysis involved the consideration of organization strategic direction;

such as analyzing the organization mission, vision and values and then

determining relevant training needs to support those statements.

2. Operational Analysis
According to McGehe and Thayer (1961) operation analysis involve the process

of determining the contents of training should be in for an employee to perform

a task or job in an effective and efficient way (Ferreira et al 2015). While,

Daniel (2003) referred operation analysis as job or task analysis. Hence, Noe et

al (2009) explained task analysis Is a process of identifying the job knowledge,

skills and attitude that need to be emphasized in training.

3. Individual Analysis

Individual analysis also known as person analysis. Noe et al (2008) explained

that person analysis helps identify who needs training based on performance

deficiencies that result from lack of knowledge, skills or attitude (Martin,2014). In

addition, Leat and Lovell (1997) strongly stated that person analysis process

should not only consider current training needs, but also should identify training

and development strategies that will help the individual to achieve expected

performance standards that are important to the organizational goals. For

instance, Daniels (2003) believed that employees working in team required

different training needs as compared to individual working alone.

Conceptual Framework

According to the illustration the training and development of barangay health worker in
mariveles bataan will adopt the model of training needs analysis model . The model is
consist of three indicators that masures the TNA model namely organizational analysis ,
operational analysis , and peraon analysis , that identify performance discrepancy and
its causes toward training needs and non training needs .

Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the training needs of Barangay Health Workers
In Mariveles Bataan using the

What is the demographic profile of the following respondents in terms of :

1.1. Age
1.2. Sex

1.3. Civil Status

1.4. Educational Attainment

1.5. Length of Service

2. Training Needs Analysis Model that can help to train the barangay health workers

2.1. Organizational analysis

2.2. Operational analysis

2.3. Individual analysis

3. Evaluate and assess the barangay health workers of Mariveles Bataan

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The primary focus of this study is to know what is the training needs for the

barangay health workers. The researchers focus on BHW’s of different barangay in

Mariveles Bataan namely Biaan San Isidro, Ipag, Balon Anito, Poblacion, San Carlos,

Camaya, Sisiman, Baseco, Malaya, Maligaya, Alas-asin, Mt. view, Cabcaben, Townsite,

Lucanin, Batangas II, Alion. The main center of BHW is located at Municipal hall of

Mariveles Bataan.

Significance of the Study

Barangay Health Workers. This study would help them to increase their

productivity and improves their ability and self-confidence in serving the public.
Future Researchers. The findings of this study will serve as a good source of
accurate and useful information for them to utilize for further researches.

Community. It can Serves as their guides to improve their barangay health


Definition of terms

Barangay Health Centers. Facility of barangay where the necessary medicine for

community is located, and the visiting place in the barangay when a person have


Department of Health. Give guidelines on Barangay Health Workers to properly


Barangay Health Workers. This will be the primary subject of the study

Approaches in Training Needs Analysis. Theory use to determine the

approach need for barangay health workers it have 2 approaches namely reactive and

pro active approach.

The Concept of Training Needs Analysis. defines the term training needs

analysis as a process of gathering, assessing and analyzing data to determine

the training needs for an organization.

Training Needs Analysis Model. Use to analyze what is the training needs

necessary for barangay health workers in Mariveles. It is have three levels are:

1. Organizational Analysis; 2. Operational Analysis; and 3. Individual Analysis.

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