Asia-Philippines Foreign Relations

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This region includes the Philippines immediate neighbours, namely China, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Cambodia, Thailand, East Timor, Laos, Myanmar, etc. The
Philippines was one of the founding members of ASEAN, and is a part of it along with
Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Brunei and Laos.

The Philippines have diplomatic relations with most its neighbours, save a few
disagreements here and there. Its relationship with Malaysia was a little soured due to a
lingering dispute over the status of Sabah, the northeast corner of Borneo, and relation with
Vietnam is friendly except the fact that the Philippines had supported its longtime ally, the
USA during the Vietnam War, and had opposed Vietnam’s occupation of Cambodia, but
overall the Philippines has managed to maintain diplomatic relationships with these countries
to its benefits and assisted trade with them.


The major dispute involving a number of these nations is the South China Sea dispute. The
South China Sea is a very important area from an economic point of view. Firstly, it has got
a lot of reserves of oil and natural gas which are extremely valuable resources, especially at
the moment, and secondly, the South China Sea is very critical for trade, since most of the
trade to Southeast Asia’s populated megacities happens via this sea. The dispute is also
over a number of islands, mainly the Spratly Islands and Paracel Islands, along with a
number of barriers, reefs, banks, etc.

China has started to strengthen its control over the South China Sea, saying that the islands
in the sea have belonged to it since the 3rd century, and Philippines lays its stake on the
basis of its close proximity to the islands (closest country). China has started creating
artificial islands in the sea to assert its control in the area, which has created a rift in this
area. The UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) lays down rules to
define an Exclusive Economic Zone for every country, and the remaining region is for
international waters. The EEZ was Malaysia’s and Brunei’s claim to a part of the South
China Sea, and Philippines also accused China of entering its EEZ, and the UNCLOS ruled
in Philippines’s favour, and China completely ignored the ruling, following its “Nine-Dash
Line” complicated rule to take control over almost the entire area of the sea.

This has also led to US-intervention to oppose China, the USA has tried to stop China from
bullying its Southeast Asian allies, though not very vehemently, but has given it another
reason to strengthen its already strong ties with the Philippines.


Historically, there had been a trade relationship between India and various Southeast Asian
countries, and the Philippines is no exception. The Philippines established modern-day
diplomatic relations with India in 1949, and signed another treaty to extend their relations in
1952. The relations were halted during the Cold War due to different alignments of the
countries, but were resumed later by the Aditya Birla Group. ASEAN-India have had Free
Trade agreements which the Philippines has supported. Indian Navy vessels regularly visit
the Philippines.

Philippines has had similar friendly relations with Pakistan, and a number of Filipinos work
as domestic helpers in big cities in Pakistan. One common ground is the problem both the
countries have faced, fighting terrorism, the TTP in Pakistan and the MILF (Moro Islamic
Liberation Front) in the Philippines.

Nepal and Sri Lanka both established realtions with the Philippines in the early sixties and
maintain friendly relations.


The Middle East is the favourite distination for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), having
thousands of them. The Philippines has friendly relations for trade and labour laws with most
of the countries in the Middle East.
The Philippines, due to its close relations with the USA, didn’t establish strong relations with
Russia, until after the Vietnam War and the fall of the Soviet Union, after which the two
countries have established realtions for trade and security, which includes training and trade
of missiles, etc. The Philippines maintains diplomati relations with countries like Kazakhstan,
Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan via its embassy in Moscow.


The Philippines maintains friendly relations with almost all Asian countries, excpet for a few
minor disputes with neighbours like Malaysia. However, in recent years, the South China
Sea dispute among certain Asian countries has become an increasingly disturbing matter
that can sour relations among a lot of countries.

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